nottinghamshire county and nottingham city declaration on tobacco control: workshop dr john...

Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City Declaration on Tobacco Control: Workshop Dr John Tomlinson

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Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City

Declaration on Tobacco Control: Workshop

Dr John Tomlinson

Background• Creation of the Local Government Declaration on Tobacco Control

in response to the enormous and ongoing damage smoking causes to our communities

• More recently an NHS statement of support has also been produced• Commits local authorities to certain measures around tobacco

control• Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council have

both signed the Local Government Declaration• Development of the Nottinghamshire County and Nottingham City

Declaration on Tobacco Control-encouraging all key partners/organisations both public and private to commit to taking action on tobacco.

What is it?

• A set of key principles to sign up to.• A statement about an organisation’s dedication to protecting

their local communities from the harms caused by smoking and tobacco use.

• A demonstration of local leadership supporting staff, visitors and service users.

• A commitment to action through an agreed, individualised action plan which is progressive and supportive for staff and the local community.

• Endorsed by both County and City Health and Wellbeing Boards

Aims of the workshop

• Raise awareness of examples of good practice that could be adopted locally as part of your individual action plan

• Identify what actions are possible within your own organisation and timescales

• Networking-an opportunity to work with partners on certain actions?

• Identify any further support needed

Table Discussions

• Thoughts on example actions from other areas

• What actions are possible within your own organisation?

• Reasonable timescales?

• Are there some actions that could be carried out in partnership?

Next steps

• Formulate an action plan and share-deadline?

• Update to Health and Wellbeing Boards (April and Sept)

• Complete online survey (will be sent out periodically)

• Integrate as part of Workplace Health Award Scheme

Further information to support the Declaration can be found at:
