nota fiscal customizing

Nota Fiscal Customizing This topic is going to be longer than usual. That’s because there is a complete process l want to show you. Show part by part isolate will have no much sense for you. At first time we will see theForm of Nota Fiscal and how it is defined in SAP. After that is learn what is Group Number and definitions by customizing. Another important step we will see is the Assignment of a Group Number to a Business Place (Filial) with Nota Fiscal type. At last we will learn more about the Print Parameters. Please follow the steps bellow to start the learning and choose the NF Type E1 on the list loaded:

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Nota Fiscal Customizing


Nota Fiscal CustomizingThis topic is going to be longer than usual. That’s because there is a complete process l want to show you. Show part by part isolate will have no much sense for you. At first time we will see theForm of Nota Fiscal and how it is defined in SAP. After that is learn what is Group Number and definitions by customizing. Another important step we will see is the Assignment of a Group Number to a Business Place (Filial) with Nota Fiscal type. At last we will learn more about the Print Parameters.

Please follow the steps bellow to start the learning and choose the NF Type E1 on the list loaded:

To begin let’s open up the SAP to see a little more important details about NF Type (E1 – Nota Fiscal Incoming) as l showed below:


So let`s see below another scenario, the [Nota Fiscal Entrada] check box is marked, so means that is about a foreign vendor and there is no NF attached with that product. That’s happens because Nota Fiscal is a specific Brazilian document, you can see more explanations in previous posts.

That check box [Nota Fiscal Entrada] flagged make us sure that type of NF will be used about foreign vendors taking care to issue NF to be legalized in Brazil territory.

*That procedure (issue NF to foreign vendors) is required to go through Brazilian Customs.

Keeping in mind the points above is clear for you, so let’s see about the Nota Fiscal form field. Please follow the steps bellow:

After opened, you will see a list of Forms of NF existed like the image below:

Those Forms above are SAP Standard. We will take as example in MM side the form NF02 “Form 02 entradas” that is such a layout of Nota Fiscal used in MM process. Now that looks such an isolate information without sense. But l will let you know in the next steps how it is important.

OBS:.  In many companies there is more Form types added in that list, for example, we can insert a new entry NF03 for good transfers, that would be a Form(Layout of Nota Fiscal) used for transfer procedures of the Company.

It is important in the Nota Fiscal configuration understand what is NF Group Number. After all that is used to determinate independently ranges of Nota Fiscal to be used by each Geographic Regions plus some attributes (Company Code – Branch – Serie). Follow the path bellow to see in SAP an example:

We could see the NF Number Group existed in the list like below:

Now as the image below you can see the specific number range configured by region with their attributes (Company Code – Branch – *Serie):

*l will abord what is a Serie  in the next steps.

l think with all examples and demonstrations above the concept of NF Group Number is clear.

Be careful with the content field of “NF number group”. Sometimes there is no friendly name. So you need to search more information by Branch and other ways…

Let’s see now one more step that is a part of this iteration. That is Assignment of a Group Number to a Business Place (Filial) and Nota Fiscal. The name tell us all, we gonna be assign a NF Number Group (RJ200 – above) to a Business place (Filial or Branch) and associate with a Nota Fiscal type. l exploded one image as example see:

Look below how this assign had made:

After loaded you will see this image below, that is a list of associations as l told you above:

To see more details and understand better let’s see one association selecting and clicking on each record, you will see how the association described on (NF Number Group)was made, take a look below:

Well, now we could see a good nota fiscal configuration. That is the time to see more about Processing Programs. And understand what it is, for that, go to the path below:

You will see the image below. After all we saw many configurations about nota fiscal, but now l gonna clear you more about the appearance of the Nota Fiscal. And how the SAP output the information of a Nota Fiscal based in a type.

Please do a double click on the form program responsible to emit the Nota Fiscal, you will see the image below:

Then click in the WINDOW button to go and see details about how informations is printed, you can see many parameters there, if you do a double click in FR_MAIN for example you will be able to see all the logic related to build a Nota Fiscal by the sap to a printer:

So to see the logic, select the variable in the window list and  , you can see many Abap things in order to work with SAP information and build the final document of Nota fiscal for print:

Well, l think you have now a good information about the Nota Fiscal process with many configurations described and explained using many details.