notes and mcqs saudia pharmacy exam

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  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    " ! %$ # ' & # -,+*( ) /.0 , 1*


    1- Ondansteron HCl is used for :

    a-hypertension b-angina pectoris c-prophylaxis of migraine d- anti-emetic It is used as anti-emetic with patients receiving

    cytotoxics due to its serotonin antagonismOndansetron is ( Zofran 4 , 8 mg tab. amp !

    2- All of these are side effect of Chloramephenicol except : a-irreversible aplastic anaemia b-optic neuritis c-peripheral neuritis d- iron deffeciency anaemia3- iclopidine is used for : a-anticoagulant b-antibiotic c-anticholinergic d- antiplatelets!- All these drugs are fibrinolytics except : a-dipyridamole b-strepto"inase c-uri"inase

    Anti-Coagulants " vit. # antagonists , heparin , warfarinFibrinolytics " strepto$inase , a%tep%ase , retep%ase

    Antiplatelets "aspirin,c%opidogre%,tirofiban,eptifibatide, abciximab,dipyridamo%e

    #- All these drugs can be used for par"insonism except: a-seligiline HCl b-carbidopa c-pergolide d- nedocromil sod $

    Drugs used in Parkinson`s disease Anticholinergic drugs " (&uscarinic 'ntagonists!

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    en)atropine,trihexphenidy%,orphenadrine%AO & inhibitors "*e%egi%ineCO% inhibitors "


    'opamenergic drugs " Dopamine precursor : %evodopa ( carbidopa or esera)ide! Releases dopamine : amantadine Dopamine agonists : bromocriptine,cabergo%ine,pergo%ide,ropiniro%e

    (- All these cases not cure )ith thia*ides except:

    a-hypernatrimia b-hyperglycemia c-hypo"alaemia d-hyperuricaemia+- Cardiac arrest could be managed by the follo)ing except : a-ephedrine b-lidocaine c-propranolol d-normal saline,- nsulin )hich can be given $.$ is : a-regular type b- 3/0+/ type

    c- H type d-non of the above- 'rug that used for leishmania is:

    a-sod. stiboglyconate b-mebenda*ole c-sod$ cromoglyconate1/- All these drugs are antibacterial except: a-zalcitabine b-lomefloxacin c- cefopyra*one11- All these are natural 4strogens except : a-mestronol b-oestrone c-oestriol d-oestradiol

    Natural Estrogens "Oestrone , ydroxyoestrone , Oestradio% , Oestrio%

    Deriv. of nat. Estrogens " +theny%estradio% , &estrono%

    Synth. Estrogens "*ti%bestero% , exanostero% , /rianise%ch%orethy%ene , 0ropanestrio% , 1%omifen

    12- Co- rimethoxa*ole contains :( /rimethoprim *u%phamethoxa)o%e !

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    13- 5hich of the follo)ing has vasodilator effect 6 a-nicotine b-cholestyramine c-uro"inase d-vit$ A1!- One of the follo)ing is not from 7uinolone group : a-naldixic acid b- quinine c-eoxacin d-norfloxacin1#- One of the follo)ing is not for epilepsy :

    a-clori*epam b-phenytoin c-primidone d- imipramine(antidepressant!

    1(- All of these can be used for leprosy except : a-dapson b-rifampicin c- clofa*inine d- INH1+- 8umatriptan is used for : a-hypertension b- treatment of migraine c-angina pectoris d-control of epilepsy

    ( 2- /3 agonist !

    1,- 5hich is en*yme inducer 6 a-rifampicin b-cimetidin c-vit$ C d-chloramephenicol

    Enzyme In ucers! 0henobarbita%,carbama)epine,ethano%,rifampicin,po%ycyc%ic aromatic hydrocarbons

    in tobacco smo$ers Enzyme Inhibitors !

    1imetidine ,erythromycin1 - All of the follo)ing for prophylaxis of asthma except : a-"etotifen b-nedocromil sod$ c-sod$ cromoglycate d- salbutamol

    , . / 0 96 2 83674 2 5 !4#3 2 : ; 2 * 4

    2/- All of the follo)ing is 8AH ( on *edating 'nti- istamine !except "

    a-loratadine b-cetri*inec-astima*ole d- azotodin

    21- All of the follo)ing are controlled drugs except : a-rivotril b- epanutin c-sresolid d-dia*epam22- All these drugs are anti-viral except : a-amantadine b-*idovudine

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    c-acyclovir d- aluerin( it is antispasmodic !

    23- 5hich one of these symptoms not occur )ith morphine 6 a-diarrhea b-respiratory depression c-constipation d-vomiting

    2!- 5hich one of these drugs not used for acute pain 6 a-naproxen b-colchicine c-codeine d- prednisolone2#- 5hich is drug of choice for myxodema 6 (hypothyroidism! a-carbima*ole b-iodine

    c- thyroxin sod $ d-propyl thiouracil2(- &en*yl peroxide is a local treatment for 'cne vo%garis2+- .it$ A daily dose is 3 ! " # ! 9 for the correctionof deficiency and 1 ! " $ ! 9 for therapy2,- he drug of choice for treatment of amoebae : a-chloramephenicol b-tetracycline c-gentamycin d- metronidazole

    2 - o prevent more absorption of the toxic drug )e use : a-)ater b-salt sol$ c-saline d- charcoal3/- Hepatitis vaccine dose is : a-once0year b-t)ice0year c- three times%year31- 5hich one is O C drug : a-simple analgesic b-)arfarin c- ciprofloxacin

    32- Anticoagulant effect of )arfarin is decreased by : a-rifampicin b-aspirin c- &it. ' d-verapamil33- One of the follo)ing is given once daily : a-amorphous insulin b- protamine zinc insulin isophan; c-neutral insulin d-regular insulin3!- he steady state conc$ Of drug in plasma depends on : a-dirct proportion to the rate of administration b-(((((((((((((((((((((((( elimination c- ndirect

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    3#- All these are anticoagulants except : a-)arfarin b-ancord c-heparin d- dipyridamol

    ( anti-p%ate%et !

    3(- All these are anti-platelets except :a-dipyridamol b-aspirin c- strepto)inase (antifibrino%ytic!

    d-presantin e-ticlopidine3+- =errograde is : a-ferrous sulphate b- ferrous citrate c- ferrous gluconate d- ferrous fumarate

    = 3 / > CCC E = >? @D A CCCD@ ?<

    2= $3,- rocainamide is : a-Na channel bloc)er b-nifedipine c-lisinopril d->uinidine

    3 - %echanism of action of vit$ ? 65it. # has an essentia% ro%e in the synthesis of coagu%ation factors

    by hepatic ce%%s.

    !/- hia*ide diuretics cause all the follo)ing except : a-hypo"alaemia b-hypercalcemia c-hyperuricaemia d-hyponatremia e-hyperglycemia f- hypernatremia!1- reatment )ith anti-arrhythmic drug depends on thefollo)ing except : a-type of medication b-period of medication c-patient sex

    !2- 4limination of digoxin is mainly by : a-"idney b-liver c-both d-non of them!3- 'obutamine is given $.$ because : a- it is not stable in the gastric *H b-it is needed in large >uantities in case of oral route c-it is eliminated very >uic"ly

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    !!- Amloride as trimetren causes : a- C 8 disturbance b- hyper)alaemia c-hypo"alaemia d-not affect ? potassium ;!#- 5hat is the most drug can causes damage if it is given O C6 a-captopril b- +arfarin c-chlorothia*ide d-rifampicin!(- 'rug physical dependence is as same as drug abuse a- true b-false!+- %ention t)o thia*ide diuretics 6 a-ch%orothia)ide b-hydroch%orothia)ide

    !,- 5hat is the difference bet)een 7$ $' @ 7$(H 66.I.7 4 times 9day6.: every : hours

    ! - 5hat is the difference bet)een the follo)ing anti-fungal 6 &icona)o%e %oca% systemic 'mphotericin parentra% on%y

    ;riseofu%vin ora%

    #/- ive the indication of the follo)ing :a- gimfibra)o%e -------< for hyper%ipidaemiab- cisapred ------------< for gastroesophegy% ref%ux

    c- f%uexiten **=I ( se%ective serotonin reupta$e inhibitor ! ------------ 'ntidepressant

    d- carbima)o%e ---------< for hyperthyroidisme- imipramine -----------< tricyc%ic antidepressant

    f- ibratrobium r ----< antimuscarinic as bronchodi%ator

    #1- All are antimetabolites except : a-methotrexate b-flurouracil c- cytarabine d-a*athioprine muran; e- cyclophosphamide

    (a%$y%ating agent!

    #2- Cefaclor is : a- 1st generation cephalosporin b- $nd generation cephalosporin c- 3 rd generation cephalosporin

    d- non of the above" st gen. !

    cefadroxi%( 7uricef !,cefa)o%in( /otacef !,cepha%exin( 1eporex !,

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    cepha%othin ,cephradine( 5e%ocef !,cephapirin( 1efatrexy% !#n gen. !

    cefac%or,cefoxitin,cefotitan,cefuroxime( Zinnat !,cefpro)i%( 1ef)i% !,%oracarbef $r gen. !

    cefotaxime( 1%aforan !,cefopera)one( 1efobid !,cefotriaxone( =ocephin !,cifixime( *uprax !,

    cefti)oxime( 1efi)ox !,proxeti%,cefdinir,cefditoren,pivoxi%,cefta)idime( >ortum !,ceftibuten,cefti)oxime

    %th gen. !cefepime( &axipime !,cefpirome( 1efrom !,cefpodoxime

    #3- 5hich aminoglycoside antibiotic can be ta"en orally

    a-gentamycin b- neomycin c-ami"acin d-tobramycin#!- eicoplanin antibiotic has similar effect on Bve as

    a-&ancomycin b- amicacin c-gentamycin d-"anamycin##- 5hich is not tetracycline 6 a-minocyllin b-demeclocycline c-doxycycline d- clindamycin#(- 5hich is not CaBB channel bloc"er 6 a-verapamil b-deltia*em c-amlodipine d-cinnarizine2? - &esa%a)ine is used for treatment maintainance of remissionof u%cerative co%itis#,- %ention ! lipid-soluble vitamins 6

    vit. ' , 7 , + # # - mipenam carbapenam ; It is the 3 st thiemamycin beta-%actam antibiotic(/- All these medications are used in ttt of & except a-cyclosporin b- H c- cycloserin d-rifampicin

    &reatment of &' !" st line or primary drugs " Isonia)ide(I ! =ifampicin#n line or secondary drugs " +thambuto% , *treptomycin


  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    $r line or tertiary drugs " +thionamide , 1yc%oserine 1apreomycin(1- All these drugs are anti-cholinergic except : a-ipratropium b-atropine sulphate c-ben*atropine methylate d- dobutamine(2- All are antibiotics except : a-zalcitobin (ttt of 'I7*! b-cefapro*il c-lomefloxacin d-cefopodoxin(3- here is one drug used for H . : a-zalcitabin b-"inasterdin c-cefapro*il d-enoxocin(!- 5hich one is *uprax 6

    a-cefixime b-itracona*ole(#- 5hich is *poranox 6 a-cefixime b- itraconazole((- All of these drugs can be used in ttt of leprosy except : a-dapson b-rifampicin c-clofa*imin d- INH(+- One of these is not li"e others : a-timolol b- acebutalol c-labetolol d-betaxolol (se%ective 3 b%oc$er!(,- &etahistine HCl : betaserc; a-for mieniere!s disease b-antihistamine( - 5hich one is not #H 3 antagonist6 a-tropisetron b-ondansetron c-domperidone d-gransetron+/- 5hich is not oral anti-coagulant6

    a-)arfarin b- enoxaprine c-phenidione d-nicoumolone

    2.2.D 9 0 CC/ . CCCD#> F

    +1- 5hich is correct for 'ia*epam6 a-can cause muscle spasm b-it is ta"en % only c-it is a derivative from morphine

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    d- it is not used for long term+2- %aximum dose of paracetamol is : 4gm 9 day+3- he duration of treatment of & by C C is : a-one )ee" b-t)o months c-one month d- six months

    ( 1/1 /ubercu%osis 1ommittee /horacic *ociety !

    +! - &etoc%opramide is a dopamine antagonist actscentra%%y by b%oc$ing vomiting center and periphera%%y acts

    on the chemo-receptor trigger )one (1/Z! to be used asantiemetic

    +#- 5hich one is contra-indicated in pregnancy 6

    a-sucralfate b-ethambutol c-chlorpheneramine d- ciprofloxacin+( - 5hat is the definition of &ioavailability of drug6

    /he @uantity of the active constituent of the drug absorbed by the b%ood through theintestine or any other route in a certain period of time

    O= " /he conc. of drug in b%ood in a certain time

    ++- ive ex$ of a drug induces hepatotoxicity paracetamo%,$eto$ona)o%e,rifampicin,@uino%ones

    +,- ive ex$ of a drug induces nephrotoxicity 'minog%ycosides( as gentamycin !

    + - 5hat is the generic name of vit$ & 12 61yanocoba%amine

    ,/- Didvudine Dalacitabin ; is used for H . 9/ = .2.2 = < CCCD CCC;1

    G F

    ,1- 5hat is the meaning of poor patient compliance6/ he patient didnAt ta$e the medication proper%y ( not proper%y dose , not proper time ! may be due to the dose regimen is not easy or the dose is

    high , or the side effect is c%ear

    ,2- =luxetine ro*ac ; is :*e%ective serotonin re-upta$e inhibitor ( **=I !,3- Omepra*ole Eosec ; is :

    0roton pump inhibitor

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    ,!- %ention t)o diseases cause 4dema6 =ena% fai%ure 1ongestive heart fai%ure

    ,#- ive examples of 'rug-'rug interactions 6Barfarin --------- ---- 'spirin

    Insu%in--------------- - %oc$er

    eparin -------- ----- 'spirin 'mpici%%inBarfarin -------- ---- 5it. #

    Barfarin ------------ 0henobarbita% *pirono%actone ----- 7igoxin

    '1+I * --------------- #-*paring diuretics

    ,(- eneric name of :5it. 3 ------------- /hiamine5it. C ------------ =ibof%avin5it. : ------------- 0yridoxin

    5it. 3C ----------- 1yanocoba%amine

    ,+- All of these are the components of calamine lotion

    &$ except: a- DnO b-calamine c-sod$ citrate d-bentonite e- sod. sulphate,,- erbinafene is used topically for : a-ec*ema b-candida c- fungal infections, - 5hich one is not contra-indicated in pregnancy 6 a-captopril b-enalapril c-lisinopril d- methyldopa

    /- C pneumocystis corin pneumonia ; a-virus b-bacteria c-parasite d-mycobacterium

    1- 5hich of the follo)ing is not antibiotic 6 a-erythromycin b-cifixim c- cefpro*il d- finasteride

    ( anti-cancer !

    2- 5hich one is used for benign prostatic hyperplasia ( 0 0!

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    a-fluma*enil b-cefpro*il

    c-mivacurim d-finasteride3- All of these are 3 rd generation cephalosporin except:

    a-cifixime b- cefopodoxime c-cefotriaxone d-cefotaxime

    !- 5hich of the follo)ing is not mucolytic6 a-bromohexin b-carbocistene c-ambroxol d-guaphenesin

    e-dextromethorphan#- 5hich one is anti-platelet6

    a- ticlopidine b-desfluron c-aldesleu"in d-atovouon

    (- All of these are anti-neoplastic except6 a-aldesleu"in b-taniposide c-pentostatin d- amlodipine

    (1a channe% b%oc$er!+- 5hich is not ben*odia*ipne 6

    a-tema*epam b-nitro*epam c-lopra*epam d- clozapine

    ,- 0otassium supp%ement must not be given )ith triametrin a-false b- true

    - %%F vaccine is 6 ( eas%es- ( umps- ) ube%%a vaccine

    'C* ' aci%%usC a%mette* uerin

    D&+ D iphteria & etanus toxoids and + ertussis 5. & & etanus iphtheria toxoids ,+ , ra% + o%iovirus accine Ib aemophi%us I nf%uen)ae type b ,conDugated irus A epatitis A irus1//- Oral re-hydrate solution OF8; is one of the follo)ing : a- sod$ citrateGpot$ chloride @ glucose b- sod$ citrateGpot$ chloride @ sod$ chloride c- sod. chloride,pot. citrate, sod. citrate glucose d- sod$ chlorideGpot$ chlorideG sod$ bicarbonate @

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    citric acid1/1-he ma or action of sodium chromoglycate is:

    a-mast cell stabilization b-bronchodilator c-prostaglandins modifier d-leu"otrienes modifier e-

    non of the above1/2-he action of histamine is:

    a-capillary constriction b-elevation of blood pressure c-stimulation of gastric secretion

    d-s"eletal muscle paralysis e-slo)ing the heart rate 1/3-One of the follo)ing antibiotics is resistant to penicillinase

    : a-penicillin . b-penicillin

    c-floxapen d-ampicillin e-amoxicillin

    +enicillinase )esistant +enicillins! 7ic%oxaci%%in, afici%%in,Oxaci%%in

    0/ &**** * H E 7 / ( H *M.A.S.A(

    1/!-nderal is:a-similar in action to ergotamine

    b-similar in action to tubocurarine c-used as an antihistamine

    d-pure -adrenergic receptor bloc)er e- and adrenergic receptor bloc"er

    1/#-Fifampicin is indicated for treatment of:a-impaired fat absorption b-pulmonary emboli

    c-tuberculosis d-neoplastic disorders e-psoriasis

    1/(-5hich of the follo)ing is selective 1 bloc"er6a-labitolol b- terazosine

    c-cloridine d-captopril e-verapamil

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    Drugs acting on the sympathetic system

    I-Sympathomimetics: IIndirectly acting :

    ephedrineGamphetamine tyramine;Gcocaine I.irectly acting :

    - onists: .1 / 2 : norepinephrine G epinephrine

    . 2 : clonidine G -methylnorepinephrine . 1 : phenylephrine G methoxamine

    - onists:.1 0 2 : epinephrineGisoprenaline

    .2 : salbutamolGterbutaline .1 : norepinephrineGdobutamine

    ;I 1,J J,A 6 N L K" A =AKM A KL KK A 0 K AA0 A J;I 1A+A + J O J L 4

    II- Adrenergic neurone blockers:FeserpineG guanethidineGbethanidine

    III- Adrenoceptor antagonists:I- Blockers:

    1 / 2 : phenoxyben*amineGphentolamine 1 : pra*ocin

    I- Blockers:1 / 2 : propranololGmadololGtimololG

    pindololGoxprenololGcarvedilol 1 cardiose%ective ; :


  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    1/+-he latabbreviation for / After (eals / is:a- a$c$ b- a$a$ c- p.c. d- i$c$ e- c$c$

    1/,-he latin abbreviation for " Four &imes Daily " is:a- a$c$ b- a$a$ c- p$c$ d-q.i.d. e- c$c$

    1/-he latin abbreviation for " Every Night " is : a-a$c$ b-o.n. c- p$c$ d- i$c$ e- c$c$

    11/-4rythroped A:a-is effective against Bve Cocci

    b- is a macrolide antibiotic c-can increase g$i$t$ motility

    d-could be used in pregnant )omen if need

    e-all of the above 111-=or the treatment of anaphylactic shoc" use:a-salbutamol b-diphenhydramine

    c-aceta*olamide d- epinephrine e-aminophylline

    ! " '# &%$# &()# 112-Allopurinol is used as:

    a-analgesic agent b- uricosuric agent c-antiinflamatory agent d-antipyretic agent

    e-agent )hich increases renal tubular reabsorption113-5hich of the follo)ing is O betamethasone side


    a-cataract b- hypoglycemia c-s"eletal muscle )ea"ness d-sodium retention e-lo)ered resistance to infections

    11!-A disease )hich is due to viral infection:a-poliomyelitis b-rabies

    c-chic"en pox d-herpes e-all of the abo&e

    11#-he mechanism of action of atropine is:a-muscarinic antagonist b-muscarinic agonist

    c-nicotinic antagonist d-nicotinic agonist

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    e-non of the above11(-%yocardial muscle tissue property to generate

    electrical is:a-inotropy b-chronotropy

    c-automaticity d-contractility e-non of the above

    11+-he heartJs dominant pacema"er is:a- A. node b- /0 node

    c-pu"in e fiber d-internodal path)ays e-non of the above

    11,-Adenosine is used for:

    a-ventricular arrythmias b-atrial bradycardia c-supra&entricular tachycardia d-supraventricular bradycardia

    e-non of the above11-Adenosine produces )hich of the follo)ing:

    a-facial flushing b-dyspnea c-mar"ed tachycardia d- a and b e- a G b and c

    12/-5hich of the follo)ing is responsible for


    a-magnesium b-chloride c- bicarbonates d-potassium e-troponin

    121-Fespiratory acidosis is due to:a- O 2 removal b- O 2 retention

    c- CO2 removal d- 2$ retention e-non of the above

    122-5hich of the follo)ing is O colloid solution6a-albumin #K b- ringer!s solution

    c-dextran d-beta starch e-albumin 2/K

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    *ome examp%es of hydrophi%ic co%%oids used in pharmacy are acacia,methy%ce%%u%ose, and proteins, such as ge%atin and a%bumin.

    examp%es of substances which form hydrophobic co%%oids in water are si%ver iodide,hydrated ferric oxide, su%fur, and go%d. arsenous su%fide, a%uminum ch%oridemagnesium ch%oride

    123-he term shoc" signifies: a-hyperperfusion b-hypoperfusion c-tachycardia d-bradycardia

    e-non of the above12!-n treatment of shoc) G )hich of the follo)ing

    should be considered6 a-air)ay control b- . of crystalloid solution

    c-dopamine to support blood pressure d-monitor heart rhythm e-all of the above

    ,+ .---- 0/ .----( $ () 1 4 23 5

    12#-5hich of the follo)ing is released by bacterialinfection6 L$ by bacterial cell )all during there gro)th;

    a-endotoxin b- exotoxin c-antibiotics d-cytotoxin e-non of the above

    12(-the amount of )ater in adult male is about: a-2#K b- c-,/K d-1/K e-1+K

    12+-5hich of the follo)ing are causes of oedema6 a- hydrostatic pressure b- oncotic pressure

    c- capillary permeability d- a and b e- a , b and c

    12,-atients prescribed non reversible monoamineoxidase inhibitor should be advised not to consumefood containing tyramine because this combinationcauses:

    a-postural hypotension b-hallucinations

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    c-anaphylactic shoc" d-muscle )ea"ness and tremor

    e-acute adrenergic crisis including se&erhypertention

    Effect ! 1oncurrent use of &'O inhibitors (e.g. phene%)ine! and anorexiants(e.g. amphetamine! %eads to increased amounts of norepinephrine , which increases

    sympathetic activity. 0otentia% reactions inc%ude chest pain, cardiac arrhythmias,hypertensive crisis (headache, hyperpyrexia, and hypertension!, sei)ures, cerebra%hemorrhage, and death.

    &yramine-containing foo s ! aged cheese, aged or spoi%ed meats, beer, redwine, yeast

    J J )K J QL I 12 CCCCCPJ / QA 12-Concerning 1OE C inhibitors G )hich is O true6

    a-they have lo)er ris" gastric adverse reactions b-good evidence about their effectiveness

    c-cardiac toxicity is a recent concern of this class d-they usually administrated t)ice daily

    e-combination +ith non selecti&e agents gi&e more effecti&e action

    13/-n the treatment of osteoporosis )hich of thefollo)ing is O true6

    a-alendronate should be ta"en (/ min$ before brea"fast b-Ca and vit$ ' are essential

    c-hormone replacement therapy should be considered d-outcome should be assessed )ith periodic bone density

    e-raloxifeno is selecti&e oestrogen modulator131-5hich of the follo)ing is the first choice in acute

    gout6 a-allopurinol b-indomethacin c-colchicine d-

    probencid e-sulfinylpyra*one

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    132-5hich of the follo)ing is O a ris" factor forosteoparalysis6

    a-minimal exercise b-lo) calcium inta"e c-male gender d-family history

    e-minimal exposure to sunlight 133-4arly symptoms of aspirin poisoning are:

    a-lethergy @ fatigue b-s"in rash @ headache c-throbbing headache @ di**iness

    d-fluid retention hypotension e-ringing in the ears @ blurred vision

    13!-5hich of the follo)ing is O true about infiximab

    a- E-1 bloc"er b-used for treatment of severe rheumatoid arthritis

    c-may increase ris" of infections d-administered as I5 infusion

    e-postadministration reactions include fever @ chills

  • 8/11/2019 Notes and MCQs Saudia Pharmacy Exam


    R ' S' R *< T U*< . / T

    67" =>; : 9 #8