newsletter #2

Hi, ALL! This is our 2nd edition of newsletter. As always there will be several updates, infos, directions, and focuses. Happy reading! :) Realizing that Indonesia so far has not been showcasing much, now all MCs are “pu(ni)shed” to make a Wiki (or two) about their own functions. And so did us! So, I proudly launch our Wiki for each SU and Expansion: SU: contentid=10236290# Expansion: contentid=10274114# Hopefully you’re inspired for making yours, too! Enjoy! :) [Launch] SU & Expansion Wikis! ISSUE #2 SU- EXPANSION NEWSLETTER [for VP Expansion] HAVE YOU GUYS: 1. Done the SU Winter Equipment (for existing SU’s)? 2. Made your Sept focuses and filled in tracker? 3. Had regular meeting with your expansion? 4.Waited for the SU Entities Announcement? ;) [for Expansion Presidents] HAVE YOU GUYS: 1. Re-checked your compendium for MMC Criteria (for ones who will be LC in MBC & NEC)? 2. Done little by little the Internal Audit checklist? 3. Set schedule for the OE visits to your coach? And tell your EB & MMB of the sched? 4. Started doing marketing for iGIP realization (for Unsri & Unhas)

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Page 1: Newsletter #2

Hi, ALL!This is our 2nd edition of newsletter. As always there will be several updates, infos, directions, and focuses.

Happy reading! :)

Realizing that Indonesia so far has not been showcasing much, now all MCs are “pu(ni)shed” to make a Wiki (or two)

about their own functions.

And so did us!

So, I proudly launch our Wiki for each SU and Expansion:




Hopefully you’re inspired for making yours, too!Enjoy! :)


SU & Expansion Wikis!


SU-����������� ������������������  EXPANSION����������� ������������������  NEWSLETTER

[for VP Expansion]HAVE YOU GUYS:

1. Done the SU Winter Equipment (for existing SU’s)? !

2. !Made your Sept focuses and filled in tracker?

3. !Had regular meeting with your expansion?

4.Waited for the SU Entities Announcement? ;)

[for Expansion Presidents]HAVE YOU GUYS:

1. Re-checked your compendium for MMC Criteria (for ones who will be LC in MBC & NEC)? !

2. Done little by little the Internal Audit checklist?

3. !Set schedule for the OE visits to your coach? And tell your EB & MMB of the sched?

4. Started doing marketing for iGIP realization (for Unsri & Unhas)

Page 2: Newsletter #2

1. BINUS: Universitas Negeri Jakarta – Jakarta

2. UI Universitas Al-Azhar Indonesia – Jakarta

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara – Jakarta

Universitas Islam Negeri – Jakarta

3. UB Universitas Ma Chung, Malang

Univ Jember, Jember

4. UA Universitas Negeri Padang – Padang

Universitas Sumatera Utara – Medan

5. UD Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana – Salatiga

Universitas Jend Soedirman – Purwokerto

Universitas Lambung Mangkurat – Banjarmasin

Universitas Mulawarman - Samarinda

6. Bandung: Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa - Banten

Universitas Tanjung Pura – Pontianak

Universitas Riau – Pekanbaru

And one new Expansion : Universitas Udayana Bali (UB)


Page 3: Newsletter #2

[GCP] One UNS student goes to UBS Hong Kong for GIP!

“ROSA (THE OGIP EP) WAS SEBELAS MARET STUDENT AND TOOK ACCOUNTING AS MAJOR. She graduated at this year and dared herself to join oGIP through AIESEC OE UNS. When SRB was held, I was so impressed. She was such a very smart girl!She raised on July, 2013 and began sending her application to many TNs. I could see that she was so passionated. We also helped to approach some

TNs but we've got rejected. 

I realized it's not that easy. We kept trying and trying and trying. After 1 month, Rosa called me, said that she was called by UBS Hongkong. The interview was by phone. After that the company sent her an email which said if she passed to the last step of selection, and she needed to make some requirement. Around 2 weeks, UBS Hongkong called her and yippee! She got accepted!

oGIP itself has only been established 3 months at AIESEC OE UNS, and this is my first experience as VP. Sending people to

have international internship experience is such a big responsibility! Although there's still a lot things that my team and I need to learn and do for making oGIP AIESEC OE UNS bigger & better in both quality and quantity. Rosa is good case practice to start this term. I am so proud with her. She makes us believe that there's nothing we can't do..



Raising 4Matching 1Realization 0

Page 4: Newsletter #2

UDAYANA VISIT WENT VERY WELL!First Day, The team had brief (re)coaching about AIESEC experience and programs, and also how to do marketing. They did the role playing of how to sell, what the worst thing might happen, branding, and everything.

Second Day, we were seperated into 2 teams: The guys did the ad hoc marketing and girls were doing the Info Session. I can’t really say the marketing had the best result since we had to compete with other people offering good opportunities as well for

the schools and NGO’s, but it was a way to go for starters like them!

And for the Info Session, it was a blast! At first we were kind of pessimistic there would be even attendants because barely promotion. In third day it turned out aroud 30 attendants came and around 7 applicants passed the selection.

Have I told you that we were in Bali Post, too? :)

The purpose for me visiting is actually checking and researching, both the Bali profile, students profile, and especially the SU Team about their next plan--SU or Expansion? If Expansion it is, then when will it be?

After intense discussion and considering many things, they decided they’re ready to be EXPANSION APPLICANT this September and be Initiative this MBC 2013.




Do’sPREPARE AND FINALIZE your visit plan at least 1 week before!

DO PHYSICAL PROMOTION & INFO SESSION, STARTS BY THE GYAP first instead of the founder team. You may promote the SU Team in the info session > more candidates.



Especially if you go to the new university who has alligned vission & mission while doesn’t really have similar organization. Trust me, they would kill to join ;)

Utilizing Your First Market 101

Page 5: Newsletter #2



AND HAVE A SYNERGY DISCUSSION with your LCP & other functions before you do visit. Don’t make decision by your own, otherwise it will be less effective.

• DISCUSS YOUR AGENDA WITH YOUR SU/EXPANSIONS. Do expectation setting virtually before you do the visit.

• COACH THEM WITH PRACTICE! Send the ppt if it’s necessary, make them read it and teach them by practice. For instance: how

to do [email protected], how to sell/do marketing, etc.


ACTIVITY so you can directly help, show and teach them how to do the operations properly

✓ BEFORE PEAK: HELP PHYSICALLY; promotion, Exchange Fair, marketing, etc.

✓ RIGHT AFTER PEAK: As Empowerment. Doing operation is not as easy as it seems, so empowering after “the war” would help to keep up the hype.

Bima, our Expansion

Coach, has been sent in order to check

the current condition of Unsri, as well as giving coaching yet consultancy for each functions, and LEAD session for EB and MMB. The visits went very good and OE Unsri were satisfied with the visits. Way to go, Bim!

It was a 3-day visit. He started by doing a “Coaching & Concultancy Time” per function. In 2nd day, he had Managers Talk--talking heart to heart (no EB), so that he could help to bridge them if there’s any misunderstanding or gap happened, followed by Compendium Induction, for them to be reminded about the criteria they need to fulfil in order to be an LC.

After burning their heads with compendium, they had LEAD Session (seperately for MB and EB), and open space afterwards.

All the best for OE Unsri! See you at MBC? :)


VISIT! If you ”think” they need your visit, or if you think visit can be done based on request, esp for those who have the SU/Exp in other city, then forget it.

Because the most important thing is the purpose of every visit you make. We don’t wanna be called “Function Jalan-Jalan Doang”, right? So at least make minimum visits you want to do, prepare the material well, then you’re free hot to go!