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  • 8/22/2019 Notes of Mgl Economics



    Business decisions are generally taken on the basis of money values of

    the inputs and outputs. The cost production expressed in monetary

    terms is an important factor in almost all business decisions, specially

    those pertaining to (a) locating the weak points in production

    management; (b), minimising the cost; (c) finding out the optjmum

    level of output; and (d) estimating or projecting the cost of business

    operations. Besides, the term 'cost' has different meanings under

    different settings and is subject to varying interpretations. It is

    therefore essential that only relevant concept of costs is used in the

    business decisions.


    The concepts of cost, which are relevant to business operations and

    decisions, can be grouped, on the basis of their purpose, under two

    overlapping categories such as concepts used for accounting purposes

    and concepts used in economic analysis of business activities.


    Opportunity Cost and Actual Cost

    Opportunity cost is the loss incurred due to the unavoidable situations

    such as scarcity of resources. If resources were unlimited, there would

    be no need to forego any income yielding opportunity and, therefore,

    there would be no opportunity cost. Resources are scarce but have

    alternative uses with different returns, Resource owners who aim at

    maximising of income put their scarce resources to their most

    productive use and forego the income expected from the second best

    use of the resources. Thus, the opportunity cost may be defined as the

    expected returns from the second best use of the resources foregone

    due to the scarcity of resources. The opportunity cost is also called the

    alternative cost.

    For example, suppose that a person has a sum of Rs. lOO,OOO for

    which he has only two alternative uses. He can buy either a printing

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    machine or, alternatively, a lathe machine. From printing machine, he

    expects an annual income of Rs. 20,000 and from the lathe, Rs.

    15,000. If he is a profit maximising investor, he would invest his

    tnoney in printing machine and forego the expected income from the

    lathe. The opportunity cost of his income from printing machine is,

    the expected income from the lathe machine, i.e., Rs. l5,000. The

    opportunity cost arises because of the foregone opportunities. Thus,

    the opportunity cost of using resources in the'Printing business is the

    best opportunity ahdthe expected return from the lathe machine is

    the second best alternative. In assessing the alternative cost, both

    explicit and implicit costs are taken into account.

    Associated with the concept of opportunity cost is the concept of

    economic rent or economic profit. In our example, economic rent of

    the printing machine is the excess of its earning over the income

    expected from the lathe machine (i.e., Rs. 20,000 - Rs. 15,000 = Rs.

    5,000). The implication of this concept for a businessman is that

    investing in printing machine is preferable as long as its economic

    rent is greater than zero. Also, if firms have knowledge of the

    economic rent of the various alternative uses of their resources, it will

    be helpful for them to choose the best Investment A venue. In

    contrast to opportunity cost, actual costs are those which are actuallyincurred by the firm in the payment for labour, material, plant,

    building, machinery, equipments, travelling and transport,

    advertisement, etc. The total money expenditures, recorded in the'

    books of accounts are, the actual costs, Therefore, the actual cost

    comes under the accounting concept.

    Business Costs and Full Costs

    Business.costs include all the expenses, which are incurred to carry

    out a business. The concept of business costs is similar to the actual

    or the real costs. Business costs include all the payments and'

    contractual obligations made by the firm together with the book cost

    of depreciation on plant and equipment. These cost concepts are used

    for calculating business profits and losses, for filing returns for income

    tax and for other legal purposes. The concept of full costs, include

    business costs, opportunity cost and. normal profit. As stated earlier

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    the opportunity cost includes the expected earning from the second

    best use of the resources, or the market rate of interest on the total

    money capital and the value of entrepreneur's own services, which

    are not charged for'in the current business. Normal profit is a

    necessary minimum earning in addition to the opportunity cost, which

    a firm must get to remain in its present occupation.

    Explicit and Implicit or Imputed Costs

    Explicit costs are those, which fall under actual or business costs

    entered in the books of accounts. For example, the payments for

    wages and salaries, materials, licence fee, insurance premium and

    depreciation charges etc. These costs involve cash payment and, are

    recorded in normal accounting practices. In contrast with these costs,

    there are other costs, which neither take the form of cash outlays, nor

    do they appear in the accounting system. Such costs are known as

    implicit or imputed costs. Implicit costs may be defined as the earning

    expected froin thesecond best alternative use of resources. For

    example, suppose an entrepreneur does not utilise his services in his

    own business and works as a manager in some other firm on a salary

    basis. If he starts his own business, he foregoes his salary as a

    manager. This loss of salary is the opportunity cost of income from his

    business. This is an implicit cost of his business. The cost is implicit,

    because the entrepreneur suffers the loss, but does not charge it as

    the explicit cost of his own business. Implicit costs are not taken into

    account while calculating the loss or gains of the business, but they

    form an important consideration in whether or not a factor would

    remain in its present occupation. The explicit and implicit costs

    together make the economic cost.

    Out-of-Pocket and Book Costs

    The items of expenditure, which involve cash payments or cash

    transfers recurring and non-recurring are known as out-of-pocket

    costs. All the explicit costs such as wage, rent, interest and transport

    expenditure. On the contrary, there are actual business costs, which

    do not involve cash payments, but a provision is made for them in the

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    books of account. Thes costs are taken into account while finalising the

    profit and loss accounts. Such expenses are known as book costs. In a

    way, these are payments that the firm needs to pay itself such as

    depreciation allowances and unpaid interest on the businessman's own


    Fixed and Variable CostsFixed costs are those, which are fixed in volume for a given output.

    Fixed cost does not vary with variation in the output between zero and

    any certain level of output. The costs that do not vary for a certain

    level of output are known as fixed cost. The fixed costs include cost of

    managerial and administrative staff, depreciation of machinery,

    building and other fixed assets and maintenance of land, etc.

    Variable costs are those, which vary with the variation in the totaloutput. They are a function of output. Variable costs inclue cost of raw

    materials, running cost on fixed capital, such as fuel, repairs, routine

    maintenance expenditure, direct labour charges associated with the

    level of output and the costs of all other inputs that vary with the


    Total, Average and Marginal Costs

    Total cost represents the value of the total resource requirement for

    the production of goods and services. It refers to the total outlays of

    money expenditure, both explicit and implicit, on the resources used to

    produce a given level of output. It includes both fixed and variable

    costs. The total cost for a given output is given by the cost function.

    The Average Cost (AC) of a firm is of statistical nature and is not

    the actual cost. It is obtained by dividing the total cost (TC) by the

    total output (Q), i.e.,

    AC =TC

    = average costQ

    Marginal cost is the addition to the total cost on account of

    producing an additional unit of the product. Or marginal cost is the

    cost of marginal unit produced. Given the cost function, it may be

    defined as

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    These cost concepts are discussed in further detail in the

    following section. Total, average and marginal cost concepts are used

    in economic analysis of firm's producti on activities.

    Short-run and Long-run Costs

    Short-run and long-run cost concepts are related to variable and fixed

    costs, respectively, and often appear in economic analysi.s

    interchangeably. Short-run costs are those costs, which change with

    the variation in output, the size of the firm remaining the same. In

    other words, short-run costs are the same as variable costs. Long-run

    costs, on the other hand, are the costs, which are incurred on the fixed

    assets like plant, building, machinery, etc. Such costs have long-run

    implication in the sense that these are not used up in the single batch

    of production.

    Long-run costs are, by implication, same as fixed costs. In the

    long-run, however, even the fixed costs become variable costs as the

    size of the firm or scale of production increases. Broadly speaking, the

    short-run costs are those associated with variables in the utilisation of

    fixed plant or other facilities whereas long-run costs are associated

    with the changes in the size and type of plant.

    Incremental Costs and Sunk Costs

    Conceptually, increment natal costs are closely related to the concept

    of marginal sot. Whereas marginal cost refers to the cost of the

    macgmalunit of output, incremental cost refers to the total additional

    cost associated with the marginal batch of output. The concept of

    incremental cost is based on a specific and factual principle. In the real

    world, it is not practicable for lack of perfect divisibility of inputs to

    employ factors for each unit of output separately. Besides, in the long

    run, firms expand their production; hire more men, materials,

    machinery, and equipments. The expenditures of this nature are the

    incremental costs, anq not the marginal cost. Incremental costs also


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    arise owing to the change in product lines, addition or introduction of a

    new product, replacement of worn out plan and machinery,

    replacement of old technique of production with a new one, etc.

    The sunk costs are those, which cannot be altered, increased or

    decreased, by varying the rate of output. For example, once it is

    decided to make incremental investment expenditure and the funds

    are allocated and spent, all the preceding costs are considered to be

    the sunk costs since they accord to the prior commitment and cannot

    be revised or reversed when there is change in market conditions

    orchange in business decisions.

    Historical and Replacement Costs

    Historical cost refers to the cost of an asset acquired in the past

    whereas replacement cost refers to the outlay, which has to be made

    for replacing an old asset. These concepts own their sigtlificance to

    unstable nature of price behaviour. Stable prices over a period of

    time, other things given, keep historical and replacement costs on par

    with each other. Instability in asset prices, however, makes the two

    costs differ from each other.

    Historical cost of assets is used for accounting purposes, in the

    assessment of net worth of the firm.

    Private and Social Costs

    We have so far discussed the cost concepts that are related to the

    working of the firm and those which are used in the cost-benefit

    analysis of the business decision process. There are, however, certain

    other costs, which arise due to functioning of the firm but do not

    normally appear in business decisions. Such costs are neither

    explicitly borne by the firms. The costs of this category are borne by-

    the society. Thus, the total cost generated by a firm's working may be

    divided into two categories:

    Those paid out or provided for by the firms,

    Those not paid or borne by the firm.

    The costs that are not borne by the firm include use of resouces

    freely available and the disutility created in the process of production.

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    The costs of the former category are known as private costs and of the

    latter category are known as external or social costs. A few examples

    of social cost are: Mathura Oil Refinery discharging its wastage in the

    Yamuna River causes water pollution. Mills and factories located in city

    cause air pollution by emitting smoke. Similarly, plying cars, buses,

    trucks, etc., cause both air and noise pollution; Such pollutions cause

    tremendous health hazards, which involve health cost to the society as

    it whole Thes'e costs are termed external costs from the firm's point of

    view and social cost from the society's point of view. The relevance of

    the social costs lies in understandipg the overall impact of firm's

    working on the society as a whole and in working out the social cost of

    private gains. A further distinction between private cost and social cost

    therefore, requires discussion.

    Private costs are those, which are actually incurred or provided

    by an individual or a firm on the purchase of goods and services from

    the market. For a firm, all the actual costs both explicit and implicit are

    private costs. Private costs are the internalised cost that is

    incorporated in the firm's total cost of production.

    Social costs, on thehand refer to the total cost for the society on

    account of production ofa commodity. Social cost can be the private

    cost or the external cost. It includes the cost of resources for which thefirm is not compelled to pay a price such as rivers and lakes, the

    public, utility services like roadways and drainage system, the cost in

    the form of disutility created in through air, water and noise pollution.

    This category is generally assumed to be equal to total private and

    public expenditures. The private and public expenditures, however,

    serve only as an indicator of public disutility. They do not give exact

    measure of the public disutility or the social costs.


    The previous section discussed the variou cost concepts, which help in

    the business decisions. The following section contains the discussion of

    the behaviour of costs in relation to the change in output. This is, in

    fact, the theory of production cost.

    Cost-output relations play an importai)t role in business

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    decisions relating to cost minirnisalioil"Of'profiHnaximisation and

    optimisation of output. Cost-output relations are specified through a

    cost function expressed as

    T(C) = f(Q) (1)


    TC = total cost

    Q = quantity produced

    Cost functions depend on production function and market-supply

    function of inputs. Production function specifies the technical

    relationship between the input, and the output. Production function of

    a firm combined with the supply function of inputs or prices of inputs

    determines the cost function of the firm. Precisely, cost function is a

    function derived from the production function and the market supply

    function. 'Depending on whether short or long-run is considered for the

    production, there are two kinds of cost functions: such as short-run

    cost-function and long-run cost function. Cost-output relations in

    relation to the changing level of output will be discussed here u.nder

    both kinds of cost-functions.

    Short-run Cost Output Relations

    The basic analytical cost concepts used in the analysis of costbehaviour are total average and marginal costs. The totalcost (TC) is

    defined as the actual cost that must be incurred to produce a given

    quantity of output. The short-run TC is composed of two major

    elements: total fixed cost (TFC) and total variable cost (TVC). That is,

    in the short-run,

    TC = TFC + TVC (2)

    As mentioned earlier, TFC (i.e" the costof plant, building,equipment, etc.) remains fixed in the short-run, where as TVC varies

    with the variation in the output.

    For a given quantity of output (Q), the average total cost, (AC),

    average fixed cost (AFC) and, average var!able cost (AVC) can 'be

    defined as follows:

    TC TFC + TVC

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    AC = =Q Q

    AFC =



    AVC =



    and AC = AFC +AVC (3)

    Marginal cost (MC) is defined as the change in the total cost divided by

    the change in the total output, i.e.,

    MC =TC



    Q aQ


    Since TC = TFC + TVC and, in the short-run, TFC = 0,


    Furthermore, under marginality concept, where Q = 1,MC =


    Cost Function and Cost-output Relations

    The concepts AC, AFC and AVC give only a static relationship between

    cost and output in the sense that they are related to a given output.

    These cost concepts do not tell us anything about cost behaviour, i.e.,

    how AC, A VC and AFC behave when output changes. This can be

    understood better with a cost function of empirical nature.

    Suppose the cost function (I) is specified as

    TC = a + bQ - CQ2 + dQ3 (5)

    (where a = TFC and b, c and d are variable-cost parameters)

    And also the cost function is empirically estimated asTC = 10 + 6Q - 0.9Q2 + 0.05Q3 (6)

    and TVC = 6Q - 0.9Q2 + 0.05Q3 (7)

    The TC and TVC, based on equations (6) and (7), respectively, have

    been calculated for Q = I to 16 and is presented in Table 3.1. The TFC,

    TVC and TC have been graphically presented in Figure 3.1. As the

    figure shows, TFC remains fixed for the whole range of output, and

    hghce, takes the form of a horizontal line, i.e., TFC. The TVCcurve

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    shows that the total variable cost first increases ata'i decreasing rate

    and then at an increasing rate with the increase it the total output. The

    rate of increase can be obtained from the slope of TVC curve. The

    pattemof change in the TVC stems directly from the law of increasing

    and diminishing returns to the variable inputs. As output increases,

    larger quantities of variable inputs are required to produce the same

    quantity of output due to diminishing returns. This causes a

    subsequent increase in the variable cost for producing the same

    output. The following Table 3.1 shows the cost output relationship.

    Table 3.1: Cost Output Relations


    (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

    0 10 0.0 10.00 - - - -

    I 10 5.15 15.15 10.00 5.15 15.15 5.152 10 8.80 18.80 5:00 4.40 9.40 3.653 10 11.25 21.25 3.33 3.75 7.08 2.45

    4 10 12.80 22.80 2.50 3.20 5.70 1.555 10 13.75 23.75 2.00 2.75 4.75 0.956 10 14.40 24.40 1.67 2.40 4.07 0.65

    7 10 15.05 25.05 1.43 2.15 3.58 0.65

    8 10 16.00 26.00 1.25 2.00 3.25 0.959 10 17.55 27.55 1.11 1.95 3.06 1.5510 10 20.00 30.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 2.4511 10 23.65 33.65 0.90 2.15 3.05 3.65

    12 10 28,80 38.80 0.83 2.40 3.23 5.1513 10 35.75 45.75 0.77 2.75 3.52 6.9514 10 44.80 54.80 0.71 3.20 3.91 9.0515 10 56.25 66.25 0.67 3.75 4.42 11.45

    16 10 70.40 80.40 0.62 4.40 5.02 14.15

    From equations (6) and (7), we may derive the behavioural

    equations for AFC, AVC and AC. Let us first consider AFC.

    Average Fixed Cost (AFC)

    As already mentioned, the costs that remain fixed for a certain level of

    output make the total fixed cost in the short-run. The fixed cost is

    represented by the constant term 'a' in equation (6). We know that

    AFC =

    TFC (8)Q

    Substituting 10 for TFC in equation (8), we get

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    AFC =

    10 (9)Q

    Equation (9) expresses the behaviour of AFC in relation to

    change in Q. The behaviour of AFC for Q from 1 to 16 is given in Table

    3.1 (col. 5) and is presented graphically by the AFC curve in the

    Figure 3.1. The AFC curve is a rectangular hyperbola.

    Average Variable Cost (AVC)

    As defined above,

    AVC =


    Given the TVC function in equation 7, we may express AVC as


    AVC =


    = 6- 0.9Q+0.05Q3



    Having derived the A VC function (equation 10), we may easily

    obtain the behaviour of A VC in response to change in Q. The

    behaviour of A VC for Q from I to 16 is given in Table 3.1 (co 1. 6), and

    is graphically presented in Figure 3.2 by the A VC curve.

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    Critical Value of A VC

    From equation (10), we may compute the critical value or Q in respect

    of A Vc. The critical value of Q (in respect of A VC) is that value of Q at

    which A VCis minimum. The Ave will be minimum when its decreasing

    rate of change is equal to zero. This can be accomplished by

    differentiating equation (10) and setting it equal to zero. Thus, critical

    value of Q can be obtained as



    = 0.9+0.10Q=0



    Q= 9

    Thus, the critical value of Q=9. This can be verified from Table3.1

    Average Cost (AC)

    The average cost in defined as

    AC =


    Substituting equation (6) for TC in above equation, we get

    AC =





    + 6-0.9Q+0.05Q2Q

    The equation (l2a) gives the behaviour of AC in response to

    change in Q. The behaviour of AC for Q from I to 16 is given in Table

    3.1 and graphically presented in Figure 3.2 by the AC-curve. Note that

    AC-curve is U-shaped.

    From equation (12a), we may easily obtain the critical value of Q in

    respect of AC. Here, the critical valuepf Q in respect of AC is one at

    which AC is minimum. This can be obtained by differentiating equation

    (l2a) and setting it equal to zero. This, critical vallie of Q in respect of

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    AC is given by



    10- 0.9 + 0.1Q = 0


    aQ Q2

    This equation takes the form of a quadratic equation as

    -10 0.9Q2 + 0.1Q3 = 0

    or, Q3 9Q2 = 100 = 0

    By solving equation (12b), we get

    Q = 10

    Thus, the critical value of output in respect of AC is 10. That is,

    AC reaches its minimum at Q = 10. This can be verified from Table. 3.1

    shows short-run cost curves.

    Marginal Cost (MC)

    The concept of marginal cost (MC) is particularly useful in economicanalysis. MC is technically the first derivative of TC function. That is,

    MC =


    Given the TC function as in equation (6), the MC function can be

    obtained as

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    = 6-1.8Q+0.15Q2 (13)aQ

    Equation (13) represents the behaviour of MC. The behaviour of MC

    for Q from 1 to 16 computed as MC = TCn - TCn- i is given in Table 3.1

    (col. 8) and graphically presented by MC-curve in Figure 3'.2. The

    critical 'value of Q in respect of MC is 6 or 7. It can be seen from Table


    One method of solving quadratic equation is to factorise it and find

    the solution.

    Thus, Q3 9Q2 100 = 0

    (Q 10) (Q2 + Q + 10) = 0

    For this to hold, one of the terms must be equal to zero,

    Suppose (Q2 + Q + 10) = 0

    Then, Q 10 = 0 and Q = 10.


    We now return to the laws of variable proportions and explain it

    through the .cost curves. Figures 3.1 and 3.2 clearly bring out the

    short-term laws of production, i.e., the laws of diminishing returns. Let

    us recall the law: it states that when more and more units of a variable

    input are applied to those inputs which are held constant, the returns

    from the marginal units of the variable input may initially increase but

    will eventually decrease. The same law can also be interpreted in

    term's of decreasing and increasing costs. The law can then be stated

    as, if more and more units of a variable inputs are applied to the given

    amount of a fixed input, the' marginal cost initially decreases, but

    eventually increases. Both interpretations of the law yield the same

    information: one in terms of marginal productivity of the variable input,

    and the other, in terms of the marginal cost. The former is expressed

    through production function and the latter through a cost function.

    Figure 3.2 represents the short-run laws of returns in terms of

    cost of production. As the figure shows, in the initial stage of

    production, both AFC and AVC are declining because of internal

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    economies. Since AC = AFC + AVC, AC is also declining, this shows the

    operation of the law of increasing returns. But beyond a certain level of

    output (i.e., 9 units in out example), while AFC continues to fall, AVC

    starts increasing because of a faster increase in the TVC.

    Consequently, the rate of fall in AC decreases. The AC reaches its

    minimum when output increases to 10 units. Beyond this level of

    output, AC starts increasing which shows that the law of diminishing

    returns comes in operation. The MC, curve represents the pattern of

    change in both the TVC and TC curves due to change in output. A

    downward trend in the MC shows increasing marginal productivity of

    the variable input mainly due to internal economy resulting from

    increase in production. Similarly, an upward trend in the MC shows

    increase in TVC, on the one hand, and decreasing marginal

    productivity of the variable input, on the other.


    Some important relationships between costs used in analysing the

    short-run cost behaviour may now be summed up as follows:

    As long as AFC and AVC fall, AC also falls because AC = AFC


    When AFC falls but A VC increases, change in AC depends on

    the rate of change in AFC and AVC then any of the following


    ifthereisdecrease in AFC and increase in A VC, AC falls,

    if the decrease on AFC is equal to increase in Ave, AC remains

    constant, and

    if the d~crease in AFC is less than increase in A VC, AC


    The relationship between AC and MC is of varied nature. It may

    be described as follows:

    When MC falls, AC follows, over a certain range of initial

    output. When MCis failing, the rate of fall in MC is greater than

    that of AC This is because in case of MC the decreasing

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    marginal cost is attributed, : to a single marginal unit while; in

    case of AC, the decreasing marginal cost is distributed overall

    the entire output. Therefore, AC decreases at a lower rate than


    Similarly, when MC increase, AC also increases but at a lower

    rate fbr the reason given in'the above point. There is however

    a range of output over which this relationship does not exist.

    For example, compare the behaviour of MC and AC over the

    range of output frbm 6 units to 10 units (see Figure 3.2). Over

    this range of ~utput, MC begins to increase while AC continues

    to decrease. The reason for this can be seen in Table. 3.1.

    When MC starts increasing, it increases at a relatively lower

    rate, which is sufficient only to reduce the rate of decrease in

    AC, i.e., not sufficient to push the AC up. That is why AC

    continues to fall over some range of output even, if MC falls.

    MC iJ1tetsects AC at its minimum point. This is simply a

    mathematical relationship between MC and AC curves when

    both of them are obtained from the same TC function. In

    simple words, when AC is at its minimum, then it is neither

    increasing nor decreasing it is constant. When AC is constant,

    AC = MC.

    Optimum Output in Short-run

    An optimum level of output is the one, which can be produced at a

    minimum or least average cost, given the required technology is

    available. Here, the least'tcost' combination of inputs can be

    understood with the help of isoquants and isocosts. The least-cost

    combination of inputs also indicates the optimum level of output at

    given investment and factor prices. The AC and MC cost Curves can

    also be used to find the optimum level of output, given the size of the

    plant in the short-run. The point of intersection between AC and MC

    curves deterinines the minimum level of AC. At this level of output AC

    = MC. Production beloW or beyond thislevelwill be in optimal. If

    production is less than 10 units (Figure 3.2) it will leave some scope for

    reducing AC by producing more, because MC < AC. Similarly, if

    production is greater than 10 units, reducing output can reduce AC.

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    Thus, the cost curves can be useful in finding the optimum level of

    output. It may be noted here that optimum level of output is not

    necessarily the maximum profit output. Profits cannot be known unless

    the revenue curves of firms are known.

    Long-run Cost-output Relations

    By definition, in the long-run, all the inputs become variable. The

    variability of inputs is based on the assumption that, in the long run,

    supply of all the inputs, including those held constant in the short-run,

    becomes elastic. The firms are, therefore, in a position to expand the

    scale of their production by hiring a larger quantity of all the inputs.

    The long-run cost-output relations, therefore, imply the relationship

    between the changing scale of the firm and the total output;

    conversely in the short-run this relationship is essentially one betweenthe total output and, the variable cost (labour). To understand the

    long-run costoutput relations (lnd to derive long-run cost curves it will

    be helpful to imagine that a long run is composed of a series of short-

    run production decisions. As a' corollary of this, long-run cost curves

    are composed of a series of short-run cost curves. We may now derive

    the long-run cost curves and study their' relationship with output.

    Long-run Total Cost Curve (LTC)

    In order to draw the long-run total cost curve, let us begin with a short-

    run situation. Suppose that a firm having only one-plant has its short-

    mn total cost curve as given-by STC l in panel (a) of Figure 3.3. In this

    example if the firm decides to add two more plants to its size over

    time, one after the other then in accordance two more short-run total

    cost curves are added to STCl in the manner shown by STC2 and STC3

    in Figure 3.3 (a):. The LTC can now be drawn through the minimumpoints of STCl, STC2 and STC3 as shown by the LTC curve

    corresponding to each STC.

    Long-run Average Cost Curve (LAC)

    Combining the short-run average cost curves (SACs) derives the long-

    run average cost curve (LAC). Note that there is one SAC associated

    with each STC. Given the STC1 STC2, and STC3 curves in panel (a) of

    Figure 3.3, there are three corresponding SAC curves as given by SAC1

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    SAC2 arid SAC3 curves in panel (b) of Figure 3.3. Thus, the firm has a

    series of SAC curves, each having a bottom point showing the

    minimum SAC. For instance, C1Q1 is the minimum AC when the firm

    has only one plant. The AC decreases to C2Q2 when the second plant is

    added and then rises to C3Q3after the inclusion of the third plant. The

    LAC carl be drawn through the bottom of SAC 1 SAC2 and SAC3 as

    shown in Figure3.3 (b) The LAC curve is also known as Envelope

    Curve' or 'Planning Curve' as it serves as a guide to the entrepreneur

    in his planning to expand production.

    The SAC curves can be derived from the data given in the STC

    schedule, from STC function or straightaway from the LTC-curve.

    Similarly, LAC can be derived from LTC-schedule, LTC function or from

    LTC-curve. The relationship between LTC and output, and between

    LAC and output can now be easily derived. It is obvious. from the LTC

    that the long-run cost-output relationship is similar to the short-run

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    cost-output relationship. With the subsequent increase in the output,

    LTC first increases at a decreasing rate, and then at an increasing

    rate. As a result, LAC initially decreases until the optimum utilisation of

    the second plant and then it begins to increase. From these relations

    are drawn the 'laws of returns to scale'. When the scale of the firm

    expands, unit cost of production initially decreases, but it ultimately

    increases as shown in Figure 3.3 (b).

    Long-run Marginal Cost Curve

    The long-run marginal, cost curve (LMC) is derived from the short-run

    marginal cost curves (SMCs). The derivation of LMC is illustrated in

    Figure 3.4 in which SAC3'and LAC arethe same as'in Figure 3.3(b). To

    derive the LMC3, consider the points of tangency between SAC3 and the

    LAC, i.e., points A, Band C. In the long-run production planning, thesepoints determine the output levels at the different levels of production.

    For example, if we draw perpendiculars from points A, Band C to the X-

    axis, the corresponding output levels will be OQ1 OQ2 and OQ3 The

    perpendicular AQ1 intersects the SMC1 at point M. It means that at

    output BQ2, LMC, is MQ1. If output increases to OQ2, LMC rises to BQ2.

    Similarly, CQ3 measures the LMC at output OQ3. A curve drawn through

    points M3B and N, as shown by the LMC, represents the behaviour of

    the marginal cost in the long run. This curve is known as the long-run

    marginal cost curve, LMC. It shows the trends in the marginal cost in

    response to the change in the scale of production.

    Some important inferences may be drawn from Figure 3.4. The

    LMC must be equal to SMC for the output at which the corresponding

    SAC is tangent to the LAC. At the point of tangency, LAC = SAC. For all

    other levels of output (considering each SAC separately), SAC > LAC.

    Similarly, for all levels of outout corresponding to LAC = SAC, the LMC

    = SMC. For all other levels output, i:he LMC is either greater or less

    than the SMC. Another important point to notice is that the LMC

    intersects LAC when the latter is at its minimum, i.e., point B. There, is

    one and only one short-run plant size whose minimum SAC coincides

    with the minimum LAC. This point is B where, SAC 2 = SMC2 = LAC =


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    Optimum Plant Size and Long-run Cost Curves

    The short-run cost curves are helpful in showing how a firm can decide

    on the optimum utilisation of the plant-which is the fixed factor; or how

    it can determine the least-cost output level. Long-run cost curves, on

    the other hand, can be used to show how the management can decide

    on the optimum size of the firm. An Optimum size of a firm is the one,

    which ensures the most efficient utilisation of resources. Given the

    state: of technology overtime, there is technically a unique size of the

    firm and lever of output associated with the least cost Concept. This

    uriique size of the firm can be obtained with the help of LAC and LMCIn

    Figur 3.4 the optimum size consists of two plants, which produce OQ 2

    units of a produd, at minimum long-run average cost (LAC) of BQ2.

    The downtrend in the LAC ihdicates that until output reaches the

    level of OQ2, the firm is of non-optimal size. Similarly, expansion of the

    firm beyond production capacity OQ2 causes a rise in SMC as well as

    LAC. It follows that given the technology, a firm trying to mini mise its

    average cost over time must choose a plant which gives minimum LAC

    where SAC = SMC = LAC = LMC. This size of plant assures most

    efficient utilisation of the resource. Any change in output level, i.e.,

    increase or decrease, will make the firm enter the area of in optimality.


    Scale of enterprise or size of plant means the amount of investment in

    relatively fixed factors of production (plant and fixed equipment).

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    Costs of production are generally lower in larger plants than in the

    smaller ones. This is so because there are a number of economies of

    large-scale production.

    Economies of Scale

    Marshall classified the economies of large-scale production into two


    1. ExternalEconomies

    2. Internal Economies

    External Economies are those, which are available to all the

    firms in an industry, for example, the construction of a railway line in a

    certain region, which would reduce transport cost for all the firms, the

    discovery of a new machine, which can be purchased by all the firms,

    the emergence of repair industries, rise of industries utilising by-

    products, and the establishment of special technical schools for

    training skilled labour and research institutes, etc. These economies

    arise from the expansion in the size of an industry involving an

    increase in the number and size of the firms engaged in it.

    Internal Ecnomies are the economies, which are available to a

    particular firm and give it an advantage over other firms engaged in

    the industry. Internal economies arise from the expansion of the size of

    a particular firm. From the managerial point of view, internal

    economies are more important as they can be affected by managerial

    decisions of an individual firm to change its size or scale.

    Types of Internal Economies

    There are various types of internal economies such as labour,

    technical, managerial, marketing and so on. We will discuss the types

    of internal economies in detail in the following section:

    Labour Economies: If an firm decides to expand its scale of

    output, it will be possible for it to reduce the labour costs per

    unit by practising division of labour. Economies of division of

    labour arise due to increase in the skill of workers, and the

    saving of time involved in changing from one operation to the

    other. Again, in many cases, a large firm may find it economical

    to have a number of operations performed mechanically rather

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    than manuaily. These economies will be of great use in firms

    where the product is complex and the manufacturing processes

    can be sub-divided.

    Technical Economies: These are economies derived from the

    use of subsize machines and such scientific processes like those

    which can be carried out in large production units. A small

    establishment cannot afford to use such machines and

    processes, because their use would bring a saving only when

    they are used intensively. On the other hand, their use will be

    quite uneconomical if they were to lie idle over a considerable

    part of the time. For example, a large electroplating plant costs a

    great deal to keep it in operation. Therefore, the cost per unit will

    be low only if the output is large. Similarly, a machine that

    facilitates the pressing out a side of a motorcar will take a week

    or more to be put ready for operation to produce a particular

    design. The greater the output of cars of this particular designs

    the lower the cost per unit of getting the machine ready for

    operation. Similarly, if a dye is made to produce a particular

    model of cars, the cost of dye per unit of cars will depend upon

    the output of the cars. Very often large firms may find it

    economical to produce or manufacture parts and components for

    their products rather than buy them from outside sources. For

    example, Hind Cycles, unlike small mariufacturers, produced

    parts and components themselves. Moreover, large firms may

    find it profitable to utilise their by-products and waste products.

    For example, Tata use the smoke from their furnaces to

    manufacture coal tar, naphthalene, etc. A small firm's output of

    smoke would not be large enough to justifY setting up necessary to do so.

    Managerial Economies: When the size of the fern increases,

    the efficiency of the management usually increases because

    there can be greater specialisationin managerial staff. In a large

    firm, experts can be appointed to look after the various sections

    or divisions of the business, such as purchasing, sales,

    production, financing, personnel, etc. But a small firm cannot

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    provide full-time employmentto these experts naturally, the

    various aspects of the business have to be looked after by few

    people only who may not necessarily be experts. Moreover, a

    large firm can afford to set up data processing and mechanised

    accounting, etc., whereas small firms cannot afford to do so.

    Marketing Economies: A large firm can secure economies in its

    purchasing and sales. It can purchase its requirements in bulk and

    thereby get better terms. It usually receives prompt deliveries,

    careful attention and special facilities from its suppliers. This is

    sometimes due to the fact that a large buyer can exert more

    pressure, at times compulsive in nature, for specially favoured

    treatment. It can also get concessions from transport agencies.

    Moreover, it can appoint expert buyers and expert salesmen.

    Finally, a large firm can spread its advertising cost over bigger

    output because advertising costs do not rise in proportion to a

    rise in sales.

    Economies of Vertical integration: A large firm may decide to

    have vertical integration by combining a number of stages of

    production. Thisintegration has the advantage that the flow of

    goods through various stages in production processes is more

    readily controlled. Steady supplies of raw materials, on the one

    hand, and steady outlets for these raw materials, on the other,

    make production planning more certain and less subject to erratic

    and unpredictable changes. Vertical integration may also facilitate

    cost control, as most of the costs become controllable costs for the

    enterprise. Transport' costs may also be reduced by planning

    transportation in such a way that cross hauling is reduced to the


    Financial Economies: A large firm can offer better security and is,

    therefore, in a position to secure better and easier credit facilities

    both from its suppliers and its bankers. Due to a better image, it

    enjoys easier access to the capital market.

    Economies of Risk-spreading: The larger the size of the

    business, the greater is the scope for spreading of risks through

    diversification. Diversification is possible.on two lines as follows:

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    o Diversification of Output: If there are many products,

    the loss in the sale of one product may be covered by the

    profits from others. By diversification, the firm avoids what

    may be called putting all eggs in the same basket. For

    example, Vickers Ltd., make aircrafts, ships, armaments,

    food-processing plant, rubber, plastics, paints, instruments

    arid a wide range of other products. Many of the larger

    firms have taken to diversification. ITC diversified to

    include marine products and hotel business in its


    o Diversification of Markets: The larger producer is

    glenerally in a position to sell his goods in many different

    and even far-off places. By depending upon one market,

    he runs the risk of heavy loss if sales in that market

    decline for one reason or the other.

    Sargant Floren'ce and Economies of Scale

    Sargant Florence has attributed the economies of scale the three

    principles, which are in operation in a large-sized business, namely,

    the principle of bulk transactions, the principle of massed reserves,

    and the principle of multiples.

    Principle of Bulk Transactions: This principle implies that the

    cost of dealing with a large batch is often no greater than the cost

    of dealing with a small batch, for example,' the cost of placing an

    order, large or small; availability of discounts on bulk orders, or

    annual purchase contracts; economies in the use or'large

    containers such as tanks or trucks of special design, for a

    container holding, say, twice as much as the other one, does notcost double the amount.

    Principle of Massed Reserves: A large firm has a number of

    departments or sections and its overall demand for services, say,

    transport services, is likely to be fairly large. But it is unlikely that

    all departments will make heavy demands of the particular service

    at the saine time. Thus the firm can afford to have its own

    transport fleet and fully utilise it and thereby ultimately reduce its

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    costs. The larger the firm, the greater are the advantages.

    Principle of Multiples: This principle was first raised by Babbage

    in 1832 and has also been referred to as 'Balancing of Processes'.

    The principle can be better explained through an example.

    Suppose a manufacturing, operation involves three processes, first

    in which a machine (:an make 30 units a week; second in which an

    automatic machine can make 1,000 units per week; and a third in

    which a semi-automatic machine can make 400 units per week.

    Unles~ the output of the plant is some common multiple of

    30,1,000 anti 400, one or more of the processes will have

    unutilised capacity. Their LCM is 6,000 and, therefore, to best

    utilise all the machines the plant size must be of at least 6,000

    units or any of its multiples.

    Economies of Scale and Empirical Evidence

    According to the surveys conducted by the Pre-investment Survey

    Group (FAG) and later on by the NCAER, it has been pf()Ved that in

    paper industry, profitability decreases with lower scaly of operations

    and bigger plants beneht from economies of scale. The report of the

    Pre-investment Survey Group (FAG) reveals that the manufacturing

    cost of writing and printing paper would fall from Rs. 1,489 in a 100-

    tonne per day plant to Rs. 1,238 in a 200-tonne per day plant and

    further to Rs. 1,104 in a 300-tonne per day plant. The following Table

    3.2 further shows the capital cost of raw materials and operating cost

    per tonne of paper according to the size of the unit, as estimated by

    the NCAER.

    Table 3.2: Paper Industry: Investment and Other

    Costs of Paper Mills according to Size

    Size Tonnes Fixed Cost of raw O eratiner da investment cost ma terials er cost er tonne

    '. er tonne tonne of a er of a er100 4,473 324 1,307

    200 4,070 263 1,116250 3,945 258 1,056

    Another study of cement industry by the Economic and Scientific

    Research undation-shows that the per unit of capacity capital

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    investment of a 3,000 tonne per' day (TPD) capacity cement plant

    islower than the plants of 50 TPD size. Thus a single cement plant

    producing 3,200 TPD requires 46 per cent less capital investment than

    8 plants of 400 TPD productions would. As regards cost of production, a

    800 TPD plant has a 15 per cent cost advantage over a 400 TPD plant.

    The difference between the cost of production of a tonne of cement by

    a 3,000 TPD plant and of a50 TPD plant is as high as Rs. 100 per tonne.

    In fact, there has been a perceptible increase in the size of cement

    plants in India. For example, the 600 tonnes per day capacity cement

    plants during the early 1960s gave way with their size going up to

    1,200 tonnes per day. The latest preference is for 3,200 tonnes per day

    capacity plants. A significant policy implication of economics of scale is

    that in order to earn a reasonable return and at the same time ensure

    a fair deal to the consumers, the industry should go in for larger plants

    and expand the existing plants to .the optimum level.

    The 6/10 Rule

    A useful rule that seeks to measure economies of scale is the 6/1 0

    rule. According to this rule, if we want to double the volume of a

    container, the material needed to make it will have to be increased by

    6/10, i.e., 60 per cent. A proofofthe'6/l0 rule is easy and can be given

    here with its advantage. Let us begin with the volume of a container

    and the material required to make it. Suppose the container is of the

    shape of a Gube with its side. The volume of the container then is:

    Vo = ao x ao x ao = ao3

    Now, to find out the area of material needed, we know that the

    container will have six equal square faces, each of area an 2 so, the

    area of total material needed IS:

    Mo = 6 x ao2 = 6ao2

    Suppose now, that the container's dimension increases from an to

    all the volume of the container will then increase to al3 and the area

    of t~e material needed will increase to 6a12.

    Thus, for two containers of dimensions an and al the ratio of the

    areas of material needed will be:

    M1 6a1/2 a1/2

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    = =M0 6a0/2 a0

    The corresponding ratio of the volumes will be:






    V0 a0/3 a0

    From the above, it follows that:






    V 1 2/3

    M0 a0/2 a0 V0

    Now, if we double the volume, i.e., if

    V1 = 2V0 or






    V1 2/3

    = (20) 2/3 = 1.59M0 V0

    M1 = 1.59 M0

    In other words, doubling the volume requires 59 per cent

    increase in material. This is rouJded off as 60 per cent, which is the

    same as 6/1O. It may be added that, if in place of a cubical container,

    we had taken the example of a spherical or a rectangular or a

    cylindricai or for that matter a conical container, we would have aijived

    at the same relationship, viz.,




    M0 V0

    The 6/10 rule is of great practical significance. Its significance can

    well be realised if we visualise, for example, blast furnaces as boxes

    containing the ingredients needed to produce iron, or tankers as large

    boxes containing oil.

    Minimum Economic Capacity (MEC) Scheme

    Small size firms do not enjoy economies of scale. As such, in

    pursuance of government's policy to encourage minimum efficient

    capacity in industrial und~i1akings, the Government of India has

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    introduced' MEC Scheme to petrochemical industries, for example,

    Naphtha / Gas Cracker (3 to 4 lakhs tonnes), Bopp Film (56,000

    tonnes), Polyster Film (5,000 tonnes), Polyster Filament Yam (25,000

    tonnes), Acrylic Fibre (20,000 tonnes), MEG (One lakh tonnes), PTA

    (2lakh tonnes), etc.

    World Sdale

    With recent trends towards globalisation of industries in India, the

    concept of "World Scale" has emerged. The term 'World Scale' refers to

    that scale or size of the enterprise, which is large enough to enable the

    firm to reap various large-scale economies so as to compete

    successfully on the world basis with global rivals. Thus Reliance

    Industries Limited has recently announced to build a world scale

    polyester facility at Hnzira and a cracker project with capacity

    expanding from earlier 40,000 tonnesto the world scale of 7,50,000

    tonnes per annum.

    Diseconomies of Scale

    Economies of increasing size do not continue indefinitely. After a

    certain point, any further expansion of the size leads to diseconomies

    of scale. For example, after the division of labour has reached its mostefficient point, further increase in the number of workers will lead to a

    duplication of workers. There will be too many workers per machine for

    really efficient production. Moreover, the problem of co-ordination of

    different processes may become difficult. There may be divergence of

    views concerning policy problems among specialists in management

    and reconciliation may be difficult to arrive. Decision-making process

    becomes slow resulting in missed opportunities. There may be too

    much of formality, too many individuals between the managers and

    workers, and supervision may' become difficult. The management

    problems thus get out of hand with consequent adverse effects on

    managerial efficiency.

    The limit of scale economics is also often explained in terms of the

    possible loss of control and consequent inefficiency. With the growth

    in the size of the firm, the control by those at the top becomes

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    weaker. Adding one more hierarchical level removes the superior

    further away from the subordinates. Again, as the firm expands, the

    incidence of wrong judgements increases and errors in judgement

    become costly.

    Last be not the least, is the limitation where the larger the plant,

    the larger is the attendant risks of loss from technological changes as

    technologies are changing fast in modern times.

    Diseconomies of Scale and Empirical Evidence

    Large petro-chemical plants achieve economies in both full usage and

    in utilisation of a wider range ofby-products, which would otherwise,

    be wasted. But above 5,00,000 tonnes, diseconomies of scale sets in

    because of the following occurrences:

    The plant becomes so large that on-site fabrication of some partsis required which is much more expensive;

    Starting up costs are much higher, more capital is tied up and

    delays in commissioning can be extremely expensive; and

    The technical limit to compressor size has been reached.

    There is, however, no substantial evidence of diseconomies of

    large-scale production. In the final analysis, however, a significant

    test of efficiency is survival. If small firms tend to disappear and large

    ones survive, as in the automobile industry, we must conclude that

    small firms are relatively inefficient. If small firms survive and large

    ones tend to disappear as in the textile industry, then large firms are

    relatively inefficient. In reality, we find that in most industries, firms of

    very different sizes tend to survive. Hence, it can be concluded that

    usually there is no significant advantage or disadvantage to size over

    a very wide range of outputs. It may mean, of course, that thebusinessman in his planning decisions determines that beyond a

    certain size, plants do have higher costs and, therefore, does not

    build them.

    Somewhat surprisingly, some Indian entrepreneurs have been

    perceptive enough to attempt to derive the advantages of both large

    and small-scale enterprises. In the late sixties, the Jay Engineering Co.

    Ltd. evolved a strategy of blending large units with small enterprises

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    to obtain the best of both worlds. It manufactures its Usha fans in

    three different plants (Calcutta, Hyderabad and Agra), with each plant'

    manu facturing the same or a similar range of products. Each unit is

    autonomous and is free to take operational decisions except in highly

    strategic areas. Within each unit, the work-force is kept small to carry

    out vital operations such as forgoing, blanking, notching and final

    assembly. The rest of the work is sub-contracted to neighbouring

    small-scale units, which over a period or time have become almost

    integral parts of each plant. Loans for the purchase of machinery are

    also advanced and technical know-how and sometimes-eve training is

    provided to these ancillary units.

    Payments are made promptly. The whole system operates like

    families within a larger family. Managers in the US, who are always

    quick in innovating, have also begun adopting this blended system

    during the past few years. General Motors encourages the creation ofa

    cluster of independent enterprises in an area, with adequate

    autonomy granted to the company's area chief to encourage their

    growth and developm.ent. Consequently, though a giant in the

    automobile industry, General Motors enjoys a large number of the

    privileges that acerue to small units and also reaps the special benefits

    accruing to large business firms.

    Economies of Scope

    This concept is of recent development and is different from the

    concept of economies of scale. Here, the cost efficiency in production

    process is brought out by variety rather than volume, that is, the cost

    advantages follow from variety of output, for example, product

    diversification within the given scale of plant as against increase in

    volume of production or scale 6f output. A firm can add new and newer

    products if the size of plant and type of technology make it possible.

    Here, the firm will enjoy scope-economies instead of scale economies.


    Cost Control

    The long-run prosperity of a firm depends upon its ability to eam

    sustaid profits. Profit depends upon the difference between the selling

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    price and the cost of production. Very often, the selling price is not

    within the control of a firm but many costs are under its control. The

    firm should therefore aim at doing whatever is done at the minimum

    cost. In fact, cost control is ail essential element for the successful

    operation of a business, Cost control by management means a search

    for better and more economical ways of completing each operation. In

    effect, cost control would mean a reduction in the percentage of costs

    and, in turn, an increase in the percentage of profits. Naturally, cost

    control is and will continue to be of perpetual concern to the industry.

    Cost control has two aspects' such as a reduction in specific

    expenses and a more efficient use of every rupee spent. For example,

    if sales can be increased with the same amount of expenditure, say,

    on advertising and saTesmen, the cost as a percentage of sales is cut

    down. In practice, cost control will ultimately be achieved by looking

    into both these aspects and it is impossible to assess the contribution,

    which each has made to the overall savings. Potential savings in

    individual businesses will, however, vary between wide extremes

    depending upon the levels of efficiency already achieved before cost

    controls are introduced.

    It is useful to bear in mind the following rules covering cost control


    It is easier to keep costs down than it is to bring costs down.

    The amount of effort put into cost control tends to increase

    when business is bad and decrease when business is good.

    There is more profit in cost control when business is. good than

    when I business is bad. Therefore, one should not be slack when

    conditions are good.

    Cost control helps a firm to improve its profitability and

    competitiveness. Profits may be drastically reduced despite a large and

    increasing sales volume in the absence of cost control. A big sales

    volume does not necessarily mean a big profit. On the other hand, it

    may create a false sense of prosperity while in reality; increasing costs

    are eating up profits. Profit is in danger-when good merchantdising and

    cost control do not go hand in hand. Cost control may also help a firm

    in reducing its costs and thus reduce its prices. A reduction in prices of

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    a firm would lead to an increase in its competitiveness. The aspect is of

    particular relevance to Indian conditions because of high costs, India is

    being priced out of the world markets.

    Tools of Cost Control

    Following ar.e the tools that are used for the cost control:

    Standard Costs and Budgets: The technique of standard,

    costing has been developed to establish standards of performance for

    producing gvuus and services. These standards serve "as a goal for the

    attainment and as basis of comparison with actual costs in checking

    performance. The analysis of variance between actual and standard

    costs will: (i) help fix the responsibility for non-standard performance

    and (ii) focus attention on areas in which cost improvement should be

    sought by pinpointing the source of loss and inefficiency. The principlehere is that or controlling by exception. Instead of attempting to follow

    a mass of cost data, the attention of those responsible for cost control

    is concentrated on significant variances from the standard. If effective

    action is to be taken, the cause and responsibility of a variance, as well

    as its amount, must be established.

    The prime objective of standard costs is to generate greater cost

    consciousness and help in cost control by directing attention to

    specific areas where action is needed. To those who are immediately

    concerned, variances wou1d indicate whether any action is required

    on their part. It must be noted that

    Costs are controlled at the points where they are incurred and at

    the time of occurrence of events, and

    At the same time they may be uncontrolled at some points.

    It is, therefore, necessary to understand the difference betweencontrollable and uncontrollable costs. The variances may also be

    controllable and uncontrollable. For example, if the material cost

    variance is due to rise in prices, it is not within the control of the

    production manager. But if the variance is due to greater usage,

    control action is certainly possible on his part. The higher management

    can also deCide whether or not they should intervene in the matter.

    Sometimes, variances may be so significant that a complete

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    reapRraisal of the standard costs themselves may be needed.

    For example, if the variances are always favourable, it may point

    to the fact that the standards have not been properly fixed. Standard

    costing can also provide the means for actual and standard cost

    comparison by type of expense, by departments or cost centres. Yields

    and spoilage can be compared with the standard allowance for loss.

    Labour operations and overheads also can be checked for efficiency.

    Flexible budgets constitute yet another effective technique of cost

    control, especially control of factory overheads. Flexible budgets, also

    known as variable budgets; provide a basis for determining costs that

    are anticipated at various levels of activity. It provides a flexible

    standard for comparing the costs of an actual volume of activity with

    the cost that should be or should have been. The variances can then

    be analysed and necessary action can be taken in the matter. Table

    3.3 gives a specimen flexible budget.

    Table 3.3: Finishing Department, Modern Manufacturing Co.

    Standard hours of direct labour

    35,000 40,000 45,000

    Labour cost hour at Rs. 3 per Rs. 1,05,000 Rs. 1,20,000 Rs. 1,35,000Other variable costs 17500 20.000 22,500Semi-variable costs 9,250 10,000 10,250Fixed costs 50,000 50,000 50,000Total Rs.l,81,75Q Rs. 2,00,000 Rs.2,17,750

    The scientific establishment of standards of performance through

    standard costs and budgets has not only provided better cost control

    but has led to cost reduction in a number of companies. This has been

    the case especiilIIy in companies where standards were tied to wage-

    incentive plans and improyement in control is part of a general

    programme of better management. The above table shows three

    budgets, one each for 35,000, 40,000 and '45,000 standard hours of

    work. In practice, one may come across 50 or more cost items in the

    budget and not just four as shown in the table.

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    Ratio Analysis

    RatIo is a statistical yardstick that provides a measure of the

    relationship betweeri two figures. This relationship may be expressed

    as a rate (costs per rupee of sales), as a per cent (cost of sales as a

    percentage of sales), or as a quotient (sales as a certain number of

    time the inventory). Ratios are commonly used in the analysis of

    operations because the use of absolute figures might be misleading.

    Ratios provide standards of comparison for appraising the performance

    of a business firm. They can be used for cost control purposes in two


    A businessman may compare his firm's ratios for the period

    under scrutiny with similar ratios of the previous periods. Such a

    comparison would help him identify areas that need his


    The businessman can compare his ratios with the standard ratios

    in his jndustry. Standard ratios are averages of the results

    achieved by thousands, of firms in the same line of business.

    If these comparisons reveal any significant differences,

    thtYmanagement call analyse the reasons for these differences and

    can take appropriate action to remove' the causeS responsible for

    increase in costs. Some of the most commonly used ratios for cost

    corrtparisons are given below:

    Not profits/sales.

    Gross profits/sales.

    Net profits/total assets.


    Production costs/costs of sales.

    Selling Costs/costs of sales.

    Admiriistration costs/costs of sales.

    Sahes/iriventory or inventory turnover.

    Material costs/prod1, Jction costs.

    Labour costs/production costs.

    Overhead/prqduction costs.

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    Value Analysis: Value analysis is an approach to cost saving

    that deals with product design. Here, before making or buying any

    equipment or materials, a study is made of the purpose to which these

    things serve. Would other lower-cost designs work as well? Could

    another less costly item fill the need? Will less expensive material, do

    the job? Can scrap be reduced by changing the design or the type of

    raw materiaJ? Are the seller's costs as low as they ought to be?

    Suppliers of alternative materIals can provide the ample data to make

    the appropriate choice. Of course, absorbing and reviewing the data

    will need some time. Thus the objective of value analysis is the

    identification of such costs in a product that do not in any manner

    contribute to its specifications or functional value. Hence, value

    analysis is the process of reducing the cost of the prescribed function

    without sacrificing the required standard of performance. The

    emphasis is, first, on identificatiqn of the required function and,

    secondly, on determination of the best way to perform it at a lower

    cost. This novel method of cost reduction is not yet seriously exploited,

    in our country. Value analysis is a supplementary device in addition to

    the con~entional cost reduction methods.

    Value analysis is closely related to value engineering, though

    they are not identical. Value analysis refers to the work that

    purchasing department does in-this direction whereas value

    engineering usually refers to what engineers are doing in this area. The

    purchasing department raises questions and consults the engineering

    department and even the vendor company's department. Value

    analysis thus requires wholehearted co-operation of not only the firm's

    expertise in design, purchase, production and costing but also that of

    the vendor and other company expertise, if necessary. Some examplesof savings through value analysis are given below:

    Discarding tailored products where standard components can


    Dispensing with facilities not specified or not required by the

    customer, for example, doing away with headphone in a radio


    Use ofnewly-deyeloped, better and cheaper materials in place of

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    traditional materials.

    Taking the specific case of TV industry, there are various

    components of cost, which can be questioned. The various items are

    as under:

    Whether to have vertical holding chassis or the chassis should

    be tied down horizontally. In case, chassis is held vertically,

    additional expenditure in terms of holding clamps is required.

    Whether to have plastic cabinet or wooden cabinet.

    Whether to have two speakers or one speaker.

    Whether to have sliding switches or stationary switches.

    Whether to have PVC back cover or wooden back cover.

    Whether to have costly knobs or cheaper knobs.

    Whether to have moulded mask or extruded plask.

    Whether to have Electronic Tuner or Turret Tuner.

    Whether to have digital operating unit or noble operating unit.

    Cost control is applicable only to such costs, which can be

    altered by the management on their own initiative. It may be noted in

    this context that, by and large, non-controllable costs exceed far more

    than controllable ones thereby restricting the scope of profit

    impfoyement through cost, control. Of course, attempts may be made

    to convert an uncontrollable cost into a controllable one. Vertical

    combinations to secure control over sources of supply provide an

    example. So also instead of buying a component, a firm may decide to

    make the conversion possible.


    Folloviing are the areas where the cost can be controlled:

    1. Materials

    There area number of ways that help in reducing the cost ofmatenals.

    Ifbuying is done properly, a firm avails itself of quantity discounts.

    While buying from a particular source, in addition to the cost of

    materials, consideration should be given to freight charges. In some

    cases, lower prices of materials may be offset by higher freiight to the

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    firm's godown. Whiie buying, one may attempt to buy from the

    cheapbt source by inviting bids. At times, it may be possible to have

    more economical substitutes for raw materials that the firm is using.

    Many a times, improvell1ent in product design may lead to reduction

    in material usage. It is desirable to concentrate attention on the areas

    where saving potential is the highest.

    Another area, which needs examination in this respect, is

    whether to make or buy components from outside source. Very often

    firm may find it advantageous to manufacture certain parts and

    components in one's own factory rather than buying them. Yet in many

    cases there are specific advantages in purchasing spares and

    components from outside because suppliers may deliver goods at low

    cost with high quality. For example, Ford and Chrysler of the US Auto

    Industry purchase their components from outside source. But General

    Motors could not do so because the firm has its own departments for

    handling the process of production. This type of firm is referred as

    vertically integrated firm where it owns the various aspects of making

    seIling and delivering a product Hind Cycles, which has now been

    taken over by the Government, manufactures all its components. But

    manufacturers of Hero and Avon Cycles purchased most of their

    components from outside source and successfully competed with HindCycles.

    Continuous Research and Development (R & D) may also lead to

    a reduction in raw material costs. For example, Asian Paints made high

    savings in costs of raw materials by its phenomenal success on

    Research and Development front, by manufacturing synthetic resins

    for captive consumption. Total materials consumed as a ratio of value

    of production fell from 67.66 per cent in 1973 to 60-67 per cent in1977. General Motors have reduced the weight of their cars to make

    them more fuel-efficient. Better utilisation of materials' may also save

    the cost of materials by avoiding wastes in storing, handling and

    processing. Some of the factors, responsible for excessive wastage of

    materials are: lack of laid down requirements for raw materials, bad

    process planning, rejects due to faulty materials or poor workmanship,

    lack of proper tools, jigs and fixtures, poor quality of materials, loose

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    packing, careless and negligent handling and careless storage.

    Exploration of the possibilities of the use of standardised parts

    and components and the utilisation of waste and by-products, may

    also lead to a significant reduction in the cost of materials.

    Inventory control is yet another area for reducing materials

    cost. Thro inventory control, it is possible to maintain the investmentin inventories at lowest amount consistent with the production and

    the sales requirements of firm. The cost of carrying inventories

    ranges from 15 to 20 per cent per annum account of interest on

    capital, insurance, storage and handling charges, spilla breakage,

    physical deterioration, pilferage and obsolescence. Again 50 per cent

    the gross working capital may be locked up in inventories.

    Some important ways of reducing inventories are: Improved production planning.

    Having dependable sources of supplies, which can ensure

    prompt deliver of materials at short notice.

    Elimination of slow-moving stocks and dropping of obsolete items.

    Improved flow of part and materials leading to increased machine

    utilisation and shorter manufacturing cycles.

    Packaging constitutes a significant proportion of raw materials

    (9 to 24 per cent) and of the total manufacturing expenses (7 to 22

    per cent). Firm should mal attempts to reduce the packaging costs to

    the minimum. For example, instead discarding containers that the

    materials come in it may be used for shipping tl goods and thus, the

    packaging cost can be saved. The manufacturing firms such; cars and

    motor bikes may request its customers to return the containers in

    whic are goods were sent so that they could be used in future. This isbecause packin of such goods as well as the materials used for

    packing is very expensive.

    2. Labour

    Reduction in wages for reducing labour costs is out of question. On the

    other hand, wages might have to be increased to provide incentives to

    workers. Yet there is good scope for reduction in the wage cost per

    unit. A reduction in labour costs is possible by proper selection and

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    training, improvement in productivity and by automation, where

    possible. A study by cn (Confederation of Indian Industry) showed that

    Hero Cycles improved their productivity per employee by 6.4 per cent.

    'Purolators' were able to increase their productivity by 100 per cent.

    Work study might result in a lot of savings by reducing overtime and

    idle time and providing better workloads. Labour productivity might

    increase if frequent change of tools is avoided. Improvement in

    working conditions may reduce absenteeism and thus reduce costs per

    unit. Scrutiny of overtime may reveal substantial scope for savings.

    All efforts must be made to redllce wastage of human effort.

    Wastage of human effort may be due to lack of co-ordination among

    various departments by having more workers than necessary, under-

    utilisation of existing manpower, shortage of materials, improper

    scheduling, absenteeism, poor methods and poor morale. For example,

    Metal Box adopted a Voluntary Severance Scheme in 197576 to reduce

    their work force by 950 workers after they faced a huge operating loss

    ofRs. 2.4 crores. General Motors eliminated 14,000 white-collar jobs

    through attrition to reduce cost. Japan's big 5 steel producers

    announced substantial retrenchment programmes and workers co-

    operated with the management. Attempts must be made to secure co-

    operation of employees in cost reduction by inviting suggestions fromthem. These suggestions should be carefully examined and

    implemented if found satisfactory. Hindustan Lever has a suggestion

    box scheme and employees who come out with good suggestions

    receive awards. These suggestions may either lead to savings or

    improve safety and work convenJence. The basic idea is to motivate

    workers and make them perceive working in the firm as a participative


    3. Overheads

    Factory overheads may be reduced by proper selection of equipment,

    effective utilisation of space and .equipment, proper maintenance of

    equipment and reduction in power cost, lighting cost, etc. For

    example, fluorescent lighting can reduce lighting cost. Faulty designs

    may lead to excessive use of materials or multiplicity of components,

    waste of steam, electricity, gas, lubricants, etc. A British team invited

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    by the Government of India to report on standards of fuel efficiency in

    Indian industry found that fuel wastages might be as high as an

    average of 25 per cent. Keeping them in check even in the face of

    increasing sales may reduce overhead costs per unit. For example,

    Metal Box maintained their fixed costs in 1976-77 even when there

    was an increase in sales of over 18 per cent.

    Taking advantage of truck or wagonloads may reduce

    transportation cost. Careful planning of movements may also save

    transportation cost. Another point to be examined is whether it would

    be economical to use one's own transport or hire a transport. For

    reasons of economy, many transport companies hire trucks rather than

    owning them. This is because purchase and maintemince of trucks can

    be more expensive. By chartering vehicles the problems of

    maintenance is left to the owner who in turn Cuts cost for the firm.

    Thus by keeping a smaller work force on rolls and by introducing a

    contract rate linked to a safe delivery schedule it is possible to ensure

    speedy point-to-point delivery of goods. Many firms now prefer to use

    private taxis rather than have their own staff cars.

    Reduction of wastes in general can also reduce manufacturing

    costs considerably. Of course, a certain amount of waste and spoilage

    is unavoidable because employees do make mistakes, machines do getout of order and sometimes raw materials are faulty. However,

    attempts can be made to reduce these mistakes and faulty handling to

    the minimum. The normal figure for the waste and spoilage depends

    upon the complexity of the product, the age of the manufacturing

    plant, and the skill and experience of the workers. Once normal

    wastage is found out, production reports must be watched carefully to

    find out whether the wastages are excessive. Wastes can be reduced

    considerably by educating operators in the causes and cures of the

    wastes. Bad debt losses can be reduced considerably by selecting

    customers carefully, and keeping an eye on the receivables.

    Concentrating on areas and media can reduce advertising costs, which

    give the best results.

    Selling costs can be controlled by improving the supervision and

    training of salesmen, rearrangement of sales territories, replanting

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    salesmen's routes and calls and redirecting of the sales efforts, to

    achieve a more economic product mix. It may be possible to save

    selling costs by the use of warehouses, making bulk shipments to the

    warehouses and giving faster deliveries to the customers.

    Centralisation, reduction, clerical and accounting work may also lead to

    cost savings. A look at the telephone bills and the communication cost

    in general may also reveal areas for substantial savings. For example a

    telegram may be sent in place of a trunk call.

    (a) Cost Reduction

    The Institute of Cost and Works Accounts of London has defined cost

    reduction as "the achievement of real and permanent reductions in the

    unit costs of goods manufactured or services rendered without

    impairing their suitability for the use intended". Thus, cost reduction is

    confined to savings in the cost of manufacture, administration,

    distribution and selling by eliminating wasteful and unnecessary

    elements from the product design and from the techniques and

    practices carried out in coilOection with cost reduction?

    (b) Cost Contro/and Cost Reduction

    According to the Institute of Cost and Works Accounts, London, "cost

    control, as generally practised, lacks the dynamic approach to many

    factors affecting costs, which determine the need of cost reduction."

    For example, under cost control, the tendency is to accept standards

    once they are fixed and leave them unchallenged over a period. In cost

    reduction, on the other hand, standards must be constantly challenged

    for improvement. And there is no phase of business, which is

    exempted from the cost reduction. Products, processes, procedures

    and personnel are subjected to continuous scrutiny to see where andhow they can be reduced in cost.

    To achieve success in cost reduction, the management must be

    convinced of the need for cost reduction. The formulation of a detailed

    and co-ordinated plan of cost reduction demands a systematic

    approach to the problem. The first step would be the institution of a

    Cost Reduction Committee consisting of all the departmental heads to

    locate the areas of potential savings and to determine the priorities.

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    The Committee should review progress and assign responsibilities to

    appropriate personnel. Every business operation should be approached

    in the belief that it is a potential source of economy and may benefit

    from a completely new appraisal. Often, it may be possible to dispense

    entirely with routines, which, by tradition, have come to be regarded

    as a permanent feature of concern. Cost reduction is just as much

    concerned with the stoppage of unnecessary activity as with the

    curtailing of expenditure. It is imperative that the cost of administering

    any scheme of cost reduction must be kept within reasonable limits.

    What is reasonable must be determined in all cases from the

    relationship between the expenditure and the savings, which result

    from it.

    Essentials for the Success of a Cost Reduction Programme

    Following are the some of the points that firms should take care in

    order to achieve success in the cost reduction programme:

    Every individual within the firm should recognise his

    responsibility. The co-operation of every individual requires a careful

    dissemination of the objectives and interest of the employees in the

    achievement of the firm's goals.

    Employee resistance to change should be minimised by

    disseminating complete information about the proposed changes

    and convincing the emplcyees that the changes are concerned

    with the problems faced by the firm and that they would

    ultimately benefit.

    Efforts should be concentrated in the areas where the savings are

    likely to be the maximum.

    Cost reduction efforts should be continuously maintained.

    There should be periodic meetings with the employees to review

    the progress made towards cost reduction.

    (c) Factors Hampering Cost Control in India

    The cost of raw material and other intermediate products is generally

    high. In many cases: the cost of raw materials is substantially higher

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    than their international prices, which makes it difficult for the Indian

    firms to compete in foreign markets. The sharp rise in oil prices in

    recent years also gave a severe push to the cost of raw materials with

    petrochemical base. Shortages of raw materials are a usual

    phenomenon. With a view to insuring against these shortages,

    manufacturers keep larger inventories, which result in increase in their

    costs. This occurs especially in case of imported raw materials. Wages

    are always being linked to cost of living. There are wage boards for

    almost every industry and management has little control on wage


    Overheads are also higher in India due to the following reasons:

    The size of the plant is very often uneconomic due to the

    Government's desire to prevent concentration of economic

    power. However, there is now a marked change in the policy. In

    1986, the Government announced that 65 industries would be

    started with minimum economic capacity so as to 'make India's

    products competitive. This process got a boost after the new

    Industrial Policy was announced in July 1991.

    There is under-utilisation of capacities due to lack of raw

    materials and power shortage. However a manufacturer can

    exceed his capacity by improving the techniques of production

    process. Even after making improvements, a manufacturer lacks
