omni-gen™omni-gen™ model-driven development of data mastering, cleansing, and integration...

Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data integration and mastering platform that enables rapid, model-driven implementation of master data management (MDM), data cleansing, and data integration projects. Omni-Gen provides a unified environment through which developers and businesspeople can collaborate to quickly and easily define integration, data quality, match/merge, remediation, and unification plans. The benefits are huge: For example, typical MDM projects can be reduced from 12-18 months to 3-6 months or less. Many organizations avoid MDM, data quality, and data warehousing initiatives, in spite of the significant benefits, because they perceive them as being too big, too time- consuming, and too resource intensive. Those brave enough to move forward have a hard time demonstrating value, as projects become difficult to control and take much longer than anticipated. Omni-Gen provides them an option that will enable them to achieve their goals with lower risk, lower cost, and in less time. Fact Sheet Features Time-to-value in weeks, not months Robust and reliable implementation Transparent and efficient Enterprise data governance and remediation Runs on-premises or in the cloud Monitoring Data Integration Data Profiling Data Mastering Data Stewardship Data Cleansing Omni-Gen dramatically cuts the risk, time, and cost of creating applications that manage and monitor the entire data management lifecycle. Information Builders provides the industry’s most scalable software solutions for data management and analytics. With one smart platform for integration, data quality, and analytics, we help companies man- age their data, generate insights, take action, and deliver impact. WebFOCUS iWay Software Omni

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Page 1: Omni-Gen™Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data …

Omni-Gen™Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications

Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data integration and mastering platform that enables rapid, model-driven implementation of master data management (MDM), data cleansing, and data integration projects. Omni-Gen provides a unified environment through which developers and businesspeople can collaborate to quickly and easily define integration, data quality, match/merge, remediation, and unification plans.

The benefits are huge: For example, typical MDM projects can be reduced from 12-18 months to 3-6 months or less.

Many organizations avoid MDM, data quality, and data warehousing initiatives, in spite of the significant benefits, because they perceive them as being too big, too time-consuming, and too resource intensive. Those brave enough to move forward have a hard time demonstrating value, as projects become difficult to control and take much longer than anticipated. Omni-Gen provides them an option that will enable them to achieve their goals with lower risk, lower cost, and in less time.

Fact Sheet


■ Time-to-value in weeks, not months

■ Robust and reliable implementation

■ Transparent and efficient

■ Enterprise data governance and remediation

■ Runs on-premises or in the cloud


Data Integration

Data Profiling

Data Mastering Data Stewardship

Data Cleansing

Omni-Gen dramatically cuts the risk, time, and cost of creating applications that manage and monitor the entire data management lifecycle.

Information Builders provides the

industry’s most scalable software

solutions for data management and

analytics. With one smart platform

for integration, data quality, and

analytics, we help companies man-

age their data, generate insights,

take action, and deliver impact.

WebFOCUS iWay Software Omni

Page 2: Omni-Gen™Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data …

A Unique Top-Down MethodologyOmni-Gen is designed to facilitate efficient integration and mastering of data by tapping into businesspeople’s knowledge of domains such as customer, location, supplier, and so on. Instead of beginning the development process with a survey of existing data – a bottom-up approach – business users are asked, “What data do I need, and in what form?”

Fact Sheet

Complex and inefficient “bottom-up” approaches, usually lacking software support for best practices, lead to more manual effort, forgotten or delayed features, and longer

The Omni-Gen approach supports a top-down design process, encourages best practices, automates the implementation of many features, and decreases both risk and time to value.

Page 3: Omni-Gen™Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data …

Since business users know how they use this information, but usually can’t identify every requirement on the first try, this inquiry serves to kick off an iterative, agile process that continually refines the warehouse models or master record definitions they need. Omni-Gen users then map the models to sources and define required data quality, match/merge, and remediation rules.

This process – managed by Omni-Gen from end to end – ensures a faster result without compromising quality or effectiveness. It also improves collaboration between business-people and developers, eliminating typical spreadsheet-based interactions during the design of models and cleansing rules.

Overall Value of Omni-Gen■ Provides a business-centric approach. Omni-Gen facilitates the discovery of business-level knowledge that accelerates the development of golden records. This aids in the efficient production of an integration, data quality, and mastering repository and workflows

■ Accelerates time to value. Omni-Gen cuts implementation times for a mastered domain by 75 percent, reducing typical projects from 12-18 months to 3-6 months or less

■ Enables SMB, division-level and departmental-level MDM. Omni-Gen’s lower risk and faster time to value enable smaller organizations or sub-organizations to undertake data mastering projects that would have once been out of their reach

■ Improves service-to-software ratio. Omni-Gen minimizes the service-to-software ratio for mastering applications, which typically ranges from 4:1 to 6:1, to 2:1 or lower

■ Relies on configuration rather than coding. Omni-Gen generates many of the necessary data mastering steps. Developers spend less time coding, so more time can be spent defining rules and configuring the necessary components

■ Reduces technical complexity. Omni-Gen includes all of the integration, data quality, remediation, mastering, and other technologies and services – many of which are pre-configured and developed based on our implementation experience – that are required to create and maintain an application, thereby reducing the number of tools, skills, and vendors needed

■ Improves collaboration. Omni-Gen provides mechanisms for business users and developers to engage while designing models and cleansing plans, which improves communication, reduces spreadsheet-based documentation, and eliminates version control issues. It also cleanses, profiles, and masters data in web browsers for ease of use

■ Provides multi-domain functionality. Omni-Gen dramatically reduces costs in multi-domain environments, with one license supporting multiple domains

■ Features proactive data stewardship. Most initiatives call for the deployment of steward services after the initial domain is up and running. With Omni-Gen, automatic authorization and notifications are a built-in part of the development process

■ Provides historical snapshots and traceability. Omni-Gen provides historical snapshots of golden records and a complete audit trail that can reproduce golden records as they exist at any moment in time. It also persists and relates important transactions to mastered data

Fact Sheet

Page 4: Omni-Gen™Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data …

Fact Sheet

Features and BenefitsIntegrated Design EnvironmentBusiness users and developers use Omni-Gen’s Eclipse-based design environment to create models, Inbound Document Specifications (IDS) that contain the attributes for source data, and rules for data quality, match/merge, and remediation. Instead of business users and developers swapping spreadsheets with lists of requirements, specifications, and changes, Omni-Gen enables more direct communication about requirements and more specific actions.

Benefits:■ Model Flexibility – Avoids starting from scratch by importing existing models in XMI format as well as creating new models

■ Cleansing Plan Reusability – Ensures cleansed, standardized, and enriched data across the enterprise by promoting the management and reuse of cleansing plans across data integration and mastering projects

■ Supports Multiple Developers – Enables multiple developers working on a single model to make additions and changes without creating conflicts

Multi-Domain Master Data ManagementA configurable interface enables cleansing and matching/merging, automatically reconciling master references.

Benefits:■ Simplifies Multi-Domain MDM – Omni-Gen helps users create “crosswalks” to easily manage the relationships among different mastered domains

■ Cost-Effectiveness for Multiple Domains – Omni-Gen includes multi-domain mastering without an additional purchase

Data Governance and RemediationOmni-Gen delivers multi-domain enterprise data governance for business users through the Omni Governance Console. Built-in authorization for each domain ensures that each user has the capabilities that are right for their role and the software licensed. Users can configure customizable workflows to provide automatic alerts when data quality threats require intervention.

The 360° Viewer, part of the Omni Governance Console, provides a complete web-based view of golden records in a data mastering environment.

Page 5: Omni-Gen™Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data …

Benefits: ■ 360° View Into Master Data – Users can search and view mastered information across dimensions, as well as functional and business domains. They can also navigate the instance records that comprise the golden record, or the master comparison view of the golden record

■ Simplified Remediation – Data stewards can easily monitor, audit, manage, and resolve all data quality issues

■ Generates Historical Trail – The portal automatically generates a complete trail of all changes made to master record data, as well as auditing access to the master records – which is often one of the first features to be eliminated when MDM projects go over schedule, but which is also one of the most important features to have

Sophisticated Process ManagementA built-in enterprise service bus orchestrates all processes and workflows, updates back-end systems, and provides a complete history of all golden and source records.

Benefits:Simplifies Integration Processes – Facilitates generation of standardized integration schemas by supporting any kind of data, event, or message. Transforms any application, database, or transaction into fully reusable services that can feed mastering applications in batch or real time.

Omni-Gen directly provides for Operational MDM implementations with:

■ Built-in REST interfaces with Omni-Gen to manage and search for data in Omni-Gen, and synchronize data to/from operational systems

■ Subscription interfaces to consume updated data via JMS queues

■ Integrated services to exchange data in virtually any format or system

■ Consumption views which are also used to support analytical MDM implementations

Fact Sheet

Page 6: Omni-Gen™Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data …

Fact Sheet

Repository-Based EnvironmentOmni-Gen is built on a series of repositories for profiling, remediation, and mastered rules. Developers create processes for integration, cleansing and mastering, and model development that are executed in the Omni-Gen Server.

Benefits:■ Visibility – Automatically generate a complete trail of all integration, data quality, and mastering rules and make every step of the process transparent for monitoring purposes

Omni-Gen Editions to Address Every RequirementOmni-Gen encapsulates four data-related processes: Profiling, Integration, Cleansing, and Mastering.

Omni-Gen Integration Edition includes data profiling and integration. Omni-Gen Data Quality Edition includes everything in the Integration Edition, plus data cleansing. Omni-Gen Master Data Management Edition includes everything in the Data Quality edition, plus data mastering. Organizations gain far greater benefits for each additional process they implement.

Omni-Gen Integration EditionOmni-Gen Integration Edition includes the technology needed to access, profile, and integrate data regardless of latency requirements or source type.

Data profiling involves viewing the characteristics of your existing data, including maximum and minimum values, different types of values in a field (e.g., numeric, alphanumeric, nulls, etc.), counts of values, and so on. Data profiling is a fundamental and repeated step in any data integration, cleansing, or mastering project.

Omni-Gen’s data integration capabilities include real-time mapping, transformation, and routing. Omni Designer users define the final record layouts needed, whether for a database, a message, or other target, and generate Inbound Document Specifications.

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They then map IDSes to source systems. This approach turns a data exploration effort into a data mapping effort, simplifying the time it takes to develop data warehouses, B2B interactions, and other integration activities.

In the Integration Edition, the Omni Governance Console includes Data Profiler.

Omni-Gen Data Quality EditionOmni-Gen Data Quality Edition includes everything in the Integration Edition, plus the ability to define automatic data cleansing and remediation rules, as well as the business-oriented user interfaces needed to grant business users the power to cleanse dirty data.

The Data Quality Edition adds Remediation Portal to the Omni Governance Console.

Omni-Gen Master Data Management EditionOmni-Gen Master Data Management Edition includes everything in the Data Quality Edition, plus the technology needed to fully master data: match/merge rules, additional remediation capability, and more.

In the Master Data Management Edition, the Omni Governance Console includes the 360° Viewer.

Learn MoreTo find out more about how Omni-Gen can deliver the value of data integration, cleans-ing, and mastering with reduced cost, risk, and time, visit

Fact Sheet

Page 8: Omni-Gen™Omni-Gen™ Model-Driven Development of Data Mastering, Cleansing, and Integration Applications Omni-Gen from Information Builders is a data …

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