old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 8/niagara falls ny gazette/niag… · a marveiiluous...

A MARVEIiluOUS REJlEl)Y FOR A MARVELLOUS AGE! HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT TllETGRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. Hy the aid of a mleroacope,we ace millions of little open- lagt oa the surface if our U»Jk«- Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin. I* cartU-J to any or. Kan or laward part. .Disease* of the Kidne ys, disorder* of the I.Irer, affections of the heart, InRamuallon of the I.un-s, Cough* aud Cold*, are by tti mean* i-uVclually cured. Evory hoosewifo know* that salt puses frrely thrwuxb bone or meat of »n; thickness. This healing Ointment Car more readily penetrate* thruugh any Ume or fleshy part of the living body, curing: the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot bo irachrd by other means. ERYSIPELAS, SAW .RHEUM AND SCORBUTIC HUMORS. ' No remedy has ever done so much for the cure of dis- eases of the Skin, whatever form they may as»uaie, M ihU Ointment, No ease of Salt Kheum, Scurry, Fore Head*, Scrofula, or EryiiipeLvs can loug withstand it* intiucnee.— The Inventor hu traveled over many part* of the ({lob. 1 , i idling the principal hospitals, dispensing till* Olnjmvnt, giving auViro as to tti application, and has thui been "the meaai " f palming aatallttUUUBigttiS health. METK0P0L1TAN DRY GOODS STOKE! E^ L. JOY A CO., PROPRIETORS. ANOTHER CHEAT ATTRACTION AT NIAGARA CITV. T HKalwvo proprietor* would Twry rtspectfullr Inform the i-ihabfuut* of Niagara Co., N. V.. aud'Nlagnra District, Canada, that tin v hale just Opened a \. rv large and I.. aultful .toek rff . STAPLE & FAXCY DRY, GOODS, . LODBR'S NEW U.,LDI.\0, LEW1STON AVENUE, which fur beauty, quality, arid clicapu***, cannot bo mr- pA**cd in Western New York, ctiuipii.lu* all of Oie uiott j Fu',1 uriaUa 1'a'ulc* of the Season, «uch a* Black and I Faccy Silks, Silk and Colton TU-ues, Silk and Colon,! l'lalii and Figured Uara^.a, all wool and Mou*. d'Lalnc*, | Cha'.lle do lle^L", Harare d'l.atr.< s, f'lugham*, Prints, Jtr., Ac, beaullful style Silk Mantilla, Cape*, Craj«e Silk, Ci»h. mem and Iiirazo Shawls; sW;n stock of White Hoods, Embtoi'leiitT, Uncus, 1'ara.wila, Fan*. Milllnrry Goods, La- dles* add MIAW Shoe*; Uleached and Uunblcoehed Sheet- lnp« and Shirting; Travtliu'a ll&et, Satch-ls, 1'iuhrella*, Yankee Notion*, ic., Ac. JJLACK ANDFANCY CLOTHS, MAC* and fancy Doeskins, and C&salmerv*, Twti-ds, Ktn- tuckv Jtaru^Summer Stuff*, I>iui-, READY MADE CLOTILIXG! Silk, leghorn, Straw, Chip, Kossuth and I'ulon llati and Caps, Ac, Ac, suOkleut to .ay our stock U complete, and prices »o low that by calling the most fistulous and clo»- esl buyer will almlt the truth of oar a**-rtion*. (hjr connection with one of the oldest and br»t bou»ei In Nj-w York affonU u, U'ttcf'facilitieii than auy other cot.crti In the country. Our Ijiw/la are all lhi» Sjiritig* t urcliaw and from the fir»t luuidjs thereby aaviug the job- er'n profit. J"j?" Injpt-etton invited,and trade toltrlted. MOTTO NOT TO BK I'spKKaOLU. Yen refpeitfully vour», fc. I_ JOY A CO. M»s;ara City, June 17, lSi5. SStf IJEW CASH Speoial Election. r p i I E Tax Paying Electors of th« Village of Mag- J_ ara Falli^re rcqueuteJ to tncot it thd* National Hotel, on Friday, July 6,1S55, &,10t o'clock A. M. for the purpose of roting in respect lo raiiiSg by Tax ! £L on the taxable prx'petty To the corporation the follow- ! W ing sauu for tho following purp-jse* : I fis For paying Village Alienor*, ..... $ 'IS 00, " Payiux Cletk, ;•••" 40 00 " Paying Treasurer, 25 00 j " Makiugauil rcp-tirtng CroM-Walkj,* ••• 150 00; •4 Procuring h'>=c for fire I'urpvsc.j, 100 00 i " Making Kejerrvin., 200 00. " Uuiluing un Eii<iue Hoa<-. 500 tO " Payiug »alary ^i!Ia5e Superintendent," 250 00 | " Highway Purijosc*,.". 1000 00 The following resolution will be proiawed for adop- tion at <aiJ meeting: Kt+olrtd. That tho Truitee* cau«e the following sidcwallti/jn be made of pine or hemlock plank . iuchei t h | l \ o r of eUtne flagging: On the exit lido of Third street from Niagara to Ontario street*. NEW BOOT & SHOE STORE H -a <3r A. SG 3E3 T T H • JOB PRIiVTljVG ESTABLISHMENT. N'e. 17, Third Story,-FrentUr >lart. "*."\7"E would respectfully ii:form tho public that * 7 we have thU ip'ring greatly added to our fa-ilitiis for doing all description* of Job Printing, ia thu. Ixst jtyle, and oo »ho:t notice. Hcaidci a large amount of NEW TVPEand other material, we hare Ju*t put iu ope/atiou one cf Gordon's Celebrated Alligator Job Presses, I NEW-YORK ADVERTISEMEMTSi rxoM j^ssrher k Schcll's G.cnerl Adrfrlislng.Hjjuse I Applctou's Dulldinr, 3|0 k 31S llroadivay. or. c*s o. xrrscirEjn, Piano Forto Manufatory,' ANDAVARL" ROOM,KM.213 215,2*47 and 219 \V C Jt Tweuty-cigtuMreel, be- tween ytU and lC'thA»cuue5,New York. Piano? with the .Kalian, andall the test modern ita- j Which, for?pced, and the Verity of itiwork, will defy ! provwnenti, mtiteof the best maliriars, under onrown all cviupctitijii.. i j'up-.-nriaiou ; a written guarantee gitcn witheTery Pi Ladies and G&its Boots Shoes & Rubbers Of ill sitw and description.-; al.-o, a large ai- aortmcnto( Shoes ibr Childrens Wear. ,1 %%?" Mr motto is "quick sales and small profits," I On the welt side of Third street from Niagara to I cvtise^ueuily it will be for the iutcreil of the public to For' the larger sires of Railroad and Steamboat uno. J. A C. F. being' prac-lical men, and tnanufac- Dill?, Planks, Ac, Ac, this Piesi is far si^icrior lo , turing very largely, can furnish the best Pianos, on uny in fAu count}/. j lower ter'mi thancanjie funiishcd any where, a n d it i< Vith a sp'.tH lid asfortment of CARD TYPE we | decidedly the be ; t place lu'bny forcasb. Tholo deair , ar^ prepared to execute every description of fancy or , iiij' a good Piano, and one that will stand and wear bu-iticss cards v,ilh nettne-s and dispatch, a n d "at SORE LEUS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS A ULCEUS. Some of the molt tcltntlficsargcon.'i now rv^r tolely on the u-o of. thin wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst caao* of aore.t, wound.", ulcers, clandulAr •welling*, and tumonu Profe.*K)r Holloway hi*, by com- mand of thn .tilled UoverumeiiU, dispatched to the hospi- tal! of the Raat, large shlptnenU of tliU Ointment, to bo used ulrder the direction Of the Medical Stall, In the w orft casCK of wounds. It will cure any ulorr, glandular swell- inj:, Ktilruexs or contraction of the joluti, oven of twenty years standing. , TILES AND FISTUL.V3. . • These and other similar dtrtreaslng eomplalnta can bo ef- fectually cared If the Ointment be well rubbed iu over the parts affected, and by otherwise following tho printed di- rections arouud uaeh pot. Doth the Ointment and Pilh thould be used in the . following carts : Lumbago Sore Lega Mercurial Eruptions Sore Breasts l'llee Sort) Headj . - Rheumatism Sore Throats Bait Rheum ' Sore* of all kinds Skin DlK-asei Sprains Swelled Glands Ytneieal Sores Ontario streets On the north .side- of Thomas itreet from Main to Fourth street-'."' On the soutfi side of Eric street from Stath itreet to tho Hydraulic Canal. On the"wtst side of Fourth street from F^rie to I'nion streets. J. F TROTT, President Boinl of Trustees. VT. B. Rtcr, Clerk. 57-'Jt fovor tuc with a call. 17tf l». 0. PELT0N. T Buolorts Burns Chapp«d Hands ChllNalns ItttuUl Oout Wounds of all kinds Scalds Stiff Joint* Ulcer* •-• Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAT, 60 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the United State* and the dvtl'ied world, ID Tots, at U cent*, &i>i cent*, and $1 each. HjT" There Is a considerable saving by taking the larger I Ues. , N. B. Directions for-the guldaoee-of patients la every disorder are afBxed to each Pot, eowlyM DAN RICE'S \7Kl^Ein*^T?~lMt0nSlC^-^ntiltEr ri^HK subscriber begs moat respectfully to inform the In- X habitant* of Niagara Falls and vicinity that he lias rented the premises latejy occupied by Mr. 1*. AveilU, cor- ner of Kails and First streets, for the purpose ol earning on a general Grocery, Crockery, Provision, Klour and Feed buslueas, where he luteuds lo keep constantly on hand a choire and general as>ortmcnt of the the above goods, which he Is determined to dl.]<osu of at the lowest re- munerating prices for nuh. His UnKeries embrace a rhedee lot of Teas, Sugars, CoOces, Tobacco, Salerattu, italsius, Currants, Spice*, Pepper, Ac, Ac, in fact'every article usually found. In similar establUhmcnt*, which will be found on Inspection to U- of the beat quality, and at price* which cannot fall to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. FLOUR, FEED, AND OATS kept constantly on hand at tho very lowest market price*, particular care will be tak- en to koep on hand au assortment of vegetable* fresh from tho garden every morning. , The subscriber hopes that by strict attention to business moderate charges, and by dealing honorably with all to Justly merit a liberal share of public patronage. Y3T A trial U respectfully solicited. OmSJ WM. W. WHITE. KRV IMPORTANT. To Hor*a Kxxrus a.xr. FsriT UaowtK*, Spratt's Patent Self-Sealinc Can, for preserving In a frweh state Peaches, Strawberries To- matoes, Green Corn, Green l*eas, Asparagus 'and every specie* of either, may be preserved economically, as sugar and spirits may be dispenses! with—are easily opened or eloeesj—require no soldering—maybe used year»fter year —full directions for preserving as used by the celebrated bouse of " Wells A rroront," New York, accompany the cans For sale and inspection by W. >Y EVANS, Agent, For Wells k Provost, Proprietor*. EXTENSIVE LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT F O R S A T iB, TTSIAHAR-X-C ITYp* Steam Sitw Mill, Niagara Palls, Xt»r the htuil of the Hydraulic Canal. "MIE subscribers would inform the inhabitants of Nisgara Fal's aud vicinity that they have leased the above Mill, and now offer to the public a good as- sortment of CLEAR, SECOND A COMMON PINE LUMBER, of all dimensions, nak^ELi, nation- HW, Ash, and all kinds o/ j «e;r, can't do U-ltrarahaifto cr.ll on J. 4 tVilsehrr^ Prices L-.WM Iban ever before Offered injhis | I T N e w ' a n d V a l u a b l e D i s c o v e r y . \lctuilv. J Dit. -HAM'S , AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. r"I '"HIS delicious beverage is «cp?rior to all invigoto- I X ti»K C'jrdials, Schnapps, Nci'vincs Ac^ fur the euro of lli/tpepsLi, Xerxousnejs, Heartburn, Drojtinets, Kidn<y Complaint, Melmfholy, Delirium Tremens, I. Orders are respectfully *.dicitcd tiith the assurance that satisfaction will l-c giv«?n. POOL & SLEEPER, j Proprietors. I Niagara Falls, May lfi, |=5.i. H GENERAL HARDWARE ESTABLISHMENi XIAUAKA FALLS. =-= ^ ^ FAS-SETT & YVA RE, ktx>u $$&/? constantly on hand a large stock of all ifiSisrUcJej usually kept in the above line, g which may be TO'STM-A, choice selection id OCATED within 100 feet of tho A. Uutloi\^}ljxd; suspension! LUMBER AND TIMBER TABLI T OCA A.^i lin i .^,V. . «V ^... U..VW W»«.»-... 9 * . - T - , . WW.... ..J -t^« .w. .. V H .^ ...... ...... «£. V ...I.U.Uf,, - ea«;h '25 feet front and 160 feet deep, on which there large quantity of Hkwn Pine Timber, from 15 to 70 every i EUtil lgc. The premises consisting x>f Tvo Lots, Generally used for House and Carriage Iiuildirjg, a U a Dwelling House 21 by 32 feet, Lirery Barn 32 by 60 feet, aud Carriage House 1G by GO feet in depth. Will also be sold; if desired by thtf purchaser, Horses, Harness, Omnibusses, 4c. The above Establishment willv>be sold on easy terms of payment to any one wishing to carry on a safo and piufitablo Lirery business. For particulars, address JAMES VEDDER A CO.: Suspension Bridge, Nisgara Co., N. T. June 13, 1355-57tf New York Central Rail Road. / " \ X and after Monday, May 7, Trains leare XI- y j •5-30 A M 6-55 " 1-45 P M 4.45 " 9-00 " M. M. agara Falls for Rochester, Albany and New York as follows; 1st Train. New York Express, 2d " Mall,. .••••.• 3d " Accommodation 6th " Way Express, •• 6th" " Detroit A Chicago Express NIAGARA FALLS TO BUFFALO. 1st Freight A Pasjenger, -.9-00 A. 2nd ' •••« I-45 P. 3d •••—Accommodation,- ••••"•; -5-00 " 4th " Do 9-45 " NIAGARA FALLS TO LEWISTOS. 1st, 7-30A M 3rd, 1-45 P M 2nd, 10-10 " 4th, -5.00 " Sunday Train for Roche*ter»nd Albany,- -3-45 P M Sunday Train for Buffalo, 5-00 P M 10-10 A M F»H» by Albany time, tilt upon all who desire a" perfect I.ikcnr*..— ! which is 16 minutes faster than Niagara Falls time. 12 tf GEO. H.BURROWS. Supt. Daguerreotype ttliiiiaturee, INCLUDING CASE, FOR 75 CENTS. J AMES P. TIBlJETrS respectfully Informs the Udles and Gentlemen of N U g M Falls and vicinity, that he I Sun dt.y Train for UwittOD,. •• is opened his (•alhsry on Main Street, Rooms under >tV * ' nle Hall, opposite llv, Evan's Grocery store, where hi Is j |T<r Train* leave Niagara,, feet iu length, and from B to 12 inches in diameter A GOOD QUALITY OF LATdI__ Also kept on hand. Bills of Timbercut loonier with dispatch at any season of tho year, baviug on hand at all times a good supply of l"g«. The above businc.-s Will be done for Cosh or good endorsed jet per, a' d who- ever pleases to patronise tho subscribers will find it done promptly and on reasonable terms. A share of ' public patronage is solicited a6.tr W. A. A J. PHILPOTT. Great Bargains Offered. r"T"MIE subscriber, desirous of disposing of a number X of Buggies, Heavy Wagons, and a Urge stock of Harnesses, both single and double, respectfully solicit* an examination of the same by those desiring to pur- chase. The undersigned continues the Harness Making business, Carriage Trimming and Upboistering-in all their branches, and keeps on hand, or will make toor- der,.erery description of Light and Heavy Harness, Saddle*, Bridle*, Martingales, Whips, Trunks. Carpet Bags, Ac, Ae. Particular attention will be given to CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND VPHOL'S- TERING, and all order* in this line will be execut- ed neatly and on ih«rt notice. Mattrasiei of Hair, Straw, Manilla and Palm Leaf, on hand or made to or- der. Farmers, Livery Proprietors, Hotel Keepers, or others desirous of procuring any work in the above line of business are assured that it will be for their inter- est to call. 43Af JULIUS DEUTCIIER. AND POCKET CUTLERY, together with variety of'shelf and heavy Hardware. TOOLS of all kinds," including CARPEX- AND JOINERS' TOOLS, PAINTS. OILS, and PAINT BRUSHES, Well and Cistern Alw), a variety GREAT CIRCUS SHOW IS COMING!! D AN RICE respectfully announces to thecitiiens of this vicinity, that his great EQUESTRIAN ESTABLISHMENT, as organised for 1855. will have the honor of appearing "befbnfihern aTXTAtTATiA k AI.Ls, on ~ TUESDAY, JULY Wh. Admission 25 cear«—Performances commence at 2 and THE THREE GREAT FEATURES " Th'at distinguish DAN RICK'S GREAT SHOW from, every other exhihitioain the country, aro as follows: 1. The Ilrilliant Array of Profcf.-inna! Talent. '2 Tho beautiful stud of Horses,-Ponies and Mules. 3. The most perfectly trained Wild Animals ever ex- , - hibltcd - Amoag tue F.'iuestrian Tatciit, tho following cmi' ncnst ariicLs will .ippcar: v.Mit.S. DAN' IilCE, In her great Manege Act, is a feature winch challenges the most enthusiastic ad- miration of all who witness it. ,Th>! rapid evolution' and fearful leaping excits a deep and thrilling interost in the seine. Th* justly celebrated and bevuliful equestrienno, MMItf. KRAXK VIU, M'dme. JO.NTA, the Vocalist. M'llo. GEORGIAXA. • F. H. ROSTON, Tte Great Six and Eight Horse Ridcr'and Maitro do CinpMO. YOUNG JEAN JOHNSON, Th» Roscius of "the Arena, Tight Rope Dancer, Scerje Rider, and best General Rider now living. W. O, pALF*. The Champion V^ulter, being th* only one who has thrown 100 consccutivo somerset*. CHARLES NOVES, ,v • Tho Little Giant " ' ' . . JACOB SUOWLES, '/ " Whose numerous Acrobatic Feats have placed him in the front rank of his profession. WILLIAM WALKER, The Great Equilabrist and Gymnast, on Cordo Volant. MASTER CHARLES REED, ._ , the Infant Prodigv, with DAN RICE, nnd his counterpart, ---LnTLF^-MIKE^LU^fcVN." - lias so prej^annl til Wishing to gl»e every one an opportunity, lie ha* reduced his priee to 75 cents, and upwards according to «ixc. ."^ick I and dee»a»*<l persons token at their hou.es on reasonable | term*. All are invited to call and examine -i><-cinieni and examtmrrnr themselves: j j ( T Call soon for my stay short. 58 I HARNESS AND TRUNKS. "i L N." IICXXEiT ha« opened a sliopln Daylnnranfiel.ys j Block, Main street, Niacara Falls, where he Li'tiow prepared to supply all vim will favor him with their pat- J ron»KC, with every thins in his line of boslnese. ParticTi- lar attention will tie paid to Fine Carriaffo Harnesses uuvle : In the be-t wurkm.inllke style and from the best >tock and trimming". Tin- above nrould respectfully solicit a share of public |iatroua;-e, and will warTaut to giic good siti. Cunandaigna k \ia;ara Falls Bail Road. SUMMER AR1UNOEMENT. CARS leave Xiagara Falls every day (Sundays excepted) as .'ollow 5.50 A. M. Express arrives in Xew Yoik, 10 P. M. " e " " Philadelphia " " - 1.05 P. M. " . " Xew Y'ork, 9 A. M. f Pbilailelphia, 11 " 7.12 A. M. Freight and•.Accommodation, stopping at all stations. ONE TRAINj6f>N SUNDAY, ftc Cabinet Ware Manufactorjr 1 The subscriber would inform the cititens of Niag- ara Falls'and vicinity, that be has taken the Shop next to Porter's Grist Mill, where he intends to manufacture all kinds of CABINET FURNITURE TO ORDER. ne also gives his particular attention to Making Ma- chine Models, and Patterns for Castings. Old Furniture repaired and varnished, Mahogony, Black Walnut and White Wood Coffins, made at a few hours notico day or night. f/^* Wanted two or three Apprentices. CHARLES W. OLIVER. Niagara Fulls. March 12. IS54. 4-ltf F a r m F o r Sale. THUS |puTTY Pumps, Sash, GIOAS and Cupper Ware | of I'atlor, Cook, Box and Sheet Iron Stove/, I all warranted to give satisfaction. The subscriber* I also carry- on the manufacturing of TIN, SHEET.! I IRON and JAPANNED WARE in all their branches. 1 I At this ejtablishuicut may be found l^al Pipe, ' I Hou<e Guttering and Spouting Ae , Ac i All orders cnirustod to their care will bo attended- | to with neatness and dis|*".tch. j | (.'" Jolbing of ail kinds promptly attended to. L'C r * Paper Rag«, old Iron and Copper taken in ex- i change. ' FASSETT A WARE, Opposite the Cataract Hotel. ' XIACABA FAIL*. May 17. 1854. , THE UNIVERSITY FAMILY REMEDIES. ISSUED UXDKK THE SEAL, SANCTION AND AUTHORITY OK T H E Univerrity of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge. C HARTERED by the State or Pennsylvania, April 29, 1S53. With a capital or One Hundred Thousand Dollar*, mainlyforthe purpose or arresting the evil* or spurious nostrum*. - Also,forsupplying the community with reliable remedies wherever a com- petent Physician cannot or will not be employed, hare purchased (rom Dr. J0HX K. ROWAND, hi* cele- brated HOWARD'S TOXIC MIXTURE, Known for upwards or twenty-five year* as the only sure and safo cureforFEVER AXD AGUE, Ac, and hi* inestimable remedy foi Bowel Complaints, ii'uir- and't Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root, which highly approved and popular remedies, together with the University'* Romedy for Complaint* of the Lungs, tho University's Remedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, the University's Remedy for Costive Bowels, also tho University's Almanac and Pincushion, may bo had, at the Store of A. X. ALLEN A BROTHER May 23, '55. ' j i Jhtemperunce, iVo, as it will invigorateanditrciigtheu i but will not intoxicate oratuptfy. t Persons who ha»e become habituate! to tlic oxecs- * I itc use or Tobacco, Opium, or Spirituous Llqnors will find si cody aud permanent telieffrom tho desir,f to : U'c these destroy in,' agents, by taking a bjtllj or two ISKUCIOI^ MEblCAL BEVER.AGE Weak and si'Lly Femslcs will find Dr. Ham's In- I vieorating Spirit a quick andaute cure for all I'cvtjlc | Difficulties, it being a Regenerator ai well at Strength, eiier of tho Human System. Each cure is named MI • the wrappers accompanying each Utile, and ull di- rections for use are also minutely given. ! I'rKc SI I'er liutllr. Prepared, by Dr.Darius Hani Principal OiViee- No 2 Liberty Street .New York, \ where whole.«ale orders shi-uld be addressed. For salo hv diu^^ists thnuighout tin; United States. " I (/' For sale by A. .V. . 1 LLEN A- BROTHER, yinyara Falls. Iv43 •,!f- m I r\ ••• ij; 3S LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK OF DRY IN THE CITY OK N E W YORK. GOOD iVA'ir ESTABLISHMENT. House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painting. Opposite Veddtr House, Niagara City. THE subscribers beg lo uctjuauit the iu- X habitants, of Niagara' Cily *nd tho .surrounding Parties who are about to visit the city, are Invited to call at t LORD & TAYLOR'S Immense JUstablishmeu,, 235, 33T,250 6i 201 GratiU-st., corner Chrystie-st. Or at their other Store, NBW NUZBEKS. 17 & 49 CATHERINE STREET, At both of which |Storcj may bo found, at all times, MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCKS OF FASHIONABLE SILKS, Shawls, Moutilhis, Dress Goods, Flannel', Domestics, Linens, Hosiery Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, and every description of Season- able Good.', also CABPXTISGS.OIL CLOTH*, RCOS, RCGOETS, AC., in great variety, to all of which additious'aro con- stantlv being made from FOREIGN MARKETS AND AUCTION SALES, And purchasing on the most odvantagconj terms, w» arc enabled to tell at such Remarkably Low Prices^ As to offer our Customers QREATER INOUCMENTBTHAN EVER. Junefi,'hj. 56-tf WROUGfTT IRON PIPE roB WATKB, STEAK AVD OAS. James O. Morse &, Co., X o. 10 John Street: Xew York, MilUufacturers and dealers in WHOUGHT IRON PIPE.' ffl SSI ->-i> « m i « l -VS urn mm So. N"<'. Xn. No. N'.i. -No. No. No No. s 11 <r_' (."•! 01 1, • t •i. f. !*Kiri.*5. . . - . ... f... the iff" Liters . *r, no . .-> fsi .ti<») • 10 W - -J4 f»> ... 4 0,1 - - .') 00 .. SIM -12 («> .-lo OO the srvi.F. no.v niniiUr ui:ir f.irty distinct i-tylet. am] *ai«, f.-n;o T by t' inches '.»> -- by.US inches, as will 1^' --en lie t!:-' -til.;i.rn- eil list; and by tire* numerous coniliina^itvi of colors, we are ei.ji.'I' J to s«i II the list to uenrly om Uuudreil u'A f.U 1.' .-.,-..-11. a.il ii'lii'ii ii"' riiiii .;;. 1.1 sr.ll.K nf KtZEM AND 7\'.>. A. II, f, I>, 10-.1J, r, 11, K, 1K13!; H.I.J, K, I.,- lo'.-xls, K, r\ O, H,,— l?v2t. I>. R, ]0tl2. A, II. 11x13*,, A, II, C D , K, l."»»ixlS, A, II, C, i > , - - ISaSl, A, II, C, Nn. .*•; 2i\2s, x A, U, Tlic numbers deiis-nile the ."UK ; 1'er'on* onlcrin); t'aruj shoul'l bo particular in static^ vehcther rlark or lijrht c«'lon> am reqnlresl. A full ssst of famplea of all the alio»e,rntJs co«t,. at our reirular pricu'. S*J,4i, but we i»-ill w i l d ,-sts to anyftneon thn receipt cf ^2, atnl »H1 deduct the amount whenever a till to the amount of J'JO I* made with U'. CAI.ENDAH BOKDKltS. f.irt.i.hclat a special Snmp new styles will Lo published iu September. Wo would aL-o remind the trade tliat krep on hand | an extensive v«xTt:iieiit of News aad Ilo<ik i"ilntln;r l ' l f i r Various ri-o-aud«iualiIles ; Letter, Cap, Polio Post, frown. ; Pemy, lloyal, ?uj>«r ftoyal and Imperial \Viiiin-* Pa^rs, nil grades ""Printer** fanlnlii sheats, or rut to n-nlar | ,-ij^*, all variiiii-s; 1'ii-jter'j. Ink, Black aiel Color-.<1 .ill j prlcr.i; Vami-li, Uroi.-c, I>ry Colors, kt., llank Note Pa- per, Ilond I'ais'V, M.irll.-l Paper, Envelope Paper, Wrap- ping Taper, Kuauiellivl Paper, Polished Colored Papcr.Kul- j ed Papers of every size.and stylo ; all of wliich arc o:Tend wholc---iIc and retail. - j j ~i*~ PuMisher* ef papers who insert llif »1-ivi> a^ivrr- [ tisoment, with thl« notir-<> attached, t" amount of three dollars, will ls> paid -tlicurvtr they shall purc!iaselTirom-t- tvpic Honlerf'I Canls of U' to the amount nf ten d"Usr«.on I pn-scntln*! or forw-nrill-ig UJ a c-jpy of tlieir paper contain- i in* thb a'lvcrtLenicnt. I THOMAS k I.tTHItDl'S, —1 Stationers and Paper Dealer*. .It.VS CotnraerciaJ Advertiser lluilriinrs, IlulT»b>. I 4 'our Daily Pa.ssciigcr Trains. T H R O U G H T O D E T R O I T 1X3 HOURS TO CHICAGO IX 19 HOURS. per For-particulars apply to JOHN GARRETT, 47if Second streut. Niagara Fall*. mm^ •^*!S=ag [ II -Paintinj: Ol'SE, SIGN, CARRIAGE. A ( -The Great Western Railway, j ±± AL i ,AIX ^ NGl , :,l{0 <jl ?!P in «;. | . •» ' j Papering done wilhneatntis an 1 dispatch. XIAG.HI A FALLS TO DETROIT Bridge daily (Sundays cx- Tr-iins leave Suspension ccpted) as follows : -" Morning Ex. Lightning Ex. Accora'n.. Nijrht Ex. G-\>p.A-. M. 11-13 A. Si. .2-«P V M. U-OOP.X. ^Passengers purchasing Through. Tickers, via this I ._ route, for Detroit Chicago, St. I.ouis, Galena**' Dn- i buoue, Burlington, Cairo, and all points West ami ; -._...i. . .-* i._ »!.»- »—_.!» ,~ »i.- c :..«.'. ORNAMENT- Giuzing and Glass and Sash of all sizes, Wall Paper of all hinds, constantly on hand and for ?a!e at low price'. {."^* The subscriberTlavin;- established hiinsolf one loorsouth of Glover's Hotel, Niagara City, N. Y., re- KnglUh and American papers, varying ill price from 10 ee.t)ts to 12s. per roll. Thu\0 wi-Jiing Rooms papC!-o-i.v4un have tho sjmo promptly dine by cx- poriciice 1 Paj>or Hangers, jit a lmr charge. A go.)d s_i..ortniciit of Window Shades and Curtain I'ajsjrs. FOB s'lLE— Paints, Oils, Brushes, Yaruish,Putty^-' Glass and Window Sash. I D n ALLK x ^ Co. Niagara City, May 23. 51 tf Liine, T Liine! :?i>eclfullv solicits orders in his lincVaHurYn^'thosbWh-rl T-TAy 1 ^'** -"freasod my facilities forjnanufactar d L.their satisfac- ! *r. L »«>5 "«J «IcIivonng I.n mav doso that thoy will rwexscute froii. - JOSEPH Niagara City, March 7, ltw.i, 11. outh, can make the transit across the Suspension *./TAMES WADDELL, FASHIONAIILE TAILOR rate-— \ Uridgc without change or cars. . i f) -would_ a Throngh Tickets can bo purchased nt Great West- I °l ; «Dcd a Fas ern Railway Agency, No 1 Cataract Hotel Block, Iu his ZOOLOGICAL collection will be found the stupendous and magnificent K l c p h i a t , L A L L A H ROOKII, who, among other feat* and sagacious, tricks, has been taught to WALK THE TIGHT ROPE I _ . DAX_RICK.will conTinc-s th* pobjfe there_wlll be nothing done in hi* exDlhHlonTiorwhal i» novel, wob- derrul, and morally instructive. Daring each exhibi- tion, DAN RICE will Introduce his THOxJOUGH-BRKD HORSE, EXCELSIOR ! and th* r*mou* pair of . * EDUCATED MULES, taught to perform some of th* most laughable and in- credible real* of lagacity. _ _ B e j l d « i t h a s ? , w i l l b< exhibited th* mo*t «xtraordi- Dirr perforrnanoai of lb« Urg-ul and*rao*l"MrfectIjn TRAINED AUSTRALIAN DEAR ever e»ptur*d. This feroclou* and hitherto unUmabls beast is perfortot-d with the most perfect addraan by his ke*per, th« fatnoM LOVRLL, br whom b« wai bfonibt to thU eonntry. Tb«j weight of this boar I* near 2000 pound*. Besldei all th* splendid achievements or DAN'fl Daadng Hone*, Trick Pool««, t4t-4 porform- La* MUH»*J. A Brllllaat"C«rn*t Band, (silver lastrnmenU,) ia their iWautir.l Bacd Oarriaff*. drawn by Highly Ca- parisoned Hor»e«, unheslUtingty pronounced the tS"*t - and tnort accomplished "In America* and 1*4 by th« mighty 81g. ROSSINI, will head the 0rand Proces- sion, add pan through the principal streets at 10 A-M- on th* day of tho exhibition. C. n. CASTLE, Agent This Company will exhibit at Lock port oh Monday, Jnly 9th. 59:2w LB Agency, No 1 Cittaract Niagara Falls, also at tho Xew York Central Ticket of- fice, at Der»t- PaiSenger* having through tickets can stop over at any point on the route and resume their seats at picas- ure, i Bag-rape Checked Through at the New York Cjin- j tral Dc-wt for Detroit and Chicago. Only one change j cf cars between Niagara Falls and Chicago. J JULIUS MOVIUS,-General Agent. " R. M. G0DDARD, Agt., Niagara Fall*. Iy5<3_ I •^CLEVELAND RAIL ROAD' LINE."; -FOR CLEVELAND, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, ine, .am now pre[iaro3 t.. Fit \tlY ""*' hirge orders with an article second to none in West- ' __ |-«r"- Ne'er York, at a small advance oa cost . I ^ Those wisliing Lime, for IlrieX Work or PInslcring (fj|*j|| 1 i n c r ' J C'lOtllillff I i *^'" "'"' '• -°.their aiiv.mlago to cxamiao before pur- ^ ' * r "* ! chasing elsewhere: {^ Order* left with Pant!: \ \ ]Vttrt, Niagara Falls," and C. II. i.nonnco to the pnWic lhat-h-rrr«T--.t CilVi w -,i te-proraptlv fil'ed, - hionahIe""ClothingEstablishment at J Gin48 AMBROSE Xo. 2 Frontier Marl, Iv,«.,r5—7, i—i 1 TI—" XT OTIGc.. All persons liaviuu cla:iiii ntrauist the rs- i\ tote of JOHN F. TEUSCHKR', Into of liie town of Niairara. deceased, aro reqos.li J In.prcsent llie innic. properly vcriSed, to the undersigr.cl at lit- o.-fi-o in haul town Niagara, on or before the n I day of July t.ext li'iiincr, Niagara PACKARD, Ja Where he will kecpa. large and varied strsk '_of (icn- tlemen's Furnishing GIKHI.S suitalde for the season. He is also prepared lo Manufacture (,'lothin-; to or- der, in a superior stylo, and warranted to givo satis- . facti-n. " _ - ' He invites an inspection of his goods, confidcnl that he can jjive satisfaction in evcrv particular. •• JAMES WADDELL. Niagara Falls. Dec. 6,15jl. # litrtf T ^ r A M S &. S H O U L D E R S , Warron- -*-•*- ted g^->l, at the lowest market price, can IM> had at the store of W. F. EVANS. rcreivo prompt attenliou. I J- 0. M. & Co. begM call the attention of ewners | of factories, hotoN Ac, to t'^oir superior Gas General. j ing A put rut u *, nowin use at the St. Nicholas Hotel, I N. Y,, .Manchester, Conji, Great Barrington, Mass Rockvillo, Conn.,, and various other parts of the conn.' j try. ' • 'Jinl3 I TiREWORKS! FIREWORKS! I THE TRADE* SUPPLIED.. I rTMIH suhscrihers are pref-rrd t>>°furnish'all artic. 1 --* i s X tho aimvo lir.e nt *. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ...." : ! Their itnirk ci-nprisrr .-iiacny <*.hrr articles— No: I CRACKKK3. KXTJU SIZE At..TORPEDOES, | ROAIAN CANPL8S, plain and eKtccd..."•''- - . I ItOC'KKTS. from 1 os. lo -libs., do. do. VERTICAL, and 1'I.N WHKKI.S. OltASSAOIfERa Ac Orders received a» urualfor Edvo's Exhibition Works, • JjOJLIsEY A TIEl'.S, I ^uccKsorii to lol."n~W"Boll»srtuu7r 7?.. MauufatiturVrs of- Fireworks.' lin.">7 . •' lv MAUICE lair.e,^< , ..Y. Charles fii. fr'ogg, MIAMIiEB FUUNiri'BE, Btxbitcrvd?, MattrctscJ, W Dv U.-H. PIPKil, 1. Nisi-ara Falls, Jxn W, 1?.V>. AdrarrrrSTfstnr. 3't.l V.; Wa-bstAnds. Enameled 'get*. Lpunggj*.Chairs, i ^ S N EW MILK to bo had at too Nct\« Depot A. H. I May 9th,'55. CTRTIS5. o'-'-(f un-v-i vrw.ViiitVTS-pK.ytH'NIiltY.e.tiHi-lfdiu TURNER'S CANADA LUMBERYARD ri^HH iob!crib«r troold Inform the rmblic that h« ha* JL recii"T*d largo supplies of *»wealnmb«r, and tim- ber of all iitc« nncj lengths, at {h» al>-ive Yard, and that tho f-rae will b« iot3 at reduced pricct fof tajh. Bayers are Invited to call and examine, on tho corner or Marti and Xiagara streets Nolle*) I* riven to all who aro indebted to the Cana- da Lomber Yard, on old account, that they most pay up tho rame by trre 10th of July, or it will bo left In -a-jxiSccr** !rA6-fi f-Tr *idl«etkin ALLEN CORNER, Agent, Niagara Fall*, June 27th, ISSS. ; «t£ 1S11. has now_on hand, ready for immtijiatt tftfirtry. in fonls tn suit pnrcha.sers. 1(10,000 lb 1SOMAN TYVV. of new cut, •rfT.000 " FANCAfTrK. 10,000 " SCUIl'TWf various styles, 5,000 •• (7F.HMANS. fi.noo " OKNAMKNT8 in great Tarlcty, i,000 " BORDKltS, .10,000 rVvt BRASS AND TYPE METAL RULES, and all the novelties in the bmlnsu. ,-- - i All the »WP TypV* arn'raK by steam power, of t h * n s * composition of metal peculiar lo this foundry, and wmen IS ctXTAistv sn I'xaion to any erer UMH! Ir-eforp In any part of the world. The unesinalled rapidity In the process of casting, enables me to sell the** more d'aralje type* at the price* e!f ordinary trpr-*, either on credit or for cajh. I-r-w-s*, Wood Typ*. and all other Println* MatsrUls, except Paper and dar4«, (which have oo fiied quality or price-,) forolshed at maBufactarenr* l>rice*. The latest Speclroea Book of the Koundry Is freely elveo to_aTl t-rinllnr officea, on the receipt of fifty cents to pre. of newipapem who ehoosc to-yahiUh this adTertlKroent, Indadlng this note, thr«« time* befor* the first day of Jnly, 1*44, and forward me one of the p*«-"r*, will ts» allowed their btlhiattlj* time of Borchaslng fir* time* the amount of my raanonietor**. Address, HEOROK nRCCF, M-31 U Claaraben-Sl., New-TorV. C ONNER'S L'NTTEO STATES TYPE rOUXDRY, No*. 29 41 and «3 Beekman street, X. Y.—To P»tjrTT»» AXD rr»uwn«*. The WDdendfntd beg to Inform the Trade that they Jaav* recently Issued thrlr NKfT QCARTO SPECIMEN, and Jhat It Is now rssady for delivery to their old jv»tron* as well as to all who patronise their 1'onndrr. In it will U found a oew »<irla« Of Tace*, from PEARL lo PICA. iurt*julng, If posriNe, thrir ctlobrated series of * -^ 13COTCH 6 ^ FACES. . The raxcr Trm department exhtMU an unmrT*»«aH« tariety of beautiful style*, selected from France, Oennariy and England. The Script* and Bordering ar« now for the first pnVented to the IMotlng TuUlc, and are the produe- tlon* cf tho bent American and Earopean artM*. An entlrt New Series of Oemun T*tt*, both fot News- paper and Job Printing, of a very superior style, D BOW t-rartr completed and for sale. Thi m«t»l frora which owr Type Is made, will N fonn* pecurUrljr adapted to the sever* nsage of Machine Tre** Tkey brg to return thanks for psvst favors, and to solicit a rViatlnoanc*. Thtlr well-known liberal manner of doinf b«.lne«« for the pa«t thirty year", l« a rnaranlew to ne» patron* of their UUposltlo* and ability not, to allow there- sehe* to be inrpa.s-<d for fair dcarings whether orders are by Isttor or otherwl-e Si. Louis, Jrc , i\< TItrr-r«fI:K»etr»ii7-r'l.trATIN<i-P.«ztt _ tMH>'(.'E.VT^ITY.C-.pt. l'Et«K,«n-l«>l-KK.V i\ l.-"r. ('apt. P. II. Mellkiue, will leave Rw-T* tpoiu,\ lj)inc A p p l e C h e e s e , n line article varieties <.f Li j j - for tho table just received and for sale bv uOI),OQ() ^'tr!) W F. EVANS. ; from one to th NIAGARA FALLSiSTEAM PLANING MILL THE SUlJSCRlHKk hits oil IMIHI for $n\v i- at t hruugn on the | soason, (eiceptlnjr Saturdays and Sundays) onthearilval I i>f thcrSteam lloat Train_from New York', at 8 o'rl'vck. t"j^ I*aVuienf;er< can always roly upon a ronnertlnn with 1 the mornlns; trains at CWeUn'I, and tickets to Cincinnati mar l-e had via Columbus or Clyde as preferred. Mtf J. C. HARRISON, Ocacral A K -ent. -_ at tho lowest Cash Prices, the following .described ".umber, v*ii : ) Feet of Seasoned Boards nnd Plank. "Ihrro inches thick - , clear, common and 1 '~ ~ * ~ I i 4ths. GoFona culls. frCSIl Illlttcr ailU Egg's, thc<e| 30g,0OO Keot of 1 1-1 and 1 |.a Inch Flooring nnd desirable articles alwavs on hand at the lowest prices by W. F. EVANS Banking and exchange Office, CORNER OF MAIX AXD CUERRY-ST*. D RAFTS ON NEW YORK,—Speci. and West- ern Money bought and told. Cd Draft* on England, Scotland and Ireland, for Sale Collections mad* and remitted by first mail, by RIDDLE & Co. RirxiiMrn. '. ( ^rockery and Glass Ware, a V-i large supply on hand and will be sold chenp, hy ~K. Corning A Co, ) .... - Hon. J. L. Schoolcraft, j AIMB T*-. 8. Draper, Xaw York. Niagara Falls, May 30, I8&&. 5S-3m For Sale. T WO HOUSES And Lots on which tbej they are erected, situate cnThomas-it, between Main and Flrtt-st*. TKBKS — One-third to b* paid at tins* of *a)«|— one-third In the couno of fir* y«»ri, and th* balance In the coarse or Un yean. Also, tho Lot on the corner of First and Thomas street*, will be told, or loaned, for the Una of ten yean. Inaaire for particulars or 65-tf WILLIAM QRIFFITH. pORK Sc BEANS in these hnrd -A- times Is a cheap article of food, to be hsd of W. F. EVANS. T AMP OIL- Tl' 6 I**' for 8s per pallon -A-'ever »old In this place, by W. F EVANS. q^UJA4mmuaSs--jnp-tQp impcrwi. J- Toajust received, also first rate ioung Hyson Ta« for Is per lb., by I W. F. EVANS. C. E. UIN'CKLEV ct CO. AVE REMOVED THEIR SHOP to Barker'* tiIng^ai^hcte-tb/yjte_prAPArcsI to txt : cuto all rnlen In CABPENTERINO AND miLD- INO, with dlspaleh. Plani furnisher, on reasonable terms. C E. HINCKLEY, II. W. CA5S. . J u n o M , 1ASS. 'f "WOOL! WOOL! rpiIK unlsnlsned will pav th» hlfhest insrlet price fo X *snod WOOU at thrir store In Niagara City, Y -St R. I*rop>t«.tors o L X t w n s u m a s s s ^ g e r f H t o Insert the above three tlra^s pTCUftrHSwy ellHn-Ie e»I-t>p» time* the amount o t h r l r rtipcctlt* bills la materlsls of oor lrvsnnfsftnre, aad forward us one of the pap 0 * contain- Inc lh» advertleetnent. ......... . „.*».» . MJM JAMK3 CONNER k PONS. Now Harness Shop. Ii, M. WARREN'A CO n ^ HARNESS & TRUNK MANUFACTURERS — tarrlacc Trimmers and lIphot«trrrr«.— fypoiite Falls Hofely Niagara Falls, Neie York. I TIT Maltrasses. Trnnk*. VSIIKI, Carpet Dags, Whips, A e , Ac-, for sale. R. M. WARREN, 49tf J. M. DUTCH BR. TO Rent. A NEW TWO-STORY HOUSE en Thorn*.' str, between Main and First. Applyjo LAKE GKOHGK he 'Fort Wfflian^H6IIlT-Hotol•- S new oj*r.ed for the reception 6S If WILLIAM ORIFFITl of Visitor*. This •1 O A N A D A I* A W O JF F I C C o d F i s h , C o d F i s h . - A fresh sup- ply of Georges Banks'Cod Fish, the best ever of- fered in this market at EVANS' CASH STORE. B urning FlnldTcAMPIIENK & ALCOHOL, a rood article kept consUntly on hand by . Vf. F. EVANS. D r i e d A p p l e * ? , Peaches, Cherries »nd Citroo, Raisins and English Currants.at tho low est market price by W. F. EVANS. GARDEN SEEDS! GARDEN SEEDS! C "\ ARDEXER3 and ©then in want of Prims, and X Reliable SeedAc±n bar* their orders promptly filled at the noffalo Si-cd ji Agricultural Warehouse. W* Kav* the ebolccil varieties of Imported, Shaker if Home Grown Seeds, all of which bar* been tested in the green house daring the winter. t^"Orlo"nfoTi^U5HrK>1ltlt«.I.-.--Addr»M,- * II. a WHITE, 48tf , 196 Main Street, Buffalo, X. V. F l o u r n n d F e e d Store. r p H K undersign**! wouM annonnee tn the publiethat - -sLnhe hsiAsVtnJfcT sUro r«cr«qls:f<icopliwl ht\-Massra- HawM.aarkA RAC*, inTanfiefJ's Rlock. on Main Street, where ha intends to keen on h»nd all kinds or Flour, Meal, Oals, Corn nnd-Mill Feed, which he will sell as cb»*p a* can bo l-ought elsewhere Dec 27. '54. 33tf IRA COOK. ! Ceiling, thoroughly seasoned, ready for Immediate u»«. ' A suporior article Tor this or any other mirlict. 10,UOO Bunches of Lath, very low. 60,000 feet of 2 inch common Plank for sawing into all kinds of Studs, Rafters, Joicc, Battings Furing, A-fl , A>.. ' " ; AH kinds of Planing and TJircuUr Sawing dnne r,n short notico. L BARKER Xiagara Falls, Juno 6th, 1S5V 56tf OLAHK AND HACK, WHOLKSALE AMD KBTAIL DBALKB* I If GROCERIES AXD PROVISIONS, SALT, WATER LIME, FEED OF ALL KIXDS, JbiAJUlt AND MISAL, Oats by lb* 100 bushels, or In larger or smaller quan- tities. Also. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, nAM8, PORK, * *OAf AXD CAKOLKI, r«CIT or ALL KIND*. |3T All packages delitered allhe buyers' house. Store Xo. 5 Frontier Mart, Xiagara Fall*. ltf INEW. HARDWARE"STORET f p H E subscribers a n Just opening a Hardwar* Store 1 at SUSPENSION BRIDGE, wotT* they will keep on hand a good assortment of 1IARDWARR AND MECHANICS' TOOLS, of all kinds. Tin, She*t Iron and Copper W a n Made lo order at the shortest notice, and kept on hand.— Also a fall *.«sortraent of Cooking, Pailor and Box STOVES, Self-Regulating Sheet Iron Stores, Ac,, Ac. Persons wishing to purchase any of th* abOv* art^ iclcs^or any thing In tba Hardware line, will do well to call befor* buying"cl»owh<r». -*•**.*- \'(T Jobs ol all ktols atUnded to on tho sborUsl notice. ! * J. II. LOOM IS A CO. Niagara City, Dec.20, 1851. , 1)32 Pillows, rCon'titcrfiinc.*,' Ac 4 1"«3' l ' c ' a r l street, X. Yi, between Madison and Chatham Streets; ay 0th, 1355. .52-Cm Print Sellers and Artjsls'.*?Colb.rmQDj - Xo x i)GO Jiroadiwy, Xca'-York. Fairbanks' Platform & Counter Scales. T ""\\li'.n.\NKS A CO have recently oper.cl o spa- i 'cion« Warehou'o at lS9Jlrondwny.-Xew York, wheretoi-y oiler,jit wtiolcsnlo^aiiUretail] the moitcom^ pTerc a'sTortrrTcMol Weighing Appnnitus to l>efound in the L'iiil-d States. "Among the article*«ifiere<l.will bo found'upwards of seventy differont mteliKcntions of^ Fairbanks' Scales. Alto a great vnricty of Banters', Jewelers,'Druggist'f.Grocers'.jindothcrScales Spring Balance), Patent Beams, Tester's Weights and ileas- ures, Ac , Ac. ~~ —HAY A^lFC0Ag5<^lr^«^n^py-r«H-gftbw country by e.Tperiei>eed worlcmch.. . Orders by mall or otherwise will receive attention: , . . FAIRBANKS A CO.. 6m45 1S9 Broadway, .New York. R, F. Hibbard's Celebrated Wild Cherry BITT33H.8, For Nerrous Wfakncss.ck-JJjCiicmLIlcbilHi/'L sm Msrara (I Hv, 3u»»M, IMS, Ji ' • „ . . . l . JOTfcCO. Ni*<n»»*HAi.iVl>T»t5at:o«it Rsirx:*; V*-, \ Jan* IA, 1*M. $ •VTfmCR I* ljrr»*»T RIVSn to the .rTOCKHOLltKR*! of JY\ tht* C«mp«nv,th«l an EWtlon of fsven IHrerior* . for the ensuing rear, will be held at their offlre at the rtrldgr, en Monday, July 2d. The Toll will bo open frorl 12 M. notil I T. M. R P. fcTOXE-S Sccrttsr?. and clrpnt asUolUhroKit, snpplled with c%> an-1 'S^er I all IhcaeslraMliHev" pnrjtalled for 1-eanty and and all the <irriraMlillr<of a «r.l ela« hotel,In a situation healthfalne^s, farnl'hes Jnst tho. *>l*es> f»r a rummer retreat. . 1 ImA* DANIEL OALE, ^r<>prl•" v, •• r i V ) IU.VT, A Urxo and wr 11 ilnl.hed Store ln^ the new JL block on the c*rtiet,of Msln and Cherry ftrrs-U. »M^> a numl*r of Rooms for Ofllee* or ether purpose*, en th* - second or third Hoor«. These rooms art J»elf llgnted and ventilated ansl >r- pleamot In every report y,i( ALEX* Apple to ORAM". BOOTA ALL STYLES FOR SALE OR MADE .TO ORpER, »t ' . PELTOXS, Xo, 1 Frontier Mwt. BARRISTER AW) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor In Chancery, NOTARY rVni.IC, CuNVKYANCER, AC. OJite—Elgin, Suspension Bridge, C. W. *0tf OHAHLES H. PIPEH. ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW, Otflce In IlrlcV lllocV^JIaln Street, ^_Ofpottle Brjdgi^Streel, NiBg&^Jfyhj N. Y. OAA B0X*S0LAS$rl«4t re«oi»-»H and f o r w l * ( 3 0 0 by ..*".•" T.S WHITNEY*, j May 30, 1655. ". . . ." . -M-lf II. II. SIIBl.nON, ATTORNEY AXD OJUKSKI.0R AT LAW, Niagara Tall*, New York. [ JT Qffitt No. 1 Frontier Marl. < <7lf ~TADIKSS1LK ELA3TICC0X0RES9 OAITERS, of a superior qoality at PELTON'S, No. < Frontier Mart. Arcltibncl iTIncdoncIl sfc C o . C XL'a^QM^QJ^&JrROX&M^wA^M^^ J Agents. Otnc* near the Elgin Hou«o, Stirpension Bridge, Tott Stamford." 0. C. AMESS, Agent. May 16, IS55. ltf rT"UUS is the most pleasant remedy known to the propri* X. «V>r, It is a potent corrector of the bile a'nd.asslinl. lates into all theactivc machinery of life. KorDyspepsia it is a f,i>.irM. In all the f.irms of thatdire divenscitha* the mastery. Of all the thousands that have taken it, r.ot one has complained tb»thr received no benefit, hut all am nvvle to rejoiee in the life-giving edicacy ol the WILD CHERRY BITTERS. In-a nervous, irritable tempera- •went there Is always arrmrxish state of tba liter, and n want of a proper hiliary srrretion, this remedy Is hsrpity adapted to remove this ilitlirulty. ami rfoder tlie»j-mpv- thetie action lietwcea lie <liirc«tive organ* and a/rrou*. system harmonious. It gives tone aroi energy t.i the ili- gestive organs, n.nd allay* nrrvou* excitability, Without any tax upon the aniraal fnoclions or ilcpresiion of phy»- icstlstnigth. It Is nstare's own reined)-. -\ Ki>csxo.t, Vls.t*r Co., New Yotk.' , R. F, l l n » i a n : Dear "Sir—1 w * s , afflicted for ccMly fiveytars with *chr><nie disease oflfcel^fver—somuehro as tolxj incapAriiMr.l to t\* any l-^lily lal-i.-. or any U n i | r.tu for the maintenance of mfselfand f»mily^frc<juent- ly confined to bed,- and often for months td;rci»er in.tha bouse. I suffered much fnvn debility and severe lassitarl* ,. Tlie disea** batBM ttoss'iil ot my several nrryriciank;"! t felt nature fait sinking deray v and to4 lond hopes »n- ., tertained by my friends and myself <<f lecsivcry rxpirirC, afri^nd tent me R- F. lUBAARD'S WILD CUBKRY niTri'RS. I followed the directions j the effrct in . Trwxrf/r/irrs-th* pwin deefes.sxli-my apfMiitst and-l<nre}|J« le^sme rrgulatrsl; in short my (tnacialed, body invitror- ated, and I was enaWed to labor at my trade. I ascrfb* . this rhang-a tn >our invaluable medicine, amifiwwhich you will accept my humbt*.thanks. I thins, a f«w nWr** bottles will *3Vct a permanent cure. CORNELIUS HOl'GliTAMNQ. U J. C. RANSIER, D OOR PLATE Manuraclunr, Sign^and Urnamen- lal P»intcr, a t A . . X AUGUSTUS S. BROOKS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW XIAO ARA CITY. J -JT 0 fflAM. TOirlha Po*^ 0 tnca^ "^ _ ~~^ "*AMDaI fJ.WOOfiRUPP, ATTORNP.V AND C06.VHKI.L6ll <T LAW OFFICE No 7 FRONTIER MART, 1J Talli Etrcet, Xiajara Falls Xew York, ltf Allen A Br-.«^, Main St^ tiuilding and OlASI Staining A.N. A H. T> ALLEN. . ' ' 6'2-U Niagara Falls, Ji. Y done tn onler. _ M a y 9th, 1955. " FL 0 UR! FL 0 UR f ~ F4,0 UR ! ! ' P H K nndersismed havins; the aolo agency for lhl*-pl*t* 1 of C. Hi WITMBR'S EXTRA FAMILY FlA)l.'R, would infbtrath*. publiethat w* keep the **rn« constaot- ly oa hand an J for aale at MILL TMes-a. CLARK A RACK F«UK Or.o-lVilsr per Bottle _" ? * lVepare.l>n<l KAA' by Hisr»»r>A WnaxL**, MJokh street, New York, and by PnirKi'sts and Dealers ia tho . coifntr$\ •'•'•«• . *,'''. ' Any person remitting lo u* kTraAJI^Sv* dollars will re. .T reive by Express six botlles frteof eXV/V fharg* tokny » partoflheCailcdPut**. " . •• •••t.tt* )* i—Ar'Xv ALLlKV-sr-imOTIli?RrAtn't« r rt-ag-iTa-P»»r NevYoik. . ... - Irtf ' . WlXLIAM J01?ES, A LARUE VARIETY OP KNT Leather Shoes at*^ GENTS PAT. PELTON'S. O0K BINDER and Blank Hook Mxnnfactnwr, » No 6, West Senfca Street, third floor, over American Rights office, Bnffulo, N. Y. -, ?-: i'tf Job and Fancy Binding done to Ord*T. .MayStk.'W... '' ft» , •; 1 5a-t( : w. ii. RICI:, M. »., i JTOAIKOrATHTSt" omre on Cherry Street, a few 'doors Itast »f* Slain, ... J Ofiic< hours from 8 to 6 A- M. and I to tP. M- v f /Mti . . I fit V "* * •^v. \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT TllETGRAND EXTERNAL REMEDY. Hy the aid of a mleroacope,we ace millions of little open-

lagt oa the surface i f our U»Jk«- Through these this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin. I* cartU-J to any or . Kan or laward part. .Disease* of the Kidne ys, disorder* of the I.Irer, affections of the heart, InRamuallon of the I.un-s, Cough* aud Cold*, are by tti mean* i-uVclually cured. Evory hoosewifo know* that salt puses frrely thrwuxb bone or meat of » n ; thickness. This healing Ointment Car more readily penetrate* thruugh any Ume or fleshy part of the living body, curing: the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot bo irachrd by other means.


No remedy has ever done so much for the cure of dis­eases of the Skin, whatever form they may as»uaie, M ihU Ointment, No ease of Salt Kheum, Scurry, Fore Head*, Scrofula, or EryiiipeLvs can loug withstand it* intiucnee.— The Inventor h u traveled over many part* of the ({lob.1, i idl ing the principal hospitals, dispensing till* Olnjmvnt, giving auViro as to tti application, and has thui been "the meaai "f p a l m i n g aata l l t tUUUBigt t iS health.



THKalwvo proprietor* would Twry rtspectfullr Inform the i-ihabfuut* of Niagara Co., N. V.. aud'Nlagnra

District, Canada, that tin v hale just Opened a \ . rv large and I.. aultful .toek rff .

STAPLE & FAXCY DRY, GOODS, . LODBR'S N E W U . , L D I . \ 0 , LEW1STON A V E N U E , which fur beauty, quality, arid clicapu***, cannot bo mr-pA**cd in Western New York, ctiuipii.lu* all of Oie uiott j Fu',1 uriaUa 1'a'ulc* of the Season, «uch a* Black and I Faccy Silks, Silk and Colton TU-ues, Silk and C o l o n , ! l'lalii and Figured Uara^.a, all wool and Mou*. d'Lalnc*, | Cha'.lle do lle^L", Harare d'l.atr.< s, f'lugham*, Prints, Jtr., A c , beaullful style Silk Mantilla, Cape*, Craj«e Silk, Ci»h. mem and Iiirazo Shawls; s W ; n stock of White Hoods, Embtoi'leiitT, Uncus , 1'ara.wila, Fan*. Milllnrry Goods, La­dles* add M I A W Shoe*; Uleached and Uunblcoehed Sheet-lnp« and Sh ir t ing ; Travtliu'a ll&et, Satch-ls, 1'iuhrella*, Yankee Notion*, i c . , Ac. JJLACK ANDFANCY CLOTHS, M A C * and fancy Doeskins, and C&salmerv*, Twti-ds, Ktn-tuckv Jtaru^Summer Stuff*, I>iui-,

READY M A D E CLOTILIXG! Silk, l eghorn, Straw, Chip, Kossuth and I'ulon l lati and Caps, A c , A c , suOkleut to .ay our stock U complete, and prices »o low that by calling the most f i s tulous and clo»-esl buyer will a lmlt the truth of oar a**-rtion*.

(hjr connection with one of the oldest and br»t bou»ei In Nj-w York affonU u, U'ttcf'facilitieii than auy other cot.crti In the country. Our Ijiw/la are all lhi» Sjiritig*

turcliaw and from the fir»t luuidjs thereby aaviug the job-er'n profit.

J"j?" Injpt-etton invited,and trade toltrlted. MOTTO NOT TO BK I'spKKaOLU. Y e n refpeitfully vour»,

fc. I_ JOY A CO. M»s;ara City, June 17, lSi5. SStf


Speo ia l E l e c t i o n . r p i I E Tax Paying Electors of th« Village of Mag-J_ ara Falli^re rcqueuteJ to tncot i t thd* National

Hotel, on Friday, July 6,1S55, &,10t o'clock A. M. for the purpose of roting in respect lo raiiiSg by Tax ! £L on the taxable prx'petty To the corporation the follow- ! W ing sauu for tho following purp-jse* : I fis For paying Village Alienor*, . . . . . $ 'IS 0 0 ,

" Payiux Cletk, ; • • •" 40 00 " Paying Treasurer, 25 00 j " Makiugauil rcp-tirtng CroM-Walkj,* ••• 150 0 0 ; •4 Procuring h'>=c for fire I'urpvsc.j, 100 00 i " Making Kejerrvin., 200 0 0 . " Uuiluing un Eii<iue Hoa<-. 500 tO " Payiug »alary ^i!Ia5e Superintendent," 250 00 | " Highway Purijosc*,.". 1000 00

The following resolution will be proiawed for adop­tion at <aiJ meeting:

Kt+olrtd. That tho Truitee* cau«e the following sidcwallti/jn be made of pine or hemlock plank . iuchei t h | l \ o r of eUtne flagging:

On the exit lido of Third street from Niagara to Ontario street*.


H -a

<3r A. SG 3E3 T T H •


N'e. 17, Third Story,-FrentUr >lart. "*."\7"E would respectfully ii:form tho public that

* 7 we have thU ip'ring greatly added to our fa-ilitiis for doing all description* of Job Printing, ia thu. Ixst jtyle, and oo »ho:t notice. Hcaidci a large amount of NEW TVPEand other material, we hare Ju*t put iu ope/atiou one cf

Gordon's Celebrated Alligator Job Presses,


j^ssrher k Schcll's G.cnerl Adrfrlislng.Hjjuse I Applctou's Dulldinr, 3 | 0 k 31S llroadivay.

or. c*s o . x r r s c i r E j n , P i a n o F o r t o M a n u f a t o r y , '

ANDAVARL" R O O M , K M . 2 1 3 215,2*47 and 2 1 9 \VCJt T w e u t y - c i g t u M r e e l , b e ­tween ytU and lC' thA»cuue5 ,New York .

Piano? with the .Kalian, andal l the t e s t modern i ta-j Which, for?pced, and the V e r i t y of i t i w o r k , will defy ! provwnent i , m t i t e o f the best mal i r iars , under o n r o w n

all cviupctit i j i i . . i j'up-.-nriaiou ; a written guarantee g i t c n w i t h e T e r y Pi

Ladies and G&its Boots Shoes & Rubbers Of i l l s i t w and description.-; al.-o, a large a i -


S h o e s i b r C h i l d r e n s W e a r . ,1 %%?" M r motto is "qu ick sa les and smal l profits," I

On the we l t side of Third street from N i a g a r a to I cvtise^ueuily it will be for the iutcre i l of the public to

For' the larger s ires of Rai lroad and Steamboat uno. J . A C. F . b e i n g ' prac-l ical men , and tnanufac-Dill?, P l a n k s , A c , A c , this P i e s i is far si^icrior lo , tur ing very large ly , can furnish the best P ianos , on u n y in fAu count}/. j lower ter'mi t h a n c a n j i e funi ishcd any where, a n d it i<

V i t h a sp'.tH lid asfortment of C A R D T Y P E we | decidedly the be ; t place lu'bny forcasb . T h o l o deair , ar^ prepared to execute every description of fancy or , iiij' a good Piano, and one that wil l s tand and wear

bu-iticss cards v,ilh n e t t n e - s and dispatch, and "at

SORE LEUS, SORE BREASTS, WOUNDS A ULCEUS. Some of the molt tcltntlficsargcon.'i now rv^r tolely on

the u-o of. thin wonderful Ointment, when having to cope with the worst caao* of aore.t, wound.", ulcers, clandulAr •welling*, and tumonu Profe.*K)r Holloway hi*, by com­mand of thn .tilled UoverumeiiU, dispatched to the hospi­tal! of the Raat, large shlptnenU of tliU Ointment, to bo used ulrder the direction Of the Medical Stall, In the w orft casCK of wounds. It will cure any ulorr, glandular swell-inj:, Ktilruexs or contraction of the joluti , oven of twenty years standing. ,

TILES A N D FISTUL.V3. . • These and other similar dtrtreaslng eomplalnta can bo ef­

fectually cared If the Ointment be well rubbed iu over the parts affected, and by otherwise following tho printed di­rections arouud uaeh pot.

Doth the Ointment and Pilh thould be used in the . following carts :

Lumbago Sore Lega Mercurial Eruptions Sore Breasts l'llee Sort) Headj . -Rheumatism Sore Throats Bait Rheum ' Sore* of all kinds Skin DlK-asei Sprains

Swelled Glands Ytneieal Sores

Ontario streets On the north .side- of Thomas i treet from Main to

Fourth street-'."' On the soutfi side of Eric street from Stath itreet to

tho Hydraul ic Canal. On the"wts t s ide of Fourth street from F^rie to

I'nion streets . J . F T R O T T ,

President Boinl of Trustees. VT. B. Rtcr, Clerk. 57-'Jt

fovor tuc with a call. 17tf l». 0 . PELT0N.


Buolorts Burns Chapp«d Hands ChllNalns ItttuUl Oout Wounds of all kinds Scalds Stiff Joint* Ulcer*

• - • Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAT, 60 Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers of Medicines throughout the United State* and the dvtl'ied world, ID Tots, at U cent*, &i>i cent*, and $1 each.

HjT" There Is a considerable saving by taking the larger I Ues. ,

N. B. Directions for-the guldaoee-of patients la every disorder are afBxed to each Pot, eowlyM


\7Kl^Ein*^T?~lMt0nSlC^-^nt i l tEr ri^HK subscriber begs moat respectfully to inform the In-X habitant* of Niagara Falls and vicinity that he lias rented the premises latejy occupied by Mr. 1*. AveilU, cor­ner of Kails and First streets, for the purpose ol earning on a general Grocery, Crockery, Provision, Klour and Feed buslueas, where he luteuds lo keep constantly on hand a choire and general as>ortmcnt of the the above goods, which he Is determined to dl.]<osu of at the lowest re­munerating prices for nuh. His UnKeries embrace a rhedee lot of Teas, Sugars, CoOces, Tobacco, Salerattu, italsius, Currants, Spice*, Pepper, Ac, Ac, in fact'every article usually found. In similar establUhmcnt*, which will be found on Inspection to U- of the beat quality, and at price* which cannot fall to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call.

FLOUR, FEED, AND OATS kept constantly on hand at tho very lowest market price*, particular care will be tak­en to koep on hand au assortment of vegetable* fresh from tho garden every morning.

, The subscriber hopes that by strict attention to business moderate charges, and by dealing honorably with all to Justly merit a liberal share of public patronage.

Y3T A trial U respectfully solicited. OmSJ WM. W. WHITE.

KRV IMPORTANT. To Hor*a Kxxrus a.xr. FsriT UaowtK*, Spratt's Patent Self-Sealinc Can,

for preserving In a frweh state Peaches, Strawberries To­matoes, Green Corn, Green l*eas, Asparagus 'and every specie* of either, may be preserved economically, as sugar and spirits may be dispenses! with—are easily opened or eloeesj—require no soldering—maybe used year»fter year —full directions for preserving as used by the celebrated bouse of " Wells A rroront," New York, accompany the cans For sale and inspection by

W. >Y EVANS, Agent, For Wells k Provost, Proprietor*.



Steam Sitw Mill, Niagara Palls, Xt»r the htuil of the Hydraulic Canal.

"MIE subscribers would inform the inhabitants of N i s g a r a Fal ' s aud vicinity that they have leased

the above Mill , and now offer to the public a good as­sortment of C L E A R , S E C O N D A COMMON P I N E L U M B E R ,

of all dimensions, nak^ELi, nation- H W , Ash, and all kinds o / j

«e;r, can't do U-ltrarahaifto cr.ll on J. 4 tVi lsehrr^

Prices L-.WM Iban ever before Offered injhis | I T N e w ' a n d V a l u a b l e D i s c o v e r y . \lctuilv. J


• r"I '"HIS delicious beverage is «cp?rior to all i n v i g o t o -I X ti»K C'jrdials, Schnapps, Nci'vincs Ac^ fur the euro

of lli/tpepsLi, Xerxousnejs, Heartburn, Drojtinets, Kidn<y Complaint, Melmfholy, Delirium Tremens,

I. Orders are respectfully *.dicitcd ti ith the assurance that satisfaction will l-c giv«?n.

POOL & S L E E P E R , j Proprietors. I N i a g a r a Fal ls , May lfi, |=5.i .



^ ^ FAS-SETT & YVA RE, ktx>u $$&/? constantly on hand a large stock of all

ifiSisrUcJej usually kept in the above line, g which may be TO'STM-A, choice selection id

OCATED within 100 feet of tho

A. Uutloi\^}ljxd;

suspension! L U M B E R A N D T I M B E R


T OCA A.^i lin i .^,V. . «V ^...U . .VW W»«.» - . . . 9 * . - T - — , . WW....— ..J - t ^ « .w. . . V H . ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . « £ . V . . . I .U .Uf , , -

ea«;h '25 feet front and 160 feet deep, on which there large quantity of Hkwn Pine Timber, from 15 to 70

every i EUtil

lgc. The premises consisting x>f Tvo Lots, Generally used for House and Carriage Iiuildirjg, a

U a Dwelling House 21 by 32 feet, Lirery Barn 32 by 60 feet, aud Carriage House 1G by GO feet in depth. Will also be sold; if desired by thtf purchaser, Horses, Harness, Omnibusses, 4c .

The above Establishment willv>be sold on easy terms of payment to any one wishing to carry on a safo and piufitablo Lirery business.

For particulars, address JAMES VEDDER A CO.:

Suspension Bridge, Nisgara Co., N. T. June 13, 1355-57tf

N e w Y o r k C e n t r a l R a i l R o a d . / " \ X and after Monday, May 7, Trains leare XI-

y j •5-30 A M

6-55 " 1-45 P M 4.45 " 9-00 "

M. M.

agara Falls for Rochester, Albany and New York as follows; •

1st Train. New York Express, 2d " Mall,. .••••.• 3d " Accommodation 6th " Way Express, •• 6th" " Detroit A Chicago Express

NIAGARA FALLS TO BUFFALO. 1st Freight A Pasjenger, - . 9 -00 A. 2nd ' •••« I-45 P. 3d •••—Accommodation,- ••••"•; -5-00 " 4th " Do 9-45 "

NIAGARA FALLS TO LEWISTOS. 1st, 7 - 3 0 A M 3rd, 1-45 P M 2nd, 10-10 " 4th, -5 .00 "

Sunday Train for Roche*ter»nd Albany,- -3-45 P M Sunday Train for Buffalo, 5-00 P M

10-10 A M F»H» by Albany time,

tilt upon all who desire a" perfect I.ikcnr*..— ! which is 16 minutes faster than Niagara Falls time. 12 tf GEO. H.BURROWS. Supt.

D a g u e r r e o t y p e t t l i i i i a t u r e e , INCLUDING CASE, FOR 75 CENTS.

JAMES P. TIBlJETrS respectfully Informs the U d l e s and Gentlemen of N U g M Falls and vicinity, that he I Sundt.y Tra in for U w i t t O D , . ••

is opened his (•alhsry on Main Street, Rooms under >tV * ' nle Hall, opposite llv, Evan's Grocery store, where hi Is j | T < r Train* l eave Niagara, ,

feet iu length, and from B to 12 inches in d iameter A GOOD Q U A L I T Y O F LATdI__

A l s o kept on hand. Bills of T imbercut l o o n i e r with dispatch at any season of tho year, bav iug on hand at all t imes a good supply of l"g«. The above businc.-s Will be done for Cosh or good endorsed jet per, a' d who­ever pleases to patronise tho subscribers will find it done promptly and on reasonable terms. A share of ' public patronage is solicited

a6.tr W . A. A J . P H I L P O T T .

G r e a t Barga ins Offered. r"T"MIE subscriber, desirous of disposing of a number X of Buggies, Heavy Wagons, and a Urge stock of

Harnesses, both single and double, respectfully solicit* an examination of the same by those desiring to pur­chase.

The undersigned continues the Harness Making business, Carriage Trimming and Upboistering-in all their branches, and keeps on hand, or will make toor-der,.erery description of Light and Heavy Harness, Saddle*, Bridle*, Martingales, Whips, Trunks. Carpet Bags, Ac, Ae. Particular attention will be given to CARRIAGE TRIMMING AND VPHOL'S-TERING, and all order* in this line will be execut­ed neatly and on ih«rt notice. Mattrasiei of Hair, Straw, Manilla and Palm Leaf, on hand or made to or­der. Farmers, Livery Proprietors, Hotel Keepers, or others desirous of procuring any work in the above line of business are assured that it will be for their inter­est to call.


AND POCKET CUTLERY, together with variety of'shelf and heavy Hardware.

TOOLS of all kinds," including CARPEX-AND JOINERS' TOOLS, PAINTS. OILS, and PAINT BRUSHES, Well and Cistern

Alw), a variety


DAN RICE respectfully announces to thecitiiens of this vicinity, that his great

EQUESTRIAN ESTABLISHMENT, as organised for 1855. will have the honor of appearing

"befbnfihern aTXTAtTATiA k A I . L s , on ~ TUESDAY, JULY Wh.

Admiss ion 25 cear«—Performances commence at 2 and

THE THREE GREAT FEATURES " Th'at dist inguish D A N RICK'S G R E A T S H O W from, e v e r y other e x h i h i t i o a i n the country, aro as follows: 1. The Ilrill iant Array of Profcf.-inna! Talent . '2 Tho beautiful stud of Horses , -Ponies and Mules . 3 . The most perfectly trained Wild An imal s ever ex -

, - • hibltcd -A m o a g tue F.'iuestrian Tatci it , tho following c m i '

ncnst ariicLs will . ippcar: v.Mit.S. DAN' IilCE, In her great Manege Act,

is a feature winch challenges the most enthusiastic ad­miration of all who witness it. ,Th>! rapid evolution' and fearful leaping excits a deep and thrilling interost in the seine.

Th* justly celebrated and bevuliful equestrienno, MMItf. KRAXK VIU,

M'dme. JO.NTA, the Vocal ist . M'l lo . G E O R G I A X A . • F. H. ROSTON,

T t e Great S ix and Eight Horse Ridcr 'and Maitro do CinpMO.

YOUNG JEAN JOHNSON, Th» Roscius of "the Arena , Tight Rope Dancer, Scerje

Rider , and best General Rider now l iv ing . W. O, pALF*.

The Champion V^ulter, be ing th* only one who has thrown 100 consccutivo somerset*.

CHARLES NOVES, , v • Tho Litt le Giant " ' ' • . .

JACOB SUOWLES, '/ " Whose numerous Acrobatic Feats have placed h im in

the front rank of h is profession. WILLIAM WALKER,

The Great Equilabrist and Gymnas t , on Cordo Volant . MASTER CHARLES REED, ._ ,

the Infant Prodigv, with DAN RICE,

nnd his counterpart, ---LnTLF^-MIKE^LU^fcVN."-

lias so prej^annl til Wishing to gl»e every one an opportunity, lie ha* reduced his priee to 75 cents, and upwards according to «ixc. ." ick I and dee»a»*<l persons token at their hou.es on reasonable | term*. All are invited to call and examine -i><-cinieni and examtmrrnr themselves: j

j ( T Call soon for my stay I« short. 58 I


L N." IICXXEiT ha« opened a sliopln Daylnnranfiel.ys j • Block, Main street, Niacara Falls, where he Li'tiow

prepared to supply all vim will favor him with their pat- J ron»KC, with every thins in his line of boslnese. ParticTi-lar attention will tie paid to Fine Carriaffo Harnesses uuvle : In the be-t wurkm.inllke style and from the best >tock and trimming". Tin- above nrould respectfully solicit a share • of public |iatroua;-e, and will warTaut to gi ic good s i t i .

Cunandaigna k \ia;ara Falls Bail Road. SUMMER AR1UNOEMENT.

CARS leave Xiagara Falls every day (Sundays excepted) as

.'ollow 5.50 A. M. Express arrives in Xew Yoik, 10 P. M.

" e " " Philadelphia " " -1.05 P. M. " . " Xew Y'ork, 9 A. M.

f Pbilailelphia, 11 " 7.12 A. M. Freight and•.Accommodation,

stopping at all stations. ONE TRAINj6f>N SUNDAY,

ftc Cabine t W a r e Manufactorjr 1

The subscriber would inform the c i t i tens of N i a g ­ara Fal ls 'and vic ini ty , that be has taken the Shop n e x t to Porter's Grist Mil l , where he intends to

manufacture al l kinds of • CABINET FURNITURE TO ORDER.

n e also gives his particular attention to Making Ma­chine Models, and Patterns for Castings.

Old Furniture repaired and varnished, Mahogony, Black Walnut and White Wood Coffins, made at a few hours notico day or night.

f/^* Wanted two or three Apprentices. CHARLES W. OLIVER.

Niagara Fulls. March 12. IS54. 4-ltf

F a r m F o r S a l e .

T H U S |puTTY

Pumps, Sash, GIOAS and Cupper Ware | of I ' a t l o r , Cook, B o x and S h e e t Iron S t o v e / , I all warranted to give satisfaction. The subscriber* I also carry- on the manufacturing of TIN, SHEET.! I IRON and J A P A N N E D WARE in all their branches. 1 I At this ejtablishuicut may be found l^a l Pipe, ' I Hou<e Guttering and Spouting Ae , Ac i

All orders cnirustod to their care will bo attended-| to with neatness and dis|*".tch. j | (.'" Jolbing of ail kinds promptly attended to.

L'Cr* Paper Rag«, old Iron and Copper taken in ex- i change. '

FASSETT A WARE, Opposite the Cataract Hotel. '

X I A C A B A F A I L * . May 17. 1854. ,



Univerrity of Free Medicine and Popular Knowledge.

CHARTERED by the State or Pennsylvania, April 29, 1S53. With a capital or One Hundred

Thousand Dollar*, mainly for the purpose or arresting the evil* or spurious nostrum*. - Also, for supplying the community with reliable remedies wherever a com­petent Physician cannot or will not be employed, hare purchased (rom Dr. J 0 H X K. ROWAND, hi* cele­brated

HOWARD'S TOXIC M I X T U R E , Known for upwards or twenty-five year* as the only sure and safo cure for F E V E R AXD AGUE, Ac, and hi* inestimable remedy foi Bowel Complaints, ii'uir-and't Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root, which highly approved and popular remedies, together with the University'* Romedy for Complaint* of the Lungs, tho University's Remedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, the University's Remedy for Costive Bowels, also tho University's Almanac and Pincushion, may bo had, at the Store of A. X. ALLEN A BROTHER

May 23, '55. '

j i Jhtemperunce, iVo, as it will i n v i g o r a t e a n d i t r c i i g t h e u i but will not intoxicate oratuptfy . t Persons who ha»e become h a b i t u a t e ! to tlic o x e c s - * I i t c use o r Tobacco, Opium, or Spirituous Llqnors wil l

find si cody aud permanent t e l i e f f r o m tho desir,f to : U'c these destroy in,' agents , by taking a b j t l l j or two

I S K U C I O I ^ MEblCAL BEVER.AGE W e a k and s i 'L ly F e m s l c s wil l find Dr. Ham's In -

I v ieorat ing Spirit a quick a n d a u t e cure for all I'cvtjlc | Difficulties, it being a Regenerator a i well at S t r e n g t h ,

eiier of tho H u m a n S y s t e m . Each cure is named MI • the wrappers accompany ing each U t i l e , and ull di ­

rections for use are also minute ly g iven . ! I 'rKc SI I'er l i u t l l r . P r e p a r e d , by D r . D a r i u s H a n i

Principal OiViee- N o 2 Liberty Street .New York, \ where whole.«ale orders shi-uld be addressed. For sa lo

hv diu^^ists thnuighout tin; United States . " I (/' For sale by A. .V. . 1 L L E N A- BROTHER,

yinyara Falls. I v 4 3

• , ! f - •


I r\ ••• i j ;





House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Painting.

Opposite Veddtr House, Niagara City.

THE subscribers beg lo uctjuauit the iu-X habitants, o f Niagara' Cily *nd tho .surrounding

Part ies who are about to visit the city , are Invited to cal l at t

L O R D & T A Y L O R ' S I m m e n s e J U s t a b l i s h m e u , ,

2 3 5 , 3 3 T , 2 5 0 6i 2 0 1 G r a t i U - s t . , corner Chrystie-st. Or at their other Store,

NBW NUZBEKS. 17 & 49 CATHERINE STREET, At both of which |Storcj may bo found, at all times,

MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCKS OF FASHIONABLE SILKS, Shawls, Moutilhis, Dress Goods, Flannel', Domestics, Linens, Hosiery Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, and every description of Season­


in great variety, to all of which additious'aro con-stantlv being made from

FOREIGN MARKETS AND AUCTION SALES, And purchasing on the most odvantagconj terms, w»

arc enabled to tell at such Remarkably Low Prices^

As to offer our Customers QREATER I N O U C M E N T B T H A N EVER. June fi, 'hj. 56-tf


J a m e s O. M o r s e &, Co., X o. 1 0 John S t r e e t : Xew York,

MilUufacturers and dealers in

W H O U G H T I R O N P I P E . '

ffl SSI




i « l -VS



So. N"<' . Xn. No. N'.i.

-No. No. No No.

s 11 <r_'

( . " • !

01 1, • t




. . - . . . .



• iff"


. *r, no • . .-> fsi . ti <») • 10 W - -J4 f»> ... 4 0,1 - - .') 00 . . SIM

-12 («> . - l o OO the srvi.F.

no.v niniiUr ui:ir f.irty distinct i-tylet. am] *ai«, f.-n;o T by t' inches '.»> -- by.US inches, as will 1 ' --en lie t!:-' -til.;i.rn-eil l i s t ; and by tire* numerous coniliina^itvi of colors, we are ei.ji.'I' J to s«i II the list to uenrly om Uuudreil u'A f.U 1.' .-.,-..-11. a.il ii'lii'ii ii"' riiiii .;;. 1.1

sr.ll.K nf KtZEM AND 7\'.>. A. II, f, I>, 10-.1J, r, 11, K, 1K13!; H . I . J , K, I.,-lo' . -xls , K, r\ O, H , , — l?v2t. I>. R, ] 0 t l 2 . A, II. 11x13*,, A, II, C D , K, l."»»ixlS, A, II, C, i > , - -ISaSl, A, II, C,

Nn. .*•; 2 i \2s , x A, U, Tlic numbers deiis-nile the ."UK ; 1'er'on* onlcrin); t'aruj shoul'l bo particular in static^

vehcther rlark or lijrht c«'lon> am reqnlresl. A full ssst of famplea of all the alio»e,rntJs co«t,. at our

reirular pricu'. S*J,4i, but we i»-ill wild ,-sts to any ftne on thn receipt cf ^2, atnl »H1 deduct the amount whenever a t i l l to the amount of J'JO I* made with U'.

CAI.ENDAH BOKDKltS. f . i r t . i .hc la t a special Snmp new styles will Lo published iu September.

Wo would aL-o remind the trade tliat w» krep on hand | an extensive v«xTt:iieiit of News aad Ilo<ik i"ilntln;r l ' l f i r Various ri-o-aud«iualiIles ; Letter, Cap, Polio Post, frown. ; Pemy, lloyal, ?uj>«r ftoyal and Imperial \Viiiin-* P a ^ r s , nil grades ""Printer** fanlnl i i sheats, or rut to n - n l a r | ,-ij^*, all variiii i-s; 1'ii-jter'j. Ink, Black aiel Color-.<1 .ill j prlcr.i; Vami-li, Uroi.-c, I>ry Colors, kt., llank Note Pa-per, Ilond I'ais'V, M.irll.-l Paper, Envelope Paper, Wrap­ping Taper, Kuauiellivl Paper, Polished Colored Papcr.Kul- j ed Papers of every size.and stylo ; all of wliich arc o:Tend wholc---iIc and retail. - j

j ~i*~ PuMisher* ef papers who insert llif »1-ivi> a^ivrr- [ tisoment, with thl« notir-<> attached, t" amount of three dollars, will ls> paid -tlicurvtr they shall purc!iaselTirom-t-tvpic Honlerf'I Canls of U' to the amount nf ten d"Usr«.on I pn-scntln*! or forw-nrill-ig UJ a c-jpy of tlieir paper contain- i in* thb a'lvcrtLenicnt. I

THOMAS k I.tTHItDl'S, — 1 Stationers and Paper Dealer*.

.It.VS CotnraerciaJ Advertiser lluilriinrs, IlulT»b>.

I4'our D a i l y Pa.ssc i igcr T r a i n s . T H R O U G H TO D E T R O I T 1 X 3 H O U R S


per For-particulars apply to JOHN GARRETT,

47if Second streut. Niagara Fall*.

mm^ • ^ * ! S = a g [ II -Paintinj:

Ol'SE, SIGN, CARRIAGE. A ( -The G r e a t W e s t e r n R a i l w a y , j ±± A L i , A I X ^ N G l , : , l { 0 <jl?!Pin«;. | . •» ' j Paper ing done w i l h n e a t n t i s an 1 dispatch.

XIAG.HI A FALLS TO DETROIT Bridge daily (Sundays cx-Tr-iins leave Suspension

ccpted) as follows : -" Morning Ex. Lightning Ex. Accora'n.. Nijrht Ex. G-\>p.A-. M. 11-13 A. Si. . 2 - « P V M . U-OOP.X. ^Passengers purchasing Through. Tickers, via this I ._ route, for Detroit Chicago, St. I.ouis, Galena**' Dn- i • buoue, Burlington, Cairo, and all points West ami ; -._...i . . .-* i._ »!.»- »—_.!» ,~ »i.- c :..«.'.

ORNAMENT-Giuzing and

Glass and Sash of all sizes, Wall Paper of all hinds, constantly on hand and for ?a!e at low price'.

{."^* The subscriberTlavin;- established hiinsolf one loorsouth of Glover's Hotel, Niagara City, N. Y., re-

KnglUh and American papers, varying ill price from 10 ee.t)ts to 12s. per roll. Thu\0 wi-Jiing Rooms papC!-o-i.v4un have tho sjmo promptly dine by cx-poriciice 1 Paj>or Hangers, jit a lmr charge. A go.)d s_i..ortniciit of Window Shades and Curtain I'ajsjrs.

FOB s ' lLE— Paints, Oils, Brushes, Yaruish,Putty^-' Glass and Window Sash. I

• D n A L L K x ^ Co. Niagara City, May 23. 51 tf

Liine,T L i i n e ! :?i>eclfullv solicits orders in his lincVaHurYn^'thosbWh-rl T-TAy1^'** -"freasod my facilities forjnanufactar

d L.their satisfac- ! *r.L »«>5 "«J «IcIivonng I.n mav doso that thoy will rwexscute froii. - JOSEPH

Niagara City, March 7, ltw.i, 11.

outh, can make the transit across the Suspension * . / T A M E S WADDELL, FASHIONAIILE TAILOR rate-— \ Uridgc without change or cars. . i f) -would_ a

Throngh Tickets can bo purchased nt Great West- I °l;«Dcd a Fas ern Railway Agency, No 1 Cataract Hotel Block,

Iu his ZOOLOGICAL collection will be found the stupendous and magnificent

K l c p h i a t , L A L L A H R O O K I I , who, among other feat* and sagacious, tricks, has been


_ . DAX_RICK.will conTinc-s th* pobjfe there_wlll be nothing done in hi* exDlhHlonTiorwhal i» novel, wob-derrul, and morally instructive. Daring each exhibi­tion, DAN RICE will Introduce his

THOxJOUGH-BRKD HORSE, EXCELSIOR ! and th* r*mou* pair of .

* EDUCATED MULES, taught to perform some of th* most laughable and in­credible real* of l agac i ty .

_ _ B e j l d « i thas?, wi l l b< exhibi ted th* mo*t «xtraordi-Dirr perforrnanoai of lb« U r g - u l and*rao*l"MrfectIjn

TRAINED AUSTRALIAN DEAR ever e»ptur*d. This feroclou* and hitherto unUmabls beast is perfortot-d with the most perfect addraan by his ke*per, th« fatnoM LOVRLL, br whom b« wai bfonibt to thU eonntry. Tb«j weight of this boar I* near 2000 pound*. Besldei all th* splendid achievements or DAN'fl Daadng Hone*, Trick Pool««, t4t-4 porform-La* MUH»*J.

A Brllllaat"C«rn*t Band, (silver lastrnmenU,) ia their iWautir.l Bacd Oarriaff*. drawn by Highly Ca-parisoned Hor»e«, unheslUtingty pronounced the tS"*t

- and tnort accomplished "In America* and 1*4 by th« mighty 81g. ROSSINI, will head the 0rand Proces­sion, add pan through the principal streets at 10 A-M-on th* day of tho exhibition.

C. n . CASTLE, Agent This Company will exhibit at Lock port oh Monday,

Jnly 9th. 59:2w


Agency, No 1 Cittaract Niagara Falls, also at tho Xew York Central Ticket of­fice, at Der»t-

PaiSenger* having through tickets can stop over at any point on the route and resume their seats at picas-ure, i

Bag-rape Checked Through at the New York Cjin- j tral Dc-wt for Detroit and Chicago. Only one change j cf cars between Niagara Falls and Chicago. J

JULIUS MOVIUS,-General Agent. " R. M. G0DDARD, Agt., Niagara Fall*. Iy5<3_ I


Pittsburgh, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis,

ine, .am now pre[iaro3 t.. Fit \tlY • ""*' hirge orders with an article second to none in West-

' __ |-«r"- Ne'er York, at a small advance oa cost . I ^ Those wisliing Lime, for IlrieX Work or PInslcring

( f j | * j | | 1 i n c r ' J C ' l O t l l i l l f f I i * '" "'"' '• -°.their aiiv.mlago to cxamiao before pur-^ ' * r"* ! chasing elsewhere: {^ Order* left with Pant!: \

\ ]Vttrt, Niagara Falls," and C. II. i.nonnco to the pnWic lhat-h-rrr«T--.t C i l V i w - , i te-proraptlv fil'ed, -hionahIe""ClothingEstablishment at J Gin48 A M B R O S E

Xo. 2 Frontier Marl, Iv,«. ,r5—7, i—i 1 TI—" XT OTIGc.. All persons liaviuu cla:iiii ntrauist the rs-i \ tote of JOHN F. TEUSCHKR', Into of liie town of Niairara. deceased, aro reqos.li J In.prcsent llie innic. properly vcriSed, to the undersigr.cl at lit- o.-fi-o in haul town Niagara, on or before the n I day of July t.ext

li'iiincr, Niagara


Where he will kecpa. large and varied strsk '_of (icn-tlemen's Furnishing GIKHI.S suitalde for the season.

He is also prepared lo Manufacture (,'lothin-; to or­der, in a superior stylo, and warranted to givo satis- . facti-n. " _ - '

He invites an inspection of his goods, confidcnl that he can jjive satisfaction in evcrv particular. ••

JAMES WADDELL. Niagara Falls. Dec. 6,15jl .# litrtf

T^rAMS &. S H O U L D E R S , Warron--*-•*- ted g^->l, at the lowest market price, can IM> had at the store of W. F. EVANS.

rcreivo prompt attenliou. I J- 0. M. & Co. begM call the attention of ewners | of factories, hotoN Ac, to t' oir superior Gas General. j ing A put rut u *, nowin use at the St. Nicholas Hotel, I N. Y,, .Manchester, Conji, Great Barrington, Mass

Rockvillo, Conn.,, and various other parts of the conn.' j try. ' • 'Jinl3

I T i R E W O R K S ! F I R E W O R K S ! I THE TRADE* SUPPLIED. . I rTMIH suhscrihers are pref-rrd t>>°furnish'all artic.1--* i s

X tho aimvo lir.e nt *. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ...." :

! Their itnirk ci-nprisrr .-iiacny <*.hrr articles— No: I CRACKKK3. KXTJU SIZE At..TORPEDOES,

| ROAIAN CANPL8S, plain and eKtccd..."•''- - . I ItOC'KKTS. from 1 os. lo -libs., do. do.

VERTICAL, and 1'I.N WHKKI.S. OltASSAOIfERa Ac Orders received a» urualfor Edvo's Exhibition Works, •

JjOJLIsEY A TIEl'.S, I • ^uccKsorii to lol."n~W"Boll»srtuu7r 7?..

MauufatiturVrs of- Fireworks.' lin.">7 . •' lv MAUICE lair.e,^< ,..Y.

C h a r l e s fii. fr'ogg, M I A M I i E B F U U N i r i ' B E , Btxbitcrvd?, MattrctscJ,


Dv U.-H. PIPKil,

1. Nisi-ara Falls, Jxn W, 1?.V>. AdrarrrrSTfstnr.


V. ; Wa-bstAnds. Enameled 'get*. Lpunggj*.Chairs,




N E W M I L K to bo had at too Nct\« Depot A. H .

I M a y 9 t h , ' 5 5 . C T R T I S 5 .


un-v-i v r w . V i i i t V T S - p K . y t H ' N I i l t Y . e . t i H i - l f d i u

TURNER'S CANADA LUMBERYARD r i^HH iob!crib«r troold Inform the rmblic that h« ha* JL recii"T*d largo supplies of *»wealnmb«r, and tim­

ber of all iitc« nncj lengths, at {h» al>-ive Yard, and that tho f-rae will b« iot3 at reduced pricct fof tajh. Bayers are Invited to call and examine, on tho corner or Marti and Xiagara streets

Nolle*) I* riven to all who aro indebted to the Cana­da Lomber Yard, on old account, that they most pay up tho rame by trre 10th of July, or it will bo left In

-a-jxiSccr** !rA6-fi f-Tr *idl«etkin ALLEN CORNER, Agent,

Niagara Fall*, June 27th, ISSS. ; « t £

1S11. has now_on hand, ready for immtijiatt tftfirtry. in fonls tn suit pnrcha.sers.

1(10,000 lb 1SOMAN TYVV. of new cut, •rfT.000 " FANCAfTrK. 10,000 " SCUIl'TWf various styles, 5,000 •• (7F.HMANS. fi.noo " OKNAMKNT8 in great Tarlcty, i,000 " BORDKltS,

.10,000 rVvt BRASS AND TYPE METAL RULES, and all the novelties in the bmlnsu. ,-- - i

All the » W P TypV* arn'raK by steam power, of th*ns* composition of metal peculiar lo this foundry, and wmen IS ctXTAistv sn I'xaion to any erer UMH! Ir-eforp In any part of the world. The unesinalled rapidity In the process of casting, enables me to sell the** more d'aralje type* at the price* e!f ordinary trpr-*, either on credit or for cajh.

I-r-w-s*, Wood Typ*. and all other Println* MatsrUls, except Paper and dar4«, (which have oo fiied quality or price-,) forolshed at maBufactarenr* l>rice*.

• The latest Speclroea Book of the Koundry Is freely elveo to_aTl t-rinllnr officea, on the receipt of fifty cents to pre.

of newipapem who ehoosc to-yahiUh this adTertlKroent, Indadlng this note, thr«« time* befor* the first day of Jnly, 1*44, and forward me one of the p*«-"r*, will ts» allowed their btlhiattlj* time of Borchaslng fir* time* the amount of my raanonietor**. Address,

HEOROK nRCCF, M-31 U Claaraben-Sl., New-TorV.

CONNER'S L'NTTEO STATES TYPE rOUXDRY, No*. 29 41 and «3 Beekman street, X. Y.—To P»tjrTT»» AXD

rr»uwn«*. The WDdendfntd beg to Inform the Trade that they Jaav* recently Issued thrlr

NKfT QCARTO SPECIMEN, and Jhat It Is now rssady for delivery to their old jv»tron* as well as to all who patronise their 1'onndrr.

In it will U found a oew »<irla« Of Tace*, from PEARL lo PICA. iurt*julng, If posriNe, thrir ctlobrated series of

* - ^ 13COTCH 6 ^ FACES. . The raxcr Trm department exhtMU an unmrT*»«aH«

tariety of beautiful style*, selected from France, Oennariy and England. The Script* and Bordering ar« now for the first pnVented to the IMotlng TuUlc, and are the produe-tlon* cf tho bent American and Earopean artM*.

An entlrt New Series of Oemun T*tt*, both fot News­paper and Job Printing, of a very superior style, D BOW t-rartr completed and for sale.

Thi m«t»l frora which owr Type Is made, will N fonn* pecurUrljr adapted to the sever* nsage of Machine Tre**

Tkey brg to return thanks for psvst favors, and to solicit a rViatlnoanc*. Thtlr well-known liberal manner of doinf b«.lne«« for the pa«t thirty year", l« a rnaranlew to ne» patron* of their UUposltlo* and ability not, to allow there-sehe* to be inrpa.s-<d for fair dcarings whether orders are by Isttor or otherwl-e

Si. Louis, Jrc , i\< TItrr-r«fI:K»etr»ii7-r'l.trATIN<i-P.«ztt

_ tMH>'(.'E.VT^ITY.C-.pt. l'Et«K,«n-l«>l-KK.V i\ l.-"r. ('apt. P. II. Mellkiue, will leave Rw-T*

tpoiu,\ l j ) i n c A p p l e C h e e s e , n line article varieties <.f Li j j - for tho table just received and for sale bv u O I ) , O Q ( )

^ ' t r ! ) • W F. EVANS. ; from one to th

NIAGARA FALLSiSTEAM PLANING MILL T H E S U l J S C R l H K k hits oil IMIHI for $n\v i- at t

hruugn on the | soason, (eiceptlnjr Saturdays and Sundays) onthearilval

I i>f thcrSteam lloat Train_from New York', at 8 o'rl'vck. t" j^ I*aVuienf;er< can always roly upon a ronnertlnn with 1

the mornlns; trains at CWeUn'I, and tickets to Cincinnati mar l-e had via Columbus or Clyde as preferred.

Mtf J. C. HARRISON, Ocacral AK-ent.

-_ at tho lowest Cash Prices, the following .described ".umber, v*ii : ) Feet of Seasoned Boards nnd Plank.

"Ihrro inches thick-, clear, common and

1'~ — ~ * ~ I i 4ths. GoFona culls.

f r C S I l I l l l t t c r a i l U E g g ' s , t h c < e | 30g,0OO Keot of 1 1-1 and 1 | . a Inch Flooring nnd desirable articles alwavs on hand at the lowest prices by W. F. EVANS

B a n k i n g and e x c h a n g e Office, CORNER OF MAIX AXD C U E R R Y - S T * .

DRAFTS ON NEW YORK,—Speci. and West­ern Money bought and told. Cd

Draft* on England, Scotland and Ireland, for Sale Collections mad* and remitted by first mail, by

RIDDLE & Co. R i r x i i M r n . '.

( ^ r o c k e r y a n d G l a s s W a r e , a V - i large supply on hand and will be sold chenp, hy

~K. Corning A C o , ) . . . . -H o n . J . L . Schoolcraft, j A I M B T * - . 8 . Draper , Xaw York.

N iagara Fal l s , M a y 30, I8&&. 5S-3m

F o r S a l e .

TWO HOUSES And Lots on which tbej they are erected, situate cnThomas-it , between

Main and Flrtt-st*. TKBKS — One-third to b* paid at tins* of *a)«|—

one-third In the couno of fir* y«»ri, and th* balance In the coarse or Un yean.

Also, tho Lot on the corner of First and Thomas street*, will be told, or loaned, for the U n a of ten yean. Inaaire for particulars or


p O R K Sc B E A N S in these hnrd -A- t imes Is a c h e a p article of food, to be h s d of

W. F . E V A N S .

T AMP OIL- Tl'6 I**' for 8s per pallon - A - ' e v e r »old In this place, by W . F E V A N S .

q^UJA4mmuaSs--jnp-tQp impcrwi. J - Toajust received, also first rate ioung Hyson

Ta« for Is per lb., by I W. F. EVANS.


tiIng^ai^hcte-tb/yjte_prAPArcsI to txt: cuto all rn len In CABPENTERINO AND m i L D -INO, with dlspaleh. Plani furnisher, on reasonable terms. C E. HINCKLEY,

II. W. CA5S. . JunoM, 1ASS. 'f

"WOOL! WOOL! r p i I K u n l s n l s n e d will pav th» hlfhest insrlet price fo X *snod WOOU at thrir store In Niagara City, Y

- S t R. I*rop>t«.tors o L X t w n s u m a s s s ^ g e r f H t o Insert the above three tlra^s pTCUftrHSwy e l l H n - I e e » I - t > p » time* the amount o t h r l r rtipcctlt* bills la materlsls of oor lrvsnnfsftnre, aad forward us one of the pap0* contain-Inc lh» advertleetnent. . . . . . . . . . . „.*».» . MJM • JAMK3 CONNER k PONS.

N o w H a r n e s s S h o p . Ii, M. WARREN'A COn ^

HARNESS & TRUNK MANUFACTURERS — t a r r l a c c T r i m m e r s and l I p h o t « t r r r r « . —

fypoiite Falls Hofely Niagara Falls, Neie York. I TIT Mal trasses . Trnnk*. V S I I K I , Carpet Dags ,

W h i p s , A e , Ac-, for sa le . R. M. W A R R E N ,

49tf J . M. D U T C H BR.

TO R e n t .

AN E W T W O - S T O R Y H O U S E en Thorn*.' str, between Main and First . A p p l y j o

L A K E GKOHGK he 'For t Wffl ian^H6IIlT-Hotol•-S new oj*r.ed for the reception

6S If WILLIAM ORIFFITl J» of Visitor*. This •1


Co d F i s h , C o d F i s h . - A fresh sup­ply of Georges Banks'Cod Fish, the best ever of­

fered in this market at EVANS' CASH STORE.

Bu r n i n g FlnldTcAMPIIENK & A L C O H O L , a rood article kept consUnt ly on

hand by . Vf. F . E V A N S .

Dr i e d Apple*?, Peaches, Cherries »nd Citroo, Rais ins and E n g l i s h Currants .a t tho low

est marke t price by W. F . E V A N S . •


C"\ ARDEXER3 and ©then in want of Prims, and X Reliable SeedAc±n bar* their orders promptly

filled at the n o f f a l o Si-cd ji A g r i c u l t u r a l W a r e h o u s e .

W* Kav* the ebolccil varieties of Imported, Shaker if Home Grown Seeds, all of which bar* been tested in the green house daring the winter.

t^"Orlo"nfoTi^U5HrK>1ltlt«.I.-.--Addr»M,-* II. a WHITE, 48tf , 196 Main Street, Buffalo, X. V.

F l o u r n n d F e e d S t o r e . r p H K undersign**! wouM annonnee tn the publiethat - -sLnhe hsiAsVtnJfcT sUro r«cr«qls:f<icopliwl ht\-Massra-H a w M . a a r k A RAC*, inTanfiefJ's Rlock. on Main Street, where ha intends to keen on h»nd all kinds or Flour, Meal, Oals, Corn nnd-Mill Feed, which he will sell as cb»*p a* can bo l-ought elsewhere

Dec 27. '54. 33tf IRA COOK.

! Ceiling, thoroughly seasoned, ready for Immediate u»«. ' A suporior article Tor this or any other mirlict.

10,UOO Bunches of Lath, very low. 60,000 feet of 2 inch common Plank for sawing into

all kinds of Studs, Rafters, Joicc, Battings Furing, A-fl , A>.. ' " ;

AH kinds of Planing and TJircuUr Sawing dnne r,n short notico. L BARKER

Xiagara Falls, Juno 6th, 1S5V 56tf



J b i A J U l t A N D M I S A L , Oats by lb* 100 bushels, or In larger or smaller quan­tities. Also.

POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, n A M 8 , PORK, * *OAf AXD CAKOLKI, r«CIT or ALL KIND*. | 3 T All packages delitered allhe buyers' house. Store Xo. 5 Frontier Mart, Xiagara Fall*. ltf

I N E W . HARDWARE"STORET f p H E subscribers a n Just opening a Hardwar* Store 1 at SUSPENSION BRIDGE, wotT* they will

keep on hand a good assortment of 1IARDWARR AND MECHANICS' TOOLS,

of all kinds. Tin, She*t Iron and Copper W a n Made lo order at the shortest notice, and kept on hand.— Also a fall *.«sortraent of Cooking, Pailor and Box STOVES, Self-Regulating Sheet Iron Stores, Ac,, Ac.

Persons wishing to purchase any of th* abOv* art^ iclcs^or any thing In tba Hardware line, will do well to call befor* buying"cl»owh<r». -*•**.*-

\'(T Jobs ol all ktols atUnded to on tho sborUsl notice. ! * J . II. LOOM IS A CO.

Niagara City, Dec.20, 1851. , 1)32

Pillows, rCon'titcrfiinc.*,' Ac 4 1"«3' l 'c 'arl s t r e e t , X. Y i , between Madison and Chatham Streets;

ay 0th, 1355. .52-Cm

Print Sellers and Artjsls'.*?Colb.rmQDj -Xox i)GO Jiroadiwy, Xca'-York.

Fairbanks' Platform & Counter Scales.

T""\\li'.n.\NKS A CO have recently oper.cl o spa-i 'cion« Warehou'o at lS9Jlrondwny.-Xew York,

wheretoi-y oiler,jit wtiolcsnlo^aiiUretail] the m o i t c o m ^ pTerc a'sTortrrTcMol Weighing Appnnitus to l>efound in the L'iiil-d States. "Among the article*«ifiere<l.will bo found'upwards of seventy differont mteliKcntions of^ Fairbanks' Scales. Alto a great vnricty of Banters', Jewelers,'Druggist'f.Grocers'.jindothcrScales Spring Balance), Patent Beams, Tester's Weights and ileas-ures, Ac , Ac. ~~ —HAY A ^ l F C 0 A g 5 < ^ l r ^ « ^ n ^ p y - r « H - g f t b w country by e.Tperiei>eed worlcmch.. .

Orders by mall or otherwise will receive attention: , . . FAIRBANKS A CO..

6m45 1S9 Broadway, .New York.

R, F . Hibbard's Celebrated Wild Cherry B I T T 3 3 H . 8 ,

For Nerrous Wfakncss.ck-JJjCiicmLIlcbilHi/'L


Msrara (I Hv, 3u»»M, IMS, Ji

' • „ . . . l .

JOT fc CO.

Ni*<n»»*HAi . iV l>T»t5at :o« i t Rsirx:*; V*-, \ Jan* IA, 1*M. $

•VTfmCR I* ljrr»*»T RIVSn to the .rTOCKHOLltKR*! of JY\ tht* C«mp«nv,th«l an EWtlon of f sven IHrerior*

. for the ensuing rear, will be held at their offlre at the rtrldgr, en Monday, July 2d. The Toll will bo open frorl 12 M. notil I T. M. R P. fcTOXE-S Sccrttsr?.

and c l r p n t asUolUhroKit, snpplled with c%> an-1 'S^er I all Ihcaes lraMliHev"

pnrjtalled for 1-eanty and and all the <irriraMlillr<of a «r.l e la« hotel,In a situation

healthfalne^s, farnl'hes Jnst tho. *>l*es> f»r a rummer retreat. . 1 ImA* DANIEL OALE, ^r<>prl•"v,••

r i V ) IU.VT, A Urxo and wr 11 i lnl .hed Store ln^ the new JL block on the c*rtiet,of Msln and Cherry ftrrs-U. »M > a numl*r of Rooms for Ofllee* or ether purpose*, en

th*-second or third Hoor«. These rooms art J»elf llgnted and ventilated ansl >r- pleamot In every report

y,i( • ALEX* Apple to



PELTOXS, Xo, 1 Frontier Mwt.

BARRISTER AW) ATTORNEY AT LAW, S o l i c i t o r In C h a n c e r y ,

NOTARY rVni.IC, CuNVKYANCER, AC. OJite—Elgin, Suspension Bridge, C. W. — *0tf


Otflce In IlrlcV lllocV^JIaln Street, ^_Ofpottle Brjdgi^Streel, NiBg&^Jfyhj N. Y. O A A B 0 X * S 0 L A S $ r l « 4 t re«oi»-»H and forwl* ( 3 0 0 by . . * " . • " T.S WHITNEY*,

j May 30, 1655. ". . . ." . -M-lf


Niagara Tall*, New York. [ J T Qffitt No. 1 Frontier Marl. <


~ T A D I K S S 1 L K ELA3TICC0X0RES9 OAITERS, of a superior qoality at

PELTON'S, No. < Frontier Mart.

A r c l t i b n c l i T I n c d o n c I l sfc C o .

CX L ' a ^ Q M ^ Q J ^ & J r R O X & M ^ w A ^ M ^ ^ J Agents. Otnc* near the Elgin Hou«o, Stirpension

Bridge, Tott Stamford." • 0 . C. AMESS, Agent. •

May 16, IS55. l t f

rT"UUS is the most pleasant remedy known to the propri* X. «V>r, It is a potent corrector of the bile a'nd.asslinl.

lates into all theactivc machinery of life. KorDyspepsia it is a f,i>.irM. In all the f.irms of thatdire divenscitha* the mastery. Of all the thousands that have taken it, r.ot one has complained tb»thr received no benefit, hut all am nvvle to rejoiee in the life-giving edicacy ol the WILD CHERRY BITTERS. In-a nervous, irritable tempera-•went there Is always arrmrxish state of tba liter, and n want of a proper hiliary srrretion, this remedy Is hsrpity adapted to remove this ilitlirulty. ami rfoder tlie»j-mpv-thetie action lietwcea l ie <liirc«tive organ* and a/rrou*. system harmonious. It gives tone aroi energy t.i the ili-gestive organs, n.nd allay* nrrvou* excitability, Without any tax upon the aniraal fnoclions or ilcpresiion of phy»-icstlstnigth. It Is nstare's own reined)-.

-\ Ki>csxo.t, Vls.t*r Co., New Y o t k . '

, R. F, l l n » i a n : Dear "Sir—1 w * s , afflicted for ccMly f iveytars with *chr><nie disease oflfcel^fver—somuehro as tolxj incapAriiMr.l to t\* any l-^lily lal-i.-. or any U n i | r . tu for the maintenance of mfse l fand f»mily^frc<juent-ly confined to bed,- and often for months td;rci»er in.tha bouse. I suffered much fnvn debility and severe lassitarl* ,. Tlie disea** batBM ttoss'i i l ot my several nrryriciank;"! t felt nature fait sinking t» derayv and to4 lond hopes »n- ., tertained by my friends and myself <<f lecsivcry rxpirirC, afri^nd tent me R- F . lUBAARD'S W I L D CUBKRY n i T r i ' R S . I followed the directions j the effrct i n .

Trwxrf/r/irrs-th* pwin deefes.sxli-my apfMiitst and-l<nre}|J« le^sme rrgulatrsl; in short my (tnacialed, body invitror-ated, and I was enaWed to labor at my trade. I ascrfb* . this rhang-a tn >our invaluable medicine, ami fiw which you will accept my humbt*.thanks. I thins, a f«w nWr** bottles will *3Vct a permanent cure. • CORNELIUS HOl 'Gl iTAMNQ. U


DOOR P L A T E M a n u r a c l u n r , Sign^and Urnamen-la l P»intcr , at A . . X


X I A O A R A C I T Y .

J -JT 0 fflAM. TOirlha P o * ^ 0 tnca^ "^ _ ~~^ "*AMDaI fJ.WOOfiRUPP,


1J Talli Etrcet, Xiajara Falls Xew York, ltf

Allen A Br-.« , Main St^ tiuilding and OlASI Staining

A . N . A H. T> ALLEN. . ' ' 6'2-U

Niagara Falls, Ji. Y done tn onler. _ M a y 9th, 1955.

" FL 0 UR! FL 0 UR f ~ F4,0 UR ! ! ' P H K nndersismed havins; the aolo agency for lhl*-pl*t* 1 of C. Hi WITMBR'S EXTRA FAMILY FlA)l.'R,

would infbtrath*. publiethat w* keep the **rn« constaot-ly oa hand an J for aale at M I L L TMes-a.


F « U K Or.o-lVilsr per Bottle _" ? * lVepare.l>n<l KAA' by Hisr»»r>A WnaxL**, MJokh street, New York, and by PnirKi'sts and Dealers ia tho . coifntr$\ •'•'•«• . *,'''. '

Any person remitting lo u* kTraAJI Sv* dollars will re. .T reive by Express six botlles frteof eXV/V fharg* tokny » partoflheCailcdPut**. " . •• •••t.tt* • ) *

i—Ar'Xv ALLlKV-sr-imOTIli?RrAtn't«rrt-ag-iTa-P»»r NevYoik. . . . . - Irt f ' .


A LARUE VARIETY OP KNT Leather Shoes at*^



O0K BINDER and Blank Hook Mxnnfactnwr, » No 6, West Senfca Street, third floor, over

American Rights office, Bnffulo, N. Y.

• -,


i'tf Job and Fancy Binding done to Ord*T. .MayStk . 'W. . .

' ' ft» , •; 1

5a-t( :

• w . ii. RICI:, M. ». , i

J T O A I K O r A T H T S t " omre on Cherry Street, a few 'doors Itast »f* Slain, . . . J

Ofiic< hours from 8 to 6 A- M. and I to tP. M- v f /Mti

. . I fit

V "* * • ^ v . \

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