oil spillage contingency plan – county kerry mick boyce, s.e.e., environment department, kerry...

Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council.

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Page 1: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry

Mick Boyce, S.E.E.,Environment Department,Kerry County Council.

Page 2: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Thanks to : Conor Culloo; Vincent Hayes; SEA-PT (Hugh Conlon).

Page 3: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Incidents (Kerry) :

Ranga (1980) – Slea Head;

Celestial Dawn (2002) – Dingle Harbour;

Fidelma (2002) – Inish na bro (Blaskets).

Page 4: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council
Page 5: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council
Page 6: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Purpose of the Plan : A guide to aid in the coordination of response to

a marine-based Oil/HNS incident; To guide responders through the actions and

decisions required to mount an effective response to a marine-based Oil/HNS incident;

A guide to limit/mitigate the effects of such an event.

Page 7: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Background Context : Legal requirement to produce appropriate

plan (Sea Pollution Act); Number of marine-based incidents around

the coast of Kerry; SEA-PT and Harbour Board plans already

in place.

Page 8: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Background Context (Contd.) : County Oil Pollution Officer [COPO] in place

(me!) – appointed by Manager’s Order; Large KCC stock-pile built up over many years

(TVH); Members of SEA-PT; In-house experience (previous incidents, training


Page 9: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Plan preparation options: Outsource; In-house.

Decision criteria : Budgetary considerations; Data gathering/local knowledge; Availability of in-house knowledge and expertise; Use of standard IRCG format (generic format and data).

Final Decision : In-house

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Initial Stages of Plan preparation : Staff member assigned to prepare the plan; In-house group established to oversee the

project ; Internal and external consultations (state

agencies and departments, NGOs etc.) - limited response;

Data gathering (assets at risk etc.); Literature review (availability of generic


Page 11: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Format : standard IRCG template; Coverage : coastline (seashore) within the

functional area of Kerry County Council (excluding SEA-PT and Harbour Board areas);

Preparation timeframe : approx. 3 months; On-going review by implementation group during

period of preparation of plan;

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Submission of various drafts to IRCG.;

Approved by IRCG in May, 2012;Lifespan : 5 years;Annual up-date/review.

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Main Elements of the Plan

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Part 1 - Strategy

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Relationship with other plans : SEA-PT & Harbour Plans; Major Emergency Plan etc.

Roles & Responsibilities (includingInternal command structure): Local Authority (Shoreline Response); IRCG etc.

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Risk Assessment : Sensitive Coastline (SAC, SPA, Shellfish, Blue

Flag...); Marine traffic (fishing, leisure, commercial

traffic etc.); Wide variation in coastline types; Tourism reputation etc.

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Response Strategies and Plans : What are we dealing with (classification :

type of Oil/HNS)? How much (quantification)? How will it behave in the marine

environment (fate and likely destination)? How might we deal with it (containment

and recovery options)?

Page 23: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Tiered Response :

Tier 1 : Background and minor operational spills resulting in shoreline pollution which can be dealt with by the relevant local authority or harbour authority.

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Tier 2 : Small-scale incidents where local authority may require mutual aid in order to initiate and maintain a shoreline response

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Tier 3 : A large spill where substantial further resources may be required and support from national government is necessary through the implementation of the National Contingency Plan (NCP).

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Training & Exercise Policy : What training is to be undertaken (SEA-PT

exercises, IRCG courses); Training records.

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Part 2 - Actions

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Response procedures : Plan activation; Notification formats (who to contact, when

and how).

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Health & Safety : Risk assessments; Safe work procedures, Safety Data Sheets etc.

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Waste Management : Options for waste minimisation (eg.

removal of debris etc.); Identification of potential temporary

storage sites etc. (technical amendment to landfill licence.);

Details of waste contractors etc.

Page 44: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Part 3 – Data Directory

Page 45: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Contact Directory : Current contact details for all relevant

people and organisations etc.

Resource Directory : Inventory of equipment etc.

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Part 4 – Cost Recovery

Page 50: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Insurance Options : P & I Clubs, Standard Insurance Policies etc.

Financial Control : Record keeping (what costs are being incurred

and on what basis); Procurement procedures (eg. materials, plant &

equipment etc.).

Page 51: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Part 5 – Annexes Includes : Copies of neighbouring plans; Shoreline Protection Strategy (1997) –

site-specific booming plans etc.

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Page 55: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Issues : Time-consuming; Approval by IRCG; On-going review (keep up-to-date); Designation of COPO & Deputy COPO.

General Issues : Large document; Do neighbouring plans talk? One national plan versus plethora of county/harbour plans? 24-hour response? Training?

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Inland incidents Regular occurrences; Separate (shorter) emergency response


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o Short (16 pages);o Drinking Water Incident Response Plans;o “A Field Guide to Inland Oil-Spill Clean-up

Techniques” – CONCAWE (1983);o Need for national guidance!

Page 62: Oil Spillage Contingency Plan – County Kerry Mick Boyce, S.E.E., Environment Department, Kerry County Council

Thank You