notes for micro app 1

Shania Roberts Contents Microsoft Word...................................................................................3 Layout.........................................................................................3 Resolution.....................................................................................4 Text Boxes :...................................................................................7 Clip Art :.....................................................................................9 Adding Shapes And Using Word Art.............................................................10 Paragraph And line spacing....................................................................11 Page Orientation:.............................................................................11 Margins.......................................................................................11 Line and paragraph Spacing....................................................................11 Page breaks : move page to a new page before reaching end of page.............................11 Section break.................................................................................11 Column Break..................................................................................11 Text Wrap Break...............................................................................11 Inserting Pictures............................................................................11 Inserting Page / Section Borders..............................................................11 Columns.......................................................................................12 Changing order or shapes......................................................................14 Inserting header and footer...................................................................16

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Page 1: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

ContentsMicrosoft Word........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Layout...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

Resolution................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Text Boxes :.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Clip Art :................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Adding Shapes And Using Word Art......................................................................................................................................................................10

Paragraph And line spacing....................................................................................................................................................................................11

Page Orientation:................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Margins.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11

Line and paragraph Spacing...................................................................................................................................................................................11

Page breaks : move page to a new page before reaching end of page..................................................................................................................11

Section break......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Column Break........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11

Text Wrap Break.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Inserting Pictures................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Inserting Page / Section Borders............................................................................................................................................................................11

Columns................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12

Changing order or shapes......................................................................................................................................................................................14

Inserting header and footer...................................................................................................................................................................................16

Water Mark............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16

TABLE..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Page 2: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

INSERT a blank table :............................................................................................................................................................................................18

SMART Art :............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20

Tab stop buttons.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21

Mail Merge............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

Page 3: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

Micro Computer Application

V. Whiteman


Front Page is the name for MS Expressions Web

Microsoft Word

LayoutRibbon: - tabs (e.g. home, references) groups (Font, paragraph, styles, editing, clipboard) and commands (E.g. change font size).

Tab sits across the top of the ribbon each one represents core tasks you do in a given program. Groups are sets of related commands. They remain on display and readily available, given you rich visual

aids. Commands arranged in groups. A command can be a button, a menu or a box where you enter information

The home tab for example has the commands that people use most commonly when they write documents. The commands are organized based on how they are used , frequently used core commands no longer have to share space with a range of remotely related commands on a menu.

ommands that are used most are available on the ribbon all the time others appear only when needed in response to an action. Example: The picture tools appear on the ribbon when a picture is inserted.

Sometimes an arrow called the dialog box launcher appears in the lower right corner of a group, this means more options are available for the group.

Live preview-Allows you to hover and preview before you select Now you can see a live preview of your choice before you select. Put your commands on your own tool bar

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Shania Roberts

ResolutionLow resolution- if your screen is set to a low resolution a few groups on the ribbon will display the group name only and not the commands in the group.

View Tab in a higher resolution you will not see show/hide in the view tab

But if there is an 800 -600 resolutions to you will see show hide botton not commands in the group also by minimizing it u won’t see it not.

Page 5: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

List of Five Sentences Using Bullets

Name : T.A Marryshow Community College Schools : SASPS, SAAT, SCELocated in St. George--

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Shania Roberts

Mt. Parnassus St GeorgeGrenada

TanteenSt. George’s

12th May 2014

Dear Mr. Briton, I am writing this letter to inform you about the poor quality of eggs that are being served at the school’s Tuck shop, this has caused serious stomach aches and illnesses among the student who purchased these eggs and as a woman of action I was seriously perturbed about this situation hence I have taken the initiative in writing this letter.


Shania Roberts .

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Shania Roberts


Text Boxes : Serif vs Sans- serif Fonts :

Campuses Tanteen Mirabeau Carriacou

Queens Park St. Patrick

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Shania Roberts

Clip Art :Do not use clip art for serious/ controversial topics

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Shania Roberts

Adding Shapes And Using Word Art

Templates : Pre designed

Business Cards and Agenda

._. ^_^ ._^

Three Areas for Improvement

Page 10: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

Paragraph And line spacing

My experience at TAMCC hasn’t been much to talk

about. School is School. CAPE was Hard. Information

Technology So far isn’t all that much I would prefer

more practical things so the past semester wasn’t so

great. But summer seems to be hopeful.

I am not really planning on dropping out. So I guess

that’s a good thing.

Page Orientation: landscape or Portrait.


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Shania Roberts


Line and paragraph Spacing

Page breaks : move page to a new page before reaching end of page

Section break

Column Break

Text Wrap Break

Inserting Pictures

Inserting Page / Section Borders

Page 12: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts


Random Paragraph

A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that

can, at least in theory, be checked and

confirmed. Facts are often contrasted with

opinions and beliefs, statements which are

held to be true, but are not amenable to

pragmatic confirmation.The word fact

derives from the Latin Factum, and was

first used in English with the same

meaning: "a thing done or performed", a

use that is now obsolete. The common

usage of, "something that has really

occurred or is the case", dates from the

middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is

sometimes used as synonymous with truth

or reality, as distinguishable from

conclusions or opinions. This use is found

in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not

history, nor fact, but

imagination."Random Paragraph

A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that

can, at least in theory, be checked and

confirmed. Facts are often contrasted with

opinions and beliefs, statements which are

held to be true, but are not amenable to

pragmatic confirmation.The word fact

derives from the Latin Factum, and was

first used in English with the same

meaning: "a thing done or performed", a

use that is now obsolete. The common

usage of, "something that has really

occurred or is the case", dates from the

middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is

sometimes used as synonymous with truth

or reality, as distinguishable from

conclusions or opinions. This use is found

in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not

history, nor fact, but imagination."

Random Paragraph

A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that

can, at least in theory, be checked and

confirmed. Facts are often contrasted with

opinions and beliefs, statements which are

held to be true, but are not amenable to

pragmatic confirmation.The word fact

derives from the Latin Factum, and was

first used in English with the same

meaning: "a thing done or performed", a

use that is now obsolete. The common

usage of, "something that has really

occurred or is the case", dates from the

middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is

sometimes used as synonymous with truth

or reality, as distinguishable from

conclusions or opinions. This use is found

in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not

history, nor fact, but imagination."

Random Paragraph

A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that

can, at least in theory, be checked and

confirmed. Facts are often contrasted with

opinions and beliefs, statements which are

held to be true, but are not amenable to

pragmatic confirmation.The word fact

derives from the Latin Factum, and was

first used in English with the same

meaning: "a thing done or performed", a

use that is now obsolete. The common

usage of, "something that has really

occurred or is the case", dates from the

middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is

sometimes used as synonymous with truth

Page 13: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

or reality, as distinguishable from

conclusions or opinions. This use is found

in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not

history, nor fact, but imagination."

Random Paragraph

A fact is a pragmatic truth, a statement that can, at least in theory, be checked and confirmed. Facts are often contrasted with opinions and beliefs,

statements which are held to be true, but are not amenable to pragmatic confirmation.The word fact derives from the Latin Factum, and was first

used in English with the same meaning: "a thing done or performed", a use that is now obsolete. The common usage of, "something that has really

occurred or is the case", dates from the middle of the sixteenth century. Fact is sometimes used as synonymous with truth or reality, as

distinguishable from conclusions or opinions. This use is found in such phrases Matter of fact, and "... not history, nor fact, but imagination."

Page 14: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

Changing order or shapes : Send to Back / Send Behind text for shapes

Random Paragraph

today was a very suitable day to go to the beach. It was sunny but cool. It wasn't crowded, which made it more peaceful and quiet to enjoy. The

people there were mainly families, and it was nice seeing dads building sand castles with their children and the laughs of the children while playing

with their beach ball in the sea. there were also talented surfers which looked like the guys appearing on T.V., with the boards, high waves and

everything. All in all, everything came together to make a good day on the beach.

Page 15: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

Random Paagraph

Today was a very suitable day to go to the beach. It was sunny but cool. It wasn't crowded, which made it more peaceful and quiet to enjoy. The

people there were mainly families, and it was nice seeing dads building sand castles with their children and the laughs of the children while playing

with their beach ball in the sea. there were also talented surfers which looked like the guys appearing on T.V., with the boards, high waves and

everything. All in all, everything came together to make a good day on the beach.

With Pictures you have to use the text wrapping

Page 16: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

Inserting header and footer

When you select different First page the first page doesn’t have a

header but all the rest do

When you select every odd and even it would be on every other page


Water Mark

Page 17: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts





When you


have the


Select the


n and

insert tab


n to





Choose to


text at any


Page 18: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

Add a row


We will be


forms using

tables. ?




or row

INSERT a blank table :

Mirabeau Tanteen Carriacou Queens


St. Patrick

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Shania Roberts

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Roberts is on top.

Shania Roberts



Merge Cells in First Row

Page 21: Notes for Micro App 1

Shania Roberts

Tab stop buttons : Left Tab then right tab

January Febuary March April

May June July August

September October November December

Decimal tab on next page :

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Shania Roberts

.006 .008 .098 ‘0.80.980 .999999 9.8908800

9.098 88888.0000898.00 .90 8.00

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Shania Roberts


Mail Merge