nuclear landscape & regulatory framework · mosa rasweswe group executive: nuclear compliance...

Nuclear Landscape & Regulatory Framework Mosa Rasweswe Group Executive: Nuclear Compliance & Services Nuclear Africa Conference 2017 29 March 2017

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Page 1: Nuclear Landscape & Regulatory Framework · Mosa Rasweswe Group Executive: Nuclear Compliance & Services Nuclear Africa Conference 2017 29 March 2017 . Presentation Outline •RSA

Nuclear Landscape &

Regulatory Framework

Mosa Rasweswe

Group Executive:

Nuclear Compliance & Services

Nuclear Africa Conference 2017

29 March 2017

Page 2: Nuclear Landscape & Regulatory Framework · Mosa Rasweswe Group Executive: Nuclear Compliance & Services Nuclear Africa Conference 2017 29 March 2017 . Presentation Outline •RSA

Presentation Outline

• RSA Nuclear Programme Developments

• Nuclear Regulatory Framework

• Conclusion

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RSA Nuclear Programme Development

White Policy on Energy Policy (1998): Demand, Supply, & Cross cutting


• Demand Sectors: households, industry and mining, transport &


• Supply: coal, nuclear energy, oil and gas, liquid fuels, renewable

energy sources;

– Whether new nuclear capacity will be an option in future will

depend largely on the environmental and economic merits of

other energy sources relative to nuclear and its political and public

acceptability, construction lead-times and load characteristics.

• Cross cutting issues: Energy efficiency, Environment, health and

safety, International energy trade and co-operation, Fiscal and

pricing issues.

– Government will monitor on an ongoing basis, relevant aspects of

the nuclear industry to obtain assurance of safety in general.

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RSA Nuclear Programme Development (cont..)

Nuclear Policy (2008)

• Vision: industrial and technological leadership, to secure

alternative energy resources for the future, through the

development of a globally competitive infrastructure and skills

for the peaceful utilisation of Nuclear Energy and Technology.

• Policy principles:

– Nuclear Energy shall be used as part of SA’s diversification of

primary energy sources and to ensure security of energy supply;

– All Nuclear energy sector activities shall take place within a legal

regulatory framework consistent with international best practice.

– In pursuing a national nuclear energy programme there shall be full

commitment to ensure that nuclear and radiation safety receives the

highest priority to provide for the protection of persons, property and

the environment.

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RSA Nuclear Programme Development (cont..)

• IRP2010: Planned 9.6GW of nuclear energy as part of the

overall energy mix

• Draft IRP2016: Impact of revised balanced scenario and

Policy-Adjusted IRP on net energy supply indicated

increase to 20% nuclear in the energy mix.

• DoE conducted public consultations and request for

comments on the Draft IRP2016 is open until 31/03/2017

for consideration before submission to Cabinet for


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RSA Nuclear Programme Development (cont..)

• Cabinet pronounced on 2 Nov 2016, that the Nuclear New Build programme would be led by a joint procurement team consisting of Eskom and Necsa.

• Necsa will be Owner Operator for the nuclear fuel cycle and the Multi-Purpose Reactor while Eskom will be the Owner Operator for the nuclear power plant construction.

• Necsa is assessing the capability of re-establishing the NFC from beneficiation of uranium to localisation of manufacturing components to support the nuclear power plants.

• The joint RFI was issued by both organisations on 20 Dec 2016 for the whole nuclear programme with closing date set for 28 April 2017.

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Nuclear Regulatory Framework

• Nuclear technology is governed by legally binding

international treaties and conventions covering

nuclear safety, security and safeguards;

• Countries interested/involved in nuclear

cooperates within bilateral and multilateral

cooperation agreements; and

• Most countries have national legislations

governing nuclear technology and related


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Nuclear Regulatory Framework





Guidelines & Best Practices

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Key Treaties & Conventions

Treaty/Conventions Objective RSA entry into force

Non-Proliferation Treaty provides for peaceful use of nuclear technology and

application of safeguards

10 July 1991

Convention on Nuclear Safety addresses the safety of nuclear installations to

ensure that such installations are operated in a

safe, regulated and environmentally sound


24 Mar 1997

Convention on Physical Protection of

Nuclear Material

to achieve and maintain physical protection of

nuclear material used for peaceful purposes and of

nuclear facilities used for peaceful purposes

17 Oct 2007

Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent

Fuel Management and on the Safety of


Waste Management

commitment by participating States to achieve and maintain a high level of safety in handling spent fuel and radioactive waste management for ensuring the protection of people and the environment.

13 Feb 2007

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National Nuclear Primary Legislation

• Safeguards: Nuclear Energy Act (46 of 1999)

– provides for responsibilities for the implementation & application of the Safeguards Agreement and any additional protocols in support of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

• Non-Proliferation: Non-Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (87 of 1993)

– provides for the control over weapons of mass destruction; and the establishment of a Council to control and manage matters relating to the proliferation of such weapons;

• Safety: National Nuclear Regulator Act (47 of 1999):

– provides for safety standards and regulatory practices for protection of persons, property and the environment against nuclear damage.

• Security: National Key Points Act (102 of 1980 as amended):

– provides for declaration of National Key Points and the safeguarding thereof.

• General: Nuclear Energy Policy of 2009:

– provides policy framework within which use of nuclear materials as well as the development and utilisation of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes shall take place within a legal regulatory framework consistent with international obligations & best practices.

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Regulatory Organisation

All nuclear facilities

National Nuclear


Dept of Health

Dept of Trade & Industries

Dept of International



Department of Energy

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• All nuclear activities in the country are carried out within the regulatory framework;

• SA has safely operated nuclear facilities for over 50yrs;

• SA is internationally recognised for adherence to its nuclear obligations;

• Government continue to maintain consistent position of commitment to nuclear safety, security and safeguards as per policy documents.

• The INIR Mission 2013: the mission identified strengths in several areas supporting both the existing and new build programme….It also made recommendations and suggestions to help South Africa strengthen its nuclear infrastructure as it expands its nuclear power programme.

"The mission has made a thorough review of all areas of South Africa's nuclear infrastructure," said IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano. "I warmly

congratulate South Africa on this significant move to ensure a robust framework for expansion of its nuclear power programme.”

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