ol .asbury park, /new jersey, saturday,1 december 22, … · 2014. 4. 2. · dyspepsia pills will...

'Vol. XHL .ASBURY PARK, /NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,1 DECEMBER 22, 1888. No. 61. J A. W. HETRICK, M. D. V' Homoeopathic Physician and Snrgdon. , Cor. Cookman A Bangs a vs., Asbnry Park, N .J. ', Ilonrs; until 10 a. ny.,;and Mtoj 4 p. m. g > fe. KINMONTII, M. D., Corner Grand and Asbury Avenues, Office Hours-^7 to 0 a; m., 1 to 8 p. m., 6 to 8 p. m. TkR. BRUCE 8. KKATOR, , ComcDopathio Physician and Surgeon. Graduate of botftsoboois, „ : >. >* Cor. Asbnry avenne and Borgh street IfAlOn r r . d i n n m n_ t>ur. flBuury wtuuuu auu HoUTs—Until 9 a^ m., 7 to 9 p. m, »■Telephone connections, JAM ES B. BURNET, ,M.D% i , .*■ Ifl Chesthnt Street, Newark, N. J. Office Houhit-8 to 12 a. m., 6 to 7 p. ip. . / Sundays—8 to 10 a. in., 6.to7 p. m. SPECIALTY—DISEASES OF -THE NA8AL PAS- > . SAGES, THROAT AND LUNGST^ I. GILL, A. Mi, P. D., , ' PncamatopathlBt, or Mental Healer, 400 Sewall avonuo, Cor. Hoc?k street. Office honrs 7 to 10,12 to 3; S.to 9. ^ F. PAWLEY, " D m m sT , v 615 Bangs ave.i ~ Asbnry park; !?. ft J ) I t 8. T. SLOCUM, DENTIST, Office—204 Main.St., opposite Railroad Station, Gas-administered. - Asbury Park, N. «J, A. 8. HURTOH, D. D. S. L O. BCBTOK, D. D. 0. T>URTON BROTHERS, - * -D Beoldent Dentista. Donn Building, BOBCookman ave., Asbnry Park. New York Offlce^-M West 31th st. Gas administered. Appointments made by tele- S liono or by mall Honrs: 9 a. m. .'to 5 p. w. Pf’rs of “ ZOZO”—the new preparation for clcanaUiR and preserving tha Teeth. L N. SEYMOUR, D. D ; S. - - PBMTXST, Office 680 Cookman avenne, near Emory street. Mechanical work a specialty. Difficult operations solicited. J. F. JIAWKIHH. FRANKTjUUAHD. IjAW&INS & DURAND, Attorneys-atLaw, Solicitors * Masters in Chan- cery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av., Asbury Park, N. J. ' rr'"'1 ......... >.T: ___ L--U----1 -..v_ r_ ----W'TTT«.-- .Sp JHAAC C. KENNEDY;* Attoraoy-afcLav?, Sollcltor^tfaateiVbijCbancery . ^nd Notary Publlo.' ■ * Special attention jflveii to examination of Titles, &&• Offioo in Cook’s Building, Asbnry Park, New Jersey. A LFRED D. BAILEY, Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor and Master in { Chancery and Notary Pnbllc. - Special attention given Ao crtfleotlon of claims. Office In Mikado Building, Asbury Park. 0AV1D HARVEY, Jr., Attomey-nt-Tjiw, Sol icltor. Master and Examiner ‘I In Ohanoory, N?tary Public. ' Asbury Park, N, J. Q.HOUGB W. BYRAM, Attorney-at Law and Solicitor In Chancery, Address r . O. Box 1001, Asbury Park, N. J. RO BERT T: GRAVATT, > /' s v A u r a z H . ^ 'Stoves,Heaters, Ranges, TINWARE, do. C oolanan av.s n e a r B ond at., ASBDB1 s>AF.B 3, J. Tl» RSOFlit,lUaERt, SUTTEHS, US. SOFPld, T l i ADD CHEST ISBN WORK W *U KINDS. BT'Firfit'Olaaa work at low ratca.^EJ JJPPINOOTT, . ' T ..A .X X j O IR * 137 Cookm an A ve. G e n ts’ F u rm s 'h in g a . TBEHTQK STEAM JYEIHG WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1849. isles'dresses dyed tn all the newfiSt shades. ^ye<tto all colors. Gentlemen’s doth* ‘ andpressed equal to new. Agent for ^sburv Park. Feathers «lvodto i ing oieanea, dyed H EN R Y D O R E N ,, ... (Successor to G. W. Read,) MERCHANT.'TAILOR, 718 COOKMAN AVENTJB. Suits made to order guaranteed to fit. Cloaning and Repairing. G E O R G E W . L E E ... iOBBSMS HOUSE CARPENTER nardwood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to and work dono In first-class manner. Manufacturer of Storm Doors, Window and Door Sorecns. Orders left at D. H. Wyokoff’s paint storo, or received by mall, will bo promptly attended to. 1 IlOHltleiibw—N. E. UOK Asbttry avenue and Main street. P. O. Box 005, ASBURY PARK, N. J. r A . A . T A Y L O R , Mason andBuilder, Bricklaying and.riastering In all branch oa ot Masonry work. - ' Jobbing p^amptly attended to. P. O. Box 097. - Offlne, 783 Mattison avenues S A M U E L w . k ir k b r t d e ; ^ O N T K A C T O lt, Carpenter & Builder. Plans and. specifications furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Best of roferenco glvon. Rosldence—First ave,, bet Bond and Kmory sts. Shopand Offioo—Flrat ave. Bnd Main Bt. P. O . BOX 748. ABBURY PARK. DvNBr M. Nbv« ib, Counsel lor at iJiw, •\TEVIUS & WILSON, ^ Law Enatmn Witaon, t : Attomiay at Law. Law Offices, RED BANK, N .J. ^ L IC E K. HARRISON, * 80S Third avenue, Asbury Park. TEACIIEl? OF MUSIC—Plano, Organ ar>(^Theory pRANK V. BODINE, MIKADO BUILDING, 55. ASBURY PARK, N .J, jyjRS. BOSAMNE V. RIPLEY, TU0HERf f PIANO, ORBitN ANOTHEOrV. . Foreign and Amerioan fingering. Terms—115 for . S 20 lessons, payable at 10th lesson. H B, JO H N SO N , Practical Watchmaker, Dealer In Fine Watches, Jewelry, 8pectaoles Ac. Watches and Jewelry repaired at City Prices^. Main street, near Oookman avenue, ASBURY PARK, N. J, GEO. M.‘BENNETT, HOUSE-' PAINTING In all its branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain- ing, Calclminlng, &o. Estimates furnished on application. L. Box 2132, Ocean Grovo, N. J. COOKHOWLAND, Architect & Builder, Building plans oxecutod and all work promptly done. . Office in Cook’s Building, Main street and Cookman avenue. Aflbury Park. JOHN W. SUTPHEN, L anil Horseshoar Carriage work In aU Its branohes. mmm painting ano trimming Jn tho finest style of decorative art. Main street and First avenue, ABBBKtPABK ADON LIPPINCOTT, Contractor & Builder Jobbing In allibranches promptly and oarofully attended to. Residence—C02 First avenue, , . . Bb'op-SW Main Bt. A8BUHY PARE, N. f. "I'itEu.n.uoWDv. CUA8. II.’PlTCnE!!. GOWDY & PITCHER, Carriages, and_^anufactu- rei^t of Harness. Repositories—A^bary Park, Red Bank and Toma |tlvcr. * . ■M DANIEL C. COVERT, No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Ooean Grovo, N. J., . O E N E R A l. A G E N T />„ ron tus - , Purchase, Saia and Restingof Real Estate AlsoTroperty Insured In first-oloBS companies. Improvements made for nou-realdenta. Propor- ty-carod for,’Loans negotiated and Collections made. Correspondence solicited. P. O. BOx2l3fl. .; Tests, Awnings, Flags. Felting for boilers and steam pipes. S. HEMMENWAY, daotnjaii Avo., AsburyPork, N . j, . s£u lofts, OO'South 8t., Now York'City, J , CVW. 8TOUT, ALFIOED HART; , ' STOUT & HART, Aabniy Pnrh -aqd dceati drove • Concrete Walk “Layers, A8BUBV PARE, N .J. '*• -l * offioo 718 Mattison avo. Satlafftotlon guaranteed. . . ' . r1■ ? .. ■• ■ i ■ ,■ . v - r ' v The Old and Reliable Brand. Calvert S l Co. AnlnpenssJIwI i M , TtesiraiilG Sliaips of Color. H.E. lluchanort & Co. Sole Agents tor State oi Now Jersey. -|3^“prlcos low to painters "and Consumers. Liberal arrangements made with dealers. HAIN ST. ASBURY AVE. Jobn A. Githen;. & Co. Manufacturers o’f. and wholesale and 1 retail dealers In FEATHERS, Etc. FACTORY NO. I43 MAIN S L Up Stairs,‘ Itonorating XWtreebvt a Specialty. Telephone Connection. M, W«"CR0SB1E, . Successor to David Cartwright, Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper,,Two and Three-ply Roofing Paper. P.'O. BOX 803. Asbnry Park, Bf. Jm SANITARY PLUMBING B, CHOWELL & CO. Now occupy tho now brick building of J.^ Henry * Applegate, on Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street, where they aro prepared to estimate on ail kinds vm M hm m w Thoy do none ,other than flrst-class 1rorl^ and all plumbing will be done alter the most approved RepAlrlnt promptly attend^ to. H, C. MARRYOTT, Contractor arid “Builder, Estimates/fumlehpd for overy description lof work. Jobbing attended to promptly. , , --t . ResHlonce-- * * * ! Cor, Sevall Ave. and Eraory St . Lock Box 71? AHWi’ .X PAUU.'lt. JOHN Praclical House Painter, -AND J?APES H&KCSEB. ' | _ . Resldonce Cor.JPIfth avehuo and Bond street, Lock Box 075. ' ASBIHtY PARK, N. J. JOS. L DURRAH, P la s te re r , ‘ : 505 THIRD AVENUE. Jobbing Promptly attended to, GEO. C. ORMEROD, CONTRACTOB AND BUILDER, 'i t e i n v A n c , w .'jf. KalaWIshod 1878,,, Jobbing promptly, attended, to. Boat of roforenoo given. Offipo and Rcnldonce, , • — * COR. SKWALI4AVK. AND BOND ST. F. C. BRflEUTIGftNI, Real Estate m l Insurance. Hotels, Boarding Housob and Cottages to Let, for Sale and Kxohaniro. Spoolal attention given to drawlnfrmortgago8, leasos and doeds at short notice.: Office 710 COOKMAN AVENUE, P. O. Box 17. Near Main B t, Asbnry Parkv'N. J. H> B. BEEGLE, (Lato H^B. Beeglo &Bon) liE A T j ESTATE and , ; " IN8UBANCB AGENT, \l Kaia knm, Sm SrsTiJ.J. Loans Negotiated audLegal Papers Drawn H. B. BEEGLE, Notary rtbllo and Commissioner of Doodsior New Jersey, Pennsylvania and tho District of Columbia. Bargains in Real Estate LOTS AMD EMPEOVKD PBOI : ERTY AT NQBTH SPW HQ LAKE. Improved Property and Lots at Point Pleasant cheap for cash. . , V i' . ~ Lots at Manlipsset for Sale or. Exobangs. 200 feet of Bay'front, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay front in the market for sale in that vtofnlty. Will be sold cheap. Lot 25x123 foeton Sixth avenue, near the ocean, ABburyPark. • If you want to buy or rent any property any- where along the ooast Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Sewall av. and Emory st, Asbury Park. Or W. T. Strxkt, Point Pleasant, N. J. W. H. Pprrxa, Spring Lake, N. J. REAL ESTATE, rrfsx.|'aA N C iv & MORTG^OK' ioANS. 708 Cookman Ave. SSBURY PARK ^ ELECTRIC LMT - ----- AND----- fP O W E E CO. MAIN STATION*. , . Railroad,, near First avenue. Fumfshcfl Electrlo Aro and Incandescent Mehta at any location. ^ omcEB;p Presldont^-MYRON 8. GduLH, Yloo Pros’t-EDMUND G. HAIUUSON, Treasurer—JOHN ROCKAFELLER, Scc’y aud Sup’fr—GKO. M. LANE. DIRECTORS t Myron S. Gonld, Geo. F. Kroehl, Edmund G. Harrison, John C. MacMurray, John RookaleUor, Geo. A. Smook, Goo. M. Lano. • 13%Whon It Is a well-known fact that BOURNE’S English Tonic Dyspepsia Pills will notonly.glvo easo, bnt permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspopsla, o r any gas trio trouble. For Sale by ail Druggists. WESLEY JHUGCINS, Coiitjacir, Carpenter & Builder Plans and speolficatlons furnished. Jobbing promptly attended to. Beat of reference given Realdopce—100 M t Carmel Way, Ocean Grove. P. O. Box 70, Asbury Park, N. J .. . LADIES! - Do Tonr Own Dyeing:, at Home, willi PEERLESS DYES ThOyTwlH dye ovorytliing. Thoy are sold every where. Prfoo JOo. a package—40 colors. They' havo no equal for Strength, Bt Iohtnesa. Amount In Packages or for Fastness of Color,or non-fad- injr Qualities. They do not crook or smut For salo by R. Tlisting. M. D., WoOlloy * Rood, W. B. ChriBtme, Druggists, Asbury Park, N. J. MATTISON AVENUE GROCERY PETER DE K:EYSER, Successor to Wm. Beames, Dealer in Ohaise Family ‘Groceries. Tho best brands of Floury flno Teas and Coffee, and everything pertaining^to a flret-clasa GrO’ eery. * - •' * NeWvStock !. Prime Goods I pRNNSYLVANU IIAJLIIOAD. . On and aftoi* October 1888, TKArtiJiAAWiiXsmmTrABS: " j \ For New York, Newark, KUzabeth., Rahway Red Bank, lK)ng Branoh and Intermediate ...stations, at 0.15 a> “ m 1.15,,5.85 pi m ., , Express for New York, Nowark, Elisabeth-and Long Brafaoh^‘a t 7.45 a. m. For . Matawan, 7.45, 0.15 a. m., 1.15, 6.85 p. m, 7.69 a. m., 13.27,4.20 p. m. For Camden; Burlington, Bordentown and points on the Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and Toms River, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 2.00 p. m. - For Camden, Burlington, and Bordentown, (via. Trenton,) 7.60 a. m., 1S.2?, 4-30 p. m. Via. Jamesburg, 4.S0 p. m. - - For Tomfl River, Island nelghts, arid intermodl- /ate stations, at 11.06 a. m. On Mondays and Saturdays only, 2.00 p. m. For Point Pleasant, and intermediate stations, a t 11.05 a. m ., 2.00, 6.00,7.00 p. m. TBAOfs U U T I K*W tobk (via. DosbroBaea and Cortlandt Sts. ferries) roa,AsBunT pass : A t0.10 a. m., laoo noon, 4.20,5.00p. m. ;• • ' ■ ' TaAnrs iiuvx phuadjswhia (Broad St) roa ASBUBT PABK A t 7.38,11.15 a . % 4,00 p. m. Market S t, via: . Camden and Trenton—7.20, 10.80 a. m., 2.80 p. m. Via. Jamesburg, 7.20 a. m., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River and Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 8.80 a', m. _ J. R. WOOD, OenH Pcut. Agt, CHAS. E. PUGH, Qeifl Manager. . IJSWYORK A LOISQ BBAJVCH R. R , lim e Table, ^n effoct November 18,1888. Stations in New York—Central R. R of New Jer- sey, foot of Liberty Street; P. R. R., foot of Cortlandt and Desbrossos Streets; N. J. South* em Railway, foot of Rector St. tBAVB K aw TOBK TOB ASBTTBT" PABK, *C . Central R,'R. of N. J.—l.ao.aiS,.*11.15 a.tn., 1.00, 4.00 *4.80,6.10 p. m.- Pdnnsyivania—*0.10 a” , m ., 12.00 m ., *4.20,' 5.00, p. m. * Leave Newark, Broad B t Station, lor Asbnry Park, Ao. — 8.26, 11.20 a. m ., l.Ol, 4;00, 4.85, 0.20p. m. Market St. station—0.88 a. m., 18.20,4.44,5.20 p .m . LBAVB AHBUBT PABK FOB BKW TOBK, * 0 . Central R. R. of N. J.-0.16,6.50, *7^5,10.55 a. m., 4.15,6.45 p. m. Pennsylvania—^ *7.45, 0.15 a, m ., 1.15, 5.85 p.m . For Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook Route—6.16,0.50,7.65 a.m., 4.15pjn. For Ooean Beach, Spring Lako and Sea Girt— 7.00, 7.59, 10.20, 11.05 a. m ., 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, .258, 4J», 6.55, 0.00, 0.11,7.00,8.10 p. m. For Manasquan and Point Pleasant—7.00,10.20, 11.06 a. m., 1,05, 2.00. 258, 5.65, 0.00, 0.11, 7.00, a io p. m. For Philadelphia, via. Sea Girt—7.60 a. m., 122T, 4J30 p. m. , " For Toms River, 11.05 a. m. •—Express. ' RUFUS BLODGETT, Bupt. H. P. BALDWIN^. P. A . G. J<>H .q f N . J. J. R. WOODg Gen'l Piut 4qi, & B,B, pREEH O LD A RU NEW YORK R . H* : - iu effect Nov. 10,1^8.' TRAINS WILL LKAVB POB ^nKKHOLD AS FOLLOWB T Leave Asbury Park—8.00, 10.65 a / m., 1.15, 4.15, 5.86 p. m . / . Leave Lbng BranohA-8;15; 11.IP’a. m., 1.80,4.80, 5.60 p. m. / •• *. . ’ Leave Branoh port—7.20, 11.13 a. m., 1.83, 4.8^f, . 5.53 p. m. = . • ■ '* " Leave Little Silver—7.25, 11,18 a. m.. 1.88, 4.88, 6.68 p. m. Leave Red Bank-8 25,11.80 a. m., 1.43, 4.45, jQ,00 p.m. r Leave Middletown—7.87, 11.37 a. m „ 1.50, 4.62' 6,14.p. m, LBAVB MATAWAN FOU THRRUOLO. 0.30, a87, 0.81 a. m .. 122U, 2.08, 0.30, 7.25 p. m. LKAVK mBBUOLD FOB TUB SHORE. a05, 11.15 a . to., 1.36, 4.30. 0.80 D. m. J. E.HALPH, Supu. Sewer Notice. During the past year a number of new connec- tions havo been made with the sewers. This has to some extent lessened the percentage of cost of maintaining the workB. As tho ereotion of ihe Sower Works waa not a matter of spoeula-. tion, bnt became a necessity because bf the b » o- oessful and rapid groyvth of the town, the owners desire to keep the annual rent at the lowest possible point Notloo Is hereby given thatpn.aH soyycr. rents for 1888, wbich will be due January 1st 1880, for prepayment a deduction of ono per cent a month will be allowed. After the next January on sewer rents duo tho following January a deduc- tion bf two per cent a[ month will for pr^ay- mpnt be allowed. On tiie third year, for pre- payment three por cent a month will be allowed; ahd fon tho 'fourth year, for pre- payment) four per cent a month will be allowed. . ^Thls practically rednoes the sewor rent §bopt one third. It l^-of course' lmpos- sible to tell, at the present time, If a still further discount can bo allowed on the fifth or euoceedlng years, on account of increased num- ber of connections, but the ownors of property which Is connoctod with the Bewer may rest Assured that they will reap every advantage pos- sible. Owners of the works only dealre, after worklhg expenses are paid, a moderate ’interest on the Investment C. T. BAILEY,-,.- -— Boc’y Bower Works. Asbury Park, MayJfJd, 1888. _ Artistic Printing. •vi • * - - M ateria!— ti*-**.. W o r k m a n s h ip — fim-riiuu. D e liv e ry — prompt. C h a r g e s — moderate. A SBU RY P A R K .' . . P R IN T IN G H O USE. 718 Mattison Ave. MATTRESSES oua BEDDING Of all klrf* call be found at No. 1 Main St. (Ormerod Building), ASBURY PARK, N. J. ' Renovating Mattresses a speciaUy at rcasoimble " Geo, wllllMnBou, Agt, prioes: N O V E L T I ES . Fine Stsilonerjr, 1>o 9Iii !'oyi», ^V rltlllj. M aterials, etc. . 1 ^ —Clrculatlngr Library. . ° AT JENKINS’ NEWBRICKSTORE ! Main slxeet, opp<»ite Depet. . George W. Patterson, t S e m i Contractor, "mbubz pauss, s . .f. . Dealer. In Georgia PldTLumbor, Telophono and Telegraph polos. OnWchoatnut and Pine piling furnlahed at Bhort n o ^ e , all lqiyftha and fiato., Real Kstate coiivoyaucies. Ust 4of conveyances, Monmouth Coiinty Clerk’s ofllco, for- tho week ending Asntmt'' PARK. . Henry C. LaUtcrbach to Josephine_W. Clarkson —lota 4(k aud 405. W.000. Georgo A. Castor to MatUda E. Janney—part of lota 1,026 a n d 1,020. 81,800. HBFTUMB TOWWSHIP. Melissa Bennett to Rhoda Palmer—4 lots Nop- tuno township. &100. . \ Thomas B. Height 10 the Trustees of the Hamil- ton M. E. Church-rlot Ncptuno township. #106. ' Robert Brown to Caroline H. Brown—lot at West Grovo. 8700. »' Edwin .W. Rolles to James H. Matthews—lot Neptuno township. *1. MIBOBLIiAlOSOLB. M. Howhrd Maps «"ai. to ;Joelah Stratton—lot West-I>ong Branch. $50. .Lowls B. Brown el ol, to Joslah A. Stratton—2 at Elberon. $900. Toala.li H. NcWman, by bolts, to Bartlno New- man—1G 80-100 acres Wall township. 81. Bamo to Emma H. Hculltt^-20 acres Wall town- ship. «l. Bamo to Edwin Newman—21 60-100 aorcs Wall township, jgl. Bamo to PhceboE. Poland—20 acres Wall town- flhlp. 81. __. ’• V- • Same to'Goorgo H. Newman—10 61-100 acres Wall township. 8U Jamea II. Rogers to Nclllo M. H, Webster— lot at Highlands. $1. < " John Hawkins to tho Board of Education of Dis- trict No. 85-lot at Seabright. 81.600. Tho Board of Education Sohool District No. 86 to the Bccond .Baptist Church of Long Branoh- -lot at Long Branch. >100. Vesta Ilagerman, by Adm're, to Joseph C. But- phen—2 lota Manalapan township. 8250. Joseph C. Sutphon to Margaret A. Lucas—samo property. 8250. • •. ' Abram HaitwickJ by Adm’r, to tho Board <5f Freeholders—2 tracts land Howell township. 81. Thomas P. Way, by I msteo, to Wm. Cranshaw el oi—lot at Keyport. 850. John W. Edwards et al. to-the Second Keyport Loan Association—lot at Keyport. 8100. . Harriet M. Smock to John Bailey—lot at Rod Bank. 810,000. „ .- - ' o Elizabeth Morford, et al, to the New Jersey Ice Line. Lot at Red Bank. 5 yoart leaso. The Long Branch I'ollco Sanitary and Improve- _ tont Commission to H. K. Gawtry. Lot at Lor - Branch. $178.16. mg The Inhabitants of the township- of Ocean to same. 8662.60. John V. Sutphln to Henry F. Sutphln. Lot at JoreoyvJUe. $200. Y’ Abigail F. Weaver, et al, to James H: Potera. Lot Shrewsbury townBhlp. 8300. ’ ; Ida Ann VanDyko, el al, to Andrew J. Rider. Lot Middletown township. $1, - Charles B. EllJs, et al, to the Board of Chosen Freeholders, Lot at Freehold. $1,500. Cornelius Longstreet by heirs, to John II. Long- street 1 00-?00 acres, Wall township. $1. Samo to Andrew J. Longstreet. 1 78-100 acres. Wall township, ft, - .... ........ Cdrfiollus Longstreet, by .holrs, to Androw J. LongBtreot. Lot Wall townsh!p. $1. Coprad ZImmorman to Leopold Marks, Lot a t Ea Ion town. 8 L — • - ^ Leopold Marka to Rufink Zimmerman. Bame property! $1, 'ohn Carr 1 , Baritai Hendrlo! -------- -------townwhlp. : Same to Harry Neaflo. ----------- to the Keyport Railroad Company. 1 62-100 acres, Itaritan township. iJjSop, . .; ^ John 52-100 acres, Raritan township. $ li . . Samuel C. iiendriokBon to l)avld LeWla. acre, Howell town«hlo. 837. Same to Ilarry Neaflo. 3 tracts, Howoll town* Ship. 85,600. . Wm. G. HalXsft al, to-John Nastasla. Lot at Long Branoh. il60. Sidney Conover t . . .. Ocean townsnlp. 8300. Conover to Mary E. Dangler. . Lot In Joseph B. Lawreneo to Margaret D. Patterson. 5 60-100 acres, Middletown township. 81,210. —3 cottages at Long Branch. 81,695. iMSS^fary E. Gunning with And -bulkhead at Monmouth Beach. 850. liuildifitf Contracts. riLBn to ANn^cxcLUDiKa dec. 15. 3183—Harvey B. Johnson wUh Daniel W. Rob-. bins—new house.at Asbury Park. 82.600. 24»t—Wm.G. HaUftaL, with James J. Brieriy ------ ------------------- - c h .8 1,605. . . with Andrew G. Dennis ____________________j Beach. 850. 2486—Joseph O. Downes wUh Robert Emory— ucw houso at Atlantic Highlands. 8l.Hr<0. 2187—C. E Laldlaw with J. M, AJIgor—repairs to house at Sea Bright 8630. 2-18&—Mrs. Ma y Flertcr with Aaron Vreeland— moving houso at Monmouth Beach. f90O. 2489—Samo with, samo—repairing samo houso. 82.000. .-2490—F. Kurrns with Stout & Rodden—now houso at West Asbury Park. 8050. 2491— Matilda E. Janney with John W. Martin— new house at Anbury park. 83,265. M uU i|ilicatlon vs. AclcIUiori* ..J . plokod_np,ono. of..tho: dally papers the ^othorday'and read thia itom; “ Tho A rounder droppod lntoA tho post office yestorday to post a llttlo billot to a maiden, and whilo buying hl5 stamp Baw a boy slowly counting a sheet of twprcent stamps. Any ordinary person, to be euro thoy were tho right number, would havo counted bow many there were in the top row, counted the number of rows, multiplied and got tho result Not so thoiioy. Patiently he told over every stamp on tho. Bheet until he had ascertained thoro wore*just 100, wheij ho sighed for relief aud trotted away.” Now a boy who would waato timo like that can novor mako hla mark lu this busy world. In doing any work wo all want to dolt the bost way, but wo must learn next how to do it the best way In tho loast tjmo. We must learn to nso tho multiplication table in every- thing we do. ........ - One afternoon this woek I got into a car on the elevated road going up town. As,I stopped into the car I saw the top of a email folt hat botwocn two of tho cross seats; 1 took ono of the Beats across the aisle. On his knees was a brlght-oyed newsboy abont 11 or 10 years old. Ho was busily folding papers. Ev^ry paper was folded perfeotly ovon, and carefully creased in ,the jnjddle; after folding aoout-two-thirds of what he had, ho wrapped them la a piece of blaok oilcloth, but Wrapped _i!V such a way that ho donld easily got at thom. The remainder wore as carefully creased and folded and laid in a pile outside of the others.. “ Why do yon not put thom inside with the others t” Insked.- “ ’CaUse then I cohld "not reach *fhom so fast I don’t want ’em all to got w^t i ’ll keep*the rost dry till those are gono,” and he loft the cai fog and rain. Another thing I noticed; before our tralu went ont of the Btatlon, the down train, came In with the front platform crowded with news- boys who wore poshing unds elbowing each other, and left the train yelling-. .lilfo young Comanchos. The noWeboy^S^ur train looked up with a smile and said, “ Somo pf them fel- lows wjlljct left” rt?iWhy I asked. ‘ L- “ I ’ll sell moat of roy papota S'? them fellows gets tholrn. I ways getifown earty. rs Ibori that leaves their nip- toWn offices early.' Ye catch the fellers Ibori t up- 1 f^el pretty sure that boy will be more tha^ a newsboy, boforo he la much older. Ho^wja ^ ru l, prompt and alert llo would uso tho mUltlplIcatloi^tabio.Jj^ business instfead of adOHton.~ Vhristlcti tjnion, - y*. ^ U© Obeyed Orders. “ Call foe-Ah Song)J I -eald an' Australian Judge to tbo Hibernian court crier, in a .Chi- nhse law s n lt “ Gentlemen,” shouted thb orl^r fp.tbo spectators, “ would oh a of ^ez favor. ^ls honorwith a song fn—iV. Y. ISibune. “ Colloquial English,” In ITarper’s , MmtMy for January, la anothorof tlru delightful essays which havo of late boon a feature of this mag- azlno. Thq author, i*w>f. A. 8 . Hill, of liar- vard Unlvorslty, Booms to havo In his thlnd.an luexhauatablo etoro of Utorary BpooOhanc^ an- ecdote, an4 ,ho Iptrodnccs them With pleading skill into an arllcle whjph In otlier hands might havo been dry^ .. The mtvlo ja lato to-night, as the woman said whon sho got tip at 2 f u . to lot in hor htts-' band. ' * ..fct* , . ^Tlie Library Public. r . It Booms to bo a settled fact that tbo Weather clerk’ finds it neoossary to prccipltato a storm every tlmo thero IS a meoU&^f tho Library Association. For a timo last soason it was announocd that no ihcetlng wottld tako place if old Jupltor was riot gracloualn hla moods, but iho old fellow has been so pbstlnato of lato that tho managomoht have concluded that the programs .will go on if only.,the per- fornlors aro present. So it may bo under- stood t^at rain or shine, tho regular mooting will-tako pl'ac^. - . Monday evening .tho small audience was well paid for its'attendance. Tho program' was mainly musical, aa two of tho readers bOr Ing from Oce&a Grovo, thoy did not bravo the elements. » . \ -C apt J;* Minot, who acted as chairman, an - nounced the first number, a piano solo, “Tho‘ Harvard Waltz,” by Miss Bello Green,* Like all her performances, Mlsa Green always gives a finish In hor playing that adds greatly to ita enjoyment Then camattho other numbers' in tholr order: Vooal solo, “ Marguorito,” 'by Miss Davis, graiJdly executed,-and for a recall sho sang “ Turhham Tqll.” Plano solo, “ Visions of ParadlBo,” by Miss Whittlesle. It waB beautifully rondcred, tbo rippling melody sounding like far off silvery chimes. , . Reading, ‘‘Tho Polish Boy,” by Miss Rhodes, and for encore “ The Last Hymn.’’, Miss Rhodes is a good reader but hurries too much, which Rreatly lessens tho effect. ‘ Vocal solo, “ Tho Old Oaken Bucket,” by Master Malcolm Sawors, waa ono of tho,gsma_ of the evening; Possessed of a clear, Qrm, resonant voice, h's_ articulation was hear& Ip every part of the ball. By special request Capt. Minot gavo an ex- hibition, personating tbo ‘‘ond man” bone player of a famous minstrel troupe. Tho ap- planse waa con tinned and tho performer waa obliged to repeat. Miss Kingsley played the accompaniment Vocal trio,-“'Down Among the Lilies,” by MIbs Anmack, Mies Davis and Mrs. CusacV, waa a choice selection ^udar^ry harmonious- ly rendered^ ........ ; ^ Ilnmorous dialect readings, “ How • Pat Saved hls^Bftcon ” and “ Irish Asironomy,” by Mt,.Wm. H..MH«w, wore given in his ueual bappy vein, closing tho evonlng’s entortaln- nt '' ' *■- . . eVeral eboleo,volumes havo been donated ho library by Mrs. Bradley, apd others by Capt. C. H. Barrett, or Ocean Grove, whlclj were received and a voto of thanks m ao* kbowledgment was tendered tho donors by tho'Assoclatlon. Tho'next Llbr^ty meeting wMl be on Mori- day evening, Jan. .7, 1^0, when Miss Sadlo Milne, the celebrated elocutionist who was hero onco last winter, will bo given tho whole evening . . .. Uncle Samly’s Grailtut\e. It was when winter was just closing In, and tho frost was making tbo p’anka crack and Bnap, that I mot Uncle Sandy. He-was of real old African stock, with a sm!?e-always covering Ws face, and he laughod heartily as he stopped me'and said : I was jlst a-finkln* 1 I waa jlst a-flnkW’ dat.if I shooM meet (de Aogol Gabriel, an’ bo should ax mo to walk jv!d hlm, aa’ deso yero butes should frow mo down, how ’shamed de olo man would bo of blssc’f—yah.I h a ! ha li1 Ho held up ono foot and then the other. I could see fair- blaok toes peeping throueh tho holes. I gavo him some monoy to get repairs made, and It was, tbreo months beforo I ran across him again. T&on l niqt h'.m oue bit’og cold day. IIo was ;vTk.hout an overcoat - He remembered mo and he barst out laughing aq be said “ Got dora butes all fixed, but Gabr’el didn’t dun cum a’ongylt.” “ You cobidb’t walk far with him without an overcoat” “ Pat’s ^o, mas’r. If Gabr’ol should cum I’d hov to tako him lu^whar’ dar’ was a flah— yah I -ba I ha!” • ' . - Botwooh JU nolo Sandy and myBcU and a socond-band dealer tho old^fellow got an overcoat—tho first hkever-hwd. If you glvo to charity you like to glvo to those who neither demand a nor oxpoot It. That gives you a fchanoe to Borprlse them, and1 a word or two of gratitude Is ample reoompenso. '-j, Whon spring pame I mot ^nolo Saudy for the third time. It was slushy and sloppy, and the old boots woro. rent and worn. There Is an end oven to an old boot You may pog and patch and cobble, bat the day, comes when the leather loses its llfo. Looking for Gabriel f” I asked as h& was about t o pass by. ,> “ Oh I dat’s yoo, js It ? Yah 1ha 1 ha 1 No, i Isn’t lookin’. I’m jlst bopln’ htf worit oum. Dose yore ole butes hov gone- at' last Don’t want to mako Gabr’el ’sbamod of me, you know 1” He was Used up for bools,’ and one day, two ^nonths later, a'boy camo after me and I Went with him to find Uncle Sandy on his dy- ing bed. • ! ’ . . “ Gabr’el a*’ a oummlh’ purty soon 1” he saigas he gripped my bandi. . \ . J V And aro tho boots out of repair f” t asked. J* ’Taln’t do butes dls time, mas’r. It ar do aoqjl Iaj ready to soo him. anLto walk Wid him’ long do bard road. Kneel down yere, IzO ole. an’ pore an’ dyln’ an’ dai’s only one way I kin pay ye for what yo hov. dun fur me.” And be put bis blaok hand on my b^ad and p r a y e d . : “ Ob I Gabr’oi, dls jroro white man sh<)d mo an’ clothed me an* fixed mo ug, dat l-might ‘walk w ld '^ l^ ye fiappened dla yero way. ’Souse bis faults, fdrglvoTila sins, an* wheridB ho’n blowB an’ hb comes up to walk in at do gate, doan’ Bbop him. I’ll be dar to guide |lm Ip, an^ I’ll Toll de -Lord all abont it so’ pfeaso doan’ mako t (roll iow/VtfM.; no ralstako—nmon I”—ite- - - - -*«cc M erry Christinas Greetiti^s. WI|AT OUR MEUOIIANTB UAVI IR .STOUR FOH CimisTMAH TIDlJ -r- WriCnE SANTA OLAUR / HOLDS, m a i l CAnmVAL--r*IOW To SI’BNO voun MONar-To tiir best advantage anp TO MAKE,TUB DAlf MQ 8 T HAJ’l'T. . Chrlstma»{; of all tho holidays of'the year, shoD’d bo a happy, oheoiful day. Doubly fs tbe day aliassed ono, as a o 0 mmemoratlvo festival o? tbo Jaestowal of'the greatest gift oyer vonchsarpd to maa; for which the Glvtr sbouid ever be held in grateful remombranco, and also, becauso of those sacred memprlog,- household and family tlos are m6re closely and sympathetically knit la the ihany inter- changes of tlmoljr gifts that chect and glad- den tho hearts of/all luterosted. Ourchurchcs and Bnndaj-schools tako occa- sion at this aeaBou of the year to gather tholr olass'o8 together, and In glad carol and Tesponslvo exorcises fittingly commemorate this ghjateatof festivals. The IPmat accom- paniments of. these entertainment leave an impress on’tho hearts and minds of tho little ooea tbat is pleasant and lasting, and oven^ older hearts grow warmer and more charit- ably Inclined lij tho contemplation of scones brought up from memories long past. Happy children 1 Happy, festival 1. Happy Christmas I Pleasures these that are never alloyed with tho dross of selfishness. 'I’tio heart awakens to .new impulaW; new. duties press upon us tholr claims* and the heart of mafi must Indeed be ca’lons that does not re- spond to tho gracious \privMego of making at leafat one person more happy than before; This Is tho province ppenod up for all who wUl accept the call.-' Let rot this great Chris- tian festival close wKhout making somo effort to merit tbe welcome plaudit of some grateful heart In providing for tbo demands of the season our merchants have again rivalled all former efforts. Tho principal stores aro teeming with every variety of holiday ^oods, and buyers must be hard indeed to please if i 1 all tbo countless artloles to salt the fsnoy, or for goneral usefulness, they do not find what is most desirable. With a view to helping theso snatomois, .Hfi^reglat.cr tho most promlnont marts for holiday goods; stejnbaou nnofl.V )' •/“ Old Stand again presents a beaut!ful aOlootida Of artlcles ln tHe risofuF ordcc, as well as tliosa that come, within the catalogue of gifts. Tho lower floor js a-complete bazaar that offers a’moat endless variety from which to Select Old Kr'ss himself m'gbtsnpplyliltasolf Indefi- nitely from tho large Block* here displayed, whMo np stairs there may bo seen the choice, and flaer articles, Buch ns might please thO mdst fastldlons. * t, , UUNHY HTiSINIIAdU’S ... Orean Palace Is one of aho marvels~of the bqliday time. What Maoy’s Is to New Yo’k, the big stores o( the StelnbaehB are to Asbury Park. No.shopping tour Is complete without calHn'j on Mr. Steinbaeh. ■To—his ^unllnilted stock of useful goods he has added an endless variety of specialties for the sea- boO, such as toys,, novelt’es, plush goods, alba ms, with a profusion of other attractions. Take a |ook at the immense show windowa They are an lnd;cai\on of what may be found Inside. » JENKtNS* UAZAAR, on Main street, has always maintained its prestige In supplying a class of good suitable for iglfts. The mammoth show window gives but an Inkling of wbat.ls Ipsldo. Everything in tho way of literature ia offered. Choice books and faacy stationery; toys in endless var’ety; dbUs In all aizes and grades ; rioWly dos’gnod Christmas Bouveol-^; plush goods, Ono cutlery. AU tho now. and lato works, magi zlnes nod periodicals. Neverfall to visit the old variety pnd stationery storo, as you will need somo of iho stock to fill otot your lists. 11. n. JOHNSON, . at bis jowefrylioro on Main street, has a fine stock of iho most eicgaat wares, la watches, clocks and fine jevV 6lry. Tue,-o Is nottoro In Monmdmh county that has a Poor stock than la found in Mr; Joansoi’sestablishment Mr. Wiseman, Mr. Travis ahd Alt'. Schmidt aVo have nlco goods that would make vory. accept- able preao a ts. SfcUN^lOEU’s UP;iOL3TBftt*- There ai'e few establishments In cltv or conn»ty that bayo won tb'l- way to popular1 fjyO^B<^Tjuickly aa has that • of Mr. J. L. "Schneider.' H iss store Is a model for its ele- gant suits ol fn^tuteEnd special pieces of goods and notions, unique design. The numerous ohapgoa in hla display window show that ho is up with the times, and tbe lady who presides to genially never wearies la saowlng tho new aad novel attractions. Apy of those new pieces of fo> nlturo would fit ia so -nlco!/ and please the tasteful* housewife. WM. if. I’AWLEY & c o , havo opened a beautiful assor:ment of lamps and fai'cy wa^od that woo’d be a delight to the family. I; yon have a smoky, stovo put in a new ono and thus preserve tho temper of tho cook and all tho household. - WAJXItlOHT A EimiOKHON. . This old establlahcd Morimbhth house car- ries One of tho most complete assortments on tho coast*'-' If you wactt anything from a nut - meg grater to a train load of furnltnro, there you will find it. Thoy aleo-have a line line of Silverware, etc., suitable lor the season^ pres- ents^- * *•- r JrtitSCHTB BTANDAiU) STORE and J. H. Cook’s Boe Hive have both replen- ished their'stool: for the holidays. ^Faney^ goods and notlooB are the pyedomlnattng fea- T1ISO. II. ^tEKINGJJK is headquarters for Bmdkors^-stook and mate - rials. He keeps a fullbtock of all that Is.deairT able to those who lodulgo la the weed. * OOIVI) V A PITdUER, at tholr two Main Btreet establishments,'are among the 'heaviest dealQrs In tbo State in Competent critics havo frequently remarked that iho author of “ Bon-llor ” bad in him tho elements of' a dramatist .% Their judgment Uppa Gen.'Lew Wallace will bo sustained by his play “ Com modus,” In jraiyxn'* Magazine forJanurf-y. Tho action of the drama da-: velops several powerful' scenes, the vigor of Wh !c{i J. R. Weguefl ri^tho ari.lst* renders with fideliiy In aa many H!uBtratlori&. *06©of tM; drawings, entitled “ This Baiting thou s/Salfc rue,’’ forms.the frontispiece of tho magaatae. There Is a snggestion of tho Greek choruB in tho bdild of Bacchantes, The refrain of their 8ong„“ On to Rome,’’ dominates tha^wftolo dram a; it cotchoa together In a phrase the loading thread pf the plot. - ' .«> now can I acquire beauty ? writes a corre^. pOndenV Tbo best .way Is to marry her. If sho will havo yoo. *' . Mr. Rldor—Boon to the races, Tom t tom, —Ypp. Mr. Bldef—;Dld yop come out ahead ? ^Tohi—N o ; afoSCjt '(v\" • Qno cacriages, harness, robes, blankets and uuj!tUttiK inarpQitai tr^o^^av^Ung^qalp^eT d . c h a a \ £ o i : d ’8 Palace<)£ Music Is replete with the moat desir- able pianos, organs an^^r&er^ Instruments. What moro last‘ng or pleasing than ono of these aa a reminder of an annlvecsaVy ? H. A. TUSTINO, nerithe post office, Mr. II. J. Burtls and Mr, ^alass, also have superior Jnstrumento, rioted for some specialty. AM03.<.U>PIKCPTT for ouBtoai tailoring baa no superior, and has] a choice lino of furnishing godds for gentle- m en . **’ “ V • . . s, ' wojiWnt--—- on Cook man affinue, ,1a? another ' worker in cnBtom clothing who is ready to serve hla pa- trons to tho-best l^n the m arket ; F. k TEN BHOROK is an authority on fruits. Ho bos a constant \Bupply and. will dellvorordersion short notice. \^UINOTpN WUITE, on Main stree^deala ip fruits and confpotfon- ery, Sofld in yonr orders for the holidays. * ' , ’ V. J. WIHUKLRB, _____ _ (Iho Mattison av f^ o coiifoctloner, is.literally^.^nomont’s warning. up to hid ey es Jn swfeots, preparing for ihe de- mands of 1his Increasing trado. Of coarse the child re n must tiafo a bo^t of bon-bons. '* f ! w. p. lew is C, is ono of the pioneers in tho confeotionery trado. His" goods aro always In demand and at tbia season ho-can hardly keep up with his orders. • . - SNEOEKEU nUOTUEHS aro yonrig beginnors in tho trado for station- ery, arid faooy goods. They have-a good Block ands,aro making a specialty of holiday gifts. > ' .. . v '■■ '■ *, ’ . * WM. J . ORAMER, , ' " the sncccsaor to Stout '& Bro.,.has Increased hla stock of noveitios and standard goods.for . thh Bea8on’a trado. O. U, TOMPKINS, at Bond street and Mattieon avenue, always prepares for the holiday season.^ Ho has in . £tock a variety of standard books as well as thoso for lighter reading, with tho usual vari' ety of miscellaneous articles usually kept. * . n. D. COLEMAN, at Bangs avonuo.and Bond st^eetj^as a'good lino of cutlery and other artlcloa too numer- ous to mention. roreht't. gravatt fs among’tho moat active of onr stove dealers, having always a carefully selected stock on ■hand. Chas. E. Bordon is among the oldest a t the dealers tn thia line. — O. E. french : v/ .: - , Js the pioneer oyBter dealer of Asbnry Park. He prides himself on his prime stock. In pro- viding for the Ch .fatmag table oysters are on-* the order list JosOph JL Weir, Jr., and Mr. Dexter can also supply you wantsfor blvalves:. DANIEL BROWER, ■ at “ Smokers’ Retreat,’! keeps all the-requi- sites for tho trade. His place is always In good order, and ho la great on “ milk shakes” In sommer. v.. •* RESEAtfBROWN, on Main slreet, is tbo oldest of- tho dealers la, satokers’ goods. __ E. A. CLARK, ■' 'l successor.to C. H. Porter, deals in hats, fur goods and men’s furnishings.' <y v u. staufper, ' .. thfi_photo', irtlat, is jnat now- overrun with - 1- work among tho shadows, preparing them -probably for embellishing the albnmof frienda. .' JAB. H. SEXTON . - - ’’ •' haa a flno stock of fancy gilt moldings for ple-^ turo frames which he mako3 up at short no- tice. They mako a neat present. our orocbrs , ^ : . . M. L. Baihman, Jelliff & 'Son, -Jas, H. Shep- hard, Strickland Bros., Peter DeKeyser, Wm. R. O’Brien,' J. H. Davia; H. E. Thompson, JamesWoolley, A. II. Treat, O. Li Minton, *E. O. van; J. J. Parker, N. Stono and others, are folly replenished for the season and will . be pleased to eupply all.deslrablo customers. BIRD’S KNICKERBOCKER MARKET, B. Heym^n, George _C. Johnson, Polbemns . Bros., N. P. Little,- Georgo Whlto and Doran Bros., will furnlsh.you._a Christmas turkey or other needed meatB. . • *. . HENiiY APPLBOATE’S " ; ------ " ' new drug Btore ha* a very superior stock of fancy toilet articles, perfumes, etc. The same may be said of Woolley & Reed, Harry L. Ogdon, Kin month & Co, and Cusack. g. J. schaNck a son’s coal yard would be a good place to buy ft ton of coal for the home fire. Or if you aro near- er, stop at W. II. Jones’. oso. e. farm e r ’s eoal yard |a near to' Ocean Grovo, and while buying for yourself atop at L. M. Taylor’s yUrd and order a ton for some poor family you may know to be out qf fuel. THE BAKERS *\ are tho old establishments of King & Carter, ^ It. W. Lake, Tyson, Stono, Taylor and Gra- j vatt. The CbrlBtmaB table would not be com- plete without their help. , ocE^N GiipyK. ------ -. Our readers In Ocoan GrOve will scarcely'' need to be told that C. C. Clayton keeps tho emporium of tho p'ace. Ho has maintained the lead agajnst all comers. His store Is the ~ne fUm vllrd, Isaac Sutton’s grocery and ' Wamright & Errickson’a general stote aro each well supplied. . SPRJNO LAKE. O. H ..Brown, from modorate boglnnlngs, has built up a trado that is of mojstef pro- portions. His store is filled wlth-oyery article desired for house-keeping and many of the rarer arid more costly goods.-W m. H. Pottei*, at tho same place, on joys a flno trado in dry IN CONULUblON, Bf ty-fonrthly - and lastly, tho Asbnry Park Printing Honee wibhes all its patrons, apd all who should be, a season of joyfu*. merry-mak- iag. May nothing ty*ppou to destroy the pleaaureg of tnoao who “take no thought for the morrow” what they shall ,wear or what ihoy sha'l eat. Being well provided them-, selves, may.ttioy enhance tholr own happiness by making those,around them happy. There ia no satisfaction so sweet as knowing that yon have made somo other heart lighter or havo dispelled the glooiri from one home and made the sunshine to enter wherq before it ; d*d not exist. •' Saved from I>rownlngr. On Saturday iast,^wblle a party of young men from Yale College were skating on Lake Wbltnpy, near Now Haven, Charles W. Leplerr of tbe senior class, broke through tho Ice and would have drowned but for John & Daniels, - son ot Rev. J. R. Daniels, of the Ocean Grove Association, who carried rails from; a fence aud by tbolr means-rescued young Lepler. The accident occurred at the ex^oispots fret a Law Stndonr Gaylord lost his life just ono year ago. . , . 1 The Emperor of China Is to',b0„ married at a cost of $1,500,000. Wlih most men a marriago of this sort w<puld havo been a fall*^ Texas judge—What’s the charge f Plain- tiff—Prisoner stole a horao. JudgOj-Thpn he_ mustang. The judgo falls pieroed by elxtoen ballots.- . i; . » He—It’s too bad the Autumn leaves aro all gone, isri:t itf I do enjoy gathering and presalngthem. She (archly)—George, I wish I was an autumn leaf.V Mamle^-What are you writing,—JllriSlfrrr yoar will T ^ Minnie—No, I’m writing my won’t. Georgo proposed last night and I told him I’d answer to-day. John, you tfre not listening to a word I am saying I” “ Why,‘ my dear, I am all ears.” I know you are,, and that m akW lt all the . more p r o v o k in g . ,___' Kentucky Coroner—Yes, the papers found upon tho deceased proved th a t;hd was C©L Blood. Witueaa—Therejsaaalso ft-4uartbot' tlo found In ono of bis pockets. Coroner— Was tho bottlo empty T WUnesa—No sir. It was full—hadn’t been touched. Coroner-** Poor*fellow, be muSV havo died without a .

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Page 1: ol .ASBURY PARK, /NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,1 DECEMBER 22, … · 2014. 4. 2. · Dyspepsia Pills will notonly.glvo easo, bnt permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspopsla, or any gas trio trouble


J A. W. HETRICK, M. D. ‘ V'

Homoeopathic Physician and Snrgdon. , Cor. Cookman A Bangs a vs., Asbnry Park, N .J . ' , I lo n rs ; un til 10 a. ny.,;and M toj 4 p . m.

g > fe. KINMONTII, M. D.,

Corner G rand and Asbury Avenues,Office Hours-^7 to 0 a; m ., 1 to 8 p. m., 6 to 8 p. m.

TkR. BRUCE 8. KKATOR, „, ComcDopathio Physician and Surgeon.

Graduate of botftsoboois, „ : > . >*Cor. Asbnry avenne and Borgh s tre e tIfAlOn r r .d i n n m n _t>ur. flBuury wtuuuu auu

HoUTs—Until 9 a m., 7 to 9 p. m, »■ Telephone connections,

JA M E S B. BURNET, ,M .D% • i , ‘• .*■ Ifl Chesthnt Street, Newark, N. J .

Office Houhit-8 to 12 a. m ., 6 to 7 p. ip. . /

Sundays—8 to 10 a. in., 6.to7 p. m.


I. GILL, A. Mi, P . D., • , '

PncamatopathlBt, or Mental Healer,400 Sewall avonuo, Cor. Hoc?k street.

Office honrs 7 to 10,12 to 3; S.to 9.

^ F. PAWLEY, "D m m s T , v

615 Bangs ave.i ~ Asbnry p a rk ; !?. f t

J ) I t 8. T. SLOCUM,

DENTIST,Office—204 Main.St., opposite Railroad Station,

Gas-administered. - Asbury Park, N. «J,


- D B e o ld e n t D en tis ta .Donn Building, BOB Cookman ave., Asbnry Park.

New York Offlce^-M W est 31th s t.Gas administered. Appointments m ade by tele-Sliono or by mall H onrs: 9 a . m. .'to 5 p. w .

Pf’r s of “ ZOZO”—the new preparation for clcanaUiR and preserving tha Teeth.

L N. SEYMOUR, D. D ; S.- - P B M T X S T ,

Office 680 Cookman avenne, near Emory s treet. Mechanical work a specialty.

Difficult operations solicited.


Attorneys-atLaw , Solicitors * Masters in Chan­cery, Mikado Building, Cookman Av.,

Asbury P ark, N. J .' rr'"'1 ......... >.T:___L--U----1-..v_ r_----W'TTT«.-- .Sp


Attoraoy-afcLav?, Sollcltor^tfaateiVbijCbancery . ^nd Notary Publlo.' ■ *

Special atten tion jflveii to examination o f Titles, • &&•

Offioo in Cook’s Building,Asbnry Park , New Jersey.

A LFRED D. BAILEY,Attomoy-at-Law, Solicitor and M aster in

{ Chancery and N otary Pnbllc. - Special attention given Ao crtfleotlon o f claims.

Office In Mikado Building, Asbury Park.

0A V 1D HARVEY, J r.,

Attomey-nt-Tjiw, Sol icltor. M aster and Examiner ‘I In Ohanoory, N ?tary Public. '

Asbury Park, N, J .


Attorney-at Law and Solicitor In Chancery, Address r . O. Box 1001, Asbury Park , N. J .

R O B E R T T : G R A V A T T ,

> / ' s v A u r a z H . ^

'Stoves,Heaters, Ranges,T IN W A R E , do .

C o o l a n a n a v . s n e a r B o n d a t . ,

■ ■ ASBDB1 s>AF.B 3, J.


KINDS.BT'Firfit'Olaaa w ork a t low ra tca .^ E J

JJPPINOOTT, . ' T . . A . X X j O I R *

1 3 7 C o o k m a n A v e .

G e n t s ’ F u r m s ' h i n g a .


i s l e s 'd r e s s e s dyed tn all the newfiSt shades. ^ye<tto all colors. Gentlemen’s doth*

‘ andpressed equal to new. Agent for ^sb u rv Park.

Feathers «lvodto i ing oieanea, dyed

H E N R Y D O R E N , , ...(Successor to G. W. Read,)


Suits m ade to order guaranteed to fit. Cloaning and Repairing.

■ G E O R G E W . L E E ...iOBBSMS H O U S E C A R P E N T E R

nardw ood work a specialty: orders promptly attended to and work dono In first-class manner.

M anufacturer of Storm Doors, W indow and Door Sorecns. Orders left a t D. H. Wyokoff’s paint storo, o r received by mall, will bo promptly attended to.1 IlOHltleiibw—N. E. UOK Asbttry avenue and Main street. P . O. Box 005, ASBURY PARK, N. J . r

A . A . T A Y L O R ,

Mason andBuilder,Bricklaying and .riastering In a ll branch oa

• ot Masonry w ork. - 'Jobbing p^amptly attended to.

P. O. Box 097. - Offlne, 783 Mattison avenues

S A M U E L w . k i r k b r t d e ;

^ O N T K A C T O l t ,

Carpenter & Builder.Plans and. specifications furnished. Jobbing

promptly attended to . Best of roferenco glvon. Rosldence—First ave,, bet Bond and Kmory sts.

Shopand Offioo—Flrat ave. Bnd Main Bt.P. O. BOX 748. ABBURY PARK.

DvNBr M. Nbv« ib,Counsel lor at iJiw,


E n atm n W itaon, t : Attomiay a t Law.

Law Offices,RED BANK, N .J .


* 80S Third avenue, Asbury Park. TEACIIEl? OF MUSIC—Plano, Organ ar>(^Theory



j y j R S . B O S A M N E V . R IP L E Y ,

TU0HER f f PIANO, ORBitN ANO THEOrV.. Foreign and Amerioan fingering. Terms—115 for

. S 20 lessons, payable a t 10th lesson.

H B , J O H N S O N ,

Practical Watchmaker,Dealer In Fine W atches, Jewelry, 8pectaoles Ac.

W atches and Jewelry repaired a t City Prices^.

Main street, near Oookman avenue,ASBURY PARK, N. J ,

GEO. M.‘BENNETT,HOUSE-' PAINTINGIn a ll its branches. Hardwood finishing, Grain­

ing, Calclminlng, &o.Estim ates furnished on application.

L. Box 2132, Ocean Grovo, N. J .

COOKHOWLAND,A r c h i t e c t & B u i ld e r ,

Building plans oxecutod and all w ork promptly done. .

Office in Cook’s Building, Main s tree t and Cookman avenue. Aflbury Park.


L anil HorseshoarCarriage w ork In aU Its branohes.

mmm painting ano trimmingJ n tho finest style of decorative art.

Main street and First avenue,ABBBKtPABK

ADO N L IP P IN C O T T ,Contractor & BuilderJobbing In allibranches promptly an d oarofully

attended to.Residence—C02 F irst avenue, , . .Bb'op-SW Main Bt. A8BUHY PARE, N. f .

" I 'i tE u .n .u o W D v . CUA8. II.’PlTCnE!!.

G O W D Y & P IT C H E R ,Carriages, and_^anufactu-

rei t of Harness.R e p o s ito r ie s —A ^ b a ry P a r k , R ed B a n k

a n d T om a | t l v c r . * .


DANIEL C. COVERT,No. 27 Pilgrim Pathway, Ooean Grovo, N. J .,

. O E N E R A l . A G E N T/>„ — r o n t u s — - ,

Purchase, Saia and Resting of Real EstateA lsoT roperty Insured In first-oloBS companies. Improvements m ade for nou-realdenta. Propor- ty-carod for,’ Loans negotiated and Collections m ade. Correspondence solicited. P. O. BOx2l3fl.

. ; T ests, Awnings, Flags.Felting for boilers a n d steam pipes.

S . H E M M E N W A Y ,daotnjaii Avo., Asbury Pork, N. j, .

s£ u lofts, OO'South 8 t., Now York'City,


S T O U T & H A R T ,A a b n iy P n r h -aqd d c e a ti d r o v e •

Concrete Walk “Layers,A8BUBV PARE, N .J . '*•

- l * o f f i o o 718 Mattison avo. Satlafftotlon guaranteed.. . ' . r1 ■ ? .. ■ • ■

i ■ ,■ ■ . v - r ' v

The O l d and Reliable Brand.

Calvert Sl Co.AnlnpenssJIwI i M ,

TtesiraiilG S lia ip s o f Color.

H.E. lluchanort & Co.Sole Agents to r State oi Now Jersey.

-|3^“prlcos low to painters "and Consumers. Liberal arrangem ents m ade with dealers.


Jobn A. Githen;. & Co.M anufacturers o’f. and wholesale and 1

retail dealers In

FEATHERS, Etc. ’ F A C T O R Y N O . I43 M A IN S L

Up S tairs ,‘I to n o ra tin g X W treeb v t a S pecialty .

Telephone Connection.

M , W «"CR0SB1E,. Successor to David Cartwright,

Tar Paper, Sheathing Paper,,T w o and Three-ply Roofing Paper.

P . 'O . BOX 8 0 3 . A s b n r y P a r k , Bf. J m


Now occupy tho now brick building o f J.^ Henry * Applegate, on

Mattison Avenue, near Bond Street,where they aro prepared to estimate on a il kinds

v m M h m m wThoy do none , o th e r than flrst-class 1rorl^ and

all plumbing will be done a lter the most approved

R e p A l r l n t p r o m p t l y a t t e n d ^ to .

H, C . M A R R Y O T T ,Contractor arid “Builder,Estim ates/fum lehpd for overy description lof

work. Jobbing attended to promptly. , , - - t . ResHlonce-- * * * !

C or, S e v a l l Ave. a n d E ra o ry S t .Lock Box 71? A H W i’.X P A U U . 'l t .

JO H NPraclical House Painter,

-A N D J?A P E S H&KCSEB.' | _ . Resldonce Cor.JPIfth avehuo and Bond street,

Lock Box 075. ' ASBIHtY PARK, N. J .

JOS. L DURRA H,P l a s t e r e r , ‘ :

505 THIRD AVENUE.Jobbing Prom ptly attended to,


' i t e i n v A n c , w . 'j f .KalaWIshod 1878,,, Jobbing promptly, attended,

to. Boat of roforenoo given.Offipo and Rcnldonce, , • —


F. C. BRflEUTIGftNI,R eal Estate ml Insurance.

Hotels, Boarding Housob and Cottages to Let, for Sale and Kxohaniro. Spoolal a tten tion given to drawlnfrmortgago8, leasos and doeds a t short notice.: Office


P. O. Box 17. N ear Main B t , Asbnry Parkv'N. J .

H> B. BEEGLE,(Lato H^B. Beeglo & Bon)

l i E A T j E S T A T E a n d , ;

" I N 8 U B A N C B A G E N T ,

\l Kaia knm, Sm SrsTiJ.J.Loans Negotiated audLegal Papers Drawn

H. B. BEEGLE, Notary r tb l lo and Commissioner o f D oodsior New Jersey, Pennsylvania and tho D istrict of Columbia.

Bargains in Real EstateL O T S AM D EM PEO V K D P B O I : E R T Y A T N Q B T H S P W H Q L A K E .

Improved Property and Lots a t Point P leasant cheap for cash. . , Vi' . ~

Lots a t Manlipsset for Sale or. Exobangs. 200 feet of B ay 'fro n t, suitable for a wharf. The only Bay fron t in the m arket fo r sale in th a t vtofnlty. Will be sold cheap.

Lot 25x123 foeton Sixth avenue, n e a r the ocean, ABburyPark. •

If you w an t to buy or ren t any property any­where along the ooast

Apply to R. M. WORTHINGTON, Cor. Sewall av. and Emory s t , Asbury Park.

Or W. T. Strxkt, Point Pleasant, N . J .W. H. Pprrxa , Spring Lake, N. J .

R E A L E S T A T E ,

r r f s x . |' a A N C i v &

M O R T G ^ O K ' i o A N S .708 C o o k m a n A ve.



fP O W E E C O .


Railroad,, near First avenue.

Fumfshcfl Electrlo Aro and Incandescent Mehta a t any location. ^

o m c E B ;p

Presldont^-MYRON 8. GduLH,Yloo Pros’t-EDM UND G. HAIUUSON, Treasurer—JOHN ROCKAFELLER,Scc’y aud Sup’fr—GKO. M. LANE.


Myron S. Gonld, Geo. F. Kroehl, Edmund G. Harrison, John C. MacMurray, John RookaleUor, Geo. A . Smook,

Goo. M. Lano. • 13% •

Whon It Is a well-known fac t th a t

BOURNE’SEnglish Tonic

Dyspepsia Pillswill n o to n ly .g lv o easo, bnt perm anently cure Indigestion, Dyspopsla, o r any gas trio trouble.

For Sale by ail Druggists.


C o iitja cir, Carpenter & BuilderPlans and speolficatlons furnished. Jobbing

promptly a ttended to. Beat o f reference given Realdopce—100 M t Carmel W ay, Ocean Grove.

P. O. Box 70, Asbury P ark , N. J . .

. L A D IE S ! -D o T o n r O w n D y e in g :, a t H o m e , w i l l i

PEER LESS DYESThOyTwlH dye ovorytliing. Thoy are sold every where. Prfoo JOo. a package—40 colors. They' havo n o equal for Strength, Bt I ohtnesa. Amount In Packages o r for Fastness of Color,or non-fad-injr Qualities. They do not crook o r sm u t For salo by R. Tlisting. M. D., WoOlloy * Rood, W. B. ChriBtme, Druggists, Asbury Park , N. J.


PETER DE K:EYSER,Successor to Wm. Beames,

Dealer in Ohaise Family ‘Groceries.Tho best brands o f Floury flno Teas and Coffee,

and everything pertaining^to a flret-clasa GrO’ eery. ■ * - •' *

NeWvStock !. Prime Goods I

p R N N S Y L V A N U I IA J L I I O A D .

. On and aftoi* October 1888,TKArtiJiAAWiiXsmmTrABS: " j \

F o r New York, New ark, KUzabeth., Rahway Red Bank, lK)ng Branoh and Interm ediate

...s ta tio n s , a t 0.15 a> “ m 1.15,,5.85 pi m . , , Express fo r New York, Nowark, Elisabeth-and

Long Brafaoh^‘a t 7.45 a. m.For . M ataw an, 7.45, 0.15 a . m ., 1.15, 6.85 p. m,

7.69 a . m ., 13.27,4.20 p . m.For Camden; Burlington, Bordentown and points

on the Amboy Division, via. Berkeley and Toms River, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 2.00 p. m. -

For Camden, Burlington, and Bordentow n, (via. Trenton,) 7.60 a. m ., 1S.2?, 4-30 p. m. Via. Jam esburg, 4.S0 p. m . - -

For Tomfl R iver, Island nelghts, arid intermodl- / a t e stations, a t 11.06 a. m. On Mondays and

Saturdays only, 2.00 p. m.F or P o in t P leasant, and in term ediate sta tions, a t

11.05 a. m ., 2.00, 6.00,7.00 p. m.TBAOfs U U T I K*W to b k (v ia . D o sb ro B aea a n d

C o r t l a n d t S ts . f e r r ie s ) ro a ,A s B u n T p a s s :A t0.10 a . m ., laoo noon, 4.20,5.00p. m . ;• • ' ■'

TaAnrs i iu v x phuadjswhia (Broad S t ) ro aASBUBT PABK

A t 7.38,11.15 a . % 4,00 p. m. M arket S t , via: . Camden and Trenton—7.20, 10.80 a. m., 2.80

p. m. Via. Jam esburg, 7.20 a. m., 8.80 p. m. Via. Toms River and Berkeley, on Mondays and Saturdays only, 8.80 a', m . _

J . R. WOOD, OenH Pcut. Agt, CHAS. E. PUGH, Qeifl Manager. .

I J S W Y O R K A LOISQ BBAJVCH R . R ,lim e Table, n effoct November 18,1888.

Stations in New Y ork—Central R. R of New J e r ­sey, fo o t of Liberty S tre e t; P. R. R., foo t of C ortlandt and Desbrossos S treets; N. J . South* e m Railway, foot of Rector St.

tB A V B K a w T O B K TO B ASBTTBT" P A B K , * C .Central R,'R. of N. J .—l.ao.aiS ,.*11.15 a .tn ., 1.00,

4.00 *4.80,6.10 p. m.- Pdnnsyivania—*0.10 a”, m ., 12.00 m ., *4.20,' 5.00,

p . m . *Leave New ark, Broad B t Station, lo r Asbnry

Park, Ao. — 8.26, 11.20 a. m ., l.Ol, 4;00, 4.85, 0.20p. m. M arket St. s ta tio n —0.88 a. m ., 18.20,4.44,5.20 p .m .LBAVB AHBUBT PABK FOB BKW TOBK, *0 .

Central R. R. of N. J .-0 .1 6 ,6.50, *7^5,10.55 a. m., 4.15,6.45 p. m.

Pennsylvania—*7.45, 0.15 a, m ., 1.15, 5.85 p .m . For Philadelphia and Trenton, via. Bound Brook

Route—6.16,0.50,7.65 a.m ., 4.15p jn .For Ooean Beach, Spring Lako and Sea Girt—

7.00, 7.59, 10.20, 11.05 a. m., 12.27, 1.05, 2.00, .258, 4J», 6.55, 0.00, 0.11,7.00,8.10 p. m.

F o r Manasquan and Point P leasant—7.00,10.20, 11.06 a. m., 1,05, 2.00. 258, 5.65, 0.00, 0.11,7.00, a io p. m.

For Philadelphia, via. Sea G irt—7.60 a . m., 122T, 4J30 p. m. , "

For Toms River, 11.05 a. m.•—Express. ' RUFUS BLODGETT, Bupt.H. P. B A L D W IN ^. P. A. G. J<> H .q f N. J.

J . R. WOODg Gen'l Piut 4qi, & B,B,

p R E E H O L D A R U N E W Y O R K R . H*

: - iu effect Nov. 10,1^8.'

TRA INS W IL L LKAVB PO B ^nK K H O L D A S FOLLOWB T Leave Asbury Park—8.00, 10.65 a / m., 1.15, 4.15,

5.86 p. m . / . ■ „Leave Lbng BranohA-8;15; 11.IP’a . m ., 1.80,4.80,

5.60 p. m. / •• *. . ’Leave Branoh port—7.20, 11.13 a. m ., 1.83, 4.8^f,

. 5.53 p. m. =. • ■'* " •Leave Little Silver—7.25, 11,18 a . m .. 1.88, 4.88,

6.68 p. m. —Leave Red B ank-8 25,11.80 a . m ., 1.43, 4.45, jQ,00

p .m . rLeave Middletown—7.87, 11.37 a. m „ 1.50, 4.62'


0.30, a87, 0.81 a. m .. 122U, 2.08, 0.30, 7.25 p. m. LKAVK m B B U O L D FO B TU B SHORE.

a05, 11.15 a . to ., 1.36, 4.30. 0.80 D. m.J . E.HALPH, Supu.

Sewer Notice.

During the past year a num ber of new connec­tio n s havo been m ade with the sewers. This has to some ex ten t lessened the percentage of cost of m aintaining the workB. As tho ereotion of ihe Sower Works waa not a m atter o f spoeula-. tion, bnt becam e a necessity because b f th e b» o- oessful and rapid groyvth of the town, the owners desire to keep the annual ren t a t the lowest possible p o in t

Notloo Is h ereby given thatpn .aH soyycr. ren ts fo r 1888, wbich will be due January 1 s t 1880, for prepayment a deduction of ono per c e n t a month will be allowed. A fter the next January on sewer ren ts duo tho following January a deduc­tion bf tw o per c e n t a[ month will fo r p r^ a y - m pnt be allowed. On tiie third year, fo r pre­paym ent th ree por c e n t a month w ill be allowed; ahd fo n tho 'fo u rth year, for pre­payment) four per c e n t a m onth w ill be allowed. . ^Thls practically rednoes the sewor ren t §bopt one third. I t l^-of course' lmpos­sible to tell, a t the present time, If a still further discount can bo allowed on the fifth or euoceedlng years, on account of increased num ­ber o f connections, bu t the ownors o f property which Is connoctod with the Bewer may rest Assured th a t they will reap every advantage pos­sible. Owners of the works only dealre, afte r worklhg expenses are paid, a m oderate ’interest on the Investm ent C. T. BAILEY,-,.- -—

Boc’y Bower Works. Asbury Park, MayJfJd, 1888. _

Artistic Printing.

•vi •* -- •

M a t e r i a ! — t i* - * * . . ■

W o r k m a n s h i p — fim -riiuu.

D e liv e ry — prompt.

C h a r g e s — moderate.

A S B U R Y P A R K . ' .

. P R I N T I N G H O U S E .

718 Mattison A v e .

MATTRESSES oua BEDDING Of all k lr f* call be found at

No. 1 Main St. (Ormerod Building),ASBURY PARK, N. J . ' ‘

Renovating Mattresses a speciaUy a t rcasoimble " G eo , w llllM n B o u , A g t,prioes:

N O V E L T I E S. F i n e S t s i l o n e r j r , 1>o 9Iii !'oyi»,

^ V r l t l l l j . M a t e r i a l s , e t c . . 1 —C lrc u la tln g r L ib r a r y . .


! Main slxeet, opp<»ite Depet. .

George W. Patterson, t S e m i C o n t r a c t o r ,

"m b u b z pauss, s . .f.. Dealer. In Georgia PldTLumbor, Telophono and Telegraph polos. OnW choatnut and Pine piling furnlahed a t Bhort n o ^ e , all lqiyftha and f ia to .,

R ea l K state coiivoyaucies.U s t4 of conveyances, Monmouth Coiinty

Clerk’s ofllco, for- tho week ending

A sntm t'' PARK.. H enry C. LaUtcrbach to Josephine_W. Clarkson—lota 4(k aud 405. W.000.

Georgo A. Castor to MatUda E. Janney—part o f lota 1,026 and 1,020. 81,800.

HBFTUMB TOWWSHIP.Melissa Bennett to Rhoda Palmer—4 lots Nop-

tuno township. &100. . \Thomas B. Height 10 the Trustees o f the Hamil­

ton M. E. Church-rlot Ncptuno township. #106. ' Robert Brown to Caroline H. Brown—lot a t

West Grovo. 8700. »'Edwin .W. Rolles to James H. Matthews—lot

Neptuno township. *1.MIBOBLIiAlOSOLB.

M. Howhrd Maps « "a i. to ;Joelah Stratton—lot West-I>ong Branch. $50.

.Lowls B. Brown el ol, to Joslah A. Stratton—2 a t Elberon. $900.

Toala.li H. NcWman, by bolts, to Bartlno New­m an— 1G 80-100 acres Wall township. 81.

Bamo to Emma H. Hculltt^-20 acres Wall town­ship. «l.

Bamo to Edwin Newman—21 60-100 aorcs Wall township, jgl.

Bamo to PhceboE. Poland—20 acres Wall town-flhlp. 81. __. ’ • V -• Same to'Goorgo H. Newman—10 61-100 acres

Wall township. 8U Jamea II. Rogers to Nclllo M. H, Webster—lo t a t

Highlands. $1. < "John Hawkins to tho Board of Education o f Dis­

trict No. 85-lot a t Seabright. 81.600.Tho Board of Education Sohool District No. 86

to the Bccond .Baptist Church of Long Branoh- -lot a t Long Branch. >100.Vesta Ilagerman, by Adm're, to Joseph C. But-

phen—2 lota Manalapan township. 8250.Joseph C. Sutphon to Margaret A. Lucas—samo

property. 8250. • •. 'Abram HaitwickJ by Adm’r, to tho Board <5f

Freeholders—2 tracts land Howell township. 81.Thomas P. Way, by I msteo, to Wm. Cranshaw

el o i—lot a t Keyport. 850.John W. Edwards et al. to -the Second Keyport

Loan Association—lot a t Keyport. 8100. .Harriet M. Smock to John Bailey—lot a t Rod

Bank. 810,000. „ .- - ' oElizabeth Morford, et al, to the New Jersey Ice

Line. Lot a t Red Bank. 5 yoart leaso.The Long Branch I'ollco Sanitary and Improve-

_ tont Commission to H. K. Gawtry. Lot a t Lor - Branch. $178.16.


The Inhabitants of the township- o f Ocean to same. 8662.60.

John V. Sutphln to H enry F. Sutphln. Lot a t JoreoyvJUe. $200. Y’

Abigail F. Weaver, et al, to Jam es H: Potera. Lot Shrewsbury t o w n B h l p . 8300. ’ ;

Ida Ann VanDyko, el al, to Andrew J . Rider. Lot Middletown township. $1, -

Charles B. EllJs, et al, to the Board o f Chosen Freeholders, Lot a t Freehold. $1,500.

Cornelius L ongstreet by heirs, to John II. Long- s tre e t 1 00-?00 acres, Wall township. $1.

Samo to Andrew J . Longstreet. 1 78-100 acres.Wall township, f t , - .... ........

Cdrfiollus Longstreet, by .holrs, to Androw J . LongBtreot. Lot Wall townsh!p. $1.

Coprad ZImmorman to Leopold Marks, Lot a t Ea Ion town. 8 L — • - ^

Leopold Marka to Rufink Zimmerman. Bame property! $1,

'ohn C arr1, Baritai Hendrlo!

-------- -------townwhlp. :Same to Harry Neaflo.

----------- to the K eyport Railroad Company.1 62-100 acres, Itaritan township. iJjSop, . .; ^

John52-100 acres, Raritan township. $ l i . . Samuel C. iiendriokBon to l)avld LeWla.

acre, Howell town«hlo. 837.■ Same to Ilarry Neaflo. 3 trac ts , Howoll town* Ship. 85,600. .

Wm. G. HalXsft al, to -John Nastasla. Lot a tLong Branoh. il60.

Sidney Conover t . . .. Ocean townsnlp. 8300.

Conover to Mary E. Dangler. . Lot In

Joseph B. Lawreneo to M argaret D. Patterson. 5 60-100 acres, Middletown township. 81,210.

—3 cottages at Long Branch. 81,695. iMSS^fary E. Gunning with And -bulkhead a t Monmouth Beach. 850.

l i u i l d i f i t f C o n t r a c t s .

riLB n to ANn^cxcLUDiKa d ec . 15.

3183—Harvey B. Johnson wUh Daniel W. Rob-. bins—new house.at Asbury Park. 82.600.

24»t—Wm.G. HaUftaL, with James J . Brieriy------ ------------------- - c h . 8 1,605. . .

with Andrew G. Dennis ____________________j Beach. 850.2486—Joseph O. Downes wUh Robert Emory—

ucw houso a t Atlantic Highlands. 8l.Hr<0.2187—C. E Laldlaw with J. M, AJIgor—repairs

to house a t Sea B right 8630.2-18&—Mrs. Ma y Flertcr with Aaron Vreeland—

moving houso at Monmouth Beach. f90O.2489—Samo with, samo—repairing samo houso.

82.000..-2490—F. Kurrns with Stout & Rodden—now houso at West Asbury Park. 8050.■ 2491— Matilda E. Janney with John W. Martin— new house a t Anbury park. 83,265.

M u U i | i l i c a t l o n v s . A clcIU iori*

..J . p lo k o d _np ,ono . o f..tho : dally papers the ^othorday 'and read thia itom ; “ Tho A rounder droppod lntoAtho post office yestorday to post a llttlo billot to a m aiden, and whilo buying hl5 stam p Baw a boy slowly coun ting a sheet o f tw prcent stam ps. Any ord inary person, to be euro thoy were tho righ t num ber, would havo counted bow m any there were in th e top row, counted the num ber of rows, m ultiplied and got tho re s u l t Not so tho iioy . P atien tly he told over every s tam p on th o . Bheet until he had ascertained thoro wore*just 100, wheij ho sighed fo r relief aud tro tted aw ay.”

Now a boy who would waato tim o like th at can novor mako hla m ark lu th is busy world. In doing any w ork wo all w ant to d o l t the bost way, b u t wo m ust learn n e x t how to do i t the best way In tho loast tjmo. W e m ust learn to nso tho m ultip lication tab le in every­th in g we do. ........ -

One afte rnoon this woek I g o t in to a car on the elevated road going u p tow n. As,I stopped in to the c a r I saw the to p o f a email folt h a t botwocn two o f tho cross s e a ts ; 1 to o k ono of the Beats across the aisle. O n his knees was a brlght-oyed new sboy a b o n t 11 o r 10 years o ld . Ho w as busily folding papers. Ev^ry p ap e r was folded perfeotly ovon, and carefully creased in ,the jn jd d le ; a fte r folding aoout-tw o-th irds of w hat he had, ho w rapped them la a piece of blaok oilcloth, b u t W rapped _i!V such a way th a t ho donld easily got a t thom. The rem ainder wore a s carefu lly creased an d folded and laid in a pile outside o f the others..

“ W hy d o yon n o t p u t thom inside w ith the o th ers t ” Insked .-

“ ’CaUse then I cohld "not reach *fhom so f a s t I d o n ’t w an t ’em all to got w ^ t i ’ll keep*the ro st d ry till those a re gono,” and he loft the cai fog and rain .

A nother th ing I n o tic e d ; before o u r tra lu w ent o n t o f the Btatlon, the dow n tra in , cam e In w ith the fron t p latform crow ded with news­boys who wore poshing unds e lbow ing each o ther, an d le ft the tra in yelling-. .lilfo young Com anchos. T he noW eboy^S ^ur tra in looked u p w ith a smile an d said, “ Somo p f them fel­lo w s w j l l j c t l e f t ”

rt?iWhy I asked. ‘ L-“ I ’ll sell moat of roy papota S '? them

fellows gets tholrn. I ways getifown earty.rs Ibori tha t leaves their nip-

toWn offices early.'Ye catch the fellers Ibori t up-

1 f^el p re tty sure th a t boy will be m ore t h a ^ a newsboy, boforo he la m uch older. Ho^wja ^ r u l , p rom pt an d a le r t l lo w ould uso tho m U ltlp lIca tlo i^ tab io .J j^ business instfead of adOHton.~ Vhristlcti tjnion, - y*. ^

U© Obeyed O rders.“ Call foe-Ah Song)J I -eald an ' Australian

Judge to tbo Hibernian court crier, in a .Chi- nhse law s n l t “ Gentlemen,” shouted thb orl^r fp.tbo spectators, “ would oh a of ^ez favor. ls honorwith a song fn—iV. Y. ISibune.

“ Colloquial English,” In ITarper’s , MmtMy for January, la anothorof tlru delightful essays which havo of late boon a feature of this mag- azlno. Thq author, i*w>f. A. 8 . Hill, o f liar- vard Unlvorslty, Booms to havo In his thlnd.an luexhauatablo etoro of Utorary BpooOhanc^ an­ecdote, an4 ,ho Iptrodnccs them With pleading skill into an arllcle whjph In otlier hands might havo been dry^ . .

T he mtvlo ja lato to-n ight, a s the w om an sa id whon sho g o t tip a t 2 f u . to lo t i n hor htts-' band . ' *

. . f c t * , ■ .

^Tlie L i b r a r y Public.r . I t Booms to bo a se ttled fac t th a t tbo W eather clerk’ finds i t neoossary to p rccip lta to a s torm every tlmo thero IS a m eo U & ^ f th o L ibrary A ssociation. F or a timo las t soason i t was announocd th a t no ihcetlng wottld tako p lace if old Ju p lto r was riot g rac lo u a ln hla m oods, b u t ih o old fellow has been so p b stlna to of lato th a t tho m anagom oht have concluded th a t the program s .will go on if only.,the per- fornlors aro present. So it m ay bo u n d e r­stood t ^ a t ra in o r shine, tho reg u la r m ooting will-tako pl'ac^. - .

M onday evening .tho sm all audience w as well paid fo r i ts 'a tte n d an c e . T ho program ' was m ainly m usical, aa tw o of tho readers bOr Ing from Oce&a Grovo, thoy did n o t bravo the elem ents. » . \- C a p t J ;* M inot, w ho ac ted as chairm an , a n ­

nounced the first num ber, a p iano solo, “ Tho‘ H arvard W altz ,” by Miss Bello Green,* L ike all h e r perform ances, Mlsa Green a lw ays gives a finish In hor p lay ing th a t adds g reatly to ita en jo y m en t

T hen c a m a tth o o ther n u m b ers ' in tho lr o rd e r : Vooal solo, “ M arguorito,” 'b y Miss Davis, graiJdly execu ted ,-and for a recall sho sang “ Turhham T qll.”

P lan o solo, “ V isions of ParadlBo,” by Miss W hittlesle. I t waB beautifu lly rondcred, tbo r ipp ling m elody sounding like fa r off silvery chim es. , .

Reading, ‘‘ Tho Polish Boy,” b y Miss Rhodes, and fo r encore “ T he L a s t Hym n.’’, Miss Rhodes is a good reader but hu rries too much, which Rreatly lessens tho effect.‘ V ocal solo, “ Tho Old Oaken Bucket,” by M aster Malcolm Sawors, waa ono o f tho,gsma_ of th e evening; Possessed of a c lear, Qrm, resonant voice, h's_ a rticu la tio n was hear& Ip every p a rt of the ball.

By special request Capt. M inot gavo an ex ­hibition, personating tbo ‘‘ond m an ” bone p layer of a fam ous m instrel troupe. Tho ap- p lanse waa con tinned and tho perform er waa obliged to repeat. Miss Kingsley played the acco m p an im en t

V ocal trio ,-“ 'Down Am ong the L ilies,” by MIbs A nm ack, Mies Davis and M rs. CusacV, waa a choice selection ^udar^ry harm onious­ly rendered^ ........ ; ^

I ln m o ro u s d ia lec t readings, “ H ow • P a t Saved hls^Bftcon ” a n d “ I rish A sironom y,” by M t,.W m . H..MH«w, wore g iven in h is ueual bappy vein, closing tho evonlng’s en tortaln-

nt ' ' ' *■- . . ‘eVeral eboleo,volum es havo been donated ho lib rary b y Mrs. B radley, ap d o thers by

C apt. C. H . B arre tt, or Ocean Grove, whlclj were received and a voto o f th an k s m ao* kbow ledgm ent was tendered tho donors by tho'A ssoclatlon.

T ho 'nex t L lb r^ ty m eeting wMl be on Mori- day evening, J a n . .7, 1 ^ 0 , when M iss Sadlo Milne, the celebrated elocutionist who was hero onco las t w inter, will bo g iven tho whole evening. . . . ■

Uncle Sam ly’s G ra iltu t\e .I t was when w inter was ju s t c losing In, and

tho fro st was m aking tbo p ’anka c rack an d Bnap, th a t I m ot U ncle Sandy. H e-w as o f real old A frican stock , with a sm!?e-always covering Ws face, and he laughod heartily as he stopped m e'and said :

I w as j ls t a-finkln* 1 I w aa jls t a-flnkW’ d a t.if I shooM m eet (d e Aogol G abriel, a n ’ bo should ax mo to w alk jv !d hlm , a a ’ deso yero butes should frow mo dow n, how ’sham ed de olo m an would bo of blssc’f—yah.I h a ! h a li1

Ho held up ono foot and then th e o ther. I could s e e fair- blaok toes peeping th ro u eh tho holes. I gavo him som e monoy to g e t repairs made, and It w as, tb reo m onths beforo I ran across him aga in . T&on l niqt h'.m o u e b it’og cold day. IIo was ;vTk.hout an o v e rc o a t - He rem em bered mo and he b a rs t o u t laughing aq be said

“ G ot dora b u tes all fixed, b u t G abr’el d idn’t dun cum a ’o n g y lt.”

“ You cobidb’t w alk fa r w ith h im w ithout a n o v e rc o a t”

“ P a t ’s ^o, m as’r. I f G abr’ol should cum I ’d hov to tako him lu^whar’ d a r’ was a flah— yah I -ba I h a !” • ' . -

Botwooh JU nolo Sandy an d myBcU an d a socond-band d ea ler tho old^fellow g o t an overcoat—tho first h k ev e r-h w d . I f you glvo to charity you like to glvo to those w ho neither dem and a nor oxpoot I t . T h a t gives you a fchanoe to Borprlse them , and1 a w ord o r tw o o f g ratitu d e Is am ple reoom penso. ' - j ,

W hon sp ring pame I m ot ^ n o lo Saudy for the th ird time. I t was slushy and sloppy, and the old boots woro. re n t and worn. T here Is a n end oven to a n old b o o t You m ay pog and p a tch a n d cobble, b a t the d a y , comes when the leather loses its llfo.

“ Looking for Gabriel f” I asked a s h& was a b o u t t o p a ss b y . ,>

“ Oh I d a t’s yoo , js It ? Yah 1 h a 1 h a 1 No, i Isn’t lookin’. I ’m j ls t bopln’ htf w orit oum. Dose yore ole b u tes hov gone- a t' l a s t D on’t w ant to mako G abr’el ’sbam od o f m e, you know 1”

He w as Used u p for b oo ls,’ a n d one day, tw o ^nonths la te r, a 'b o y camo a fte r m e and I Went w ith him to find U ncle Sandy on h is dy­ing bed. • ! ’ . .

“ G abr’el a*’ a oum m lh’ p u rty soon 1” he s a ig a s he gripped my ban d i.. ’ \ . J ‘

V A nd aro tho boots o u t of rep a ir f” t asked. J* ’T a ln ’t do b u tes d ls tim e, m as’r. I t a r do

ao q jl I a j read y to soo him . a n L to w alk Wid him ’ long do b a rd road. Kneel down yere , IzO ole. an’ p o re an ’ dyln’ a n ’ d a i’s only one w ay I kin p a y ye fo r w hat yo hov. du n fu r m e.”

And be p u t b is blaok hand o n my b^ad and p r a y e d . :

“ Ob I G abr’oi, dls jroro white m an sh<)d mo a n ’ clo thed m e an* fixed mo u g , d a t l-m ight

‘walk w l d ' ^ l ^ ye fiappened dla yero way. ’Souse bis fau lts, fdrglvoTila sins, an* wheridB ho’n blowB a n ’ hb comes up to w alk in a t do gate, d o an ’ B bop him. I ’ll be d a r to guide | l m Ip, an^ I ’ll Toll d e -Lord a ll a b o n t i t s o ’ pfeaso d o an ’ m ako t (roll iow/VtfM .;

no ralstako—nmon I”—ite- • ✓— - - - -*«cc

M e r r y C h r i s t i n a s G r e e t i t i ^ s .


/ HOLDS, m a il CAnmVAL--r*IOW To SI’BNOvoun MONar-To tiir best advantage anpTO MAKE,TUB DAlf MQ8T HAJ’l'T.

. Chrlstma»{; of all tho holidays of'the year, shoD’d bo a happy, oheoiful day. Doubly fs tbe day a liassed ono, as a o0mmemoratlvo festival o? tbo Jaestowal of'the greatest gift oyer vonchsarpd to maa; for which the G lvtr sbouid ever be held in grateful remombranco, and also, becauso of those sacred memprlog,- household and family tlos are m6re closely and sympathetically knit la the ihany inter­changes of tlmoljr gifts that chect and glad­den tho hearts of/all luterosted.

Ourchurchcs and Bnndaj-schools tako occa­sion at this aeaBou of the year to gather tholr olass'o8 together, and In glad carol and Tesponslvo exorcises fittingly commemorate this ghjateatof festivals. The IPmat accom­paniments of. these entertainm ent leave an impress on’tho hearts and minds of tho little ooea tbat is pleasant and lasting, and oven^ older hearts grow warm er and more charit­ably Inclined lij tho contemplation of scones brought up from memories long past.

Happy children 1 Happy, festival 1. Happy Christmas I Pleasures these tha t are never alloyed with tho dross of selfishness. 'I’tio heart awakens to .new impulaW; new. duties press upon us tholr claims* and the heart of mafi must Indeed be ca’lons that does not re- spond to tho gracious \privMego of making at leafat one person more happy than before; This Is tho province ppenod up for all who wUl accep t the call.-' Let ro t this great Chris­tian festival close wKhout making somo effort to merit tbe welcome plaudit of some grateful h ea rt

In providing for tbo demands of the season our merchants have again rivalled all former efforts. Tho principal stores aro teeming with every variety of holiday ^oods, and buyers must be hard indeed to please if i 1 all tbo countless artloles to sa lt the fsnoy, or for goneral usefulness, they do not find what is most desirable. With a view to helping theso snatomois, .Hfi^reglat.cr tho most promlnont m arts for holiday goods;

stejnbaou nnofl.V ) ' • /“ Old Stand again presents a beaut!ful aOlootida Of artlcles ln tHe risofuF ordcc, as well as tliosa that come, within the catalogue of gifts. Tho lower floor js a-complete bazaar tha t offers a ’moat endless variety from which to Select Old Kr'ss himself m 'gbtsnpplyliltasolf Indefi­nitely from tho large Block* here displayed, whMo np stairs there may bo seen the choice, and flaer articles, Buch ns might please thO mdst fastldlons. * t,

■ , UUNHY HTiSINIIAdU’S ...Orean Palace Is one of aho marvels~of the bqliday time. What Maoy’s Is to New Yo’k, the big stores o( the StelnbaehB are to Asbury Park. No.shopping tour Is complete without calHn'j on Mr. Steinbaeh. ■To—his ^unllnilted stock of useful goods he has added an endless variety o f specialties for the sea- boO, such as toys,, novelt’es, plush goods, alba ms, with a profusion of other attractions. Take a |ook a t the immense show windowa They are an lnd;cai\on of what may be found Inside. ’ »

JENKtNS* UAZAAR,on Main street, has always maintained its prestige In supplying a class of good suitable for iglfts. The mammoth show window gives but an Inkling of wbat.ls Ipsldo. Everything in tho way of literature ia offered. Choice books and faacy stationery; toys in endless var’e ty ; dbUs In all aizes and grades ; rioWly dos’gnod Christmas Bouveol-^; plush goods, Ono cutlery. AU tho now. and lato works, magi zlnes nod periodicals. N everfall to visit the old variety pnd stationery storo, as you will need somo of iho stock to fill otot your lists.

11. n. JOHNSON, .at bis jowefrylioro on Main street, has a fine stock of iho most eicgaat wares, la watches, clocks and fine jevV6lry. Tue,-o Is no tto ro In Monmdmh county tha t has a Poor stock than la found in Mr; Joanso i’sestablishm ent Mr. Wiseman, Mr. Travis ahd Alt'. Schmidt aVo have nlco goods that would make vory. accept­able preao a ts.

SfcUN lOEU’s UP;iOL3TBftt*-There ai'e few establishments In cltv or

conn»ty that bayo won tb 'l - way to popular1 fjyO^B<^Tjuickly aa has tha t • of Mr. J . L.

"Schneider.' H is ssto re Is a m odel fo r its ele­g an t su its o l f n ^ t u t e E n d special pieces o f goods and notions, un ique design. The num erous ohapgoa in hla d isp lay window show th a t ho is u p with the tim es, and tbe lady who presides to genially never w earies la saow lng tho new a a d novel a ttrac tions . Apy of those new pieces of f o > n lturo would fit ia so -nlco!/ and please the tasteful* housewife.

WM. if. I’AWLEY & co,havo opened a beau tifu l assor:m ent of lam ps and fa i'cy wa^od th a t woo’d be a delight to the family. I ; yon have a smoky, stovo p u t in a new ono an d thus preserve tho tem per o f tho cook and all tho household.

- WAJXItlOHT A EimiOKHON. .T his old estab llahcd M orim bhth house c a r ­

ries One of tho m ost com plete assortm ents on tho coast*'-' I f you wactt any th in g from a n u t­m eg g ra te r to a tra in load o f furnltnro, there you will find it. Thoy aleo-have a line line o f Silverware, e tc ., su itab le lo r the seaso n ^ p res­e n ts^ - * * •- r JrtitSCHTB BTANDAiU) STOREand J . H. Cook’s Boe H ive have both rep len­ished th e ir 's to o l: for the holidays. ^Faney^ goods and notlooB a re the pyedom lnattng fea-

T1ISO. II. ^tEKINGJJKis headquarters for Bmdkors^-stook and m ate­rials. H e keeps a fullbtock o f all th a t Is.deairT able to those w ho lodulgo la the weed.

* OOIVI) V A PITdUER, a t tho lr tw o M ain B tr e e t estab lish m en ts ,'a re am ong the 'heaviest dealQrs In tbo S tate in

Com petent c ritics havo frequently rem arked th a t iho au th o r of “ B on-llor ” bad in him tho elem ents o f ' a d ram a tis t .% T heir judgm ent Uppa G en.'Lew W allace will bo susta ined by his play “ Com m odus,” In jraiyxn'* Magazine fo rJan u rf-y . Tho ac tio n of the d ram a da-: velops several pow erful' scenes, the vigor of Wh !c{i J . R. W eguefl ri^ tho ari.lst* renders with fideliiy In aa m any H!uBtratlori&. *06©o f tM; draw ings, en titled “ This B aiting th o u s/Salfc ru e ,’’ form s.the frontisp iece of tho m agaatae. T here Is a snggestion o f tho Greek choruB in tho bdild of Bacchantes, The re fra in o f their 8ong„“ On to R om e,’’ dom inates tha^wftolo d ra m a ; i t cotchoa together In a phrase th e loading th read pf the p lo t. - ' .«>

n o w can I acquire beauty ? writes a corre^ . pO n d en V Tbo b est .way Is to m arry her. If sho will havo yoo. *' .

Mr. Rldor—Boon to th e races , T o m t to m , —Ypp. M r. B ldef—;Dld yop com e o u t ahead ?

^Tohi—N o ; afoSCjt ' ( v \ " •

Qno cacriages, harness, robes, blankets and uuj! tUttiK inarpQitai tr^o^^av^Ung^qalp^eT

d .c h a a \£ o i:d ’8 Palace<)£ Music Is replete with the moat desir­able pianos, organs an^^r&er^ Instruments. What moro last‘ng or pleasing than ono of these aa a reminder of an annlvecsaVy ?

H. A. TUSTINO, n e r i t h e post office, M r. II. J . B urtls and M r,

^ a la s s , a lso have superior Jnstrum ento, rioted fo r some specialty .

AM 03.<.U>PIK CPTTfo r ouBtoai ta ilo ring baa no superior, and has] a choice lino of furn ish ing godds for gentle­m en. **’ “ V •. .s, ' wojiWnt--—- •on Cook m an affinue, ,1a? ano ther ' worker in cnBtom clo th ing who is ready to serve hla pa­trons to tho-best l n the m a rk e t ’ ;

F . k TEN BHOROK is an au th o rity on fru its. Ho bos a constan t

\Bupply and. w ill dellvo ro rdersion sho rt notice.\ ^ U I N O T p N W U ITE,

on M ain s tre e ^ d e a la ip fru its and confpotfon- ery, Sofld in y o n r orders for the holidays.* ' , ’ V. J. W IH U K LRB, _____ _

(Iho M attison a v f ^ o coiifoctloner, is.literally^ .^nom ont’s w arning .

up to hid ey es Jn swfeots, preparing for ih e de­mands of 1his Increasing trado. Of coarse the child re n must tiafo a bo^t of bon-bons. '* f !

w. p . l e w i s C, is ono of the pioneers in tho confeotionery trado. His" goods aro always In demand and a t tbia season ho-can hardly keep up with his orders. • . -

• SNEOEKEU nUOTUEHSaro yonrig beginnors in tho trado for station­ery, arid faooy goods. They have-a good Block ands,aro making a specialty of holiday gifts. > ' .. ■. v '■ ■'■ *,

’ . * WM. J . ORAMER, , ' • "the sncccsaor to Stout '& Bro.,.has Increased hla stock of noveitios and standard goods.for . thh Bea8on’a trado.

O . U , TOMPKINS,a t Bond street and Mattieon avenue, always prepares for the holiday season.^ Ho has in . £tock a variety of standard books as well as thoso for lighter reading, with tho usual vari' ety of miscellaneous articles usually kept. *

. n. D . COLEMAN, a t Bangs avonuo.and Bond st^eetj^as a'good lino of cutlery and other artlcloa too numer­ous to mention.

r o r e h t ' t . g r a v a t t fs among’tho moat active of onr stove dealers, having always a carefully selected stock on ■hand. Chas. E. Bordon is among the oldest a t the dealers tn thia line. —

O . E . f r e n c h : v / . : - ,Js the pioneer oyB ter dealer of Asbnry Park. He prides himself on his prime stock. In pro­viding for the Ch .fatmag table oysters are on-* the order l i s t JosOph JL Weir, J r ., and Mr. Dexter can also supply you wantsfor blvalves:.

DANIEL BROWER, ■a t “ Smokers’ Retreat,’! keeps all the-requi­sites for tho trade. His place is always In good order, and ho la great on “ milk shakes”In sommer. v . . •* •

RESEAtfBROWN, on Main slreet, is tbo oldest of- tho dealers la, satokers’ goods. __

E . A. CLARK, ■' 'lsuccessor.to C. H. Porter, deals in hats, fur goods and men’s furnishings.' <y v

u . s t a u f p e r , ' ..thfi_photo', irtlat, is jnat now- overrun with -1- work among tho shadows, preparing them -probably for embellishing the albnmof frienda.

.' JAB. H. SEXTON . - - ’’ •'haa a flno stock of fancy gilt moldings for ple- turo frames which he mako3 up at short no­tice. They mako a neat present.

o u r o r o c b r s , ^ : . .M. L. Baihman, Jelliff & 'Son, -Jas, H . Shep­hard, Strickland Bros., Peter DeKeyser, Wm.R. O’Brien,' J . H. Davia; H. E. Thompson, Jam esW oolley, A. II. Treat, O. Li Minton,

*E. O. van; J . J . Parker, N. Stono and others, are folly replenished for the season and will . be pleased to eupply all.deslrablo customers.

B IR D ’S KNICKERBOCKER M ARKET,B. Heym^n, George _C. Johnson, Polbemns . Bros., N. P. Little,- Georgo Whlto and Doran Bros., will furnlsh.you._a Christmas turkey or other needed meatB. . • * . .

HENiiY APPLBOATE’S " ;------ " 'new drug Btore ha* a very superior stock of fancy toilet articles, perfumes, etc. The sam e may be said o f Woolley & Reed, Harry L. Ogdon, Kin month & Co, and Cusack.

g . J. s c h a N c k a s o n ’s coal yard would be a good place to buy ft ton of coal for the home fire. Or if you aro near­er, stop at W. II. Jones’.

oso. e . f a r m e r ’s eoal yard |a near to' Ocean Grovo, and while buying for yourself atop a t L. M. Taylor’s yUrd and order a ton for some poor family you may know to be out qf fuel.

T H E BAKERS * \are tho old establishments of King & Carter, ^ I t. W. Lake, Tyson, Stono, Taylor and Gra- j vatt. The CbrlBtmaB table would not be com­plete without their help.

, ocE^N GiipyK. ------ -.O ur readers In Ocoan GrOve will scarcely''

need to be told tha t C. C. Clayton keeps tho emporium of tho p'ace. Ho has maintained the lead agajnst all comers. His store Is the ~ne fUm vllrd, Isaac Sutton’s grocery and ' Wamright & Errickson’a general stote aro each well supplied.

. SPRJNO LAKE.O. H ..Brown, from modorate boglnnlngs,

has built up a trado that is of m ojstef pro­portions. His store is filled wlth-oyery article desired for house-keeping and many of the rarer arid more costly goods.-W m . H. Pottei*, a t tho same place, on joys a flno trado in dry

IN CONULUblON,Bf ty-fonrthly - and lastly , tho A sbnry P a rk P rin tin g H onee wibhes all its patrons, a p d a ll who should be, a season o f joyfu*. m erry-m ak- iag . May noth ing ty*ppou to destroy the pleaaureg o f tnoao who “ take n o th ough t fo r the m orrow ” w hat they shall , w ear o r w h at ihoy sha 'l eat. Being well provided them -, selves, m ay.ttioy enhance tholr ow n happiness by m aking those,around them happy. There ia no satisfaction so sw eet as know ing th a t yon have m ade somo other h ea rt ligh ter o r havo dispelled the glooiri from one hom e a n d m ade the sunshine to e n te r wherq before i t ; d*d not exist. •'

S a v e d f r o m I > r o w n ln g r .

On Satu rday iast,^wblle a p arty o f y oung m en from Yale College w ere ska ting on Lake W bltnpy, n ea r Now H aven, C harles W. L e p le r r of tb e sen ior c lass, b roke th rough tho Ice and w ould have d ro w n ed b u t fo r John & Daniels, -

s o n o t Rev. J . R. D aniels, of the O cean G rove A ssociation, who carried ra ils from ; a fence aud by tbo lr m eans-rescued young Lepler. T he accident o ccurred a t th e e x ^ o is p o ts fret a Law S tn d o n r Gaylord lost h is life ju s t ono year ago. . “ , . 1

The E m peror o f China Is to ',b 0„ m arried a t a cost of $1,500,000. W lih m o st m en a m arriago of this so rt w<puld havo been a fall*^

T exas judge—W hat’s th e charge f P lain ­tiff—Prisoner stole a horao. JudgO j-T hpn h e _ m ustang. T he judgo falls pieroed by elxtoen ballots.- . i; . ■ •» H e—I t ’s to o b ad th e A utum n leaves aro a ll gone, isri: t i t f I do en jo y ga thering a n d presa lng them . She (archly)—George, I w ish I was an au tu m n le a f .V

M am le^-W hat a re you writing,—JllriSlfrrr y o a r will T ^ M innie—No, I ’m w riting m y won’t. Georgo proposed las t n ig h t and I to ld him I ’d answ er to-day.

Jo h n , you tfre not lis ten ing to a w ord I am saying I” “ Why,‘ my dear, I am all e a rs .”“ I know you are,, an d th a t m a k W lt a ll t h e .m ore p r o v o k i n g . ,___'

K entucky Coroner—Yes, the papers found upon tho deceased proved t h a t ; hd w as C©L Blood. W itueaa—T h e re jsa aa lso f t-4 u a rtb o t' tlo found In ono of bis pockets. Coroner— W as tho bottlo em pty T WUnesa—No sir. It was full—h ad n ’t been touched. Coroner-** Poor*fellow , be muSV havo died w ith o u t a .

Page 2: ol .ASBURY PARK, /NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,1 DECEMBER 22, … · 2014. 4. 2. · Dyspepsia Pills will notonly.glvo easo, bnt permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspopsla, or any gas trio trouble




. .:. ..___ £r*iWu*S*-___ 1___ l . „ : ......... t. u.xorriiu.^718 MATTISON AVENGE,

y-pah*,-- -KEVrJERBEY;

Entered as second-class waiter at the Asbuty ParkPost Office, February 7, tSSS."' ‘

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIOM.1 yoatvln a d r a n c o . V . . . . , , , , J.. . .S l -80C m onths, in a d v a n c e , . . ! . . .............? . . . . . , £5

■ ■' 8 months*In"ady&Jic&„,<. ' r r r f ' . ....... JA. Single c o p i e s , . 77- ;.-.i

* TO G0RBI8PDHDENT8.Wo shallhb g jad td receive Item s of nows and

0 jm m nnlcations on subjects o f jn tc ro a t to th is ■" 0 immunity*

— Tn writing ortlofco Inttin dod for-publlcatlon. o u r frionds will ploase boar In mind th a t a sheet

, w ritten on both sides has to bo cbpied beforo go- In s to the p rin ter—a labor wo cannot undortako.

All comm unications should bo acoompanlodby th e full name and address o f tKB“writor*’ not

•„ nooM sanly for publication b u t as a guarantee o f good faith . Anonym ous le tters w ill n o t be noticed^ ,

Wo cannot re tu rn rojootod communications, b u t will hold theni for a lim ited tim e if rcquostod to . . ■ ■..

All lottors Intended fo r the" editorial o r nows d epartm en t should be addressed to the

JSdltor o f T hb J ootinai, and ItrnvtujdAH, :v . Asbury P ark. N ew JPreey-


' B P E C I A L l iO T I C B .

O u t h e l a b e l o f e a c h ' p a p e r w i l l b e f o u n d t h e d a t e o f e x p l r n d t t n off. t h esubscription* Iff thl« dnte W wrong p iomo uotlfjr tin a t onoei Iff yon lire in* nrreara pieane rem it at onee.


I t hardly dooms possible that tlio throo months since summer have vanished; yet horo wo ate nt the time wlien_tbe days liaje reached thoir- shortest, and a week or two will show a perceptible lengthen­ing p f tho days and a shortening of the

* nights. Tub J oubnaij is printed on Fri­day, Deo. 21, 'the. shortestrday of tho year. I t is the,turn ing point. In an­other threo months there •will bo a hjmy- ing up of building improvements, tenants ■will bo after cottages and hotels, and al­most before we realize tho change an­other summer season will be upon us.

To every ono reached by Tim J o u r n a l wo wish a Merry Christmas and a pros­perous -Now Year. ' . >

N e w L i g h t i n a n O l d P a t h w a y .

'Tfio"pTOpleH"tHe'liir'Southern Static havo plodded along in the somo old path­way so longrsocially and'politically, that

.... jjjyy gQtild not ’ bolievo in a bettor way, / andhenco havo fought with jaiglit and

main against tho ideas andonoroachments pf their morelibeml Northern brethren.

lin t a how light is dawning. Becopt events, made mbro pregnant. with the

„ results of the lost oloction, havo shown that a unified South against the rest of tho Union -in sentiment and principle, was not in accord with our national oner ness, neither would it induce a healthy growth in that seotion of the country in which too long for thdir own good sec tionalism and its attending evil ‘ results have kept" aloof thoso who would Jiavo benefited them.

A convention has rocontl^ boon sitting *- a t Montgomery, Ala., haVing for its ob­

ject an organizod effort to induce immi­gration from tho North. I t is never too late to make amepds for past^rrors, and it is to bo sincerely hoped that the futilo efforts of the ldifctwbn^ tbrb-pstablisli the former regime of vassalage

. has brought its lesson of wisdom.- Personal rights and full froedbta under

' ourt?overnmont, have passed to a period from which there is no return, and the question uppermost is to assimilate an el-

V emenfc, changgd/rom one position to the othor, so as to bring about the best good

- to all. The people of tho South aro be­ginning to realize that it is time to throw off their formor lethargy and to take on more enterprise such as has given impetus and distinction to other ports of our country. .

We sincerely cherish the hopo that a now era is dawning on our brethron of the South. Could thoy but cast off their -own oxolusivonoes and admit -all - classes of society on the same terms as.are found at the Northj there would bo no cause for the cry of sectionalism, envy or mal­ice. Let tho good work goT~forward.

JTlie age is progressive, and why not this century; so near its olpso, seo the closer

- drawing of every section of our Union into,a consolidation of.sentiment and re­ciprocity, deep, .pototifc^aii'd ' abiding as the ages?.

D a n g e r o u s B u s i n e s s .

At the caucus of the Democratic^mom- bors-olect of the Now Jersey Legislature* hold recently in New York, tlio general

—-work of the winter was outlinocLl_ILrin" eluded the rodistriotmg of tho State so as to insnro a Democratic Legislature

for all time to comb^’ thp repeal of tho looal-option part of tho high/Iioenfie-local, option law, thb ropeal of the,-jiiiy commis­sion law and tho~re-invefltment of the Governor with certain appointive powers

: „ of which ho was divested last winter.All time to comp” , is a loner period/

and is in'conflict with the plafls „pf _fcho Prohibitionists, jpiowover, the redistrict-, ing of tiie State is a. political matter of

• comparatively small concern to the aver­age citizon. ^Cho r6poal of the jurycom-

-:a—jnieaion iiotrwould be a calamity to the Stato', capoomlly if tho old mothod of selocting jurors was restored. There weijo localities where/ previous to this year, it was absolutely" impossible to obtain justice in cases of violation of the. liquor laws. ^Respectable citizens might complain until they were tired and offl-

‘ f 'Cials insolently laughed at them; Demo­cratic shorifls selected grand jurors favor-

: felo to the liquor interest and on ordinary evidence they would refuse to indict. I f tho evidence brougli^fdrwft|d. xcitiz<^ or law and oi^der Bobioties was" too over-, whelming to be ignored then a Demo­cratic prosecutor, would .manage- to fratno a defective "indictment that would bo thrown out of court by a friendly Judge, or, if it came to trial, the sheriff had provided a panel; of petit jtirots suitable for the ocosion, and rum would bome out on top. /Where every officer of* the court .—judgo, prosooutor, grand and .petit jurors And constables—-was in 'sympathy

^ •

with lawless rumsellers, how could jus­tice bp expected ? Tho jpry commission law ohanged this and mado it possible for good men to get on grand, and petit jurios. Tho change, though but just inaugurated, has proved most beneficial. A “ packed” jury, "undor this syBtbin is about impbssiblo, and those 'wlio Tiave' thb right upon" thoir mdohavb mubH l i ^ ' to fear than under the old ‘regime. T a abrogate' that law now will prove ex-

S m o S ’T d ^party. w ,

If tlio Domocratip parfeundprtakes tor Repeal the locrtl' option law all the rodia- tricting they may dd will not save them ’from defeat next fall. There' aro thou­sands of Democrats in New Jersoy who do not belipve.that rum rules their party J there is n chance that this winter w ilftur- nish them abundant evidence to tEb'cdnr trary, an,d ^Vhon it appears thoro will-bo thoijsands who will "leave the. ranks to savo thoir manhood and teach thoir lead­ers alesaon.* - ^ ■■ ' . The Democracy of Now^ J eraoy is on

enough to jump offi

^For X^TcarOptlpnr—r—~ P e t i t io n s f o r a lo ca j o p t io n e le c t io n in

M b n m o n th c o u n ty ‘tori s a id to t)p in c ir ­c u la t io n f o r s ig h a tu rO s, a lth o u g h th ey , h a v e n o t b o o n p r e s e n te d a t T h b J o u r n a l o ffice ^ eW I t i s n o t n e c e s s a ry t b u r g e p e o p le in t h is to w n s h ip tp s ig n tH om ; N ep tu n o ^w ill d o h e r o h a ro o f t h a t p a r t o f

T £ b “w 6rIT iis w ell as th o v o t l n g . ~ B u t b r in g t h e p e t i t io n a r o u n d ; w ^ w o n ld l ik o a c h a n o e to s ig h i t . : . . . “

T h e S i tu a t io n .In tho political field of NeWv Jersey

thoro is biiP pYop osition that grows dearer every'day: Upon tho courso of tho com­ing Legislature dbpends tho rooult of thb gubornatorial.election noxt fall.

I t may bo superfluous to remark that Now, Jersoy ia Dombci'atio. I t is not tliat tho Democratic majority is so large, for it is only a triflo over two per cent, of the entire vote-; but the Btubborn fact is that this trifling majority js exceed­ingly tenacious, and ‘ stays * right there year after year. Nothing but a popular revulsion over materially oliangos it, and these revulsions havo never in recent years occurred when a President or Gov­ernor was to be elooted. Two years ago the infamous Domocratio Legislature was tho means’of ‘disgiiMiig thpusands^of Democrats, and, in consequence, last year’s legislative body was Btrongly Re­publican. Again the samo conditions oxiift, but now tho influence is likely to reach the, Governor's chair.

In tho coming Legislature there will -bo a Democratic majority. That majority waa seoured in the rum districts fry mak­ing tho repeal of Republioan temperanco laws tho g?eat issue of the campaign. In tho .first jubilation of sucoes^tho.legisla- tbraTelebli’ from thesbl!dlstri6tS declared tiieir intention of sweeping.^ from the statute books every vestige of these ob^ noxious laws.h Tliey did “not comprehend tlio situation. Local option had been adopted alreadyin four , counties, ono of wlueh0Bonds a solid Democratic delega­tion to ’jTrpntonT For onco these and many othor Domocruts ’ dropped their party and declared that tho local option- high license law was a goodmoasQjo and must stand, or, at least, ita main features should not be changed, h Herb was trou­ble at onco, and in tho weeks that have elapsed since the November oloction, the cloud in the Democratic horizon has not diminished. The Democracy is divided and through this division there is likely to bo somo interesting times at Trenton this winter. I f wise counsel prevails local option will not be seriously tam­pered with, but the Democracy will be weakened thereby in Essex, Hudson, Passaic and some other quarters ; if rnm comes to the front, udos its lash in caucus and carries out tho threat made by Essex members, thero will he a “ bear gardon” at Tronton that will rival' tho noted one oM 887rand in tho Domooraoy will loseits grip on New Jersey for 1889. Thon if a man liko Henry M. Nevius, of Monmouth, heads the Republican ticket next fall, January, ,1890, will see hjm seated iu the Governor’s chair.

Fallen in His Own Party.If the eight or nine columns printed

in the New York World of last Friday of the opinions of his party-concerning MiC Cleveland aro. any criterion, there is tho most indubitable evidence that he never was fitted for the big!* position he occu­pied in his party .....

Presidont Cleveland' was' an apoidont That as an accidental President he could not rise to the requirements of his posi­tion even) the bettor, men in his party, and those who were not hold to fealty by reward or hope bf roward, saw, and rea­lized that in liim thoy had made the grossest of blunders. - V

‘The greater blunder, however, was in permitting his henohmen to carry his banner with suOh resistless force into thp St. Louis Convention. The absenoe of a national leader, ono who could have commanded the highest respect of thb best men in the party, gave his office­bearers a great advantage. . . . .

They little knew the deep undercur­rent of dislike and distrust that had set against the aspirant for renewed honors, and but for tho sake of tho party which had juat rehirned tb powpr, there would havo boon even a jnnch greater revolt. I t was a terribly sacrifice to make—thp banishment o/ the party to another quar­ter century or more of political annihila­tion. • ■ ’ - <

These 'reasons were a t once; the moat cogent and conclusive as given in tho IVorlil. lh i brief : Ho is a mugwump; he is a hypocrite on tho Civil Service ; ho is not a straight party man ; he^is too English, you ,know ;’ho is too, friendly to Southern brigadiers; ho vetoed foo many pension s ; ho is popriy equipped for his phtco ; too stubborn antfconceit­ed j kept an 'ola Ifossil in the State d'e- partment; fished on Memorial J)ay ; be­lieved in free trade j ignored the • big men in his party ; false to his principles ; showed ingratitude to tho workers; of doubtful loyalty, and many other arraign­ments that show that he was Neither a man of his party nor a man with the peo- p ie./

The fact has become, mosfi glaringly apparent [that the National Capitai has never boforo been • so poorly provi/le<l with a head as during tiie last four years. Lacking ail knowledge of governmental affairs, he yet Jiad the stubborn audacity to push himself,as a ^ rea tile^ e r on re­forms. Even th^ greatest of our znpn have approached these questions, w i% tho ' greatest concern. The idea"of a Civil Servioo seform from a man whp

Bcarooly know tho -way to Washington j or thp regulation of our revenues advo­cated £y a man whp sbarcely knew tho first operation of a tw*iff, was gropoeter- ons in the extremb. •/' • ;1 The gra^t wonder is that so many In­telligent inOU voted for him Imowing his unfitness. irOT^bnljrbFnooounted for tliatih’ him 'thoy fonnd the' only *avail“ able candidate, ono on whom they relied for another accidental victory, f

Among tiie reforms suggested in this Stato is the abolishing of boards of TProe- holdors and substituting therefor a board of three County Cojmmipioriers^fbr^eaoh county. Thja modeof managing county affairs prevails iu m^ay Stages,and is en­tirely satisfactory. Our(\)oajds aremueh, too oumbersomo, and three Commission­ers, giving all their time to the work, would bo bettor for tho interests of the county. ,• . ; . ~ , 1 ;■_ -i,---------------- -—: ; ' *

JuBt as The J ournal intimated soon after-eloction, Gen. Harrison will listen quietly an#! patiently to those whose ad- vieb'is worthy and who have a right to speak, but ho will bide his time in takifag action and in giving to the pubjio an o u t line of his .decisions.

The Republicans in the United States Sonate are pressing action on the now tariff schedule. They havo decided in caucus do continue in session with a brief holiday recess until tho bill is dis­posed of. If there is to bo an omission, they intend the responsibility shall .be with tho Domocratio House."

C hristm as A nniversaries.•The Sunday-Bchool oxerclscs a tten d in g th e '

Chrietm as a n n iv e rsary . w ill ta k e . p lace this year in tho following o rd er:

Tho M. E . Sunday-school will ho)d its cele­bration th is (Friday) evening in to allow tho teachers and othera cpnn^ctcd with tho school to ga on th e ir iisanl holiday exercises will’be o f a r 6ry p leasan t character, ^with prcsontsdiatT ibuted to^tHocfill3reu.^

C hristm as night the school o M h c IJaptifit C hurch will have itsen tcrta ln m o u t. Espcclal pnina hfiyo bcen tAkon to .m ako tho exerolsCfl a ttractive , and tho children will p a rtic ip a te in tho d istribu tion o f tho p r c s o n ^ ^ ^ / ^ _ r ^ ,

The T resbyterian Sunday-school ^111 assem- blo in tho church on T hursday evening f o r Its Christm as celebration.1 T bo com m ittee has not y e t m ade know n .what they have in store for tho llttlo folks. Singing of caro ls a n d 1 reading w ill en te r Into tho csorclses.

O n F riday evening C hflstm astldo w ill bo rem em bered with caro ls by tho parish Bchools of T rin ity Ghorch. Tho ta s te fu l’decorations and joyful exorcises of thoso occasions alw ays aro gladsom e and chcoring to a ll tho p a rtic i­p a n ts and th e ir f riends. >'

St. P aul’s Mi JS.' Church, Qccan G rove, will glvo tholr Snnday-school celebration on Mon­day ovoaFng.^TTherrehearsals b y the* school give token o f a flno trea t to those who a ttend .

Suxjt. Snedoker’s Sunday-school a t W hltos- ville will havo its ChristmaB festival o n T ues­day Evening. Thoy noYor' fail In hav ing a good timo. 1“T ho Keformed S unday school Christm as

anniversary tak es placo1 on T_h\irsday ovenlng. Singing, rec ita tions and d istrib u tio n o f g ifts will be the fea tu res o f tbo festivities.

Only J u s t.Suppose M rs. B lank a n d her d au g h te r i r e

o u tr id in g ; tho hofso becom es frightened a t som ething and s ta r ts to run aw ay. Tom Jo n es Is handy , an d being a bravo follow, ^um ps to tbo horse’s head, s to p s h im and saves tho ladles from bodily In ju ry o r , oven death . _Mr. Blank whon ho hdars of i t lsdeoply grate­fu l to Mr. Jo n es for his heroic a c t ap d ,fce ls th at he'Bhould show his g ratltudo In som e tan- giblo shape. Sqpposo he should go to" the Knickerbockor M arket an d s a y : " Mr. Bird, M r. Jones, haa dono a brayo a c t fo r which I am u nder deop obligations. I w a n t to show my appreciation o f his conduct. C an’t you * ivel£ lm a n ice f a t tu rk ey for C hristm as?1’

Certa in ly ,” says M r, Bird,- V b « t i t w ill cost you throo do llars.” ’ W hy, I d id n ’t expect to havo to pay fo r i t , ” exclaim ed Mr. Blank. “ Jo n es has done a noblo dee^ an d hedeservos th is .” A nd s tra ightw ay Mr. B lank’ goes to the new spaper ofHoo and su b stitu te s a u card o f th an k s,” g ratis, for tho tu rkey . W hat’s tho dlfferonco? • ‘ ‘

D arin g tho y e a ro r m orb that th o p ap ers of A sbnry P,ark havo enforced tho ru io o f charg ing for local notices of en terta inm ents, where the ob jec t waa to raise m oney for churches o r societies, thoro has been much less ’dissatisfaction expressed th an wo had reason to ex p ec t.- All have recognized tho ju stice of tho rule.

H ereafter wo shall mako a nom tnal j 3hargo_ of flvo cents a lin e ; for all reso lu tions of Re­spect and cards o r thanks, om ittin g in these ca*ea tho custom ary iiad».,} which m ark s paid m atter. :

C alendars.In i^nswor to a lm ndrod Inquiries wo^an-

noubtf*kth a t tho J ouhnal CALENnAji will bo read y nex t w eek. Thoy a ro fo r Tipnsohold and business uso. In fau tllo collectors will klntjly s teer .clear o f this o ffice 'until thoy aro all^gono. :

N ep tu n e’s A nnual.T he mfimbera.a t thQ.Yar.lQna cQminUtecs afc.

.pointed to a rra n g e for N eptuno F ire iCQm- pany!s an n u a l sociable oh T hursday evening, J a n u a ry 17th, a t E d u ca tio n a l H all, a re briskly a t workj and oxpect to mako H one o f the m ost noted and enjoyable gathorlngs overbold In th is fam ous hall* .A b rass band will fu rn ish prom enade m usic, and a s tring o rch estra of- oight ploccs will a tten d tc tho d an o ln g .' Dec* orations will add to tho a ttrac tiveness o f tho display. T ickets will be on'ealo b y mombefs o f.th o com m ittco n ex t week,, a u d io s etrety propcrty-ow ner an d .v isito r Is u nder obUga" tioh tb the flrofnon^ thojr should be a ll takon up In a sh o rt tlmo. * , ■ ,

Y. M. Oi A. C onvention.Tho S ta te C om m ittee o f tho Y . j t ’. C . A.,

4th D istrict, com prising • th e cohntlea Of Mid­dlesex, M onmouth, Som erset an d U nion , has called tfio B nnflar'Conventlpn to moot In As­bury P ark , Ja n . 25th, 3flth,(37th-‘*nt£ijj§tb,

9, A very elaborate p rogram m ay bp.ox- pocted. ; \

Tho history, of tho closing 'sossjon Of- tljo; BOth Congress is boing ab ly and u n approach­ably w ritten in tho Now Y ork-#** , by Hon. Am os J . Cum m ings, a form er editor, and npw setv lng tho closing days Qf his term as a Rep­resentative. No be tte r sum m ary o f N ational affairs and Congressional prpceodlngs has over appeared in prin t. .

v- -

••!■■■■ , •„ : Masonic. ,Tho annual com m unication o f Asbhfi

Lodge, N o ; 143, was hold in the Lodge room s o n T uesday evenings a n u nusually largo num - bor of m em bers bolng. p reao n t T he an n u a l rep o rts o f the sooretary t\nd troasurpr Bhbwod t^ e ,io d g e to bo in oxcollont condition ln a l^ respeots1^^_ _ ■' ™ - _ L: ’ rH /Xhp election o f ' offlcore f o f th e o n iu lhg M asonic y ea r resn itcd air f o l l o w s ~

M aster—A m os L ipplncott.Sonlor W arden—Charles A^cAtklns!.J u n io r W ardon—Sam uel A . Clivor.

^ T ro ^ s u ro r^ J o h n L . Coflln._______8 ecrotaryrr!Frod A. W isem an. * __

Proxy to G rand Lodgo—N. E. Buchanon. W orshipful M aster J Jp p ln c o tt th en an -

nounco'd tho following appoin tive offlcors: C haplain—W m. H . S tauffofi t.

. Senior D eacou—Alfrod C . Atklbs.J u n io r Deacon—Jam es H. Shepherd.Senior M. o f C.—Isaac N. Ker; :J u n io r M. o f C.—Jdm oa E. Burt.Stowardfl—W illiam -Orr, Jo h n S. Rlploy. .

, OrganlffW ^rrof. It. A lbert Tufitlng- ^, Tylor—Gutitav W. A rnd t. .* • irinttuDff co m m itU ie^ -W rn . StnnCtor, l^cwla

Hal near, Jam es F. B relstord. : - T rustees—John D. Beeglo, P. M ., David W .

S ex to ^JP , M., flppry Steinbaeh.N ex t W odnosday ovenlng the ofllcora elect

will bo Installed b y . M ost W orshipfu l .Bro. R obert M. JVIooro, G rand M aster o f tho S tato o f New Jersoy. Tho Lobgo w lirconvono a t7.15 and a t 7.U0 tho doorsw iH bp th row n opon. to the publlo to w itness the Installation Cere­monies. Aftor tho Insta lla tion stagos will bo' in w aiting to tako th e mombers of tho Lodge an d invited guests to o the 'A tlan tic Houso,; Occan Grovo, where a supper will bo s o rv o d ..

i (-

Thts com m unity has boon bereaved of pn- othcir o f Its gifted pooplo .by th o hafid o f death. Mlrs. M ary—P orter-B eeg lo , w lfo o f Rev. H* B. Brtoglo< Identified with Ocean Grovo a lm o s t'f ro m IU beginning, passed to her, fu tu ro row ard a t noon on tho 18th I n s t , a f te r an Illness which culm lnatod In dropsy.~ Ma^y PortcK w as born in Orango county*

N. -Y., and on hor m arriage with R ev, I I . B. Boogie, cam e to .New; Jcffljey, where thoy fol­lowed' tho fortunes of M ethodist Itinerancy until se ttling a t Ocean Grovo in I860, where ho h as boon Identified with tho grow th of tho place. : ♦ .

As a m othor M rsrBeeglo. w as devoted , to her fam ily, do ing fo r therfi a ll th a t waa pos­sible fo r thoir pleasure and com fort, o ften to tho saeriflco o t h e r own. Sbo w as greatly beloved by thom in re tu rn .. In tho la te r years bf her life sho has been a g rea t stfffPro|,V bear­ing her pain with C hristian fortliudo and res ­ignation. ' . j . ■''' Mrs. Bcoglo w a ^ o n o of tho orig inators, if n o t tho first to speak of the form ation o f an association whioh a fte rw ard developed In to tho Asbury P a rk a n d Ocean G rove Library Association. She w as am ong tho ablost con* tribu to ra and essayists th a t appoared a t thoflr m eetings. Aa a w rite r o f ^ioth prose and poetry eho was g ifted w ith oxaltod ideas, which sho.happily w ove Into douorlptivo verso o f m oro than average^morlt. H er volumo of poems, d Copy'Of w h lc lr was preBeiited to Qneen V ictoria o n h e r b irth d ay (they wore born on tho sam e d a te , M ay z i , 1810),^recefvcd very fla ttering ,atte^tion.; ’ j J

Tho fnneraj services worchold Jhjs (FfMuy). m orphig, from St. P au l’s M. E . C hurch. Rev. l^o n ry Belting- • oflloiated, a h d . Roy. Dr. Stokcl! read an h isto rical ^ k o tc h of lior life. T ho In term ent was a t j fo u n t Prbppcct

"Cemetery. J

A tlan tlo—Cbafloa Sherm an.E aton tow n—J . Lawronco Price, W m t R.

Slovens. --------- ---------------Freohold—Thom as Ai W ard , Ja co b O . B u rtt

’ 1 Ilolm dol—Daplol Coon, Rpbert.Careon.;__HQW OlfcrJohnJl.Y ansohoiek. - . ~ ^

M anolapan—Jo siah W oodward, Samuol~C7 Bowno.

M arlboro—Rlohard W . H orbortr ’ M lddlotowri^-Joha^W eat,

, NPptuno—N elson E. Bqohanon.Opean^rGoorgo W. Brown. J a c o b Stelnbaohi

Ja c o b G arrab ran t,-E d m u n d II. W ard , Jam es M. H o p p e r .. ,^1 'R a rltan —T h o b ia sB ^n o ff .. _ 1

.Shrewsbury—John T. Lo.vetl, Wm» T , P a r­ker, Jaco b K. Shoem aker, W m. T hrockm orton• W allr-^ lacP b II, M o r r i s ^ . ^

' Tho following weto solectod asI’ETIT JUnohrir - - *. v

E ato n to w n —C lark Joffroy,-ThP8, Rlddlo. >« Froobo ld -^E d^ard T. H artshorno, GarUlnor

W oodw ard, Cofnolius S. Voorhoos, W illiam I . E ly , A lfred Coopor. - - ' . r

liplm delr-Jofforeon Ackoreon, W di. A nton-1 Idos, Jam es W. Iloff. . . . . . . . . ;

.Howoll—Fred Sicklfis, Jo sep h A. M ortop, C yrns E. M axon, B enjam in M. Coopor. »

M analapan—N loholasG . S to u t »•'. M arlboro^-G atrot V. Carson, W m. I I . Du-

Bols. T ondont Q uaekenbush, J .-H ow ard Van- klrk , Thom as H ayw ard. :, M ataw an—W illiam S. Vporhces, J o h n C.' Conover. -

M lddletow n-^IIarry I t . Fostor, E dw ard T. LufbUrrow, G arret S. L u y ster, Jo h n M orford, R ichard R .'R oberts. , '-v

M lllstonoT-Howard Baird, Jo h n W ard, N ep tu n e—W illiam; A pplegato, J a m e s Burr

nb tt, A aron Castler, -John M. Dey,. W illiam nag o rm an , Andrew W hlto. • ■ ■ ' ;

Ocean—Georgo W. Davis, Jo h n Hennessey, BloomOold E dw ards.-H ow ard M aps, A sbury Tabor, Charles B. W oolley, iSditiund.L. W plls,' J o h n MoWood, Danlol Smock...

R aritan—G arret Conover, P e ter S to u t, J r .- Shrew sbury—David S. Allonp^W aahington L. Hopo, A rchibald M inton. ’

U ppor F reehold—H enry S. W ilson, Ephrlam V. Bowers, Jo h n 8 ; JlnJsei, W a lte r S a tte rth - w ah , AIbort Nelson. —

W all—F rank Glfforcf, Abraham^ P . T hom p­son, Goorgo H. Nowman, A lfred T.. Morris, N athan Gray, Stophen A llen ..

f A. JPliilant^iropiSt I>ea<LH olm del has lost ono o f its m ost woalthy

an d ph ilan thropic oltizens in tho d ea th of Jo n a th a n Longstreot, which occurred a t h is rcsldonco on F riday l a s t . ' l i e has been a n In­valid fo r m any years, b u t -by jud ic io u s care*

’an d change o f c lim ate by travel,, h is life was prolonged to his s ix tie th year. *'

Mr. L ongstreet road law with Ju d g p Vred* onburgh a t Freehold and a fterw ards practicod in Jersqy C ity and in his native couuty. O n the d ea th o t his b ro th er ho gavo n p law prao- tlco an d devoted his tlm o to the m anagem ent of tho fam ily estato.

l ie was a mombor o t tho H olm del B aptist Church,, and vory iibqral, d ispensing his wealth with a generous hand . H ls la te a t im ­p o rtan t g ift w a s .$10,000 to Poddlo Institu te , a^ H ightstow n, of which ho was ono o f the Board of Trustees., Tho L ongstrects havo m ado th e ir hom o In M onm outh co u n ty from its earliest sottlo- m cnt, d a tin g back to 1057. Tho original se t­tlor, D lrke, o r Derrick L ongstraat, camo from


D^catU"Ol Mrs. Moss.Mrs. E lizabeth A. Moss, wife o f tho lato

Isaac M . Moss, died a t her rosidonco on T h ird avenue, Aflbury P a r k /a t 2.15 A. m. on S unday last, a t the ago of 71 years. Tbo cause.o f her death was h ea rt failure and tho weakness of ago, aggrava ted by tw o strokes o f paralysis suffered ab o u t two yearB ago. M rs. Moss was a residen t q f P hiladelphia, b u t d u ring tho last fow years had spen t m uch o f hor tim o In As­bury P ark , rom alning horo all of las t winter. I t bad been h e r Intention to re tu rn to h er city hom o tb ia wInter. ,-FufiOrardJSrvlcea wo^c hold a t tho houso on W ednesday m orn ing ,' Rov. F ran k C handler pfllciatlng. Tho In torm ent took placo a t . tho family, p lo t In W oodland Comdtery, Philadelphia.

Mrs. T im othy M orrick died a t Holyokpj Mass., on Saturday. Sbo was bqttor known a s M iss Prlsollla Braisljn, Professor of .Mathe­m atics a t Y assar College from tho tim e o f its founding, 22 yeatfl. SbP resigned a b o u t a year ago to become tho wlfo of Mr. M errick, Sho waa born a t B urlington , N. J . , an d was a notablo wom an in m any re sp e c ts ; ris ing from an hum bloiJosltlon In lifo, holplng to oauca^to o ther m em bers of h o r fam ily ,'a n d ran k in g w ith th o ablost educators in o u r colleges.

S av ed by a B ra v e CoIIiei*.A tcrrlb lo acciden t was ju s t av erted o n the

C am den &> A tlau tlc^R ailro ad ^ las t T hursday evening by tho bm ve perseverance o f Thom as Thom as, a poor, bard-w ork'ing charcoal b u rn ­er, w ho on his way hom e discovered th a t a sldo-tfapked gravol tra in , left by tho w ork­m en, had .been sta rted by tho high wind down tho grade and blocked tho m ain track,.

Ho well know tho express tra in w as nearly du o a n d tho terrib le conscqnenccalf n o t Inters, cepted. .F earing ho w ould n o t bo soon iti tho darknoss, a n d d o ub ting tho chances o f m aking him self h o a r in f th o ^ra ln should com e th u n ­derin g o n , ho d ropped bis im plem ents of toll, and tired aS'he was, ran three miles to Pom ona sta tio n , reach ing thero ju s t as thp conductor shod tod 1‘•all ab o ard .”

C onsternation w as p ictu red on th o faces of tho t ra jn m en-on learn ing how near thoy had como to a catastrbp.Bojh which tholr fives and i^ a n y passongors m ight have boon sacrlQcod. In tho g ratitueo p f th e ir hearts th q f-m ad e u p a handsom e sum of m oney f o r the poor m an, who f t a s a lm ost dazed a t hla fortune, an d could only ask in a w onderldg“m anner whythey had given t lm so much.^ \

1 A Eastlnfjf MGftiorIaK:‘ 7_Trlbt^y C hurch has boon tho recip ien t o f a

lasting m em orial to the m em ory o f a lato* m om bor of the parlBhr M rs. John F . Haw kins. T his trib u te to her m em ory from hef m o |l |r , Mrs. A nn E , Podribk, ia tho erection oMa library bnlld lng ,connected w ith tho churo), and has a n endow m ent to porpOtually supply. It w ith books. The first Insta ll w en t p j a b o u t 250 volum es has.reoontly boon placod on Its ' s h e l y . e s , ; .< . ■. ' .-.V

^Tho ne t proceed? o f the Y. M. O. A. b a ta a r a r e a I jttlo o v e r $200, with,a>few a rticles still to bo disposed of. '

' ITConmouth's L ottery , ..O n Tq^sday of this week J u ry Commlsstpn-

ersfSioklos and Form an , In th e prcaonco,of Judgos W alling , B ennett and .C urtls, solected b y lo t the citizens who a re to servo th o coun­ty as g ra n d and petit Jurors a t tho com ing Ja n u a ry term . Thb following nam es wore d raw n ta s o r y e a s ___ _

*1. . ;pniN U JURORS. V ~ ■

T he Q uestion of W ater.(• N ext to a provision of fuel ag a in st an j n - clem ent soason, cornea; tho question o f .a fuii supply of good wafur. Indeed , In so m e ro- spocts, tho la tter is tho moro Im p o rtan t con­sideration . M any of o u r larpo cities are ju e t no fr experiencing d ifllcnltlo^^that b a r thole, progress fo r Bocurlng good w ater, ow ln^ to thP fact th a t a ll surfaco-sources aro g reatly contam inated . . ,

Tho supply for Jorsby C ity and Nm sark ,ls so bad as’to bo scarcely toierablC? ^ n o lr c iti­zens arp. seeking re lief and hope to secure w ater from stream s fu rth o r.ln la n d ;tb a t have

•h o ty c t boon polluted. Tho source b f su pp ly for- Philadelph ia la notedly-' bad , b u t . there seem s tp bo no d irec t relief -except to res tric t th e nuisances o n tho su p p ly s tream , Boston h as a lako B upply th a t Is sa id to approach nearo r to th b sta n d a n lo fp n r l ty th an an y o f th e largo cities. New*York has suffered from a sparolty , though tho Croton Is of fa ir average p u r ity : Even th a now aqueduct will n o t fully supply tho wholo city b u t fo r a few years,

-w ith It# rap id grow th. The c ities of th o South-, orn S tates raaln ly b av p -th ferio r w ater, th o se a long tho Mississippi being s im ply execrable.■ Chicago has the m ost unlquo o f all tho .watejLsystoms an d the sup p ly la Inoxhaustlbio. A tunnel was constructed from the shore o u t under Lako M ichigan for flvo mllos, where a “ c rib ” Is built up In tho w aters o f th e lake. Tho w ater is fairly good, m uch b e tte r th an could be procured from any in te rio r source. Tho tu rn in g of tho Chicago r lf e r so th a t ita w aters flow from the lako rellovos L ako M ich­igan In th a t vicinity from tho city’s rofuso.

Tho rcsldonts of Aabury P ark will n o t fall to apprpciato tho fact th a t nowhoru else Is such pure wator secured as from o n r A rtesian wells. W horo In m any placcs peoplo aro obliged to filter and rosort to artificial m eans to purify their water, ours la.already purified w ith tho vory boat n itra tions th rough m any courses o f Band < or - gravel. Besides, th e supply is so dodp th a t no su rfaco Influences a ro likely to affect tho quality . , (

H u s tlin g th e F o o t B all.A lively gamo of foot .ball was p layed on

R ailroad 8 quaro W ednosday aftornoon, bo- twoen picked team s, T he gam o w as arrangod by Wffl. G. Ilom aln and Jos. L . CM ver, oach p icking u p his supporte rs as bost ho could. A m ong thoao on Cllvor’a lino were E lv ln Bur- tis, W llfisford Dey, Goorgo Cj Brown, A lfred Doy, W. Robinson, WoBloy Palm atoer, Wesloy H uggins, F . W. P resco tt and Llnw ood Shep­herd. Rom aln was supportod T . F ran k A p­pleby, M ilan Ross, J . L. Schnoldor, j j E ; B urt, Geo. Davison, Claudo V , GuoRlpI T f l ld g g lW an d S u y d am . V( _____

The gam o proved to .b o an exciting onp. Wm. K. D evereux ac ted a s um plro. Tho o ld Am orlcan A ssociation ru les governed. T he goals were a t tho sidew alk on th e so u th of the aq u a ro jin d tho north crossing of tho park .

Tlm o'w as called a t 8 15, R om aln’s 'sh ip so- cu rin g the first goal, a lso tho th ird a n d fourth, CHver’a team aecurcd goals In "thV”iocbndf flftb, s ix th and seventh Innings, closing tho flrst h a lt of tbo gamo w ith a sco rc Of 4 to 3 In favor.of Clivor. ■ ”. v .

In tho 8ocond half, timo w as called at* 4 o’clock. The o rder W03 reversed, g iv ing tho las t half to Rom aln’s teaqi by 4 to 3, com plet­ing the gamo on an even score o f 7 to 7; ®

T iie ir P re s e n t C ondition.Tho a n n u a l r ep o rt o f Colonel C. W^-Fulloi*,-

S tato S upc3n tenden t o f E ducation , show s a prosperous condition o f tho schools through­o u t tho Stato. T(io Bchool ta x appropriated by tho Stfite'te $1,870,055, a decreaso o f f413,- 395, and to this raUst bo a d d e d lh e add itional S ta to ap propriation of $100,000; tow nship school ta x of $45,093.01, a decrease o f $18,4807- 63. Tho Intorest on su rp lus povonuo Is $32,- 084.W^an inoreaso o | $210,57 ; d is tr ic t and city tax for teachers’ salaries, $474,293.65, an Increase o f $50,601.80, whioh i s due to th o ln - creaBed j>or cap ita ta x Imposed last y e a r ; d istr ic t and c ity tax fo r bu ilding and repair^ in g aohool hon sear $590,016.40, a n incroasb o f $18,882.3^ Tho total am o u n t for m aintain- In g tl ib 8cH6olais$2,524,434.05 ‘ ani& oreaao-of‘ $450,373.74.^ Tho to ta l am ouht, Including th a t raised fo r bulldipga, Is $3,115,441, a no t lu- creaso of. $469,505.05. .The v'alop of school property , $7,837,706, a n Incroaso. o f $351,500. Tbo average cost p e r pupil, calcu lated on. nverago attondanco, Is $18.10, an in o ro ftsp o f $2.95. w

Tho num bor of male toachors Is 790, fomalo3,325 ; an d tho schools will sea t 209,542 chil­d ren . T h e school census shows 887,847; th e to ta l en to llm en t, 234,27B,—Sat Unci of_ Freedom.

jEarned, T iie ir H oliday.-D aring tho la s t terra tff o u r public schools

Supt. Ire lan d prom Isod tiie pup ils th a t all who a tta ined tho s tan d ard o f 90 p e rc e n t , i n any study Bliould bo oxom pt from exam ina­tion in tlia t study a t tho eloso of.thP_torm« and-w ould bo excuepd. from attendanco d ur­ing all o r a p a rt of. the exam ination , a s thoir profioienoy w a rc a n t^ , T hb ru lo ^ a s proved a n excellent one, for wl£h the Incentlvo o f a n o x tra wbok of holiday tho scholars as a ro le have workod m uch more' fa ith fu lly an d zoal- 0 P8i?^ a n d a^Jpa.t nm nyiia'yo ca rn p d .th p rex ­em ption ,. " • • '■] \ C. ^

Ono of Now Brisuawiok’s wator m alna was clogged by ice from»b'o roaorvplr pn Saturday an d for several houM balf tbo city .w aa w ith­o u t w ater. f c - ' r X ~ r

A Costly W ato r Supply* ^ *T ho Long B ranch Jfetegt In a rocont Issue,

m ade the s ta tem en t th a t M soveral y ea rs ago the tow n conld .have purchased a contro lling Intorest In. tho w ater supply for $17,000. ; Tho proposition was doellned, and now tho annual oxpondlturo for tbo sam e sorvlco ( th a t la, for fire p urposes an d s tre e t sp rink llp g) Is $0,000 ayear, an d by and by will go beyond . th a t a m o u n t.< f‘s T b b A ^ y W rth G rf ia y « r thafcr;‘‘a F roady tho tow n haa ex p ra u 6< rn early o r q u ite double tho aum which w ould have sufilcod-fo purchase tho service'forever. The oxcess a l­ready wasted Is m ore th an snfllclont to have paved.B roadw ay an d rrebu llt thoUlbff,?*- The w ater System of tho town la ownod by a pri­vate com pany. . T he sewor ayatom th ero Is alao ln 'tho hands of a privatjb com pany. Both of those system s, fairly m anaged, w ould havo boon a source Of perpetual revpnue^o the tqWn,* g6ld g tb r ed u c e tho ra te o f m u n ^ lp a l tax a ­tion , and tho tow n will n o t bo a b jp jo reco v e r thom>wIlhout g ro a t cost, i t la jonty recently '

B ltaation a s to Its-w atp r^syatem . an d waa obliged a t g ro at exponso to aVall ltafilf o f an option tp pnrchaao I t . T lio ‘iVm>i, In th b llgh t, of tho experience o f Long B ranch, s a y s : “ Be- yond( all question, overy tow n and BUy should control Its wo,t^r aupply a n d sew erage: T o say th a t In m atters Of such v ital im portance citizens an d taxpayers sho u ld bo loft a t the iherey of p riv a te Enterprise, is to asso rt that, whioh outrages e o m m o ^ e n s o a n d m ocks a t m u n lo ip a l, honesty. Tnero cap bo n o tw o opin ions o n the Bubjeot.’’—Mon. Democrat. *

Those N ondescripts.Tho Voice, the ProhibHioU ^>rgan, ^declares

w ith the g reatest om phasia th a t It Is n o t a t a ll d iscouraged by tho resu lt o f tho -vo to In tho lastfiloction, “_Wo foar nothlnfSNbut God,1 |t says, “ an d w b kniow*,tiia tw o a n rr ig h t, th a t rlgH l has tho om niscience arfd^om nlpotence of Jehovah behind it and c an n o t fall.” - T h a t la a n excellent sp ir it to d isp lay ,e sp ec ia lly un­der suoh a^pllgbt as tho P rohib ition p a rty now finds ItaelL P erhaps itrw ill holp som o o f the weak-kneed b reth ren to s tick a lfttlo longer, and perhaps It w on’t T h e sm ali Increase In the to ta l v o te d u r ln g th o four yoara Is a ttr ib u ­ted to various causes. - Am ong these th e priri-, cipal ones are .the tariff lsaue, h ig h Ilcen aean d the co n tribu tion p f m oney to the o ld p a rty or- ganizatlona. Wl^h all thoso u n favorab le clr- cum stancos to contend ag a in st i t la n o t ^ tran g e ,,th ln |ra» th e Voice, th a t fo rtu n e was floklo and tho p a rty of prlnclplo received so llttlo s n p p o rt W ell, i t w ill no t do th em any p a rticu la r harm to keep u p tho delusion a n ­o ther four years, b u t tho coun try understands very woll th a t thoy aro n o t In po litics .—New York GmpJtlc.

A K unaw ay C lears th e S idew alk .T hursday afternoon, as som e doors an d a

big s ig n of Mr. Bcaraoa’ wero bolng loaded in a one-horae wagon In th e roar b f tho M attlson avenuo etorpflr tho horao bcoamo frlghtonod- and ra n o u t through the alley n ex t tb tho post office building. Tho way bojng blocked by a heavy farm wagon, tho runaw a?*turnbd sh o rt a round th e co rner of N ep taeo S tone Com­p a n y ’s office, with which It Camo In co n tac t, loavlng tho body o f the wagon! an d th e rea r

.wheels. - ; - ; '•W ith tho forw ard runn ing gear, tho co u rts

waa eastw ard on tho sidew alk tow ard Bond s tr e e t Tbo frightened podeauflana so ugh t rofugo In tho btores and/behind plle80f lum ber and brick. Passing tho. new b an k bully ing , the paasagoway waa JU rc e ly four Ijcot- wfde,. b u t tho'an I mal pulled th ro u g h ,leav in g an o th er wheel all b u t tho hub. Tho horse w aa filially cap tu red noar. T hom pson’s store. Tho wagon belonged to Mr. G ould and wljl need to go in to tbo hospital.

Je rse y ’s f in a n c e s .S tato T reasurer Toffoy, In hla an n u a l report,

reports th a t the to ta l disbursem ents fo r tho y e a r ending Nov. 1* 1888, wero $1,542,013, and receipts, $1,501,130; oxpendod m ore th an re ­ceived, $38,488.95. Tho school fund receip ts wero $375,511,09, and tho disbursem ents, $180,989.74; thoro was received m oro than paid out tho sum o f $88,532 35. Tlio m oat Im­p o rta n t Item In the rep o rt ia tho red u ctio n of tho S ta te ’a incom e from tho c o n trac t w o rk in tho Stato P riso n / Tho receip ts thia y e a r w ore only $57,384.48, as agaltiat $65,485(96 la s t year. Thia falling off is due to tho^ etnall-pox efiapv which caused tho inspectors tb a h g t dbivn tho worka for upw ards o f-a mwiith while th e insti­tu tio n was being fum igated:* T ho S tato, un- dor ita prosont con trac t, receives o n ly w hat thb convicts-oraptdyed*earn .—tientiriel o f Free­dom.

Itefo rm od C hurch.SorV icca-at tho Reformed C hurch o n the

com ing S abbath w likhe as follows : M orning)10.80, preaching b y i a o pastor, Rov. E . C, Scuddor, J r . Topic, “ Tho C haracter o f the C hristian Religion aa F o re sh a d o w e d , a t- th i B irth o f C hrlat.” Evening, 7.30, service .o f song, conducted by .tbo pastor. Topic, “ Thp Gospel of Song.” Sabbath-Bchpol a t 2.30 p .m . All, especially s trangers in towb, a ro cordiai- ly iuvited to these services, and will bo wel­com e a t a n y o f them . Seats free.

New Coal Ofllce.Mr. Georgo E . F arm er, the successo r o f Mr,

Fergnaon-In the coal trade, haa bn llt h im self a very convenient office'on tho 8lto o f M r,' F erguson’s form er residence. I t i s divided in to twp room s, ono for tho geuoral office and tho otjher fo r a m ore privato r o o m .. H o has also had hlB'FalrbankS Beales re-act, so th a t ho la thoroughly equipped in overy p a rticu la r to handle his large a n d growing business.

W h a t C le v e la n d W il l D o .A fte r tho fourth of M arch ho w iltrp tu rn to,

Buffalo. . * * 'H o will become a resident o f O range, Now

Jorso'y, and will be elected to tho U n ited S tates Senato from this S tato. *

H e will positively havo n p th lng fu rth e r to do with politics^ "

IIo will m ako Orange h is hom e, b u t w ill ac ­cep t the presldonoy^of.a large (jnanclal Insti­tu tio n in Now ro rk T - /

n o w lirm ovo to Chicago a n d tako u p tlio p ractice o f law, - \ •,

l ie has boon offered aj num ber o f lucrative Jaw p a r tn e rs h ip s ,I s ie s f l ly e d J S L f lb a n ilQ atbo legal profession.

H o Is en tirely undecided as to his fu tp ro course. • V ’ • ’

T hese a re abou t all tho fellablo rep o rts wo havo heard. T ake your choice. * .

_ D r, J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass., m an u ­f a c tu re d o T tho celebrated Ayor’s S arsaparilla and o ther s tan d a rd romedlos, kindly so n t ua a neatly bound sot p(f tholr alm anaca fo r 1889, con tain ing no t-o n ly calendara ad ap ted to the varlotta m eridians o f thp^UnJted Statoa, b u t to foreign lands aa woll. I t m akes a convenlont a n d reliable volum e of roferenco, the c a lc u l i tlons bolng the work of a praotlcal a s tro n o ­m er, and tho historical and othor inform ation tab u la ted -with tho g reatest care a n d sk ill. I n ' addition to ^healm anaoa In ten tongues^ thp book.contalns apoclmons o f pam phlets Issued, by .tho firm In eloven.othor languages an d dia­lects— m aklug a ourioua au d very In te res tin g fea tu ro of tho volume.' W e u n d o rstan d ^h a t, o f tbo alm anac alone, the firm laaue n o fewer th an fifteen m illion ^annually,, being, In all p iobab lllty , the m ost w idely-dissem inatod w p rk o f tho k ind in oxistence, aa it'fs asaurpdi ly am ong tho m ost accurato and truatw orjiiy . I t can npw bo had in ita fam iilar yellow co«er a t a ll thodrng^Cofies,; -

Tuesday Is a legal holiday and tho b an k s of ABbnry P a rk will bo closod. ' .

M onm outh C o u n t s . ‘■ - - \ ' ' ) '■

On T hursday of las t Wook Jo h n an d E lm ira F rost (colorod) wero p n t to the b a r a n d se n ­tenced each to pay a .fine yof $25 and ctMts. E arly In the Ootober tcrm they wore arraign^ ed ou a chargo o f-adu ltery , to w hich thoy p leaded gnllty , E lm ira Froqf a lso pleaded gnUtyJo_a ch a rg e o f assau lt a n d .b a tte ry , 8_he Is the wife b f Jo h n F ro s t’s bro thor, bhfc these


Two have boon iT^jtig' tbgetht^foFgom b tlmo^ and got before the court* for ill-treatment of John’s legal life, -Tho story is tha t a party of them wont to a clrcns at Rod iBank, ono night last flummor. and on tho way homo Elmira Frost assaulted “ ftfi'd- fitraekedr^John’a^wlfor who was In thb party, . The ontcomo b f ,tl\o fracoa was thnt Jplm and Elmira wore arrest-, ed and brought to FrootioVd."'’Whon” they Woro.Bontcnced, as abovp stated, their coun­sel asked the court to/dofor, sentcnco o r the- assault and battCry rudloimont pn account of the-ppppnlary c^riditlon of the defendant. Tjj}a;W^ grantedf n t : thb~cbnrt tpjd tho wb man that If any r^bro . com plaints were heard, of hor bad behavior, especially vflth'John Frost, she would-be brotight up andsontoncedto S ta to p rlsb 'n i^ ' "

Samuol Lemlng, clfargod with bolng one of tho participants Inj, tho Smlthburg flght In-' which Forman Bro\lyn-waa seriously Injured, was roleascd from custody on Wednesday of la st ' week, and by*ordor'of the conrt was placed undor. $BOO ■ ball to appear a t tho nex t term of cou rt to answer any Indictment which might bo fonnd ag a in B t him.—Democrat,


By virtue o f a n order of tho Cpurt o r (Ihanccry of New Jersey, mado on the day of the date hereof, in a cause wherolu .William B. Ferris and William I t Miller fire complainants, and you alid another afo de/tendwUvyon aro-requlred to an-'" pear and. plead, demur or answer to tho bill of said oompiatuanta, on or- befo re tho eighteenth - day of February -next, o r tho said bill will lie taken as confessed against you. ■*

Tho said bill is .filed to foreclose a mortnaRo given by C atharine llu stis (uow.Forman) and Cor- nelioB llustis, h e r husband, to tho said William 8 . Forrls aud William B.“ Miller, dated the hinth day of Juiio; A. D. eighteen himdred and eljjhtv- four. on lots Non. 1278,-1280,1277 and 1270- on m an— of Ocean Grove, Monirfoutu couuty. New Jersey' and you, William Forman, aro mado a defendant bccauso you aro tho husband of said Calharino Forrftan, and have, or claim to have, an-Interest In »ald lauds by courtesy. .' Dated December 1 7 , ■ -'1.-'

' . • l»AVID IlAltVBY, JB ,- , , Solicitor o f (Jomplaliiants,-[P rs fee, 50.30,] -. 4Aflbury ParK, jj. j .

M oving th e F re ig h t S ta tion .To the Editor q f Che J o u r n a l i- .

I no ticed a n artlclo inTiiBJoURKAi.bf Dec. 15th, headed “ O ulragoous,’’.which u p o tiflra t though t m ay ap p ear so, b u t whon yod. a re cor-, rectly inform ed of tbo motiVo o f the.’ phango you will no t ccnsure tho railroad company, so m uch, a s tho chango^propoaod’ la to boiicfit tho town, and th o a ta tlo n Js to bo m ado a s a pas- songor, no t a fre ight s ta tion . .. ,v . ,

You also s ta te th a t Mr. B radley gave tho g rounds atfd s ta tion a t N orth ^ s b u ry P a rk to tho ra ilro ad co m p an y . T his is a n error, The?;rounda a t N o ttli A sbnry B ark will , be trans* errod to tho railroad com pany '.Upon certa in

conditions, by a com m ittco of gentlem en a p ­p o in ted by p ro p erty holders of N orth Ast^ary Park, who havo tho refusal Qf^Bald-.grounds..

Yours very reapectfullyr .W. D. P b n n y p ack b k , C/fairman o f Qom.

T he bcantV fylngaud im p ro v in g o f th e As­bury P ark ela tion and grounds h a s long boon urged by. T u b J o u r n a l as well a s by o u r c iti­zens. I f a n y th in g In th a t lino ia now Teally con tem pla ted wo sha ll ro jo icc^ p ro v ld ed an in ju ry in an o th er quart or does not accom pany tho im provom ont. Tbo rem oval o f the fre igh t ata tlon to a p o in t half a m llo so u th o f the sou thern lim its of tho placo m eans tho dou b ­ling of tho ra te s of cartago now charged As­bury P ark m orcbanta, hotel peoplo an d resi­dents, and tho needless o x tra co^t will am o u n t to thousands o f dollars every year. I f wP m nst pay such a p rice fo r im provem ents, the s ta tto u had be tte r rem ain aa It ia.

S H E R I F F S S A L E .^ - B y v i r tu e -o f n writ o f 11. fa. to mo directed, issued out-ofthc

Court of Chancory of the Rtate of New Jersey ' w ill be exposed to B ale a t public vendue, on ' T n e n d a y .- th e 2 2 J d a y o f J n u n a ry , 1889,

Jbetwccn the houra or 12 uqd C o'clock (at 2 o’clock) Ip th o afternoon .of said day* at Park IlalV in the borpugb o f Asbtiry Park, in the towhshin of Nep­tune, county of Monhiouth, Now Jersey* ' ;

A ll t h e fo llo w in g d e s c r ib e d t r a c t o r p a r ­cel of- land and premises, situate, lying and beitur in the tow nsMpof.Neptuno, in the county of Mon­mouth and. B tatoofN ew Jersey, in West Park near Asbury Park, on tho east side o f Union ave­nue. bcRinnfng'at a stake on the side of said ave- nuo in tho comer o f Lot No. 1); thence (1) north fifteen degrees and forty minutes west, one hun­dred feet along.Union avenue to t)ic oo rm rof l / i t No. 12;,(2)- along tho south llno of isal No. 12’ north, sevonty-nino degrees and ten minutes east; one hundred and llfty feet r (3) along the rear line of lota in rango D south, fifteen de&rces and forty minutes east, ono hundred feet to the northeast com er or Lot No. 9. Rango F ; (4) south,* seventy- nine degrees and ton minutes west along tho north lino of lot.No. 9 ono hundred nnd fifty fe6t to tho beginning. ThosaWC being Lots. Nos.. .10 and 11 In Rango F. Being the B a m e lots described in a * deed for division o f property from J. Edward Borden, Elizabeth c : Bergen (lato Wardell) and hUBband, to J. DeWitt Fay, bearing dato tbo th ird

Bcized ns the property.ofConover LefTersonrin/., taken la execution a t the suit of Catharine C Thompson, and to bo sold by

THEODORE FIELDS, SherKF.. J&M C.C. 3fBN7fBJ>V,'8o2Y.-D stcil Dcc. 20, 1B8H. [Pr’s feo, 87.20;1 '

. S c a n d a l i n H i g h P l a c e s . -

. F o r; §P m e m o p lh a thp rp h a vp bop n ^ d a rk tu m o rs In th e . ali* respecting tho co n d u c t o f high ofilclals a t W ashington. S en a to r Ingalla lot d ro p a w ord a t a recen t d inner, rela tive to hla opinion o f tho chnractor of eortaln mon tho rem ark , In tended oply.' for tho e a r o f hie noxt neighbor, was overheard by Mra. Secre­tary W hitney “ a n d sho resentedk It," Since then-sho has mado npcelfic, den ial p f tho o^-

Jatorfce o f facta th a t would provo tho assertion ^ruc, and tho resu lt Is th a to h e re ia m uch agi­nation concern ing tho m atter. W e copy tlio following from tho Mail and Erjnrrx of last Thursday:^* r - . ■

I t is qu ite rem arkable th a t ao m any o f tho long suppressed tru ths regard ing th e i>craonal habits of President Cleveland and somo o f his C abinet and tho Speaker should havo found vent a t last th rough tho denial glvon to them by the charm ing wlfo of ono of tho secretaries.

She, good soul, could n o t know o f these social crim es if they existed , gji<Cht>r denial Is aa valuable In respeot to them a s tlio denial of M unchausen’s servant th a t hla m aster over ate, because ho had never seen him e a t

F or weeks boforo tho election wo p igeon­holed a verified m ass of inform ation o n this B u b l e c t , which we were vainly u rg ed to pubr Hub, giv ing nam es, dates, h o u ^ a , nights, honra, cPnvoraatlons. Intrigues, jsarriafeea, no- gotiantoa. liaiaona, boon com panlopa, rylna,

•eulpldos. in regard to various persona now and lately, high In national official life, which would shock tho coun try and- cover thoir principals with Ineradicable p itch . Tho gen­eral n a tu ro o f4 his niaaa of cvldonco h as long bepn well understood in New spaper Row , a t W ashington, In p a rts both of C incinnati and New Y o rk ; bu t, owlm? to„thega llan try -o f the Cloveland m aligned prc is, had n o t boon mado public. Though it la old, s tale and flat there, It w ould havo, boon m ost astonishing, latest and disbelieved nows to th o charm ing-lady whose joweled Angora a re p laying w ith the veil which, should sho pull it down, could never again bo replaced to acreon those whom aho would b o unw ittingly exposo.

There aro o ther ladies In W ashington w ho aro m uch b e tte r au thority o n .th o m ain su b ­jec t th an apy .C abinet lady.

Therd are people In tho W hltp H ouse who io* ^ ro l )o 4ter .butliority on tho m ain issnp than

jip y Cabin'et lady. ’ / . ...And all these pthera have their m om ents of

weakness o r rovengo, wbpn^thelr secrets are bigger than them selves a ^ d - so overflow ; o r when their confldences arp 11KC swallow s sun­ning them selves outaido^. o f tholr nefeta, tor any one to bag.;

Wo, In com m on with tho wholo coun try , aro Intensely in terested to have the m or^l, atm osphere a t W ashington pure, andi»o^r public du ty to lay baro tho real condition of th ings there w as urged upon uajln alm oat an overw helm ing w ay ; but when wo th o u g h t of thp m isery which would befall m any innocent, tho pigeonhole got the inform ation , an d not tho public. X • * ’.. And UPw, when d isclosure Is Invited b y one of the innocent,; w(p :Btill forbear fo r the samo reason. :

B u t we w arn the P residen t and al associa­ted wltl^ h lra th b t :thoy m ust d esist a tta c k s upon Republican leaders along social lln^s, o r we shall fpel relieved of o u r so lf-roatra ln t; thoyi.iuust call oCt-thoir dogs, o r mo m ay let loose o u r tigers.

O lirlstnias-at tlio .G rand .Tho ladles and ' -childron should not fall to

afca“ J w r y ,” tho trick d o n k o y ,in .“ Irish_Ab- 80^dltJos,,, a t tho C bristm aa m atinee,' Now G rand O pora llouso. Adm ission 2 5 and50cts.

' Reypor,t .narro wly escaped an othor sorlous conflagration rocebtly. . ;Tho^ weavo r ° ° m in

Ih o basem ent of Robert Woat’sTarge fu rn itu re estabJiflbmont was on fire, and If i t,h ad b u rn ed , through to t h b a i r i t w ould havo boon Impos­sible to have saveti th e business portion o f the town. Tim ely d isc o v e ry an d poraovoranco alonb savod tho property.

Tbo S treet Com missioners o f Nowark nmdo a rhld1 W ednesday^.night on signs th a t pro- traded over tho building lino an d were Ipsa than fourtceh feet abovo the sidew alk. P fuulng knlvoa. on poles woro used to o iit tho w ires th a t hbld the signs and thoy wore allowed tp drop to the s tree t, 7 Thoy woro loaded 1 nip wagona and taken to tho olty-yard.

j p a ! g s t a t c .

BARGAIN, 'Frilly furnished boarding llouso near t^obeaoh,

also co ttage and choice lot very cheap;Addresa BOX 101, Aanurv P ark P . O.

rn i/’Y D Q A T TH A farm of 20 acrea, w ith £ U X t i D i U j C i . good bulldlngs and im-. . .provomonts. Good location, 8)4 iuliea from

ean Grovo, ou tho m ainvoad. Tonnseaay. Apply to T. V. UBNDJUCKSON, Aflbury Park,

Or Z. M. HOWLAND. Long Branoh.

For S a l e or E x c K a n g a .

A oountry <storo and deslrablo dw elling 13 rooms (suitable for BUmmor b o a rd e r) bam , wa­gon iiQuse, &o. 7 acres flno garden land,: 400 peaou trees, S» apple trees, 1 aero straw borrlos and raspberries, Near Lbng Branoh and Aabury Park, N. J iv - ' - . . ■

Farm. 19 acrcs] SH, miles from Asbury Tark, N. J. Apply to WM, B, BYltAM,

Poatoftlco Building, Boom 1, / ■ * ; _____ABbnry Park, N. J ,

* !

J H OHANCEKY O F NEW JERSEY.To .Tiimcii A, Oampbojl U ni Ida A. Cnmpboll

bis wife, and WlllfnTn.il. UranKor, ■■■’id Emma O. Granger, hla wife. • r -

By v irtue of an order of tbo Court o f Chanccry of Now Jorsey. mado on the day, o f tho dato hereofv in a cause wherein Margarefc-A. Grcon is complainant, and you are defendants, you aro roquirod to appear, and plead, demur o r answer to tho com plainant gblll on,'or boforo tho twenty- oighth day,of January noxt, o r tho said bill will be takeq oa confessed against you. >

Tho said bill Is filed to foreclose a mortgage given by ,lathes A. Campbell and Jd a A., his wlfo, aud William I t Granger and Bmma O., Ida wlfo. to tho com nlalnant M argaret A. Green, bearing date tho first day of October in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and elRhty-sovon, on lands In the Borough of Anbury park In tho township of Neptuno, m tho county of Monmouth and Stato of Now Jersey, and you Jam es A. Campbell and William It. Grangor aro mado defendants befeauso you .own tho said lands o r somo-interest therein, anil also becauso you executed ihosafd mortgage, and you Ida A. Campboll and Emma C. Granger aro made do- fondantii bwcauno you eaohmuy have a ir Inchoate right or dowor In tho said lands o r aemo part thereof, ond nlno because you “executed tho said mortgage. ISAAC C. KENNEDY',

^ : L ....... - . . Solioitor of Complainant, ?Q. ncldrcHS. Asbury Park, New .icrsny,

■IMWd N ovem berZt, 1888. tf-. li»r’s foe, $6.80.]


Notico Is hereby, given to tho creditors of Tyleo Ij. Emmons of Aabury Park, New Jersey, th a t all claims against liia estate, m ust bo exhib­ited to tho subscriber,, his asslgnoo, a t hlsofJico in "C ook’s Building,” Asbury Park, N: J „ under oath or afiirmatlon on br before tho 18th day of January , noxt, being four m onths from tho oato pf tho assignment, o r bo forever barred from coming In for a dividend of tho estato. 'Anasald creditors are fu rth e r notified th a t a list o f the nlalms . against s(\id Tylee L. EmnionB'Wlll bo filed with tbo Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monmouth a t tho explrai tlon ot said four months, whon exceptions thoro- to may bo filed by any person interested.

- SAlVl’L A. I*^VTTi£RSON.

M o n m o u t h c o u n t y c i r c u i tCOURT. • - * . .* -

Joaeillitao rotoraon i In oontr^e t' ;Ejntla,’ c.'cock's. p t ta e h m o n t.

• Notico Is horeby givpn that a writ’ of attach­m ent a t tho su it of JOfiephlne I'eterson ngalnBt tho rights and credits, moneys and chattels, lands and. tenem ents of Lydia C. Cocks, a non­resident debtor, for the sum of one hundred and n inety dollars. Issued ontrpf tho Circuit Court of tho counjy of Monmouth In tho Stato of New Jersoy, fu jl ho ninth day of October, A. D. 1888, Rctumatuo and returned Into court duly exe­cuted by the Sheriff of tho county of Monmouth on-tho fiofenteonth day of October A. D. i888.

[ JAMKS Tf, I*ATTEItSO>N, Clerk. *T,T'TtBDD. RAILKY, A tC yf ‘ “

Dated Oct. 17,1888.f for Plaintiff.

CHRISTMAS.Call .and in sp e c t our rocontly ' pnrchased stock

. . of '

Christmas and Holiday Goodsof all dcacriptlons, both 1)omo9tlc'andTW^6rted,

’ ' 'V embracing ■ >

Toilet Sets in Plush,■ . . .... . -• -vof Brush, Comb and'M lrror, Manieuro SptSof tho very- latest d e s ig n P e r fu m e Seta, as well as somo of tho choicest Importod Terra Cotta and Bisquo Figures, ;

C h e a p e r t h a n t h e y c a n b e

b o n g h t . a i L N e w York.-I.

Our stock of Porfum oacan not bb Pqualled In tho Park, as woll as other articles belonging to tho T o ile t ...In ..addition to the above wo have also addod a full line of Artists Materials, l ’ho- Drug D epartm ent will be kep t up to the b est standard, alw ays kooplng on hand tlio latest Drugs and Chemicals,'and.dispensed by an-ablo< Druggist, i

A S h a r e of y o u r p a t r o n a g e i s ; e a m e s t l y s o l i o i t e c l .

No trouble to ahrfw goods If you do not wish to buy. Bospectfully, -

IHucceisor to W . B, Chrlstifrp;


AS B URY P A R K N . J .

The Hew Jersey Adamant M’f’g Bo.. » M anufactnroraof '

Adamant W all Plaster.Works 391 to 4 0 5 PMSftlc A VC.,

J 1 * HARUtSON, N. J . . \ V .

Adam ant th e now cheap and only aupertor flubstituto for tho oipdlnary Wall P laster. ■

I. M, JACOBUS, General A g en tNo authorized agent w lthont wnlUen author­

ity with adal of company attached.. ' 1 -J*.*.w, DEY, General Manager. ,

N . B. Buchanon & Co„ agents for Asbury Park, * Elberon and Long Branch. II, .13. Jonos. agent for Ocoan Beach and vicinity.

Page 3: ol .ASBURY PARK, /NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,1 DECEMBER 22, … · 2014. 4. 2. · Dyspepsia Pills will notonly.glvo easo, bnt permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspopsla, or any gas trio trouble


' i j t o t f f a d ;and M O N M O U T H RE PU B LIC A N .

S a T C B D A Y , B E C E M B E B 2 2 ,1 8 8 8 .

' B a l t w o f A O f p r t i i i ln g .

K i n .

¥:;* * •






itool 200 215 860 450 8 60


1*100 150 2 0 0 250 8 BO 4 50

. 5 50 1150 ,2300

$1251 302 75 I N



^175S '" 4500 '700 800

1800 2500

80 00 4600

1392 501 $100$ 0004 00 000 10005 50 8 00 -1400 7 00 10 od *18 00 9 0015 00 "2500

12 00 2000 8500 18 00 3000 ’ 50 00 35 00 5500 ’8500 OSOOitW 00115000

Looaz. Norross.—A lim ttod num ber of local notices will bo adm itted n t tho rato o f -fifteen

' oents per line. They will bd placed a t the b ot­tom o f tho lo ca l colum ns only, and m ust havo

. M adv ” a t th o end. When cbntlnudd four weeks o r lonffor, a discount o f 25 por cont. IB allowed.

TKHMS.-rYoarly advertisem ents ta ro payable quarterly , In ad v an ce : advertisem ents fo r less period than thrao m ontus are cash.

O n r A g e n t s ;Geo. P . Rowell; «fe,Co., 10 finrnco et., Now York. W. W. Sharp & Co., 21 Park Row, New York, Edw in Aldqn & Bro., 140 Nassau st., Now York,

and C incinnati. ' >. •J . H. Batos, 41 Park RoWyNew York. .**•••• N* W. Ayer & Son; Times Building, Phlla’d. P ra tt A Co., Ninth and A rch 8ta;,P h lla ’d . •Will receive advertisem ents fo r T ub J ournal,

a t reg u lar published rates.In a ll cases we resorvo tho rig h t to re lec t any

advortlsom ont th a t m av be objectionable to ufl.

jL e tfa l flTotlce*.Our friends will pleaso .bear In m ind th a t T ub

J ounNAii Is a legal n e w sp a p e r , and a s such la the p ro p e r m ed iu m for a ll legal n o tices . Some ad- vortlH om ents b e lo n g to us by la w , w hile w ith m a n y o th e rs It Is o p tio n a l w ith tho p arty Inter­ested aa to w h a t paper Bhould publish them .

“ P f e e N o tlce f l.”By m utual agreement, and by 'recom m enda­

tion of tho New Jereoy Editorial Association, tho newspapers of Aabury Park havo decided to

' abollsji tho wufalr and unw arranted custom of jg lv in e freo local notices to en tertainm ents-of b an y k in d whloh hayo,$s tholr o b ject the raising

of m oney for tho benefit of societies o r ihdjc , vtduals. Hereafter, we shall m ake-a charge o f

flvpoents per lino to residents and ten cen ts per line to traveling or outside companies o f persons

>| ‘ ^Congress ad jo u rn ed to-day fo r th e holidays. ‘ Tho schools llkowlao.

Tho fa th e r of P ro f. Ire lan d celebrated hfs 89th b irthday IobJ S a turday .

~ Collectors H ubbard an d Ross havo been kept-busy th is woek tak ln g iri taxe$.

C om ptro ller Anderson, ,who w as laid u p sev­e ra l m onths by an accident, fs( alilo to ag a in go out. ’ 1 .j

- Mr. Charles A, Y oung and fam ily, o f tho - Belvedere, a re rm ak ln g a tem porary s ta y Jn

H ew York city . ^

T h e b rig Oitolaska, bound fo r Philadelphia, load ed with logwood, w ent ashore n ea r Capo M ay M onday n ight. . .

Tho beach pavilion of the U n ited S ta te s Hos­te l, a t A tlan tic City, was blown down by tho g a te on M onday,night. ... r, 7- —

T he s lgnarserv lco a t Sandy H ook reported a t noon on T uesday th a t tho g a le re a c h c d > velocity, of.e lgh ty m iles an h o u r. - - - • A •

Mrs. N . B. Angelo, dau g h ter o f Mra*,A. E . G ard iner, of M arino Vlila, Is In Philadelphia spond lug Ove o relx weeks w itb 'h e r brothor.

P rin ce to n College Is to have-a n ew ptibllcft^ lio n to bo know n as.tho IVinceton ■CoM'Qc fliit- Mini, P resid en t P a tto n Is the genoral ed itor.

.Tho R iparian Com m issioners h ave ju s t tu rn ed Id $234,000 tq ,the tre a su ry from lease’s an d g ran ts along the w ater lino o fjth e S ta te .

M rs. T heresa M cK inney, m other o f P o s t m aster McKfnnoy, a t k e y p o rt, w hero sho has

, been vlaitlng , haa re tu rn ed to. hor hom e a t A popka, F lorida.

O n hTonday n ex t, an d tho follow ing M on­d ay , Dec. 31, tho library a t tho hall will bo open botwoon 3 and 3.30 p . m. fo r those who' m ay desfro to exchange books.**- ‘ v „ .

Mc. W. D. T indall, connected w ith th e Shore. Press las t sum m er, a n d now ^ s tu d e n t a t An­d over Collegof recently secured first p rize for a story fo r a Boston, m agazine. f . . - ........

Tho Choral U nion will havo “ho m ooting noxt week. -The first m eeting o f tbo now y ea r will bo on W ednesday, Ja n . 2, a t the resi­d en ce o f Mr. G. Snow den Dye.

A sbury H urley was a rrested on W ednesday by Officer K ipp, charged w ith d isorderly eon- du o t a t tbo Salvation Arm y m eetings. J u s ­tice Borden lot him off with a reprim and.

M r. W m r D eB qjv, form erly of A sbury Park an d recently advertising agon t o t.Jbe Brooklyn T h ea tre , has been appo in ted treasu re r of J a c o b s ’ now Lyceum Theatre ,. W illiam sburg.

T ho tim bers or tho now O^ean H otel, which a re of unusual size and wore c u t to o rd er a t W illiam sport, have arrived , and C o n trac to r

- M arry o tt will push th e w prk with a s tro n g f o rc e ,\ , _______ ._______...

M rs. J . F . Bowen ,and ale tor, o f tho Guy M ansion, havo gone on their w in ter vacation . They will s to p w ith tholr B ister a t Bristol for ono m o n th and spend tho balance o t the w in-, to r In W ashington. •

Rov. C harles H olland K idder In, tak in g chargo of tho E piscopal M ission a t P o in t p leasan t, does not chango h is residence. Ho rem ains in A sbury Park and his post-ofllco ad d ress is tbe samo.

Gov. Green has ordered a special e lection to. fill the vacancy caused by the death o f Assem­blym an Short,- in the ten th d istric t of Hudson" co u n ty . O n good au thority it Is believed tho G overnor has exceeded his right.

Will ico bo cheap noxt sum m or f

Skating on the lokoa d id n ’t las t long.

Railway travel* is dfxm odorato dim ensions.

Tho tw o bank build ings aro u p to tho fourth story . I ; | t j

Tho opon oawis attll glvon dally a irin g s o n tho streo t rallw ny.—-----

- - AU of the a to rc s ^ ill b o ^ ^ o d fro inT io^r till M onday n ig h t. *

Mr. n e n ry G. C layton h as been appo in ted Special M aster In C hancery.

Christm as greens glvo a n ind ication Of-tho approaching ho lid ay of tho yoar. •

The la to sn a p tick led tho coal mon, stt dealers and o v erco a t m anufacturers. ■ .

F lo rida’s pr^tj^o' c ro p wBI save tho Stato, I t Is tho largcgt ovor k n o W i^ d ^ tB p f irs t f ru i tla ratliorj;a r t^ _ ^ L i ■ . 1 - ' *

A sb u ry P a rk will have no roprpaontatlves afnong the hotel keepers in tho Sunny S ou th th is w ln to r ._ _____ V • _• •

In tho rep o rt o f .tho Y , M . C. A. b azaa r las t week tho namo of Miss M abel L e n t w a s In a d ­v erten tly o rolttefli

Tho F lo rida Vestibule Special is*5to com- m enco Ua trip s betweon :Now Y ork a n d Ja ck ­sonville early In Ja n u a ry . ’ ‘

Gibson and Ryan, ln “ Irish A bsurdities,’ a t tho Now G rand O pera Hondo, C hristm as m atindo and night, Dec. 25.

V ariable w eather, indeed, th is weok. Warm', cold, wet, d ry , quiet, b lustery^eloudy, brlghlj. V arie ty onough to pleaafi a ll tastes.

Mr. Ja co b Doll arid fam ily .tiavo gono to Brooklyn, whero they will sp en d tho holidays and tw o o r threo weeks in Jan u ary .

A Tho noxt tw o M onday evenings fajUng op holiday oyea, thero will bo no J J b ra r y rneeting until J a n , 7, whon Miss Milno w |ll bo present.

Tuosd^y’s h ig h Yflnd ehook a good m an y of the oxposed houses In tho P ark . A t tlm eg It am ountod to a hurricane In violence, hat-m od­erated befo re noon. . — j \

A “ leak” from tho elcctrlb lig h t-w ires d u r­ing tho hoavy ra in of M onday a fte rnoon m ado somo troublo am o n g the telephono wires, b u t resu lted In n o dam age. ’- *J_.

Fran% Brand, w ho was a rrested la s t Ju n o on a chargo of b asta rd y an d gavo the officer the slip* waa ro -a trc s ted o n T hursday . Jo sep h W eir, J r . , becam e his au re ty . f -

T he first toboggan ing of tho seaso n in th is S ta te waa indulged in by tbo E ssex C ounty C lub a l N ew ark on S a tu rday evening. M ilder weather stopped tho fun M onday. * -

A s usua l, th o churches will b§? decorated w ith w reaths and festoons o f e^orgreen for C hristm as. Tho old folks will jWijt en joy tho Bight half as uiuch M tho cKHdreri. ' ^ /

Tbo funniest Irish comodjr ovor tfroducod, at-tho Now G rand O pera H oubo. G rand gala, C hristinasJ matlni?o fo r ladies a n ti ’ children.. Tlckots a t Kin m onth’s drug stoi'e.

Mr. Edw ard M; Fielder h^s accep ted a po­sition with Mr. P .. Mi B arber In tbo lu m b er trado In Ph iladelph ia and will rem ove bis fam ily to th a t c ity ab o u t tho first o f th o y e a r ,

Mrs. J . Ellon F oster urges hor-non-partisan friends n o t to abandon the W„ G. T . U .t b u t try and securo tha adop tion-o f non-sectarian and non-partisan declarations In th o lr co n sti­tu tions.

Mr. Wm. C. Kelly, .a form er_rosidout o f As­b u ry Park, b u t now of Plainfield, ow ns th o u ­sands of a cres o f p jno lands in F lorida , and ta lk s of b uying a n orange grovo In tbo fam ous In d ia n R iver d istric t.

F o r un ique and beau tifu l saponaceous doo o ration8 on window glass spo W ibcktof’a and Cusack’s stores on M attison avenue. Tho a r t l s t was M any and his work is w orth a visit to soo.

Tho condition of Main streo t Jn th e vicin ity o t tho L ako. y low House is a g ita tin g th e ^w n B h ^ iC g m m lty io ^C erta ln Jeg a lX co m p U -cations b a r them from ‘ g ran tin g opproplia ' t lo n s-fo rJ ls lm p ro v e m e n t.—

A t a m io tln g of the Y. M. C.0 A. on T h u rs­day evening a reso lu tion w as'.passed th an k ­ing the ladlos Nvho m anaged th e recen t b azaar fo r ;^hfilr wofl^ and Jn te re s t, and also Mr. Bradloy fo r su bstan tia l aid. v - - r: - 0

E^thhsiantic F lorida (folks eatirriato tb e ■ar- r l v a l s ^ t ; Jaoksonyllle^durlog th o n o x t two m o n th s - i t -o v o r 5,000 a day . F rom a very* d ir ty c ity ^Jacksonville Is now boastod a s one o f tbo cloanost in tho country.

■After tho p fay e r’m ee tin g a tth o P resbyterian C hurch lastrF riday ovenlng, i t w as yojed to increaso tho ohufohsession by olootlng four new elders. Tho insta lla tion will ta^o plaoo Sunday a t tho.m orning service.

“ Bishop” M cNam ara, who held jjieetlngs in - E d uca tiona l HaU and tho O pora Houso during the sum m er, ia holding forth a tB lb ra ry H a ltin N ew ark a n d Is havjhg aome troub le from In terrgptlona b y disorderly {wrsons.

M r. J . C," Johnson, tho jew eler,, h as closed h is placo of business a t Long B ranch, and will havo chargo of tho w a tc h .re p a ir in g de­p a rtm en t in tbo store Of hla son, M rrH ary ey B. John so n , on M ain streot, Aabury Parlf.

L aat S aturdajU ho Ice. on Sunsot Lako waa in p rim e ordor, an d ska ters b o th o ld an d young enjoyod It from early m orn till U to a t night. T he ,b righ t m oonlit ovenlng m ado tho sp o rt q u ite as a ttrac tiv e as in tho daytim e.

Tho P. R . U au d the B. ;<aN lively com potition betw eon Phi] W ashington. E a c h ^ ia im s to eat tim e an d p ro ^ ido^hoh Tho railw ay w ar Is ag o o d ing publio . . f £

hav ing a j ia a rid ’

faat- lostc'oaohes.

in g fo r tbo travel-

M rs. M ary A. Kennedy, m other o f Mr. Isaac . C . Kennedy^ Is vej^y seriously ill a t h e r resi-

donco on A 8bnry;a^onuo. H er sickness is vory largely tho resu lt o f m ental a n d physical s tra in d u rin g the fatal illnesa of hor dangh ter. las t sum m er. . , ■= »

A co n tin u o u s ra in of 18 UoVJtS^tT^Ro valleys of«^be M ohawk aud the^ u p p e r H udson tho oarly p a r t o f tho week, caused a 15 foo t rise In th o river a t A lbany, subm erging th e wharves an d doing g rea t dam age tp goods In tho sto res a long the docks. - 1 _ ........

O ^er tw o hundred dollars worth o f tlckcts to New Y ork ‘1vero sold a t'A sb u ry P a rk “s ta ­tio n to C hristm as s to p p e rs on Tuesday., T h a t m eans o v er fifteen h undred do lla rs tu rn edin to tfieoveriiow lrig, cash boxca of Now York m ercbantB Instead of o u r own dealers a t hom o

Nelson W lckliffo and W illiam V auW lnklo, tw o lads seven and n ine years of^age, woro drow ned S a tu rday m orning In tho Shrovvsbnry a t ,Seabrit?ht. THey _liad gono .on tho loo to skato w ithout le ttin g nny ono know OJ It and th o ico proved too th in . T he ir bodies wero

*2 reoovered. > °

T h ree sm all ch ildren , soy^n| nine and eleven yoars of ago respectively,'aro on th'elij way by express from pQrxnany to Texoa. Thoy ar<i regularly, tagged and way-billed. T te l r m oth­e r d ied an d tho father leav ing them with friends em igrated In to Tekas. Tho first m onoy he earned h o so n ta n d secured th e pas- sag?e o f his littlo ones. ■ ./

................ ”— * .... ........\ - i <J.C h ief; th e big m on-kllier o f F oropaugh’s

tro o p of elephants, was s trangled to death on \S a tu rd a y . IIo hadBhown such signs of vle-

louanesa 'tbat those In. ohargo wero a fra id t o w a it fo r o th er appliances. W itht a jd a r in g conrago the younger Forepaugb p laced apipfi. a ro u n d C h ie fs neck. Tho onda w ore'attached

t t o th e harness o f tw o o ther ' e lep h an ts. an d "a t - a w ord of com m and .they^.started In opposite d irections^ * Tho oxeeutlon was qnlclp a n d e f­fectual. Tho g rea t,b e a s t h ad killed 'W oven mon.

Mr. Thom as Slpe, sex ton of F irs t M. E . C hurch , who was stricken w ith paralysis some weeks ago, died on. Sa tu rday , a t tho resi­dence of his s ister, a t Bristol, P a . IIo was buried a t Philadelphia on Tuesday.

C h o i c o - . F r n i t s .

An e leg an t d isp lay a t TenB reeck’s M arket. —Adu. 7 ■’ . • . •

' I > o n ’t W a l t

tjll the last m om ent to get y o u r Christm as presents. Select them early in the day and tak e y our tim e. P rlccs for holiday goods wero never low er th an now a t J e n k in s ’, 208 Main s tree t.—Ado. - 1 .

W a n te d —A g o o d 'g lt l fo r general house­work; Sm all fam ‘ly. Good wages. Mrs. Luther7<aflln, F arm ingdale , N^ J»—Adv,

II. D. C lark hps ju s tx ece lv ed an Invoice of n 6w goods for ChrlstmSS and Now Y ear a t re ­duced prices, ■ 518 Cookm an avenuo.—Adv.

K lnm onth’s Soro T h ro a t Specific is fas t su p ­p lan ting all o ther m ediolnes in tlu x tica tm en t of d ip h th e ria , quinsy, hoarseness and o th er inflam m atory dlseaaea o f tho th ro a t —

Gonulno sealskin caps (A laska dyod), fu r gloves, e tc ., a t-P orto r’s, opp. drfpot.—Ado.

P a rtle s d eslrln g m onoy on rea l estatoj good, safe loans, m ay address L a u h u s Loom is, Deal Beach, N. J . —Adv. . ,

• - S t a t i o n e r y . *W m. J . C ram er, successor to J . C . W.

S to u t B ro., In tho s ta tio n e ry business Is now ready to show tho publlo all goods In th a t lino, such as Pads, P aper, Books, e tc ., a t reduced prices. P rom pt a tte n tio n will be g iven every ono w ho calls to see us a t 713 M attlson aVe- nue, opp. C entra l Hall-*“ ^^«-

, W e W i l l P r e s e n t

on^gatu tday an d M onday, to each o f ,Qur„cua- tomors^ a handsom e C hristm as card .

S telnbach Bros. ’ Old S tand .—yCrfw.

-’'Eeys, I»olIg,;i!ool£S, ^a t Je n k in s’ S ta tio n ery Storo. (Ju t prices. See th e stock and soloct your presents.^—Ado,

Everybody sayH tho W . L , D duglas shoes uro all rfjjht. P o r te r , opp . depo t.—-<Ww.

S l a u j r l i t e r o f C l o a k s ._

H enry S telnbach, a t th e O cean Pa lace , la closlog o u t his C loaks a t a torrlblp sacrifice. D on’t fall to fjot ono,—Ado, \ v

■ ’ G 0 T 0TeuBrocck’s New Tea Storo, A carefully so- lected 'stock o f T ea , Coffee and 8u g a r a t bo t­tom prices^. Satisfaction g u aran teed .—Ado.

Rl,cb velvet carpe ts, b arg a in a t $1.15 n t Schnolder’s, 107-1G9 M ain St.—Ado. —

' ■. J U u tte r .Fanoy C ream ery B u tte r 28c. per pound , a t

W. R . O’Brien’s grocery, Cookm an avonuo and B ond s tree t.—Ado. '■«-Fiho sta tionery ,-period ica ls, b lan k books, daily papers, p ocket cu tlery , toys a n d fancy goods At Je n k in s’, 208 M ain S t.—Adv.

A K are C liance.Tho Deal an d Squan Bridge T urnp ike , ly ing

betweon Ocean Grovo an d Shark River, will bo leased fo r a term of 11 vo years. T h is Is a raro chance fo r a horae o r E loctrlo RallW ay C om pany. All com m unications addressod to C . T. Bailey, Secretary, will receive p ro m p t a tten tio n .—Adp'.“ ^ ‘

'F a rn ltu re recovered eq u a l to new. E legan t upho lstery In stoc^. Schncldor’s.—

. W an ted .A lo t s ltuatod a long tho railroad In A sbury P ark o r vlolnlty. . A ddress or ap p ly to ’

Ai.Tnm> D . B a ilb y , Aabury P ark , Ni J . Offico, P . O .-Building. .. , —Adv.'.

A personally-conducted T eachers’ E x c u r ­sion will leave Now York n e x t W endesday m orning for,W ashlngton , over tho P . R . R. P rice of tick e ts , includes expenses for the, tw o days to u r both going and re tu rn in g , and hotel bill8 a t tho Capital.

Tho two m on who assaulted £h ll. Deiiy In Now Y ork pload guilty and on T hursday tjudgo M artino B e n tenccd M eredith to e ig h t years and ten m onths, and H erm an to six years and elovon m onths i n Stato prison. ! Tho tw o women a re y o t to bo sentenced.

GonC E. Burd G rubb, G rand C om m ander of th e G . A. R. of New Jersey , w ill v isit C . K . Hall Post on Thursday , evening, J a n . 3, aud Insta ll the officers etoct. This will bo General G rubb’s first v isit hero, and the tiiombors of< tho P ost will malro 1t a y o ry -p liis an l occasion.

The ldiers.and loafers around Red Bank ar£ suffering no littloaUxioty on abcountOf notice n ^ o tve}f by-ono of thom that ho myot^J go to work,” or he wTll bo whlto capped. I t the WWte-Cans stop on fulfilling such a mission o^her communitlos might hopo for tholr pres* enco. . ■ • j ~ . -

' A t J e n k in s 's ta tio n e ry .Prlccs reducod 15 to 25 per cont. op every

class of g<k>d8. Raro chance fo r holldayfglfts.—JWm. ' I _

I—: j ipifvF o r N ew Y e a r ’s N ijflit.

T hero wlll^bo a n e locutionary en te rta in m en t glvon by M iss Carrie E. ^IcGuIro, a t L ib rary Hall, Ja n u a ry 1, 1889, a t 7.45. A dm ission 25 cen ts. .All who havo boon privileged to hoar th is gifted young a rtist noed n o u rg in g to avail them solves o f th is op p o rtu n ity o f repeating tho pleasure, ospeclally. Wheri'fti Is known that a ruon# h e r ' very ex cellen t soloc- tlona will bo rendered tho fam ous C hario t Racc, from “ Bon H o r,” also an o th er selec­tion of great m erit en titled “ Como H ere,” '.W h£n we rem em ber B^las M cGuire’s ra re

n a tu ra l gifts, aided by, careful s tudy , w e rea l­ize th a t th is w onderful conception of th e au th o r of “ Bon I lu r ” will have fu ll ju s tic e dono i t by ono who has tho powor of ao, th o r­oughly identifying horeolf< with the c h a rac te r personated. So thoro Is a grand In tellectual t re a t .. In Btoro for all who come to L ib rary Hall on Now Y ear’s evening. Tho e n te r ta in ­m ent will bo Interspersed with good singing , an d w ill.be under tho auspices of the W om an’s C hristian Temperajnco U nion of A sbury P ark . Miss M cGuire is regarded as tho finest-olocu* tlon ist ln tho State, as Is aeon b y notices o f tho press and nlany prom inent person*. T ick­e ts will be for sale a t Applogate’s a n d O gden’s d rug stores and W. M. Pawley & C o . A d o .

All parties desiring tof en te r horses in th e contost fo r the cham pion runn ing horse o f N eptnne tow nship, to tako placo a t Deal L ake bridge, J a n . 1, 1889, can do ao by e a ll in g o ir

D uring the las t ton days a boy a b o u t 10 years of ago, living in ,A sbury Park , h as been lying very sick, p a r t of tho tlm o delirious. T he Sickness was brough t a b o u t’ by ’sm oking cigarettes. I t Ib'too bad th a t dcalej# s till epn-<

^Inno to eell to boys In: d irec t violation o f tho !aw^_^itj.8 a_ p w niiarity .i> tr thQ j a w t h a t doal-

G . D. Caw drd, Bewail avenue, show ing the h o rao lo bo en te re d -a n d signing .the condi­tions. C o u rse '‘to ru n —from - bridge to th e H athaw ay Houso, distance ono milo, an d re ­p ea t ; beat tw o lu throe heats.—Ade.

• T l i e M o n m o u t h I c e C o .

H as begun the erection of its larg e (5,00^ to n ) ico housea a t A sbury P ark , Long Branch an d o th er ahoro p’olnts. They are ready to con­tra c t for sum m er delivery o r w inter filling o f Ico housea w ith p u re H opatcong ,L ake Ice ex- Clualvely, - In fo rm ation m ay be4>btained and con trac ts m ado on application to Goorgo W. Byram o r D aniel II;. Taylor, A eb a ry .P a rk , o r F ..B . Conovor dr J . E . Ralph, Freehold.—Adv.

W a n tb b .—A reliable m an to tako agency for Aabury P a rk for tho Delaware H orae and M ale I n BDranco Co. Tho only au thorized UvovBtop'k com pany ln Now .Jersoy. In co rp o ­rated 1872. Big commlsalons. S. R. H ao k - knhehg eu , B ox 045, Tron toiyW r?*-—Ado.

, 1 * 1 u s h G o o d s

in .a varloty o f styles and for m any p urposes, reduced |>olow other stores. F ine assortm ent. M ust bo sold. Tho prices ©ro in your favor, a t Je n k in s’, 208 M ain atroot.—Ado.

F o ? styld. fit a n d ^ lu ra b l ii ty . th e _W. L. D ouglas ehoes bavo no equal. C. ^ ffrP S fle r , A gt., opp . depo t.—Ado, *

U s e f u l P r e s o n t s .l - i .

■'Y O U 'gatrphd tfio 'ljest Shoe^ for the least money a t tho B rlok S tore o f Honry Steinbach, besides you rocoive a ila^dsom o P resen t fo r a holiday g ift.—Adv. " ’ '

Silk ila n d k c rc h ie fs '"t'.'•a n d UmOtollaa. Ludltis w ho fifS looktng for a nsftfnl p resen t to .g fee toagehtlom an^shonld ; in spect tho handsom e styles of silk um brellas and silk m ufilers a t tho Brlok Storo ot

’ H enry S te ln b a c t—*Ady,Tho new fu rn itu re olub a t Sohnelder’a Is

Increasing very r a p id ly , . Those w ho wish- a handsom o su it or carpetings shou ld jo in ,a t onco. Tho paym ent—900 dollar a week—Is scarcely felt, and.V ery Boon the Bpbacrlber Is In posaesalon o f .flpo^outfit,—Adv.

- Spectacles, Eyeglasses, . ;'Pockot knives and m an^ othor^ goods, fo r salo cheap, u n til Dob.'31,1888, whoq m y store Will bo closed fo r tho w inter. • ; * rr-"— ■ ‘ ■

■’* ’.*% - ’^H ^D . C o le m a r i.^ d w .

New B u c k w h e a t v(i -i..;, :j t W., R. p ’B rien’a grocery, Cookm an avenue , an d B ond atrcot,-—Adv. f :

, J l in c o M eata t W . R. O’Brlon’8 grocery, (Jookman avonuo and Bond s tree t.—Adv.

Itey. Dr, Chandler and 6 ey. Mr. McGlellah,' o^ Lakewood, exchanged pnlplta with each other on Sunday, Mr. McClellan’s discourse In tho morning Was on the “ Unruly Member,” and in the evening, concerning* the tompter and Jesua^ reply, “ Man shall notllvo by bread alono.”,-..-ZTiie p ioa tramusing thing-of post'Clootlon tlmos is the ingenuity of tho Democrat lo press In conooetlng reasons -for^ their defeat.—The most prollflo of th ^ o causes Is attributed_.tQ; the use of money. <sNo assertion aeema too ridiculous and the stories made up aro relter^ ated long aHor they aro provon to be falso.

Capt, W. J . Ronard^^ato steward a t tho Cqloman, left Now York thla,woek with others of his fellow em ploye In* tho Jt>Jg St. Aqgust- ind hotels In a apeoial o a f fg^F/oylfla, Capt. Renard Will bo tho stew ard' of tfio Alcazar, the equal of^tho Ponce do Leon In size, mas­s i f conBtructlon and arohltootural Ixjauty.

^ .Dunham’s Eleotrlpi Pain Dostroyor haalio- fiomo an almost unlvdreal houaoholtl nocosslty In this vicinity, as wbll a s 'In about all other places whore it is^kbo^b;' Mr. Dunham has shown ua vory flattoritiglbtters lately received from Madamo GriBwol^ |ho colehratod corset manufacturer :of Now Yock^clty, and others.

Three weeks ago Vicb-C|ianoclIoc VanVllet heard the case of .Mrs. Chahfrau against' C. W . Tayleur^, of tho Long1 Branoh Nem. Mra. Cbanfrau asked for,,the appointment of a ro- colvor, which waa not granted. O ur ^uter- pri8lng,.B)aoro..«orresponden{8 havo just got hold of tho Itom aud aro working up lots of specials to tho olty papers.

A man apparently insane was observod On tho boach a t Ocean Groye last Saturday. Ho was walking back and forth „ along tho promenade and whonover ho was about to meet anybody ho would jump off tho walk and go, down near tho wator nntll thoy had passod"; thon he would cli&b up on thoprom '^ntdo and resumo walking.

Dr. Stokes’ annual Ocean-Grovo report, with tho title ^ f “ Gladness by theSoa,” came from tho printers this week and Is ready fa r distribution to all who are Interested In Grove affairs. Tho typographlca\ work Is not equal to former Issues, \vhilo tho promiBCUous uao

y f second-rate engravings and sketches has marred the former neat appearance of tho re- port. . - .

I t is a^uestlon which 1s tho greater fraud, Lesseps’a Panam a Canal or the Keoly motor that never motes. Both .havo boon schemes most visionary, yot not without fool followers who wore willing to invost their money. The canal projoct, after sinking hundreds of mlli- tonsj.ls fiSftreeJy begun, and if com peted It conld never pay the smallest per centago <of Interest on tho coet;~r

e rs cfihnot beproaocutod oxcopt by tho p aren t o r guard ian o f % child, o r with th e ir w ritten consent. • ' . < ' . ' ;•>

Brakem an Pierce, o f tho 1*, R. R., w as-so^ verbly Injurod( by tho accldontal d ischarge of a shot g u n fy a , baggage c a r a t l^olnt P leasant on Thursday m orn in g ;^ T ho g u n belonged to tbo tra in hands and was s tan d in g in a littlo closet In the c a r. T he boggogo m aster waa Im n tln g for.som ething In th e c loset and s truok tho gn n so th a t it w eht bff. J b o chargo. w ent through tho th in p artition an d j& rto f i t s tru o k Pierce in thp face an d nock, lacerating him badly, b u t not dangerousl}'. • \

Thore Is a bill pending In Congress to mako postm astors elcctlvo. W hile tho a rgum ent Is plausible, th a t thoso who do business a t an offico should havo tho selection o f th a t offi­c ial, th6ro la y e t m uch ag a in st such a'fAafi; As the F ed era l au thorities contro l the m ove­m en t o f maila and receive the re tu rn s and accounts; It la obvioua th a t tho postm asters should a c t u nder tho samo au th o rity a n d be am enable for tho s tr ic t perfoffnanoo o f duty . Thero would be o th er serloua objections en­countered In a chango from tbo presont sys­tem .

A wealthy young law yer spen t tw o days and a n ight oyer. Ono caso and a t tho end o f th a t tlm o could not tell which eldo ho was on. I t was a caso of cham pagne.

Said W illiam to M artba—B ut yop m u st re^ mpmbor, my dear, th a t my tasto I sb e tto r than yours. Said M artha to W illiam —U nd o u b t­edly, whon we como to conaidor th a t you m arried m e a n d l m arrlud you. A nd W illiam Bald not a word b u t seem ed to be th inking .

Caller (to Bobby, whose littlo Bister d ied the n lg b t before)—11 A nd ao y o h r littlo s is te r is dead , Bobby-?” Bobby—*• Yes, m a’am .’,’- Call- or—“ And already In heavonf” Bobby—“ O t^ n o ; ahe doesn’t s ta r t till to-m orrow afternoon a t 2 o’clock. "—lAfe. : ....... ■V:-

K irby Stono—“ I say , Tuppor, how a b o u t tb a t $5 you borrow ed from mo tw o m onths ag o ?” Angy T uppor—“ Oh, th a t’s all r ig h t 1 I ’vo kopt t t In my m ind-” K trby Stono—

You havb, e t t? cI th o u g h t you’d ’sp e n t it. Isn ’t this a good tlm o to relieve y o u r m ind o fI t? ” —Pack. . ‘n _____

I beg your pardon ,” said the poet a s ho entered the Banotuip with b is latest c rim e In hia hand , ‘Jhere ia a little th ing——” “ Call again I” sbputed Iho ed ito r w ithout raising his eyes, “ awfully busy to-day, m aking up H arrison’s cabinet. Poetry m ust w ait,”— Ifotton Transcript.

O v e r c o a t s .

Wo will open for S atu rday ’s salo ,,to con­tinue till sold, a largo lino o f Overcoats, a t 20 per cent, less th an cost to m ako. These wore bought for cash a t a g rea t d iscoun t to closo lluS stock o f a largo m anufacturing company, C. C . Clayton, Ocean Grove.—Adu.

A l m o s t G i v e n A w a y .

N o ono needs to sh iv er th is cold woather when Overcoats can bo purchasod a t snch low .figures as they a re now selling a t the Ocean Palace of Henry.S teUib& SU^/W ^...... 7

Linoleum , tho beat boor covering, solid an d everloating, 85c. y&rd. Schneider’s.—Adv.

JuBt received, a ’handsom o l ln o o f canes and um brellas, a t P ortcrV ^gpp.-dopot.—Ado]—7—

- M e r r y C h r i s t m a s T o A l l . r " '

TJ^o Old Stand*of Stolnbach Broa^has never had a bualor holiday 'season . I t is because our gP9<ls wore all fresh, of tho g reatest va­rie ty ,.an d were s o ld a t the low est m argin o f

-profit, Wo wlbh o ur custom ers, ono an d all, a M erry 'C hrlatm as.—Ado.

Lost—O n tho 10th, in F irs t M ;E : Cbnrcb, a p air of gold eyo glasses. F in d e r will pleaso retu rn them to the p aa to r^o r-to .Journal of­fice.—ildv, ___ _'

d i m p l y U e w i l d e r i u K I

ls,tho only way you . can designate the g rea t assortm ent of Holiday Goods th a t o an bo seen a t tho Brick S tore o f 'H onry Stp^nbaoh.—

TenBrocok’s Now T o a 'S to re , 03S Cookm an a v e n u e . " : ' r



Puhlldhotloo la hoTOby given th a t th e Annual M eeting of the Btookholders.of this Bank for. Election of XUreotora, w ill be hold a t the bank­ing house o n — -v . / - • v

Tnoeday, Jam fiiry 8tli, 1889, betwooil the hours of U jt. and 2 p. u.

■ ALB^IW C. TWINING, Cashier.

'O p e n a l l t h e Y e a i 1"

Transient Ratos, 50 c e n ^ a Meat.Perfoet Ryu tom o f drain ago'.__Puro At--'tefilnn wftlor. Btcam lic it. Electric

lights. Sun parlor; VCIIAS. J. IIONT, ProDriotor.

s t

Organized Fobruary, 1880. , ‘nENRY C. WINHOK, l ’realdont, JA8. A. WAINIUGHT, Vlco Proaldont.’


•FIRST ; ' B A »€ a p f t a l ^ | 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 . , -7; • " S n r p l i i F t , ^ 2 0 ,0 0 < ll .< l> 0

POST OFFICE.BUILDING, MAIN STREET AND MATTlSpN-AVENUE,T ran sac ts‘a general banking biislness. Issues lottors o f crodit available In tho prlnoinal cities of tho world. Forolim and domoatlu exchanges bought and spld. jjColloctlons carefully miulo and promptly accounted for.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS:G. F. Kroehl.Jas. A. Wain right, /

Albertf?. Twining,Henry C.‘Winaor,

N. E. Buchanon, Oliver H. Browp,

Isaac C; Kennedy,J : Stanley Forguaon.

ASpecial attractions in

Coirtbining the useful and ornamental.

Elegant patterns in

Table, Vase and Hanging LampsDecorated Dinner Sets, Tea Sets and- Toilet' Sets. New

Designs in Table Glassware. The Latest De­signs in Potters Art.

i, S a i Bias’ F renc lixi Vases, Bric-a-Brac* &o. _

Fancy Goods liut not “ fancy ” prices.Gome in and look. No charge-for-tliat.

W. M. PAWLEY & CO,166-168 Main Street A S B U R Y P A R K , N . J .

M ILA N ROSS,Beal Estate and-Insurance Agent,

■ 725 Cookman .Avonue, Asbury Park, N. J.Transacts a gonoral Rool Estate busiricas, lmn(llinrf*hroporfcier mr following terms:'

FOR SELLING, 2j PER CENT.; RENTING, 5 PER CENT., dodnctcd ns tho rent is collected.

Negotiatos'Morfcgage Iioana on Real Estato.iloprcHonta LEADING INSURANOE COMPANIES.

_. G - o o „ / W J T m a s , ■ Licensed Auctionieer,

$100,000 to Loan 011 1st Mortgage-

REAL [STATE AND INSURANCE AGENT?. 210 Main §t, ftsbury P a rk , N. J.

“ FRED. J . LONG, Solo LesHoo atid Manager.



GIBBON AND R Y A N ,In tho Great Laughter-Producing Musical Non-

' aonsity,

“ Irish Absurdities ”Acknowledged by Press, Publlo and tho*Profes­

sion as tho crowning effort in the gpnu|r|o ^^ I R I S H C O M E D Y .

-You will c ry lauehlng. • No advance in prlcos.. Tickets now.on sale a t Klnmonth’s drug storo. Christmas m at In po, 25hudrx) cents. /

THE LEGISLATIVE SESSION.Tho approaching session of the Legislature

promUos to bo one o f the moat im portant anA exciting In tho history of tlie S tate. Thorcrls a : United Statefl Senator to e le c t ; an effort will bo made to repeal th e rloeal-uptlon-hlKh Hconao la w ; wholesale ohanKes of tho legislative dla- trlc ti aro’ proposed; and other m easures o f deep and general interest wyI be-considered--The Democratic m ajority Is vory small—one in tho Senate and four in the IIouso—and tlio struggle over tboso partisan schemes will bo close and ox- olting* • *»

The State .Gazette has m ade arrangemoilts toSIve unusually" full and ^ n h l o l accounts of

icse proceedings, and of a ll the Iris and outs of politics and politicians a t tho Stato Capital tho coming whiter. The veteran and accomplished journalist, Thomas F. FltzKOrald, and a n ab|e.

'Gorpa of assist an ta, will represent i t in tlio

R E T O R T O F T H E C O N D ITIO N■v-'Vi o r " ;

The First National Bank,^ . AT ASBURY PARK.

In tlio State of New Jersoy, at tbo close of btisl- neSs, December 12, 1888.

RESOURCE3. Loans and d iscounts., ,.$310,532 00'Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ... 480 82u . S. Bonds to secure circulation........ 12,600 00Other stocks, bonds, and m ortgages.,. 2jJ4000 00Duo from approved resorvo aeciitfi.. . . 32,781 10,Duo from othor National llanksi — ,. ii,01)2.12Due f rom.titato Hanks and ban k ers .. .. 8,407 63neal estate, furniture, apd fixtures— 1,400 00 Current expenses and taxes p a i d . 4 , t M 0 60- Premlums p a i d . . . . . . . . .N. 2^00 00Checks and o th er cash i tem s.. . . . . . . . . . > 73 50BiUs of o ther Hahka. ’A 415 €0Fractional paper currency,nickels,and ,

c o h ts , . . . . , . . . ..................... ............. 550.10Specie........ . ,j» ••• • ,2.572 8.r)Legal t ender_notcs, • . 10,620 00 Redemption fund w ith U. S. Treasurer

(G per con t. o f oirculatUtn). ■

T o ta l... .. ‘...............LIABILITIES.

Capital stock paliLIn............


lurplus F u n d .... JniiVvid

..$420,035 40.

. 8 50.000 00 .. 20,000 00

— ,'idod proflt#r*»»A, , . . . 10,^94 42National Dank notes o'atetandlng....... 11,250 00Individual doponlts flub- .-jocbtooUook-.-,:i.-vr.--.vT:.-f20>i,250 73 - r - ■■ — . -

Domand certlfloatosof do- . ' p o B l t , . , . , , . . . - . . . , 4.618 01 •

Ccrtlflod oliockBi.. - 7.257 00-Coahier’acheokaoutstand- . 1 , ,■‘‘In g ., . . ..................184 0a

Duo to o ther National Uanka.........Duo to Stato Banks and bankers,. Bills p a y a b le . .. . . . ......... ..........

T o ta l—S t a t s o r N e w J b b s b v , j.

807,810 m -0,003 78

770 2815,000 eo

. . . $120,635 40

CouMTror Monmouth, 1 » ^1, A. C. Twining, Cashier o r tho abovo-ngmed

bank, do solemnly affirm th a t tho above fitato- m entiB_trao to tno Aost o f my knoWIodgc andbelief. ------ •^■;—A. C, TWINING, CaAhlor,

Subscribed and affirmed to beforo raatJilslC th day of December, 1888. _ • ,-y ? , \

- - Wm. s . i io rn o i^ , vNotary I*ublie for Now Jersey.


Dlroctora, :

B o s i n e s s . O p p o r t u n i t f'W anted a bqalneBS young man with $500 to

$1,000 to Join mo in a profitable business; Must' reside a t Asbnry P a rk or near b y , , References

" * * * k , M o n S ^ o o W ^ ;

£> <L t#/

Houso, and M r.-Jam es E. Burt, of thd ABbury Park S pray, a painstaking and reliable Journal­ist, will represent it in the Senate, while tho gen­eral gossip and newa o f tho lobbies and depart­ments will bo gathered ni> by o ther members pf Its force. The Gazette will also give tho general news of tho day supplied by tho Associated Press, with unusual fulness; will editorially.dis­cuss theT>olltlcal, social and mdVal'questions -of tho day with characteristic Independence.aud candor; will devote carcful a ttention to its Stato news department? glvo dally alm ost a full pago of local nows, and also furnlah a column or. twooaoh day of othor interesting reading in tho shape of sketches, humor, poetry, &u. - ‘ •*

The Daily State Gazette will bo suppllod for tho session a t $1,50, or tbe Dally i o r tho Session andtho Weekly for tho balance of the year for $3.. This offer applies aliko to old «i»d now subscrib­ers. • ^ , j •

Address tbo John L. Murnliy Pnbllsblng CoitSV pany,T renton, Now Jorsoy. ’

T R A Y I S ,

FINE HAND-MADE SHOESof ovory description. In stock or mado to on

- on tlio promises nt short notice. Ropalr- . Ing dono nea t and ohoap.

70 7 Cookman Ave., Asbnvy Park, N. J J*____-_______ ‘ » • Old No. 110. ■ r . '

GIRLS WANTED.Tw o'g lrlsw antod fo r w orking buttonholes on

loata. • ’ v t=rrWM* PAYNTEIt,. ., Bjadloy Beaoh IIouso, N.J.

A-second-handWftan In good order* —. Addresa “ C. C.,” J oubnal offico.


IN A LL DEPARTMENTSWill cbrnmence a t the

j O G E A N j F JL IL -& .a E |TOF.

Proserrts with Shoes until Holidays.

Great PreparationsAi-e no^ in progress ..for. disptay of

HOLIDAY GOODS.Visit the Brifitf Store evg|;y day. ..

Q Q A L .

s FERGUSON’S 1 Goal, Wood & Charcoal

GEO. E. FARM ER, P roprietor,

Wholesale and Retail*AH my Stock is of tho best quality In tho m arket, and Is now

kept constantly dry undor complete cover, ......

' I w arran t ovorythijag 1 soil. I f no t as represented.the-m oney -wiltbo rofundod.


Yard and Offiso, .51 South Main -Street, v__. . Opposite Ocean Grov) Main Entrance. •

BRAiTCH OFFICES—Bamman’s Grocery Storo in the Park, 1W alnrlght «fc IJrrlckson’s Store in the G^ove.

Orders by mall promptly received and delivered. Complete --------------- —............... TelcDhone Conneotion, _ -------

X jI M l. T.A.'y'LOIE^,^ \ Successor to GRAVATT & TAYLOR, wholesale and retail dCalerTn-^- - ^

time, Laid, Bair, Gement; Plaster

And a ll kinds of


C O A L , W O O D ,C H A R C O A L

a t tho old established yard • ' - - f ,IN OF X.AKE VIEW HOUSE.

A fulVStock o f th o above artlolca w.iU bo kept constantly on hand and satisfaction guaranteed. Branch oftlces a t Beanies’ Grocery, Asbury Park, nnd Matthews & Ballard’s Grocery, Ocean Grovo.

TELEPHONE. ' ' . '

a Month Turned Out al Our Factory

THE OPERA PIANO.Buy o f tho m anufacturer and save agents’ profits.

T H E O P E R A P IA N O Is strictly flrst-olaas.' Every Instrument is fully warranted, w e Invite our customers to Inspect our factory and boo for them* Sieves tb at a Piano can be muilo 'porfec't even at a reasonable prlco. Catalogue sent on application.

New Pianos Sold on installment > Plan o f $10 Per Month.

plan orandlOfgajis Talcen Tri“ E x - 1 change and Full Value A l-

I J. lowed far them.Socofi'd-hand Pianos and Organs from $25 up ; $5

por m onth ,.. pianos and Organs t»ued and ropaircdi -

P E E K ,

F R O N T S T R E E T , R E D B A N K , N E W J E R S E Y


T \ .

W illisford Dey & Co.,Wo havo a Iifrgo num ber of furnished cottages and a fow boarding houses in Aabury.Park aed '

Ocean Grove for rent. , Bradloy BoaOh plots alm ost glvon away.

S t r o n g e s t I n s u r a n c e A g e n c y in A m e r ic g f .H kbdk, tlrirtford; QernjBti Amorioan, Hotae,. Nia®Bs; Continental, Phenix,

Gians ■i’ttlls nnd Liberty, Now York: InotmmiwCo. of North Amerioa, l i r a ABSoiiiiition nntl Dnioti, PhUadmphia; lavorpooV ^nd Lo»flOB wid ;

Globe, lioyo! taidiLondori and Laaoa^hlre,,liverpool; Com- :• --meroial Union, PhiBnlx, Im porial,'lire Insuraiioa Asbo-' - ,

: . piation and O itj >li London, London; Ifflaoashitb, Manohe«t«r *. ' Korth 'Britiflli and Mercantile, ^Edinburgh ; Eliot, tJoston Briti

. Amoried, Toronto; I’MTiilonc Washington, FtOTidenee; Equitable iiifp, Metropolitan X’iate Glass, and American Surety Company, Saw York.

■I Oor companiestnsuro against damaeo i,y llghtatnff, wbotlior flro onsaoa or not.. C - _ ••• .. • 1 . :.«■ • .

Page 4: ol .ASBURY PARK, /NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY,1 DECEMBER 22, … · 2014. 4. 2. · Dyspepsia Pills will notonly.glvo easo, bnt permanently cure Indigestion, Dyspopsla, or any gas trio trouble




tfclcks o f- th o W atch R e p a ire r 's T rutle—B ig P r ic e s C har ged fo r C o rrec tin g T f l r i a l Do-mngomcnU—Potty Swindling—Men, Who Aro Iloncat. ' * . *

Tho man I called upon was a slim, blno oyod chap, who sold daily papers, candy, cigars, stationery, toya and all sorts of knick- knacks, and run a watch and clock doctoring counter l?osides. Wo .fell to talking about the tr jc k s 'p f tho trade; how churges .were

' . mado, fo r triv ial derdngemonts, and how prices wero charged, not In proportion to tho work performed* bub according to how much tho wutchmakor th o ugh t ho could..collect To mako a long story short, that slim, blue

v oyed watch tinkce ond I entered into a com-■ pact to test the honesty of the watchsmltha

of Boston, and X was to -tako m y w atch around town, a n d -boo w hat ailed it. I paid him fo r cleaning tho interior o f tho watch

f and then started out. .My first vcnturo was in a 'little store on

■ W ashington Btreot. A broad - shouldered youth, w ith a dark faco^and a bjg nosof-toflk] oft th e s is ter of m y pfo, lifted up its sh irt and looked in. Tho scrutiny'waa long and thorough. . ; . ,

“ Your watch Is ve ry d irty ,” said 'be. “ I . must cloan i t boforo 1 can ropair. it.” >This

* information was very consoling to mo fo r the reason th a t I had ju s t paid m y^nonoyfortho cleaning. Still,. I consented, and dophrtod w i th a “ chedk” in m y hand.

In throe days I callod again. ItHvas done... Tho roller pin was broken. I t was necessary

to put in a new ono. That was $1.60. Tho cleaning was $1, .making tbo to tal $2.G0. I paid tho bill dndw ent back to m y bluo oyod down caster. Ho looked a t tho watch.

“ W hat did you pay fo r thia job!” ho asked. “ Two fifty." I

. “ Howl W hat for?*“ I t waa dirty ; th a t cost tL , Tho roller pin

was gone?^Bfcew ono cost $1.60 moro,”Tho man was mad. I f I told you ju s t w hat

ho said, thero would be joy In shool over tho fac t th a t a soul-was lost. H o took ' out tho roller pin and showed i t to mo. I t was an

• ordinary brass pin such as you can buy for five conts ft paper in "any storp of Boston.

‘ Tho head had been filed off. 5 Also tho point. %B ut tho pin was thero and it bad cost mo $1.50.

* -I thought i t was a p r^ tty good profit on the Investment. -•

“ Can you nlTgjrd to try them againP’ asked t m y jowolor.

“ Y es; g o ahead .”Ho lifted up tho hairspring, hitched i t over

tho movement and told me, to go. I wont. I w ent blundering into a storo on Tromont

' street. . '. “ W hat ails itf” asked I. : ‘ \

Tho old m an a t the desk p u t on his eyo'glqsa, took o u t a pair of tweezers, and in a second- tho watch was going.

“ Nothing,” said be. .; “ W hat’s the bill?”

“ N o t a cent.” ; " ' - . .., ,V... I <pioosapu^fcho-spring bapk whor©4t was

t boforo,” said 1 Ho rofused, and I had to go back to my old friend, who hitched u p the hairspring . Then Ijw o tit io a storo near

.« Pnrk^iinra.nnd.passod out tho watch again. Ho laughed a t it.' “You havo got a bad IroUcr pin,” said bo.

“ I know it, but a brass pin is good enough fo r mo. I think m y ha ir spring is broken.” Hp pcopod again.

“ I t is. Yon must leave tho watch w ith m o uiitil Saturday, whon I w ill havo a now-ono.”*

“ Wlirtt will tho bill bo*” ■. -“ About $ 2.50”“AU right.? I got around the coma*, saw

.him tako his tweezers and lif t up the Spring,- saw him grin a $2.50 srailo, and thon I went

away. When I camo Saturday ho was ready fo r mo. —A fter I had paid tho bill ho said:

‘.‘Y our watch was vory dirty. 1 havo , cleaned i t u|> for you,'fmfc will not chargo

you anything.” When I told him th a t I had seen him lif t up tho spring and p u t tho watch’

.. -on tho rack ho got mod and said I wnsapoli- J-ician and called mo other names which I did

• "not like. I asked him to comeout nnd fight.Ho would not accept. As ho had tho monoy,1 I could seo nothing for mo to do bu t submit. I submitted o f courso.

W hen I talked i t over w ith my friend bo said ho would try a now dodgo and b o o how i t worked. I t was ra ther oxpensivo, b u t tbo

"canso of scienCoiwas'at stako and tho sacrifice was worthy- of tho objoct. Ho tb^k out the whole internal arrangements, so I could bco tho bnckbono and kidnoysof m yw dtcb. This done, ho carefully removed ono of tho jewels

‘ from tho under sido of tho movement and put tho works back again. My watch was dead, I wont to a smith on Hurrispn avonuo.

. Ho told mo just w hat Hilcd m y watch and said It/would cost 83 for euro. AH* right. Hq could go ahead. When I Jtoolr -my watch back to ray partner In th'o secret X was in-

. formed th a t tho man had put Tn a nico joWCl, -*■ as good as tho old ono, and tha t Lhad paid

a fa ir price fo r tho j6b . , .-I was not satisfied. Again ho removed tho

jowol, and again I wont out, th is tim o to another m an on W ashington streot. Horo I learn od that' a jowcl Was gone, anil th a t it would cost mo ?2 for a now ono. Ho looked hungry, and so ho got tho job. Two days lator I returned to my frftnd \yith tho watch. Ho'dissected the job. Tho placo lately occu ­pied by a jewel was filled by a b it pf tin with a hole in i t Tho watch was going, b u t in a

, fow weeks it would stop, and I should havo to contract another bill. 1 took tho watch back to tho man wbp bad mado tho tin jowol,. and said; _ U

“ I forgot to mention ■ it, bu t I think my,- watch is dirty . Will you clean it?”

“Yes, i t is dirty;” said'llo, with a happy look iu,his face, “but I did no t feel liko doin^ -

Aiu. Whon ho saw J tha t my friend had re­placed tho jowol. ho looked blank. 7:, ** “ W hat do you think of it?” I asked. . " “Think? w hy, 1 th ink i t isd ir ty .”

“ But how about tliat jewel you p u t in?” -s - “ Hero i t is,” said ho, pointing to tho jowol

my friend had placed thero instead or tno tin , “and it is a fino oho, too.” • I le t o u t n t him. I f ho had been possessed jtfLany spark, of courago ho would havo com olout aud Whipped mo then and thero. B ut ho was a cow ard,. and would hot figh t W hat was still worso ho would not give up tho money.

My friend broke tho main spring this tipno. I t was n o t much of a job, and ho did not tako

„• off Over mi inch, which stopped tho,. watch, and tha t was enough. Au old follow a t the W est End was my next vicfim. Ho know w hat ailed tho' watch a t a glance. Thomain- spring was broken. A now ono would .cost him fifty cents. ‘ I t was ^wor th fifty cents to

“ p u t i t in, o r $ l inalL .‘ -• r “ 0 . K .,” said I,Two,days after this! m y friend and I were

looking over my watch. From tw o or threo peculiar fllomarks on tho spring wo knew a t once th a t all ho had done was to shorten up $ho old spring and mako it servo fo r a: now one, which was tho work o f nob' o v e r ja minute. That W est End shop was $1 ift. -

_By this timo m y hdventures among tbo w atch men woro pretty woli kuown. I tr ie d m y old dodges and soveral now ones on per­haps half a dozen, but tho men told mo tho real troublo ond charged ino a fair prieo, so I had no reason for finding-"fault. I had suc­ceeded Jn demonstrating th a t thero aro m any tricks...played' upon tbo uninitiated in tho

_..'v w a t c h buaL nQ K S, n n d - 1 - I w l f a v o l h a t a n < \x p n » -Ure will do good.—Gil Ford in Boston Globe.


Is tho oldest nnrt. most , popular Bctontlflo ond inbclinntcal paper published aiul iins tlio InrnoBt circulation of nny paper of ita clans In tho world, v-.ijy iliuptratcd. H cb£ class of Wood ICnKrav-

/ /a*. Fubllfllied weckW. Bend for 1’rloo f3 ft year. Four monlho’

i J

nun. uin Ul 11 liuu•weekly. Bend for Bueeimor___ j f3 ft year. Four luonlho’ trial, f L-& CO.j ri/uiaanKiia, 8G1 Broadway, N.v.

A R C H I T E El - j Edition of Sclontiflo Amoridan. v

A Rreat fluceess. Each Ibbuo contains colored ■ lltlioKraplilo nlipus of country and city residen­ces or public bullilln^H.’ Nutno.rous cnKfavlnK; nnd full plana and specifications for tfioUBO of pucliHRContomolnto tmlldtnji. l rico flWOa year, 26 eta. a copy. MUNN & CO., PulJ^BUEns.

— — J„i,v^iadovor; I in yeara* cxporlohoo nnd have niUdo oyer

i - od IM.OOU appllcatlona for American o'art for- ‘'■Oi niun pntonts. Bond for IlandLook. ,^orrejw i&hdeuco strictly confldCatlal.

T R A D E M A R K S . . '

Bona for llrnidlHwir. ■ for books, chnrta^ maps,

ote., quickly, procured. Atldreaa* _ '. , MUNN & CO., P o te n t S o l ic i to r s ,

-" '"Tv'ClfSimAT. OpyiCE: 301 B ro ad w ay , rH %


;.728 M attison Ave., opp. P. O. AsiiUllY PAHK, NEW JBKSEY.

C a p i t a l , $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 .

Antliorlzod by law to aot as E xecutor, Admin­istrator, Guardian, Trustoo, Asslfm®0* R^eolyer. Acfentw eto;. antLfor tho faithful porformahco of all suoh duties Its capital stook and sUtylns are liab le; also to Recolvo and Kxocuto Trusts of every description, from the Courts,' Corporations artd-lndlvldnals.

All l ’n ist Funds and Investments aro inscribed In the names of the ownors of th e property hold, In txufit, and'aro kopt sepanite and ap art from the’ assots of tho Companyr - - -

Interest Allowed on D fipdsl^ s.• S a f o f t o p o n l t V a u l l A i n . f i r e n n d - l b n r .

Sl a r p r o o f b n l ld ln K ndw In course of-orec,-, on, corner Mattison avonuo and Bond stroot. WUIr' rpcoipted for and kept w ithout chargo. -

-I ISAAC C. KENNEDY, President.; , GKO. F. KKOEHL, Vico President.

IIKNItY C. WINaOK, Seorotary.*■ . ^ . A. C. TWINING, Treasurer.

X -D IR K C T O IIS :G. D. W. VROOM, Tronton.'N. J .. : . W .,I. HARRISON. Lakewood. N .J .; OLIVER II. BROWN, Sprlnj? Lttko, N. J. HENRY II. YARD, Ocean Beach, N. J . . u

- JNOvS. FERGUSON, Asbury Park. N .'J j IIKNRY C. WINSOR, r‘ .GEO. F. KROBBL, “ ;BRUCE S. ICRATOR,M.D.,/.'. “ . A..O. TWINING, ' “ “ ’ ■;N. E. BUCIIANON, - “

.i.:. ISAAC C. KENNEDY. • u- “

lour Ml Account.. Wo do a G e n e r a l B a n k i n g a n d - C o l ­

l e c t i o n BtisiticHM ; isauo.Forolan D rafts '" ' and > le t te r s of C rod It, through tho well- known Banking Uoaeo of p r o x e l , M o r­g a n A C o.v.N , T . ; Colloot Intorest, Divi­dends and Coupons, w ithout oharRo, and A l lo w I n t e r e s t on M o n e y D e p o s i te d '

e by C e r t i f ic a te .If you aro desirous o f transacting’ any

banking buslnosa, wo shall bo triad to offer . you our-faolllties. .

■ ;. ■ . ' -.

C A S H C A l * l T A I i , $ I O O , <100. 00 .

“ M ikado” Building,

$15,000To Loan on Good Mortgages.

' 8; c vc q w a r t . Freehold, N. J.

T ' S I E S T T l s T

F o r 1 8 S 0 ’ 'And for t h e Democracy,

The. Sun bollovcs th a t tho campaign for tlio oleotion of a DoniOoratlo Congress In 1890 and a ' Democratic President in lw e should begin o n or about tho fourth of noxt March. The Sun w ill bo on hand a t tho tlio Ifilet..................................................... ..................evor, to secure tho trium ph of tbo Democratic party and the perm anent sunremaoy of. tho priti- clnlea hold by Jofforson, Jackson and Tllden.

Tho great fact of the year la tho return to abso­lute fiowor of tho 'common enemy o f all good Democrats, tho political organization fo r ‘whoso overthrow The Sun fought a t tho fron t for fifteen

hand a t tho beginning,and until the end of a most interesting anti im portan t political con­st since tho war, doing Its honest utm ost, as

luto power of tho common enemy o f all good Democrats, tho political organization fo r ‘whoso overthrow The Sun fought a t tho fron t for fifteen years, tho momorable years of G rant and the Fraud Hayea, and Garfield and Arthur.

I t Is tho Bame old enemy th a t Democrats now confront, and ho will bo intrenched in tho gamo strong position, it*hits boon carried onco by brave and hopeful fighting.;. Do you n o t bo.'love w ith The Sun th a t the thing can be done again}1 W ait and seel -•

The hopo. Of tho Domocpioy Is in tho loyal offorts of a united prc?s, eherishlngno memories of past differences In- non-cssontials, forgetting everything- but the lessons of experionco', and tb a t victory Is a duty.

Probably you know T/ie Sun already as a news­paper which gets all tho nows and prints I t 'in - Incomparably interesting sh ap e; which chroni­cles facts os they occur and toll* the tru th ab o u t man and ovonts with absolute fearlessness, inakr inc th e complotest an d m ost entertaining jour* “ i t - j — •— - ------------- - • »-*-nal publishod anywboro on ea rth ; aiid-which, boIIs Its opinions only to its subscribers and pur­chasers a t two conts a copy—on Sundays four conts. If you do not know The iS'»/?r>tond fo r Itand learn what a wonderful thing tt is to bo in tho sunshine. *Dally, p o rm o n th .... ...........'............................50 50Dally, per y ea r................C 00Sunday, per y e a r.. ....... ____. : . . . . . S 00Daily and Sunday, per y e a r.. . t-.. . . . " . . . ..... 8.00D a ily an d Sunday, por m onth. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 70Weobly Sun, ono y e a r . 100

Address THE SUHT, New York.

SotJClS, *JC.

THE OAKS,E06 T hird . avonuo. Situated opposite Edtica; tlonal lfall Square. Fall and winter term s 86 to 88. Heater, &o. • Excellent tablo. Open ontlro year. Special forms to families.

Pleasant Rooms, with. Board.Also Tablo B oard.' Terms reasonable- _ '• , MBS. M. II. W1MON,

GOO Cqokman avo.. Cor. Emory s t.

M R S , K I N G S L E Y - O F P T H E I M P E R I A L ,”

announces th at sho will keep hor houso open during tho ,JVlntor.'_ .

THE IR V IN G , *T h l T d a v e n u e , n e a r o c e a n ,


Fbr.furthor particulars, address ■.M- LAUDENSLAGERr

r; Honne' School!; 'Miss M. J . Drako receives pupils a t -.......—;—

WOODSIDE COTTAGE, 315 Sooond avofiuo,- — ... Aflbury Park, N, J . ' ,

Sea~Side Horn©,'Boarding and Day School for Voung

Ladies and Obildren/ ASBIIRTPABK. - NEW JEl^HKTt

Elevohth year opens Septem ber 20 ,18&8. ; [ Address JULIA ROSS, Principal,

604 Asbnry avo., Asbnry P a rk , N. J

Is this p ic tu re ro ^ u ? ? 7WliiU,V^^H'U(io.»)in6r but not/ to a 11 vo bu% h&s rilan. Do you notico, that young mail running off w ith a great big dol­lar on hla back?. Ho Isigoing to plant i t whorp It willgrowi Observo thd other w ho Is returhlng^ gazo a t bis satlBfiod face and noto particularly the greenback ho 'carries hnder hls^arm. . Do you ghtsp tho allegory ? I t ia th is : tho persistent and Judicious advertiser w ill' reap', flvo-dollftm«prqflt for every dollar ho sponda;wilh thoj>rltttor. - Now

t r t h o tlmo to sow tho seed pflifcj^^ard 800' Ciop^ ' j e r y c ^ . ’ r


Spare Allominco for Dor.h Passoncor—Reg­ulations—Tho Driver.

O nrtibns servico in L on d o n is excellent, and although tho rato of fdro la ridiculously low#tbo I/findon Oonoral Omnibus company,! wlil^li controla inDsti Df tho omnibtisea in Lou|on, last year declared a dividend of 10 per eolit h Somo omnibuses havo throo horsep abreastif^ind aro licensed to ca rry forty-two passengers—twenty inside and twenty-two outsido.^ I t is pa rt of a. policeman’s duty to watch omnibuses and seo th a t thoy do nofc carry moro. than tho licensed number,' and

' they por form this duty with considerable zeal. Each passongor Is allowod sixteen inches of space, and as a rulo Cvepy Londonor will insist on his sixieon inches., ..

Tho ra te of omnibus faro is ‘ something likfl- n penny (two cents) a milo on somo lines and less .than tha t on others, You cah'rido, from tho A lbert memorial in Hydo P ark, ettst- ward, to Regent Circus, nearly two-miles, for two conts, but thoro is also a halfpenny ’bus. From Charing Cross to and ‘ over Westminster bridgo, you can rldo for one cent, in fact th a t sum Ib th e only fa re ehargod on this lino. Tho vehicle carrics just ton passongors, so tha t tho company recoivcs ton cents for each trifJ. Tho ’buses s ta rt full from each terminus nnd seldom pick up pas­sengers on tho way.

OmniHus drivors recolvo $10.^0 a.Tweek— Oxcellont wages for men; of thoir Class., It has of ton bech said tha t tho best; w ay to Se6 London— its strcots, building^ and its people,1

’{froitt"ah' outdoor point o f vjow*, is to got on tho top of nn omnibus. Ofnnibus drivors are a good natured, jolly sot of follows, an\l by non^cans do thoy lack -intelligence. ^Thoy seo a vory great deal of human nnturo from tiieir olovated position in life, nnd^thoy loam much. I f you got on a. box seat, noxt to tho driver, and you deairo information o r ontor- taiuniont on tho way, you will find tho driver very willing to accommodate you, bufpo lito ' as ho is you nood not foar tba t you, offer'an.

.Jnsnlt if you offer a “ tip;” in fact hoeipocts it. Ho augments his salary to aA iir oxtent in th is way. Ho saves choico seats for tho regular riders, and thoy “remember” him

- oncoi-'ionally.—Cor, Homo Jou rnal '[ .

A ctor W a rre n ’s D ignified I lc m ll lty .B aring a talk held, a year o r two ago, wiili

tho delightful veteran ac to r who has ju s t loft us, William W arren, of Boston, ho to ld rad a story’ of himself tha t b c o mod to mo a finer' .piece of dignified hum ility than anything ho bad oyer ohactcd on tho boards. A fter tbo death of a well .known Bostonian, somo years sinco, Mr. W arren, who had been ono of his“ friends, was invited to bo a pall boarer a t tho funeral. “On going to tbo placo appointed,” ho said, “ I lcahied for tho first tlmo th a t my companion in tho funeral procession was to bo Hr. Robert C. Winthrop. I wont a t onco to the gontlorann who had chargo of the a r­rangements, ttnd said to him decisively, ‘This must n o t bo! Tho thing is utterly Inappro­priate.—Mr, W iutlirop is an hislorlc cbanuK ter; ho boars an historic name, and has added dignity tp it by his own career. I am a strolling actor; tho Boston public is accus­tomed to soeing me in allm anner of grotesquo costurnos and ludicrous positions. I should bo wholly out of placo' bbsido M r!'W inthrop on an occasion liko this, and evcr^y one who lobked on us would feel i t as I do.’ Accord­ingly, the arrangem ent was completed.” When I osketT“ Did Mr. W luthrop over kn6w> about th is circumstance?*’ bo said, thought­fully, “ I cannot say, bu t I suspect th a t bo did.... The noxt timg wo m et in tho street, ho raised his hat to mo with g reat courtesy, al­though wo woro not previously acquainted, arid wo mot, with tho' samo greeting, several times afterward.-” - • • •

I am fa r from thinking th a t this pioco of gonerouH solf humiliation was needed, but whether it wns or not, how flno tho situation, how'nlmosb Shakespearian tho recognition 6f a. subtle human propriotyi Who does not liko to think of tliesotw o men of 'similar years nnd dissimilar lives, bo th such Woll known figures on tho streets of Boston, and passing cach other from day to day with.thlsv silent and dignified greeting,;as expressive as tho ceremonious Bnuff box of colonial times. Y et surely thoro is KomcthiUg-curious npd almost tindesirablo in a profession which can' suggest to ono of its most honored ornaments such self depreciation pa th ia A blacksmith," a shoemaker, would havo had no such fool­ing, but would havo walked sido by sido with tbo inoet em inent citizen without any thought ofi incongruity, so strong is tho forco of ro-. publicah institutions. Can it bo that, as an actor once pointed out to mo, men o f his vo* cation -very rarely voto, and so feel them­selves no. pa rt of tlw.political^ communityf— Ilaiper’s Bazhr.

P reniio iiis-liave b ee n *awardei! fop o u r e x c e lle n t w o rk ; .

+ A sbury P ark Printing H ousc, ♦ . .

71S Mattison Avenue,opposite Bank.

O rig ina l M ethod o f C o u rtsh ip .Tho principal exhibit in ovidonco in .a ro-

cent divorco suit wns a hymn book. Tbo; plaintiff nnd defendant had occupied places sido by sido in church, and thtidr' acquaint­ance had really begun in tho pow w ith tho young man’s polito nt tentlons over tho hymns. Ho found tbo places in tho book, and shared it with bis fair neighbor. From th a t sprang friendship, whicii in tlmo mergod into affoc- .tlon. Tho fellow’s method of courtshlp^was neat and original. A ftor finding tho bym n tba t tbo pastor had given out, ho would fol­low i t through' whilo it was bolng read from tho pulpit, and deftly underscore words and phrases th a t convoyed his sentiments to tbo girU Of oourso. as sbo camo across thoso marked hymns, as thoy wero being melodi­ously nnd-impressively sung they impressed romantically. . - .-<*.’

Further along in this process/of wooing tho suitor got to interlineations,[so th a t tho rever­ential lino3 of tho hymns woro garbl&b tmcl extended to servo bis passionate moaning. Just lipw fa r th is hymnal courtship was sup^, plemciitod ,Ijy spoken words is a m atter about which th ^ parties differ radically, but tjjo hymn book serves as an indubitablo.rocord. Tbo g irl do esn ’t so em t o hay je^ lo st. hpr pros- cnco o t mind fo r a moment, howover, on theso OQcasions o f •• mingled piety, poetry and pas^: sion j f or sho coolly datod each of tho amended verses. Thus sho ppesoryod in cbrPnological order tho chap’s pqpcill^gs, and slia—hojjce tha t tbo hymn* Upok will bo worth ® 10,(WO, tha t be^ngv tho su^n for which sho has mado ready to sue.—Now Y ork Sun.

T rav e lin g In Gypsy Fa& hion.' „•>A young English couplo, copying the

fashion of the gypsioe, nro traveling ori tho contiiibnt'iij a built up wagon o r a spocics of land yacht. From a description _ofi tbo vohlolo, tho -i nmates appear to havo jnado ' themsolvos as comfortable as tlio circums scribed spaco a t their disposal would allow. In-ono com er of tho einglo room, which Is a t cJnco dining room, draw ing room, bed cham­ber and kitchen, lies madamo’s portfolio of 'sketches, In another, monsieur’s photographic apparatus, whilq fixed in ingenious fashions' to thp wnlls, pretty much as- on board.^bip^. aro rows of cooking untonsils, plates, gia&cs*- fishing rods and a groat variety of odds and cuds. . F or cooking purposos a petroioum Atovo is used, Tho caravan is draw n b y two robust little Breton horses, which aro said to cover a good deal of ground every day. Tho system can bo improved upon by tbo aid of a Bumpterpony, that„ would add greatly to the convonionoo arid comfort of thjp pleasant nomadjo oxietenco.—San Froncisco ■OUroniele. 7: ' . .. :'~r: ;


feat Dyspepsia Cure.I T I S A B U R E C U R E .

Mu. Biasm r, D ear Rir—T waa afiliotod jHiry much with dyspepala, but since I havo used yourqnstrodyno lexncrionoe no ill effeotfrom a m ost hearty raoal, and I beliovo I am ourod .. —

K I I . WYCKOFF, New Brunswlok, N..J.

HAKRY I.. Q&DE y , Agent,fill ftAlH ST.i'asduhy p a r k , n . j .

t, l i p isi1 And Sewing Machines,


Ro^airlr.g and Tunlrig. Cor. B ond-stroet and v M attison avo., Asbury Park,,N. J .

. V . . . W M .D.DOUGLAS,Agent

Steinbaeh Bros.LEADlfJO

M E R C H A N T S- O P -

J E R S E Y ,a r ( 3 b t f e r i n g g r e a f r B a r g a i j i s

i n a l l D e p a r t m e n t s , t o r e d u c e t h e i r l a r g e s t o c k V ' ^ H a l f a n

h o u r ’s i n s p e c t i o n ' - w i l l , s h o w

y o u h o w y o u c a n s a v e m a n y

d o l l a r s .

H a n d s o m e a n d u s e f u l a r ­

t i c l e s a r e p r e s e n t e d t o e v e r y

p u r c h a s e r o f S h o e s .

8TEINBACH BROS.Wooden Building, Near the Lake.


f< o r tiny and every pur-

p o s e t h a t m a y b e r e -. " i ' ' . ■.-* . ■

q u i r e d — f r o m a ' . v i s i t i n g

c a r d t o a n e w s p a p e r o r a

300- p a g e b o o k .


F O R S A L ECioicii Ploiof UroBDflNorth Spring L a k e ,

‘ (Known as Ijots Nos. 20 nnd 81,)

Situated wMthln 1G0 feet of Qeoan avonuo and within 100 yards o f tho surf

, Tho plot has a frontage of 100 feet on Brighton avenuo and tho east lino la 2$f feet in depth. On tlio block adjoining tbo largo Hotel Wtlburton. Ju st tbe nloco fo r a fine summer rosldonco, With plenty of room for stablo and carriage houso. —

Anti-liquor and antl-nulsanco olausos In all deeds In tho neighborhood..

Tho plot will bo sold a t a reasonable figure, as the owners’ resldenco anti. Interests a re owe- whore. , . .»

Inquiroof , -

X ) : H . B r o w n o r W . H . P o t t e r ,


E . W r i g h t , A s b u r y P a r k ,

-■ ' OR AT THEjJOURNAL o f f i c e .

(EatablUbed In Hew York 186 1 .)


629 Coolman AB., Aslsnry ParisN.J.B e s t 2 h 4 I e a < t ® f

Fiiri'esi Poultry.' ‘ - Sm oked Meats.

Superior Corned B eefFrom Selected StocU, A rtesian W ater an d Pure

Pickling Materials.

, Y e g e ^ b l e s ‘a n d FruiteFrosh Dally from Monmouth Connty

y , Farms, ■

tlA N N K O V E G E T A B L E S ,D E S S E R T F i t H IT S ,

. V. P L U H P V D D lN Q , A it.

A satisfactory placo to doal, w here everything fold is gaarautood to jw tho bw t in th e m arket.

Telophono conneotlonB w ith P.ark and Grove.

JAMES'S. B I R D . , '

Granite and Marble Monuments Tombstones, and a ll Cemetery W ork. Cali a t o u r show-room and b oo samples; cuts, «&o. Wo oan su it innual- Ity and prloo. G E N U N G r S c C 0 _

710 M attison ave.. Asbury Park, N . J.

Asbu Park. Printing louse,XmNtf designs o U m ! taMW Improved ma-.. .--------- -1.111 n.1 Min.i, . rtftw • nirn.tf n inn QJ


Professor Poxaall, of tho Royal Society, Mannfheturos a flnmon Voice. :

A fter alluding to tho Improved - phono* j graph, Professor Faxsall goes on to say; "“ It- Immbdiately strnck mo th a t tho wax«l cylin-| derln igh t soltfo my problem, and hero my! experiments -with photographs from tho, microscope, arid also (by an odd coincidence), In engraving, stood mo in good stoad. t\ pressed all my friends andacquaintonoos into service, and in tho courso of a m onth from tho time Edison sent mo tho machine I had, moro than 500 cylinders covorod w ith ‘talk’ from all manner , of mon’s and women’s voices, riot to speak bf musical instruments and other sources of sound. Thon lepcn ttw o months in carefully oxamining au tho roc* onl3 with a microscope, nnd making, nwgnlv» fiod photographs of many of tliony .By com­paring those I a s c e r ta i^ i an im portant fact „—tha t hijtutm voic«?,'' though thoy boin vnrioti* o f timbror diffor, f rpm Ono another according to a fixod law or ratio, vory slmplo in itsolf. The sound olomonts of any. glvon voico can readily bo analyzed or oomibinod by this law.

“Now comcs m y littloinVontipn., O f courso On tho phonogl-aph cylinder sounds and in ­tonations aro represented by lines of varying dopth, oto, I first studlod and • mado tabu­lated diagrams of tho alphabet—if I may so term itr-o f thogo linos. Thoro' aro two con- stitnonm horo^-^o, tho lino representing tho word it&olf, as m ah^and tho'othor,-tho modi­fications in tha t linoa^ootcd bythp^im bro- of voico of tho particular person uttering it. My alphabet, as i t tu rns out, isVot nearly so intricate or long os you might supposo; the vowels, of .courso, aro easy; tho uttoranoo wo givo to tho consbnantB is moro complicated; nJid then, as I said, tbo human equation is a separate consideration., . .,

“Ail being im d y , I imagined a cortabij voice, and thon B o t to work to m ako itl tjs-, ing iho first sontpneo of Milton’s ‘tparadlso Lost” as my corpus viluni, I constructed i t (in tho first instance) oiv1 paper, on a largo scalo, modifying tho required lines according to m y alphabot. I : noxt mndo a fino etched copy of this on copper, using d largo magni- :fying glnss. As' this,was Still too coaTso, I photographed the etching to tho pA)per scalo. bn n shoot of wax, and then carefully rollod tho wax on an ordinary phonograph oylindor. Upon fitting tho cylinder to tbo instrument, and applying tho recordor, I had tho ploasuro of listening to tho words ‘*Qf man’s first dlsobedionco,” e ta , pronounced by ‘ a voico of wblch I was my so If tho raanu*. factureri Its correspondence w ith . thb voico I had' conceiVod was almost cxact. A fter­ward, I produced musical compositions by tho same moans; and i t * is, perhaps, in this direction tha t tho idoa will bo’ chlofiy p racti­cal. - InstcKul of tho ordinary notation, tho composer may now actually w rite h is musio d ire c t”—Julian HaWthorno in Onco a Wook.

Thb Applo In Lovo- Matters, ‘i .In Scotland and in Etigbmd tliodpp lo .ioa

vpry.popular divining medium in lcrrtrmat- tors. P a rt of this .popularity is probably duo to tho common notion tb a t (;ho.,trecK>f knowledge of good and evil .wad an applo tree. H oracom entionsthousoof applo plpa

-in lovo affaire. -A lovirfVwould tako a pip-bo- tweon tho finger nnd thum b and shoot i t up -to th e coiling, and if it struck /it,, h is or her wish would bo - accomplished. : Nowadays a maidon tbo- fidelity of hor imlovcd hy putting a p ip hi tho flro, a t tho samo timo pronouncing his namo. I f tho pip bursta

ith a report, i t is a Eign that'ho loves her, bu t should it burn silontly, slio * is convinced of his w ant of truo affection fo r hor. This is^often performed w ith nuts instead of pips.

i“ O ay mentions tho common amusement of paring nn apple .without brooking tho pcel and thou throwing the, s trip over tho left H’louldcr,- in order-to seo the initial lotter of tfio lover’s , namo 'formed -by tho shnpo tlio pari ug takes upon tiio g'found^,,. This is.often ono of tho mrtii^.ijif'inutioiia" du)y*ni*aitticed- on Ilnlhnvcen b r All Saints’ ow . ^Another ivay a t xthe Bumo sonsop ia for ' tbcy^urioua maiden to stand lx?foro a hwking glass comb­ing her bnir with Otio baud and eating an applo held in tlio other; tbo’ fnco of tHo f uturo husband will then bo seen iu thp gjass looking over her left shoulder.

^Ira. Lathani, in her “ Sussox Supersti­tions,” [gives another applo eharm y Every person prosont fastens an applo “on a string hung and tw irled round bofoip a hot firo. Tho owner of tho applo th a t first falls.off is, dcclarcd to 1k> upon tho point of m arriage, and as. thoy fall successively, tbo order In which, tbo rest of tho party w ill attain to m atrim onial honors is clearly^ indi«itod, singlo blessoilness being tho lo t of tho ono whoso applo is tho Jasfj to drop. "—Chambers’s Journal. •

T h o E g g In _____.. . Tho P aris egg is tho greatest of nil mys­teries, not so much fo r its sacred qoiUities as among tho ancionts, o r for tho strang&gcrm of lifo tba t exists within i t which has con­siderably worried modern scientists. I t is Btill sacrod, but to tho dcalor only, and tbo lifo prineiplo which it contains somotimes indeed disturbs, in n non-sciiintiflo way, tho digestion of tho purcliaser. T o . tho Ameri­can an egg is cither fresh pr i t is nothing; tha t is i t is nothing b u t an abomination. As an pdiblo i t is of such extremo delicacy th a t i t does not know, and can not know, degroo3 of excellence. Whon i t is not tho vory v ir­gin purity of froshness i t is fit for nothing but to be throw n a t an unpopular orator or to bo assigned to tho tondor carp o f th a t symj

Jw ^of m aterial pat lonco,* tho sotting hen.I t ia not so in ParifiU Thero tho theory is

quito different.’ Tho Paris egg loses its frcsh- ness, tho lino' of domarkatlon between tho yolk aud tho white becdmca confused, thero is an nctlvo generation of sulphurotod hydro- ■gon if it is kopt. in a warmjpl^co,"br tho gorm of lifo slowly butsu ip ly mo#gos Into tho flosh, bones and down of tho inciplont fowL Btill <it*dooe.npt loso its flnanoial value. Tho bost eggs, ond thoy are usually,good, nro s $ d fo r boiling at throo o r four sous^a] thoBtandari' _ in which decomposition has ju s t commenced, but is imperceptible oxcopt to fastidious per­sons, who object on principle to chemical changes in their food.r As to o ther grades and qualities which tho customer sees dis­tributed in various places about tho shop their prico ia not fixed.—A lbert SutUffo in Ban Francisco Cbyfrniclo. . \ •, .

•\ Studying Oeoultlam In England. , _,: Tho incricaso of myBtio ordom which are o r

w hich p retend to bo . engaged. |p .the s tu d y of pccnjt^sm 43x>np o f th o charaptorlatics o f th e tim o in Erigland. The co ifn try is fu ll o f Meso tori 0” circles, of whidtt- tbo la te s t fo rm rojoicos in tho nam o o f th o .. Esoteric T riad p|_ th e R ed W a fo r B rotherhood.” T h is ordor c la im s an Ep^yptian orig in ,vo n d Its ra embers nllego tb a t i t w as founded in tb o reign o f Thotm es II. The.objects o f th e b ro therhood aro- “ tho in v es tig a tio n o f occult m ysteries, tho 8 tudyo^ eso te ric /tru th an d tlhp u ltim ate f ra te rn iza tio u \ o f b tim an ity .”'—Cpr. Homo J o u rn a l. ^ .

, Good F o u l ly Management.’ . Men ta lk in raptm-es of youth‘nnd txiauty, w it and sprightliness, but, after coven years of unlonr-nPt ono of them is to bo compared to good family management,"^hich is soon a t ©very moal and overy fam ily gathering, and lo lt every hour in tho husband's pui-so.--.Cur- renfc'Iiltoratum - . *? ‘ *

Crawford’s Palace o f Biijslc,the leading muslo storo of tbo Atlantia coast.

143-143 M a i n S t . * A s b u r y P n r k . N . j r .(White’s now brlok bmlding.) Rchr Broa. & Co.’s, MathuBhek. Sterling and MoEwon Pianos. Wll-.............................. ;g a n d ....... ...... — , . . .oo'i «fe Whlto and Sterling Organs. Musical In? etrumonts, .muslo books* sheet muslo. Piano,, organ and table oovfers. ’ Scarfs, stools, and sew­ing machine Btippllb's. Pianos and Organs for sale o r rout—cash or on Instalments. Domestic,, American; and o ther Kfwlng Maohlnes for ren t o r sale—cash or on iM tfj^an ts .'1 JR°Pab s made to planoa, organs and riowlfl^ ^ia^ ji^Y FO R l9J

? / '

. - • ’ ‘ \• V



251 P e ar! S tre e t, n ea r F u lto n S tre e t, N e w Y o rk ,Have occupied tho same building moro than a d u a r te r o f a century, Thoir (foods a re sliipped to a ll p arts of the United Statos.

i r o r H . BroT/n,H O U S E F U R N IS H IN G

i i p o i i n i5FBBS L4EJ. J.


Tho Flnea^Stook of

to be found on tho New Jersey Coast.

Newest Designs in Furniture.■ ABTIQUE OAK

In Bedroom Suits, 8!?» Boards, C&alrs, Etc.

Carpets, Mattings,/ Keed and .Kattan Goods,

' BEDDING,Silverware, Iiamps, StdvMh-

All the Noveltlos In

Freucli, Bobenrian and Do- mestto Glass. ....-

Foreign and D om estic Chins? — fitRT Table Ware.

,y -Goods delivered in Aabury P ark and Ocoan ■ / ■ ' • Grove.

1,1 i.




fllghest degree o f quality iiiBures lowest cost an d best work/

Tho prico per gallon higher, but quantity need­ed Is leas than if any/othor paints Woro used.

Any building th a t is not .satisfactorily pointed w ith it, or upon which Its UBehas not cosfcleSsthan- , |f other paints had been used, w j | l b o r e p a i n t -c d o t o n r c i p c n H c . . , ' ?_• , :

FOR BALK BY ;s" *-W . X.. & T ib c lT S 0 3 S r,fc

Dealer InPaints, OiisH Varnishes, Glass, &p.,<- Artists’ TUbo Colors. B ruges, Wall Paper,

NO. COO BOND STRKRT, • ..(Establishod.l8«4) v • ^Aabury Pfik, JN. J,

- . . . - J A M E S f l .


A f i j B U R . Y A R K . , 3 S T . o v

XTpholfltoring in ..a ll its b ran ch es ca rr ie d oU7 a lso a fn ll liuo o f P io tu re F ram es an d M ould ings k e p t constan tly o n ban d . W indow C ornices o f a l l descrip tions.

Raving had several years’ experience In the undertaking business In ABbnry Park and vicinity feel com petent to kIvo satisfaction to all w ho may favor mo w ith th e ir patronage.TBLBPIiONJB CONNECTIONS with principal hotels and sto rosin Park and.Orove.

• T A M E S 331. S E X T O W .

BUILD YOUR R O M S WITH GOOD LUMBERAnd they will last a long time.

One of the boat places to find an assortm ent o f F IR S T -C b A U IL D IN G MATERIAL, Is a t t h e , old establlshod business placo of . • *

N . E . B U C K A N O N & C O ;^ ^ - f lo u l^ w e s t corner o f Main street and Asbury avenue,

- A s b u ry N ew J e rs e y .Thousands of custom ers who have patronized this houso, can testify th a t thore Is no boater

place totgurohasojworythln/£ whioh enters Into tho construction of a cottage o r a palaoe. Comealong w ith your orders fo r




*-*• V And everyUiIng to oomploto your house. Satisfaction guaranteed to all customers.

N, O asmon. ; il. Smock, - . U,.L

G. J. SCWANCK & SON, Successors to ;' F R E I D L .

A s b n r y A v e . a n d M a i n S t . , A s b u r y P a r k , B f . J l .BRANCH OFFICES—Milan ItossV. 120 Cookmnn avonuo, Asbury Park, and G. W. M artin's, Pilgrim

Pathway, Occau Grovo. whero all orders received will bo promptly filled.

> *


. _ & — * —M a m i f R 0t u m m .a m l p o a l e r s i n a l l b r a n c h e s o f . . ...........

M I I j L

M ain S tre e t , M u n ro e A v e n u e a n d R a ilroad , ASBURY PARKy N. J. ,

W i n d o w F r s t m e a . S a a l v B l t n d ^ ; D o o r s , B f o n l d l n j f s , B r a c k e t s a n d C a r v e d W o r k ; l l a r d a n d N o l l . W O o d M a n t e l s . T n r n l n t r a n d W e r o 11 f l a w i n g a S p e ­

c i a l t y . D e s i g n * a n d P r i c e s F u r n i s h e d o n A p p l i c a t i o n * f