nick pestell: facebook - connected world, connected marketing - september 2014 - the afternoon club...

Facebook – Connected world, connected marketing September 2014

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Post on 14-Nov-2014




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Nick Pestell (twitter: @nickpestell) presented at The Afternoon Club for Social Media Week, hosted by Yodel Mobile at IBM. The topic was social media in mobile and Nick focused on Facebook; giving us a number of statistics about smartphones and Facebook, talking about the path to purchase and cross platform activities


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Facebook – Connected world, connected marketing

September 2014

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Nick PestellAgency Partner - Publicis

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63%of Facebook’s revenue is now driven by

devices that simply didn’t exist a decade ago

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Mobile is not a technology, It is a consumer behavior

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Source: IDC Always Connected Report, US, March 2013

79% of smartphone users keep their phones with them for all but

two hours of their waking day

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Beginning of time 2003

Source: "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think" by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler. Mr. Diamandis

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Every 10 Minutes

Source: "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think" by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler. Mr. Diamandis

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Source: comScore Mobile Metrix, US, March 2013

One out of every five minutes on mobile is spent with Facebook or Instagram


1out ofevery

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15 times a day

is the average number of times a user checks Facebook on their


IDC Always Connected Report, March 2013

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15 timesopportunities

15 timesopportunities

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start shopping on one device and

continue on another


The path-to-purchase is complex

Source: comScore/PayPal “Reaching the Connected Consumer” Custom Surveys, Oct 2013

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More than 1 in 4 online adults are regularly using both a smartphone and a tablet alongside their traditional PC



3% 1%



31% 6% More people use 3 devices than use

any 1 device

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If your not mobile first, you're not in at the startWhich device did you start using, and then which device did you switch to?

B8B. Thinking about the last time you were [ACTIVITY], which device did you start using and then which device did you switch to? Base: all instances of switching between devices in order to complete an activity (n=4,010)

Which device was the

activity started on…?

60%25%15%…and which

device was it finished on?

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Every day. Everywhere.

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StoriesVs Facts


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You’re not likely to remember this

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You’re 22x more likely to remember this

Jerome Brunner’s “Actual Minds, Possible Words”

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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OBJECTIVEBring McDonald‘s sponsorship of World Cup to life for Europe by celebrating the world‘s most loved fries and the world‘s most loved sporting event


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Daily Active Users

Reach all of the people who matter to you


Active Users

28MMobile Monthly

Active Users

High-quality reach Incredible scale on mobile


Active Users

Source: Facebook UK internal data, Apr 2014

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The gap between content creation and ability to consume content will continue to widen

Competition for feed





Content created

Ability to consume content

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Reach Lisa and Michael

Males • Age 25–54• Connect to

Cancer Research

Lisa• Age 42• Mom of 3 kids• Suffers from

Hayfever• Healthy food

buyer• Has visited your


Michael• Age 35• interested in not for profit• Earns £80k + per year• Exclusively uses his mobile device

Before Now

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Lookalike Audiences

Custom Audiences

The Power of Facebook Targeting

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Core AudiencesOnline and offline

sourcesTargeting types





Partner Categories

Sample segments

Newly engaged

Android phone user

Interested in gaming

Living in Chicago

More Categories

Bargain hunters

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Our strategy

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Thank You
