official inquiry he left paducah while r seb psi us...

F THE I h vor xvi NO 203 PADUOAH ICY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 24 1904 10 PER WEEK t RUSSIANS HOPEFUL THEY CAN HOLD OUT Japanese Losing Thousands I I- ns I Ineffectual Assaults OhrUtenlng of Heir at St Peters burg a Qrlllllaut Ceremony Today i OF TilE SIEGE HKEMB NEAR i iEND fw6n Advice lndh I rile that Port Arthur hs all but lall rn The Infornmtloii le l accepted how 4 rvrr a a continuation of previous re port that the llu Ins have l liotn drir rn from llislun endl thai the Japan r are vrry rlow tolbe southern forte and to the eastern defenses Tim lust Japanese under the leader Lipof their tnnaulare subscribing marry and rriarlng to celebrate the eapeclcd full uf the forlres TIlt Chinese win arrived loday fur tier retort that a Russian warship wu hit t by a shell rrrrntly and sunk In the harbor 2A rejxirt was tabled several day I ago a gunboat uf the Otvujnl type mil lirfii iiink This I Is probably the vrel referred ID HOIIJ SOT AllAXDOXKD tit Petersburg August 24While the General SUIT does not weal I 110 anx lely the It nilllUty authorities tare not abandoned the hope tht lien Kto r rlwill 1 he I able to hutout Thl more hopeful view I is somewhat torn mil by an unofficial dlipatrh fnun LUo Yang saying that In a two day acquit tIn tug ID std 1 lug 20th attack em like their pmlN enrl were hmleti A off with hoary I IOMM The itiullan at Ilan Yang llwtf l h r quiet but the Improving weather pre 4 4robs I the renewal of military attlrlly I Mleved that If Jen Kuropalkin fvI Is I contemplating a dlvcndnn In favor of I j Putt Arthur It will ixil I he lung iliUyrd- Conwrvatlvo rrilles tthlln thy are lint chary In giving the Jp nec due military eredlt for lad performance Ray In plain language tIt the late I In too lat to but and that every day Oran ttrIItIOllt will rentier the Japan- roe position about Uao Yang marc pre irloll 1 Kven the must sanguine admit the gravity of the situation from the Itiii ln point of view and the inont nerl nim flew 1 from the InUIt would tint be received wllh great surprise CAUSE OF KAIIUIIR Cliefoo August 21The partial fall ore of the JMineM check on fart Ar thur I attributed to the terrible fire from the large number of ground mimes plurd by the Ituins which might have wrought havoo among the Japan roe troops itmJCU DAMANK WIIOLHIIT r heefoo Augutt 21IuIOlit advices Ute that the majority of the building In Port Arthur remain undamaged The town hall and one Mngmlnn were de stroyed It In further Mated that four Urge warldp in the harbor were no badly damaged that theyare aelcs and only one war teasel line loIIIS left + 4alsard er AX IMlOSINU CKItraiOXY St IVteroburg August 2LWith Htiii and crrfmony the Cznrewitchn t heir to tie Ituslun throne was baptized i In the Palace 1eterliolf today I ASMIII binge of diplomat and others who wit t t- i nessed the ceremony was brilliant The child was annoinUrd and Immersed In I rerenonyI a mu by the Nan WIN piihlMint I This grunt nniny Jirljlleges to the eoile of Itus sla and ntteniitn to conciliate the pro Pie of unhand I JAIANIWft STEAMER LAST Uimloii August 21TIto agent of- f Lloyds at Nagasaki telegraphs that the wa1t47nst crew was saved 1 and lauded J s WITH KIUOIITKUI LOSS Man Yang Aiigunt 24 Acconllng to the latent iiiforiiiatlon from Iort Ar thur A furious Jnpnncte attack through out Aug 10 and Aug 211 was repulsed with terrific loss This news WHS reo ceiveil here with the greatest joy Them hue IMVII no serious flgliling In s19 this region hilt there has leers a small 3 Hklrmlxh nt Anslmnihan where Japan sac troop attacked a Itutnlan outpoll r PADUCAHUL OFFICIAL INQUIRY AT STATESBORO Governor Terrell HnS Ordered nu Investigation John May Killed Over a Water- melon In Tonntiico by Neighbor III SIXTY HURT IN A WIIKOIC Atlanta Aug 24On hie return from St LsnlH yonterday GOT Joseph M Teriell heleta conference with Bimoion IV Harrison adjutant gen ¬ era of Georgia nt which the recent Stiteaboro lynching wai illicnMod The conference tcrmiontod with the appointment of a court of Inquiry to investigate tbo conduct of the ieilltl- fromwblch the mob took the prison ere The court le composed of the fob lowing Colonel A It Lawlon re tired of Havannab president Col- onel ¬ W1s Wooten of Albany Lieu tenant Colonel W W Parker of At- lanta Major W L Wyly of Thomas Tlllo Ipd Captain Wanton Onco of Hawkinivllle SHOOTING OVER MELONS UookoTllle Tenn AUjinit 24 John May was shot end killed by Benjamin Hnrland near Ravenicrott Unrlnnd had been missing melon from his patch and it seems had ac cased May of being one of the a part y who had taken some of them Ms d went to HarUndH thin morning an began abusing him the latter bring log out a shotgun and emptying 1 Into Mays breaitS- HOOTING NEAR NASUVlrrE Naihrllle Tenn August 24 Near Porterfleld Cannon county J K Terrell was thot and badly beaten by pstions unknown HA was living alone with an ace and was found on oooNcloui on the floor of his room with his ilonblebarrolcd shotgun broken to piece by his tide JIll con dition in critical There II great ex ¬ citement in the neighborhood SIXTY HURT IN WRECK KocbeiUr N Y August 21 Almost slay were Injured lama per hips fatally bj a hendon collision on tho Roobcitcr and Knitotn Electric rlalway today near Plttiford NO REFORMS ALBANIANS TO BE GIVEN PRO TEOTION Vienna August from Belgrade say that at a meeting of Albanians bold at Ipek It Will de cided to drive out of Albania all Christian Gendarmes and not permit tbo proposed reforms to bo put In opeiatlon and also to Insist upon the rulcaio of the condemned Albannia leader u Private Ctntcllo n niemlicr of Cur pony I Ninth Infantry I at Watertown X Y throw h pcpjwr In a sentrys eyes cad tried to castle hut was fatally shot Bat tow men have boon injured by tbo accldenatl dlicbnrgo of their duty and were driven nit wllh a loss of six killed Ilao Yung tins coi criciiml two days of bright weather and there I a touch of niiliimn In the air The rainy season has apparently lerminalcd TIlt military I inactivity I is credited 1 here to tin fact that the Japanese url concentrating till their attention on Port Arthur SEVASTOPOL STRIKES h JANE Tokln August 21 Admiral Kalnokn reports that us the Kusulaii battleship SevastoH l was emerging from Iort Ar thur Monday sin slruik n mine after which khv wes seen to IMI listedI lo star board She was towel 1 hawk into tho liar hot OIVBX UNTIL SUNRAY Washington August 21life State dn I parlmenl received n cablegram today from Consul Oeiicnil ioodnow at Shrug hits staling that Ihe Chinese Foreign Of lice Hoard has extended the tine for re pairs lo the Askold until Sunday a es WHO IS THIS AT CINCINNATII Says lie IlelongstoSecetOrdel1n I Ho I li Hollered to be Harry Sowell Formerly Employe of Cordage Factory liAS NOT BEEN IDENTIFIED Who Is the man in jail at Cincin nail who claims to bo of a prominent Iaducet Lodge of Elks A few duya ago two men were ar- rested In the net of burglarizing a house in Cincinnati They were jailed and one of them claimed to U ha e was a member of Paducah Lodge ol r Elks Newspaper correspondents here were telegraphed to learn something of th mans Identity bnt the only name similar on the lodge records wan George F Spencer an actor who be- longed to tbo lodge and died in Now York two or throe yens ago The prisoner nt Cincinnati from reports seemed to know a lot about Spinner or Sponger whole relatives live in Clnuclnnall but they all In cluding a brother confirmed tbo fact that Spencer was dead Ulnco then the man has given HOT oral other names and one sf them it fied > Company here and a member of the positiat d and was next heard of swindling everybody ho could all over tbo coun fly on the strength of being an Elk Ho forged chock cubed worthier e drafts and borrowed money and many complaints were received by the lodge from various punts cf the country Sewell always giving Paducah as his home He did not remain an Elk f long and the last time ho was heard from be wai in jail over in Murphy boro IlLor some adjacent town for cashing a worthless check He war itlll playing the Elk dodge to work hit schemes Sewell while here married a Padn cnh girl who is itlll living here Ho has not been beard from in a year or more unlcti the man in Cincinnati is he Owing to the latter evident familiarity with Padiicnb and the fact that bo leemcd to know 10 much about the death of the Elk ho was try ¬ leg to Impersonate It le believed It I is Howcll At present however tho Cincin anti paper are at a loss to know who bo la If it I Is Sewell he Is wanted In ninny parts of the country STRIKERS STILL HOPE Chicago Ang 21Irrsidont Don nelly declared today that the pros POCIH of winning the itockjurrti strike are blight He bated hit hopes 01 the demornllzed condition of the packers business and the heavy losses Hoitalncd Ho laid tbo packers wore compelled to sell meat below cost and wore being out Into by Independent puckers New York Ang l4Tho failure of Page t Co prominent members of the Now Orleans and New York cotton exchanges was announced to- day It 1 Is said the firm was caught on the ibort into of the market TODAYS MARKETS Furnished by Paducah Commission Co looDroadway- WnaAT ntca LOW Ctost IJIDc l 1 Coca aeIt 301- lioc I ill 131 Sa 1 oars 331Dec41 Qe- 1Towamt10 93to M too plln la 1016 100 Oetotoa 107 Ina- ik do M no II to 63 Jon I6 tear 061 STOCKS I c tar tiff 139 I lit N in I uoy Rai MO r seb Psi US tai III III os r s91 d ssl sit 1t144AIkLiL HE LEFT PADUCAH ON OLD GREY HORSE Judge L S Trimble n Former Citizen is Dead Lived In Padcuah for Many Years Before Ho Myiterlonily Vanished BROTHER OK A A TRIMLBE News readied the city today of the death of Judge tawrcncc K Trimble l for ab ranch in Tijcras Canyon near Albuerque S M He lied been in bad health for some time but dysentery was the im mediate cause of his death lodge Tumble l was Ions in Eastern Kentucky and lacked just ono month of being 80 years of age He tamp to Id ducal when about 30 year of age He became quite wealthy being at one time worth about 100000 He was promi tine e circuit judge from this district and wai rongrclAI During the war he was a union man but Wits a l Democrat At the eIor the war he was elected to congress and was instrumental III adjusting mail routes in this section which were upset on account of thwar lie never married but built a hand some home in Arcadia now occupied by the auntyof Dr W II Sandcrswhcre he lived all alone He lad political and financial misfor tune however and nearly 25 years ago he left home on an old grey horse he was acruntomed to ride ostensibly to eome to thl Illon a little business and never returned The familyyof his brother Mr11 Trimble who lived rrolllI him in several months when lie wrote to them from Albucrijue N M 1 lie re trieved ills fortunes in his new home which vw at the tine he went there just opciird to settlers and became one of the most prominent jurist of the west He paid olT all his obligations here He was hold In high esteem by his associates of the bur at Albuerque who paid a tribute to his kindness of heart gentleness of temper and dUposi lion courtesy toward all with whom Jie tame in contact anti his high standing and conduct especially In public again In n meeting held to I pans revolutions on hi death an account of whirls I Is given In an Albuquerque paper received here Ills brother Mr A A Trimble with his family followed Judge Trimble to New Mexico and are now residing here Judge Trimble Lad many friends here among the older citizens who will re gret to learn of his death THE MAFIA CHARGED WITH BEING RE- SPONSIBLE FOR A MURDER Now York August 2LThe police have Information which causes them to bollard that the Mafia are responai ble for tko deliberate murder of Sal vntoro Bosiotto by Carlo RosiatI this morning A riot followed the mar ¬ der which occurred In the Italian quarters It 1 is claimed the murdered man gave information to the police of plans of the Mafia to rob Italians posting through Now York on their way to Italy FIFTY FAMILIES ARE MADE HOMELESS BY A NEW YORK FIRE Now York August 24Fifty fam Miss wero made bomeleu by a fireI which broke out In the four stor1I tenement in Wllllamitnrg this morn ¬ leg and spread to tbq adjoining tene sent A number of occupants wcroI rescued by fireme- nARMOUR LOSES 100000 DAMAGE DONE TO THE GLUE FACTORY Chicago August 21Fire this morning caused the lOll of a hundred thousand dollars at Armour Glue Factory near the river This is not Iii the took yards district and the police believe tbo fire was caused by spontaneous combustion rey WHILE DESPONDENT HE TOOK HIS LIFE William Brown Caulker Com nits Suicide in Indiana lie Formerly Worked in Padncah and Married Miss Mary Jones I Bore SHOT HIMSELF AT MADISON News of the suicide of William Drown a well known caulker until recently of Iadtieah reached the city this morning A dispatch stalest Madison Ind August 22 William Drown a caulker aged thirtyfive years borrowed a 38calibcr revolver andahot himself lIAlIal G oclock tide evening in the door of this Washington house where he boarded lie left a wife In Poducah and two children here- by a former marriage Ilrown worked In Iaducah for some time and was well known here among the ship carpenters and caulkers He was employed for some time by Capt Ilaker of the AyerLord Tie company and while here boarded at Mrs Ollie Bensons 218 Adams street He was last hero a few months ego andwent to Madison led to work While in the city Drown who is a resident of Madison married Miss Mary Jones of near 12th and Ilroadway here and she hu never joined him having un til recently been employedat a atone near Fourth and Ilroad She Is now III at the hone of her father NOVEL POINT Will be Decided by Judge Reed in Gilbertsville Case Can Towns Keep n Railroad From Parsing Through J Circuit Judge Reed will In a dOlor two decide the injunction suit brought by the town of Gilbertiville Marshall county against tbo Illinois Central to restrain it from going through a street In the town It is ondentood that Judge Reed will de ¬ aide In favor of tho railroad company- It I le the first time the question has ever been up in Its present shape and a great deal of Interest li taken In the decision ai there are no preced ¬ ants by which to b bo guided It seems that in chanalng tbo I 0 tracks to conform to the new route taken in moving the Tenmsioo river bridge about a mllo from GilberUvlllo it Is necessary to ran the tracks through another side of the town instead of where it now I Is Tho citizens tried to prevent it and the question railed was whether a railroad could go through a town without the towns permission and contrary to the de ilres of the tow- nCHICAGO CANNOT INTERFERE BY REMOVING STRIKE BREAKERS FROM PLANTS Chicago August 24Judgo Bron tano this morning granted the appli ¬ cation of tho packer for an Injunc ¬ tlon restraining the city of Chicago from enforcing time order for tbo evacuation of the building in the stock yards used ai sleeping quarters for strike breakers It I Is aid the injunction was grant ¬ ed in the interett of peace business ana good order If the men are roo qnlrcd to leave tbo stock yards every night riots will result and It was a matter of public expediency to pre- vent LEESTODAY The regular tobacco sales are in progress today and about 2SO hogs- heads will bo told slightly less than mat week o Women admire a handsome man when he has good wmin but tberos the trouble cl NEARLY EVERYBODY IN PADUCAH READS THE SUN DO YOU CENTS 21Dlgmtches MAN THE TRAGIC DEATH OF A POPULAR MAN Hugh J Mann a Hardware Drummer Shoots Himself uti Pistol Accidentally Wont oVtho Bullet Penetrating ills Heart OFTEN CAME TO PADUOAH News of the tragic death of a travel ¬ ing man well known In Iaducah I Is gin ¬ en in the Louisville paper of yesterday Mr Hugh J Mann aged 27 who came to Paducah for several year as a trav ¬ cling salesman for tho Simmons Hard- ware ¬ company and about a year ago went with the Ilelknap romlanat Louisville accidentally killed himself with a pistol Mr Mann had not been in Paducah for some months but had many friend here He was married about a year ago to Miss Isabel Scanlon of Louisville His home was formerly in Harrodsburg Ky The lads relative to his death are that he was sitting on his bed prepare ing to retire when a pistol he was play- fully handling went off the bullet pierc ¬ ing his heart Mrs Mann statement according to the Louisville Times was Mr Mann Mr and Mri Owen Mann his brother and siit rinlawand I spent the evening together In pleasant con versation and talked of arrangements for entertainlg the sisters of our hue bands who were expected the latter part of the week on a visit We retiredear ly Mr Mann desiring an early start in time morning In order to attend to some business down town I was bated on the bed at time side of my husband He placed a piece of candy In my mouth and lay bark on the lied As hedid I so he remarked that he did not think there would 1m any burglar and he would move his revolver from under Ids head A moment later the shot rang out end ho rollonr with the sleuth stare in lids fare The shot and the agonizedscream from his wife brought Owen Mann and his wife to the room They summoned Ur W n Young by telephone but by Iho lime the physician arrived Mr Mann was death Mr J W 111lecrtary of the Ilelknap Hunhvara and Manufacturing company by whom Mann was employed as private secretary was seen this mornings and said This is a very deplorable affair and has affected mo deeply Hugh was ono of tho brightest and most promising young men I here ever known Ho en ¬ joyed the confidence of his employers and was held in the highest esteem It was certainly an accident for he Will cheer rill when he left the atom last evening He could not have contem ¬ plated suicide Ills domestic life was happy It is true he urea In debt but not to any great extent Ho lost in a cnaee roasting venture and owed some few hundred dollars but he made a good salary and such a debt should not have caused him any worry Besides his brother ho is survived by a widow his parents and throe listers The latter reside in Harrodsburg Mr Mann made his headquarters for ninny months in Iaducah both before and after he married lIe was former- ly an assistant under Mr Hugh Lariio for the Simmons company WALKED OFF ROOF MARION YOUTH WAS FATALLY INJURED TODAY Marlon Ky August 21 Howard McDonnell ailed 31 ion of Rev R T McConnell while in a lomnambn llitlo sleep walned off tbo second story Torand at his home here and was fatally hurt He was found this morn ios brother DEATH IN TRIGO Cadiz Ky Aug 21Mrs Ed Kelly Boyd wife of George Boyd of Tennessee died at the home of her sister at Wai Ion la of consumption She was the daughter of Judge J E Kelly who died here recently Great damage has been dune to rail and wagon roads In Arizona by rains The Russian section in the Art Palace at the Worlds fair has finally been thrown open to the public r

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Japanese Losing Thousands II-ns



OhrUtenlng of Heir at St Peters

burg a Qrlllllaut Ceremony



iiENDfw6n Advice lndhI

rile that Port Arthur hs all but lallrn The Infornmtloii lel accepted how

4 rvrr a a continuation of previous report that the llu Ins have lliotn drirrn from llislun endl thai the Japan

r are vrry rlow tolbe southern forte and

to the eastern defensesTim lust Japanese under the leader

Lipof their tnnaulare subscribingmarry and rriarlng to celebrate theeapeclcd full uf the forlres

TIlt Chinese win arrived loday furtier retort that a Russian warship wuhit tby a shell rrrrntly and sunk In theharbor2A rejxirt was tabled several dayI ago

a gunboat uf the Otvujnl type millirfii iiink This IIs probably the vrelreferred ID


tit Petersburg August 24While theGeneral SUIT does not wealI 110 anxlely the It nilllUty authorities tarenot abandoned the hope tht lien Kto

r rlwill1 heI able to hutout Thlmore hopeful view Iis somewhat tornmil by an unofficial dlipatrh fnun LUoYang saying that In a two day acquittIn tug ID std1 lug 20th attackem like their pmlN enrl were hmleti

A off with hoary IIOMM

The itiullan at Ilan Yang llwtf lhrquiet but the Improving weather pre

44robsI the renewal of military attlrllyI Mleved that If Jen KuropalkinfvIIsI contemplating a dlvcndnn In favor of

I j Putt Arthur It will ixil Ihe lung iliUyrd-Conwrvatlvo rrilles tthlln thy are

lint chary In giving the Jp nec duemilitary eredlt for lad performanceRay In plain language tIt the late IIn

too lat to but and that every day Oran

ttrIItIOllt will rentier the Japan-roe position about Uao Yang marc preirloll1 Kven the must sanguine admit thegravity of the situation from the Itiii

ln point of view and the inont nerlnim flew 1 from the InUIt would tint bereceived wllh great surprise

CAUSE OF KAIIUIIRCliefoo August 21The partial fall

ore of the JMineM check on fart Arthur I attributed to the terrible firefrom the large number of ground mimesplurd by the Ituins which mighthave wrought havoo among the Japanroe troops


r heefoo Augutt 21IuIOlit advicesUte that the majority of the building

In Port Arthur remain undamaged Thetown hall and one Mngmlnn were destroyed It In further Mated that fourUrge warldp in the harbor were no

badly damaged that theyare aelcs andonly one war teasel line loIIIS left

+ 4alsarderAX IMlOSINU CKItraiOXYSt IVteroburg August 2LWith

Htiii and crrfmony the Cznrewitchnt heir to tie Ituslun throne was baptized

i In the Palace 1eterliolf todayI ASMIII

binge of diplomat and others who wittt-

ii nessed the ceremony was brilliant Thechild was annoinUrd and Immersed In

IrerenonyIa mu bythe Nan WIN piihlMintI This gruntnniny Jirljlleges to the eoile of Itus

sla and ntteniitn to conciliate the proPie of unhand



Uimloii August 21TIto agent of-

f Lloyds at Nagasaki telegraphs that the

wa1t47nstcrew was saved1 and lauded

J s


Man Yang Aiigunt 24 Acconllng tothe latent iiiforiiiatlon from Iort Arthur A furious Jnpnncte attack throughout Aug 10 and Aug 211 was repulsedwith terrific loss This news WHS reo

ceiveil here with the greatest joyThem hue IMVII no serious flgliling In

s19 this region hilt there has leers a small3 Hklrmlxh nt Anslmnihan where Japan

sac troop attacked a Itutnlan outpoll




Governor Terrell HnS Ordered

nu Investigation

John May Killed Over a Water-

melon In Tonntiico by


Atlanta Aug 24On hie returnfrom St LsnlH yonterday GOT JosephM Teriell heleta conference withBimoion IV Harrison adjutant gen ¬

era of Georgia nt which the recentStiteaboro lynching wai illicnMod

The conference tcrmiontod with theappointment of a court of Inquiry toinvestigate tbo conduct of the ieilltl-fromwblch the mob took the prisonere

The court le composed of the fob

lowing Colonel A It Lawlon retired of Havannab president Col-


W1s Wooten of Albany Lieutenant Colonel W W Parker of At-

lanta Major W L Wyly of ThomasTlllo Ipd Captain Wanton Onco ofHawkinivllle

SHOOTING OVER MELONSUookoTllle Tenn AUjinit 24

John May was shot end killed byBenjamin Hnrland near RavenicrottUnrlnnd had been missing melonfrom his patch and it seems had accased May of being one of the a part ywho had taken some of them Ms

dwent to HarUndH thin morning anbegan abusing him the latter bringlog out a shotgun and emptying 1

Into Mays breaitS-

HOOTING NEAR NASUVlrrENaihrllle Tenn August 24

Near Porterfleld Cannon county JK Terrell was thot and badly beatenby pstions unknown HA was livingalone with an ace and was found onoooNcloui on the floor of his roomwith his ilonblebarrolcd shotgunbroken to piece by his tide JIll condition in critical There II great ex ¬

citement in the neighborhood


Almost slay were Injured lama perhips fatally bj a hendon collision ontho Roobcitcr and Knitotn Electricrlalway today near Plttiford



Vienna Augustfrom Belgrade say that at a meetingof Albanians bold at Ipek It Will decided to drive out of Albania allChristian Gendarmes and not permittbo proposed reforms to bo put Inopeiatlon and also to Insist upon therulcaio of the condemned Albannialeader

uPrivate Ctntcllo n niemlicr of Cur

pony I Ninth InfantryI at WatertownX Y throw hpcpjwr In a sentrys eyes

cad tried to castle hut was fatallyshot

Bat tow men have boon injured by

tbo accldenatl dlicbnrgo of their duty

and were driven nit wllh a loss of sixkilled

Ilao Yung tins coi criciiml two daysof bright weather and there I a touch

of niiliimn In the air The rainy season

has apparently lerminalcdTIlt military Iinactivity Iis credited1

here to tin fact that the Japanese urlconcentrating till their attention on

Port Arthur

SEVASTOPOL STRIKESh JANETokln August 21 Admiral Kalnokn

reports that us the Kusulaii battleshipSevastoH l was emerging from Iort Ar

thur Monday sin slruik n mine afterwhich khv wes seen to IIMI listedI lo starboard She was towel1 hawk into tho liarhot


Washington August 21life State dnI

parlmenl received n cablegram todayfrom Consul Oeiicnil ioodnow at Shrughits staling that Ihe Chinese Foreign Oflice Hoard has extended the tine for repairs lo the Askold until Sunday

a es



Says lie IlelongstoSecetOrdel1nI

Ho Ili Hollered to be Harry Sowell

Formerly Employe of Cordage



Who Is the man in jail at Cincinnail who claims to bo of a prominentIaducetLodge of Elks

A few duya ago two men were ar-

rested In the net of burglarizing ahouse in Cincinnati They werejailed and one of them claimed to Uha e

was a member of Paducah Lodge olr

ElksNewspaper correspondents here were

telegraphed to learn something of thmans Identity bnt the only namesimilar on the lodge records wanGeorge F Spencer an actor who be-

longed to tbo lodge and died in NowYork two or throe yens ago

The prisoner nt Cincinnati fromreports seemed to know a lot aboutSpinner or Sponger whole relativeslive in Clnuclnnall but they all Including a brother confirmed tbo factthat Spencer was dead

Ulnco then the man has given HOT

oral other names and one sf them itfied>

Company here and a member of thepositiat d

and was next heard of swindlingeverybody ho could all over tbo counfly on the strength of being an Elk

Ho forged chock cubed worthier e

drafts and borrowed money and manycomplaints were received by the lodgefrom various punts cf the countrySewell always giving Paducah as hishome He did not remain an Elkflong and the last time ho was heardfrom be wai in jail over in Murphyboro IlLor some adjacent town forcashing a worthless check He waritlll playing the Elk dodge to workhit schemes

Sewell while here married a Padncnh girl who is itlll living here Ho

has not been beard from in a year ormore unlcti the man in Cincinnatiis he Owing to the latter evidentfamiliarity with Padiicnb and thefact that bo leemcd to know 10 muchabout the death of the Elk ho was try ¬

leg to Impersonate It le believed It Iis

HowcllAt present however tho Cincin

anti paper are at a loss to know whobo la If it IIs Sewell he Is wantedIn ninny parts of the country


Chicago Ang 21Irrsidont Don

nelly declared today that the prosPOCIH of winning the itockjurrtistrike are blight He bated hit hopes

01 the demornllzed condition of thepackers business and the heavy lossesHoitalncd Ho laid tbo packers worecompelled to sell meat below cost andwore being out Into by Independentpuckers

New York Ang l4Tho failureof Page t Co prominent members ofthe Now Orleans and New Yorkcotton exchanges was announced to-

day It 1Is said the firm was caughton the ibort into of the market


Furnished by Paducah CommissionCo looDroadway-

WnaAT ntca LOW CtostIJIDcl 1

CocaaeIt 301-


ill 131Sa 1


331Dec41Qe-1Towamt10 93to M tooplln la 1016 100Oetotoa 107 Ina-ik do M no II to 63Jon I6 tear 061

STOCKSI c tar tiff 139

I lit N in I uoy RaiMO r seb PsiUS tai III IIIos r s91d ssl sit




Judge L S Trimble n FormerCitizen is Dead

Lived In Padcuah for Many Years

Before Ho Myiterlonily



News readied the city today of thedeath of Judge tawrcncc K Trimblel forabranch in Tijcras Canyon near AlbuerqueS M He lied been in bad health forsome time but dysentery was the immediate cause of his death

lodge Tumblel was Ions in EasternKentucky and lacked just ono month ofbeing 80 years of age He tamp to Idducal when about 30 year of age Hebecame quite wealthy being at one timeworth about 100000 He was promitineecircuit judge from this district and wairongrclAIDuring the war he was a union manbut Wits a lDemocrat At the eIorthe war he was elected to congress andwas instrumental III adjusting mailroutes in this section which were upseton account of thwar

lie never married but built a handsome home in Arcadia now occupied bythe auntyof Dr W II Sandcrswhcrehe lived all alone

He lad political and financial misfortune however and nearly 25 years agohe left home on an old grey horse hewas acruntomed to ride ostensibly toeome to thl Illon a little businessand never returned The familyyof hisbrother Mr11 Trimble who livedrrolllIhim in several months when lie wroteto them from Albucrijue N M1 lie retrieved ills fortunes in his new homewhich vw at the tine he went therejust opciird to settlers and became oneof the most prominent jurist of thewest He paid olT all his obligationshere He was hold In high esteem byhis associates of the bur at Albuerquewho paid a tribute to his kindness ofheart gentleness of temper and dUposilion courtesy toward all with whom Jie

tame in contact anti his high standingand conduct especially In public againIn n meeting held to Ipans revolutions onhi death an account of whirls IIs givenIn an Albuquerque paper received here

Ills brother Mr A A Trimble withhis family followed Judge Trimble toNew Mexico and are now residing here

Judge Trimble Lad many friends hereamong the older citizens who will regret to learn of his death




Now York August 2LThe policehave Information which causes themto bollard that the Mafia are responaible for tko deliberate murder of Salvntoro Bosiotto by Carlo RosiatI thismorning A riot followed the mar¬

der which occurred In the Italianquarters It 1is claimed the murderedman gave information to the police ofplans of the Mafia to rob Italiansposting through Now York on theirway to Italy




Now York August 24Fifty famMiss wero made bomeleu by a fireIwhich broke out In the four stor1Itenement in Wllllamitnrg this morn ¬

leg and spread to tbq adjoining tene

sent A number of occupants wcroIrescued by fireme-



Chicago August 21Fire thismorning caused the lOll of a hundredthousand dollars at Armour GlueFactory near the river This is notIii the took yards district and thepolice believe tbo fire was caused by

spontaneous combustion




William Brown Caulker Com

nits Suicide in Indiana

lie Formerly Worked in Padncah and

Married Miss Mary JonesI



News of the suicide of William Drowna well known caulker until recently ofIadtieah reached the city this morningA dispatch stalest

Madison Ind August 22 WilliamDrown a caulker aged thirtyfiveyears borrowed a 38calibcr revolverandahot himself lIAlIal G oclock tideevening in the door of this Washingtonhouse where he boarded lie left awife In Poducah and two children here-

by a former marriageIlrown worked In Iaducah for some

time and was well known here amongthe ship carpenters and caulkers Hewas employed for some time by CaptIlaker of the AyerLord Tie companyand while here boarded at Mrs OllieBensons 218 Adams street He was lasthero a few months ego andwent toMadison led to work

While in the city Drown who is aresident of Madison married Miss MaryJones of near 12th and Ilroadway hereand she hu never joined him having until recently been employedat a atonenear Fourth and Ilroad She Is now III

at the hone of her father


Will be Decided by Judge Reedin Gilbertsville Case

Can Towns Keep n Railroad From

Parsing Through J

Circuit Judge Reed will In a dOlortwo decide the injunction suitbrought by the town of GilbertivilleMarshall county against tbo IllinoisCentral to restrain it from goingthrough a street In the town It isondentood that Judge Reed will de ¬

aide In favor of tho railroad company-

It Ile the first time the question hasever been up in Its present shape anda great deal of Interest li taken Inthe decision ai there are no preced ¬

ants by which to bbo guided It seemsthat in chanalng tbo I 0 tracks toconform to the new route taken inmoving the Tenmsioo river bridgeabout a mllo from GilberUvlllo it Isnecessary to ran the tracks throughanother side of the town instead ofwhere it now IIs Tho citizens triedto prevent it and the question railedwas whether a railroad could go

through a town without the townspermission and contrary to the deilres of the tow-




Chicago August 24Judgo Brontano this morning granted the appli ¬

cation of tho packer for an Injunc ¬

tlon restraining the city of Chicagofrom enforcing time order for tboevacuation of the building in thestock yards used ai sleeping quartersfor strike breakers

It IIs aid the injunction was grant ¬

ed in the interett of peace businessana good order If the men are roo

qnlrcd to leave tbo stock yards everynight riots will result and It was amatter of public expediency to pre-



The regular tobacco sales are inprogress today and about 2SO hogs-

heads will bo told slightly less thanmat week


Women admire a handsome manwhen he has good wmin but tberosthe trouble









Hugh J Mann a Hardware

Drummer Shoots Himself

uti Pistol Accidentally Wont oVtho

Bullet Penetrating illsHeart


News of the tragic death of a travel ¬

ing man well known In Iaducah IIs gin ¬

en in the Louisville paper of yesterdayMr Hugh J Mann aged 27 who cameto Paducah for several year as a trav ¬

cling salesman for tho Simmons Hard-ware


company and about a year agowent with the Ilelknap romlanatLouisville accidentally killed himselfwith a pistol

Mr Mann had not been in Paducahfor some months but had many friendhere He was married about a year agoto Miss Isabel Scanlon of LouisvilleHis home was formerly in HarrodsburgKy The lads relative to his death arethat he was sitting on his bed prepareing to retire when a pistol he was play-fully handling went off the bullet pierc ¬

ing his heartMrs Mann statement according to

the Louisville Times wasMr Mann Mr and Mri Owen Mann

his brother and siit rinlawand I spentthe evening together In pleasant conversation and talked of arrangementsfor entertainlg the sisters of our huebands who were expected the latter partof the week on a visit We retiredearly Mr Mann desiring an early startin time morning In order to attend tosome business down town I was batedon the bed at time side of my husbandHe placed a piece of candy In my mouthand lay bark on the lied As hedidI sohe remarked that he did not think therewould 1m any burglar and he wouldmove his revolver from under Ids headA moment later the shot rang out endho rollonr with the sleuth stare inlids fare

The shot and the agonizedscreamfrom his wife brought Owen Mann andhis wife to the room They summonedUr W n Young by telephone but byIho lime the physician arrived Mr Mannwas death

Mr J W 111lecrtary of theIlelknap Hunhvara and Manufacturingcompany by whom Mann was employedas private secretary was seen thismornings and said

This is a very deplorable affair andhas affected mo deeply Hugh was onoof tho brightest and most promisingyoung men I here ever known Ho en ¬

joyed the confidence of his employersand was held in the highest esteem Itwas certainly an accident for he Willcheer rill when he left the atom lastevening He could not have contem ¬

plated suicide Ills domestic life washappy It is true he urea In debt butnot to any great extent Ho lost in acnaee roasting venture and owed somefew hundred dollars but he made agood salary and such a debt should nothave caused him any worry

Besides his brother ho is survived bya widow his parents and throe listersThe latter reside in Harrodsburg

Mr Mann made his headquarters forninny months in Iaducah both beforeand after he married lIe was former-ly an assistant under Mr Hugh Lariiofor the Simmons company



Marlon Ky August 21 HowardMcDonnell ailed 31 ion of Rev R TMcConnell while in a lomnambnllitlo sleep walned off tbo second storyTorand at his home here and wasfatally hurt He was found this morn

ios brother


Cadiz Ky Aug 21Mrs EdKelly Boyd wife of George Boyd ofTennessee died at the home of hersister at Wai Ion la of consumptionShe was the daughter of Judge J EKelly who died here recently

Great damage has been dune to railand wagon roads In Arizona by rains

The Russian section in the Art Palaceat the Worlds fair has finally been

thrown open to the public
