northwest tampa church of christ - clover...

July 1, 2012 Northwest Tampa Church of Christ 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615-2328 Voice: (813)886-3946 Fax: (813) 888-8719 TODAYMark Henthorne -Welcome Home Honduras Mission Team Jul. 2Church Office Closed Jul. 3Movie & Devotional for Teens 7:00PM Citrus Park Jul. 4Independence Day -Office will be open -NO Keith’s Kitchen -We will have our regular Wednesday night service. Jul. 6Church Office Closed -Water Park Day for Teens Looking Ahead Looking Ahead Jul. 14Heather Stewart Bridal Shower 10::00AM at home of Suzanne Holder Jul. 15Honduras Report Ice Cream/Slip-N-Slide/6:00PM Jul. 16-20REVOLVE Local Mission Project Jul. 29-Aug. 1VBS 6-8PM Adventures in Universe City “Seeking God everywhere” Nov. 4Fall Fest Nov. 30Youth Retreat On the Horizon Family News Matt Bancroft Milind & Heather Bharvirkar Mark, Susan, Michaela, Robert, Sean & Zachary Berry Rick & Cindy Bonk Keith & Tonia Boyer Julie Burkert Chris Connell Jessica Del Castillo Bryanna Dorsey Danielle Fotopoulos Earl Gamber Angela Garcia Dan, Dannette & Monica Greaves Ryan Haskins Stephanie Howell Ashley Jarmon Marshall & Marisa Jaroch Lori, Austin & Ben Johnson Ashley Keyso Leah, Ruddy, Micah & Taylor Lally Butch Manuel John Marincin Bob Matthews Matt McDaniel Ian Moore Earl Nash Nicole Nizol Mauricio Perdigon Brittany Reid Savanna, Stephen & Synthia Ritchie Jacob Robertson Kylee Rosado Tiffany Sanchez Errica Snelling Chris Steiner Heather Stewart Ethan & Darrell Venable from Winter Haven Kelly & Mia Venden Welcome Home! Honduras Mission Team Our 2012 Honduras Mission Team is home safely and we praise God for all the wonderful things they accomplished over the past two weeks! They will be presenting a complete report two weeks from tonight (July 15th) at 6:00PM. We will have a slide show presentation and mission team mem- bers will share some of their most meaningful and life-changing experi- ences. We will celebrate with an Ice Cream Fellowship and a Slip-N-Slide. Bring your favorite ice cream and/or toppings. REVOLVE: Youth Group Local Mission Project July 16-20 Put your name on the list TODAY! Our goal is to help families or individuals in need with painting, yard work, house work, moving, repair work, landscaping etc. Let us know if you need help or if you know someone who does. If you can help, a sign-up sheet is on the main bulletin board. See Matt Bancroft for questions. VBS with Mauricio Jacob with the kids

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Page 1: Northwest Tampa Church of Christ - Clover 1, 2012 Northwest Tampa Church of Christ 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida

July 1, 2012

Northwest Tampa

Church of Christ

7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida 33615-2328

Voice: (813)886-3946 Fax: (813) 888-8719

TODAY—Mark Henthorne

-Welcome Home Honduras

Mission Team

Jul. 2—Church Office Closed

Jul. 3—Movie & Devotional

for Teens 7:00PM Citrus Park

Jul. 4—Independence Day

-Office will be open

-NO Keith’s Kitchen

-We will have our regular

Wednesday night service.

Jul. 6—Church Office Closed

-Water Park Day for Teens

L o o k i n g A h e a dL o o k i n g A h e a d

Jul. 14—Heather Stewart

Bridal Shower 10::00AM at

home of Suzanne Holder

Jul. 15—Honduras Report

Ice Cream/Slip-N-Slide/6:00PM

Jul. 16-20—REVOLVE

Local Mission Project

Jul. 29-Aug. 1—VBS 6-8PM

Adventures in Universe City

“Seeking God everywhere”

Nov. 4—Fall Fest

Nov. 30—Youth Retreat

On the Horizon

Family News

† Matt Bancroft

† Milind & Heather Bharvirkar

† Mark, Susan, Michaela, Robert, Sean & Zachary Berry

† Rick & Cindy Bonk

† Keith & Tonia Boyer

† Julie Burkert

† Chris Connell

† Jessica Del Castillo

† Bryanna Dorsey

† Danielle Fotopoulos

† Earl Gamber

† Angela Garcia

† Dan, Dannette & Monica Greaves

† Ryan Haskins

† Stephanie Howell

† Ashley Jarmon

† Marshall & Marisa Jaroch

† Lori, Austin & Ben Johnson

† Ashley Keyso

† Leah, Ruddy, Micah & Taylor Lally

† Butch Manuel

† John Marincin

† Bob Matthews

† Matt McDaniel

† Ian Moore

† Earl Nash

† Nicole Nizol

† Mauricio Perdigon

† Brittany Reid

† Savanna, Stephen & Synthia Ritchie

† Jacob Robertson

† Kylee Rosado

† Tiffany Sanchez

† Errica Snelling

† Chris Steiner

† Heather Stewart

† Ethan & Darrell Venable from Winter Haven

† Kelly & Mia Venden

Welcome Home! Honduras Mission Team Our 2012 Honduras Mission Team is home safely and we praise God for all

the wonderful things they accomplished over the past two weeks! They will

be presenting a complete report two weeks from tonight (July 15th) at

6:00PM. We will have a slide show presentation and mission team mem-

bers will share some of their most meaningful and life-changing experi-

ences. We will celebrate with an Ice Cream Fellowship and a Slip-N-Slide.

Bring your favorite ice cream and/or toppings.

REVOLVE: Youth Group Local Mission Project July 16-20 Put your name on the list TODAY!

Our goal is to help families or individuals in need with painting, yard work,

house work, moving, repair work, landscaping etc. Let us know if you need

help or if you know someone who does. If you can help, a sign-up sheet is

on the main bulletin board. See Matt Bancroft for questions.

VBS with Mauricio

Jacob with the kids

Page 2: Northwest Tampa Church of Christ - Clover 1, 2012 Northwest Tampa Church of Christ 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida

P a g e 2

Notes of Thanks… Be sure to check the

bulletin board for “Thank You” cards

Home Bound… Please take time to

pray for, visit or call our home-

bound members: Toni Carver

Bill Hood Keith and Marylyn Lupton

Thelma Varner

Serving Far and Away…

Michael Birt, Stephanie Birt

Reed Gibbs, Dave McGhee

Marc Venditti, Tara White

Attendance Cards… Members & Guests, please fill out an at-

tendance card for your family and drop in the

collection plate.

Our Missionaries…

Honduras: Esteban Portilla


Perceviel Jackson Jackie Pierrot

No Food or Drinks… As a reminder,

please DO NOT bring anything other than water

or snacks for small children into the auditorium.

VBS—Adventures in Universe City “Seeking God Everywhere” July 29-August 1

Our Vacation Bible School this year is centered around seeking God everywhere in

the world, galaxy, universe and beyond! It will be from 6:00 to 8:00 each evening

Sunday through Wednesday and will include Bible stories, crafts, snacks and a time

of singing and rejoicing. Be sure to make use of the “All Access Visitor Pass” by giv-

ing them out to your school friends and neighbor kids. Matt Bancroft is organizing

things this year and he could use lots of helpers. A sign-up sheet is available on the

teen bulletin board in the side hallway.

VBS is for Adults Too!

For the adults we have Mike O’Neal from the North Brevard Church of Christ in

Orlando, who will present exciting messages all four nights. The title and a short

summary of each session is listed below. His presentations are from his book An

Angel’s View: Encountering God through the Stories of the Heavenly Hosts.

Look for a flyer with his bio and more information next week.

Spirituality and Spaceflight (Sunday Night)

Many of our nation’s astronauts are viewed as men and women of great intellect

and courage, but many are also men and women of great faith. This session will

look into the role spirituality has played in human space flight. Stories will be

shared on how astronauts have spiritually prepared themselves to go into space,

how they practiced their faith in space, and how space has profoundly impacted

their spirituality. This multimedia presentation features Apollo-era audio, video of

an astronaut’s worship on the International Space Station, along with many breath-

taking pictures accompanied by encouraging stories.

The Holiness of God: Angels’ Worship & Praise (Monday Night)

Angels have much to teach us about our holy God. From standing in His awe-

inspiring presence, Scripture reveals that these angelic eyewitnesses were dramati-

cally impacted by the power, majesty, and holiness emanating from their Lord and

Creator. And as such, their subsequent response not only informs us of God’s holi-

ness but challenges us today to approach our God in a more honorable manner.

The Love of God: Angels and the Redemption Story (Tuesday Night)

God’s love for humanity is perhaps the most amazing and unfathomable aspect of

our gracious Creator. During this session, His love will be examined through the

stories of the angels’ involvement in the redemption story. From Gabriel’s an-

nouncement to Mary through the early stages of the spread of the Gospel, angels

were actively proclaiming God’s intentions and assuring the success of His redemp-

tion plan. His love was being extended and angels served Him in mighty ways in

this ministry.

An Angel’s View: The Crucifixion & Resurrection (Wednesday Night)

Built on a biblical framework, the crucifixion and resurrection is explored through

the perspective of the angels. Angels appear at the other major events concerning

Jesus, but where were they when Jesus went to the cross? What significance can

be drawn from their presence at the resurrection? Mike examines this topic

through a captivating parallel with his personal experiences during the Space Shut-

tle Challenger tragedy.

Page 3: Northwest Tampa Church of Christ - Clover 1, 2012 Northwest Tampa Church of Christ 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida

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Keith’s Kitchen…

Keith’s Kitchen is an op-

portunity to support our

work in Honduras. Each

Wednesday at 6:15PM

Keith prepares a deli-

cious meal. The teens help with the

dessert, drinks and clean-up. All

proceeds go to the accounts of stu-

dents who help. There is no set fee

but your generous checks should be

made to Tampa Youth Missions.

Meals are suspended until after VBS.

They will resume on Wednesday,

August 8th. If you would like to be

added to the new Dessert List, let

the office know.

Bridal Shower…

There will be a Bridal

Shower for Heather

Stewart on Saturday,

July 14 at 10:00AM at the

home of Suzanne Holder. Heather

will be marrying Casey Boyer in Sep-

tember. They are registered at Tar-

get, Macy’s and Bed Bath & Beyond.

Baby Girl & Boy Gift Basket…

A gift basket for the twins, Janelle &

Jayden, is located in F-1. They were

born on June 9 to Joseph & Shondra

Mitchell. Shondra is the daughter of

Dorothy Rozier.

July Calendar…

The church calendar for the month

of July is available at the Informa-

tion Center in the back of the audi-

torium. Note: Birthdays and anni-

versaries are taken from our church

database. If yours in not listed or if

it is not on the correct date, please

let the office know so we can update

our records.

On the Horizon... In Our Prayers… Our Northwest Family:

Health Issues: John Baird, Hayward

Brooks, Toni Carver, Bonnie Hites,

Bill Hood, Holly Hulett, Greg Hutchi-

son, Matt Ingram, JoAnn Maute, Bill

& Shirley Mills, Tom Moore, Paula

Schreiner, Evelyn Sutton.

Personal Stress & Struggles: Tommy

Ackley, Cheryl Britton, Chris Daniels,

Faulk family, Ilion family, Vicky John-

son, Jonathan & Nicole McLean.

Our Extended Family:

Bob & family, brother of Donna

Coyle, struggles. Carol, sister of

Marilyn Kapler, rheumatoid arthritis.

Christopher, great-nephew of Vera

Gray, dirt bike accident. Eloise, for-

mer member, not doing well. Fran-

cine, mother-in-law of Danielle

Fotopoulos, health. Gavin, young

grandson of Crystal McDaniel’s HS

friend, stage 4 cancer. George,

brother of Carolyn Haines, surgery

recovery. Gloria, mother of Sheldon

Faulk, knee surgery recovery. Ryan &

Gunderson family, sudden death of

Ryan’s father. John, brother-in-law

of Marilyn Kapler, emphysema.

Marie, mother of Carla Haskins,

health. Matilde, mother (in Chile) of

Donna Coyle’s daughter-in-law, liver

cancer. Melissa, daughter of Jason &

Michelle Reid, knee damage at Navy

boot camp & hole in eardrum. Mi-

chelle, daughter of Charlotte Small,

health. Valeria, friend of George &

Marlene Jones, health struggles.

Wade, friend of the Reid’s, bad wrist

injury, long recovery ahead. Zaden, 2

month old grandson of neighbor of

Sue Gage, ICU with high fever.

Please provide the office with updates for

those on the prayer list.

Thank You…

Ladies, have you noticed the nice

new shinny faucets for the sinks in

the front bathroom? They will cer-

tainly make a better impression to

our visitors than the old tarnished

ones that were replaced. Our dear

elder and fix-it man, George Forcht

(with the help of his wife, MaryAnn)

did this, working nearly all day on his

hands and knees under the sinks—no

easy task. Be sure to tell him how

much you appreciate all his hard

work. Additionally, George has re-

cently solved a significant water leak

problem. He dug up the water line,

only to find a big tree root had grown

around the pipe at the joint which

caused the leak—again no easy task.

He had to cut out the section of the

pipe (root attached) and replace it.

The office staff thanks Bo Morris for

assisting with Shirley’s phone prob-

lem by replacing the old telephone

wires. Her phone was not staying

connected during incoming calls. We

are hoping this has taken care of the


Also, thanks to Payne and Steve

Daniel for replacing the screws that

fall out of the backs of our blue cush-

ioned chairs. This is an on-going pro-

ject since the chairs are constantly

used and moved around.

We have many other members who

help with miscellaneous repair and

clean-up jobs and who don’t always

get told how much we appreciate

them, so to all of them, a HUGE

THANK YOU! Our church building

needs lots of care.

Page 4: Northwest Tampa Church of Christ - Clover 1, 2012 Northwest Tampa Church of Christ 7259 Sheldon Road Tampa, Florida

S t a f f :

Matt Bancroft

Youth Minister

[email protected]

Matthew Betz

Family Life Minister

[email protected]

Rick Bonk

Worship Minister

[email protected]

Keith Boyer


[email protected]

Tonia Boyer

Administrative Assistant

[email protected]

Shirley Daniel


[email protected]

S h e p h e r d s :

George Forcht [email protected]


Tracey Gray [email protected]


Bob Matthews [email protected]


Lewis Patterson [email protected]


D e a c o n s : Rick Azzarelli

Richard Baldock Mark Berry Rick Bonk Doug Cline

Gabriel Garcia Daniel Greaves Jacob Groves

John Marincin Chip Price

Mick Whelan Don Williams

Assembly Schedule

Sunday Worship 9:00AM Bible Class 10:15AM Small Groups (PM)

Wednesday Bible Class 7:15 PM

For the Record

Kingdom Growth 2012

Baptized 8

New Members 20

Attendance Last Week

Bible Class 167 Worship 245 Honduras Mission Trip 53


Contribution $ 8,258 Weekly Budget $ 11,800 YTD Contribution $279,398 YTD Budget $306,800 Specific Contribution YTD

Next Week

Study & Simplicity

* * *

Worship Guide We Bring the Sacrifice of Praise

Praise Him, Praise Him


Focus Scripture/Prayer: George Forcht

Ephesians 4:17-24

Amazing Love

Celebrating the Lord’s Supper

Presiding: Monte Betz

Giving Our Gifts Breathe on Me Breath of God

Awesome God

Awesome Power

Be Still and Know that I am God

Scripture Reading: Doug Cline

John 1:1-14

Message: Mark Henthorne


Mighty to Save

*Our God, He Is Alive

*Parents of children in Praise Time and/or Kid’s Kingdom should leave to get their children during the final song.

Adult Classes

Sunday Morning Adult Classes

Adult Class (Fellowship 1)

A Prophet’s Voice

Mark Henthorne

Adult Class (Fellowship 2)

Spiritual Success in Cultural Chaos

Tim Thompson

Adult Class (Auditorium)

Living Out a Godly Legacy

Mark Berry

Wednesday Evening Adult Classes

Adult Class (Fellowship 1)

Memories of Jesus - The Gospels of Luke & John

Mike Schreiner

Adult Class (Fellowship 2)

Everyday Encouragement

John Marincin





Fasting /Submission: June Week 4

Job 38:1-7 1 John 3:19-24

Jonah 4 Haggai 1:3-11 Exodus 3-4:14