obama for america releases new television advertisement: “the choice”

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  • 7/31/2019 Obama for America Releases New Television Advertisement: The Choice


    Obama for America Releases New Television Advertisement: The Choice

    [email protected] on behalf of Obama for America Press

    [[email protected]]Sent:Monday, July 23, 2012 4:10 PM

    To: Obama for America Press [[email protected]]

    For Immediate Release: Monday, July 23, 2012

    Contact: Obama for America Press (312) 985-1198

    Obama for America Releases New Television Advertisement: The Choice

    CHICAGO -- Obama for America released a new television advertisement today titled The Choice. The

    American people will decide over the next four month between two fundamentally different plans for our

    country, and OFAs new ad features President Obama laying out the choice of how to grow the economy, create

    middle-class jobs and pay down the debt. The Presidents plan ensures everyone pays their fair share and still

    invests in the things we need to create jobs and grow our economy over the long term, like education, energy, and

    infrastructure.The Choice will air in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania,

    and Virginia.

    Please clickHERE to watch the new ad.


    President Obama speaking

    directly to camera.

    POTUS SYNC: Over the

    next four months, you have a

    choice to make. Not just

    between two political parties,

    or even two people. Its a

    choice between two very

    different plans for our

    country. Governor Romneys

    plan would cut taxes for the

    folks at the very top. Roll

    back regulations on big banks.

    And he says that if we do, our

    economy will grow and

    everyone will benefit. But you

    know what? We tried that top

    down approach. Its whatcaused the mess in the first

    place. I believe the only way

    to create an economy built to




    Under Romneys Plan, The Top 1% Of

    Households Would Benefit From 39.1% Of

    The Tax Cuts. [Tax Policy Center, Mitt

    Romneys Tax Plan By Cash Income Percentile

    (Baseline: Current Policy), Summary Table,


    Under Romneys Plan, Millionaires As A

    Group Would Receive A Larger Portion Of

    Romneys Tax Cuts Than Those Making Less

    Than $100,000. Under Romneys plan, those

    making more than $1,000,000 a year would

    receive 31.4% of the tax cuts. Those makinganything less than $100,000 a year would only

    receive 14.2% of his tax cuts. [Tax Policy Center,

    Mitt Romneys Tax Plan By Cash Income Level

    (Baseline: Current Policy), Summary Table,


    Under Romneys Plan, A Typical Millionaire

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  • 7/31/2019 Obama for America Releases New Television Advertisement: The Choice


    Through The Worst Financial Crisis In A

    Generation Theres Nothing In His

    Campaign Platform That Couldnt Have Been

    In Bushs Platform. In Fact, Most Of It Was.

    Reading Romneys policies, you would never

    know that the nation is still facing high

    unemployment rates or that it just came through

    the worst financial crisis in a generation. You

    certainly wouldnt think wed just emerged from

    a decade in which large tax cuts and financial

    deregulation led to major economic distress. This

    is not necessarily the fault of Romneys advisers,

    who have rethought elements of the Republican

    Party platform and have taken risks. Mankiw, for

    instance, has eloquently argued for a tax on

    carbon emissions and for a looser monetary

    policy. Hubbard has pushed efforts to encourage

    mass refinancing. Vin Weber, another Romney

    adviser, was an advocate of the Bowles-Simpsondeficit-reduction plan. But Romney hasnt gone

    for any of these policies. Theres nothing in his

    campaign platform that couldnt have been in

    Bushs platform. In fact, most of it was. [Ezra

    Klein, Washington Post, 4/30/12]

    Washington Posts Ezra Klein Column

    Headline:Romney Campaign Seems To

    Have Forgotten About Bushs Economic

    Crises [Ezra Klein, Washington Post,





    Washington Post Headline: Economists:

    Romneys Ideas Wouldnt Fix Short-Term

    Crisis, And Could Make Things Worse.

    [Greg Sargent, Washington Post, 6/7/12]

    Washington Posts Greg Sargent: Two

    Economists Both Agreed That Romneys

    Ideas Would Do Little Or Nothing To Fix The

    Immediate Crisis, And Could In The Short

    Term Make Things Worse. Mitt Romney

    frequently faults President Obama for not having

    any kind of plan to pull us out of our employment

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  • 7/31/2019 Obama for America Releases New Television Advertisement: The Choice


    slump. But would Mitt Romneys ideas help fix

    the economic crisis? I asked two economists to

    take a look at that question. Their conclusion:

    While both said they support some of Romneys

    long term goals, they both agreed that Romneys

    ideas would do little or nothing to fix the

    immediate crisis, and could in the short term

    make things worse. [Greg Sargent, Washington

    Post, 6/7/12]

    Senior Adviser At Moodys Analytics:

    Romneys Economic Policies Would Do

    More Harm In The Short Term And

    Push Us Deeper Into Recession And

    Make The Recovery Slower. The most

    direct answer Romney has given to the

    question of what he would do to fix the near

    term crisis as opposed to his long-termplan came during an interview on CNBC

    in the wake of the bad May jobs numbers.

    Romney offered six suggestions. He said he

    would tap our energy resources to put a lot

    of people to work in the energy sector. He

    said hed repeal Obamacare, which is scaring

    small businesses from hiring. He said hed

    balance the budget so people know investing

    in America is going to yield a return in

    dollars worth something. He vowed to open

    up new markets in American trade. He saidhed revamp the National Labor Relations

    Board and lower tax rates on employers, both

    of which would make it easier to hire people.

    On net, all of these policies would do

    more harm in the short term, added Mark

    Hopkins, a senior adviser at Moodys

    Analytics. If we implemented all of his

    policies, it would push us deeper into

    recession and make the recovery slower.

    [Greg Sargent, Washington Post, 6/7/12]

    o Senior Adviser At Moodys Analytics, On

    Romneys Plan To Balance The Budget:

    By Tightening Your Belt You Send The

    Economy Back Into Recession. The

    most direct answer Romney has given to

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    the question of what he would do to fix the

    near term crisis as opposed to his

    long-term plan came during an

    interview on CNBC in the wake of the bad

    May jobs numbers. Romney offered six

    suggestions. He said he would tap our

    energy resources to put a lot of people towork in the energy sector. I asked each

    economist to walk through the specifics:

    * Balancing the budget: [Moodys

    Analytics senior adviser, Mark] Hopkins:

    If there is a crisis of confidence in your

    country, then what you need to do is show

    youre responsible. But by tightening your

    belt you send the economy back into

    recession. You wont see an increase in

    confidence. Youll see the oppose. [Greg

    Sargent, Washington Post, 6/7/12]

    Chairman Of Macroeconomic Advisers,

    On Romneys Plan To Balance The

    Budget: In The Short Run, Fiscal

    Austerity Slows Growth. The most

    direct answer Romney has given to the

    question of what he would do to fix the near

    term crisis as opposed to his long-term

    plan came during an interview on CNBC

    in the wake of the bad May jobs numbers.

    Romney offered six suggestions. He said he

    would tap our energy resources to put a lot

    of people to work in the energy sector. I

    asked each economist to walk through the

    specifics: * Balancing the budget:

    [chairman of Macroeconomic Advisers, Joel]

    Prakken: In the short run, fiscal austerity

    slows growth. Im all in favor of a grand

    bargain that stabilizes the debt to GDP ratio

    over ten years. But right now is not a good

    time to apply sharp fiscal austerity. It doesnt

    seem to me that anyone thinks theres going

    to be a sovereign debt crisis in the next 10

    years. Investors do not see Treasury debt as a

    dangerous asset. [Greg Sargent,

    Washington Post, 6/7/12]

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  • 7/31/2019 Obama for America Releases New Television Advertisement: The Choice


    chairman of President Bill Clinton's Council

    of Economic Advisers from 1995 to 1997.

    [Bloomberg, 6/5/12]

    President Obama speaking

    to voters


    The Presidents Plan

    Strengthen the middle


    POTUS VO: is to

    strengthen the middle class.

    Asking the wealthy to pay a

    little more



    MORE THAN $250,000 A YEAR AND


    President Obama Proposed Eliminating

    Special Tax Breaks And Loopholes For Oil

    And Gas Companies And The Very Wealthy,

    As Well As Ending The Bush Tax Cuts For

    Families Making More Than $250,000 A Year.

    In the Budget, I reiterate my opposition to

    permanently extending the Bush tax cuts for

    families making more than $250,000 a year and

    my opposition to a more generous estate tax than

    we had in 2009 benefiting only the very largest

    estates. These policies were unfair and

    unaffordable when they were passed, and they

    remain so today. I will push for their expiration

    in the coming year. I also propose to eliminate

    special tax breaks for oil and gas companies;

    preferred treatment for the purchase of corporate

    jets; tax rules that give a larger percentage

    deduction to the wealthiest two percent than to

    middle-class families for itemized deductions;

    and a loophole that allows some of the wealthiest

    money managers in the country to pay only 15

    percent tax on the millions of dollars they earn.

    And I support tax reform that observes the

    Buffett Rule that no household making more

    than $1 million annually should pay a smaller

    share of its income taxes than middle-class

    families pay. [FY2013 Budget Message Of The

    President, February 2012]

    President Obama Proposed $1.5 Trillion In

    Tax Revenue From The Very Wealthy And

    From Closing Some Corporate Tax Breaks, As

    Well As Reductions In Spending For A Range

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    Of Programs. In his budget Mr. Obama again

    will commit to $4 trillion in deficit reduction

    over 10 years, including $1.5 trillion in tax

    revenue from the wealthy and from closing some

    corporate tax breaks, and reductions in spending

    for a range of programs, including the

    military, Medicare, farm subsidies and federal

    pensions. [New York Times, 2/12/12]

    President Obama working


    The Presidents Plan:

    Pay down our debt

    so we can pay down our

    debt in a balanced way.




    The Presidents Budget, Which Incorporates

    Deficit Reduction Enacted In 2011, Would Cut

    The Deficit By More Than $4 Trillion Over

    The Next Decade. That is why in this Budget,

    the President again has put forward a plan that

    will, together with the deficit reduction enacted

    last year, cut the deficit by more than $4 trillion

    over the next decade. This would put our Nation

    on the right course toward a level of deficits of

    below 3 percent of GDP by the end of the

    decade. [FY2013 Budget, White House Office

    Of Management And Budget, February 2012]

    Center On Budget And Policy Priorities:

    President Obamas Budget Would Stabilize

    The Debt Over The Coming Decade Through

    A Balanced Combination Of Spending Cuts

    And Revenue Increases. If Congress enactedthe Obama budget in full and its economic

    assumptions proved correct, the debt would

    stabilize over the coming decade although, as the

    White House acknowledges, policymakers would

    have to subsequently enact significant further

    deficit reduction to keep the debt stable in future

    decades. The budget either achieves or

    approaches this key fiscal target for the coming

    decade with several trillion dollars in deficit

    reduction, through a balanced combination of

    spending cuts and revenue increases. [Center

    On Budget And Policy Priorities, 2/16/12]

    President Obama talking

    with students


    The Presidents Plan:

    Invest in Education

    So that we can afford to invest

    in education The Administration Is Proposing A

    Competitive Grant Program To Support

    States And Districts That Commit To

    Pursuing Reforms At Every Stage Of The

    Teaching Profession. To implement the

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    principles of The RESPECT Project, the

    Administration is proposing a new $5 billion

    grant program to support states and districts that

    commit to pursuing bold reforms at every stage

    of the teaching profession. Under this program,

    funds would be awarded competitively to states

    with participating districts, and, innon-participating states, to consortia of districts

    to prioritize theelements in strengthening and

    transforming the profession. [Education

    Blueprint: An Economy Built to Last, White

    House, Accessed 04/15/12]

    The Proposal Considers A Broad

    Range Of Reforms Including Make

    Teacher Salaries More Competitive

    And Building Evaluation Systems

    Based On Multiple Measures, Not

    Just Test Scores. The Obama

    Administration's 2013 proposed

    budget includes a new $5 billion

    competitive program to challenge

    states and districts to work with

    teachers, unions, colleges of

    education and other stakeholders to

    comprehensively reform the field of

    teaching.Details of the program

    will be developed through budget

    negotiations with Congress and thecompetition process itself, but the

    proposal considers a broad range of

    reforms: Reforming teacher colleges

    and making them more selective.

    Creating new career ladders for

    teachers. Linking earnings more

    closely to performance rather than

    simply longevity or credentials.

    Compensating teacher for working in

    challenging learning environments.

    Making teacher salaries morecompetitive with other professions.

    Improving professional development

    and providing time for collaboration.

    Providing teachers with greater

    autonomy in exchange for greater

    accountability. Building evaluation

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    systems based on multiple measures,

    not just test scores. Reforming tenure

    to raise the bar, protect good teachers,

    and promote accountability.

    [Department of Education, 02/15/12]

    President Obama Has Proposed That

    Congress Provide Funds to Double The

    Number Of Work-Study Opportunities Over

    The Next Five Years. The President proposes

    that Congress provide funds to double the

    number of work-study opportunities over the next

    five years, so that more students are able to gain

    valuable work-related experience while in

    school. [Education Blueprint: An Economy

    Built to Last, White House, Accessed 04/15/12]

    President Obama Has Proposed Federal

    Campus-Based Aid Reform That Rewards

    Colleges That Set Responsible Tuition Policy,

    Provide Good Value To Students And

    Families, Serve Low-Income Students. The

    Presidents proposed reform of federal

    campus-based aid aims to reward those colleges

    that keep tuition from spiraling too high and that

    provide greater value for students Through

    modifications to this federal aid program, the

    Obama Administration would improve the

    distribution of campus-based financial aid and

    expand the availability of federal aid available to

    students by rewarding colleges and universitiesthat succeed in: Setting responsible tuition policy,

    offering relatively lower net tuition prices and/or

    restraining tuition growth; providing good value

    to students and families, offering quality

    education and training that prepares graduates to

    obtain employment and repay their loans; serving

    low-income students, enrolling and graduating

    relatively higher numbers of Pell eligible

    students [Education Blueprint: An Economy

    Built to Last, White House, Accessed 04/15/12]

    President Obama huggingan auto worker


    The Presidents Plan:

    Invest in Manufacturing


    President Obama Has Called On Congress To

    Provide Additional Tax Credits For Advanced

    Energy Manufacturing. From a White House

    fact sheet: The Advanced Energy

    Manufacturing Tax Credit provides a 30 percent

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    investment credit to manufacturers who invest in

    capital equipment to make components for clean

    energy projects in the U.S., working in tandem

    with the Production Tax Credit to create jobs and

    help reduce our dependence on foreign oil and

    secure a clean energy future for the United

    States. [White House Fact Sheet, 5/22/12]

    The Presidents FY2013 Budget Included

    Incentives For Expanding Manufacturing And

    Insourcing Jobs In America. A summary table

    of tax incentives in the Presidents FY2013

    budget reads, Incentives for expanding

    manufacturing and insourcing jobs in America:

    Provide tax incentives for locating jobs and

    business activity in the United States and remove

    tax deductions for shipping jobs overseas.

    Provide new Manufacturing Communities tax

    credit. Target the domestic production activitiesdeduction to domestic manufacturing activities

    and double the deduction for advanced

    manufacturing activities. Enhance and make

    permanent the research and experimentation tax

    credit. Provide a tax credit for the production of

    advanced technology vehicles. Provide a tax

    credit for medium- and heavy-duty

    alternative-fuel commercial vehicles. [FY2013

    Budget Of The United States Government, White

    House Office Of Management And Budget,

    February 2012]

    President Obama with

    solar panels


    The Presidents Plan:

    Invest in American


    and home-grown American







    President Obama Is Calling On Congress To

    Extend The Production Tax Credit That Spurs

    Clean Energy Production By Providing A Tax

    Credit For The Production Of Clean Energy

    Like Wind. From a White House fact sheet:

    The Production Tax Credit, which expires at theend of 2012, provides a 2.2 cent per kilowatt

    hour credit for utility scale wind producers.

    Congress should act to extend the credit. By

    extending the PTC benefits for American clean

    energy producers we can avoid layoffs across the

    country: The wind industry projects that nearly

    30,000 jobs will be lost next year if the PTC

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    expires, including direct jobs as well as those in

    its supply chain. [White House Fact Sheet,


    Congressional Research Service: The

    Production Tax Credit Extended By

    The Recovery Act Is A Critical Factor

    In Financing New Wind Farms.

    Congress provided a three-year

    extension of the PTC through December

    31, 2012, as part of the American

    Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The

    PTC provides an inflation-adjusted per

    kilowatthour (kWh) income tax benefit

    over the first ten years of a wind projects

    operations, which in 2010 was 2.2 cents

    per kWh, and is a critical factor in

    financing new wind farms.

    [Congressional Research Service,9/23/11]

    The American Wind Energy AssociationProjects That Extending The

    Production Tax Credit Will Allow The

    Wind Industry To Grow To 100,000

    Jobs. According to a press release from

    the American Wind Energy Association:

    A recent study by Navigant Consulting

    found that extending the Production Tax

    Credit for wind energy will allow the

    industry to grow to 100,000 jobs in justfour years, while an expiration would kill

    37,000 jobs within a year. [American

    Wind Energy Association, 4/25/12]

    President Obama Has Called On Congress

    Provide Additional Tax Credits For Advanced

    Energy Manufacturing. From a White House

    fact sheet: The Advanced Energy Manufacturing

    Tax Credit provides a 30 percent investment

    credit to manufacturers who invest in capital

    equipment to make components for clean energy

    projects in the U.S., working in tandem with the

    Production Tax Credit to create jobs and help

    reduce our dependence on foreign oil and secure

    a clean energy future for the United States.

    [White House Fact Sheet, 5/22/12]

    The Recovery Act Provided Clean

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    Energy Manufacturing Tax Credits For

    183 Facilities In 43 States. According to

    a White House fact sheet: In order to

    foster investment and job creation in

    clean energy manufacturing, the

    American Recovery and Reinvestment

    Act included a tax credit for investments

    in manufacturing facilities for clean

    energy technologies. The Section 48C

    program will provide a 30 percent tax

    credit for investments in 183

    manufacturing facilities for clean energy

    products across 43 states. [White House

    Fact Sheet, 1/8/10]

    The Recovery Act Funding Was

    Oversubscribed By A Ratio Of More

    Than 3 To 1. According to a White

    House fact sheet: The program iscurrently capped at $2.3 billion in tax

    credits and was oversubscribed by a ratio

    of more than 3 to 1, reflecting a deep

    pipeline of high quality clean energy

    manufacturing opportunities in the U.S.

    These tax credits for clean energy

    manufacturing will help rebuild domestic

    manufacturing and bring private capital

    off the sidelines. [White House Fact

    Sheet, 1/8/10]





    In His State Of The Union Address, President

    Obama Emphasized The Need For An

    All-Out, All-Of-The-Above Strategy That

    Develops Every Available Source Of American

    Energy. This country needs an all-out, all-of-

    the-above strategy that develops every available

    source of American energy a strategy thats

    cleaner, cheaper, and full of new jobs. [Remarks

    by the President in State of the Union Address,


    In The First Quarter Of 2012, DomesticCrude Oil Production Is At Its Highest

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    Level In 14 Years. Strong growth in

    U.S. crude oil production since the fourth

    quarter of 2011 is due mainly to higher

    output from North Dakota, Texas, and

    federal leases in the Gulf of Mexico, with

    total U.S. production during the first

    quarter of 2012 topping 6 million barrels

    per day (bbl/d) for the first time in 14

    years. [Energy Information

    Administration, 6/8/12]

    Domestic Production Of Natural Gas Is

    At An All-Time High. According to

    Energy Information Administration data,

    the United States marketed production of

    natural gas was 24,169,613 million cubic

    in 2011, breaking the previous record of

    22,647,549 million cubic feet in 1973.

    [Energy Information Administration, datareleased 6/29/12]

    Electricity Production From Wind,Solar, And Geothermal Is Projected To

    Double By 2012. According to the

    Energy Information Administrations

    Annual Energy Outlook 2012 reference

    case, electricity generation from wind,

    solar, and geothermal in 2012 is projected

    to be 158.24 billion kilowatt-hours.

    According to the Energy Information

    Administrations Annual Energy Outlook2011, electricity generation from wind,

    solar, and geothermal was 72.55 billion

    kilowatt-hours in 2008. [Calculated from

    Energy Information Administration data,

    Annual Energy Outlook 2012; Annual

    Energy Outlook 2011]

    In 2011, The United States Relied Less On

    Foreign Oil Than In It Has In Any Of The

    Past 16 Years. In 2011, the share of U.S.

    consumption met by net imports was 44.8

    percent, the lowest its been since 1995. [Energy

    Information Administration, Monthly Energy

    Review, June 2012]




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    President Obama Stated That If We Truly

    Want To Gain Control Of Our Energy

    Future We Have To Support Technology To

    Help Coal Burn Cleaner Than Before. My

    plan for energy doesnt ignore the vast resources

    we already have in this country. Were producing

    more oil than we have in over a decade. But if

    we truly want to gain control of our energy

    future, weve got to recognize that pumping more

    oil isnt enough. We have to encourage the

    unprecedented boom in American natural gas.

    We have to provide safe nuclear energy and the

    technology to help coal burn cleaner than before.

    We have to become the global leader in

    renewable energy -- wind and solar, and the next

    generation of biofuels, in electric cars andenergy-efficient buildings. [Remarks by the

    President on the Economy -- Cleveland, OH,





    In 2011, Employment In The Coal Mining

    Industry Is Hit Its Highest Level Since 1996.

    According to data from the Mine Safety andHealth Administration, the average number of

    employees in the coal mining industry was

    94,729, the highest average employment since

    1996 when there were 96,324 people employed

    in the coal mining industry. [Mine Safety and

    Health Administration, Mine Injury and

    Worktime Quarterly Statistics Coal Data

    1993-2010, accessed 4/15/12; Mine Safety and

    Health Administration, Mine Injury and

    Worktime, Quarterly, January December 2011,


    Employment In The Coal Mining

    Industry In Appalachia Hit Its Highest

    Level Since 1997. In Appalachia, the

    59,059 jobs reported were the most since

    1997, according to the MSHA data. In

    West Virginia, coal employment reached

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    its highest level since 1992, with 23,353

    jobs, the data shows. [The Charleston

    Gazette, 11/18/11]

    Employment In The Coal Mining

    Industry Has Increased Nearly 3

    Percent Since President Obama Took

    Office. According to data from the Mine

    Safety and Health Administration, there

    were 92,568 people employed in the coal

    mining industry in the first quarter of

    2012. In 2008, there were 90,055 people

    employed in the coal mining industry.

    [Mine Safety and Health Administration,

    Mine Injury and Worktime, Quarterly,

    January December 2008, Final; Mine

    Safety and Health Administration, Mine

    Injury and Worktime, Quarterly, January

    March 2012, Preliminary]

    President Obama speaking

    directly to camera.

    POTUS SYNC: for good

    middle class jobs. Sometimes

    politics can seem very small.

    But the choice you face, it

    couldnt be bigger.

    Black card



    President Obama


    Read the Presidents



    Disclaimer: Approved by

    Barack Obama. Paid for

    By Obama For America.

    POTUS VO: Im Barack

    Obama and I approve this



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