nordic life science challenge 2014 business plan presentation

? Business plan – what the …? Nordic Life Science Innova;on Challenge [email protected]

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Nordic Life Science Challenge 2014 Business Plan Presentation


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? Business  plan  –  what  the  …?  Nordic  Life  Science  Innova;on  Challenge  [email protected]  

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IntelliClone AB

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Stockholm  Science  City  Founda;on  

   Funded  by:  §  Karolinska  Ins,tutet  §  KTH  Royal  Ins,tute  of  Technology  §  Stockholm  University  §  Stockholm  School  of  Economics  §  City  of  Stockholm  §  City  of  Solna  §  Stockholm  County  Council  

Mission:  To  develop  an  a/rac2ve  environment  to  enhance  the  life  science  ac2vi2es  in  Stockholm  Life  

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Stockholm  Science  City  Founda;on  

Mission:  To  develop  an  a/rac2ve  environment  to  enhance  the  life  science  ac2vi2es  in  Stockholm  Life  

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•  Stockholm  Life  –  the  brand  name  for  all  life  science  ac,vi,es  in  Stockholm  

Stockholm  Life  

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“The  goal  of  innova.on  is  change,  to  make  someone  or  something  be8er”  

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The  power  of  WHY  

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What  do  you  need  a  business  plan  for?  

Sell  the  team  •  Quali,es  •  Network  •  Passion    Sell  the  opportunity  •  Market  &  profit  poten,al  •  Strategy  to  unlock  profit  •  The  WHY    For  clients/employees/suppliers  •  Communicate  the  WOW!  


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For  Founders  •  Structure  your  ideas  •  Get  the  team  on  the  same  page  •  Market  research    For  Investors  •  Marke,ng  document  •  Raise  money    For  clients/employees/suppliers  •  Communicate  the  WOW!  

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Me  Who should write it?

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Nuts  &  bolts  of  business  plans  

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Execu;ve  s


Purpose:  To  convince  reader  to  read  on!    Content:  All  key  elements  of  your  business  plan  

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The  proble


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The  underlying  magic  

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The  customers  

Everybody  who  doesn’t  want  to  get  wet  in  the  rain  

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The  customers  

Everybody  who  doesn’t  want  to  get  wet  in  the  rain  

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Business  model  

Who  has  your  money  in  their  pocket?  …  and  how  are  you  going  to  get  it?  

How  are  you  going  to  make  money  from  your  idea?  

Who  will  be  paying  for  your  product?  


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Business  model  

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Business  model  

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Business  model  

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Marke;ng  &  Sales  plan  

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Nuts  &  bolts  of  business  plans    •  Execu;ve  summary  •  The  Problem  •  The  Solu;on  •  Underlying  magic  (USP)  •  The  customer  (market  analysis)  •  Compe;;on  •  Business  model  •  Marke;ng  &  Sales  plan  •  Management  team  •  Financial  projec;ons  &  key  metrics  •  Current  status  &  what’s  next  •  What  do  I  want  from  you?  

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Further  reading  

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Further  reading  hNps://    hNps://­‐dIIIkY      hNps://