old fulton ny post cards by tom...

RECORDER PHONE 1700 EVENING RECORDER, AMSTERDAM. N. Y., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1948. PAGE nor Social-Personal News Gordon—A rt hit rs Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arthurs Jr., 757 20th Avenue, South, St. Petersburg, Fla., formerly of Am- sterdam, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary, to Joseph Nicholson Gordon Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gordon. Middles- boro, Ky., at 5 P. M. Friday, Sep- tember 17. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John §try- ker Piper, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Middlesboro. After October 1, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon will be at home at 10464 Sixth Street, North. St. Peters- burg. Sikora, Mr. and Mrs. William Mushaw Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wally Shang and Mrs. Victoria Ozug. Miss Mary gical patient pital Wheaton is a sur- in St. Mary's Hos- For Miss Santoro A tea in honor of Miss Rose Santoro was given recently by Mrs. Joseph Marotta and Mrs. Dominick F. Cosolito Jr., at the latter's home, 4 Carmichael Street. The tea table was decorated with a centerpiece of white glad- ioli and pompons. Mrs. James ^Martuscello and Miss Rosalyn Robusto poured. A gift of luggage was presented to the bride-elect. The invited guests were Mrs. Francis Collins, Mrs. Arthur Ambler, Mrs. Thomas Mannino, Mrs. James Martuscello and the Misses Rose Cervera. Sophie Sala, Gene Battaglia. Emma DiMezza, Ts'ancy Sollecito, Anna Marie Feduilo, Ruth Adams, Clara Bud- •ka, Violet Elhilow, Isabel Budka, Rosalyn Robusto, Marguerite San- toro and Josephine Rinella. Mrs. Alida Pearce, Fort Hunter, is a patient in the Amsterdam City Hospital. She Js able to have visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Harley J. Davis, 258 Guy Park Avenue, have left for Neosho, Missouri, where they will make their home. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Kees- les, M6 Division Street. Miss Barbara Trevett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trevett, 16 Austin Street, has left for Worcester, Mass., where she will begin her senior year at Becker Junior College. She is taking a medical secretarial course. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Voor- hees, 20 Summit Avenue, will re- turn today after spending the week-end as guests of Mr. Voor- hees' brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Enders M. Voorhees, Southampton, L. I. r Obituary 1 Miss Betty Bradford, Cedar Street, has left to enter her fresh- man year at Wilberforce Uni- versity, Wilberforce, O. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ottavio, 386 Division Street, announce the •engagement of their daughter, Miss Josephine Ann Ottavio, to Mario L. Cheeca, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cisberto Cheeca, 17 Glen Avenue. No wedding date has been set. Mr*. William B. Collins; Etta Kassing; wife of William B. Colling, 17 Arnold Avenue, died Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock aft- er a long Illness. Mrs. Colling was born in Utica November 14. 1868, the daughter of Henry and Amelia Virginia Winchell, and resided there until Zilvitis, Cleveland, Ohio; one son, Dr. John Serbis, Detroit. Mich.; one brother, John Angus, Cohoes; a sister. Mrs. Frank Slavekis. Am- sterdam, and several nieces and nephews. Mrs. Raymond Collins Leona Quackenbush, wife of Raymond Collins, 5 Erie Street, died Sunday morning at 3 o'clock in the Amsterdam City Hospital 27 years ago when she moved to j where she was taken at midnight Amsterdam. She was a member of I Saturday after being suddenly the Calvary Church while she! stricken. <! " In Fraternal Circle* 1 Maccabees Hive will meet to- night at 8 o'clock at 21 Market Street. Psi Chi Phi Sorority will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in room 44 at the Y. M. C. A. lived in Utica but had been a member of St. Ann's Episcopal Charch since coming to this city. November 24, 1896. she was married to Mr. Colling, who sur- vives her together one daughter, Miss Helen E. Colling. Amsterdam; and a brother, Clarence H. Kass- ing, Utica. Pii Chi Phi Club will meet Tuesday at 8 P. M. at the home of Mrs. W. Pflepsen, 313 Mohawk Avenue, Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruback. 16 Phillips Street, are quietly observ- ing their 55th wedding annivei> sary today. Rowan J. Coyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Selby, 2 Evelyn Street, has returned to Union College for his sophomore year. Edward Chmielewicz, Cuba. N. Y., was a week-end visitor at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chmielewicz, .5 Bartlett Street. Christening Party * A christening party for Lorraine Libby Korona. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Korona. Amster- dam R. D. 1, was held recently at the .Korona home. Mrs. Wally Shang, Amsterdam, and Mrs. Wil- liam Mushaw Sr., Albany, acted as the sponsors. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Mushaw, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mushaw, Mr. and Mrs. Judson E. Shaver, Mr.* and Mrs. J. J. Gourley, Mr. and Mrs. John BE17 & VAN BUREN FUNERAL HOME 171 QUTt PABK AVE. Phono 2436 JOHN Q. BETZ LEONARD W. VAN BUBEN Complete Funeral Serriee, Combine* With Friendly Dnder- rt&ndlnc of Vonr Wiihe*. Miss Marlene B. Foss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Foss, 243 Brookside Avenue, has begun her freshman year at Alfred Univer- sity, Alfred, N. Y. Miss May E. Dickinson has re- turned after a two months' visit in Groton, N. Y„ and is now re- siding with Miss Helen Pearson at 10 Caroline Street. William J. Kronk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kronk, 7 Fourth Avenue, has left to begin his fresh- man year at St. Lawrence Univer- sity, Canton, N. Y. Robert A. Laudise, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Laudise, 389 Divi- sion Street,•registered at Union College last Wednesday for his freshman year after having at- tended the Union freshman camp at Pilot's Knob on Lake George over the .previous week-end- Miss Norma A. Phillips, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phil- lips, 32 Elizabeth Street, and Miss Catherine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, 1 Krull Street, left Saturday to begin their freshman studies at the Uni- versity of Rochester in Rochester. Miss Rita Noble has left to at- tend the Juilliard School of Music in New York City and Miss Mary Lou Noble has entered the fresh* man class at the New York State Teachers College in Albany. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Noble, 364 Guy Park Ave- nue. Edward A. Bogdan Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bogdan, 45 Church Street, has entered the freshman class at Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass. 1920—28tfe YEAR—1948 WALTER J. GOING GENERAL INSURANCE Phone 20 Orer a Quarter Century of dependable Insurance service Mr. and Mrs. Spencer K. War- nick Jr., 9 Grant Avenue, left to- day for Pennsburg, Pa., with their son, Karl, who will enter the Perkiomen School there. Miss Marv Elizabeth Sparks, daughter of ^Ir. and Mrs. James K. Sparks, 58 Lincoln Avenue, left Saturday to start her freshman year at Ithaca College. Miss Mary Agnes Stanton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley W. Stanton, 14 Coolidge Road, left today to take up her studies as a freshman at Colby Junior College, New London, N. H. Dr. George C. Ferguson, Dr. Roger Conant and Dr. Edward A. Bogdan have left for the Massa- chusetts General Hospital, Har- vard Medical School, Boston, Mass., to take a post-graduate course in the modern treatment of fractures and traumatic surgery. They will return October L John LeRoy John LeRoy, 50, Delanson. died at his home Saturday after a long illness. He was born in the Town of Perth, Fulton County, August 4, 1898. the son of George and Mary Danfield LeRoy. He had Uved in Delanson six years. Survivors are his wife. Mrs. Em- ma Kietzman LeRoy; three sons. John C, Harry, and Melvin. all of Delanson; two daughters, Miss Mary LeRoy, Delanson, and Mrs. John Stec, Schenectady, his moth- er; two grandchildren; a brother, Voorhees LeRoy, Minaville; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Fitzdam, Minaville, and Mrs. Walter Borst, Amsterdam. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the White funeral home- in Delanson. Burial will be in Chucta- nunda Cemetery, Minaville. Mrs. Collins was born in Cana- joharie June 5, 1910. She had been! A meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary' a resident of Amsterdam for nine of Clan McAlpine, 60, will be held months although she had been Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the employed here in the glove mill Sons ol St - George HalL of Fownes Bros., Inc., for about two years. Her pleasing personali- ty won her many friends who will regret to learn of her sudden passing. Survivors in addition to her hus- band are her parents, Mr. and The Past Matrons' Club of Art Mrs. George Quackenbush, Sprak- j Wei Chapter, 208, O. E. S., will ers; her maternal grandmother,, meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock Artisan Lodge, 84, F. A A. M., will hold a regular communication tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the Masonic Temple. The Fellowdraft degree will be conferred. Mrs. Elmer Fonda. Sprakers. and several aunts, uncles and cousms. Richard D. Cushman, son of Superintendent of Schools and Mrs. Edward V, Cushman, 159 Market Street, returned to New York City today to resume his studies at Columbia University. He was accompanied by a class- mate, Lester Chace Jr., Pekin, Ohio, who spent the week-end as his guest. Around the City A daughter, Beth, was born Sep- tember 16 at the Samaritan Hos- pital in Troy to Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Kessler, Troy. Mr. Kessler is When You Decide On That NEW CAR ... Let as assist you in choosing the correct in- irance that will protect ou—and arrange the fi- nancing of your purchase through a local bank. USE THE BANK AND AGENT AUTO PLAN • Easy • Sensible • Convenient • Economical Any Association Member Will Gladly Help You Make All the Arrangements—Call or Phone INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS ASSOCIATION OF AMSTERDAM, N. Y. CHARLES BARHELL H. WALTON BARNETT G. CARBONELLI & SON DEYENDORP & CO. AUSTIN C GODE WALTER J. GOING JAMES GRAYSON HAYS & WORMUTH FRED W. HARRIS MICHAEL J. KERBRIS GEORGE THE MENTOR AGENCY MILLER.KAVANAGH THOS. F. MONAGHAN ft SON McCLEARY INS. AGENCY HARRY D. PUTMAN JOHN PANTALONE JAS. A. SMEALLIE ft SON A. T. VAN HEUSEN ft SON A. J. VAN SKIVER D. P. WOJCICKI C WILLIAMS, JR. COOPERATING BANKS AMSTERDAM CITY NATIONAL BANK FARMERS NATIONAL BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK •MONTGOMERY COUNTY TRUST CO. —The Mount Carmel Social Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the clubrooms. Refreshments will be served. —The Men's Glee Club of (the Mohawk Mills will rehearse to- night at 8 o'clock in the Mc- Cleary cafeteria. —The Junior Philathea Class of the First Baptist Church will hold a meeting Tuesday evening at. the home of Mrs. William F. Ander- son, 360 Division Street. —A clinic for cerebral palsied and physically handicapped chil- dren will be l^eld Thursday morn- ing at 9:30 o'clock in the Fifth Ward School. Dr. William E. Gazeley, Schenectady, will be the physician in charge. —The Vrooman Avenue-Fourth Ward P.-T. A. will hold a "get acquainted" meeting at the school Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. Judge Francis Collins will speak on "Teaching the Fundamentals of Character." All members and kindergarten mothers are invited to attend. —The regular meeting of the Minutemen Class of Trinity Lu- theran Church has been postponed to Monday, September 27, due to the fact that the Mohawk Valley Brotherhood Association is meet- ing tonight at 8 o'clock in the First Lutheran Church at Sche- nectady. —The Mohawk Mills Associa- tion Camera Club will hold Its first Fall meeting in the Mohawk Guest House on Lyon Street at 8 o'clock tonight. The meeting will feature a lecture-demonstration on the Norwood director exposure meter by C. H. Coles, New York City. The meeting is open to any- one interested in photography. —The first.Fall meeting of the Woodrow Wilson P.-T. A. will be held at the school Tuesday after- noon at 3:15 o'clock in the form of a reception and tea in honor of new members. Mrs. George Forbes, unit president, and offi- cers have prepared an Interesting program, including a skit entitled "P.-T. A. Follies?" Miss Zula Ha- ver, principal of the school, will give a short talk welcoming new members and extending greetings to parents already members of the unit. Vocal solos will be ren- dered by Mrs. Walter S. Malnes and piano numbers by Irene Ces- erlltch, a former student at the school. Mrs. D. Frank McPhee Mrs. Mary (Chamberland) Mc- Phee, 77. widow of D. Frank Mc- Phee. of 24 »i North Melcher Street, Johnstown, died yester- day afternoon at 2:12 o'clock in St. Mary's Hospital, here, where she had been a patient since Au- gust 23. She had been in- failing health for some time. She was born February 9, 1871 in North Hatley, Province of Que- bec, Canada, daughter of Fred and Elise (LaMarrie) Chamberland. When a young girl she moved with her family to Biddeford, Maine. Her marriage to Mr. McPhee took place in 1898 and they re- sided in Waterbury, Conn., for a number of years. Mrs. McPhee re- sided in Fulton County since 1923, going to Gloversville first and then to Johnstown in 1932. She was a member of the Im- maculate Conception Church of Johnstown and the Rosary Society of that church. The survivors are two daugh- ters, Adele A. and Mae R., Johns- town, the former being a member of the Academy Street School fac- ulty in this city; one son, Donald F., also of Johnstown, and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Cassevant, Kennebunk, Maine, and Miss Belle Chamberland, Biddeford, Maine. The body was removed to the Wassung-Brown & Ehle funeral home in Johnstown, where a prayer service will be conducted Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock followed by a solemn requiem high mass at the Immaculate Concep- tion Church at 9:30 o'clock. Inter- ment will be in new St. Joseph's Cemetery, Waterbury, Conn. Mrs. Frank McGuigan Mrs-. AgnesiMcGuigan, widow of Frank McGuigan. 30 Garfield Place, died early Sunday morning following a long illness. She was born at East Dorset, Vt., on June 6, 1878, the daughter of Margaret Murphy and James Collins. She was a resident of Amsterdam for the past 30 years and' was a devout member of St. Man's Church. Her main interest was in her home and family. Her husband died October 1, 1936. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Earl Slade, Gloversville, and Mrs. Harold Teeter, Mrs. Maynard Baker. Mrs. Orvllle Cook. Mrs. Charles Harlow and Mrs. Edward McKnight, Amsterdam; two sons, Francis and Edward McGuigan, Amsterdam; one sister, Mrs. Thomas Cooper, East Dorset, Vt.; four grandchildren, one great- grandchild and several nieces and nephews. Credit Women Of Amsterdam To Organize Miss Bessie Armstrong, presi- dent of the Empire Council of the Credit Women's Breakfast Clubs of North America, and a depart- ment store credit manager, will address the organization meeting of the Amsterdam Credit Women's Club Wednesday at 8 P. M. at the Y. M. C. A. The meeting will be In room 42 and will be attended by other members of the national organization, among them Miss Laura Grigolite, manager of the Shannon Credit Bureau of Sche- nectady, and Miss Margaret O'Malley, speciality store credit manager, who will join in the gen- eral discussion following the main talk. Amsterdam credit grantors have long felt the need of such an or- ganization which opens doors for the exchange of ideas arid systems between large and small organiza- tions who are engaged in retail business not only locally but through semi-annual conferences and districts throughout the coun- try. All women of Amsterdam who are connected with retail credit Work in any capacity are eligible for membership and are invited to be present Wednesday night when the advantages which will assist them to gain promotion in their profession through an educational program of efficiency and at the same time do an outstanding job for their establishment, will be thoroughly explained. Those who attend this meeting are also invited to the conference at the Van Curler Hotel in Sche- nectady September 26 and 27. Registration will begin at 11:30 A. M. followed by a luncheon at 1 P. M. at which the speaker will be Miss Ruth Miner, deputy sec- retary of state. A forum will be held in the afternoon led by Miss Thelma Greglis of Troy. Credit departments in the Capi- tal District will be visited Monday for comparison of systems and general information. % : . t at the Masonic Templa, The sup- per meeting scheduled for this month has been postponed until October. Mangled Body of Man Fo Tracks of New York Central RE Tonight's meeting of Kennyetto Council, 136. D. of P., at 7:30 o'clock in the rooms, 5 Market Street, will be followed by a pub- lic card party at 8:30 o'clock. The council will hold another public card party at 2:30 o'clock Wed- nesday afternoon in the rooms. Century Club Notes A social evening for members of the club will be held at the clubhouse Thursday with the ex- ecutive board as hostesses. Can- didates for membership' who have already filed their applications are also invited. Reservations should DO made with Mrs. Arthur B. Car- penter, telephone 544, or Mrs. Clarence S. Schoonmaker, 2714. Tht body ol Richard Harley Du- Rose, 37, of 80 Forbes Street, was found shortly before 7 o'clock this morning on the tracks of the New York Central Railroad opposite the southerly end of Schuyler Street, so badly mangled that it was only by the Navy discharge in his pock- et that Identification was estab- lished. The police station was called at 7:55 o'clock, Detective Sergeant Jacob Bush and Officer James Horton responding, with Coroner Peter J. Lucas, who after making an investigation gave a verdict of accidental death. DuRose, he said, had not been dead more than three hours at the most. The conditions observed" by the police and coroner left no doubt that the man had been struck by a train, but just when or on what track cannot be told until some check of engines for evidence of contact with a body is made at railroad terminals. Sergeant Walter M. Kline of the New York Central Railroad police Is continuing the investigation. Inquiries of the police and cor- oner brought out that DuRose, who had been working for the 566 Taxi Company, with headquarters in the Amsterdam Hotel building, called his employers Sunday after- noon to ask for the night off be- cause he was going to a clambake. He was told that the taxi he drove had broken down, and that he had the night off regardless. DuRose, accompanied by his wife, attended the outing, return- ing home between 9:30 and 10 5 '. ' 1 Birth Record Mm. Harry Firth Mrs. Harry Firth died this morning at 10:45 o'clock at her home on Upper Church Street. More details will be given later. Frank Angus Frank Angus died early this morning at his home, 101 Brook- side Avenue, following a long ill- ness. Born In Lithuania, he came to this country about 50 years ago and had resided in Amsterdam for the last 45 years. He was a mem- ber of St. Casimir's Church and had few other interests outside his home and family. Mr. Angus was employed by the nigelow-Sanford Carpet Company until forced to retire last year because of 111 health. Survivors Include his wife, An- na; two daughters. Mrs. Joseph Adams, this city, and Mrs. Edward Born in St. Mary's Hospital Sep- tember 20: Son to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Linne, Pattersonville R. D. 1. Born in St. Mary's Hospital Sep- tember 19: Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Martin, 162 Locust Avenue. Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- chie La Porta, 10 . Racecourse Street. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry, 43 Elizabeth Street. Born in St. Mary's Hospital Sep- tember 18: Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Spen- cer Kaiser, Fort Johnson R. D. 1. Son to Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Zawilinskl, 2 James Street. Born in the Amsterdam City Hospital September 19: Son to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Riska. 22 Slater Street. Born in the Amsterdam City Hospital September 18: Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Cunniff, 543 Lower East Main Street. AUTO. FIRE and HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE St* LEONARD G. MINCH PHONE TRIBES HILL 2543 FORT HUNTER, N. Y. Fair Weather Friend! 8h*'» fond ot th* run. th« wind, th* outdoor lite! But not* h«r com- plexion. S'ot » rtrn ot "outdoor" »kln—th* reujeh. fUky. b»k*d-out •kin th»t nukr* many women look old beyond their yetr*. 8h* guard* *jr*tn*t the*« «Tuf»r« *lgni ot »r» with Endocrem* Horroon* Cream. Not Jurt a coametla camouflag*. Endocrema work* heneatk th* rur- ttte. actually nelpa.to tmprora th* akin and keep It rmooth, firm, yonthful-looklnr. Thirty-day rap- ply, 1160 plua tat at HOLZHEIMER & SHAUl C*r. Rati Kata a*d Ckarea Pie. and the police could find no one - who saw him since, until fata body was found this morning. Veteran of World War B Mr. DuRose was born at Ticon- deroga June 1,1911, and was a vet- eran of World War n. He enlisted in the U. S. Navy December* 7 , . 1943, and served for 18 months in the Southwest Pacific and : at Guadacanal and was honorably discharged as seaman, first class December 8, 1945. His record to the service entitled him to wear the Asiatic-PacifJo Theater medal, the American Theater medal and the World War H Victory medals He was a member of John J. Wyszomlrski Poet, 701, American Legion, Montgomery County Volture, 814, Le Sodete dta 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, and Am- sterdam Aerie, 2420, Fraternal Order ot Eagles. Leaves Wife, Nine Children The victim of the unfortunate tragedy is survived by his wife, Alta Ralne DuRose; nine children, three daughters, Mildred, aged 17 years, Sylvia, 12, and Harlene, eight months, sons, Richard, 15 years, Jack, 14, Charles 8, Earl, 6, Lynford, 4, and James 2, also leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dorus DuRose, Fort Edward, N. Y.; two sisters, Mrs. R. T, Taylor, Fort Edward, and Mrs, William Knell, Brooklyn, also sev- eral nieces and nephews. I The typical minister preaches two sermons on Sunday and teaches a class of adult Sunday o'clock. He left shortly afterward^School members. Died COLLING—September 18, 1948, Mrs. William B. Colling. Funeral Tuesday morning at 10:30 at the funeral house of Johnson-Lindsay, the Rev. William D. Orr officiating. Interment in Forest Hill Ceme- tery, Utica, N. Y. Friends may call at the funeral house at any time. ANGUS (Augus)—September 20, 1948, Frank Angus. Funeral at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning at Sargalis' funeral chapel and 9 o'clock at St. Casimir's Church. Interment in St. Casimir's Ceme- tery. COLLINS—September 19, 1948, Mrs. Raymond Collins. Funeral at the funeral home of Merriam & Wateratreet Wednesday after- noon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Bartel Bylsma of Minaville officiating Interment in Prospect Hill Ceme- tery, Gloversville. McGUIGAN — S e p t e m b e r 19, 1948, Mrs. Agnes McGuigan. Fu- neral at the Boice funeral home Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and 9:30 at St. Mary's Church. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery. Relatives and friends are Invited to call at the funeral home at their convenience. LeROY — At Delanson, N. Y., September 18, 1948. John LeRoy, husband of Emma Kietzman, fath- er of John C, Harry, Melvin, Mrs. John Stec and Mary LeRoy, son of Mrs. Mary LeRoy. .Funeral service at the White funeral home, Delanson, N. Y., Tuesday at 2 P. M. The funeral home will be open to friends this evening from 7-9 o'clock. DU ROSE—September 20, 1948, Harley Du Rose. Funeral at the Perillo funeral home Tuesday aft- ernoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Daniel D. Brox officiating. Inter- ment in Green Hill Cemetery. BUILDING COSTS UP 40°/o MORE! Card of Thanks The family of Mrs. Marion Gaska Watson express sincere ap- preciation for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during her Illness and following her death. Special thanks Is ex- tended for spiritual bouquets, floral tributes and loan of auto- mobiles. In one year, itfaestlma^ea, IKe cost of building frame 'dwell- ings has soared another 40%), . * If fire destroyed your HbuSe, what would it cost to replace it and its furnishings? Don't' Have Too Little Insurance .«« Too Late. Get complete cover- age and be safe. Let us check your policy today., OUR OWN CLAIM DEPARTMENT - AT TOUR SERVlCt :' ; A HAYS& INSURANCE BUILDING 9-11 CHURCH St Ettiblldwd la 1893 PHONE 16 V," ^M I MONXaOMZINf COUNT! TBCSX COXTASTI Credit standing is a plus value you get when you bor- row at this bank. It is very useful for fufur* borrowing or when you need a credit reference, % f Use our Personal Loan Service for all purpose*, MONTOOMERY COUNTY TRUST COM?/" 4 * 4 MARKET STRUT T A Strong Batik Carefully Managed Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniskifamilyancestry.weebly.com/uploads/3/5/3/1/3531577/death... · 2018-09-05 · 16 Austin Street, has left for Worcester, Mass., where she will


Social-Personal News Gordon—A rt hit rs

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arthurs Jr., 757 20th Avenue, South, St. Petersburg, Fla., formerly of Am­sterdam, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary, to Joseph Nicholson Gordon Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Gordon. Middles-boro, Ky., at 5 P. M. Friday, Sep­tember 17. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John §try-ker Piper, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Middlesboro.

After October 1, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon will be at home at 10464 Sixth Street, North. St. Peters-burg.

Sikora, Mr. and Mrs. William Mushaw Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wally Shang and Mrs. Victoria Ozug.

Miss Mary gical patient pital

Wheaton is a sur-in St. Mary's Hos-

For Miss Santoro A tea in honor of Miss Rose

Santoro was given recently by Mrs. Joseph Marotta and Mrs. Dominick F. Cosolito Jr., at the latter's home, 4 Carmichael Street.

The tea table was decorated with a centerpiece of white glad­ioli and pompons. Mrs. James ^Martuscello and Miss Rosalyn Robusto poured. A gift of luggage was presented to the bride-elect.

The invited guests were Mrs. Francis Collins, Mrs. Arthur Ambler, Mrs. Thomas Mannino, Mrs. James Martuscello and the Misses Rose Cervera. Sophie Sala, Gene Battaglia. Emma DiMezza, Ts'ancy Sollecito, Anna Marie Feduilo, Ruth Adams, Clara Bud-•ka, Violet Elhilow, Isabel Budka, Rosalyn Robusto, Marguerite San­toro and Josephine Rinella.

Mrs. Alida Pearce, Fort Hunter, is a patient in the Amsterdam City Hospital. She Js able to have visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Harley J. Davis, 258 Guy Park Avenue, have left for Neosho, Missouri, where they will make their home.

the son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Kees-les, M6 Division Street.

Miss Barbara Trevett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trevett, 16 Austin Street, has left for Worcester, Mass., where she will begin her senior year at Becker Junior College. She is taking a medical secretarial course.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Voor-hees, 20 Summit Avenue, will re­turn today after spending the week-end as guests of Mr. Voor-hees' brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Enders M. Voorhees, Southampton, L. I.

r Obituary 1

Miss Betty Bradford, Cedar Street, has left to enter her fresh­man year at Wilberforce Uni­versity, Wilberforce, O.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ottavio, 386 Division Street, announce the •engagement of their daughter, Miss Josephine Ann Ottavio, to Mario L. Cheeca, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cisberto Cheeca, 17 Glen Avenue. No wedding date has been set.

Mr*. William B. Collins; Etta Kassing; wife of William

B. Colling, 17 Arnold Avenue, died Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock aft­er a long Illness.

Mrs. Colling was born in Utica November 14. 1868, the daughter of Henry and Amelia Virginia Winchell, and resided there until

Zilvitis, Cleveland, Ohio; one son, Dr. John Serbis, Detroit. Mich.; one brother, John Angus, Cohoes; a sister. Mrs. Frank Slavekis. Am­sterdam, and several nieces and nephews.

Mrs. Raymond Collins Leona Quackenbush, wife of

Raymond Collins, 5 Erie Street, died Sunday morning at 3 o'clock in the Amsterdam City Hospital

27 years ago when she moved to j where she was taken at midnight Amsterdam. She was a member of I Saturday after being suddenly the Calvary Church while she! stricken.

<! "

In Fraternal Circle* 1 Maccabees Hive will meet to­

night at 8 o'clock at 21 Market Street.

Psi Chi Phi Sorority will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in room 44 at the Y. M. C. A.

lived in Utica but had been a member of St. Ann's Episcopal Charch since coming to this city.

November 24, 1896. she was married to Mr. Colling, who sur­vives her together one daughter, Miss Helen E. Colling. Amsterdam; and a brother, Clarence H. Kass-ing, Utica.

Pii Chi Phi Club will meet Tuesday at 8 P. M. at the home of Mrs. W. Pflepsen, 313 Mohawk Avenue, Scotia.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruback. 16 Phillips Street, are quietly observ­ing their 55th wedding annivei> sary today.

Rowan J. Coyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Selby, 2 Evelyn Street, has returned to Union College for his sophomore year.

Edward Chmielewicz, C u b a . N. Y., was a week-end visitor at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Chmielewicz, .5 Bartlett Street.

Christening Party * A christening party for Lorraine

Libby Korona. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Korona. Amster­dam R. D. 1, was held recently at the .Korona home. Mrs. Wally Shang, Amsterdam, and Mrs. Wil­liam Mushaw Sr., Albany, acted as the sponsors.

Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. John Mushaw, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mushaw, Mr. and Mrs. Judson E. Shaver, Mr.* and Mrs. J. J. Gourley, Mr. and Mrs. John


Phono 2436 JOHN Q. BETZ

LEONARD W. VAN BUBEN Complete Funeral Serriee,

Combine* With Friendly Dnder-rt&ndlnc of Vonr Wiihe*.

Miss Marlene B. Foss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Foss, 243 Brookside Avenue, has begun her freshman year at Alfred Univer­sity, Alfred, N. Y.

Miss May E. Dickinson has re­turned after a two months' visit in Groton, N. Y„ and is now re­siding with Miss Helen Pearson at 10 Caroline Street.

William J. Kronk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kronk, 7 Fourth Avenue, has left to begin his fresh­man year at St. Lawrence Univer­sity, Canton, N. Y.

Robert A. Laudise, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Laudise, 389 Divi­sion Street,•registered at Union College last Wednesday for his freshman year after having at­tended the Union freshman camp at Pilot's Knob on Lake George over the .previous week-end-

Miss Norma A. Phillips, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Phil­lips, 32 Elizabeth Street, and Miss Catherine Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, 1 Krull Street, left Saturday to begin their freshman studies at the Uni­versity of Rochester in Rochester.

Miss Rita Noble has left to at­tend the Juilliard School of Music in New York City and Miss Mary Lou Noble has entered the fresh* man class at the New York State Teachers College in Albany. They are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Noble, 364 Guy Park Ave­nue.

Edward A. Bogdan Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bogdan, 45 Church Street, has entered the freshman class at Harvard Uni­versity, Cambridge, Mass.

1920—28tfe YEAR—1948



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Mr. and Mrs. Spencer K. War-nick Jr., 9 Grant Avenue, left to­day for Pennsburg, Pa., with their son, Karl, who will enter the Perkiomen School there.

Miss Marv Elizabeth Sparks, daughter of ^Ir . and Mrs. James K. Sparks, 58 Lincoln Avenue, left Saturday to start her freshman year at Ithaca College.

Miss Mary Agnes Stanton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley W. Stanton, 14 Coolidge Road, left today to take up her studies as a freshman at Colby Junior College, New London, N. H.

Dr. George C. Ferguson, Dr. Roger Conant and Dr. Edward A. Bogdan have left for the Massa­chusetts General Hospital, Har­vard Medical School, Boston, Mass., to take a post-graduate course in the modern treatment of fractures and traumatic surgery. They will return October L

John LeRoy John LeRoy, 50, Delanson. died

at his home Saturday after a long illness.

He was born in the Town of Perth, Fulton County, August 4, 1898. the son of George and Mary Danfield LeRoy. He had Uved in Delanson six years.

Survivors are his wife. Mrs. Em­ma Kietzman LeRoy; three sons. John C, Harry, and Melvin. all of Delanson; two daughters, Miss Mary LeRoy, Delanson, and Mrs. John Stec, Schenectady, his moth­er; two grandchildren; a brother, Voorhees LeRoy, Minaville; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Fitzdam, Minaville, and Mrs. Walter Borst, Amsterdam.

Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the White funeral home- in Delanson. Burial will be in Chucta-nunda Cemetery, Minaville.

Mrs. Collins was born in Cana-joharie June 5, 1910. She had been! A meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary' a resident of Amsterdam for nine o f Clan McAlpine, 60, will be held months although she had been Tuesday night at 8 o'clock in the employed here in the glove mill S o n s ol S t- George HalL of Fownes Bros., Inc., for about two years. Her pleasing personali­ty won her many friends who will regret to learn of her sudden passing.

Survivors in addition to her hus­band are her parents, Mr. and The Past Matrons' Club of Art Mrs. George Quackenbush, Sprak- j Wei Chapter, 208, O. E. S., will ers; her maternal grandmother,, meet Thursday night at 8 o'clock

Artisan Lodge, 84, F. A A. M., will hold a regular communication tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the Masonic Temple. The Fellowdraft degree will be conferred.

Mrs. Elmer Fonda. Sprakers. and several aunts, uncles and cousms.

Richard D. Cushman, son of Superintendent of Schools and Mrs. Edward V, Cushman, 159 Market Street, returned to New York City today to resume his studies at Columbia University. He was accompanied by a class­mate, Lester Chace Jr., Pekin, Ohio, who spent the week-end as his guest.

Around the City

A daughter, Beth, was born Sep­tember 16 at the Samaritan Hos­pital in Troy to Mr. and Mrs. Her­man Kessler, Troy. Mr. Kessler is

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—The Mount Carmel Social Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock in the clubrooms. Refreshments will be served.

—The Men's Glee Club of (the Mohawk Mills will rehearse to­night at 8 o'clock in the Mc-Cleary cafeteria.

—The Junior Philathea Class of the First Baptist Church will hold a meeting Tuesday evening at. the home of Mrs. William F. Ander­son, 360 Division Street.

—A clinic for cerebral palsied and physically handicapped chil­dren will be l̂ eld Thursday morn­ing at 9:30 o'clock in the Fifth Ward School. Dr. William E. Gazeley, Schenectady, will be the physician in charge.

—The Vrooman Avenue-Fourth Ward P.-T. A. will hold a "get acquainted" meeting at the school Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock. Judge Francis Collins will speak on "Teaching the Fundamentals of Character." All members and kindergarten mothers are invited to attend.

—The regular meeting of the Minutemen Class of Trinity Lu­theran Church has been postponed to Monday, September 27, due to the fact that the Mohawk Valley Brotherhood Association is meet­ing tonight at 8 o'clock in the First Lutheran Church at Sche­nectady.

—The Mohawk Mills Associa­tion Camera Club will hold Its first Fall meeting in the Mohawk Guest House on Lyon Street at 8 o'clock tonight. The meeting will feature a lecture-demonstration on the Norwood director exposure meter by C. H. Coles, New York City. The meeting is open to any­one interested in photography.

—The first.Fall meeting of the Woodrow Wilson P.-T. A. will be held at the school Tuesday after­noon at 3:15 o'clock in the form of a reception and tea in honor of new members. Mrs. George Forbes, unit president, and offi­cers have prepared an Interesting program, including a skit entitled "P.-T. A. Follies?" Miss Zula Ha­ver, principal of the school, will give a short talk welcoming new members and extending greetings to parents already members of the unit. Vocal solos will be ren­dered by Mrs. Walter S. Malnes and piano numbers by Irene Ces-erlltch, a former student at the school.

Mrs. D. Frank McPhee Mrs. Mary (Chamberland) Mc­

Phee, 77. widow of D. Frank Mc­Phee. of 24 »i North Melcher Street, Johnstown, died yester­day afternoon at 2:12 o'clock in St. Mary's Hospital, here, where she had been a patient since Au­gust 23. She had been in- failing health for some time.

She was born February 9, 1871 in North Hatley, Province of Que­bec, Canada, daughter of Fred and Elise (LaMarrie) Chamberland. When a young girl she moved with her family to Biddeford, Maine.

Her marriage to Mr. McPhee took place in 1898 and they re­sided in Waterbury, Conn., for a number of years. Mrs. McPhee re­sided in Fulton County since 1923, going to Gloversville first and then to Johnstown in 1932.

She was a member of the Im­maculate Conception Church of Johnstown and the Rosary Society of that church.

The survivors are two daugh­ters, Adele A. and Mae R., Johns­town, the former being a member of the Academy Street School fac­ulty in this city; one son, Donald F., also of Johnstown, and two sisters, Mrs. Anna Cassevant, Kennebunk, Maine, and Miss Belle Chamberland, Biddeford, Maine.

The body was removed to the Wassung-Brown & Ehle funeral home in Johnstown, where a prayer service will be conducted Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock followed by a solemn requiem high mass at the Immaculate Concep­tion Church at 9:30 o'clock. Inter­ment will be in new St. Joseph's Cemetery, Waterbury, Conn.

Mrs. Frank McGuigan Mrs-. AgnesiMcGuigan, widow of

Frank McGuigan. 30 Garfield Place, died early Sunday morning following a long illness.

She was born at East Dorset, Vt., on June 6, 1878, the daughter of Margaret Murphy and James Collins. She was a resident of Amsterdam for the past 30 years and' was a devout member of St. Man's Church. Her main interest was in her home and family. Her husband died October 1, 1936.

Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Earl Slade, Gloversville, and Mrs. Harold Teeter, Mrs. Maynard Baker. Mrs. Orvllle Cook. Mrs. Charles Harlow and Mrs. Edward McKnight, Amsterdam; two sons, Francis and Edward McGuigan, Amsterdam; one sister, Mrs. Thomas Cooper, East Dorset, Vt.; four grandchildren, one great­grandchild and several nieces and nephews.

Credit Women Of Amsterdam To Organize Miss Bessie Armstrong, presi­

dent of the Empire Council of the Credit Women's Breakfast Clubs of North America, and a depart­ment store credit manager, will address the organization meeting of the Amsterdam Credit Women's Club Wednesday at 8 P. M. at the Y. M. C. A. The meeting will be In room 42 and will be attended by other members of the national organization, among them Miss Laura Grigolite, manager of the Shannon Credit Bureau of Sche­nectady, and Miss Margaret O'Malley, speciality store credit manager, who will join in the gen­eral discussion following the main talk.

Amsterdam credit grantors have long felt the need of such an or­ganization which opens doors for the exchange of ideas arid systems between large and small organiza­tions who are engaged in retail business not only locally but through semi-annual conferences and districts throughout the coun­try.

All women of Amsterdam who are connected with retail credit Work in any capacity are eligible for membership and are invited to be present Wednesday night when the advantages which will assist them to gain promotion in their profession through an educational program of efficiency and at the same time do an outstanding job for their establishment, will be thoroughly explained.

Those who attend this meeting are also invited to the conference at the Van Curler Hotel in Sche­nectady September 26 and 27. Registration will begin at 11:30 A. M. followed by a luncheon at 1 P. M. at which the speaker will be Miss Ruth Miner, deputy sec­retary of state. A forum will be held in the afternoon led by Miss Thelma Greglis of Troy.

Credit departments in the Capi­tal District will be visited Monday for comparison of systems and general information. % : . t

at the Masonic Templa, The sup­per meeting scheduled for this month has been postponed until October.

Mangled Body of Man Fo Tracks of New York Central RE

Tonight's meeting of Kennyetto Council, 136. D. of P., at 7:30 o'clock in the rooms, 5 Market Street, will be followed by a pub­lic card party at 8:30 o'clock. The council will hold another public card party at 2:30 o'clock Wed­nesday afternoon in the rooms.

Century Club Notes A social evening for members

of the club will be held at the clubhouse Thursday with the ex­ecutive board as hostesses. Can­didates for membership' who have already filed their applications are also invited. Reservations should DO made with Mrs. Arthur B. Car­penter, telephone 544, or Mrs. Clarence S. Schoonmaker, 2714.

Tht body ol Richard Harley Du-Rose, 37, of 80 Forbes Street, was found shortly before 7 o'clock this morning on the tracks of the New York Central Railroad opposite the southerly end of Schuyler Street, so badly mangled that it was only by the Navy discharge in his pock­et that Identification was estab­lished.

The police station was called at 7:55 o'clock, Detective Sergeant Jacob Bush and Officer James Horton responding, with Coroner Peter J. Lucas, who after making an investigation gave a verdict of accidental death.

DuRose, he said, had not been dead more than three hours at the most.

The conditions observed" by the police and coroner left no doubt that the man had been struck by a train, but just when or on what track cannot be told until some check of engines for evidence of contact with a body is made at railroad terminals.

Sergeant Walter M. Kline of the New York Central Railroad police Is continuing the investigation.

Inquiries of the police and cor­oner brought out that DuRose, who had been working for the 566 Taxi Company, with headquarters in the Amsterdam Hotel building, called his employers Sunday after­noon to ask for the night off be­cause he was going to a clambake. He was told that the taxi he drove had broken down, and that he had the night off regardless.

DuRose, accompanied by his wife, attended the outing, return­ing home between 9:30 and 10

5 ' . •

' 1

Birth Record

Mm. Harry Firth Mrs. Harry Firth died this

morning at 10:45 o'clock at her home on Upper Church Street. More details will be given later.

Frank Angus Frank Angus died early this

morning at his home, 101 Brook-side Avenue, following a long ill­ness.

Born In Lithuania, he came to this country about 50 years ago and had resided in Amsterdam for the last 45 years. He was a mem­ber of St. Casimir's Church and had few other interests outside his home and family. Mr. Angus was employed by the nigelow-Sanford Carpet Company until forced to retire last year because of 111 health.

Survivors Include his wife, An­na; two daughters. Mrs. Joseph Adams, this city, and Mrs. Edward

Born in St. Mary's Hospital Sep­tember 20:

Son to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Linne, Pattersonville R. D. 1.

Born in St. Mary's Hospital Sep­tember 19:

Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ert Martin, 162 Locust Avenue.

Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ar­chie La Porta, 10 . Racecourse Street.

Son to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henry, 43 Elizabeth Street.

Born in St. Mary's Hospital Sep­tember 18:

Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Spen­cer Kaiser, Fort Johnson R. D. 1.

Son to Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Zawilinskl, 2 James Street.

Born in the Amsterdam City Hospital September 19:

Son to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Riska. 22 Slater Street.

Born in the Amsterdam City Hospital September 18:

Daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jo­seph Cunniff, 543 Lower East Main Street.




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and the police could find no one -who saw him since, until fata body was found this morning.

Veteran of World War B Mr. DuRose was born at Ticon-

deroga June 1,1911, and was a vet­eran of World War n . He enlisted in the U. S. Navy December* 7 , . 1943, and served for 18 months in the Southwest Pacific and : at Guadacanal and was honorably discharged as seaman, first class December 8, 1945. His record to the service entitled him to wear the Asiatic-Pacif Jo Theater medal, the American Theater medal and the World War H Victory medals

He was a member of John J . Wyszomlrski Poet, 701, American Legion, Montgomery C o u n t y Volture, 814, Le Sodete dta 40 Hommes et 8 Chevaux, and Am­sterdam Aerie, 2420, Fraternal Order ot Eagles.

Leaves Wife, Nine Children The victim of the unfortunate

tragedy is survived by his wife, Alta Ralne DuRose; nine children, three daughters, Mildred, aged 17 years, Sylvia, 12, and Harlene, eight months, sons, Richard, 15 years, Jack, 14, Charles 8, Earl, 6, Lynford, 4, and James 2, also leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dorus DuRose, Fort Edward, N. Y.; two sisters, Mrs. R. T, Taylor, Fort Edward, and Mrs, William Knell, Brooklyn, also sev­eral nieces and nephews.


The typical minister preaches two sermons on Sunday and teaches a class of adult Sunday

o'clock. He left shortly afterward^School members.

Died COLLING—September 18, 1948,

Mrs. William B. Colling. Funeral Tuesday morning at 10:30 at the funeral house of Johnson-Lindsay, the Rev. William D. Orr officiating. Interment in Forest Hill Ceme­tery, Utica, N. Y. Friends may call at the funeral house at any time.

ANGUS (Augus)—September 20, 1948, Frank Angus. Funeral at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning at Sargalis' funeral chapel and 9 o'clock at St. Casimir's Church. Interment in St. Casimir's Ceme­tery.

COLLINS—September 19, 1948, Mrs. Raymond Collins. Funeral at the funeral home of Merriam & Wateratreet Wednesday after­noon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Bartel Bylsma of Minaville officiating Interment in Prospect Hill Ceme­tery, Gloversville.

McGUIGAN — Sep tember 19, 1948, Mrs. Agnes McGuigan. Fu­neral at the Boice funeral home Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock and 9:30 at St. Mary's Church. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery. Relatives and friends are Invited to call at the funeral home at their convenience.

LeROY — At Delanson, N. Y., September 18, 1948. John LeRoy, husband of Emma Kietzman, fath­er of John C, Harry, Melvin, Mrs. John Stec and Mary LeRoy, son of Mrs. Mary LeRoy. .Funeral service at the White funeral home, Delanson, N. Y., Tuesday at 2 P. M. The funeral home will be open to friends this evening from 7-9 o'clock.

DU ROSE—September 20, 1948, Harley Du Rose. Funeral at the Perillo funeral home Tuesday aft­ernoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Daniel D. Brox officiating. Inter­ment in Green Hill Cemetery.


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Card of Thanks The family of Mrs. Marion

Gaska Watson express sincere ap­preciation for the many acts of kindness and sympathy extended during her Illness and following her death. Special thanks Is ex­tended for spiritual bouquets, floral tributes and loan of auto­mobiles.

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