nuf b 001 nuflow (p50xs100)

document.xlsIntroduction This workbook is for the hydraulic calcuration with non-uniform flow. 1. Calcurating Method and Restriction 1. Calcuration of section data 1) -Maximum number of divided flow area is 5. When the section has divided flow area, the module calcurates R(hydraulic depth) by following formula. R=SA(flow area of each part)/SL(contact length of each part) 2) At calcurating the water level, the module assumes a vertical wall of 10 m hight on the right/left bank , continuing the calcuration at over top. At that time, the module shows a message of ">LRB" on the calcuration sheet. 3) The assumed vertical wall has roughness coefficient same with both end of point data. 2. Calcuration of water level 1) Maximum number of section data is 100. To increse the maximum number, the declaration lines and I/O module should be changed in Module_Main and Module_2. 2) "Flog Jumping Method" is applied for convergenting calcuration. 3) When the calcurated water level gets be less than the critical depth at the section, the module applies the critical depth to the estimated water level of the section and continue calcuration with message of "<H_critical". 3. Caution 1) Do not insert/delete rows/columns on "Section" sheet, because I/O module referes values by absolute reference, which is not interlocked over sheets. 2.To prepare new section data, 1. Active the worksheet "Section", 2. Input following data; 1) Dataset name ==> "D2" 2) Discharge of flow ==>"H3" 3) Initial water depth ==>"N2" (Input 0 in case of critical water depth.) 4) Velocity coefficient ==>"S3" 5) Section name ==>"C5" and relative reference for each section block 6) Section datCoordinate of X ==>"B7" to "B56" Coordinate of Y ==>"C7" to "C56" * Roughness coefficient ==>"D7" to "D56" ** 7) Distance ==>"D60" * : EL shoud be applied to Water Level and Coordinates of Y. **: Roughness coefficitent of Data No. (i) is for the range between (i) and (i+1). 3. To edit section data, use the "EDIT" button. 1)To clear data of section, chose "Clear Section" option. Remained sections are not shifted. 2)To delete data of section, chose "Delete Section" option. Remained sections are shifted backw 3)To insert new section, chose "Insert Section" option. 4. To execute calcuration, click "RUN" button on "Calc_sheet". 5. About ControlSheet, The clacuration conditions , i.e. initial elevation, discharge, start and stop section, are des on "ControlSheet". Hini : Initial water elevation at st Defalt is designated in "Section" Q : Flow discharge Defalt is designated in "Section" Section_staSection number of calcuration start section Section_stoSection number of calcuration stop section nos : Number of section data Hend : Estimated water elevation at section_stop

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Post on 11-Nov-2015




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NuFLOW, aliran


IntroductionThis workbook is for the hydraulic calcuration with non-uniform flow.1. Calcurating Method and Restriction1. Calcuration of section data1)-Maximum number of divided flow area is 5. When the section has divided flow area,the module calcurates R(hydraulic depth) by following formula.R=SA(flow area of each part)/SL(contact length of each part)2)At calcurating the water level, the module assumes a vertical wall of 10 m hight on theright/left bank , continuing the calcuration at over top. At that time, the module showsa message of ">LRB" on the calcuration sheet.3)The assumed vertical wall has roughness coefficient same with both end of point data.2. Calcuration of water level1)Maximum number of section data is 100. To increse the maximum number, the declarationlines and I/O module should be changed in Module_Main and Module_2.2)"Flog Jumping Method" is applied for convergenting calcuration.3)When the calcurated water level gets be less than the critical depth at the section, themodule applies the critical depth to the estimated water level of the section and continuescalcuration with message of "