new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1884-02-10 [p...

inlier to "Aaoertieemciua. Tai.-P.Cnl r\ -, (-01 Anm«f'-.'sm«.ll .. n irecream .ll « Amneunee nent*.Iii 5 Itwinn' nv. H 23 liaiik....- .iou..,, ann berti.rea it Met' nss.ll d Harkers.ll 1 Mum-^I'.siihO'is.12 6 Beanie's Nonce*.. fl 1 do 8 li Jlualrieaa I .'iain ea_ 5 I, Marr asea stitt 1'e.'I he J Boam ann Koerus ll I llitini ft J* I ,.!.timers! lt. K t> Ntw l'MtillraUcss.... 8 1* "i»n. ma A.-a.iemins, K Jl ' it-car vtsaitfia.. " i »>i IfHBretll NSSBBSa.. ll 1 Hea. Kstate .II I reaan.ak.nx.ll TtiWitlalmn > ntlrta J pr- Cleeda .ll 4 Kiwmis:. a piste- ..ll J karora ii Vari. 6 B.»lt*ansns U SSUSSk-.ll So VUMliilSl .ll 1 --venal Notices. 7 o Htir.Wsr.tMt.ll < Hi BBilnais ant HU 2 ¦, Jim ?!-s ,t aiTiaaes ll j.'.rr.. . .' lintel*. ft I i tueincaa helices. ".*.l:>f.i:n"I'y BrA.B"D" fear always CoxprxsKt-. MILK. Ptxi I'ii i -. Pu i -. I'uree without kulfo, powder or salve. No charge until f.irrd. Wi t. fi -tenors !>.:.(< BBISS, ll Ka-st 201 If von stifler with dyspepsh. indigestion, or looseiitmt of t'"' Loki's, rna*.' n».- Bl anet HA Blt. .. oarei Hu itt um ¦' _ Bi BCUXtai .T Wolff's Ni.w METHOD, i wran Sta -i Willi.UT TI1K Csr (.V MBUlClMt, yor trestlnK Mu». ilsr sin! Wet leets dis. ast-a, cspeclsriy Klieiiinalisii, anti limit, r.eas lo nf-r lo tlio tullnnTnn Moticnn T.TYY drain*. LL. D., 11 ft Eiial that M. William A Wltxlii rs, 106 Wall and M Ftist '.'lld sta. j. Nelson Tui.piin, i itv i banbsruUn, 'Tooittj i ourt-Bonaa Air. Heat hoff, turner 'Jutli al and Broadway. ; ' ¦ ... TKIUUNE TT.1..VS TO MAIL HJB8CUBEB& PottageJret in the Casual Nfifes. 1 Year. 6 Months 3 MopHis. IJATI.Y. with Krtntlar. SB 50 BIBI »a 15 HAIL'V .without -nnday.... 7 00 ISO 1 75 Ut MlAY T Killi NE. 1 I BaJsnUly Pases Bess. Msasy Order, or Registered latter. Bv Pesta] Not-, the remitter wUI please write..n ht > as. ..lor alu N'BW Yoiu." BRANCH OFFH'KS OF THE TRIBUNE. ArtTertleenenM for i.ahtteiHis is Tits TBUKTSU, sn.l or l»rs laiiexu'arrt.liT'rv effie lally paper. WtQ be rseelTedat lb* foDowlii Itranrb oflloaslB New-Y <rk I'lti- Mant'ptownoana, 1 USS Unalway. ila. m. tt!»i>. -n. JV it 30m vv '. .*. I'w.-'itr ..iir.l-st.. lu a. io tus p. m. ¦\(, near Forty-eerenll st ld a. m tnt p. m. >.'.. 1 «0T I'hrd-ave. n«ar suxurth-su. l<> a. rn. te .* p. .«. JSt. '.lis Bast me tuinilresl-anrt-lwciity-tiflli-t.. a 'e. tl P. ra. VWOBl H'S" baal 10 a.ui to s p. m. IS OTHRB cito a \rs=HlS'.Ta^t-^.3.r., F-et. ILobdoj --¦¦ .'.-if ci-*t.. strand ? FOUNDED BY HORACE GREELEY. NI W-YORK, SUNDAY, FEB. 10. TWELVE PAGES. -jid: sews nus morning. 1 .cv. .IV.iuts of Hie (^leon's tieiv Look were Jinn le BUBik Vf-teiil..V. Tile 1 lt .Vi'? finn li t li'.ve sell ,;e,I Arl'.ill YVillcsleV l't.l io IUC.1 Baeaksi limul. Mi. Bradlaugb's appeal -ttlit iitiiuanl it armihin been Cetewayo. the Zulu chief, ii reported dead. A 'iiiiiilii r ol Irish lite prisoner! have Inn distributed ir .on;: sereral prisons, H..'i*-ti c..Thc Ohio Hirer fs still i; Ina at Cin¬ cinnati and gTeat trouble is ipprehenderl n llot.d it it -fit. if othar pinera recently in danger Bj| I I- tiling. Ni BI .Mv-lsttllV ll. I'e'lll., < ilp- liui J. ll. Buaaler sh-'t ind rataliy wounded ;i man vii" wai try in u' to force aa BBtranesj into Bi I Tioiu St. Paul, Minn., OOUM) re luTportant enaages In Um policy nt t) Northern Faerie Bailmad Csnnjpany. Roberl tcvstiii.-.i yssanrday, relativs tu tHo proposed postal BUBUgrapa. system, befars ii). Senate Committee on I'tst OtHeeshikIFeataVeadu. : An application of n ('hinest- lu liet'.itiip ti eiti/en of Ihe I*il it".' iv:i> i1. Bled by a court in WsnhfosjtoB. There bbb sj|ssaa tint tba striae at Fall Hirer win not he Bfotracted. TtwHase,! Poagbkeepsie boat, v BB the lee yacht race fur the championship |H>n- iiant jeal iud¦j At Rochester, John Kelley WBI f<.uni puilty of the ninnler of Jnech Lutz. : l'oni BSBjnassj from Ithaca, N. T.(warese- rcrely mjiircil in a Bralghlng acddcat. =. Pm» cei-ili'.irs adverse to the receiver of Hie Naw-Tork Baal New-KukIuihI Jiaili.'.ail vrcro bn^iin in Hartford yesterday. Ct! v a-i»Si iui;i'. vs..Tho t'liarpesiii:t.\' hy.fohn Ti. Baskia that Mr. 1 'Ison made pkedges as t.> ai'- !...¦. (ments before his Domination for Mayor ^vere posttireiy thine.1 by the Mayor yeatnrdtrbefore tilt" Senate < nininitti e: J.din Kelly refused to ajaawar gneatlons oa this potet; Mr. Haakha reiter- atetl the eharsjes in sVtill In the asaembly Dpii lslCoaiailltee. COsuaal Mooney K..t lagry and haiti he would like to meet Qeueni Traey OUteide. ¦ :. The Young Men's Association of I'r. rtewman's ehurch arged thal a eonaoil be railed. The Rapid Trimsit Commlasiouen sUBBihed the work of seJecting routea. = In the Coeks-Read ease Mrs. t'ot-ks iva* iin(lei*l. ros^s i\- aniniatioti for nix hours. Gold raine of the IsaruMeBBuanT silver tlollar (412*f grains), B8.M tents. St."l.s BCtlri nnd hu..vant i\ B|M.ts; they were strong all through and eleacd bUatly niter sjoBM reaction. 'Jin Wkatbbb.Tbjbckb local obserrstions in ihe.ite I'ltiiidy weather, with chances of lighl tain, followed b noisier and fuir ur iltur weather. Tempei it ii rc yesterday: Highest, '.i~~-. lowest, 82"-, areraBa, 3iUu. Thc Mavin's Cabinet, Bo-ealled, h:iN dianp- proTt il thc bill before Um Legislature niitlmr- taiDg lin1 payment nf the Harbor Masters, Eiaetly why th<- atayor1! Cabinet should take BjcUosj ob this hill i> nol clear, onleas lt w;>s doiif im tin reqneai of the Dock Commisaionera, Marupeanto bethe riiM-.'rhif.ut la that the Dock Bcmrd appejintai I h>t al Deaatoeratk politicians nt $'J.OOO a yeat aaehtOaUlaaibly to il., the work of thc Harbor M.Mcr* j but they do not do it, mid there Li no law thal anthoriaoi tht rn i<» ad in Ktich i eapadty. 'That, howi-vci, explainatbe opjiosition of Hu- Dork Couuniaaioneri to the Tittyincnt of thc Harlwir Mantels. -?- . TanBTB at a sjooany outlook bf the people of Cincinnati In the proapeel that the tiver will to-il::v reach a higher point than it rlld Last year, winn it waa highei than axer before known in thc hisiiuy of thc eily. lithe waler continues to itu lease In heicht each year, it wi!i be oeoea- 8at.v t«. make expensivi' pu rianiti.'iis to avert thc rlaasaaje that would Mherwiae follow, As Lt ia, great bom hm been Lnfttcied on thc dty. Uut hy it- ai tivej.iejiaiatioti and systematic or- Caiii/atcui ol relief coiuniittt cs thc diaaat. i has banal leila. < tl to its low eal tea aaa. Thc Hood has jth.-iTi-l ;:t l'iltshuif.',but there nie BUfaroral le reports from jioints on thc Jan,ch and other riveri*. There is plenty oi work foi relief com¬ mittees, however, in the place&that have pan/jd, thc extreme of daiiKer. The important question of concentrated n- pponsil ility in municipal jrovcniiiient is iimbr discussion jn Philadelphia as well a* in ti.i- city. But l'hihiilolpliia i- by no nu an- so bailly ort in lu i municipal government gg (aj New- Joik. We have malle Us>BtUgTeai since the followed iniinediately ujmn the Tweed exposures, hwj within a few veal's gnal lit.j.invtnu nt hag haem tah in Philadelphia gc the result af thaj action of thc Committee of One Hundred. There is no Common Council in any 1. rfBJ city that will equal Un Ncw-Vtuk Board of Aldermen in evcrythinjr that gaea to make Up gaajefal unlitne.s.s foi the diarluurgeof i vt ii Hw limited duties intrusted to it. Henea, Phila- dclphia ia, not so badly in need of Hie J.ind of relief sought by tho alonajBTtilt hill, v Im h will take from the Aldermen their veto poVer over the Mayot'suppomtim nth. The testimony alrtady taken in the tnoaBguj iurcRtigation of tbe Gay Head disastci rhows j that ii tue City of Columbua was managed arith as much tainiliiaaniiBi farirmprrtmim and on bet ptei ions trips as on thc night wbenaheetrnek ia surprising that she Waa Bot WTeekedal inenvlieiilate. Thecxa'niiia- li .11 al the quarto master, who was at the wheel Whew the fatal ii;.'! in the COOTM was ma.le, proved him so completely Lacking in Intelligence iuul i". ,k lienccthat heihould nev ci have been in¬ trusted with :n i.s. linne i in poi taut tin t> than thal of swabbing the deck. Hut to bim wai given t!ie teak of sheering tin iteanier. lt w..s re- poiii'l on Hu day after the diaaatex thal Captain Wright hail li conic Insane front Hie horrors o! that awfol night. This waa not true. Hui thc wonder Lt that ho baa doI gonemadwben he knowi that ihe lo.ssoi a bandied Livec was doe to his own alistine tioin his post ami to thc reckless ami outrageous neglect of those directly nuder bia command. Thc captain bad an Lmpt .fcc. knowledge of where ccanrnvrtmenl bulkheads were, and waaia tht habit of allowing the iloois between them to remain open. Balk he;,.ls with open linois ate ol' BO UM in Buringa rt l. And yet Lt has been often shown thal captains .ire careless in regard to thia matter. There ought tobe soaaelegal means to punish them tot inch criminal neglect, The activity in city real estate lit tho pres¬ ent tinie isa good Indication of the general bii'.iiiess outlook. In January convey:.mis wera reoorded fog $14,362,722, sgainal SI 1,375,766 for the ooireaponding month last year. The reoorded mortgages wera lem than in the same time Inst veal" by §1,300,000. This shows thal people who have money to ni¬ ve-1 ate m.t afraid of a depression tn bnsinom thal would atlect real' estate values. The prices realised ara by no means low, In iacr, thora baal sea a steady rise in tbisclsssof prop- ertyforaome years past. There ban increas¬ ing demand bj ti nant-; for houses, which is also a good Indication. If it wera not for the high iax<* in the eily, caused by OUT reckless and ex Ira va;-a nt inlets, nearly all the unimproved land now lying Idle would probably be occupied by hon-, s. Rents would also be lower, and the poor bc better accommodated. Now Landlords bare to raise thu e p. :. ct al from tht ir tenants to pay taxes and water ratca. This high taxa¬ tion keeps property unimproved by driving people li.L.i thc ity, lowers values, and makes itnts higher, lt operatet in every way Rgainsl the p. mr who are compelled to remain i». the city. If thc roten In tenement bouses un hi onlj be m.ul. in under land Ihe effect ol high taxes on rt nts and real estatt \ lues il be a greal blt b ing. / POSING A El si's IS OFFIt E. The Ass, rabiy Investigating Committee held two brisk and stirring sessions yesterday. 1' Ls nol <.).< 'i tiwi a coin:'.ii; Ijefort it ra !e il y thc Mayor of New-\ ork, tbe War¬ wick of Tammany I! ill, who makes and un¬ make* M yins, the chairman of the Democratic c mf 'euee committee in a areal campaign, thc Sheriff of the County, and a number of minoi witnesses. The testimony which waa brough! mit of nnoommon liveliness and inti Jobn B. I1 lukin on oath accused Mayor Edson of buying the Democratic nomination with pledges t<> make certub Appointments, and pt ve a graphic account of tbe conference ii Mr. Kelly's house where the alleged promises v..;e given. Mr. Edson mel this with an em¬ phatic denial. Now-, on u question of veracity between Mr.Haskin and doubt tbe people of New-York would swiftly accept the word of the latter. Bul th<- painful and puzzling fad of the matter is thal Mr. Kelly, when asked as to tho truth of Mr. Haskin's statement,refuseito snswor. This will cauae general surprise. It was certainly expected thal Mr, Kelly would deny in the most positive way tliiie WaS any foundation for .Ml'. II.(shin's charge. Here was the chairman o Democratic Conference Committee asserting that nmler Mr. Kelly's roof a discreditable political bargain was na..le.tho purchase of the Mayoralty nomination by prom! iel ol patronagt.and the man most In¬ terested, after Mr. Edson, In exposing the falsity <>t the story would not speak. We think thal Mr. Kelly on reflection will realize that ho thus places himself or somebodj lu thc con¬ an extremely unfortunate position. A detailed account of tbe meeting.also nmler Mr. Kelly's roof.ot which the bargain foi the election <>r William P, Kirk asPresi- denl of the Board of Alderman was perfected was given in the testimony. Tills narrative will not exalt the oj.inion of city politics held by those previously unfamiliar with what goes on below the surface, but, of course, lt was <>f lecondary importance in comparison with the Mayoralty matter. It was a bad day for the Sheriff's office, Mr Davidson condini, il to n treal from bis untena¬ ble position aa to the power of thc Legislature to examine I is records, and pul the best face he could on his administration tn reply to the searching questions with which he was plied. But M>inc of his admissions showed the loose¬ ness and irregularities that exist in the office, while a witness went on thc stand who swore to a most outrageous case of extortion, practi- cally amounting to blackmail, on the pa;t of a deputy shei ill. Ami Mr. Davidson was com¬ pelled to suspend two other deputies for Infam¬ ous proceedings Lu a divorce suit. Altogether some of our well-paid Democratic officials will draw a long breath of ral* I « hen thia Legisla¬ ture adjourns.thal is. those of them whose evasions or violations of the law have not siih- jeitetl them to Indictment or removal. Before the Semite Committee taveatigating the Public Works Department tbe testimony was of a startling character. The Department waa called npon to produce the books showing the original entries and other memoranda re¬ lating to thc $999 nub ra given John Hairy ami William McDonald. In answer to this demand tinie was Laid before thc committee a .crap-hook containing what purported to be thc original papers called for. Mr. Mooney, the head of the bureau throe h which these orders wen- Issued, testified that the .crap book was one that he thought hail b cn in the bureau for I wo or three yeats. Hut by evidence in the book Itself, and by the testimony °f the person whopreparad lt,tbe fact was established that thc book had been wholly malle Bp within twenty-four hours foi thc special bbb) of the committee. The papers il Contained had marly all been written within that lime, other alleged original memo¬ randa Wt ie shown to have been likewise newly prepared. In fact, Mr. Mooney was compelled to acknowledge thal be had been unable to Bnd the original Btemoranda particularly required hy the committee, anil that it wa* probably des?lovell, if it ever existed. This bj a startling condition of affairs. Mr. Barry and Mr. McDonald wen- many thou- sandsof dollin formate-rial alleged to have been supplied Mr. Thompson's department. They tool. bunk-biUti only lol then WSTTsntB OSfid no checks, and have no iccoiils whatever, ami like wisc no memory of the circumstances at tend¬ ing the purchase alni ih lively of the material to thc eily. Anil now ii is shown that the Public Wotha Department bj almost equally ihlicieiit iu molds of these peculiar truuaai-tiou*. liut the preparation of "records" baa a still worse look* ____________ SOLUTION nf TUE 'NILE PROBLEM, Piquancy ls added to the Soudan somplica- tiona hy French offers of active co-operation. Lord Granville i- vaguely reported to bat c ired from M. Waddington proposals for a m ht me of joint aiilitary operations, the ultimate settlement of (sante being re¬ ferred to a European conference, lt b bardi] credible thal Prance should roiuntoerfora di p..;.ile i nterprise Lo the Soudan, after declining to ;i< i with England in suppressing the mili'.uy revolt in Lower Egypt. Tho campaign against Arabi and his cowardly fellaheen promised to be little mon than a if il it ny promenade, whereas a march from Suakim to the relief of Khartoun] would be fraught with difficulty and peril. The climate would prove deadlj to Eu¬ ropean troops, evett to regiments which bad bad active service in Algeria and Tunisia] and an advancing army would have an aneojual atrug- gle even wiih thc ioncs of natara. To these would be added the hostility "t warlike tribes Of Arabs nnil tho Hellier cavalry. In view of the nnfiniabed campaign in Tonquin and the financial emharraasnients of the Republic, Prencl intervention Lu the Bon- dan is possly Lmpiobable. The rumorthal ma- linea from the French neel are to be Lmmedi- stely landed al Suakitn is clearly preposterous. Flint li Lntrigue at Cairo precipitated thi downfall of Cherifa Ministry. His intimate re¬ lations ivith m. Barrera wt re of greater moment iu determining tho aggi omi tn action of thc English Cabinet than his ostentatious display nf Nationalist tendencies. There la one thing which will not bc tolerated In England.a revi¬ val ot the dual policy nt Cairo. Kven the Glad¬ stone Ministry, not b Ithstanding theirn luctance toaccep! the Inevitable eonieqnencea of the conquest of Egypt, would be luriuenced by tbe faintest sus;.icmn ol' a resumption of French Intrigue. It M. Waddington Brow to demand on behali of his Government a shara in the pacification of the Sou.lan, Lord Granville would lose no time In asserting the exclusire righi of England to shape the destiny of all the Kilt countries bs fax as Khartoum, and even be¬ yond ii. The responsibilities of ad¬ ministration In Lower Egypt have been shirked since the battle ol Tel-el Hehir. Thc Liberal Ministry have ma lc a Laborious effort to redd tn theil pledges to and have studion U svoidt di : Ihe at tua! burdens of Im¬ perial Government. They have been unwilling to make an end ol the Cairo puppet play. Bui single diplomatic overture from Paris in the -ai of joiut militi rj ai lion would i!n ni .a once to tin ir .. uses, Events, however, ara moving so rapidly in m I that the adoption of a \ igorous policy lan «. innot bc long di ferrcd. Our special cable dispatches this morning give an admirable summary ot the stirring event.sof Ihe eek and of the statt of public .. rule. G qi !..' Gordon perish o ired mi bis lonely journey to Khartoum, tin Ministry will probably survive tbe debate i.M thc vni. of censure proposed hy the Conser¬ vative leaders. Hut there has been a great uprising of English opinion against thc policy of the Government. its vacillation, ita lack of couta";*', and its un¬ willingness to deal With facts as 'hey are. 'I he ii asters In the Soudan and the perils of Gen- inion's mission arc directly attribut to thc In utat ion ol thc Ministry to assume the responsibility for the government of Lower i. Public feeling is declaring Itself un- mistakablj on this quoatlon. Thc shadow plaj .it Cairo.the Khedive puppet managed by the British Resident, and the grinning circle of Egyptian Pachas in the Ministry, each manipu¬ lated by bis English secretary.must ci The reality of an efficient and responsible ad- laii.i.suatioii must begin. THE organiz trio's ol labor. At a meeting of Fall River weavers it was urged that organised labor was the only mt of forcing organized capitol to recognise the rights ot operatives. Labor, of course, bsa a perfed 1 Ighl to organize, and Buch organizat ion may be advantageous to it, alwavs provided th.I. it ls irtelligentlj dsnd directed. Hut too many labor organizationa ha critical junctures manifested a curious in capac¬ ity io comprehend tbe Limits of justifiable organized action. They have seemed to think thal they wera warranted in using their or- ganization in any way to accomplish tht b Thej have employed y ad threats, and i pi pially bav e they uttei ipi .1 to " fore ganizedcapital lu recognize their ri Intel fi iing hi ween cn] ital and other workmt n. Nor have they yet beenableb realize thal have no "righi*'1 which lustily them in such conduct. Every man has the righi to min h as he can for his labor, provided nat he aol tread up in any othei man', tlo tlic same. Now it ia this proviso thal so many labor or¬ ganization! cannot begot to respect. The1, their own rights very clearly, bu! thej do nol st c tin- rights ol tbi ii neighbors. It would be well hu th, in to learn thoroughly the funda¬ mental principle ol civilization, thal no man can have any rights which imply to do to bia ft Hows. All rights ara Limited and partial. N<> man can even do as he likes with liis own. Bo to bk you; own property a.s not to inline ih.ii ot Militia i isa venerable maxim ol the common law, founded on the primary needs of society. It mw t be obsen ed 'it ;.ll rimes, or socictj would nol hold together. Win n th. refore workingmen atti mpt'to bin¬ der othen.non-union mt n, for example.From obtaining i mploj incut, they \ iolate one of the n.o ¦! ni,' ..taut ol' all sue i,. Laws, and .uro, ate a right totj rannise overothers. Wben men are ap pealing to society for their own ti^ht.-. it i especially dim u ;or then to come into couti w ith chan bands, J hia in fact ia another lei il maxim. "He thal seeks equity must do equity." Winn itrikers practise totiniida- lion they arc aol doing equity, and they cannot, caplet public sympathy In approval. CLIMATIC sn ci LATI0NS, The remarkable mildness of the present win¬ ter, together with the severity of tbe floods which have put thc country fur and wide under water, not unnaturally aeema to stimulate speen lotion npon the often recurring question, lathe I'li.'nate of thc Eastern Btateschanging 1 Me¬ teorologists and phydeists say thal observation bits mu .lustily such a belief, no matter how iifterent the seasons nmy seem t«n> from those if the past. They tell us it would be ucc- uwnrj to procure observations extending over i great many years uml ¦ very large are.i to ob¬ tain the data fm an intelligent judgment. ¦-.¦it net in fact cannot yet otter any positive uv I'onnatiiui on queationsol thin kimi. No donht uSaagesof elimata eau bo traced over small mas, uml such lhere havo heen in parts of New-England during the present century, liiese changes, h. .we vet, are thedircef resultant tonvertiag forest into arable land. Tho re- DOVal of the tiinher has, affected thc humidity if the attnosjiliere. ut those points, li,ts hastened lie drying of the earth, hus caused springn to and disappear, and Luis often gi\cu tis.- to drouth and sterility. The mme ea have doubtless been bi aggravating the floods which an now devastating io many cities ind Iowna, Everywrs re stripping wutor- of their forest growth tend- to Int winter il lodi ic the streams ft d bj them, ami of course in an equal ratio ti ml- io thc ic nature reduction of the same streams in Bummer, But changes of climate over large areas de¬ mand much more powerful sud comprehensive agencies, ami in ¦chin,: f..i the possible causes ol such changes we must look to ocean cunt ut., or to solar Influences. In n to thc first, there is ceil;.inly no ground for supposing that any changt has takes place or ia taking place. Tbe Gulf Stream bolds Ita old lilies, in the same volume, and di livers no doubt the same amount of heat. The local changes which are gradually denuding the aur- laee of the earth of trees in thia region would im! have any tendency to make the climate milder, though the Consequent diminution ol' moisture to the atmosphere might render the cold less pent trating, because dryer. Um thui far such a reduction of moisture certainlj is not traceable, and in New -Vol k particularly thc occasional cold spells an- a i marked as ev t r bj th.ii piercing quality which is due to atmo¬ spheric saturation. We may then turn to the sun, and ask whether theapotaon thal luminary have any Influence up¬ on climate. Here Science again telli na thal she has not solved the problem. The last minimum sun- pot period occurred in 1878, and the sun¬ spot cycles last eleven and a half yens, so that the present one has already panned the maxi¬ mum. But wa do nol knou whether the spots imlit a'e an increase oi a reduction in thc ag¬ gregate rf the BUn'S Output of heat, ll is held hy many astronomer^ that they an- due lo the process hy which the sim is gradually cooling. Efforts have boen aiade to trace con¬ nection between these and terrestrial phenom¬ ena, but no positive data exist lor the theory. Tahiti;: long periods of time ii seems doubt¬ ful whether any appreciable cha igos of cli¬ mate have occurred in any part of tbe earth overlarge areal sud the occasional apparent mutations which arc noted, aa for instance ..p ci; liv mild winters Like .h. present, cannot, perhaps, be regarded as justifying a belicl that nnj permanent or Important modifications of climatic conditions are in \ rogr a -u utere)) Idol. A few short month public had i laked to stats w nor . fut an on I!. most brilliantly promising, v 11 .- Iiki rn mid inf.. been " int who has i l.i .1 ont foi ran rr. ' li to indui belief. A white elephant met ¦ t,'iv;it popular craving. V, bole gem ral lons of had waited for that sort of a beast only t" "die u itbout the sight.11 Thia tte, bul i fact wini li w..uni rivi' in le career a a eil nsadclight- ftd antithetical charm, since a eirena la nothing it I thet '; iiiai to ; ba ¦.' \ m lo have I a ' dolhu I hi se ot i e reasons that spired to induce the gcuoral impression that thu w bin ¦ is' to w j. ii the world ai il I'uth' i an abundant barri I ! fortune And i Poi apl] i" 11 . quest li :. I...-:. i i iv* mistake it popular " s nnlllle I, te mournera go sbonl the streets, lt is but va the h Mer of otu l. a yesterday's sn thal .1 bi ¦ v. bite leyland r.-lv bsardine ol an Indifferent color, rbi I Garden, tu whii h bc bsa bet a h receptions, ii un longer a great Bocial centre mihi paid )'iin f"i tearing himfrom ¦.'¦lies ul lils youth lias .ellie in e.' n to 00. But the worst remimi t.> bi told. Ii li ehargnd na Ililli *..:<.!.tu;<' .ii lina itv that he is aol a ;>< rmanenl wkiu elephant, .rm il rn li cti ..: bu ly n tentative a ititi elephant, phanl v> lin would not be w liite v re it nut that I" ii smitten V it ll a iii: dis.' Whicb CIUBH " I lie UTI .1 "1 tbl pigs .'"':!." Iii ti:,", this A demi npon whom wa all itoor] re.ely t'> lavish adinira .1 kel ."ai. .-ni- . in .1 oomin a to il not .i- ¦ vv bits elephant, but a whited ¦< pulchre br revanui only, It ii'Hie nf llie, s:tilili>-1 cases' of mi .;ii.'i' fl fidence in bia ory -in the hist.rv ..f the and .nf..1.aa tl. ..f lending ad¬ ditional miasionariei to Asia, particularly to the iee nf Burmah, from which thia pedi monster hails. It remains to bs seen tvhul the white '.. dfl .:ln>'K ii. I .ii urei, he n ill adi ¦¦ i ai i kn.i .. i.:. ubi washing process. But now that suipicion bas bo- i "nt device rn ill nol union .iI di -.-. upon 1 retire to m of Burmese private life, oral to be drawn from bis sail fate whicb will rio ::i eli ba itlne circles u ...;i>l neem to bt : j re you're H.- ;¦¦ «.i. WES TER llESOh T. Tf fr (ht world then be one uthcr ii is ile \". lon f comp ir.:'iv.!;, rt "t rigin In this country, though it hal longezi lathi monarchies. Time waa whin tbe American citizen who had mrrived tbs Bummer Beaort waa enough to itsy si home in thc a inlet and reenper- ite. But with thc expansion of han! accounts, ii Iththerpread of Intelligence, lt becaasevi- _. mon . i . Deeded, ind with u pontatieooa obedience tn t!,e beautiful law of inp- l'ly and dem ind the Wintei " lug mdedthal Inaemnch ss tho North- rn man and woi . . In i miner they should s-k warmth lu winter, probably extraneous cousiderationi of :i i i lilli- ii ed by caloi ii i:.i.! t.i i'ii with the matter. Accordingly tho South became tue theatre and Florida tho nter i. creation. Mushroom multi d rapidly, ind many » j<'< and bomt ad :!. f..:' I it ¦ boarding-house, i'nr a lune all went well. Impelled i>y Hie .i. -.I liken In, it is o ly fair to say. hy the Imerutabli Provli ' s -r'.-'l the lir^i lug, exhll electric itmoipherc and the slorioui akiesoi the Northern twister, snes rang by bosh ami other ia ..!-. Into a delusion and a snare, peraoui who could ailonl lo travel, or could not aitortl to stay ut le,me, ¦wanned aeieas tbs frost-Has, They ssat bau ii atonal of orangoa and Bowan sad ran-bathi, and lasy nellaingi iu aoaatj raiment on soft turf, uml Parsdin regained. Bul unfortunately the frest>Ifas is a wanton and a lu Ule j.nh'. Theie are bael uml lines. Wi ¦ll know that Mason and Dixon's Una waa definite though intangible ; and there arc philosophers whs ailinn thut tbe pie-line submit* with docility tn minnnie, laws. Hut tim flSSl Mani lt is here t<>- day ami goue to-morrow, lt waves np a .il doWB the cuiitnieiit us a alack clulbfs-lius lu a gall "' vi in.l imiliilatcs above thu tinniest ie mea; mid w hi-if vci it goes it carries death aud tit sn ntl mu. There is not la thia country to-day a moro trem h- SrOBSand inveterate foo BO BSBM and BfUSBSrity t'..un the fiost-liue. Ni. fur several winters past every galo that . wept from the South Ima brought to mir curs the wail of animist hawaii* i bimI this is men tra* phutlcally the winter of diucniitunt Ihaa any o( ttl predecessor*. Florida ls in fun and tears.frozen tears, Mbw-OiBBBBI is ipologisiug right aud loft to tbe strangers, w illnii her gates and making eitremely rsih BfoaaiNI fur the fntiirs. 'Hie only contented sojourner hum Old l'oiiit Comfort lo Key Weet, so far aa wo Luvo 1 beard, li John Paul, whosaamrrd tht raeden of Tuk ruiacNR last Sunday that Southern Qeorgii ;.r< My nearly everything that il ought to he. Hut John Pani i-. ¦ philosophei who hus always had ii h of anatchtna. the Bower oonteutmant from Mn-(iii-tlc id vanity, and his well-known nona after and light discredit bia it rtimooy. Then in symptoms ofsresctlon againsi thia -.iiiii. to tba South, snd people sn begin* iiinx to -isk why they should not hibernate In a climate npon which hm nlinnea ¦i.i he placed. All his; weah Montreal wai posing before the continent as a Wintei Bi if a in-.- ;. rhert (un are the pro f ol n kepi nnd not brui n, snd nd noeea a teatimonial ostead "f a protest. Thus far Montrenl is suet -etleil iii maintaining hex reputation 'or steady cold weather, Bat it in not im- >ossible that she may yet fall int > the ry of placet which, liko New-York, .in e h. (il bri ghi skies am! a crisp atmosphere, mi an now lu-.lime th.- ¦bods of fog and Blush ami lamp, unpleasant bodies, lt may even doom to pan that tbe New-Zealander on hil travail will I. iufortn< .1 a hen ba mai' ea ti ii oity that thc only .nisi vvnithv Winter Resort lithe North Pom. The }'..¦ '''h rest reports one young doctor laying her: "In cant ol thal kind you BM [a i cr¬ ain ilnn:; and it will have U certain eflbctl or it .'.-I'l. I aa not sun which." This yoong doctor -Imiiiil he sent as¦ delegate to the National Dubs- ratio Convention. Ile isjuit the man to writs the ariif plank. _ The 'lill to chant."' till muir, of StuyVessnt Turk o Cooper 1'uk La .noountering opposition from .oiue oi'the newipapen which,sppareutly, do not mow what Stuyvesant Park ia. Their ignorance lurpriaiug; tor until the bill m question was ntroduced, probably rery tow eitiieni wen swan h.ii besidaa ill nj»i eau I Bquan, which is the ¦rae pies aura ground lying on both tidi -i .'..inl-avf., lui Met n fifteenth ami Seventeenth ttl. v..- It.iv*» :i mu;, reseal Park, which kt tbe little tnaugulftr incloran at tbe junction of Third and Fourth a vi l,opposite the smith froul of the Coopei ito. It J lins piece of ground, the Dame of which Inn.lh anybodj knows, which it ii proposed Lo all ( ooper Park, I he fact bat Stuy- .ie bj ;i good rei ion mr not hai Stuyvesant Park also, and thc aubititutiou leemi > appropriate. The ' icnt in Introdm lng Sha!.i ip .it to be undertaken in connection with the Univei ats' Union. A c »one of <:^iit let arei on t' <. 'omi di. i ol in w ill bt ¦¦>¦ !, li:.' fl e tor twontj -liv< nt I Ins i a prat ittempl io brim - nd I", bl to bear npon .en nf hi- ure when pied in ''jumping on his mot reported that the Mahdi declai fr.c.i on a I! e rest inn tu knon what the world aro. Very feu Arabs po s, ;,i> .. i" .< mi 1 what can b .-. heh repre icnt c. e am I b as ¦ flat, i di ibl ful if ie Mahdi knon - anj ihinir .. i' of England, France nnd Germany, certain thal beisignorant <>f the existence i. When, tl" !. fo .'. he t ilk of conquer- v. i! '. ii mi-! be um1.; bc ii thinking of a very different world from t it known rna, and it may safely 1.included that I,.- would i/.i tuonmodeit il hil information wen _ Fi ni".- will -'i'l persist in excluding ::i il will now have small excuse. Ihe Fn :. !i Academy of Medicine, ii appears, has !!,'i niiiy one di aenting vote that tbe biding Importation! from this to be repealed, snd the verdict <»f thal body ibaolutcly final, si to tbe only pre* ext on which Prance bi I lita a. finn. binding it decided, by ¦ tribunal from cannot possibly appeal, that this pretext bi mtirelj sand etnptv, tbe United Btatei .an nov, i ak villi great pn pnety on wi Frnnce diiregardi the ol commercial _ And ;; iw om e more tl ' I indictment, and it la demonstrated from copious medical testimony that it pi mon dis* nitrous effect npon the bj items of thone wbo aowke ii. But whether then statements in trueoi «!.!..ker- appear t<> psy no itteotion to them. War has been wagi .1 against tobacco in all its formi t waa tntrodui .¦.!;.- Kurope, but tbi coniump il the weeii hus steadily Increased. It kt sn generalli used now that if it really bi so h. ht to be able to show from v ital statistic! i id bills of mortality that il is seriously affei ting the health <>f thc wnrl I. And aa cigarettes wi, and as they are aaid to be the most deleterious of all, the ii .if their effects slemid t»> Imbil ¦nd particularly edifying, At present it i- lt to hu- onize the of thc ex- rooming disease and that the g neral health h is never been - itions of th Rp i .! bl turn, nndertake to prov tl is, thal aud dar vice, the itutious ol i.i. ...ii niiii'.'.v ...- de¬ nn, lion. _ ptly acquitted a white i::.l!i I on idi rabi] irpnsed meed lit il fl vin i.i ce of th la1 id the evidence, and ord< rt -1 of the jurors should bo taken, aud that none of them should eur again lit upon .* ry in that court. Th y must bi ins treatment harsh, inasmuch as in acquittii g a white tnurdcrerof s negro they had univ followed one of ble ami best established Southern pr cedents. Neverthel lion of the Judge rvei co imendation, and holds out of reform in the public sentiment of tho P gion, ____________ PERSON i '. Kelly began his l.i. :. by keep- . : tore iii (ira::'i- t., near Allen. 'i ills-lit ol' the Broadway Hank ia Francis iii 1833 K' waa driving ¦ stage mi .iv. 'Ihe. 1.1 tagestand st that lim.-was and Broad nts., En front oi tho lite >.f the Drexel Building. Rom Bonneur la now sble to go out >>t .lim-s. she baa derived much benefit from medical treatment, ind a complete oun is now expected, bus will ip ml the rest oi' the winter sud tbe early apring in l'.h.s. Jnlm Roach kept in early life n ahou-ia Linen li-itt., near Jackson, a ht n ba nj aired bollon uni did other work in iron. He was his own works luau. Ile lived with his vvifo mid childres Ifl two miall noni en the neond loee ol a tenement i.'- i by. A report waa circulated retderday thai Mr. Au- behell was seriously ill. In.pi ry stbbl home, Sa ll West Thirty-lour h M., night. Snowed thal he ia« hcen confiuod to bbl room for the Issi :e.i tl .ys, i.tit his illness, while painful, is nut din- reruns. Ile waa resting cornfortablt at IO o'clock. Johfl N. Stearns, sc. r.-tary ol the ^National 1 eiu- israaesbectoty, was in Albany last week to urge troll lilt inn. He hus lint J'cl fllll.V reenyered lllS lealtli, win.-b was injiiretl by overwork, lie goes ".mi ii in a tow days. Y. I). Hassett, the Hayden Tonsil l-l iencrtil in this itv,has Lieu apiininitd ( hui Bl d'Altain-s ail m- inn, tin- U::ytieii Mini ter at Walkington having ISSn ** Bl on a Special m .Anion I" 1 iain c and BpaiB. Pbs fact that Mi Baaaeti ls aa American eltiaaa would jirovent his holding such a iioMtinn pcruia- nully. "One diiy," ssys Ihe vensruble Hishop 'icite (Mat hirdlit) of (jeoigiu, "1 rode ten miles brough a drenching ram to Flairsok cIiiiikW, only o lind two persons thi rc, a man ami a boy, After Milting ii few minutes I said t ' We might as well Iffl here, aa there will be nu congregation.' But the mnn quietly responded : 'Through five miles ol pelting non I have como to hear machine? 1 saw my ilutv ;i.,| replied, 'You are right, jfofl are entitle I to h.' pop ooo hour I addressed my little oonaregut on un.l was nover listened to with inure at ten lon. \V.\sii!N(ii.iN, Keb. (».-Mr. Seth M. French, of New Ynrk. is at the White Homo M the Riiestof r esidei i. ________________ TALES \BOl l mus. DEMOCRATIC AGITAT1 »B OT TIM'. TAMP*. //. a. Clark, Freeimtntof 'h.- tarin.una CM and lr .a ;lnii is rn,ly j, limited an,t,uni >f Irt.ii lu st ck. Our Irii.te his Ikcti for ti.- n'otiiii sf gasman inst i-uml moat i-7i» net¦ miii I don't can about lt i v- I serer be | l Wal, rappoatnj they 4o take ef 90 per eu; iM\ nea pla* limit We eau atm uunpetu wita England ¦asl leethaal in tho niatinfa. lute, l.ul labor will hiiv tn stain! Hie rn .In. lint.. Hut tl-is lailtl at'iti.ti'.n ls lill iiint.ii-i.uif nnd . oenaldna ut that, if tin- Desneratk party tn. Beta ea eking that aa teena of the eaanpalgi they bm puie,linnl,, line ami (-Inker. Tiley are gone ny way. N.-w- V .-'{ hi!! I'Onv. i tn Hie Uti.m.luaus agata !..>..lui tlio utasow of taeahadeof ¦ Boast The leal PieaM Bte, Weil, Mr. Artiiui¦ is ., ¦.| nimak rmaBluil tat nw. Rs B and safe, nutl his itdmiiusiraUon BM I .pll'lllll.l M i'. ul, what a h:h:nd og db. ssys. ' < //. s,,> 11'igtrr ttmitttn A'-'i'ii. ' ntaroMor HamalCkurttL.Oor troafcln win si! bs nub. asian leag, lani lMnpii', vim know, an Beear hague; without ' Hi a fight, Hint we Lilli nut nliale nf that k.lld. tte eooi.gatton en ney nail auiisinj with Mi. New- ana,Bowran, mi at utn stay. Banora mommy for cm-m iu;-<. The l.'er. Dr. C. ll. SI,ilium, ri,r,:Si>'iml.:.'/ BSSCSfarf of th*AatartoamOkmrokMmtUing fmtd '.¦. siianlaw. lt ls BOWIBOI than lin .- nan sim.' tl..- ( (.'mn nt lon et*the Pnteetsnt -pieeopal Chunk i Butt*, lug Pund Cowiiii.>i..ti. Of 14,000,000, tba aa ow t allot ¦uneduponby tho Board of Mmmtoaa, only 063,000 Baa been pledged .in.i .nil. itel. Len than ow twentieth of the'linn'.es In this dimitry han tates ip Ibu lltllltlUtlOB ¦¦-I by tin- Qeaanl CennaOea. n.i bO I'llrd tbe desired sntii would li.e. ban 1 In Hirer years. Then, tOO,ttM WOrk Of tllft rotuli... in -.imf quarters i- regarded nttb peaMw .>i.pi«i- tinu. it aeeua itnnga Ibat there are ¦ many eletgyaan ¦iee ot' rn Ins, a lund n.r rate -;..ii purpalee, Our eaarek is far behind ii« ¦irirt'lies tn tts tiii.ssi.iti work. Tte fhxUdtng lund Ooav mission ii,.\ e m.i,ir I., in-, m about Corty chun n i In n .1 Ul', tiie-:i,ali sum il lia.-I ns.'l. Mon ivm ve ttenaand totten bat ia tte < n- tral 'lillee concerning tte Fund Dave been visited [kepa thal tte Chareb viii,.. :.( the m rmailaaton, and iii u tiu .t ipocdiry ¦ TAMPERING W1TB .Vi ta ''.'/'.¦'.-- ihe praeUei common than moot people wouM bt lb rr. The man who .1. es tb! knut of bu ru (to Street kind ef ii man be is. ff ii .I -. lue oil would bi Mm i.. m. If tl . a -, uii right, ic be don ti it, t: dop Loira WLAXD. ll, Crt*,'I. ii' ' lat Long Island < :i leeoantof tte '.nt rimes there I Well, perhaps I am. rn! ve"' ore to convict tbe criminals, If th. |nry does aol do lt tte farmen wm take tte law in i -.. p bitter ti..v.. become tborongfaly aroused d I i viiriiaiit¦¦. committees will n il In tte future. Desirable props : is in. reisb % hi vuliin nil tte ¦ i abound in mpgnlttcent country-seats, like Mr, Byde*i a a in k. Vandeibl Tilt". ROtPTl . ;»/¦ r, A. lr .Kirmn l hay* ben la Egypt on two missions and know tte Arab people pretty eil. Tho modern Kgyptlans areamostn rablepeople. Ten true; ¦'. En i'«li rn A n r caa B I¦. the whole tare, prortdi d, of course, ii bj wi ri nm led '<y ei m Gordon or j em Stol I n mi at do I think of tte course ol the English Government tn Ihlserislsl Will, I have mi nm 'ii pi respect tat ¦ocb of the niel..h. is of tte preeeal Administration n I know that i do not .tab t" sj? Baueh ikeul tte eon .»f .nil-in this matter. lim I am remind-d l.> the present sttaatlon tn tte soudan .if a aartooa whii'li was publlabed in " The f.- iden Fun Almanac " of 188B, »i ¦ a year ago. Ii represented Mr. Glad Bia lurk la utti- tnne, a diplomat in du ie, lad a* " Kins,,f Bgypt " la wi- rhresa,Bttdogct I on a Turkish .liv;..! suwbtega pipe, with a cometf young woman bate ;..! as Tli'-v wera raith each otter .ndevldeBtly enjoying ipleasaut BlrtatJea. vu ".re tn t M ' d of a Turk, auppooad to be tha looked er with J. Blotts :nul r"lWgnfl1 ivis. Mell, o know, I think thal cartoon was somewhat prophetic of tho preseni utuatton. Then kn baas, io '. a l'.'t." too much ooqui Ung on tte perl af the i Government auk Egypt lt is uni tte **"?*_. bowever, bul i.i ">' tl di who kn had hlijralonij mi i AN OPEB tTICflUO BBB. Henry g. Smith, Ii rustin Casino..Ton ure wno :; tte "Men) War " waa never tefon prouneed I.ere. It w.vs nc., ii al ii« Germania, m.* tte SI ir rteatn, ead ai tim r al tte I'.i.-iin) before, I d u aarn i. as it ls bete. They do not gretna! ti bad tte artists, onus tba! we tera v ir that M.'th'i -ai.-in" produced it tho Cosmopolitan ai if Qed, It wn later oa protluced here and a .wu, tte sue. ny Wai" ts iinilrv as prOUOUneed a* th of "Prloce Metbusalem." AU ti..- othu prodnillnaawras couipsxattvely U/iies^_ OF CR1TU TiibWobb or nu: Hodbbm Ambbjcab Nov- ! ; i. Till l" .!'.' t WO Undi Of I. -.|'\ ri reels linn its message is ttM. mighty for it, and the reserve w hun feds that il IstooiulKbtj f»r Its msssaso. <>ir i,i m i< h.h.I o. writers isreaerved, tm! Ita reserve docs not ¦trike one is being of tte. nut lt ll .lo Us kind no one doubts, but whether its eatrtrory I..- mat ni un- bricklarer ot the arcblteet reoaaius io os proved.- [Jillian Hawthorne in'ihe Prinosion i.. . P. (;. Damsktob os HkbTIT Jamis'i New Book..Well, tbe interest ia eertalnrr lot very toteose; tue ...ik is uni ono to keep n ni> nuSlatte MonUag; and, ll it bappt tied t.> be mislaid, [te privation w.iu.ii not ippoi .' le; ¦till, one ls not sorry to hive m.-twitb it. Mr. .1 iiim a is a i|inet. riiiiniial mitt shrewd observer. winn.- delicate anpraotatton noticea many talmoi that ivim'.d esi-a, e most people, ile ls also a penn attea refinement, bo thal ne sees tkmga In a way not, ju;->i- ble to ii viUiiir nilod.. Tte Academy. Tm Krniusii or QKBAT Wm is open to question wbrther wedobouor to a poet's mi morj by »w. e. 111 i.- np ... cali fullyprcservimtalll s rubiiUb tliat ucumulated ronud ii. ev.f.v tutt.- th .t lie ottered, every wnni al most that bas beea bs .1 sbonl Nun. An im- ii 'Unitive write! is almost oort ila u. produce inn. I. thal is i-iM, or much that U extravagant la tbeearij sun career He tries his band al maa) things, snd r-r- .ils more frequently than he racCMds; li- i.- net to .-liv lutoprmuandtomuts_eambluontora»ui eieiii This was pre-eminently theeaie with Shell y. So noet ofoureentury baaeompooed verses mi reexqubnb y riiiisl. n'; not .''..', perhaps, In histliaest wnrk has wi Uteri with more consmamaU .n. Aa a boy, however, Shelley bad tbe mUfortune t" produce aome taka scarcely mote ct helen' tifin the rav ini:.- .>f u madman: and beean rn M wn,.M. Irvine" and "/.i.stmr.'l" he! be W ie seven¬ teen the*e rhapsodies! roaiancn »". desunrd. wa eua- poae. to occupj a piara la every complete e.liti.ui ol his WorlDW.lTte .spectator. rKKMiiui.s QUOTIXO..The habit of ilrop- pint lin" French uaawaree bi as cufeebliuB .- Uw « ol piumiin:; ami the tun Uga le as fairly lo ba coosav erda vl.l.itli.ii of the sum tltn-s of the motter-tongn thar. ButtertabttIndicates » IshbtaeM of fibre, ooth umrsvl .aid iBtailesWal. li ls tliiiuuu io believe either in tte moral rectltuda <>r in tbs mootai Strellifth of rt lesli OT a woman addicted ti. tile OlloU_| Ol odd acrapa of oU.l I'll lah- [TtetetUTUaj iU-Vit'W. Jn.iAN IIawtiiohnk OB tiik ObbaI Amiim- i'an Bovai-.It win tie American, aol iK-.-.m^- m.h tomat ts I l.i ni lia t. ts barn In tte 1'iiiteti Buttes, bal '-e- .;tn.-e us win be reaction ;it'..iiist old lyraaatal ind exposure ol bow hypocrisies j a refutation of resp* t- ,line tils, thooda, .oid a proclamation of unaoekietloataai truths Iartnatl, lat wi tart bord anil dlUaeuto n..i'i"v<> t.ur native talent, hst a il.iv time vv Inn the Greal Vim Ti¬ tan Novel make rta appoaranofy bat written In a fTtrrgi ismroaca. and by Him.. »nih..i- ate tewsvi* pur. ly A me al In 'art never net toot uu lill' fuoito Bftte ibf public..[Tte I'llucetou Kev lew. PaJTbTT Kiamal PoBTIT. -Funny Ki-iuMc's work aeeina to t otiUiui ii vital mot nf pot irv. while axt has dona aext to aothlagla ter casi losiv. i-tloa nf mini winch we oiteti timi in the renes of ovafeuipontry paka, who aeon, ea tte otter hand, wantauj i" tint »r eanie mipulse wi,h.mi which tte most beautiful arnuuca meat of words -eems doomed to reman buts lian eu If she was by inmir* s real |mh-i, the did lust is little toward the matuiinir of her fiieuit/ lu that dlieition u.s she toni worked as portee! bataan as un iietreas. lt ts lint tn BO wnitdt-r.d ai. Ilierefi'.e, iitrtt nu nm- n.. arion rho ahniiltl liuvc hud s taste of KoirsatM toiiirmv. ibis Itap I" ii. .1 just afnu the yuliil-atlonaf V r emly .llama "The Mar of Seville,'' wben, meeting ter ona evening, teas¬ el inned with a matliasal ft"". " Ah> Vyo J"*1 b*,n n'"'' ina \ our ulay. bo aloe I \ ouhk poetry |" with a diaboUtai Oig if emphasis on tte " v«uii«."-lTte auiimuui.

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1884-02-10 [p 6] · Air. Heathoff, turner'Jutli al and Broadway.; ' ... Ltia,

inlier to "Aaoertieemciua.Tai.-P.Cnl r\ -, (-01

Anm«f'-.'sm«.ll .. n irecream.ll «Amneunee nent*.Iii 5 Itwinn'nv. H 23liaiik....- .iou..,, ann berti.rea it Met' nss.ll d

Harkers.ll 1 Mum-^I'.siihO'is.12 6Beanie's Nonce*.. fl 1 do 8 li

Jlualrieaa I .'iain ea_ 5 I, Marr asea stitt 1'e.'I he JBoam ann Koerus ll I llitini ft J*I ,.!.timers! lt. K t> Ntw l'MtillraUcss.... 8 1*"i»n. ma A.-a.iemins, K Jl ' it-car vtsaitfia.. "

i»>iIfHBretll NSSBBSa.. ll 1 Hea. Kstate .II I .»

reaan.ak.nx.ll TtiWitlalmn > ntlrta Jpr- Cleeda .ll 4 Kiwmis:. a piste- ..ll Jkarora ii Vari. 6 B.»lt*ansns U SSUSSk-.ll So

VUMliilSl .ll 1 --venal Notices. 7 o

Htir.Wsr.tMt.ll < Hi BBilnais ant HU 2 ¦,

Jim ?!-s ,t aiTiaaes ll j.'.rr.. . .'

lintel*. ft Ii

tueincaa helices.".*.l:>f.i:n"I'y BrA.B"D"

fearalways CoxprxsKt-. MILK.

Ptxi I'ii i -. Pu i -.

I'uree without kulfo, powder or salve. No charge until f.irrd.Wi t. fi -tenors !>.:.(< BBISS, ll Ka-st 201

If von stifler with dyspepsh. indigestion, orlooseiitmt of t'"' Loki's, rna*.' n».- Bl anet HA Blt.

.. oarei Hu itt um ¦'_

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Willi.UT TI1K Csr (.V MBUlClMt,yor trestlnK Mu». ilsr sin! Wet leets dis. ast-a, cspeclsriy

Klieiiinalisii, anti limit,r.eas lo nf-r lo tlio tullnnTnn Moticnn

T.TYY drain*. LL. D., 11 ft Eiial thatM. William A Wltxlii rs, 106 Wall and M Ftist '.'lld sta.

j. Nelson Tui.piin, i itv i banbsruUn, 'Tooittj i ourt-BonaaAir. Heat hoff, turner 'Jutli al and Broadway.

; ' ¦...

TKIUUNE TT.1..VS TO MAIL HJB8CUBEB&PottageJret in the Casual Nfifes.

1 Year. 6 Months 3 MopHis.

IJATI.Y. with Krtntlar. SB 50 BIBI »a 15

HAIL'V .without -nnday.... 7 00 ISO 1 75

Ut MlAY T Killi NE. 1 IBaJsnUly Pases Bess. Msasy Order, or Registered latter.

Bv Pesta] Not-, the remitter wUI please write..n ht > as.

..lor alu N'BW Yoiu."

BRANCH OFFH'KS OF THE TRIBUNE.ArtTertleenenM for i.ahtteiHis is Tits TBUKTSU, sn.l or l»rs

laiiexu'arrt.liT'rv effie lally paper. WtQ be rseelTedat lb*

foDowlii Itranrb oflloaslB New-Y <rk I'lti-

Mant'ptownoana, 1 USS Unalway. ila. m. tt!»i>. -n.

JV it 30m vv '. .*. I'w.-'itr ..iir.l-st.. lu a. io tus p. m.

¦\(, near Forty-eerenll st ld a. m tnt p. m.

>.'.. 1 «0T I'hrd-ave. n«ar suxurth-su. l<> a. rn. te .* p. .«.

JSt. '.lis Bast me tuinilresl-anrt-lwciity-tiflli-t.. a 'e. tl P. ra.

VWOBl H'S" baal 10 a.ui to s p. m.

IS OTHRB cito a\rs=HlS'.Ta^t-^.3.r., F-et. ILobdoj --¦¦ .'.-if ci-*t.. strand




TWELVE PAGES.-jid: sews nus morning.

1 .cv. .IV.iuts of Hie (^leon's tieiv Look were

JinnleBUBik Vf-teiil..V. Tile 1 lt .Vi'? finn li t

li'.ve sell ,;e,I Arl'.ill YVillcsleV l't.l io IUC.1Baeaksi limul. Mi. Bradlaugb's appeal

-ttlit iitiiuanl it armihin beenCetewayo. the Zulu chief, ii reported dead.A 'iiiiiilii r ol Irish lite prisoner! have

Inn distributed ir .on;: sereral prisons,H..'i*-tic..Thc Ohio Hirer fs still i; Ina at Cin¬

cinnati and gTeat trouble is ipprehenderl n

llot.d it it -fit.if othar pinera recently in dangerBj| I I- tiling. Ni BI .Mv-lsttllV ll. I'e'lll., < ilp-

liui J. ll. Buaaler sh-'t ind rataliy wounded ;i man

vii" wai try in u' to force aa BBtranesj into BiI Tioiu St. Paul, Minn., OOUM) re

luTportant enaages In Um policy nt t) NorthernFaerie Bailmad Csnnjpany. Roberltcvstiii.-.i yssanrday, relativs tu tHo proposed postalBUBUgrapa. system, befars ii). Senate Committee on

I'tst OtHeeshikIFeataVeadu. : An applicationof n ('hinest- lu liet'.itiip ti eiti/en of Ihe I*il it".'

iv:i> i1. Bled by a court in WsnhfosjtoB. Therebbb sj|ssaa tint tba striae at Fall Hirer win not he

Bfotracted. TtwHase,! Poagbkeepsie boat,v BB the lee yacht race fur the championship |H>n-

iiant jealiud¦j At Rochester, John KelleyWBI f<.uni puilty of the ninnler of Jnech Lutz.: l'oni BSBjnassj from Ithaca, N. T.(warese-rcrely mjiircil in a Bralghlng acddcat. =. Pm»cei-ili'.irs adverse to the receiver of Hie Naw-TorkBaal New-KukIuihI Jiaili.'.ail vrcro bn^iin in Hartfordyesterday.Ct! v a-i»Si iui;i'. vs..Tho t'liarpesiii:t.\' hy.fohn

Ti. Baskia that Mr. 1 'Ison made pkedges as t.> ai'-

!...¦. (ments before his Domination for Mayor ^vere

posttireiy thine.1 by the Mayor yeatnrdtrbeforetilt" Senate < nininitti e: J.din Kelly refused to

ajaawar gneatlons oa this potet; Mr. Haakha reiter-

atetl the eharsjes in sVtill In the asaemblyDpii lslCoaiailltee. COsuaal Mooney K..t lagry andhaiti he would like to meet Qeueni Traey OUteide.¦ :. The Young Men's Association of I'r.

rtewman's ehurch arged thal a eonaoil berailed. The Rapid Trimsit CommlasiouensUBBihed the work of seJecting routea.= In theCoeks-Read ease Mrs. t'ot-ks iva* iin(lei*l. ros^s i\-

aniniatioti for nix hours. Gold raine of the

IsaruMeBBuanT silver tlollar (412*f grains), B8.Mtents. St."l.s BCtlri nnd hu..vant i\

B|M.ts; they were strong all through and eleacdbUatly niter sjoBM reaction.

'Jin Wkatbbb.Tbjbckb local obserrstions in

ihe.ite I'ltiiidy weather, with chances of lighl tain,

followed b noisier and fuir ur iltur weather.Tempei it iirc yesterday: Highest, '.i~~-. lowest,82"-, areraBa, 3iUu.

Thc Mavin's Cabinet, Bo-ealled, h:iN dianp-proTt il thc bill before Um Legislature niitlmr-

taiDg lin1 payment nf the Harbor Masters,Eiaetly why th<- atayor1! Cabinet should takeBjcUosj ob this hill i> nol clear, onleas lt w;>s

doiif im tin reqneai of the Dock Commisaionera,Marupeantobethe riiM-.'rhif.ut lathat the DockBcmrd appejintai I h>t al Deaatoeratk politiciansnt $'J.OOO a yeat aaehtOaUlaaibly to il., the workof thc Harbor M.Mcr* j but they do not do it,mid there Li no law thal anthoriaoi tht rn i<» adin Ktich i eapadty. 'That, howi-vci, explainatbeopjiosition of Hu- Dork Couuniaaioneri to theTittyincnt of thc Harlwir Mantels.

-?- .

TanBTB at a sjooany outlook bf the people ofCincinnati In the proapeel that the tiver willto-il::v reach a higher point than it rlld Lastyear,winn it waa highei than axer before known inthc hisiiuy of thc eily. lithe waler continuesto itu lease In heicht each year, it wi!i be oeoea-

8at.v t«. make expensivi' pu rianiti.'iis to avertthc rlaasaaje that would Mherwiae follow, AsLt ia, great bom hm been Lnfttcied on thc dty.Uut hy it- ai tivej.iejiaiatioti and systematic or-

Caiii/atcui ol relief coiuniittt cs thc diaaat. i hasbanal leila. < tl to its low eal tea aaa. Thc Hood hasjth.-iTi-l ;:t l'iltshuif.',but there nie BUfaroral le

reports from jioints on thc Jan,ch and otherriveri*. There is plenty oi work foi relief com¬mittees, however, in the place&that have pan/jd,thc extreme of daiiKer.

The important question of concentrated n-

pponsil ility in municipal jrovcniiiient is iimbrdiscussion jn Philadelphia as well a* in ti.i-city. But l'hihiilolpliia i- by no nu an- so baillyort in lu i municipal government gg (aj New-Joik. We have malle Us>BtUgTeai since followed iniinediately ujmn theTweed exposures, hwj within a few veal's gnallit.j.invtnu nt hag haem tah in Philadelphia gcthe result af thaj action of thc Committee of OneHundred. There is no Common Council in any1. rfBJ city that will equal Un Ncw-Vtuk Boardof Aldermen in evcrythinjr that gaea to makeUp gaajefal unlitne.s.s foi the diarluurgeof i vt ii

Hw limited duties intrusted to it. Henea, Phila-dclphia ia, not so badly in need of HieJ.ind of relief sought by tho alonajBTtilt hill,v Im h will take from the Aldermen their veto

poVer over the Mayot'suppomtim nth.

The testimony alrtady taken in the tnoaBgujiurcRtigation of tbe Gay Head disastci rhows jthat ii tue City of Columbua was managed

arith as much tainiliiaaniiBi farirmprrtmim on bet ptei ions trips as on thc nightwbenaheetrnek iasurprisingthat she

WaaBot WTeekedal inenvlieiilate. Thecxa'niiia-li .11 al the quarto master, who was at the wheelWhew the fatal ii;.'! in the COOTM was ma.le,proved him so completely Lacking in Intelligenceiuul i". ,k lienccthat heihould nev ci have beenin¬trusted with :n i.s. linne i in poi taut tin t> than thalof swabbing the deck. Hut to bim wai givent!ie teak of sheering tin iteanier. lt w..s re-

poiii'l on Hu day after the diaaatex thal CaptainWright hail li conic Insane front Hie horrors o!

that awfol night. This waa not true. Hui thcwonder Lt that ho baa doI gonemadwben heknowi that ihe lo.ssoi a bandied Livec was doeto his own alistine tioin his post ami to thcreckless ami outrageous neglect of thosedirectly nuder bia command. Thc captain badan Lmpt .fcc. knowledge of where ccanrnvrtmenlbulkheads were,and waaia tht habit of allowingthe iloois between them to remain open. Balkhe;,.ls with open linois ate ol' BO UM in Buringart l. And yet Lthas been often shown thalcaptains .ire careless in regard to thia matter.There ought tobe soaaelegal means to punishthem tot inch criminal neglect,

The activity in city real estate lit tho pres¬ent tinie isa good Indication of the generalbii'.iiiess outlook. In January convey:.miswera reoorded fog $14,362,722, sgainalSI 1,375,766 for the ooireaponding month last

year. The reoorded mortgages wera lem thanin the same time Inst veal" by §1,300,000.This shows thal people who have money to ni¬

ve-1 ate m.t afraid of a depression tn bnsinomthal would atlect real' estate values. The

prices realised ara by no means low, In iacr,thorabaal sea a steady rise in tbisclsssof prop-ertyforaome years past. There ban increas¬ing demand bj ti nant-; for, which is also a good Indication. If itwera not for the high iax<* in theeily, caused by OUT reckless and ex Ira va;-a nt

inlets, nearly all the unimproved land now

lying Idle would probably be occupied byhon-, s. Rents would also be lower, and thepoorbc better accommodated. Now Landlordsbare to raise thu e p. :. ct al from tht ir tenantsto pay taxes and water ratca. This high taxa¬tion keeps property unimproved by drivingpeople li.L.i thc ity, lowers values, and makesitnts higher, lt operatet in every way Rgainslthe p. mr who are compelled to remain i». thecity. If thc roten In tenement bouses un hi

onlj be m.ul. in under land Ihe effect ol hightaxes on rt nts and real estatt \ lues ilbe a greal blt b ing.

/ POSING A El si's IS OFFIt E.The Ass, rabiy Investigating Committee held

two brisk and stirring sessions yesterday. 1'Ls nol <.).< 'i tiwi a coin:'.ii; Ijefort it ra

!e il y thc Mayor of New-\ ork, tbe War¬wick of Tammany I! ill, who makes and un¬

make* M yins, the chairman of the Democraticc mf 'euee committee in a areal campaign, thcSheriff of the County, and a number of minoiwitnesses. The testimony which waa brough!mit of nnoommon liveliness and intiJobn B. I1 lukin on oath accused MayorEdson of buying the Democratic nominationwith pledges t<> make certub Appointments,and ptve a graphic account of tbe conferenceii Mr. Kelly's house where the alleged promisesv..;e given. Mr. Edson mel this with an em¬

phatic denial. Now-, on u question of veracitybetween Mr.Haskin and doubttbe people of New-York would swiftly acceptthe word of the latter. Bul th<- painful andpuzzling fad of the matter is thal Mr. Kelly,when asked as to tho truth of Mr. Haskin'sstatement,refuseito snswor. This will cauae

general surprise. It was certainly expectedthal Mr, Kelly would deny in the most positiveway tliiie WaS any foundation for .Ml'.II.(shin's charge. Here was the chairman oDemocratic Conference Committee assertingthat nmler Mr. Kelly's roof a discreditablepolitical bargain was na..le.tho purchase ofthe Mayoralty nomination by prom! ielol patronagt.and the man most In¬terested, after Mr. Edson, In exposing thefalsity <>t the story would not speak. We thinkthal Mr. Kelly on reflection will realize that hothus places himself or somebodj lu thc con¬ an extremely unfortunate position.A detailed account of tbe meeting.also

nmler Mr. Kelly's roof.ot which the bargainfoi the election <>r William P, Kirk asPresi-denl of the Board of Alderman was perfectedwas given in the testimony. Tills narrativewill not exalt the oj.inion of city politics heldby those previously unfamiliar with what goeson below the surface, but, of course, lt was <>flecondary importance in comparison with theMayoralty matter.

It was a bad day for the Sheriff's office, MrDavidson condini, il to n treal from bis untena¬ble position aa to the powerof thc Legislaturetoexamine I is records, and pul the best face hecould on his administration tn reply to thesearching questions with which he was plied.But M>inc of his admissions showed the loose¬ness and irregularities that exist in the office,while a witness went on thc stand who swore

to a most outrageous case of extortion, practi-cally amounting to blackmail, on the pa;t of a

deputy shei ill. Ami Mr. Davidson was com¬

pelled to suspend two other deputies for Infam¬ous proceedings Lu a divorce suit. Altogethersome of our well-paid Democratic officials willdraw a long breath of ral* I « hen thia Legisla¬ture adjourns.thal is. those of them whoseevasions or violations of the law have not siih-jeitetl them to Indictment or removal.

Before the Semite Committee taveatigatingthe Public Works Department tbe testimonywas of a startling character. The Departmentwaa called npon to produce the books showingthe original entries and other memoranda re¬

lating to thc $999 nub ra given John Hairy amiWilliam McDonald. In answer to this demandtinie was Laid before thc committee a

.crap-hook containing what purported tobe thc original papers called for. Mr.Mooney, the head of the bureau throe h whichthese orders wen- Issued, testified that the.crap book was one that he thought hailb cn in the bureau for I wo or three yeats.Hut by evidence in the book Itself, and bythe testimony °f the person whopreparad lt,tbefact was established that thc book had beenwholly malle Bp within twenty-four hours foithc special bbb) of the committee. The papers ilContained had marly all been written withinthat lime, other alleged original memo¬randa Wt ie shown to have been likewise newlyprepared. In fact, Mr. Mooney was compelledto acknowledge thal be had been unable to Bndthe original Btemoranda particularly requiredhy the committee, anil that it wa* probablydes?lovell, if it ever existed.This bj a startling condition of affairs. Mr.

Barry and Mr. McDonald wen- many thou-sandsofdollin formate-rial alleged tohave beensupplied Mr. Thompson's department. Theytool. bunk-biUti only lol then WSTTsntB OSfidno checks, and have no iccoiils whatever, amilike wisc no memory of the circumstances at tend¬ing the purchase alni ih lively of the material to

thc eily. Anil now ii is shown that the PublicWotha Department bj almost equally ihlicieiitiu molds of these peculiar truuaai-tiou*. liut

the preparation of "records" baa a still worse

look* ____________

SOLUTION nf TUE 'NILE PROBLEM,Piquancy ls added to the Soudan somplica-

tiona hy French offers of active co-operation.Lord Granville i- vaguely reported to batc ired from M. Waddington proposals for a

m ht me ofjoint aiilitary operations, the ultimatesettlement of (sante being re¬

ferred to a European conference, lt b bardi]credible thal Prance should roiuntoerfora dip..;.ile i nterprise Lo the Soudan, after decliningto ;i< i with England in suppressing the mili'.uyrevolt in Lower Egypt. Tho campaign againstArabi and his cowardly fellaheen promised tobe little mon than a if il itny promenade,whereas a march from Suakim to the relief ofKhartoun] would be fraught with difficulty andperil. The climate would prove deadlj to Eu¬ropean troops, evett to regimentswhich bad badactive service in Algeria and Tunisia] and an

advancing army would have an aneojual atrug-gle even wiih thc ioncs of natara. Tothese would be added the hostility "t

warlike tribes Of Arabs nnil tho Helliercavalry. In view of the nnfiniabed campaignin Tonquin and the financial emharraasnients ofthe Republic, Prencl intervention Lu the Bon-dan is possly Lmpiobable. The rumorthal ma-linea from the French neel are to be Lmmedi-stely landed al Suakitn is clearly preposterous.Flint li Lntrigue at Cairo precipitated thi

downfall of Cherifa Ministry. His intimate re¬

lations ivith m. Barrera wt re of greater momentiu determining tho aggiomi tn action of thcEnglish Cabinet than his ostentatious displaynf Nationalist tendencies. There la one thingwhich will not bc tolerated In England.a revi¬val ot the dual policy nt Cairo. Kven the Glad¬stone Ministry, not b Ithstanding theirn luctancetoaccep! the Inevitable eonieqnencea of the

conquest of Egypt, would be luriuenced by tbefaintest sus;.icmn ol' a resumption of FrenchIntrigue. It M. Waddington Brow to demandon behali of his Government a shara in thepacification of the Sou.lan, Lord Granvillewould lose no time In asserting theexclusire righi of England to shapethe destiny of all the Kilt countriesbs fax as Khartoum, and even be¬yond ii. The responsibilities of ad¬ministration In Lower Egypt have been shirkedsince the battle ol Tel-el Hehir. Thc LiberalMinistry have ma lc a Laborious effort to redd tn

theil pledges to and have studion U

svoidt di : Ihe at tua! burdens of Im¬perial Government. They have been unwillingto make an end ol the Cairo puppet play. Bui;¦ single diplomatic overture from Paris in the

-ai of joiut militi rj ai lion wouldi!n ni .a once to tin ir .. uses,

Events, however, ara moving so rapidly inm I that the adoption of a \ igorous policy

lan «. innot bc long di ferrcd. Ourspecial cable dispatches this morning give anadmirable summary ot the stirring event.sofIhe *¦ eek and of the statt of public

.. rule. G qi !..' Gordon perish o

ired mi bis lonely journey to Khartoum,tin Ministry will probably survive tbe debatei.M thc vni. of censure proposed hy the Conser¬vative leaders. Hut there has beena great uprising of English opinionagainst thc policy of the Government.its vacillation, ita lack of couta";*', and its un¬willingness to deal With facts as 'hey are. 'I heii asters In the Soudan and the perils of Gen-

inion's mission arc directly attributto thc In utat ion ol thc Ministry to assume theresponsibility for the government of Lower

i. Public feeling is declaring Itself un-mistakablj on this quoatlon. Thc shadow Cairo.the Khedive puppet managed by theBritish Resident, and the grinning circle ofEgyptian Pachas in the Ministry, each manipu¬lated by bis English secretary.must ci

The reality of an efficient and responsible ad-laii.i.suatioii must begin.

THE organiz trio's ol labor.At a meeting of Fall River weavers it was

urged that organised labor was the only mt

of forcing organized capitol to recognise therights ot operatives. Labor, of course, bsa a

perfed 1 Ighl to organize, and Buch organizat ionmay be advantageous to it, alwavs providedth.I. it ls irtelligentlj dsnd directed.Hut too many labor organizationa hacritical junctures manifested a curious in capac¬ity io comprehend tbe Limits of justifiableorganized action. They have seemed to thinkthal they wera warranted in using their or-

ganization in any way to accomplish tht bThej have employed y ad threats, andi pi pially bav e they uttei ipi .1 to " foreganizedcapital lu recognize their riIntel fi iing hi ween cn] ital and other workmt n.

Nor have they yet beenableb realize thalhave no "righi*'1 which lustily them in suchconduct. Every man has the righi tomin h as he can for his labor, provided nat he

aol tread up in any othei man',tlo tlic same.Now it ia this proviso thal so many labor or¬

ganization! cannot begot to respect. The1,their own rights very clearly, bu! thej donol st c tin- rights ol tbi ii neighbors. It wouldbe well hu th, in to learn thoroughly the funda¬mental principle ol civilization, thal no man can

have any rights which imply to doto bia ft Hows. All rights ara Limited and

partial. N<> man can even do as he likes withliis own. Bo to bk you; own property a.s not toinline ih.ii ot Militia i isa venerable maxim olthe common law, founded on the primary needsof society. It mw t be obsen ed 'it ;.ll rimes, or

socictj would nol hold together.Win n th. refore workingmen atti mpt'to bin¬

der othen.non-union mt n, for example.Fromobtaining i mploj incut, they \ iolate one of then.o ¦! ni,' ..taut ol' all sue i,. Laws, and .uro, ate aright totj ranniseoverothers. Wben men are appealing to society for their own ti^ht.-. it iespecially dim u ;or then to come into coutiw ith chan bands, J hia in fact ia another lei ilmaxim. "He thal seeks equity must doequity." Winn itrikers practise totiniida-lion they arc aol doing equity, and they cannot,

caplet public sympathy In approval.CLIMATIC sn ci LATI0NS,

The remarkable mildness of the present win¬ter, together with the severity of tbe floodswhich have put thc country fur and wide underwater, not unnaturally aeema to stimulate speenlotion npon the often recurring question, latheI'li.'nate of thc Eastern Btateschanging 1 Me¬teorologists and phydeists say thal observationbits mu .lustily such a belief, no matter howiifterent the seasons nmy seem t«n> from thoseif the past. They tell us it would be ucc-

uwnrj to procure observations extending over

i great many years uml ¦ very large are.i to ob¬tain the data fm an intelligent judgment.¦-.¦it net in fact cannot yet otter any positive uvI'onnatiiui on queationsol thin kimi. No donhtuSaagesof elimata eau bo traced over smallmas, uml such lhere havo heen in parts of

New-England during the present century,liiese changes, h. .we vet, are thedircef resultanttonvertiag forest into arable land. Tho re-

DOVal of the tiinher has, affected thc humidityif the attnosjiliere. ut those points, li,ts hastenedlie drying of the earth, hus caused springn and disappear, and Luis often gi\cu

tis.- to drouth and sterility. The mme eahave doubtless been bi aggravatingthe floods which an now devastating io manycities ind Iowna, Everywrs re stripping wutor-

of their forest growth tend- to Intwinter il lodi ic the streams ft d bj them, ami ofcourse in an equal ratio ti ml- io thc ic naturereduction of the same streams in Bummer,But changes of climate over large areas de¬

mand much more powerful sud comprehensiveagencies, ami in ¦chin,: f..i the possible causesol such changes we must look to ocean

cunt ut., or to solar Influences. In n

to thc first, there is ceil;.inly no groundfor supposing that any changt has takes placeor ia taking place. Tbe Gulf Stream bolds Itaold lilies, in the same volume, and di livers no

doubt the same amount of heat. The localchanges which are gradually denuding the aur-laee of the earth of trees in thia region wouldim! have any tendency to make the climatemilder, though the Consequent diminution ol'moisture to the atmosphere might render thecold less pent trating, because dryer. Um thuifar such a reduction of moisture certainlj isnot traceable, and in New -Vol k particularly thcoccasional cold spells an- a i marked as ev t r bjth.ii piercing quality which is due to atmo¬spheric saturation.We may then turn to the sun, and ask whether

theapotaon thal luminary have any Influence up¬on climate. Here Science again telli na thal shehas not solved the problem. The last minimumsun- pot period occurred in 1878, and the sun¬

spot cycles last eleven and a half yens, so thatthe present one has already panned the maxi¬mum. But wa do nol knou whether the spotsimlit a'e an increase oi a reduction in thc ag¬gregate rf the BUn'S Output of heat, ll is heldhy many astronomer^ that they an- due lothe process hy which the sim is graduallycooling. Efforts have boen aiade to trace con¬nection between these and terrestrial phenom¬ena, but no positive data exist lor the theory.Tahiti;: long periods of time ii seems doubt¬ful whether any appreciable cha igos of cli¬mate have occurred in any part of tbe earthoverlarge areal sud the occasional apparentmutations which arc noted, aa for instance..p ci; liv mild winters Like .h. present, cannot,perhaps, be regarded as justifying a belicl thatnnj permanent or Important modifications ofclimatic conditions are in \ rogr

a -u utere)) Idol.A few short month public

had i laked to stats w nor . fut an on I!.most brilliantly promising, v 11 .- Iikirn mid inf.. been "

int who has i l.i .1 ont foiran rr. ' li to induibelief. A white elephant met ¦ t,'iv;it popularcraving. V, bole gem ral lons ofhad waited for that sort of a beastonly t" "die u itbout the sight.11 Thia

tte, bul i factwini li w..uni rivi' in le career a a eil nsadclight-ftd antithetical charm, since a eirena la nothing it

I thet ';

iiiai to ; ba ¦.' \ mlohaveI a ' dolhu

I hi se ot i e reasons thatspired to induce the gcuoral impression that thuw bin ¦ is' to w j. ii the world ai ilI'uth' i an abundant barri I ! fortuneAnd i Poi apl] i" 11 . quest li :.

I...-:. i i iv* mistakeit popular " s nnlllle I,

te mournera go sbonl the streets, lt is butva the h Mer of otu l.a yesterday's sn thal

.1 bi ¦ v. bite leylandr.-lv bsardine ol an Indifferent color, rbi

I Garden, tu whii h bc bsa bet a hreceptions, ii un longer a great Bocial centremihi paid )'iin f"i tearing himfrom

¦.'¦lies ul lils youth lias .ellie in e.' n to00. But the worst remimi t.> bi

told. Ii li ehargnd na Ililli *..:<.!.tu;<'.ii lina itv that he is aol a ;>< rmanenl wkiu elephant,

.rm il rn li cti ..: buly n tentative a ititi elephant, phanl v> linwould not be w liite v re it nut that I" ii smittenV it ll a iii: dis.' Whicb CIUBH " I lie UTI .1 "1 tbl pigs

.'"':!." Iii ti:,", this Ademinpon whom wa all itoor] re.ely t'> lavish adinira

.1 kel ."ai. .-ni- . in .1 oomina toil not .i- ¦ vv bits elephant, but a whited ¦< pulchrebr revanui only,

It ii'Hie nf llie, s:tilili>-1 cases' of mi .;ii.'i' fl

fidence in bia ory -in the hist.rv ..f theand .nf..1.aa tl. ..f lending ad¬

ditional miasionariei to Asia, particularly to theiee nf Burmah, from which thia pedi

monster hails. It remains to bs seen tvhul the white'.. dfl .:ln>'K ii. I

.ii urei, he n ill adi ¦¦ i

ai i kn.i .. i.:. ubiwashing process. But now that suipicion bas bo-

i "nt device rn ill nolunion .iI di -.-. upon

1 retire tom of Burmese private life, oral to be

drawn from bis sail fate whicb will rio::i eli ba itlne circles u ...;i>l neem to bt :

j re you're H.- ;¦¦ «.i.

WES TER llESOh T.Tf fr (ht world then be one

uthcr ii is ile \".lon f comp ir.:'iv.!;, rt "t rigin In

this country, though it hal longezi lathimonarchies. Time waa whin tbe American citizenwho had mrrived tbs Bummer Beaort waa

enough to itsy si home in thc a inlet and reenper-ite. But with thc expansion of han! accounts, ii

Iththerpread of Intelligence, lt becaasevi-_. mon . i . Deeded, ind with u

pontatieooa obedience tn t!,e beautiful law of inp-l'ly and dem ind the Wintei "

lug mdedthal Inaemnch ss tho North-rn man and woi . . In i miner

they should s-k warmth lu winter,probably extraneous cousiderationi of

:i i i lilli- ii ed by caloi ii i:.i.!t.i i'ii with the matter. Accordingly thoSouth became tue theatre and Florida tho

nter i. creation. Mushroommulti

d rapidly, ind many » j<'< and bomtad :!. f..:' I it ¦ boarding-house, i'nr

a lune all went well. Impelled i>y Hie.i. -.I liken In, it is o ly

fair to say. hy the Imerutabli Provli' s-r'.-'l the lir^i lug, exhll

electric itmoipherc and the slorioui akiesoi theNorthern twister, snes rang by bosh ami otheria ..!-. Into a delusion and a snare, peraoui whocould ailonl lo travel, or could not aitortl to stay ut

le,me, ¦wanned aeieas tbs frost-Has, They ssatbau ii atonal of orangoa and Bowan sad ran-bathi,and lasy nellaingi iu aoaatj raimenton soft turf, uml Parsdin regained. Bulunfortunately the frest>Ifas is a wantonand a lu Ule j.nh'. Theie are bael uml lines. Wi¦ll know that Mason and Dixon's Una waa definitethough intangible ; and there arc philosophers whsailinn thut tbe pie-line submit* with docility tnminnnie, laws. Hut tim flSSl Mani lt is here t<>-

day ami goue to-morrow, lt waves np a .il doWBthe cuiitnieiit us a alack clulbfs-lius lu a gall "'

vi in.l imiliilatcs above thu tinniest ie mea; midw hi-if vci it goes it carries death aud tit sn ntl mu.

There is not la thia country to-day a moro trem h-SrOBSand inveterate foo BO BSBM and BfUSBSrityt'..un the fiost-liue.

Ni. fur several winters past every galo that from the South Ima brought to mir curs thewail of animist hawaii* i bimI this is men tra*

phutlcally the winter of diucniitunt Ihaaany o( ttl predecessor*. Florida ls infun and tears.frozen tears, Mbw-OiBBBBIis ipologisiug right aud loft to tbe strangers, w illniiher gates and making eitremely rsih BfoaaiNI furthe fntiirs. 'Hie only contented sojourner humOld l'oiiit Comfort lo Key Weet, so far aa wo Luvo 1

beard, li John Paul, whosaamrrd tht raeden of TukruiacNR last Sunday that Southern Qeorgii;.r< My nearly everything that il ought to he. HutJohn Pani i-. ¦ philosophei who hus always had

ii h of anatchtna. the Boweroonteutmant fromMn-(iii-tlc idvanity, and his well-knownnona after and light discredit biait rtimooy.Then in symptoms ofsresctlon againsi thia

-.iiiii. to tba South, snd people sn begin*iiinx to -isk why they should not hibernateIn a climate npon which hm nlinnea¦i.i he placed. All his; weah Montrealwai posing before the continent as a Wintei Biif a in-.- ;. rhert (un are the pro f ol n

kepi nnd not brui n, snd nd noeea a teatimonialostead "f a protest. Thus far Montrenlis suet -etleil iii maintaining hex reputation

'or steady cold weather, Bat it in not im->ossible that she may yet fall int > the

ry of placet which, liko New-York,.in e h. (il brighi skies am! a crisp atmosphere,mi an now lu-.lime th.- ¦bods offog and Blush amilamp, unpleasant bodies, lt may even doomto pan that tbe New-Zealander on hil travail willI. iufortn< .1 a hen ba mai' ea ti ii oity that thc only.nisi vvnithv Winter Resort lithe North Pom.

The }'..¦ '''h rest reports one young doctor layingher: "In cant ol thal kind you BM [a i cr¬

ain ilnn:; and it will have U certain eflbctl or it

.'.-I'l. I aa not sun which." This yoong doctor-Imiiiil he sent as¦ delegate to the National Dubs-ratio Convention. Ile isjuit the man to writs theariifplank. _

The 'lill to chant."' till muir, of StuyVessnt Turko Cooper 1'uk La .noountering opposition from.oiue oi'the newipapen which,sppareutly, do notmow what Stuyvesant Park ia. Their ignorance

lurpriaiug; tor until the bill m question was

ntroduced, probably rery tow eitiieni wen swanh.ii besidaa ill nj»ieau I Bquan, which is the¦rae piesaura ground lying on both tidi-i .'..inl-avf., lui Met n fifteenth ami Seventeenthttl. v..- It.iv*» :i mu;, reseal Park, which kt tbe littletnaugulftr incloran at tbe junction of Third andFourth a vi l,opposite the smith froul of the Coopei

ito. It J lins piece of ground, the Dame ofwhich Inn.lh anybodj knows, which it ii proposedLo all ( ooper Park, I he fact bat Stuy-

.ie bj ;i good rei ion mr not haiStuyvesant Park also, and thc aubititutiou leemi

> appropriate.The ' icnt in Introdm

lng Sha!.i ip .it to

be undertaken in connection with the Univeiats' Union. A c »one of <:^iit

let arei on t' <. 'omi di. i ol in w ill bt¦¦>¦ !, li:.' fl e tor

twontj -liv< nt I Ins i a pratittempl io brim - nd I", bl to bear npon

.en nf hi- ure whenpied in ''jumping on his mot

reported that the Mahdi declaifr.c.i on ;¦ a I! e

restinn tu knon whatthe world aro. Very feu Arabs po s, ;,i>

.. i" .< mi 1 what can b.-. heh repre icnt c. e am I b as ¦ flat,


di ibl ful if ie Mahdi knon - anj ihinir.. i' of England, France nnd Germany,certain thal beisignorant <>f the existence

i. When, tl" !. fo .'. he t ilk of conquer-v. i! '. ii mi-! be um1.; bc ii

thinking of a very different world from t it knownrna, and it may safely 1.included that

I,.- would i/.i tuonmodeit il hil information wen


Fi ni".- will -'i'l persist in excluding::i il will now have small excuse.

Ihe Fn :. !i Academy of Medicine, ii appears, has!!,'i niiiy one di aenting vote that tbebiding Importation! from this

to be repealed, snd the verdict <»f thal bodyibaolutcly final, si to tbe only pre*

ext on which Prance bi I lita a. finn.binding it decided, by ¦ tribunal from

cannot possibly appeal, that this pretext bimtirelj sand etnptv, tbe United nov, i ak villi great pn pnety on wiFrnnce diiregardi the ol commercial


And ;; iw om e more tl ' Iindictment, and it la demonstrated from copiousmedical testimony that it pi mon dis*nitrous effect npon the bj items ofthone wbo aowkeii. But whether then statements in trueoi«!.!..ker- appear t<> psy no itteotion to them. Warhas been wagi .1 against tobacco in all its formi

t waa tntrodui .¦.!;.- Kurope, but tbi coniumpil the weeii hus steadily Increased. It kt sn

generalli used now that if it really bi so to be able to show from v ital

statistic! i id bills of mortality that il is seriouslyaffei ting the health <>f thc wnrl I. Andaa cigarettes

wi, and as theyare aaid to be the most deleterious of all, the ii

.if their effects slemid t»> Imbil¦nd particularly edifying, At present it i-

lt to hu- onize the of thc ex-

rooming diseaseand that the g neral health h is never been -

itions of th Rp i.! bl turn, nndertake to prov tlis, thal aud dar vice, the

itutious ol i.i. ...ii niiii'.'.v ...- t» de¬nn, lion.


ptly acquitted a whitei::.l!i Ion idi rabi] irpnsed meed

lit il flvin of th la1 id the evidence, and ord< rt -1

of the jurors should bo taken, audthat none of them should eur again lit upon .*

ry in that court. Th y must bi ins

treatment harsh, inasmuch as in acquittii g a whitetnurdcrerof s negro they had univ followed one of

ble ami best established Southernpr cedents. Neverthel lion of the Judge

rvei co imendation, and holds outof reform in the public sentiment of tho

P gion, ____________


Kelly began his l.i. :. by keep-. : tore iii (ira::'i- t., near

Allen.'i ills-lit ol' the Broadway Hank ia Francis

iii 1833 K' waa driving ¦ stage mi

.iv. 'Ihe. 1.1 tagestand st that lim.-wasand Broad nts., En front oi tho lite >.f the

Drexel Building.Rom Bonneur la now sble to go out >>t .lim-s. she

baa derived much benefit from medical treatment,ind a complete oun is now expected, bus willip ml the rest oi' the winter sud tbe early apring inl'.h.s.Jnlm Roach kept in early life n ahou-ia

Linen li-itt., near Jackson, a ht n ba nj aired bollonuni did other work in iron. He was his own worksluau. Ile lived with his vvifo mid childres Ifl twomiall noni en the neond loee ol a tenementi.'- i by.A report waa circulated retderday thai Mr. Au-

behell was seriously ill. In.pi rystbblhome,Sa ll West Thirty-lour h M., night. Snowedthal he ia« hcen confiuod to bbl room for the Issi:e.i tl .ys, i.tit his illness, while painful, is nut din-reruns. Ile waa resting cornfortablt at IO o'clock.Johfl N. Stearns, sc. r.-tary ol the ^National 1 eiu-

israaesbectoty, was in Albany last week to urgetroll lilt inn. He hus lint J'cl fllll.V reenyered lllSlealtli, win.-b was injiiretl by overwork, lie goes".mi ii in a tow days.Y. I). Hassett, the Hayden Tonsil l-l iencrtil in thisitv,has Lieu apiininitd ( hui Bl d'Altain-s ail m-

inn, tin- U::ytieii Mini ter at Walkington havingISSn ** Bl on a Special m .Anion I" 1 iain c and BpaiB.Pbs fact that Mi Baaaeti ls aa American eltiaaawould jirovent his holding such a iioMtinn pcruia-nully."One diiy," ssys Ihe vensruble Hishop'icite (Mathirdlit) of (jeoigiu, "1 rode ten milesbrough a drenching ram to Flairsok cIiiiikW, onlyo lind two persons thi rc, a man ami a boy, AfterMilting ii few minutes I said t

' We might as well

Iffl here, aa there will be nu congregation.' But

the mnn quietly responded : 'Through five miles olpelting non I have como to hear machine? 1saw my ilutv ;i.,| replied, 'You are right, jfofl areentitle I to h.' pop ooo hour I addressed my littleoonaregut on un.l was nover listened to with inureatten lon.

\V.\sii!N(ii.iN, Keb. (».-Mr. Seth M. French, ofNew Ynrk. is at the White Homo M the Riiestof

r esidei i.________________

TALES \BOl l mus.

DEMOCRATIC AGITAT1 »B OT TIM'. TAMP*.//. a. Clark, Freeimtntof 'h.- tarin.una CM and

lr .a ;lnii is rn,ly j, limited an,t,uni>f Irt.ii lu st ck. Our Irii.te his Ikcti

for ti.- n'otiiii sf gasman insti-uml moat i-7i» net¦

miii I don't can about lt i v- I serer be | l Wal,rappoatnj they 4o take ef90 per eu; iM\ nea pla*limit We eau atm uunpetu wita England ¦asl leethaalin tho niatinfa. lute, l.ul labor will hiiv tn stain! Hie rn

.In. lint.. Hut tl-is lailtl at'iti.ti'.n ls lill iiint.ii-i.uif nnd. oenaldna ut that, if tin- Desneratk party tn.

Beta ea eking that aa teena of the eaanpalgi they bmpuie,linnl,, line ami (-Inker. Tiley are gone ny way. N.-w-V .-'{ hi!! I'Onv. i tn Hie Uti.m.luaus agata !..>..lui tlio

utasow of taeahadeof ¦ Boast The leal PieaM Bte,Weil, Mr. Artiiui¦ is ., ¦.| nimak rmaBluil tat nw. RsB and safe, nutl his itdmiiusiraUon BM I

.pll'lllll.l M i'. ul,what a h:h:nd og db. ssys.

' < //. s,,> 11'igtrr ttmitttn A'-'i'ii. ' ntaroMorHamalCkurttL.Oor troafcln win si! bs nub. asianleag, lani lMnpii', vim know, an Beear hague; without

' Hi a fight, Hint we Lilli nut nliale nf that k.lld.tte eooi.gatton en ney nail auiisinj with Mi. New-

ana,Bowran, mi at utn stay.

Banora mommy for cm-m iu;-<.The l.'er. Dr. C. ll. SI,ilium, ri,r,:Si>'iml.:.'/ BSSCSfarf of

th*AatartoamOkmrokMmtUing fmtd '.¦. siianlaw. lt lsBOWIBOI than lin .- nan sim.' tl..- ( (.'mn nt lonet*the Pnteetsnt -pieeopal Chunk i Butt*,lug Pund Cowiiii.>i..ti. Of 14,000,000, tba aa ow t allot¦uneduponby tho Board of Mmmtoaa, only 063,000 Baabeen pledged .in.i .nil. itel. Len than ow twentieth ofthe'linn'.es In this dimitry han tates ip Ibu lltllltlUtlOB

¦¦-I by tin- Qeaanl CennaOea. n.i bOI'llrd tbe desired sntii would li.e. ban1In Hirer years. Then, tOO,ttM WOrk Of tllft -.imf quarters i- regarded nttb peaMw .>i.pi«i-tinu. it aeeua itnnga Ibat there are ¦ many eletgyaan

¦iee ot' rn Ins, a lund n.r rate-;..ii purpalee, Our eaarek is far behind ii«

¦irirt'lies tn tts tiii.ssi.iti work. Tte fhxUdtng lund Ooavmission ii,.\ e m.i,ir I., in-, m about Corty chun n i In n .1

Ul', tiie-:i,ali sum il lia.-I ns.'l. Monivm ve ttenaand totten bat ia tte < n-

tral 'lillee concerning tte FundDave been visited [kepa thal tte Chareb viii,.. :.(

the m rmailaaton, and iii u tiu .t ipocdiry ¦

TAMPERING W1TB .Vita ''.'/'.¦'.-- ihe praeUei

common than moot people wouM bt lb rr.

The man who .1. es tb! knut of bu ru (to Street

kind ef ii man be is. ff ii.I -. lue oil

wouldbi Mm i.. m. If tl . a -,

uii right, ic be don ti it, t:

dop Loira WLAXD.ll, Crt*,'I. ii' '

lat Long Island < :i leeoantof tte'.nt rimes there I Well, perhaps I am. rn! ve"'

ore to convict tbe criminals, If th. |nry does aoldo lt tte farmenwmtake tte law in i -..

p bitter ti..v.. become tborongfaly aroused d I i

viiriiaiit¦¦. committees will nil In tte future. Desirable props :

is in. reisb % hi vuliin nil tte ¦ i

abound in mpgnlttcent country-seats, like Mr, Byde*i a

a in k. Vandeibl

Tilt". ROtPTl .

;»/¦ r, A. lr .Kirmn l hay* ben la

Egypt on two missions and know tte Arab people prettyeil. Tho modern Kgyptlans areamostn rablepeople.

Ten true; ¦'. En i'«li rn A n r caa B I¦.the whole tare, prortdi d, of course, ii bj wi ri nm led '<y

ei m Gordon or j em Stol I n mi at

do I think oftte course ol the English Government tn

Ihlserislsl Will, I have mi nm 'ii pi respect tat¦ocb of the niel..h. is of tte preeeal Administration n I

know that i do not .tab t" sj? Baueh ikeul tte eon .»f.nil-in this matter. lim I am remind-d l.> the

present sttaatlon tn tte soudan .if a aartooa whii'li was

publlabed in " The f.- iden Fun Almanac " of 188B, »i ¦ a

year ago. Ii represented Mr. Glad Bia lurk la utti-

tnne, a diplomat in du ie, lad a* " Kins,,f Bgypt " la wi-

rhresa,Bttdogct I on a Turkish .liv;..! suwbtegapipe, with a cometf young woman bate ;..! as

Tli'-v wera raitheach otter .ndevldeBtly enjoying ipleasaut ".re tn tM ' d of a Turk, auppooad to be tha

looked er with J. Blotts :nul r"lWgnfl1 ivis. Mell,o know, I think thal cartoon was somewhat

prophetic of tho preseni utuatton. Then kn baas, io

'. a l'.'t." too much ooqui Ung on tte perl af the

i Government auk Egypt lt is uni tte **"?*_.bowever, bul i.i ">' tl di who kn had hlijralonij mi i

AN OPEB tTICflUO BBB.Henry g. Smith, Ii rustin Casino..Ton ure wno :; tte

"Men) War " waa never tefon prouneed I.ere. It w.vs

nc., ii al ii« Germania, m.* tte SI ir rteatn, ead ai timr al tte I'.i.-iin) before, I d u aarn

i. as it ls bete. They donot gretna! tibad tte artists, onus tba!we tera

vir that M.'th'i -ai.-in"

produced it tho Cosmopolitan ai if Qed, It wn later oaprotluced here and a .wu, tte sue.

ny Wai" ts iinilrv as prOUOUneed a* th of

"Prloce Metbusalem." AU ti..- othu prodnillnaawrascouipsxattvely U/iies^_


TiibWobb or nu: Hodbbm Ambbjcab Nov-! ; i. Till l" .!'.' t WO Undi Of I. -.|'\ ri

reels linn its message is ttM. mighty for it, and the reservew hun feds that il IstooiulKbtj f»r Its msssaso. <>ir

i,i m i< h.h.I o. writers isreaerved, tm! Ita reserve docs not¦trike one is being of tte. nut lt ll.lo Us kind no one doubts, but whether its eatrtroryI..- mat ni un- bricklarer ot the arcblteet reoaaius io os

proved.- [Jillian Hawthorne in'ihe Prinosion i.. .

P. (;. Damsktob os HkbTIT Jamis'i NewBook..Well, tbe interest ia eertalnrr lot very toteose;tue ...ik is uni ono to keepn ni> nuSlatte MonUag;and, ll it bappt tied t.> be mislaid, [te privation w.iu.ii not

ippoi .' le; ¦till, one ls not sorry to hive m.-twitbit. Mr. .1 iiim a is a i|inet. riiiiniial mitt shrewd observer.winn.- delicate anpraotatton noticea many talmoi that

ivim'.d esi-a, e most people, ile ls also a penn refinement, bo thal ne sees tkmga In a way not, ju;->i-ble to ii viUiiir nilod.. Tte Academy.

Tm Krniusii or QKBAT Wm is opento question wbrther wedobouor to a poet's mi morj by»w. e. 111 i.- np ... cali fullyprcservimtalll s rubiiUb tliat

ucumulated ronud ii. ev.f.v tutt.- th .t lie ottered,every wnni almost that bas beea bs .1 sbonl Nun. An im-

ii 'Unitive write! is almost oort ila u. produce inn. I. thal is

i-iM, or much that U extravagant la tbeearij suncareer He tries his band al maa) things, snd r-r-.ils more frequently than he racCMds; li- i.- net to

.-liv lutoprmuandtomuts_eambluontora»uieieiii This was pre-eminently theeaie with Shell y. So

noet ofoureentury baaeompooed verses mi reexqubnb y

riiiisl. n'; not .''..', perhaps, In histliaest wnrk has wi Uteri

with more consmamaU .n. Aa a boy, however, Shelleybad tbe mUfortune t" produce aome taka scarcely motect helen' tifin the rav ini:.- .>f u madman: and beean rn Mwn,.M. Irvine" and "/.i.stmr.'l" he! be W ie seven¬teen the*e rhapsodies! roaiancn »". desunrd. wa eua-

poae. to occupj a piara la every complete e.liti.ui ol his

WorlDW.lTte .spectator.

rKKMiiui.s QUOTIXO..The habit of ilrop-pint lin" French uaawaree bi as cufeebliuB .- Uw «

ol piumiin:; ami the tun Uga le as fairly lo ba coosaverda vl.l.itli.ii of the sum tltn-s of the motter-tongn

thar. ButtertabttIndicates » IshbtaeMof fibre, ooth umrsvl .aid iBtailesWal. li ls tliiiuuu io

believe either in tte moral rectltuda <>r in tbs mootaiStrellifth of rt lesli OT a woman addicted ti. tile OlloU_| Ol

odd acrapa of oU.l I'll lah- [TtetetUTUaj iU-Vit'W.

Jn.iAN IIawtiiohnk OB tiik ObbaI Amiim-i'an Bovai-.It win tie American, aol iK-.-.m^- m.h tomat ts

I l.i ni lia t. ts barn In tte 1'iiiteti Buttes, bal '-e-

.;tn.-e us win be reaction ;it'..iiist old lyraaatalind exposure ol bow hypocrisies j a refutation of resp* t-

,line tils, thooda, .oid a proclamation of unaoekietloataaitruths Iartnatl, lat wi tart bord anil dlUaeuto n..i'i"v<>t.ur native talent, hst a il.iv time vv Inn the Greal Vim Ti¬

tan Novel make rta appoaranofy bat written In a fTtrrgiismroaca. and by Him.. »nih..i- ate tewsvi* pur. lyA me al In 'art never net toot uu lill' fuoito Bftte ibf

public..[Tte I'llucetou Kev lew.

PaJTbTT Kiamal PoBTIT. -Funny Ki-iuMc'swork aeeina to t otiUiui ii vital mot nf pot irv. while axt has

dona aext to aothlagla ter casi losiv. i-tloanf mini winch we oiteti timi in the renes of ovafeuipontrypaka, who aeon, ea tte otter hand, wantauj i" tint »r

eanie mipulse wi,h.mi which tte most beautiful arnuucameat of words -eems doomed to reman buts lian eu

If she was by inmir* s real |mh-i, the did lust is

little toward the matuiinir of her fiieuit/ lu that dlieition

u.s she toni worked as portee! bataan as un iietreas. lt ts

lint tn BO wnitdt-r.d ai. Ilierefi'.e, iitrtt nu nm- n.. arion rho

ahniiltl liuvc hud s taste of KoirsatM toiiirmv. ibis ItapI" ii. .1 just afnu the yuliil-atlonaf V r emly .llama "The

Mar of Seville,'' wben, meeting ter ona evening, teas¬el inned with a matliasal ft"". " Ah> Vyo J"*1 b*,n n'"''

ina \ our ulay. bo aloe I \ ouhk poetry |" with a diaboUtaiOig if emphasis on tte " v«uii«."-lTte auiimuui.