old nuroan

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  • 7/29/2019 Old Nuroan


    Ray 1

    Old Nuroan

    Written By: Ross Ray

    Most of the characters are currently without a name, and will be called by class/appearance.

    There is a large city called Nuroan that is the home of roughly 10,000 people. Nuroan is

    surrounded by a very large wall, keeping everyone in, and everything out. The city has hundreds of

    houses, many farms, and a large castle. Within the castle walls, Nuroan has its own monarch system of

    a traditional King and Queen. Between the King and Queen, they have a son who they are raising to be

    the next King. The Prince is about nine years old, and rather adventurous. The Prince is brought up to

    learn the hardest classes of math, writing and astronomy, but he spends most of his time playing withother children of Nuroan.

    Prince longs to go out of Nuroans castle walls and explore the various animals and sights or

    Earth, but his father the King forbids it. Outside of Nuroan, there is nothing but wasteland. Everything is

    sand, rocks and dirt with the occasional tree or cave. No one (hunters and adults) ever go much more

    than roughly 50 miles away from Nuroan for fear of getting lost. For all the people know, Nuroan is the

    only city on Earth, and Nuroans inhabitants are what is left of the human race. Aside from getting lost,

    the people of Nuroan also have to deal with zombies. Zombies cover the wasteland, and when they are

    aggravated, they become a huge threat in numbers. There are also many fictional animals that roam the

    wasteland, but zombies are the main threat. An animal can also get infected by a zombie, and will

    become violent if provoked.

    Inside of Nuroan, there are various gardens and animal farms to provide a source of food. The

    plants that are grown consist of corn, potatoes and other vegetables, but all the animals are fictional to

    us (the reader). Although the animals are all different than what we are used to seeing, the animals are

    the norm for the people of Nuroan. There are also many animals that come close to what we would call

    horses, cattle, wolvesetc., but they all have their own unique name.

    Outside of Nuroan, as well as inside at certain parts, there are fictional trees. These alien trees

    provide oxygen and require no water to live. That being said, there is no water on the planet. All water

    is obtain by a tool called the Hydrogen synthesizer, or water gun for short. This pistol looking tool isattached to a metal canister and two filters. One filter pulls in hydrogen from the sky, and the other

    filter works as a vacuum to suck in air. When both filters work together, water if fused together in a

    molecular structure; then it is poured into the metal canister. All the Hydrogen synthesizers, or waters

    guns, are solar powered (as many things in Nuroan are), and require little sunlight to work efficiently.

    There is one very large Hydrogen synthesizer for the city, but guards and royalty have a small one on

    them at all times.

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    In exception to the water guns and solar panels, the city of Nuroan is very basic and traditional.

    There are no vehicles, phones, radios or televisions. But the people of Nuroan like their lives, and have

    never heard of technology other than solar panels and water guns.

    In the Princes free time, he plays with his toy sword and practices on boxes, pretending they are

    zombies. He is just a kid, and has no actual fighting experience. He wants to learn about the zombies,but his professor and the King say they will teach him about them when he grows older. Prince looks up

    to and admires the Professor and his father, so we eagerly waits.

    One late afternoon, Prince is up in the castle looking at the wasteland with a toy telescope. All

    of a sudden, on the outside of Nuroans walls, he sees a little girl in a white dress walking around

    casually. The girl looks sickly, and is very pale. Prince is shocked and full of adrenaline. Instead of telling

    his father, he decides this is his time to be a hero. He runs into his fathers study and steals a dagger.

    Then he makes his way out of the castle and makes his way to a little hangout with some of his friends.

    He tells the three of his friends that he is going to rescue a girl on the outside, and needs their help.

    Princes friends are reluctant, but agree to help him. The friends follow prince to the main gate which

    Prince unlocks with keys he has stolen, and has his friends put all their weight on the lever that opens

    the door. The main gate opens barely a foot, but its enough. Prince waves goodbye, and climbs around

    the draw bridge and into the wasteland.

    Princes adventure starts off fun, but becomes frightening as he keeps finding himself pursued

    by zombies. He is no match for one, and even when he tries to attack, he does no damage. Prince is

    also afraid by how human like the zombies look. They appear to be exactlythe same as a regular

    human, with the only difference being the lack of emotion in the face. After a while, he sees the girl in

    the distance. He calls out and chases her, but she runs away. The prince follows her, but then falls into

    a large hole that leads off to a cave. The girl looks down at him once, and then runs a way. Prince

    spends most of his time trying to climb up by using the dagger as a step ladder, but fails miserably. So

    he decides to venture into the cave.

    The cave is very dark, and filled with spider monsters. But the journey reaches its climax when

    Prince runs into a large scorpion like animal that is as big as a horse. Prince retreats, and gets lost for a

    while, but in the panic he manages to get back to the holes base. The scorpion catches up, and is just

    about to stab him when out of nowhere a few men drop down in to the hole with the King, and they

    save Princes life. Upon being rescued, Prince is slapped by his father, and greatly punished. Princes

    friends had told their parents of the Princes escapade, and it was only matters of minutes until the

    Kings finest were searching for him.

    The few days later, back at the castle, the King says that it is now time for Prince to learn about

    zombies. The King tells him that zombies are like wild animals that will kill on contact. Although they

    look human, they are far from it. They show no emotion or logic. The King then tries to tell the Prince

    about how the zombies are controlled, but Prince gets confused; so the King lets Princes professor tell

    the rest. The professor says that all zombies are human hosts to a parasite within. To become infected,

    the black blood the runs through a zombies body must enter your blood stream. After a while, a larva

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    will form on the heart and eventually develop into a large parasite, and then the parasite will grow four

    tentacles; one tentacle for each arm and leg. The parasite controls the human like a puppet and uses

    the humans body as a vehicle. The parasite, while connected to the heart, stabs the heart and makes it

    produce black blood instead of red. The black blood acts as a lubricant/oil, and keeps the parasite alive.

    The host (human) no longer requires food or water, as the black blood keeps the body alive and rebuilds

    skin where cuts appear. Because the black blood acts as a healing unit, the skin never rots, and the only

    way to tell the difference between zombies and humans is the blank stare the zombies give off. The

    only way to kill a zombie is by stabbing the parasite on the heart of the human, since hurting the zombie

    anywhere else will only prolong regeneration.

    Thus begins Princes training. The King has Prince practice on zombies that are tied up. After a

    while, the King thinks it would be wise for Prince to go on a hunting trip with himself. While on the trip,

    the King tells his son that they can only eat the animals with red blood. The King also shows his son

    various ways to attack with the sword. The King eventually forces this son to kill a zombie by himself.

    The Prince is scared at first, but tries his hardest. The Kings steps in and finishes the job, telling his son

    that more practice is needed.

    Back inside of Nuroan, King is vigorously training Prince with tied up zombies. King yells

    HARDER and prince swings violently at the tied up zombie. The camera turns to the zombie, and the

    zombie falls into two slices, being cut in half vertically. When the camera turns back to Prince, he is now

    an adult, and his father, the King, is an old man. The King says that Prince has become a find young man

    and is very well versed in sword play.

    Prince walks around Nuroan, and sees his old friends. Two have turned into guards, while one

    has become a blacksmith. He talks for a very short while, and then goes off to the training hall of the

    castle. He is going to be the leader of a hunt, and train several new and young guards. The Prince and

    five newbies venture out into the wasteland and begin the hunt. They come across a very large [buffalo]

    and Prince shows off his new sword moves and kills it. After the brief lesson in battle, one of the young

    guards sees something moving behind the [buffalo]. He goes to it and finds a zombie eating the

    [buffalo]. The guard is then attacked by several zombies and dies. One other guard is bit, but not killed.

    Prince, the bit guard and the rest make a fast retreat.

    Prince stops them all before they reach Nuroan, saying that it would lead all the following

    zombies to the city. So he makes the guards wait in a cave while he distracts the rest of the zombies

    away from the city. After a lengthy sprint around the wasteland, Prince returns to the cave and finds

    only the bitten guard is still there. His bitten arm is all black, while the rest of his body is not. In an act

    of desperation, Prince cuts off the arm at the base of the shoulder, and carries him back to Nuroan.

    Professor tries different forms of disinfectant, but the guard is too badly hurt, and turns into a

    zombie while strapped down to a table. Professor warns Prince that if he is ever bitten, Prince should

    use is water gun to quickly remove the black blood and apply disinfectant. Professor also says that there

    is much that he himself is still learning about the black blood, and that the black blood is mysterious.

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    There is a funeral for the two guards that died, and the King speaks at the end of it. After words,

    the King talks with Prince. He tells his son that he could have died today and that there is something

    very important that he needs to tell him. The King says he was going to wait until Prince was older, but

    he believes now is the best time. The King concludes saying tomorrow morning they will talk for the

    whole day.

    Before night fall, Prince goes out to check on the [buffalo]. Its meat is now black; so Prince

    hunts three small [deer] and brings them home. His mother, the Queen gives him a brief lesson in

    gutting the animals and cooking the meat. When you eat animal meat, you gain experience toward your

    health bar. The more you eat, the larger amount of life youll have. Before you can eat the meat, you

    have to gut the animal. The more you gut, the better you get at it, and in turn, get more meat from one

    animal. You can also have the option to cook the meat that you get, making the meat more saturated

    with health experience points. When you cook meat, you have less meat to eat, but the smaller amount

    of meat gives of a much larger portion of experience points for your health. The Queen concludes the

    lesson saying never to eat black meat, and to keep practicing. The Prince goes to sleep.

    When the Prince wakes up, he is eager to listen to what King has to tell him. He quickly gets

    ready, when all of a sudden, he sees something out of his window. On the outside of Nuroans walls, he

    sees a young woman in a white dress, grey hair and pale skin. Prince realizes that it is the girl he saw

    when he was young, and quickly runs out of his room and grabs his sword. The King sees Prince as he is

    trying to leave, and starts talking to him. Prince brushes him off, saying it can wait, and heads out of the

    castle. While running to the gate, he sees his friend the blacksmith who tries to tell Prince that he can

    sharpen his sword free of cost. But Prince does not talk to him. At the gate, he sees his other two

    friends, the guards. They offer to help, but Prince leaves them saying he should do this alone. Prince

    leaves Nuroan full of energy and begins running.

    It takes a while, but he finally runs into the girl. He approaches her slowly, but she runs away.

    He chases her for what seems like forever until eventually she is cornered into a cave. Several minutes

    pass, and eventually Prince is able to get close to her and tell her everything is alright. The young

    woman doesnt speak, and looks deeply into Princes eyes. Prince wonders if she has beenhere her

    whole life, and wonders what Professor will think. All of a sudden, the girl starts turning her head

    around franticly and her pupils begin to dilate. She then lets out a scream, and holds her head as if

    having a head ach. The Prince looks out from the cave and sees thousands of zombies creeping closer.

    He holds her hand and tries to run with her, but she wont move. Prince picks her up with one arm, and

    makes his way to the castle as fast as he can with only one arm to fight with.

    The hoard of zombies is huge and overpowering. Prince is having a difficult time getting through

    them. When he is about half way home, his two friends, the guards, see him from a look out and tell the

    others to get the gate ready. Prince is getting tired, but still manages to press on. When Prince is three

    fourths of the way there, his friends open the gate and run out to make sure zombies dont enter. With

    the young woman over his shoulder, Prince is about 90% of the way there, when all of a sudden the girl

    begins to glow white. Her hair floats around like air, and her eyes give of a light like a flashlight. The girl

    screams very loudly, and jumps off of Princes shoulder. She holds her head, and runs away from Nuroan

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    and into the zombie hoard of thousands. Prince screams for her and tries to get her, but its no use.

    Prince curses loudly, and is forced to retreat. He barely makes it in before the zombies swamp the


    King is more than displeased. Prince has lead the zombies right to the city, and the only way out

    of this is to wait until they all leave. King and Prince look out from the top of the castle, and in dismay,see roughly a few hundred-thousand zombies circling the large gates of Nuroan. The King orders

    everyone to be alert, and keeps his guards at attention at every hour of the day.

    Seven days pass, and the zombies are still banging on the walls. The King calls a meeting

    between himself, Queen, Prince, Professor and various wise men of the castle. They go over what the

    best course of action would be. The King says that the need start rationing food before the supplies get

    too low. Everyone agrees, and then Prince says that they should begin attacking to lower the number of

    zombies. The room gets really loud with disagreement. Some men think that waiting out the zombies is

    the safest way. Others agree that an action needs to take place, but maybe as a diversion rather than an

    attack. Everyone begins shouting until the Queen tells everyone to be quiet. When the room calms

    down, she says that she cant hear the zombies anymore. Everyone looks out from the castle, and sees

    the zombies are not moving, just standing. The zombies have also formed a large opening around the

    gate, leading into a path that ends with one zombie at the end. Upon further inspection, Prince realizes

    that this last zombie in the opening is the young woman he tried to save seven days ago! However, she

    looks very different now. Her hair is brown, and her outfit is sleek and swift looking (something a female

    ninja would wear), and in her hand, she is holding a long sword. Prince says he is heading out. Before

    he can be stopped, he is out to the gate.

    The gate is cautiously opened, and Prince makes his way out into the opening. He walks down

    the path nervously glancing at all the zombies looking at him from the side. The King and a few brave

    guards follow from far behind. Prince makes his way to the woman holding the sword, and asks her who

    she is.

    The girl looks up at him, and begins talking. She says her name is Yuri, and that she is the leader

    of all the zombies. She says she can control their actions and make them do what she wants. Yuri then

    goes to say that she has come to kill everyone in Nuroan. Everyone tenses up, but Yuri calmly says that

    she has a proposition for the people of Nuroan. She challenges Prince to a dual. If Prince wins, then she

    will take all of the zombies with her and leave Nuroan forever. However, if she wins, Nuroan is hers to

    destroy. The King says that this is preposterous, and asks what she will do if they refuse. Yuri smiles

    and says that she will take Nuroan by force if the dual is not acknowledged.

    Before the King can say anything, Prince accepts the dual, and says he will be ready tomorrow

    morning. Yuri chuckles, and says goodbye. Then she walks into the crowd of zombies and vanishes.

    Back in Nuroan, the King is pensive of the next day, but Prince is calm and arrogant. The King then tells

    his son that over the past seven days, he has not had time to tell Prince what he wanted to tell him

    before. The King feels that telling him now would only distract him from the battle, and tells Prince that

    he will finally tell him after the battle, if Prince wins.

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    The next morning, Prince gets ready for battle. Professor is wearing a white robe. Prince asks

    what its for, and Professor says its insurance. As Prince leaves the castle,he meets his friend the

    blacksmith. The blacksmith sharpens his sword, and gives Prince a motivational pep-talk. Prince exits

    the gates with a large crowd following him. He meets Yuri in a large circular clearing, and tells her that

    he doesnt want to hurt her, and she can back down at any time. She laughs, and says she wont hold

    back. The battle begins. People chant and zombies groan. Yuri has moves and a style of fighting that

    Prince has never seen before. Prince is losing the battle, and has cuts all over his body. Just when it

    looks like its all over, Prince slices up Yuris chest, and rams her head with the butt of his sword handle.

    Yuri falls to the ground dazed.

    Price holds his sword above her head and says that he has many questions to ask her, and asks

    that if she would answer them. Yuri scowls, and spits blood at his feet. The blood is black. Prince

    frowns, and banishes her. As he walks back to the human crowd, they all cheer and laugh in happiness.

    But the cheers turn into terror as Yuri stands back up and drives her sword through Princes back. Prince

    cries out in pain and falls. Before he passes out, his last vision is of his father getting cut up by Yuri and

    his mother getting bit on the neck by a zombie. Everyone runs in a panic and begins getting eaten.Prince groans in pain, and closes his eyes.

    When Prince opens his eyes, he find that he is not dead, but in a bed and covered in

    gauze/bandages. He is unfamiliar with the room he is in, and confused. He looks out a window near his

    bed, and sees many white houses that all look the same. He is not in Nuroan, but someplace entirely

    different. (To us, it would look like suburbs, but that term in non-existent in this game world.) Someone

    walks into the room, and Prince realizes it is the Professor. Professor tells him to calm down and not

    make any noise.

    The Professor then tells Prince that they are safe here as long as they are quiet and keep still.

    Professor explains that all of these thousands upon thousands of houses were once inhabited and this

    place was the original Nuroan. He says that this place is very far away from Nuroan, and Prince has been

    asleep for three days. Prince tries to get up, but Professor forces him down. Professor says this is only

    one part of what King wanted to tell him, but that it doesnt matter anymore since everyone is dead. He

    tells Prince his sword is still near Nuroan, and that his only current weapon is a dagger that Professor

    brought with him. Prince asks how they got here, and Professor tells.

    Professor thought ahead, before the battle, that if Prince lost, this would be a last resort place

    to hide. So he acquired a lot of black blood and two white robs. Professor has been testing with black

    blood, and has found that zombies are fond of it and wont attack animals with black blood. Knowing

    this, Professor infected a [horse] just before the battle, and got the black blood pumping through it. The

    [horse] was not yet fully infected, and therefore, not violent. When Prince was stabbed, Professor

    covered his white rob in black blood to ward off zombies, and then ran the Prince. He covered him in a

    similar robe, and dowsed him with the black blood. Professor then carried him to the infected [horse]

    and they rode here. Professor also brought food, some seeds for plants and a handful water guns.

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    Prince needs to rest, but he refuses and begins to leave. Professor says he should take a robe

    and a water gun. He can fill the gun with black blood from the now fully infected [horse] and use it on

    the robe when he is trying to escape. Prince drains the zombie [horse] of its blood, and heads out,

    wondering if everyone is dead.

    When Prince finally limps within sight of Nuroan, the place is full of zombies, and hundreds ofchopped up bodies litter the floor, his dad included. Prince picks up his sword, and slowly goes into

    Nuroan, cloaked with black blood. The place is a mess. Shades of black and red blood cover walls.

    Entering Nuroan is like entering Draculas castle. Prince vows to kill Yuri, and heads to the castle. He

    hears screams come from a house. When he enters, he watches as his friend the blacksmith gets bitten

    by a crowd of zombies while a child cowers in the corner. Prince saves the child and finds it is the

    blacksmiths boy. Prince retires for the day and takes the kid back to the Old Nuroan (the suburbs).

    The three have a silent dinner until Prince angrily demands to know more about Old Nuroan and

    what more the Professor is keeping from him. Professor says that if Prince wanted to know, he should

    have listened to his father. Prince pulls a sword on him and Professor shouts at him to do it. He says

    Go ahead and kill me right in front of the boy! You will be no different from Yuri! Prince puts down

    his sword and his eyes water. Professor tells him that if he really wants to know, he should go to the

    treasure room. Under a bookshelf, there is a hidden room, and in the room all answers are revealed.

    Prince now has two goals: Kill Yuri, and get to that hidden room.

    The blacksmiths boy offers to help him accessorize his sword if Prince can bring back the

    various tools that are now scattered around the city. And the Professor offers to come up with new

    methods to use his water gun as a weapon if Prince can bring him back his notes that are littered around

    Nuroan. The Professor also tells Prince to bring back any survivors and that there are more than enough

    houses here to shelter them all.

    The next few hours of gameplay are mostly action oriented, with little story events happening.

    Prince spends a long time hunting red blooded animals, gutting them and cooking their meat. By killing

    many zombies and infected animals, he gets new moves to use his blade with. His sword also gets

    stronger by getting the tools for the blacksmiths child, and he gets new ideas for the water gun by

    grabbing notes. Examples for the water gun would be filling it with flammable liquid, compressing

    hydrogen more than oxygen resulting in a forceful blast of water, and mixing various liquids to cause

    different effects like smoke, acid and slippery/sticky. Prince also saves many survivors, and helps shelter

    them by giving them meat and plants. There are many bosses with in Nuroan other than simple

    zombies. Since Yuri controls the zombies, she makes certain ones stronger. In one boss battle, Prince

    has to fight his two friends who were guards. They taunt him, saying that its not so bad being a zombie,

    and that Prince should let them put a parasite inside him. He also has to fight a zombified version of his

    mother, the Queen, and a much larger version of the Scorpion from his childhood in the cave. Prince

    has a few run-ins with Yuri, but he ultimately is no match for her. After a very long time, Price finally

    gets to the throne room; the room just before the treasure room.

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    Yuri is sitting in the Kings throne with a carless expression on her face. She says shes been

    waiting here for a while; waiting to kill Prince. He asks why she would do something like this, and how

    she got her powers. She blows him off saying she doesnt want to talk, and the battle begins. By now,

    Prince is very strong and has many moves, however, Yuri keeps regenerating. Once again, Prince flees,

    and Yuri is left in the throne room laughing.

    Prince asks for advice from Professor, and is overjoyed when he hears what professor has in

    mind. Throughout the game, Professor has been experimenting with various blood samples and liquids.

    By now, Professor has found out that on the heart of a zombie, the parasite gives off a jelly to help

    produce more black blood. Professor also found out that when this jelly is burned, it gives off a

    radioactive gas that turns the black blood into blue. The gas emitted destroys all parasitic qualities of

    the black blood, killing the zombie and parasite much quicker. The blue blood also has an explosive

    quality to it, making it a good weapon on its own. Prince takes a break from hunting Yuri and goes on a

    quest to get a lot of jelly from the parasites within zombies. Once he has a lot of jelly, he stores it in his

    water gun and goes back to kill Yuri.

    Before the second battle begins, Prince coats his sword with the jelly, and then ignites it. His

    blade glows with fire and gives off the gas. Yuri smirks, and says that this should be interesting. The

    battle is still difficult, but Yuri can no longer regenerate, and the blue blood that falls to the floor can

    ignite if fire hits it. Its only a matter of time until Yuri falls to the ground in pain and defeat.

    Yuri, at the end of Princes blade, begins to tell him about herself. She claims to be an advanced

    form of beast. She is far superior to the regular zombies, and has the power to make them stronger.

    Thats what she did to Queen and Princes two friends. She is not human, nor is she parasite. She is a

    mix of the two, created by someone/something. She says she was made, and then sent here as a child

    to adapt, grow and prepare for her mission: Kill off all humans, and make sure they wouldnt return to

    Earth. That last statement startles Prince, but Yuri continues. She says while she was growing up here,

    she was surprised to find most of her work already done for her. There was only Nuroan and its

    population of roughly 10,000, compared to what she was expected to find: many small houses and

    roughly 500,000 people. Yuri chuckles and says she finished her mission way too soon, and is now

    board. But then she begins talking about a way to get out of here; a way the she was unaware of until

    just recently. She points to the treasure room behind the thrones, and says she found out from there.

    Prince looks away for a split second, and when he returns his glance Yuri jumps out of a window and

    falls a great distance. She is not dead however. She looks up, and yells at all the zombies that Prince is

    their target, and no zombie should stop hunting him until he is dead. Yuri then runs away as all the

    zombies begin entering the base of the castle.

    Prince, still confused about what Yuri said, makes a dash for the treasure room and destroys the

    bookshelf. He enters the hidden room, and finds a handful of books. Most are green and hardcover,

    but two are red and hand written, like a journal. He looks through one green book and sees various

    pictures that he doesnt understand. One picture is of George Washington. Another shows Nazis and

    submarines, while the next talks about something called the internet. Prince is struggling to put the

    pieces together, so he grabs all the books and heads out. Back in the throne room, the zombies have

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    already made their way in. Prince starts to fight them, but remembers that every zombie will be after

    him. So he runs to the window and scales down the wall using his sword. He lands on the roof of a side

    panel of the castle, and then hops his way from roof to roof to the main gate. While evading all the

    zombies that are hunting him, he makes is way to Old Nuroan (the suburbs). While on his way there, he

    sees something off in the distance. Its a large rectangle going into the air, leaving a cloud of smoke

    behind it. Prince has no idea what it could be, but to us, the reader/player, we can see it is a rocket ship.

    He gives Professor the books, and watches his eyes light up. Professor says he hasnt seen the

    books in years, and begins flipping through them vigorously. After a few minutes, Prince demands to

    know the answers and here the secrets. Professor looks up apologetically, and begins to tell Prince what

    King was going to tell him so long ago.

    Professor: We are not on Earth. Many, many years ago, Earth had its own system of telling

    time by the year. Earths year was 2120 when something horrible happened. On Earth, there are seven

    large bodies of land. These are called continents. On one of these continents, Australia, a mysterious

    black liquid came out of the ground, and began infecting its inhabitants. The black liquid made parasites

    within the Australians, and made them become zombies. The place was quarantined, but infected

    people still managed to leave the county. Fearing the worst, the USA, our home country, launched a

    nuclear warhead on Australia, wiping it off the map. The UN, a group of other countries that were allies

    with the USA, declared war on America, thus beginning WWIII.

    In the confusion of the war, two other continents close to Australia, Africa and lower Asia,

    began showing signs of infection, and zombies began showing up. The cause of this was most likely from

    infected people retreating before the nuke fell; it even may be possible that the black liquid somehow

    was transported via water or bird migration. We may never know However it happened, strict laws

    were enforced on travel, and most of Europe quarantined itself from the world. During all of this, the

    President of America decided that people needed to be evacuated to a safe location in case the black

    liquid or infected people came to America. Before the black liquid was discovered, America was in the

    middle of a space race with Japan. Between the two, they found a spot in space, within the same galaxy,

    that had an atmosphere nearly identical to Earth. The President decided to send five shuttles full of

    civilians and elected officials to this spot in space, an insurance plan if America became consumed by the


    Before the five were set out, one was sent with 1,000 construction workers and lots of timber,

    metal and thousands of instant build houses (simple houses that can be constructed within minutes, the

    houses of the suburbs). After the construction crew was sent, the President declared that they wait six

    months before sending the civilians. During the six months, everywhere on Earth became infected except

    for America, Europe, Japan and the Koreas. WWIII was still active, but the main focus of each country

    was the survival of its people.

    During the tension of the war, Korea attacked the quarantine bunkers of Europe in an act of

    terrorism, to ensure Europe wouldnt attack Korea first. The attack was a success, and Europe became

    overrun with zombies. With nothing to lose, Europe sent the last of its missiles out in an all-out attack on

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    America and Korea. Korea was destroyed entirely, leaving only Japan and a little less than half of

    America left alive. With Americas defense down, the place began to take in zombies ratherquickly. By

    the end of the six months, there was almost none of America left.

    The president ordered the five civilian ships off to space. The president and most of the white

    house and congress were in one of the ships; in the other four, upper class civilians and wealthypassengers. Each ship had about 100,000 people in it and enough food to and seeds to last a few

    months. The five ships left Earth, and headed to the safe haven where the construction workers were

    waiting. This location was on Jupiter; the gas planet. On Jupiters surface, there was once a large red

    spot, but after a while, the red spot vanished. After it vanished, it left a planet in its wake; bound by

    Jupiters gravitational pull. This planet is all solid with no liquid what so ever. Its the planet we are on.

    When the five ships landed, all was going to plan until the last ship was opened. The last ship

    was full of zombies. Within one of the four upper class civilian ships, someone infected had boarded;

    most likely someone with money or a person related to someone with power. Either way, 20% of the

    American race that evacuated were zombies, and they attacked the survivors.

    It didnt take the President long to realize that the survivors could not live in the newly created

    suburbia of cheap two step houses. So he ordered that the rest of the construction workers left alive to

    help him build a city. This city would be Nuroan, and would take many years to make. During the early

    stages of construction, many civilians objected to the Presidents actions, and tried to overthrow him.

    The problem was that the civilians still believed in democracy, and felt that they should have a say so in

    everything and vote. In a struggle to keep power and avoid an uprising that would mean certain death

    for the Americans, the President titled himself as a dictator, and had his guards kill anyone that objected

    to his ideas. The civilians learned their lesson quickly, and began to fear him. Years later, when an

    uprising was out of the picture, the newly titled Dictatorchanged his status to King. This likeable title

    helped him rule without seeming corrupt.

    Nearly four generations and four Kings later, Nuroan was ready to inhabit. But there was a lot

    less people left alive to live in it. From the 400,000 survivors that landed, there were only 10,000; the

    rest were zombies. King the 4th

    passed many laws and rules to prevent Nuroan from overpopulation. He

    also managed to prevent future panics by having a city meeting. In the meeting, he declared to all of the

    remaining survivors that this was New Earth, not a dead planet in space. He also declared that from

    that day on, no one was to talkabout how they got here or Old Earth. He said that this was their new

    home, and being reminded of the past would only bring pain and depression; and anyone found talking

    about Old Earth, would be put to death. King the 4th kept the past a secret only to the royalty of his

    family and the best of his men. History books were kept away in a hidden room, as proof to any new

    members of the secret of Old Earth.

    Since then, hundreds of years have passed. There is no recorded artifact that states just how

    many years, but I believe it to be over 500. Professor looks at the ground sadly, and tells Prince that he

    now knows the secret his father wanted to tell him. Prince, still trying to remember all of what

    Professor said, asks where the space ships are located. Prince believes that Yuri took one, and that what

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    he saw in the air was a space ship. Professor has no idea where they are, but recommends Prince to go

    in the direction of where the spaceship came from. Prince thanks him, and then tells him that every

    zombie in on the planet is after him, and that they wont stop until he is dead or gone. Professor says he

    understands, and shakes Princes hand.

    As Prince is leaving, he runs into the blacksmiths kid. Prince tries to avoid him, but the boy cansee what is going on. The child feels betrayed and hurt, but before Prince can explain himself, the large

    horde of zombies begins to attack Old Nuroan. Prince runs away, keeping the zombies out of the

    suburbs, and makes his way to where the space ship came from.

    Once he arrives, there are only 5 ships left. Yuri took the ship that had once held 1000

    construction workers. The remaining 5 were the civilian ships. The panels on the inside are all solar

    powered, like most everything is. However, to take off, he is going to need something called gasoline.

    He finds that three of the five ships have been syphoned by Yuri of their remaining fuel, so Prince begins

    transporting the gas from two ships into one ship. About half way through, the zombies begin attacking.

    Prince manages transporting gas and slaying zombies fairly well until something awful happens. Princes

    sword hits a shard of metal from a ship and creates a spark. The spark ignites the gas vapors

    surrounding the ship, and it blows up with half the gas supply in it. Prince flies back from the explosion

    and watches in horror as two other ships close by also blow up. With his skin charred, and his pride

    broken, he retreats to Old Nuroan to tell Professor that three of the five ships have blown up, and there

    is no gasoline.

    Back at Old Nuroan, all seems to be lost. Professor listens quietly, and when Prince is done

    talking, Prince passes out. When he awakes, he is in bed and wrapped in bandages. This reminds him of

    when he first arrived at Old Nuroan, and Prince lets out a dry chuckle. Professor walks in, and says he

    has a solution to Princes problem; but that he will only tell him after someone else is done talking.

    Blacksmiths kid enters the room, and a sad conversation begins between Prince and the child. The kid

    looked up to Prince as a father and role model figure, and never wants him to leave. Prince says he has

    to leave, and apologizes to him. They hug and the kid sobs quietly. Prince tells him not to be sad, since

    he will be the new Prince. While in bed, Prince knights the boy as the new Prince, and declares

    himself a knight to the boy. The new Prince stops crying, and old Prince tells the kid to look up to

    Professor since Professor is now the new King. A proud air fills the room, and old Prince, or as he is now

    titled, Knight, tells the new Prince to take rest while he sorts out the mess at hand.

    Once the new Prince leaves the room, Professor tells Prince of his plan. Once the ships are in

    the sky, they are controlled by equipment that is solar powered. All Prince needs is a little kick to help

    get him off the ground. While Prince was asleep, Professor followed the smoke to where the two last

    ships were located, and studied them. After extensive research, Professor believes that the jelly from

    the parasites on zombies can be used in bulk to create enough energy from an explosion to lift off the

    ship. Prince trusts the Professors judgment, and goes off to get jelly.

    This is the last part of the game. The story cannot go any farther until Prince gathers enough

    jelly. In this section of the game, the world is the players to explore. Every location can be visited. The

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    player can use this time to kill zombies for battle exp. to learn new moves. The player can gut, cook and

    eat red meat to max out his life. The player can also find any remaining notes for the professor and

    tools for the blacksmiths kid to learn all uses for the water gun and boost the attack damage for the

    sword to its limit.

    Once enough jelly is captured, the Prince takes it to Professor. They make several trips back andforth putting jelly into one of the ships. Once the jelly is set, Professor gives Prince a water gun filled

    with hydrogen and jelly. He tells Prince that when Prince is ready to take off, he must shake the water

    gun, mixing the jelly and hydrogen, and place it in the fuel tank. They will not mix properly, and explode

    after 5 minutes. The explosion with trigger the rest of the jelly in the tank, and the mix of vapor and

    from the jelly and power from the explosion will blast the ship into space. Professor then goes into the

    ship, and sets it to go to Earth once in space. Prince waits outside, guarding for zombies.

    After the ship is set, they go back to Old Nuroan. Its Princes last day on New Earth, so

    Professor (King), the blacksmiths boy (Prince), and the rest of the survivors Prince saved throughout the

    game celebrate Princes heroism and give him a going away party. Prince is happy to be with everyone,

    and gives a little speech about his adventure. He ends by officially making Professor the King and the

    blacksmiths boy the Prince in front of everyone. He then gives the new Prince his sword, and tells him

    to watch over everyone.

    The next day, Prince gets up early to leave, but Professor stops him. He tells Prince that he left

    many voice recordings for Prince in the cockpit of the ship, and that Prince should listen to them after

    the takeoff. Prince thanks the Professor for everything, and gives him a strong, firm hug. After that, he

    visits New Prince one last time and tells the boy to make him proud. The New Prince tells him that he

    is scared, and is not sure if he can live up to how amazing of a leader Prince was. Prince tells the boy

    that he has had the power all along within himself, and just needs to believe in himself. Prince leaves

    one last time, and the new, young Prince cries in sorrow and honor.

    Prince shakes up the water gun, and places it into the fuel tank. He races to the inside of the

    ship, and prays for the best. The ship takes off smoothly, and soon Prince is off into space. He sees

    many stars off into the distance, and is in awe. After a while, he plays back Professors voice messages.

    The Professor left many messages, but the first one is very specific. Professor tells Prince that the

    journey to Earth will be long, and take several months. Professor then tells Prince to enter the sleeping

    quarters, and set the chamber to hibernation. Professor finally tells Prince to set it to 6 months, and not

    listen to any other messages until he awakens.

    Prince sets the bed chamber to 6 months, and starts to fall asleep. His goal set on finding Yuriand getting revenge, as well as finding out what Earth is like. He begins to wonder how Yuri was made,

    and if there are others like her on Earth. Prince ponders many other questions, but finds himself getting

    drowsy. He closes his eyes one last time and falls into a deep, long slumber.

    To be continued