
Media in society Media is a way in which people can communicate with others, so everybody calls it: ¨mass communication¨. There are different types of media around the world: internet, phones, radios, letters, e- mails, newspapers, magazines, films…They represent a technology´s development with influence on humanity on many years. First, means of communication have come easily at homes and to peoples' mind. It has produced some positive aspects for a bigger development in several fields. However, we have to be realistic and objective about this topic. Many times, it has negative effects, that´s why citizens think that sometimes technology does not collaborate; in contrast, it destroys the most important: civic life in communities. In this occasion it is significant to mention the wonderful advantages it gives to our life. Second, it eliminates geographic and language limits. It joins the population together and allows more knowledge about some places, customs, traditions, and ways of thinking. In general, information will be difficult to obtain without technology. Also, it offers fun and entertainment with a variety of options and experiences. It establishes communication bridges, that´s why it helps to concentrate on what happens around the world, to reflect closely other problems and in that way, you can give a hand. Third, it supports education, because it shows information that often is not acquired in institutes. At the same time, it transmits values, develops new ideas and critical thoughts, gives motivation, increases interests and opens new activities. In fact, it helps to keep daily routines, like: buying, selling, studying, working, paying, dating, and traveling while we are wherever. To wrap up this essay I would like you to take a few minutes of your time to analyze the possibilities that have been mentioned in the article, if you can see the positive things, you could always succeed at any time. Remember to use constraints and organize your time for a social welfare with technology.

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A new kind of newspaper in the world.


Page 1: Newspaper

Media in society

Media is a way in which people can communicate with others, so everybody calls

it: ¨mass communication¨. There are different types of media around the world:

internet, phones, radios, letters, e-mails, newspapers, magazines, films…They

represent a technology´s development with influence on humanity on many years.

First, means of communication have come easily at homes and to peoples' mind. It

has produced some positive aspects for a bigger development in several fields.

However, we have to be realistic and objective about this topic. Many times, it has

negative effects, that´s why citizens think that sometimes technology does not

collaborate; in contrast, it destroys the most important: civic life in communities. In

this occasion it is significant to mention the wonderful advantages it gives to our


Second, it eliminates geographic and language limits. It joins the population

together and allows more knowledge about some places, customs, traditions, and

ways of thinking. In general, information will be difficult to obtain without

technology. Also, it offers fun and entertainment with a variety of options and

experiences. It establishes communication bridges, that´s why it helps to

concentrate on what happens around the world, to reflect closely other problems

and in that way, you can give a hand.

Third, it supports education, because it shows information that often is not

acquired in institutes. At the same time, it transmits values, develops new ideas

and critical thoughts, gives motivation, increases interests and opens new

activities. In fact, it helps to keep daily routines, like: buying, selling, studying,

working, paying, dating, and traveling while we are wherever.

To wrap up this essay I would like you to take a few minutes of your time to

analyze the possibilities that have been mentioned in the article, if you can see the

positive things, you could always succeed at any time. Remember to use

constraints and organize your time for a social welfare with technology.

Page 2: Newspaper

A big example of human being

Nick is a great motivator, who was born with a physical disability; he has no

arms and no legs. He is a person who has overcome many obstacles. He faced his

reality. That is why he brought a big footprint in our hearth.

In his childhood, he suffered a lot. It was a very frustrating stage, although that

he understood his body was a little different than others, but inside he was the

same. First he could not go to a normal school; however his mother fought very

hard, so at the end she achieved that they accepted him. First, it made him happy

at that moment when he knew he will go to learn and to share with people, but

when he started, it was not what he and his family thought, because each

classmate rejected him. Then he began to feel depressed because anyone could

understand him. As a matter of fact, discrimination was one of the most difficult

moments he passed. When he got 10 years old, he tried to commit suicide, but

with the love and help of his parents he overcome that, and kept trying to achieve

his dreams. I am totally sure he never gave up.

When he was a teenager he started to think positive and then he realized he

has the strength to help humanity. His hope, constancy and will grew each day. It

allowed him to face every difficulty. When he was 18 years old, he could

understand everyone can give a lot; we just have to discover it.

In fact, he took a major in financial and accounting planning. He understands

what is really significant in life and he thinks it is good to act as we must.

Nowadays, he focuses on the issues that people must face; he is a motivational

speaker. He often travels around the world; he had the chance to speak in 4

countries. At the age of 25 years old, Nick promoted his words, and at the same

time he continued writing books. He recorded many DVDS about how he lives

without limbs. He is an actor of a great movie, which is called: ¨the butterfly circus¨,

an inspiring short film.

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Definitely, his attitude reflects amazing goals, virtues, dreams, walls, force. It

represents a courageous person. All of them have allowed him to progress in life. I

am sure we can learn a lot if we try to imitate him at least a little bit. Do not you

think humanity has amazing awards but we do not appreciate them?

Written by:

Nazareth Quesada Campos

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Sooner or later, each one of us is going to die but if we were seniors, which kind

of life would we like to have? Well, there are some factors to take on mind if you

want to get a healthy and a good quality of life in the elderly. Also which are

benefits and consequences of living longer?

In the blue zone Sardinia, Okinawa, Loma Linda and Costa Rica are the places

with the major longevity rate. In these places seniors have an excellent life style

that let them still enjoying and being producers even at high age. The secret is not

the fount of youth like the movie; their longevity is due to the care of some simple

practicing that can bring a lot of benefits.

It is important to mention which positive factors can bring a long life but before

that we have to realize it is not the same to live longer with a good health or live

longer with diseases taking painful treatments, depending of a person who cares

us or a machine to hold us alive. There is the reason why do people have to care

them health throughout the years.

Healthy diet, high in protein, low in fat, with a lot of vegetables, fruits like critics

and papaya; also spend the time with friends, family and loved ones, besides

regular low intensity of exercise are good tips to a better health. However, smoke,

drinking alcohol and sedentary are terrible practice to have a long life. And as a

consequence pains short life and sickness could affect our life.

As a conclusion, if you want to enjoy the time seeing growing your grand

children, how your children graduate from the university, and being more time with

the people you love; do not forget these tips. The life quality depends of how we

care our health when we were younger. Remember it is not impossible and the

requirements are simple and economics just change your habits and adopt the new

life style, it is going to give you many benefits at the future.

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Media in our society

Media has been growing for last years and has changed our environment. We depend of

the information, so all the time the society boost the people to informant themselves.

Actually more and more people are getting an addiction of the media, due to the big impact

that is affecting to somebody.

Virtual world is one of the Medias which are building the revolution in the

information. Actually this media is an excellent source for knowing, entertainment,

information, etc. Also Internet is a great contribution to the globalization, a lot of people

from different parts of the world are connected and sharing experiences, likes, ideas and

opinions about something in common.

Sources as internet have a negative point too. This media provides all the

information unclassified, so there are not controls that limit the access to people

susceptive like children. By the way they might enter to red websites, chat rooms and

could be contacted for a theft who just wants to damage their integrity.

Other Medias are even more useful, easier and cheaper than internet such as

television, pone, newspaper, magazines, radio, etc. Besides, people who finds difficult to

use computer or they have not access to that can opted for another media to be

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unformatted. Important is to be aware of what is happening around the world, in our

countries and our neighborhoods.

As a conclusion our world is adopting a new culture that is reducing distances and

providing an enormous quantity of information with just one click. Also in medias there

should be more normalizations to get safer information. Finally and not less important the

society have to educate themselves to discern what is well and ban into the medias.

Written by:

Josue Cordero Benavides

Page 7: Newspaper

The Smartest bird in the world

Everyone knows parrots can talk or maybe repeat words, but sometimes this is

difficult for them, because they should be very intelligence and have good memory.

A great example is Einstein. She is the smartest talking parrot all over the world.

She is from Africa, but now lives in the United State. She is a gray and beautiful


Einstein has many abilities; for this reason, she is recognized by a lot of

people. She can say almost 1,000 words. Besides, she does a lot of sound effects,

loves to sing and dance and she speaks many different animal languages.

This is an amazing parrot, because she uses Basic English to talk with other

people; for instance, she can say good bye, hello, and different sounds like a cat,

dog, monkey, rooster, and owls. Also, Einstein dances pop music, and it is funny.

Furthermore, she does different expressions or sounds when she is excited, sad,

bored or sees beautiful girls, among other examples.

I think that Einstein is not just smart; she is a genius because she

remembered a lot of vocabulary and understood for her owner pretty well. She can

talk about the present, past, and future, and it is very interesting. Sometimes, I

have problems to remember and learn vocabulary but this parrot does not have

problem. Einstein knows more English than I.

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In conclusion, I learned that animals are very intelligent and can do amazing

things. This parrot is an example. On the other hand, I have a parrot that still does

not have a name, and I have wanted to teach different words, but it is not easy.

Now, she only says parrot. It is incredible what animals can do.

He even has his own movie. Incredible!!

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Tony Melendez an amazing person

At planet we can find people with a lot of skills; there are amazing people and I

want to talk about one of them, Tony Melendez. He is an artist who is very

recognized all over world, and he is an example to follow, because he does not

have arms but this did that Tony did not forget his dreams and change in a

struggled. He has a big skill with his feet, he plays the guitar. This is wonderful

because sometimes people cannot play the guitar with their hands and he does it

with his feet.

José Antonio Melendez Rodriguez, called Tony Melendez, was born on January

9, 1962; in Rivas, Nicaragua. He is a Nicaraguan American guitar player, who was

born without arms because his mother took Thalidomide while pregnant, which

caused his disability. Meléndez has learned to play the guitar with his feet. He is a

big singer whose I admire because sometimes people say I cannot, but he said I If

can. When, Tony was young, he remembered when people said, this man did not

have arms, and it was very hurt to him.

In addition, Tony is a composer, singer, and songwriter and for me this is

admirable because he with his disability, he is a great fighter. He starts the career

in the Angeles in 1985. Also he knew Pope John Paul II in a special performance.

He sang “Never Be the same” while playing the guitar with his feet. Furthermore,

he recorded several songs like: Hands In Heaven,The Cup Of Life ,Debe Haber El

Muro Se Calló ,Ways Of The Wise ,Never Be The Same . Also he wrote several

books, for example: A Gift of Hope, Waka Waka," Molinos de viento" and Don´t tell

me that you cannot, everything with a message of hope.

Also in the life of Tony, we can talk about his family who are very important

to him because he said they are his inspiration. He is married with Lynn. He is

very happy because his wife accepted him with his problem. He has two children

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but they are adopted, both of them are different nationality one is from Nicaraguan

and the other is from Salvador. It is a happy family.

In conclusion, Tony Melendez is an incredible person of whom each person

should learn of him. Besides, for his experiences and life, we have to learn about a

lot of things and follow him advice; with this story I think that all can get to realize

their dreams and overcome all obstacles.

Written by: Mariana Martinez Solano

Page 11: Newspaper

Technological attack

We live in an extraordinary world, with technology everywhere. For example, most of the

new cell phones on the market are like tiny computers. As another example, we have the

Tablet, used now in every part of the world replacing the Laptop. And the best for me, are

those special effects of the movies.

Nowadays, the cell phones are not only used for sent messages and make calls; we have

a new way to check our facebook or just being in the internet whenever we want. Years of

technology are now into those small phones, and not just that, also the level of

technology is so high that cell phones almost work without us. This extraordinary smart

phone has a special thing, and it is the application of “Video Call”, I could be in a different

place and with just make use of the application I will be able to see the person that I am

calling with my smart phone.

A few years ago, the laptop was the best thing that the men could do, but now, the

Tablet was created. Better than the laptop, the tablet has all the basic functions, and it

also works as a phone, and is easier to carry with you. Working with the same system of

the Smart phone, you would be able to use Word, Excel, and Power Point, send important

information, and instead of notebook, you can take notes with your own Tablet. Also, you

can add several applications taking advantage of that piece of art in technology.

We cannot see a good movie without special effects. This type of technology is for

everybody, for example, a movie full of special effects is “Transformers”. We are in the

movie theater, and with this class of effects our reaction is like, “wooow”, and all of that is

thanks to a green screen. Most of the times the movies with a lot of special effects are

filmed in just a room, then, the specialist in special effects make the magic in their


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We are living in a world based in technology, but this attack of technology will continue

growing. All we have to do is waiting for the next piece of technology that is being created

in this moment, and that will surprise all of us. Technology does not have limits because

one thing can always get better.

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Amazing Animal

It is totally checked by all scientist that animals are smart. We know very well the

behavior of dogs, but do we really know how they think? Dogs are the most loyal animal in

the world and I think that an act says more than a hundred words. If you gave, love, care,

food, time, and patience, to a dog, you will earn definitely a true friend. I have heard

about an amazing story of a dog. He has something more than just intelligence, and you

will discover what it is.

Hachiko is the main character in the story; he was born in Japan in 1923. He was sent

to Shibuya when he was only two months. Eisaburo Ueno became in his owner and

instantly a new loop of friendship was born. Hachiko was receiving love and affection in all

the ways he could. Unfortunately, not all stories have a happy ending.

Eusaburo was professor in a university, all the mornings he used to walk to the train

station in Shibuya. Every day, Hachiko walked with his owner to the train station, but pets

are not allowed in the station. So, Hachiko used to wait for his owner in a park in front of

the station. Actually, the people started to note that the same dog was set every day in

the same place. After a time, people got used to saw Hachiko every day, and everybody

knew that he was waiting for the professor.

Like every day, Hachiko and the professor went to the station and the same story

again; Hachiko waiting in the park for his owner. May 21st, 1925, the professor had a

heart attack in the university. That morning was the last time that Hachiko saw his friend.

The afternoon of the same day, Hachiko was waiting like always, but Eusaburo never

came. At the next day, Hachiko went to the park again to wait for his owner. And all the

rest of his days were like that. He sitting in the park, moving his tail, waiting; the town of

Shibuya tried to adopt it, but it did not work.

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After ten years, a statue of Hachiko was built in honor to his loyalty. He spent his last

moments lying in the shadow of his own statue, always waiting for Eusaburo. The loyalty

shows more than intelligence; it shows us that animals can develop feelings. Hachiko

shows me that if you give love to dogs, they will be grateful with you. That is the best form

of win a very good friend.

Written by: Spencer Romero Gullock