of lincoln trust company - library of congress...res of common this in the quarter of is,i, inthe...

PUBLIC'S INTEREST IN COTTON GROWS fftfttj Speculative Bnyinir Re- sponsible for m Slump Advunce. GOSSIP WALL Improving comparison WEATHER IS FAVORABLE ' no Particular reason why should wish to aell tihln level. phe aiock on the hi break In Haven gradually Into very itrotig Cotton ve further reflection There was tni It thin ay of the bullish which aprlns 'n the middle flftlea The atrangth t,n gaining headway for t week of New Haven now la due to thla , ,t I. ted at a net if II to 24 of oivnerahlp aa much aa anything elae r.,:iit At times mere ' nn inr ii "" " runaway nun murisei, mm had it MX been for mormouf llrptUla-- l KM b btiytfl f 'he Inst two or three ,l,.yj the advance would have proceeded Mich further. The technical position of the market Html to favor a further Improvement Profit taking has been on huge scale ,nd opinion la on the side of n further I'onseiiuently moderate reuc ,,,, are likely to be srlted as oppor tunity I ' n'lirura Th over MARKET. MARKET. BALTIMORE MARKET STREET. listen couple waa earnlnsrs now make wan development the eacrlherl. company tlit hold.ru aroOBd paaaed yeater- - aentlment the change Pennine advance u Oitporatlon's puhllahed to-d- a win of earning the emmatlng earnings being chirged depreciation weather traTJty favorable pUn , ,.Hnil,v Hou,hlv , the entire belt an.l the ast ,,, ,r vear Bolntl to a continual am o, mn ........ .ay the I'nlted Utate, steel flx. charges t urn-- . Numerous , ..tnpl.iliite. nowevet. ,h. on preferred stock and r, pouring in from all or the fP ohl,r,, for deprecation l prodlCtlOna Of a crop fro,n Ho.ooo.Oon II j.iMiil.duO. ,00( bale are circulated larger ma be a little under At a matter fact no one has a tn(, fl,l0 be recommended hv the Idea a 10 the slae of crop owing I committee thla In radical reduction In acreage, the rli sit and current iharactrr of the land out. the year the company failed earn its l" of fertilizers ami dividend In full, net itnpalrtnri ' In their being about $ l.ooo.ixio V M) ale the and nie the tL'T.iiic.OUO. respectively. In the third trade are Impressed bullish or current IttartOf ending Heptembet 10 naaa of h wllustl.in a very different tory will tie told There .aim analysis necefsarlly u every reason believe that the earn- - out value. The chlff thing con- - logs the for any quar-- . ,d now Is that the ' ter In the hlstorv the company. bgillth and that no unwieldy huld'.ngf reach I45.do0.ntin sum of the controls menace an advance. .net earnings for three-quarte- of the I0M of Southern iot market! i! year will be approximately the st s- - nnd sale! aie liberal. Texts , tne charge! of the whole yeur ahead a report Indications a big ihort f the stock will leave Interest "pot cotton Heptenibrr p other word!, entire ml earning! shipment , ' the last the year for the Tradi advices are optimistic. on- - , common stocK. anti as tnere no s;an ., rtpoitt further advjncve in Df anv letup corporation arne. with Southern aplnners for eighteen or holding very also rome the result might easllv b- - 10 per-ar- o reported although trading e,.nt. or more on the stock for the year or.'v moderate. in spue or tne lor t'ie nrst six Futures closed tlrm. months. At present the Oin Hlh Low- Clof Prer sto'k appears to earning at the itif eft est inf close rll, or ovor ;o per annum (Vtnher a M 2 J5 IfS IS J52t! It require a vivid ; ; n.fl 5, S agination s.e that net result bet- Usee? mis II e 1" 1 11 oifSl t Ti ter year.' II e 11 a 11 ST ; cotton at New York was quiet. J(i points advam-e- . Middling. MOe. ,,uthern mfiketf were unchanged. poiim .ilgher. with New l.ltc, t!a'.vston 9.90c. Savannah I'.c MOc., Augusta .I5c. and MompaUi 9 3c. Th. New Orleans II 10 ft id) I'r C4H1 were Open Hit h Low- - Clos- - Prer. ln. eft eft lug m;. fjetoher TH In In 7 It) nfii la 1" M(I K BecTmbrr in n 10 47 10 17 M ttfltn.ts M m i Jin lary IDM 1(1 1.J1 10 01 In 1.'. 3'. The Liverpool market opened eteady. There was a good buflness In spot cot-tp- with middling I advance i :.. Sales. l.'i.ooO b.nles PrKsM t UI!rpOi '.osed trtrj steady. Open Huh Iiw- - Clot Prer in est eit. int. eloee. et Not I si b Kl 5 " '- -' jai. rb s.f cm is vh Jt, Mar Apr M 10 t 06 Wa !1P i:icv.n A M bidf to Liverpool were: October. lti.tiSe. . Januaty. 1". H I'll, 10 due niake a it nature of tv pen . to higher. ReooipU nd stocks were gth eton Nf w leans Suvatinah Charieston Norfolk Wilmington Mobile ileilcr stocks receipts Hnnton Mtnipius Ad.' asta It l.oUlt He ell'ts I 4U I.M !.' OH tie 111 317 and Last 147 1.15 year Ul Sill : l were UK l.att 4.1M tji) year 17 311 Einmalnl port re. eipls dsbeston t.'ts) TJM Ke Orleans .. 1.910 10 LW vprts yesterday. were: Il'sif, Pneu Pfl n.ary ccititi Open- Imi market points market present wi.iii h;. .OH II Slnokt I"". :.7.i7t M.m 10.037 seek IJN hales. season, bales. ft It 16.171 bales last year. THE COFFEE Last year l :.7T.l 37.' OH 13.11! Til thus far this Good 11 u (Inters at HHttbllri I nder laki'il Prices, T .e volume of bu. .nes coffee fut.'e- - was small yoatOrday ii but theie appaarod to good I" 1 order! slightly under asked1 te Tile advance In Rio exchange on London more or leis Influence on IBs Lrsdarf The strength In the Bra-- : cables also had a good Rto t vi quoted at 41900, and Santos; .'.$fiiiii. Stock Itlo sh(.wed an1 cr of , bags as compared " .. I ptombor 8antos 21,000 bags Sao Paulo postt a total tt.OOO liags, and Jun-- i t itallod RlO KxcJvange London was ad- - Vf .'l to l T eg High Low. Clot- - Prev. est eft. inf. cost. IfSISI t il5 f 05 .05 O'.t.er (.10 Ktvftnoff .... .... i. .) .. li t.ll t.ll I.St r ..!. g.M R. I 17 6 .94 I ,1 prli 3 My , 47 I 43 I IJ 6.41 JUtie ... .... Jul) 6.41 THE CHICAGO rn Sept. I, - Trailing again lhrnted in tuis market. Quaker Oata niada a further gam of points BS! r Roebuck and Chicago xlao showed substantial Inprtn Union Carl'de and Booth ' ee ofarrad were easier. Swift Bonda d won II Am Pan ul 131 Re demand around 120. iUl( Ti.e summary ; Oih-- High sin si.inrcillil . ! fnh ... 71 Tool nil K '. .117 ' Ml I M ii in sam I) nil Wrl pf.., i g- parbon I4M Ita iSH Qusker iiatt Vj.s-- r list. . Hoebll.'k. ,ll til 't Warner h list Union Carbide itnU BOMPI I' ' ' n. Itvs 11 1014 J Mel 41 ' aerv :.t t Iwill 5s K THE Rati Islti I ( x n I'll. : r,. f .Jll at in to :;7 set 7S3 II imi UVM Wire Ml o7f ye.ir ts' the be pn had III rs-- ! of on tl Dt fti !' waa 20 io) "ii est. eit ins. pf IM Ch i.ni "in pf ill i.is It. IM id. !"4 ssti I" la iMoag, Nothing market ivrie Meady. sum- - lag I ol I4 i. II s Prea s.Tip S' Mi v Ti list li't i ,.. r a p t aVOnd Oil a ilt ( e Ml IN IM aV .. vjfc P. it 14 vv I. lltl K, all 4 Kin Is - " I' l 11 fe It . X 10 1 ls k is '.. A 1. M w 7:. I. :t .:. ei 4- er f p I n ji 7t 7i 137 H IM 117 llli I 104 est iu Us.", SO lit M 1314 si '' B 1IW14, ll"1 , )tu ?! Sii 79 IM 13! w. ill 12 lt:s, 1111, :v lot M l.w 157V, 4 9 r. : Kept. stock Power BOND Low- est m in. i, SO lfei ! ti ill Bj io. I'OI, M ita 47 c; ?i II Last II IS Last year MM To In 4s at dK (15 34 644 Low ,old 71 i: 113 u: ItJVi 114 Bi 18 H 4 S l.l' 157V4 70 75 0. of In-l- In Hie The pjr ISe HI nit rin. ins ''t 10. , so 111 Hl ti l( V, 100 fit, an, OF Nr Better. New Haven was one of the atrortgeit ftoek! on tha Hut. It n..l iharply mid .old within n of poInU of the hlh of tha year. Trading not heavy. Ttht New Haven have heen eteadlly nnd excellent with those of a year .ik Flut there really no new to WMoh the movement In atock could he The etovk may he aald to be advanclna; on general principles The haa turned coiner, Ita trouhlea are over and there fold New handi. heavy sr Itaa advance Steel I a r ti it m. Clark. Chllda A 4 aav of Hteel tonnage llgurea to be : "It l fair to expect mat tney to renewed dlacua-elo- n the current of the con- cern. In the current condition of activity of plant the matter of ia reasonably simple, the chief point of uncertainty In regard to the amount that Is to be off is f.ue, rP,lulr , Ma to d dividend the section tRnnft around of to The freely amount of clear to the executive eir the 10 fecund quarter of the thrown to hc use the ftrred the uuality. quartera and rank of with the bllltlM preaent (n,l wirn- - to to be may be greatest Just temper of If they the of The amount res of common This In the quarter of is ,i, In the busl-rotto- n neaa months more to firmly. Print cloth! strong, If iienctt the time com- - tnoii he p,r ,Pnt aJ and does not very to or jaTTfJIf the coming Jtv spot 11 10 Houston clcsed at points Or rjnt'..Ja market SI stocks U ft Clon- ing sicb- If 7! l: shown lim- ited likely So IH I. No., Enthuflastlc reiiorts regarding the large and profitable business being done by the I'iftlllers company have neen heard from time to time company 'during July and August wotklng at capacity on war business at a lime when under normal conditions the plant If run j at 11 loss. The tremendous lmproe-- I ment In the company's financial stilus has also been dwelt upon. AM this hai raisesl stockholders' hope that they would be allowed to participate In the earnings In fact Mini Official Intima- tions were received that a dividend was! likely at an early date. It Is now saiJ. however, that 110 divl lend will be de- - dared at the forthcoming meeting. Mote conaerval.ve members of the hoard are against such action until they see their way clear to eetahiish the stock upon a ' regular annual dividend basis. lis no doubt of the company's ability to the time. tln-r- e 5c The - but would only lie the . effect. . If., till II High li 70S aah the lead for the for the for for was There "1 dividend " Declaration of this kind are nut popular and are generally bad )Hl!cy. The more conservative members Of the bogfd bellOVf that the money can bo used to better advantage by redeem- - ing a portion of the 5 per cent. Itotids nnd by Increasma workm caiotal It is i.ili believed In well informed quarteie that! thlf opinion will prevail w hen the mnt- - ( IKS The ter comes up for official discussion. The bonds are now se'.l.ug around 16. CHILE BUYS E0LIAR EXCHANGE Tsto 4 opprr I ompanles llprn Klnanclal teucles There. j The Braden Copper Company an.l the Chile Copper Company, both of which have properties In Chile, have announced that tuey will establish financial agencies In that country it :s believed that these' agencies will do much to facilitate the development of dollar exchange !ri Chile. The agencies are to be situated In Val- paraiso, the commercial centre of Chile.; and will be under tne mitiagenieut of II. Ft. Wugm ., resident director in that city. Ieopold Frederick, trsafUrOf of both of the companies, said v.stcrday that an excellent market for .hillar exchange had been created In 01 lie In the past few months. A large part of the business of the companies is now done in dollars of in sterling drafts, as was the' customary form of settlement. Seveml factors have oontri'mted to this end, among them being lower discount iate.it In New York than in London, the un-- 1 preeedented fall In sterling exchange and the opening of aOOOimtl in the 1'nlted ntglOg by (ierinan batiks tftabllshad In ' I hlle. which have been prevented by the, war from dealing through London WAtRIWnTOM sent i - The itstemtnl of re.eit.ts and .lishurtenients of the Treaaury thowti Sej.l I This mo Fiscal yr Reeelnts IS 'Ji '4 :.' ".' I"3 llll.14l.0TI Ditbiirtementt I.K6.0ST ll.TM.M4 l5i.l&B.Su7 Surplus I Pit 'I7 ILStisii W.T14.1M Ilefliil Tin recelpti from euitoail Seiiiemher were 147,1 is!",: from lnteri.sl revenue nntinary to IS'. corporation ttix. I47.t:. and mltet. Isneous. ItU.ltl Nftlonil bank note! re.eived for redemp- tion. I70M79 Tlie cath ittlenient of the ! tilled Statet Tresturer for September t thnwt; tiENKRAL FI'ND i;old i oln 046 r i u (iold eertlfleatea S7 ,is S silver dollars 17. '.4 794- - Silver oertflcatct T.T9S.SIJ 1'nite.l Ststet notes t.ntt, 40 Certmed eheekf on hankf iti oio National bank notes 3l.6sS.3l3 Suhtidlarv tllver minor coin snd iilver bullion SS.r.oi,oii t'aah I" Tresfury ITI.ttt.oH In national banks M.1IS.1M Avslltble OXM m Treasury and bsnkt I44.TI4 SM Ileduel eiinetit linhilltief 1s:i on Net balatue in renersl fund 51 ,71 RK8ERVB FI ND (iold coin and bullion Blt,W,0l TRUST rUND, To redeem outltsll.Ulir (srllH. stet 1,74S 1M I6S i.raud total cath sftelt 111 Tieus ury l.lOO.m.TII live Btofk Market. THl'HSDAV. Hepttintier I. neiellitt ol l.eevet Wert it 7 4 lieail. sll ror sialism". m Tht feeling Wat rated ttt.olv. About S3 can of cattle etpected for Fri- day's market. Including the cattle held uvfl Wtdnrjday. I"rete.l iir .'..w at last quotttlnnt or at l:'4,14V,c for "1 shell s native tides Htitl'i . ctlvtt were 97 head, lu-- I lulling' 47 for the market. Very llltlt Inunlsv for live ctivtt and the few alet ,.,,,.. I uere St 1 0 41 1 S SO per 10i Ihl for ordinary to prime veals (itlisr ealvst iiomlnai Orssssd cslvet ruled quiet at 140 I1' '"r elty dressed vrtls and 14 IS 1. fur iiniiitry dressed. Ke elptt of sheep and Iambi were 11 beat Including 4", csrt for the market Prbet were itesdy for both sheep and IstnliM. C'lllimfifl M gaol shssp sold at ( r.n per 100 lbs medium to prims lambs at It 7", a v So. culls st If. Ilf It f0 Ilressed mutton tlnvv st lllo per lb sliii hel'-- wethtrs etcttdlug qUOtationti rtrtffOd Ismtit In modorstt Jt Miami tt 2 fj 15. Ktctlptt nf host were l.Sir. head. In- cluding it bon l hslf a ear for tht ttiatktt Kesltng wesk and cnnqsrvwllvs quotations were ! per 10! the for heavy lu lull bog-- , roughs. 1 6 30 4, t 7.1. AT IS AT THE si,, in .... rl. is In Wheal Keellna- - 4 hanHeil. Home of the large oeratira In the wheat trade took In their shorts yeater. day. There w us buying at Chicago cred- ited to the CMIfgl interests, whlith was placed at close to 4.000,000 bush- els. It can be stated that Patton haa :. " ti.'.i his learlsh vtewo as to the waa runted levels nf the list He contend that Interior millers are having somv dlfticul'.y In fecuruig; their supplies ami that the winter wtieut crop estimate of hualiels, aa of- ficially given on waa a de- cided He aays also that the aprliu; wheat movement will be cared for rather easily for many weeks to come. There are virlous other authorities In the trade who have covered their shorts, and In instances have adopted a position on the long side. Wall Street traders are to he numbered among these The asset-tlo- n has been made tltat the winter wheat yield will not reach bushels, and that, due to Its Inferior quality and Uw of mills, the surplus of all wheats In the United Sta'.s at present Is not much over bushels. The undertone during ses- sion was quite strong. Some house longs, who Insisted thai the le- ctin QoVf mmf nt report warranted lower levels nt this time. quldated and there was also lie.ir pressure with the he lge selling under which losses of one and two cents a bushel occurred The decline were again heaviest at Win-n'.pe- It If that Canadian farmers are grOSrtra Superior qUSntlSi of .Manitoba wheat are about five cents under the banis of American springs an neatly IS cents under the price of bard wheat at the Gulf. All of the markets closed firm, how- ever It was evident that millers were much gupporl by urgenti) taking cash wheat and fututes against large fluir transactions for domestic and foreign account. A big concern here Is Ofsdltod w rh having sold about I ilo.nnn barrels of Hour very recently to tliee.e. s a result of this of actual wheat, In the spot 10 in:eetnai, ....:. a vet y a bushel I he in. iterate to heavy stance tine nt two sales show. rs in several and spring made at 144 a f. o b tallug effect on values. took about gOO.000 buahtlg of wheal iticluding a fa.r .t moil tit of durum at DtllUth The use III the foteign exchange market vas regarded by some export' ere A feature of the foreign news t.n the emphasis given to the poor start of the Argentine crop. Cam The support came from shorts. cons. deration of the report failed to alter the view that the official show.ng was about as expected. There were further scattered rains in the bell and somewhat lower but no Indication of frost. 4'ountry selling was taken ao that the list dosed firm A- ttention was attracts. to the heavy from the for tho week balng estimated at bushels. ' lati Although tlieie wh.. no inipot-tan- l export buying during the day the market was ve-- steady. Most of the buying was has. d on the assertion that the ( crop estimate was nearly bushels utder of the optimists The met with country selling, which was liberal In the aggregate, dftpltt the unsettled weather In the West. Provisions Values were lowered, due to In the near ivosltloiis and On the gib OS IH1 Of support from the out- side trade Not much attention was given to the higher hog list or to the teMirts of a betterment in the cash de- nial d for meal- - and fats. Chicago prices Wheat I leoeoibei y Corn September bl s.nib. r May la!" ember lle.f llltfer Msy I'm K ftepteniber October ... l.xr.l Sein mber O.- -l nhel Ribs Hepteniber I., ...h.-- iei Open I' 91'. m U.M i.ii 7 inn eel 9CI, 7lt le- -i i(i St s M It SO I 16 I 17 7 IA 6. IS Ixiw eat mi bju 91 MB mk US II M U.M Na York prices were : Mil SM I 07 7 tr. Open llfh Wheat: log eel September Clos- ing Ilk M w 1IV 67 M M I.0T 7 95 lvw ell fi !'. IT- I 10 1.16 i.o: 1.13 Clot THE Itsvr fairly Steady Heflned Weak All DF, i'irnin,, fwife. . ... morning 56.000 bugs to Warner i'o ami beileral ntigar iveumng Company lit 4 4a. the nrternoon 20,000 tons raw! were sold to Warner 4 IV)., the company and the Amerlcuti Hugar Kcflulng Company at 4 II, Refined sugar market weak all day. Kedetal Sugar quoted 5 .'10 for prompt shipment. All lilts quoted 5 .'. Warner an.l Arhuokle at .'. Federal price at i 30 out a statement II t they would announce something at & o'clock. At this hour, however, that all action would lis deferred until the morning The sugar futures market at the Coffee Bge chaiige opened quiet and closed a points higher. Prleee were : 1, tabor. Mnvembar i ember January i i. bruary . . March April Msy....... Juns. i. . . B.B l.6 lie gu 7.13 7ni, was other When High- - Low- riot- - Prev eel lug S 1,1 .1 Ml 1 .1 3 41 3 i, II 3 4& S ) II 3 33 S 33 l.lj 3 20 3 it I 17 I 11 3.10 1.01 S ol I 07 I I 01 S 01 3 63 I 09 8 67 I II I 11 I II I i it s it i it FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, LiwffwrEaaUfTwnM Vie Down Town Branch of the LINCOLN TRUST Company FORMERLY BROADWAY AND L1SPENARD STREET NOW LOCATED 346 Broadway NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING GRAIN MARKET. IgfWOII authentically 659,000.000 Wednesday, overstatement apparently Prominent 600.000.0iu pindigioua requirements IM,ffM,gM yesterday's commission Intermingle undisputed underselling Amoiionn furnishing absorp- tion premiums Kxportere yesterday, encouragingly principally Overnight (Jovernment temperatures, gradually Argentina, ihipmentl 1,000,000 Joverninent's 100,000,000 ex- pectations liquidation leptsmber SUGAR MARKET. Pennsylvania granulated companies' yesterday announced representntivea Heptembtr. July..".... THE SUN, 1916. STEEL ORDERS EXCEED CAPACITY OF MILLS Record shipment Producer! of Sf met urn I Shape! Ma kin: Btfla The flood tide of busincaa In fteel la running strong and full. Production was never s0 great, shipments ure iec-or- breaking, an I ordeis ate In excess of caparlty. Some of th- - oversold mills In both eastern and western a are unsuccessfully trying to borrow, beg or billets from their neighbors. The one new and flfnlflcahl feature is that structure! s.iape 'n iis are i.r - ' duclug round bars In an effort to re- - ' Ueve somew hat the tremeniKiut pressure from manufacturers of war imminent Kroin the standpoint of profit this is a j natural development, aa bars and shapes I for structural purposes will not bring over lL. cents a n.iimil while Mhel: bars command 3 cents a pound or This Indcat.s that ordinary structural work rest for a while fabricator! must meet the manufac- turers for projtctlles in competition for plain steel. In this connection la found an explanation for the sudden land sharp falling off fabricated 'steel ordorg IB the last week. marked j to the record breaking ealre of the last tixty days. The Insistent demand for steel for the manufacture of war munitions was .reward..! yesterday by the tecutiiig ot about M(0M tons more of blooms snd billets and some few burs from RaatOrtl mills. A few shipments will be made tills ear on these contracts, but de- licti ies are mainly reserved for the nrst f. w months of next year. In In-- 1 forging blo ms .tie sell.ng high, t maiKei ruse one cetita unusual tircum- - f blooms were winter ton null These tore of 4,000, 000 mora explosive shells I It! money value .f which, when loaded, la between Iff, 000,000 an I ITS, 000, 000 Bach 1,000,000 shells requires about 000 tons sleel the central West agricultural manufacturers, railioad ahopa and pump manufacturers have taken orders for a.f.0ti,(ioo high explosive shells and Inquiries are In the market for ,000 tons ,,r billets snd bars required The HVdraMlllC Pressed Company Is in tht market for 11,000 tons of round bais, half of which Is COVtr another prospective contract for 1,600,000 ihraptisl shells; that Is. In a Mltlon to the contrail previously f the largest companies are much ronosmed over the prospect for the future supply of ferromajigaiiesa "the magic powder converts Iron Into steel," so to speak. Although there wus a large increase In the output of .domestic fcrrnmangatiese last month tn tol al production sli nrei or Januai y waa only about 1,000 tons sreater than it waa during the corresponding period last while this year's needs are much greater Pomestlc ore production is reiaiiv.lv of small Importance. In normal times this country la de- pendent almost entirely upon shipments of ffrromatiganeaa from Qormuiy ami (.at nritain thf ore comes mainly f i lt.issla, bul there is also a fair Prev supply from India that Is available Th'0 " Of COUraa we have obtained 2 an Inadequate supply from Qreal ( Britain. The HethiHiem steel Company 67 IIS 44 of ail.-.,- mi s DonnSCUUn IllToad la fil- - vorsDiy lltuatea, and recently received two ciiigoes of 1,000 to 6. noo tons ea. ti The United States Steel Corporation is manufacturing ferromangansM from Brailllan urea as grail n.s from the do- - niestic produ i. Tim Pannsvlvanla H ' 'ompany lot 4n Arbuckle set Contrast of In reported tne i. .citing ores obtaltosl from Cuba and from Kruxll and also a small output from Virginia. The Hriiilllan and Virginian ores are controlled by British Interests anil the contract for these ores expires In April Ite.entlv the British Interests have tried without success to back their contract for tha ores previously sold at a premium, but when the oontraot expires it is ex- - I ted that most of this ore will go to Itireat Hritnln Small sales of British fsrromxngxnese been made re Icantly al to ino t n n hiu. mora, subject to the possibility nf irom me .,!,, faisiv I mmm omer sin.., which may ms ruv eu. . ' niean little or no manganese for the Ste.lilV- the anu In sold their gave they said . eloee. 41 07 16 Lis buy more. must or In In some again II,. steel Steel steel to steel steel that year, Biaatl buy have lio'i ahln- - purchaser Some of the domestic steel companies are asking as high as 10 or even higher for fet nunaiiganese de- rived from foreign ores Temporarily than will be an ample supply, but the probability Is that prices will further ad van 00 aa the eupply prove! Inade- quate. ft The Baldwin Locomotive Company will build twenly-flv- e compound ocC4SIO lives for the aragoza and Alicante Company nf Hpaln The Chi li ago and North western Railroad Com- pany has virtually closed contracts for thlrt)T"fOUr locomotives The Illinois central Is In the market for nftv I Mikado locomotives The Norfolk and fOwjWaglani Is Inquiring for prices for llwenty-rtv- e eng'ms The Illlnnla Cen tral la expected to order 4 000 freight care. The Chicago ami Northwestern is reported to have closed for 300 auto- mobile cars and la preparing to order 1,000 freight earn. Tha Bangor and Aroostook is said lo have ordered 100 and the Cuba Company 300 freight care. The Huffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg has contracted for steel under fiamea with th Pressed Rtssl Par Reorganization of International Steam Pump Company Henry R. Worthington AND Nolly Manufacturing Company. TO HOLDERg OP Firtt Litn Twtnly-Yft- r Pivt Ptr Cent. Sinking Fund Gold Bond!. Prtltrrtd Stock end Common Slock ol Inicrnttionil Sunn Pump Compiny, Prtlerrcd Stock of Mtnry R. Worthington, at tnd Pint Mortftit Pivt Per Cent. Bondt of Holly Manuitcturing Company: Notice it heteby given tint tbe I'ltn and Agreement lor the Reorganization ol Inttinstiontl Steim Pump tiimptny linrliulitig Henry K. Worlliinglon and Holly Mrnultcluring Coinpniv), dtled Aiignm 5, (I5, wliicll hat been speruved snd sdopied by the llondholdett' I'rotective CommlltSf, of which (,'hftlei II Sfbin it .htiimnn. by the Stockholder!' Prolectirt i otntnitttw, of which Lewit L. Cltrke C t htlrmtn, by the Protective t oiiutiittre rtpretenting I'referred Sloek ol Henry K. Worthiitglon. ol wlnrh Kobett II WoOOWfrd f. I hairnien, snd by the tonimiltee tepreienting Fief I Muiigage Kie Per lent. Bondt ol Holly Manultctaring tompmy, ol which ti Rtrmsnn Klnnlcoti it Chairman, htt been fpproved tnd idopted by the andtrfigaed, wi,,, have been coiiltOuted a Joint CammlttM Iheieun.lei. I oiues thereof hive been lodged with L'ompiny pi New Vmk, the llepotittty under the Pltn. Ilolden o( Fiitl Litn Twenty-Yet- r Five Ptr Cent. Sinking Fund Oold Bondt el Inttrnttiontl Sitsm Pump Comptny, wlm hive nol altenly depottted their bondt with tnd Uondholdert' rtutectivr ( emmlllet and who deiirf to otrticipite In tsid l'ltn tnd Agtcenient ol Reotgtinilinn tnd tj hecume entitled lo itt benenii. mutt deposit their bond on or btlorf September IJ, 1IS, In negotisble fotm (tnd, il coupon bondt, betrlng the iteptember I, 1914, tnd ill titbleqitent coupons with tlie Depotnary ol .aid Proie, me . Minnttee. Outrintir Trutt Com- ptny ol New York, No. 140 TUoadwav, New York City, or st itt oflice in London, or with one ol its follow ins aatntti St. Louis I'nfon Trutt Comptny, ol 111 Lotus, Mo., I nmmnnwetlth Trim ( nmptnv, ol Hut mi. Matt , Attocittie ( ta, ol Amfterdam, Holland, or Ahtientefellfchtli Leu , Co., oi turleh, Awttnrland. Holdert ol Prelerrtd or Common Slock ot Inttrnttiontl Steam Pump Com- ptny, who hive nol alretdy deposited ttlftl stock will, taid Slockholdei t' Pro- tective Committee tnd alio desire to partlclnstf In said Pltn and Agreement nf Renrganirttion tnd to become cntilleil lo n. benefitf, must deposit theit certifi- cates M slock In nesntithle form on 01 before September IJ, 1115. with Columbit Trutt Comptny, isi Broadway, New York I ity, the Depotilny ol taid Stockholder!' Protective f oinmi'tee. Holdtrs of Prtltrrtd Slock ol Henry R, Worthington whn have not llreldy deposited their ttork with the shove Protect! vl i ommTttef repienting slid Stock, tnd who detite to participate in laid Plan nnd Agreement ol Reor gtnlrttion tnd In become entitled In itt benefit-- , m"t de...itt their certificttet ot ttoi-- in negotuhle Inrnt on ot before Septembei IJ, 1911, with Frtnklin Trutt Comptny. the llcpotittry of tsid Protective Committee, tl itt office tt 46 Will Street. New York l Ity, nr it M Montague Street ol 160 Knltnn Stteet, Brooklyn. Holder! of Firtt Mortgigc Five Per Cent. Bondt of Holly Mtniiftcluring Comptny, who iletre to participate In laid I'Un and Agreement of Rem giniiltion nd to become entitled to it! Isjnefiti. mutl dfpoilt their bondt on Of helore Sep- tember IJ, I'HS, In negotuhle form and lo-.- hf Julv I, I'd, tnd til lubte-quen- t coupons, with Btnktrt Trut Comptnv, It Wall Street, New York City, o' Commonwetlth Trutl Compiny ( B.(Til. N. Y . the depotittriet ol liie ibovt Protective Committee reprefentlns and I. u For til hondt tnd share- - of stock .let. ..sited In iccordance with thit notice, trtniferahie certificttet of de; out will be iss.n-- h. or on behtlf ol the proper He- paotiary Holder! ol tiid bonds ol International Stele, Pump f'ompitiv led ol Holly Minuftcturing (ompany and of ,,. ttock .,( lnternatinn.d Steim Pump Com- ptny tnd of Henry R. Woitlnngton wh., haef nol ulietilv deposited the tame with the Piotective Committee ilnoe mentioned formed lo receive surli tecuritie!. tnd who do not deposit the time as permitted by tins notice, thill have no right to participtte under the I'ltn md Agieenient ..( Reorgiiiirllion. Depoiitl will he received titer September IJ, I95, on.v oc lucll trim! tnd condition! as iliall be impoied hv the .le nt Reorganization Committee. Hated, New York, AuguM 14, 1915. CHARLES H SARIN. Chihmin. LFWIS L CLARKE. THOMAS P. GANNETT. L T HAGGIN. GFORCE O HENRY. PERCY IACKSON. R WALTER LEIGH. II I de LANOY MEIJER. ALLEN T. WEST. Joint Reorgtni'iiion Committee CtAVV"1 ft HFMnr.RSON, CounMl Inr Committee ARTIIl'K I HATCH I n. Secrettrr, I to Brotlw.iy, New Y'ork. The undersigned I otmr.ittee. Aufatt lit. 1'14, of otislitLited idei the Aereemeeu tlie piuieitiun ol the First Lien Twenty-Yet- r Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Gold Bondt ol lntrrnationtl Steam Pump Compiny, list approved and tJupted the Pltn ami Agreement of Rc rgtn istioti mentioufo in i lie (orcgumg notice, tnd htt tiled a espy ihcreol with tiuaranil Trust I omptny ol New iotk, its I'r, ..ia . llol.lei! ot' Cfrtificatei ol depoail of said llepositary for hondt of tnd issue drpolilcd under the abuie llep.,;. Agreement thill tontlativviy be deemed to bar! assented lo the Mid Plan ami igreement ol Reorganization unlett, on ot lielure Sepiembet 1... lOlS, lliey fhsll witliTriw the bunds rcptcacuted thereby Iroin tlie above liepotit Agrtomtat in a,, ..lance with the proviiioti! ihereol, by iiittendertng to the Dipoaitary their eertlncatefl ul depotit in negoliible lutm md by paying to the Depositary therev.ilh tile nm ol .1 per ll.l'UU depotited bond, winch fata hit been hied by the Committee it i lair contribution tuwatds itt composition and expentet. listed. New York. August 14, 1915 CHARLES H SABIN. Cha man. THOMAS B GANNETT, GEORGL O. HENRY, R WALTER LEIGH. H de LANOY MEIJER. ALLEN T. WEST. Committee. CKAVATH & HKMiKRsuN. i oumel for Committee. ARTHUR 11 HATt III K. e,rettt., 14 Broadway, New York Gt A BANT V TRl sT COMPANY 01 NEW VUBK, 14U llioadwiy. New York, Uepositli y. 1 he undertigned ( ommitlee conftituted under the Depotit Agreement September 15. lyu, for the protectlee ci tlie Preferred ind Common Stock ol Stettn Pump Compiny has approved flstl adopted the Plan toil Ag.ee- - metit of Ueurgtntritioii mentioned Ul the toregi.tng notice, and has dotsafitad a signed original tlieteot with Cotuatbia us: Company, itt Dtwsitft y llol.lnt ol cenihvale ot deposit ot tsid LstpOfilirv loi itocll .leps-ISs- I uta.er t .e abose 'e potii Agreement shall be roncluwvely held to i.a.e ,,tssstr.; te md ratified aid I'ltn tnd Agreemgnt U Si ett or io September If, I VI 5. they thill hie with tlid Drposilaf) wiittet uoti.e ol tneir dissent tnd of their wiC.dttwal irom laid Plan and Agreement mil lhall wuhdrtw tne certificates of ttn.k tepiesented try their respective iertillc!tet ot deposit in tcvor lai.cr with the proetoiont of Article Fourth of itid in Agreettient, by turrendering m sai l nepstailary their ol det.osi! iii negoliable fo.ni, ami iiv paying to said Depostttry therewith the turn ol hlty (car cents 54c. upon ea.li ol piefetted stock, tnd twenty-iee- cents f Jc upon enh sliate of mon stock to withdiasn, which said lumt hive been fixed by the I otnmlttM .,s tha pi ra.a hj.e of tlie ohligttiont. captntet snd compensation oi the (. otunuttee a- - audited b said Depositiry. Dited. New York, AugaM 14. 1915. LEWIS L CLARKE. Chilrmin. WII.LARD V KING. L T HAGGIN. ALBERT N PARLIN. OTTO MA KX, Committee Cl ORi'.r E WARREN, Seere't'v ol Committee, 60 Broidwsy. New Yoik City. C"I.I Mill 1 Rl -- T COMPANY, epotitai 60 Broadway, New Yoik City. ALEXANUUK & CRliBN, Countel, 1 JO Broidwty, New Yoik Ctiy. The undersigned t on free ronftituted lindei thf Deposit Agreement dtted October II, 1014. lot Hie protei f the Preferred Stock of Henrv R Worthing- ton has ipproied and fdopied the Pltn tnd Agreement ol Reorganiittion mentioned n the loregoing notice ano hat depotited 'he tame siih Franklin Trutl Comptny, in Dcpotit.ii. Holders of certificates ol deposit of tnd Depositary for snd Preferred Stock deposited under the those Dep. nit gternn r t lha'1 cnrlusivelv be deemed to h.ve sssented la the md Pi!! and Agrafmgnt, unless on ol Isetore September IJ. 1015, the shell file with tfld flepotitary notice of their diiffnl therelrom nd oi their df!ire In wlth btw from fhe above Dtpotll IgrttmOnt. I'poa filing of tu. h notice thev mav withdraw Ihf st.., k tr,- Cie i certificate! ot deposit Irom laid Deposit Agreement in tcCordtnCf with the provisions thereof, by surrendering lo said DepoMtatv t'leu certificglef ot deposit in neg, ruble fotm in. I by paying lo as i Depotltl I Iherewiih fhe sum nl l C1 lor everv depotited there 'ol ttork. whn It urn has been de'e ned by the Committee is the pro rtla thtre. ptvthle by encli depotitoi. ol the ohllgftiopf, expenses tnd compentttion of the Comirtttee. Atte!!n.ens ilietdy r.sid n the call of the Committee will be credited on thit tniount. Depositors who as.r-i- t to the Plan, tnd who hive paid their lltetlmtntl tltetdv ct'led loi by 'he Committee, will be refunded the imount of their issessnienti at the lime whfO they teceive their new tecuriliet ismed undei the Pltn. Dlted, New York, Anient 14. It POHFRT B WOODWARD. Chtirmin. TON ATI I AN "t'LKLEY. Percy iacksoi william a perry. a1.ix w stanley, hose a webster. Committee. CT1R TNI! niUMINC.lt M. V" Msi'en line Neve Yo-- FRANKLIN TR' st COMPANY, Depoeltfry, 4 Wall Street. New York. left Monttg ie Sireet. Brookbn. 566 Fulton treet. Brooklyn The Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway Company The Reorganisation Committee gnno ' that spproxlmsie.v '. .nc ."M ..f Ponds hsvt paid the first liiatalin.-n- nf the amounts payable under Hit Plan and Agreement dated Jlini II, till. To meet the convenience of holder! of tht bond6 or rertlfh'stet of dOgsall representing Iht taint, many of which are htid lu Europe, snd In rtiponte to a number ..f raqufftf, tht (Nvninilttet haa ettended the tlms for paymtnl of thi flm amount! payabli an. ter tne Pltn gad Agreement. Without penally, until tht el Off of huilnesa on i i'ii Miti it ts, una. Paymanti ihould lit made to Ctntral Trust Catltpany of NfW York, st In omre. 64 Wall Htrest. New York ally, and ofrtlflaatet of dtpotll ihould be preeenied for proper notation at tht dine of making paymtnta Tht Committee tttrvtt tht right without further notice to eirry through iht 1'lan or any amend mint Ibtrtof tolely for the benent of the holders of rerlincattl of degOfll rtpretent- ing bonda In raspaot of which the nm ihall b been pal l prior to the dsie kforfsald, Dated, New York, gepttmber I, till. J. Bi VI'AI.I.ICE. Chairman; liOKlKiN A Hill ITT. HAHRY BBONNRB, JAMES C. CHAPLIN, HALEY I Mil. I l.tltKM e. Is HARPER. WILLIAM R. BIOHOUHJNi Hll II Villi Nl'TKtl. MKIUN II. WH.iri.KH, ANA tt. WIMi. Reorganltalloa Ciimmlttee. IIIV1IIKMM4 AMI INTF.HK.'sT. Wst (i lOMI'A.NV. A no itul.ltnd tt iwo and one- - halt Per Cent, has liean dsclsrttd on the stock nf ANHs'O COM PA NT, piy-abl- t OcKsher lit. 111:., to Mtockhnldel s of rsoord. Mepteinbsr l.MJt, 111! Tht trant-fs- r hrvoki will be oloted al tht cifllcs of tht ("onipsaiy, tl Broirtwsy. Nsw Yark t'll) st three o aim's P M, Heptembtr l.'.lh irit, ana win bt till. A fpi.pet.ed (Ictrtbel if laA V f I'TK - let'Otit dlted dtted DIYIUBMIts AND IMIIIIT hi iaA 11VIN l ITY KAI'lll IRANwIT COMPANY. Tht Hoard of lure. tort l.avt dtcisre.l a regular .luarttrlv dltfiuend of out snd threefourthl per rtnt B cv, i upon the Prefen. I snd one snd onn lia.f per rent '., upon the Common Capital Htra k of this t'oinpanv. paabls Ootobar in. Ills, to lockhi.lile re of record at the dost of bual neaa geptsmber itll. Dividend rhtckf Will be mailed by The sSrmtrs' IjOsh and Trust reinpany, Tram ter .tget.ti. soa. William street. Nstr V..tk City, tsi ttockholdert who htvt rtled mstllni orders A M ROBBRTgON, New York. Heptembtr Srd, Ills AMERICAN CAN COMPANY. A qurtrly (Hvtdtlltt nf ont an thn- I'iH''- - pir CM I liRan tit--n lf( l.i i ftl Upon tnt Priiirrid sltook M Utlf Compsiiiir, ptf thlii OotoMr .it. to BtorklisMdari ot riMi.nl ul t he elOtfl f tniln-s- ' t lthi 1 til S TrMiifr Booki ronttitn open i'h''ik Tmitifti. It. II. Imiiioii, Sr. reiary A Treamirer. mkku A BANK NOTR rOP.NV, A nf Ollfl oni hiilf prr fu an i'h PrfrMd Vtook for Iht qiMrtf ml nk .) nil. U.ib bn li i In riil pftyttibll (WtOMf t. ltKi. to linl'lafm tf t th OlOflf of ih.ihM s. Itim1i.r Uih. 191 Tht Ptooti trunaf-- T h H III nM li i liiBrtl h DAN FORTH crtrr, N V 'lk, Rth. ltl A NM1 11IIIK I'KINNir (IIMI ANY, 'iti ttriHsduay. Nes York. Auaust 2t. ltti dfttlari .In lend of II mi per share hat been .1 mi the capital e't.Hk sf tin CJuin. ... ..!.' kl.ee I .. ,11 ,.. s. halderf t( rsosrd tl 'he clost of butlnem sntembef s'. mil. All eommnnlcs.tlonfl s pairnent or chfangf of ,,, litreaa should fit sent to tlie ullderalsnea not Ister than October 4. 1111' IKOItUB I'llKfErtltU'. Heerstary. Mil I'll POBTO Klt'll NK1.IH KIMMNV. Alllust II. itlii Tlie ri .ard of tilre- - tont hsvt thit day dt-- r tared uuarterly dlvldendl of ejj on Pre- ferred itoei end Its n CORMMOn Htts-k- also all eatrw dl.lrtenfl of IfL on foinmon stock, sll payable (sotoher 1. till, to stock- holders of reas.rd September II. I a I a P. A. Illl.l.INiillAM. Hsk-'t- . Mil, MA OOPPBB OMPANY. A qilartetly dividend of fifty oentt ptr share iias been declared on the stock ,f thli CVmpsny. payable September iflth. tiiir,. lo ttochbishleri of rtcard st the rlose ,.r bustnetH on ftepttsmbssr 14th, till. tl KN it Y K UOUiiB. Treasursr Hepl Jlh, mil BANK gTATKMBNTg. REPORT OP THi?0)NDlTION OF THK FIRST NATIONAL BANK, !t New York. In the state of Now York. I REBOtTRCKg. lawns snd dts-- niunta ajS.AOl. 406.70 Acceptance! o f other bank! dis- counted 3.S.0S .020 10 Total loans gSS.0.18.334.80 tl. g. bonds de- posited to secure circulation 'par value) Ul.077.000 00 V. n. bonds pledged Ul se- cure if, a,, de- posits (par value 1.000.00 V. a. Isinda owned and unpledged 40.420 00 Total V, ft. tsnnde Securities other than C S bonds (not Including tlockti owned unpledged g.M .316.610.24 Total bonds, securities, etc lo Hock rif Eederal Reserve Bank tl.. 100.000 Lews amount unpaid 710 000 All other alnckt. Including pre- mium on tame of banktns house T.'.oonono Ig.gOO On Net amount due from Eederal Reserve Hank Net stnotint due from banks snd bankers Kichansea for cleafin! hinise other ehecka on tisnks In the same city or town as reporting bank Outside checks snd other rath Items gftS MS 7ft Fractional cur- rency, nlrkelt. sod cents 1.117 40 Notes of other national hank! Lawful money reserve In bsnk Totsl coin snd certificate! Legal-tende- note! Redemption fund with CS Trest- urer not more than I per cent, on clrculatlonl t213 810 00 Due from C. R. Treasure . 73. !i 7 74 Customers' liability under let- ters of Credit 2ft 32.1 327 tl2.007..160 47 Totsl .... .1H HtsteofNewYork.tountyofNewYork.fi: I r I. President the soove-nsm- ed do swear thst ttsteinent Is tme my knowledge ind F Pretldent. nubscrlhisd snd sworn to ms Oth day Peptembee g4 t'orract Attest: Al lo t A. C. . A IIEI'IU'HN. i New H M. , The Second National Bank THE NEW YORK Fifth Ave. and 28th Street Loan. Discounts STATEMENT CONDITION September 2. RESOURCES. & In- - United statts Bonds ai other Securltict to Circulation ml ..I States Deposit! Customers' Liability un- der Letters of Credit Banking House Due from Bankt . ... Hedeniptlon Fund Due l ulled. States Treasurer ........ ... . Reserve In Federal Re- serve Bank Cash It F.tchanges for Clearing House llsuuti l.enrir J. il ran Itoberl 10.303 468.21 12.4.646 sia 00 24 t nmi o 1 (HI 80 64 36.804 04.7111 10 03 00 M,9M,S0g "O (S3 87.74 0.000 00 Totsl I llxvve Se- cure from A , Utl 30 23 t1t.Stt,tt8.18 John W. Ailken A. H. Blanrhard Dominirk A. Munscy Edward H. Heaalee Dviight S. Kit hard son llanlel lludnisii Ciritesra Kllodet Frederick nnyder Toltnd 8.1H.420 6I.3I6.S10 ,760.000 .a26.no2 253.6.11 for Circulation 667,1407 Deposl's I3.77S.2U. ytutad mis.ooo.oo Liabilitict LIHS.'I.V) 473..MN 010.339 2.4112.001 Oanlel Davin Frank RT I.N Ts. Ma W. M 00 AO 00 U9 , i is R li, itt in hi lite i.e., It I. i Jr. klus Jr. of ... JR . i Hi ll I Wll 11 llffb I Pa. 1. 11" ir, ' M wll, put loi the frund die ten. at a pnc I,,,, p. par Slid Healed to ae!l Imtasla In tht indi of a New o M., T II B .IN 11 Ml the Kill. 11 IV CO. the the Norfolk and Western will held at the Oltlot the in the city vir on the 14th day Oc- tober, n A M (o lure lo e'e. t tudltort tlie boo and the tom i.aliy for the fiscal year, to tht report f 'r the ysar and al- action the tet In t in tht of the and to us may befort the meet Ins The at i i' Bo w ai 10 o A M co-s- lili tht It ... E It - thla will DIM 15. .M. by th-u- e. i.l if ftr imrpi-i- i th Uliltal B to lie. t jo A M on mi U h i Hot'Uk wl!l i" m Ociohur A M V D BANK lbs 2. It'll etoek In. fmo no 00 capital and profits: for ran for t IMI lasts current penans. and ftlS.OO! 33 smount on snd In for or 213.100 00 Due to hanks snd hankers unpaid r o 23 of due In less 30 I8ft.33 03 Certified check! 1 ..'10.1.723 73 checks 2.203.3(13 t'nlled otiis i iOho days, or tubject to or more notice) IJ. S. bond! borrowe.1 without for tsme letters of credit Surnlus A. A. J. A. to 00 8. 4. 81.3. OOO (Kl it 100 00 nil .088. 03 li 12.1. 000 00 :i2.r. ooo no tl2 B1'7 HINE of the to the best of t, MINE. before this of JOHN II JAM Eg, Notary I'lil.llc ounty. OF OF OF 1915 act K I'.. Stock 21.0410 rami! j.jo.s, ..t "(i 785.000 Htatas Bond Aoc'i Other fO,AO0 34.2."sJ (SJ 102.000 John 164.8.11 Tases HANK VTt.1l BANK Hanoi v KUiVr'.ts, of llosrd WU me II. tigirirn M.oti- - bitliier Joseph Hainr. Jobo l.rlhbel llaiidolpli l.eorae Ksdden Morris It. fUn H. Iteeses, Jr. tilbiir 1. Motion Nni. H. Frailer. Win. Jaj I inner as of 2, 1915 Loans and under Letters Credit Due from Banks for Clear- ing House Cash and Reserve. JIIWIPH WATNBs lUMIIlll'll HFKfsltUM. l. THF. BA"'WAV Treasurer. Pittsburgh. September Fir!' Hortgagt Ilon.1t of thla Company ltl.tt.M bt an iimri'ic based glnklng Ootonir Itll, from lowest hid esieel Interest must be M.esrs IVInslnwr. Lanier cxn-isanv- York City, before three clock I' Thuradai. gepleinhtr 10, Ilia MeKNIOHT, KLKCTIONH MBBTINUg, NIIHF41I.H WKSTKKN The Annual Meetlna of lr., kboldsrt of Unas) Offtt' pane he principal of Company of Roanok, Kinla Thursdsy, ul litis, at 10 dock elect ,in, Indspendetit to audit 111 sciuuitta of consider of the tMrootori en. ter! June K'th. lit.',. 10 ratify ap prove of llirertors forth tuck annual repo: tnd nilsute Company, linisfma.t audi olhei busltiesa properly 00 nil Stis-- Transfer Hooka bt el.iaesl o'clock eiinessday. September :nth. Itll, tad raopsiiesl cios-- litis 1Mb. By order ol ol Dlreotors Al.DEN. tseoretary. llnr.lrn ..ntlrn-r- .l Milk niaUij ANXVAli MKKTINvi of Comptny OH M'pt....i'r tlih. t ll:t ontr of PlrtoUirB, th nf Of HtOrkhulJiTM t.f lft Orioir 20th, Kxi'hiiniro PI riiy. N flat. l.'U t 10:00 SHOVR Trtmaurer STATF.ItrNTa. close ol business September LIABILITIES. Capital paid Rurplut fund lo.tssj.ooo Total surplus Undivided gn.873,4gr.63 Reserved taies: 311.362.72 Risks depreciation- OOO Interest, tales paid g.ggg.gtO.M Circulating notes g.0TT"M.M Lews hind Treasury re- demption in transit Dividends Demand do- - straits subject cherk 800.322.84:1 Certificates deposit than days Csshlcr's ouistandln! Histrss ii Total deposits Time deposlti ipsyahle after 80 .'in dstt nirnlihlng rollats-ra- l security 81 bsnk. solemnly belief II. Directors. lork EAHNE8TOCK. CITY Capital 11, 000,000 ("j lti(lii(cd Besirve 2l.44lw.ii7 2n.27H.03 Ul Pretldeill pros.aals Trtaturer. DIRECTORS Percy Rockefeller William SimoiiMin Sinclair Ixiuia M. Stnrr James Slillm.m I'erry S. Straus of ia gtn.ooo IH1LAIIKLPHIA STATEMF.NTM. PHILADELPHIA The Girard National Bank PHILADELPHIA D1RECTOHS Newbold tiaii Francis Statement Sept. RESOURCES Invett-imnt- i $38.695,450.3 Customers' Liability 230.650.00 6.658.159.51 Exchange 2.152.758.02 J2.938.534.20 $60,675,552.04 ,IKKIJNVlMF1.NVNAI' deposits-Individua- laUBlUTIBt. and Net n.imo.oo .161.47 LIABILITIES $2,000,000.00 Capital.. SurpljB Profits Circulation Letters Credit Is- sued Customers Depositi tO.6t4.4CM tit.fgg.tta.tfi 4.697.148.43 ,084.000.00 230.650.00 52.6o3.733.61 $60,675,552.04 I'll till KM M ggRTON, I ashler. A. W. I'll KFIIKII. Assistant 4 ashler. , hi ii r. tun v r, Isslstanl I usliler Expansion on the CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE IMMEDIATE REPORTS Odd lot trader apprenate the im- mediate reports by broktrt on the Consolidated Elchange. At thit n the original odd lot matket. the "board lot" being 10 sliarri. there is no deity. A limited number ol teats it ji.000. A gnat opportu- nity for odd lot commission houiei. The requneiiients tre unexceptional relerences as lo businrss standing and character and reasonable , pi I si SECRETARY 36 Bavrfttrt To till' Hold, Ilf A MKKICAN WKlTIXti I VI KK COMPANY I M in t Kita: hlllklllK I illitl I olil Itondi. Tiuirr Tiie- Mnkini i uti i provUlont ol .m lnlt'ttiure tiMtoil July Ii UW. btlWMn ili .i f ooiupstny hu : h. Old Polony Tru"t t' tinpanv. Trunti'. th1 unitorvttfn I Ivr-'U- t1vm tiuit- tiiMt it h.w th? turn "f in ,174 rar invtMtmnt in th i.tm mortiMf hotli UriiifAil tht tuti.inr Oflori ilf Dontll rt.4ior.l ' Tin.l4r ol" Ainrrti .i Wrltlngr P4p0l Bi'ii 14 ' wit) roclvo4 Itv th Ol.l Colony Trt.git Contponyi Truiti It court M rf ft. Botlon MsstMOOhtMOltl until noon if Tutiiy. .fptfmhiT I. 111'.. at wl.U-- Kii.m thy will pnt rlfht la rmrvf'ti tn rcjffi guy an. I h!1 offfrti on ocropltt l"rula will t'faaa l hnpiMtllbMi 1". iill OIsP CUI.ON Y 1 Itrs r COM PANT. Trtnataa. H- J H Wktfltl4, Wf PreMttWru. BrtaJltOll, M.tSg.l 'hUOtltOl tapit mb r i. uu. U A 1 Klk W A NTKD Playa mn4 8onarki oultahlo for r ami m inf MotUfM tnd b mall or . . i , to H H UlCHTliJ, PUy Bruttar. 101 W. t.

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Post on 14-Jul-2020




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Page 1: of LINCOLN TRUST Company - Library of Congress...res of common This In the quarter of is,i, Inthe busl-rotto- n neaa months more to firmly. Print cloth! strong, If iienctt the time



fftfttj Speculative Bnyinir Re-

sponsible for m Slump




WEATHER IS FAVORABLE ' no Particular reason whyshould wish to aell tihln level.phe aiock on the hi break InHaven gradually Into very itrotig

Cotton ve further reflection There was tni It thinay of the bullish which aprlns 'n the middle flftlea The atrangth

t,n gaining headway for t week of New Haven now la due to thla, ,t I. ted at a net if II to 24 of oivnerahlp aa much aa anything elaer.,:iit At times mere ' nn inr ii

"" " runaway nun murisei, mm

had it MX been for mormouf llrptUla-- l

KM b btiytfl f 'he Inst two or three,l,.yj the advance would have proceededMich further.

The technical position of the marketHtml to favor a further ImprovementProfit taking has been on huge scale,nd opinion la on the side of n further

I'onseiiuently moderate reuc,,,, are likely to be srlted as opportunity I ' n'lirura








earnlnsrsnow make

wandevelopmentthe eacrlherl.

company tlit


paaaedyeater- -

aentlmentthe change




Oitporatlon'spuhllahed to-d- a

winof earning

theemmatlng earnings

beingchirged depreciation

weather traTJty favorable pUn , ,.Hnil,v Hou,hlv ,the entire belt an.l the ast ,,, ,r vear

Bolntl to a continual am o, m n ........ .ay the I'nlted Utate, steel flx. chargest urn-- . Numerous , ..tnpl.iliite. nowevet. ,h. on preferred stock andr, pouring in from all or the fP ohl,r,, for deprecation

l prodlCtlOna Of a crop fro,n Ho.ooo.Oon II j.iMiil.duO.,00( bale are circulated larger ma be a little under

At a matter fact no one has a tn(, fl,l0 be recommended hv theIdea a 10 the slae of crop owing I committee thla In

radical reduction In acreage, the rli sit and currentiharactrr of the land out. the year the company failed earn its

l" of fertilizers ami dividend In full, netitnpalrtnri ' In their being about $ l.ooo.ixio

V M) ale the and nie the tL'T.iiic.OUO. respectively. In the thirdtrade are Impressed bullish or current IttartOf ending Heptembet 10

naaa of h wllustl.in a very different tory will tie told There.aim analysis necefsarlly u every reason believe that the earn- -

out value. The chlff thing con- - logs the for any quar-- .

,d now Is that the ' ter In the hlstorv the company.bgillth and that no unwieldy huld'.ngf reach I45.do0.ntin sum of the

controls menace an advance. .net earnings for three-quarte- of theI0M of Southern iot market! i! year will be approximately the

st s-- nnd sale! aie liberal. Texts , tne charge! of the whole yeur aheada report Indications a big ihort f the stock will leaveInterest "pot cotton Heptenibrr p other word!, entire ml earning!shipment ,

' the last the year for theTradi advices are optimistic. on- - , common stocK. anti as tnere no s;an

., rtpoitt further advjncve in Df anv letup corporationarne. with Southern aplnners for eighteen or

holding very also rome the result might easllv b- - 10 per-ar- o

reported although trading e,.nt. or more on the stock for the yearor.'v moderate. in spue or tne lor t'ie nrst six

Futures closed tlrm. months. At present theOin Hlh Low- Clof Prer sto'k appears to earning at the

itif eft est inf close rll, or ovor ;o per annum(Vtnher a M 2 J5 IfS IS J52t! It require a vivid

; ; n.fl 5, S agination s.e that net result bet-

Usee? mis II e 1" 1 11 oifSl t Ti ter year.'II e 11 a 11 ST

; cotton at New York was quiet.J(i points advam-e- . Middling. MOe.

,,uthern mfiketf were unchanged.poiim .ilgher. with New

l.ltc, t!a'.vston 9.90c. SavannahI'.c MOc., Augusta .I5c.and MompaUi 9 3c.

Th. New Orleans

II 10

ft id) I'r C4H1 wereOpen Hit h Low- - Clos-- Prer.ln. eft eft lug m;.

fjetoher TH In In 7 It) nfii la 1" M(I KBecTmbrr in n 10 47 10 17 M ttfltn.ts M m i

Jin lary IDM 1(1 1.J1 10 01 In 1.'. 3'.

The Liverpool market opened eteady.There was a good buflness In spot cot-tp-

with middling I advancei :.. Sales. l.'i.ooO b.nles

PrKsM t UI!rpOi '.osed trtrj steady.Open Huh Iiw- - Clot Prerin est eit. int. eloee.

et Not I si b Kl 5 " '--'

jai. rb s.f cm is vh Jt,Mar Apr M 10 t 06 Wa !1P

i:icv.n A M bidf to Liverpool were:October. lti.tiSe. . Januaty. 1".H I'll, 10 due niake a

it nature oftv pen . to higher.ReooipU nd stocks were

gth etonNf w leansSuvatinahChariestonNorfolkWilmingtonMobile

ileilcr stocks receipts

HnntonMtnipiusAd.' astaIt l.oUlt

Heell'tsI 4UI.M!.'









l were





17 311

Einmalnl portre. eipls

dsbeston t.'ts) TJMKe Orleans .. 1.910 10 LW

vprts yesterday.










market present








season, bales.ft It 16.171 bales last year.








thus far this

Good 11 u (Inters at HHttbllriI nder laki'il Prices,

T .e volume of bu. .nes coffeefut.'e- - was small yoatOrday

ii but theie appaarod to goodI" 1 order! slightly under asked1

te Tile advance In Rio exchange onLondon more or leis Influence onIBs Lrsdarf The strength In the Bra-- :

cables also had a goodRto t vi quoted at 41900, and Santos;

.'.$fiiiii. Stock Itlo sh(.wed an1cr of , bags as compared" .. I ptombor 8antos

21,000 bags Sao Paulopostt a total tt.OOO liags, and Jun-- i

t itallodRlO KxcJvange London was ad- -

Vf .'l to lT eg

High Low. Clot- - Prev.est eft. inf. cost.

IfSISI t il5 f 05 .05O'.t.er (.10Ktvftnoff .... .... i..) .. li t.ll t.llI.Str ..!. g.M

R. I 17 6 .94 I ,1prli 3

My , 47 I 43 I IJ 6.41JUtie ... ....Jul) 6.41


rn Sept. I, - Trailing againlhrnted in tuis market. Quaker Oata

niada a further gam ofpoints BS! r Roebuck and Chicago

xlao showed substantialInprtn Union Carl'de and Booth

' ee ofarrad were easier. Swift



II Am Pan ul



demand around 120.iUl( Ti.e summary ;

Oih-- High

sin si.inrcillil .! fnh ... 71

Tool nilK '. .117

' Ml I M

ii in samI) nil Wrl pf.., i

g- parbon I4MIta iSH

Qusker iiattVj.s-- r list.

. Hoebll.'k. ,lltil 't Warner

h listUnion Carbide itnU

BOMPII' ' ' n. Itvs 11 1014J Mel 41

' aerv :.t tIwill 5s K



IsltiI (
























rs-- !of


tlDt fti






est. eit ins.

pfIM Ch

i.ni "in

pf ill

i.isIt. IM

id. !"4ssti

I" la

iMoag, Nothingmarket

ivrie Meady. sum- -

lagI ol I4

i. II s Prea s.Tip S'Mi v Ti list li'ti ,.. r a p t

aVOnd Oil a ilt

( e


aV .. vjfc


it 14vv I.

lltl K,

all4 Kin Is -

" I' l 11

fe It .

X 10 1













f p












1IW14,ll"1 ,)tu?!







r. :




Low-estmin. i,













4s at









Bi18H4 S



0. of In-l-

In HieThe






''t10. ,so



l( V,100



Nr Better.New Haven was one of the atrortgeit

ftoek! on tha Hut. It n..l iharplymid .old within n of poInU of thehlh of tha year. Trading notheavy. Ttht New Haven haveheen eteadlly nndexcellent with those of ayear .ik Flut there really no new

to WMoh the movement Inatock could he The etovk

may he aald to be advanclna; on generalprinciples The haa turnedcoiner, Ita trouhlea are over and there

fold New

handi. heavy srItaa


Steel I a r ti it m.

Clark. Chllda A 4 aav of Hteeltonnage llgurea to be

: "It l fair to expectmat tney to renewed dlacua-elo- n

the current of the con-cern. In the current condition of

activity of plant the matterof ia reasonablysimple, the chief point of uncertainty

In regard to the amount that Isto be off

isf.ue, rP,lulr , Ma to

ddividend the

section tRnnftaround of to Thefreely amount

of clear tothe executive eir the

10 fecund quarter of thethrown to

hc use the ftrred theuuality. quartera andrank of

with thebllltlM preaent

(n,l wirn- - toto be may be greatest

Just temper of Ifthey the

ofThe amount

res of common ThisIn the

quarter ofis

,i, In the busl-rotto- n

neaa months more tofirmly. Print cloth!

strong, Ifiienctt

the time com- -

tnoii hep,r ,Pnt

aJ and does not veryto or

jaTTfJIf the comingJtv

spot11 10



















So IH I. No.,

Enthuflastlc reiiorts regarding thelarge and profitable business being doneby the I'iftlllers company have neenheard from time to time company

'during July and August wotklng atcapacity on war business at a lime whenunder normal conditions the plant If run j

at 11 loss. The tremendous lmproe-- I

ment In the company's financial stilushas also been dwelt upon. AM this hairaisesl stockholders' hope that theywould be allowed to participate In theearnings In fact Mini Official Intima-tions were received that a dividend was!likely at an early date. It Is now saiJ.however, that 110 divl lend will be de- -dared at the forthcoming meeting. Moteconaerval.ve members of the hoard areagainst such action until they see theirway clear to eetahiish the stock upon a

' regular annual dividend basis.lis no doubt of the company's ability to

the time.tln-r- e5c The - but would only lie the.














for the





"1 dividend " Declaration of this kindare nut popular and are generally bad)Hl!cy. The more conservative membersOf the bogfd bellOVf that the money canbo used to better advantage by redeem- -ing a portion of the 5 per cent. Itotidsnnd by Increasma workm caiotal It is

i.ili believed In well informed quarteie that!thlf opinion will prevail w hen the mnt- -




ter comes up for official discussion. Thebonds are now se'.l.ug around 16.


Tsto 4 opprr I ompanles llprnKlnanclal teucles There.

j The Braden Copper Company an.l theChile Copper Company, both of whichhave properties In Chile, have announcedthat tuey will establish financial agenciesIn that country it :s believed that these'agencies will do much to facilitate thedevelopment of dollar exchange !ri Chile.The agencies are to be situated In Val-paraiso, the commercial centre of Chile.;and will be under tne mitiagenieut ofII. Ft. Wugm ., resident director in thatcity.

Ieopold Frederick, trsafUrOf of both ofthe companies, said v.stcrday that anexcellent market for .hillar exchange hadbeen created In 01 lie In the past fewmonths. A large part of the business ofthe companies is now done in dollars

of in sterling drafts, as was the'customary form of settlement. Sevemlfactors have oontri'mted to this end,among them being lower discount iate.itIn New York than in London, the un-- 1

preeedented fall In sterling exchange andthe opening of aOOOimtl in the 1'nltedntglOg by (ierinan batiks tftabllshad In

' I hlle. which have been prevented by the,war from dealing through London

WAtRIWnTOM sent i - The itstemtnl ofre.eit.ts and .lishurtenients of the Treaaurythowti

Sej.l I This mo Fiscal yrReeelnts IS 'Ji '4 :.' ".' I"3 llll.14l.0TIDitbiirtementt I.K6.0ST ll.TM.M4 l5i.l&B.Su7

Surplus I Pit 'I7 ILStisii W.T14.1M

IlefliilTin recelpti from euitoail Seiiiemher

were 147,1 is!",: from lnteri.sl revenue nntinaryto IS'. corporation ttix. I47.t:. and mltet.

Isneous. ItU.ltlNftlonil bank note! re.eived for redemp-

tion. I70M79Tlie cath ittlenient of the ! tilled Statet

Tresturer for September t thnwt;tiENKRAL FI'ND

i;old i oln 046 r i u(iold eertlfleatea S7 ,is S

silver dollars 17. '.4 794- -

Silver oertflcatct T.T9S.SIJ1'nite.l Ststet notes t.ntt, 40

Certmed eheekf on hankf iti oioNational bank notes 3l.6sS.3l3Suhtidlarv tllver minor coin snd

iilver bullion SS.r.oi,oiit'aah I" Tresfury ITI.ttt.oHIn national banks M.1IS.1MAvslltble OXM m Treasury and

bsnkt I44.TI4 SM

Ileduel eiinetit linhilltief 1s:i on

Net balatue in renersl fund 51 ,71RK8ERVB FI ND

(iold coin and bullion Blt,W,0lTRUST rUND,

To redeem outltsll.Ulir (srllH. stet 1,74S 1M I6S

i.raud total cath sftelt 111 Tieusury l.lOO.m.TII

live Btofk Market.THl'HSDAV. Hepttintier I.

neiellitt ol l.eevet Wert it 7 4 lieail. sllror sialism". m

Tht feeling Wat rated ttt.olv.About S3 can of cattle etpected for Fri-day's market. Including the cattle helduvfl Wtdnrjday. I"rete.l iir .'..wat last quotttlnnt or at l:'4,14V,c for

"1 shell s native tidesHtitl'i . ctlvtt were 97 head, lu-- I

lulling' 47 for the market. Very llltltInunlsv for live ctivtt and the few alet,.,,,.. I uere St 1 0 41 1 S SO per 10i Ihlfor ordinary to prime veals (itlisr ealvstiiomlnai Orssssd cslvet ruled quiet at140 I1' '"r elty dressed vrtls and 14 IS

1. fur iiniiitry dressed.Ke elptt of sheep and Iambi were 11

beat Including 4", csrt for the marketPrbet were itesdy for both sheep andIstnliM. C'lllimfifl M gaol shssp sold at

( r.n per 100 lbs medium to primslambs at It 7", a v So. culls st If. IlfIt f0 Ilressed mutton tlnvv st llloper lb sliii hel'-- wethtrs etcttdlugqUOtationti rtrtffOd Ismtit In modorsttJt Miami tt 2 fj 15.

Ktctlptt nf host were l.Sir. head. In-

cluding it bon l hslf a ear for tht ttiatkttKesltng wesk and cnnqsrvwllvs quotationswere ! per 10! the for heavy lulull bog-- , roughs. 1 6 30 4, t 7.1.




si,, in .... rl.is InWheal Keellna- - 4 hanHeil.

Home of the large oeratira In thewheat trade took In their shorts yeater.day. There w us buying at Chicago cred-ited to the CMIfgl interests, whlithwas placed at close to 4.000,000 bush-els. It can be stated thatPatton haa :. " ti.'.i his learlsh vtewoas to the waa runted levels nf the listHe contend that Interior millers arehaving somv dlfticul'.y In fecuruig; theirsupplies ami that the winter wtieut cropestimate of hualiels, aa of-ficially given on waa a de-

cided He aays also thatthe aprliu; wheat movement will be caredfor rather easily for many weeks tocome.

There are virlous other authoritiesIn the trade who have coveredtheir shorts, and In instances haveadopted a position on the long side.

Wall Street traders are tohe numbered among these The asset-tlo- n

has been made tltat the winterwheat yield will not reachbushels, and that, due to Its Inferiorquality and Uw

of mills, the surplus of all wheats Inthe United Sta'.s at present Is not muchover bushels.

The undertone during ses-sion was quite strong. Somehouse longs, who Insisted thai the le-ctin QoVf mmfnt report warranted lowerlevels nt this time. quldated and therewas also lie.ir pressurewith the he lge selling under which lossesof one and two cents a bushel occurredThe decline were again heaviest at Win-n'.pe-

It If that Canadianfarmers aregrOSrtra Superior qUSntlSi of .Manitobawheat are about five cents under thebanis of American springs an neatlyIS cents under the price of bard wheatat the Gulf.

All of the markets closed firm, how-ever It was evident that millers were

much gupporl by urgenti)taking cash wheat and fututes againstlarge fluir transactions for domesticand foreign account. A big concernhere Is Ofsdltod w rh having sold aboutI ilo.nnn barrels of Hour very recentlyto tliee.e. s a result of this

of actual wheat, In thespot 10 in:eetnai, ....:. a vet y

a bushel I he in. iterate to heavy stance tine nt two salesshow. rs in several and spring made at 144 a f. o b

tallug effect on values.took about gOO.000 buahtlg

of wheal iticluding a fa.r.t moil tit of durum at DtllUth The useIII the foteign exchange market vasregarded by some export'ere A feature of the foreign news t.nthe emphasis given to the poor start ofthe Argentine crop.

Cam The support camefrom shorts. cons. deration ofthe report failed to alterthe view that the official show.ng wasabout as expected. There were furtherscattered rains in the bell and somewhatlower but no Indication offrost. 4'ountry selling wastaken ao that the list dosed firm A-ttention was attracts. to the heavy

from the fortho week balng estimated atbushels.

' lati Although tlieie wh.. no inipot-tan- lexport buying during the day the

market was ve-- steady. Most of thebuying was has. d on the assertion thatthe ( crop estimate wasnearly bushels utder

of the optimists Themet with country selling, which

was liberal In the aggregate, dftpltt theunsettled weather In the West.

Provisions Values were lowered, dueto In the near ivosltloiis andOn the gib OS IH1 Of support from the out-side trade Not much attention wasgiven to the higher hog list or to theteMirts of a betterment in the cash de-

nial d for meal- - and fats.Chicago prices

WheatI leoeoibei


CornSeptemberbl s.nib. rMay


lle.f llltferMsy

I'm K

ftepteniberOctober ...

l.xr.lSein mberO.- -l nhel

RibsHepteniberI., ...h.--








7ltle- -i



I 16I 17

7 IA

6. IS




Na York prices were :


S MI 07

7 tr.

Open llfhWheat: log eel






7 95





I 10





Itsvr fairly Steady Heflned WeakAll DF,

i'irnin,, fwife. . ...morning 56.000 bugs to Warner

i'o ami beileral ntigar iveumngCompany lit 4 4a. the nrternoon20,000 tons raw! were sold to Warner 4IV)., the company and theAmerlcuti Hugar Kcflulng Company at4 II,

Refined sugar market weak allday. Kedetal Sugar quoted 5 .'10 for

prompt shipment. Alllilts quoted 5 .'. Warner

an.l Arhuokle at .'.

Federal price ati 30 outa statement II t they would announcesomething at & o'clock. At this hour,however, that all action wouldlis deferred until the morning Thesugar futures market at the Coffee Bgechaiige opened quiet and closed apoints higher.

Prleee were :

1, tabor.Mnvembari emberJanuaryi i. bruary . .

MarchAprilMsy.......Juns. i. . .










High- - Low- riot- - Preveel lug

S 1,1 .1 Ml 1 .1 3 413 i, II 3 4& S

) II 3 33 S 33 l.lj3 20 3 it I 17 I 113.10 1.01 S ol I 07

I I 01S 01 3 63I 09 8 67

I II I 11 I II Ii it s it

i it




Down Town Branchof the




346 Broadway










pindigioua requirements




undisputedunderselling Amoiionn


absorp-tion premiums






Argentina, ihipmentl1,000,000

Joverninent's100,000,000 ex-










THE SUN, 1916.



Record shipment Producer!of Sf met urn I Shape!

Ma kin: Btfla

The flood tide of busincaa In fteella running strong and full. Productionwas never s0 great, shipments ure iec-or-

breaking, an I ordeis ate In excessof caparlty. Some of th- - oversoldmills In both eastern and western a

are unsuccessfully trying toborrow, beg or billets from theirneighbors.

The one new and flfnlflcahl featureis that structure! s.iape 'n iis are i.r -

' duclug round bars In an effort to re- -' Ueve somew hat the tremeniKiut pressure

from manufacturers of war imminentKroin the standpoint of profit this is a

j natural development, aa bars and shapesI for structural purposes will not bringover lL. cents a n.iimil while Mhel:bars command 3 cents a pound or

This Indcat.s that ordinarystructural work rest for a while

fabricator! must meet the manufac-turers for projtctlles in competition forplain steel. In this connection lafound an explanation for the sudden

land sharp falling off fabricated'steel ordorg IB the last week. markedj to the record breaking ealreof the last tixty days.

The Insistent demand for steel forthe manufacture of war munitions was

.reward..! yesterday by the tecutiiig otabout M(0M tons more of blooms sndbillets and some few burs from RaatOrtlmills. A few shipments will be madetills ear on these contracts, but de-

licti ies are mainly reserved for the nrstf. w months of next year. In In-- 1

forging blo ms .tie sell.ng high, tmaiKei ruse one

cetitaunusual tircum- -

f blooms werewinter ton null These

tore of 4,000, 000 mora explosive shellsIIt! money value .f which, when loaded,la between Iff,000,000 an I ITS, 000, 000Bach 1,000,000 shells requires about000 tons sleel

the central West agriculturalmanufacturers, railioad ahopa

and pump manufacturers have takenorders for a.f.0ti,(ioo high explosiveshells and Inquiries are In the market for

,000 tons ,,r billets snd barsrequired The HVdraMlllC PressedCompany Is in tht market for 11,000tons of round bais, half of whichIs COVtr another prospective contractfor 1,600,000 ihraptisl shells; thatIs. In a Mltlon to the contrail previously

f the largest companiesare much ronosmed over the prospectfor the future supply of ferromajigaiiesa

"the magic powder converts IronInto steel," so to speak. Although therewus a large increase In the output of

.domestic fcrrnmangatiese last month tntol al production sli nrei or Januai ywaa only about 1,000 tons sreater thanit waa during the corresponding periodlast while this year's needs aremuch greater Pomestlc ore productionis reiaiiv.lv of small Importance.

In normal times this country la de-pendent almost entirely upon shipmentsof ffrromatiganeaa from Qormuiy ami(.at nritain thf ore comes mainlyf i lt.issla, bul there is also a fair

Prev supply from India that Is availableTh'0 " Of COUraa we have obtained

2 an Inadequate supply from Qreal( Britain. The HethiHiem steel Company




of ail.-.,- mi s DonnSCUUn IllToad la fil- -vorsDiy lltuatea, and recently receivedtwo ciiigoes of 1,000 to 6. noo tons ea. tiThe United States Steel Corporation ismanufacturing ferromangansM fromBrailllan urea as grail n.s from the do- -niestic produ i. Tim Pannsvlvanla

H ' 'ompany









i. .citing ores obtaltosl fromCuba and from Kruxll and also a smalloutput from Virginia. The Hriiilllanand Virginian ores are controlled byBritish Interests anil the contract forthese ores expires In April Ite.entlvthe British Interests have tried withoutsuccess to back their contract fortha ores previously sold at a premium,but when the oontraot expires it is ex- -

I ted that most of this ore will go toItireat Hritnln Small sales of Britishfsrromxngxnese been made re

Icantly al to ino t n n hiu.mora, subject to the possibility nfirom me.,!,, faisiv I mmm omer sin.., which may

ms ruv eu. . ' niean little or no manganese for theSte.lilV-the




they said























ahln- -

purchaser Some of the domestic steelcompanies are asking as high as 10or even higher for fet nunaiiganese de-rived from foreign ores Temporarilythan will be an ample supply, but theprobability Is that prices will furtherad van 00 aa the eupply prove! Inade-quate. ft

The Baldwin Locomotive Companywill build twenly-flv- e compound ocC4SIO

lives for the aragoza and AlicanteCompany nf Hpaln The Chi

li ago and North western Railroad Com-pany has virtually closed contracts forthlrt)T"fOUr locomotives The Illinois

central Is In the market for nftvI Mikado locomotives The Norfolk and

fOwjWaglani Is Inquiring for prices forllwenty-rtv- e eng'ms The Illlnnla Central la expected to order 4 000 freightcare. The Chicago ami Northwestern isreported to have closed for 300 auto-mobile cars and la preparing to order1,000 freight earn. Tha Bangor andAroostook is said lo have ordered 100and the Cuba Company 300 freight care.The Huffalo, Rochester and Pittsburghas contracted for steel underfiamea with th Pressed Rtssl Par

Reorganization of International Steam Pump Company

Henry R. WorthingtonAND

Nolly Manufacturing Company.

TO HOLDERg OPFirtt Litn Twtnly-Yft- r Pivt Ptr Cent. Sinking Fund Gold Bond!.Prtltrrtd Stock end Common Slock ol Inicrnttionil Sunn Pump Compiny,Prtlerrcd Stock of Mtnry R. Worthington,at tndPint Mortftit Pivt Per Cent. Bondt of Holly Manuitcturing Company:

Notice it heteby given tint tbe I'ltn and Agreement lor the Reorganization olInttinstiontl Steim Pump tiimptny linrliulitig Henry K. Worlliinglon and HollyMrnultcluring Coinpniv), dtled Aiignm 5, (I5, wliicll hat been speruved sndsdopied by the llondholdett' I'rotective CommlltSf, of which (,'hftlei II Sfbin it.htiimnn. by the Stockholder!' Prolectirt i otntnitttw, of which Lewit L. Cltrke

C t htlrmtn, by the Protective t oiiutiittre rtpretenting I'referred Sloek ol HenryK. Worthiitglon. ol wlnrh Kobett II WoOOWfrd f. I hairnien, snd by the

tonimiltee tepreienting Fief I Muiigage Kie Per lent. Bondt ol HollyManultctaring tompmy, ol which ti Rtrmsnn Klnnlcoti it Chairman, htt beenfpproved tnd idopted by the andtrfigaed, wi,,, have been coiiltOuted a Joint

CammlttM Iheieun.lei. I oiues thereof hive been lodged withL'ompiny pi New Vmk, the llepotittty under the Pltn.

Ilolden o( Fiitl Litn Twenty-Yet- r Five Ptr Cent. Sinking Fund Oold Bondtel Inttrnttiontl Sitsm Pump Comptny, wlm hive nol altenly depottted theirbondt with tnd Uondholdert' rtutectivr ( emmlllet and who deiirf to otrticipiteIn tsid l'ltn tnd Agtcenient ol Reotgtinilinn tnd tj hecume entitled lo ittbenenii. mutt deposit their bond on or btlorf September IJ, 1IS, In negotisblefotm (tnd, il coupon bondt, betrlng the iteptember I, 1914, tnd ill titbleqitentcoupons with tlie Depotnary ol .aid Proie, me . Minnttee. Outrintir Trutt Com-ptny ol New York, No. 140 TUoadwav, New York City, or st itt oflice in London,or with one ol its follow ins aatntti St. Louis I'nfon Trutt Comptny, ol 111

Lotus, Mo., I nmmnnwetlth Trim ( nmptnv, ol Hut mi. Matt , Attocittie ( ta, olAmfterdam, Holland, or Ahtientefellfchtli Leu , Co., oi turleh, Awttnrland.

Holdert ol Prelerrtd or Common Slock ot Inttrnttiontl Steam Pump Com-ptny, who hive nol alretdy deposited ttlftl stock will, taid Slockholdei t' Pro-tective Committee tnd alio desire to partlclnstf In said Pltn and Agreement nfRenrganirttion tnd to become cntilleil lo n. benefitf, must deposit theit certifi-cates M slock In nesntithle form on 01 before September IJ, 1115. with ColumbitTrutt Comptny, isi Broadway, New York I ity, the Depotilny ol taid Stockholder!'Protective f oinmi'tee.

Holdtrs of Prtltrrtd Slock ol Henry R, Worthington whn have not llreldydeposited their ttork with the shove Protect! vl i ommTttef repienting slid

Stock, tnd who detite to participate in laid Plan nnd Agreement ol Reorgtnlrttion tnd In become entitled In itt benefit-- , m"t de...itt their certificttet otttoi-- in negotuhle Inrnt on ot before Septembei IJ, 1911, with Frtnklin TruttComptny. the llcpotittry of tsid Protective Committee, tl itt office tt 46 WillStreet. New York l Ity, nr it M Montague Street ol 160 Knltnn Stteet, Brooklyn.

Holder! of Firtt Mortgigc Five Per Cent. Bondt of Holly MtniiftcluringComptny, who iletre to participate In laid I'Un and Agreement of Rem giniiltion

nd to become entitled to it! Isjnefiti. mutl dfpoilt their bondt on Of helore Sep-tember IJ, I'HS, In negotuhle form and lo-.- hf Julv I, I'd, tnd til lubte-quen- t

coupons, with Btnktrt Trut Comptnv, It Wall Street, New York City, o'Commonwetlth Trutl Compiny ( B.(Til. N. Y . the depotittriet ol liie ibovtProtective Committee reprefentlns and I. u

For til hondt tnd share- - of stock .let. ..sited In iccordance with thit notice,trtniferahie certificttet of de; out will be iss.n-- h. or on behtlf ol the proper He-paotiary

Holder! ol tiid bonds ol International Stele, Pump f'ompitiv led ol HollyMinuftcturing (ompany and of ,,. ttock .,( lnternatinn.d Steim Pump Com-ptny tnd of Henry R. Woitlnngton wh., haef nol ulietilv deposited the tamewith the Piotective Committee ilnoe mentioned formed lo receive surli tecuritie!.tnd who do not deposit the time as permitted by tins notice, thill have no rightto participtte under the I'ltn md Agieenient ..( Reorgiiiirllion. Depoiitl will hereceived titer September IJ, I95, on.v oc lucll trim! tnd condition! as iliall beimpoied hv the .le nt Reorganization Committee.


Joint Reorgtni'iiion CommitteeCtAVV"1 ft HFMnr.RSON, CounMl Inr CommitteeARTIIl'K I HATCH I n.

Secrettrr, I to Brotlw.iy, New Y'ork.

The undersigned I otmr.ittee.Aufatt lit. 1'14, of

otislitLited idei the Aereemeeutlie piuieitiun ol the First Lien Twenty-Yet- r Five Per Cent.

Sinking Fund Gold Bondt ol lntrrnationtl Steam Pump Compiny, list approved andtJupted the Pltn ami Agreement of Rc rgtn istioti mentioufo in i lie (orcgumgnotice, tnd htt tiled a espy ihcreol with tiuaranil Trust I omptny ol New iotk,its I'r, ..ia . llol.lei! ot' Cfrtificatei ol depoail of said llepositary for hondt oftnd issue drpolilcd under the abuie llep.,;. Agreement thill tontlativviy bedeemed to bar! assented lo the Mid Plan ami igreement ol Reorganization unlett,on ot lielure Sepiembet 1... lOlS, lliey fhsll witliTriw the bunds rcptcacuted therebyIroin tlie above liepotit Agrtomtat in a,, ..lance with the proviiioti! ihereol, byiiittendertng to the Dipoaitary their eertlncatefl ul depotit in negoliible lutm mdby paying to the Depositary therev.ilh tile nm ol .1 per ll.l'UU depotited bond,winch fata hit been hied by the Committee it i lair contribution tuwatds ittcomposition and expentet.


Committee.CKAVATH & HKMiKRsuN. i oumel for Committee.ARTHUR 11 HATt III K. e,rettt., 14 Broadway, New YorkGt A BANT V TRl sT COMPANY 01 NEW VUBK, 14U llioadwiy. New York,

Uepositli y.

1 he undertigned ( ommitlee conftituted under the Depotit AgreementSeptember 15. lyu, for the protectlee ci tlie Preferred ind Common Stock ol

Stettn Pump Compiny has approved flstl adopted the Plan toil Ag.ee- -

metit of Ueurgtntritioii mentioned Ul the toregi.tng notice, and has dotsafitad asigned original tlieteot with Cotuatbia us: Company, itt Dtwsitft y llol.lnt olcenihvale ot deposit ot tsid LstpOfilirv loi itocll .leps-ISs- I uta.er t .e abose 'epotii Agreement shall be roncluwvely held to i.a.e ,,tssstr.; te md ratified aidI'ltn tnd Agreemgnt U Siett or io September If, I VI 5. they thill hie withtlid Drposilaf) wiittet uoti.e ol tneir dissent tnd of their wiC.dttwal irom laidPlan and Agreement mil lhall wuhdrtw tne certificates of ttn.k tepiesented trytheir respective iertillc!tet ot deposit in tcvor lai.cr with the proetoiont of ArticleFourth of itid in Agreettient, by turrendering m sai l nepstailary their

ol det.osi! iii negoliable fo.ni, ami iiv paying to said Depostttry therewiththe turn ol hlty (car cents 54c. upon ea.li ol piefetted stock, tnd twenty-iee-

cents f Jc upon enh sliate of mon stock to withdiasn, which saidlumt hive been fixed by the I otnmlttM .,s tha pi ra.a hj.e of tlie ohligttiont.captntet snd compensation oi the (. otunuttee a- - audited b said Depositiry.


CommitteeCl ORi'.r E WARREN, Seere't'v ol Committee, 60 Broidwsy. New Yoik City.C"I.I Mill 1 Rl -- T COMPANY, epotitai 60 Broadway, New Yoik City.ALEXANUUK & CRliBN, Countel, 1 JO Broidwty, New Yoik Ctiy.

The undersigned t on free ronftituted lindei thf Deposit Agreement dttedOctober II, 1014. lot Hie protei f the Preferred Stock of Henrv R Worthing-ton has ipproied and fdopied the Pltn tnd Agreement ol Reorganiittion mentionedn the loregoing notice ano hat depotited 'he tame siih Franklin Trutl Comptny, inDcpotit.ii. Holders of certificates ol deposit of tnd Depositary for snd PreferredStock deposited under the those Dep. nit gternn r t lha'1 cnrlusivelv be deemedto h.ve sssented la the md Pi!! and Agrafmgnt, unless on ol Isetore September IJ.1015, the shell file with tfld flepotitary notice of their diiffnl therelromnd oi their df!ire In wlth btw from fhe above Dtpotll IgrttmOnt. I'poa filing

of tu. h notice thev mav withdraw Ihf st.., k tr,- Cie i certificate! otdeposit Irom laid Deposit Agreement in tcCordtnCf with the provisions thereof,by surrendering lo said DepoMtatv t'leu certificglef ot deposit in neg, ruble fotmin. I by paying lo as i Depotltl I Iherewiih fhe sum nl l C1 lor everv depotitedthere 'ol ttork. whn It urn has been de'e ned by the Committee is the pro rtlathtre. ptvthle by encli depotitoi. ol the ohllgftiopf, expenses tnd compentttionof the Comirtttee. Atte!!n.ens ilietdy r.sid n the call of the Committee willbe credited on thit tniount. Depositors who as.r-i- t to the Plan, tnd who hivepaid their lltetlmtntl tltetdv ct'led loi by 'he Committee, will be refunded theimount of their issessnienti at the lime whfO they teceive their new tecurilietismed undei the Pltn.

Dlted, New York, Anient 14. ItPOHFRT B WOODWARD. Chtirmin.TON ATI I A N "t'LKLEY.Percy iacksoiwilliam a perry.a1.ix w stanley,hose a webster.

Committee.CT1R TNI! niUMINC.lt M. V" Msi'en line Neve Yo--

FRANKLIN TR' st COMPANY, Depoeltfry, 4 Wall Street. New York.left Monttg ie Sireet. Brookbn. 566 Fulton treet. Brooklyn

The Wabash PittsburghTerminal Railway Company

The Reorganisation Committee gnno '

that spproxlmsie.v '. .nc ."M ..f Pondshsvt paid the first liiatalin.-n- nf theamounts payable under Hit Plan andAgreement dated Jlini II, till. To meetthe convenience of holder! of tht bond6 orrertlfh'stet of dOgsall representing Ihttaint, many of which are htid lu Europe,

snd In rtiponte to a number ..f raqufftf,tht (Nvninilttet haa ettended the tlms forpaymtnl of thi flm amount! payablian. ter tne Pltn gad Agreement. Withoutpenally, until tht el Off of huilnesa on

i i'ii Miti it ts, una. Paymanti ihouldlit made to Ctntral Trust Catltpany of NfW

York, st In omre. 64 Wall Htrest. New

York ally, and ofrtlflaatet of dtpotll ihouldbe preeenied for proper notation at thtdine of making paymtnta Tht Committeetttrvtt tht right without further notice

to eirry through iht 1'lan or any amendmint Ibtrtof tolely for the benent of theholders of rerlincattl of degOfll rtpretent-ing bonda In raspaot of which the nm

ihall b been pal l prior to thedsie kforfsald,

Dated, New York, gepttmber I, till.J. Bi VI'AI.I.ICE. Chairman;liOKlKiN A Hill ITT.HAHRY BBONNRB,JAMES C. CHAPLIN,HALEY I Mil.I l.tltKM e. Is HARPER.WILLIAM R. BIOHOUHJNiHll II Villi Nl'TKtl.MKIUN II. WH.iri.KH,ANA tt. WIMi.

Reorganltalloa Ciimmlttee.


Wst (i lOMI'A.NV.A no itul.ltnd tt iwo and one- -

halt Per Cent, has liean dsclsrttdon the stock nf ANHs'O COM PA NT, piy-abl- t

OcKsher lit. 111:., to Mtockhnldel s ofrsoord. Mepteinbsr l.MJt, 111! Tht trant-fs- r

hrvoki will be oloted al tht cifllcs of tht("onipsaiy, tl Broirtwsy. Nsw Yark t'll)st three o aim's P M, Heptembtr l.'.lhirit, ana win bttill. A

fpi.pet.ed (Ictrtbel iflaA V f I'TK -

let'Otit dlted



hi iaA

11VIN l ITY KAI'lll IRANwIT COMPANY.Tht Hoard of lure. tort l.avt dtcisre.l a

regular .luarttrlv dltfiuend of out sndthreefourthl per rtnt B cv, i upon thePrefen. I snd one snd onn lia.f per rent

'., upon the Common Capital Htra k ofthis t'oinpanv. paabls Ootobar in. Ills, tolockhi.lile re of record at the dost of bual

neaa geptsmber itll.Dividend rhtckf Will be mailed by The

sSrmtrs' IjOsh and Trust reinpany, Tramter .tget.ti. soa. William street. NstrV..tk City, tsi ttockholdert who htvt rtledmstllni orders

A M ROBBRTgON,New York. Heptembtr Srd, IllsAMERICAN CAN COMPANY.A qurtrly (Hvtdtlltt nf ont an thn-

I'iH''- - pir CM I liRan tit--n lf( l.i i ftl Upontnt Priiirrid sltook M Utlf Compsiiiir, ptfthlii OotoMr .it. to BtorklisMdari otriMi.nl ul t he elOtfl f tniln-s- ' t

lthi 1 til S TrMiifr Booki ronttitnopen i'h''ik Tmitifti.

It. II. Imiiioii, Sr. reiary A Treamirer.

mkku A BANK NOTR rOP.NV,A nf Ollfl oni hiilf prr fu

an i'h PrfrMd Vtook for Iht qiMrtfml nk .) nil. U.ib bn li

i In riil pftyttibll (WtOMf t. ltKi. tolinl'lafm tf t th OlOflf of ih.ihMs. Itim1i.r Uih. 191 Tht Ptooti trunaf-- T

h H III nM li i liiBrtlh DAN FORTH crtrr,

N V 'lk, Rth. ltl


NM1 11IIIK I'KINNir (IIMI ANY,'iti ttriHsduay.

Nes York. Auaust 2t. lttidfttlari

.In lend of II mi per share hat been.1 mi the capital e't.Hk sf tin CJuin.... ..!.' kl.ee I .. ,11 ,.. s.

halderf t( rsosrd tl 'he clost of butlnemsntembef s'. mil.

All eommnnlcs.tlonfl s pairnentor chfangf of ,,, litreaa should fit sent to tlieullderalsnea not Ister than October 4. 1111'

IKOItUB I'llKfErtltU'. Heerstary.

Mil I'll POBTO Klt'll NK1.IH KIMMNV.Alllust II. itlii

Tlie ri .ard of tilre- - tont hsvt thit day dt-- r

tared uuarterly dlvldendl of ejj on Pre-ferred itoei end Its n CORMMOn Htts-k-

also all eatrw dl.lrtenfl of IfL on foinmonstock, sll payable (sotoher 1. till, to stock-holders of reas.rd September II. I a I a

P. A. Illl.l.INiillAM. Hsk-'t- .

Mil, MA OOPPBB OMPANY.A qilartetly dividend of fifty oentt ptr

share iias been declared on the stock ,fthli CVmpsny. payable September iflth.tiiir,. lo ttochbishleri of rtcard st the rlose,.r bustnetH on ftepttsmbssr 14th, till.

tl KN it Y K UOUiiB. TreasursrHepl Jlh, mil



FIRST NATIONAL BANK,!t New York. In the state of Now York. I

REBOtTRCKg.lawns snd dts--

niunta ajS.AOl. 406.70Acceptance! o f

other bank! dis-counted 3.S.0S .020 10

Total loans gSS.0.18.334.80tl. g. bonds de-

posited to securecirculation 'parvalue) Ul.077.000 00

V. n. bondspledged Ul se-cure if, a,, de-posits (parvalue 1.000.00

V. a. Isinda ownedand unpledged 40.420 00

Total V, ft. tsnndeSecurities other

than C S bonds(not Includingtlockti ownedunpledged g.M .316.610.24

Total bonds, securities, etc

loHock rifEederalReserveBank tl..100.000

Lewsamountunpaid 710 000

All other alnckt.Including pre-mium on tame

of banktns house


Ig.gOO On

Net amount due from EederalReserve Hank

Net stnotint due from banks sndbankers

Kichansea for cleafin! hiniseother ehecka on tisnks In the

same city or town as reportingbank

Outside checkssnd otherrath Items gftS MS 7ft

Fractional cur-rency, nlrkelt.sod cents 1.117 40

Notes of other national hank!Lawful money reserve In bsnk

Totsl coin snd certificate!Legal-tende- note!

Redemption fundwith C S Trest-urer not morethan I per cent,on clrculatlonl t213 810 00

Due from C. R.Treasure . 73. !i 7 74

Customers' liability under let-ters of Credit




tl2.007..160 47 Totsl



HtsteofNewYork.tountyofNewYork.fi:I r I. President the soove-nsm- ed do swear thst

ttsteinent Is tme my knowledge ind F Pretldent.nubscrlhisd snd sworn to ms Oth day Peptembee g4

t'orract Attest: Al lo tA. C. .A IIEI'IU'HN. i NewH M. ,

The Second National BankTHE NEW YORK

Fifth Ave. and 28th Street

Loan. Discounts



United statts Bonds aiother Securltict to

Circulationml ..I States Deposit!

Customers' Liability un-

der Letters of CreditBanking HouseDue from Bankt . ...

Hedeniptlon FundDue l ulled. States

Treasurer ........ ... .

Reserve In Federal Re-

serve BankCash It F.tchanges for

Clearing House

llsuutil.enrirJ. il ran


10.303 468.21





t nmi o1 (HI



04.7111 1003 00

M,9M,S0g "O(S3

87.740.000 00

Totsl I









John W. AilkenA.

H. Blanrhard DominirkA. Munscy

Edward H. HeaaleeDviight S. Kit hard son

llanlellludnisii Ciritesra

KllodetFrederick nnyder







forCirculation 667,1407Deposl's I3.77S.2U.ytutad mis.ooo.oo





Oanlel Davin


RT I.N Ts.



00 AO



, i is R li, itt in hi litei.e., It

I. i Jr.klus




JR .

iHi ll I Wll


llffb I

Pa. 1. 11"

ir, ' M wll,put loi the frund

die ten. at a pncI,,,, p. par Slid Healed

to ae!l Imtasla In thtindi of a

New o


.IN 11



Kill. 11 IV CO.the

the Norfolk and Westernwill held at the Oltlot

the in the city viron the 14th day Oc-

tober, n A M (olure lo e'e. t tudltort

tlie boo and the tomi.aliy for the fiscal year, to tht

report f 'r the ysarand

al- action the tetIn t in thtof the and to

us may befort themeet Ins

Theat i i' Bo w

ai 10 oA M co-s- lili

tht It ...E It


thla will DIM15. .M. by th-u-

e. i.l if ftr imrpi-i- i thUliltal B to lie.t jo A M on mi

U h i

Hot'Uk wl!l i" m OciohurA M



lbs 2. It'lletoek

In. fmo no00

capital and



ran for


lasts currentpenans.and ftlS.OO! 33

smount onsnd In


213.100 00

Due to hanks snd hankersunpaid

ro 23of

due Inless 30

I8ft.33 03Certified check! 1 ..'10.1.723 73


t'nlledotiis i iOho

days, or tubject to ormore notice)

IJ. S. bond! borrowe.1 without

for tsmeletters of credit








4. 81.3. OOO (Kl

it100 00

nil .088. 03 li

12.1. 000 00

:i2.r. ooo no

tl2 B1'7

HINE of theto the best of t, MINE.

before this ofJOHN II

JAM Eg, Notary I'lil.llcounty.






rami! j.jo.s, ..t"(i

785.000Htatas Bond Aoc'i

Other fO,AO0

34.2."sJ (SJ







v KUiVr'.ts, of llosrdWU me II. tigirirn

M.oti- - bitliier Joseph Hainr.Jobo l.rlhbel llaiidolplil.eorae Ksdden Morris It. fUn

H. Iteeses, Jr. tilbiir 1. MotionNni. H. Frailer. Win. Jaj I inner

as of 2, 1915

Loans and

under LettersCredit

Due from Banksfor Clear-

ing HouseCash and Reserve.




Treasurer.Pittsburgh. September

Fir!' Hortgagt Ilon.1t of thla Companyltl.tt.M btan iimri'icbased glnklng Ootonir

Itll, from lowest hidesieel Interest

must beM.esrs IVInslnwr. Lanier cxn-isanv-

York City, before three clockI' Thuradai. gepleinhtr 10, Ilia



NIIHF41I.H WKSTKKNThe Annual Meetlna of lr., kboldsrt

of Unas) Offtt'pane he principal of

Company of Roanok,Kinla Thursdsy, ul

litis, at 10 dock elect,in, Indspendetit to

audit 111 sciuuitta ofconsider

of the tMrootorien. ter! June K'th. lit.',. 10 ratify approve of llirertors forth

tuck annual repo: tnd nilsuteCompany, linisfma.t audi olhei

busltiesa properly 00 nilStis-- Transfer Hooka bt el.iaesl

o'clock eiinessday. September:nth. Itll, tad raopsiiesl cios--

litis 1Mb.By order ol ol Dlreotors

Al.DEN. tseoretary.

llnr.lrn ..ntlrn-r- .l Milk niaUijANXVAli MKKTINvi

of Comptny OH M'pt....i'rtlih. t ll:t ontr of

PlrtoUirB, th nfOf HtOrkhulJiTM t.f

lft Orioir 20th,Kxi'hiiniro PI riiy. N

flat.l.'U t 10:00

SHOVR Trtmaurer


close ol business SeptemberLIABILITIES.

Capital paid

Rurplut fund lo.tssj.ooo

Total surplusUndivided





Interest,tales paid


Circulating notes g.0TT"M.MLews

hindTreasury re-demption intransit


do--straits subject

cherk 800.322.84:1Certificates





Total depositsTime deposlti ipsyahle after 80

.'in dstt

nirnlihlng rollats-ra- l security


bsnk. solemnlybelief

II. Directors. lorkEAHNE8TOCK.


Capital 11,000,000 ("jlti(lii(cd

Besirve 2l.44lw.ii7

2n.27H.03 Ul




DIRECTORSPercy RockefellerWilliam SimoiiMin

SinclairIxiuia M. StnrrJames Slillm.mI'erry S. Straus





The Girard National BankPHILADELPHIA




Statement Sept.RESOURCES

Invett-imnt- i


Customers' Liability








and Net






Letters Credit Is-

sued Customers








$60,675,552.04I'll till KM M ggRTON, I ashler.A. W. I'll KFIIKII. Assistant 4 ashler., hi ii r. tun v r,

Isslstanl I usliler



Odd lot trader apprenate the im-

mediate reports by broktrt on theConsolidated Elchange. At thit nthe original odd lot matket. the"board lot" being 10 sliarri. thereis no deity. A limited number ol

teats it ji.000. A gnat opportu-

nity for odd lot commission houiei.The requneiiients tre unexceptionalrelerences as lo businrss standingand character and reasonable , pi I si

SECRETARY 36 BavrfttrtTo till' Hold, Ilf

A MKKICAN WKlTIXti I VI KK COMPANYI M in t Kita: hlllklllK I illitl I olil Itondi.

Tiuirr Tiie- Mnkini i uti i provUlont ol .mlnlt'ttiure tiMtoil July Ii UW. btlWMn ili.i f ooiupstny h u : h. Old Polony Tru"tt' tinpanv. Trunti'. th1 unitorvttfn I Ivr-'U-

t1vm tiuit- tiiMt it h.w th? turn "f in ,174rar invtMtmnt in th i.tm mortiMf hotliUriiifAil tht tuti.inr Oflori ilf Dontll rt.4ior.l' Tin.l4r ol" Ainrrti .i Wrltlngr P4p0l

Bi'ii 14 ' wit) roclvo4 Itv th Ol.lColony Trt.git Contponyi Truiti It courtM rf ft. Botlon MsstMOOhtMOltl until noonif Tutiiy. .fptfmhiT I. 111'.. at wl.U--Kii.m thy will pnt rlfht larmrvf'ti tn rcjffi guy an. I h!1 offfrti

on ocropltt l"rula will t'faaa l

hnpiMtllbMi 1". iillOIsP CUI.ON Y 1 Itrs r COM PANT. Trtnataa.

H- J H Wktfltl4, Wf PreMttWru.BrtaJltOll, M.tSg.l 'hUOtltOl

tapit mb r i. uu.

U A 1 Klk

W A NTKD Playa mn4 8onarki oultahlofor r ami m inf MotUfM tnd bmall or . . i , to H H UlCHTliJ, PUyBruttar. 101 W. t.