ommvjomnm - s c cschool profile ommvjomnm pÅÜççä=jçííçw the fear of the lord is the...

= = = School Profile OMMVJ OMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF !"#$%&'() !"#$%&' =V NM = = = = = = = = = =^ÇÇêÉëë!"#=v~ì=lá=bëí~íÉI=qìÉå=jìå =qÉäÉéÜçåÉ=kçKOQRV=NNSS =tÉÄ=páíÉÜííéWLLïïïKëÅÅKÉÇìKÜâ CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE S C CHAN MEMORIAL COLLEGE

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Page 1: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF

� = �= � = �School Profile



The fear of the LORD is

the beginning of wisdom,

and knowledge of the

Holy One is understanding.EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


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Page 2: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


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�=�=�=�=�=�=�School Mission

�=�=�=�=�=�Major Concerns

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Founded in 1980 by Kowloon Tong Church of the Chinese Christian and Missionary Alliance, our school is an aidedEnglish secondary school. We are committed to providing an education based upon Christian values by encouraging thedevelopment in each student of spiritual and moral values and stimulating all students to achieve their potential. Todevelop the whole person, we nurture students with moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual education.It is our mission that students are equipped with the right attitudes of life, independent thinking and lifelong learning skillsbefore contributing to the well-being of their communities and country.

�� !"#$ Student Ambassadors’ Mainland Visit

�� !"#$%Attributes of CASCCMC Students

Our major concerns this year are:

� To enhance the ef fect iveness andefficiency of learning and teaching

� To reinforce the attributes of CASCCMCstudents

� To broaden students' horizons and enrichtheir life experiences

�� !"�� !"#�� ! Mentoring Programme

Page 3: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


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In all aspects of school life, our dedicatedteam of professional Christian teachersprovide outstanding support and guidance.

�� !"#$Staff Development Day

�=�=�=�Quality Teaching

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All the 59 members of our teaching staff, including our NET,have their first degree. 18 are Master’s degree holders.

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�� !"#$ Staff Photo 2009-2010

Page 4: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�=�=�=�Campus Facilities

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� 28 standard classrooms, lockers are installed in all classrooms and along the corridors on each floor.

� 14 special rooms

� Air-conditioned classrooms and school hall. Special rooms and classrooms are installed with IT teaching-and-learningfacilities, including an Internet and Intranet linked computer system, multi-media projectors and visualizers.

� Functional rooms: a counselling room, an interview room, a student activity centre, a student union office, a Parent-Teacher Association resource centre

� Computer-assisted Learning Centre, Language Laboratory, Multi-media Learning Centre

� A reading corner on each floor, Tenth Anniversary Plaza on 1st floor, English corner on 2nd floor and a Horticulture corner

� Air-conditioned covered playground

�� !"#$%&'())�*F.1 Orientation Day


Page 5: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�Medium of Instruction

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The Lunch Time Forum is launched to enhance students' languageproficiency, develop their self-confidence and improve their communicativeskills. Students are expected to refine their public speaking skills. Thisyear, not only will students of each class continue to take turns to givespeeches in Cantonese, English and Putonghua, they will also enjoy thepresentations given by guest teachers and student leaders.

��=�=�=��Lunch Time Forum

�� !"#�� !"#$%&'()*(�� !"#$%&'()*+,Students give speeches in Cantonese, Englishand Putonghua in Lunch Time Forum

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To nurture students to become trilingual and biliterate, all lessons areconducted in English, except for Chinese Language, Chinese Literature,Chinese History, Religious Studies, Liberal Studies and Putonghua.

�� !"English Corner activity

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Page 6: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


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F.1 and F.2 English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics,Liberal Studies, Computer and Information Technology,Chinese History, History, Geography, Integrated Science,Religious Studies, Visual Arts, Home Economics, Music,Physical Education and Putonghua.

F.3 English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics,Liberal Studies, Computer and Information Technology,Chinese History, History, Geography, Economics, Physics,Chemistry, Biology, Religious Studies, Visual Arts, Musicand Physical Education.


Chinese Language, English Language, Mathematics, Liberal Studies,Mathematics (Extended parts), Chinese History, History, Geography,Economics, Business Accounting and Financial Studies, Chinese Literature,Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Information and Communication Technology,Visual Arts, Religious Studies and Physical Education.

�=�=�=�School Curriculum

�� !"# Debate Competition

�� !"#$!%&'(!(Students enjoy studying Integrated Science

�� �!"#$%&'() F.1 Visit

�� !"#$ Field Trip to Bride’s Pool

Page 7: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�Academic Achievement


The passing percentage of Chinese, English and Mathematics were as follows:Chinese Language : 94%English Language : 100%Mathematics : 98%

Six students got 6As or above in HKCE 2009. The most outstanding studentwas Law Sze Yeung, who got 7As and 1B. 38 of our students have achievedat least 6As in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination in thepast 6 years. Three of them have been ranked in the top 40 among allcandidates and awarded HKSAR Government Scholarships.


The average passing percentage of the 2009 Hong Kong Advanced LevelExamination was 99.2% and the credit rate was 51.5%.

The admission rate to local universities through JUPAS went up to 92.5%.About 70% of our students were admitted to the University of Hong Kong,the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Scienceand Technology. The most outstanding result was 4As and 1C attained byLam Hing, who is now studying in University College of Oxford with a fullscholarship awarded by John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd. Other high achieversincluded Man Wing Sze, Huen Tat Ming and Leung Chi Yin. The formerreaped 5As while the others attained 4As and 1B in the same examination.Like his junior Lam Hing, Huen Tat Ming is now studying in Oxford Universitywith the very same scholarship he won two year ago.

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To cater for learner diversity, various enhancement classeshave been organized where necessary. On top of the fundingfrom the Education Bureau, we have been deploying fundinggenerously donated by Sun Hung Kai Charity Fund in thepast 11 years to meet the diverse learning needs of ourstudents. To raise learning effectiveness, school-basedteaching methodology is adopted in all subjects.

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�� !"#$%&'()*+,-.-/0Professor Tsui Lap Chee, Vice-Chancellor of the Universityof Hong Kong, was our Guest of Honour in GraduationCeremony 2009

�� !"#$%&'()Our Principal and top students of HKCEE 2009

�� !"#$%&'()*+,Lam Hing and Huen Tat Ming at Oxford University

Page 8: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�Religious Education

�=�=�=�=�Discipline and Counselling

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Building on our traditional school ethos that is highly commended by parents and people in the community, we aim tohelp our students to be industrious, persevering, conscientious, proactive in learning and willing to serve.

Through morning assemblies, assemblies and class teacher periods, activities designed in line with the major concernsare carried out so that students can achieve whole person development.

The Student Guidance Committee also arranges sharing sessions, individualinterviews, training camps, group activities and mass programs to enablestudents to be strong enough to tackle the problems they may encounter.

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Through the 'Big Brothers, Big Sisters’ Scheme, all Form One students aregiven comprehensive guidance and support from their seniors. It ensurestheir smooth transition to the secondary level.

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Christian values are essential to teenagers. Through the implementation of Christian education,we aim to nurture students who have pure thoughts and are capable of leading a meaningful life.

Religious activities: Religious morning assemblies, religious assemblies, Christian Fellowship,Gospel Week, Spiritual Revival Camp, Gospel Camp, evangelical training, cell groups,Bible Study Group, Singspiration Team etc.

�� !"#$%&'()Students are having a greattime in Junior Fellowship

��� !"#$%‘Big Brothers, Big Sisters’ Scheme kick-offceremony

�� !"#$%&'()*Hymn Singspiration Team singing Christmas carols in Tuen Mun

�� !"#$%&'()*+,-.Teachers shared and supported each other in Staff Retreat

Page 9: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�=�Parent-Teacher Association

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The Parent-Teacher Association of our school was set up on 16th February2000. We are proud to have very enthusiastic officials who have beenworking closely with the school to provide quality education to each ofour students.

With the addition of a Parent Manager and an Alternate Parent Managerin the Incorporated Management Committee since 2008, parents havenow been assisting in the management of the school. This signals a newmilestone in home-school co-operation.

The Form One Parent Class was first run in 1991. With the support ofparents, Form One students find it easier to cope with their studies, andthat the relationship with their parents has improved.

�� !"#$ !��P a r e n t M a n a g e rElection

�� !"#$��PTA Salute to ourTeachers

�� !"#$%&'()*+,-Parent’s sharing in assembly about their career

�� !"#�� �� !"#PTA outing to Noah’sArk at Ma Wan

Page 10: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF



�=�=�=�Extra-curricular Activities

�� !"#$%&'()Our school got the 1st Runner-up inInter-school Basketball competition

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This year, we offer 56 interest groups, clubs and societies forstudents to relax, cultivate their interests, develop their potentialand enrich their campus life. Among them, nine are Polyartclasses specially designed for Form One students.

Students at our school are all rounded. They have been clinchingnumerous awards in Hong Kong Schools Music Festival,Speech Festival, Dance Competition, Inter-school Athletic Meetsand Swimming Galas. In the past three years, students havegarnered an impressive total of 58 prizes in English Solo VerseSpeaking at Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. They included22 first places, 18 second places and 18 third places.

�� !"# Green Trail Ranger

�� !"#$%& Swimming Gala�� !"# Inter-class Singing Contest

�� Athletics Meet

Page 11: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�Student Leaders

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The school offers numerous posts for student leadersto hone their leadership skills and to serve their fellowschoolmates. They include Student Union officials,House staff, School Prefects, Guidance Prefects,Information Technology Prefects, Civic EducationAmbassadors, English Ambassadors and CareerGuidance Prefects.

�� !"#$%&Nurturing Talents, Exceeding Limits

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Every year, our student leaders are given leadership training so that they are ready for the challenges ahead.Students are also encouraged to join various nurturing excellence schemes both on and off campus in order toexceed their limits. Given the proven records of the outstanding performances in countless inter-school competitionsover the years, we believe our students can excel.

�� !"#$%&'()*+Candidates for Student Union presenting themselves in the Assembly

�� !"#$%!�� !Mrs. Anson Chan andour student leaders

�� !"#$�� !"Student Union Election Campaign

�� !" Leadership Training Camp �� !"#$%&'( Student Union and House Officials’ Training Camp

Page 12: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


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Liberal Studies has been put in our Form One Curriculum since 2006 inpreparation for the implementation of New Senior Secondary Curriculum.

To help students acquire knowledge and skills essential to this subject,lessons are mostly conducted in the form of group discussions,presentations, role play and debates. To raise students' social awareness,boost their analytical skills, communicative skills and cooperative skills, a'Liberal Studies Corner' and the 'Current Issues Discussion Corner' havebeen set up in all the classrooms and at the school main entrance respectively.

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Form Two students have been joining Consumer Culture Study AwardCompetition jointly run by Education Bureau and Consumer Council since2007-2008. They won the Champion in Junior Section in the first year,and a Commendation last year.

�=�=�=�Liberal Studies

�� !"#$%&'()Students participating actively in their Liberal Studies lessons

�� !"#$%&'()*F.1 students show their concern about currentissues through ‘On-street Drama’

�� !"#$%&'()*+,-./0)Junior Section Special Award of the 10thConsumer Culture Study Award

�� !"#$%&'()Community Study run by Liberal Studies

�� !"#$%Form activity of Form One classes

Page 13: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�=�=�Outstanding Students

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Our students are potential leaders with proven records. In the past six years, 24 of them have been selected as OutstandingLeaders in Tuen Mun, 6 have been elected as Hong Kong Outstanding Students by Hok Yau Club, 3 have received theHKSAR Outstanding Student Award, and 2 have been accorded with the prestigious title of Grantham Scholar of the Year.

Having won in various competitions, 13 of our outstanding students took part in various training, visits, charity work andcultural exchange overseas.

S^�� !"#$%&'()�� !"#$6A Lee Tsz Kiu has beenselected as HK OutstandingStudent Leader

�� !"#$%OMMV��� !�� !"#$%&4E Kwong Yi Lee has been selectedas one of the ten HKSAR OutstandingStudents 2009

S_�� !"�� !"#$%�&'(�� ON���� !"#$%&'()*+6B Lo Cheuk Wa has been selected Student Delegate ofJapan-East Asia Network of Exchange

Page 14: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF

14 �� !"#$%&'()*+Tong Sin Yee and Wong Yuk Yi visited Yangon, Myanmar

�� !"#$%&List of Awards in External Competitions

T^�� !"#$%&'()*"+,-�� ! �"#$"%&'7A Lau Ka Wing has been awarded DrCheng Yu Tung Scholarship to pursue herstudies in the University of Toronto

�� ! Q^N`�� !"#$%&'(�� !"#$#Lam Hing got 4A1C and has been admittedby University College of Oxford and hasbeen offered full Scholarship for four years

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7B Lam Hing was admitted to University College of Oxford. Shealso won a full scholarship offered by John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd.

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6A Lee Tsz Kiu was awarded one of the 2008-2009 GranthamScholars of the Year by the Grantham Scholarships Fund Committee.

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6A Lee Tsz Kiu won the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Scholarshipfor Overseas Studies.

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Our alumnus Yu Lap Fai won the Sir Edward Youde MemorialFellowship for Overseas Studies.

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6A Lee Tsz Kiu won the HKSAR Government Scholarship for hisoutstanding results in the 2008 HKCEE .

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6A Lee Tsz Kiu was selected to be the Outstanding Student Leaderin Secondary Schools organised by Hok Yau Club.

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7A Lau Ka Wing won the Dr Cheng Yu Tung Scholarship to pursueher studies in the University of Toronto.

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4E Kwong Yi Lee was selected as one of the ten HKSAR OutstandingStudents 2009.

�� !"�#$%�&'()*+,-�� !"#Our Alumnus Yu Lap Fai has been awardedSir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship forOverseas Studies

�� !"#$%&'()&*+"#,�� Lee Tsz Kiu was awarded Sir Edward YoudeMemorial Scholarship for Overseas Studies

Page 15: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


VK S_�� !"#$% ON�� !"#$%&'()*+��

6B Lo Cheuk Wa was selected as the Student Delegateof Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Studentand Youth Programme 2009.

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6B Chan Pui Wai was delegated by the JuniorAchievement Hong Kong to attend the '09 Youth LeadersExchange in Canada in August.

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6A Wong Hau Yi was delegated by the Home AffairsBureau to attend the International Youth ExchangeProgramme 2009-2010 in UK in July.

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3B Tong Sin Yee and 4E Leung Tai Pong were selectedTuen Mun Outstanding Students 2009 by Tuen MunYouths Association.

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6B Siu Ming Chak was selected as an Outstanding YoungEnvoy by UNICEF to understand more about the state ofthe children and the work of UNICEF in improving thelives of children in Gansu, China.

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6A Kwok Yee, Fung Sze Lut and Wong Wing Yee weredelegated by Tuen Mun Outstanding Students Associationto visit Nanjing and Shanghai.

�� !"#$%&'()*+,- !.�/012Mr. Wong Kai Wing and our prize winners in Tuen Mun OutstandingStudents Prize Presentation Ceremony

S^�� !"#$%&'()*+',-./01),�� !"#$%&6A Wong Hau Yi has been selected for participating inthe International Youth Exchange Programme 2009-2010as a youth delegate to visit UK

T_�� !"�� !"#$%&'(�� !"#$7B Kong Ning is the first female flag-raiser in the HongKong Military Summer Camp

�� !"#$%&'()*+UNICEF Young Envoy, Siu Ming Chak, visited Gansuin China

Page 16: OMMVJOMNM - S C CSchool Profile OMMVJOMNM pÅÜççä=jçííçW The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. EmêçîÉêÄë=VWNMF


�=�=�=�=�Special Learning Day

�=�=�=�=�=�=�Promoting Learning Strategies

Students' academic excellence and personal growth are deemed equallyimportant to us. We believe that effective learning takes place only whenthere is a harmonious teacher-and-student relationship, and that only withteachers' care and concern can students learn to build up a warm campus.

1. To develop the whole person, to equip students with the ever-changingsociety, and to cater for learning diversity, Liberal Studies is put in thejunior form curriculum, while more subject combinations are offeredto students in senior forms.

2. To prepare students for the challenges ahead, higher-order thinkingskills have to be stressed when panels and committees design exercisesand activities. The Form 2 project learning is to be done annually.

3. To promote effective learning, different study methods are introducedthroughout the year.

4. To improve students' public speaking and communication skills, theLunch Time Forum is held regularly.

5. To promote extensive reading, Reading Award Scheme is implemented.

6. To foster collaborative learning, small study groups are to be formedon a class basis.

7. To cater for learner diversity, teaching progress and assignments haveto be adjusted accordingly.

8. To cater for learner diversity, various enhancement classes have to beorganized where necessary.

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Our school has organized Special Learning Daysevery year starting from 2001. The wide rangeof activities like Adventurous Training, MilitaryTraining Camp, visits to Legislative Council andlocal universities allow students to enrich theirlife experience and enjoy learning in a fun way.

�� !"#$%&'(#)*#�� Visit to the Hong Kong Universityof Science and Technology

�� !"#$%&�� !�� !Our students taught the United Kingdomdelegates Chinese martial arts

�� !"#$%&�'()*+,The United Kingdom delegates of the InternationalYouth Exchange Programme visited our school

�� !"#$%&'()$*+,-The United Kingdom delegates learntChinese calligraphy

�� !"#$%&'()*Visit to the Legislative Council