news template 2

Upload: joana-marie-cruz

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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tips for news writing


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- follows the inverted pyramid format

- must be at least 6-more paragraphs- Title must have Subject, Object, and VERB (should be precise)

-use of on the other hand, etc. to denote contrasting facts, - do not always use passive sentence structure - most of the time it should be ACTIVE.-always take into consideration the question Who cares? and So What? - always account the interests of the readers.

- in translating direct to indirect quotation, avoid the use of that. Ex: He said that

- most common news type is straight news. If given a speech , interview or letter as fact sheet, always write a straight news, otherwise stated.

Title: Subject - Verb - Object

Angle: *First, consider the topic that has will create a greater impact to the readers.

*Then evaluate which topic has the greatest number of information

*The angle should be specific.

Content: *Lead paragraph (Ano ang sinabi at sino ang nagsabi)

-date and place can be included if necessat\ry

Preferred structures

1. Whats the news all about, who said.

2. Who said verb ______whats the news all about,______________.

Examples: (all from: J. Galvez)

The Department of Agriculture (DA) sought zero duty on Philippine sugar exported to Japan, stressing that Tokyo has failed to reciprocate a reduction in tariffs on farm products as required by a free trade agreement between the two.

Public school teachers nationwide will stage a sit-down strike on Tuesday to demand a salary increase and the resignation of President Benigno Aquino III, a party-list group announced. *Second paragraph (can be a quotation, or additional information that will support the lead)

(LEAD) Vice President Jejomar Binay refused to make any comment on President Benigno Aquino 3rds 6th and final State of the Nation Address (SONA), saying he will respond in due time.(SECOND PARAGRAPH) Vice President said in due time [he will be delivering the true SONA] just wait and see for hiis response in due time.

*Succeeding paragraphs (other facts not stated in the lead)