notes to myself

I ___j Notes to myself about how I ean bulld & k••P mv expeBtatlons high __ I ! ReMeMher that M!:J effort a(wa!1S increases W\!1 learning potential; my abilities are not "fixedu Our belief In our 1blllty 11 1 learner hit 1 huge Impact on how well we learn. It either opens ut up for le1rnlng .. or 1hut1 ut down. Our telf-txpeot1tlon1 ire alto shaped by beliefs of othen. ·1otes to My1e1t• ire gentle remlnden of ways we c1n keep our own self-expect1tlon1 high ind thou of our oll11•tes. 9ut we oan't do It alone. When you turn thlt p1ge over you wlll see •1ote1 to Othen Who c.r.- - p1rent1 1nd community memberL These ire ways they oan 1l10 help every young penon In our community believe In his or her potentl1l 1nd worth. It takes 1 community to build •trllf Expeotltlon1•1 Believe in Ways I can build high expectations with my classmates ..... ReMeMber that everyori..e. learY\S differeV\tly t.tV\d ha.s differe.V\t ;.,,terests aJl\d passioY\S EV\cou.rage w..y to ask teachers qu.estioY\S RewdJl\d discouraged classMate.s of their accow..plishw..eY\ts & share My faith iV\ thew. Mt-SOWlething-that- break it dowY\ iY\to doable ste s Make help aV\d a{/ow peers to he.Ip w..e Ce.f ebrate. each others> 9ood efforts aV\d successes Whe..,, people. say "why?" to Me., I will say "why Mt?, believes ;.,, Me. a.V\d WI. doubts a.V\d bad about M self, take a KV\ow each persoV\ for who they are, Jl'.ot based ori.. what groG(p they haJl'.g aroG(Y\d with, what they look like, or aV\y other reasoJI'. each other to do ou.r best, try sow..ethiV\g MW, pursue a passioV\ Respect others, eve.V\ if I don.'t agree or sow..eori..e's questioV\ seeW1.S obvious Notice wheV\ sow..eoJl'.e is nard & te{/ thew. f ri..otice Qive each other hon.est aY\d cariY\g feedback 1 ------ 1

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motivational for school students


I ___j Notes to myself about how I ean bulld & k••P mv expeBtatlons high

__ I ! ReMeMher that

M!:J effort a(wa!1S increases W\!1

learning potential; my abilities are

not "fixedu

Our belief In our 1blllty 11 1 learner hit 1 huge Impact on how well we learn. It either opens ut up for le1rnlng .. or 1hut1 ut down. Our telf-txpeot1tlon1 ire alto shaped by beliefs of othen. ·1otes to My1e1t• ire gentle remlnden of ways we c1n keep our own self-expect1tlon1 high ind thou of our oll11•tes. 9ut we oan't do It alone.

When you turn thlt p1ge over you wlll see •1ote1 to Othen Who c.r.- - te1che~ p1rent1 1nd community memberL These ire ways they oan 1l10 help every young penon In our community believe In his or her potentl1l 1nd worth. It takes 1 community to build •trllf Expeotltlon1•1

Believe in my~elf! Ways I can build high expectations with my classmates .....

• ReMeMber that everyori..e. learY\S differeV\tly

t.tV\d ha.s differe.V\t ;.,,terests aJl\d passioY\S

• EV\cou.rage w..y to ask teachers qu.estioY\S

• RewdJl\d discouraged classMate.s of their

accow..plishw..eY\ts & share My faith iV\ thew.£Jeami~,_


break it dowY\ iY\to doable ste s

• Make learV\i~ help aV\d a{/ow peers to he.Ip w..e

Ce.f ebrate. each others> 9ood efforts aV\d

successes Whe..,, people. say "why?" to Me., I will say "why Mt?,

believes ;.,, Me. a.V\d WI. doubts a.V\d

bad about M self, take a

• KV\ow each persoV\ for who they are, Jl'.ot based

ori.. what groG(p they haJl'.g aroG(Y\d with, what they look like, or aV\y other reasoJI'.

• each other to do ou.r best, try sow..ethiV\g MW, pursue a passioV\

• Respect others, eve.V\ if I don.'t agree or

sow..eori..e's questioV\ seeW1.S obvious

• Notice wheV\ sow..eoJl'.e is worki~ nard & te{/ thew. f ri..otice

• Qive each other hon.est aY\d cariY\g feedback

~.VERMONT . 1------1 D!•ARTM£NTOF!:ATIO~ 1;,._ '11\e. as a le.a,,.

r Jl\e.r

• He.I Me. discover Wl ilf\ a.lf\.d a.ssiolf\.S

• Value. whe.lf\. I a.Wl workiYl!J ha.rd, evelf\. whelf\.

Off\. t get a. great gra. e

• sibfi s or others

• Allow rooW\ for risk-ta.kilf\.9

• aive. W\t. re.spolf\.Sibifitie.S a.lf\.d COUlf\.t Off\. W\t to

OWlple.te the.W\

• Listelf\. to what I have to sa fiste.lf\.-

be.fore you. speak

• Spe.lf\.d quality tiMe with Me

• CoW\t to school e.velf\.tS or thiYl!JS I aW\

llf\.VO ve tlf\.

8e positive .. supportive and caring

l: l: He.Ip W\e Stt high


\ tkri support """ l to reach theWl


::=::::~;; .. r -.. .. fotes to my teachen -~- ays you Gift help m• (and AU.

•, .......... ntll bu.lkl high expeotatton• • Be.Neve ilf\. W\e >HN•

• aet to klf\.Ow Wle, Wl!:J ilf\.terests a.lf\.d pa.ssiolf\.S

• lricf ude IN\e ilf\. settilf\.g goals a.lf\.d expe.cta.tiolf\.S alf\.d support Me to reach the.W\

• Set clear e.xpe.cta.tiolf\.S ( a.lf\.d check ilf\. to sure I U.lf\.dersta.lf\.d)

Notes to community members 1---.,.,

wo.ys you can help W\e. ( o.N.l ALL students) build

high txptcto.tions

• Re1M.e1M.ber how Much it 1M.eant to you when an older person believed in you-and pass it on

•Provide ways for Wl.e to have a. IM.eani"Bful voice ir-.. COMIM.u.riity decisioVt IM.aki"B

•Work with the school to offer rea.1-wor(d • ~et W\t alf\.d learn froW\ Wt!:J Mistakes w1thou.t he1tf\.9 pu.lf\.ishe.d or judged

• Ass~W\e Wl!:J ilf\.telf\.tiolf\.S, eve.If\. if SoW\e l---n:>r.rhfir-rn':7Il"1'111Mn-HdrP111J1wct!~~f-mmvizr-t~~~q-umt---·1 that IS ha.rd ;:;J· SMall, in and outside of schoo(

• No_tice. w~elf\. 1 aW\ strtAgglilf\.fJ a.lf\.d out to •Attend student-run events, str.tden.t perforMan.ces, W\t 1f I doff\. t for he.Ip -a~t~h~(e~t,~.c~g~a.=Mt.~s .:.:.......::....:::.:...-=..::..::::....::~==~:....::..:....:....:....:.....:....__c:cc.......::....:~---·• • Notice . whelf\. t aW\ Wofl'kilf\.9 fl'eaf/y ha.rd &r value this effort •When our pat~ cross, don't be afraid to look Me ilf\. the eye.

• Chaflelf\.fje Wlt to learn ilf\\.delf\.tfy •Help Mt learn froM IMY Mistakes; don't judge Me by theM • Klf\.ow me fo,... myself: dolf\.'t stereotype. W\t

h~e.d Off\. my sibf ilf\.gs or who t half\.fJ af!'ou.lf\.d with Of" alf\.y othe,... re.asolf\.

•Teach Me. HOW to fe.arlf\.

• Be passiolf\.Q.te. alf\.d compa.ssiolf\.Q.te

• Teach me to break dowlf\. big goals ilf\.to swiafl steps, alf\.d celebrate eacl-l step witl-l W\t

• aive. W\t options to re.-do a.ssiglf\.Wltlf\.tS or re -take tests Ulf\.til t "get it,,

Dolf\.'t givt up Olf\. Wlt!

•Know that the WI.Ost powerful factor influ.encif\8 Wl.Y fife is how ca.ri"B adults are there for IM.e-and choose to be orie of thelM

-'Ill • Model the saWle a.rid hthaviors yow warit to see in Me

•Ask questions and listen -Believe in wiy best

of intentioYl.S-Wt.ost

of the tiwie you.

will be right!