newsletter of the leura public school community

RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY RESILIENCE Newsletter of the Leura Public School Community Volume 8, Issue 19 Term 4, 2020 Week 7 Coming Events Week 7 24/11 Student Leader 2021 Speeches 24/11 After School Cricket program 25/11 Operation Art Virtual Workshop Stage 2 – 3/4C & 3/4M 26/11 Kindergarten 2021 Transition 27/11 SRC Fundraiser GREEN Day Week 8 30/11 Principal’s Assembly 1/12 High School Orientation Day Year 6 1/12 P&C Meeting 6.30pm 2/12 After School Cricket program 2/12 Creative Arts Showcase 3/12 Kahoot! Zoom 4/12 Stage 3 FUN DAY Week 9 7/12 K-2 Carols Assembly 7/12 Trees Adventure Excursion Stage 2 – 3/4C & 3/4M 9/12 Presentation Day Zoom 10/12 Trees Adventure Excursion Stage 3 – 5/6A & 5/6H 11/12 Calmsley Hill Excursion KJ & K/1F

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Page 1: Newsletter of the Leura Public School Community


Newsletter of the Leura Public School Community Volume 8, Issue 19 Term 4, 2020 Week 7

Coming Events

Week 7 24/11 Student Leader 2021


24/11 After School Cricket program

25/11 Operation Art Virtual Workshop

Stage 2 – 3/4C & 3/4M

26/11 Kindergarten 2021 Transition

27/11 SRC Fundraiser GREEN Day

Week 8 30/11 Principal’s Assembly

1/12 High School Orientation Day Year 6

1/12 P&C Meeting 6.30pm

2/12 After School Cricket program

2/12 Creative Arts Showcase

3/12 Kahoot! Zoom

4/12 Stage 3 FUN DAY

Week 9 7/12 K-2 Carols Assembly

7/12 Trees Adventure Excursion Stage 2 – 3/4C & 3/4M

9/12 Presentation Day Zoom

10/12 Trees Adventure Excursion Stage 3 – 5/6A & 5/6H

11/12 Calmsley Hill Excursion KJ & K/1F

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From the Principal…

Welcome to our Week 7 Newsletter. The end of the year is

fast approaching and it is hard to believe that there are only

17 more school days until the end of the year. While this year has certainly seen a fair few challenges,

it has also seen the importance of community, wellbeing and resilience.

Staffing During 2021 Mr. Kevin Bartie, who has been a long term member of staff and valued teacher in our

community, will be taking leave in the hope that this leads to retirement. I know Mr Bartie is going

to miss our school, students, staff and parents. I want to wish Mr. Bartie a fantastic time as he

heads into retirement and all the best as he enters a new chapter in his life. Thank you for your

many years of service as a committed and hard working classroom teacher at Leura Public School.

I’m sure you will be missed by everyone in our community!

During 2021, we will also see the glowing Mrs. Jacqui Crowe take maternity leave as she begins a

beautiful new chapter in her life, having her first child and starting a family. I want to wish Mrs.

Crowe all the best with her beautiful new addition and let her know that although we will miss her

next year, we look forward to her return.

I want to formally congratulate Miss. Di Kipp, who was successful in gaining our School

Administrative Manager position. We are very fortunate to have Miss. Kipp with us more

permanently, as she is an asset to our school and community.

As a result of our staff changes we are already planning for 2021. I want to thank the amazing Mrs.

Vikki Willmott-Sharp and the wonderful Mr. Steve Atkinson for their work and support on the

Temporary Teachers Panel for 2021. We are looking forward to announcing to our community who

our 2021 teachers will be in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more information about 2021

in the next Newsletter. I know that this recruitment process has highlighted the strength we have

when working in partnership with our community. Our students are always the priority when making

decisions and we know we want Leura Public School to be the best that it can be.

Premier’s Debating Competition What an exciting time it is for our community. With so many challenges during 2020, the Senior

Debate has brought along some fun, cheer and increased community spirit to our school! Thank you

to the outstanding Mrs. Aldred for her coaching, organising and guidance. Thank you to our talented

students who have demonstrated their commitment to being life-long learners by taking on constant

feedback to improve their debates each week. Finally, thank you to our fabulous parents and

caregivers for helping us in preparing for the debates each week. It certainly takes a community to

bring the best out in our children! We are now in the top 16! What an achievement! I am so proud

and I look forward to the next debate which will be held on Friday 27th November 2020. We are

debating against another South Sydney School, Laguna Street Public School. GOOD LUCK LEURA


Leura Rocks! This fortnight our students will listen to two songs that go with Green Day and


The first song is Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day. This song

was released in 1997 as the second single on the Nimrod album. I know that

this song does not have an environment theme to it but the lyrics go well with

our end of year celebrations and the Year 6 Farewell.

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Our next song is It’s Beginning To Look Like Christmas song by

artist Michael Buble. This song was written by Meredith

Wilson in 1951. This song was originally called It’s Beginning To

Look Like Christmas. This song has been performed by many

artists including Bing Crosby. However, in more recent times,

Michael Buble has released a version that is well received by

people around the world. I am slightly biased about loving

Michael Buble’s version because his song Everything was my

wedding waltz dance song.

Health and Safety During this semester, we have had a few students fracture bones either at home or at school in

unfortunate accidents. We want to ensure that our students keep safe and minimise the risks that

they further injure themselves while on school grounds. It is important that our parents and

caregivers let the school know if their child has had a significant injury that requires wheelchairs,

crutches, slings or casts. I will need to complete a risk management plan with parents and

caregivers. This ensures that students have all the supports needed in staying safe at school and

reduces the risk that a further injury will occur.

School Photos 2020 Our school has recently received our school photos and we are hoping to send them home with

students this week. I want to thank Miss. Di Kipp in the office. She has been an absolute diamond in

getting this process complete. We hope families enjoy this special keepsake of their child’s schooling!

Presentation Day 2020 On Wednesday 9th December 2020 (Wednesday, Week 9), our school will be hosting its Annual

Presentation Day Assembly to recognise student achievement. It will be no surprise that we will be

altering the format for this event to ensure we are Covid safe. K-2 Presentation Day will start at

9:30am and the 3-6 Presentation Day will start at 11:45am. Letters to parents and caregivers of

families who have students receiving awards have been mailed out an invitation to come along to

share their child’s success in being recognised at our School Presentation Day. A Zoom link has been

provided on the invitation. We do want to keep the awards a surprise for our students and parents.

We really appreciate your support and understanding with this process.

Creative Arts Showcase 2020 This year, our students will showcase their achievements in the Performing and Creative Arts online!

We will be utilising the school website and Facebook page to inform parents about our creative

pieces of work. This will be accessible during Week 8. I know that our teachers are working hard to

ensure our Creative and Performing Arts is celebrated within our community. We value our music and

visual arts program and recognise the importance that this curriculum area has in engaging our

students and providing them an opportunity to be expressive and appreciative of all art forms.

Birthday Celebrations In accordance with updated Covid-19 guidelines, if a student would like to celebrate their birthday

with their classmates they can now bring in commercially prepared, pre-packaged individual items to

share. We are still unable to have home-made treats as current guidelines require food preparation

outlets to have a Covid-19 Plan. Please remember that we are a nut aware school. Thank you for your

ongoing support.

May Ptolemy Principal

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This year the Voluntary School Contribution charged to school families is $50.

These funds will be used to contribute to the cost of purchasing

literacy resources for Year 3-6 classes.

Total so far for 2020: $2994


CORE VALUES Term 4, Week 5

Class Respectful Responsible Resilient

KJ Lucas Zachary Harvey

K/1F Cooper Hamish Remy

1/2A Rhyleigh Rhyal Ella

1/2B Aydin Edward Susie

1/2S Luca Hannah Katja

NOTES/PAYMENT REMINDER To assist families, the following is a list of activities and associated costs, for which permission slips and/or

monies are to be returned to the school. If there are any difficult circumstances in regard to any payments by

the due date, for incursions/excursions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Trees Adventure – Stage 2 $29.00 Wed. 2nd Dec.

Trees Adventure – Stage 3 $29.00 Wed. 2nd Dec.

Band: Director Fee Term 4 $35.00 Due Now

Band: Tuition Term 4 $135.00 Due Now

Band: Instrument Hire Term 4 $50.00/$5.00 Due Now

Band: Director Fee Term 3 $35.00 Overdue

Band: Tuition Term 3 $135.00 Overdue

Band: Instrument Hire Term 3 $50.00/$5.00 Overdue

Voluntary School Contribution $50.00 (per family)


Friday 4th December 2020 Katoomba High School - Year 7 2021

Parent & Carer Information Evening

Tuesday 1st Dec. 2020 * 6.30pm – 8.00pm This information evening is designed for those parents &

carers of Year 6 students who haven’t already experienced a

tour of the school or received general information via the

Sneak Peek event earlier in the year. Due to Covid-19

restrictions it would be preferable for first time parents (no

students currently at KHS) to be first priority attending.

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Remembrance Day 2020 Alfred’s War by Rachel Bin Salleh

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Remembrance Day 2020 Alfred’s War by Rachel Bin Salleh

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The last remaining date for our Term 4 meetings is listed below. We’d love to see you at any of our meetings! Location details provided closer to date.

Tuesday, 1 December

General Meeting

6:30pm – 8:00pm (final meeting for 2020)

On School Grounds

From the

Uniform Shop…

In preparation for new and kindy students starting in 2021, we are seeking any

donations of size 8 uniforms. Please drop any donations

to the front office.



All P&C Executive positions were vacated at the AGM held on 11 Nov 2020 and we are thrilled to welcome some new people to the committee. The new committee for the next year is: ● Co-Presidents - Vikki Willmott-Sharp

and Caroline Casdagli ● Vice-President - Kate Fagan ● Treasurer - Feyruse Khatib ● Secretary - Winnie Lau ● Publicity Officer - Melinda Crumblin ● Fundraising Co-ordinators -

Sharon Wilson and Georgia Mike

A big thank you to everyone who has worked on the Committee and our events over the last 12-18 months. We could not have done it without you!

Book Club Reminder

Orders for our final Scholastic Book Club

catalogue close next Wednesday 25 Nov

2020. The easiest way to order is online at


Any cash orders need to be returned to the

office on the order form with the correct

money by the due date.