newsasset publishing edition powerpoint 2014 english


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Newsasset is an innovative cross-media suite covering the overall planning, multimedia production & workflow, content management & archiving, as well as cross channel publishing / distribution needs of any contemporary media organization. It is the result of fifteen years development with continuous investment in new technologies. Newsasset is built around an ‘Integrated Newsroom’ concept, with strong multimedia and multi-channel publishing capabilities, covering print, web and all mobile technologies and allows users to deploy innovative new business models and strategies that deliver a significant competitive advantage. Newsasset is a mature solution that satisfies every concern, be it to expand capabilities, streamline operations, support changes in business models, explore novel social network and mobile environments, or just replace a multitude of systems with an all-in-one system. Newsasset constitutes a uniform environment with advanced processing and workflow capabilities that maximize efficiency at all stages of a Media Organization’s business procedures. It uses industry-standard technologies and can be deployed either as a “stand-alone” platform with its own print, web and mobile modules or integrate with existing 3rd party systems already in use at a specific site. Newsasset offers comprehensive business functionality, in combination with advanced technology and scalable architecture. Its modular architecture, with standard and optional modules, guarantees interoperability, scalability and the flexibility to be easily extended according to the dynamics of an ever changing media environment. Newsasset is available in two different editions, one for News Agencies and one for Publishers and can be deployed in any language.



2. A.T.C. s.a.At A GlanceParent Company of NewsassetLtd. 3. ATC saATC at a glanceFounded in 1987 inAthens, Greece150 employees(130 ITengineers)Presence inAthens, London,Dubai, KievCustomers in 15countries Private IT company (SME) with ownsoftware products, support andintegration services Research oriented with 25 years ofexperience in R&D projectsAUTHORISED PARTNERAuthorised DistributorAuthorised ResellerValue Added ResellerSolution Partner 4. ATC saA.T.C.s ActivitiesFor more than two decades, ATC provides high quality IT solutions through efficient servicedelivery in Europe, CIS States, the EMEA region and the US. We have deployed teams inwidely varying marketplaces along with local partners and client teams.We work for several global industry players, renowned News Agencies and PublishingOrganizations in Europe & Russia, as well as financial institutions in Europe.We are a key partner in the Steering Committee of NESSI, the European Technologicalplatform for Software and Services, along with SAP, IBM, NOKIA SIEMENS, THALES,FRANCE TELECOM, TELECOM ITALIA, ENGINEERING.A Strategic Research & Development Partner of the EU Commission, participating in R&DPolicy formulation in EU-27. Partnering in research projects with IT and Media companiessuch as, DW-World, Xerox, Google, AFP, RIA Novosti, BBC, IBM and many more.Our continuous and successful investment in R&D is reflected in our ranking as 6th in thetop 20 SMEs in the EU for R&D.A Microsoft, ORACLE, Google, FAST, Adobe, Quark, VODAFONE, SABA, EPICORtechnology Partner 5. ATC saA.T.C.s ActivitiesBusiness Solutions- BPO Manufacturing Banking Budgeting/Planning IT ServiceManagement Service Enterprises CMMS Ticketing Hospitality ShippingMedia & ContentSolutions News Management DocumentManagement Publishing Web solutions Corporate Portals Digital SignageHuman CapitalManagementSolutions Learning, Talent &PerformanceManagement CollaborationSolutions Web-conferencing Testing &Assessment Off-the-shelf &custom coursewareInnovation Lab Custom applicationdevelopment Mobile applicationdevelopment EU & Nationalfunded R&DPrograms ProjectManagement Platform Integration 6. COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS FOR MEDIAProduct Suitesnewsasset Agency: fully integrated Multimedia News Mgmtsystem handling all News Agencies operations.newsasset Publishing: End-to-end Editorial system forPublisherswebasset: our advanced, flexible platform for creating andmanaging web portalsmobileasset: newsreaders and other native applications for allthe widely used mobile platforms (iPhone, Windows Mobile,Symbian S60, Blackberry, J2Me, Android ) as well as MobileWeb Solutions. 7. newsassetwebassetmobileassetSOLUTIONS FOR MEDIAadasset (ad booking & account management)classified ads managementdigital signage interface 8. COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS FOR MEDIAModular, configurable, easily personalized solutions for mediaorganisationsEasily adapted to customers environment and philosophyCovers all aspects of activity in a media organisationSolutions built around powerful news content managementtools, independent of publishing channelsJournalistic approach to editorial system environmentSeamless integration with existing third party systemsSignificant cost reduction & enhanced production quality 9. SOLUTION FOR MEDIANewsassetPublishingdesigned anddeveloped to be anall-in-one uniformsolution for mediaNews &ContentCreation &AggregationBroadcastingKiosk & Mediae-ShopSubscribers &ServicesManagementCross MediaPublishingClassified AdsManagementEditorialWorkflowAutomaticPage LayoutWebassetWeb & MobileCMSMobile &TabletApplicationsAdassetAd booking &Account MgmtDigital SignageInterfacingDigital AssetManagement 10. newsasset publishing COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES: FUNCTIONALITYnewsasset Competitive Advantages: FunctionalityUnique, multilingual one click multi-channel publishing distribution :Automated cross-channel publishing process, with only one-click you candeliver your content anywhere and to everyone leading to operational costreduction.Powerfull Digital Asset Management: One centralized environment forstoring all the multimedia assets, ability to re-use content, filter and searchcapabilities but above all promote collaboration.Automatic Page Layout: Minimize Pagination Time & Effort. EnsuredIntegration of Planning, Newsroom & Archive Departments with Prepress &Page-Layout Depart.Realtime Monitoring: Take Real Control over the layout process beforeeven starts. Real-time production monitoring for multiple publications andissues minimizing errors and enhance productivity and agility.Subscribers & Services Management 11. ARCHITECTURE 12. PUBLISHING EDITIONModular, configurable, easily personalized solution for media organisations,leading to significant cost reduction & enhanced production qualityReceivingEditorial & Issue Planning,Multimedia Production & Workflow,Realtime MonitoringArchiving & SearchingAutomatic LayoutMulti-channel Publishing & distributionMobile & Web Publishing, Social MediaInteraction with other systems 13. PUBLISHING EDITIONMultiple Receiving ServicesEnhanced automated reception of newsassets from multiple media, sources andwiresConfigurable engine for ingesting newsassets (files) from any source, deliverychannel and format. Integrated serialport capability.Supporting all standard industry dataformats (ANPA, IPTC, NewsML etc.) 14. PUBLISHING EDITIONEditorial & Issue PlanningEasy Creation & Monitoring of complex multi-edition print productsFlexible, Easy to Use, Multiple Views & Planning ModesAllows multiple users to work on the same planning projectTotally integrated with the editing and pagination proceduresSupports both template driven and content driven workflows.Conversion of Published Layouts to Production TemplatesFast real-time overview of work progress for multiple issues 15. PUBLISHING EDITIONMultimedia Production & WorkflowIntegrated Multimedia Newsroom ConceptCovering all editorial steps: ( planning, gathering &selecting, creating, editing & producing, publishing/distributing & archivingAn All in One system covering via a friendly,industry-standard interface:all sources of assets (internal, user generated, web accrued,wired)all types of multimedia assets (text, image, graphic, video, sound)all types of workflow (configurable) and news asset managementactivities. 16. PUBLISHING EDITIONMultimedia Production & WorkflowIntegrated Multimedia Newsroom ConceptChannel independent content & support for awide range of formats.Embedded Chat Server for messaging &Notification Server for enhanced Alert-basedNotificationsBased on Industry Standards (such as, IPTC,ANPA, NewsML, EventsML etc)Working together with widely used tools, i.e. MSWord, Open office, Photoshop 17. PUBLISHING EDITIONRealtime MonitoringReal-time production monitoring for multiplepublications and issuesReal-time overview of work progress at thelayout stage for multiple issues & publicationsPreview News Items & Articles in theselected Print layout template:Journalists preview articles in the selected template making any necessary changes soto fit perfectly in the layout during the automatic processEditors preview material in the layouts as it is getting created, before the layoutprocess even starts -> make changes/ give directions to the editorial team 18. PUBLISHING EDITIONSearching & ArchivingAdvanced functionality for:storing,searchingmanagement of multimedia newsassetsFlexible & smart query builder - User friendlyinterfaceSearch filters easily composed and applied.Filter- specific Notifications can be defined byeach user. 19. PUBLISHING EDITIONAutomatic Page LayoutSecure bi-directional access to the editorialdatabase in order to retrieve / updatecontentEnsured Integration of Planning,Newsroom & Archive Departments withPrepress & Page-Layout DepartmentsArticle and relevant material can beprovided to layout stage as ready-to-fit 20. PUBLISHING EDITIONAutomatic Page LayoutAutomatic Page Layout using the Update-All capabilities:Automatic linking and placement of articles and all other editorialcontent (images, graphics etc) into the layout/pagesAfter the automatic placement, content can be updated directlyfrom the editorial database while the page layout can be modifiedusing any of the InDesign functionalities.Advanced functionality for:editing layoutsmanagement of layout templates 21. PUBLISHING EDITIONSubscribers & Services ManagementSimplifies the process of creating and managing NewsServices/Products, for all supported delivery channels in variousmodes: fully automatic, user controlled semi-automatic manuallyProviding flexible Services to customers by exploring: metadatacontentExtensive Service/ Product configuration & personalizationPricing structure developmentAdvanced Subscription managementAdvertisement and notifications management,Fees calculation and integration with back office systems 22. MULTIPLE DELIVERY CHANNELSPrinted Media - Newspapers and MagazinesWeb Publishing & Social MediaPortal functionality, smart search and Web Marketingcapabilities trough Webasset CMSPopular Web features and social platforms supportedMobile Devices and e-readers: Mobile native applications (i-phone,Android, Blackberry, WM, Symbian, J2Me) Customized mobile Websolutions, new generation e-readersiPad & Tablet PublishingWEB ServicesRSS & PodcastingSatellite and alternative channels (ftp, email, serial port)Digital Signage 23. MOBILE & WEBMobile & Web Publishingmobile web: Provided by webassetnative applications for all Mobile platforms:(iPhone and iPad, Windows Mobile,Blackberry, Nokia, Android)Content can be provided by: newsasset webasset RSS feedsnewsasset e-Reader cms retrieving informationfrom other customers systems: Open API Push / Pull model 24. ONLINE NEWS & MEDIA APP for IPADnewsasset online news: functionality (1/2)Stories are arranged in categories like top news, world news, politics,business, technology, lawful subjects etc. 25. ONLINE NEWS & MEDIA APP for IPADnewsasset online news: functionality (2/2)Top Stories and latest headlinesAudio & Video playing optionsMultimedia items embedded in storiesShare news stories by email, Facebookand TwitterRefresh controls to see the latest storiesand updatesView Stories per categoryScrolling areas 26. ONLINE NEWS & MEDIA APP for IPADnewsasset online news: article readerShare news stories by email,Facebook and TwitterFont controls to increase ordecrease the story text size to suityouView list of stories of the samecategoryNavigate to next and prior story 27. Media eShopHelios Kiosk : eShop Portal forLambrakis PressHome Page Product Page 28. Media eShopHelios Kiosk : eShop Portal forLambrakis PressHTMLEditoreShop Admin Page Order Management Page 29. newsasset Tablet ApplicationsiPad & Android Tablet Development forPublishers and News Agencies 30. Customer Success StoriesHelios Kiosk : Android Tabletapplication for Lambrakis Press 31. Customer Success StoriesHelios Kiosk : iPad applicationfor Lambrakis Press 32. Customer Success StoriesHelios Kiosk : Newspaper iPadapplication for Lambrakis Press 33. Customer Success StoriesHelios Kiosk : Newspaper iPadapplication for Lambrakis Press 34. Customer Success StoriesHelios Kiosk : Newspaper iPadapplication for Lambrakis Press 35. Customer Success StoriesFileleftheros: NewsstandiPad application forFileleftheros Newspaper 36. Customer Success StoriesFileleftheros: Newsstand iPadapplication for FileleftherosNewspaper 37. Customer Success StoriesNea Kriti for iPad : Online iPadapplication for Nea Kriti Newspaper Dynamically Updated Content Dynamically Updated Appearance Dynamically UpdatedAdvertisement Social Network Connectivity Thematic Categories Multimedia Material (video, audio) Offline Reading 38. Customer Success StoriesNea Kriti for iPad : Online iPadapplication for Nea Kriti Newspaper 39. News & Media eReaders: FunctionalityFront PageCategory Based NewsLocal NewsBookmarksArticles support text,images & multimediaAudio & Videoplaying optionsSearchSocial Media: email, Facebook,TwitterGoogle Analytics (Mobile)Easily customizable Can be upand running in a month!Smartphone apps for journalistsalso available 40. Customer Success Stories iPhone appNea Kriti for iPhone :application for NeaKriti Newspaper 41. Customer Success Stories Real News iPhone appReal News for iPhone :application for RealNews Newspaper 42. Customer Success Stories Classified Ads appNea Kriti : Classified AdsApplication 43. Customer Success Stories Classified Ads appNea Kriti : Classified Ads Application 44. BROADCASTBroadcasters ModuleWith Newsasset Broadcasters Module it is possible to integrate Radio &TV news production workflows with Print, Web, Mobile and TabletPublishing, thus putting in place a true Create Once and Broadcast &Publish to Any Channel workflow, which incorporates all the operations ofa contemporary Media Organization.Key features of the Newsasset Broadcasters Module are:Integrated newsroom management for all activities of Media Organizations.Integrated Radio & TV, Print, Web, Mobile and Tablet Publishing productionworkflowsCommon Multimedia Database for all publishing / broadcasting channels.Publish to any channel with just one click workflow 45. BROADCASTBroadcasters ModuleView Program Schedules, Programs and News Items in customizablewindows environmentAdvanced text processing with estimated news reading durationNews Items include broadcast specific details (e.g. Headline, Reporter,Presenter, Program Order, Owner)Can integrate with news transmission automation software (e.g export contentto autocue)Print or send program rundowns, displaying topics, duration, order, presenter 46. BROADCASTBroadcasters ModuleEasily create auto formatted copies of program scripts, items and schedulesSeparate Search Interface for Program Items Archive: Search by channel,Program Type, Status (open or closed) Program Date, Program Time, andPatternsMOS protocol supportBroadcasters Module offers TV and Radio stations the ability to create dailynews programs according to customizable prototypes and schedule templates.Programs are displayed on a daily, monthly and yearly basis. NewsassetBroadcasters Module is an open system, which supports multiple broadcastingchannels, interfacing easily with existing 3d party autocue and newsroomsystems. 47. PUBLISHING EDITIONWhy Users Embrace News AssetMulti-channel publishing from one production platform, incorporating ATCs15 years of experience in media systems.Unique, end-to-end multimedia solution with flexible workflow control andreal-time monitoring.Efficient receiving, planning, editing, production, archiving and publishing.Short production cycles, through improved editorial process, built-in imageenhancement and automatic layout.Flexible and fully configurable solution, using media industry standards andchannel neutral formats, for fast deployment of multi-channel publishing.Graphical User Friendly InterfaceState-ofthe-art Web 2.0 technology and social networkingMultilingual platform, available in every language. 48. PUBLISHING EDITIONROI Factors for Implementing newsassetFactors influencing quick ROI of newsasset based on everyday operationsSubstantial reduction of production processing time and operationalexpensesCreation of a unified (for all file formats) and instantly reusable digitalarchive, simultaneously with the production processesMinimization of the time needed for collaboration and exchanging ofcontent between different users until the final form of the publicationControl and rationalization of the news publishing workflow, resultingin the minimization of errorsQuick new personnel training to the new technologiesInternal meetings time reduction 49. PUBLISHING EDITIONROI Factors for Implementing newsassetFactors affecting scale costs taking advantage of existing resources & equipmentCommon Investment for all publications of a media organization.Can be used as common newsroom and infrastructure for all printand digital channelsReduction of the Technical System Software Support needs andoperational expensesRedirection of the Technical Development personnel power toother revenue driven applications development 50. newsasset publishing COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES: ROInewsasset Competitive Advantages: ROI WINSFactors influencing quick ROI of newsasset based on everyday operationsDecrease Production Times (vs. multi-system installations) News Creation: 25% Multimedia Handling: 35% Layout 50%; Web Publish 70%Decrease Department Workload Editorial: 30% Correction: 25% Pagination: 50% Multimedia: 30%Slash IT expenses (CAPEX and OPEX) Only One system to maintain; minimal CAPEX (especially in Cloud / SaaS Offer)* This is an average time reduction estimation based on customers that already have systems, numbers can be improved for customers that have no systems 51.