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North Ayrshire Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2017-2020

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Page 1: North Ayrshire Environmental Sustainability & …...Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2 (2017-2020) This is our second ESCCS, and acts as single source for a number

North Ayrshire EnvironmentalSustainability & ClimateChange Strategy2017-2020

Page 2: North Ayrshire Environmental Sustainability & …...Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change Strategy 2 (2017-2020) This is our second ESCCS, and acts as single source for a number

introduction The Council Plan 2015-2020sets out North AyrshireCouncil’s mission to‘improve the lives of NorthAyrshire people anddevelop strongercommunities’ and aims toachieve this through fivekey strategic priorities, oneof which is -

‘Protecting and enhancingthe environment for futuregenerations’

This key priority is linked to the BrundtlandReport definition of sustainable development -“development which meets the needs of thepresent without compromising the ability offuture generations to meet their own needs”.


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Fig. 1 Sustainability VeVeV nn Diagram

North Ayrshire’s vision of sustainability joins togetherenvironmental protection and enhancement, socialdevelopment, and economic growth to build a sustainablefuture and create a triple bottom line of benefit acrossthese three agendas.g


Bearable Equitable





In 2014 we set out an ambitious vision for sustainability across the authority, through the firstEnvironmental Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy (ESCCS) 2014-17. The message was clear:sustainability must be an integral part of our business operations.

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• We inspire positive low carbon behaviour acrossNorth Ayrshire, by improving the awareness andunderstanding of the sustainability agenda andits importance.

• We maximise the access to clean, affordablerenewable energy for everyone in NorthAyrshire.

• Our business base has a well-developed localsupply chain, a low carbon footprint, andcontains more companies operating within thegreen industry.

• We shift more and more journeys from theprivate car to sustainable forms of travel such aswalking and cycling, and that we make electricvehicles a more attractive option where carjourneys are essential.

• We use our natural and built assets sustainably,for example through increased local foodproduction, encouraging biodiversity andbalanced land use policy.

• We, as a Council, lead the way in making ouroperations more sustainable by reducing thecarbon emissions of our operations andensuring sustainable thinking is part of ourdecision-making.

This document establishes a new target tocomplement the above vision- to reduce carbonemissions by

40%* by 2030based on a 2005 baseline (the earliest availabledata). This target applies to both North Ayrshire as awhole, and the Council estate.

*This target is not directly comparable to the ScottishGovernment CO2 reduction targets of 42% by 2020and 80% by 2050, as these are based on a much earlierbaseline (1990 levels).

Our VisionOur vision, established through the first ESCCS, remains robust and fit for purpose:

• We inspire positive low carbon behaviour acrossNorth AyAyA rshire, by improving the awareness andunderstanding of the sustainability agenda andits importance.

• We maximise the access to clean, affordablerenewable energy for everyone in NorthAyAyA rshire.

• Our business base has a well-developed localsupply chain, a low carbon fofof otprint, andcontains more companies operating within thegreen industry.y.y

• We shift more and more journeys from theprivate car to sustainable forms of travel such aswalking and cycling, and that we make electricvehicles a more attractive option where carjourneys are essential.

• We use our natural and built assets sustainably,y,yfor example through increased local foodproduction, encouraging biodiversity andbalanced land use policy.y.y

• We, as a Council, lead the way in making ouroperations more sustainable by reducing thecarbon emissions of our operations andensuring sustainable thinking is part of ourdecision-making.

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• Sustainability aspirations: by embeddingsustainability in our decision making processeswe aim to achieve the sustainable development‘triple bottom line’ where economic growth,environmental protection and enhancement,and social equity are not mutually exclusive aimsbut instead act as integrated objectives.

• Carbon Management responsibilities: theCouncil has a need to monitor carbon emissionsdue to our mandatory participation within theUK Government’s Carbon ReductionCommitment – Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC-EES). Carbon emitted from specific buildingswithin the Council’s estate must be reportedannually and a tax paid on every tonne.

• Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan(SECAP): as proposed signatories of the EUCovenant of Mayors, we have pledged to meetor exceed a carbon reduction target byimproving energy efficiency, increasing the useof renewable energy and taking action onclimate change adaptation. Signatories areexpected to publish a Sustainable Energy andClimate Action Plan setting out the roadmap forachieving this. The ESCCS 2 broadly meets therequirements of the SECAP, and will besubmitted as such.

• Climate Change Reporting Duties (CCRD): theCCRD are a mandatory reporting mechanism forthe Scottish Government to monitor public bodyperformance and inform future policy. Thereporting template captures how public bodiesmanage climate change in terms of ourorganisational profile, governance, corporateemissions, adaptation and procurement. Thisstrategy addresses these themes, and brings afurther coherency to the work carried out acrossthe organisation.

Environmental Sustainability & ClimateChange Strategy 2 (2017-2020)This is our second ESCCS, and acts as single source for a number of different responsibilitiesand commitments in relation to sustainability, both within the Council’s estate, and for widerNorth Ayrshire:

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What have we achieved so far?The first ESCCS was an ambitious strategy with some 30 wide ranging actions across five thematicworkstreams to achieve greater sustainability within North Ayrshire. Some of the highlights are:

Renewable EnergyStrategy

Solar panel and biomass installations in 29 properties,•providing carbon reductions of almost 5,000 tonnes.

Publication of our first ever Renewable Energy•Strategy to build on this success in a challengingsubsidy environment.

Reduction in CO2 emissions from 57,142 tonnes to•46,052 tonnes over the life of the strategy.

Carbon Management

161 new Council homes built to Eco Homes 'Very•Good' or equivalent standard.

89% of the 13,000 Council owned homes comply•with the Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing2020.


Over 100,000 miles driven in Council pool cars•instead of private cars, thanks to the new Carshareinitiative, reducing carbon and saving money.

Business Travel

7,000 street lights replaced with LEDs, saving 11,000•tonnes CO2.

Street Lighting

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RecyclingHousehold recycling of waste rates reaching 56%,•

exceeding Scottish Government targets of 50%, andamongst the best in class in Scotland.

Entering into a ground-breaking partnership with the•University of Glasgow, where 200 students aredeveloping engineering solutions for sustainabilitychallenges in North Ayrshire.


Delivering insulation measures to over 1,000 homes•in North Ayrshire to alleviate fuel poverty.

Fuel Poverty

Solar panel installations on 20 of our schools,•including the forthcoming Garnock and Largseducation campuses.

45 schools with Eco-Schools 'Green Flag' status.•

More schools than ever engaged with the Fairtrade•movement.


The ‘Travel Smart’ campaign has been launched to•offer information on how to make smarter and moreactive travel choices.

A variety of path network improvements have taken•place, creating opportunities for increased activetravel across North Ayrshire.


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What is the context?

With a population of 138,146, North Ayrshirecovers an area of around 886 and has acoastline of 225km.

North Ayrshire Council employs over 6,500 staff,delivering services throughout the region. Thereare over 700 buildings in the Council’s estate,together with a social housing stock of 13,108. TheCouncil also has an extensive fleet of 530 vehicles,and spends approximately £150 million each yearon the procurement of works, goods and services.We are therefore well placed to work in asustainable manner and lead by example, toencourage, support and assist residents andbusinesses within North Ayrshire and reduce ouroverall emissions from industry, domestic andtransport sectors.

There is also a wide ranging policy context tosustainability, which is summarised as follows.

Policy Context

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) assesses the science of climate change, andhas recently reported the requirement to maintainglobal temperature increases to below 2oC. Thisglobally recognised target has influenced variousdomestic and international policies, with acommon theme of reducing carbon emissions, tobring a halt to global temperatures rises. Therelevant international and domestic contextincludes:

Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009: public•bodies must act in the way best calculated tocontribute to delivery of the Act's greenhousegas emissions reduction targets, to deliver astatutory adaptation programme, and to act in away considered most sustainable. Public Bodies Climate Change Reporting•Duties: the Scottish Government introduced anOrder in 2015 which requires public bodies tosubmit an annual report detailing ourcompliance with the climate change duties.Low Carbon Scotland: meeting the emission•reduction targets 2013-2027 (the second reporton proposals and policies) setting out specificmeasures for reducing greenhouse gasemissions to meet Scotland's ambitiousstatutory targets.Scottish Planning Policy: published in June•2014, with key planning outcomes for

a successful sustainable place – supporting•economic growth, regenerationa low carbon place – reducing our carbon•emissions and adapting to climate changea natural resilient place – helping to protect•and enhance our natural cultural assets andfacilitating their sustainable usea connected place – supporting better•transport and digital connectivity.

UK Government’s CRC-Energy Efficiency•Scheme: a UK government scheme designed toimprove energy efficiency and reduce carbonemissions in high energy consumingorganisations, in both public and privatesectors.The EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and•Energy: whose vision is to reduce carbonemissions, to strengthen adaptation and toincrease energy efficiency and the use ofrenewable energy.

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Local Context

We translate these international, EU and UK drivers into North Ayrshire through a variety of strategies. At theheart of all is the priority to protect and enhance the environment for future generations, as detailed in the NorthAyrshire Council Plan 2015-2020. Other complementary strategies include:

Local Development Plan: the current plan sets out a long term vision for growth, identifying land andinfrastructure to deliver new homes and for businesses to locate and expand. It covers a 10 year period up to2025 and is replaced every 5 years. North Ayrshire Council is working on a new Local Development Plan (LDP2)to be adopted in 2019.

Local Biodiversity Action Plan 2015-18: this is a multi-use plan to aid the local authority in delivering its‘Biodiversity Duty’, for developers as a source of technical information, by local people who want to know moreabout the habitats and species in their area or how they can contribute to their conservation, and as a guide andeducational resource setting out what we can all contribute towards enhancing our local wildlife.

Local Transport Strategy: includes a vision to provide an integrated transport network for North Ayrshire thatsupports long term, sustainable, economic growth in the area, and reduces inequality through improving theaccessibility and connectivity of communities to employment opportunities and local amenities.

Waste Strategy 2012-2016: this has delivered great results in improving recycling rates, reducing waste tolandfill and increasing sustainable practices throughout domestic and business premises. A new waste strategy isbeing prepared to detail the Council’s plan to achieve targets such as 70% of household waste to be recycled by2025, and zero biodegradable municipal waste sent to landfill by 2020.

Sustainable Procurement Policy: this supports the Scottish Government’s Procurement Action Plan for Scotland,which contains 10 steps for public bodies to embed sustainability in the buying of goods and services.

Low Carbon Behaviour Strategy: a new strategy to embed sustainable, low carbon behaviours amongst Councilemployees, pupils and the public as part of our everyday lives.


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Where are we now?

In order to achieve our ambitious target ofmore than 40% reduction by 2030, we need toknow how far along that journey we havecome.

North Ayrshire Council has pro-actively beenreducing carbon for many years. The originalCarbon Management Plan (2005 – 2015) provideda target reduction of 14.5% from the baseline year2005/06. By focusing on emissions from sourcessuch as energy, transport, waste, leisure, streetlighting and business travel, a 25% reduction wasachieved. The ESCCS2 is designed to replace theoriginal Carbon Management Plan and build on therobust work to date.

The Climate Change Reporting Duties require us tolook more broadly across the Council, identifyingan emissions boundary, and reporting on currentand future actions. This, along with theorganisation’s reporting obligation through theCRC Energy Efficiency Scheme , means that there isalready a well established process for measuringand monitoring carbon emissions from theCouncil’s estate.

North Ayrshire WideEmissions: Baseline EmissionsInventory

As a signatory of the Covenant of Mayors (CoM),North Ayrshire Council are required to submit aBaseline Emissions Inventory (BEI), quantifying theamount of carbon emitted within the geographicboundaries of the Council. The guidelines for theCoM recommends that the baseline data shouldstart from 1990. In the UK, consistent and localenergy data is not available until 2005, and so theNorth Ayrshire baseline year is stated as 2005.Using data from the Department of Business,Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) who provide acomprehensive set of carbon emissions data, a fullbreakdown of the emissions across industry,domestic and transport sectors has been collated.Table 1 shows the volume of emissions each yearsince 2005, in kilo tonnes of CO2, together withtonnes of CO2 per capita.

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North Ayrshire Per Capita

Emissions (t)











Population(‘000s, mid-year

































1 452 44

Grand Total (ktCO2)



Table 1. Total Output of CO2 emissions for North Ayrshire 2005 - 2014

Figure 1 below shows the breakdown of emissions each year, by the sector they were produced from.

Baseline Emissions Data Breakdown 2005-2014 (ktCO2)




















































According to the Baseline Emissions Inventory, weachieved a 34.5% reduction across North Ayrshire to2014. Data is provided by BEIS on a retrospectivebasis, and subject to change. Several variations of

annual reduction have been modelled, and from thisinvestigation we are confident of achieving at least40% reduction by 2030.

Figure 1. Baseline emissions data breakdown 2005-2014

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North Ayrshire Council Estate Emissions

In addition to considering North Ayrshire wide emissions throughthe BEI, we also need to focus on the Council’s own estate tounderstand our individual responsibilities for carbon reduction. Thefollowing diagram outlines the key sources of carbon within theCouncil estate. The action plan later in this document outlines ourspecific proposals for reducing these emissions further.

North Ayrshire Council


Emissions from electricity for lighting, heating and appliances are reported annually. Our averagespend on electricity in buildings is over £2million per year. We have an ongoing programme ofenergy efficiency works to reduce emissions from our buildings and street lighting.


Gas is the main source of heat in our buildings, with on average 1,000 tonnes of carbon emittedeach year. The Council’s biomass retrofit scheme aims to reduce carbon emissions associated withheating.


The indirect emissions associated with water are calculated and reported. Water managementsolutions eg push taps, point of use water heaters and high consumption alerts, are part of ourprogramme to reduce consumption.


The Council’s recycling rates are the 2nd highest in Scotland, achieving on average 56% of totalhousehold waste being recycled each year. Emissions from waste sent to landfill are reportedannually.


Emissions associated with diesel and petrol consumption for the Council’s fleet and business travelare recorded. Staff commuting to work is not included. The inclusion of hybrid vans and electricvehicles to the fleet and a new pool car scheme aim to reduce our impact.

Figure 2. Carbon emission sources for NAC estate

North Ayrshire Council’s carbon footprint for the baseline year of 2005 was 67,719 tonnes CO2.

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Where do we want to be?

We aim to achieve a 40% reduction in carbon emissions North Ayrshire wide by 2030, based on a 2005baseline year. This would equate to a reduction of 581,000 tonnes CO2 across North Ayrshire in totalsince 2005, and 27,088 tonnes within the Council estate. This reduction target is inspired by the EUCovenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

The Covenant of Mayors is a collection of local andregional authorities across Europe who voluntarilypledge to reduce CO2 emissions (by at least 40%by 2030) and to adopt an integrated approach totackling mitigation of and adaptation to climatechange.

The reduction in carbon emissions, improvement inenergy efficiency, and increased use of renewableenergy resources has to happen now. Greatprogress has already been achieved as reportedthrough the Council’s original Carbon

Management Plan, and we will build on thatmomentum in order to carry out a wider scope ofworks to achieve the 40% reduction target by2030.

North Ayrshire Council became a signatory of theCovenant of Mayors in 2014, but with recentchanges to the criteria (an increase in carbonreduction from 20% by 2020 to 40% by 2030, andincreasing resilience to climate change), the ESCCS2 represents our commitment to achieving the newobjectives.

How do we get there?

The biggest challenge is setting out the roadmap for how we get from where we are to wherewe want to be. We believe that there are three basic components to building that roadmap:

Governance: this means our approach to setting the strategy for sustainability, setting1organisational roles and responsibilities, taking collective responsibility, and the approachto data collection and management.

Workstreams: there are five workstreams, with actions for each collected into the Action2Plan at Appendix 1. The workstreams are as follows:

1. Affordable Warmth2. A Green Economy3. Transport and Travel4. Natural and Built Environment5. Sustainable Operations

Performance Management: performance indicators, internal and external reporting.3

This section sets out our approach to each of these three components in turn.

Governance: this means our approach to setting the strategy for sustainability,y,y setting1organisational roles and responsibilities, taking collective responsibility,y,y and the approachto data collection and management.

WoWoW rkstreams: there are five workstreams, with actions for each collected into the Action2Plan at Appendix 1. The workstreams are as follows:

1. Affordable WaWaW rmth2. A Green Economy3. TrTrT ansport and TrTrT avel4. Natural and Built Environment5. Sustainable Operations

Perfofof rmance Management: performance indicators, internal and external reporting.3

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GovernanceNorth Ayrshire Council takes action on climate change very seriously.

Internally the Council has 5 Directorates (Education & Youth Employment, Economy & Communities,Place, Finance & Corporate Support, and Health & Social Care Partnership). The Place Directorate withinthe Council is the corporate 'lead' for sustainability. There is an elected member portfolio holder for Place,and aligned to this is the Physical Environment Advisory Panel which has wider democratic representation.There is also an elected member representative on the COSLA Regeneration & Sustainable DevelopmentExecutive Group, which has climate change as a core remit. Figure 3 below is a representation of NorthAyrshire Council’s organisational structure.


Chief Executive(inc. Democratic Services) Place

Education &Youth


Health & SocialCare


Economy &Communities

Finance &Corporate



Sustainability &Directorate


Under the Place Directorate, the sustainability remitis assigned to the Sustainability and DirectoratePerformance Service. The service leads on drivingforward the sustainability agenda, identification andimplementation of renewable energy and energyefficiency projects, management of the Council’senergy and water consumption and billing, and theco-ordination of action on biodiversity. TheSustainability and Directorate Performance Serviceworks closely with a variety of services across theCouncil, but in particular with Housing Services andProperty Management & Investment Services. Thiswork is in relation to fuel poverty strategy,renewable energy and energy efficiency in capitalprojects, and compliance with the Energy EfficiencyStandard for Social Housing.

The sustainability agenda touches all directorates,be that in engaging with young people in schools,the community and local businesses, the financialimpact sustainability has on the Council and theservices it provides, and the impact on social healthand wellbeing through reducing fuel poverty andenhancing our environment.

In order to ensure that there is effective andongoing ownership of the sustainabilityprogramme, the Council established aSustainability Board in early 2016. The boardcomprises senior managers across the organisationwhose remit is to identify, implement and monitorthe programme.

Figure 3. Organisational Structure

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WorkstreamsThe first ESCCS identified a number of priorities for action across five separate work streams: (1) AffordableWarmth; (2) A Green Economy; (3) Transport & Travel; (4) Natural and Built Environment; and (5)Sustainable Operations. An Action Plan for delivery formed part of the strategy which required leadershipfrom different Services from across the Council. The Environmental Sustainability and Climate ChangeStrategy 2017-20 is designed to continue that work, and drive forward progress towards a moresustainable North Ayrshire.

Each workstream lists the context, achievements since the first ESCCS and actions to be taken. Theseactions are summarised within the Action Plan in Appendix 1.


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A household is in fuel poverty if, in order to maintaina satisfactory heating regime, it would be requiredto spend more than 10% of its income on allhousehold fuel use. The most recent ScottishHouse Condition Survey states that for 2012-14,40% of households in North Ayrshire are sufferingfrom fuel poverty. In addition, 9% of households arecategorised as being in extreme fuel poverty(where a household would have to spend morethan 20% of its income to maintain a satisfactoryheating regime).

Fuel poverty occurs through a combination of:

Poor energy efficiency of homes and heating•systems

High fuel costs •Low household income•

North Ayrshire Council continues to work towardsalleviating these burdens, through providingenergy efficient housing, access to affordableenergy and awareness of energy efficient practices,and income maximisation.


Workstream 1:Affordable Warmth

Poor energy efficiency of homes and heating•systems

High fuel costs•Low household income•

The 161 new Councilhomes built during thestrategy have all beenconstructed to EcoHomes ‘Very Good’ orequivalent, includingtwo sheltered housingdevelopments.


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Priority Actions to 2020Ensure that affordable homes built under1the Council house building programmeare constructed to the new BRE HomeQuality Mark four star minimum orequivalent.

Construct a new ‘Sustainable House’2demonstrator home to showcase ouraspirations for sustainable living within ourcommunities.

Continue to provide advice on energy3efficiency to the public, and install energyefficiency measures to households usingexternal grants wherever possible.

Through the implementation of the4EESSH delivery plan, ensure allproperties, where practicable, arecompliant with EESSH by 2020.

Achievements throughESCCS1 2014-17The Council has successfully attracted over £5.9 million in external grant funding for insulation overthe life of ESCCS1. This funding is used to deliver External Wall Insulation (EWI), which has beeninstalled in over 1,100 of our most fuel poor households in North Ayrshire to provide increasedthermal comfort and reduced fuel bills, saving over 3,000 tonnes of carbon.

A detailed feasibility study has been completed for the first ever large scale district heating scheme inNorth Ayrshire. This is now progressing to design stage, and is scheduled for delivery as part ofESCCS2.

The 161 new Council homes built during the strategy have all been constructed to Eco Homes ‘VeryGood’ or equivalent, including two sheltered housing developments.

In 2014, the new Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing was introduced to secure minimumstandards for all social housing by 2020. Compliance with the EESSH has been achieved on over89% of Council housing stock, the third highest performance from a local authority in Scotland. Animprovement plan is in place to ensure all properties, where practicable, are compliant with EESSHby 2020.

Deliver our first ever large scale district5heating scheme.

Implement a programme of retrofit of solar6panels on social housing.

Investigate the feasibility of North Ayrshire7Council becoming an energy supplierthrough a ‘white label’ tariff provider fordomestic, and/or commercial and/orcorporate energy.

Identify, and implement where possible,8fuel poverty alleviation projects identifiedthrough the University of GlasgowPartnership.

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Workstream 2: A Green Economy

A Green Economy is defined as “one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, whilesignificantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. It is low carbon, resource efficient, andsocially inclusive" (UNEP, 2011).

We are looking to generate growth anddevelopment within North Ayrshire in waysconsistent with a green economy. However, we arealso investigating a new economic model: ‘TheCircular Economy’. The current Scottish economyis largely based on the standard linear model of:take, make, consume/dispose.

A circular economy replaces this with: re-use,repair, recycle, recover.

The aim of a circular economy is therefore to reducepressure on our natural resources, increase thevalue of existing resources, encourage jobopportunities and financial growth, and reducenegative impacts on the environment.

We need to understand the opportunities topromote a more circular North Ayrshire economy.

The Scottish Government are developingproposals for a new Scottish Energy EfficiencyProgramme (SEEP) which is designed to providenew funding programmes to tackle both domesticand non-domestic energy efficiency. This is likely toprovide new opportunities for local businesses toaccess support and leverage other forms ofinvestment to deliver improved energy efficiency.

Achievements through ESCCS1 2014-17

The Team North Ayrshire approach to account managing our local businesses helps to attractand develop companies in the area. A framework of consultant support for businesses isnow in place with a specific focus on energy and sustainability, and engagement withproviders such as Crichton Carbon Institutes forms part of this. We wish to promote take upamongst local businesses further to improve their economic competitiveness, by helpingthem to reduce their utility bills and identify ways to generate their own power.

In 2016 the Council secured a ground-breakingpartnership with the University of Glasgow, to allowengineering students to complete their penultimateyear assignment on sustainability themed projectswithin North Ayrshire. The assignment focuses onengineering solutions to sustainable developmentchallenges in the area.

This will provide valuable access to research anddevelopment, identify new opportunities andprojects, and allow links to be made between theUniversity, North Ayrshire education institutions andlocal businesses.

Closer links have been been developed betweenthe Council’s Procurement Unit and localbusinesses to help them bid more competitively forlocal contracts.

engineering schallenges in tg


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Priority Actions to 2020Use the partnership with University of Glasgow1to engage with local businesses on the projectthemes of: Sustainable Commercial Energy,Promoting Circular Economies and/orSustainable Infrastructure.

Engage with local businesses to increase uptake2on consultant support for reducing their carbonfootprint, and/or accessing new renewabletechnology.

Use the forthcoming Scottish Energy Efficiency3Programme (SEEP) to identify new projects toreduce energy consumption in homes andbusinesses.

Promote the provision of travel planning for local4businesses to help employees identify moresustainable modes of transport.

Provide bicycle repair boxes to local businesses5to encourage cycling to work.

Investigate ways in which our physical assets can6be utilised for clean energy businesses, e.g.Ardeer Peninsula, Hunterston

Photograph by Nigel Rigden


A framework ofconsultant support forbusinesses is now inplace with a specificfocus on energy andsustainability, andengagement withproviders such asCrichton CarbonInstitutes forms part ofthis.”


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The Scottish Government is aiming for almost total decarbonisation of the transport sector by 2050.

Scottish Planning Policy promotes sustainable transport and active travel by encouraging the optimiseduse of existing infrastructure, reducing the need to travel and providing safe and convenient opportunitiesfor walking and cycling, and facilitate travel by public transport.

Throughout North Ayrshire, transport and travel emissions accounted for 18% of our overall emissions in2014.


Workstream 3:Transport and Travel

Achievements throughESCCS1 2014-17We have made fantastic headway in this workstream. North Ayrshire Council’s pool car schemewas successfully piloted in 2015/16 to reducecarbon emissions and expenditure associate withstaff travel. Over 400 members of staff have signedup to the scheme, with 100,000 miles driven in thelow emissions pool cars, rather than in privatevehicles, saving approximately 9 tonnes of CO2 inthe pilot year. The majority of the Council’s widerfleet have had speed limiters set to 56 miles perhour, increasing fuel efficiency.

The Council has been instrumental in growing thearea’s electric vehicle charging point infrastructure(now with 8 stations) and has acquired 7 electricvehicles to the fleet to complement the hybrid vanspurchased in 2014. Three new electric cars are

based at Cunninghame House for the use withinthe car pool scheme, with the remainder beingallocated to specific services.

The ‘Travel Smart’ campaign has been launched.The campaign offers information on how to makesmart travel choices to save money, improve healthand reduce the effects of climate change, e.g.through walking and cycling.

A fleet of 12 new low floor buses have now beenintroduced onto Arran routes.

Implementation of the Irvine Cycle Friendly Town(ICFT) initiative is well underway, through thedelivery of an action plan to support active travelacross Irvine. This includes upgrading paths,constructing new links and improving infrastructure.

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Priority Actions to 2020Design and implement a corporate travel1hierarchy to encourage modal shift amongststaff, including consideration of audio or videoconferencing to avoid the need to travelaltogether.

Investigate the feasibility of a Car Club scheme2throughout North Ayrshire to incorporate ourcurrent pool fleet use as well as providing thelocal community with access to pay-as-you-drive, low emission vehicles.

Work in partnership with government agencies3to explore the potential for further electriccharging infrastructure throughout NorthAyrshire.

Deliver the Travel Smart Campaign.4

Implement the Walking and Cycling Action Plan,5including the continued implementation of ICFT.

Provide personalised travel plans to staff and6local businesses.

Investigate the feasibility of an Active Travel Hub7for Irvine to act as a focal point for activity such asbike repair facilities, secure parking, travelinformation, and active travel training.

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All life on earth is linked to ecosystem services in numerous ways, and the North Ayrshire Local BiodiversityAction Plan (LBAP) highlights concerns with the loss of local species and habitats. The LBAP focusesaction on Coordination & Monitoring, Coastal Habitats, River Corridors, Farmland, Forests & Woodlands,and Central Scotland Green Network.

Workstream 4: Natural and Built Environment

Achievements throughESCCS1 2014-17The LBAP 2015-18 was prepared and published,identifying priority projects to further conservationand enhancement of our important species andhabitats.

Climate change and adverse weather is the one ofthe Council’s priority risks and is now outlined inour Corporate Risk Register.

All of North Ayrshire’s primary schools haveconsistently achieved the standards required tomaintain the gold accreditation under the SoilAssociation’s Food for Life Catering Mark. Thisdemonstrates our commitment to sourcesustainable produce and provide freshly made,seasonal meals whilst supporting the localeconomy.

The provision of new allotments (includingcommunity gardens and community orchards) hashelped increase food production within NorthAyrshire.

The Council agreed its Vacant & Derelict LandStrategy in June 2014- an action within ESCCS1-and has been successful in securing £1.7 million infunding to implement actions identified in thestrategy.

The Council remains committed to the Fairtrademovement, with North Ayrshire being identified asa ‘Fairtrade Zone’, and more schools than everengaging with the Fairtrade agenda.

Action on climate change adaptation within NorthAyrshire Council is taken into account within ourstrategic service plans, and we are engaged inAdaptation Scotland's 'Five Steps to ManagingYour Climate Risks' process to embed adaptationwithin the organisation.

The Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009compels local authorities to work in partnershipwith Scottish Water, SEPA and SNH to create theNational Flood Risk Management Strategy. Fromthis, the Ayrshire Flood Risk Management Strategy

recommended areas for further study. The Councilis the lead authority for the Local Plan District forAyrshire, publishing the Ayrshire Flood RiskManagement Plan for Ayrshire, a delivery planidentifying specific flood protection schemes andrequired studies. The Plan details actions to bedelivered during 2016-2022 and includes 3prioritised flood protection schemes and works, 15flood protection studies, flood warning schemes,surface water management plans and natural floodmanagement studies and works.

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Priority Actions to 2020Implement the actions within the new Local1Biodiversity Action Plan.

Develop and implement the Garnock2Connections Landscape Partnership Projectwith partners.

Carry out the Ardeer Peninsula, Lochshore,3Ardrossan North Shore and Biomass SupplyChain feasibility studies, as identified throughthe Vacant and Derelict Land Funding works.

Design and implement projects identified4through the Vacant and Derelict Land Fundingworks.

Continue to increase local food production by5establishing new allotments (includingcommunity gardens and community orchards).Enshrine the principles of sustainability within6the Local Development Plan review, to placegreater emphasis on sustainability.

Deliver the Ayrshire Flood Risk Management7Plan, to manage flood risk in our communities.

Design and implement schemes identified8through flood risk management studies.

Develop the Millport Coastal Flood Protection9Scheme, to protect the community from risk offlooding during times when adverse weathercombines with high tide.

Develop the Surface Water Management Plan10to reduce the risk of localised flooding.

Implement the actions from the Open Space11Strategy in relation to WoodlandManagement.

Encourage further uptake in our schools and12communities in relation to Fairtradeengagement.

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The Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009 placesduties on public bodies relating to climate change.These duties require that a public body must, inexercising its functions, act:

in the way best calculated to contribute to•delivery of the Act's emissions reductiontargetsin the way best calculated to deliver any•statutory adaptation programme, andin a way that it considers most sustainable.•

North Ayrshire Council employs over 6,500 staff,delivering services throughout the region. Thereare over 700 buildings in the Council’s estate,together with a social housing stock of 13,108. TheCouncil also has an extensive fleet of 530 vehicles,and spends approximately £150 million each yearon the procurement of works, goods and services.

We are therefore well placed to work in asustainable manner and lead by example, toencourage, support and assist residents andbusinesses within North Ayrshire and reduce ouroverall emissions from industry, domestic andtransport sectors.

Clearly then, it is for the Council to demonstratepublic leadership on the sustainability agenda.There are a wide range of opportunities to achievethis, given the diversity of the Council’s operationsand the extent of its built estate.

One of the opportunities identified since ESCCS1 isthe scope to increase engagement with thesustainability agenda. A Low Carbon BehaviourStrategy has since been commissioned, which willincorporate a Scottish Government recognisedmodel of behaviour change delivery and focus oncommunication messages to drive change.

Workstream 5:Sustainable Operations

in the way best calculated to contribute to•delivery of the Act's emissions reductiontargetsin the way best calculated to deliver any•statutory adaptation programme, andin a way that it considers most sustainable.•

Achievements through ESCCS1 2014-17Over the life of ESCCS1, we have reduced our carbon emissions by 19% (11,000tonnes) through the actions within the strategy.

The Council held a ‘Straight Talking’ event in October 2015 to discuss sustainability in North Ayrshire. Theevent, hosted by our Chief Executive, was well attended by a variety of stakeholders, such as communityrepresentatives, local businesses, Council Members and Officers, school pupils and representatives fromthe Sustainable Scotland Network. Through enthusiastic participation from delegates, we were able tocapture fresh perspective and provide information on sustainable activity throughout the area.

Recognising the need for a collaborative corporate approach to sustainability, we established theSustainability Board in early 2016. The Board comprises representation from all Council Directorates atsenior management level. The remit is to identify, encourage and support sustainable behaviours andpractices throughout North Ayrshire. Another outcome from the creation of the board is the creation andmaintenance of a project register. The register allows for all sustainability related projects to be listed inone database, and maintained by the relevant services represented on the board.

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In addition, the installation of Solar PV arrays andbiomass boilers in schools is a significant moveaway from the use of fossil fuels in some of thehighest energy consuming properties. Solar PVarrays have been installed in 16 properties, with atotal installed capacity of over 1.5MWp. BiomassBoilers have been installed in 13 educationalproperties (namely primary schools, secondaryschools, and an outdoor education centre), with atotal installed capacity of over 4MWp.

The Council’s Waste Strategy 2012-2016 has beensuccessfully implemented, with North Ayrshirecurrently recognised as amongst the best in class inScotland for the highest percentage of householdwaste being recycled. A new waste managementstrategy for North Ayrshire is scheduled.

Implementation of the ‘Sow to Grow’ initiative atfour schools, so to allow pupils to grow their ownorganic produce for use in school meals.

The North Ayrshire Renewable Energy Strategy(RES) was approved by Cabinet in September

2015. The development of various new renewableenergy generation projects is well underway,despite significant cuts to the subsidies designedto incentivise schemes.

Our Corporate Procurement service has createdsome fantastic opportunities for medium and longterm unemployed people in North Ayrshire.Between 2014 and 2016, 93 new recruits andapprentices have been taken on through contractclauses, as designed through the CorporateProcurement Strategy.

We are working in partnership with the EnergySavings Trust to deliver bespoke energy lessons toprimary schools, to support the curriculum forexcellence and incorporate the sustainabilitymessage into everyday life.

The Eco Schools Programme encourages pupils tolearn about waste minimisation, energy,biodiversity and sustaining our world. All of ourprimary schools have registered with the eco-schools programme.

Priority Actions to 2020Continue implementation of the Renewable1Energy Strategy.

Implement the extension to the incentivise2Solar PV and Biomass programme.

Approval and implementation of the Council’s3Waste Management Strategy.

Complete Phase 2 of the energy efficient street4lighting across North Ayrshire.

Raise energy efficiency ratings of the Council’s5properties to a maximum standard, forexample through the implementation of theNon Domestic Energy Efficiency (NDEE)programme.

Continue to develop and implement the6Council’s property rationalisation programme.

Continued administration of the Sustainability7Board to identify, implement and monitorsustainability activity within the Council.

Develop the North Ayrshire Smart brand to8drive sustainability activity, including throughimplementation of the new Low CarbonBehaviour Strategy.

Encourage more eco-schools accreditations9within our schools.

Continue a programme of energy lessons10within our schools to reduce energyconsumption in the school estate, and providechildren with learning opportunities in relationto the ‘Learning for Sustainability’ agenda.

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Performance ManagementProgress towards the actions set out within ESCCS2will be measured and reported to seniormanagement through a corporate performancemanagement system. Performance data is collatedand presented through this system to ElectedMembers every six months. We intend to develop aportfolio of 3-5 indicators to measure success ofESCCS2, for example carbon emissions, level ofrecycling and energy efficiency measuresimplemented.

Annual submissions on sustainability performanceare required for the CRC-Energy Efficency Schemeand the Public Sector Climate Change ReportingDuties.

The Council has taken part in Climate ChangeAssessment Tool (CCAT) training and in recognisingthe strengths and benefits of it, has delivered aworkshop to the Sustainability Board. The tool isused to facilitate discussion on corporate climatechange performance. The Council’s currentposition is assessed, with an action plan producedto drive continuous improvement. Throughparticipation in the workshop based meeting, theSustainability Board were able to identify areas ofstrength surrounding governance and emissionreduction. Furthermore, Adaptation Scotland’s‘Five Steps to Managing Your Climate Risks’ hasbeen

adopted as the basis to drive forward ouradaptation performance, and features within theproject register. It is the intention of the ESCCS 2 toimprove our climate change performance, whichcan be monitored through this annual CCATexercise.

The EU Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energyrequire a monitoring report to be submitted everytwo years, detailing progress on performance also.

The Sustainability and Directorate PerformanceService have identified Resource EfficientScotland’s Carbon Footprint & Project Register as arobust tool to manage progress towards carbonreduction and renewable energy usage. TheProject Register is viewed as a ‘live’ documentwhich will change on an annual basis, also ensuringthat the project register remains fit for purpose.Any changes to our estate or progress on projectstatus will be recorded here. This process will beoverseen by the Sustainability Board.

This strategy will be updated in 2020 to continuethe three year strategy cycle, to 2030 and beyond.

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We are therefore well placed towork in a sustainable manner andlead by example, to encourage,support and assist residents andbusinesses within North Ayrshireand reduce our overall emissionsfrom industry, domestic andtransport sectors.”


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Affordable WarmthWorkstream

Affordable Warmth

We maximise the access toclean, affordable renewableenergy for everyone in NorthAyrshire.

What will we do?

Ensure that affordable homesbuilt under the Council housebuilding programme areconstructed to the new BREHome Quality Mark four starminimum or equivalent.

Construct a new ‘SustainableHouse’ demonstrator hometo showcase our aspirationsfor sustainable living withinour communities.

Continue to provide adviceon energy efficiency to thepublic, and install energyefficiency measures tohouseholds using externalgrants wherever possible.

Through the implementationof the EESSH delivery plan,ensure all properties, wherepracticable, are compliantwith EESSH by 2020.

Deliver our first ever largescale district heating scheme.

Implement a programme ofretrofit of solar panels onsocial housing, subject tofinancial viability.

Investigate the feasibility ofNorth Ayrshire Councilbecoming an energy supplierthrough a ‘white label’ tariffprovider for domestic,and/or commercial and/orcorporate energy.

Identify, and implementwhere possible, fuel povertyalleviation projects throughthe University of GlasgowPartnership.

How will we measuresuccess?

Percentage of affordablehomes completed to BREHome Quality Mark four star,or equivalent.

Number of homes withadditional energy efficiencymeasures as a result ofnational/local schemes.


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Appendix 1- Sustainability Strategy Action Plan

How will we do it?

Ensuring that theconstruction specificationsreflect BRE’s requirementsand is enforced as housingdevelopment programmesare brought forward.

Working in partnership withBRE to specify and constructthe unit(s).

Partnership working throughthe Local Energy AdviceForum (LEAF), and design andimplement insulationprogrammes.

Through implementation ofthe EESSH delivery plan.

Implementation of projectidentified as part of Council’sRenewable Energy Strategy.

Implementation of projectidentified as part of Council’sRenewable Energy Strategy.

Procurement of a white labelpartner.

Identify suitable projectconcepts and developproposals.

Who will do it?

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

When will we do it by?










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A Green EconomyWorkstream

A Green Economy

Our business base has awell-developed local supplychain, a low carbonfootprint and contains morecompanies operating withinthe green industry.

What will we do?

Use the partnership with theUniversity of Glasgow toengage with local businesseson the project themes of:Sustainable CommercialEnergy, Promoting CircularEconomies or SustainableInfrastructure.

Engage with local businessesto increase uptake onconsultant support forreducing their carbonfootprint, and/or accessing new renewable technology.

Use the forthcoming ScottishEnergy Efficiency Programme(SEEP) to identify projects tosupport energy efficiency indomestic and non domesticbuildings.

Promote the provision oftravel planning for localbusinesses to help employeesidentify more sustainablemodes of transport.

Provide bicycle repair boxesto local businesses toencourage cycling to work.

Investigate ways in which ourphysical assets can be utilisedfor clean energy businesses,e.g. Ardeer Peninsula,Hunterston.

How will we measuresuccess?

Percentage reduction ofcarbon emissions withinNorth Ayrshire.


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Appendix 1- Sustainability Strategy Action Plan

How will we do it?

Collaboration betweenEconomic Growth Services,Sustainability and DirectoratePerformance, and theUniversity of Glasgow.

Use the ‘Team North Ayrshire’account managed approachto encourage uptake andenable growth of existingrenewable energybusinesses.

Continue roll out of CrichtonCarbon Centre projects tohelp upskill individuals inrenewable technology, andhelp businesses reduce theirenvironmental impacts.

Awaiting publication ofdetails on SEEP.

Engaging with localbusinesses.

Engaging with localbusinesses.

Engaging with partners toidentify opportunities.

Who will do it?

Head of PhysicalEnvironment/Head ofEconomic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Economic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

When will we do it by?









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Transport & TravelWorkstream

Transport & Travel

We shift more and morejourneys from the private car tosustainable forms of travel,such as walking and cycling.

We make electric vehicles amore attractive option wherecar journeys are essential.

What will we do?

Design and implement acorporate travel hierarchy toencourage modal shiftamongst staff, includingconsideration of audio orvideo conferencing to avoidthe need to travel altogether.

Investigate the feasibility of aCar Club scheme throughoutNorth Ayrshire to incorporateour current pool fleet use aswell as providing the localcommunity with access topay-as-you-drive, lowemission vehicles.

Work in partnership withgovernment agencies toexplore the potential forfurther electric charginginfrastructure throughoutNorth Ayrshire.

Deliver the Travel SmartCampaign.

Implement the Walking andCycling Action Plan, includingthe continuedimplementation of IrvineCycle Friendly Town.

Provide personalised travelplans to staff and localbusinesses.

Investigate the feasibility ofan Active Travel Hub for Irvineto act as a focal point foractivity such as bike repairfacilities, secure parking,travel information, and activetravel training.

How will we measuresuccess?

Percentage reduction in thenumber of business milestravelled.

Number of electric vehiclecharging points withinNorth Ayrshire.


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Appendix 1- Sustainability Strategy Action Plan

How will we do it?

By implementation of a newcorporate travel policy.

Secure granted fundedsupport to investigatefeasibility.

Prepare and submit fundingbids for further grant fundingfor electric vehicleinfrastructure.

Raising awareness ofalternative modes of travelthroughout North Ayrshire.

Implement actions within theplan.

Engage with staff and localbusinesses.

Carry out a feasibility study toidentify opportunities.

Who will do it?

Head of Commercial Services

Head of Commercial Services

Head of EconomicGrowth/Head of PhysicalEnvironment

Head of Economic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

When will we do it by?









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Natural & Built EnvironmentWorkstream

Natural & Built Environment

We use our natural and builtassets sustainably, for examplethrough encouraging andprotecting biodiversity,increasing local foodproduction and maintaining abalanced land use policy.

What will we do?

Implement the actions withinthe new Local BiodiversityAction Plan.

Develop and implement theGarnock ConnectionsLandscape PartnershipProject with partners.

Carry out the ArdeerPeninsula, Lochshore,Ardrossan North Shore andBiomass Supply Chainfeasibility studies, asidentified through the Vacantand Derelict Land Fundingworks.

Design and implementprojects identified throughthe Vacant and Derelict LandFunding works.

Continue to increase localfood production byestablishing new allotments(including communitygardens and communityorchards).

Enshrine the principles ofsustainability within the LocalDevelopment Plan review, toplace greater emphasis onsustainability.

How will we measuresuccess?

Performance indicatorsassociated with strategiesdeveloped under thisworkstream.

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Appendix 1- Sustainability Strategy Action Plan

How will we do it?

A dedicated BiodiversityOfficer will facilitate action onthe new LBAP through theNorth Ayrshire BiodiversityPartnership.

Work with partners toprogress the project duringthe ‘development year’ fromDecember 2016-17, andthereafter implement theproject programme.

Procurement of specialistsupport.

Implement a new cycle pathroute connecting toAuchenharvie Park.Implement site remediation atKyle Road.Implement site assembly ofQuarry Road and East Road.Implement the expansion ofsteel fabrication facility inGlengarnock.Develop land at GreenwoodInterchange.

Provide guidance tocommunity groups tofacilitate development ofallotments and communitygardens.

Implementation of the LDPreview.

Who will do it?

Head of Physical Environment

Head of PhysicalEnvironment/Head ofEconomic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

Head of Economic Growth

Head of PhysicalEnvironment/ Head ofConnected Communities

Head of Economic Growth

When will we do it by?








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Natural & Built Environment cont...Workstream

Natural & Built EnvironmentWhat will we do?

Deliver the Ayrshire FloodRisk Management Plan, tomanage flood risk in ourcommunities.

Design and implementschemes identified throughflood risk managementstudies.

Develop the Millport CoastalFlood Protection Scheme, toprotect the community fromrisk of flooding during timeswhen adverse weathercombines with high tide.

Develop the Surface WaterManagement Plan to reducethe risk of localised flooding.

Implement the actions fromthe Open Space Strategy inrelation to WoodlandManagement.

Encourage further uptake inour schools and communitiesin relation to Fairtradeengagement.

How will we measuresuccess?



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Appendix 1- Sustainability Strategy Action Plan

How will we do it?

Develop the Millport CoastalFlood Protection Scheme(100 year managementstrategy for the coastline).

Develop schemes, securefunding and implementprojects.

Implement the scheme.

Develop schemes, securefunding and implementprojects.

Implementation of the actionswithin the strategy.

Work with the North AyrshireFairtrade group to continue toidentify opportunities.

Who will do it?

Head of Commercial Services

Head of Commercial Services

Head of Commercial Services

Head of Commercial Services

Head of Commercial Services

Head of Inclusion/Head ofPhysical Environment

When will we do it by?








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Sustainable OperationsWorkstream

Sustainable Operations

We, as a Council, lead theway in making our operationsmore sustainable by reducingthe carbon emissions of ouroperations, and ensuringsustainable thinking is part ofour decision making.

What will we do?

Continue implementation ofthe Renewable EnergyStrategy.

Implement the extension tothe corporate Solar PV andBiomass programme.

Approval andimplementation of theCouncil’s Waste ManagementStrategy.

Complete Phase 2 of theenergy efficient streetlighting across NorthAyrshire.

Raise energy efficiencyratings of the Council’sproperties to a maximumstandard, for examplethrough the implementationof the Non Domestic EnergyEfficiency (NDEE)programme.

Continue to develop andimplement the propertyrationalisation programme.

Continued administration ofthe Sustainability Board toidentify, implement andmonitor sustainability activitywithin the Council.

Develop the North AyrshireSmart brand to drivesustainability activity,including throughimplementation of the newLow Carbon BehaviourStrategy.

How will we measuresuccess?

Number of installations ofrenewable technologieswithin the Council estate.

Percentage recycling rate forhousehold and municipalwaste.

Number of street lightsconverted to LED.

Climate Change AssessmentTool (CCAT) score.


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Appendix 1- Sustainability Strategy Action Plan

How will we do it?

Implementation of relevantprojects.

Procurement of specialistsupport.

Implementation of thestrategy.

Convert previously identifiedstreet lights to LED.

Implementation of the annualenergy efficiencyprogramme, procurement ofan Energy Performancecontract.

Reduce the number ofCouncil properties.

Facilitate action on improvingclimate change performanceusing the CCAT tool.

Investigating thecommunication benefits oflinking sustainable actionunder one model.

Who will do it?

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

When will we do it by?










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Sustainable Operations cont...Workstream

Sustainable OperationsWhat will we do?

Encourage more eco-schoolsaccreditations within ourschools.

Continue a programme ofenergy lessons within ourschools to reduce energyconsumption in the schoolestate, and provide childrenwith learning opportunities inrelation to the ‘Learning forSustainability’ agenda.

How will we measuresuccess?


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Appendix 1- Sustainability Strategy Action Plan

How will we do it?

Engagement with teachers topublicise the benefits, andprovision of support toschools to address gaps inthe eco-schools criteria.

Implementation of theprogramme.

Who will do it?

Head of Inclusion/Head ofPhysical Environment

Head of Physical Environment

When will we do it by?




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This EnvironmentalSustainability & ClimateChange Strategy 2017-2020, produced by NorthAyrshire Council, hasbeen printed on 100%recycled materials.”


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