old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 18/watkins ny...village and millport, where she spent her...

TMMm TXVm Foreign Wars, will honor roturn- $r l?^po7koS?4N*» Glen ter spending several days sister. Mrs, Mary Mrs. H. Jack Love at- .tSofflSW.^ 1 M n M. E. Farrand and Sunday with r and lister, Mr. Cole of Shlngle- SrV and Mrs. Robert Thompson Mrs. W. P. Kelly and Mrs. Harold Carey spent Wednesday and Thurs- day with their mother, Mrs. Thom- as Miller of WUliamsport, Pa. The Mizpah diss will meet with Mrs. Fannie MarshaU at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cart King, Tuesday, Nov. » , at 2:30 pan Mrs. Harriett Updyke is the as- sisting hostess. _ Miss Joyce Ann Baker of Ben- nettsburg was an overnight guest recently of Miss Doris VanCise. The annual ladles' indoor out- ing of the Elks Lodge will be held Sunday, Nov. 25. Anthony Martine is committee chairman. Atty, Richard Tolins is on a bus- iness trip to New York city. While putting her car away last Wednesday night Mrs. Clyde Wil- liams bumped, into a large buck, scaring them both. The deer rapid- ly disappeared. Deana Switzer has sold her in- terest in the store, purchased a- bout two years ago from William Banfleld. to Kenneth Thurston. Mrs. Thurston owns the other half interest, so the store will be now be known as Thurston's Soda Bar. Capt. and Mrs. William M. Lef- fingwell of Washington, D. C, for- merly of this village; were guests at the Conolly-Hughey wedding and reception. Mrs. John P. Quirk and daughter, Alice, and Miss Florence Bolwby were recent guests of relatives in Dansville. Court Lourdes Daughters of A MS which Mrs. Naoma oma Ashley are in charge. Catholic a Oom- Sunday at The next eeting will be at 7;30, after Club will meet. -Five Years Ago November 14, 1895 Married at the MJS. parsonage in Mecklenburg on Sunday eve- ning, by .the Rev. O. A. Relan, WU liam H. Miss Myrtle .odMi-N.: >«} B r i m of Trumi TtleTillings of 1 ipany of Mends home of Mrs. Fannie Miss Rose Marie Luppino and Seneca county on November 6th,' i Evelyn ****-*- **•* ^ * ^ classmate. Miss students at Cortland State era College, spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luppino.' Rose Marie remained over to march with the Legion Drum and Bugle Corps on Armistice Day, while Evelyn, a na- tive of Mineola, L. L, returned to Cortland Sunday night. Miss Mary Lucy Fratarcangelo, daughter of Anthony Fratarchajige- lo and the late Mrs. Fratarchangelo of Corning and Michele Bartone of this village were recently united In marriage. The regular meeting of Seneca Post Auxiliary will be held Wed- nesday, No?. 211 at 8 o'clock at the post rooms. Refreshments. Miss DoriS V. VanCise has ter- minated her employment with the Artistic Card CoJ in Elmira. After a week's vacation at her home here, she will resume her studies at the Kader Beauty School in El- mira, where she has been a student since last July. Mrs. Archibald MaeKay of New York City, author of "My Love for France," spent last week at the Jefferson Hotel. Mrs. Peter Phinney has returned from New York city after spending a week with her sister, Miss Mary Reynolds, RN. Mrs. Lulu Butts is a patient at the Foxx Nursing home in Montour Falls. Mrs. Carrie Button, who has Stanley Wagner of Cavwood for been living with her daughter, Mrs. the past few months, has come to spend the winter at the home of Mrs. Nancy A. White. Miss Frances Severne is spend- ing some time in New York city. Repairs on the chimney of St. James Episcopal church are being made by Francis Cleveland. MONTOUR FALLS Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Teetsel are leaving Thursday for Phoenix Arizona, where their address will be 1433 E. Palm Lane. They are planning'to spend the winter with their son, Fanton Teetsel and fam- ily, who have recently moved there from Chicago, DL Mrs. Karl Hoxie and son of Pine City, are spending the week with her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrett. Lt. Wilma Roblyer is spending a terminal furlough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roblyer. She arrived Wednesday* October 31st and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ken- neth Hallock at Saratoga Springs, for a few days. Bowling scores: Fraternal league —high team 3 games: Mechanics Club No. 1, 2972; high team 1 game: Montour Fire Department, 1049; high individual 3 games, Car- land, 660/, Roy Saunders, 7>14; high individual one game: Carland, 201, 213 246; M. Smith, 228; Klock, 224; Calhoun, 201. Mercantile League: high team 3 games, Mechanics Club, 2988; high team one game, Mechanics Club, 1038; high indi- vidual 3 games, M. Smith, 552; high individual one game; G. Pal- mer, 232; Gagnon, 215; Calhoun, 201; M. Smith, 200, 200. Bowling scores Finger Lakes League:, high team one game; Me- chanics Club, 739; Fashionette, 2077; high individual one game: G. Updike, 198; M. Lynch, 183; J. Ed- dy* 183; high individual 3 games: tSdike, 510; M. Price, 471; J. Smith, 471. Mrs. Jasper Pelham and little daughter Kelly Ann of Niagara Falls, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pelham. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Kelly accompanied them and spent the week end here. Hospital Food Sale, Friday. No- vember 16th at 10 a.m. Committee in charge: Mrs. Gerald Cornell, Mrs. John Sterrett, Mrs. Robert Fudge, Mrs. Herbert Brush. Mrs. F. G. Cornell has arrived in St. Petersburg, where she will spend the winter. The W.S.C.S. met Wednesday with Mrs. James Latourette. Prof. Mnrlyn Conde reorts that the Massanutten Military School at Woodstock, Va., where he teach- es, was the one chosen to drill for General Marshall, Chief of Staff, on Armistice Day. Mrs. James Shepard and Miss Eva Taylor will leave Friday to HOSPITAL NOTES PATIENTS ADMITTED: Mrs. Estelle Davies, Trumansburg; Mrs. Florence Merrill, Watkins Glen; Mrs. Mildred Ward. Mecklenburg; Mrs. Vera Jean Hall, Watkins Glen; John Nichols, Lakemont: Robert Jackson, Alpine: Mrs. Pearl Lamphear, Watkins Glen; Baby Gary Voorheis. Montour Falls; Theodora Rarrick, Watkins Glen; Americo Cecchini, Salt Point, Wat- kins Glen; Mrs. Eleanor Stany Watkins Glen; George French, Montour Fallsj Mrs. Genevieve Ameigh, Watkins Glen: Mrs. Dor- is Kuperinen, Alpine; Wm. Inger- soll, Alpine, R. D. PATIENTS DISCHARGED: Mrs. Lois Phelps, Mrs. Donald Arnold and baby boy, Burdett: Miss Sylvia Butterazzi, Miss Angeline Bartone, Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke and baby eirl, Mrs. Bernice Stugart and babv srirl. Watkins Glen; Mrs. Florence Hausner, Mrs. Mary Dean Odessa; Miss Eleanor Beardslee, Eugene Rhinevault, Millport; Mrs. Arlene Croft, Montour Falls: Mrs. A ernes Wvre and babv girl, Watkins Glen; Mrs. Erma Gates^. Valois; John Nichols, Lakemont; Mrs. P. Tomp- kins, Hor'seheads. DEATHS: George Wood, Mon- tour Falls, Nov. 8, 1945; Clyde Wil- liams, Montour Falls, Nov. 11, 1945. Liquid floor waxes give a bet- ter surface if a thin coat of paste wax is first applied. 0 i i i , i III i i mmmmmmm^mmm^mmmmmmmmm Messig will be with them. She is spending a few days in Washing- ton with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lattin, enroute. The T v T. Club meets Thursday evening with Mrs. Sue Crawford. Mrs. Robert Burnett substituted in the second grade Tuesday in the absence of Miss Mary Drake. Mrs. Douglas Riley has been o- bliged to give up her position in Refiner's £tore on account of her health. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baker and little daughter Sharon Marie ar- rived last Friday from Montreat, N. C, to send two weeks with Mrs. Baker's mother, Mrs. Ruth Clark. Mr. Baker returned south but will be able to spend Thanksgiving with his family. They are moving to Harrisburg, Pa., the first of De- cember. Mrs. Baker is the former Marjorie Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Porter and , Miss Dorothy Porter spent the motor to Miami, Fla., where they i week end in Candor with Mrs. Por- will spend the winter. Mrs. Sophie ter's cousin, Mrs. Will Slate. i i V V V V V V V V V V V V V V p V V V & V Ethyl Gas - Regular - - Bulk to Farmers Kerosene Motor Oil * 20c gal. | 18c gal 161c gal. 9c gal. 20c qt., 45c gal. Betty Blue Station SIDNEY PARMER On Watkins Glen -Montour Falls Road v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V w V V V V V V V /OOvX XTx to witness* her marriage to Char- les Saylor of Moreland, the Rev Wisner Kinne, pastor of the Rom- ulus Baptist church, officiating. On Saturday night a heavily loaded Northern Central freight train was pulling up IKe Millport hill, when an accident occurred which ditched a number of can, among them being a couple of doable deckers filled with sheep and calves shipped by J. M. Auble. A few of the calves were injured, but most of them escaped, while fifty or more of the sheep were killed outright. Mary Bossard of Beaver Dams died on November 2nd, aged eigh- ty-six years. She had made her home with her brother Anson for the past thirty years. On Sunday night the post-office at Monterey was broken into and robbed of a few dollars in money and stamps. Mr. and Mrs. John K. VanValer of Stony Point are visiting friends in town. Mrs. VanValer was for- merly Miss Fafnnie Cass of this village. Mr. VanValer owns the Opera House block and other prop- er tv here 'Washington Wilmot of this vil- lage, has sold his trotting mare "Anda" to a man in New Jersey, the price being between four and five thousand dollars. It is announced that Miss Aline Mitchell, formerly of Odessa, will be married on the third of next month to the Rev. Whalen, who lives near New York city. The marriage will take place at Keuka College. The Seneca Lake steamers are tied to their wharves for the win- ter. * A dozen eggs are worth more than a bushel of potatoes now. Who ever heard of such a thing? Dr. P. J, McPhereson and family have moved from Montour Falls to Millport. Many e friends and relatives of Isaac VanDuzer of Reading, were present at a party to commemor- ate his eighty-fiftb birthday. On account of failing eyesight November 11, 1SS0 The Watkins Opera House and the house adjoining it, have been purchased from H. C. Stouffer, by George C. Starkey, ducting a motion picture theatre in thjs, village, Mr. Starkey has one in Montour Falls and another In Odessa. The Bro-Bar Grape Juice Com- pany's plant has ceased pressing operations for the season. On Thursday last occurred the death of Mrs. MarshaU Mathews at her home in valois. She leaves her husband and married daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. James Clawson of Lansing, Mich., spent a few days in this county last week, visiting rel- atives and friends. About thirty- five years ago they lived on Sugar Hill. They drove through in a covered truck, >quipped with stove, bed and all necessary equipment. They are on their way to Florida to spend the winter. The death of Mrs. Sara Sterling has caused much sorrow in this village and Millport, where she spent her entire life. Sara Sleeper Sterling was born March 5, 1859. She lived in Millport 48 years.. and was there united in marriage to Daniel Sterling on July 9, 1877. To them were born four children, Charles, Florence, Helen and Lucy. They have lived in this village for 23 years. Mrs. Louis Evans and two child- ren left Burdett on Tuesday for New York, from where they will sail for Tampico, Mexico, where Mr. Evans has a government posit- ion. Miss Mildred Sweeney of Smith Valley and Rastus Bush pf Mcln- tyre Settlement, were married at the parsonage in Mecklenburg Thursday. Both are well known and popular young people. The relatives an<J friends of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Crippen gave the young couple a variety shower at the M.E. parsonage in Meck- lenburg Saturday evening. Potatoes are selling for 75 cents a bushel. Ed Adren and Clifford Bailey of Smith Valley loaded two cars of lambs and calves Saturday in O- dessa, and have another car load ready to ship. They are selling for about ten cents a pound: Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rastus Bush of Smith Valley gave them a Mr. and Mrs. O&n Teeter of Cay uta announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Pvt \ son of Mr. and of Interlaken. Is a graduate of the Pvt. Clark entered the armed services in May, 19457 and is now stationed at &mp Pickett, Va. NO date has been set for the wedding. o - Tire Amplications ' ! The Elmira Rationing Board In- sists on all tire applications being signed by the employer. If appli- cants observe this rule, they will save themselves time and Insure earlier processing of their applies- Otis Austin has been fo/ced to S»wej at Knwatown Grange hall resign his position in the material room of the Carrier Cutlery Co., in Montour Falls, and is now at work in the rake department of the Cronk Hanger Co. James Wol- verton has secured the position va- cated by Mr. Austin. Uriah Main, after a long ill- ness, died at his home near Town- send on the 10th. Burial was at Beaver Dams. o Mrs. Carrie Mapes Mrs. Carrie Mapes. 59, of Hector, died Friday, Nov. 9,1945 She is survived by her husband, Leon Mapes; a daughter, Hester, at home; five sons, Richard and iLeon, at home, Harold of Balti- more, Kenneth and Gerald of this village; two sisters, Mrs. R. L. Layton, Mrs. D. K. Perry of El- mira; two brothers, Joseph and Ed- ward Burbage of Elmira. Funeral services ,were held at the home Monday at 2:30 p. m., the Rev Russell A. Gates offi- ciating. Burial in Hector Union cemetery. o Card Party The Auxiliary of the Cole, Han- senberger, Deland Post, No 676 will hold its monthly card party Saturday night, Nov. 17. Please notice Saturday night instead of Friday, as usual. Saturday evening. William Slocum ^of Jackson, Mich,, visited his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Burr Goodwin of this village, last week. He is of the old pioneer family of Slocums and his boyhood days were spent in the hills near Townsend. He was on his way to Florida to spend the winter. On November 6th, at the M.E. parsonage in this village, the Rev. \T. H. Williams united in marriage Miss Edna Miller of Rochester and Timothy La Pre, a former resi- dent of this village. Mr. and Mrs. William Wixson of this village, leave this week for Florida-where* they will spend the winters o George W. Gardner George W, Gardner, 76 of Tru- mansburg died Saturday, Novem- ber 10, 1945, following a long ill- ness. He is. survived by his wife, Jessie Gardner; a son, Olin Gardner of Detroit, Mich.; a sister, Mrs. A. C. Coon of Burdett. He was a member of the Ben- nettsburg Baptist church. Funeral services were held at the Arnold Funeral Home in Bur- dett on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., the Rev. Owen Rutledge of Trumans- burg officiating. Burial in the Hec- tor Union Cenietery. Yours . • . with our compliments r iuillvl Voolloi * J U T«o4«jo4 Faus TO inoiot A Schuyler County Grand Jury Monday failed to indict a man Idea- tifled as James Edward Tadder of this village on a second dears* grand larceny charge. Tadder, it was ajleaed, too* a truck owned by the Glen Builders Supply Co., of this village, urhkh was wrecked in the Town of Reai- ing. Tadder, held in Jail since the mishap, was released. The. grand Jurors returned one sealed indictment o Mecklenburg Grange The annual election of officers will be held at the regular meet- ing of Mecklenburg Grange on Friday evening. Nov. 16. Patroaa are requested to bring sandwiches to FREE while our supply lasts FAMOUS "PARIS" DOG PICTURES READY TO FRAME /III Zlariic PARIS GARTERS SUSPENDERS Style It Important but your com* fort must come first. Paris sus- penders and garters give you a combination of both—the newest designs and colors plus All-Elastic for comfort Make your selection now. Paris Garters —55c Paris Suspenders — $ 1 . 6 0 , Also Paris Belts $1.00 to $2.50 FRANK'S CLOTHES SHOP WATKINS GLEN, N. T. IliTUll III Dr. Milton J. Dans announces the of his office at the new location 104 South Franklin St., Corner 11th S t TEL 321 Office Hours: 1—3; 7—8 Dally BooMoiieo Wt Sooth Fnnkttn 8t 1 m i a 3 M ' . limited Number Available I I e Fuel-saving starts with CONTROL —and that means an Automatic Heat Regulator. Phone or come in today for complete information. WATKINS COAL & ICE CO. HENRY K. McANARNEY, Proprietor WATKINS GUES, N. T. PHONE 1 * You can lead your farm budget "by the nose" with the aid of a checking account at our b a n k . . . For perfect control of money matters, deposit your income with vs and keep a record in your checkbook of the dollars you spend. 4 Glen National Bank Member Federal Deposit O BANK CREDIT FARM CREDIT t -* A : " y i,v 9 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 18/Watkins NY...village and Millport, where she spent her entire life. Sara Sleeper Sterling was born March 5, 1859. She lived in Millport


Foreign Wars, will honor roturn-

$r l?^po7koS?4N*» Glen

ter spending several days sister. Mrs, Mary

Mrs. H. Jack Love at-

.tSofflSW.^ 1 M n M. E. Farrand

and Sunday with r and lister, Mr. Cole of Shlngle-

SrV and Mrs. Robert Thompson

Mrs. W. P. Kelly and Mrs. Harold Carey spent Wednesday and Thurs­day with their mother, Mrs. Thom­as Miller of WUliamsport, Pa.

The Mizpah d iss will meet with Mrs. Fannie MarshaU at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cart King, Tuesday, Nov. » , at 2:30 pan Mrs. Harriett Updyke is the as­sisting hostess. _

Miss Joyce Ann Baker of Ben-nettsburg was an overnight guest recently of Miss Doris VanCise.

The annual ladles' indoor out­ing of the Elks Lodge will be held Sunday, Nov. 25. Anthony Martine is committee chairman.

Atty, Richard Tolins is on a bus­iness trip to New York city.

While putting her car away last Wednesday night Mrs. Clyde Wil­liams bumped, into a large buck, scaring them both. The deer rapid­ly disappeared.

Deana Switzer has sold her in­terest in the store, purchased a-bout two years ago from William Banfleld. to Kenneth Thurston. Mrs. Thurston owns the other half interest, so the store will be now be known as Thurston's Soda Bar.

Capt. and Mrs. William M. Lef-fingwell of Washington, D. C, for­merly of this village; were guests at the Conolly-Hughey wedding and reception.

Mrs. John P. Quirk and daughter, Alice, and Miss Florence Bolwby were recent guests of relatives in Dansville.

Court Lourdes Daughters of A

MS which Mrs. Naoma oma Ashley are in charge.

Catholic a Oom-

Sunday at The next

eeting will be at 7;30, after

Club will meet.

-Five Years Ago November 14, 1895

Married at the MJS. parsonage in Mecklenburg on Sunday eve­ning, by .the Rev. O. A. Relan, WU liam H. Miss Myrtle

.odMi-N.: > « }

B r i m of Trumi TtleTillings of 1 ipany of Mends home of Mrs. Fannie

Miss Rose Marie Luppino and Seneca county on November 6th,' i Evelyn ****-*- **•* ^ * • ^ classmate. Miss

students at Cortland State era College, spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luppino.' Rose Marie remained over to march with the Legion Drum and Bugle Corps on Armistice Day, while Evelyn, a na­tive of Mineola, L. L, returned to Cortland Sunday night.

Miss Mary Lucy Fratarcangelo, daughter of Anthony Fratarchajige-lo and the late Mrs. Fratarchangelo of Corning and Michele Bartone of this village were recently united In marriage.

The regular meeting of Seneca Post Auxiliary will be held Wed­nesday, No?. 211 at 8 o'clock at the post rooms. Refreshments.

Miss DoriS V. VanCise has ter­minated her employment with the Artistic Card CoJ in Elmira. After a week's vacation at her home here, she will resume her studies at the Kader Beauty School in El­mira, where she has been a student since last July.

Mrs. Archibald MaeKay of New York City, author of "My Love for France," spent last week at the Jefferson Hotel.

Mrs. Peter Phinney has returned from New York city after spending a week with her sister, Miss Mary Reynolds, RN.

Mrs. Lulu Butts is a patient at the Foxx Nursing home in Montour Falls.

Mrs. Carrie Button, who has Stanley Wagner of Cavwood for been living with her daughter, Mrs. the past few months, has come to spend the winter at the home of Mrs. Nancy A. White.

Miss Frances Severne is spend­ing some time in New York city.

Repairs on the chimney of St. James Episcopal church are being made by Francis Cleveland.

MONTOUR FALLS Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Teetsel are

leaving Thursday for Phoenix Arizona, where their address will be 1433 E. Palm Lane. They are planning'to spend the winter with their son, Fanton Teetsel and fam­ily, who have recently moved there from Chicago, DL

Mrs. Karl Hoxie and son of Pine City, are spending the week with her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrett.

Lt. Wilma Roblyer is spending a terminal furlough with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Roblyer. She arrived Wednesday* October 31st and is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ken­neth Hallock at Saratoga Springs, for a few days.

Bowling scores: Fraternal league —high team 3 games: Mechanics Club No. 1, 2972; high team 1 game: Montour Fire Department, 1049; high individual 3 games, Car-land, 660/, Roy Saunders, 7>14; high individual one game: Carland, 201, 213 246; M. Smith, 228; Klock, 224; Calhoun, 201. Mercantile League: high team 3 games, Mechanics Club, 2988; high team one game, Mechanics Club, 1038; high indi­vidual 3 games, M. Smith, 552; high individual one game; G. Pal­mer, 232; Gagnon, 215; Calhoun, 201; M. Smith, 200, 200.

Bowling scores Finger Lakes League:, high team one game; Me­chanics Club, 739; Fashionette, 2077; high individual one game: G. Updike, 198; M. Lynch, 183; J. Ed­dy* 183; high individual 3 games: tSdike, 510; M. Price, 471; J. Smith, 471.

Mrs. Jasper Pelham and little daughter Kelly Ann of Niagara Falls, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pelham. Mr. and Mrs. J. H Kelly accompanied them and spent the week end here.

Hospital Food Sale, Friday. No­vember 16th at 10 a.m. Committee in charge: Mrs. Gerald Cornell, Mrs. John Sterrett, Mrs. Robert Fudge, Mrs. Herbert Brush.

Mrs. F. G. Cornell has arrived in St. Petersburg, where she will spend the winter.

The W.S.C.S. met Wednesday with Mrs. James Latourette.

Prof. Mnrlyn Conde reorts that the Massanutten Military School at Woodstock, Va., where he teach­es, was the one chosen to drill for General Marshall, Chief of Staff, on Armistice Day.

Mrs. James Shepard and Miss Eva Taylor will leave Friday to


Estelle Davies, Trumansburg; Mrs. Florence Merrill, Watkins Glen; Mrs. Mildred Ward. Mecklenburg; Mrs. Vera Jean Hall, Watkins Glen; John Nichols, Lakemont: Robert Jackson, Alpine: Mrs. Pearl Lamphear, Watkins Glen; Baby Gary Voorheis. Montour Falls; Theodora Rarrick, Watkins Glen; Americo Cecchini, Salt Point, Wat­kins Glen; Mrs. Eleanor Stany Watkins Glen; George French, Montour Fallsj Mrs. Genevieve Ameigh, Watkins Glen: Mrs. Dor­is Kuperinen, Alpine; Wm. Inger-soll, Alpine, R. D.

PATIENTS DISCHARGED: Mrs. Lois Phelps, Mrs. Donald Arnold and baby boy, Burdett: Miss Sylvia Butterazzi, Miss Angeline Bartone, Mrs. Thomas O'Rourke and baby eirl, Mrs. Bernice Stugart and babv srirl. Watkins Glen; Mrs. Florence Hausner, Mrs. Mary Dean Odessa; Miss Eleanor Beardslee, Eugene Rhinevault, Millport; Mrs. Arlene Croft, Montour Falls: Mrs. A ernes Wvre and babv girl, Watkins Glen; Mrs. Erma Gates . Valois; John Nichols, Lakemont; Mrs. P. Tomp­kins, Hor'seheads.

DEATHS: George Wood, Mon­tour Falls, Nov. 8, 1945; Clyde Wil­liams, Montour Falls, Nov. 11, 1945.

Liquid floor waxes give a bet­ter surface if a thin coat of paste wax is first applied.


i i i , i I I I i i mmmmmmm^mmm^mmmmmmmmm

Messig will be with them. She is spending a few days in Washing­ton with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lattin, enroute.

The Tv T. Club meets Thursday evening with Mrs. Sue Crawford.

Mrs. Robert Burnett substituted in the second grade Tuesday in the absence of Miss Mary Drake.

Mrs. Douglas Riley has been o-bliged to give up her position in Refiner's £tore on account of her health.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Baker and little daughter Sharon Marie ar­rived last Friday from Montreat, N. C, to send two weeks with Mrs. Baker's mother, Mrs. Ruth Clark. Mr. Baker returned south but will be able to spend Thanksgiving with his family. They are moving to Harrisburg, Pa., the first of De­cember. Mrs. Baker is the former Marjorie Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. Otho Porter and , Miss Dorothy Porter spent the

motor to Miami, Fla., where they i week end in Candor with Mrs. Por-will spend the winter. Mrs. Sophie ter's cousin, Mrs. Will Slate.

i i V V V V V V V


V p V V V &


Ethyl Gas -

Regular - -

Bulk to Farmers


Motor Oil

* 20c gal. |

18c gal

161c gal.

9c gal.

20c qt., 45c gal.

Betty Blue Station SIDNEY PARMER

On W atkins Glen -Montour Falls Road

v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V w V V V V V V V


to witness* her marriage to Char­les Saylor of Moreland, the Rev Wisner Kinne, pastor of the Rom-ulus Baptist church, officiating.

On Saturday night a heavily loaded Northern Central freight train was pulling up IKe Millport hill, when an accident occurred which ditched a number of can, among them being a couple of doable deckers filled with sheep and calves shipped by J. M. Auble. A few of the calves were injured, but most of them escaped, while fifty or more of the sheep were killed outright.

Mary Bossard of Beaver Dams died on November 2nd, aged eigh­ty-six years. She had made her home with her brother Anson for the past thirty years.

On Sunday night the post-office at Monterey was broken into and robbed of a few dollars in money and stamps.

Mr. and Mrs. John K. VanValer of Stony Point are visiting friends in town. Mrs. VanValer was for­merly Miss Fafnnie Cass of this village. Mr. VanValer owns the Opera House block and other prop-er tv here

'Washington Wilmot of this vil­lage, has sold his trotting mare "Anda" to a man in New Jersey, the price being between four and five thousand dollars.

It is announced that Miss Aline Mitchell, formerly of Odessa, will be married on the third of next month to the Rev. Whalen, who lives near New York city. The marriage will take place at Keuka College.

The Seneca Lake steamers are tied to their wharves for the win­ter. *

A dozen eggs are worth more than a bushel of potatoes now. Who ever heard of such a thing?

Dr. P. J, McPhereson and family have moved from Montour Falls to Millport.

Many e friends and relatives of Isaac VanDuzer of Reading, were present at a party to commemor­ate his eighty-fiftb birthday.

On account of failing eyesight

November 11, 1SS0

The Watkins Opera House and the house adjoining it, have been purchased from H. C. Stouffer, by George C. Starkey, ducting a motion picture theatre in thjs, village, Mr. Starkey has one in Montour Falls and another In Odessa.

The Bro-Bar Grape Juice Com­pany's plant has ceased pressing operations for the season.

On Thursday last occurred the death of Mrs. MarshaU Mathews at her home in valois. She leaves her husband and married daugh­ter.

Mr. and Mrs. James Clawson of Lansing, Mich., spent a few days in this county last week, visiting rel­atives and friends. About thirty-five years ago they lived on Sugar Hill. They drove through in a covered truck, >quipped with stove, bed and all necessary equipment. They are on their way to Florida to spend the winter.

The death of Mrs. Sara Sterling has caused much sorrow in this village and Millport, where she spent her entire life. Sara Sleeper Sterling was born March 5, 1859. She lived in Millport 48 years.. and was there united in marriage to Daniel Sterling on July 9, 1877. To them were born four children, Charles, Florence, Helen and Lucy. They have lived in this village for 23 years.

Mrs. Louis Evans and two child­ren left Burdett on Tuesday for New York, from where they will sail for Tampico, Mexico, where Mr. Evans has a government posit­ion.

Miss Mildred Sweeney of Smith Valley and Rastus Bush pf Mcln-tyre Settlement, were married at the parsonage in Mecklenburg Thursday. Both are well known and popular young people.

The relatives an<J friends of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Crippen gave the young couple a variety shower at the M.E. parsonage in Meck­lenburg Saturday evening.

Potatoes are selling for 75 cents a bushel.

Ed Adren and Clifford Bailey of Smith Valley loaded two cars of lambs and calves Saturday in O-dessa, and have another car load ready to ship. They are selling for about ten cents a pound:

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rastus Bush of Smith Valley gave them a

Mr. and Mrs. O&n Teeter of Cay uta announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth, to Pvt

\ son of Mr. and of Interlaken.

Is a graduate of the Pvt. Clark entered the armed

services in May, 19457 and is now stationed at &mp Pickett, Va.

NO date has been set for the wedding.

• o -

Tire Amplications • ' !

The Elmira Rationing Board In­sists on all tire applications being signed by the employer. If appli­cants observe this rule, they will save themselves time and Insure earlier processing of their applies-

Otis Austin has been fo/ced to S»wej at Knwatown Grange hall resign his position in the material room of the Carrier Cutlery Co., in Montour Falls, and is now at work in the rake department of the Cronk Hanger Co. James Wol-verton has secured the position va­cated by Mr. Austin.

Uriah Main, after a long ill­ness, died at his home near Town-send on the 10th. Burial was at Beaver Dams.

o —

Mrs. Carrie Mapes Mrs. Carrie Mapes. 59, of Hector,

died Friday, Nov. 9,1945 She is survived by her husband,

Leon Mapes; a daughter, Hester, at home; five sons, Richard and iLeon, at home, Harold of Balti­more, Kenneth and Gerald of this village; two sisters, Mrs. R. L. Layton, Mrs. D. K. Perry of El­mira; two brothers, Joseph and Ed­ward Burbage of Elmira.

Funeral services ,were held at the home Monday at 2:30 p. m., the Rev Russell A. Gates offi­ciating. Burial in Hector Union cemetery.

o Card Party

The Auxiliary of the Cole, Han-senberger, Deland Post, No 676 will hold its monthly card party Saturday night, Nov. 17. Please notice Saturday night instead of Friday, as usual.

Saturday evening. William Slocum of Jackson,

Mich,, visited his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Burr Goodwin of this village, last week. He is of the old pioneer family of Slocums and his boyhood days were spent in the hills near Townsend. He was on his way to Florida to spend the winter.

On November 6th, at the M.E. parsonage in this village, the Rev.

\T. H. Williams united in marriage Miss Edna Miller of Rochester and Timothy La Pre, a former resi­dent of this village.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wixson of this village, leave this week for Florida-where* they will spend the winters

o George W. Gardner

George W, Gardner, 76 of Tru­mansburg died Saturday, Novem­ber 10, 1945, following a long ill­ness.

He is. survived by his wife, Jessie Gardner; a son, Olin Gardner of Detroit, Mich.; a sister, Mrs. A. C. Coon of Burdett.

He was a member of the Ben-nettsburg Baptist church.

Funeral services were held at the Arnold Funeral Home in Bur­dett on Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., the Rev. Owen Rutledge of Trumans­burg officiating. Burial in the Hec­tor Union Cenietery.

Yours . • . with our compliments


Voolloi * J U T«o4«jo4 Faus TO inoiot A Schuyler County Grand Jury

Monday failed to indict a man Idea-tifled as James Edward Tadder of this village on a second dears* grand larceny charge.

Tadder, it was ajleaed, too* a truck owned by the Glen Builders Supply Co., of this village, urhkh was wrecked in the Town of Reai-ing. Tadder, held in Jail since the mishap, was released.

The. grand Jurors returned one sealed indictment

o Mecklenburg Grange

The annual election of officers will be held at the regular meet­ing of Mecklenburg Grange on Friday evening. Nov. 16. Patroaa are requested to bring sandwiches to

FREE while our

supply lasts



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