on the 9th april 2019...on the 9th april 2019 i lost my son, , to a methamphetamine (ice) addiction...

On the 9th April 2019 I lost my son, , to a Methamphetamine (ICE) addiction which influenced a prescribed medication overdose. took this overdose due to having an unrealistic delusion that he was no longer a benefit to or loved by his family and many friends. He was the devoted father to two young children, he had recently separated from his wife due to his problems/addictions and ongoing mental health issues including anxiety and depression. I understand that this death is probably one of many that occurs due to the use of illicit drugs. case was different; he was surrounded by a loving, caring and concerned family and many friends, all of whom were and had been trying to support him to get the help he so desperately needed. Nobody had given up on , they were just failed by the mental health system. Failed, because the system ignores the pleas of those who are seeing the results of the unwell person's activities. Prejudiced because they do not have a say in the treatment that is required. Treatment that may in turn prevent possible consequences. The problem is that there was no appropriate help for and or his family and friends. On reflection there are services like Lifeline, Beyond Blue, Black Dog Institute etc. These services however are of a voluntary nature, often however the unwell person does not identify in themselves that they need the help of such services. would not voluntarily request help, "he was not broken". He did not and was never going to ask for help because in his mind he was fine, just depressed, but he was also under the influence of illicit drugs and prescribed medications. The result being his death, something which could have been prevented if appropriate and timely help was available. The mental health system does not work or even exist for those who are witnessing these problems. The fact is that the mentally disordered or drug affected do not realise or accept that they are in fact unwell or suffering from addiction and their lives continue to spiral out of control. Methamphetamine changes a person's reasoning and understanding of the environment in which they chose to exist. Doctors, including Psychiatrists were told that was heavily into the use of methamphetamine (ICE), he displayed signs which were pointed out to nor.tors and the team members in the inpatient Mental Health Service. was irrational, belligerent and only answered questions asked. He was left to struggle while love ones looked on. To my knowledge there was no follow up after was released from the inpatient Mental Health Unit at the Mater (Waratah NSW) and there were no discharge papers supplied. Also no toxicology results were provided. had been treated by several Doctors, Psychiatrists, both in Sydney and Newcastle. He had been diagnosed as depressive, anxious, then finally with PTSD. Further he was diagnosed as Bi- Polar, Schizophrenic and even as having ADHD. Each of these illnesses having their own unique medication and treatment schedule. Never did admit, nor did the Doctors diagnose or acknowledge that may have had other problems, such as illicit drug or prescribed medication addiction. He pleaded to having depression which he implicated was due to PTSD from his previous service in the Australian Federal Police.

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On the 9th April 2019 I lost my son, , to a

Methamphetamine (ICE) addiction which influenced a prescribed medication overdose.

took this overdose due to having an unrealistic delusion that he was no longer a benefit to or

loved by his family and many friends.

He was the devoted father to two young children, he had recently separated from his wife due to his

problems/addictions and ongoing mental health issues including anxiety and depression.

I understand that this death is probably one of many that occurs due to the use of illicit drugs.

case was different; he was surrounded by a loving, caring and concerned family and many

friends, all of whom were and had been trying to support him to get the help he so desperately

needed. Nobody had given up on , they were just failed by the mental health system.

Failed, because the system ignores the pleas of those who are seeing the results of the unwell

person's activities. Prejudiced because they do not have a say in the treatment that is required.

Treatment that may in turn prevent possible consequences. The problem is that there was no

appropriate help for and or his family and friends. On reflection there are services like

Lifeline, Beyond Blue, Black Dog Institute etc. These services however are of a voluntary nature,

often however the unwell person does not identify in themselves that they need the help of such


would not voluntarily request help, "he was not broken". He did not and was never going to

ask for help because in his mind he was fine, just depressed, but he was also under the influence of

illicit drugs and prescribed medications. The result being his death, something which could have

been prevented if appropriate and timely help was available.

The mental health system does not work or even exist for those who are witnessing these problems.

The fact is that the mentally disordered or drug affected do not realise or accept that they are in fact

unwell or suffering from addiction and their lives continue to spiral out of control.

Methamphetamine changes a person's reasoning and understanding of the environment in which

they chose to exist. Doctors, including Psychiatrists were told that was heavily into the use of

methamphetamine (ICE), he displayed signs which were pointed out to nor.tors and the team

members in the inpatient Mental Health Service.

was irrational, belligerent and only answered questions asked. He was left to struggle while

love ones looked on. To my knowledge there was no follow up after was released from the

inpatient Mental Health Unit at the Mater (Waratah NSW) and there were no discharge papers

supplied. Also no toxicology results were provided.

had been treated by several Doctors, Psychiatrists, both in Sydney and Newcastle. He had

been diagnosed as depressive, anxious, then finally with PTSD. Further he was diagnosed as Bi­

Polar, Schizophrenic and even as having ADHD. Each of these illnesses having their own unique

medication and treatment schedule.

Never did admit, nor did the Doctors diagnose or acknowledge that may have had

other problems, such as illicit drug or prescribed medication addiction. He pleaded to having

depression which he implicated was due to PTSD from his previous service in the Australian Federal


My partner and I, believe that suffered from NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) as well as

chronic sadness and possible depression, which developed in due to and because of his

perceived frequent disappointments in work and life.

In reviewing the assessment and treatment of many diagnoses, each conflicted with one

another as did the treatments prescribed. Depression and Anxiety resulted in an exacerbation of

original issue of profound sadness.

At the time of death he had resigned from the Australian Federal Police, after 12 years of

dedicated service; he was a learned person who used the internet to his advantage. He knew that if

he did not voluntarily provide information but described a condition, he could manipulate Doctors to

diagnose conditions and prescribe medications that he could use to his benefit. He had never been

diagnosed or treated for NPD or illicit drug addiction.

would script his symptoms and then request drugs to assist in the treatment of these


I myself was previously employed in the New South Police Force for 22 years, I retired due to PTSD

and a severe back injury and my partner is a Nurse Practitioner. We both saw just after

Christmas 2018 and again in early 2019, at this time we noticed concerning symptoms and behaviour

changes, but were not aware at this time that had an ICE addiction.

At the time I saw , I questioned him regarding the number of prescribed medications he was

self-administering, informed me that these were the medications that Doctors, including

Psychiatrists, had prescribed for him.

saw at least two different Psychiatrist's in Newcastle and a Psychologist. Prior to coming to

Newcastle, he lived and worked in Sydney with the Australian Federal Police. He would have

attended similar doctors in Sydney regarding chronic pain and depression. felt that there was

no real solution to his conditions. He suffered several physical injuries which were treated, and

managed with a myriad of prescribed medications, which he self-administered.

The list of drugs provided to during his treatment included:

Dexamphetamine Smg x 6 daily; Efexor 150mg; Venlafaxine 250mg; Olanzapine Smg; Mirtazapine 30mg; Keflex SOOmg; Gabapentin 600mg; Tadalafil 20mg; Diazepam Smg; Mometasone Cream 0.1/15g. Jeremy was also using a non-prescribed product called Clen Max.

mental health issues were totally exacerbated by these medications, now understood to be

both prescribed and illicit and administered by himself. (ADF.org.au)

He was over medicated, using these prescribed drugs at will and when he felt that they were not

satisfying his needs he reached out for illicit drugs.

In saying all this there is a long history that goes with this sad story.

As I have stated had love ones and friends that spent many hours in the last five years

reaching out for help from, his mental health clinicians, the health system, external organisations

and groups, but each enquiry was met with the same result, if did not want help, and there

were no legal implications, they couldn't supply this help. As result of a Police intervention

spent three days in the Mater Mental Health Unit at Waratah in Newcastle. From this institution he

was released into my care as I was his Father and the closest relative considering he had been issued

with an interim Apprehended Violence Order, meaning he could not have contact with his estranged

wife or children.

did not nominate a carer nor did any toxicology results come back prior to his release to my

knowledge and I was not given any discharge papers nor did I sign any release documentation. I was

just handed a 1800 card in case I required further assistance. I was aware of the mental health

system due to my 22 years of service as an NSW Police Officer, but I had never been placed in this

position as a relative of a patient. was released from the Mater on Wednesday 3rd April,

2019, he committed suicide the following Tuesday 9th April 2019. During this time, I did not receive

any follow up calls from the Mater Hospital regarding the welfare of or myself as his carer.

To my knowledge there was not any follow up from his treating doctors or psychologist in that time.

I have told you the end of our story so that you can see the gravity of the tragedy that has hit our

family. This family includes relatives and the very dear friends that made up life.

You may just see as an illicit drug affected individual but this is far from the truth.

served 12 years in the Australian Federal Police he received his 10 year service medal for honest and

diligent service, unfortunately suffered two serious injuries during his service which not only

gave him severe chronic pain but also prevented him from entering areas of the AFP which he

wished to join.

On top of these chronic physical health issues, then suffered profound sadness and anxiety by not following his intended vocational direction. These issues were not dealt with adequately by

the AFP. sort external help and eventually depression caused to leave employment

with the AFP. He sort employment with another Government Department (Human Services) in


By this time, had been prescribed a myriad of prescription drugs which in his mind were less

than helpful.

We are aware now that was known to use Methamphetamine (ICE) by his close friends as a

recreational drug. It appears he was also using it as a method to relieve his chronic pain and

depression, unfortunately it was probably making his mental health issues worse.

As family and close friends began to see the decline In physical and mental health, they

attempted to seek help, which brings me to my point, that there is no real support for people in

situation unless it is done on a voluntary basis.

would never admit to having a problem or needing help, he had been told that he couldn't

be fixed and due to his delusional mind, he took this as being literal. This can be read in all the

publications as being an undesirable effect of the medications that he was taking and being


There is inference that one Psychiatrist actively suggested taking Methamphetamine as a solution to

ailments, but this could have been what he wanted to hear. This has never been confirmed

but, the amount of medications was taking as stated above was very perplexing to say the

least. was also prescribed Lyrica 300mg the day prior to his death.

The point that I am wanting to make is that was Scheduled under the Mental Health Act to

the Mater Hospital as a result of a domestic situation. At this time he was showing signs of a drug

induced psychosis, he was placed in an institution which was not appropriate to his condition, so he

was belligerent and unruly causing issues for staff and other mentally ill patients.

Staff of this unit were informed by me, that he had threatened self-harm whilst there, they were

also informed that had an illicit drug addiction which he would not admit. Family and friends

were fearful for welfare when he was discharged from the hospital but there was no

ongoing support. Suicide is in epidemic proportions this is a financial and emotional burden on

society. There needs to be more done for people in this situation. We can't expect a person who

doesn't believe they need help, to be left without giving them this help, even if it requires a

mandatory confinement to bring them back to reality, surely it is costing more to do nothing than it

would to at least try and help.

As a Police Officer I have continually attended suicide scenes where I have been left to attempt to

explain why it has happened and listen to the family saying how they had attempted to help their

love one but the system had let them down. Most of the time they all knew that the victim was

gravely ill due to depression, but the person could just not see that there was any way out. I myself

have been in this situation but luckily, I saw the light and sort help. The problem is that we live with

a voluntary system, if the victim does not want to accept that they have a problem they cannot be

helped, it is the original catch twenty two situation and this needs to change. If someone has a heart

attack or a car accident they are helped to recover, this should be the same with someone who has

an addiction as they will not admit to it until it is too late.

We need to develop a system that relies more on information from family and friends that are

reaching out for help, I understand that there will be circumstances where this system will be

abused, but I am sure that processes could be put in place to prevent this abuse. At present the

system is too lax, it is just a lip service, tick a box system. I know that it might be considered that our

family feels failed and that is true but I am doing this not to help our family because it can't be

helped our loss is true. I am doing this in an attempt to prevent other families from going through

what we have. If it can be legacy that we can change a system which is totally inappropriate

and flawed this should be the ambition and determination.

At the time was found he had at his disposal the following drugs which were collected by