newsletter volume1 issue4

Volume 4 January 2015 Issue1 Zagdu Singh Charitable Trust’s (Regd.) THAKUR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-CIE To provide an inspiring ambience where young minds would be groomed to build a harmonious world and reach the heights of excellence. Grade 9 Roleplay ! Rendez- vous chez le médecin Role play simulation is a form of experiential learning that allows a teacher to transform students from passive to active learners. Incorporating role-play into the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and opportunities for a lot of language production and also a lot of fun! Role plays are an integral part of French class here at TIS CIE. It helps the students to understand perspectives of the people around them to get through life, and to understand themselves. These exercises are used to develop the kind of skills needed to make learned information useful in the real world. Students are trained and tested on spoken skills in class primarily, preparing them for the grade 10 IGCSE examinations. Students opting for French as a second language, are tested for their spoken skills as one of the components of French examinations. It is extremely important for the students to use the appropriate vocabulary at the correct place. For instance, if a person visits a grocery, but fails to communicate using the appropriate language, then his purpose for the visit is not solved. A doctor’s clinic was set up in class for the students to enact and use the terms like “my eye is hurting”, “I have a stomach ache since yesterday” etc... so that the doctor can give the apt medication and advice. It is widely agreed that learning takes place when activities are engaging and memorable. It was fun and motivating for the students as well to put themselves into somebody else’s shoes for a short span of time. Think Fast « your time starts now » ! What could be more euphoric than an inter house quiz contest.? The students of grade 1-9 were thrilled at the idea and were given a week’s time to prepare themselves. Level 1 = Grades I, II and III , Level 2 = Grades IV, V and VI and Level 3 = Grades VII, VIII and IX A written preliminary round was conducted to select the final participants, per house, per class.The contest was held along the lines of KBC with three basic rounds . Round 1 was an MCQ round{Multiple choice question round}Round 2 was a visual round with questions pertaining to a screened picture.Round 3 was a Rapid Fire round which gave credit to right and speedy responses . The questions were based on Mathematics, Science,English literature and current events.At every level the students put in their best to keep up the scores of their house high. Grade 1,2 and 3 shared their experiences . ‘There was a lot of excitement ,anxiety ,enthusiasm among all regarding the quiz. There was competitive spirit in the school atmosphere ,wherein each student wanted their house to win.Thus four houses with their respective team members from each class were ready to demonstrate their combined efforts for their houses.The audience was also very thrilled and excited . The teachers organised the quiz comprising four fascinating rounds. Each house team consisted of members from grade1,2 and 3.They had to discuss and answer correctly within the stipulated time.The students participated with winning spirit ,with each team trying to beat the other teams .It was a tough competition,as till the end no one knew which house would win. The quiz ended with a nerve-wrecking tie breaker between Maple and Olive House and Maple emerging as the winning house.’ The audience cheered their house for every right answer. It was a great experience for the contestants, non contestants and the teachers who organized it.

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Page 1: Newsletter Volume1 Issue4

Volume 4 January 2015 Issue1

Zagdu Singh Charitable Trust’s (Regd.)

THAKUR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-CIE To provide an inspiring ambience where young minds would be groomed to build a

harmonious world and reach the heights of excellence.

Grade 9 Roleplay ! Rendez-

vous chez le médecin Role play simulation is a form of experiential learning

that allows a teacher to transform students from

passive to active learners. Incorporating role-play into

the classroom adds variety, a change of pace and

opportunities for a lot of language production and also

a lot of fun! Role plays are an integral part of French

class here at TIS CIE. It helps the students to understand

perspectives of the people around them to get through

life, and to understand themselves. These exercises are

used to develop the kind of skills needed to make

learned information useful in the real world. Students

are trained and tested on spoken skills in class primarily,

preparing them for the grade 10 IGCSE examinations.

Students opting for French as a second language, are

tested for their spoken skills as one of the components

of French examinations.

It is extremely important for the students to use the

appropriate vocabulary at the correct place. For

instance, if a person visits a grocery, but fails to

communicate using the appropriate language, then his

purpose for the visit is not solved. A doctor’s clinic was

set up in class for the students to enact and use the

terms like “my eye is hurting”, “I have a stomach ache

since yesterday” etc... so that the doctor can give the

apt medication and advice.

It is widely agreed that learning takes place when

activities are engaging and memorable. It was fun and

motivating for the students as well to put themselves

into somebody else’s shoes for a short span of time.

Think Fast « your time

starts now » ! What could be more euphoric than an inter house quiz contest.? The students of grade 1-9 were thrilled at the

idea and were given a week’s time to prepare themselves. Level 1 = Grades I, II and III , Level 2 = Grades IV, V and VI and Level 3 = Grades VII, VIII and IX A written preliminary round was conducted to select

the final participants, per house, per class.The contest

was held along the lines of KBC with three basic rounds .

Round 1 was an MCQ round{Multiple choice question

round}Round 2 was a visual round with questions

pertaining to a screened picture.Round 3 was a Rapid

Fire round which gave credit to right and speedy

responses . The questions were based on Mathematics,

Science,English literature and current events.At every

level the students put in their best to keep up the

scores of their house high.

Grade 1,2 and 3 shared their experiences .

‘There was a lot of excitement ,anxiety ,enthusiasm among all regarding the quiz. There was competitive spirit in the school atmosphere ,wherein each student wanted their house to win.Thus four houses with their respective team members from each class were ready to demonstrate their combined efforts for their houses.The audience was also very thrilled and excited . The teachers organised the quiz comprising four fascinating rounds. Each house team consisted of members from grade1,2 and 3.They had to discuss and answer correctly within the stipulated time.The students participated with winning spirit ,with each team trying to beat the other teams .It was a tough competition,as till the end no one knew which house would win. The quiz ended with a nerve-wrecking tie breaker between Maple and Olive House and Maple emerging as the winning house.’ The audience cheered their house for every right

answer. It was a great experience for the contestants,

non contestants and the teachers who organized it.

Page 2: Newsletter Volume1 Issue4

Volume 4 January 2015 Issue1

Zagdu Singh Charitable Trust’s (Regd.)

THAKUR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-CIE To provide an inspiring ambience where young minds would be groomed to build a

harmonious world and reach the heights of excellence.

Maha Surya Kumbh” On 15.01.15 ,Thursday, a Surya Maha Kumbh activity was conducted on the terrace of TIS, CIE. Emphasizing on the need to harness solar energy, since conventional energy resources such as coal oil and petrol are rapidly depleting; trained volunteers from Keshav Shrushti , taught students how to assemble a simple solar cooker and the principle behind it. All of us have heard of solar cooking but hardly have we ever tried it. Our students prepared a mini pack of Maggi noodles using solar radiation as per the instructions given.They had great fun working independently, without electricity and gas. They also relished the delicious maggi prepared using it and enjoyed this activity

“Uttarayan celebration” The students of grade 2 had to learn about the “bossy

words”. Sincce Mahasankranth was just around, the

teachers spun an activity for learning these words along

with the key principles of the activity.Yeas, they learnt

quite a few words while they knotted the thread on a

kite, lifted the kite and attempted to fly it. Other classes

also enjoyed flying the kite that day. Teachers explained

to them the significance of flying kite for uttarayan and

what uttarayan meant in the hindu calendar.

2 of our students participated in the “ kite Fiesta”

designing and colouring kites , organized at the

Growell’s Mall.

Page 3: Newsletter Volume1 Issue4

Volume 4 January 2015 Issue1

Zagdu Singh Charitable Trust’s (Regd.)

THAKUR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-CIE To provide an inspiring ambience where young minds would be groomed to build a

harmonious world and reach the heights of excellence.

Kids for tigers Protecting the animals and environment is everyone’s

duty, however, unless these norms are reinforced time

to time children seldom remember their role in this vast

universe. Volunteers from Kids for tigers came up with

their presentations and had a question answer session

following that.

Orientation to parents Parents of grade 6, 8 and 10 were oriented on academic

matters on 9th January . Grade 6 on the progression and

checkpoint examinations, grade 8 on selection of

subjects for IGCSE and grade 10 on “ what after IGCSE”.

The grade 6 will not take up the primary checkpoint

examinations this year as students have not undergone

rigorous training right from June in line with these

examinations. They will undergo a progression test in

English and Mathematics. Science curriculum covered

with the children is not complete to take up the

progression test.

Grade 3,4 and 5 will undergo progression tests in

English, Maths and Science as per the schedule of the

examinations. Parents of grade 3 and 4 are requested

not to panic, since these tests are learner friendly.

Grade 8 students are registered for the checkpoint

examinations since they are prepared and they need

only more revision.

The Aptitude tests Students of grade 8 and 9 under took an aptitude test

to know their strengths and weaknesses in different

learning areas. The results will be shared in couple of

weeks. “Drishti” the leading psychological clinic in

Andheri conducted the same. They will also talk to the

students and the parents on one to one basis w.r.t their

career choices.

Our achievers Pushti from Grade 5 participted and won the second position in under 12 skating competition. She also won the essay writing competition . Kevansh from grade 9 took part in a cricket tournament along with the ICSE students . Many students are selected for the second round of International Maths and Science Olympiad. Congratulations to all the young achievers. “Right Stage” a competition for the young actors was organized by HT and our students had put in their best. They were one amongst the top 20 of the 100 participating groups . The production team grabbed the chance to perform in NCPA . This was a very prestigious moment for them.

School Picnics Students from grade 1-5 enjoyed their day out in

Kidzania while the rest went to Imagica. With the

picnics came up the urge for a long tour. Students of

grade 4- 10 will go to Chandigarh and Shimla in March .

Page 4: Newsletter Volume1 Issue4

Volume 4 January 2015 Issue1

Zagdu Singh Charitable Trust’s (Regd.)

THAKUR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL-CIE To provide an inspiring ambience where young minds would be groomed to build a

harmonious world and reach the heights of excellence.

How does “ Clean Mumbai Green

Mumbai” look.? You can see what our little ones want to tell you

There was an art competition for the students of

primary section and an essay writing competition for

the secondary students, organised by Idea Box and

Mahindra club on 10th January 2015.

“With the World Cup Trophy”

The previleged grades 8 and 9 with the Trophy