new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1890-11-19 [p 9]. · 2017-12-17 · 4)0ttef ano carnagtf...

4)0Ttef ano Carnagtf A.*l_-.\__iA_ fc CO. 8<_, 8.4, 870 Brocme-ak, DKOC'.liAMS. UKOH.UAM-. UUOL'..UA_l-. KOVELTl-ft. Cvru_n Baakawaya, Coapf Hociawayt, XKpot W-40na, Al. Top caprloieaa, WaaaneMaa, Two-Wheelera, VUlamCarM. Koaa wavona. Top I'tia. tona, povior»' Wagona, Hurrey Wagnoa, .ancy Vehlclea. BaahbaaiM, Mti.tttur*1 Oarta, Ilur.a.out Wafcaa, -.oa-a-Doa wajtoaa, Road Car;*. OYfc'.U 2X5 *Dl?e K$#t' STYLEB. Leweat uri^e* for JproiWjt _.*»_,,_ua ^^ IN THK WOJU-O. OVER >00 Bpeond-Hand Carr.ag_> Above Stylaa. 9ou i i'ar.-i'.as. a carriage :n town or out. ui.til tou pay ua a vUd*._ _f~VAN~"_ A OSELI. ~~*~KT^ RNEY'B A. C_RRUS_ RKP-_l_dRY. 180 and 13- _,»*; lhM-ak. AT PRlVAfl. SALE. 1B ENORMO" S A^OrtlMENT of a!1 th» Bew .uiJ, of bPlllB- ai.d Sl'MMER carria.*] a. _._._,. -1,1, _.]-. NEW DI-itONK lo OAK, MA- PLE and OTHER NATURAL WOODS '.rcn.-k'-nt wnteb l> tne dleplav of _i> dhlldreu > vr .p-l.e for donae-a ;ul VV\** BHut'TlNO WA.iONS. Kensbijrtona, Der- by VA'aeons Triple Buckboards. 8urr-y». bJoW Ttith and wltiiout canopy topj. Joui.«rt 8 White Buikboarda tor four aud alx pa- .CT_RAM0 AND OCTACrON FRONT UROl'OH AMS. upw and hand, by the oe»t city build.r*. LANDAl'S. __ BLASS FRONT AND LEaTHER Hi-ADS; ROCKAWAYB. . .-.. I1X PASSINOER a:d EXTENMON FRON'iS: Ceaa and urtain Rokawaya. VlCTOKlAS. _..,, LANDAULl'.Ts »nd MAIL PHAETONS, lCAKTs. and SP1DER PHAEXOBS. LAD11 V DKIV1NO l'HJtT.lNV *.X- T1.NMOS TOP PHAEl'ON- »-<! Duc' rrOkr l'HAKTONS. __ .._,_-«. B-P WAUONsJ AND NO-TOP WA(JONs> OF ALI. KI.VD.V w-*uON*-rf__ AND PEl'OT WAOO.N'S. PA1NT- ED AND IN OAK. _-vv T1LB RY.- DOO CART- AND PONT OUR UAI.NKS- ROOM »BF LAROEST ANlf PINEB"I' STOCK, OF XMPOKTiCD AND TiOMi'.-M', a-Mj_,T-_' bADDLKS AND HP.lDI.FS. WH1P8. FUR AND CLOTU l.OHJ--. BLANK- ti_. tc. in amf.rica. iioh-Es DF ALI, KINDS-FanilT Hor-av Roai- eUra, Trotter*. badila llor.-ea, and Work era. ALWAYO ON 1IANP AT PRI/ATE SALE. INl'ENDIN'. PFRCHASERS WILL W> WELL lo exj'.une ou-.- IMMENS- KTO K b"for. '.uylug Al AVCTli * WM. 1.ASTON, Aurtioneer. i'lliiN UM I. 8COTT8 R.ETIRE- i MI.NT FROM THF. TTTBP. _0-0.0 TIII. KN11KI. AL4.ER1A | BTVO OF I I RACE II ILSI'S IV AND Tl-IRLIMCM. Alao nniTnrd of F1FTY OTIIK.r. HIORtTLASO THOR- Ot'OHBREDS, FOt R ORANDLY i.HI'.D IMPORTI'.D BT U.LI'i.N'S. RACE HOR8ES IN TRA1N1XO, AND YXABLINOS, Th" j.roperty of ^ar^.||s owners, Wlil He KOld »Y Al'CnON ABSOLFTELT WITROl'T RF.SERVE, OB rO-MOr.ROW, THFRSDAY. NOV. 20, AT 10 A. M., AT rATTERSALL'S fol New-Tork), Limited, ..Th" Panora-M P.ntldlng.'' &5th-et.. eonier 7th-a\». and 5,'iOi-»i.. New-York (itv. AU or the gtiove hor-es aro ou exliibltton t^-d»v. Wedaeadar (Nov. 19. at Tatter- -»l!'« fof Xi.«-V, r'; Llmlte-, and rat*. loni«* ran '». <.i>winod .ithei at the mm bul'dlng or nf WM. BABTOB, Ma.iagins Dlreetor and iiiirjinnaoi. T.'t!'.-»a!lV ,yf Nrw-York). Llrnlted, 120 i;r,,B'lnar._N. Y (ity. A-OVBBIlf <t MARKEirrr WTndaor . '...irkiii.ha-. Plaia Mun_r HU1 a?id I'nioti l.-ni',,.- Cpil, ('aM.« 1 r,4» Broarl. 101 -id 103 Eael 5'.ith.*t.. 150 BaM flr-f--l»«, <air.a»'es of e.\,rv at-i-¦. nion'hlv statriahinei imaurMMea nn- .qu-»)l<.4 !io<.fi,nn,olat|o!,a f,>r boaiillng hors.a. F' OR SaLK..a patr al pna~Uaad rij-TaV na... hor. « i.atf ..r-i'hfr- close mated vjr- old; !5L.. hai,d» ble'n; thorouahly hrokco tr> Hl! h>mess- ftna ilrh »ra ityUah; fearleaa rf anrthlng aid »»rrart"d amind; 100 «'.'' ,. W, R. sKYDF.R. 314 Wyaad-tto-aC rs.uth Hethlehem. Penn. N (Titrj Hcal (?statc do Ccl. nEUOBTBUL i.-vv. f..Uy furnUhod ho-.e i,htttlon. aear Purk and tt'-t HUt-st. atatlon. CIIOICK, Bux 7, Irjt.un. j.;«»!, (i_.v. 1,_«« Bro-dwa.r. OTICE..To let or foi nale. two rooin.v o >.,-. with or without on H ii-m llidge or Mott-ave.. w^t ot rallroid. with fo-.r anu sK lota, »t»ble«, ahundant 1: ilt. h'.ii. flevatton \ la H. Y. C. *od Jf. It. R. to depot 13l-th-.t.. with a few rnlnutea' w-:,ik up Mott ave. to 150th-«t. 1,1 O. MrORD. OU' Mott-ave.. or 322 15 fi-at.. n./ir c«] ,r Park._ TO LET..Oflli -s dilTeient sl/e*. 21 and ;:)Ont'f.f!.. n.-ar (iry llall; eofsi l,ght. ateani h'»t. elevator nicderote rent. Ap. ),'.v ln Ofh.'P 10. Rral .siiitf io (.tdianqe IllAVE PKOPEETY at .nhnrat-by- th. Oaa wortn ahaat 07,000 a-JcB l v.ouia rxihaneo for Brooklya property of about sjn r valie. Addreaa A., Box 7, rJ nbune ofliti-. Connlrp Rcal (Eoiate fot Soic A. 1 Ii. B MoNTCLAlU.-Dweiiing6 for sale; la_d by _ie acrt- Bl IM; )v_hes to let. lurni.-lud or luifum.^i.rd. I tBhh i. 1AYLOK. 5 Beekman-at., N. Y. /j VTlTaU! ,. >»l f fi_nt for aaie. with (\ Uuee acips of upla:,d. ou Ntw-York Bay. at Clilion. Slatan Isiaiid. lil'LAND A WHITINU, 5 }:. e-man-aL_ A>v iT> i-i a, .Ji rro*Tairif>i>, mcut ug 1, t ',(1x200 f*ct; t m.a, 860 oaah talini'- eio aacatbly; withm io u.inutea aalfe of de]> t *l.\c,- train^ dftlly, 10 rnllo-. from eit_ Lj oau&uMtiao 80 aiaaMitr ; var.v heaitiiy e-vellent ue^hborhooa; doa't pay rtnt i.iiotdu- iiioiitn. It. L. W0L0OTT, owuer, _u C-.tee st. F»OB iSAX,F..-580 ioil with bulhtu«d wjger front on Newtowu C'roek. Suit- al.lo^^ur U/iaiuta'tor.'s, dwel.lnga, _r. AppTv t. fj. B. .SCH11.FFF.LIN, 058 M-Ulaon-avt., or A. RAPELYE, 1-0 j-uitou-st., N. Y. FuR SALE.M_U>ji Ialand arrfa, choke locaUoo «..IUbl- tor nl<s or hotel. Applv to r>. B. SCHIE-'FE- L1N. U58 Madlaon-ave., oi A. RAPELYE, 100 Fulton-Bt., S. Y._ |> As-sAIC. N. J.-VUia 'it*. in ptow to l suit,; i.lgh ground p,Tfpet dralnago; watrr. pv, flre and pollc-; prlnclpal i-<l- .1 .... iMirtlon of itv teru- u> ault. Ad- i. - ADRIAN O. HF.GF.MAN _. <(... 12}_ S..I tit LAKEWOOO PARK. The r,,-.r. Rlberoi i.f l.ihew.Kid. For lots, |8Brraa UEOi BTOMflBXBJBET, Mala-aU Lahawaad, B. J. _r Slala _o £c:. llnfarnishc^ l.ACK Hl H.D1MJ, .-1 llfth-avv., -_¦ 1 Eaa: BMh-«¦ ; large aaxirtni- fc.jiii.y expo»ure ai»o our tor ba. heloir j; I KEE REN1 l<> DhX'. 15.-Nlce flvn- . r ,o;u ai,art_euu, tub»,*, -BM '.«. trance; all lu jrood ordur, i.nt low. BU lo *18 uioutulv 2,441 8tb-av». Jaultor oi M1. A'. i h -. 400 Stti-ave. - ;.i i-iNO.-Part tf flat; » i^ht II r. ama. 3'.7 Wont _»d-at. .iT.ii.. m. ii aVEKOE." I otl-aie.. cor. BJth-at. l-icpa-t apar-jneiiu of 10 roow. and tatb, all Uiipiovin.enta, lncludlng eleyators ai.O »t<-an. nent: re it frc tu J>e<'eniberl. Apply to Janltoi or A. D. MATilER * CO , l-i,a. r», Li.-.a, N. Y._ _| -87-289. EM_a~t fl»ta to let. ol | .,.:¦.-, aii UBpraveBMaM; Baarq pabited; 817._, d I >3 1 .'I REE rootna and batJ.rojm all ijl'y. Impeov.ue ia o: waur aupplid; M.e_u, lieit. 38« F^»t 77th-t. _'in:nci)cO ticoms. APLKABAM'l UOhLE |iallBBMB M flret-d»«* privav haaaa; »'iiurc rooui aad ._':-. *'. wes: .-,(..-_.-st._ AD\ .- y»H 'J II NEW- YOUK TRIBUNE WILL »E Fj: CEIVED AT THE ITPTOWB OVPICES, No. 1,2-0 Broadway, c.,ru. r i'l.i: tv-flrs'-.t aaUJ J p. B_i 270, Twt-.uiy-Uilrd-»t., loiurj yth-ave.; 162 OUth-av..; i>3 Puarta. ave. uiiier FourtacJith-at.______ r«RAM_--CY PABX. 23.¦...Mitleniei, vO ,j |v haadtf elj fur.wah -U war.or and -e-ro-m. uri\»i« bath Ln»kf*-t .1 d-» rei i.f . _i_. i I .\ 0OMELY fo nla, ed rf-o t parloi aud 1J iieirooiu^: .-XteUeu' l»d'lli, p.-lio, .verrthtna :«itt ulariy elean; * h: raia». ri.cea earhai.g-d. 203 Weat l4Ui«t. aR<7e rrioptiou-room ln a jrlvav J,,,,-e, auiUblr lol a d..< Uii'- BBaC* :, ,i.init>. 1.51.1 MadUon-ave._ LAROE, h'.t,<l front parlor; rjitlunea oi roarrled couplc 213 i .-' l-5Q>-aC OO W.iT-46TH-»T.-Own«. da*lrea to 0»j aal nawly fui-nish'-d ro»u>*. en auite ar roiaraaaa._ i)r DsSl 158 wi.-si- Nlcelv furnUhed Wlfoi.t rooro, ^uiublp foi two grntlr- Bx:;, alao b_!l room._ ttOTH-rCJ 237 WF.S1 .-El.gantly f'ir. 00 1,,-h-l largo and small room*; fajnl- Iba a."<'om-iodated; home corufort,*; board .jtlonal._ 01 .> EAST 81ST-ST., near 3d-aye.-N"*iT *14 fur.ilshid ro»_»a cheap. with omn-r; gant»j.'fi »v:th e^fareaieea._ Ifti :n tf -AVi i innTsii.d bedroom »()->U to let. HAhEN&TAU Roomo UJuntcti II' YOC WAXT \our ioom« n-nied rcglu'er wltf. ua lir.ti.odlai.-lv eonatont dci.aii'l. I'l KOOM OIKECXORY, 50 Nv--*t J4Ut-a1 _ THREE or four unfurntuhed or |nr- tlaliv nxm.s. arltb bath; contral totatiaa; totwaaa B*J wid 80th at>. htiabfaal araatad. Audre*.*. witu partlei.lurs, |-. R., »ox 0. Trlhuii.- OOI <-. 188 A.STKD A anall Rat, rBrntahed or iii.for.ilni.d; Ktaie tin.s. Aodyoaa RHSPOXSIBLE, Box 40, <>*.» Llberty-nt. Bociro onO iiopm*. .A..A.- *- * » .-.» .> -w.x . . au eU-gaui .a Ooor, 4 rooius, bath, ntuato tau.e, alau atulua, uear Mantiaiuto An cleaant ho'iae. nawr 5thave.; i,. »..... aai.iurv pluan lag. nc-wly detorat-d »¦<..-.., tlaor 4 roow*. baUi, private taule optlooai; luttes and kiual* rw. iu»; parlor a*afaa> aaaaa Attractive noor». wlth private batha. witk er without board aultea and slogle roo.i.a; apartnif-iiu; dovter*' cfllcce; all 3*8888*18 lovaUon»; hlalint r.W'ucca glvuo Inioriuatlo.i free. S. C. LLLAND * CO, 5t» W-v-t Rith-at. _ .DKS1RARLL parlor and b'-dreom, . handionn'L furnlab.d. wiui loard; r f- ,rvin><. 4)4 W». ftlatwt._ \sl'J>NY lront room, auUabta for, wlth board priae reaeBuatole. 332 i.¦ xiiiRtoii-fv.... eajaaa suth-st. B.I-.Rn iu New-Baebatle, 5 mtoBtaa' walk f ro.i. utaMon tunny roonn ln. ¦.-.- uiodcru boua*: j8'.0 j*r o.oiit.h lor lw u. Atidr»»a T.._JfJ0 La«tJ23tli-«t. Cw.M-oj.l lBl.1 fnin>hed .r.>oi.T* al iioderit- prliea; aaSBla FaVateMd ii d.slrd. 703 oo.-a4 0.. near 42d-*t. l »ution. LEcJaNT. uewu f'lrniahed rsoma: su- pariOB tabie nivi Bppolntu.euta. 70 W8st 4"th at______^_ GRAMERCY PARK, XOrTh. ki.ovn aa 13/ aud 13» Beat 21* auitc alao sin«le room; park pri\li'«e-. LAROE, hai.tWinelT furnlnhcrl roOBM) I'rst-chns famllv; nr.xaf ne*r \\>«t tlst-st atatton and Park entran.e: tahle tho beat. OWNER, Box 5, Tnbune l i.tovvn o :..¦¦-. i.l:>s Broadaray. II X I.\.. iX-AVL,, 624^-1'1,-akaiT. aTTniTv j fi.e.t room, vviu, iup ijUi board, at r.-oderate pil.-e: also etogaot bark i.arlor; Xcw.Et.i.'hind fav.illy. Lbi> OX-AV l~,.,4i0.-Larg» and"-smali aaaay deatiabla ro.nn> wic. rujj baard, famllloa or aer-tlcipoo; relenneea. AROE u.d amall neat f i.niahcd roon.s, wRli boatd. 2,884 2d-a\e. 11 MAOltiON-AVB.. 186, cornei IBlat-at.- I.licantly fui01*1.-41 ainrtn-.c! t. au- ls-/lo. private tahle and apiiolnticents; ref-*. PRIVATE Uioily o.tcis * e,.nUei.ian ;iil thr eoiuforu of ;. |-, fll|. d loo.c |lil]4t te aeee to te appreelatad; eonvaaleat u. Md-ai. .tatloB. Addr.-»a \vi;m siui:. 133 4th-iv-.. r TH-AVK.r Tii"2.-H"and*oni.- n-wlv ftii- «.» oi-i,M| raoilMl slnyie, M nuite;«, fi-ntt men feaaoDBhle; paiioi dlni.iu-ioui..; rcferc-iH-ea._ _ Til st", '.8 EAST.-Defcirable lar»v, auiiny rtiom: 8<km1 wint-r bo K ahuudant Utile; narrled co.iple, B*Btl8fB*Bi a. lo I......-). |Q EA6T ¦".¦... 11 -sf.-A lars;e front room. I.' ilc-lv lurulshed; Houthern oxpoaure. BRl(JOS.__ »3isT-aT.. o wi^stT-xii-7-iv raraiaked: -C 1 ro,,n.s. larg- »-.d sniall exoelleOt tabie homel'ke anrroiindlngh ezceptMaaliy lalart nclnlii,orhood WMBMB QAD-8T., 110 WE8T. Dealra li baad -.4 someiy iii.-iiiaiitd roouis"T auparior bable and Bttaaatoaaa tabie l^ard. _ it - i r-CROWE KXPRESS CO.-26 .- Ao Prbaejpal ofltoa 101 wet,t i5ih-»u ll:an--h, s. W. eor. 7lh-uvc. aud 23d- «t. Truaju rcmowd to imi room lor tweatT-flriB cent*._ »j 4 Tn-6T..~i88" WBBT^sPartor Basr with »>** i.iivtt.- bath to rent with board._ OQ an:st~"2«rr U-ST., aIU1«r*» iioSl. r».>.. OJ ¦- <.<\m o..« or two aBaata roouiK, w lth BiBinlaaa board. iTt ill-si.. .7o5~\\Ti^sT'. -ilanOoirr. 5 "t"ar 'Jsh(<l rommonteatloe rootns, 2d and 3d floorp, wlth fl!?t-cla*a boaid._ T^rilsa'T.. 3 LAST, oppo-lle Ihe Wlnd- *i / aar..Lajrga, a.-1».- .-...«. ?-.-...».. fourtii fioors: eaeeUsat tabfia; rarteteaea aa. clianged._ co iRvinu place, aaaaaaa 125 K»«t .*-* 17lh-n.-l.l-i/ant-iv rumlshfld roou.s; dno board,_ _ K7TM-ST.. 101 KAST. coHur Park-axe.- OI Handsnino private IIBaVltear large iroTt ronm. ^0'ith-n expour*; hall r<-o..i: !»t-ejaf»jtab1e.__ ifiii WLST 47TII-ST_lfand*em»lr fui- Iv/O nifhe.l rjur.y roons*. wlth flrat- u-s >)oard: terma reaaonablc: ntv-r-n-e,-. 1 »>»iL-81'"TTl3 WErjT^.Ve^^n<ruan(F-" 1 <0 tonj'vly fur.l*hed 18898, «lth tlr<t. lasa board. IQSTBT^T., 20 EA8T..Larca aud sniall ¦si.* funiUhed raaaaa lo prlvat*- housi x¦¦. ' board: all tepiwraJuaaitB._ mMAT»l.S<>"x7A"VE7^-si7p'.'i-!or lx>anl .2d ti.K.r ei, snit- or BPparately; uoih-i nguar? looni one hall roon.._ 158 MALISONAVE.- Onc elt*antlT tnr- ntahed laree room and ono hail- with boaid; atrletly tliot-cia**. Doarb IDnntrr). WANTED.-Boaid ln a private family or a futmahed aiiajtincnt with reataurant connectlon, for a t<nia'il lamlly .1 4 i.eraonx, pentlen;a:i, wifc. r-hil.1 (11 reera o.d' nnd inald: lotatlon Bbove 0."tl.-Ht. prvfened. Ad'.r»iss. Ktating tcni.e. J. C. II., Boi 12. Tribui,e Offlee. AT BELUCHD l'lllCLS.-$00 aetcud. riaud wuou aud Irou aoiaing c.a;.-..j », .:..,¦ goaraatae* :,.-*¦. ¦¦;. uougtt ai.a ea* ,hahc*d. afiOROS li. £L1>Y. 3'Jb Madi- AI.A HiiAl N A food jo'i priutiiig buai- aaas, doiiig a ^oo.l trade, uo-doii pr.»»: 1-0 foi.w- of trpe; on b.nliieas 8tro<-i: other '.--..->« ;¦>-... lor kiUii.g. J. b. l'Eliiil- SON. Wlii liau-a-avv.-.. ilio< \STTHIWO In dlaaoo*>, wat-hr*. Jawel. ry ar.d fli.e all\«rwar- de.Utrwi fo .ti.j.1! cas>. i44vin nt; baUiice pivaM. ?\ >-.'«klv I'XluM WATctl CO.. 283 8'way. FOR sale..No. 3 Woodward'a pvaapi alM. i», t'ooln V llak.ti noiytpix efiglne. D. DONOVAN 4 SU.N. 157 S , TOR SALE. .Renjlagton tyrewrtT'T, niarlr le.-w. 11ALL t CO.. (....Ui t04, Bt^vk- inaii and Kearl ara._ FOR s.aLL- A flnc eattooUoa of rar»- old th* atrlc u plavti.lM, books, anpravtaajB, &.. 1 337 ilroadway. I;.PV w'.il *cji iiandaouje s-n'skln Jacket. j 888; . ..-m.:. eapa, 330: l.luck elJk drea., 310; w-.ntcr cloak, *u-<et and evejilnn Brea **: baraaln. -u East 70Ui-al., r, *, btadUoa-ave._ ._ t~E7vE<>rvn<JOWS, IfROlC LAKTERNS. ^ .Plala and colored va.w». Qaapal .-er- v,c« lot clcigyn...n, toeanrarB, co h-,'1- .--iid neiiuch.. Sei.o fpr <tr ular. I'HILIJl'B .iKTiCAi, (N>.. B bie Hauaa, BTaw-Tork._ ShWiMI MaCIUNES. -v-rv hihc. new and ollghtlv uaed: oaplui coallttoh; vnrrviiU-d. perfael aauaBMHOO or no ,,al-; .uii.-rl) dr-ss fom.K. SI'J Oth-ave., Baaa 28fj. -St;_ AKE..Larrfc. cnllrelv new and ?3C0. d-.var SAKK... Lar*-e. -ntlr-Iv nov, borgla- nr.of, half BTlet LAILY 1KVE8T10ATOR, M iir. TRIi YCLE..Kor aiic o. exehange, iTumtei iCovcntry Ene. ta-.d-m tri- ,vr|e cost #205 perfct eo.i'lltlon ftultable for ladlea 0. gentlem--'!. Addraaa DECATUR, 110 waitVat., Kew-xera. Typr.WRiTBRS.-Don't Imv or r-nt ua- t"l vou lav ioti«iilt-d TlTEWRl I'' R RBAXrOuARTRRa. 70 Broudwav. Tde- uhone 39i« CorUaindt._ TAKI.N for dabt; »»5: uur. haa-r's ehilre of 0 i.ew Swlv< d.uh'cx: l<ixi- ulavlciT U tuncn; co-t *J»0 BBOb. 101 Broidway roai 4Hi._ WHAT 4M 1 OKKERKD tri exctiann for 8 8 i»4 11 P. l.nMcontal analae, Baad »> »xx - Baaa a.iv .ln... M iRLET, 572'2 M-. .-I--a\c I'.io.ikly... n;ganis. 835: ca'ap-irut* freP. OAXIEI. K BEATTY, Waahlnglon. New-Jcra-y._ Dn8iiieo3 (TliaiiccB A..I.NTI.1.MA.N uaJils to reut a hot-1 alnwtiy lumlahed; r.f-i ..>¦- wilj be .....tird and flUWtafced. NVriU- to <>. L. KL.M1', Jaii.-"\l)le, Mortot. a B. O, A. livi: PARTNER waotod with 31 2.".o, uan aaaa, to uk- place of uai-tiier n-. til-^d ijUW. Bieklltrv.*: l>u*lli"*N t-»uijIl4o.-a isoi-' 83.01X) auuualif. Audr as Ri FEREKllKS, Tiltiune "ihe-._ \l OSCE vcung man ariOi -r20o In priat- laa B*kai tvlo par waak: ajcurity. Kitul'RlETOK, iiox 4, Trtbwaa OBlce. A'.ioob dr-ss trlBimina and button ataaa, doii.K a alce lljtle bu»lne*a, Apply to I. u ,7)KK1N. 2io Columbla -t._ ¦" T pELtfAM Manor.- houaea A two ii..furr.isi..d .rn fJafaJancd '. ,300' »-"." aud **»"'° k>-i>" "v.i.v, Addteaa it lt. Hi LS..N 2.-.1 Bto-avr. a .BAKlXti tealoeaa for »ale (80 barrele A.fiour aa-klyi. alth Baturaa b^ragj. wZrotu 81 34*1 ^uarant»»d t.-t pra*ta *50 li.oau'way._ BC8INE8S CORPORATIOWB iirgaaiasd, nounaaUed aad pror. -oled.; a.,v suu-; wraaa rteaoaaate, L. 11. TRLaOwlll, _h> Broadway._, C" 1 AplTALiaT8 n*y ha.n "' " vwi to- j N.« iu a aaauu/aeiurlna eoaeara 18*1 iv 111 pay -V) pe. .ei.t; ataple- ./ A., Box 11, Ti Bataa CMtaa._ DKtmsTOKE -iioaiitown old eatablUh. meiu; leaas aad xiuali oapitai reqalied. A S I.KM A h N 8* Rood-at. 87 1>R anTTieirotiablc p'ropertv i will ar.- I* a half lOUrtet li. a VBluable eoa paVoi for how.hold aaa. Address a. «... Irib- bm Ofltoa._ IT'XCELLEJh' appartuBlty to ''".''''"" .a .1 a,. with aTVleoa; oSeo, ro.d or fac- urrV" to toTaal 810*00 or 818.000 ln mt*, Bfwadway. ___«____....- Ils"oR~SALF..~ Pat*nt <-f honael.old artUle of irerlt aVlll tahe «d. w:ll for... eaa.. ,au, or will BllOir ti*W l"*^ to BBBB. C&iTmWS1! A'idr,'ai II, Trteaaa 038*0 Dusmcoo Clianrc-. -.«n* sai.i.. -OM-eaMbBahed aiffar *><".«¦ * oi, Fillt0.i-»l. B. 11. NIlAM.vNN, _35 Uroadway. I' >;s,i _nd oveler bu*inoa« for aale: fod a*h li -.11 - aaoiiablo. priee. 303 nd 808 WeM I8th_t. IMPORTANi v Chleago co-mlraioe houae, with large t., imie--. cv.ire. th" agenci bj mmple «uy. ol aoroe m-tn-faet-r- lic spe, laltlce; dry»go"d». l»»or.» an.l siiry.. testliu rabrtca pri.erred. Addre foi m OARDEN CITY." Trlbnn. QMce, S da. PA1KTINO, pibitinp. aalaBag done ta lirtt.r'i.K manm-r: bea. latoreaeoa. li Ol'NK COATEB, 1.005 Sd-ave.; l.rm.h, 171 Eaat 81al -. I "Ubllahed 12 ;-..r->. PI'l'.LISMi;;S .-Pr.iti ni prli r. .1 roofrel or a_«B_8niant of advert.Mng de ar-uieit M i'»prr niag-iliic or trade O'Jrnal rood rpieren. o-: orresj .md ,. ,..-str..|. Addj-s- i- D. Trlhune OMca. P'vUTY with .»¦">..¦<'' ¦.'.!' '*¦' h.iv ln.l li.trreat in i runtali, u,_nuf»<-tiiriiig ,*in'*s id-reaa LAROE «,Hdk.k>. Ibuae ,)n"^.__ nFTiriT IM'Tl'r.E Nortli FaWOc Coaat me. 1 tropoll* v.111 l>c the now yuuiig »>.d beemlaf dtv M man.-. on Puirat Stmnd. Where U>.-,d iocked harbor a:,d lntern»rt.,rul nilway term-raa of Ihraa uaaeaaa Ln-n'al routea eambtae . pr» Immenv PMlIt to Inveatoia In lote at Jbre»ont low pil". with WiMTINO B BOLT, 15 H.oad- way. _ Two (TEStTjEMEN havlng *">.".>" 5 h lo iuvest in borse aad iheep raneh in Sonthweat, dealra on.- m..r ' iatn them with 1Jlt aiio.iTif. npp-.Intini; an Inb rview. RANCH. Tribune OMee._ ANIT'.l) !-:i Nea to n.ani.lait'i, Of forn. :. eompany for "The Tin-*i louu w In ni.d wri Ine Pen" ln e»l»»_ce; entlra. .v i, Z to-atrucUon. 1'EN COMPANY. in- un« onice. _ w aai ANTED..Eaatern ageoey f.,r a *p<'- IT .bliv or siaple artbie aNo araal pen- eral and canvHaalnc aa-nts for our *|ie- rtaltBa. alta MFO. O'.. i'..,«t.m. M»->. rANTED..P-rtner, with 81.001 '. ereaae the maoofaeture of a-i i-npiov i olano: pn.ilt*. 80 por cent wboMaale. Ad- ,1,,-, CAN _ P1LL ORDERs, 1,0'.»2 0th- ave._ \\i v. n^.otiate na1e« of bualnpee, »» tacturlng, mlnlne ani qnarry nr-.p.-r- f.n. aml neaear* partne.i with lapll !. hlcheat oiiiur rinl »¦ d bank r'Je eine.s. TilTI.E v D0WV1BO. 171 Rroadwav. _'..) ftllAWILL PUR< HASE eaMb- .> CfltWi llahed ontdoor baaUM«a; arlll <,(ipo r jrear M brtoht bbw im- pteidlate Incoine; natlafaetory rtainaa for aelllng. P. O. le-^ 8,2-3._ S_".V i\l\(\ WANT' D ln mairifact'irhif OfvUU maalalty: aecirBj givn a"d mIm c:iaran! -d. Addreaa PMlaflee Da ;_17._ a H{\t\ BV V S LI < i iTT" A i EN CY Bl'81- pDUU NEKS, Eaally rouducted aar- whei artlc .ded n e\'«ry haaaebold; othlng llhe .;. Adareaa A. P. BELL, Box *.i^5. Plttatoo, I'.an. fda IDrttite-. Miii-a. BE YOU SEEKIN.J EHFLOYMEirri i.i wlah iu ehaagel Paattlona. all tnda. q.ii'idv pro. und. NEW-TORK HL . RE..U, 750 Breadway._ ||OT WANTED. S ;, .. j driij boab I) ia: 81-0 Brat r^ar; Amerl aa pre- terred. B. .v.. Trlb-_e Ofllce._ | ¥ YOU ARE Ol I i" MPLOYMJUtx' I or Wlah to inake a ehatige, call at tha old Liiaob- M'tro'.olitau Ageaey; po«ition» pro- curoU for hookkr/.per*. ¦alaaatea, patiaM, paeltcr >.«'.,,".¦'.,,. w^tehinen. ,.- f'll-i:., :,. laiiu nands, MBBBBata, cookf, wattera. flreu.e'. and A ¦o'.olitaM Ageney poaitlani |,ru- sjokkftpper*. collfitcr.s. cl .Ka, rters, pacltcrs.drivers, eeathmen, watchmeii, aaegal-aen. tam. nands, laaaMMta, cookf, wattera. fJreu.e.. and tuechanl :#; new ordci* everv ma.I. MET. ROPOi.lTAN AOENtlY. 635_Broadw_y PRIXTEB WAJcT_D..All aroand joJu-r exji, rleiued u. ©vsls aad liriiijs: 814 MBBMfj ftendv jeb. 113 Naa«an->t. 2d floor. BjgTA-OT-D. \n experlenccd and enei »r eanvaaaar, aeqaalnted »ith Onanrril men and InatltuMona, p. w»ik for nn eatab> Ulied publleatlon. Addreaa, atatlng ai/., xperleflre and dosired componaatloo. Ad- lrea« K.. PoatoMea H"n 1117, Kew-Yora. \1 \NTED..A pintierriin of yorwl addresa fr to aollrtt tubacrlpttcau '. ¦ eomnereial aaeiii-v 00 a connnlaaTim oaly on who "in- dir-taiids the i»uhln>s»s utorongbly nevd ad- dn-ss C. A.. Tribuii' OMee. WA.vil.D.- a roan arfGh bvalneaa \;. .:.>.:,.« aud ^ome knowledge of baehkeaplng, asRlstant. In an oftire, wagaa 44, per week. Address, »|tli isfi'r- laeea. E II N. V. V. O. Hox 3 770. W -NTED..Aa evperipii"(-d raovaaacr for »» a line ru-toiii-chirt tra'le aiuat ba w..ii aeqna.ited ln New-York and vPinlfv ?ood erunoaa i<.|ulr--l. Appiy ln peraoa at 247 PUtlOaah-ava., Braa_jn. tiTANTFD. -A flr-t-elai-n k'eneral n.ana- . t'.-r for fh^a rl-r aud viiinltv to d ... the "Chaao Plan" of A.-eldeut Iicur- H. .. t .onblii'e all 'he advania.-* of tha -'o:d Uaa" »..d tae "mnl ml" ai Tcrn.s Biaot Ub Sb. AddreM W. D. « QABE, fcM-'v Qeoeva, N. i_ WANTI-D. SaWinen on salarv ,,r .,:n- s\.m to hnndlp the aew patetlt chfTiil,-~l iuK-fra-irg junrll the aelllng novcltv ever pradueed; a-e- Inh thorotuh. 1; ln two H. ....iids. D0 a'rti-i n uf p«per 20U to 5°0 per 'i-iit prodt: on- ageat'a Mlff ¦unotintpd to $0^0 In »lx dav*; anntliei f?32 In two hourM aa want ape rnefgrtlt gaoaral agent for am.-h btit- and Terrltorv tamplB, br .i.all, 3r, rrnta. For Mnaa a::d ful! par- tic'lari, ss THK MONROE ERASER MFU. CO.. La Cro.«se, Wis. Fetnalea. AFI'.W voiiu? ladies will l.e plvon leaaoaa logether lo o-irlrn f.-tner euillhg :,iiart fioia baada, and w.rk firnl-hed thero ifU. betonioi perleeMd. CRABE \. ('.., .*i Broadwmy._ X't'; OIRL wanted to take e*r? of il two amall ehlldren: ornrt i. Ameiiean, aiwb'.e. oeat, Intplllgenl aad able M t-ike aaura rharge. Apply BROWB, 185 WeM lS4th-at._ \%TANTED.-L_dl»a for the Btraseao Art . ('.v a baautllul, co itant. home tsn- p oyment good pia moa. i at lelaure hour'. _ll or add:es- with atBBp ETRUSCAB ART 00., S Wi M llth-at._ WANTED_Smart little prl ln *mnll f»Ti iiv nlce bouae. HoKEAO, 117 Weat 15th-at._ TaNTED..Chambermatd and wall (itv referente reQUlred. 11 W. j.'.d-st. w Drcssmaking. A' "_'a._MLLE. THIHAUD, lOS^West . 23th st., toa aawna, eveniog, BtraM und houae dieaaea; aJ«o MBar raait voupo .lg.nte; n.i.ii ,_U prio,-; sboit OtrUoa._ A-A.-DKEb8Kb for aBaaaa. 5 to 17 .veurn, mv specUfltj j every d_>ciipton; kieM dealgna: Cne vioik: ahort uotice. Mmo. R. AN'TOINETTF, 112^V.-Ht, 17t_-*t. AF I ii-T CLASS pai :-la.i die-amaker. ihwIv iRilad. arUhea ii.ore m- (tmin* at ho""-; ault^, 83 ap. Mne ABI-.L, .... ' 17tU-«t.. 1 flU'ht up. RTI-TIC, TAILOR-MADE BV1T8, ,10: -V Bt goaranteed; a'.so baii. evanlng and r it ou dr ktea. LON_H)N AND PAKl.-s ilRESS.MAKlNi> 00., 101 Wpst 21-t-st., mr. OBt-ava., over Adan.s'h dry aaada Mara \il i 'i .. aa. ______ p -i. i B t.| lo-tuiii'-.s jatheta ao wraps handaome araaaaa riO to 812. BUoe, OWl.N, S02 WeM -3d-»t._ ARTISTIO DRMBMAB1NO..BtreM .o-- tumaa, carrlaf^ ar.l evenlue .owns tnad" (.I 810; tea gowiis, aoods p..rcfc:i-<s", If .i-ir,d. Mrs. MiLI.KOY, fij East Oh-at., -, ,' .-.¦... T,e|iM,.l('s. \"lrrr>TTti-];RESSMAKIN(i.^C;oa"ks ar.d wraps r.,ad« and altafad ln »e»i pjuab ¦ d iur at i.-C-f. reaaooable prltej and ihon bo- Uea. Mrs. McELROY, U2 EaiifrUi-at. op- Dcnnlng'a.__ CQMPETENT DREB6MAKER by Ihl day or woold do work r i*onable at h r hotoa be-t rafeteaaaa, S:a Weat 1-th-at. DRE-MMAKER. I'ii-i-.-ia-s diiaimaker wi.nis a l'-w ii.o.e eaataaMra; take -,.ik 1, ine terU. rea-onal P-. Call or ad- _r_a MONAOHAK, 3,Vi W, st 4.".-J,-t. iHChSMAhER u, co om by the d;n\ Call it 114 Eaal DBESKMAKINU. Vrilatlc and peilert Sttlnt walsts and wkirts. |,v an .x- Kr^.-ut-ed di¦¦ »a,i,ak.-r. iat :,t AlbBBB'aj ii ,nt by tha da.\ i II luranteed. Addr.a» !) hoine: tion g. MODE&, l.'.J 8tb«ave. I) i> DREBsMaKER Uneqaalled eutter, Bt- siifiier. late f, l.'i. ,,. a ih \\oitb, Plngat, Mr»- CoBB ll«J carrage n,,i evenlug dreaaea; Bne lallor-made o-tuine-., 1 ,aks, tc.i in family »r al beet nt- and s'.v;.- ii, ftew-Yo k or aa i»ay. tdOreaa PR1MEH, 182 8-i-ave._ DUE08MAREB Youna glrl wooM llhe a frw iiior- eupaLTiMint* hy lhe da.v or tiiiwitli: ijerfe,;t flt; raferaace I all oi ad- .?- Ml-« D.. 251 IQth-ave._ it_S__tA_ i.i; Eaperlpnced entter, fif. Mr ni.d dealgaer of la.ii' s" and ml. .¦-' ¦MM ariapa, fu gawaa, arealaf dr<.! ciigagenieiiU ii ¦"> psi dav; referencea. AddreM JU Y, l.o.c ' i.l.-sMAKF.R.-Youaa lad.\ wlahea io ga out L.v tbe ri.n (82)i peili t lltler and diapr; thorouirhli eompetenl aud rell-ble; lii-n '. .!: rf rnrea Addi »s DllE^-- ,1A_EB, 162 Oth-ave._ DitE_.MARER.-Mra. FAHEY wUbea tu iiiforifi her .u« of h.-r removal W< 225 Ea-t 3'..t;,.-i li.i- all tlie lateat :md t»ripr..v,iiM i.i- lu dreaaniafclng: rern-delllna bk«- nea aiao aonpeMat petaao by daT** moder^t- prlrea, Oiti-?'sMAKi.r. per.d, wooM llka a f.'. D or rottoniara at home or by the ij r,r>f) Park-ave. DRF-HMAKEB i.nd §1 v\i~ i:i §? Coiore'i andaratand ladlea' a-.d rhli. drcn'a ,»ori;; elty rafMenee, BELOISE, 189 Weat 20tb^t.. 3i floer. 1741R8T-CLASS Praneh dreaamaker, \- l^r.eni.-d eutter, lltu r: wanta worh l.v day lo family. Addram, bv a r. Mra. ALlEJtKSl llll Weal 23d M._ tr» KF.N'il dreatmaher w 'emeota dav or week s. T. Tayloi s.s. m; I'arla faahlon* we^k'v -:. !.¦. dav. Mn,.-. !.I,I 31 5 Weal .¦.¦ a| M Ml_ Flltoi ( I.AS-. dreaaniaher wanta nomo , r atoni r t hom. i raneh or F.rigllKb onttlng; (atlor ayatrm; will rali ro? '-ork, go aut a..i tit. Mm.. COTTIE, ._33 Weat 20th-at._ I> RKNCU -IVI.T.M DRRNSMAKER; cntttng and fi'tl.'ir perfe<-t; wauts more rngn-fmer.u lv th. Uay, oi at l,..,r,e Mm-. A. VAN BXBTE. ii l/nlveralty I'lve._ IMI'oinr./. d .».- s for roung miaai-a; ex- reittlonal prb.: ri takra, deliveri-d l.nn.rd-.|.-lv a> tbe sj,:. prlre BltlBS «t .h.- ladlaa' re Idea ta .... -latuiday. 7'. B .7Ul-*U Drccsina'ying. I AHi:.v I mi.i R v\i> d1t7e»SMAK. li i.r. iimi, ». ;.. . fewneea; wwt raw 8*8 ettBtataer*; I'arl-Ien ruttrr. pi-rleel flttine nnd r.oifh: btUat noveltlea; reaaoo. able .... .. ;.;:,-. -.- \i 1.1/ - ini-.- ij i"i.':)BVt>r.. drvja- i'l ...-.- 83 !v V4th ." '":'',r ".?'¦ aaabto..Parls cl .d .otunen etoaaa, froir, *2-", io *100. tadW .. at-rla' made np, M.ort no' l<-e. _ I) i.l.KK. T-PlTTIrld DRB8BES rnade by Pteseh »i>t. p,, dc»s s rual" ovcr. ii-'-.-. |..v; eau; r'.iR iwi.c. 133 87881 lTth-Rt._ PARiaiAB drvasasaker; ivvuilng and r> ilre---. i.-jra-ir an.l p*rf>,.'t llt- tlng: latost s'-vi^s; »i..,|- 84*808 <->. MICHEL UURRAKD 83 Waal 11thst,_ UFYLI8H ilr aaea and etoakal talior-made Kl dreHH-a, 810 np; La. Luxe i.ntume .....:.., .. nr't aiiown. Mme. OATK.S, 240 araaa 23d-«8. V1KV KTYLIKH DRES8MAKER ln v famllles or at ho nc bc«t virbal r*fer- ¦aaaa. Addr-«- l.v i-'t.-r onlT. no i>o»,t.»l», MIbh kTACKETT, 243 42a-at. iFtiscfllaricaii DBTRCT1VX.-A. WESTLOTORN- All da *»«.'* of puvBii- work; 5 Ttara' .*. uerlence; best .Itv ref.-rence, 321 We»t 88-88, 243 Br.i-.dTay, B88 8 nK.IT.l T!\ K, _A s'.r-'id 1*888 08881, with aan lene* ibie to ao :.n eiasa-a ,,l d't'i-llx- vork arlahrfl n sttnat on a; ane i, r i. a .- oar l-« aood rarteaaea*. Adejreaa .V. J.. I ex 7 Trlbune Ofnec____. nRIVEN WELLS put ... am! repalm In 1.11 their biamhes. 1'. s., Ilox O, Trib- um OBka._ L'Xl»iU_l>S of ladlea raln beautlfnl rom- plexluna bv applvlnu V1XCL.VI BALTH pr'par-u hy HRoWN, tn- l iien.lft. 1,008 Haacock-et., Biooklvii. l"a«'kas!' by muli, P.MNIIN'U paln'uifT. patntlns don-; flrat-claaa »oik euaranteed; haet raf'r. cnces. F.lT.rVE OOATES, 1.0'V. 3d-ave.; liraaeh, 171 Eaal Mat-at. lLI.i AM liE\ ilOl-M. Aini-rlrac I vt.-rt Aecountaut, w 71 Bro.dway. A'-'ounta of aatatea >a« gne-e ewar*8Baa, -crpotatlons aod .">mn erc al hawaaa e*am- ' ac-ura'elv and exp-dltluel ¦. rteters by prrmis«!o.i. to 'h- foflowlaa Nationai banks: Park. ITBearleel, llanover. Meeha:.- lca!, Cenrjral and gi ii'hern- COork UJantco. Malea. \-P.EAL E8TATE, P.islton wan'ed bv . g >ull< inaii i25 rears1 rxpcaiearat, io 11..- iharg- of r al eatate d., for rtltutlon, law ilr:... or ei.u.r,- ' ol oIBi EXPERIENCL, Box 1.014, Baar«Y8t8 I'oatodlce._ A.. i.x ci.i.i .. ountant u all - an en- cagtanent wbere bbare la a pm-p- :l of ilv.tin euu i.t foi a roai. gutid busin .- Vall-taUu:^. AMERICA*. Trlb.u.e ..I- AMa.v .83), Sortt. of itaiy, wiaaaa aav ployroent; underatanda cMftrloKy aod geocoetrical drawlnt; tptttu KiemA, U<-r- maa, and noinr BlBgllte A. I-, ii Prli r>4*._m_ VN XPERT weil-teueatad Hegiapl-er erican) fauiinar wlth broKera' bualaeaa, daalrea *ltnaiiou as opurator, urivaba ercrv.-u.-r or twrraap/mdaat hlghea) veferaacea. UAMILIO-S', Trib- uim Oflice. __ \MlUi) geati man of relt.ire. d,.-.i,i»«'.d fion. IO ba 2, du.lres po*J- l.on; aood ue.iniOU, ao.-oU'.it*nt, ,-oiresl^ind- ^nt; Bngltau, Ir.ii.l., Ita.ian. MORi.NO, 212 4M»4vc._ ARORlTECTCllAL draught«.nan. w.Ui x] n- n> ¦-. odueatloo and r fer*-n.:.M». d-air-K cngar-in*.t. Adarcss ARLll.TEC/r. 1".H Kau i;th-si.__ \.\ ai TiVE man, ahout 30, famlUar wlth bte hirdware anii aappg trsa.-. ivi-ho* to rtengn hi* poaition t>Itirsaa aaa a-nd ianuaiv 1. 18D1. foi one »lmre cloa' att, u- t..o ti bualaeaa will »'vui« advanccinuit. ia 1'.. y.. Trlbune UlHce._ AYOUNQ Man. \S, artteaa poaition to Icara aicaltecture vvin atno n.ikc j.r ei.iOt for two oi three vears. AddrtH >.. frlbanf Ofltoa_ AMAIiRIBO MAN (ifernaaa) araaU «.'». I -i.t of anv kl..d »2 LaKt 31- st., Rooui 4. "Nt/ SAlI.oR vsaiiU auy alnd of Call HAOEDtiRX, 314 tourt- \tWXti f.i.K.UI. MAKR1ED MaB, sj.-aks i.y.Uh .i.i.l Unraaan, wnaits work of ui ,\ddrc»s iii'.n. bUETS, st. Bar- iloaaew'a Mlsslo.., I2d-*t.. nt-ar 3d-avc.. :.. -i'IJi I'iABLE. (otnia-U-nt voun« tol- l ... .; i>t;h K.-si refennee. ^int- man. c. li. BL. li Qraadaa. i ii .., MORWL4UAN wanu ao . ol Urortt. Call at Mr.. WILSON '8, 4 C<-urt-<t.. Rrr»oklyn. _ \^|| .,.. Ciir.stlan nain, ai.eaHni! dllter- .nl lanynairi-s, waota sftnalion Call or Ol'STAVB fl- m Pa<-lfic-Bt., H'klyn. AN s lerlenced lenor ¦¦ lalu* phui in.. and imi-!c eoi.vlug. Call tol <i. liw il l'-i ¦ift,--4t., Br-oklyn. _ Alri.MUJMAN W uuai hnblU deelr.-s a siti.ation a>» !>¦) I'.ik.j- or eltv aalc*- u.ari; has 10 v.^ars* experleuce. Ad- .- ..-ll. Trlbune OfaOB._ Ai,l '.Vl.l.M.lN well aetillaiutrd lu N'cv. Orh-ans, aud about l«avinK. vvould like to mid rlak- anv burli.eas etmBilaatOn In rnaf (l.y; reft-iancc irlven. Atfdn-ss n i:\v-oiii.KANV. lWbaaa OBVe._ N HOHE8T BOY. of 10 «|*h4». a alt- uation h. a r icraBaaa. <-i s. mki.v- MKTZ. 610 Uth-ave._ ~* RKSKK.t TABLE voung .ferruon wanta J\ a-.y klnd of work. 423 Last Oth-st., Kc«n. I._ VIIOOD BARBER »uit* ateady altt.a- ti.ei. 1B4 Colunibla-at., h..' --lorv. Al|.i:;l)l' MAN wants hocs'-s to eais- foi; cun pilnt. i«t*r and do -i,.'.l i. pii'rmp, or »s janl'or o:- b> sl renreneea. ROBI RT8, 4 r,o..rrk-st. A rREVCHMAN, li.ivitic apare time all day, deslrea to know a uontleieau dr, to F>- iicb Lasoi.s ln X hlii.K- for l-*eo:i». Addreaa Mr. Ci.Ml'.iN. 808 \>est 21»t-at._ APOSITIOK of trasl wanted by ateady, Kllabla nwiii, ovor 30, rua.-Hed ; general b .!:.!¦« a'.'.'.ltv and mechanleal experione-; fal. pen(rniii: Engllsh and ."leri.ian eTtpee- ti.tlo s to K-eln. vcrv incd'l-fl'.e. p. <)., 248 Webater-ave., Jaraey Clty H'U. Barte.n'der.-A raaaaj n,ni\ (St). Aaaerloaa, waaM Uka a paaitlea to |. arn lo BttaBM bai ln llr«t-el uss placo. J. R. s. 70 Bbaaton-at,_ m. ':-. pER..A young marrled n.aii wanta a poaition aa bOokkeeper ln a wboleaale busfnws; n yeara' t-xnent-ncc; ai fereneea. Addreaa E. E. E., Bo\ 1, Trib. ,. n;c i? Biiy. 17, wlahaa to la.irn the macblatafa trade; ataadj and inoust.-iou*. a-i- dre».» PATRII K ('(IN.VOLLY. 83, ,i3ith,.|. oaiaw'a Mlaaioii, 4'Jd-»t., 3d-ave. l.nV of «i»li<-4 :, stiiili-iii In a bar- li raoaa; has io ¦aataaf rafLiaaea. \'<M Weat 42*-si_ B..V ariabaa to leuru the pluinber'a trad-; -'. Btly and Indoalrlous. 83*18 I MeVAiit, Bt. Barttetoabaa'a Mtaaloa, t83> »t., near 3rt-uve. BdV.-Slluation wanted ln citv oi eoun¬ try bv an Aaaertoaa boy, 17; wavea e-oi*i. for rostd and eloOaea; rtc»:r-s r.v.- ge of aelifol dav o. evc.iine: has b'-'u 00 farni nuarlv 2 v.-ur*. Ad-lr-as L. 11. il Wl.1i hall.-t. aKI.I'.. I'v a voung man im for»-iT.Mii li or M-."iidl hand m. t.r- -.d or raka: ^ober »o>l ateady. IH'Kf.Ll., OO'J Eaat h t._ Bi.-.i KEEP1XO..Aeeounta wrltbn np aml Mlanaed; eoatraeta made. aavlng eoat of peTmaoeat bfM.kkee^--r. .vCCOCN'ls, Trlbnne Oflice, ,,r :..".;) oto-at.. South B'kiv... BOOkhTEEPER. Eapert j»:..nian, BO- co n on'. o.T-f-pondi.-nt. alenoifia|,h-r, .-. :> an -. r: flarmaa, aee 30; hlijhly tec- i-dcd. uECEMUER, Box 17. Tribaaa Olflce._ BOY (1S; anuti |>la;i: in n'or-. wlth T. lll.l.MJL, S27 .M>i:ic-a\v., Brooklya, E. D._ H.iY .in w-anta place ln a who;.«,|. h<.. --a.. furnUh refercaea Ma.v i.ii .1 Mii-.i'.-i. ;... Kaaok-Bt._ BOV. 10. Oerman-Ai rirao, d<-air.-» a HtttaUon h. aa aBea, ao that be eao advai.c- hlrrmelf. Addrf*< L. II., 2,103 .".Ui-ave. CDl.nKI I> MAN v ant- votk ln txiard Ing-baoM or Bater. I'AViL, 210 W-at .4L'.--t. COLLECTOR -va/.ts altoatlon: Al cltj refereui .; a tlv. aod en¦. i -ti .; n.-.- laaa wagei < x[*<-tcii; no book 1. .uaea n «d .i.isv.r. Addie*. COLLECTUR, 158 Eaat t_i'--'. C. l.J.l.i I'.tR. By a aabar, hn..».-t oa coll'Ttor or any outsld- work; not oi V-.,;!;; eao fi.rul'h 'nv.t of rcfer. aaaa »» to honestv, claractnr. 4-.; uo hoolt illLi'-llil' ACdl -s. \V. 11. S., B oi 108, \v,-»'(le]d. B. i*. C'.l i.l i liifl b4kakke4var~ or so:n» o'her r'aroneratfre «.. tloyn.-nt. by young rian d>:ri ? to ci.a.n-- rraai Beaaa*! aaaea v. KNSr.M Uo.x 36. Trlbuii'- OfOc^._ C».RPKNIrER, lit-:- ,i-- tj tools, w,\>rr, l.duatrlous, *h4.p. le.ildliig, j>-t> ilng.,-r*u..d» plaaa, »i.i»t have work ; --.:.- elty or .ount.y. T. |.. I'li W.-t Ulthst.__ DRAl'rtllTSMA.f.. w1sh«« I-i-lriiei a- ilrauiilit-nan \-iy bo»t of PAVlb, 2.¦.'".! Bth-aW. _ fs.\.,iM,. U aod 11 m IIINIH1 W III j I/..., :..,'¦ t., rednc. xi» « -." p ,-nt without addltlonal eoat; Buka all rr- ii - v K.HIUJfEER, <a-c joscph McManaa, :i Do/er^t. xjii,.,,-. (-ditoriai wrltor, j vvitn beat t -t .,i,,.la fo i.r-t-daaa ori. gialraa oponina oa RapubUeeo bbwb- .per, i.'jilv or woekly; or a^ nlL'ht, Baaa n tecrrapa opetatot ... Brooffaaear, -*d- 1.I.OK. Cr", I.lvlii'sl.m-st., H'Mvi, I.1.VUIM I.R. llr-tila«s, waoU -Itoatloi, j elty '-r eoaatry; .i..>-s aii rajpalra s v,;-rs' ..f, rei.i - fron. la»^ rltr eniplov r -,.i!v vi^perat'. < all o- addr,-s« BrORI 3-IH BaJBMI *\e , Ilr<?¦ 1:1 vii._______ rsvuiMi.!'. arlahaa iltuattori: cxi».rl«i'«l J ln apartm-i.t bovee work. hr-t-rla-a r. f( i ... Trlh.::i.- (>3li B. FIBNA. K M VN V.-i..- narrl.d BH8) wonld uka to uk- .-a.c of fernai baa nrst-ii '' r raa t'ali or addre-s t. :; XVr.: .*, E tDo.rt UJcintfd. __k_. t»IREMAX.-OaaB, Meady, aWe-bedwd .. a" 12 riai ... i-nipet.'tit, .>..-t of rererenoes; uiu,.arrled. AU...ST-- 11 u., |_4 (,,,,|..[. iir,..ai_ri,. I^UKNA. i,-..Ia.\ ...,! v.e.K, under- 1 itapdi hrat-ra and all k' ,,i- af Ui n.ako hlmarlf uener.Hy ipvfiil. Addre.* rtO.S. l.r.VN, ,n Rt. DarthOlODMW'l i, I2d-*t., n.-nr :W-ave. I^RI ; glviii .......:,... .. ''"' an iro ¦ taoioagu wa t->. POLAI E, .' ... Box 1.204. J.i.l. ... EMPLOYElUk-Male iiclti foi a .to.-s famUloa aid fa.m carvfuily -- '-.i and faini-ird r ,¦*»¦. 7,-,,i ii ,., /tENTi.i.M \\ m ,,..,rr ,',t":,....., aha \M ha- a largr buaioeia aeqiMlniaiice and oM*ri-in" dea.rra poaltloa of iru-t wbera h;s tat and ablllt) wli, be fulti app.e- ,.aU»_; wcld tiavel If .,. ...,rv BBB furniab vcry beat <>r r. Ad¬ dreaa D.. box iu, Tribune OMee. GEN.LEMAN, .... :.:. rrlauro sfter ft p. m.,. aveolng ennloymeot oi iw,v we,i edueatau; apea-a oermao and Engllah; ablc aud wiUing. Addi -- l.'ji i* K. l Trlbnne l piown Oaice, 1.-.3- llriudway, C'lii'D l',..S.M\N wanti-^oNtTTiuIeK and ¦ n.n..t at Bgorea. Addr-., i i.EHK, _t. Huithobui.eWs MUMou, 42d->_, uc-r ;;<l-avn. 1AM 32 years old (.iimmrrled) Intelllg-nt, dlacreet, ,_.. _,_ deairou* >>r -ii o'ltsld . iioslduii no lanvasslne: n.od- rrnu- saUry v.ui sUfiioo, refetrncea, if re- 0 ,ir .1. bEDLOE, Box ii. Tribune OMee. INS1DE WORB ..f imiv kind. bj a :.¦- 1 s|*,ULle ol.ii'i'd I. »., ni, ff,v.1 rtfewocaa. ,,, w. JONEB, iu w. 8QU.-M. JAXIIOR oi WATOHMAN. e> a t- .'. edaratad, praetlfil man ln of_ct bniutlng aoly; lo year*1 beal referencea. V., eart '. ' *¦'''* .^ban.U-r.t-Bt. JAN1TOR.By ¦ .rtd bmb far Oat ar ll-t*. Ask for JA.MTOK, 818 I. \.- I- tmiavo., eorne, ,",3d-._ JANllOH..Ul eaa who u.oroujhiv un- OeraMnda hla duti.--.. also Meam heat and p'lmps b< _t of Add.e-s 'ommhj v ....( weej taa-at, ai-' I..I.K wanM worknf any klnu j i<. Bora ¦». \dd..-s JOHN ¦N, Bt. BarthaleMear*a mn-iou, 12.1-st., .ar 4.fl-st. ..J\ ij'.i. M Li.iii POKTER and oaeful about the he ->, wanta wora of aoj kiu.i; an all saiaiy; jjoort rcfereoee. AddreM WFJ4LEY i.l.v i.\ i.vs. m. HaitholouiBw'a hUaMea, .'-'I -al iip.r 3't-.iv. A. IIINIST aqualuted v. HiiTh-v small maehlnery and alectrfcal worh; i all neeeaaary tnoin nn<i room if r..-- ad. DE _'.\ 2i. iiibune iu.i... \i II1NI3T. 11;. a vouuH u,au who i.iT- ..'.¦.ii ruiiriinp luiie and shaifi. Ad- C. s. 107 We isth-st. Mxt'UINlBT aad ENOI NEER.-Flrat- aaa; uuderaund* electric Rght and ;.n iniu |,ip-.|ittii,«. Addreaa w.\iiL<;.Mi:vr, .'00 Aveuue A._ PBILADELPHIA KUpWCABE WORBS Ui North itii-r. PhUadrTphhw For nale, *toik. baMneaa ani leaae; reaaona for .-.-11- tng, too mm a u-iness nni eare f..r i.iv td Iw - f.l.Vl F. S.MITH. Owner. PACKER, I'ORTERor USEPUL-MAN. can it,. rarpenterworh in atora .,. nw. tury; .vllllng and obll^lng. M. J. i... 2.304 2-llVe. 1> ORTEB or WATOHMAN.Br a BBM M 45: baniv alth carpentfr too:»; rlcy Kfernee. AUjrei-i M. KATOX, 102 Weal ,-. th-t. _ 1>..KI>.-.. V ii'; (»~tnu»;i aMB .vant- a slt..aii,,n a* pirvr or Dlg-t wateh. maa oa:. glva ampta aacorlUea. Addreaa OOTTENBEKI}, 1 .1 l0U.-«U. Boutn Drooklyij. 1, ri00FREA~DER.- Praetiral print-r iuT- iI^a altaaBBB: book. ioh <>r BBara. aaaar; ,V> vears- exirrler.ce: ot _. MreBUM iivwapanrr m boo» roo'i: b-s*. r>f«rn.c. REaDER. -.5 LlvUgau,u-at.. BrooklTU._ PORTER Young man, Uerr._n, ih and ibber, ti)rt...r or watehinan eltj ref-arwea. il. D1ERKER, 117 AdaaMat., Brooklyu. PORTER Mv man. 08; atrong und will- ini: io want: aaa good reMrenee from lau rmptoyer. L M., 3:.'j g-b-a-e. IIROOPItEAOEiti edueatad, p-parMoeed want- slt.a-lo,,. PR. IOT'1'.I.ADI.II. ,0 Madl-ou-a\e.. plalnfleld. N. ,1. Rl -I'I'AliABLE MAN, 29, wl-h.-s eoofl'- dentlal mhIUoii leferenies tti_t se..un- tj. .1. lli:iNJ°.MANN_,_325 Ea»t »'Jtu-»t.__ R/.f.IAHl.E. tampCTat' man, baat rcrar* aaaaa aranta i>o«it!on of aay kind. Ad- drea-s ONWARD. lrll.une Offlo-._ EL1ABLE marrted man. 88, would llhe poaltloa ln whnleaalr, reUll ur irunu- lactuiii.g b-ateaaa; t,...i bbbbmb ajaaha Uermaa truatworthy ln avery reepeat; ovei 10 reara M MM pla.e; can BlTa beat of ni- ereacaa and aaaunM. )'. A. M., I'rlhuni' I'p'owri, 1,2.1.1 Uumdway,. Cl ITUATION WANTED iy * young man »?:.-i. as portar aad u*si.<,f Mupplng .i'-rk; -tirak* Engllah aad Oermaaj inad r-iiman. Addresa LEu OCHMITZ, 102 East .Vith-.t._ UALEMMAN ,] s|r,.s iituatloo in a arhoia- >~ i«a:e or iftai jeweiry oatahllahmrot; '.. yrariP e\perieue,.; undrr-tuiids th* *ale of alamoeda, wateben, Ac.; al .. optleal de. partmeat; anderataotfa ti. uuixh-auig of nA'\ and (Uver: lumuh firstr|j»s refoaaee. Addreaa JAY, 185 Derfea-at. Uio<i!{iyn:__ U tEXOOIUP11ER and TYPEWKITER CT d.-ire-i posltion Ki Bllngtofl or Call- fiapb ..?i.eri.'-ii' .<! modTat .a!ary. 'Jt'O Oth-avH.^ l-t_lhH;_K. ^1LLEN.___ as TF.NuiiKAllii.BB ai.d Huu.UiKtMi oper* ~' ator* f.r:,!sl,'-d to buriue.i oousra: no to-mlailona. WYCKOFF. SIUM-SS . KDNKDICT. 3Z7 B road way._ TE-TOORAPHRR, talecrapher' lyae. wr.t.r and booakeepa?, one famlllar with '.brokor'a'' bualncaa, d.»ire_ poaltlnn at anv of Lhe aliove, or as prttata aecrcMry. Addreaa KKWii, ir:.,..n<- Ofllca._ 12 MAB1 OFP1CE BOY atahai altuatlon, -5 :,i;e 15, Rrooklvn preferr<'<l. refereuw* _,\,ei. Addreaa lUCBARO A. PCBTER, ",Xii Baltle ,,.... s u tLESMAN..A yonng man wl-ie- | po¬ altloa i»s aaleamao on eom- aMMati ani r.neaaaa; a Baa of aperlalttea md Boothtrn tfrrltory praf>rrr_; baat ol ,..f,.,...,.- . rumtahed aiid aMIafaaUaB guar. i.i.i ,.l. E It.. Tribune Ofllee._ SALEBMAX .</ a1, esperiea. ¦'. young maa 37 yaarai i.i mv leglOmata llne; .. .. i :, -. Addr. ii. B li AMheraUaL, EaM Qranga B. J. _ uVLEBMAtJ l travelllng aaleamao waata >7to -II gOOdl on (WIIQllaalOO Anv iTOOtl bo '-.. that 1.. da a travelllng aal. »mmi lu any si»te wiii wHta t. ... i. KUMP, Jaaieavflle, Mortoo co.. B. C, aiso Trib- aaa OBaa. _ TYPEWRITINO done at ^hnrt notlro; prlee 3 1-3 rei.ta a follo and wo»h g-ar. »:,(<.¦ ri. reterencaa alrea if dcirid: eoere- -pondenre solleltf-d. Ai!dr>!».« C. R. WICHEL, I*. O. Bov 383 Blo.imflel'1. N. .1. THOnO'.'OHLY eaaerlenced eaka baker waata situatlon. F. 0TAHL, 083 EaM v h -t._|_ rr»HOROr.»HLY rompetpnt douWe entry 1 bookkeeper, 27. _<_r«a an en_-gpmeat: lalarj 020 i^r wiek. AOCOUNiANT, Ko\ 10, Tribuae <>Mcn. __ To COMMERl IAL AOEM li.S.-A.-iy well-patab!kh«d ooe requ.rlng the -.¦. \ 1.1* of u<io& ennvav-.u aad i port pleaae aiU-e^s X. Y.. Bo« 7, Trlbyie OPce._ |T__Fi L-MAN, good t,ui-K or wafoa U drlvtr, waata u altuatlon; referai. iddreaa af. MTkBB, x* BarthotomaWg .Misilou, 42d-ft.. naai 8d-av.-. ______ PlIOL_l ER1NU..Jobbtng work of all ktnii- wantad; dav erjeb. J. V. B0Z, ei Weot Blat-ot_ aat RLE-EDt'CATED mlddlo-agPd gentle- V? bum havlng had f yeara' experloBeo .- boekkeeper ln large i:on manufacturlng hu»iiie»». hiing eonvaraant with Um Engllah, i.ernian and Bpaolah languagea, alao wli'i um ..f Hen,;ri*ton tviwwiiter. wlahea to >. aite chanae. fPioKKKFii-.i:, Pateraon, N- J._ «JBT.NTi;i).-A pisltltn by a young man, »» iiouest. ataady and »,.». r: elavator pn1- f. ,T.i. Addreaa li. LKAHY, 2,t}r8 2d- ave.__^_. BB?ANTED.By a reapeet-ble colored .na'.. »» plaril B* walter or as mm eopjrM ln a Mwywr'a ofti.i ot'.e. baMneaa place: ,1: ' iiab m .t¦ irf ieii,¦.. Add'e-s t W. Boi 100, Tribune L'ptawa Omn. i.'» Broadway._ W\n il.l>. FUrnaoea to take ca:-- of and all Kind- of riouae-eleanlna done. Ad- M ii.i.ia-.i i :.i ,'. ¦.-. b¦¦t_ W~ "TTI'ITr'. lir-t-.-ia-- r.sunrani wail.r and oi-t i.i.ui: t>. >i ataady place: i.-s hart viar« expertenea _s heau w-allcr. I'leaie ralj 101 vf* .yiiv-i »% \T, I1MAH BR ^ ii Idd] -i mau »» who ¦md i-tjiids »ll Kind- of Oermaii and \merlran >.«rk wants ataidy altuatl u. Add. 70 Eaal -d-M._ W\i, "ii.-.i a K Be Bj ¦ rauag mn. :».'. M wat. hinan, drl\.r »r footor. \.«.;k. Md -t-adv. III I'TLD.__tjiii* I'.. (Uh-st. UrAKTED.-Situatlon »" EnglUhnian: practiral poliiter. pa;i..r!iu:ijrr and atozier; aauM rlia to work f«r aatata ur matltuEon «.ood rt-fer lic '.. A. A., Do\ 29 i riaaoe oiaee._ WANTED -ia a wheleaale kr ieery » t ia tion br a vounp ..»:.. Oennan: ap. akn EnglUh: 3 veara ln pr.tent iituatloo; Brat- rla*a Kfertooaa. A. r... U^< 80, Trlbuna OMi ._ WANTED.. PoMttOB with i'.o«-'. bn.kor- a?- l.ou*e, hy a ronaf naa 22 reara f good wrlter wid .v>.t h...kkceper. Addreaa B. F. M P n !'.o-< I B»_ ANTED..PaMUan ai 'jrpen.e. In ." t-rv r,r on eaiat*. Imi'nr¦ of I >.. M __ i... r-t. Brooklyn, l.. D._ Wami .ii 0] rauag maa with aoi.U eoruim-r.-ial haaae, hard w.ik will Incure advio. ement; livt- i,. saiaM pr ,nl ¦..,,,p ovel I.VCl.L'i, iiibune QBtce, _ an ri.H. a poaltloa M i. .».h,*r r eolleCMr. by .o:io_- n,air..«I i, 85, A Ba. I refailBBM. Addr. ss IONEB I!.'. MadlaoB-it. OrooBlyBj_ Y.,i N'.. marrled maa, ^4 .... ii s t i.i, .,' r:us',; fBod kno.l Bge Of book- ¦. -t rtferene ..¦ bond*. Addn-a* HOOKKEEPEB, -0 Parh-afe.,, Oaaa._ YOT-^NO man aa hand oi waiehnan: wllUnj t, uo any. wheie in Um FaMad Btataa. Wrtta <>. B. .. ii tS Fi.i.lilln-*.! _ Y.ii'.su Man. Ametlran M waa js -f-,i ur.., f ferenoe. Addre«a KBNKOT MMITH, St Bartholarflaw'a Mla. ¦ioa 42d-at.. aaar N jv _ YH MAN \M. lie, r - a 0 aanetal uaefulne^.; wURag aml n-at; wli iroik a we,- on Bnal fr-- referencea. vdlrrs H .are Br. <.r n 1 TB7 AU_MM> a\e.. Urooktjii. w >v tDorli IDantfB. ~2klalei7" Y.ll \<i MAN «:io ran jr-vc th» BBBt of itc wtritd III.e n [Hsinon where 4 la poaaII - Addn -- W1IOLE- rj \l ;.'.'¦¦.. ol. Y.)' .,«. I1AN vn.-iid Tlkrni~~i,o7lt.3n la" ... bard vv.e ,: v ll] Inaure advanro; beat of r.f rence. Addn -h i..x ElttlV, ili.n.fflce Y..IM. MAN woold I:. i.-i ., religloua llluttratfd Baaaaap r: tea a ea lo Mart. Adore*. bv Itttel ls Jjst lOtli-sl, I_ \> ..-. '<.¦ -i T.r hon«e: handy wlth toola; vv-nim^ to wo.k at iiythlna. Addreaa ALKX. IIACKETT, Bt. BBItllOlomaw'e Mis....... 42d-.s-., inar YOl'Xfl V \n a?- is" dealr a a sitiieiion;' r r.-t n .-. .I 'i-si .1. k .1. Tribua toe.i urne. i,838 Broadway. Yiii-M, M \n engag d parl ol i.oi.ui llke furnaea attnid aad oe Ad ir is irsErt'L, Trlbune t> !,,.., OBU .i Y-.ii XII MAX, te, wtthoa a altnatioa in eaale Igar or tobm o house. II. I'I l-.:i I. I.'.s XI ,, ,i,.i;rft;.,: Y. v.. m v. .'-i ,; i ;,.-!.:,m aa rontld-i.tla! eterii; 0Te» 12 year-' f\ nerience Ib Iii>». Addr'ss CON'l DENT1AL Boa ',00. 'iribntie UptoWfl OftVa '.'.'t-i Broedwaj Yi.i i. ma. .Ituatlon at a-iy- thlng n t .ke rar of horaaa or diive. .1. n r,oo Eaat ItBtn st._ Y. IR1SHMAX, Protentant, waata poaition grocery c\nk or ofltoa wo.k. BLACK, 072 Oth-ave. Y.irrii. aged 17. dealrea poaltloo of any kind; oi'be work preterrcd. .\udr-sa \P,< MII-: TltOMPBON. ::i2 Ka-t IQthjt YroUNII MAN, 20. wlehee a all .al on i' w.y klnd of wo.k. .1. QORMAjV, 225 1-t-avc YOt'Nll MAN. 31. dealrea BoatUon at aorthlng ln aota wl aiaaale bualneae. Addreaa J. J. P_ P. O. Bos 10 Aatorla. L.I. Y.ii so man, rgpatleaaad la oflre work, wlvb b .-'. ref. raneea, deatrm poaition. ItOOKKRI PER. Itox- 28, TiltMUM L'ptowu Offl. -. 1.238 Broadway. Rlork tUamro * Ferualra. V YOl"NQ i.auv araata trart at. boxing snall :,: -I-- 01 r, be. u m-.all) BAe- ful l» a whole ale houee: wilUng an.l ijuh.k to ...-ii. Ai:'- :-.M \ 1'IIE, atla itd-ave. bTTaMILY bKWlNU to do at boane, b; one I exuerlen ed; hand aeaiaa a -i.ialtv: refereocea. Rtoj uoweu'a b.-n, M7 Dtb-avo., near I7th-st._ IAO, .--I ENOtiRAPtlKR ha\lng a few t i.oni- M'.h day «iii do eopylng of anv; envelopea 35 a l.OOO. BTEXO, |8J 4tli-ave._ SOPRaXO, experleoeed cboli aololat, Wlahe* position ln this it\- or llmok- lyo. Addreaa SOPRANO, 18 Eaat 23d-st., eare ol r.. Eberhard._ SF1 N'OUKAPHER and TYPKW R1TER Kxperlencrd ln ii.ereantlle correapond- ear.e, ai-n lnauran< >. bu Ineea and aome legal work, dealn-s!,>n; b--«t refereocea. Rl vti\,, roN, 1.020 Oth-ave. S. Vl-ll'.i; 'and TYI'I'.WBI II.,lT .Kxporiooeed, rai'id aeeurato; dealrea plaee; 812. aMAXUENBIS, Trib- une Ufllre._ ^i^ EXOORAPIIER..Ladl op-ratlnc Kei.. j lngton No. 2 ii. -:r--s y -rn.a.icni, |ioaltlon. .ti.ti ki.1i. rrlbune OfBce. _ Sn x-' URAPHER. .A competent, ex- (..-.:..d i.idv atenographer and typa- ii r'.t ., edapted to llterary «r newapapar woik, dealpea ,in-ir'.,n no rtbleeOon t«. U-avine tbe elty. XEW8PAPER. 20 teeal l Ifli at._ Sn yooRAPIll '; and tyeewrltef Bawtraa po«iti..ii. exi.ef.r. - eaVeranh; rood- .rate aalarv. \dd eaa KATIi, KEKKE. "30 Broni.av -ar- ol Kwnk UarrLson. lllork lilaiiteU. Fenjiilpa. STENOi.K \Plli-.R and TYPI'.WRITF.R. f.-i.h dealrea poaOJea; eaperlaneed; aood tongband v%rit .-: aecurate apettor. J-. Pox ¦'. Tr iH.iie Offle.-._ T"Tpi'.V ilTl.N'ii iroin dlctatiou, iniuu- aeripto. aemooa 3c.. cheapl) am. i> .ura.oiv done. (aii <r addreaa I-LORI-..NCE '. IYLOR, 63 Eaat .1 Ith at. tajriiisl "i,r,ssi.\> given by a ladj elty lt i,i eouotry; refer neea. Addreas it. a. m.. Tribttae i'i to« b OfBee, 1,288 B'way. YO'N'i LADY at-notrrapbei and type. writ.-r dealrea ooaltlon. AdUr-»s i.. c. 'i rlbune On.iv. _. a/Ot'XO LADY atenograuher and t.v|K- i actlvo, and w.llnig .o ««;. AMP.ITh.l -.. 153 lth-av,._ \r.11 ,x.. LaOV wonld llke a poaition :is t,.,okke-i..i and caabler; eix«i penniBji; correet Bt Birurea; beat ..f retereaeea; can fnriilsi.* lt neceaaary. full or aa- d|-1 7'.2 3d-i.v-.. Jewelrj store. o«JU EAST IPTII-81 i dreaamaker. .i«")o having worbed ln Brat-etoaa eetab- hahroento B reara, waata worb in prlvata ruiilll s bv fl.e vv.-ek or mniitli. Domc8tic3un.itio;i9 CDartrb Matoa, \Mi;iii.'Ai, gyiuaaet and Baaaleare '.f nood tddi aa .--,.- poatttot. witii -,-ii- .,t.iia:i d piofe»<lonal eare. >i. U>.< Boa 100, CptOttll Utllec, 1,233 Brtiadway._ B. F understanua in- bu»l.sthoroughly; beat rafe eacea a- to aobrlety, boaeat* auu capabUlty; clty ir eountry. Appij 357 ttlmre._ l i L&K, Bc..COOK and LAI N- ni.K.s.s.-iiv thcroughly eotrpeteat oupli beat oltj referenceB. Call or ad- ,.i as ll.. 284 .Coacluako-at., Biooklyu. L'TLER.- Thorougbly competaot: where l> ae o d Biau i- kcut or aaautance given; beat if-r-i:.-.. D. Nl 1*3 i^a-t Uat*t-_ ¦ > Ll III o BU I.l. ll aml V A I.I.T.- By lJ a u.ii.i ;.u'--'J SO, «uii 3 yeara of th" i.,-t of elty refeiencea; it- t-uiploy-r caa ¦. ... ii. Ad :,. aa :. !'.. H) Weat ted-at C< UOK it- reni-hii an fliKf-ela-a; ln j private fan ilv or boarilint-.l.ouae; thor- oiiglil] underatanda all br-mehea; keepa hU kli .¦-. neal end Udy; \::8es niode.ate; .,. -t, elty r (cret.cea, Addreaa JOHN V.\c- riES, 203 We»t 27th-st. C»OOK, v llm ParUlan e,,0k, who has / worked iu London, dealrea a plaee ln hotej, reataurant or famllj i^-"t of .--fer- I.,,-. Addreaa J. Dt'MoNT, 351 Laxlng. toi.-avc. C.HiK. Bj ..!¦'.¦ :..'.i. In amall private fai.dlv w^i-c- oderat>; koo.1 r f i- .iu-. Addreaa COOK, Doa i, Irlteaa onic-._ Ci, 'PIa.n" I'.. .. alnele man; thor- oughlv exparienecd lu :.!!; ls striciL aober, auvid-.. «. nii.g and obllglng; nn obj etton tm gelug Bouth; very b st eity itfor « from fonn employera; Grenuaa. Amlf-, .1. K. 124 Weat ',,i..-st_ C»OACHMAN..By h youag maa aiugle; ' oi as iiHifni-inaii: clty or eountry; can rorniab reference*. C. C. Box ls. Trlbwaa U.llCe. CUACUMAN..By a ontrried man r^rst- eiitei peraonal and wrlttea rrfarancea; will I"- fiiuni v-illlns and obllglBg. Ad- drva< I'n.v HMAN, .'. '-' l 17th -'_ C^OACHMAN..Oood refereneea: elty / and coiinl. C '¦'. -. 300 E-iol 07th-st._ /1UACIIMAN nnd OAROENER a V/ el.iL'l- pormau -in Brat-claw m .-v.-ry ran et; und. r*Unda the -ar- of (ln- horaea. rarrlagea aml barneaa; mlik und att n.l fur< nseea r. neral » iu ui good r jforoDce: laal eiiii.iov.r tait be aeee. n. i., H"x B, Trlbune OjBt-e. _ C.i.v.. ii \ s ntlemaa dealrea to oh- tain :i ;.' o bla oarbman e in reeommend him In every wayi s..ixr. win- inir aml v rv eareful drivr. a**reaa II. .1. li.. M-nrav HUl flotel._ C. i. wlth 8 year-' / refrrenctfs last mployei; aober und hon- aat. -1- !'¦. ll" Eaat 22a-at._ f . ,,;, IIM.VV :,..! I'MTH. M C5 \; COOK and L.\ cxiiHi a> -By roaaf ,.,.M, ,. ii,mi i.'<mx1 ( gardeojr anu uaeful-raaa; wlfe ro. famllj cooa and lauu- r .rlillng and obl ilnf; caa baka eare bu's p a - beat ref reoeea. Call -, 2',r 4th-ave., betwaea 2oth uud .'¦,.!. -¦¦-._ (s ..Ai HMAN, .'"i '! Ive. ut- beatlve to dutlee; very wiiiing and obllsi-iv: good refereneea, h th elty and romltry. L'ail o. ¦ dreaa WILLIAM, 101 W,« t lith-st., -aic of Noblett. Cs., iHMAX and UARLENER. Cnder- / -tn.:!- ti,.. eare of boriea; i-araful dr:vei niiik. *..t.d funraoe; n> obj.lon to ir lob. | r-l I.l I.l.- i-fercln e. iddreM c. Boa D rrlbune Oflice,_ CUACUMAN. 5j u -I.H.-I- I'i.,'. ¦-.'.,.. t n an thoroughl. underatandj bla baal. Deaa; eareful and rtyllab eity drirer: S years' exoeUeat aity refeicacaa from last employer, arbo hlghlr r>eommeada i.o as u ..,.-- aad obllglng man. Cal1 or ad- .,. | .- 134 W SStl -t._ (4 tCUMAN.-llaJo gardener; gcnerallv j uaeful; alaglr, atrl :iv tavaprrate man, -iphlv uaderabanda bla onaineM, la attend furnaea, nllh hinhiy n, omn.eooed. L. K.. Irjbune OBJoe. Cs OVOhIIaN..By a yo-ine EngHahmaa ; / undatatrdda thc rarc of fl..- horaea, bar> ii. a and c-.rnajrcs l.I rldet a-id trnlner can ful drirer; caa Brira tandem; elty or eouotry; beat of refereneea. Apply 3j. 4tl.-a-.'-., be*. i.i.l Seth »t*. COAOBMAN..Bj a marrled maa: baal elty refereaeea from Brat-e!aaa famlly; 10 reara' ln one ;! .< >-. Pleaae eall o- ad- greaa COACllMAX, l!S Eaat .'.cl.-t. CSy.tCIIMAN II- thorough loaih.t.un: _. .,-. :<,, now ft.... Europe EojrUab; tv or '"iiut ." good rrteraneeo. B. r. I l io W. al ftad-st. (40ACI1MAN oi .i:.""-l.-liy » alnglt- / i-oung man a "-I eltj ref, r-n aa try prt-ferred; wagea moderate. < all orad. ,r. m i- j. ..., prlrata abatle, 88 Wct _ C.: . . iteady, ra> man .-'xiwii.-n .-.i elty dnw; .,,,.,,, ..;.iv uiiderataada th# -are ... (Im- flr-: «-ia--« ref.-rc.i « n-rfe.-tlv al-le to i-.v I-S-..-1I- ln rldinn. An|1v to T Mivi'T 203 Baaj Mth_l (~oVCIIMAX Bi ii a\ia*rtaaB, »uigic, 32 carlng fnr road ho aes axi_rleaee ,uA efarei t.*1. .-- i T.. 140 llroad-st /-li.MiriW Hv l alngl. ma-i. 35. wtfh C 3 yeara reference from laat awplajer. WU.I.IA.M .-HUMAN, 14 John «t. Wee« bii.litoti- IS- L Domcotic Sittutni; ^mtefc tfcloa CCA'UMAN.- Br marrled man. no rhll- dren m, I*. hlghly rec mu .-.'¦£. d; l*»t .,..;¦! .\.; ran be «eeu: al-.. fonoer one. ot addrmn it. nu/.K. .*i_^__*__,'_t_. C^i.v HM.v: .1 OBOOM Bi -¦» young ' w_i; or ','room and Mad.|J0BMi r!l,,r i.r'li,, um .j|ni» h;< bu-liic*-; aBVfTBl reara' refereare. AOtnea Ba* ih. Tribune o .. ''. 1,288 Hroadway_ C'ia, II.MAN v COOK .i.'i i -U-- DREttS By n arrlt-d rovjitaj i.n.i .'- eoaphmao aurt uaafal; teml rarnacra; ui walt oi, Mbm; w_a _aed ceah aud lauu- draaa; ln a amaU famUy; was-s r.-.-on- ,,),.. Addreaa oi call ou POWERB, -J.J Bai 4lst--i._ (~«OACttMAN or UMOOM.-B* B-8MB< -- man: iheroughly Baderataada ean >>f n.:e eairlagai bameaa, kt.: t,rtt-.i».« r-t. aienee from forioei employera. .\ppiv 231 .a.»t »7th-«t.__ DkaF and dcmii MAN offo- his «r- vUo« for a hon. waaM b u eiui in a boirlli kt house .,- r»sr.iura..t wriu-r kie<: O'i'l bfl I'.ar..,- ..i A :: II. li Tribune otr.cp. 1} XOLISHMAN, yoaae i.i '.-. wlehe* j < tiiatimi ln a uiivat fUn.ll; At lef- ereoeaa. J. SOLE, 218 We»( ;wth-«t. F! v ,t\i HAND, eolorad, Autita aMadr ve.,r 'ioiiii.I warh: ?'"..d rth>r; und.. itanda maehlacry. Addreaa JOHN LOCK. ERHON, Kt. BarthMamaw'i MMaMa, 42d- »t.. n<-ai lid-ive._ ooTMAN ot SEFI MAN Sy i r . ¦pectable ra-ng u.uii la a prlvate Maa liv ran bo .*ecomn.ended hv H-t emMoy. r. KARRY, Tribune uptaara OMea, i.w-j Bioad way._ I7> UlCNAt'E-MAN wants -ii.iiiio.; eaa do 1 general houeework In prlvate family. vddreaaOEO. M.'Ri'UY. st. RarthMt_naw>i Mlaalon, i2d-t.. oeai BB-< _ _. AEK TO EMPLoYERh -Malo heip of I all 1'iades aud deacrlptlon furnlshed at short notlce. Call or addi-ss NOBLETT. A..KNCY. 101 y.¦.t 4V.h st.. 7'.»r Oth-avo. Ct ARDENER..By slntrl- maa, asr* 30: I CBpable tnklns entlre geBtWBBB- [,._,.,¦: greanhooaea, grappib-4. lawns. | -.; .', retn' leat !¦¦.'.t-h--» from hv* omnio.v r. AddreM BARRY, 1 ol Weal i'.ti.-.t.. «aro .:>lctt._ (. aBDENER..By an experhmeeB gar- M <i,nei anu nbrist: uBderetaade frult and vegetabUa of all, eaa tako aa. tlre char.e of Reutlrman'- pla<-e; rlrst- ,-,ass referenee. Adurcua uox 13'.., Mi:.- b-rn, N. .1._, f~ARDENER and COACIIMAV.-Uv » 18 aiarrled n/aa u* gardena? .-ni coa< n- maa or gaoerally naeful-man <,:i (.'eiitlema.. * place; uood r»-feren<!e. Addr-s ts. II. 81 8th-ave._ C'ERMAN. "., arrl-d. Itrlctil aobar, ___¦ M small ptaae. eaa take raafga of traea. heuao; m ''i>ta.,d- fai... work, :<;ii ha* had iiiRriie '. ci tlemao'a place. Addre-s a LL'TB, l'. 0. Oox 204. lUilbebeck, N. Y. (i ROOM, l:-t. la-», wanta . 1 Addreaa ROBT, MeCORI tlioloti.i.w's Mlaolao, 42d-st., ne-j. (j i-.imim }'.\ a young n i- a J* r-<onuiieii.l»d >.v lJst en.p'.'.v addr-** M. .1. D. 31 F_«t 3-d-st CM'.'x.M. Hv a younjr mau (>.¦-' itv %.f- ¦ araacea. Addreaa C. B.. 120 W. 40th-at. (JR HJM.-By an KoaUah lad, aaed J7 ¦ groi'i, 'irider ro"hn,at;. H. Ul'RLEY, sj;i 7th-a\o._ U.t.M i\. it, an l.i.n -f |. I'.iM. :..-iu H day watchm_h w elevatae man; .."-t elty referencea. Call or addraaa JAMEh .'(7 W. «t 3't!,-.-l. _ JANITOK.-By bmb and wlfe aa Maltar f, ..:. hous-- in IiroK'vn. <lo. a r-pnlrln., a. il what-vr is n.ce-arv for rhe tftuatlon. Applv to II- BVltMElS- TER 3-'.. ;. ilbave., Bwuhlya._ MIDDLE-AOI i> MAN. speaJdng uiTmim. Ii'rei; :. and Bogllah, wlahaa *ltuation M do Bouaowork; hotei oi prlvahy hawaa. l.N'O. Wll.UAMS. 885 8tli-ave., 2d ttuo;-. AN AKD W1PB waal place loffether; man gisierallv uaefnl; teml haraa, ir.ahe flrea, mllli. (.'aidci: BM afrald >.f K'ork; if.- geaeral heuaaarara; go>d aaak, waeh ind li.n; .'ood retaraaeai city or rountay. vl.BERT mm oi Noblett, lui Weat *ith- «t.. 707 llth-ave. lDDf.K- A H KD \IAN~. ¦ Ingll ho'i»e ot ur'i'.' Ilattholomea'» Mlaaloo, 42<l-»t.. neai .Id-ave. Vlii HT PORTER ar DIMRWAH HER 11 winu a sittiation actlve and v.-illlna*. Addraaa BF.RNaRD OMITB, s-. Barthela- mew'a Mlsslon, l.d-a... neai 3d-a\e._ (f SEPUL-ldAB waaM situailon ~\n a prl- J \it- 11,..»,. or reaMurant. not :i/rald ,,r w,.k. Add",* foiiN MVLHRABJf, st. Baitholomow't Mlaaion, 12.1-st., aaar Sd-ave._ f J M.'.ri'L-.MAN..By a younk' BMB not \) afrald af hard worki eooi groam; aadrr ttaoda oore oi Ixrs-^ thorouk'hiy: rome w.-U reeommanded. Cali rt iiddn-ss N<iBLT:TT. Ii.1 W. at I5th-al, 7'..7 Cth-ave. M1DDM-.-AIIF.D MA *,i. lu boardlog't Addre*s CLEARMONT. ITSEKI.'L-MAN.. By youu? man CBB ) inllk. drlva und take 'jte .f fui- uace: with tools; can Uke cur- of a _enf!'"i_i-s piac; rrederata aragaa AddNM M Boi 180, Tribune I'ptown offlce, 1,388 IIroadwity. f T Sl> I'L-.MAN_Eld-rly tlflfie man U wlslies a place att.'tid flre* tnil aaatat ln kit.i.en: cnp-ihb watclimin or lanltor; refer'nce and aeearlty. Addraaa A. P.. 132_Park ^owv_ UsEFUL-MAN..By a roung maa li a privat,' famllv or bmUOPM hou*.': la .trong, wi'lini: and v.ell edui-at'Kl: speaks Bve li»iik"niVe': wa.e» v<-ry modejate: ex- rcllmit referencea. Addraaa WM. di'.XIa- REsT. cart fornier emplayer, c. Uraa, 07 llhe siip._ Lf SEFVL-MEN..By tn.»fv young m-n / Owediah; ataady, activ aaeral for hoaitllng-hou-e. Imt^ls or famllv: ... iar« of lovalldn; beet referencea. At the pROT- RSTANT HOME BUREATT, 13S Cth-ave.. near inth-«t._ |l >r.|.i'r.->IAN.~By eo-netent Sw-d~ L' wltli besit referenee; citv 01 counirv. Call Mr-. BaLMBBBO, Owedlao Buraau, :i.V Ith-ave,, uiistalrs. ov.r butch-r ator-. U_l L'L-MAN..Bj 'I man iind-r- s",.ids the (are of horape. rarrlagea, ni.d tows- will n.ake hlui*elf aaffBl ln -\<ry i..-..rt: beat of referencea. Call ot addreaa a.'a.. 10 Wefrt IBtli-at._ USKI'.T MaV.-Rt young man; work of any kind ro ohjectlon to .outit:-. fnlr Fdural no Addreaa S. \v.. .-,00 E. 148th-at USKFI l.-MAN. By i fOUUg man. on I gentlemaa. placv ln tla1 country: cat.a- hl« ;,ud wiiiii,.; i yaar'a IrM rlaaa r,.fT- ¦.nces; c_i leok aft-r ho'a»«. Of.J m<;d-t- ste waa ¦ .'..'I oi adrir>- ADVERT1SEB, in Eaa ti-t-st;_ 11 SF.FI'I.-M AN. n.v a jouiig man: .an U i:,iii<. drlve. tena furnaee. and I* will .¦-. t.i make blmaelf generally aaefal ln hoarding-bouae .,: geotleman'a pMea; h ody wi»h earpentar t»ioi-: wages u,-,,i. ,. i. good referancea. i. 0., Tribune Offlce. If SEFVL-MAN wanti wof?! "al>...i J houae; under-...!- d- r11. eare of furnaea. Mldiess KllIN" MAN'.I.N. S'.. Hailhoio. mew'a Mlaaion, 12.1-m*... near 8d-ava. | . -i.i t'l.-M.-.N.- An rlderli alngte maa KJ wlahea a plaee of truM; .ar* a f.-.v H..S. horaea, genaral work: miik, drlva .ind !*ui(ien worh; Kferaoaa and s-curity. e Parh Row, IT SEFVL-B \ Nr. wllllng and obBgfiigT ' w l-in s > . i-i afieii to »tt' r.d furnac." »-l ,..,'(.. blmaelf ueeful: eood rafereoca. JOS. UERWIC_J 1,008 lstave. WAITER ci.iK ;iv Praneh eouple 00 gMtleinan'a plare: man .!> tlrs'-i«4» walter, aoderatanding thoroughlr his dutlaa; uife :>- pxeelltat rooh and good bahar; is.ih willliik' and obliglng: country |.r, v f.,,.,.,1 _eM life ,. r.Mlees'*, t. U. Box 10, Tribune L'ptown Oile ... i.:iM Qroadway. Wa i i:i'".- Br a good walter; botel or reatauraot or luaen rauatar. Apply 181 i';,ft ;i ni--'.. Brooklyn. WAMi'Ji. Ilv .1 young n»u. |«,sltlon ln ,i prlvata f-in i v ."'¦ r a.d i.idti. trloua; refereneea. s. RIRAOOBIAB, 230 i,sf (Hd- t._ WAITER, Be..By a colored man. bmb. r'ed. as waltai .r pertar B hoard. Ing-houa beet referenee. W, T.. 138 st -_4Mi--t.. top Boor, i'U'1:._ WANTF.D.-Ry 0 Hooi , aober alcule Oeriran, altuatlou on geuUouao'a ro'.otry tiia.-e: uoderttande lhe .are of s and eowa; k.vkI plaln uaa-ooer; 8 ra' experienee: good Mf-raneaa glven. AddreM .'. I' Bo_ !». Tribune WANTED..Bv a praetl aT Borlat and r'.eeer ai.uitlo.i o-i privat- place; t oro g'u. >i do.»tJiid« his bu-lnes*: also the lavlng out of rrounda. Bawer* and horti. .ulnre ln all It- hr'ii'-'ie-; fierman »e" so. rnried-a a -J f-.-!'v CHARLF.M B'li.T.t,. nr"'of '«! R. n-r-maiin. Borlat, ITatbusii. i.. i. Biaaaa no rai '- ,OFNH MA.\ AND WIPE w-n.r werk .cithipg- both Pdui-Btad, h- n.«t, aod .i .',.fe.e,.e. Addreaa c. II. P. BB ,-t ISd-al Domt-Gtic 8iitiatio:is lUanifli Feuiales. AvuiM, WOMAB would l!k,' jK)«ition as rompaoloo t>. middiaacad lad. ga. ioa to Eurouo or south (or wlntar; oelal QualltlcaUona couM ba n»-rui M faaaj ,' iv-. only reepaaalbM peraooa aaed »n- -w.'r ui...xce'itioiialili- rafercn >¦.. NUN-PROI CSblONAL, Box 20. 1,00. Mh-TB._ A_a -A.-LADLEO ar- iiivitci to> .all at . _i amMaj-iant pa.iors; good, com- p. teut l.-lp of all uat.oua and >.( gaad MWMMaaa pan b- obt-in... "tther bv .alllui o;- .endlu* your ord< r»J ,, e»_e state parth-ulaih, vraB.s. A,.. aud Tour o-der- wiii rueelve prorapl attantlaa. N'OBLETT, 101 Weat 45th-st., ::>7 Cth-ave. ALi. KIND8 ol (lerman aarvaaM with tli.t- l»». i.f-i.iic- alway* on .,..' 'oi clty or country. 1. SONNENSCIIEIN'B MPLOYMENT 01 IH ;:. 1-. .d-av.c. .-'.a->'.. _, ALADV of 60, wlahi s a sltnattou -* at Itaker and c.,i:ipanl..ii of a<?'d p«raons or BMBaai inust be *.>!" to aa* ri.r kindnp4»...-. Addraaa mat.v haLL, .18 etii _vp._t i I-I.' il.MANl V." .\1A.N i-oUld llko to t\ |.it by the day nweepCB eleaulag and aaaUng; anly prlvata bualllaa nead »:¦. pl* referencea no carda. Mi>. M.K.. ltl \V, ,t dOth-al, 2d floor, fnint. AWOMAN Ui work out hv dav at wa«h. ln_ ironlng. acrubblog, houaecleau. Ing; larauB >.¦ *** wbm tOBUa., llrst raar. Vi ii N" <>1RL to wnlt on lad.v wlUlag aid oUunig: ptaln scwti.!?: h..sf e|ty r,.f. ,»,..,.. M B V; iilbun.' Iptowu OOtoB. 1.-88 Bwadwar._ As \i ii vi ii'at glrl, IO w-mheo pa- atttoii ».> adr'a mald or auMstaui. w.-ild travl BELLA CORBBTT, HO BMB 1 Oth-at. A Domeotic Gittutuin CDartter> PHBB38* -A.-a. MU&. L. HKELY, (fo.i-rly Mlas L. CaapbeU.) <m wttiT riu^'xi FORl.jO.-. A.ND UOMEST10 MAL1. AND EivMALK KMl'LOYMKNT DUREAU. ALL ULUCUlu.Ni rjs hTHC'lLy INVKSTIOATXD. cr-.-aPt» b;o»»lug en«ra*eni»oU wlli be di»nii-«,d from oaicc and torfelt all c.Ue te fe e pald. u. u.-no BnANCH omc*. 0* WEfcT 2V_»-nT. -8 A'.IUI.. I, to I'i y.«i>. to n,ak<i herailf .iM-fo. in} ol thre. alulls. Call 1.-.2 l.i-l 47Ui-»t.. Il<ani> boll. 4. LADY arlabee '.. l.nd a ettaattoa in to«-« /i, oi ., tiM, fo. .. " Bl glrl to ,...-t in lure of ihlldn.-n. Aj-ply at . I js- 40ihvl._ Ai-);,'\\ w.ii,un wonld teke a ilitld to rarc for at i.v-r o«n houie. Ad- u,.-* VV. ElXiAlt, 2)3 iai-t ...d »t. CsjiA.yjni.,iMAii» iiy * yo'.iiK m i. a/ , ..... .- , ln B |irlvB8a fa.i.lly; willlns to a-slat wlth other work: .. fio.i. .a-t i.i.pioycr. 1.5 \V. st .,;..! .... Ilubert bell._ CII.WlKi- uMaIH ai.'l W.\i IM.s-.. 11/ iblc young peraon ha* ov-t titv r. lercnec. ' all or addreaa MAB1, eare of .VII,. l.Atl'.V 3_j iilo-ivc._ Cv..i i.: v> \, liii-.s.«,._i:y y a Vnr.h of Ircl.nd I'r-.tntant; O'-'t. wUUng ....d r.bliglag; baa eaaeUeat ,- -.,- nl 7i'J O.h-avc, ne-ir l.d «t,______ 1' 11A M 111 ;RWORK or LA C XORESS . \i |;v i lii, i, J- tlon to ciub-hoUS*. ili at 340 Weat 2",ih-.t._, Cit x xi i.i.itM x 11) and SEWINOv-By aa Aaavtcaa piri; or wouta aaaa* wita ugBt liinwii'iii. Apply to 121 Wcst 3-)'h- -. call threa flaya._, / uiamiiermaTd and wAHRESs.-v-rp t> ie.n and thi, l.v 0 eonntgf; spen- ,ld te:.-i Bcea from li-t ru.ptoyer. Call or L1LL1E, lol W -l 45Ui-at., .»7 oOi-ave,, eare HOBLBTT._. C'HAMBERMAlO aod WAIIBBBB..By 'a rapable, ncit. tnlr Kreu-Mi glrl: eity ui eountry; best refei i.cee; wlllln*. Boa'ft, aober. <all 272 Olh-avr., t.ear 17th-itt. M.l, II A 1.1,_S._ Cs ii VMBEitMAin.-Ladi wlafeaa to flnd a > alt. o -ood. rellabln aiei to take, in- of growlng ...iwr-.i and do llght BMaa> berwork. Pleaa* -aii at 84 Weet '.'Othst., '...f..:, 12 ai.d 3 »'i'>-'.<._ r (^:i kUBERMAIO Bv a Or't-tlans youna; _:il iu (irlvsl- fatr.lly, will Baaaal 'vitli ---liinvt ard Iroiiiiiv: Nsst aaBMBBM 08. Call 848 Baot IJth-st. no eards. c HAMBERMAID. By u reapc.t.M* yonng woman; will aleep botne. Ad- .- K, BROCK, 210 Weet ________ CH 'MBERMAII* oi \\ AI'I Ki..sS.-Hv a ..--.>,.-:.:,,. rouag woman: .o objectlm. t. prlvat- boiirdjng-nouse; u-.od tefcruiee. 123 Weat ooth-st rlt.g lu'.y's i> li. CIIAMBEP.MAIO .nd w.\iT'.;f->s-i:y a:. experleaced voui k glrl »;ood eity raf. IT\ tity . iti'm .Mrs IU .x V '. h'iO >1-k e. /s IIAMIlKi:MAi,J iiiiMVAITHI's \:r \.> a roung ulr! ln private far-.llv M T**tv r.-f,--f,.e. .v.ldi -- v C. Boa 200, ii..- ifptvwn Oflice, I 23s lt oadarap. CIIA.MBI J'.MAill aH-.-B.. :. i.¦¦;.-¦¦_.: l.* voung iflrl: aaalat nIti, vsasiiinic uoa ..frilJ of work; gooJ rafereacea. 250 w, si :.:. s.:___' rtAMBERMAlB and \VaI Iti's.s. ti\ a oeat, tidv, thorouahlv eompetent voou* -Irl llr-t-ilae» -.'v r f< r4»Be M WBBU 88- .- v, iti. waabiog: moderate *avr*- tttf ,,r countrv. Call il 114 I...-- .1-' at CUaMBERMAIO s:d iv.ilTKI>s.-llr ¦ n:i»t.-tit ftwedlah glrlj r-'fen-uoe, Call Mrs. MAlJCBERO, S.vdlsh Bunan, 352 ltli ave.. 1 Blgttt BB, m b _____< r atore. C04>K.-By a reaps-tabic wonian I. a prt. \i.U- faimlv inidei^tamls <-. okln;: In all braachea; eaai bafce eatlre eharge <>f kileav. en eater _i«,d: b >t elty raftraoeee. I.. H. Box 18, T.'lbuiie I'ptown <)f)i«a, l,28H llio.dwa.v._ (si-.iK. \s~iZnk. ui nl.e privata fan.lly; j .an make good im-t-v aad deaa gOOd rif'-cnees f,,,i:i lift |ii:t'--. 237 I. tt 2-tli-st.. 2-1 llooi.____ Cook., vviii <-oo:< lon'.. -. a Ot .:t,.tivrs for pr'vate famil'es Ht th lr i.-M'd -ue.-. JOHNBOX, 180 Weat 2>th-e\, 3d roor._ COOK..By a la. ik witii 4 .v.e.rl», best clty r-frr-iiecs ln u pnvat> family where kltehenii.ald is l.ept. 130 1 -a 53d st. .Jrloonijl;_ COOK..Aaalat wlth wnshing: good. rolW .-.t,... roung woman; e.rellan' eooij ,-o ..I l.aki'-r; tlti- d-jn-rts: w.i Sn ;.ia<e eitv .,- eountryJ i.o'id r-fei-eii-e. i .il 1.017 O.ii-ave.. bc1-. -"7th ai.-l BBta »i*._ CiOOK, WASHER and IRONER or" l HOI'SEWiiRKKK.-i o-i \* -fiiMt vo-.g oinan not afrrnd of arark or large faniii;- : i-aretlent oook; ilmt-elav-c. »aj»l;.-r au* iionr: doea s.'iii.s: araata alaoe -itv ,.r lonntrv: p-rsoual re'eronce, Call l,ul7 Oth-uve betwoea 07lh und 5Hth atw. C~»0)ir WA8HER aad 1RONXR.- By ' compeu-nt youn; woman: ektellent io'U; ii.n'-'- bread, atoeall aaaaa and d .». erts; exeeUent waaher and Ironer; wsnta nta.i'v or eoaatry; Mod lafaaauoa Call 1,017 838*V8.. bet. 57th and 8Hth sts._ C^'O.lK..Bj- a i-ouip-wiit youue vvomaa / und .ratauda ull klnd* of cooklng thor- uuglilv; cxc-llent l^undrees; beat refcr- eaeea. ^:all atj284Jd-ave.___ K>B lirat rlaaa; can g"t ui. dirnero and lunchroiis do n...rlc-tliig. If d-slr d , bv day or pennnni-ntiy. good elty r..I-r- efleea. 158 Wtet 1 fllght._ C~^OOK..By~jount' 8*odlali glrl, aprjik- j Ing Uugllsh; excelb^it bakcr, vb'cic. Leaeeeu; mark -flm; willlng, obllglnc andl irualworthy clty or eountry; beet of is-f-'r- uueaa fr.uu 1 -iuf ^ familios. 367 4th-ave.. _5Ui_and 20th rt». _> COOK..P.v a Protaataat woman; aai I- lent soIids. rneate, d.*«ert». and ?oo* lak.r: beat i-f-renco. 932 JM-a\^e._ COOK..B| n voung North (J. r.-i.-in «lrl good fautly cook: ap>aka Englb<h| andi latinds he- |BI*Biaa ,horou«hly; eity Of eountry; refeeeaas. Call or apply 357 lth> ave.. bet, 38* and 21'ith sts._ CvmiK <B» a roapaotabto BnajlaB » prateotaat: <-eono.;,icii: ezcelirnt toaaV Ir eaafe; do s cearae araahliui: i»est refar. to-s: , itv or eauatry, VrTtk Mrs. TTLBBa .s,s uth-ave._, C" iOOK w v! rREai* itv two -tr-'ii, B< ot h I' ot stan a, to ii g naral work at famllv m at and M_eoagh: .;/ or eountry. Wlth Mr>. TYLER. m* o:h- _. COOK.-By a i-ompetcnt woman ln pr-- va:- landly: underafanda all kinds of .no- de**erts, bread and ixwt r»-f-r- i ,i .. .il..' -- 1<A II'. -are ,f Nobictt, 101 \v -. IJth-at 707 eth-are. COOB *. I' .. aipetenl K'-.eii eoa* ln ¦ |, iv t lamly; soid ct rl r m-a Bj. n. i... Trlbune I'ptaara Oaaaa, 1,23* IIroad way._ CUOH By a reMabl" rolored woauui. aa rtret-eUaa. ln aaaH prftrata famlly: waifen not so lou-h :vn otj st ss u <jiim* r '.r - - gtvatt. J..1 a-- 15 C'»r- ¦i. lla-at.. 2d floor, f aai, c _-iUiMC. CUAMBERMAIO and WAIT- \- RESS-.By a Bwedlali rr-.t atant all; iOod euok, vv-ish-r a.d lionr; exc-' .ii.'¦ .-:...'.! and walt ,--a. exeellanl ref r- eicea. R'ady at th- PRO ll3S rAN i 1IU.MB PCRKAC 1.1s Ofh-ax n-ar li't'i-itt. C.OOK. iiv ,,n.;. v : Mreanan for hoU.-l or boaiding-hou^'-' BBtkea D strl.-a, touoa dc«»ei-u; clty or i-ountryj reverenee. ...;( 138 oth-ave., near lotn-et. T11* HOMH BUKEAlf. _________ C" ' iii)K, EaCMJREaiei -11 OU8EWOR"k . ' Bv Scot-h Pratoaaaata, nn.ther .1 'l»uglit<-r: nood ehainb-riuald, wallreae aj.d housuvvorker; for clty or eountry: en-elleot .ovk and launflrc-s. B.-adv at tha UuMtl BfREAtT, 118 Otb-aTa_t CUOhi and HOWBEWURK B.v two NorU of Ir-'laod Protefltaat -Iris one ^«>dL <x)k, laandraaa; other thorough ehamber- mald. Baltiaaa. ir. irood vv..rk, r»; ref-r. neoa; for lt) or eoujitry. Ready at tho fiOMK BI'RbaC, I3h gth-ave.jtaoe lOth-at, l70r>K. WASHER and IR0XER.-BJ * tl Beotcb Prateatant; g"od -ook; wttb ref r- nc - f_r tv or ..a rv. R- adv at tha [iiME B'-'I:EALr. 13- Otli av ne.r 1f>h.__ CSOOX..Bl a i.l.ilu eooli. where UVre la / in. waahlag >.or IrontoB; vv»cc» ti'i i,-i meath a. m. Mamaroneek. BL T. C.OOE. Ia a private, »hov . ki'.elen BlH - keptl -t -¦tv ref-r- enee. Pleaae call oi addreaa COOK. 318 Kast sad-at._ , (s.iuK.-Bv a compi-teiit ooH thor- j oughli underatanda in-r bualneaa ,-i .iil lu branehea; Blgheai refere..a frotn n-sa tan-lll ». T. M Boa 03, Tribaae tfptawa OfBoe, 1,288 Rroadway. Ci.i ik -ln -.. tl. ir., Ighl) ."'.: li.ii.i.- ai. t eeonoanleal li to it iir«t-i-las» boardlag-bo. Bra*. ;,.. ,;...- rf-rni'ss: ln- ad. -.ii|,- d.-»- ,. . . |t] 81 ,.'iiut:i. <al! a8 114 li-f Ust-st._ C~ ii.ih. WAMH aad lf."\. Bj a, thoivugblv eornpeaeat yaaauj b'H: v-j.'- iir-t-.-.a-s clty refareaeae; good '. ..*! hl^.i.t- -o.i|is il -s-.-r'.s wllliiiK and o'llanig: mod-nit' w»ir**; ilty or rountrr. Call at 114 K.-: 11,i.t. _ Ci.MI'KTI \T imiK ...! get ll|> dla- crs m Ininhes. jircfer- gi-sl lioni- to hleh waircs- elty i- f. r-n,-> C. MAt K, 3.0 i:bsi Btd'Ot. c Ci,,.rt w v. ¦;, s-. ns tv,,, s-.> .lish ¦ .ri- a-lUi ' 4 >¦¦¦¦ RW1 ni>n m UEAI 108 8d-ave. ao .ard-. Be advan-a ___ iiMlK or COOK iiiid i.AI NPIU ss._Ry a \.-iv eaaaMa |trt; etay or o.».nt.y: ,- »l ref.-i. ii, i- not aftald of work gooO eook and leundraaa. Call fTS Oth-ave.. oeaf M-s ll.M.l.s._ Cook ..- i.m \,u; -By . je;if glil; beat refereoee. Call 43. waa* irth-st._ Ci'"i. i-.v i young woman aa gof* eook; Ad-ii . w.. rr-.x v45. 188 l-ast l7tlist. _ __^_t riOOK. Itv tlr-t.,; W.-l.h ¦Prot.j_kM.t-: \. i.bjact ona t -o.r-e waablng be*t »f refereoee*; tltj ar eaaBtry. ragaee »au 74U 3tb-ave aear i'2d-st. t~»OOK.-By a flr»u lass t.e:ioa:. Prit- . .stant; beat r.-ferv... en: uooka all ...i.ds of dessert-. Baa*ry, toa i-rci.m^u.eotA *>c no due t.on t.. private ae nn- b/iirding fouM," < .T- ." Mr/ "WK^Tll* Baal !2lh-»t. bctw-e.i 8-1 a-nt 4th Bve-._< ,..|. ..,.1 .s.vMM'Kl.vs CHAMBI K. _. MAID and W vlTRf-SS. By Wn aea8 ..u\i'ih l'iot--«t. .ut te st lefe-iHi.-es; to- g.!tn"r or Mr-. Coi.l.II.,1. 12* Weat 2«rt-»t._, >s."o.>K or LAC'nBUVM^-HT a t won-ao eaod riw ___«»«.: ___*¦/ .,, b,. ou-. of town Addi-iw« )) O nt>\ 0, Trlbune l-i.t-.wn f»fli,-r._L5.W lli.nlw._j__ (Cantlnued on Fifth P-ge* c

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1890-11-19 [p 9]. · 2017-12-17 · 4)0Ttef ano Carnagtf A.*l_-.\__iA_8

4)0Ttef ano CarnagtfA.*l_-.\__iA_ fc CO.8<_, 8.4, 870 Brocme-ak,


KOVELTl-ft.Cvru_n Baakawaya,Coapf Hociawayt,XKpot W-40na,

Al. Top caprloieaa,WaaaneMaa,

Two-Wheelera,VUlamCarM.Koaa wavona.Top I'tia. tona,

povior»' Wagona,Hurrey Wagnoa,.ancy Vehlclea.BaahbaaiM,

Mti.tttur*1 Oarta,Ilur.a.out Wafcaa,-.oa-a-Doa wajtoaa,

Road Car;*.

OYfc'.U 2X5 *Dl?e K$#t' STYLEB.Leweat uri^e* for JproiWjt _.*»_,,_ua


Bpeond-Hand Carr.ag_> Above Stylaa.9ou i i'ar.-i'.as. a carriage :n town or out.

ui.til tou pay ua a vUd*.__f~VAN~"_ A OSELI. ~~*~KT^RNEY'BA. C_RRUS_ RKP-_l_dRY.

180 and 13- _,»*; lhM-ak.AT PRlVAfl. SALE.

1B ENORMO" S A^OrtlMENT of a!1 th»Bew .uiJ, of bPlllB- ai.d Sl'MMERcarria.*] a. _._._,.-1,1, _.]-. NEW DI-itONK lo OAK, MA-PLE and OTHER NATURAL WOODS'.rcn.-k'-nt wnteb l> tne dleplav of_i>dhlldreu > vr .p-l.e for donae-a ;ul VV\**

BHut'TlNO WA.iONS. Kensbijrtona, Der-by VA'aeons Triple Buckboards. 8urr-y».

bJoWTtith and wltiiout canopy topj. Joui.«rt8 White Buikboarda tor four aud alx pa-

.CT_RAM0 AND OCTACrON FRONTUROl'OH AMS. upw and hand, bythe oe»t city build.r*.

LANDAl'S. __


I1X PASSINOER a:d EXTENMONFRON'iS: Ceaa and urtain Rokawaya.





in amf.rica.iioh-Es

DF ALI, KINDS-FanilT Hor-av Roai-eUra, Trotter*. badila llor.-ea, andWork era.


INl'ENDIN'. PFRCHASERS WILL W>WELL lo exj'.une ou-.- IMMENS-KTO K b"for. '.uylug

Al AVCTli *WM. 1.ASTON, Aurtioneer.







AND YXABLINOS,Th" j.roperty of ^ar^.||s owners,Wlil He KOld



ATrATTERSALL'S fol New-Tork), Limited,..Th" Panora-M P.ntldlng.'' &5th-et.. eonier

7th-a\». and 5,'iOi-»i.. New-York (itv.AU or the gtiove hor-es aro ou exliibltton

t^-d»v. Wedaeadar (Nov. 19. at Tatter--»l!'« fof Xi.«-V, r'; Llmlte-, and rat*.loni«* ran '». <.i>winod .ithei at the mmbul'dlng or nfWM. BABTOB, Ma.iagins Dlreetor and

iiiirjinnaoi.T.'t!'.-»a!lV ,yf Nrw-York). Llrnlted,120 i;r,,B'lnar._N. Y (ity.A-OVBBIlf <t MARKEirrr WTndaor

. '...irkiii.ha-. Plaia Mun_r HU1 a?idI'nioti l.-ni',,.- Cpil, ('aM.« 1 r,4» Broarl.

101 -id 103 Eael 5'.ith.*t.. 150 BaMflr-f--l»«, <air.a»'es of e.\,rv at-i-¦.

nion'hlv statriahinei t« imaurMMea nn-.qu-»)l<.4 !io<.fi,nn,olat|o!,a f,>r boaiillng hors.a.

F' OR SaLK..a patr al pna~Uaad rij-TaVna... hor. « i.atf ..r-i'hfr- close mated

vjr- old; !5L.. hai,d» ble'n; thorouahlyhrokco tr> Hl! h>mess- ftna ilrh »ra ityUah;fearleaa rf anrthlng aid »»rrart"d amind;100 «'.'' ,. W, R. sKYDF.R. 314Wyaad-tto-aC rs.uth Hethlehem. Penn.


(Titrj Hcal (?statc do Ccl.nEUOBTBUL i.-vv. f..Uy furnUhod

ho-.e i,htttlon. aear Purk andtt'-t HUt-st. atatlon. CIIOICK, Bux 7,Irjt.un. j.;«»!, (i_.v. 1,_«« Bro-dwa.r.

OTICE..To let or foi nale. two rooin.vo >.,-. with or without on

H ii-m llidge or Mott-ave.. w^t ot rallroid.with fo-.r anu sK lota, »t»ble«, ahundant1: ilt. h'.ii. flevatton \ la H. Y. C. *odJf. It. R. to depot 13l-th-.t.. with a fewrnlnutea' w-:,ik up Mott ave. to 150th-«t.1,1 O. MrORD. OU' Mott-ave.. or 32215 fi-at.. n./ir c«] ,r Park._TO LET..Oflli -s dilTeient sl/e*. 21 and

;:)Ont'f.f!.. n.-ar (iry llall; eofsi l,ght.ateani h'»t. elevator nicderote rent. Ap.),'.v ln Ofh.'P 10.

Rral .siiitf io (.tdianqeIllAVE PKOPEETY at .nhnrat-by-

th. Oaa wortn ahaat 07,000 a-JcB lv.ouia rxihaneo for Brooklya property ofabout sjn r valie. Addreaa A., Box 7,rJ nbune ofliti-.

Connlrp Rcal (Eoiate fot Soic

A. v« 1 Ii. B MoNTCLAlU.-Dweiiing6for sale; la_d by _ie acrt- Bl IM;

)v_hes to let. lurni.-lud or luifum.^i.rd.I tBhh i. 1AYLOK. 5 Beekman-at., N. Y.

/j VTlTaU! ,. >»l f fi_nt for aaie. with(\ Uuee acips of upla:,d. ou Ntw-YorkBay. at Clilion. Slatan Isiaiid. lil'LANDA WHITINU, 5 }:. e-man-aL_A>v iT> i-i a, .Ji rro*Tairif>i>, mcut ug

1, t ',(1x200 f*ct; t m.a, 860 oaah talini'-eio aacatbly; withm io u.inutea aalfe ofde]> t *l.\c,- train^ dftlly, 10 rnllo-. fromeit_ Lj oau&uMtiao 80 aiaaMitr ; var.v heaitiiye-vellent ue^hborhooa; doa't pay rtnti.iiotdu- iiioiitn. It. L. W0L0OTT, owuer,_u C-.tee st.

F»OB iSAX,F..-580 ioil with bulhtu«dwjger front on Newtowu C'roek. Suit-

al.lo^^ur U/iaiuta'tor.'s, dwel.lnga, _r.AppTv t. fj. B. .SCH11.FFF.LIN, 058M-Ulaon-avt., or A. RAPELYE, 1-0j-uitou-st., N. Y.

FuR SALE.M_U>ji Ialand 4« arrfa,choke locaUoo «..IUbl- tor

nl<s or hotel. Applv to r>. B. SCHIE-'FE-L1N. U58 Madlaon-ave., oi A. RAPELYE,100 Fulton-Bt., S. Y._|> As-sAIC. N. J.-VUia 'it*. in ptow tol suit,; i.lgh ground p,Tfpet dralnago;watrr. pv, flre and pollc-; prlnclpal i-<l-.1 .... iMirtlon of itv teru- u> ault. Ad-i. - ADRIAN O. HF.GF.MAN _. <(...

12}_S..I tit LAKEWOOO PARK. The

r,,-.r. Rlberoi i.f l.ihew.Kid. For lots,|8Brraa UEOi BTOMflBXBJBET, Mala-aULahawaad, B. J. _r

Slala _o £c:. llnfarnishc^l.ACK Hl H.D1MJ, .-1 llfth-avv.,

-_¦ 1 Eaa: BMh-«¦ ; large aaxirtni-fc.jiii.y expo»ure ai»o our tor ba. heloirj;

I KEE REN1 l<> DhX'. 15.-Nlce flvn-. r ,o;u ai,art_euu, tub»,*, -BM '.«.trance; all lu jrood ordur, i.nt low. BUlo *18 uioutulv 2,441 8tb-av». Jaultoroi M1. A'. i h -. 400 Stti-ave.

- ;.i i-iNO.-Part tf flat; » i^htII r. ama. 3'.7 Wont _»d-at.

.iT.ii.. m. ii aVEKOE."I otl-aie.. cor. BJth-at.l-icpa-t apar-jneiiu of 10 roow. and

tatb, all Uiipiovin.enta, lncludlng eleyatorsai.O »t<-an. nent: re it frc tu J>e<'eniberl.Apply to Janltoi or A. D. MATilER * CO ,

l-i,a. r», Li.-.a, N. Y.__| -87-289. EM_a~t fl»ta to let.ol | .,.:¦.-, aii UBpraveBMaM; Baarqpabited; 817._,d I >3 1 .'I REE rootna and batJ.rojm allijl'y. Impeov.ue ia o: waur aupplid;M.e_u, lieit. 38« F^»t 77th-t.

_'in:nci)cO ticoms.

APLKABAM'l UOhLE f« |iallBBMB Mflret-d»«* privav haaaa; »'iiurc rooui

aad ._':-. *'. wes: .-,(..-_.-st._AD\ .- y»H 'J II NEW-

YOUK TRIBUNE WILL »E Fj:CEIVED AT THE ITPTOWB OVPICES,No. 1,2-0 Broadway, c.,ru. r i'l.i: tv-flrs'-.taaUJ J p. B_i 270, Twt-.uiy-Uilrd-»t.,loiurj yth-ave.; 162 OUth-av..; i>3 Puarta.ave. uiiier FourtacJith-at.______r«RAM_--CY PABX. 23.¦...Mitleniei,vO ,j |v haadtf elj fur.wah -U war.or and-e-ro-m. uri\»i« bath Ln»kf*-t .1 d-» reii.f .


i I .\ 0OMELY fo nla, ed rf-o t parloi aud1J iieirooiu^: .-XteUeu' l»d'lli, p.-lio,.verrthtna :«itt ulariy elean; * h: raia».ri.cea earhai.g-d. 203 Weat l4Ui«t.

aR<7e rrioptiou-room ln a jrlvavJ,,,,-e, auiUblr lol a d..< Uii'- BBaC*:, ,i.init>. 1.51.1 MadUon-ave._

LAROE, h'.t,<l front parlor; rjitluneaoi roarrled couplc 213 i .-' l-5Q>-aC

OO W.iT-46TH-»T.-Own«. da*lrea to0»j aal nawly fui-nish'-d ro»u>*. en auite ar

roiaraaaa._i)r DsSl 158 wi.-si- Nlcelv furnUhedWlfoi.t rooro, ^uiublp foi two grntlr-Bx:;, alao b_!l room._ttOTH-rCJ 237 WF.S1 .-El.gantly f'ir.00 1,,-h-l largo and small room*; fajnl-Iba a."<'om-iodated; home corufort,*; board

.jtlonal._01 .> EAST 81ST-ST., near 3d-aye.-N"*iT*14 fur.ilshid ro»_»a cheap. with omn-r;gant»j.'fi »v:th e^fareaieea._Ifti :n tf -AVi i innTsii.d bedroom

»()->U to let. HAhEN&TAU

Roomo UJuntctiII' YOC WAXT \our ioom« n-nied rcglu'er

wltf. ua lir.ti.odlai.-lv eonatont dci.aii'l.I'l KOOM OIKECXORY, 50Nv--*t J4Ut-a1


THREE or four unfurntuhed or |nr-tlaliv nxm.s. arltb bath;

contral totatiaa; totwaaa B*J wid 80that>. htiabfaal araatad. Audre*.*. witupartlei.lurs, |-. R., »ox 0. Trlhuii.- OOI <-.

188 A.STKD A anall Rat, rBrntahed or'» iii.for.ilni.d; Ktaie tin.s. AodyoaaRHSPOXSIBLE, Box 40, <>*.» Llberty-nt.

Bociro onO iiopm*..A..A.- *- * » .-.» .> -w.x .

. au eU-gaui .a Ooor, 4 rooius, bath,ntuato tau.e, alau atulua, uear Mantiaiuto

An cleaant ho'iae. nawr 5thave.; i,. ».....

aai.iurv pluan lag. nc-wly detorat-d »¦<..-..,

tlaor 4 roow*. baUi, private taule optlooai;luttes and kiual* rw. iu»; parlor a*afaa>aaaaa

Attractive noor». wlth private batha. witker without board aultea and slogle roo.i.a;apartnif-iiu; dovter*' cfllcce; all 3*8888*18lovaUon»; hlalint r.W'ucca glvuo

Inioriuatlo.i free.S. C. LLLAND * CO,

5t» W-v-t Rith-at._

.DKS1RARLL parlor and b'-dreom,. handionn'L furnlab.d. wiui loard; r f-

,rvin><. 4)4 W». ftlatwt._\sl'J>NY lront room, auUabta for,

wlth board priae reaeBuatole. 332i.¦ xiiiRtoii-fv.... eajaaa suth-st.

B.I-.Rn iu New-Baebatle, 5 mtoBtaa'walk f ro.i. utaMon tunny roonn ln. ¦.-.-

uiodcru boua*: j8'.0 j*r o.oiit.h lor lw u.Atidr»»a T.._JfJ0 La«tJ23tli-«t.Cw.M-oj.l lBl.1 fnin>hed .r.>oi.T* al

iioderit- prliea; aaSBla FaVateMd iid.slrd. 703 oo.-a4 0.. near 42d-*t. l »ution.

LEcJaNT. uewu f'lrniahed rsoma: su-pariOB tabie nivi Bppolntu.euta. 70 W8st

4"th at______^_GRAMERCY PARK, XOrTh. ki.ovn aa

13/ aud 13» Beat 21* alao sin«le room; park pri\li'«e-.

LAROE, hai.tWinelT furnlnhcrl roOBM)I'rst-chns famllv; nr.xaf ne*r \\>«t

tlst-st atatton and Park entran.e: tahle thobeat. OWNER, Box 5, Tnbune l i.tovvno :..¦¦-. i.l:>s Broadaray.II X I.\.. iX-AVL,, 624^-1'1,-akaiT. aTTniTvj fi.e.t room, vviu, iup ijUi board, at

r.-oderate pil.-e: also etogaot bark i.arlor;Xcw.Et.i.'hind fav.illy.

Lbi> OX-AV l~,.,4i0.-Larg» and"-smaliaaaay deatiabla ro.nn> wic. rujj baard,famllloa or aer-tlcipoo; relenneea.AROE u.d amall neat f i.niahcd roon.s,wRli boatd. 2,884 2d-a\e.


MAOltiON-AVB.. 186, cornei IBlat-at.-I.licantly fui01*1.-41 ainrtn-.c! t. au-

ls-/lo. private tahle and apiiolnticents;*.

PRIVATE Uioily o.tcis * e,.nUei.ian ;iilthr eoiuforu of ;. |-, fll|. d loo.c |lil]4t

te aeee to te appreelatad; eonvaaleat u.Md-ai. .tatloB. Addr.-»a \vi;m siui:.133 4th-iv-..r TH-AVK.r Tii"2.-H"and*oni.- n-wlv ftii-«.» oi-i,M| raoilMl slnyie, M nuite;«,fi-ntt men feaaoDBhle; paiioi dlni.iu-ioui..;rcferc-iH-ea._ _

Til st", '.8 EAST.-Defcirable lar»v,auiiny rtiom: 8<km1 wint-r bo K

ahuudant Utile; narrled co.iple, B*Btl8fB*Bia. lo I......-).

|Q EA6T ¦".¦... 11 -sf.-A lars;e front room.I.' ilc-lv lurulshed; Houthern oxpoaure.BRl(JOS.__»3isT-aT.. o wi^stT-xii-7-iv raraiaked:-C 1 ro,,n.s. larg- »-.d sniall exoelleOttabie homel'ke anrroiindlngh ezceptMaaliylalart nclnlii,orhood WMBMB

QAD-8T., 110 WE8T. Dealra li baad-.4 someiy iii.-iiiaiitd roouis"T auparior bableand Bttaaatoaaa tabie l^ard.


it - i r-CROWE KXPRESS CO.-26 .-

Ao Prbaejpal ofltoa 101 wet,t i5ih-»ull:an--h, s. W. eor. 7lh-uvc. aud 23d-«t. Truaju rcmowd to imi room lortweatT-flriB cent*._»j 4 Tn-6T..~i88" WBBT^sPartor Basr with»>** i.iivtt.- bath to rent with board._OQ an:st~"2«rr U-ST., aIU1«r*» iioSl. r».>..OJ ¦- l« <.<\m o..« or two aBaata roouiK,w lth BiBinlaaa board.iTt ill-si.. .7o5~\\Ti^sT'. -ilanOoirr. 5"t"ar 'Jsh(<l rommonteatloe rootns, 2d and3d floorp, wlth fl!?t-cla*a boaid._T^rilsa'T.. 3 LAST, oppo-lle Ihe Wlnd-*i / aar..Lajrga, a.-1».- .-...«. ?-.-...»..

fourtii fioors: eaeeUsat tabfia; rarteteaea aa.clianged._co iRvinu place, aaaaaaa 125 K»«t.*-* 17lh-n.-l.l-i/ant-iv rumlshfld roou.s;dno board,_ _

K7TM-ST.. 101 KAST. coHur Park-axe.-OI Handsnino private IIBaVltear largeiroTt ronm. ^0'ith-n expour*; hall r<-o..i:

!»t-ejaf»jtab1e.__ifiii WLST 47TII-ST_lfand*em»lr fui-Iv/O nifhe.l rjur.y roons*. wlth flrat-u-s >)oard: terma reaaonablc: ntv-r-n-e,-.

1 »>»iL-81'"TTl3 WErjT^.Ve^^n<ruan(F-"1 <0 tonj'vly fur.l*hed 18898, «lth tlr<t.lasa board.

IQSTBT^T., 20 EA8T..Larca aud sniall¦si.* funiUhed raaaaa lo prlvat*- housi

x¦¦. ' board: all tepiwraJuaaitB._mMAT»l.S<>"x7A"VE7^-si7p'.'i-!or lx>anl

.2d ti.K.r ei, snit- or BPparately; uoih-inguar? looni one hall roon.._158 MALISONAVE.- Onc elt*antlT tnr-

ntahed laree room and ono hail-with boaid; atrletly tliot-cia**.

Doarb IDnntrr).WANTED.-Boaid ln a private family or

a futmahed aiiajtincnt with reataurantconnectlon, for a t<nia'il lamlly .1 4 i.eraonx,pentlen;a:i, wifc. r-hil.1 (11 reera o.d' nndinald: lotatlon Bbove 0."tl.-Ht. prvfened.Ad'.r»iss. Ktating tcni.e. J. C. II., Boi 12.Tribui,e Offlee.

AT BELUCHD l'lllCLS.-$00 aetcud.riaud wuou aud Irou aoiaing c.a;.-..j »,

.:..,¦ goaraatae* :,.-*¦. ¦¦;. uougtt ai.a ea*,hahc*d. afiOROS li. £L1>Y. 3'Jb Madi-

AI.A HiiAl N A food jo'i priutiiig buai-aaas, doiiig a ^oo.l trade, uo-doii pr.»»:

1-0 foi.w- of trpe; on b.nliieas 8tro<-i: other'.--..->« ;¦>-... lor kiUii.g. J. b. l'Eliiil-

SON. Wlii liau-a-avv.-.. ilio<

\STTHIWO In dlaaoo*>, wat-hr*. Jawel.ry ar.d fli.e all\«rwar- de.Utrwi fo

.ti.j.1! cas>. i44vin nt; baUiice pivaM. ?\>-.'«klv I'XluM WATctl CO.. 283 8'way.

FOR sale..No. 3 Woodward'a pvaapialM. i», t'ooln V llak.ti noiytpix efiglne.

D. DONOVAN 4 SU.N. 157 S , SALE. .Renjlagton tyrewrtT'T, niarlr

le.-w. 11ALL t CO.. (....Ui t04, Bt^vk-inaii and Kearl ara._FOR s.aLL- A flnc eattooUoa of rar»- old

th* atrlc u plavti.lM, books,anpravtaajB, &.. 1 337 ilroadway.I;.PV w'.il *cji iiandaouje s-n'skln Jacket.

j 888; . ..-m.:. eapa, 330: l.luck elJkdrea., 310; w-.ntcr cloak, *u-<et and evejilnnBrea **: baraaln. -u East 70Ui-al., r, *,

btadUoa-ave._ ._

t~E7vE<>rvn<JOWS, IfROlC LAKTERNS.^ .Plala and colored va.w». Qaapal .-er-v,c« lot clcigyn...n, toeanrarB, co h-,'1- .--iidneiiuch.. Sei.o fpr <tr ular. I'HILIJl'B.iKTiCAi, (N>.. B bie Hauaa, BTaw-Tork._ShWiMI MaCIUNES. -v-rv hihc. new

and ollghtlv uaed: oaplui coallttoh;vnrrviiU-d. perfael aauaBMHOO or no ,,al-;.uii.-rl) dr-ss fom.K. SI'J Oth-ave., Baaa28fj. -St;_

AKE..Larrfc. cnllrelv new and?3C0.

d-.varSAKK... Lar*-e. -ntlr-Iv nov,

borgla- nr.of, half BTletLAILY 1KVE8T10ATOR, M iir.

TRIi YCLE..Kor aiic o. exehange,iTumtei iCovcntry Ene. ta-.d-m tri-

,vr|e cost #205 perfct eo.i'lltlon ftultablefor ladlea 0. gentlem--'!. Addraaa DECATUR,110 waitVat., Kew-xera.

Typr.WRiTBRS.-Don't Imv or r-nt ua-t"l vou lav ioti«iilt-d TlTEWRl I'' R

RBAXrOuARTRRa. 70 Broudwav. Tde-uhone 39i« CorUaindt._TAKI.N for dabt; »»5: uur. haa-r's ehilre

of 0 i.ew Swlv< d.uh'cx: l<ixi- ulavlciTU tuncn; co-t *J»0 BBOb. 101 Broidwayroai 4Hi._WHAT 4M 1 OKKERKD tri exctiann for8 8 i»4 11 P. l.nMcontal analae, Baad »>»xx - Baaa a.iv .ln... M iRLET, 572'2

M-. .-I--a\c I'.io.ikly...

n;ganis. 835: ca'ap-irut* freP. OAXIEI. KBEATTY, Waahlnglon. New-Jcra-y._

Dn8iiieo3 (TliaiiccB

A..I.NTI.1.MA.N uaJils to reut a hot-1alnwtiy lumlahed; r.f-i ..>¦- wilj be

.....tird and flUWtafced. NVriU- to <>. L.KL.M1', Jaii.-"\l)le, Mortot. a B. O,

A. livi: PARTNER waotod with 31 2.".o,uan aaaa, to uk- place of uai-tiier n-.

til-^d ijUW. Bieklltrv.*: l>u*lli"*N t-»uijIl4o.-aisoi-' 83.01X) auuualif. Audr as

Ri FEREKllKS, Tiltiune "ihe-._

\l OSCE vcung man ariOi -r20o In priat-laa B*kai tvlo par waak: ajcurity.Kitul'RlETOK, iiox 4, Trtbwaa OBlce.

A'.ioob dr-ss trlBimina and button ataaa,doii.K a alce lljtle bu»lne*a, Apply to

I. u ,7)KK1N. 2io Columbla -t._¦"T pELtfAM Manor.- houaea

A two ii..furr.isi..d .rn fJafaJancd '.

,300' »-"." aud **»"'° k>-i>" "v.i.v, Addteaait lt. Hi LS..N 2.-.1 Bto-avr.a .BAKlXti tealoeaa for »ale (80 barreleA.fiour aa-klyi. alth Baturaa b^ragj.wZrotu 81 34*1 ^uarant»»d t.-t pra*ta *50

li.oau'way._BC8INE8S CORPORATIOWB iirgaaiasd,

nounaaUed aad pror. -oled.; a.,v suu-;wraaa rteaoaaate, L. 11. TRLaOwlll,_h> Broadway._,C" 1 AplTALiaT8 n*y ha.n "' " vwi to-j N.« iu a aaauu/aeiurlna eoaeara

18*1 iv 111 pay -V) pe. .ei.t; ataple- ./ A.,Box 11, Ti Bataa CMtaa._DKtmsTOKE -iioaiitown old eatablUh.

meiu; leaas aad xiuali oapitai reqalied.A S ;¦ I.KM A h N 8* Rood-at.87 1>R anTTieirotiablc p'ropertv i will ar.-

I* a half lOUrtet li. a VBluable eoa paVoifor how.hold aaa. Address a. «... Irib-bm Ofltoa._IT'XCELLEJh' appartuBlty to ''".''''""

.a .1 a,. with aTVleoa; oSeo, ro.d or fac-

urrV" to toTaal 810*00 or 818.000 ln mt*,

Bfwadway. ___«____....-

Ils"oR~SALF..~ Pat*nt <-f honael.old artUleof irerlt aVlll tahe «d. w:ll for... eaa..

,au, or will BllOir ti*W l"*^ to BBBB.C&iTmWS1! A'idr,'ai II, Trteaaa038*0

Dusmcoo Clianrc-.-.«n* sai.i.. -OM-eaMbBahed aiffar *><".«¦*

oi, Fillt0.i-»l. B. 11. NIlAM.vNN, _35Uroadway.I'>;s,i _nd oveler bu*inoa« for aale: fod

a*h li -.11 - aaoiiablo. priee. 303nd 808 WeM I8th_t.IMPORTANi v Chleago co-mlraioe

houae, with large t., imie--. cv.ire. th"agenci bj mmple «uy. ol aoroe m-tn-faet-r-lic spe, laltlce; dry»go"d». l»»or.» an.l siiry..

testliu rabrtca pri.erred. Addre foim .¦ OARDEN CITY." Trlbnn. QMce,S da.

PA1KTINO, pibitinp. aalaBag done talirtt.r'i.K manm-r: bea. latoreaeoa. li

Ol'NK COATEB, 1.005 Sd-ave.; l.rm.h,171 Eaat 81al -. I "Ubllahed 12 ;-..r->.

PI'l'.LISMi;;S.-Pr.iti ni prli r. .1roofrel or a_«B_8niant of advert.Mng

de ar-uieit M i'»prr niag-iliic or tradeO'Jrnal rood rpieren. o-: orresj .md ,.

,..-str..|. Addj-s- i- D. Trlhune OMca.P'vUTY with .»¦">..¦<'' ¦.'.!' '*¦' h.iv ln.l

li.trreat in i runtali, u,_nuf»<-tiiriiig,*in'*s id-reaa LAROE «,Hdk.k>.Ibuae ,)n"^.__

nFTiriT IM'Tl'r.E Nortli FaWOc Coaat me.1 tropoll* v.111 l>c the now yuuiig »>.dbeemlaf dtv M man.-. on Puirat Stmnd.Where U>.-,d iocked harbor a:,d lntern»rt.,rulnilway term-raa of Ihraa uaaeaaaLn-n'al routea eambtae . pr» ImmenvPMlIt to Inveatoia In lote at Jbre»ont lowpil". with WiMTINO B BOLT, 15 H.oad-way.


Two (TEStTjEMEN havlng *">.".>" 5 hlo iuvest in borse aad iheep raneh in

Sonthweat, dealra on.- m..r ' iatn themwith 1Jlt aiio.iTif. npp-.Intini; anInb rview. RANCH. Tribune OMee._

ANIT'.l) !-:i Nea to n.ani.lait'i, Offorn. :. eompany for "The Tin-*i louuw

In ni.d wri Ine Pen" ln e»l»»_ce; entlra..v i, Z to-atrucUon. 1'EN COMPANY. in-un« onice. _


aai ANTED..Eaatern ageoey f.,r a *p<'-IT .bliv or siaple artbie aNo araal pen-eral and canvHaalnc aa-nts for our *|ie-rtaltBa. alta MFO. O'.. i'..,«t.m. M»->.

rANTED..P-rtner, with 81.001 '.

ereaae the maoofaeture of a-i i-npiov iolano: pn.ilt*. 80 por cent wboMaale. Ad-,1,,-, CAN _ P1LL ORDERs, 1,0'.»2 0th-ave._\\i v. n^.otiate na1e« of bualnpee,»» tacturlng, mlnlne ani qnarry nr-.p.-r-f.n. aml neaear* partne.i with lapll !.hlcheat oiiiur rinl »¦ d bank r'Je eine.s.

TilTI.E v D0WV1BO. 171 Rroadwav._'..) ftllAWILL PUR< HASE eaMb-.> CfltWi llahed ontdoor baaUM«a; arlll

<,(ipo i» r jrear M brtoht bbw im-pteidlate Incoine; natlafaetory rtainaa foraelllng. P. O. le-^ 8,2-3._S_".V i\l\(\ WANT' D ln mairifact'irhifOfvUU maalalty: aecirBj givn

a"d mIm c:iaran! -d. Addreaa PMlaflee Da;_17._a H{\t\ BV V S LI < i iTT" A i EN CY Bl'81-pDUU NEKS, Eaally rouducted aar-whei artlc .ded n e\'«ry haaaebold;othlng llhe .;. Adareaa A. P. BELL,Box *.i^5. Plttatoo, I'.an.

fda IDrttite-.Miii-a.

BE YOU SEEKIN.J EHFLOYMEirrii.i wlah iu ehaagel Paattlona. all

tnda. q.ii'idv pro. und. NEW-TORK HL .

RE..U, 750 Breadway._||OT WANTED. S ;, .. j driij boabI) ia: 81-0 Brat r^ar; Amerl aa pre-terred. B. .v.. Trlb-_e Ofllce._| ¥ YOU ARE Ol I i" MPLOYMJUtx'I or Wlah to inake a ehatige, call at tha oldLiiaob- M'tro'.olitau Ageaey; po«ition» pro-curoU for hookkr/.per*.¦alaaatea, patiaM, paeltcr>.«'.,,".¦'.,,. w^tehinen. ,.- f'll-i:., :,. laiiunands, MBBBBata, cookf, wattera. flreu.e'. and


¦o'.olitaM Ageney poaitlani |,ru-sjokkftpper*. collfitcr.s. cl .Ka,rters, pacltcrs.drivers, eeathmen,watchmeii, aaegal-aen. tam.

nands, laaaMMta, cookf, wattera. fJreu.e.. andtuechanl :#; new ordci* everv ma.I. MET.ROPOi.lTAN AOENtlY. 635_Broadw_yPRIXTEB WAJcT_D..All aroand joJu-r

exji, rleiued u. ©vsls aad liriiijs: 814MBBMf j ftendv jeb. 113 Naa«an->t. 2d floor.

BjgTA-OT-D. \n experlenccd and enei»r eanvaaaar, aeqaalnted »ith Onanrrilmen and InatltuMona, p. w»ik for nn eatab>Ulied publleatlon. Addreaa, atatlng ai/.,xperleflre and dosired componaatloo. Ad-lrea« K.. PoatoMea H"n 1117, Kew-Yora.\1 \NTED..A pintierriin of yorwl addresafr to aollrtt tubacrlpttcau '. ¦ eomnereialaaeiii-v 00 a connnlaaTim oaly on who "in-dir-taiids the i»uhln>s»s utorongbly nevd ad-dn-ss C. A.. Tribuii' OMee.

WA.vil.D.- a roan arfGh bvalneaa\;. .:.>.:,.« aud ^ome knowledge of

baehkeaplng, a« asRlstant. In an oftire,wagaa 44, per week. Address, »|tli isfi'r-laeea. E II N. V. V. O. Hox 3 770.

W -NTED..Aa evperipii"(-d raovaaacr for»» a line ru-toiii-chirt tra'le aiuat ba w..iiaeqna.ited ln New-York and vPinlfv ?ood

erunoaa i<.|ulr--l. Appiy ln peraoa at247 PUtlOaah-ava., Braa_jn.tiTANTFD. -A flr-t-elai-n k'eneral n.ana-.

t'.-r for fh^a rl-r aud viiinltv to ... the "Chaao Plan" of A.-eldeut Iicur-H. .. t .onblii'e all 'he advania.-* oftha -'o:d Uaa" »..d tae "mnl ml" aiTcrn.s Biaot Ub Sb. AddreM W. D. « QABE,fcM-'v Qeoeva, N. i_WANTI-D. SaWinen on salarv ,,r .,:n-

s\.m to hnndlp the aew patetlt chfTiil,-~liuK-fra-irg junrll the aelllngnovcltv ever pradueed; <¦ a-e- Inh thorotuh.1; ln two H. ....iids. D0 a'rti-i n uf p«per 20Uto 5°0 per 'i-iit prodt: on- ageat'a Mlff¦unotintpd to $0^0 In »lx dav*; anntliei f?32In two hourM aa want ape rnefgrtlt gaoaralagent for am.-h btit- and Terrltorv tamplB,br .i.all, 3r, rrnta. For Mnaa a::d ful! par-tic'lari, ss



AFI'.W voiiu? ladies will l.e plvon leaaoaalogether lo o-irlrn f.-tner euillhg

:,iiart fioia baada, and w.rk firnl-hed theroifU. betonioi perleeMd. CRABE \. ('..,.*i Broadwmy._X't'; OIRL wanted to take e*r? ofil two amall ehlldren: ornrt i. Ameiiean,aiwb'.e. oeat, Intplllgenl aad able M t-ikeaaura rharge. Apply BROWB, 185 WeMlS4th-at._\%TANTED.-L_dl»a for the Btraseao Art. ('.v a baautllul, co itant. home tsn-p oyment good pia moa. i at lelaure hour'._ll or add:es- with atBBp ETRUSCABART 00., S Wi M llth-at._WANTED_Smart little prl ln *mnll

f»Ti iiv nlce bouae. HoKEAO, 117Weat 15th-at._

TaNTED..Chambermatd and wall(itv referente reQUlred. 11 W. j.'.d-st.w


A'"_'a._MLLE. THIHAUD, lOS^West. 23th st., toa aawna, eveniog, BtraM

und houae dieaaea; aJ«o MBar raait voupo.lg.nte; n.i.ii ,_U prio,-; sboit OtrUoa._A-A.-DKEb8Kb for aBaaaa. 5 to 17

.veurn, mv specUfltj j every d_>ciipton;kieM dealgna: Cne vioik: ahort uotice.Mmo. R. AN'TOINETTF, 112^V.-Ht, 17t_-*t.

AF I ii-T CLASS pai :-la.i die-amaker.ihwIv iRilad. arUhea ii.ore m-

(tmin* at ho""-; ault^, 83 ap. Mne ABI-.L,.... ' 17tU-«t.. 1 flU'ht up.

RTI-TIC, TAILOR-MADE BV1T8, ,10:-V Bt goaranteed; a'.so baii. evanlng andr it ou dr ktea. LON_H)N AND PAKl.-silRESS.MAKlNi> 00., 101 Wpst 21-t-st.,mr. OBt-ava., over Adan.s'h dry aaada Mara

\il i 'i .. aa. ______ p -i. i B t.|lo-tuiii'-.s jatheta ao wraps handaomearaaaaa riO to 812. BUoe, OWl.N, S02WeM -3d-»t._ARTISTIO DRMBMAB1NO..BtreM .o--

tumaa, carrlaf^ ar.l evenlue .owns tnad"(.I 810; tea gowiis, $« aoods p..rcfc:i-<s", If.i-ir,d. Mrs. MiLI.KOY, fij East Oh-at.,-, ,' .-.¦... T,e|iM,.l('s.

\"lrrr>TTti-];RESSMAKIN(i.^C;oa"ks ar.dwraps r.,ad« and altafad ln »e»i pjuab ¦ d

iur at i.-C-f. reaaooable prltej and ihon bo-Uea. Mrs. McELROY, U2 EaiifrUi-at. op-


day or woold do work r i*onable at h rhotoa be-t rafeteaaaa, S:a Weat 1-th-at.

DRE-MMAKER. I'ii-i-.-ia-s diiaimakerwi.nis a l'-w ii.o.e eaataaMra; take

-,.ik 1, ine terU. rea-onal P-. Call or ad-_r_a MONAOHAK, 3,Vi W, st 4.".-J,-t.

iHChSMAhER u, co om by the d;n\Call it 114 Eaal

DBESKMAKINU. Vrilatlc and peilertSttlnt walsts and wkirts. |,v an .x-

Kr^.-ut-ed di ¦¦ »a,i,ak.-r. iat :,t AlbBBB'ajii ,nt by tha da.\ i II

luranteed. Addr.a»


hoine: tion g.MODE&, l.'.J 8tb«ave.



DREBsMaKER Uneqaalled eutter, Bt-siifiier. late f, l.'i. ,,. a ih

\\oitb, Plngat, Mr»- CoBB ll«J carrage n,,ievenlug dreaaea; Bne lallor-made o-tuine-.,

1 ,aks, tc.i in family »r al beet and s'.v;.- ii, ftew-Yo k or aa i»ay.tdOreaa PR1MEH, 182 8-i-ave._DUE08MAREB Youna glrl wooM llhe

a frw iiior- eupaLTiMint* hy lhe da.v or

tiiiwitli: ijerfe,;t flt; raferaace I all oi ad-.?- Ml-« D.. 251 IQth-ave._it_S__tA_ i.i; Eaperlpnced entter, fif.Mr ni.d dealgaer of la.ii' s" and ml. .¦-'

¦MM ariapa, fu gawaa, arealaf dr<.!ciigagenieiiU ii ¦"> psi dav; referencea.AddreM JU Y, l.o.c '

i.l.-sMAKF.R.-Youaa lad.\ wlahea ioga out L.v tbe ri.n (82)i peili t lltler and

diapr; thorouirhli eompetenl aud rell-ble;lii-n '. .!: rf rnrea Addi »s DllE^--,1A_EB, 162 Oth-ave._DitE_.MARER.-Mra. FAHEY wUbea

tu iiiforifi her .u« of h.-r removalW< 225 Ea-t 3'..t;,.-i li.i- all tlie lateat

:md t»ripr..v,iiM i.i- lu dreaaniafclng:rern-delllna bk«- nea aiao aonpeMat petaaoby daT** moder^t- prlrea,Oiti-?'sMAKi.r. .¦ per.d, wooM llka

a f.'. D or rottoniara at home or by theij r,r>f) Park-ave.

DRF-HMAKEB i.nd §1 v\i~ i:i §?Coiore'i andaratand ladlea' a-.d rhli.

drcn'a ,»ori;; elty rafMenee, BELOISE,189 Weat 20tb^t.. 3i floer.

1741R8T-CLASS Praneh dreaamaker, \-

l^r.eni.-d eutter, lltu r: wanta worh l.vday lo family. Addram, bv a r. Mra.ALlEJtKSl llll Weal 23d M._

tr» KF.N'il dreatmaher w 'emeotadav or week s. T. Tayloi s.s. m;

I'arla faahlon* we^k'v -:. !.¦. dav. Mn,.-.!.I,I 31 5 Weal .¦.¦ a| M Ml_

Flltoi ( I.AS-. dreaaniaher wanta nomo, r atoni r t hom. i raneh or

F.rigllKb onttlng; (atlor ayatrm; will raliro? '-ork, go aut a..i tit. Mm.. COTTIE,._33 Weat 20th-at._I> RKNCU -IVI.T.M DRRNSMAKER;

cntttng and fi'tl.'ir perfe<-t; wauts morerngn-fmer.u lv th. Uay, oi at l,..,r,e Mm-.A. VAN BXBTE. ii l/nlveralty I'lve._IMI'oinr./. d .».- s for roung miaai-a; ex-

reittlonal prb.: ri takra, deliveri-dl.nn.rd-.|.-lv a> tbe sj,:. prlre BltlBS «t.h.- ladlaa' re Idea ta .... -latuiday. 7'. B .¦


Drccsina'ying.I AHi:.v I mi.i R v\i> d1t7e» i.r. iimi, ». ;.. . fewneea; wwt raw8*8 ettBtataer*; I'arl-Ien ruttrr. pi-rleel

flttine nnd r.oifh: btUat noveltlea; .... .. ;.;:,-. -.-

\i 1.1/ - ini-.- ij i"i.':)BVt>r.. drvja-i'l ...-.- 83 !v V4th ." '":'',r ".?'¦aaabto..Parls cl .d .otunen etoaaa,froir, *2-", io *100. tadW .. at-rla' made np,M.ort no' l<-e.


I) i.l.KK. T-PlTTIrld DRB8BES rnade byPteseh »i>t. p,, dc»s s rual" ovcr.

ii-'-.-. |..v; eau; r'.iR iwi.c. 133 87881lTth-Rt._PARiaiAB drvasasaker; ivvuilng and

-¦ r> ilre---. i.-jra-ir an.l p*rf>,.'t llt-tlng: latost s'-vi^s; »i..,|- 84*808 <->.MICHEL UURRAKD 83 Waal 11thst,_UFYLI8H ilr aaea and etoakal talior-madeKl dreHH-a, 810 np; La. Luxe i.ntume.....:.., .. nr't aiiown. Mme. OATK.S, 240araaa 23d-«8.V1KV KTYLIKH DRES8MAKER lnv famllles or at ho nc bc«t virbal r*fer-¦aaaa. Addr-«- l.v i-'t.-r onlT. no i>o»,t.»l»,MIbh kTACKETT, 243 42a-at.


DBTRCT1VX.-A. WESTLOTORN- Allda *»«.'* of puvBii- work; 5 Ttara' .*.

uerlence; best .Itv ref.-rence, 321 We» 88-88, 243 Br.i-.dTay, B88 8

nK.IT.l T!\ K, _A s'.r-'id 1*888 08881,with aan lene* ibie to ao :.n eiasa-a

,,l d't'i-llx- vork arlahrfl n sttnat on a; anei, r i. a .- oar l-« aood rarteaaea*. Adejreaa.V. J.. I ex 7 Trlbune Ofnec____.nRIVEN WELLS put ... am! repalm In

1.11 their biamhes. 1'. s., Ilox O, Trib-um OBka._

L'Xl»iU_l>S of ladlea raln beautlfnl rom-

plexluna bv applvlnu V1XCL.VI BALTHpr'par-u hy HRoWN, tn- l iien.lft. 1,008Haacock-et., Biooklvii. l"a«'kas!' by muli,

P.MNIIN'U paln'uifT. patntlns don-;flrat-claaa »oik euaranteed; haet raf'r.

cnces. F.lT.rVE OOATES, 1.0'V. 3d-ave.;liraaeh, 171 Eaal Mat-at.

lLI.i AM liE\ ilOl-M.Aini-rlrac I vt.-rt Aecountaut,w

71 Bro.dway.A'-'ounta of aatatea >a« gne-e ewar*8Baa,-crpotatlons aod .">mn erc al hawaaa e*am-' ac-ura'elv and exp-dltluel ¦. rtetersby prrmis«!o.i. to 'h- foflowlaa Nationaibanks: Park. ITBearleel, llanover. Meeha:.-lca!, Cenrjral and gi ii'hern-

COork UJantco.Malea.

\-P.EAL E8TATE, P.islton wan'ed bv. g >ull< inaii i25 rears1 rxpcaiearat, io

11..- iharg- of r al eatate d., forrtltutlon, law ilr:... or ei.u.r,- ' ol oIBi -¦

EXPERIENCL, Box 1.014, Baar«Y8t8I'oatodlce._A.. i.x ci.i.i .. ountant u all - an en-

cagtanent wbere bbare la a pm-p- :l ofilv.tin euu i.t foi a roai. gutid busin .-

Vall-taUu:^. AMERICA*. Trlb.u.e ..I-

AMa.v .83), Sortt. of itaiy, wiaaaa aavployroent; underatanda cMftrloKy aod

geocoetrical drawlnt; tptttu KiemA, U<-r-maa, and noinr BlBgllte A. I-,ii Prli r>4*._m_VN XPERT weil-teueatad Hegiapl-er

erican) fauiinar wlth broKera'bualaeaa, daalrea *ltnaiiou as opurator,urivaba ercrv.-u.-r or twrraap/mdaathlghea) veferaacea. UAMILIO-S', Trib-uim Oflice.


\MlUi) geati man of relt.ire.d,.-.i,i»«'.d fion. IO ba 2, du.lres po*J-

l.on; aood ue.iniOU, ao.-oU'.it*nt, ,-oiresl^ind-^nt; Bngltau, Ir.ii.l., Ita.ian. MORi.NO,212 4M»4vc._ARORlTECTCllAL draught«.nan. w.Ui

x] n- n> ¦-. odueatloo and r fer*-n.:.M».d-air-K cngar-in*.t. Adarcss ARLll.TEC/r.1".H Kau i;th-si.__\.\ ai TiVE man, ahout 30, famlUar wlth

bte hirdware anii aappg trsa.-. ivi-ho*to rtengn hi* poaition t>Itirsaa aaa a-ndianuaiv 1. 18D1. foi one »lmre cloa' att, u-t..o ti bualaeaa will »'vui« advanccinuit.

ia 1'.. y.. Trlbune UlHce._AYOUNQ Man. \S, artteaa poaition to

Icara aicaltecture vvin atno n.ikcj.r ei.iOt for two oi three vears. AddrtH

>.. frlbanf Ofltoa_AMAIiRIBO MAN (ifernaaa) araaU «.'».

I -i.t of anv kl..d »2 LaKt 31-st., Rooui 4.

"Nt/ SAlI.oR vsaiiU auy alnd ofCall HAOEDtiRX, 314 tourt-

\tWXtif.i.K.UI.MAKR1ED MaB, sj.-aks

i.y.Uh .i.i.l Unraaan, wnaits work ofui ,\ddrc»s iii'.n. bUETS, st. Bar-

iloaaew'a Mlsslo.., I2d-*t.. nt-ar 3d-avc..:.. -i'IJi I'iABLE. (otnia-U-nt voun« tol-

l ... .; i>t;h K.-si refennee. a«

^int- man. c. li. BL. li Qraadaa.i ii .., MORWL4UAN wanu ao

. ol Urortt. Call at Mr.. WILSON '8,4 C<-urt-<t.. Rrr»oklyn.


\^|| .,.. Ciir.stlan nain, ai.eaHni! lanynairi-s, waota sftnalion Call

or Ol'STAVB fl- m Pa<-lfic-Bt., H'klyn.

AN s lerlenced lenor ¦¦ lalu* phuiin.. and imi-!c eoi.vlug. Call tol <i. liw

il l'-i ¦ift,--4t., Br-oklyn._

Alri.MUJMAN W uuai hnblU deelr.-s asiti.ation a>» !>¦) I'.ik.j- or eltv aalc*-

u.ari; has 10 v.^ars* experleuce. Ad-.- ..-ll. Trlbune OfaOB._

Ai,l '.Vl.l.M.lN well aetillaiutrd lu N'cv.Orh-ans, aud about l«avinK. vvould like

to mid rlak- anv burli.eas etmBilaatOn Inrnaf (l.y; reft-iancc irlven. Atfdn-ssn i:\v-oiii.KANV. lWbaaa OBVe._N HOHE8T BOY. of 10 «|*h4». a alt-uation h. a r icraBaaa. <-i s. mki.v-

MKTZ. 610 Uth-ave._~* RKSKK.t TABLE voung .ferruon wantaJ\ a-.y klnd of work. 423 Last Oth-st.,Kc«n. I._VIIOOD BARBER »uit* ateady altt.a-

ti.ei. 1B4 Colunibla-at., h..' --lorv.

Al|.i:;l)l' MAN wants hocs'-s to eais-foi; cun pilnt. i«t*r and do -i,.'.l

i. pii'rmp, or »s janl'or o:- b> slrenreneea. ROBI RT8, 4 r,o..rrk-st.

A rREVCHMAN, li.ivitic apare time allday, deslrea to know a uontleieau

dr, to F>- iicb Lasoi.s lnX hlii.K- for l-*eo:i». Addreaa Mr.Ci.Ml'.iN. 808 \>est 21»t-at._APOSITIOK of trasl wanted by ateady,

Kllabla nwiii, ovor 30, rua.-Hed ; generalb .!:.!¦« a'.'.'.ltv and mechanleal experione-;fal. pen(rniii: Engllsh and ."leri.ian eTtpee-ti.tlo s to K-eln. vcrv incd'l-fl'.e. Add.ssp. <)., 248 Webater-ave., Jaraey Clty H'U.

Barte.n'der.-A raaaaj n,ni\ (St).Aaaerloaa, waaM Uka a paaitlea to

|. arn lo BttaBM bai ln llr«t-el uss placo.J. R. s. 70 Bbaaton-at,_

m. ':-. pER..A young marrled n.aiiwanta a poaition aa bOokkeeper ln a

wboleaale busfnws; n yeara' t-xnent-ncc; aifereneea. Addreaa E. E. E., Bo\ 1, Trib.,. n;c


Biiy. 17, wlahaa to la.irn the macblatafatrade; ataadj and inoust.-iou*. a-i-

dre».» PATRII K ('(IN.VOLLY. 83, ,i3ith,.|.oaiaw'a Mlaaioii, 4'Jd-»t., 3d-ave.l.nV of T« «i»li<-4 :, stiiili-iii In a bar-li raoaa; has io ¦aataaf rafLiaaea. \'<MWeat 42*-si_B..V ariabaa to leuru the pluinber'a trad-;

-'. Btly and Indoalrlous. 83*18 IMeVAiit, Bt. Barttetoabaa'a Mtaaloa, t83>»t., near 3rt-uve.

BdV.-Slluation wanted ln citv oi eoun¬try bv an Aaaertoaa boy, 17; wavea

e-oi*i. for rostd and eloOaea; rtc»:r-s r.v.-ge of aelifol dav o. evc.iine:

has b'-'u 00 farni nuarlv 2 v.-ur*. Ad-lr-asL. 11. il Wl.1i hall.-t.|» aKI.I'.. I'v a voung man im for»-iT.Miili or M-."iidl hand m. t.r- -.d or raka:^ober »o>l ateady. IH'Kf.Ll., OO'J Eaat

h t._Bi.-.i KEEP1XO..Aeeounta wrltbn np

aml Mlanaed; eoatraeta made. aavlngeoat of peTmaoeat bfM.kkee^--r. .vCCOCN'ls,Trlbnne Oflice, ,,r :..".;) oto-at.. South B'kiv...

BOOkhTEEPER. Eapert j»:..nian, BO-co n on'. o.T-f-pondi.-nt. alenoifia|,h-r,

.-. :> an -. r: flarmaa, aee 30; hlijhly tec-i-dcd. uECEMUER, Box 17. Tribaaa

Olflce._BOY (1S; anuti |>la;i: in n'or-. wlth

T. lll.l.MJL, S27 .M>i:ic-a\v.,Brooklya, E. D._H.iY .in w-anta place ln a who;.«,|.

h<.. --a.. furnUh refercaea .1 Mii-.i'.-i. ;... Kaaok-Bt._BOV. 10. Oerman-Ai rirao, d<-air.-» a

HtttaUon h. aa aBea, ao that be eaoadvai.c- hlrrmelf. Addrf*< L. II., 2,103.".Ui-ave.

CDl.nKI I> MAN v ant- votk ln txiardIng-baoM or Bater. I'AViL, 210 W-at


COLLECTOR -va/.ts altoatlon: Al cltjrefereui .; a tlv. aod en¦. i -ti .; n.-.-

laaa wagei < x[*<-tcii; no book 1. .uaea n «d.i.isv.r. Addie*. COLLECTUR, 158 Eaatt_i'--'.

C. l.J.l.i I'.tR. By a aabar, hn..».-t n.auoa coll'Ttor or any outsld- work; not oi V-.,;!;; eao fi.rul'h 'nv.t of rcfer.aaaa »» to honestv, claractnr. 4-.; uohoolt illLi'-llil' ACdl -s. \V. 11. S.,B oi 108, \v,-»'(le]d. B. i*.

C'.l i.l i liifl b4kakke4var~ or so:n» o'herr'aroneratfre «.. tloyn.-nt. by young

rian d>:ri ? to ci.a.n-- rraai Beaaa*! aaaeav. KNSr.M Uo.x 36. Trlbuii'- OfOc^._C».RPKNIrER, lit-:- ,i-- tj tools,

w,\>rr, l.duatrlous, *h4.p. le.ildliig, j>-t>ilng.,-r*u..d» plaaa, »i.i»t have work

; --.:.- elty or .ount.y. T. |.. I'liW.-t Ulthst.__DRAl'rtllTSMA.f.. '¦ w1sh««

I-i-lriiei a- ilrauiilit-nan \-iy bo»t ofPAVlb, 2.¦.'".! Bth-aW.


fs.\.,iM,. U aod 11 m IIINIH1 W IIIj I/..., :..,'¦ t., rednc. xi» n« « -." p

,-nt without addltlonal eoat; Buka all rr-ii - v K.HIUJfEER, <a-c joscph

McManaa, :i Do/er^t.xjii,.,,-. (-ditoriai wrltor,j vvitn beat t -t .,i,,.la fo i.r-t-daaaori. gialraa oponina oa RapubUeeo bbwb-.per, i.'jilv or woekly; or a^ nlL'ht, Baaan tecrrapa opetatot ... Brooffaaear, -*d-

1.I.OK. Cr", I.lvlii'sl.m-st., H'Mvi,

I.1.VUIM I.R. llr-tila«s, waoU -Itoatloi,j elty '-r eoaatry; .i..>-s aii rajpalra s

v,;-rs' ..f, rei.i - fron. la»^ rltr eniplov r

-,.i!v vi^perat'. < all o- addr,-s« BrORI3-IH BaJBMI *\e , Ilr<?¦ 1:1vii._______rsvuiMi.!'. arlahaa iltuattori: cxi».rl«i'«lJ ln apartm-i.t bovee work. hr-t-rla-a

r. f( i ... Trlh.::i.- (>3li B.

FIBNA. K M VN V.-i..- narrl.d BH8)wonld uka to uk- .-a.c of fernai baa

nrst-ii '' r raa t'ali or addre-s t.:; XVr.: .*,


tDo.rt UJcintfd.__k_.

t»IREMAX.-OaaB, Meady, aWe-bedwd.. a" 12 riai ...

i-nipet.'tit, .>..-t of rererenoes; uiu,.arrled.AU...ST-- 11 u., |_4 (,,,,|..[. iir,..ai_ri,.I^UKNA. i,-..Ia.\ ...,! v.e.K, under-1 itapdi hrat-ra and all k' ,,i- af Uin.ako hlmarlf uener.Hy ipvfiil. Addre.*

rtO.S. l.r.VN, ,n Rt. DarthOlODMW'li, I2d-*t., n.-nr :W-ave.

I^RI ; glviii .......:,... ..''"' an iro ¦ taoioagu wa t->.

POLAI E, .' ... Box 1.204.J.i.l. ... EMPLOYElUk-Male iiclti foi

a .to.-s famUloa aid fa.m carvfuily --

'-.i and faini-ird r ,¦*»¦. 7,-,,i ii ,.,

/tENTi.i.M \\ m ,,..,rr ,',t":,....., aha\M ha- a largr buaioeia aeqiMlniaiice andoM*ri-in" dea.rra poaltloa of iru-t wberah;s tat and ablllt) wli, be fulti app.e-,.aU»_; wcld tiavel If .,. ...,rv BBBfurniab vcry beat <>r r. Ad¬dreaa D.. box iu, Tribune OMee.

GEN.LEMAN, .... :.:. rrlauro sfter ftp. m.,. aveolng ennloymeot oi iw,v

we,i edueatau; apea-a oermao andEngllah; ablc aud wiUing. Addi --

l.'ji i* K. l Trlbnne l piown Oaice,1.-.3- llriudway,C'lii'D l',..S.M\N wanti-^oNtTTiuIeK and

¦ n.n..t at Bgorea. Addr-., i i.EHK,_t. Huithobui.eWs MUMou, 42d->_, uc-r;;<l-avn.

1AM 32 years old (.iimmrrled) Intelllg-nt,dlacreet, ,_.. _,_ deairou* >>r-ii o'ltsld . iioslduii no lanvasslne: n.od-rrnu- saUry v.ui sUfiioo, refetrncea, if re-0 ,ir .1. bEDLOE, Box ii. Tribune OMee.INS1DE WORB ..f imiv kind. bj a :.¦-1 s|*,ULle ol.ii'i'd I. »., ni, ff,v.1rtfewocaa. ,,, w. JONEB, iu w. 8QU.-M.

JAXIIOR oi WATOHMAN. e> a t- .'.edaratad, praetlfil man ln of_ct bniutlngaoly; lo year*1 beal referencea. V., eart

'. ' *¦'''* .^ban.U-r.t-Bt.

JAN1TOR.By ¦ .rtd bmb far Oat arll-t*. Ask for JA.MTOK, 818 I. \.- I-

tmiavo., eorne, ,",3d-._

JANllOH..Ul eaa who u.oroujhiv un-OeraMnda hla duti.--.. also Meam heat

and p'lmps b< _t of Add.e-s'ommhj v ....( weej taa-at,

ai-' I..I.K wanM worknf any klnuj i<. Bora ¦». \dd..-s JOHN¦N, Bt. BarthaleMear*a mn-iou, 12.1-st.,

.ar 4.fl-st.




Li.iii POKTER and oaeful about thehe ->, wanta wora of aoj kiu.i; an all

saiaiy; jjoort rcfereoee. AddreM WFJ4LEYi.l.v i.\ i.vs. m. HaitholouiBw'a hUaMea,.'-'I -al iip.r 3't-.iv.

A. IIINIST aqualuted v. HiiTh-vsmall maehlnery and alectrfcal worh;

i all neeeaaary tnoin nn<i room if r..--ad. DE _'.\ 2i. iiibune iu.i...

\i II1NI3T. 11;. a vouuH u,au who i.iT-..'.¦.ii ruiiriinp luiie and shaifi. Ad-

C. s. 107 We isth-st.

Mxt'UINlBT aad ENOI NEER.-Flrat-aaa; uuderaund* electric Rght and ;.n

iniu |,ip-.|ittii,«. Addreaa w.\iiL<;.Mi:vr,.'00 Aveuue A._PBILADELPHIA KUpWCABE WORBS

Ui North itii-r. PhUadrTphhw For nale,*toik. baMneaa ani leaae; reaaona for .-.-11-tng, too mm a u-iness nni eare f..r i.iv

td Iw - f.l.Vl F. S.MITH. Owner.

PACKER, I'ORTERor USEPUL-MAN.can it,. rarpenterworh in atora .,. nw.

tury; .vllllng and obll^lng. M. J. i... 2.3042-llVe.

1> ORTEB or WATOHMAN.Br a BBM M45: baniv alth carpentfr too:»; rlcy

Kfernee. AUjrei-i M. KATOX, 102 Weal,-. th-t.


1>..KI>.-.. V ii'; (»~tnu»;i aMB .vant-a slt..aii,,n a* pirvr or Dlg-t wateh.

maa oa:. glva ampta aacorlUea. AddreaaOOTTENBEKI}, 1 .1 l0U.-«U. Boutn


1, ri00FREA~DER.- Praetiral print-r iuT-iI^a altaaBBB: book. ioh <>r BBara.

aaaar; ,V> vears- exirrler.ce: ot _. MreBUMiivwapanrr m boo» roo'i: b-s*. r>f«rn.c.REaDER. -.5 LlvUgau,u-at.. BrooklTU._PORTER Young man, Uerr._n, ih

and ibber, a« ti)rt...r or watehinan eltjref-arwea. il. D1ERKER, 117 AdaaMat.,Brooklyu.

PORTER Mv man. 08; atrong und will-ini: io want: aaa good reMrenee from

lau rmptoyer. L M., 3:.'j g-b-a-e.

IIROOPItEAOEiti edueatad, p-parMoeedwant- slt.a-lo,,. PR. IOT'1'.I.ADI.II. ,0

Madl-ou-a\e.. plalnfleld. N. ,1.

Rl -I'I'AliABLE MAN, 29, wl-h.-s eoofl'-dentlal mhIUoii leferenies tti_t se..un-

tj. .1. lli:iNJ°.MANN_,_325 Ea»t »'Jtu-»t.__R/.f.IAHl.E. tampCTat' man, baat rcrar*

aaaaa aranta i>o«it!on of aay kind. Ad-drea-s ONWARD. lrll.une Offlo-._

EL1ABLE marrted man. 88, would llhepoaltloa ln whnleaalr, reUll ur irunu-

lactuiii.g b-ateaaa; t,...i bbbbmb ajaahaUermaa truatworthy ln avery reepeat; ovei10 reara M MM pla.e; can BlTa beat of ni-ereacaa and aaaunM. )'. A. M.,I'rlhuni' I'p'owri, 1,2.1.1 Uumdway,.Cl ITUATION WANTED iy * young man»?:.-i. as portar aad u*si.<,f Mupplng.i'-rk; -tirak* Engllah aad Oermaaj inadr-iiman. Addresa LEu OCHMITZ, 102East .Vith-.t._UALEMMAN ,] s|r,.s iituatloo in a arhoia->~ i«a:e or iftai jeweiry oatahllahmrot; '..yrariP e\perieue,.; undrr-tuiids th* *ale ofalamoeda, wateben, Ac.; al .. optleal de.partmeat; anderataotfa ti. uuixh-auig ofnA'\ and (Uver: lumuh firstr|j»s refoaaee.Addreaa JAY, 185 Derfea-at. Uio<i!{iyn:__U tEXOOIUP11ER and TYPEWKITERCT d.-ire-i posltion Ki Bllngtofl or Call-fiapb ..?i.eri.'-ii' .<! modTat .a!ary. 'Jt'OOth-avH.^ l-t_lhH;_K. ^1LLEN.___as TF.NuiiKAllii.BB ai.d Huu.UiKtMi oper*~' ator* f.r:,!sl,'-d to buriue.i oousra: noto-mlailona. WYCKOFF. SIUM-SS .KDNKDICT. 3Z7 Broad way._TE-TOORAPHRR, talecrapher' lyae.wr.t.r and booakeepa?, one famlllar

with '.brokor'a'' bualncaa, d.»ire_ poaltlnnat anv of Lhe aliove, or as prttata aecrcMry.Addreaa KKWii, ir:.,..n<- Ofllca._12 MAB1 OFP1CE BOY atahai altuatlon,-5 :,i;e 15, Rrooklvn preferr<'<l. refereuw*_,\,ei. Addreaa lUCBARO A. PCBTER,",Xii Baltle ,,....



tLESMAN..A yonng man wl-ie- | po¬altloa i»s aaleamao on eom-

aMMati ani r.neaaaa; a Baa of aperlaltteamd Boothtrn tfrrltory praf>rrr_; baat ol,..f,.,...,.- . rumtahed aiid aMIafaaUaB guar.i.i.i ,.l. E It.. Tribune Ofllee._SALEBMAX .</ a1, esperiea. ¦'. young

maa 37 yaarai i.i mv leglOmata llne;.. .. i :, -. Addr. -« ii. B li AMheraUaL,EaM Qranga B. J.


uVLEBMAtJ l travelllng aaleamao waata>7to -II gOOdl on (WIIQllaalOO Anv iTOOtlbo '-.. that 1.. da a travelllng aal. »mmi luany si»te wiii wHta t. ... i. KUMP,Jaaieavflle, Mortoo co.. B. C, aiso Trib-aaa OBaa.


TYPEWRITINO done at ^hnrt notlro;prlee 3 1-3 rei.ta a follo and wo»h g-ar.

»:,(<.¦ ri. reterencaa alrea if dcirid: eoere--pondenre solleltf-d. Ai!dr>!».« C. R.WICHEL, I*. O. Bov 383 Blo.imflel'1. N. .1.

THOnO'.'OHLY eaaerlenced eaka bakerwaata situatlon. F. 0TAHL, 083 EaM

v h -t._|_rr»HOROr.»HLY rompetpnt douWe entry1 bookkeeper, 27. _<_r«a an en_-gpmeat:lalarj 020 i^r wiek. AOCOUNiANT, Ko\10, Tribuae <>Mcn.


To COMMERl IAL AOEM li.S.-A.-iywell-patab!kh«d ooe requ.rlng the -¦ -.¦.

\ 1.1* of u<io& ennvav-.u aad i port pleaaeaiU-e^s X. Y.. Bo« 7, Trlbyie OPce._|T__Fi L-MAN, good t,ui-K or wafoaU drlvtr, waata u altuatlon; referai.iddreaa af. MTkBB, x* BarthotomaWg.Misilou, 42d-ft.. naai 8d-av.-.


PlIOL_l ER1NU..Jobbtng work of allktnii- wantad; dav erjeb. J. V. B0Z,

ei Weot Blat-ot_aat RLE-EDt'CATED mlddlo-agPd gentle-V? bum havlng had f yeara' experloBeo.- boekkeeper ln large i:on manufacturlnghu»iiie»». hiing eonvaraant with Um Engllah,i.ernian and Bpaolah languagea, alao wli'ium ..f Hen,;ri*ton tviwwiiter. wlahea to>. aite chanae. fPioKKKFii-.i:, Pateraon,N- J._«JBT.NTi;i).-A pisltltn by a young man,»» iiouest. ataady and »,.». r: elavator pn1-

f. ,T.i. Addreaa li. LKAHY, 2,t}r8 2d-ave.__^_.BB?ANTED.By a reapeet-ble colored .na'..»» plaril B* walter or as mm eopjrM lna Mwywr'a ofti.i ot'.e. baMneaa place:

,1: ' iiab m .t¦ irf ieii,¦.. Add'e-st W. Boi 100, Tribune L'ptawa Omn.i.'» Broadway._W\n il.l>. FUrnaoea to take ca:-- of and

all Kind- of riouae-eleanlna done. Ad-M ii.i.ia-.i i :.i ,'. ¦.-. b¦¦t_

W~"TTI'ITr'. lir-t-.-ia-- r.sunrani wail.rand oi-t i.i.ui: t>. >i ataady place: i.-s

hart viar« expertenea _s heau w-allcr.I'leaie ralj 101 vf* .yiiv-i

»% \T, I1MAH BR ^ ii Idd] -i mau»» who ¦md i-tjiids »ll Kind- of Oermaiiand \merlran >.«rk wants ataidy altuatl u.Add. 70 Eaal -d-M._W\i, "ii.-.i a K Be Bj ¦ rauag mn. :».'.

M wat. hinan, drl\.r »r footor. \.«.;k.Md -t-adv. III I'TLD.__tjiii* I'.. (Uh-st.

UrAKTED.-Situatlon »" EnglUhnian:practiral poliiter. pa;i..r!iu:ijrr and

atozier; aauM rlia to work f«r aatata urmatltuEon «.ood rt-fer lic '.. A. A., Do\29 i riaaoe oiaee._WANTED -ia a wheleaale kr ieery » t ia

tion br a vounp ..»:.. Oennan: ap. aknEnglUh: 3 veara ln pr.tent iituatloo; Brat-rla*a Kfertooaa. A. r... U^< 80, TrlbunaOMi ._WANTED..PoMttOB with i'.o«-'. bn.kor-

a?- l.ou*e, hy a ronaf naa 22 reara fgood wrlter wid .v>.t h...kkceper.

Addreaa B. F. M P n !'.o-< I B»_ANTED..PaMUan ai 'jrpen.e. In ."t-rv r,r on eaiat*. Imi'nr¦ of I >..


i... r-t. Brooklyn, l.. D._Wami .ii 0] rauag maa

with aoi.U eoruim-r.-ial haaae,hard w.ik will Incure advio. ement; livt-i,. saiaM pr ,nl ¦..,,,p ovel I.VCl.L'i,iiibune QBtce,


an ri.H. a poaltloa M i..».h,*r r eolleCMr. by .o:io_- n,air..«I

i, 85, A Ba. I refailBBM. Addr. ss

IONEB I!.'. MadlaoB-it. OrooBlyBj_Y.,i N'.. marrled maa, ^4 .... ii

s t i.i, .,' r:us',; fBod kno.l Bge Of book-¦. -t rtferene ..¦ bond*. Addn-a*

HOOKKEEPEB, -0 Parh-afe.,,Oaaa._YOT-^NO man aa hand

oi waiehnan: wllUnj t, uo any.wheie in Um FaMad Btataa. Wrtta <>. B... ii tS Fi.i.lilln-*.!


Y.ii'.su Man. Ametlran M waajs -f-,i ur.., f ferenoe. Addre«a

KBNKOT MMITH, St Bartholarflaw'a Mla.¦ioa 42d-at.. aaar N jv


YH .¦ MAN \M. lie, r - a 0aanetal uaefulne^.; wURag aml n-at;

wli iroik a we,- on Bnal fr-- referencea.vdlrrs H .are Br. <.r n 1 TB7 AU_MM>a\e.. Urooktjii.



tDorli IDantfB.~2klalei7"

Y.ll \<i MAN «:io ran jr-vc th» BBBt ofitc wtritd III.e n [Hsinon where

4 la poaaII - Addn -- W1IOLE-rj \l ;.'.'¦¦.. ol.

Y.)' .,«. I1AN vn.-iid Tlkrni~~i,o7lt.3n la"...bard vv.e ,: v ll]

Inaure advanro; beat of r.f rence. Addn -hi..x ElttlV, ili.n.fflce

Y..IM. MAN woold I:. i.-i ., religlouallluttratfd Baaaaap r: tea a ea loMart. Adore*. bv Itttel ls Jjst lOtli-sl,I_

\> ..-. '<.¦ -i T.r hon«e:handy wlth toola; vv-nim^ to wo.k at

iiythlna. Addreaa ALKX. IIACKETT,Bt. BBItllOlomaw'e Mis....... 42d-.s-., inar

YOl'Xfl V \n a?- is" dealr a a sitiieiion;'r r.-t n .-. .I 'i-si .1. k .1. Tribua

toe.i urne. i,838 Broadway.Yiii-M, M \n engag d parl ol

i.oi.ui llke furnaea t« attnid aad Ad ir is irsErt'L, Trlbune t>

!,,.., OBU .i

Y-.ii XII MAX, te, wtthoa a altnatioa ineaale Igar or tobm o house.

II. I'I l-.:i I. I.'.s XI ,, ,i,.i;rft;.,:

Y. v.. m v. .'-i ,; i ;,.-!.:,m aarontld-i.tla! eterii; 0Te» 12 year-' f\

nerience Ib Iii>». Addr'ss CON'lDENT1AL Boa ',00. 'iribntie UptoWflOftVa '.'.'t-i Broedwaj

Yi.i i. ma. .Ituatlon at a-iy-thlng n t .ke rar of horaaa or diive.

.1. n r,oo Eaat ItBtn st._Y. IR1SHMAX, Protentant, waata

poaition a» grocery c\nk or ofltoa wo.k.BLACK, 072 Oth-ave.

Y.irrii. aged 17. dealrea poaltloo of anykind; oi'be work preterrcd. .\udr-sa

\P,< MII-: TltOMPBON. ::i2 Ka-t IQthjt

YroUNII MAN, 20. wlehee a all .al on i'w.y klnd of wo.k. .1. QORMAjV, 225


YOt'Nll MAN. 31. dealrea BoatUon ataorthlng ln aota wl aiaaale bualneae.

Addreaa J. J. P_ P. O. Bos 10 Aatorla. L.I.

Y.ii so man, rgpatleaaad la oflre work,wlvb b .-'. ref. raneea, deatrm poaition.

ItOOKKRI PER. Itox- 28, TiltMUM L'ptowuOffl. -. 1.238 Broadway.

Rlork tUamro* Ferualra.

V YOl"NQ i.auv araata trart at. boxingsnall :,: -I-- 01 r, be. u m-.all) BAe-

ful l» a whole ale houee: wilUng an.l ijuh.kto ...-ii. Ai:'- :-.M \ 1'IIE, atla itd-ave.bTTaMILY bKWlNU to do at boane, b; oneI exuerlen ed; hand aeaiaa a -i.ialtv:

refereocea. Rtoj uoweu'a b.-n,M7 Dtb-avo., near I7th-st._IAO, .--I ENOtiRAPtlKR ha\lng a fewt i.oni- M'.h day «iii do eopylng of anv; envelopea 35 a l.OOO. BTEXO, |8J4tli-ave._SOPRaXO, experleoeed cboli aololat,

Wlahe* position ln this it\- or llmok-lyo. Addreaa SOPRANO, 18 Eaat 23d-st.,eare ol r.. Eberhard._SF1 N'OUKAPHER and TYPKW R1TER

Kxperlencrd ln ii.ereantlle correapond-ear.e, ai-n lnauran< >. bu Ineea and aome legalwork, dealn-s!,>n; b--«t refereocea.

Rl vti\,, roN, 1.020 Oth-ave.

S. Vl-ll'.i; 'and TYI'I'.WBI II.,lT.Kxporiooeed, rai'id aeeurato; dealrea

plaee; 812. aMAXUENBIS, Trib-une Ufllre._^i^ EXOORAPIIER..Ladl op-ratlnc Kei..j lngton No. 2 ii. -:r--s y -rn.a.icni, |ioaltlon.

.ti.ti ki.1i. rrlbune OfBce._

Sn x-' URAPHER. .A competent, ex-(..-.:..d i.idv atenographer and typa-

ii r'.t ., edapted to llterary «r newapaparwoik, dealpea ,in-ir'.,n no rtbleeOon t«.U-avine tbe elty. XEW8PAPER. 20 teeall Ifli at._Sn yooRAPIll '; and tyeewrltef Bawtraa

po«iti..ii. exi.ef.r. - eaVeranh; rood-.rate aalarv. \dd eaa KATIi, KEKKE."30 Broni.av -ar- ol Kwnk UarrLson.

lllork lilaiiteU.Fenjiilpa.

STENOi.K \Plli-.R and TYPI'.WRITF.R.f.-i.h dealrea poaOJea; eaperlaneed;

aood tongband v%rit .-: aecurate apettor. J-.Pox ¦'. Tr iH.iie Offle.-._T"Tpi'.V ilTl.N'ii iroin dlctatiou, iniuu-

aeripto. aemooa 3c.. cheapl) am. i>

.ura.oiv done. (aii <r addreaa I-LORI-..NCE'. IYLOR, 63 Eaat .1 Ith at.tajriiisl "i,r,ssi.\> given by a ladj eltylt i,i eouotry; refer neea. Addreas it. a.m.. Tribttae i'i to« b OfBee, 1,288 B'way.

YO'N'i LADY at-notrrapbei and type.writ.-r dealrea ooaltlon. AdUr-»s i.. c.

'i rlbune On.iv. _.

a/Ot'XO LADY atenograuher and t.v|K-i actlvo, and w.llnig

.o ««;. AMP.ITh.l -.. 153 lth-av,._\r.11 ,x.. LaOV wonld llke a poaition :is

t,.,okke-i..i and caabler; eix«i penniBji;correet Bt Birurea; beat ..f retereaeea; canfnriilsi.* lt neceaaary. full or aa-d|-1 7'.2 3d-i.v-.. Jewelrj store.

o«JU EAST IPTII-81 i dreaamaker..i«")o having worbed ln Brat-etoaa eetab-hahroento B reara, waata worb in prlvataruiilll s bv fl.e vv.-ek or mniitli.

Domc8tic3un.itio;i9 CDartrb

Matoa,\Mi;iii.'Ai, gyiuaaet and Baaaleare '.f

nood tddi aa .--,.- poatttot. witii -,-ii-

.,t.iia:i d piofe»<lonal eare. >i. U>.<Boa 100, CptOttll Utllec, 1,233Brtiadway._

B. F understanuain- bu»l.sthoroughly; beat rafe eacea

a- to aobrlety, boaeat* auu capabUlty; cltyir eountry. Appij 357 ttlmre._

l i L&K, Bc..COOK and LAI N-ni.K.s.s.-iiv thcroughly eotrpeteat

oupli beat oltj referenceB. Call or ad-,.i as ll.. 284 .Coacluako-at., Biooklyu.|» L'TLER.- Thorougbly competaot: wherel> ae o d Biau i- kcut or aaautance given;beat if-r-i:.-.. D. Nl 1*3 i^a-t Uat*t-_¦ > Ll III o BU I.l. ll aml V A I.I.T.- BylJ a u.ii.i ;.u'--'J SO, «uii 3 yeara of th"i.,-t of elty refeiencea; it- t-uiploy-r caa

¦. ... ii. Ad :,. aa :. !'.. H) Weat ted-at

C< UOK it- reni-hii an fliKf-ela-a; lnj private fan ilv or boarilint-.l.ouae; thor-

oiiglil] underatanda all br-mehea; keepa hUkli .¦-. neal end Udy; \::8es niode.ate;.,. -t, elty r (cret.cea, Addreaa JOHN V.\c-riES, 203 We»t 27th-st.

C»OOK, v llm ParUlan e,,0k, who has/ worked iu London, dealrea a plaee ln

hotej, reataurant or famllj i^-"t of .--fer-I.,,-. Addreaa J. Dt'MoNT, 351 Laxlng.


C.HiK. Bj ..!¦'.¦ :..'.i. In amall privatefai.dlv w^i-c- oderat>; koo.1 r f i-

.iu-. Addreaa COOK, Doa i, Irlteaaonic-._Ci, 'PIa.n" I'.. .. alnele man; thor-

oughlv exparienecd lu :.!!; lsstriciL aober, auvid-.. «. nii.g and obllglng;nn obj etton tm gelug Bouth; very b st eityitfor « from fonn employera; Grenuaa.Amlf-, .1. K. 124 Weat ',,i..-st_C»OACHMAN..By h youag maa aiugle;

' oi as iiHifni-inaii: clty or eountry; canrorniab reference*. C. C. Box ls. TrlbwaaU.llCe.

CUACUMAN..By a ontrried man r^rst-eiitei peraonal and wrlttea rrfarancea;

will I"- fiiuni v-illlns and obllglBg. Ad-drva< I'n.v HMAN, .'. '-' l 17th -'_C^OACHMAN..Oood refereneea: elty

/ and coiinl. C '¦'. -. 300 E-iol07th-st._/1UACIIMAN nnd OAROENER B» a

V/ el.iL'l- pormau -in Brat-claw m .-v.-ryran et; und. r*Unda the -ar- of (ln- horaea.rarrlagea aml barneaa; mlik und att n.l fur<nseea r. neral » iu ui good r jforoDce: laaleiiii.iov.r tait be aeee. n. i., H"x B,Trlbune OjBt-e. _

C.i.v.. ii \ s ntlemaa dealrea to oh-tain :i ;.' o bla oarbman e in

reeommend him In every wayi s..ixr. win-inir aml v rv eareful drivr. a**reaaII. .1. li.. M-nrav HUl flotel._C. i. wlth 8 year-'

/ refrrenctfs last mployei; aober und hon-aat. -1- !'¦. ll" Eaat 22a-at._f . ,,;, IIM.VV :,..! I'MTH. M C5\; COOK and L.\ cxiiHi a> -By roaaf,.,.M, ,. ii,mi i.'<mx1 ( gardeojr anuuaeful-raaa; wlfe ro. famllj cooa and lauu-r .rlillng and obl ilnf; caa baka eare

bu's p a - beat ref reoeea. Call-, 2',r 4th-ave., betwaea 2oth uud

.'¦,.!. -¦¦-._(s ..Ai HMAN, .'"i '! Ive. ut-

beatlve to dutlee; very wiiiing andobllsi-iv: good refereneea, h th elty andromltry. L'ail o. ¦ dreaa WILLIAM, 101W,« t lith-st., -aic of Noblett.

Cs., iHMAX and UARLENER.Cnder-/ -tn.:!- ti,.. eare of boriea; i-araful

dr:vei niiik. *..t.d funraoe; n> obj.lon toir lob. | r-l I.l I.l.- i-fercln e.

iddreM c. Boa D rrlbune Oflice,_CUACUMAN. 5j u -I.H.-I- I'i.,'. ¦-.'.,.. t

n an thoroughl. underatandj bla baal.Deaa; eareful and rtyllab eity drirer: Syears' exoeUeat aity refeicacaa from lastemployer, arbo hlghlr r>eommeada i.o as u

..,.-- aad obllglng man. Cal1 or ad-.,. | .- 134 W SStl -t._(4 tCUMAN.-llaJo gardener; gcnerallvj uaeful; alaglr, atrl :iv tavaprrate man,

-iphlv uaderabanda bla onaineM, laattend furnaea, nllh hinhiy

n, omn.eooed. L. K.. Irjbune OBJoe.

Cs OVOhIIaN..By a yo-ine EngHahmaa ;/ undatatrdda thc rarc of fl..- horaea, bar>

ii. a and c-.rnajrcs l.I rldet a-id trnlnercan ful drirer; caa Brira tandem; elty or

eouotry; beat of refereneea. Apply 3j.4tl.-a-.'-., be*. i.i.l Seth »t*.

COAOBMAN..Bj a marrled maa: baalelty refereaeea from Brat-e!aaa famlly;

10 reara' ln one ;! .< >-. Pleaae eall o- ad-greaa COACllMAX, l!S Eaat .'.cl.-t.

CSy.tCIIMAN II- thorough loaih.t.un:_. .,-. :<,, now ft.... Europe EojrUab;tv or '"iiut ." good rrteraneeo. B. r.

I l io W. al ftad-st.

(40ACI1MAN oi .i:.""-l.-liy » alnglt-/ i-oung man a "-I eltj ref, r-n aa

try prt-ferred; wagea moderate. < all orad.,r. m i- j. ..., prlrata abatle, 88 Wct_


. iteady, ra>man .-'xiwii.-n .-.i elty dnw;

.,,,.,,, ..;.iv uiiderataada th# -are ... ( flr-: «-ia--« ref.-rc.i «

n-rfe.-tlv al-le to i-.v I-S-..-1I- ln rldinn.An|1v to T Mivi'T 203 Baaj Mth_l(~oVCIIMAX Bi ii a\ia*rtaaB, »uigic,

32 carlng fnr road ho aes axi_rleaee,uA efarei t.*1. .-- i T.. 140 llroad-st/-li.MiriW Hv l alngl. ma-i. 35. wtfhC 3 yeara reference from laat awplajer.WU.I.IA.M .-HUMAN, 14 John «t. Wee«bii.litoti- IS- L

Domcotic Sittutni; ^mtefctfcloa

CCA'UMAN.-Br marrled man. no rhll-dren m, I*. hlghly rec mu .-.'¦£. d; l*»t

.,..;¦! .\.; ran be «eeu: al-.. fonoer one.ot addrmn it. nu/.K. .*i_^__*__,'_t_.

C^i.v HM.v: .1 OBOOM Bi -¦» young' w_i; or ','room and Mad.|J0BMi r!l,,r

i.r'li,, um .j|ni» h;< bu-liic*-; aBVfTBlreara' refereare. AOtnea Ba* ih. Tribune

o .. ''. 1,288 Hroadway_C'ia, II.MAN v COOK .i.'i i -U--

DREttS By n arrlt-d rovjitaj i.n.i .'-eoaphmao aurt uaafal; teml rarnacra; uiwalt oi, Mbm; w_a _aed ceah aud lauu-draaa; ln a amaU famUy; was-s r.-.-on-,,),.. Addreaa oi call ou POWERB, -J.JBai 4lst--i._(~«OACttMAN or UMOOM.-B* B-8MB<

-- man: iheroughly Baderataada ean >>fn.:e eairlagai bameaa, kt.: t,rtt-.i».« r-t.aienee from forioei employera. .\ppiv 231.a.»t »7th-«t.__DkaF and dcmii MAN offo- his «r-

vUo« for a hon. waaM b u eiui in aboirlli kt house .,- r»sr.iura..t wriu-r kie<:

O'i'l bfl I'.ar..,- ..i A :: II. liTribune otr.cp.

1} XOLISHMAN, yoaae i.i '.-. wlehe*j < tiiatimi ln a uiivat fUn.ll; At lef-

ereoeaa. J. SOLE, 218 We»( ;wth-«t.

F! v ,t\i HAND, eolorad, Autita aMadrve.,r 'ioiiii.I warh: ?'"..d rth>r; und..

itanda maehlacry. Addreaa JOHN LOCK.ERHON, Kt. BarthMamaw'i MMaMa, 42d-»t.. n<-ai lid-ive._F« ooTMAN ot SEFI MAN Sy i r .

¦pectable ra-ng u.uii la a prlvate Maaliv ran bo .*ecomn.ended hv H-t emMoy. r.KARRY, Tribune uptaara OMea, i.w-jBioad way._I7> UlCNAt'E-MAN wants -ii.iiiio.; eaa do

1 general houeework In prlvate family.vddreaaOEO. M.'Ri'UY. st. RarthMt_naw>iMlaalon, i2d-t.. oeai BB-<


_. AEK TO EMPLoYERh -Malo heip ofI all 1'iades aud deacrlptlon furnlshed atshort notlce. Call or addi-ss NOBLETT.A..KNCY. 101 y.¦.t 4V.h st.. 7'.»r Oth-avo.

Ct ARDENER..By slntrl- maa, asr* 30:I CBpable tnklns entlre geBtWBBB-

[,._,.,¦: greanhooaea, grappib-4. lawns. | -.;.', retn' leat !¦¦.'.t-h--» from hv* omnio.v r.AddreM BARRY, 1 ol Weal i'.ti.-.t.. «aro

.:>lctt._(. aBDENER..By an experhmeeB gar-M <i,nei anu nbrist: uBderetaade frult

and vegetabUa of all, eaa tako aa.tlre char.e of Reutlrman'- pla<-e; rlrst-,-,ass referenee. Adurcua uox 13'.., Mi:.-b-rn, N. .1._,f~ARDENER and COACIIMAV.-Uv »18 aiarrled n/aa u* gardena? .-ni coa< n-

maa or gaoerally naeful-man <,:i (.'eiitlema.. *

place; uood r»-feren<!e. Addr-s ts. II.81 8th-ave._C'ERMAN. "., arrl-d. Itrlctil aobar, ___¦M small ptaae. eaa take raafga of traea.heuao; m ''i>ta.,d- fai... work, :<;ii ha* hadiiiRriie '. ci tlemao'a place. Addre-s aLL'TB, l'. 0. Oox 204. lUilbebeck, N. Y.

(i ROOM, l:-t. la-», wanta .

1 Addreaa ROBT, MeCORItlioloti.i.w's Mlaolao, 42d-st., ne-j.

(j i-.imim }'.\ a young n i- aJ* r-<onuiieii.l»d >.v lJst en.p'.'.v

addr-** M. .1. D. 31 F_«t 3-d-st

CM'.'x.M. Hv a younjr mau (>.¦-' itv %.f-¦ araacea. Addreaa C. B.. 120 W. 40th-at.

(JR HJM.-By an KoaUah lad, aaed J7¦ groi'i, 'irider ro"hn,at;. H.

Ul'RLEY, sj;i 7th-a\o._U.t.M i\. it, an l.i.n -f |. I'.iM. :..-iuH day watchm_h w elevatae man; .."-t

elty referencea. Call or addraaa JAMEh.'(7 W. «t 3't!,-.-l.


JANITOK.-By bmb and wlfe aa Maltarf, ..:. hous-- in IiroK'vn.

<lo. a r-pnlrln., a. il what-vr is n.ce-arvfor rhe tftuatlon. Applv to II- BVltMElS-TER 3-'.. ;. ilbave., Bwuhlya._MIDDLE-AOI i> MAN. speaJdng uiTmim.

Ii'rei; :. and Bogllah, wlahaa *ltuation Mdo Bouaowork; hotei oi prlvahy hawaa.l.N'O. Wll.UAMS. 885 8tli-ave., 2d ttuo;-.

AN AKD W1PB waal place loffether;man gisierallv uaefnl; teml haraa, ir.ahe

flrea, mllli. (.'aidci: BM afrald >.f K'ork;.¦ if.- geaeral heuaaarara; go>d aaak, waehind li.n; .'ood retaraaeai city or rountay.vl.BERT mm oi Noblett, lui Weat *ith-«t.. 707 llth-ave.

lDDf.K- AH KD \IAN~. ¦ Ingllho'i»e ot ur'i'.'

Ilattholomea'»Mlaaloo, 42<l-»t.. neai .Id-ave.Vlii HT PORTER ar DIMRWAH HER11 winu a sittiation actlve and v.-illlna*.Addraaa BF.RNaRD OMITB, s-. Barthela-mew'a Mlsslon, l.d-a... neai 3d-a\e._(f SEPUL-ldAB waaM situailon ~\n a prl-J \it- 11,..»,. or reaMurant. not :i/rald,,r w,.k. Add",* foiiN MVLHRABJf,st. Baitholomow't Mlaaion, 12.1-st., aaarSd-ave._f J M.'.ri'L-.MAN..By a younk' BMB not\) afrald af hard worki eooi groam; aadrrttaoda oore oi Ixrs-^ thorouk'hiy: rome w.-Ureeommanded. Cali rt iiddn-ss N<iBLT:TT.Ii.1 W. at I5th-al, 7'..7 Cth-ave.

M1DDM-.-AIIF.D MA*,i. lu boardlog't


ITSEKI.'L-MAN..By youu? man CBB) inllk. drlva und take 'jte .f fui-

uace: with tools; can Uke cur-of a _enf!'"i_i-s piac; rrederata aragaaAddNM M Boi 180, Tribune I'ptownofflce, 1,388 IIroadwity.f T Sl> I'L-.MAN_Eld-rly tlflfie manU wlslies a place t» att.'tid flre*tnil aaatat ln kit.i.en: cnp-ihb watclimin orlanltor; refer'nce and aeearlty. AddraaaA. P.. 132_Park ^owv_UsEFUL-MAN..By a roung maa li a

privat,' famllv or bmUOPM hou*.': la.trong, wi'lini: and v.ell edui-at'Kl: speaksBve li»iik"niVe': wa.e» v<-ry modejate: ex-rcllmit referencea. Addraaa WM. di'.XIa-REsT. cart fornier emplayer, c. Uraa, 07llhe siip._Lf SEFVL-MEN..By tn.»fv young m-n

/ Owediah; ataady, activ aaeral forhoaitllng-hou-e. Imt^ls or famllv: ... iar« oflovalldn; beet referencea. At the pROT-RSTANT HOME BUREATT, 13S Cth-ave..near inth-«t._|l >r.|.i'r.->IAN.~By eo-netent Sw-d~L' wltli besit referenee; citv 01 counirv.Call Mr-. BaLMBBBO, Owedlao Buraau,:i.V Ith-ave,, uiistalrs. ov.r butch-r ator-.

U_l L'L-MAN..Bj 'I man iind-r-s",.ids the (are of horape. rarrlagea,

ni.d tows- will n.ake hlui*elf aaffBl ln -\<ryi..-..rt: beat of referencea. Call ot addreaaa.'a.. 10 Wefrt IBtli-at._USKI'.T MaV.-Rt young man; work of

any kind ro ohjectlon to .outit:-. fnlrFdural no Addreaa S. \v.. .-,00 E. 148th-at

USKFI l.-MAN. By i fOUUg man. on Igentlemaa. placv ln tla1 country: cat.a-

hl« ;,ud wiiiii,.; i yaar'a IrM rlaaa r,.fT-¦.nces; c_i leok aft-r ho'a»«. Of.J m<;d-t-ste waa ¦ .'..'I oi adrir>- ADVERT1SEB,in Eaa ti-t-st;_11 SF.FI'I.-M AN. n.v a jouiig man: .anU i:,iii<. drlve. tena furnaee. and I* will

.¦-. t.i make blmaelf generally aaefal lnhoarding-bouae .,: geotleman'a pMea; i«h ody wi»h earpentar t»ioi-: wages u,-,,i.,. i. good referancea. i. 0., TribuneOfflce.

If SEFVL-MAN wanti wof?! "al>...iJ houae; under-...!- d- r11. eare of furnaea.

Mldiess KllIN" MAN'.I.N. S'.. Hailhoio.mew'a Mlaaion, 12.1-m*... near 8d-ava.| . -i.i t'l.-M.-.N.- An rlderli alngte maaKJ wlahea a plaee of truM; .ar* a f.-.vH..S. horaea, genaral work: miik, drlva

.ind !*ui(ien worh; Kferaoaa and s-curity.e Parh Row,

IT SEFVL-B \ Nr. wllllng and obBgfiigT' w l-in s > . i-i afieii to »tt' r.d furnac." »-l,..,'(.. blmaelf ueeful: eood rafereoca. JOS.UERWIC_J 1,008 lstave.

WAITER ci.iK ;iv Praneh eouple 00gMtleinan'a plare: man .!> tlrs'-i«4»

walter, aoderatanding thoroughlr his dutlaa;uife :>- pxeelltat rooh and good bahar;is.ih willliik' and obliglng: country |.r, vf.,,.,.,1 _eM life ,. (¦ r.Mlees'*,t. U. Box 10, Tribune L'ptown Oile ...i.:iM Qroadway.Wa i i:i'".- Br a good walter; botel or

reatauraot or luaen rauatar. Apply181 i';,ft ;i ni--'.. Brooklyn.WAMi'Ji. Ilv .1 young n»u. |«,sltlon ln

,i prlvata f-in i v ."'¦ r a.d i.idti.trloua; refereneea. s. RIRAOOBIAB, 230

i,sf (Hd- t._WAITER, Be..By a colored man. bmb.

r'ed. as waltai .r pertar B hoard.Ing-houa beet referenee. W, T.. 138w¦ st -_4Mi--t.. top Boor, i'U'1:._WANTF.D.-Ry 0 Hooi , aober alcule

Oeriran, altuatlou on geuUouao'aro'.otry tiia.-e: uoderttande lhe .are s and eowa; k.vkI plaln uaa-ooer; 8

ra' experienee: good Mf-raneaa glven.AddreM .'. I' Bo_ !». Tribune a praetl aT Borlat and

r'.eeer ai.uitlo.i o-i privat- place;t oro g'u. >i do.»tJiid« his bu-lnes*: alsothe lavlng out of rrounda. Bawer* and horti..ulnre ln all It- hr'ii'-'ie-; fierman »e" so.rnried-a a -J f-.-!'v CHARLF.M B'li.T.t,.nr"'of '«! R. n-r-maiin. Borlat, ITatbusii.

i.. i. Biaaaa no rai '-

,OFNH MA.\ AND WIPE w-n.r werk.cithipg- both Pdui-Btad, h- n.«t, aod

.i .',.fe.e,.e. Addreaa c. II. P. BB,-t ISd-al

Domt-Gtic 8iitiatio:is lUanifliFeuiales.

AvuiM, WOMAB would l!k,' jK)«itionas rompaoloo t>. middiaacad lad. ga.

ioa to Eurouo or south (or wlntar; oelalQualltlcaUona couM ba n»-rui M faaaj,' iv-. only reepaaalbM peraooa aaed »n--w.'r ui...xce'itioiialili- rafercn >¦.. CSblONAL, Box 20. 1,00.Mh-TB._A_a -A.-LADLEO ar- iiivitci to> .all at

. _i amMaj-iant pa.iors; good, com-

p. teut l.-lp of all uat.oua and >.(gaad MWMMaaa pan b- obt-in..."tther bv .alllui o;- .endlu* your ord< r»J,, e»_e state parth-ulaih, vraB.s. A,.. audTour o-der- wiii rueelve prorapl attantlaa.N'OBLETT, 101 Weat 45th-st., ::>7 Cth-ave.

ALi. KIND8 ol (lerman aarvaaM withtli.t- l»». i.f-i.iic- alway* on .,..'

'oi clty or country. 1. SONNENSCIIEIN'BMPLOYMENT 01 IH ;:. 1-. .d-av.c.


ALADV of 60, wlahi s a sltnattou -*at Itaker and c.,i:ipanl..ii of a<?'d

p«raons or BMBaai inust be *.>!" to aa*ri.r kindnp4»...-. Addraaa mat.v haLL,.18 etii _vp._ti I-I.' il.MANl V." .\1A.N i-oUld llko tot\ |.it by the day nweepCB eleaulagand aaaUng; anly prlvata bualllaa nead »:¦.pl* referencea no carda. Mi>. M.K.. ltl\V, ,t dOth-al, 2d floor, fnint.

AWOMAN Ui work out hv dav at wa«h.ln_ ironlng. acrubblog, houaecleau.

Ing; larauB >.¦ *** wbm tOBUa., raar.

Vi ii N" <>1RL to wnlt on lad.v wlUlagaid oUunig: ptaln scwti.!?: h..sf e|ty

r,.f. ,»,..,.. M B V; iilbun.' IptowuOOtoB. 1.-88 Bwadwar._As \i ii vi ii'at glrl, IO w-mheo pa-

atttoii ».> adr'a mald or auMstaui. w.-ildtravl BELLA CORBBTT, HO BMB1 Oth-at.


Domeotic Gittutuin CDartter>PHBB38*

-A.-a.MU&. L. HKELY,

(fo.i-rly Mlas L. CaapbeU.)<m wttiT riu^'xi



hTHC'lLy» b;o»»lug en«ra*eni»oU wlli be

di»nii-«,d from oaicc and torfelt all c.Uete fe e pald.

u. u.-no BnANCH omc*.0* WEfcT 2V_»-nT.


A'.IUI.. I, to I'i y.«i>. to n,ak<i herailf.iM-fo. in} ol thre. alulls. Call

1.-.2 l.i-l 47Ui-»t.. Il<ani> boll.4. LADY arlabee '.. l.nd a ettaattoa in to«-«

/i, oi ., tiM, fo. .. " Bl glrl to,...-t in lure of ihlldn.-n. Aj-ply at .I js- 40ihvl._Ai-);,'\\ w.ii,un wonld teke a

ilitld to rarc for at i.v-r o«n houie. Ad-u,.-* VV. ElXiAlt, 2)3 iai-t ...d »t.

CsjiA.yjni.,iMAii» iiy * yo'.iiK m i. a/, ..... .- , ln B |irlvB8a

fa.i.lly; willlns to a-slat wlth other work:.. fio.i. .a-t i.i.pioycr. 1.5

\V. st .,;..! .... Ilubert bell._CII.WlKi- uMaIH ai.'l W.\i IM.s-.. 11/

iblc young peraon ha* ov-t titvr. lercnec. ' all or addreaa MAB1, eare of.VII,. l.Atl'.V 3_j iilo-ivc._

Cv..i i.: v> \, liii-.s.«,._i:yy a Vnr.h of Ircl.nd I'r-.tntant; l» O'-'t. wUUng ....d r.bliglag; baa eaaeUeat,- -.,- nl 7i'J O.h-avc, ne-ir

l.d «t,______1' 11A M 111 ;RWORK or LA C XORESS .\i |;v i lii, i, J- tlon to ciub-hoUS*.

ili at 340 Weat 2",ih-.t._,Cit x xi i.i.itM x 11) and SEWINOv-By aa

Aaavtcaa piri; or wouta aaaa* witaugBt liinwii'iii. Apply to 121 Wcst 3-)'h--. call threa flaya._,/ uiamiiermaTd and wAHRESs.-v-rpt> ie.n and thi, l.v 0 eonntgf; spen-,ld te:.-i Bcea from li-t ru.ptoyer. Call or L1LL1E, lol W -l 45Ui-at., .»7oOi-ave,, eare HOBLBTT._.C'HAMBERMAlO aod WAIIBBBB..By'a rapable, ncit. tnlr Kreu-Mi glrl: eity

ui eountry; best refei i.cee; wlllln*. Boa'ft,aober. <all 272 Olh-avr., t.ear 17th-itt. M.l,II A 1.1,_S._Cs ii VMBEitMAin.-Ladi wlafeaa to flnd a

> alt. o -ood. rellabln aiei to take,in- of growlng ...iwr-.i and do llght BMaa>berwork. Pleaa* -aii at 84 Weet '.'Othst.,'...f..:, 12 ai.d 3 »'i'>-'.<._ r

(^:i kUBERMAIO Bv a Or't-tlans youna;*¦ _:il iu (irlvsl- fatr.lly, will Baaaal 'vitli

---liinvt ard Iroiiiiiv: Nsst aaBMBBM 08.Call 848 Baot IJth-st. no eards.

c HAMBERMAID. By u reapc.t.M*yonng woman; will aleep botne. Ad-

.- K, BROCK, 210 Weet________

CH 'MBERMAII* oi \\ AI'I Ki..sS.-Hv a..--.>,.-:.:,,. rouag woman: .o objectlm.

t. prlvat- boiirdjng-nouse; u-.od tefcruiee.123 Weat ooth-st rlt.g lu'.y's i> li.

CIIAMBEP.MAIO .nd w.\iT'.;f->s-i:ya:. experleaced voui k glrl »;ood eity raf.IT\

tity .iti'm

.Mrs IU .x V '. h'iO >1-k e.

/s IIAMIlKi:MAi,J iiiiMVAITHI's \:r\.> a roung ulr! ln private far-.llv M T**tv

r.-f,--f,.e. .v.ldi -- v C. Boa 200,ii..- ifptvwn Oflice, I 23s lt oadarap.

CIIA.MBI J'.MAill aH-.-B.. :. i.¦¦;.-¦¦_.: l.*voung iflrl: aaalat nIti, vsasiiinic uoa

..frilJ of work; gooJ rafereacea. 250 w, si:.:. s.:___'rtAMBERMAlB and \VaI Iti's.s. ti\a oeat, tidv, thorouahlv eompetent voou*

-Irl llr-t-ilae» -.'v r f< r4»Be M WBBU 88-.- v, iti. waabiog: moderate *avr*- tttf

,,r countrv. Call il 114 I...-- .1-' at

CUaMBERMAIO s:d iv.ilTKI>s.-llr¦ n:i»t.-tit ftwedlah glrlj r-'fen-uoe,

Call Mrs. MAlJCBERO, S.vdlsh Bunan,352 ltli ave.. 1 Blgttt BB, m b _____< r atore.

C04>K.-By a reaps-tabic wonian I. a prt.\i.U- faimlv inidei^tamls <-. okln;: In all

braachea; eaai bafce eatlre eharge <>f kileav.en eater _i«,d: b >t elty raftraoeee.I.. H. Box 18, T.'lbuiie I'ptown <)f)i«a,l,28H llio.dwa.v._(si-.iK. \s~iZnk. ui nl.e privata fan.lly;j .an make good im-t-v aad deaa

gOOd rif'-cnees f,,,i:i lift |ii:t'--. 237 I. tt2-tli-st.. 2-1 llooi.____Cook., vviii <-oo:< lon'.. -. a

Ot .:t,.tivrs for pr'vate famil'es Ht th lri.-M'd -ue.-. JOHNBOX, 180 Weat 2>th-e\,3d roor._COOK..By a la. <» ik witii 4 .v.e.rl»,

best clty r-frr-iiecs ln u pnvat> familywhere kltehenii.ald is l.ept. 130 1 -a53d st. .Jrloonijl;_COOK..Aaalat wlth wnshing: good. rolW

.-.t,... roung woman; e.rellan' eooij,-o ..I l.aki'-r; tlti- d-jn-rts: w.i Sn;.ia<e eitv .,- eountryJ i.o'id r-fei-eii-e. i .il1.017 O.ii-ave.. bc1-. -"7th ai.-l BBta »i*._CiOOK, WASHER and IRONER or"

l HOI'SEWiiRKKK.-i o-i \* -fiiMt vo-.goinan not afrrnd of arark or large faniii;- :

i-aretlent oook; ilmt-elav-c. »aj»l;.-r au*iionr: doea s.'iii.s: araata alaoe -itv ,.rlonntrv: p-rsoual re'eronce, Call l,ul7Oth-uve betwoea 07lh und 5Hth atw.

C~»0)ir WA8HER aad 1RONXR.- By' compeu-nt youn; woman: ektellent

io'U; ii.n'-'- bread, atoeall aaaaa and d .».

erts; exeeUent waaher and Ironer; wsntanta.i'v or eoaatry; Mod lafaaauoa Call1,017 838*V8.. bet. 57th and 8Hth sts._C^'O.lK..Bj- a i-ouip-wiit youue vvomaa

/ und .ratauda ull klnd* of cooklng thor-uuglilv; cxc-llent l^undrees; beat refcr-eaeea. ^:all atj284Jd-ave.___

K>B lirat rlaaa; can g"t ui. dirneroand lunchroiis do n...rlc-tliig. If d-slr d ,

bv day or pennnni-ntiy. good elty r..I-r-efleea. 158 Wtet 1 fllght._C~^OOK..By~jount' 8*odlali glrl, aprjik-

j Ing Uugllsh; excelb^it bakcr, vb'cic.Leaeeeu; mark -flm; willlng, obllglnc andlirualworthy clty or eountry; beet of is-f-'r-uueaa fr.uu 1 -iuf ^ familios. 367 4th-ave.._5Ui_and 20th rt».


COOK..P.v a Protaataat woman; aai I-lent soIids. rneate, d.*«ert». and ?oo*

lak.r: beat i-f-renco. 932 JM-a\^e._COOK..B| n voung North (J. r.-i.-in «lrl

a« good fautly cook: ap>aka Englb<h|andi latinds he- |BI*Biaa ,horou«hly; eity Ofeountry; refeeeaas. Call or apply 357 lth>ave.. bet, 38* and 21'ith sts._CvmiK <B» a roapaotabto BnajlaB

» prateotaat: <-eono.;,icii: ezcelirnt toaaVIr eaafe; do s cearae araahliui: i»est , itv or eauatry, VrTtk Mrs. TTLBBa.s,s uth-ave._,C"iOOK w v! rREai* itv two -tr-'ii,

B< ot h I' ot stan a, to ii g naral work atfamllv m at and M_eoagh: .;/or eountry. Wlth Mr>. TYLER. m* o:h-_.

COOK.-By a i-ompetcnt woman ln pr--va:- landly: underafanda all kinds of

.no- de**erts, bread and ixwt r»-f-r-i ,i .. .il..' -- 1<A II'. -are ,f

Nobictt, 101 \v -. IJth-at 707 eth-are.

COOB *. I' .. aipetenl K'-.eii eoa* ln¦ |, iv t lamly; soid ct rl r m-a

Bj. n. i... Trlbune I'ptaara Oaaaa, 1,23*IIroadway._CUOH By a reMabl" rolored woauui. aa

rtret-eUaa. ln aaaH prftrata famlly:waifen not so lou-h :vn otj st ss u <jiim*

r '.r - - gtvatt. J..1 a-- 15 C'»r-¦i. lla-at.. 2d floor, f aai,


_-iUiMC. CUAMBERMAIO and WAIT-\- RESS-.By a Bwedlali rr-.t atant all;iOod euok, vv-ish-r a.d lionr; exc-'

.ii.'¦ .-:...'.! and walt ,--a. exeellanl ref r-eicea. R'ady at th- PRO ll3S rAN i 1IU.MBPCRKAC 1.1s Ofh-ax n-ar li't'i-itt.

C.OOK. iiv ,,n.;. v : Mreanan forhoU.-l or boaiding-hou^'-' BBtkea D strl.-a,

touoa dc«»ei-u; clty or i-ountryj reverenee....;( 138 oth-ave., near lotn-et. T11* HOMHBUKEAlf.


C" ' iii)K, EaCMJREaiei -11 OU8EWOR"k .

' Bv Scot-h Pratoaaaata, nn.ther .1'l»uglit<-r: nood ehainb-riuald, wallreae aj.dhousuvvorker; for clty or eountry: en-elleot.ovk and launflrc-s. B.-adv at tha UuMtlBfREAtT, 118 Otb-aTa_tCUOhi and HOWBEWURK B.v two NorU

of Ir-'laod Protefltaat -Iris one ^«>dL<x)k, laandraaa; other thorough ehamber-mald. Baltiaaa. ir. irood vv..rk, r»; ref-r.neoa; for lt) or eoujitry. Ready at thofiOMK BI'RbaC, I3h gth-ave.jtaoe lOth-at,l70r>K. WASHER and IR0XER.-BJ *tl Beotcb Prateatant; g"od -ook; wttbref r- nc - f_r tv or ..a rv. R- adv at tha[iiME B'-'I:EALr. 13- Otli av ne.r 1f>h.__CSOOX..Bl a i.l.ilu eooli. where UVre la

/ in. waahlag >.or IrontoB; vv»cc» ti'ii,-i meath a. m. Mamaroneek. BL T.

C.OOE. Ia a private, »hov .». ki'.elen BlH - keptl -t -¦tv ref-r-

enee. Pleaae call oi addreaa COOK. 318Kast sad-at._ ,

(s.iuK.-Bv a compi-teiit ooH thor-j oughli underatanda in-r bualneaa ,-i .iil

lu branehea; Blgheai refere..a frotn n-satan-lll ». T. M Boa 03, Tribaae tfptawaOfBoe, 1,288 Rroadway.

Ci.i ik -ln -.. tl. ir., Ighl) ."'.:

li.ii.i.- ai. t eeonoanleal .¦ litoit iir«t-i-las» boardlag-bo. Bra*.

;,.. ,;...- rf-rni'ss: ln- ad. -.ii|,- d.-»-,. . . |t] 81 ,.'iiut:i. <al! a8

114 li-f Ust-st._C~ ii.ih. WAMH aad lf."\. Bj a,

thoivugblv eornpeaeat yaaauj b'H:v-j.'- iir-t-.-.a-s clty refareaeae; good

'. ..*! hl^.i.t- -o.i|is il -s-.-r'.s wllliiiKand o'llanig: mod-nit' w»ir**; ilty orrountrr. Call at 114 K.-: 11,i.t.


Ci.MI'KTI \T imiK ...! get ll|> dla-crs m Ininhes. jircfer- gi-sl lioni- to

hleh waircs- elty i- f. r-n,-> C. MAt K,3.0 i:bsi Btd'Ot.


Ci,,.rt w v. ¦;, s-. ns tv,,, s-.> .lish¦ .ri- a-lUi ' 4 >¦¦¦¦ RW1 ni>n m

UEAI 108 8d-ave. ao .ard-. Be advan-a___

iiMlK or COOK iiiid i.AI NPIU ss._Rya \.-iv eaaaMa |trt; etay or o.».nt.y:

,- »l ref.-i. ii, i- not aftald of work gooOeook and leundraaa. Call fTS Oth-ave.. oeaf

M-s ll.M.l.s._Cook ..- i.m \,u; -By . je;if

glil; beat refereoee. Call 43. waa*irth-st._Ci'"i. i-.v i young woman aa gof* eook;

Ad-ii . w.. rr-.x v45.188 l-ast l7tlist.

_ __^_triOOK. Itv tlr-t.,; W.-l.h ¦Prot.j_kM.t-:\. i.bjact ona t -o.r-e waablng be*t »frefereoee*; tltj ar eaaBtry. ragaee »au74U 3tb-ave aear i'2d-st.

t~»OOK.-By a flr»u lass t.e:ioa:. Prit-. .stant; beat r.-ferv... en: uooka all

...i.ds of dessert-. Baa*ry, toa i-rci.m^u.eotA*>c no due t.on t.. private ae nn- b/iirdingfouM," < .T- ." Mr/ "WK^Tll* Baal!2lh-»t. bctw-e.i 8-1 a-nt 4th Bve-._<

,..|. ..,.1 .s.vMM'Kl.vs CHAMBI K._. MAID and W vlTRf-SS. By Wn aea8..u\i'ih l'iot--«t. .ut te st lefe-iHi.-es; to-

g.!tn"r or Mr-. Coi.l.II.,1. 12*Weat 2«rt-»t._,>s."o.>K or LAC'nBUVM^-HT a com_sM-.itt won-ao eaod riw ___«»«.: ___*¦/.,, b,. ou-. of town Addi-iw« )) O nt>\ 0,Trlbune l-i.t-.wn f»fli,-r._L5.W lli.nlw._j__

(Cantlnued on Fifth P-ge*
