noise barrier composite acoustic insulation

Noise Barrier Composite Acoustic Insulation SOUNDPROOFING SOLUTIONS

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Page 1: Noise Barrier Composite Acoustic Insulation

Noise Barr ier Composi te

Acoust ic Insulat ion

www.�exicel l


Page 2: Noise Barrier Composite Acoustic Insulation

Flexiwrap - Flexible Noise Barr ier

Universal Solut ion for

d i fferent acoust ic appl icat ions

such a drain, service and

wastewater pipes, vehicle and

automotive industr ies, machinery and

construct ion industr ies providing a

high acoust ic performance,

durabi l i ty, �exibi l i ty, hygienic

propert ies and long technical

l i fe.

Convoluted PU open cel l foam bonded to a flex ib le MLV* acoust ic barr ier covered with

a lumin ium fo i l . F lex iwrap has been designed to reduce unwanted noise and to acheive

Acoust ic comfort .

*MLV(mass loaded v iny l )

Acoustic comfortDur ing the construct ion of a home or an of�ce, we focus our at tent ion to the

appropr iate standard of the bui ld ing, a i r condi t ion ing, proper vent i lat ion, or ientat ion

towards cardina l points of the compass, sun exposure or the d istance f rom noise

sources, such as busy roads. But of ten we forget about the th ing that is impercept ib le

– the acoust ic comfort . The sounds of vent i lat ion, sani tat ion, equipment such as l i f ts

and compressors, and of course the sounds generated by our ne ighbors or even

precip i tat ion – a l l th is can cause noise d isrupt ion. Prov id ing adequate soundproo�ng

has a substant ia l impact on our wel l -being at home, as wel l as ef�c iency and

concentrat ion at work. The most effect ive solut ion is to ensure sound iso lat ion of each

room at the stage of construct ion of the bui ld ing and use of sound absorpt ive

mater ia ls . However, thanks to modern technology, i t is possib le to increase the

acoust ic comfort even in pro jects a l ready completed, for example by us ing acoust ic

foams and Sound barr iers.

Flexiwrap - Flexible Noise Barr ier

Universal Solut ion for

d i fferent acoust ic appl icat ions

such a drain, service and

wastewater pipes, vehicle and

automotive industr ies, machinery

and construct ion industr ies

providing a high acoust ic

performance, durabi l i ty,

�exibi l i ty, hygienic propert ies

and long technical l i fe.

Convoluted PU open cel l foam bonded to a flex ib le MLV* acoust ic barr ier covered with

a lumin ium fo i l . F lex iwrap has been designed to reduce unwanted noise and to acheive

Acoust ic comfort .

*MLV(mass loaded v iny l )

Acoustic comfortDur ing the construct ion of a home or an of�ce, we focus our at tent ion to the

appropr iate standard of the bui ld ing, a i r condi t ion ing, proper vent i lat ion, or ientat ion

towards cardina l points of the compass, sun exposure or the d istance f rom noise

sources, such as busy roads. But of ten we forget about the th ing that is impercept ib le

– the acoust ic comfort . The sounds of vent i lat ion, sani tat ion, equipment such as l i f ts

and compressors, and of course the sounds generated by our ne ighbors or even

precip i tat ion – a l l th is can cause noise d isrupt ion. Prov id ing adequate soundproo�ng

has a substant ia l impact on our wel l -being at home, as wel l as ef�c iency and

concentrat ion at work. The most effect ive solut ion is to ensure sound iso lat ion of each

room at the stage of construct ion of the bui ld ing and use of sound absorpt ive

mater ia ls . However, thanks to modern technology, i t is possib le to increase the

acoust ic comfort even in pro jects a l ready completed, for example by us ing acoust ic

foams and Sound barr iers.

Page 3: Noise Barrier Composite Acoustic Insulation

Cost Saving

Clean & hygienic products

Excellent Thermal PropertiesEnvironment Friendly Products

Fire Safe

Easy to Install

Long Technical Life

Excellent Acoustic propertiesSound barrier & Noise Control

Universal Solut ion for

d i fferent acoust ic appl icat ions

such a drain, service and

wastewater pipes, vehicle and

automotive industr ies, machinery and

construct ion industr ies providing a

high acoust ic performance,

durabi l i ty, �exibi l i ty, hygienic

propert ies and long technical

l i fe.

Alupet Tape


Highly flex ib le a l lowing fast insta l lat ion

t imes.

Designed to be used in mult ip le appl icat ions.

F ibre f ree non i r r i tant product, requi r ing

no specia l protect ive equipment.

Low VOC emiss ions comply ing with

bui ld ing standards.


Acoustic Performance – Use of a specia l ly

engineered flex ib le acoust ic barr ier prov ides

excel lent reduct ion in noise t ransmiss ion.

Designed to be used in mult ip le appl icat ions.

Durabi l i ty – An a luminum fo i l barr ier prov ides

excel lent protect ion to the product once insta l led.

Flexibi l i ty – Use of a very flex ib le foam, combined

with an acoust ic barr ier, a l lows for ease of

insta l lat ion in a l l appl icat ions.

Examples of appl icat ions: Cover ing waste water or dra inage pipes, garbage pipes,

wal ls and a l l k ind of part i t ion, vent i lat ion fan cover ing, compressors uni ts cover ing,

engine & generator compartments, a i r duct sound insulat ion (outer sur face) .

Product Features:Weight: 4kg/m , 5kg/m , 8kg/m , 10kg/m

Thickness: (20-25mm ± 2)

Roll Size: (1.35m x 2.5 / 5m)

VOC: (<0.5 mg/m /hr, as per ASTM D5116)

Temp. Range: ( -40°C to +100°C) – Mass Loaded V iny l (MLV)

sur face.


2 2 2 2

Cost Saving

Clean & hygienic products

Excellent Thermal PropertiesEnvironment Friendly Products

Fire Safe

Easy to Install

Long Technical Life

Excellent Acoustic propertiesSound barrier & Noise Control


Highly flex ib le a l lowing fast insta l lat ion

t imes.

Designed to be used in mult ip le appl icat ions.

F ibre f ree non i r r i tant product, requi r ing

no specia l protect ive equipment.

Low VOC emiss ions comply ing with

bui ld ing standards.

Acoustic Performance – Use of a specia l ly

engineered flex ib le acoust ic barr ier prov ides

excel lent reduct ion in noise t ransmiss ion.

Designed to be used in mult ip le appl icat ions.

Durabi l i ty – An a luminum fo i l barr ier prov ides

excel lent protect ion to the product once insta l led.

Flexibi l i ty – Use of a very flex ib le foam, combined

with an acoust ic barr ier, a l lows for ease of

insta l lat ion in a l l appl icat ions.

Examples of appl icat ions: Cover ing waste water or dra inage pipes, garbage pipes,

wal ls and a l l k ind of part i t ion, vent i lat ion fan cover ing, compressors uni ts cover ing,

engine & generator compartments, a i r duct sound insulat ion (outer sur face) .

Product Features:Weight: 4kg/m , 5kg/m , 8kg/m , 10kg/m

Thickness: (20-25mm ± 2)

Roll Size: (1.35m x 2.5 / 5m)

VOC: (<0.5 mg/m /hr, as per ASTM D5116)

Temp. Range: ( -40°C to +100°C) – Mass Loaded V iny l (MLV)

sur face.

2 2 2

Page 4: Noise Barrier Composite Acoustic Insulation







Sect ion F5.6 of the Bui ld ing Code of Austra l ia requi res that :

“ I f a duct, so i l , waste or water supply p ipe, inc luding a duct or p ipe that is located in a wal l

or �oor cav i ty, serves or passes through more than one sole-occupancy uni t , the duct or

p ipe must be separated f rom the rooms of any sole-occupancy uni t by construct ion with an

RW + Ctr (a i rborne) not less than -

( i ) 40 i f the adjacent room is a habi table room (other than a k i tchen) ; or

( i i ) 25 i f the adjacent room is a k i tchen or non-habi table room.”

Properties Value / Assessment Tested acc. to:

Sound Transmission Class (STC)


Size W: 1350mm, L: 2.5m, 3m & 5m


Note: Product does not contain any �bres, asbestos, mercury or lead.4kg/m , 8kg/m and 10kg/m can be manufacture upon request.

26 dB

Sound Reduction Index Rw EN ISO 140-3, ASTM E413ASTM E90

(C;Ctr) = 26 dB (-1;-4) dB

12-14 dB

Thermal Conductivity


DIN EN 14366


Color Silver/ Orange

0.042 W/mK

<0.5 mg/m /hr ASTM D5116

-40 °C to +100 °C Continuous Free from odour



Sound Reduction(wastewater system)

Total Volatile Organic CompoundEmission Rate

Operating Temperature Range (°C)


5kg/m 2

2 2 2

Class O

Ignitability: 0Fame Propagation: 0Heat Release: 0Smoke Release: 1

Fire Properties

BS476 Part 6 & Part 7

AS/NZS 1530.3