new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1890-07-05 [p 8]. · 2019. 4. 5. · newpublication& triumphant...

NEW PUBLICATION& TRIUMPHANT MALCONTENTS. CATALOC.CE (tFFICIF.I. Il.USTRE DE 1/EXPOS1 TION NATIONA1.E DES BEAIX AIITS \V CHAMP I>E MAR8 180O. Imprimcrie D'Art. A. Lemer- cler et Cie., 57 Rue de .selne. Paris. No more marvellous dlsplay of Freneh art haa ever taken plaee at Paris tlian the exhibltion last spring ln the Champ de Mars of tho picturcs and sctilpture af the "Soclete Natlonale des Beaux Arts." Thls asso clatlon, which was organiied last winter by tlie veteran paioter Melaaonler, consWts almost excluaivciy ol tbe artisu whoae celebrlty had led to thelr scleetion by tho aovcrnment to alt ln Judgment on the ulctures exhlbited in ahe great Internatlonal Kxhibltlon of last summor. They quarrelled with the " s.>cletc de* Artlstes Francais" «Ki tha subjeet of awards at the . lose Uie World'a Fair, on the banks of tlie Selne., and accord lngly detcrmlned t<> form themselves into a sepaiato boclety. They. moronvrr, rierided to take uo part lu the annual salon of tbe " Baetata des Arti«V*s Francais' at the 'palais de l'lndnstrie ln the Champ Elynees. but to hold a salon Of thelr own In tlie Cliatnp de Mars. A* theso dlssidents were roinposed af the very flower and ellto of the Freneh palntcrs now llving, aiul aa, moreover, they detcrmlned to subjeet all works efferad for exhlbiUon BB the niosl eniclal and aevero aelertion, lt is only natural that the Balon of the Champ de Mars ehonM have been Imnieasurably Mipermr t.' that of the Champ lfflf.ll1, whi, h is praatieally an arena opeu to Uie hol ik.HoI ef llie Knlchta ef BBB l'ni-li and ( hlsel. The dlsplay of ihe Caa*_P d.- Mars, rep resented ln so high a degree the cream af coiiteniporary Freneh art. that lt ls no exaggeratlon N assert that rajarterplecea were the ruie, and modcrately pood plctnrea the exceptloii. The arratigenicrit of tlw aallerte*, ioo, was graeeful. The pletures nalf way up tlie wali. so tliat there was no Beceaalty to throw l.ack the Iiead t., cxanilne them. Eaeh paintcr, by an effort which probably cannot be fro quentlx repeated. sent a collectlon of works, paintod at dlfTerent siages of his careor. which gave the mcans of Judging hla mcrits m various forms. t nder the cireuzniitanree lt must be consldered as fortunat.' that a f.trtorial record of Uils unrlvalled exhibltion shouMj tave remalned in the ezQulsttely illustrat«l cataloguo of the Champ de Mars Salon. which has rxvti eomplled and published by Mcssrs. Lcmerclei' ct (le., of Paris. BOOES OF THE WEEK. aVT.WSPAPER RF.PORTIVO IN OLPEN TIME AXD T"-DAV. By .lohu Pendlotou. l-nao, )ip. 245. (A. C. Aroiitrtmc A: iaon.i ALLERLEI. Vol. I. 8vo. pp. 108. D1CTI0XART OF NATIONAL BIOORAPIIT. Vol. XXIII. Edlted by Lealta Stephen and Sldn.-y Lec. 8vo. pp. 448. fMarnilllati A- Co.) THE CORRF.SPONDF.XCE AND Pl'BLIC PAPERS OF JOHN JAY. Edltort bv ll.-nry P. Jolinatxin. Val. 1 8vo. Pt>. 401. (<»¦ I*. Futliaio'a s.0118.1 NORTHERN ST1DIES. Bv Edmund C.osse. 12mo, pp 268. (A. Lovell & Co.) PROTOPLASM AN'D LIFE. By Charle* F. Cox. ICino, pp. 67. (N. I>. 0. Hod?es.) BOSTON CNITARlANLvM. 1820 18."0. By OoUvlus Brooka lYothlngham. ll'mo, pp. 272. (CF. P. Put- nani'a Rous., TARSIFAL,: THE FIXPINO 01 CHBJBT TIIROVOH ART- Bv Albert Ro->s Parson*. (O. P- jputnam'r Baaa THE ENGLISH NOVEL IN THE TI'.MF Of SUAKES- PEAK1 llv J. J. Jusaerand. Tranalaieil ir.m Uie Fr»neh bv Ellzarx'th S-.'e. ttvo. pp. 433. (Q. P. Pnt- uam's Son*., .THE FIVE REREEMF.RS. Bv M. J. Barnett, l'.'mo. pp. 160. (H. H. Carta-r V Oa.) MYSTERY EVANS. Bv B, l'i Baker. 12mo, pp. 206. (DaWolfe l"lak»- .A: Co.i PLAIWTALES FR.iM THE HILLS. By Eudyard Klp. Ung. 12mo. PP- 2(J8. (M. .1. Ivers * Co.; BURRITT DCRAND. Bv John McGovcrn, 12nio, pp. 818. iRond. MrNally ,t Co.) ARMOREL OF LYON1ASE. By Waltr Besant. 12roo. pp. 806. (Harper <fc Bmthers.) A2TEC TREASCRF-HOCSE. Hy Thomas A. Janvler. 12mo. pi>. 440. (Hariier Ai Bi-othera.) A MOBERV MARRIA.iF. Bv Marnuls* Clara Lanza. 12u^i, ip. 344. (Jolui W. Lovell CompBBy.) THE NEW F.VADXF.. By Trmk lloward lloive. 12mo. pp. 173. John W. Lov.'ll loinjiany.) THE MYSTERY OF M. FKLIX. By B. L.'FarJeon. 12roo. pp. 3*.r2. (J. \V. Lov.ll CaMBpaBJ.) aXeto JJiibluiitions. TN ?TFaLLA'S SHAD(»\\'. ALBERT ROSS'S b.y.t novel. The flrat ennrmou* edltlon now ready. and will all be SOLD oi'T qulek. "THOU 6HALT NOT," "HIS PRIVATK CHAltACTER." "SPEAKINft OF ELLF.N." by the *,',me autlinr. HAVE REACHED A SALE OF NEARIY 300.000 COPIE8 ln a year. Readers and Bookscllers oider AT ONCE. Prlce, 60 ccnts. G. W. DILLINGHAM, l'tiblisliei', New-Vork. ITNITTING AND CROCIIET. 2 LIBIURY OF TBIBl-NE EXTRAS. KNITTING EXTRA N'O. 4. APRUa. 1889. A 64-page pamphlet, eontalnlnn over one hundred pat- terna and seventeon illustrattons. KNITTING EXTRA NO. 5. MAY, 1890. Thla work for 1890 ls just fresh from tho presse*. and tootatn* entlrcly new matter. Same slze pamphlr-t a* tho oae published laat year; 04 paitea; nun.erous illustratlon*. Blngle coplc* of elther pauiptU'.'t sent, postatje pald. on vccipt of 25 ccnta. Addreaa THE TRIBUNE, New-York. 3nBirntnon. For Yoiiniz Ladies. City. A.A.-A.-THE REI.U BCHOQIa, . G and b l.u-l 53d-st. Ml*» Julla il. Ae.Mll«ter. prin, Iiial, surcea^lni; Mr*. Sylvanu* Reed, who contlnuen aa \lsitor. Twenty. .eventh year bcajtlna W«iii(ad*j t)>-tober 1. A-A.-MKS OALLAHER'S SCHOOL *F0R TOVNO LADIES AND L1TTLF. GIRLS, 51 Weat .",2d-i>t., will reopen 0, t. 8. M ISS PEEBLES AND MIS.S TH<*.MP*sON'i> SCHOOL FOR (ilRLS, 82 and 34 Eaat OTtli-st., New-York. Addreaa untll S.-pt. 1, core of J. Kennctiv Tod t Co., Baukrra, 45 Wall-*t., N. Y. T>i;v. .jORa an-d mrs;..oardnfr's SCHOOL FOH OIHLS. r.p? 5th.»ve. 32d year. Mr*. Gardner. author of "lllatory ln lUiyrne." if. MARY'S SCHOOL (El'ISi OPAL), 1 8 EAST 46TH-ST., A bonrdlnc and dav arhool for irlrl*. " II* Puplls pripared foi ,-ollece. irAN N ,i;m\s"> ixaTlTl'TE K.ui,d,-d ik.,7 HOME f AND DAY BCHOOL.- 280 and 28'.', at West a.d-Avc. Mme. VAN NoHMAN. Prinili*!. For Boys and Voaing Men.City. A. CLAss oi; BOYS..luta riu.-diata- ai.U advanced . (rrad,-a atudents j,reuar,'d for colleBe. law, aeleBtlBc *eJ_ioola_an_d hua|n,>a._ \V F. ( 1I.V*»L, 7- \Veat 0(itl,->l. A-CIBCULAR8 01 OOOD Bl BOOL8 I'KKl", aaata . whether for bova nr ttrla; "itv «r ,-ountrv. R. E. AVERY. Ani.-rl.-an Srhnol Bureau. 2 W,*t 14th-*t., N. Y. I A. KEMP-PROSSiiR'S Claoa for Boya. 4a 315 Muliaoii-;iv,-.. ,-.r. I2d-at., will roiMii ,Netober 1st. Bumher of puBlli liinit-d. Iudlvidual attention. R. f, r- u, tht- folicwing patron* Revd. R. Tf-rrv D. D. Jamea w. (..rard iVq. A. J. (,arl»nd, Eoq, Hon. OrBBVlUe 1*. Hawea. An4lrew H. Sn,lll, II. P._A. J. Whlte, Eaq._ UMVERS1TY CJRAMMAR S( HOOL. 1.473 Br.wdwnv. near 42d-at. 03d \<>nT Prlmarv. Conimerelal and ( laaaioal denartmpnta. M. M. HOBBV, W. L. AKIN. N. C. HENDRICKSON. Prln.'inala. WBBT F.XD HCHOOL 118 Wf**4 71«t-st. opena Rept. 80. A colleirlate school for bova: mllltarv drlll; new gymnaslum. CHESTFR DONALDSON. a. M. Musical Instruction. BAXJO *nd GflTAR uueht in twenty private lessons, wltSi or without the aid of not. s. HENRY C. DOB- SON. 1.270 Broadway, BatWBBB 32d and 33d-*is. Brooklyn. A-A.-THE BROOKLYN HEIOHTS SEMINARY. . Boardlnc and Day School for Olrls. iOtl, year opens bept_25. Addr<** for clKiilara.J3**-140 MonUipne-st. rp HE M1SJSES ELY'S school fop. oraxs, 140 AXD 142 COLCMRIA HFIOIITS. BROOKLYN, For Young I_dies.Country. COLLE(,IATK BCHOOL KOR. i.IRLS. BHOLEWOOH N. J.-Rr-op<Mir, s. j,t,.i.b«-r 20. l'r,-|>arutlon for <-ol- K-je a aperlalty. Punlla adn,itta-d lo Yaaaar. Wello*l4-y, taid Smlth on our c.-rtln, ata-. ADAL1NE W. STERLINO, CARQL1NJ-; m. ui-;rrish. a. b. _" A1HKD1UL S( IIioL Ol BT. MART, i.AHDKN CITY, L. I Term* 8400 p/T aiiniiin. Chrlatinaa t,-ini tx-plns Sent. Mi c a4,l»«). Mlaa JULIA ll.,. Prln^[pal. AKIaJN'.l.-X SC.MIN.-.I'.V |,,r Yni-rir Ladi-a, W Ch^aU-i. Pa. 3.">t,, ^rliool \.-ar Iw-sins Bept. 18. <...,al DARIaJNi.JON faEMIKARY tor Yovr-jr Ladl.-a, \V,at Cli^atei I*a. 3.,ti. -rhool v.-ar Im-sIiis S.1,1 15. liood bulltliair* rvt-naivi (.'roijiKN. and hHollliy ltva- Uon. Lanc.iae.-a, Mual,-, Drawinir. Paliillnt, \, *180 yer year. cauioguea. u. darlinuion. i*i,. d. DREW LADIL-S SLMINABY, Caraici, K. Y..Healttirill, honaellke, thoroudfc pfofreaalv*. 28th .M-ar li-I'ln* b«T)l 15. Send for TTiiistrau-d cjreular, »ith r.'f.-rencc*. >.l 0, C. BMITH, A. M. I? LMJP.4 ioLI.1,.1. FOR WOMEN ofl< ra~»'iip.-riorTar. SU vantairea ln ( S,l,iit:!i< and l*r,-|»arat>,rv Couraea of >tudy: al»<> in MlBMk and Art. H.-ata-d l.y atcarn. Fnrniali.d with an <l.-\i.t.,r. CbaMN ar.- un- niuallv in«j, rat--. S.-nd for .-ataloif,,.- to R,v. i IIAs, VAN NORDEN D. D., Pr,'ald,-rit, Elmlra, N Y. H D ORT EDWAP.D COLLEOIATE INST1TVTE for ¦* Younr Women. Buperlor bnl'dlnca, appolntnnenta and advajitatre*. 8220. Send for lllu*tiata>d catalo^ue _408. E. KIN(i. D. D., Pre* Furt Edward. N. Y. ELLMl'TH COLLEtiE POK YOl*N(r LADUSS*. London, Ont., Can. ¦_~" M V. E N. ENOLISH, ITInclpal- HOME SCHOOL I OR ulltl.s, RORDl.NTi WN. N J. Prlmarv. Oofl*flatc Piepai4iorv, Eoifllah ar.d Scleiitiflc BepartiiieiiU. Ixxa'Joi, htalth'ul I'erm* rnod^rau. For,o.i. adnrea* MARY RAYMOXD BRAJSLI.N. A B. Prln- LYXWiN HALL, I*.ift.k.-ep»le, N. Y a CMrla1 Board- laf aad Oary behool. 42d rear. Clrcular* hr ri.inl. bAMVEL W. BtCK. A. M. Jnstrn'tion For ____£ IjidieH.t'oiintry. M1SS M. M. Hl XI itonn.riy Mlaa llannc.T), .11 ao. in h-iOA r.i.i/.Aiii.i il, ... J. Thorough In.tti-Ctton In every department MFBS \n\iii.i s hoa'rpino aXd day school f..i Vounir I.dl-s and l.l ttie 'Hrl*, 1.350 1'ine-st., l'hibddpliia. 42d year hegln* ,Sept»'ml>ee 25, 1890_ Miih lii i.Ki.rv I BaardlBj' aad Day Seaaet far OtoGI Tarrvtown-on-Hudson. wlll r«cp..ii Wedn.-day, hep. teanber 171 Addreas by Jettrr untll_8e).ten.l>cr 1 _____ MORAVIAX BCM1XAR7 POR Y01 "N'» I.ADIF.S, ll.'thlchem, IVnnaylvanla. A rcntury's experlenee, omMned avlth he*t modern methods iffoids edueutlonal fa.'illtles rquallrd hy f.-aa and excelled hy none. rV EWJERSEY, i-.nrlewood, Dwlfht n.v-r. Mis. il CRF.IHHTOX ai.d MUs FARIlAll'-. SCHOOL FOR (.lKl.-i. X.-,.r Palls_lfta_of_tho Hudaon._ PENNINOTON |V. J) >K. MINARY AXD LADIF.S' C0LLI.OE. 51 at vear. Offer* rare edu.atlonal faclll- tie». moderate. IllRh and hralthful. Stram heatlnu g.» Bt. eecapea. Ea*y of accr*». TIU'S HAXLi.N. D. D.. Preaident for 21 years. R SEM1XARY..1-T paitl.ular* addreas MUS. S. J. LIFE. Rye, X. Y. HALL, liiiriitiBtaui. X. J.-The oldeat ..1 ln tl.e country for plrls wlll b.-irln IU .".I... reoi *-¦ i.t ini..-.- 29. Kor catalogue apj.l. to Mlaa CHARl-OTTE IITCOMII, Prlnclpal, or f<> the Bishop of Sew .ereey, pr.-i'l.-nt, P. ai.M'.s BA M. .ol. FOR OIRLS. Albany.X. Y . Under tlie dir. .-tioii of th» Rt. Rev. W. C. Doane. T. D.. LL. D. Term. 8400 per annum. Entranc fee 825. T**en>y-flr*-t year betVi* September 24. For cata- loguea, addreis ST. A<;NI..S SCHOOL_ Sl CATII aKIM 'i II U.L.Dloee»a_ School for young ladlea and chlldren. 288 to _r>. Wa«l.in_ton-av..., Brookhii. L. 1- For catalogue address ST. CATI1A- rtlXK. HALL._ s T EMI'I.E (JROVE LADIE8' SEMIXARY, Saratoga Springs, X. Y..Thlrtv-.lxth }e»r beplns September CHARLES P. poWp. Ph. D.. Presldrnt. THE M1SSES AXABLE'S BOARPINO SCHOOL FOR YOUXfl LaPIES. Xrw-lirun.wick N. J., wlll re- open Kept. 24th. Stud-nta. for College^_ __7 ALXVT LAKE SCHOOT^-r-irmrrly Madame Cleoa- Y* ,-nt's...ermantown, philadelphia. BoardlnK and Dav School for YouriB Ladle*. 84th year openi September 24. Academlcal and College Preparatorr Course*. PunlU enter Welle«lev on our examlnatlon. For c'rcilars ad.lres. Mra. THF.ODORA ll. RICHATTDS. Prlnclpal. Mlaa SARA tOUTSA tr.A(T. A. M-. Assoclate Prlnclpal. WI s-T WALNl'T STREET BOARDIXO SCHOOL FOB, G1RLS, 4301 Walnut St., Ph'.iadeiphla, I'a. Hon* like, thorough und progresslve. Mlsa J. Ttautmann, 1'rlu. A For Boya nn.l Young Men.Country. CADI.MV A\]> HOME Hill TEX BOY*. (Sl-ty- . Iltth year of A.edemv, F.leventh nf Home.) 'i'lior- _r* nreparaUoa f.r coiP-g.. or fo. btuiii»«_». Abeolutely li-ulll.lul locatlon and g. nuliie li..)t.e, wF.h the n.' rrllntd auiroiiniiingx. uooil gvinninlum. HJ_n_.t ref.-roncete glran and r_p,ulr d J. ll JtouT, l'rin.. Qfaeaa-fch, (oim, ALEXANDER lXSTITFTF-.-MlliUrv Boarding School, Wblte Plali.a. X. Y., puplla rec_vyd_for Uie aumincr. BHIDEXTOWX [N .I.i MILITARY INSTITl'TE, Rev*. T. H. LANDOir. A. If., Prtndpal. Lieut. T. D. LAXDOX. Ciniiiandant. AYIOA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY. Aurora. K. X. For illustrated i-lreular. addr.r.* A. K. McAI.riXE. A. M.. Prlnrinal. c E 1ELTENHAM ACA-CMY, OuONTZ. I'A. I'nexcelled locatlon and surrouiidlngs. Xew achool equlpniei.t. OynaaallllB, n.lll-rv drill, _c. Thoroueh praparatlan for'eoil.-ge or Rclenilflc school. _or elrcular, _c, addr.-n JOHN OAIaYIlf BICB. A. M..J_____________ D0BORI8 SCHOOL. GLEN COVE. NEW-YORK. A hiKh class school for bova; »000 to 4750 per Tear. Summer sesslon June 10 to September 16; tern.s, 87ft per iiaonth._B- F. O'CONXOH. B. L. Ph. D-, Direetor._ lmwood SOHOOL i-oi: IK.YS.-At Mllford. Conn _1'ar.nt- w iu. ar1' unfortunat<> In the niajjapeinent of thelr sons will do well to proflt bv the advantage orfercd bj achool. Address FRANK M. HOWE. Sup't._ F'KI.I.HOLD IXSTITUTE, Freehold. X. J.; 45th year: college pi-panttiou a apoclalty b-fllaeaa, iiipit .ciiool and rlaaaleal eeuiwea._ i (1 LEVWOQD MILITARY' IXSTITFTF.. Matawan, M N. .1. One h..ur fiom Xew-Y'oik. 5f*.t), ye.r beglna Kept. 17. 8300. C'ntaloguei of CHAS. A. JA.r'.AK, A M., I'li. l)., PrtnelpaL_. . .I.I1.LS OF M'SsEX." "Vacation School." 800 ft. ol. il Xciaton (N. J.Jlnstltute. Studv, r<-cr.'.iticn. cvi.p- lnp. hones. ponlca. donkcya, for rlding exereUe. J. WIL- bON. A. M._ _ IRVIN.i INSITTl'TE, Tarrytown-on-Hudson. N. Y. A home achool wlth reflne.1 mii roundlncs; bulltllnas ateam heated; thorotighly equlpped gymnaslum; boya prepared for Y'ale, Harvjrd and I'rinceton. A. ARMAONAC, Ph. D- Prlnclpal. MlfCHELL boyb' BC-OOL, Blllerica, Mass.," I'.ichtea-n inlb's from Boiton. on the Boston and Lowr-U lt. K. A strlctlv »elei't Famllv School for Bovs from 7 to 15 lnclusiy.-. Fall t. rm eommeueea Beptember 15. hend for Clrculnr to M. . M1TCHELL, A. M.. Frlncl|_l. POWDER POINT SCHOOL. niixbury. Ma*s._The 15 boas are ne-mb.'rs of the famllv, and havo tndlvldual uaehing; l.boiatori.s. F. B. KNAPP. 8. B. PRIVATF. Tt ITIOX FOR THE St'MMKI*. -St«_ Club of Mniint I.e«.Tt, S.-al llarhor. I-our experi- u.-.'l tutors. I'reuaraticn for Harvard. Roarlns, t> ))- nli. t-e. l.OFIS L. HOOPER. 45 Holyoke Home, Cam- hrldjre. Mass. ECTORY SCHOOL HaMDEX, COI4X. R Kor Bo\_ B823a$87S. Home liifiueneo*. thomneh si-nool system. ExteBSlie grounds; cvmnaaluin, boat- hous". e|. \.Hrri. Krv. II. i. KVEREKT, M.A.. Reetor. RIVFRY'IEW A.'ADFMY, POUOHKEEPSIE. N. Y'. 5">th year. Pr. pnre* thoroughiv for Colleire. the Oovern- n ent Acad.-n.lei. au-1 Bu.lneaa. Military Drill. BI8BEF. ( tM] N. Prlnelpala. ST. ai'STIN SCTTOOL (incor'di. BTew-BrlC-toB, Statea Island. N. Y.-A C-B3-1 Schr.ol of hlche«t rlnss for boys military system; terms, 8500; eight reshlent masters from Brown, Columbia, I_ndon, Oxford, Cnmhrldge, Duhlin and 1'arls; house and erounds (of Commod.IM Oarner) among tlie most beautlful near Xew.Y..rk well repays a \lslt. I'.ev. ALFRED ii. MoRTIMER. D. D., R-vtor. f. Tohx's .iilitTr _nBCHl5o_i . MANLlf.S. N. Y. Address WM. Y'ERBECK. T Sl'MMFK SCHOOL at the P^eksklll Military Arademy. . Lo. atlon ti.-altlifiil care and Instructlon excellent .Ii'IlN K. TILDEN. A. M., M. ]).. Princljial. Send for c ircular._ Sl MMER CAMP. on Cananda.gua Lake, wlth coach- ItiB for college exaniinatlon. J. H. LEE, Canandnlenn, X. T._ (Ut'MMER SCHOOL KOR BOYS. IO AT T1CI-: BRY'ANT SCHOOL. Ro .vn, L. I.. N. Y. (iv.-rlooklnc L. I. Sound._Send for Illustrated catalogue^ R!\IT. school. Ttvoll-n-Hudaon, N. Y. Ttie Rev. JAMES STAKJt CLARK, D. D., Reetor. Asslsta-d by flve res'.den*. teaclier«. Boys and younj; men thorouchly fltted for the best colleges and untversf. C.eR, Ki'lepttfle schools or for bnsinea*. This school offers the advnntn?ei of h.-althful locatlr.n. home comforte, fiat- clasH V-achers, thorough tralning.^sslduoua eare of health, maniiers and n.orals. and the PXer.Han of bad bovs, to eon- aclentioi. purents. looklng for a s.-hool where they may wlth ronfldence plaee thelr aon*. Sp.'Cla! Instructlon g\vn ln Physlc* and Chemlstry. The Twctity-four_ year wlll BSB-B.BCC September 10. TBE RIOHLAXD MILITARY' ACADEMY'. Worcester, Mass.. h.-elns 35th v.-ur Se|.t. 17. Claisi.-al, Scl.-ii- tlll.-. H.i«lnes*. I're|_rata.r. D.-jiartrnents. JOSF.I'H ALPEN SIIAW, A. M.. Head Maater. iTi. I'F.KK SK) LlTSi I LITaTTy" ACA I'l M V 57th rear lie.ln« Sept. 17, 1890. s.nrt f'.r .KHIX N. TILHF.N*. A. BL, M. P.. I'rlnrlpol.^ \>1F.1LAND PREPARATORY SCHOOL, I'EEKSKILL, N. Y. S'-).d for catalogue. CARL A. HAKSTROM, M._A. WF.ST C11F.TER, X. Y~.SACRED IIEART ACAD. KMY, Sele.t Cathollc for Boya. Clrcularaon apillcatlon to IIROTHER AF-L'S'T Direetor. liii: ..kva.v ACADEMY, WILBRAHAM, Massa'- ("Hl'SETTS. One ..f the haif-d../.-.. bral arad.-nitc ai.d 1.1-1. .1 «rhool» ln Xrw-I_i_land 1_* payment of B01 ln -'.(i.i.. «'ll eov.-r oidlnarv tultlon, wlti. board. f"i l':.!i term, beglcnlng Aiigual .7. smd for rataloirue t.. Rev, .;. M BTEELE, Prlnclpal. WORCf.ITER Al'ADI-'MY.-Flftv-sixti. vear. Thoroneh preparatlon foi any tniletre or sclmtiflc school. X".v buildln., admlrahlv equipp. d. Ampl" play grounds. Dor:nl_ries af.ra flve and heated by ateam. D. W. ABERCROMBIE, A. M.. Prlnclpal, Worcester, Maaa. For H. th Scxos.Coimtiy. BLAIR PRESBYTEK1AL ACADEMY. Both s- \.-. BLA1RSTOWX, XEWJERSEY. John I. Illalr. l.iuiKl.itioii. En_ll-h, Liitln, Ort.I. Ki.ii'h, German,, Diawlng. Palatlng und Pbr.leal Culture. Hieiielik.- ai.iH.lntiii*-nt-, liir.e I'lidownx-nts, low ratea, I. H. BHfMAKER, Prln^_ CLAVERACR N Y COLLEOE AXD IHPSOX ItlVI.K IXSTITUTE.-Healthf-lT and l^autlf.illy lo-at.-d ln the Hudson Rlv. Vullev. Affords sunerlor ad- M.iitae.i for thorongn and ¦yatematle ..ucation to boy* aud ulrl-. cnr-ful attantlon elvn to Ultelleetaal. s..cial m.._: and pbyalcal culture. A .-oi.s-rvaU.ry of Musle und Art of l.k'h grade, 37th v.-ar onem Bpnt. 15th. R"V. A. H. PXACK. A. M., I'r.-s. f' rAST «iREl-'NVVT( \l~..( A 11i.M V 4 Founded iso2. Both aexea. on Xanafaaaett Bay. _.aaaa heat. i.'.!... trk iiirht. F_dowed. Ta-elre cour^e». ?L'O0 a venr. r_p__b«? -- For Illustrated eatala_ra. wrlt- Rev. I. I). BLAKESLEE P. I>.. Eaat .r. ¦.... I. li. R. 1. ROCKLAXD COLLEOE, N. Y. Both sejes. Pro_"i-l -.- aad aBeeeeafnl. Mu«_ a'.d Art N|H'.-ialii». Tiioroujtii work; spi.-t.did re_uit,«. An eiiilQwinent takra ladlea at *¦_(_. Latalogues. W. 11. bannistek, Preaident. Mi'cellaneous. AUOXO THE HILLS-Thlrtv-two miles from New-Y'ork. Ordei I'l-ueiaimrii foi 1890-*91 and plcture ol e IIA1"- l'AQl'A MdCNTAlN lNSTlTt'TK., X. Y. rjJi CATID.NAI. H<)Ml. SCHOOL r0_'.LS.-Ex- __ c.-pti.iiiul oppurtuiiitv t..r _o_erleaa glil*; Eoglbh, n.usie, languar_; Une locatlon. Kor parth ulars apply to MIh« DOXOVAX'B Teaehera' Hnr.-'.. 30 East utii-»t. Ccotlicrg. AMEI'.ICAX and foii-ign prof_kors, tutors, gov.'rnra*_ and i"_. i..r- ot all btaacaea, _C., «upplird to o..e*{- -,, ni.ooii and ran.iii. s Englibh, Frcu I.. aud bp.ti.laa apoken. miriam coyrieri-:. 150 5ti.avi., eor. -Ota-et, A-DE-T TEACUER_, Amerlcan ai.d Fei.ffn, luppilod .lor all branchea, lu all lecallllea: bo eharfe. TEA. ll- i k> W'ANM'.J); no lee i'»r regisint.ou; form for sump. K. E. AVE..Y, s^i..,..i Bureao, I We*t l4tr.-»t., X. Y. AM-KICAS AXD KOKI'P.N TEACHERS' AOEXCY s.ippiie« Proft.iora, Teaehera, Tutor .iov.-rn_._, _c, to College*, S.liools and Kainllles. Ai.ply to Mr-. M I. yorX(--FULTOX. 28 Cnlon Squaia. ADtERTIsF.MEMS FOR THE XEW-YORK TIUHI'M. WILL DE RECMVED AT TH* Vl'TOWN Ol ICI.-s. Xo 1.288 Hroadway. corn.-i Thiny. lirit-ft.. until '.) p. in. DIO Broadwav, li.-tw.-.u Twenty. aeeond and Twcnty-thlrd sts.. until S p. m. -70 Waat Twenty-tblrd-at., eorner F.ighth-ave i;,_ sixih-are.; 153 Foiirtl.-ave eorner Foorta-enth-st. 700 Tlilid-ave., eorner Fortv-ieventh--t. j l.O-'li Thlrd-ave., n^ai sixty. flrit-st. 1.7(>i Pirat-ave. 100 West Portj-.c-ond-at. Nlnth-ave. and Slafi ...|_hth-*t.. an_ 69 Llb'-rtT-st.. and th'- HAHI.F.M OKFICE, 180 Ea*! One-h.mdred -and- twenty flfth-. B, ta. s p. n... at, reenlar offlee ratSB. NT. ANI) V. Y Mlll.MAl. i.llADt'ATF.S want-d fo» . pubiie BcbtfBia at l-o.hI aalarlea. Applv to w p. KERR, Manager, I'i lon Teaenen' Ageney, io A.tor Plaee, S. Y. S. llEKMI.UHOR.N S TEACHERS* AOEXCY. Oldcst and Ix-al kni.wn in I'. S. F.aUbltahed 1845. _8 East l4Ui-*t., N. Y. TEACHERS and all wantlne teaehar. ahnuld Bend fnr rlrculsri and forma <.f tl.e CENTRAL I.1H CA 1'iN- Al. Bt'REAl', l'o.|tl..n* and ta-achers n, demand for Sea- trnber. Sehuol i.roiH-itie* for aaln other* wm.i.d. A.l- dr,-i i. i'. oi.Mo.v a. M., Manager, .'a.:. WalnnUat., Philadelphia. I'.i.n._ WOMAX'fi _X< HAXOE TEACHERS' B17REA1 [toi both mippiina prof._*or*, teachera. i-rarseaeee, munlclana, hoii*nk«ep.ri. .ouipanloiu, chaperone*. ,... to college*, »(¦).<.«!. and farnlll** alao i.ookke.per*. atriiogrv phei* ai.d copyl»f*> to t..:i|i..-n tlru « Mlaa C. L. WEH.NER, 82'J Oth-ave., New-York ( _*. p Roilroaaa. _ ENNSYLVANIA Railroad. ON AND AFTER JVBB 28. 1800. Tralna leave *ution». loot of Deabroaoro aod CortlaaaU Htreria, follow*: ,.. . .,_ . Kivu a? .41. -,..,. rAfeT LINE for the V,"»t. rulimar, Veaiibul,' SI.-ci.Iiir and Parlor Car*. Arrlvra Cleveland B:-:* a. iu., I oliiuibua 5:80 a. ru., Chlr»go 5 :00 p. m.. and St. Louia 7 p. tn. ne\t day. ConuVt*. alao, for Wlllianiaport, Lo<k Haven. und IlenONo, except Bunday. and, x, <pt Saturday. ,,. n .n ,., 10,80 A. riL-'lIlt NEW-YORK AND CHICAGO MM- ,..:.. ,.,i.i,.-.u eariuaivih oi i*uiii.,ii v.-.tii,m-. Brawlng ana SUie Room, Meeping. Blnlnc. .SiiK.king and of,a,>'.Hi ( ar-. pr> a.-ntlng fl,i»n.-lal r''\"'T^ atynngrapher* and tvpewrlter*. Iinthroom* for l«>ti, aeaaa. ladb-*' n,ald, barl,-, -.lmp. lit.rn.rv aml all tiv r.iiv,-nl,-n,,-a of hoin.- .r nfllce. Llfbtfd bi ataUonai-i and iMvant* rl<-rtrl,- lltrr.ta. Arrtve-, Clnrlnnntl 0:40 »"d CM'MO f. 4", a rn p,'*t dav _ 2i0(» P. M.-ST. lOt'IS. CHICAGO AND CINCINNATI EX1T.I>S. Pullman V".tlbule Bl<>"i>inij Car and p,,,ln« Cir N'-w-York go St Loula. CMi-apo and Clnclnnatl. Paaacneer Coaeh Nt v»-York to C»lumbu». Arrlves Cln- rliinad 11 ,H, a. m.,, 5:00 p. m-. ar-.d .*st. _*_ 1:40 p. in. n^xt day. .¦3411'. M. THE WFSTERN F.XI'P.ESS for all polnu ln tl.- Weat, Nortnw»at *nd Sonthweat. I' veistltmla Menplnu Car Nrw-Ymlc to Ilttalmrg, St. Lopla, ChlcaBO, Clnclnnatl and Mcmphla. Pennaylvanla Railroad Dlnlng (.ar N.-w-York to Pi. Ind.'li.l.U. aod l*iill,.on Mnl oa *i I'lttAhure to Rli-hinon'l and Chlrairo. Arrlv.a at ( Ii.rln natl i) 30 p. n,.. Chlcaao i»:8i» p. m. n.-vt Bay. *nd W l.oula 7 00 n m. *.-con,1 rm.rnlnif. lonneet* f.r Cleveland and Toledo daily, except Saturday. *4:00 P. M. -I'a.-iti.- KM'i'?-- ******* »!""ft M,.-|ilii4.' r»i Xew-York t., Cl'leiico. IfOW-YorB to M'-n,- phla, Ma th- Klienandnah YMI<-v arrlv#ss WCCkdaya a' Colurnbus 7:15 p. m.. Cl'vel»nd 8:88 t> m. next day, and daily at Oilcairo 7:00 a. m. .".mud mnrnlna. Cn- ncts for dallv. and for Cnrrv. Erle the 011 R..(jlor,a n,.\Plnnd and Cnluml.ns exttt* Saturdav. BALTIMOUR WAMIINOTOX AXD TIIB KOPTH Wialiuifton Lln,, Ofl Bk| 1 M .l L.IflMU 1 arlor « ar-. daily, e.xcept Sundav, 10.10 a. m.. arrive Waahlnrton 8-90 p. n,.; and " Congrci*ton»l LImtrd " dallr. wltb Dlnlng Car at 8.20 p. m., arrive Waahlngton 8.2.1 p. ra.; rceular expissa, 6.&0. 8.00 and 8 30 a. BL. 2 10. 4.80. 6.00 and tf.00 p. m.. aud 12.15 nlarht. For Baltlrnora enly, 1.00 p. m. Sunday 6.15 and 8.80 a. m.. 4 BO. 5.00 and 8.00 p. m., and 12.15 nlght. For polnta on Cheaapeake aod Ohla Railway and Clnclnnatl, Sleepera. Duun/ (.ar iin.i ,.,.i,.- taroBMi), ., "" p Bi, For Loni: Kaanclt. Polnt I'lea'nnt. and lnl> nrudiat.' ,-t4- tlon- wivk-davs, 3:80, 7:10. 0:10 a. Bl., 12*00 no.,,, l :ii, 8:10 f>: 10 a)ierlal 4 :2«, 5 :'JO, »nd 7:00 p. n,. SatnrdavK rwilv. 1 L'O p. ni. Stinda-v. B 15, !< |8 a. n,.. 8:18 n. n. "''"' n,.t -"m at Aabnrv Park ,,n Mind:.,. For Atlantlr Clty, 1 :50 p. m. iThrr,,ch Rnff.-t l»a'l,.r Car anl !'.>¦ -.IWsia. eonuart* f<,r Ciite Kay. and »ith thr.,ik-h rar for Br>,»n'a Mllla and II. al H ¦¦ For Old Polnt ajin X'nrfolk, via New-York. Phll*d»1phl* * Norfolk Rallroid, 8 00 ». fn. daily exeept Sunday. aid 8:00 p. m. daily; via Baltlniore and Bay Llne. 1:10 p. m. wcek-day i. FOK PIIII.AnELPIIIA. _n*Ttaa Tralna lxiv,- aa follow* :. 0:20, 7:20, 8:00, 8 :H0, 0 (10. Chl^n'ro Llmlted, with Dlnlni 4 ar. and Jo.lo Wasliinirton I.iiult. ,1 and 11 :00 a. lll.. 12:20, l.'OO, 2:10, 3:00, 8:30, 4:00, l 30, 8*00, 0:00. 8:80, 8 :<xi. and 0 :W » Ba. and 1 :I.*» nlirht Aeromniodotlon. 11 10 a. tn., 4 :10 aod 7 :0() p. ,.. Snn- Uava Exmraa, 8:1ft, 8:30, 9:00 (10 Llmlted,, and 10 a in " no I :i.o 4:30, 5:00. IV..'I0. « :00 aod (1:00 ,, m' aad 12:1a alaht. A.-<oini,,(Kiation, 7 :oo d. aa. hho N<Mv.y,,rk Tran»fei Ooiapany "in call f,,r an* chcek haitgat'^ from and realdenee*. For t.liiK-ialilea of local Iralns apply to any tteket aseut of the CompanV. I HAS i'. I'l'OII. J. R. WOOT), idanager. General Paas'r Ag.-nl NEW YORK GENTRAr - cV ' ' Huclson RIver Railroad. A',1 Trama »rrivp at »n,l drpart from eaUANT. OBBBBTBUaX, station, Fourth Ave. and 42d St.. New York. Thb onlv RAii.noaD Rtation ix thz Crr» - TB_IX8 LEAVE Ab POLLOWS:_ 0.50 A. *»1._, iiK a,,<> VESTIBULE LIMIXED-due at ihi.aLO 10:10 a. ru. ncxi day. -._«¦ 10.',*0 A. M. ..surrilWKSlERX VESTIUCLE limit- ED-due ClBClBBBtl 7 00. Iiidlanaimlls 10:30 a. n,-, B8, Loula 0 io tv n. . .. 10.40 A. M.-SVLbTERX DAY EXI'RESS-daily cxcepl 4.30 pW-NORTII SriORE VESTIIH'LE LIMITED .Du* at Detrolt at 8:18 a. n,., Caicaga l**0 p. m. ,i"-*at day. 0.00 P. BL-FASt WT.nTERN F.XI'Rl-:SS -Tme Chlrago '.,"". Clntlnnati 8:15 p. ro., St. Loula 7:1'< a. rn- 7.30 P. M.--ADIR.'M'iACK, MONTREAL AM, MA- UAKA FALLS EXPRI.SS. m __ 9.13 9. M. PA8T BT. LOCIS AND fHK IOO SX l'l'.r.s.s-Iin",- jiidiaiiiipolia 11:20 p. ni. BBXt day, M. FI.Sm'k'-ILI:'0.^!iWhUROH I'OC'iHKF.r.P.SIE. BHIME- CLIFF (K1NOST0N), AND lll'D.aO.V-t 8 80, I10:..0. II :30 a. in., 18:80, 3:55. IBJft p "'-. »» tor Pobb*. kcrpala 10:20 a. BI.. Ial:30, 4:50, tl:.,5, 0.00. 7.30. 8 Ia i>. bi for Qarrieona (w*al l'ointi »8 :80. tll .30 a. m.. 12:8ft 18:80. 3:55. 4 :.V. 10:25 p.. m. Al.r.Ax'v-18:30. 'J M, 10:20, | 10:60, tll 80 a. m. 3:5V I :r.O. (i :0O 10:^.,, 7 80, 0:18 D. li,.. .12:00 nlght. TROV » s 3<S II., 8:80, 10 :20, 10 :50. tl 1 30 ». m., 13 30, 4:60. 6:00. 7 30, 8:18 P. BL, I 12:0O nlKot VTK A AND SYKACPBei-IBiaO. 0:.)0. 10:20, | 10IftO a. ii,., I .10, 6-00, 7 .30. P:15p BJ., f 12:00,nlght. Riu IIISI KK 0:60, 10:20. 110*0 a. m.. 4 :5o, 0:00, 7 no, 8 IS j,. bi., 18:00 r.ight. BUFFALO-0:60, .0 20, I10.5O a. Ba., 0:00. 7:30, 0 15 KIa'.IABA FAI.LS-10:20, 110.50 a. Ba, 4:50. 6:00, 7:30, BAIVAXlH>A-t9:0O, 111:30 a. m., »'J :00. 13 30, 7:30 ].. n,., 112 :00 nirht. LAKE ,.i..,i.,,, |U:iX), 111:30 a. m., {3:30 p. m. THOCSAND l>LANDS-U0:90 a. m., 4:50, 0:15 p. m., 112:00 night. ADIROVDA. K MOt'BTAlltB WI> MONI RE.Vl^-ir. 00, 1J1:30 a. n:., 7 30 9. m., 112 :00 tnglit; alao Adlion- do- k Mountain*, ¦">" p- n,. AUUl'RN, WENEVA ABD CAN ANDAIOCA-19:50. 410 :.'>(! a. in., 9:13 p. ni., tl*.':Oi. mldnlcht. __, BERKMIIRK HILLS! VIA HARLI.M DIVISION- III :10 a. iu., t 3 :.»,! p. in. .,,,. For ti. k.-t.a .d pjm^,- in Ble pin| I ar* apply at ..rand Central Station, or at Xoa. 113. ,85. fill* ana 1 llroadwny, 12 I'ark I'ia-¦<. 68 Vfeot l-'Mli-st. and 13»M,-ht. atation frcw-York 333 Wxihlinrtnn-*t., 72(1 Fultoiist. and 308 Bedford-avf., E. D.. Hr-oUlyn. Westrott'a Exprasa calla fnr and cheek* baggage from boarli ;n,d reoldence* tUruugh ta, tuatlnatton. tDaily Bxeept Bunday. (rlaMidaya aaly. Other traln* run dniiv._._ Above traln*. tlo.a.. leavlnu at 0 00. fl :..0 a. rr... 2 30 3 30 3:.'>n. 8:68, 4 :5">. <>:2.'. p. m., and 12:00 inld- nlght ita p at I88th-*t fiatlon. JOIIX M. TOI'CET, tiEOROF, II. DANIELS, Oaaml Maiiafer. Qaa'l Paaaaagw Aaeal RIE RAILWAY. THE OKLY SOlalD'-WAIN BOLTB BBBtrWBBM NEW-YORK AND CHiCACO, Ai.a BM only Un* ii-uning lt* DiNINQ CAR THROUQH TO CHICAGO. 3 00 P. M.. 0:00 P. BL, 8.30 P. M. ALL 80LID EXPRESS TRAIK8, AND FACH Ti'.MN KVB* 1 HROI l»R TO I lllCAOO WITHOUT CIIANOE 01' ANV CLAftl OF OAHB. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FA8T TIME. ^VTMTl.aTE_a%^^ UAllII t'OAL KMilM'-S. Tralna leave ttatio'i lo.,t oi Cliau,brra.*t. at bonra named brlow (Hc t. o'. of Weat jau-»t. Uve o.itn.i"* THE WBHTBKB DAV BXFKBbM. WlBO A. Ma rtm dnjr, 'l'i.- popular li:ornl.g t;»ln foi DiUKiiaiMon. Elmir*. Uocliea'er, Builalo. Xiagara ralia. M.a, .-iikIoi, n,nl4,'., i>4.i,,ia I.ak,., Clnciaiiatl. ia* W'-t and ( anada. puilnu,. I'arl'.r Car '-. Uuilalo. NEW VKSTIHILK1) LIM1TKD. 3i00 P. .11. nriv d«». Every uv on Uua bala ia now and B** IL*a .." -t.i.ii:--.! platl.-rini, ,na....g 4 .¦oii.pi.M5 Vrst.bul, d traln lor bagtage. dai, ah-eplng and dnilng iars-4 aolld Pi'llmaii irain fioin New-York, Ma SaJav maiica, Jameatown, LaK.-Mooa, Chauunqni Laku, >i.ino;,. Mtadvllle 4,id YoLigaiowr, to i^',a:'0. l'ull- ln_ veatlbalad s i¦¦ pla< ,r- NVw-YtTrB to Cicvu- land nnd N.w-Yorl; 'o Cmr'nna'l and Kt. I..,il». BBW FAMT WBHTKKN CXPIIKHn aiOO P. BL i-vrr) .!,.». Via HulfOlaJ 4i.l S'laoWB railv A kolld traln of day coacl,ea and Pullrnaii al.--p.-is lo Cbl- eajo. All elaaat-a .f poaaeoBeri carrled thrvuah «itiiout p,illn,a'i RuIT.-r, V,-s' Sle.-ptng car to Uuffalo. l' Yotibnl.-d Slv.-plni: and IU-< llulng i halr Car* l. Roeheatflr, Hamllton and Toronio. The favorlte and ni, «t eomplrte train r,ir Hamiltaio. To ronto ind prlnclpal polnta ln Canad* and Mlebluan. bUO P, Ba, rvrry day. bolld iralu uf aiooaing. Daj Paa- »cn|{fi 4iid Pijllmau Uuir,-t Sl.-.-pmg Car* to i. litca«o. \u balamajica, Corry, Meadvllle, Younga'aowa aad Marluo. l'wi.u.aii Lara froiu Youiigalowo lo cincliiuall. l'uilii.aii aleepei 'o Buitalo. Ilcket ofllce*. 401, 317. 713 and 1W Broadway. 148 Bowi-ry, 1 Rattery Place, Chambera and L.'3d-*t. fer- rle*. New-York; 831 »nd 33f Fulton-st.. Bro,,klvn 107 Rroadway, Wllllan,at.irK eorner Newark and ll,;d-on ata.. Hot,ok,-n; and Bl-w Station. J*r»ev Clty, where Ticketa and I'arlor and Slecplng Car r.-*,-rratlon» and ord.'r* for thecklug and transfer of,- ran l.- obtalued. L. P. FAP.MER. ti.-ii.-ral l*»-*.nii-r Aienl. V KW-VOKK AND LONG BRANCU RAIL- a.1 IU.AD 1 OH R1.D HAXK, I.OM, BKABCH, OCI'AX OROVE AND AMtl RT I'AKK Ui.l.MAR. M'lilN-,, LAKE AXD i*,,ixt i*i.i:asant. Tlm* table ln effect .lune 22. 1M10. Traln* 1. ave New. Yorli. f,»,t of 4 00. 8:15, 8:16 (eTpreoa), 1" 18, 11 :15 a _, 1 :80, i::30. 3:30 (axureo* I 10, :80 (,-x- priaoa fi 80 [rxpreaa), o 10 p. b>. .sunday*, 4:00, 0:00 a. !.:., 4 :00 p. in. li ,n, f..ot crtiandi ai,d Dfabroaafa^aa.. 5:30. 7:10, 0:10 i. in.. 12 ii,'.mi. Z*B0, 8:10 fejmraa*), 3:40 (expnaa, ,\,,pi l'..,l Baak), 1:20 (axBTraa), 8:20, 7 :00 p. a. Baa. dav*. 8:18, B:4fi a. m.. 3 ll p. m. Bonda.' t.alna do ii,,t st.p at 0,-ean OrOTB «',d Aaburv Park. r.UFUB BLODOETT, .1. R. wnnp, Riin*Hnt4iid*iit. <;,-ii*l Pa*». Act. P^nn. R. R ll. P. BALPWIX. Ornjl Paa* *f*nt, C. B. n of x. J. WLST BHORE ItAlIakOAD, N. Y. C. _ ii r i:. r «.. L-s* «.. ¦Tralna leara Waat UA- A aiatleo iHrw.Yark] as followa, and 18 u.iiiuta-a ^ar;l.¦r from tbe f,a,l of Jav--t.. .Ww-York lfainllt,,ii. Londoti, D and Chlrago, '.i .',', a. Bl., »5:U p, ¦., ¦*< I.*, | IB. St I.i-, .."> ¦!.".. - IS p. Bl TotOBlB 10:86 a. n, 15 :15, Kl", p. m. ifiifTalo, Ro,'h<Ht,-r. Buauenaion Bridge, .nagaro Falla, 8:80. "0:M 8. m.. -.. f.,. .$:_ p ra. l't|.a and Syraruae, 8*80, '..:.",.', a. n... '.', ,|,-, ?8 18 p rn Klnratofl :i 30 .: l.Y t:K elO:IS all 80 a. i.,.. 1)8:48. -4 -00. '6:18 aml « 1.1 p. m. CaUklll and Xlbany IJaO *7!l8 8:88, all lo a. n... i.:i 18, -i 00 ", 18, *i i". p. tn. Cranatona, W*at Polnt, Comwall, Newbtirg, 3 .to. *7:].i, 8 -.:>. .:.:¦..,, -'.i.'..-, ull 80 ;,. in 1 15, .4 im, i :*jo .:. 16 6 88, fl 10, -H-i:.', .11 :4."> p. Ii... and lo I', a. m lhl f. [, in io-,,wall anii Newbnrg, Montreal and < anada Eaat. 7:16 a, m T. I', p. in. Elegant ile^plng_ri for MutTai,,, Xlagara la'i- Detrolt. i hi,-*,/,, and ^t. l.oula on all tlir.,,.l, tralna bantnea ap,-, ia!a oll 3o h. mt, 1,3:44 |i tn. Patloi eara ta. f.*r:,l"L':, and CaJdwell. latk.- ,,..,iri-.- :, 1 at) ». m oaii\ .\..|.t Sandaj b8:45 p, m («ai,ir,lav« onlr). l*ai- lor-.-ar on ll 80 ¦ traln. Ka4ter»klll, llunt.r. Ho¬ bart, i.rand llnt.-l Mation *nd Phoanlrla, 3 80 rlO 15 aml all :i(, a. ra 1.3 I'. i>. n, 1'arior .;,r- to i.ra,:'l II.. tei and Kaata-r.klll. via Phocnlda. 10:45 and 11 SOa in 3.4.'. p, in. tralna and io ifi a. m for li,.i*it. SlMptng-rar in I 30 ». n, (Bundari onlv,. f.,r i.r*i,,l HoUl and Ph. alcla. I'ai.-n\ in. ralro and Mnuiiiaiu Houae ; 16 all 3" in.. 1.3 16 p m. P«rl»i.,-uia lo Cataklll oi, tln-h tralna. Malf-i.lay aperlal 1 16 p n. satiird'i> only, for Kaab-rolilll, Il-mt.r Il.,(s,rt. linind Hot>l Bl.n and pbaeolela. Parloi rar to i.r-ind llotrl statim aml Phoenl da. a. b. c. a. Leavea Rrooklrn, via llmokivn Annei «lo. alO 40 a. ,r,. a aud b 3 fMi p. ni. J. r-. v < :t% 1*. U l: staton elO to, all 20 in.. *8 : ¦'. 1.3 28 p i. r.iOiKIII Mo,,,t,ln ni't lln.- 3 30 ain. al>- plnir rar t-. '.- u -I II. ,<¦ suilon Ranoay* onl] 'i>..!i. fiDalli .> RatunUy. All tralna dnli .\ a For Meket* llme-tabl* parior aod alerptna -a, arronimodatlnii oi Iniormatjon, ap¬ ply onir.a. Brooklyn. 888 Waahlogton^*., 72<i I'ultoa -t Ann.'X oBlee, !",,,. "f luitonat N'-uYirk iil\ 881 B'«av. 788 ''42. 1.1*71 ll'wav, 14.3 Iloa.TT 12 I'ark ft8 H'Mth-al. and Weat short aUtlon*. t<x\ ot W,-*i 42d-at. and foot of lav-at., North RIver. C. E. I.AM- BF.RT. Oriaeral Paaaciafcr Agcut. 6 VandwMlt ave.. Xew- fatnlroacn. BULTO.-OHIOR.fl. I'Mi Etprem Tralna, vla PII1LAI/F.LPH1A U BALTIMOKE, WASHIXGTON CHICAGO, C-_Cl_-f_TI, ST. IaOUL., AXD ALL P«|..T* Wgfl. _*( i.i..ha.\ CAR 8MMFICB UX ALL TKA1XB. A') 1,- bt< XEW-YORK, foot of Ltborly-t., a* foUowa For (III* ai..., A.-O p. ni.. 11'; 15 a. m. F.r l\( IXXATI, Sl LOI'lS, 0:00 a. m.. 5 :00 p. For WASHIXUTON, BALTIMORE, 0:00 a. tn- 11: t. I:.-, OV p. m., 8:'.'0 p. ni., .0.00 |». ni., 12:15 a. ))). All tralna diilli, axeept II:.) a. m. Sunday. Tick.-t oa-Cea, 501, 415 and 1,140 Broadway, N. Y. ui.l '..i Bruailwav, Hiookhn. M'AllON i-OOT Ol' L1BERTY-T. Central R. R. of X. J.) ______ Xew-York Transfer .unpany will eall for and check hattfiage hotel or roaidoiice. _...._ J T ..PELI,. CHAS. O. SCULL, Ocu'l Manager. Gen'l Pas.enger Ageot. NEW.YOKK, ONTAKIO AM) \YE«VTEIIX HAIL- WAY (OlIPAXV. truiin leave f»ol of Jav aud 42d st* as followa: aav -t. ; 4- a. iu.. l-u-.«t., .ou a. iu.; lur Caii.iiPv-l Hall. Midriigtown, 1'ort Jerils, Montlecllo, F_l»..ur_ Uberty, tUncock, Waltoa, Delhl, Bdmeal-i, Norwicu, .Itea, iloui". Oneida, p.-troit, U.leaffo and point* Weat. I.. '.i M i. m., 4.d-st, 11:10 a. ra.; for _a_ipbcll HaiL Lake. Molionk and Miniie-.v_*ka, Wallklll Valley W* tlons, .MldUI-town. Bloon.iiiKl.urg, Ellenville. Mountaln Uale. PalUburc. Ilurlovillie, Lllx-ty. Whlte Lake. Jay-st., 8:0.) p. B., 4-d-*t., 8:13 p. n,. for < ampbel! Hall Lake* Mohonk and Mlnnewaska. Wullklli Vall.-v Sta- Uena, Hlddletown, Hl.ii.iiiiiiKburii, Ellrnvlll.', 1'ort Jervla, .Monticello, Fallsb.irg, IPiHeyville, Llbrrty, Whlte Lake, ItOaklaud. __ , __.._, Jav-it.. 4 :15 p m., 4?d-*t., 4 :.10 p. m. for Went ( orn- wall.'Orrfl Mllls, Stony Ford, Campbell Hall, Mlddletown, Bloomlnghurg. i'll'iivllle. w,__, . f Jav-st.. 8 :00 p. m., 42d-st., 0:13 p. m.; for Mlddletown, l-'allstiurir, I-llx-rtv, Walton, Xorwich, Oneida, Oawego, Rochester, Xlagara F.ll*., D-.trolt, Chieago and polnt* Weat. Jav-it.. :h»p. in., I2d-*t.. 1 43 p. ni.. Saturday* only; for ("ampb'll Hall. Mlddletown, Ellenville, 1'ort Jervla, I, I.ifx-rtv. Whlte Lake, Rockland. Dallv, throiiirh. Other train* dallv, except Suiidaye. fullman drawlnp-ronm seats and sleeplngcar berths re*ervo8 at 32:. Broadway. New-York. , _, _, J. 0. AXDI.RSOX (». P.A.. 18 F.xchan.e Pl.iee, X. Y. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW-JERSEY, Kl.Dl OF I.MtK.irV-ST.. NORTII RIVER. Tlme Taliie of Jnne 23, lbOO. 4 -;in a m. for Fl- 'mlMrtqn, Ea*u>n, B. thleheni, Atlen. town, Maueli Chunk. Wlll<e«barre, Bci.ltOO, ReadlnR, Har- rlitiur«. Tainarjua. Shan.oUn. Bt..btiry. LewUiourg. Wlll- laiu.port. 0n Mnndars for BBetOB, Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch chnnlc. Wllheabarr* and S.-nnton. 6:43 a. m. for Lake Hopatcong and Eaaton. r .." ». in f.u Klemlnrton, Eaaton, it.-.iilehem, Allen¬ town and Mauch Chunlt. On Sunday* foi Lake Jlopat- rong, Eeetou, Bethlehem, AUeatOWn, Mauch Chunk aiid Sbamokln. H.43 and 0:00 a. rn. tor Flemlnirton. Lake Mopatcong, Eaaton Bettileheni, Allentoa-n, Man. h chunk. wilkesinrr.-, Ht-ranton, K-adlng. Harrl«hurir. I'ott*vllle. Tanianiia. Sha- Kt.amokln. Bunburr i.ewuhurr. Ear'" M_e. willlama. port. Through ButTet Parlor Car to Wllllamaport. 1 (H) p. m. for Ilvmlnguai. Lake Ilnpata-onir. F.a*ton, II _hl.-hrm. All< ntown. Mauch Chunk. ReadliiK. Harrl.t.urg, Pottavllle, '..'. <)n Sandar. f..r Eaaton, B.-thlehem, Allen¬ town. Mau.-h Chunk and Fott.vllle. 1:48 p. in. for Ea»ton, Bethlehem. Allentown, Maueli chunk. Iten'lloB, llarrl»l.ur«. Wllkesborr.-, h>:ran.n, Tam-, I'ottMvllle. Sliamokln. 4 .in p. rn. for Flemtnaton, Lakn Hopatcong, Eajton, Bethlehem and Allentown B :i'i p. ui. for soii.ervllle and Flemlnirton. 6:45 l). m. for Ea*ton. Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Aeadlng. IPirrNliurB. vc. Sundav* at 3:30 p. m. 7 ;H0 ii. n». for Ea-iton Bethlehem. and Allentown. For Ked Bank. Long Brtir.ih, Ashury Park, Ocean Orovo and Polnt pleaaant, 4 .-00. 8:14, 0:13. 10:10. 11:L3 a. m., l_0 SD, l:0_ I 80, 3:30. OJOp. m. Sunday*, 4 A*)', 0:(h) a. in-, 1:00 P- m- Sunday trains do not *top _t Ocean OTOve Of Aabarjr I'ark. For Atlautle HlnhlandH, vla Matagran and Kirrport, 4.00. g ;_S, 11 :13 a. ui.. 1 :30. 4 :30, 5 :3'l, 7 :30 p. m. Sunday*. .) i.o a Bl. 4 :00 p. m. lor Lak4va..od, Toirw Rlver und Barnecat, 4:00, 8:13 *" F'ir Jieae'l. Hav.-ii. Atbntlc City, Vlneland and Brld.e. roii 4 :00 B, BJ., 1 :3° p. D. For Freebold, 4 :"XJ, 8:15, 11:15 a, m., 1:80, 4:30, 8 I _rV .th"'\,"'i.ov. 1 00. 0:00. Btlf, 10:13. 11 .15 a. m., t :!o :*'. i :' .>. 1:80, 3 00 .'. :.o, o ;10, rTw p. m. Sun- ____.' 4 00 90" a. n... 4 00 p. m. aaj., W, SANDY H(KfK route. FOR LOXO BRAXCH. OCEAX OROVE, *c. From l'ier 8 foot of Reetor-«t. For Hl-lilii.d Bea-bi S-abrlu-ht, Monmouth Reach, Long rraneh at I _. :46, 9 "0. 11 :00 a. m., 1;00, 3:13, an a'-BO n .... Sindaye, 0:30 a. m.. 1 :00 p. m. '..'or Atlantlc lllehlands 1:30. 9:0") a. m. (1 :0O Satur- daya nnlvi. |:4f», 1 30, 3:30 p. m. Sundays, 9:30 a. m., ' :°K..r'T.akewo.d. Tnm< l'.her and, 4:30, 7:45 a m 1 00, 3:4I p. .". r^ rih-roi Oc-an Orove. A«l)i.rv Tarlc, Polnt P1cn«-ipt, i-c at 7 :45, 9:00,11:00 a. B- 1:00. 3:43, 4:30, 5:30 ''' Fo- Reach n:«ven, Atlanttc City, Vlneland,, *c. 4:30 n. Bk. 1 :00 n. m. FOR PIIILADET.I'HTA. PAT.TIMORE ANI5 WA8HWOTOK. Vla Central R. R. of New Jerae 1'hlladelphla and Read- in.. R it Diul lialtlmore and niilo R. R. ,n .'or l*l.'i;"-e Bt 4 180, 7:43, 9.00, 11 30 a. BB., 1.30. 2 00 8-0 4.00, 5 00. 0:00. . :80 n. m.. 12:15 iiieh'.. SUNDAYS. -:-«, 11:00 a. B_, 2 00. 8:20, 6:00, 0:00 P' l'or I'-i'l.'.ii-r- and Waihln-ton dallv at 0:00. 11 80 (ex- r.nt Sundiy) a. n... 2:00, 3:20. 5 :0a' p. m.. 1L':15 nlKht. 1;i'r.ln* le.ill." li* 7:4.'.. 11 80 B. ir.. 1 :HO. 4:00. 3:00. 7 -8') p rn. il- '."> night, exeept Batorday ni-ht., havo 011- noetlon for Ib-adlng, Barrtaburg. l'otuvllle, &c. For Bunb. n Lewtabnrg and Wllllamauort, vla Phila- delDhla. at 7 I'. a. m. d :30 Buffe' Partar ( ar), 7 p. m.. l-j 13 miani.hf lexcepl Baturday night), Bundajra 0 p. m. TlrkeU and iSirk-r-Car *eats can bo pn cured at 71, .01. 413 '..44 1 lio. 1,328 Broadwav. 7.S7 Oth-av*., 1'04 weat 123th _t.: ir>. imai I26th-t., New.York; 4 Court-st.. 8(50 Fulton-«t., 9S Broadway Brooklyn. . Xew-York Tranafei Oompeay will eall for aud check baeirace from hot.-I or r-«lden.'». I EUIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. I'ASSENOI.R TRAINS leave foot of Cortlandt and Liettbroaaea at*. a-i followi: 7 a tn for Slatln-ton and Intermedlate polnt*. 8 a 111 for .ieneia. l.v.m-., Elmira. Rocbea>t.>r, nutlalo and tlie Weat, and |.r.ipal loeal P"lnt* Chalr car to I.\.,m and Fullman car to Suapentlon Brldjre. H 20 a 111 for Mau.-h Chunk and Intermedlate polnt*. 11 a in- for L. snd 11. .lunctlnu and Intermedlate polnt*. chalr rar to Mau.'h Chunk. 1 ni f..r TnnkhannOCh and Intermedlate polnt.. Chulr c:ir to Tunlthannock. Conncctlon to Readlng and Ha'trlro)'r.r"m for Elmira nnd prlnclpal Intermedlate polnta. Chalr ear 10 WHkeahane and Puiiman sieeper 8a Suap.-n- °l0| ;So P-*B_i ''*r Ma'"-'! Chunk and intermedlate point*. Ph-li.' rar tfl Mau.'h Chunk. ', 10 p iu. for Mau.'h Chunk and intermedlate polnt*. Coiinectlon t,. Readini; and Harrl«burg. ____.. 7 1" for (ien.-va. LyOBB. Elmira, Rochester, BnlTalo and the Bfea*. N-8BBB sieeper to Lyon.1 and Su<p"ii*lon "ri'ir_ln» l.-avlng at 8 a. m., 11 a. m., 1 p. m. and 8:40 p. m- connect for all polnt-. In Mahanoy and Hazlcton coal reglona. sr.VDAY TRAINS. 8 a m for Mamh chunk. Har.leton and Intermedlate BBlata, aiid lt ». ni. for Shenandoah and lntermedlato 1)0 V10 pa m. for Mau'-h Chunk nnd Intermedlnta- polnt*. 7 p m fot Oenetra, Lvon*. F.lmlro. Rochester. liulfalo and the w.-t. puiiman aleeper to Lyon* ;.nd Baapaaatfla Brlflee. C-neral Fait-rn Ofllee, 233 Broadway. 5tfamboa[9. D°._;_F*LL RIVER LINE. FOl'. BOSTOX, NEWPORT, PAJUti KIVI'.U, l'EOVl- Di.M 1-;, und .ill rn jH.lnt.-. F0..1 ht.:_n..-ri 111 commtoalott.PUR1TAX. pil...i;i.M FRoVlDEXCK and OLD COLOXY. T»o eaeh wa> w..k il:...- ouo 011 .>uud:ii».) I in.- .n attached to ea.ii veaael. Leave Xew.York from l't. r -i). N. R. iold number), f. 01 ..I M'.rrai -U :n foUow 1 5:30 1*. 14..Kor Fall Rlver dlrect, conneetlne wlth e\. ntnei traln _ue Park Bquare Btatlon. Bo«'..n. .'.:.'.<) a. M. ., 15 l». .M. For Newport and 1-all Rlver; due Newport ;, 15' Fall Rlver 7 A. Nl connectlna with expreaa t.aiu .lu.- i'..rr Banar*Statlon, floaton, 0:00 .v u. Retunneg tralna learu I'urk Suunr Btatlon, Boston, at 0 nnd 7 I* .*>f. st'-aiie leavea Fill Rlver Bl 7 :3i: and .-i:.3 !'. M. Newport 0 00 P. M. due New-York 7 :00 A. M. SINDAV-. leav. X> w York at 8:80 l' M. f»r all polnts. ItetumlPB l.ave i'ark square Statloa. Boston, 7 i*. M. Pl'LLMAN Vl.-TIBI l.l EXPRESS TRAIX8 l.etneeu .1 ,- l.ii.iiiiu at Rlvet and iso-'.m Conn.'et:ou*.iy Anaea boat dallv fr.nn llrmklyn, 3 P. M. leaaev ltv 4 1*. M. TlckeU and lUteroom* may l.e 'tain.-d li. New-York at 201. 718 >.'4( D.%7. and 1 828 Mp'. ..:.'. 1.170 _th_v«\: 204 We»t l'.'3th-st. and 134 lJSth-t.: 143 Bowerr. Astot House and Wlndsor li'otel; Llii" Offlee, Pler 28 X. U_ and on ..t_!iier*:_*_ BOSTON.VIA8T0NINGT0N LINE. _r__»V_0_aB I-.. WO-l) I>II II. !4T_tU_U_X___I PI_R apd WA I. 11 HILL. tteaaen islaxo a.:d KARRA-AXSETT Lea.e New pier 80 X. R.. one biock abov. Canal-*t., at 5 p. 1:1., sundayi ex.-eptedj_ NORWICHLINE rO. r.u->.i'N, wullil.-n.>. SKH-_OXiH>A.Noit> '.\1C1I, V. llill. MOL'NiAl.Vs, all polnt- XoKTII JJ'd EA8T. bTEAMER- leave Hi.-r 40 .S'UIU'il RIVER. Betl ,lr above l.l .MiUo.'.-.i.v.M 1EKRV, UAILV ibundaya excepted), at3..0p 1:1.._ D1J.1..II1 M 1. 1..M BJSION to the roi'htrv ov.-r sun. day. Kare for the round trlp to New-Lond-m iPet^uot and Fort lirlnvgld.. *'_, lo Norwlch. tha Roae of Xew-Englnud, if_ 26. Tlekete ....«1 up s1t.1r.1a> ui-i.t. down bj itea._r leavlng Korwleh leUowug Boaday ai 7 p. aa., Xcw-Loudun. " -HKEJS .ind 5TATF.ROOMS SF.CfRED Bt V 47. -oi 8X1. 3-t7, :.,.i. i.i.t 71.1 '...'.7 and l,_sa Broadi -.- M ind' 143 Bowerr- ll1 BRO< KLYX, 4 Court-at. and :«l Fuiton orllcfi'Wen.'otl s Exm-esa. 1'IER 10, and ON 5'lKAi.EltS WI.STCOTT's EXPRESS wlll CALL for »nrt (HE. K BA__A_E fron. HOTKLS i.n.1 HEsl- DJaiXI I s <l W. ItRADV. Airent. PROVIDENCE UNE f,,r BOSTOX PBOVIDEXCE WOKCEBTKR aod all BTaw. England noinu. Poll nlght'a real Bhoiteat rall ri.le. B_B__r< COXXEl riOUT ai.d MA.SsAClJ.M.1 ra wlll leave Pler 89, N- K. foot Warron-at., at 6:3" p. ra. dallv, .x1.pi_ui.uav1, Pnvldeace 0 a. u. Boston 7 1- a. m. A iii.- orcht-tra ou eaeh aieamei Tlcaot* and lUterooin* aeeared at 120. 237, 201, 8.1, 044 a.d 887 Hr ...1 way, AL... Houae, H'n u-o; _nd Co*BMpoll_n Hotela, all offieea N Y. Ir..-fr C ... X. V. and llro<«.:yu, who w'll eall fnr and check tiacsai;.' hota.l or ri>idem 0 to destl- nat'.on. 1 i.oue ciil. Corlbndt 8.32S. HudsonRiver by Day light. Day Line BMMMBBj NEW.YOKK .or.ALIIA.NY laaily (ex.ept :viiiday».> Leave Brooklyn. FuSlon-at. .*'v Anii.x).8 :(_ a. m. Po. Xew-lorlc, _>e»bro_en-at.B to do. Do. d... Weat .2u-»t. noo da For AI.BAVY, laiidlnn at Vonken, Weat polnt. Now. burg. Poughkeepale, Rblnebe. U, Caukill and Iludaoii. Retnrflli.K leave All.n ai *. .;.' .1 ni. onxe. r: Wl st POIXT, XEWBI RO, an.l k*OHQ___f__I_, wlth down i.-.i RlllNEBP.L'K (tn few with lalei an.l l>.'i R. R. foi r.-iorta of th.- 1 utikilli. A l-Slill.l. -i.lai um. .... ..t.klll Mt, K. R. Al.Il.v.N V witi, tralna for M._..i. I-I1-, Ituilalo and i__ Wi-ii II01.U111 aud tli- Eaat; al and 11... NorUi, and STl.i 1AI. TRAINs lo and flom Surata._a. Tba N.-w.Vork Tiainf. r (,, wlll .:»u for and clitUi bai<i-'a«. from i.-.i. ii and realdaaeas. X Auo 88**8.BB attacU- «a. .*.i aaaaaBaa. fitcamboati. ALBANY BOATS, PEQPLE'S LINE. Steam.r. DREW and DEAN RICHMOND leave (old Dler 41) NorUi RIver, fool (anal-»t., at 0 p. m-j Brooklyn. fulum-at., via annex. 5 p. n>- *onn*etln_ wtth exprr** tralna for Saratoira La*e George, and all Adlroiidacii*. 8haron Spring*. 4 (,o|»r«to»n, Thon»aud Ialand*, and Nlaa-ar* Falla. SATIRKAY BIWH'I sieaMER tonnecU with Sunday momlng train for Saratotr*. _ HDDSON RIVER STE AMER Mary PowelL LEAVINO WEST 22D ST. PIER 8 80 P. *L SATURDAYK >P. M. (faundays exeepted.) _ for CRANSTON8 WEST POINT. CORNWALL. NEW- B%BMB ^W-HAlaffrtfBO, MlfaTON. PoCOHKEEP- SIE. IIYDE I'ARK. and RiaXDOtf._ A -SARATfBJA EXCl'RSION. f4.60; A. LAKE OKOROB. 87.30, THOY. 82.50. good durlng aeu*on. Troy baal* .'Ity of Trov or P, r 4(1 N R foot Weat 10th-at., daily excei.t Saturday. 9 V m. EXPRKJsS TIlAiNS TOR BAKAWa. LaKE fjEOEOE AXD ADIRONDACKS. Sundoy oteomer tanii-ho* at Albany.__________________ A -SEW-HAVEiN, 75c. J\. EXCL'RSION (uood 0 dayaV 81 28- isiearner* C. BL NORTHAM ana coST1.NE.NTAL leo Pwk allD l'ler 26 E. R.. 3 p. Di. and 11 p. m. 'hnnoa-a liTi. ,,, ,,"n.*ti,7jr at BeV.fiaraa w»h apeelal traln* for MERIDI-.X. II AR'I rOBU _ai'^B«l^f__ HOL- YOKE *e. Thronirh tlcket* »o!d and bovBage ^heeked at (.44 Broadway, New-York. and 4 Court-at., Brooklyn._ PAT8KILL MOU.NTA LVS-Sieiwiiers K \ AT; \J ERSKII.L and CATSKILL )"*ve Pler 33. V R f.xrt of Jav-*t.. every week dav at 8 p. m.. connertlnr "Nh C*t*klll Mour.ta'ln and Cairo R. R. Dlrertorv of *umti<r and Loordln. ho.i.ea fr«> at tler or ma,.at to any addreaa by W. J. Hl'GHES. Treaeurer. Catoklll, BJ. T._ HLTD60N AND COYSACKIE. - Stramars IAATFRSKILL and THOMAS M, MANM S leave Pler 83, N. R.. foot of Jay-*t, every week day at 0 p. rn., eon- nectlng with Boaton and Albanv R- R. jfinannnl. SAFEINVESTMENTS. We Own and Offer, Subjeet to Saio; 930.800 Clty .fBrlrlarp*n. Coon., 7a. 8100,000 hnn.ii. f Hy. U*m *". §100.000 fpokanr F«ll", IVnob., 0*. 950,000 l)or*«e Ooonty. Neb.. .1*. 90.1.000 <Tly of Chnttnnao*a, Tenn., .Ia, 97.1,090 City ol B*8*_ Fnll*. BL Dalu. -I*. 9N1,000 Clty oI'Dayton. Ohio, *,«. 944,000 Clry of Haalnnw, Hleh., .1*. 91.1.009 CHy of A ni i«... \VI*.. 6a. O'a'M.OOO Moline, IIL, Hehool .1*. 944,000 Delevnn Ti... III., .1*. 3V>a, Ba. 4,1(1.11011 Ilol.ire.r, Nrb.. Mrhool (I*. 910.000 Cheyenne I'eiinty, Nrb., 0*. 917,000 (ity ol Flnrilny. O., Mehool 6b. 910,100 Younxntown. O., Hrhool Oa. 9*2.1,000 "mm nl,- Street Knllwny Ua. 83S.000 Pi, ishura. lia*.. Wnirr Co. 6a. The abov* secmltle* aro eepeelally adapted for tha ln- veatmenta of Indlvldual*. Trusieea of E«tate*, Savlnga Inatltutlona, *t<-. Our rlreular fju*t l»*>ied\ glvlng Ml de*cr1ptlnn of the choleeat llno of Securltle* on the raarket, molled on appllcatlon. ________ N. W. Harris& Company, nANKF.Iia., 163-16.1 Drnrborn-at., CHICAGO. 70 StHte-M., Ilo.lon. CITY OF ANTHONY, KAN., 20-YEAR 6 PER CENT. BONDS. 1NTEREST PAYABLE JANUARY AND JLLT AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, NEW-YORK. Prlro, 10'i 1-aJ aod neerned Intereai. ALMA, NEBRASKA, Court House 20-YEAR 6 PER CENT. BONDS. Prlce, 10*2 nntl nrrr.ied lotereat. ALSO A LINE OF INVEST11ENT BBtlJMWM FAYINIi FKO.II i l-'i io 0 I-i PER CENT. FOK SALE BY GRISWOLD & GILLETT, 3 WILL ST., NKW-YOKK. fhe Middlesex ganking Company, MIDDLETOWS, CONN. I'tiiii ii'ini, .... 9600,000 Ofl'er* 0 per renl. Debenturrs, ac-iirM by rtej>o»it of 1*1 mortcacea with tln- I oion Tru.l t nmiiiiny of New-York. Ar.iouut .f laaue Huiiled by l.uw. | oonecllrul Tru*tee*, Exrrulor*. elr., ean i.T,-af m th.-»e bmida. ERANK R. JOIINSON. New-York Agent, _ '_81 and 83 Broad-at. Southern Pacific R. R. Co \otice of iti:iii;ui*i io\. All ii.r-.ona l.oldlng nny of the bonda of the Sontb.rn paeiae Kall.oad Company ar>- bereby notin.d that ther.- ll bo« *l'i tl>'' hand' of Ihe uiid"r*lgn.'l TruaVej, under the mortaaa** by »hi,*h tbe pavnunt of aaid boMa la u lurc'l, the auin of Ono llnnilr^d Thouaand Dollar*. 8,,ld, whi, h. under tho ter,.* of aaid BMTtfam, la appll,'*ble u> th^ r^.lemptlon or imr.'ha*" »f aald h,,i,da. aml tlut tha un- d.-rsiKii, il «!ll r-'iv,' aealrd propoaala at, u,,- Land oni,-,' of aaid Company, eorner ,,, rnurtn aaid Toanaend -.ta.. mji Kranclseo lor the lurrendi r,,( -.ild bonda untll Wed.. adar, tho tw.ntv-thirJ ilay of July. Is'.K), at whlrh time i,r.i,,,^al» will i.e opened, r.uu ^!Kll bond* aa ar,- ,,r?.>r'a1 at ta, lirlce will Ih- ndeemed or pn liaaed ta, th' amonnt af,«r.-*ald Pr,,.,,->!- to h< lodoraed "PnnoMl* for Burrender »f the Kir-t Aortgaga U.,nJ- bouth. ro Pa. ta.- Railroad i ....,]..,,.v." li. ti. Mll.l.s,. I Tr,.»,,,.« (.. L. I.WSIM., I lrl" v tsan Franelaeo. Jnne 18, ^90. POHTLAM). OHEI'ON. i;OI.I) UO YKAU Oa. CHATTANOIH'A, TF.NN.. III YEAR 3a. PLATTsniHTII CITY. NKB., l.L'20 YEAR 6a. hasiuni;ton cointv, neh.. -ao yeak .1*. pl'ebi.o. colorado. miiool di*»trict.1a. nnd other eliolee bo.ul. for INVESTMENT, oviiiri! und nllereil hy BLAIR&CO., Bankers, 10 UALI. HTH8ET. Purtlier pnrlleulnr. on ii|.|>l,. nilon Inper*on orby letier. A (.,-iienil Bnuklua Hii.tue*. TrHii.Hi led. BOND CALL. IMHANA. iioider* ..t Ctaj afTarra Uavta iivi. aXD OBB_ALP i'l n 'i:vr f iiiiii," i.umi-. a it. a isnr,. .lailna 1909, op- Uaaal aflei \*:»>. ar.- aavafey aallBad tliat baoBa- ar^ eaii-ai for poyn.ent. Int-r. at t.i--, afbat July l 1980. R.,;,dR will l>e eaalx'd U|K)li BWaWtatlBB at BM bBNM "f l'W>N, LtM ii B 00., Ba. -' Wai. -t.. BaW'Tarh, .r IJl'IOLXr, HAKKAHAM ., I l.l \., ii Wuii-at N.-w-York. W. \V II All la (.iti I:. i.,irer. July 1, 18W._T«r^ H*ute, Ind._ HETU0P0L1T.IH TRIST (OMPAXI op tiik <-ITY ok bbw TaaltL No*. .;? aud 110 Wnll-.i. Cnr.RalaudS,ir|.lu* ., ..«|.HH-i,*100 OS Dea.giiaU'U Uy '.ia*r oi auprcne court aa i-'K4i de poaiu.ry. Will reoeivo deiMjuit* if money on lataioat, ael a. Uacol or iranalrr aaeul, Of iruaie* for corporai.ona, .uij aevepl and eaecuto any legal tru*ta from pera.oia or corpo- r »iL,.,i» ou as favoral'lc ...rrt:. *a othor ¦ltui lat oompaiiiea. THOM \> HILI.HOI'HC, PraaldanL FREDERICK D. TA1*1'I-'.N, Vi,-o ProMdaul (.HAS M. JESPP. :',l v. -.Prexldctlt. _Iil.Vl'Ri.v ill'.\,'. Becirta _ DERKELKV LlrKIM A»ui | \ 1 H»N. Lim- Ja it. ,i Btoekbotderi ara heretrj aottBed thal t aivoia'. ¦MaHlBB wlU b* held at i'-' Weal MUt-*l m, afternoon, afuli 10 it i ,.. t.i*lder the i.r,>ia,4.-,| in. r. h-.- nt ti.- rapltaJ itoch t., 88lX>,p00 in order ,.f ti,.- Hoard ol Dlr*»tor». I CLARK READ laot'y. MMITIU'IIV PACIPII K r. .o. NO. I.' llll'iAli ST.. MW-YliRK (ITY. July 1. 1S90. iVOTICE i** lior»*i,y fiTan nadar tha tatamai of -' the r.a.,lutlon of tli>- lloai.l af Klr,- t,,r» ,f lh.- \,.ih. rn raeill. Kalli,,ad l',,ii,|aiiy «d.M ¦ that ¦ ..ill ,,r tu,,,'! I\\s. |4 r ..-nt tlila dav m..|,. ,,,, -.,¦ 1,^,-r.|>- Maaa aa xarthaaa PbcIIi Rafaraa4 Oaafaaj di,'i laartaovaaa Ci,n».,iid»ted Ifaiaaaai faaal aaaala, bbjbbbi \.,' I, 1499, and a fuither aud Hnal aall af Iwaaly-Bve per eeiit I* n.ade BBTB8I8 s"l'1 '. B**a48aVaV at alilch dal.' th.- bonda will Ih> d.llwi.-d ind a«-,-r,id int,,. «t BB »>it,a,-rlpli,>na i(1,,i-t,.| I'aim, nts of .¦.,11a aiid ,il,\.i\ ,,f Im ml. » ,]'. |». t: ».|.. at tli>- ,,ftl.t BM i-i¦¦ra* I.imii BBdl Truat (',.,. No. L'll N,-w-Y.rk Clty, XiillTill.RX iv, ui, BAILBOAO ("MI'snv Hy IH.NRY Vll.l.AI'.D. n_Caliuian of Ui,- lUiaid. \%r\N"rKI>'-Tid.non t<» $500,000 iii l,nlk * " 4>ima al 4 oer cent. ujy..n ulll-vdce clly liumneaa aaaaartr. *n to 4.0 i*r <->mt -aiuation. ' L. I-BKBBAUM. Mi Droaaieay. iantur. ana Broketf. Kissam, Whitney & Co,- Bankers and Brokers 11 RROAO aaTHEET. Mll.l,** Hl U.DIX; rXTFRKHT Al.I.OWri) <)N IHTPOxfT ACCOUS. Bff tAFT ATHKIHT. OOVKRNMKNT BT_?l LAXDBAlLROADB___Krn_» bOTjnU ANI. noI.D KORCASH OK I I'OM MA1U.TN. _____&_ JFXT TO DRAFT ATHl JBCXICIPAL P. W. Oallandet A Go.. KAMtliKS, COMMIRCIAI, PAPER. MTOCKB A .0 BQ«D\ WAM.-MT., (OII. BUOABWAY, HEXRY FITCII. Jr.. \ .*» _r,_. Member R. Y V_«k Eichen.*.. I "BjW.TORR. ll.t-reet wlll be rr><Jite<l under d_U> of J'llf 1< ^__ lay, J'i!. tlal JA.MI-.S oLWKLL. Preaident. Giunngo BanKe. Bfi IM SIVIKGS INSTlffltIC 811 AND 34.1 ri'iWF.RY The Tru»tee« bae dc-lar.d a dl-. Ideml for the »u iwaiL. erdluR June 30. 1890, on all depoalUr. enlltied U.. r^_ und'-r the hv-lawa at the rate of 4 per eeot. per ana,» on iiini. of 8.100 and under, aod on tn.- e.xcea* ,,f a.yv, jj not exce.dlng BB 00V at the _.<¦ 0f 3 per cent. p. ai.n __ payable, on and after Julv 21 1989 ^ A.NI.REW MILIA, Preaident. CHARLES MIEHLIXO s<-. -».ry_ _ EMICRAN7 IN0U8TRIAL 8AVIN88 BANK, 91 i IIA71 BER* VI., ..KW-VORR. NEW-YORK, June BO. 1*90. DIVIDEND.The Truauea of tha Bank hare «ra__ that Intereat be ptld lo l)>p..aiiora enUtled th-r»v, t-Z the alx monthi. emting dat- at Uie rate of l_r_ _,g One-Half per ent i>-r <_ all aiuna up to tbe I_S ol Three Thou»_iid Dollara (43.000,. InOreot wlll be rredite, und'-r .' wlll be payable oii ai.d aftei Moiida JA.MI-.S <>' DAVID LF.l'WU'H. .j" IN8TITUTI0H FOR THE8AVIN6S OF lHlllllf < I.KRR . NO. 20 UXIO.V MJlARF. A dlvtdend. haa been d'-alare, to Depoaitom en>i>l*4 Oieret" under tlie By-Lawa for the alx rr.-.n.l.a n.iitug Jaa, 30, 1MMI, at tl.e rat. ..f Three aa, (lae-IUlf per . -> _, per Auniiai, on all BBBBl from 85 ta. 83,000, payablo a* aud after __BBBf, Jaly *il. 1S90. D.poalta nrr re. el.ed from all priaona. und nni e|. rlualvely frnin >«' ( lerk*. -n.l If m!« aa a, belor.- July a. ill <lrnw In.rir-l frsm Jaly I «>. ANIilU'.W WARNLR, Preahteot, vvil.I.liM T LAWBXXCE, .>¦-. ¦'.... IM0\ 1)1 _K __VI..-S I..STITI TIU I," Hr.,i.,l.a.,i. IJ.I .*!. aad Oih Ave., NEW V .n. Interest ut Um uaual rat... iiainely, Fol'R per r-ul p_ aniiuiii. up t.. tl.Qot). am! 'lllllKi: p_ renl ..n aoj -x _| o\er njOm, haa i-ei, a-*.. lai bm BB.-aa naif j_r bf the |t.,ard of Trnat,-*a. on ur a/t-r July 10. or, If not wlthdraian, tK-a:lti« lnt*teat fron. July 1. Op.ii M...iday» tlll 7, Maiuiai _a tlll noon "tl.-r dart tlll Bfaaar depoaiu-d on or befor* July 10 draw» intoree) from July I. . S ll BUTOH-Rt Pre»*4aa_ OARDM'R B Iltl'IN, Trea«urer. CIIARLFM t BPRAOl'E -.r»Ury._ liEKMA.N SAVIN'.S BANK, IX IHE ( IIY .'I XE*J V KK, CO-tX-A 4IH-AVE ANI. MIH-ST-. new-vkk. jun» tf. xamx INTF-FiEST it tho rate of'! III.KK AXD "M:- 1 BALF I. PER int par b_bb_ aill ba aeeregttag rt.-l«»lt<>ri f'-r tli- ala aioa._ eadUna June 10 I-'.*'. ..n all aums entltleal tli, r-t.. aaiOM* t'.e Bjr_H_, n.t . \ --dlog thn-e thouM.ii'1 (43,000. dollare illll.'P BI*->1N'.1 H. Pr»»ld'Bt. 0._F. AMTUOtt, Ir. a-ur.-r. Tlll. I1ANK K'.R BAVIROB, .17 BI.FF.l Kk.R->I VI W V'.KK luly .. 1WI THE H<»AKI) <>F TRU3TEES baa* -l.*< !-tro4 tl.e BBMl BB__ U.e l.Mll.l l.« (if Ul* \tf. Iaw». for tli>- kIx niontht endliiB tl.e Sttri J'.u-, ae follo«« At the rate of four i4 |wr eeal P"r annum <*i al. . . o( e'. and upward. no* .v'...u.« *A<«'; iaia'..e on ul aft. r U.e thlrd .Mondav l..ln. the '^1 .t der of thla _io.,»h. Tl.U interent: ln at once p. the credlt of tor« prlnclpal on Um rtr«t ln«t. wliew lt *ui.4e ' »« a dep..Mi It wlll be entered >.n lh<- iM.«K-NN)k< Bt »nT Ume wh renulred on and aftar tn» '.'.t ln»t. SlF.RRirr TRIMBLK. Preeld. nt. ROBF.RT S. HOLT B-eretary. _ IRVlN.i BAVIXON IN-.Ttl.-TI "N NI.W YollK 1800. r|1 HF. TBl'STEES of tiu- iRatitution baya .l. L clared Inb-reet aa n'A - .m« r'mali.lna BB durl the three nr Blfl inon'lia endlna J'u.e 30. at the ra POl'R I'l'.R .-NT _»-r aiiti'im on 41 ca. and under NT I- 1 THREE I'l'.R .1 NT .'hiuiii -n the fl"« ..f 41 r^* not cxceeatln. 43.000, payahle on and a(t»r tl.e thlrd M__> day In July next. ' fOBR C\STRF.F. Pr-ldent. C. D. HF.ATON. B>CI-Ury___ MAXHATTAN s\' i\m I \ sTITi'TI'.x, NEW-VOI'.K. June IB, 18-0. _CTII SEMI-ANNI'AI. DIVIDEND. t Ofhe trueteee ..f thla Inatltntlon have d.-rlarH ln'. -«<4 on all aume not exceedlnn #3 000 remalnlng on dej^ . Inir the thr.e or ilx ne.i.tln .-..dln. ..n the JOth ir.-'ar.t lt ihe rate of THRF.E AND "N EH Al F I'l.R M NT ,-f annum, payable on ar.d afta-r the thlrd M'.NDAY ln Julp Mt| I I'WAiCi >< IIF.LL, Pr.i>ld»ni | B. RAYWARD a_ere_ . _. Oitii.rii- Xoticff. NoTH E OF 1)1 \ I Ll- ND ILLINOlb Sll Kl. C"MI*ANY, OFFICF. OP litl.Asll.lK ROOKEKY IH'ILDIX., III' A'_' J.ll..' -0 18*0. ASEMI-ANNUAL DI\ IDFA'D of three Mf eentuflt haa baaa d-elared on the capital -t-*rk al tbe Illluol- Steel l"otnpanv. peyable Auirual I, 1- . tockholderit of reeord at th. clo»e of bualiieaa, J'.'i 'i, Ib'.K). The atock tranafer tn^k* aill he el.-r4 fmm tha l..-" af builneiie, July B, 1-.1M'. to the oueniaa of b'i«tn»««, Au-uat .. 1890. Cheeka will maifed from tbe at*BB ..f tbe Tr.-aa.irer In r*_n. nt ..f nal.l divldeml J. C. STIRLIN.*. Actlim Treaeurer. "TIIE MISSOIRI PA.IFIC RAlI.tVAV COaMPANY. D IVIDEND NO. 40. NO. 195 BROADWa., M-.W-loliK, June 18, 184*. eaplUI atock of thla Company ha* thla day been g^elar i.-.iable oi. Julv 15, IH'") For U..- pu.|«.»ea ..f thla dlu w tl.teil Wlll be 0pen>4 " in .v|«»-k a. ro aod wlll 1800, at 8 ..'.'I... B p m in, ls9o, at 10 o'eloek a. A II CALF.F. Tr-a-urer u July 15. 18'..). f'..r _>.. p.iri«.»ea ..f thla dlu- tranafer booaa, now cl-taed. wlll be ooen>4 oa June |B, 1090, at 10 o'eloek a. ro and wlll I* Mooday, tune ;.«. imh), at « a'eiaal p m _.| dii Wednesday, July Hl, 14>1>\ at 10 o'eloek a. _, pruaple ou Julv 15. 18'...)- F.r U..- pu.i« drnd, the tranafer booKa, now cl.iaed, »l Thnraday, June cloaed ..i. M reop«-n. on quarterly dlvldend of one )ier cent (11 oa tha n 4#elar»^ thla dl pi- i ad will | m a lo. k a. .aaiir.-r B4T1I SEMI VXXI'AI. DIVIDENB EAST RIVER SAVIXOS IXSTITI'TIOX, N.i II II 1MIII.U-- -1 , \ FW V' Kli 1 VF. 28. 1S90 INTEREST HAS BEEN l»l.< I \l.i !. f-.r th« three :.n-1 alx rn..tha eridlng I .n- 90 ihi*. a, »1 accou.iU .-ntltl"- tli'-ret.. fro... rti-' dnllara la. tl.r«- tho.i _.-4 ilotlara. i.t the m- .«* THI'.M tXD oxi BALF riJl CENT. |M>r aiiuutn. parable aft-r luly 10 IWl.1 Wll.I.lvM 11 il."« 'Sl. l*rwl_BB_ CHARLF.s A WIIIIVIV -. ta. _. ONO ISLAND U.\ll.l.n\|» cnMIMNY IJ MIVUHNli NO 49. Tlie Board of Direetor* have deelared a ouart.-r' dent ,.f OXE PER . l n r. aaqa tl.e A'lB'nt 1 lra'.ai. Tminfei U...a l" B'.d r*. .,p...i \'i.i-t 2. ISIlai HENRY ".RaVF.S N'.» v..-k .Ln.- 87, 1WV _ TivaeMTer __ IX>-1SYTL_E i X vsiiviI.LF. RAILROAD ao.. No. '.'0 WII.I.I AM ST ni wvuiK. JuW ;. t**1* ¦yin: DOARD <»F DIRECTOU Ol laaa- 0a*_- -*- i_nv B_a day d.i lar.d a du d.i.d of One aa4 Nlnefv-...le-hundi-.-._M p. r MBB 1 '.< 100 l»-r pavable In atw-k. or wrlp eonvertlble mtu aloek. an I B BBB- dlll.I.-i.d <rf Ti-li-.Mie.iiUinlr><1ttia per cenl. (10-100 p. cent.), nnklnir Two per ..'nt and an extra caah dlvldend .f 0*8 l^r cent.. p*aahl" ... 'tli A.i.uat. lh«). ta. . | m. ..hall be reai»t.-r.. B44* kftaMare of the Company af 3 p. iii. on the '.'lat rlav ..f lulv. UM The »to<-k (r-iafer bo«.la» ..f M_ CaaBBBBf wlll eloa, tt 3 p. BB. mi Julv -.'1-t. 1SW and ^. oih-u at 10 a Ba. on the 7th dar ot AiiRuat. IbOO. _ \ Sl i.r.'N. I*r.* 1 k_ IRVlN.i N \ \ *4"K S F.W-YORK l*K>. r|MlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ..( thia I ml 1 have ths day de. ared a dl.'.d. nd ul foul < paiable on and aft. r the rlrit day ol luly n. xt. until » a ilato the trai.ifer b.a.ka wlll r«'malo .. ., >.'I I'F.R, Faahler.__ I'llil.vni I nn v .'liy 8 189* IiHEFIDELITY INM KAM'KTI;! «T _ND SAKE HEPOBJlT COMPAX1 'r,^"»4_ EXTRAL TRl'ST CORPAlil i.f Xe»-York, ou aai .ft- r J'l V 18 to t »u-*kl__.r« of lt -.!.-.. ol taa t II M A.."' <. th C< 'MI'AN \ a. , .*i U> .«!. \4S ..-i.t "f th' pai value "' their tioidinin MI Plll N \ . \l 1"AI I. I'r-«lde-t TOLEDO. I ..<>..IA*\M' WEsTERN at\Il> 1 wa\ C0MPAR1 l ir-t Me't.aa CoBBaaa Ir im'.h wlll !>. i»id ...i and »fu-. dat I.a- MOllAR lll*... II! RS 88 Wl .iam-.t _ Tlll I WARD BANK Ni W i.iui,. lu. .*4 XB90. THK BOARD OF DIIM iv. UiTb-bJ 1 d>. lar.d a aeml.nnui ... , ..-. V .i. and ift.-t luli tl__a .. wlll i nui.i . ......l until tiia. ll \- I IIRri* v aahlee. TIIE 11..WERY UV\h .' M A Vi.ltk NEU -i ORK, June -.*;, 1990. T lll. DIREf TORS, '.¦ in t'. i'"t.ta "t th* I p.iat -ix BMNitha. ha\e d-la.ed a dliM.nd of 9 peB cent fr<- «f ta* l_aal.le ' l> 1 B.K.k will be .- J "nl Jvil. I. K . M a \ \ . l_»hlet. _ -finuiuia. ClfitianB. THK WNT \1. ELECTION i»f tti. a!'!« ,,f the I.i:.. .I. ""I he held af 3.-S8 F_at 4 "d -t .... ^ ¦> " 18*8 » a'rloeh p ii. f.r th* pan. r rhoalafl .'>-i tr-'a-ea and tw. Inape Iom .1 eleeUoa Io* Ih. ¦;.''"< "*\ ii n lt VAN u ''M .. i- .'t_rf (Topiirin rohip Xolicr*. Nl W \...;K J'i't 1 11 \\'\. TAKE PLEASI RE !\ \nn"I v InV« *' II __ \\ I il\\l l.'I'VY a.'MlllU) 10 ...ll LO-1'ARI'NI llsllll* MU. Al.lXANDl _ .1. Flsh. tiulr. UAUVXT Y18K ft BONaV J

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CATALOC.CE (tFFICIF.I. Il.USTRE DE 1/EXPOS1TION NATIONA1.E DES BEAIX AIITS \V CHAMPI>E MAR8 180O. Imprimcrie D'Art. A. Lemer-cler et Cie., 57 Rue de .selne. Paris.No more marvellous dlsplay of Freneh art haa ever

taken plaee at Paris tlian the exhibltion last spring lnthe Champ de Mars of tho picturcs and sctilpture afthe "Soclete Natlonale des Beaux Arts." Thls asso

clatlon, which was organiied last winter by tlie veteran

paioter Melaaonler, consWts almost excluaivciy ol tbeartisu whoae celebrlty had led to thelr scleetion by thoaovcrnment to alt ln Judgment on the ulctures exhlbitedin ahe great Internatlonal Kxhibltlon of last summor.

They quarrelled with the " s.>cletc de* Artlstes Francais"«Ki tha subjeet of awards at the . lose UieWorld'a Fair, on the banks of tlie Selne., and accordlngly detcrmlned t<> form themselves into a sepaiatoboclety. They. moronvrr, rierided to take uo part luthe annual salon of tbe " Baetata des Arti«V*s Francais'at the 'palais de l'lndnstrie ln the Champ Elynees.but to hold a salon Of thelr own In tlie Cliatnp deMars. A* theso dlssidents were roinposed af the veryflower and ellto of the Freneh palntcrs now llving, aiul

aa, moreover, they detcrmlned to subjeet all worksefferad for exhlbiUon BB the niosl eniclal and aevero

aelertion, lt is only natural that the Balon of the Champde Mars ehonM have been Imnieasurably Mipermr t.'

that of the Champ lfflf.ll1, whi, h is praatieally an

arena opeu to Uie hol ik.HoI ef llie Knlchta ef BBB l'ni-liand ( hlsel. The dlsplay of ihe Caa*_P d.- Mars, represented ln so high a degree the cream af coiiteniporaryFreneh art. that lt ls no exaggeratlon N assert thatrajarterplecea were the ruie, and modcrately poodplctnrea the exceptloii. The arratigenicrit of tlwaallerte*, ioo, was graeeful. The pletures staipp.nlnalf way up tlie wali. so tliat there was no Beceaaltyto throw l.ack the Iiead t., cxanilne them. Eaehpaintcr, by an effort which probably cannot be froquentlx repeated. sent a collectlon of works, paintodat dlfTerent siages of his careor. which gave the mcansof Judging hla mcrits m various forms. t nder thecireuzniitanree lt must be consldered as fortunat.' that a

f.trtorial record of Uils unrlvalled exhibltion shouMjtave remalned in the ezQulsttely illustrat«l cataloguoof the Champ de Mars Salon. which has rxvti eomplledand published by Mcssrs. Lcmerclei' ct (le., of Paris.


aVT.WSPAPER RF.PORTIVO IN OLPEN TIME AXDT"-DAV. By .lohu Pendlotou. l-nao, )ip. 245. (A. C.Aroiitrtmc A: iaon.i


XXIII. Edlted by Lealta Stephen and Sldn.-y Lec.8vo. pp. 448. fMarnilllati A- Co.)

THE CORRF.SPONDF.XCE AND Pl'BLIC PAPERS OFJOHN JAY. Edltort bv ll.-nry P. Jolinatxin. Val. 18vo. Pt>. 401. (<»¦ I*. Futliaio'a s.0118.1

NORTHERN ST1DIES. Bv Edmund C.osse. 12mo,pp 268. (A. Lovell & Co.)PROTOPLASM AN'D LIFE. By Charle* F. Cox. ICino,

pp. 67. (N. I>. 0. Hod?es.)BOSTON CNITARlANLvM. 1820 18."0. By OoUvlus

Brooka lYothlngham. ll'mo, pp. 272. (CF. P. Put-nani'a Rous.,

TARSIFAL,: THE FIXPINO 01 CHBJBT TIIROVOHART- Bv Albert Ro->s Parson*. (O. P-jputnam'r Baaa

THE ENGLISH NOVEL IN THE TI'.MF Of SUAKES-PEAK1 llv J. J. Jusaerand. Tranalaieil ir.m UieFr»neh bv Ellzarx'th S-.'e. ttvo. pp. 433. (Q. P. Pnt-uam's Son*.,

.THE FIVE REREEMF.RS. Bv M. J. Barnett, l'.'mo.pp. 160. (H. H. Carta-r V Oa.)

MYSTERY EVANS. Bv B, l'i Baker. 12mo, pp. 206.(DaWolfe l"lak»- .A: Co.i

PLAIWTALES FR.iM THE HILLS. By Eudyard Klp.Ung. 12mo. PP- 2(J8. (M. .1. Ivers * Co.;

BURRITT DCRAND. Bv John McGovcrn, 12nio, pp.818. iRond. MrNally ,t Co.)

ARMOREL OF LYON1ASE. By Waltr Besant. 12roo.pp. 806. (Harper <fc Bmthers.)

A2TEC TREASCRF-HOCSE. Hy Thomas A. Janvler.12mo. pi>. 440. (Hariier Ai Bi-othera.)

A MOBERV MARRIA.iF. Bv Marnuls* Clara Lanza.12u^i, ip. 344. (Jolui W. Lovell CompBBy.)

THE NEW F.VADXF.. By Trmk lloward lloive. 12mo.pp. 173. John W. Lov.'ll loinjiany.)

THE MYSTERY OF M. FKLIX. By B. L.'FarJeon.12roo. pp. 3*.r2. (J. \V. Lov.ll CaMBpaBJ.)

aXeto JJiibluiitions.TN ?TFaLLA'S SHAD(»\\'.ALBERT ROSS'S b.y.t novel. The flrat ennrmou* edltlonnow ready. and will all be SOLD oi'T qulek. "THOU6HALT NOT," "HIS PRIVATK CHAltACTER.""SPEAKINft OF ELLF.N." by the *,',me autlinr. HAVEREACHED A SALE OF NEARIY 300.000 COPIE8 lna year. Readers and Bookscllers oider AT ONCE.Prlce, 60 ccnts.

G. W. DILLINGHAM, l'tiblisliei', New-Vork.



KNITTING EXTRA N'O. 4. APRUa. 1889.A 64-page pamphlet, eontalnlnn over one hundred pat-

terna and seventeon illustrattons.

KNITTING EXTRA NO. 5. MAY, 1890.Thla work for 1890 ls just fresh from tho presse*. and

tootatn* entlrcly new matter. Same slze pamphlr-t a* thooae published laat year; 04 paitea; nun.erous illustratlon*.

Blngle coplc* of elther pauiptU'.'t sent, postatje pald. onvccipt of 25 ccnta.

AddreaaTHE TRIBUNE, New-York.

3nBirntnon.For Yoiiniz Ladies. City.

A.A.-A.-THE REI.U BCHOQIa,. G and b l.u-l 53d-st.

Ml*» Julla il. Ae.Mll«ter. prin, Iiial, surcea^lni;Mr*. Sylvanu* Reed, who contlnuen aa \lsitor. Twenty..eventh year bcajtlna W«iii(ad*j t)>-tober 1.


51 Weat .",2d-i>t., will reopen 0, t. 8.


82 and 34 Eaat OTtli-st., New-York.Addreaa untll S.-pt. 1, core of J. Kennctiv Tod t Co.,

Baukrra, 45 Wall-*t., N. Y.T>i;v. .jORa an-d mrs;..oardnfr'sSCHOOL FOH OIHLS. r.p? 5th.»ve. 32d year.Mr*. Gardner. author of "lllatory ln lUiyrne."

if. MARY'S SCHOOL (El'ISi OPAL),1 8 EAST 46TH-ST.,A bonrdlnc and dav arhool for irlrl*." II*Puplls pripared foi ,-ollece.

irAN N ,i;m\s"> ixaTlTl'TE K.ui,d,-d ik.,7 HOMEf AND DAY BCHOOL.- 280 and 28'.', at Westa.d-Avc. Mme. VAN NoHMAN. Prinili*!.

For Boys and Voaing Men.City.A.CLAss oi; BOYS..luta riu.-diata- ai.U advanced

. (rrad,-a atudents j,reuar,'d for colleBe. law, aeleBtlBc*eJ_ioola_an_d hua|n,>a._ \V F. ( 1I.V*»L, 7- \Veat 0(itl,->l.

A-CIBCULAR8 01 OOOD Bl BOOL8 I'KKl", aaata. whether for bova nr ttrla; "itv «r ,-ountrv. R. E.

AVERY. Ani.-rl.-an Srhnol Bureau. 2 W,*t 14th-*t., N. Y.

I A. KEMP-PROSSiiR'S Claoa for Boya.4a315 Muliaoii-;iv,-.. ,-.r. I2d-at.,

will roiMii ,Netober 1st.Bumher of puBlli liinit-d. Iudlvidual attention.

R. f, r- u, tht- folicwing patron*Revd. R. Tf-rrv D. D. Jamea w. (..rard iVq.A. J. (,arl»nd, Eoq, Hon. OrBBVlUe 1*. Hawea.An4lrew H. Sn,lll, II. P._A. J. Whlte, Eaq._UMVERS1TY CJRAMMAR S( HOOL. 1.473 Br.wdwnv.

near 42d-at. 03d \<>nT Prlmarv. Conimerelal and( laaaioal denartmpnta. M. M. HOBBV, W. L. AKIN.N. C. HENDRICKSON. Prln.'inala.

WBBT F.XD HCHOOL 118 Wf**4 71«t-st. opena Rept. 80.A colleirlate school for bova: mllltarv drlll; new

gymnaslum. CHESTFR DONALDSON. a. M.

Musical Instruction.BAXJO *nd GflTAR uueht in twenty private lessons,

wltSi or without the aid of not. s. HENRY C. DOB-SON. 1.270 Broadway, BatWBBB 32d and 33d-*is.


. Boardlnc and Day School for Olrls. iOtl, year opensbept_25. Addr<** for clKiilara.J3**-140 MonUipne-st.


school fop. oraxs,140 AXD 142 COLCMRIA HFIOIITS. BROOKLYN,


N. J.-Rr-op<Mir, s. j,t,.i.b«-r 20. l'r,-|>arutlon for <-ol-K-je a aperlalty. Punlla adn,itta-d lo Yaaaar. Wello*l4-y,taid Smlth on our c.-rtln, ata-. ADAL1NE W. STERLINO,CARQL1NJ-; m. ui-;rrish. a. b. _"


Term* 8400 p/T aiiniiin. Chrlatinaa t,-ini tx-plns Sent.Mi

ca4,l»«). Mlaa JULIA ll.,. Prln^[pal.

AKIaJN'.l.-X SC.MIN.-.I'.V |,,r Yni-rir Ladi-a, WCh^aU-i. Pa. 3.">t,, ^rliool \.-ar Iw-sins Bept. 18. <...,alDARIaJNi.JON faEMIKARY tor Yovr-jr Ladl.-a, \V,atCli^atei I*a. 3.,ti. -rhool v.-ar Im-sIiis S.1,1 15. liood

bulltliair* rvt-naivi (.'roijiKN. and hHollliy ltva-Uon. Lanc.iae.-a, Mual,-, Drawinir. Paliillnt, \, *180yer year. cauioguea. u. darlinuion. i*i,. d.

DREW LADIL-S SLMINABY, Caraici, K. Y..Healttirill,honaellke, thoroudfc pfofreaalv*. 28th .M-ar li-I'ln*

b«T)l 15. Send for TTiiistrau-d cjreular, »ith r.'f.-rencc*.>.l 0, C. BMITH, A. M.

I? LMJP.4 ioLI.1,.1. FOR WOMEN ofl< ra~»'iip.-riorTar.SU vantairea ln ( S,l,iit:!i< and l*r,-|»arat>,rvCouraea of >tudy: al»<> in MlBMk and Art. H.-ata-d l.yatcarn. Fnrniali.d with an <l.-\i.t.,r. CbaMN ar.- un-niuallv in«j, rat--. S.-nd for .-ataloif,,.- to R,v. i IIAs,VAN NORDEN D. D., Pr,'ald,-rit, Elmlra, N Y.


D ORT EDWAP.D COLLEOIATE INST1TVTE for¦* Younr Women. Buperlor bnl'dlnca, appolntnnentaand advajitatre*. 8220. Send for lllu*tiata>d catalo^ue_408. E. KIN(i. D. D., Pre* Furt Edward. N. Y.

ELLMl'TH COLLEtiE POK YOl*N(r LADUSS*.London, Ont., Can.¦_~" M V. E N. ENOLISH, ITInclpal-


Prlmarv. Oofl*flatc Piepai4iorv, Eoifllah ar.d ScleiitiflcBepartiiieiiU. Ixxa'Joi, htalth'ul

I'erm* rnod^rau. For,o.i. adnrea*MARY RAYMOXD BRAJSLI.N. A B. Prln-

LYXWiN HALL, I*.ift.k.-ep»le, N. Y a CMrla1 Board-laf aad Oary behool. 42d rear. Clrcular* hr ri.inl.


Jnstrn'tionFor ____£ IjidieH.t'oiintry.

M1SS M. M. Hl XI itonn.riy Mlaa llannc.T),.11 ao. in h-iOA r.i.i/.Aiii.i il, ... J.

Thorough In.tti-Ctton In every department

MFBS \n\iii.i s hoa'rpino aXd day schoolf..i Vounir I.dl-s and l.l ttie 'Hrl*, 1.350 1'ine-st.,

l'hibddpliia. 42d year hegln* ,Sept»'ml>ee 25, 1890_Miih lii i.Ki.rv I BaardlBj' aad Day Seaaet far OtoGI

Tarrvtown-on-Hudson. wlll r«cp..ii Wedn.-day, hep.teanber 171 Addreas by Jettrr untll_8e).ten.l>cr 1


MORAVIAX BCM1XAR7 POR Y01 "N'» I.ADIF.S,ll.'thlchem, IVnnaylvanla. A rcntury's experlenee,

omMned avlth he*t modern methods iffoids edueutlonalfa.'illtles rquallrd hy f.-aa and excelled hy none.

rV EWJERSEY, i-.nrlewood, Dwlfht n.v-r. CRF.IHHTOX ai.d MUs FARIlAll'-. SCHOOL FOR(.lKl.-i. X.-,.r Palls_lfta_of_tho Hudaon._PENNINOTON |V. J) >K.MINARY AXD LADIF.S'

C0LLI.OE. 51 at vear. Offer* rare edu.atlonal faclll-tie». moderate. IllRh and hralthful. Stramheatlnu g.» Bt. eecapea. Ea*y of accr*».

TIU'S HAXLi.N. D. D.. Preaident for 21 years.

R SEM1XARY..1-T paitl.ular* addreas

MUS. S. J. LIFE. Rye, X. Y.HALL, liiiriitiBtaui. X. J.-The oldeat

..1 ln tl.e country for plrls wlll b.-irlnIU .".I... reoi *-¦ i.t ini..-.- 29. Kor catalogue apj.l. to

Mlaa CHARl-OTTE IITCOMII, Prlnclpal, or f<> the Bishopof Sew .ereey, pr.-i'l.-nt,

P. ai.M'.s BA M. .ol. FOR OIRLS. Albany.X. Y.Under tlie dir. .-tioii of th» Rt. Rev. W. C. Doane.

T. D.. LL. D. Term. 8400 per annum. Entranc fee825. T**en>y-flr*-t year betVi* September 24. For cata-loguea, addreis ST. A<;NI..S SCHOOL_Sl CATII aKIM 'i II U.L.Dloee»a_ School for young

ladlea and chlldren. 288 to _r>. Wa«l.in_ton-av...,Brookhii. L. 1- For catalogue address ST. CATI1A-rtlXK. HALL._


T EMI'I.E (JROVE LADIE8' SEMIXARY, SaratogaSprings, X. Y..Thlrtv-.lxth }e»r beplns CHARLES P. poWp. Ph. D.. Presldrnt.


open Kept. 24th. Stud-nta. for College^___7 ALXVT LAKE SCHOOT^-r-irmrrly Madame Cleoa-Y* ,-nt's...ermantown, philadelphia. BoardlnK and DavSchool for YouriB Ladle*. 84th year openi September 24.Academlcal and College Preparatorr Course*. PunlU enterWelle«lev on our examlnatlon. For c'rcilars ad.lres.Mra. THF.ODORA ll. RICHATTDS. Prlnclpal.Mlaa SARA tOUTSA tr.A(T. A. M-. Assoclate Prlnclpal.

WI s-T WALNl'T STREET BOARDIXO SCHOOL FOB,G1RLS, 4301 Walnut St., Ph'.iadeiphla, I'a. Hon*

like, thorough und progresslve. Mlsa J. Ttautmann, 1'rlu.

AFor Boya nn.l Young Men.Country.

CADI.MV A\]> HOME Hill TEX BOY*. (Sl-ty-. Iltth year of A.edemv, F.leventh nf Home.) 'i'lior-_r* nreparaUoa f.r coiP-g.. or fo. btuiii»«_». Abeolutely

li-ulll.lul locatlon and g. nuliie li..)t.e, wF.h the n.' rrllntdauiroiiniiingx. uooil gvinninlum. HJ_n_.t ref.-ronceteglran and r_p,ulr d J. ll JtouT, l'rin.. Qfaeaa-fch, (oim,

ALEXANDER lXSTITFTF-.-MlliUrv Boarding School,Wblte Plali.a. X. Y., puplla rec_vyd_for Uie aumincr.

BHIDEXTOWX [N .I.i MILITARY INSTITl'TE,Rev*. T. H. LANDOir. A. If., Prtndpal.Lieut. T. D. LAXDOX. Ciniiiandant.

AYIOA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY. Aurora.K. X. For illustrated i-lreular. addr.r.*

A. K. McAI.riXE. A. M.. Prlnrinal.



1ELTENHAM ACA-CMY, OuONTZ. I'A.I'nexcelled locatlon and surrouiidlngs. Xew achool

equlpniei.t. OynaaallllB, n.lll-rv drill, _c. Thorouehpraparatlan for'eoil.-ge or Rclenilflc school. _or elrcular,_c, addr.-n


A hiKh class school for bova; »000 to 4750 per Tear.Summer sesslon June 10 to September 16; tern.s, 87ft periiaonth._B- F. O'CONXOH. B. L. Ph. D-, Direetor._

lmwood SOHOOL i-oi: IK.YS.-At Mllford. Conn_1'ar.nt- w iu. ar1' unfortunat<> In the niajjapeinent ofthelr sons will do well to proflt bv the advantage orfercdbj achool. Address FRANK M. HOWE. Sup't._F'KI.I.HOLD IXSTITUTE, Freehold. X. J.; 45th year:

college pi-panttiou a apoclalty b-fllaeaa, iiipit .ciiooland rlaaaleal eeuiwea._ i

(1 LEVWOQD MILITARY' IXSTITFTF.. Matawan,M N. .1. One h..ur fiom Xew-Y'oik. 5f*.t), ye.r beglna

Kept. 17. 8300. C'ntaloguei of CHAS. A. JA.r'.AK, A M.,I'li. l)., PrtnelpaL_.. .I.I1.LS OF M'SsEX." "Vacation School." 800 ft. Xciaton (N. J.Jlnstltute. Studv, r<-cr.'.iticn. cvi.p-

lnp. hones. ponlca. donkcya, for rlding exereUe. J. WIL-bON. A. M._ _

IRVIN.i INSITTl'TE, Tarrytown-on-Hudson. N. Y.A home achool wlth reflne.1 mii roundlncs; bulltllnas

ateam heated; thorotighly equlpped gymnaslum; boyaprepared for Y'ale, Harvjrd and I'rinceton.

A. ARMAONAC, Ph. D- Prlnclpal.

MlfCHELL boyb' BC-OOL, Blllerica, Mass.,"I'.ichtea-n inlb's from Boiton. on the Boston and Lowr-U

lt. K. A strlctlv »elei't Famllv School for Bovs from 7 to15 lnclusiy.-. Fall t. rm eommeueea Beptember 15. hend forClrculnr to M. . M1TCHELL, A. M.. Frlncl|_l.

POWDER POINT SCHOOL. niixbury. Ma*s._The 15boas are ne-mb.'rs of the famllv, and havo tndlvldual

uaehing; l.boiatori.s. F. B. KNAPP. 8. B.

PRIVATF. Tt ITIOX FOR THE St'MMKI*. -St«_Club of Mniint I.e«.Tt, S.-al llarhor. I-our experi-

u.-.'l tutors. I'reuaraticn for Harvard. Roarlns, t> ))-nli. t-e. l.OFIS L. HOOPER. 45 Holyoke Home, Cam-hrldjre. Mass.

ECTORY SCHOOL HaMDEX, COI4X.R Kor Bo\_ B823a$87S. Home liifiueneo*. thomnehsi-nool system. ExteBSlie grounds; cvmnaaluin, boat-hous". e|. \.Hrri. Krv. II. i. KVEREKT, M.A.. Reetor.


5">th year. Pr. pnre* thoroughiv for Colleire. the Oovern-n ent Acad.-n.lei. au-1 Bu.lneaa. Military Drill.

BI8BEF. ( tM] N. Prlnelpala.

ST. ai'STIN SCTTOOL (incor'di. BTew-BrlC-toB, StateaIsland. N. Y.-A C-B3-1 Schr.ol of hlche«t rlnss for

boys military system; terms, 8500; eight reshlent mastersfrom Brown, Columbia, I_ndon, Oxford, Cnmhrldge, Duhlinand 1'arls; house and erounds (of Commod.IM Oarner)among tlie most beautlful near Xew.Y..rk well repays a\lslt. I'.ev. ALFRED ii. MoRTIMER. D. D., R-vtor.

f. Tohx's .iilitTr _nBCHl5o_i. MANLlf.S. N. Y.

Address WM. Y'ERBECK.


Sl'MMFK SCHOOL at the P^eksklll Military Arademy.. Lo. atlon ti.-altlifiil care and Instructlon excellent

.Ii'IlN K. TILDEN. A. M., M. ]).. Princljial.Send for c ircular._

Sl MMER CAMP. on Cananda.gua Lake, wlth coach-ItiB for college exaniinatlon. J. H. LEE, Canandnlenn,

X. T._(Ut'MMER SCHOOL KOR BOYS.IO AT T1CI-: BRY'ANT SCHOOL. Ro .vn, L. I.. N. Y.(iv.-rlooklnc L. I. Sound._Send for Illustrated catalogue^

R!\IT. school. Ttvoll-n-Hudaon, N. Y.Ttie Rev. JAMES STAKJt CLARK, D. D., Reetor.

Asslsta-d by flve res'.den*. teaclier«. Boys and younj;men thorouchly fltted for the best colleges and untversf.C.eR, Ki'lepttfle schools or for bnsinea*. This school offersthe advnntn?ei of h.-althful locatlr.n. home comforte, fiat-clasH V-achers, thorough tralning.^sslduoua eare of health,maniiers and n.orals. and the PXer.Han of bad bovs, to eon-aclentioi. purents. looklng for a s.-hool where they maywlth ronfldence plaee thelr aon*. Sp.'Cla! Instructlon g\vnln Physlc* and Chemlstry. The Twctity-four_ year wlllBSB-B.BCC September 10.

TBE RIOHLAXD MILITARY' ACADEMY'. Worcester,Mass.. h.-elns 35th v.-ur Se|.t. 17. Claisi.-al, Scl.-ii-

tlll.-. H.i«lnes*. I're|_rata.r. D.-jiartrnents.JOSF.I'H ALPEN SIIAW, A. M.. Head Maater.

iTi. I'F.KK SK) LlTSi I LITaTTy" ACA I'l M V57th rear lie.ln« Sept. 17, 1890. s.nrt f'.r



KMY, Sele.t Cathollc for Boya.Clrcularaon apillcatlon to IIROTHER AF-L'S'T Direetor.liii: ..kva.v ACADEMY, WILBRAHAM, Massa'-.» ("Hl'SETTS. One ..f the haif-d../.-.. bral arad.-nitcai.d 1.1-1. .1 «rhool» ln Xrw-I_i_land 1_* payment ofB01 ln -'.(i.i.. «'ll eov.-r oidlnarv tultlon, wlti. board. f"il':.!i term, beglcnlng Aiigual .7. smd for rataloirue t..

Rev, .;. M BTEELE, Prlnclpal.

WORCf.ITER Al'ADI-'MY.-Flftv-sixti. vear. Thoronehpreparatlon foi any tniletre or sclmtiflc school. X".v

buildln., admlrahlv equipp. d. Ampl" play grounds.Dor:nl_ries af.ra flve and heated by ateam.

D. W. ABERCROMBIE, A. M.. Prlnclpal,Worcester, Maaa.


Both s- \.-. BLA1RSTOWX, XEWJERSEY. JohnI. Illalr. l.iuiKl.itioii. En_ll-h, Liitln, Ort.I. Ki.ii'h,German,, Diawlng. Palatlng und Pbr.leal Culture.Hieiielik.- ai.iH.lntiii*-nt-, liir.e I'lidownx-nts, low ratea,


ItlVI.K IXSTITUTE.-Healthf-lT and l^autlf.illylo-at.-d ln the Hudson Rlv. Vullev. Affords sunerlor ad-M.iitae.i for thorongn and ¦yatematle ..ucation to boy*aud ulrl-. cnr-ful attantlon elvn to Ultelleetaal. s..cialm.._: and pbyalcal culture. A .-oi.s-rvaU.ry of Musle undArt of l.k'h grade, 37th v.-ar onem Bpnt. 15th.

R"V. A. H. PXACK. A. M., I'r.-s.

f'rAST «iREl-'NVVT( \l~..( A 11i.M V4 Founded iso2. Both aexea. on Xanafaaaett Bay.

_.aaaa heat. i.'.!... trk iiirht. F_dowed. Ta-elre cour^e».?L'O0 a venr. r_p__b«? -- For Illustrated eatala_ra. wrlt-

Rev. I. I). BLAKESLEE P. I>.. Eaat .r. ¦.... I. li. R. 1.

ROCKLAXD COLLEOE, N. Y.Both sejes. Pro_"i-l -.- aad aBeeeeafnl. Mu«_ a'.d

Art N|H'.-ialii». Tiioroujtii work; spi.-t.did re_uit,«. AneiiilQwinent takra ladlea at *¦_(_. Latalogues. W. 11.bannistek, Preaident.

Mi'cellaneous.AUOXO THE HILLS-Thlrtv-two miles from New-Y'ork.

Ordei I'l-ueiaimrii foi 1890-*91 and plcture ol e IIA1"-l'AQl'A MdCNTAlN lNSTlTt'TK., X. Y.

rjJi CATID.NAI. H<)Ml. SCHOOL r0_'.LS.-Ex-__ c.-pti.iiiul oppurtuiiitv t..r _o_erleaa glil*; Eoglbh,n.usie, languar_; Une locatlon. Kor parth ulars apply toMIh« DOXOVAX'B Teaehera' Hnr.-'.. 30 East utii-»t.


AMEI'.ICAX and foii-ign prof_kors, tutors, gov.'rnra*_and i"_. i..r- ot all btaacaea, _C., «upplird to o..e*{- -,,

ni.ooii and ran.iii. s Englibh, Frcu I.. '¦ aud bp.ti.laaapoken. miriam coyrieri-:. 150 5ti.avi., eor. -Ota-et,

A-DE-T TEACUER_, Amerlcan ai.d Fei.ffn, luppilod.lor all branchea, lu all lecallllea: bo eharfe. TEA. ll-

i k> W'ANM'.J); no lee i'»r regisint.ou; form for sump.K. E. AVE..Y, s^i..,..i Bureao, I We*t l4tr.-»t.,X. Y.

AM-KICAS AXD KOKI'P.N TEACHERS' AOEXCYs.ippiie« Proft.iora, Teaehera, Tutor .iov.-rn_._,

_c, to College*, S.liools and Kainllles. Ai.ply toMr-. M I. yorX(--FULTOX. 28 Cnlon Squaia.


Vl'TOWN Ol ICI.-s. Xo 1.288 Hroadway. corn.-i Thiny.lirit-ft.. until '.) p. in. DIO Broadwav, li.-tw.-.u Twenty.aeeond and Twcnty-thlrd sts.. until S p. m. -70 WaatTwenty-tblrd-at., eorner F.ighth-ave i;,_ sixih-are.;153 Foiirtl.-ave eorner Foorta-enth-st. 700 Tlilid-ave.,eorner Fortv-ieventh--t. j l.O-'li Thlrd-ave., n^ai sixty.flrit-st. 1.7(>i Pirat-ave. 100 West Portj-.c-ond-at.Nlnth-ave. and Slafi ...|_hth-*t.. an_ 69 Llb'-rtT-st.. andth'- HAHI.F.M OKFICE, 180 Ea*! One-h.mdred -and-twenty flfth-. B, ta. s p. n... at, reenlar offlee ratSB.

NT. ANI) V. Y Mlll.MAl. i.llADt'ATF.S want-d fo». pubiie BcbtfBia at l-o.hI aalarlea. Applv to w p. KERR,

Manager, I'i lon Teaenen' Ageney, io A.tor Plaee, S. Y.

S. llEKMI.UHOR.N S TEACHERS* AOEXCY.Oldcst and Ix-al kni.wn in I'. S. F.aUbltahed 1845.

_8 East l4Ui-*t., N. Y.

TEACHERS and all wantlne teaehar. ahnuld Bend fnrrlrculsri and forma <.f tl.e CENTRAL I.1H CA 1'iN-

Al. Bt'REAl', l'o.|tl..n* and ta-achers n, demand for Sea-trnber. Sehuol i.roiH-itie* for aaln other* wm.i.d. A.l-dr,-i i. i'. oi.Mo.v a. M., Manager, .'a.:. WalnnUat.,Philadelphia. I'.i.n._WOMAX'fi _X< HAXOE TEACHERS' B17REA1 [toiboth mippiina prof._*or*, teachera. i-rarseaeee,munlclana, hoii*nk«ep.ri. .ouipanloiu, chaperone*. ,... tocollege*, »(¦).<.«!. and farnlll** alao i.ookke.per*. atriiogrvphei* ai.d copyl»f*> to t..:i|i..-n tlru «

Mlaa C. L. WEH.NER, 82'J Oth-ave., New-York ( _*.





Tralna leave *ution». loot of Deabroaoro aod CortlaaaUHtreria, *» follow*:

,.. . .,_ .Kivu a? .41. -,..,. rAfeT LINE for the V,"»t. rulimar,

Veaiibul,' SI.-ci.Iiir and Parlor Car*. Arrlvra ClevelandB:-:* a. iu., I oliiuibua 5:80 a. ru., Chlr»go 5 :00 p. m..and St. Louia 7 p. tn. ne\t day. ConuVt*. alao, for

Wlllianiaport, Lo<k Haven. und IlenONo, except Bunday.and, x, <pt Saturday. ,,. n .n ,.,

10,80 A. riL-'lIlt NEW-YORK AND CHICAGO MM-,..:.. ,.,i.i,.-.u eariuaivih oi i*uiii.,ii v.-.tii,m-.Brawlng ana SUie Room, Meeping. Blnlnc. .SiiK.kingand of,a,>'.Hi ( ar-. pr> a.-ntlng fl,i»n.-lal r''\"'T^atynngrapher* and tvpewrlter*. Iinthroom* for l«>ti,aeaaa. ladb-*' n,ald, barl,-, -.lmp. lit.rn.rv aml all tivr.iiv,-nl,-n,,-a of hoin.- .r nfllce. Llfbtfd bi ataUonai-iand iMvant* rl<-rtrl,- lltrr.ta. Arrtve-, Clnrlnnntl 0:40»"d CM'MO f. 4", a rn p,'*t dav


2i0(» P. M.-ST. lOt'IS. CHICAGO AND CINCINNATIEX1T.I>S. Pullman V".tlbule Bl<>"i>inij Car and p,,,ln«Cir N'-w-York go St Loula. CMi-apo and Clnclnnatl.Paaacneer Coaeh Nt v»-York to C»lumbu». Arrlves Cln-rliinad 11 ,H, a. m.,, 5:00 p. m-. ar-.d .*st. _*_1:40 p. in. n^xt day.

.¦3411'. M. THE WFSTERN F.XI'P.ESS for all polnu lntl.- Weat, Nortnw»at *nd Sonthweat. I' veistltmlaMenplnu Car Nrw-Ymlc to Ilttalmrg, St. Lopla, ChlcaBO,Clnclnnatl and Mcmphla. Pennaylvanla Railroad Dlnlng(.ar N.-w-York to Pi. Ind.'li.l.U. aod l*iill,.on Mnl oa *iI'lttAhure to Rli-hinon'l and Chlrairo. Arrlv.a at ( Ii.rlnnatl i) 30 p. n,.. Chlcaao i»:8i» p. m. n.-vt Bay. *nd Wl.oula 7 00 n m. *.-con,1 rm.rnlnif. lonneet* f.r Clevelandand Toledo daily, except Saturday.

*4:00 P. M. -I'a.-iti.- KM'i'?-- ******* »!""ftM,.-|ilii4.' r»i Xew-York t., Cl'leiico. IfOW-YorB to M'-n,-phla, Ma th- Klienandnah YMI<-v arrlv#ss WCCkdaya a'Colurnbus 7:15 p. m.. Cl'vel»nd 8:88 t> m. next day,and daily at Oilcairo 7:00 a. m. .".mud mnrnlna. Cn-ncts for dallv. and for Cnrrv. Erle the 011R..(jlor,a n,.\Plnnd and Cnluml.ns exttt* Saturdav.

BALTIMOUR WAMIINOTOX AXD TIIB KOPTHWialiuifton Lln,, Ofl Bk| 1 M .l L.IflMU 1 arlor « ar-.

daily, e.xcept Sundav, 10.10 a. m.. arrive Waahlnrton8-90 p. n,.; and " Congrci*ton»l LImtrd " dallr. wltbDlnlng Car at 8.20 p. m., arrive Waahlngton 8.2.1 p. ra.;rceular expissa, 6.&0. 8.00 and 8 30 a. BL. 2 10. and tf.00 p. m.. aud 12.15 nlarht. For Baltlrnoraenly, 1.00 p. m. Sunday 6.15 and 8.80 a. m.. 4 BO. 5.00and 8.00 p. m., and 12.15 nlght. For polnta onCheaapeake aod Ohla Railway and Clnclnnatl, Sleepera.Duun/ (.ar iin.i ,.,.i,.- taroBMi), ., "" p Bi,

For Loni: Kaanclt. Polnt I'lea'nnt. and lnl> nrudiat.' ,-t4-tlon- wivk-davs, 3:80, 7:10. 0:10 a. Bl., 12*00 no.,,,l :ii, 8:10 f>: 10 a)ierlal 4 :2«, 5 :'JO, »nd 7:00 p. n,.SatnrdavK rwilv. 1 L'O p. ni. Stinda-v. B 15, !< |8 a. n,..8:18 n. n. "''"' n,.t -"m at Aabnrv Park ,,n Mind:.,.

For Atlantlr Clty, 1 :50 p. m. iThrr,,ch Rnff.-t l»a'l,.rCar anl !'.>¦ -.IWsia. eonuart* f<,r Ciite Kay.and »ith thr.,ik-h rar for Br>,»n'a Mllla and II. alH ¦¦

For Old Polnt ajin X'nrfolk, via New-York. Phll*d»1phl* *Norfolk Rallroid, 8 00 ». fn. daily exeept Sunday. aid8:00 p. m. daily; via Baltlniore and Bay Llne. 1:10p. m. wcek-day i.

FOK PIIII.AnELPIIIA._n*Ttaa Tralna lxiv,- aa follow* :.

0:20, 7:20, 8:00, 8 :H0, 0 (10. Chl^n'ro Llmlted, withDlnlni 4 ar. and Jo.lo Wasliinirton I.iiult. ,1 and 11 :00a. lll.. 12:20, l.'OO, 2:10, 3:00, 8:30, 4:00, l 30, 8*00,0:00. 8:80, 8 :<xi. and 0 :W » Ba. and 1 :I.*» nlirhtAeromniodotlon. 11 10 a. tn., 4 :10 aod 7 :0() p. ,.. Snn-Uava Exmraa, 8:1ft, 8:30, 9:00 (10 Llmlted,, and 10a in " no I :i.o 4:30, 5:00. IV..'I0. « :00 aod (1:00,, m' aad 12:1a alaht. A.-<oini,,(Kiation, 7 :oo d. aa.hho N<Mv.y,,rk Tran»fei Ooiapany "in call f,,r an*

chcek haitgat'^ from and realdenee*.For t.liiK-ialilea of local Iralns apply to any tteket aseut

of the CompanV.I HAS i'. I'l'OII. J. R. WOOT), idanager. General Paas'r Ag.-nl


' '

Huclson RIver Railroad.A',1 Trama »rrivp at »n,l drpart from

eaUANT. OBBBBTBUaX, station,Fourth Ave. and 42d St.. New York.

Thb onlv RAii.noaD Rtation ix thz Crr» -

TB_IX8 LEAVE Ab POLLOWS:_0.50 A. *»1._, iiK a,,<> VESTIBULE LIMIXED-due atihi.aLO 10:10 a. ru. ncxi day. -._«¦10.',*0 A. M. ..surrilWKSlERX VESTIUCLE limit-ED-due ClBClBBBtl 7 00. Iiidlanaimlls 10:30 a. n,-, B8,Loula 0 io tv n. . ..10.40 A. M.-SVLbTERX DAY EXI'RESS-daily cxcepl

4.30 pW-NORTII SriORE VESTIIH'LE LIMITED.Du* at Detrolt at 8:18 a. n,., Caicaga l**0 p. m. ,i"-*atday.

0.00 P. BL-FASt WT.nTERN F.XI'Rl-:SS -Tme Chlrago'.,"". Clntlnnati 8:15 p. ro., St. Loula 7:1'< a. rn-


9.13 9. M. PA8T BT. LOCIS AND fHK IOO SXl'l'.r.s.s-Iin",- jiidiaiiiipolia 11:20 p. ni. BBXt day, M.

FI.Sm'k'-ILI:'0.^!iWhUROH I'OC'iHKF.r.P.SIE. BHIME-CLIFF (K1NOST0N), AND lll'D.aO.V-t 8 80, I10:..0.II :30 a. in., 18:80, 3:55. IBJft p "'-. »» tor Pobb*.kcrpala 10:20 a. BI.. Ial:30, 4:50, tl:.,5, 0.00. 7.30.8 Ia i>. bi for Qarrieona (w*al l'ointi »8 :80. tll .30a. m.. 12:8ft 18:80. 3:55. 4 :.V. 10:25 p.. m.

Al.r.Ax'v-18:30. 'J M, 10:20, | 10:60, tll 80 a. m.3:5V I :r.O. (i :0O 10:^.,, 7 80, 0:18 D. li,.. .12:00 nlght.

TROV » s 3<S II., 8:80, 10 :20, 10 :50. tl 1 30 ». m.,13 30, 4:60. 6:00. 7 30, 8:18 P. BL, I 12:0O nlKot

VTK A AND SYKACPBei-IBiaO. 0:.)0. 10:20, | 10IftOa. ii,., I .10, 6-00, 7 .30. P:15p BJ., f 12:00,nlght.

Riu IIISI KK 0:60, 10:20. 110*0 a. m.. 4 :5o, 0:00,7 no, 8 IS j,. bi., 18:00 r.ight.

BUFFALO-0:60, .0 20, I10.5O a. Ba., 0:00. 7:30, 0 15

KIa'.IABA FAI.LS-10:20, 110.50 a. Ba, 4:50. 6:00, 7:30,

BAIVAXlH>A-t9:0O, 111:30 a. m., »'J :00. 13 30, 7:30].. n,., 112 :00 nirht.

LAKE ,.i..,i.,,, |U:iX), 111:30 a. m., {3:30 p. m.THOCSAND l>LANDS-U0:90 a. m., 4:50, 0:15 p. m.,

112:00 night.ADIROVDA. K MOt'BTAlltB WI> MONI RE.Vl^-ir. 00,

1J1:30 a. n:., 7 30 9. m., 112 :00 tnglit; alao Adlion-do- k Mountain*, ¦">" p- n,.

AUUl'RN, WENEVA ABD CAN ANDAIOCA-19:50.410 :.'>(! a. in., 9:13 p. ni., tl*.':Oi. mldnlcht.


BERKMIIRK HILLS! VIA HARLI.M DIVISION-III:10 a. iu., t 3 :.»,! p. in.

.,, ,.For ti. k.-t.a .d pjm^,- in Ble pin| I ar* apply at ..randCentral Station, or at Xoa. 113. ,85. fill* ana 1 llroadwny,12 I'ark I'ia-¦<. 68 Vfeot l-'Mli-st. and 13»M,-ht. atationfrcw-York 333 Wxihlinrtnn-*t., 72(1 Fultoiist. and 308Bedford-avf., E. D.. Hr-oUlyn.

Westrott'a Exprasa calla fnr and cheek* baggage fromboarli ;n,d reoldence* tUruugh ta, tuatlnatton.

tDaily Bxeept Bunday. (rlaMidaya aaly. Other traln*run dniiv._._

Above traln*. tlo.a.. leavlnu at 0 00. fl :..0 a. rr...2 30 3 30 3:.'>n. 8:68, 4 :5">. <>:2.'. p. m., and 12:00 inld-nlght ita p at I88th-*t fiatlon.

JOIIX M. TOI'CET, tiEOROF, II. DANIELS,Oaaml Maiiafer. Qaa'l Paaaaagw Aaeal



Ai.a BM only Un* ii-uning lt*

DiNINQ CAR THROUQH TO CHICAGO.3 00 P. M.. 0:00 P. BL, 8.30 P. M.



UAllII t'OAL KMilM'-S.Tralna leave ttatio'i lo.,t oi Cliau,brra.*t. at bonra named

brlow (Hc t. o'. of Weat jau-»t. Uve o.itn.i"* WBHTBKB DAV BXFKBbM.

WlBO A. Ma rtm dnjr, 'l'i.- popular li:ornl.g t;»ln foiDiUKiiaiMon. Elmir*. Uocliea'er, Builalo. Xiagara ralia.M.a, .-iikIoi, n,nl4,'., i>4.i,,ia I.ak,., Clnciaiiatl. ia*W'-t and ( anada. puilnu,. I'arl'.r Car '-. Uuilalo.

NEW VKSTIHILK1) LIM1TKD.3i00 P. .11. nriv d«». Every uv on Uua bala ia now

and B** IL*a .." -t.i.ii:--.! platl.-rini, ,na....g 4 .¦oii.pi.M5Vrst.bul, d traln lor bagtage. dai, ah-eplng and dnilngiars-4 aolld Pi'llmaii irain fioin New-York, Ma SaJavmaiica, Jameatown, LaK.-Mooa, Chauunqni Laku,>i.ino;,. Mtadvllle 4,id YoLigaiowr, to i^',a:'0. l'ull-ln_ veatlbalad s i¦¦ pla< ,r- NVw-YtTrB to Cicvu-land nnd N.w-Yorl; 'o Cmr'nna'l and Kt. I..,il».

BBW FAMT WBHTKKN CXPIIKHnaiOO P. BL i-vrr) .!,.». Via HulfOlaJ 4i.l S'laoWB railv A

kolld traln of day coacl,ea and Pullrnaii al.--p.-is lo Cbl-eajo. All elaaat-a .f poaaeoBeri carrled thrvuah « p,illn,a'i RuIT.-r, V,-s' Sle.-ptng car toUuffalo. l' Yotibnl.-d Slv.-plni: and IU-< llulngi halr Car* l. Roeheatflr, Hamllton and Toronio.The favorlte and ni, «t eomplrte train r,ir Hamiltaio. To

ronto ind prlnclpal polnta ln Canad* and Mlebluan.bUO P, Ba, rvrry day. bolld iralu uf aiooaing. Daj Paa-

»cn|{fi 4iid Pijllmau Uuir,-t Sl.-.-pmg Car* to i. litca«o. \ubalamajica, Corry, Meadvllle, Younga'aowa aad Marluo.l'wi.u.aii Lara froiu Youiigalowo lo cincliiuall.l'uilii.aii aleepei 'o Buitalo.Ilcket ofllce*. 401, 317. 713 and 1W Broadway. 148

Bowi-ry, 1 Rattery Place, Chambera and L.'3d-*t. fer-rle*. New-York; 831 »nd 33f Fulton-st.. Bro,,klvn 107Rroadway, Wllllan,at.irK eorner Newark and ll,;d-on ata..Hot,ok,-n; and Bl-w Station. J*r»ev Clty, where Ticketaand I'arlor and Slecplng Car r.-*,-rratlon» and ord.'r* forthecklug and transfer of,- ran l.- obtalued.

L. P. FAP.MER. ti.-ii.-ral l*»-*.nii-r Aienl.



AXD i*,,ixt i*i.i:asant.

Tlm* table ln effect .lune 22. 1M10. Traln* 1. ave New.Yorli. f,»,t of 4 00. 8:15, 8:16 (eTpreoa), 1" 18,11 :15 a _, 1 :80, i::30. 3:30 (axureo* I 10, :80 (,-x-priaoa fi 80 [rxpreaa), o 10 p. b>. .sunday*, 4:00, 0:00a. !.:., 4 :00 p. in.

li ,n, f..ot crtiandi ai,d Dfabroaafa^aa.. 5:30. 7:10,0:10 i. in.. 12 ii,'.mi. Z*B0, 8:10 fejmraa*), 3:40 (expnaa,,\,,pi l'..,l Baak), 1:20 (axBTraa), 8:20, 7 :00 p. a. Baa.dav*. 8:18, B:4fi a. m.. 3 ll p. m.

Bonda.' t.alna do ii,,t st.p at 0,-ean OrOTB «',d AaburvPark.r.UFUB BLODOETT, .1. R. wnnp,

Riin*Hnt4iid*iit. <;,-ii*l Pa*». Act. P^nn. R. Rll. P. BALPWIX. Ornjl Paa* *f*nt, C. B. n of x. J.


ii r i:. r «.. L-s* «.. ¦Tralna leara Waat UA-A aiatleo iHrw.Yark] as followa, and 18 u.iiiuta-a ^ar;l.¦rfrom tbe f,a,l of Jav--t.. .Ww-York lfainllt,,ii. Londoti,D and Chlrago, '.i .',', a. Bl., »5:U p, ¦., ¦*< I.*, | IB.St I.i-, .."> ¦!.".. - IS p. Bl TotOBlB 10:86 a. n, 15 :15,Kl", p. m. ifiifTalo, Ro,'h<Ht,-r. Buauenaion Bridge,.nagaro Falla, 8:80. "0:M 8. m.. -.. f.,. .$:_ p ra.l't|.a and Syraruae, 8*80, '..:.",.', a. n... '.', ,|,-,?8 18 p rn Klnratofl :i 30 .: l.Y t:K elO:ISall 80 a. i.,.. 1)8:48. -4 -00. '6:18 aml « 1.1 p. m.CaUklll and Xlbany IJaO *7!l8 8:88, all lo a. n...i.:i 18, -i 00 ", 18, *i i". p. tn. Cranatona, W*at Polnt,Comwall, Newbtirg, 3 .to. *7:].i, 8 -.:>. .:.:¦..,, -'.i.'..-,ull 80 ;,. in 1 15, .4 im, i :*jo .:. 16 6 88, fl 10, -H-i:.',.11 :4."> p. Ii... and lo I', a. m lhl f. [, in io-,,wall aniiNewbnrg, Montreal and < anada Eaat. 7:16 a, m T. I',p. in. Elegant ile^plng_ri for MutTai,,, Xlagara la'i-Detrolt. i hi,-*,/,, and ^t. l.oula on all tlir.,,.l, tralnabantnea ap,-, ia!a oll 3o h. mt, 1,3:44 |i tn. Patloi earata. f.*r:,l"L':, and CaJdwell. latk.- ,,..,iri-.- :, 1 at) ». moaii\ .\..|.t Sandaj b8:45 p, m («ai,ir,lav« onlr). l*ai-lor-.-ar on ll 80 ¦ traln. Ka4ter»klll, llunt.r. Ho¬bart, i.rand llnt.-l Mation *nd Phoanlrla, 3 80 rlO 15aml all :i(, a. ra 1.3 I'. i>. n, 1'arior .;,r- to i.ra,:'l II..tei and Kaata-r.klll. via Phocnlda. 10:45 and 11 SOa in3.4.'. p, in. tralna and io ifi a. m for li,.i*it. SlMptng-rarin I 30 ». n, (Bundari onlv,. f.,r i.r*i,,l HoUl and Ph.alcla. I'ai.-n\ in. ralro and Mnuiiiaiu Houae ; 16all 3" *¦ in.. 1.3 16 p m. P«rl»i.,-uia lo Cataklll oi, tln-htralna. Malf-i.lay aperlal 1 16 p n. satiird'i> only, forKaab-rolilll, Il-mt.r Il.,(s,rt. linind Hot>l Bl.n andpbaeolela. Parloi rar to i.r-ind llotrl statim aml Phoenlda. a. b. c. a. Leavea Rrooklrn, via llmokivn Annei«lo. alO 40 a. ,r,. a aud b 3 fMi p. ni. J. r-. v < :t% 1*. U l:staton elO to, all 20 in.. *8 : ¦'. 1.3 28 p i. r.iOiKIIIMo,,,t,ln ni't lln.- 3 30 ain. al>- plnir rar t-. '.- u -I II. ,<¦suilon Ranoay* onl] 'i>..!i. fiDalli .> RatunUy. tralna dnli .\ a For Meket* llme-tabl*parior aod alerptna -a, arronimodatlnii oi Iniormatjon, ap¬ply onir.a. Brooklyn. 888 Waahlogton^*., 72<i I'ultoa -tAnn.'X oBlee, !",,,. "f luitonat N'-uYirk iil\ 881B'«av. 788 ''42. 1.1*71 ll'wav, 14.3 Iloa.TT 12 I'arkft8 H'Mth-al. and Weat short aUtlon*. t<x\ ot W,-*i42d-at. and foot of lav-at., North RIver. C. E. I.AM-BF.RT. Oriaeral Paaaciafcr Agcut. 6 VandwMlt ave.. Xew-


BULTO.-OHIOR.fl.I'Mi Etprem Tralna, vlaPII1LAI/F.LPH1A U



AXD ALL P«|..T* Wgfl._*( i.i..ha.\ CAR 8MMFICB UX ALL TKA1XB.


1,- bt< XEW-YORK, foot of Ltborly-t., a* foUowaFor (III* ai..., A.-O p. ni.. 11'; 15 a. m.F.r l\( IXXATI, Sl LOI'lS, 0:00 a. m.. 5 :00 p.For WASHIXUTON, BALTIMORE, 0:00 a. tn- 11:

t. I:.-, OV p. m., 8:'.'0 p. ni., .0.00 |». ni., 12:15 a. ))).All tralna diilli, axeept II:.) a. m. Sunday.

Tick.-t oa-Cea, 501, 415 and 1,140 Broadway, N. Y.ui.l '..i Bruailwav, Hiookhn. M'AllON i-OOT Ol'L1BERTY-T. Central R. R. of X. J.)

______Xew-York Transfer .unpany will eall for and check

hattfiage hotel or roaidoiice. _...._

J T ..PELI,. CHAS. O. SCULL,Ocu'l Manager. Gen'l Pas.enger Ageot.

NEW.YOKK, ONTAKIO AM) \YE«VTEIIX HAIL-WAY (OlIPAXV. truiin leave f»ol of Jav aud 42d st* as followa:aav -t. ; 4- a. iu.. l-u-.«t., .ou a. iu.; lur Caii.iiPv-l

Hall. Midriigtown, 1'ort Jerils, Montlecllo, F_l»..ur_Uberty, tUncock, Waltoa, Delhl, Bdmeal-i, Norwicu,.Itea, iloui". Oneida, p.-troit, U.leaffo and point* Weat.

I.. '.i M i. m., 4.d-st, 11:10 a. ra.; for _a_ipbcllHaiL Lake. Molionk and Miniie-.v_*ka, Wallklll Valley W*tlons, .MldUI-town. Bloon.iiiKl.urg, Ellenville. MountalnUale. PalUburc. Ilurlovillie, Lllx-ty. Whlte Lake.

Jay-st., 8:0.) p. B., 4-d-*t., 8:13 p. n,. for < ampbel!Hall Lake* Mohonk and Mlnnewaska. Wullklli Vall.-v Sta-Uena, Hlddletown, Hl.ii.iiiiiiKburii, Ellrnvlll.', 1'ort Jervla,.Monticello, Fallsb.irg, IPiHeyville, Llbrrty, Whlte Lake,ItOaklaud. __ , __.._,

Jav-it.. 4 :15 p m., 4?d-*t., 4 :.10 p. m. for Went ( orn-wall.'Orrfl Mllls, Stony Ford, Campbell Hall, Mlddletown,Bloomlnghurg. i'll'iivllle. w,__, .

f Jav-st.. 8 :00 p. m., 42d-st., 0:13 p. m.; for Mlddletown,l-'allstiurir, I-llx-rtv, Walton, Xorwich, Oneida, Oawego,Rochester, Xlagara F.ll*., D-.trolt, Chieago and polnt* Weat.

Jav-it.. :h»p. in., I2d-*t.. 1 43 p. ni.. Saturday* only;for ("ampb'll Hall. Mlddletown, Ellenville, 1'ort Jervla,I, I.ifx-rtv. Whlte Lake, Rockland.

Dallv, throiiirh. Other train* dallv, except Suiidaye.fullman drawlnp-ronm seats and sleeplngcar berths re*ervo8at 32:. Broadway. New-York.

, _, _,

J. 0. AXDI.RSOX (». P.A.. 18 F.xchan.e Pl.iee, X. Y.


Tlme Taliie of Jnne 23, lbOO.4 -;in a m. for Fl- 'mlMrtqn, Ea*u>n, B. thleheni, Atlen.

town, Maueli Chunk. Wlll<e«barre, Bci.ltOO, ReadlnR, Har-rlitiur«. Tainarjua. Shan.oUn. Bt..btiry. LewUiourg. Wlll-laiu.port. 0n Mnndars for BBetOB, Bethlehem. Allentown,Mauch chnnlc. Wllheabarr* and S.-nnton.

6:43 a. m. for Lake Hopatcong and Eaaton.r .." ». in f.u Klemlnrton, Eaaton, it.-.iilehem, Allen¬

town and Mauch Chunlt. On Sunday* foi Lake Jlopat-rong, Eeetou, Bethlehem, AUeatOWn, Mauch Chunk aiidSbamokln.

H.43 and 0:00 a. rn. tor Flemlnirton. Lake Mopatcong,Eaaton Bettileheni, Allentoa-n, Man. h chunk. wilkesinrr.-,Ht-ranton, K-adlng. Harrl«hurir. I'ott*vllle. Tanianiia. Sha-Kt.amokln. Bunburr i.ewuhurr. Ear'" M_e. willlama.port. Through ButTet Parlor Car to Wllllamaport.

1 (H) p. m. for Ilvmlnguai. Lake Ilnpata-onir. F.a*ton,II _hl.-hrm. All< ntown. Mauch Chunk. ReadliiK. Harrl.t.urg,Pottavllle, '..'. <)n Sandar. f..r Eaaton, B.-thlehem, Allen¬town. Mau.-h Chunk and Fott.vllle.

1:48 p. in. for Ea»ton, Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauelichunk. Iten'lloB, llarrl»l.ur«. Wllkesborr.-, h>:ran.n,, I'ottMvllle. Sliamokln.

4 .in p. rn. for Flemtnaton, Lakn Hopatcong, Eajton,Bethlehem and Allentown

B :i'i p. ui. for soii.ervllle and Flemlnirton.6:45 l). m. for Ea*ton. Bethlehem. Allentown, Mauch

Chunk. Aeadlng. IPirrNliurB. vc. Sundav* at 3:30 p. m.7 ;H0 ii. n». for Ea-iton Bethlehem. and Allentown.For Ked Bank. Long Brtir.ih, Ashury Park, Ocean Orovo

and Polnt pleaaant, 4 .-00. 8:14, 0:13. 10:10. 11:L3 a. m.,l_0 SD, l:0_ I 80, 3:30. OJOp. m. Sunday*,4 A*)', 0:(h) a. in-, 1:00 P- m- Sunday trains do not *top_t Ocean OTOve Of Aabarjr I'ark.

For Atlautle HlnhlandH, vla Matagran and Kirrport, 4.00.g ;_S, 11 :13 a. ui.. 1 :30. 4 :30, 5 :3'l, 7 :30 p. m. Sunday*..) i.o a Bl. 4 :00 p. m.

lor Lak4va..od, Toirw Rlver und Barnecat, 4:00, 8:13*" F'ir Jieae'l. Hav.-ii. Atbntlc City, Vlneland and Brld.e.roii 4 :00 B, BJ., 1 :3° p. D.

For Freebold, 4 :"XJ, 8:15, 11:15 a, m., 1:80, 4:30,8 I _rV .th"'\,"'i.ov. 1 00. 0:00. Btlf, 10:13. 11 .15 a. m.,t :!o :*'. i :' .>. 1:80, 3 00 .'. :.o, o ;10, rTw p. m. Sun-____.' 4 00 90" a. n... 4 00 p. m.aaj., W, SANDY H(KfK route.

FOR LOXO BRAXCH. OCEAX OROVE, *c.From l'ier 8 foot of Reetor-«t.

For Hl-lilii.d Bea-bi S-abrlu-ht, Monmouth Reach, Longrraneh at I _. :46, 9 "0. 11 :00 a. m., 1;00, 3:13,an a'-BO n .... Sindaye, 0:30 a. m.. 1 :00 p. m.

'..'or Atlantlc lllehlands 1:30. 9:0") a. m. (1 :0O Satur-daya nnlvi. |:4f», 1 30, 3:30 p. m. Sundays, 9:30 a. m.,' :°K..r'T.akewo.d. Tnm< l'.her and, 4:30, 7:45a m 1 00, 3:4I p. .".r^ rih-roi Oc-an Orove. A«l)i.rv Tarlc, Polnt P1cn«-ipt,

i-c at 7 :45, 9:00,11:00 a. B- 1:00. 3:43, 4:30, 5:30''' Fo- Reach n:«ven, Atlanttc City, Vlneland,,*c. 4:30 n. Bk. 1 :00 n. m.


Vla Central R. R. of New Jerae 1'hlladelphla and Read-in.. R it Diul lialtlmore and niilo R. R.,n

.'or l*l.'i;"-e Bt 4 180, 7:43, 9.00, 11 30 a. BB., 1.30.2 00 8-0 4.00, 5 00. 0:00. . :80 n. m.. 12:15 iiieh'..SUNDAYS. -:-«, 11:00 a. B_, 2 00. 8:20, 6:00, 0:00P' l'or I'-i'l.'.ii-r- and Waihln-ton dallv at 0:00. 11 80 (ex-r.nt Sundiy) a. n... 2:00, 3:20. 5 :0a' p. m.. 1L':15 nlKht.1;i'r.ln* le.ill." li* 7:4.'.. 11 80 B. ir.. 1 :HO. 4:00. 3:00.7 -8') p rn. il- '."> night, exeept Batorday ni-ht., havo 011-

noetlon for Ib-adlng, Barrtaburg. l'otuvllle, &c.For Bunb. n Lewtabnrg and Wllllamauort, vla Phila-

delDhla. at 7 I'. a. m. d :30 Buffe' Partar ( ar), 7 3» p. m..l-j 13 miani.hf lexcepl Baturday night), Bundajra 0 p. m.

TlrkeU and iSirk-r-Car *eats can bo pn cured at 71, .01.413 '..44 1 lio. 1,328 Broadwav. 7.S7 Oth-av*., 1'04 weat123th _t.: ir>. imai I26th-t., New.York; 4 Court-st.. 8(50Fulton-«t., 9S Broadway Brooklyn. .

Xew-York Tranafei Oompeay will eall for aud checkbaeirace from hot.-I or r-«lden.'».


Liettbroaaea at*. a-i followi:7 a tn for Slatln-ton and Intermedlate polnt*.8 a 111 for .ieneia. l.v.m-., Elmira. Rocbea>t.>r, nutlalo

and tlie Weat, and |.r.ipal loeal P"lnt* Chalr car toI.\.,m and Fullman car to Suapentlon Brldjre.

H 20 a 111 for Mau.-h Chunk and Intermedlate polnt*.11 a in- for L. snd 11. .lunctlnu and Intermedlate polnt*.

chalr rar to Mau.'h Chunk.1 ni f..r TnnkhannOCh and Intermedlate polnt..

Chulr c:ir to Tunlthannock. Conncctlon to Readlng and

Ha'trlro)'r.r"m for Elmira nnd prlnclpal Intermedlate polnta.Chalr ear 10 WHkeahane and Puiiman sieeper 8a Suap.-n-

°l0| ;So P-*B_i ''*r Ma'"-'! Chunk and intermedlate point*.Ph-li.' rar tfl Mau.'h Chunk.

', 10 p iu. for Mau.'h Chunk and intermedlate polnt*.Coiinectlon t,. Readini; and Harrl«burg. ____..

7 1" for (ien.-va. LyOBB. Elmira, Rochester, BnlTaloand the Bfea*. N-8BBB sieeper to Lyon.1 and Su<p"ii*lon"ri'ir_ln» l.-avlng at 8 a. m., 11 a. m., 1 p. m. and 8:40p. m- connect for all polnt-. In Mahanoy and Hazlcton coalreglona. sr.VDAY TRAINS.

8 a m for Mamh chunk. Har.leton and IntermedlateBBlata, aiid lt ». ni. for Shenandoah and lntermedlato1)0 V10 pa m. for Mau'-h Chunk nnd Intermedlnta- polnt*.

7 p m fot Oenetra, Lvon*. F.lmlro. Rochester. liulfaloand the w.-t. puiiman aleeper to Lyon* ;.nd BaapaaatflaBrlflee.

C-neral Fait-rn Ofllee, 233 Broadway.



Di.M 1-;, und .ill rn jH.lnt.-.F0..1 ht.:_n..-ri 111 commtoalott.PUR1TAX.

pil...i;i.M FRoVlDEXCK and OLD COLOXY.T»o eaeh wa> w..k il:...- ouo 011 .>uud:ii».)

I in.- .n attached to ea.ii veaael.Leave Xew.York from l't. r -i). N. R. iold number),

f. 01 ..I M'.rrai -U :n foUow 1

5:30 1*. 14..Kor Fall Rlver dlrect, conneetlne wlth e\.

ntnei traln _ue Park Bquare Btatlon. Bo«'..n. .'.:.'.<) a. M.., 15 l». .M. For Newport and 1-all Rlver; due Newport

;, 15' Fall Rlver 7 A. Nl connectlna with expreaa i'..rr Banar*Statlon, floaton, 0:00 .v u.

Retunneg tralna learu I'urk Suunr Btatlon, Boston, at 0nnd 7 I* .*>f. st'-aiie leavea Fill Rlver Bl 7 :3i: and .-i:.3!'. M. Newport 0 00 P. M. due New-York 7 :00 A. M.SINDAV-. leav. X> w York at 8:80 l' M. f»r all polnts.

ItetumlPB l.ave i'ark square Statloa. Boston, 7 i*. M.Pl'LLMAN Vl.-TIBI l.l EXPRESS TRAIX8 l.etneeu

.1 ,- l.ii.iiiiu at Rlvet and iso-'.mConn.'et:ou*.iy Anaea boat dallv fr.nn llrmklyn, 3 P. M.

leaaev ltv 4 1*. M. TlckeU and lUteroom* may l.e'tain.-d li. New-York at 201. 718 >.'4( D.%7. and 1 828Mp'. ..:.'. 1.170 _th_v«\: 204 We»t l'.'3th-st. and lJSth-t.: 143 Bowerr. Astot House and Wlndsorli'otel; Llii" Offlee, Pler 28 X. U_ and on ..t_!iier*:_*_

BOSTON.VIA8T0NINGT0N LINE._r__»V_0_aB I-.. WO-l) I>II II. !4T_tU_U_X___I

PI_R apd WA I. 11 HILL.tteaaen islaxo

a.:d KARRA-AXSETTLea.e New pier 80 X. biock abov. Canal-*t.,

at 5 p. 1:1., sundayi ex.-eptedj_

NORWICHLINErO. r.u->.i'N, wullil.-n.>. SKH-_OXiH>A.Noit>

'.\1C1I, V. llill. MOL'NiAl.Vs, all polnt- XoKTII JJ'dEA8T. bTEAMER- leave Hi.-r 40 .S'UIU'il RIVER. Betl,lr above l.l .MiUo.'.-.i.v.M 1EKRV, UAILV ibundayaexcepted), at3..0p 1:1.._D1J.1..II1 M 1. 1..M BJSION to the roi'htrv ov.-r Kare for the round trlp to New-Lond-m iPet^uot andFort lirlnvgld.. *'_, lo Norwlch. tha Roae of Xew-Englnud,if_ 26. Tlekete ....«1 up s1t.1r.1a> ui-i.t. down bj itea._rleavlng Korwleh leUowug Boaday ai 7 p. aa., Xcw-Loudun."

-HKEJS .ind 5TATF.ROOMS SF.CfRED Bt V 47.-oi 8X1. 3-t7, :.,.i. i.i.t 71.1 '...'.7 and l,_sa Broadi -.- Mind' 143 Bowerr- ll1 BRO< KLYX, 4 Court-at. and :«lFuiton orllcfi'Wen.'otl s Exm-esa. 1'IER 10, and ON5'lKAi.EltS WI.STCOTT's EXPRESS wlll CALL for»nrt (HE. K BA__A_E fron. HOTKLS i.n.1 HEsl-DJaiXI I s <l W. ItRADV. Airent.

PROVIDENCE UNEf,,r BOSTOX PBOVIDEXCE WOKCEBTKR aod all BTaw.England noinu. Poll nlght'a real Bhoiteat rall ri.le.

B_B__r< COXXEl riOUT ai.d MA.SsAClJ.M.1 rawlll leave Pler 89, N- K. foot Warron-at., at 6:3" p. ra.dallv, .x1.pi_ui.uav1, Pnvldeace 0 a. u. Boston7 1- a. m. A iii.- orcht-tra ou eaeh aieamei Tlcaot* andlUterooin* aeeared at 120. 237, 201, 8.1, 044 a.d 887 Hr ...1way, AL... Houae, H'n u-o; _nd Co*BMpoll_n Hotela, alloffieea N Y. Ir..-fr C ... X. V. and llro<«.:yu, who w'lleall fnr and check tiacsai;.' hota.l or ri>idem 0 to destl-nat'.on.

1 i.oue ciil. Corlbndt 8.32S.

HudsonRiver by Daylight.Day Line BMMMBBj

NEW.YOKK .or.ALIIA.NYlaaily (ex.ept :viiiday».>

Leave Brooklyn. FuSlon-at. .*'v Anii.x).8 :(_ a. m.Po. Xew-lorlc, _>e»bro_en-at.B to do.Do. d... Weat .2u-»t. noo da

For AI.BAVY, laiidlnn at Vonken, Weat polnt. Now.burg. Poughkeepale, Rblnebe. U, Caukill and Iludaoii.

Retnrflli.K leave All.n ai *. .;.' .1 ni.onxe. r:

Wl st POIXT, XEWBI RO, an.l k*OHQ___f__I_, wlthdown i.-.i

RlllNEBP.L'K (tn few with lalei an.l l>.'i R. R. foir.-iorta of th.- 1 utikilli.

A l-Slill.l. -i.lai um. .... ..t.klll Mt, K. R.Al.Il.v.N V witi, tralna for M._..i. I-I1-, Ituilalo and i__

Wi-ii II01.U111 aud tli- Eaat; al and 11... NorUi, andSTl.i 1AI. TRAINs lo and flom Surata._a.

Tba N.-w.Vork Tiainf. r (,, wlll .:»u for and clitUibai<i-'a«. from i.-.i. ii and realdaaeas.X Auo 88**8.BB attacU- «a. .*.i aaaaaBaa.



Dler 41) NorUi RIver, fool (anal-»t., at 0 p. m-j Brooklyn.fulum-at., via annex. 5 p. n>- *onn*etln_ wtth exprr**tralna for Saratoira La*e George, and all Adlroiidacii*.8haron Spring*. 4 (,o|»r«to»n, Thon»aud Ialand*, andNlaa-ar* Falla. SATIRKAY BIWH'I sieaMER tonnecUwith Sunday momlng train for Saratotr*.



SATURDAYK >P. M.(faundays exeepted.) _


aeu*on. Troy baal* .'Ity of Trov or P, r4(1 N R foot Weat 10th-at., daily excei.t Saturday. 9V m. EXPRKJsS TIlAiNS TOR BAKAWa. LaKEfjEOEOE AXD ADIRONDACKS. Sundoy oteomertanii-ho* at Albany.__________________A -SEW-HAVEiN, 75c.J\. EXCL'RSION (uood 0 dayaV 81 28-

isiearner* C. BL NORTHAM ana coST1.NE.NTAL leoPwk allD l'ler 26 E. R.. 3 p. Di. and 11 p. m. 'hnnoa-aliTi. ,,, ,,"n.*ti,7jr at BeV.fiaraa w»h apeelal traln*for MERIDI-.X. II AR'I rOBU _ai'^B«l^f__ HOL-YOKE *e. Thronirh tlcket* »o!d and bovBage ^heeked at(.44 Broadway, New-York. and 4 Court-at., Brooklyn._PAT8KILL MOU.NTA LVS-Sieiwiiers K \ AT;\J ERSKII.L and CATSKILL )"*ve Pler 33. V R f.xrtof Jav-*t.. every week dav at 8 p. m.. connertlnr "NhC*t*klll Mour.ta'ln and Cairo R. R. Dlrertorv of *umti< and Loordln. ho.i.ea fr«> at tler or ma,.at to anyaddreaa by W. J. Hl'GHES. Treaeurer. Catoklll, BJ. T._


83, N. R.. foot of Jay-*t, every week day at 0 p. rn., eon-

nectlng with Boaton and Albanv R- R.


SAFEINVESTMENTS.We Own and Offer, Subjeet to Saio;

930.800 Clty .fBrlrlarp*n. Coon., 7a.8100,000 hnn.ii. f Hy. U*m *".

§100.000 fpokanr F«ll", IVnob., 0*.950,000 l)or*«e Ooonty. Neb.. .1*.90.1.000 <Tly of Chnttnnao*a, Tenn., .Ia,97.1,090 City ol B*8*_ Fnll*. BL Dalu. -I*.

9N1,000 Clty oI'Dayton. Ohio, *,«.

944,000 Clry ofHaalnnw, Hleh., .1*.

91.1.009 CHy of A ni i«... \VI*.. 6a.O'a'M.OOO Moline, IIL, Hehool .1*.944,000 Delevnn Ti... III., .1*. 3V>a, Ba.4,1(1.11011 Ilol.ire.r, Nrb.. Mrhool (I*.

910.000 Cheyenne I'eiinty, Nrb., 0*.

917,000 (ity ol Flnrilny. O., Mehool 6b.910,100 Younxntown. O., Hrhool Oa.

9*2.1,000 "mm nl,- Street Knllwny Ua.

83S.000 Pi, ishura. lia*.. Wnirr Co. 6a.The abov* secmltle* aro eepeelally adapted for tha ln-

veatmenta of Indlvldual*. Trusieea of E«tate*, SavlngaInatltutlona, *t<-.

Our rlreular fju*t l»*>ied\ glvlng Ml de*cr1ptlnn ofthe choleeat llno of Securltle* on the raarket, molled on

appllcatlon. ________

N. W. Harris& Company,nANKF.Iia.,

163-16.1 Drnrborn-at., CHICAGO.70 StHte-M., Ilo.lon.




Prlro, 10'i 1-aJ aod neerned Intereai.


20-YEAR 6 PER CENT. BONDS.Prlce, 10*2 nntl nrrr.ied lotereat.




fhe Middlesexganking Company,

MIDDLETOWS, CONN.I'tiiii ii'ini, .... 9600,000Ofl'er* 0 per renl. Debenturrs, ac-iirM by rtej>o»it of 1*1

mortcacea with tln- I oion Tru.l t nmiiiiny of New-York.Ar.iouut .f laaue Huiiled by l.uw. | oonecllrul Tru*tee*,Exrrulor*. elr., ean i.T,-af m th.-»e bmida.

ERANK R. JOIINSON. New-York Agent,_ '_81 and 83 Broad-at.

Southern Pacific R. R. Co\otice of iti:iii;ui*i io\.

All ii.r-.ona l.oldlng nny of the bonda of the Sontb.rnpaeiae Kall.oad Company ar>- bereby notin.d that ther.-ll bo« *l'i tl>'' hand' of Ihe uiid"r*lgn.'l TruaVej, underthe mortaaa** by »hi,*h tbe pavnunt of aaid boMa la ulurc'l, the auin of Ono llnnilr^d Thouaand Dollar*. 8,,ld,whi, h. under tho ter,.* of aaid BMTtfam, la appll,'*ble u>th^ r^.lemptlon or imr.'ha*" »f aald h,,i,da. aml tlut tha un-

d.-rsiKii, il «!ll r-'iv,' aealrd propoaala at, u,,- Land oni,-,'of aaid Company, eorner ,,, rnurtn aaid Toanaend -.ta.. mjiKranclseo lor the lurrendi r,,( -.ild bonda untll Wed.. adar,tho tw.ntv-thirJ ilay of July. Is'.K), at whlrh time i,r.i,,,^al»will i.e opened, r.uu ^!Kll bond* aa ar,- ,,r?.>r'a1 at ta,lirlce will Ih- ndeemed or pn liaaed ta, th' amonnt af,«r.-*ald

Pr,,.,,->!- to h< lodoraed "PnnoMl* for Burrender »f theKir-t Aortgaga U.,nJ- bouth. ro Pa. ta.- Railroad i ....,]..,,.v."

li. ti. Mll.l.s,. I Tr,.»,,,.«(.. L. I.WSIM., I lrl" v

tsan Franelaeo. Jnne 18, ^90.




hasiuni;ton cointv, neh.. -ao yeak .1*.

pl'ebi.o. colorado. miiool di*»trict.1a.

nnd other eliolee bo.ul. for

INVESTMENT,oviiiri! und nllereil hy

BLAIR&CO., Bankers,10 UALI. HTH8ET.

Purtlier pnrlleulnr. on ii|.|>l,. nilon Inper*on orby letier.A (.,-iienil Bnuklua Hii.tue*. TrHii.Hi led.


iioider* ..t Ctaj afTarra Uavta iivi. aXD OBB_ALPi'l n 'i:vr f iiiiii," i.umi-. a it. a isnr,. .lailna 1909, op-Uaaal aflei \*:»>. ar.- aavafey aallBad tliat baoBa- ar^ eaii-aifor poyn.ent. Int-r. at t.i--, afbat July l 1980. R.,;,dRwill l>e eaalx'd U|K)li BWaWtatlBB at BM bBNM "f l'W>N,LtM ii B 00., Ba. -' Wai. -t.. BaW'Tarh, .r IJl'IOLXr,HAKKAHAM ., I l.l \., ii Wuii-at N.-w-York.

W. \V II All la (.iti I:. i.,irer.

July 1, 18W._T«r^ H*ute, Ind._HETU0P0L1T.IH TRIST (OMPAXI

op tiik <-ITY ok bbw TaaltLNo*. .;? aud 110 Wnll-.i.

Cnr.RalaudS,ir|.lu* ., ..«|.HH-i,*100 OSDea.giiaU'U Uy '.ia*r oi auprcne court aa .» i-'K4i de

poaiu.ry. Will reoeivo deiMjuit* if money on lataioat, aela. Uacol or iranalrr aaeul, Of iruaie* for corporai.ona, .uijaevepl and eaecuto any legal tru*ta from pera.oia or corpo-r »iL,.,i» ou as favoral'lc ...rrt:. *a othor ¦ltui lat oompaiiiea.

THOM \> HILI.HOI'HC, PraaldanLFREDERICK D. TA1*1'I-'.N, Vi,-o ProMdaul(.HAS M. JESPP. :',l v. -.Prexldctlt._Iil.Vl'Ri.v ill'.\,'. Becirta


DERKELKV LlrKIM A»ui | \ 1 H»N. Lim-Ja it. ,i Btoekbotderi ara heretrj aottBed thal t aivoia'.¦MaHlBB wlU b* held at i'-' Weal MUt-*l m,afternoon, afuli 10 it i ,.. t.i*lder the i.r,>ia,4.-,|in. r. h-.- nt ti.- rapltaJ itoch t., 88lX>,p00 in order ,.fti,.- Hoard ol Dlr*»tor». I CLARK READ laot'y.

MMITIU'IIV PACIPII K r. .o.NO. I.' llll'iAli ST.. MW-YliRK (ITY.

July 1. 1S90.iVOTICE i** lior»*i,y fiTan nadar tha tatamai of-' the r.a.,lutlon of tli>- lloai.l af Klr,- t,,r» ,f lh.- \,.ih. rn

raeill. Kalli,,ad l',,ii,|aiiy «d.M ¦ that¦ ..ill ,,r tu,,,'! I\\s. |4 r ..-nt l» tlila dav m..|,. ,,,, -.,¦ 1,^,-r.|>-Maaa aa xarthaaa PbcIIi Rafaraa4 Oaafaaj di,'i laartaovaaaCi,n».,iid»ted Ifaiaaaai faaal aaaala, bbjbbbi \.,' I, 1499,and a fuither aud Hnal aall af Iwaaly-Bve per eeiit I* n.adeBBTB8I8 s"l'1 '. B**a48aVaV at alilch dal.' th.- bonda will Ih>d.llwi.-d ind a«-,-r,id int,,. «t BB »>it,a,-rlpli,>na i(1,,i-t,.|

I'aim, nts of .¦.,11a aiid ,il,\.i\ ,,f Im ml. » ,]'. |». t: ».| tli>- ,,ftl.t BM i-i¦¦ra* I.imii BBdl Truat (',.,.No. L'll N,-w-Y.rk Clty,

XiillTill.RX iv, ui, BAILBOAO ("MI'snv

Hy IH.NRY Vll.l.AI'.D.n_Caliuian of Ui,- lUiaid.

\%r\N"rKI>'-Tid.non t<» $500,000 iii l,nlk* "4>ima al 4 oer cent. ujy..n ulll-vdce clly liumneaa

aaaaartr. *n to 4.0 i*r <->mt -aiuation.' L. I-BKBBAUM. Mi Droaaieay.

iantur. ana Broketf.

Kissam, Whitney & Co,-Bankers and Brokers



P. W. Oallandet A Go..KAMtliKS,


HEXRY FITCII. Jr.. \ .*» _r,_.Member R. Y V_«k Eichen.*.. I "BjW.TORR.

ll.t-reet wlll be rr><Jite<l under d_U> of J'llf 1< ^__lay, J'i!. tlal

JA.MI-.S oLWKLL. Preaident.

Giunngo BanKe.

Bfi IM SIVIKGS INSTlffltIC811 AND 34.1 ri'iWF.RY

The Tru»tee« bae dc-lar.d a dl-. Ideml for the »u iwaiL.erdluR June 30. 1890, on all depoalUr. enlltied U.. r^_und'-r the hv-lawa at the rate of 4 per eeot. per ana,»on iiini. of 8.100 and under, aod on tn.- e.xcea* ,,f a.yv, jjnot exce.dlng BB 00V at the _.<¦ 0f 3 per cent. p. ai.n __payable, on and after Julv 21 1989 ^

A.NI.REW MILIA, Preaident.CHARLES MIEHLIXO s<-. -».ry_ _


91 i IIA71BER* VI., ..KW-VORR.NEW-YORK, June BO. 1*90.

DIVIDEND.The Truauea of tha Bank hare «ra__that Intereat be ptld lo l)>p..aiiora enUtled th-r»v, t-Zthe alx monthi. emting dat- at Uie rate of l_r_ _,gOne-Half per ent i>-r <_ all aiuna up to tbe I_Sol Three Thou»_iid Dollara (43.000,.

InOreot wlll be rredite, und'-r .'wlll be payable oii ai.d aftei Moiida

JA.MI-.S <>'DAVID LF.l'WU'H. .j"


NO. 20 UXIO.V MJlARF.A dlvtdend. haa been d'-alare, to Depoaitom en>i>l*4

Oieret" under tlie By-Lawa for the alx rr.-.n.l.a n.iitug Jaa,30, 1MMI, at tl.e rat. ..f Three aa, (lae-IUlf per . -> _,

per Auniiai, on all BBBBl from 85 ta. 83,000, payablo a*aud after __BBBf, Jaly *il. 1S90.

D.poalta nrr re. el.ed from all priaona. und nni e|.rlualvely frnin >«' ( lerk*. -n.l If m!« aa a,belor.- July a. ill <lrnw In.rir-l frsm Jaly I «>.

ANIilU'.W WARNLR, Preahteot,vvil.I.liM T LAWBXXCE, .>¦-. ¦'....

IM0\ 1)1 _K __VI..-S I..STITI TIU I,"Hr.,i.,l.a.,i. IJ.I .*!. aad Oih Ave.,

NEW V .n.Interest ut Um uaual rat... iiainely, Fol'R per r-ul p_

aniiuiii. up t.. tl.Qot). am! 'lllllKi: p_ renl ..n aoj -x _|o\er njOm, haa i-ei, a-*.. lai bm BB.-aa naif j_r bfthe |t.,ard of Trnat,-*a. on ur a/t-r July 10. or,If not wlthdraian, tK-a:lti« lnt*teat fron. July 1.

Op.ii M...iday» tlll 7, Maiuiai _a tlll noon "tl.-r darttlll

Bfaaar depoaiu-d on or befor* July 10 draw» intoree)from July I. . S ll BUTOH-Rt Pre»*4aa_OARDM'R B Iltl'IN, Trea«urer.CIIARLFM t BPRAOl'E -.r»Ury._


new-vkk. jun» tf. xamxINTF-FiEST it tho rate of'! III.KK AXD "M:-1 BALF I. PER int par b_bb_ aill ba aeeregttagrt.-l«»lt<>ri f'-r tli- ala aioa._ eadUna June 10 I-'.*'. ..n allaums entltleal tli, r-t.. aaiOM* t'.e Bjr_H_, n.t . \ --dlogthn-e thouM.ii'1 (43,000. dollare

illll.'P BI*->1N'.1 H. Pr»»ld'Bt.0._F. AMTUOtt, Ir. a-ur.-r.

Tlll. I1ANK K'.R BAVIROB,.17 BI.FF.l Kk.R->I VI W V'.KK luly .. 1WI

THE H<»AKI) <>F TRU3TEES baa* -l.*< !-tro4tl.e BBMl BB__ U.e l.Mll.l l.« (if Ul* \tf.

Iaw». for tli>- kIx niontht endliiB tl.e Sttri J'.u-, ae follo««At the rate of four i4 |wr eeal P"r annum <*i al. . .

o( e'. and upward. no* .v'...u.« *A<«'; iaia'..e on ulaft. r U.e thlrd .Mondav l..ln. the '^1 .t der of thla _io.,»h.

Tl.U interent: ln at once p. the credlt of« a» prlnclpal on Um rtr«t ln«t. wliew lt *ui.4e '

»« a dep..MiIt wlll be entered >.n lh<- iM.«K-NN)k< Bt »nT Ume wh

renulred on and aftar tn» '.'.t ln»t.SlF.RRirr TRIMBLK. Preeld. nt.ROBF.RT S. HOLT B-eretary. _

IRVlN.i BAVIXON IN-.Ttl.-TI "NNI.W YollK 1800.

r|1 HF. TBl'STEES of tiu- iRatitution baya .l.L clared Inb-reet aa n'A - .m« r'mali.lna BB durl

the three nr Blfl inon'lia endlna J'u.e 30. at the raPOl'R I'l'.R .-NT _»-r aiiti'im on 41 ca. and under

NT I-1

THREE I'l'.R .1 NT \» .'hiuiii -n the fl"« ..f 41 r^*not cxceeatln. 43.000, payahle on and a(t»r tl.e thlrd M__>day In July next. ' fOBR C\STRF.F. Pr-ldent.

C. D. HF.ATON. B>CI-Ury___MAXHATTAN s\' i\m I \ sTITi'TI'.x,

NEW-VOI'.K. June IB, 18-0._CTII SEMI-ANNI'AI. DIVIDEND.t Ofhe trueteee ..f thla Inatltntlon have d.-rlarH ln'. -«<4on all aume not exceedlnn #3 000 remalnlng on dej^ .

Inir the thr.e or ilx ne.i.tln .-..dln. ..n the JOth ir.-'ar.t ltihe rate of THRF.E AND "N EH Al F I'l.R M NT ,-fannum, payable on ar.d afta-r the thlrd M'.NDAY ln Julp

Mt|I I'WAiCi >< IIF.LL, Pr.i>ld»ni| B. RAYWARD a_ere_ ._.

Oitii.rii- Xoticff.NoTH E OF 1)1 \ I Ll- ND


III' A'_' J.ll..' -0 18*0.

ASEMI-ANNUAL DI\ IDFA'D of three Mfeentuflt haa baaa d-elared on the capital -t-*rk al

tbe Illluol- Steel l"otnpanv. peyable Auirual I, 1-. tockholderit of reeord at th. clo»e of bualiieaa, J'.'i 'i,Ib'.K). The atock tranafer tn^k* aill he el.-r4 fmm thal..-" af builneiie, July B, 1-.1M'. to the oueniaa of b'i«tn»««,Au-uat .. 1890. Cheeka will b» maifed from tbe at*BB..f tbe Tr.-aa.irer In r*_n. nt ..f nal.l divldeml

J. C. STIRLIN.*. Actlim Treaeurer.



NO. 195 BROADWa.,M-.W-loliK, June 18, 184*.

eaplUI atock of thla Company ha* thla day been g^elari.-.iable oi. Julv 15, IH'") For U..- pu.|«.»ea ..f thla dlu

w tl.teil Wlll be 0pen>4 "

in .v|«»-k a. ro aod wlll1800, at 8 ..'.'I... B p min, ls9o, at 10 o'eloek a.A II CALF.F. Tr-a-urer

u July 15. 18'..). f'..r _>.. p.iri«.»ea ..f thla dlu-tranafer booaa, now cl-taed. wlll be ooen>4 oaJune |B, 1090, at 10 o'eloek a. ro and wlll I*Mooday, tune ;.«. imh), at « a'eiaal p m _.|

dii Wednesday, July Hl, 14>1>\ at 10 o'eloek a. _,

pruaple ou Julv 15. 18'...)- F.r U..- pu.i«drnd, the tranafer booKa, now cl.iaed, »lThnraday, Junecloaed ..i. Mreop«-n. on

quarterly dlvldend of one )ier cent (11 oa than 4#elar»^

thla dlpi- i

ad will| m alo. k a..aaiir.-r


N.i II II 1MIII.U-- -1 ,\ FW V' Kli 1 VF. 28. 1S90

INTEREST HAS BEEN l»l.< I \l.i !. f-.r th«three :.n-1 alx rn..tha eridlng I .n- 90 ihi*. a, »1

accou.iU .-ntltl"- tli'-ret.. fro... rti-' dnllara la. tl.r«- tho.i _.-4ilotlara. i.t the m- .«* THI'.M tXD oxi BALF riJlCENT. |M>r aiiuutn. parable aft-r luly 10 IWl.1

Wll.I.lvM 11 il."« 'Sl. l*rwl_BB_CHARLF.s A WIIIIVIV -. ta. _.


Tlie Board of Direetor* have deelared a ouart.-r'dent ,.f OXE PER . l n r. aaqa tl.e aiai.laA'lB'nt 1 lra'.ai. Tminfei U...a l" B'.d r*..,p...i \'i.i-t 2. ISIlai HENRY ".RaVF.S

N'.» v..-k .Ln.- 87, 1WV_


IX>-1SYTL_E i X vsiiviI.LF. RAILROAD ao..No. '.'0 WII.I.I AM ST

ni wvuiK. JuW ;. t**1*

¦yin: DOARD <»F DIRECTOU Ol laaa- 0a*_--*- i_nv B_a day d.i lar.d a du d.i.d of One aa4Nlnefv-...le-hundi-.-._M p. r MBB 1 '.< 100 l»-rpavable In atw-k. or wrlp eonvertlble mtu aloek. an I BBBB- dlll.I.-i.d <rf Ti-li-.Mie.iiUinlr><1ttia per cenl. (10-100 p.

cent.), nnklnir Two per ..'nt and an extra caah dlvldend.f 0*8 l^r cent.. p*aahl" ... 'tli A.i.uat. lh«). ta. . |m. ..hall be reai»t.-r.. B44* kftaMare of the Company af3 p. iii. on the '.'lat rlav ..f lulv. UM

The »to<-k (r-iafer bo«.la» ..f M_ CaaBBBBf wlll eloa,tt 3 p. BB. mi Julv -.'1-t. 1SW and ^. oih-u at 10 a Ba.

on the 7th dar ot AiiRuat. IbOO.


\ Sl i.r.'N. I*r.* 1 k_IRVlN.i N \ \ *4"K

S F.W-YORK l*K>.

r|MlE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ..( thia I ml1 have ths day de. ared a dl.'.d. nd ul foul <

paiable on and aft. r the rlrit day ol luly n. xt. until » ailato the trai.ifer b.a.ka wlll r«'malo ..

., >.'I I'F.R, Faahler.__I'llil.vni I nn v .'liy 8 189*


.ft- r J'l V 18 to t »u-*kl__.r« of lt -.!.-.. ol taat II M A.."' <. th C< 'MI'AN \ a. , .*i U> .«!. \4S..-i.t "f th' pai value "' their tioidinin

MI Plll N \ . \l 1"AI I. I'r-«lde-t

TOLEDO. I ..<>..IA*\M' WEsTERN at\Il>1 wa\ C0MPAR1 l ir-t Me't.aa CoBBaaa Irim'.h wlll !>. i»id ...i and »fu-. dat I.a- MOllAR

lll*... II! RS 88 Wl .iam-.t_

Tlll I WARD BANKNi W i.iui,. lu. .*4 XB90.

THK BOARD OF DIIM iv. UiTb-bJ1 d>. lar.d a aeml.nnui ... , ..-. V

.i. and ift.-t luli tl__a.. wlll i nui.i . ......l until tiia.

ll \- I IIRri* v aahlee.

TIIE 11..WERY UV\h .' M A Vi.ltkNEU -i ORK, June -.*;, 1990.

T lll. DIREf TORS, '.¦ in t'. i'"t.ta "t th*I p.iat -ix BMNitha. ha\e d-la.ed a dliM.nd of 9 peB

cent fr<- «f ta* l_aal.le ' l> B.K.k will be .- J "nl Jvil. I.

K . M a \\ . l_»hlet.


-finuiuia. ClfitianB.

THK WNT \1. ELECTION i»f tti. a!'!«i» ,,f the I.i:.. .I. ""I he held af

3.-S8 F_at 4 "d -t .... ^ ¦> " 18*8 .» »

a'rloeh p ii. f.r th* pan. r rhoalafl .'>-i tr-'a-eaand tw. Inape Iom .1 eleeUoa Io* Ih. ¦;.''"< "*\ii n lt VAN u ''M .. i- .'t_rf

(Topiirin rohip Xolicr*.Nl W \...;K J'i't 1 11

\\'\. TAKE PLEASI RE !\ \nn"I v InV«*' II __

\\ I il\\l l.'I'VY a.'MlllU) 10...ll LO-1'ARI'NI llsllll*

MU. Al.lXANDl _ .1. Flsh.V« tiulr.