north carolina civics economics review. the uprising known as shay’s rebellion was in protest of...

North Carolina Civics Economics Review

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Page 1: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

North CarolinaCivics Economics Review

Page 2: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 3: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of

A. The Intolerable Acts

B. The lack of representation in Parliament

C. High tea prices

D. High state taxes that forced farmers into debt

Page 4: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The meeting of colonial delegates in Philadelphia in September 1774 to discuss concerns about Britain’s Intolerable Acts was known as the

A. First Continental Congress

B. Mayflower Compact

C. Boston Tea Party

D. Declaratory Act

Page 5: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

American colonists resented British taxes because

A. American members of Parliament voted against the taxes

B. Americans grew their own tea

C. The Mayflower Compact did not allow for taxes

D. They had no representatives in the British Parliament

Page 6: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

One of the major Anti-Federalist objections to the Constitution was

that it

A. Allowed for freedom of religion

B. Gave too much power to state governments

C. Did not contain a bill of rights

D. Did away with the Electoral College

Page 7: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

All of the following are protected by the 1st Amendment in the Bill of

Rights except

A. Freedom of assembly

B. Freedom of religion

C. Freedom of speech

D. Freedom from self-incrimination

Page 8: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The first representative assembly, or legislature, in the English

colonies was called the

A. Virginia Company

B. House of Burgesses

C. Mayflower Compact

D. Parliament

Page 9: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In colonial America, tobacco and rice were crops grown mainly in

A. New England

B. The Northern Colonies

C. The Southern Colonies

D. New York and Pennsylvania

Page 10: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In a totalitarian state,

A. The government’s control extends to almost all aspects of people’s lives

B. Political opposition to the ruler is openly accepted

C. There are few restrictions on individual freedoms

D. Industries and farms produce whatever they wish for maximum profit

Page 11: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The Mayflower Compact established a tradition of direct democracy, as evidenced by

A. The creation of the House of Burgesses

B. The rejection of common law

C. Town meetings in which citizens discuss and vote on important issues

D. A governor appointed by the English king

Page 12: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In a parliamentary system of government, the prime minister is not only the chief executive, but


A. A member of the judicial branch

B. A member of the parliament

C. A hereditary ruler, such as a king or queen

D. The president, or head of state

Page 13: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The Federalists believed that the United States

A. Did not need to replace the Articles of Confederation

B. Needed a strong central government

C. Needed to keep all government power within the individual states

D. Should not adopt the Constitution

Page 14: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress

A. Had no power to tax

B. Had full power to enforce the laws it created

C. Was made up of a legislature in which each state had two or more votes

D. Had nearly unlimited central powers

Page 15: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In the pamphlet Common Sense, Thomas Paine argued

A. Against the Declaration of Independence

B. Against the Articles of Confederation

C. For repairing relations with Britain and continuing as a colony

D. For complete independence from Britain

Page 16: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

After 1763, Great Britain began to place steep taxes on the American

colonies because A. Tea had become much more expensive

B. Britain needed the money to pay off heavy war debts following the French and Indian War

C. The Americans had fought in the battles of Lexington and Concord

D. For complete independence from Britain

Page 17: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The American colonists’ acceptance of common law and

belief that a ruler was not above the law were based on

A. The Mayflower Compact

B. French political traditions

C. Town meetings

D. English political traditions

Page 18: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 19: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The notion that power lies with the people is called

A. Expressed power

B. Popular sovereignty

C. Concurrent power

D. Checks and balances

Page 20: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

For a bill to become a law

A. It must be approved by the Supreme Court

B. Only the president needs to approve it

C. It must be approved by a general vote of the population

D. A majority of both senators and representatives must vote for it

Page 21: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In the system of checks and balances, to check the power of the

Supreme Court, Congress can

A. Veto laws proposed by the Supreme Court

B. Block treaties approved by the Supreme Court

C. Remove judges through the impeachment process

D. Overturn executive policies it finds contrary to the U.S. Constitution

Page 22: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The first step in the process for amending the U.S. Constitution is

A. Proposal

B. Ratification

C. Interpretation

D. Presidential action

Page 23: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The ruling in the 1819 McCulloch v. Maryland Supreme Court case

demonstrated that

A. Local powers take precedence over state powers

B. Local powers take precedence over federal powers

C. Federal powers take precedence over state powers

D. Concurrent powers are unconstitutional

Page 24: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education of

Topeka, Kansas found thatA. Racial segregation in public schools

was unconstitutionalB. Armbands worn to school to protest

the war were a form of speech and protected by the First Amendment

C. Protections in the Bill of Rights did not apply to the states

D. Students 18 years and older could vote in all elections

Page 25: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Americans who favor states’ rights over federal powers believe that the

national government’s powers should be limited because

A. people, not the states, created the national government

B. State governments are closer to the peopleC. Congress has the right to adopt any means it

needs to carry out its delegated powers.D. Most citizens identify more closely with the

national government.

Page 26: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Nearly half of the federal government’s revenue is supplied


A. Estate taxes

B. The income tax

C. Fees from national parks

D. Taxes on tobacco and alcohol

Page 27: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

A federal welfare program that provides help with nutrition and

health care to low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 is

A. Workfare



D. Social security

Page 28: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The idea that the law applies to everyone, even those who govern,

is called

A. Due process

B. Rule of law

C. Popular sovereignty

D. Checks and Balances

Page 29: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

According to the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to do all of

the following except

A. Regulate foreign and interstate trade

B. Coin money

C. Declare war

D. Favor one state over another

Page 30: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The powers that the U.S. Constitution does not give to the

national government, but which are kept by the states, are called

A. Implied powers

B. Limited powers

C. Reserved powers

D. State powers

Page 31: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The Twenty-fourth Amendment made illegal a tax that some

southern states collected before allowing a person to vote, called a

A. Poll tax

B. Discrimination tax

C. Suffrage tax

D. Popular vote tax

Page 32: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The Social Security and Medicare programs are funded by

A. The entry fees for national parks

B. Taxes on tobacco and alcohol

C. Estate taxes

D. Payroll taxes

Page 33: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The principles underlying the Constitution include all of the

following except

A. Federalism

B. Popular sovereignty

C. Limited voting rights

D. Separation of powers

Page 34: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 35: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

To support the principle of personal achievement, the North Carolina constitution of 1776 called for

A. The creation of a state militia

B. Voting rights for all women and enslaved people

C. A literacy test requirement for voting

D. The establishment of public schools and a university

Page 36: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

According to the North Carolina constitution of 1776, the governor


A. Elected by the general public, including women and enslaved people

B. Appointed by the General Assembly C. Appointed by the state’s judges D. Appointed by officials in Great


Page 37: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Besides the governor and lieutenant governor, North

Carolina’s executive branch consists of

A. The members of the Senate

B. The General Assembly

C. The Council of States

D. 39 district attorneys

Page 38: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

A 1996 amendment to the North Carolina constitution gave the

governor the power to

A. Choose key county officials

B. Appoint the Council of State

C. Veto legislation

D. Dismiss the Council of State

Page 39: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In the court case, Leandro v. State of North Carolina, the North

Carolina Supreme Court ruled that the state constitution

A. Requires low-wealth counties to have free universities

B. Allows for all public schools to charge tuition

C. Allows the “grandfather clause” to be in effect for education issues

D. Does not require equal funding of education for every student

Page 40: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The Fourteenth Amendment did all of the following except

A. Outlawed slavery

B. Defined a U.S. citizen as any one “born or naturalized in the United States”

C. Required states to grant citizens “equal protection of the laws”

D. Forbade states from taking an individual’s “life, liberty, or property, with out due process of law”

Page 41: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

A large portion of North Carolina county revenues comes from

A. Property taxes

B. County park entrance fees

C. Utility user fees

D. Individual income taxes

Page 42: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The second largest category of municipal expenditures in North

Carolina is for public safety, which includes

A. Parks and recreation

B. Police and fire services

C. Utilities

D. Water and suffrage

Page 43: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

As evidence by its creation of a states militia, the North Carolina

constitution of 1776 also upheld the political value of

A. Prosperity

B. Individual rights

C. War

D. Safety

Page 44: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

According to the original North Carolina constitution of 1776,

members of both the senate and the house of representatives were

A. Chosen by the governor

B. Chosen by the king

C. Elected for one-year terms

D. Elected to serve lifelong terms

Page 45: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The North Carolina constitution of 1776 did not give the governor

much power because

A. The governor was to be appointed for life

B. They believed more power should be placed with the judicial branch

C. They did not want the governor competing with the president

D. Under British rule, the king-appointed governor and the legislature had competed for power

Page 46: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The revision of the North Carolina constitution in 1868

A. Completely changed the basic structure of government from the first constitution

B. Greatly opened up participation in government

C. Granted North Carolina women the right to vote

D. Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18

Page 47: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Much of the intergovernmental revenue-money from the federal government-received by North

Carolina is used to pay for

A. Military expenses

B. The governor’s salary

C. Debts owed by the state

D. Education, health, and social service programs

Page 48: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In most municipalities, the municipal or city manager is

responsible for all of the following tasks except

A. Keeping official records

B. Hiring and firing municipal employees

C. Proposing a municipal budget to the municipal governing board

D. Advising the municipal governing board of municipal policy

Page 49: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 50: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The main political parties in America’s two-party system are the

A. Progressives and Republicans

B. Populists and Labor

C. Democrats and Libertarians

D. Republicans and Democrats

Page 51: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

All of the following are North Carolina voter eligibility

requirements except

A. Residents must have lived in the voting precinct for at least six months

B. Residents must be registered to vote

C. Residents must be a citizen of the United States

D. Residents must be at least 18 years old

Page 52: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

At its presidential nominating convention, each political party writes a series of statements

expressing the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions on election

issues called a

A. single-issue statement

B. Political machine

C. Caucus

D. Platform

Page 53: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

To influence public policy, interest groups focus their efforts on elections, the courts, and


B. Law makers

C. Labor unions

D. Public opinion polls

Page 54: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In a criminal case, the step following arraignment is

A. Indictment

B. Arrest

C. Trial

D. Acquittal

Page 55: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 56: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

State courts that handle cases involving felonies-murder, armed

robbery, drug trafficking, and other major crimes-are called

A. Justice courts

B. Municipal courts

C. Misdemeanor courts

D. General trial courts

Page 57: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In the few circumstances when a case can be heard in either a state or federal court, the courts are said

to have

A. Original jurisdiction

B. District jurisdiction

C. Concurrent jurisdiction

D. Judicial jurisdiction

Page 58: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

During a criminal trial, the lawyers’ opening statements

A. Are presented to the jury members after they cannot reach a verdict

B. Are presented before the indictment

C. Outlined the case that each will present

D. “instruct” the jury, or explain the law that relates to the case

Page 59: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

When the House and the Senate pass similar, but not identical, bills, A. The Senate version is put into lawB. The bill is dropped and cannot be

reconsidered for a certain amount of time

C. The president decides which version to put into law

D. A conference committee is formed, with members from both houses, to produce a compromise bill.

Page 60: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

During a filibuster in the Senate,

A. Senators opposed to a bill talk for hour after hour until the bill is withdrawn

B. Rules for debate of a bill discussed and set

C. A bill is passed without any charges

D. Senators must immediately carry out a roll-call vote on a bill

Page 61: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In the House of Representatives, during a floor debate on a bill,

A. There is usually a time limited for discussion set by the Rules Committee

B. Representatives can speak for as long as they wish

C. Representatives can filibuster, or talk a bill to death

D. Only the representatives from the party sponsoring the bill may speak

Page 62: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 63: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

To safeguard against a person being kept in jail unlawfully, Article 1of the Constitution includes the

A. Definition of treason

B. Writ of habeas corpus

C. Search and seizure clause

D. Double jeopardy clause

Page 64: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Cases that involve disputes between individuals, organizations,

or governments, in which no criminal laws have been broken,

are related to A. Civil law

B. Statutory law

C. Criminal law

D. International law

Page 65: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In North Carolina, sheriffs are

A. Elected in a state election

B. Appointed by the governor

C. Elected in county elections

D. Appointed by mayors or city managers

Page 66: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

In North Carolina, sheriffs’ departments enforce state and

local laws

A. Only along county roads

B. In the unincorporated areas of the county and in municipalities without police departments

C. Within city limits

D. Only within state and local parks and recreation areas

Page 67: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution forbids the enactment of an ex post

facto law, which is a law that

A. Would allow a person to be punished for an action that was not against the law when it was committed

B. Punishes a person accused of crime without a trial or a fair hearing

C. Refuses to allow defendants to question witnesses testifying against them

D. Punishes a citizen for treason

Page 68: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Representatives of interest groups who contact lawmakers directly to influence their policymaking are


A. Political activists

B. Lobbyists

C. Concerned citizens

D. Journalists

Page 69: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 70: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The four factors that affect production are

A. Labor, capital, consumers, and producers

B. Land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial skill

C. Resources, scarcity, transportation, and leisure time

D. Entrepreneurial skill, incentives, standard of living, and loans

Page 71: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The scarcity of resources forces society to make choices concerningA. borrowing, collecting, and interest


B. Standard of living, overtime, and product quality

C. What to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce

D. Consumption, education, and trade-offs

Page 72: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

You are considering buying a new lawnmower. It will be expensive but it will allow you to cut more lawns. Such an economic choice is called


A. trade-off

B. Supply and demand decision

C. Scarcity modeling

D. Production allocation

Page 73: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The wants and needs of people are restricted by

A. Consumer demands

B. Economic models

C. Specialization

D. Scarcity

Page 74: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Capital goods refer to the

A. machinery, tools, and buildings used to make products

B. Production of goods such as television, cars, CD players, and clothes

C. Human resources necessary to produce goods

D. Total goods and services produced tn a country

Page 75: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Division of labor improves productivity by

A. Separating diligent workers from less motivated ones

B. Comparing product markets with factor markets

C. Increasing profit motive by encouraging competition

D. Breaking jobs down into separate tasks

Page 76: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 77: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The idea that businesses usually try to produce the products that

people want most is

A. Competition

B. Consumer sovereignty

C. Voluntary exchange

D. Profit motive

Page 78: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The factor that is largely responsible for the growth of a free-

enterprise system based on capitalism

A. Voluntary exchange

B. The profit motive

C. Specialization

D. Productivity

Page 79: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

Money that a person has left over after paying taxes and for the

necessities of living, which can be used to buy luxury items or put into

saving accounts, is called

A. Interest

B. Disposable income

C. Discretionary income

D. Gross income

Page 80: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

All of the money that the government has borrowed over the

years ad has not yet been paid back is the government’s

A. Bonds

B. Debts

C. Revenue

D. Surplus

Page 81: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

The struggle that goes on between buyers and sellers to get the best products at the lowest prices is


A. Private property rights

B. The profit motive

C. Voluntary exchange

D. Competition

Page 82: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation
Page 83: North Carolina Civics Economics Review. The uprising known as Shay’s Rebellion was in protest of A.The Intolerable Acts B.The lack of representation

A period in the business cycle when real GDP goes down for six

straight months is called a (n)

A. Expansion

B. Dividend

C. Peak

D. Recession