october issue 2014

SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Volume V | Edition III | October Issue 2014 Welcome to Circle K!

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This is the third issue of the newsletter for the term 2014-2015.





V o l u m e V | E d i t i o n I I I | O c t o b e r I s s u e 2 0 1 4  

Welcome to Circle K!  

Circle k Pledge  I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities

and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!  

October Calendar  

Calendar 2 Letters 4 - 5

President | Editor

Service 6 - 7 Continuous Socials 8 MD&E 12 - 13

Families | Members highlight

Paradise 14 - 15 Paradise Training Conference | Letter from the LTG

District 16 Upcoming events | CKI South Recap

Kiwanis Family 17 Meet the Board 18 - 19

Hershey Guzman, Vivian Nguyen and Madison Kennedy

Team Estrogen +2 Contacts back

In this issue  




puns and pictures courtesy of Google  



Hi everyone!Wow, another month has passed us by! I hope that midterms has

treated everyone well and that maybe Circle K has become a stress reliever for some of you. Sometimes the daily grind of life and school brings me down, but without fail seeing you guys every Thursday evening (or at our service and socials) puts a smile on my face. :D Below are some photos of my favorite moments with you guys this month:

And here are some photos of my mentees! I can’t tell you how blessed I feel to have them. They are all so different but so interesting and fun to be around. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to sign up for the mentor/mentee program!

On another note, you may have noticed that this past month a bunch of committees were announce, and I know it can be pretty overwhelming to think about. But if you even have a slight interest, you should

definitely sign up! Committees aren’t meant to be work-intensive at all. They’re an opportunity for everyone to pitch in any ideas you may have for our club and test the waters of leadership – so don’t let fear hold you back! (:

Bottom line: thank you all for being a light in my life and in the community! AND def take advantage of the many opportunities (whether it’s in service, leadership, or fellowship) that SDSU Circle K has to offer!


Yvonne Velasco P.S. Here is the latest edition of “Puns with the President”



SDSU Circle K  (Page and Group)   @sdsucirclek  

Website: sdsucirclek.com  


Hey Club!

So I’ve decided I’m going to keep you updated in all of the what-hap’s that go on in my life—whether you like it or not lol. My month has actually been pretty good, hanging out with friends, reading, and binge watching TV shows on Netflix is my usual routine and it’s been extra beautiful this month because I’ve had three midterms sprinkled throughout it—I know boo me L

My new obsession is Scandal—that show is life and I owe it all to my lovely mother Andrea and great friend Riley—and I have made it to season 3 within the span of two weeks…ooops

Also, if you guys didn’t know yet, my choir is going to be apart of the school’s production of LES MIS!! Like I’m so stoked and excited and ready all at the same time. So if any of you see me and I look like I’m ready to break out in song…you know why and have been warned NOW!

Last thing I’ll give you is my favorite song and movie of the month: Style by T-Swizzle and The Book of Life (it’s SO cute and good).

Love Your Editor-in-Chief,

Imani Baldi <3

Service projects  


Erika Peralta, general member  

GAG ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION  The GAG clock reveal was fun and productive! They immediately put us to work setting up tables and chairs. We learned that college students aren't very good at using tape as we watched our tablecloths get blown away by the wind. We had a short lull period, which was awesome because we got ice cream from foster's freeze. I shared a banana split with Melissa Farlow and it was delicious. After that, we started preparing burgers and hot dogs and that was a major rush because the line was never ending. It was fun working as team with my fellow circle k members and key club members. We were awarded after with burgers (that also tasted like heaven since I hadn't eaten), chips, cake and a soda. We really felt like we earned our food. We were happy to support them. I'm not sure what they would have done without our help because the turnout from the community was incredible! Andrea Steele, Doom Patrol family head


Imani Baldi, public relations chair  6

On Saturday October 4, 2014 Circle K members volunteered at Oktoberfest in La Mesa. We had the morning shift so there weren’t too many people attending the actual event, but we had a lot of ready volunteers. We helped prepare and serve food that smelled amazing and later they even let us have some! It was as delicious as it smelled. It was very hot, but that didn’t stop us we all shared some refreshing lemonade and lots of water. As the day went on more and more people began to show up, but before we knew it our shift was over. It was a very pleasant experience there was live music, different booths, and everyone was very nice. I got to meet and socialize with more circle k members as we worked side by side which was great. I always have fun at Circle K events whether they are community service events or socials it’s always a great time.

Helping out at the Waterfront Pumpkin Patch was not exactly what I was expecting, but it still was a really fun and bonding event. When we arrived to the pumpkin patch, the people from the first shift had stayed longer than they were supposed to, leaving us no work to be done—besides helping to take down the hay bales, tables and anything else they had set up. For the majority of the time, half of us were dealing with the hay bales and playing with the Scarecrow/Stick-men. The other half journeyed through to the back of a big building—where they kept all of the supplies—and walked through the dark and scary hallways. We found some down time and were able to relax and play on the swings in the park we were next to for a while. After our fun and adventurous waiting, we put up the tents that were set up and went through the killer hallway once more. Despite feeling like we were in a horror movie, the event was really fun. After we were done putting things away, everyone either went home or went to various family socials. The saying the situation is what you make of it is definitely true!

Of the month  


Francis Banaña, general member  




On October 25th, I had the chance to chair table a tabletop event at the Student Union on campus. During this event, a few members and I made bookmarks that are aimed towards increasing literacy for children. In addition to this, we made pipe cleaner flowers to help brighten someone's day. Who doesn't like receiving flowers, real or not, on a random occasion? Although there were not as much people as I anticipated it to be, this left the attendees to have a chance to get to know members on a personal level. I highly encourage more people to attend these events because we design these events for a good cause and you'll ultimately feel awesome for participating in something greater than yourselves.

Continuous Projects  

Embrace is a bi-monthly event that delves in helping out with the homeless downtown. We collaborate with other community service groups and organizations whose common goal is to make a difference within the homeless community. Only a limited amount of us are able to go every other week, but those that do go never regret it! We are able to feed them and we also help clothe them with any type of shirts and pants that people donate. Embrace is an event that shows how much we make a difference!

Want to make a difference in the lives of first-generation high school students? Love to tutor? Then Reality Changers is the perfect program for you! Reality Changers is a program that helps tutor prospective first-generation high school students in various subjects and helps them complete their homework. An impressive statistic is that 100% of the participants go off to a 4-year college after high school! Everyone is welcomed to attend, but priority is given to volunteers who can make it on a consistent basis.

Wednesday nights every week Contact Stephen Jin for more info.

Wednesday nights, every other week Contact Hershey Guzman for more information



Alanna Bueno, general member  HAUNTED TRAILS SOCIAL  

Kayla Crooks, general member  


My first family event of the year was the Family Scavenger Hunt and I believe that it was a very strong way to start off bonding with your families. At first, I did not know many people in my family but after the event that statement changed drastically. We visited Seaport Village, Old Town, and Gaslamp District. These places were very well chosen in my opinion because they all had many activities to do and places to eat. In each area, we were given time to explore and bond with my family. I especially enjoyed Old Town, where we searched everywhere just for tortillas and we had a total of 12 of them. In Seaport Village, we had family bonding and all took a nap in the grass. My day ended with Gaslamp District, and Ghirardelli’s chocolate. The actual scavenger hunt part of this event was a lot of fun as well because we ended up looking like weirdos just running around through the public just to take a picture. All in all, I believe this was a very creative and fun way to socialize with not only your family but also Circle K members in general.

On Friday October 17th, Circle K held a social at Balboa Park’s Haunted Trail. To say the least, it was pretty frightening. As we waited in line, oversized gargoyles and a cross-dressed clown greeted us. The first thing we saw was a little girl on a swing set clutching a doll. Then, she began to run after us while screaming. The bloody, zombie-looking girl running after me made me run straight into a wooden wall. Throughout the duration of the trail, I managed to run into more walls, fences, and even some of the actors. To be honest, I spent most of my time in the mile long trail running, screaming, or hiding behind someone. I would have to say the scariest part of the trail was probably when we had to go on a school bus of what seemed like a group of dead clowns that jumped up and randomly scared us. So if you were looking for a good scare to get in the Halloween spirit, I would definitely recommend checking out the Balboa Park Haunted Trail!

PUMPKIN CARVING SHOWCASE  The Family Pumpkin Showcase Social was a great success! We ate Halloween themed snacks, saw beautifully carved family pumpkins, and enjoyed watching Casper together. The winning pumpkin went to Xavier’s Saviors with Doom Patrol as a close second! However, every pumpkin was very unique and clearly showed lots of hard work and creativity. I particularly enjoyed the ‘worms in dirt’ snack, which were gummy worms buried in Oreo crumbs and really went with the Halloween theme! Overall, it was a very fun night because 20 members attended so we were all able to have fun while getting to know each other better. Neda Heydari, social chair


NEW MEMBER Installation  

Kiwanis appreciation dinner  

New Member Installation was such a fun event! It was so fun to get all dressed up and go hang out with new and returning members.  I loved the entertainment, and the photo props were really cute and fun to play with!  I didn't realize how many people were actually new to Circle K until this event, so New Member Install really showed me that new members aren't such a small population within the club.  It was really heartwarming to see how the returning members, and the board, got together and put on this whole event.  It really made me feel like I was becoming a part of Circle K.   The candle lighting was pretty mysterious, but it was really cool at the same time.    It made the whole joining Circle K event feel very official and ceremonial.   Overall, it was wonderful, and although I didn't win any raffles, it was an amazing night nonetheless.

The New Member Installation was the second event I attended after joining Circle K. I am glad I went because I met so many new members as well as returning members, which only helped me feel more at home than I already did. Not only did I meet new people but I also became Vivian's mentee that day making the day even better. The new member install included snacks, talent, fun, and a very loving environment! I personally enjoyed it, so I want to thank Whitney for hosting such event because it was an event I will treasure for a long time.  

Veronica Pulido, general member  

Sharanee Sytha, general member  


The dinner was basically a way for us, Circle K, to show our appreciation to our Kiwanian supporters who have helped us throughout the years. A special thank you to Kathy, who was gracious enough to let us use her house to host the dinner. Her house was pretty awesome and great for entertaining which made setup pretty simple. A small group of us worked on cooking and preparing the food while the others wrote cards for every single Kiwanian! I had a fun time in the kitchen working with Kevin Z. and making the largest batch of pasta I have ever had the pleasure of laying my eyes on! We made a lot of food and finished cooking just as all the Kiwanians started to arrive. There were about thirty people in total including both Circle K-ers and Kiwanians, and everyone seemed to be having a good time, enjoying the food, and talking it up! A lot of the Kiwanians said it was one of the best Spaghetti Dinners they had ever attended! Yay! At the end of the night Stephen Jin handed out the cards made earlier in the day, and inside was a ticket for every Kiwanian to get a free car wash!

Gabriel Hernandez, general member  

MEET THE families  


“I like how every time we meet as a family the bond continues to grow.. That 's why we're the best family in the human and mutant world.” - Xavier’s Saviors

"Don't mess with the BEST, Generation X!"

Hey Doom Patrollers!!!! Mama Jess and Andrea here and we want so say, welcome to DP (hehe)! We’re super excited to have each and every one of you crazy mutant children in our family. We cannot wait to continue this amazing year and hope you guys are ready! Everyone may rag on the DP, but we leave you with this quote from an ancestor lol, “Look at all of us, look at what we achieved…, all we will achieve, we are different but we shouldn't be trying to fit into society. Society should aspire to be more like us. Mutant and proud! - Mystique (First Class)

The Phoenix Force is known as the most powerful entity in the X-Men Universe. We are so happy to welcome all of you Phoenixes under our strong wings (hehe) and we are so honored to be the family heads to such a fiery group of people. Welcome to the family!

Love, Jenny and Vivian

Member highlight  

Kevin Nhim  

Year: Freshman  Major: Business Accounting  H o b b i e s : R e a d i n g , napping, hiking & playing video games  

Erika Peralta  Year: Freshman  Major: Public Health  H o b b i e s : d a n c i n g a n d watching shows on Netflix!  

Gerald Biando  

Year: Senior  Major: Public Health  Hobbies: Eating, sleeping in class, & losing to Andrew in everything  

Francis Banaña  

Year: Junior  Ma j o r : Managemen t Information Systems  Hobbies: Playing the guitar & video games  

Sharanee Sytha  Year: Freshman  Major: Biology Hobbies: Volunteering, anime, sleeping & eating  

Brennan McDonough  Year: Sophomore  Major: Criminal Justice Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, hiking & going to the beach  


Kiwanis Family

Contact: Stephen



Contact: Hershey Guzman



Kevin Zinkofsky


Contact: Sam Pfau &

Ugochi Apakama

Talent Show




Public Relations


Imani Baldi

MD & E

Contact: Whitney Oleman


Paradise Division  

CSU San Marcos

Grossmont Community College

Hawaii Pacific University

Palomar College

San Diego State University

University of California, San Diego

University of Hawaii, Hilo

University of Hawaii, Manoa Interested in buying a shirt? Contact Melissa Farlow

for more information!  


Paradise training conference The Paradise Training Conference is a new event that brings people from all over the division and holds workshops that helps board and general members become better in their roles within the club. We were able to get people come down from other divisions and it was a true success. One of my favorite workshops was the Spirit Workshop led by Josh Villaflor—Divisional Spirit Chair—from UCSD. It gave a more in depth look into WHY we cheer and what the Do’s and Don’ts were; it was very beneficial because I was never explicitly told any of these rules and guidelines. It ended with us learning background information on the Haka and the new and improved version! After the official conference was finished, we did a tabletop project in the room where opening session and lunch was held. We made alphabet cards with the letter and a word that goes with it on the back. With the word, we drew a picture as well, so that the kids could connect the word with the letter. It was challenging yet fun, and everyone who was able to stay really enjoyed what Joren Libunao—District Awards Committee Member and from UCSD—put together. It was a very beneficial and fun day and hope that this will continue in the years to come!

Imani Baldi, public relations chair  

A LETTER FROM THE…  lieutenant governor


Hey Aztecs! Gerald Biando, Paradise LTG, here! First off, I’d like to acknowledge all of you for your hard

work at Crazy Kompetition for Infants South; you all were amazing! Also, shout-out to my team, Nicki Minaj’s Anacondas! Now that CKI South is finished, we can focus our attention towards Fall Training Conference.

Thank you to everyone that has signed up for FTC, and I can assure you that this will be an event that you won’t ever forget (being that this is also my favorite Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K District Event)!

I just have a few pointers to keep in mind: - A recommended packing list should be given out shor t ly. Please follow through with this list so that you may not forget anything essential. - Please follow the Circle K Code of Conduct at all Circle K events! Even though I also attend SDSU, I will not be going easy on any rule breakers at FTC! - If you’re driving, then please drive safe! If you’re in the shotgun seat, then please do your best to stay awake and keep the driver company. If needed, then change drivers occasionally. San Diego schools have the longest traveling distance to FTC out of all the other schools, do please be safe! I hope you all have fun, and I’ll see you this weekend at

Fall Training Conference 2014! see you this weekend at Fall Training Conference

2014! Yours truly,

Gerald Biando 2014-2015 Cal-Nev-Ha Circle K Paradise Division Lieutenant Governor

Join our Lieutenant Governor at Masquerade Ball hosted by UC San Diego! #gotomball

District events  



Members of CNH, go up to the mountains of Sonora to experience and be exposed to what Circle K is really about! Prepare to step into a show of service, leadership, and fellowship displayed by our wonderful district! FTC is coming to town, showcasing wonders from the marvelous to the magnificent, every day is extraordinary in this action-packed filled superhuman service, strong leadership, and dazzling fellowship! Come join us to learn, grow, and celebrate both new and returning members, our district, and Circle K, all the while making unforgettable memories, attending workshops, partaking in entertainment, and more! 

Weekend of November 7 – 9 2014 Contact Madison Kennedy for more information

Circle K’ers from all over the district come to a Masquerade Ball/Dance held and thrown by UC San Diego. It’s one of the biggest fundraisers held annually. You and every other ‘baller’ will be boarding a 3 level yacht for 3 hours of fun! There will be floor dedicated to dancing; one for activities and auction, and the last level to mingle look out at the sea and stars. Every year the theme is different, and this year it will be ‘The Great Gatsby’. All money raised will be going towards one of our DFI’s (District Fundraising Initiatives), Pediatric Trauma Program. November 15 – 16 2014 12:30AM-3:30AM Tickets are $30 Contact Yvonne Velasco or Edward To from UCSD for more information


PAST EVENT… CKI SOUTH Members from all around the Cal-Nev-Ha District come together and put on a big competition for the sole purpose of raising awareness and money for one of our DFI’s, PTP. The competition is made up of crazy, silly, and fun games that you do within your team. You sign up with your club and have teams consisting of six people, and depending on the games, your team will compete in doing two games at once! Once the main games are played and scores have been tallied, four teams go into the semi-finals, leaving two teams to move into the finals. The last team to remain standing wins the competition!

Kiwanis family  





Every Thursday morning, our adult counterparts, Grantville-Allied Gardens Kiwanis, have their meeting. Because they are our sponsoring Kiwanis club, it is really good to show our support by attending their breakfast. The Kiwanians are very welcoming. If you ever have time Thursdays, you should definitely go!

Thursday mornings, 7AM-8AM Contact Stephen Jin for more information

The Kiwanis family is the whole set of groups that are set on doing community service, but for different stages in your life. It goes from Kiwanis, the working class and above, and leads down to college. In college, us, we are called Circle K. The next level down is high school, Key Club. After that is middle school and that is Builders Club. The last is elementary school, K-

Kids. And that is what makes up the Kiwanis Family!

Thursday afternoons, 2:15PM-3:15PM Contact Stephen Jin for more information

Thursday afternoons, our middle school counterpar ts, Lewis Middle School Builder’s Club, have their meeting. Although they aren’t able to attend our meetings, it is always fun to sit in in one of theirs! If you ever find yourself free in the afternoon, you should come to a meeting!

Monday afternoons, 5PM-6PM Contact Stephen Jin for more information

Monday nights, 8PM-9PM Contact Stephen Jin for more information

UCSD is one of the many colleges in our division. Members of UCSD come to our meetings to show support and we do the same for them! It’s always fun meeting new people some come join us!

Palomar College Circle K is one of the clubs that is from our division. They just started out last year so they are a fairly new club. Come join us on Monday afternoons to show them support by coming to their meetings! If you aren’t able to physically show up, they do live stream their meetings so you can also watch from the comfort of our home or wherever you are!


Meet the board  


Hershey Guzman   Hi there! My name’s Hershey and I’m your Vice

President of Service. I’m a 2nd year, pre majoring in Public Health (whoop whoop). 

My interest and hobbies include consuming unhealthy amounts of frozen yogurt, boba, french fries and burritos (basically eating in general), sleeping, wrapping myself up in my blanket like a burrito and go on Tumblr all day and lastly, do community service!

As you get to know me, you’ll know that I’m a *cough* fan girl *cough* who obsesses over bands 24/7 (especially 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction, HOLLA). 

I’m typically quiet unless we’re talking about something that I’m passionate about, like Circle K! I’m generally an awkward person and it’s kind of hard for me to make small conversation and introduce myself but regardless, I love meeting new people and am trying to get better at talking to people. So come say hi!

Fun fact: I prefer to use spoons over forks when

eating, no matter what it is


Madison Kennedy  Fun fact: My favorite Greek Goddess is Artemis

Vivian nguyen   I’m your sassy secretary for 2014-2015 and

Phoenix Force family head- go Phoenixes! I’m a second year majoring in Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations and I am hoping to pursue a minor in Business with an emphasis in Marketing.

My interests and hobbies are sleeping through all of my morning classes, consuming an insane amount of burritos, pasta, and milk tea, flagging down Disney princesses at Disneyland and repping NorCal everywhere I go.

I love Taylor Swift and have over 200 Taylor Swift songs on my iTunes. I will fight you if you say mean things about her.

Hang out with me pls. Making new friends keeps me YOUNG

My name is Madison Kennedy. I am a 2nd year and your Treasurer! I have many hobbies including playing the harp, watching Nicholas Cage movies with my friends, and learning. I equally enjoy being outside in nature and staying inside to watch Netflix.

Most importantly I adore serving my community. I may look like I have my life together but most of the time I am as lost as the rest of us here in college. My favorite class this semester is not Socio-Cultural Anthropology like expected (since one of my passions is Biological Anthropology) but rather Chemistry!

On a normal day on campus you would find me either sitting on one of the benches outside relaxing or diligently listening to a lecture.

I love meeting new people so don't be shy! Text me if you'd like and call me if you need to. All in all I hope all of your enjoy this club as much as I do and find a family with us.

Fun fact: I did cry when he sacrificed himself...WE ARE GROOT

Yvonne Velasco  President  

[email protected]  

Melissa Farlow  VP of Administration  

[email protected]  

Hershey Guzman  VP of Service  

[email protected]  

Madison Kennedy  Treasurer  

[email protected]  

Kevin Zinkofsky  Fundraising  

[email protected]  

Jasmine Fukutomi  Historian  

[email protected]  

Stephen Jin  Kiwanis Family  

[email protected]  

Sam Pfau  Co Spirit  

[email protected]  

Whitney Oleman  MD&E  

[email protected]  

Imani Baldi  Public Relations  

[email protected]  

Neda Heydari  Social  

[email protected]  

Ugochi Apakama  Co Spirit  

[email protected]  

Julia Kinoshita  Technology  

[email protected]  

Vivian Nguyen  Secretary  

[email protected]  

Contact Us!  

UC Berkeley’s publications editor, Heyun Jeong, inspired the layout of this newsletter!