on tllk state of the militia · my \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon,...


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Page 1: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much









Page 2: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

DEt'.rnT~lENT OF .Un.ITIA A.SI• Di:1 ESCE,

)iY LoRD,-

I have the honor to forward to Your Excellency th6 ncc•m1pnnying Report

relating to the Militia of the Dominion of Canada for 1882, whh:b iiJ rt!. .. pectfnlly

1m.bmitted for Your Excellency's con!!iderniion.

HiH Ex eel [ency

The r.o,·erno1· G\!1wral,



Mini!-<te1· of MiliLia and Dcfonoo.

Page 3: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much



REPORT OF TB.E M,\JOll·GENEB.A.L Cll.&UlA!'JDI~G THE Mrr.tTU ................ .

.Active Militia .......................................................................... .. do Number drilled ......................................................... .

Arms and .Ammunition ........................................... .. ............... . .Artillery, In pecto1· of ................................................................. .

do A:,sociation .. .. ........ .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .... ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . .. .. . <lo do Ai;isi.stance to .............................................. ..

C:nup1:1, vi,;it!:I to ................... . ................................................ . do clnys for drill in ........................... . ............................... .

City Corps .. ............................ ................ .. ..... ........................... . Equipment and Uniform ........................................................ . Fortification!', Expendit.ure on ....................................................... .

do Repairs to........ . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . ................................. .

~::.~: ::::.: .: ::::::: :: : : : ::::: .. : : : ·. :~ ....... :: ·::::::.·.: ::: ::::.::: :: :: .. .-.~·:::.: :: ::: ·:.: :: :: .. : Rifle Associations .................................................. , ................. .

do Team ............................................................... .. do Assistance to......... .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . ... . . ................... .

Royal Military College ................................................................ .. do do Civil Engineering and Surnying-Timo ........... .. do do Inspection Report by AdjntantrGeneral. .............. .

Royal Schools of Gunnery ............................................................. . Schools of Instruction for Infantry ................................................. .. Staff ....................................................... ................................ .

do Retiring aJlo,vance ............................................................... .. do Incrca:se pay .. ...................................................................... .


No. 1. Ropo1·t!:I by Deputy Adjutants-General:

Military District No. do do do do do do clo tlo do do tlo


1 .................................................. . •) ..J .. ........ ~ ............... . ............................. .

3 ................................................... . 4 ............ ......................................... . !'> .................................................. . 6 .................................. .............. . 7 ...... ........................................... .. R ••• ••• •••.•••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !) ..... ..................................... •flt ... t ... t •••

10 ....................................... ......... . 11. ................................... .............. . 12 ................................................. ..



viii viii xii

xiii .xi xii

vi ti •;iii

x x

ix ix

xii xi xi xi xii ix x

xii, xiv vii, •iii xii, xiii


10-10-24.-!!9 -:1~-:J5-38-·1~-·lll -· 50-

xiii xiii


10 14 :!3 28 :n 36 38 41 1f> J.9 fit


Page 4: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


No. Z. lns1>0<.:tion Hoport~ of Corp :

}[ilitnry Dit-trict No. 1.......... .. ......... .............................. 52 - 61 do 2.. .. .... .... .. .. .. ... .... ... .... .......... . ... .. . 62 - '13 · do 3 .... ....... ................ . .. ... .. ....... .. . . . .... 7-1- 81 do 4... .. .. .. .... ... .. ..... . .. .... .... .......... .... .. ... 8~ - 89 do 5 ...... .. ................................. ...... . .. 90 - 99 do ti ...... ... .... ... ............. .................... 100 - 103 do 7 . ... .. ........ ...... ..... ...... .. .. . .......... .... 104 - 113 do 8 ......... ... ..... ............ .................... 114-12l do ~) .......... .. ..... ........... .. .................... 122 - 129 do 10 . ..... .. ... ..... ................ .. .. ............... 130 - 131 do 11. ..... ........ ... ... ............... . .. .. ........... 132 - 135 de 1~ ........ . .................. ...... ................. 136 - 139

Abstract ..... .. .. . • ...... ...... .. . . .. . .. ... .. •• ...... . .. ...•... . .. .• . ..... 140

No. 3. Report of the Imipector of A.rtillcry .................. . ............ 141 - 169 Ontario ...................... . ...................... .. ..... ............ 149 - 156 Quebec nntl Maritime Provinces ........... ............... ........ 145 - 149

No· 4. .R-0ports of Roynl Schools of Gunnery ....... .. .................... 160 - 164 11 A" Buttery. Quebec .. ................ .. ... .. . . ................... 161 - lGZ "B" do Kingston ................................... ........ 163 - 164

.No. 5. Rcpon of the Inspector of Engineers ....... ... ............. . .. . . . . 1G5 - 168

No. 6. Ceriliicares, the Royal Schools of Gunnery :

(A) Gunnery................. . ... ............ ........... .. ....... .. 169 - 17() (B) .Bllginee111... ..... ... . ... .. . . .. .... .... .. .. .... .. ........... .. .. l '71 (C) Cuvulry................. .... . ......... .. .... . ... .... ............ 1'71 \D) InfuntJ-y............. ....................... ......... ............. .. 172

No. 7. Certificate.-, Schoob of 1filit:.iry Instrnction:

Toronto (Pro,·inco of Ont.ario) ................................... 173 - 171 Montreal ( do Quebec) ... ..... ........................ 174: Saint John PJariL\mc Provinces)...................... . ........ 1'15

No. SJ Certificates, Board:; of Examiners ................................... 176 - 178

No. 9. Report ~m tho Royal .Mili_tary College of Canada, by the f~J.u~~nt.-General , acting for Officer Commanding the Iilitra ....................................... ....... ................. 179 - 182

No. 10 . .Annual Report of Hoyal }liJitary College ............. ......... 183 - 195

No. 11. Report of Dfrec tor of Stores.... ......... . ... . . ... .. .. . . .• . .. . . .. .. •. 196 _ 212 -

No. 12. Statement of Drill Sheds and Armouries .......................... 213 _ 2l't •



18 82 .

- : o:---

REPORT OP 'l'lll!} }IJJOH-GE~BRAL 00)1MA~Dl~G TllB M lL1TIA.

OTTA.WA, December, 1882.

To the Honorable

The Minic>ter of Militia nn<l Defonce.

Srn,-I purpose beginning my Hopoi·t for tho pratseut yo:u· by O\'.L1·acti11g from

the Supplemental Report or last your, which T hru:l the honor t.o a<ldro!!I.' to you on

the 7th Mn.t·ch last, as fo11ows:

''The foundation of military duty i:1 <libcipline. Without it, us 1 hnvo istnted in

"my .Annual Report, troops nre like nropeofsand. I therefore, once more, beforo it

"be too lnte, urge most strongly the estnblishment ofScboolt! for infantry-permanent

"Schoo1s, "'here officers and non.commissioned officers may by example Md o!<peri­

" cnce, learn discipline and drill, i.e., their duty.

"I beg to place on record my opinion that half the force, well dil'ci pl ined 1 is more

"Taluable thnn the whole in it.s pt'et!ont sketohy knowledge of it.a duties, and I hope,

"Sir, that this, tit! tho deliberate opinion of the General Officer commanding, may "obtain a hearing.

"If, as 1 undorswnd, ouly money enough to drill half the force in camp can be " provided this year, I would suggest that that money be rwt so spent-but oxpendod on

'' tho eslablishmont a.t once oflnfantry Schools."

It will be perceived what prominence I give to Permanent Schools of

Instruction (infantry). My experience of the year 18S2 only confirms my opinion of

le.st year, and the ono before. I think it essential to have Infantry Schools, nod lam 9-o

Page 5: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


~till in fo\'OI' ol reducing, if 11nfo1·t1111atcly rcd1wti1.1n Lu nu1 a-J!'Ury, tho rul'al pnrl of lhu force to. uch a 11umbcr ns our tinnnce:-1 will nllow u,.; to 'll'ill1 in cnmp, for not lol'ls

than aixte<:n doy:- cnch ycnr-thu l:1pso of a ycnr buLwuon the <frills in cnmp being

ruinous to p1 ogre~::. in mililnry knowlodgu.

I bavo, <lurirt_:!' th hi yenr, con,;nlto.>11 11\any vlli~e1·;i on this subject antl I havo not

found any who 1110 not :inxious that the <.Ii ill slwul\l he annual.

J ~lo call nlto11tio11 to tlie ditforoncc 1.ietween tho ntlmntuge3 posAessetl by militiamen in l·~u~lun<l nnd tho.so of thi~ cnuntl'y. Iu Mnglao<l Lho militiaman is ilrillcd b\· a :.lnff :r thorou~hly woU informed ofticers nutl uon commissioned officers, -olJ ool;licr~-the tir,,.t yc:u· f or t!tree 111011tlis1 and eacft s!lbseittent yearfor 011e mollfh­

tot.al iu four ye:ll'"', ,,ay 1 SO tiny-.

Compnre thi::: with what tho Govarumont •Jf Cnu111fa allow:i lo its militi~iman

Thu conntr\'m:in of r,nnadn ,..et.::.-nccoruinu to latc:;t rulc;-;-about twoh-e clay:; drill - 0 ~ ,,

in camp ef'ery two yc:ir,.; tot:ll in four ye.ars, twcntyfo11r days. What cnn be expected of l1im in .-u shnrl a lime, and with nn interval so Ion~'? f um bonn·l lo say, that [ 1Lm

,.,urp1·it:-0<.1 m tho re-ult obt;dnocl-it is most c1·ctlitablo to tho intelligence and willing·

110::.s of the ()nuntli:m-bul l cannot con1:;i<lcr it sati::;factory, from the point of view

of wibbing to have :i fairly e(Jicif11f force.

So mun cn11, in that timo, loam whnt ought lo be roquil'e:i of bim to kMw, boforo l10 c·un be considered 11 fnil'ly cfticionl imhlior. llowcvcr iutolligent, he can only pick up u few ideas on drill-but that whicli b .-,o inuch more important, and which mnkes nil the difference between i1 ~oh.lier nnd n recruit, viz.: discipline, must be still wnnling-\vilhout di::cipliue iL is u:;ele:ss to dl'c~8 men in the uniform of the Queen n11d consider them :;oldie rs i they cannot be 1>11cb, until Lhcy have hn<l t imo to acquire

thnt cobc.-;ion und thnt conti•lcncu in each other, which a.re the re:;ultg of discipline.

I hope, therefore, thnt the Govcrumcnt of Cnnada may ho induced to act ns lftlM a tailor- t:Ul his CGaL ac<·or<ling Lo hir; clolh-nnd muke the numuel' of Militia 1·ropoi-tionnto to the sum orntcd by l'url1ament fo1· I It it< !;crvicc: or vire vtrsa, voto 1St1llicio11t supply for the number enrolled.

My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac­Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much more to commend and rnuch less to correct lban l111;t year. 1L must bo remembered that those I saw this ycnr were T•OL the i:ame RegimcnUI, generally, ns r intipcctcd last yea1·. If, then, the cfl'oot of my visits lllbt year, 1881, hn.., had good result~ on the men I did not then soc, it is to bo presumed, and I ))hall coulhl. ntly hopo, tbnt l Hhall, uext yC'nr, 1883, fi n<l Lho Hegirncr.l.R :,ccn in 1881, fa1· betlel'_th:iu tboy wo1·e then.



f will repent my rocornmcn1lulione of preceding yearn:-

Jst. Permanent Jnfl111t1y Sc/iools.-0( thoi;O I think we 1l11onld ha"e not leu than

three. One for Ontnl'io, nL 'J'oronlo, in the l>nrrack., there ; one for tlto Proviuce of Quebec, at SL IIoleu's Islnnd; <J ll<.' for tho .)laritim e P10,·i11ccc:, at n <'C'ntrnl pltH'<',

which, I beliove, sltoultl Ut' .Moncton-as the centre of convorgiug railwnp-good for

.New Bruu~witk, Pl'inco E<lwad f~lancl :tud Nova Scotiu.

2nd. ]11strutfi1JTi iTt Ca111p.-)fot lci;s thnn 1G day;- each ycur fol' cueh rul'al

mi Ii Lia.man.

3rd. Expenditure on Portifirati011s.-Wo have ML many, bnl "ucb aB we hn\"o i:-hould not be allowed to go to decay ; i;uclt a .. arc. decme I worthtc .. q i;hould be der>· troyed, but nono ~hould be ullowe<l to fall in lo !>UCh n talc us i:- the old forl al

Toronto- a standing eye-soro to lbe Domini()n.

While on this subject, I wonld beg w sugge-.l 1hnt the repnire of the fol'tifi­

cntions ::-hould be done-not by the I>ublic Work~ l>.Jpartment. :1~ b now tho Ctt"e,

but by the Militia Department, under the sopervbion of military Engioecrs-:Uld this wonld, I belio~e, be Jess expensive and offer opportunity for employing Gradualos

from the Roynl Military College, at Kingston, a very valuable clnsH of young men, whose services should be secured in Canada, ns much aii possible, hy remw1eratit'i:

wodc under Govei nment.

4th. The Royal Military Oollege.-Yenlilation is, for the t.hil'd year, tho firflL recommendation J have to make. Tb is hns been neglected in the erection of the Royal Military College, and, ac; n comequence, offiC'crs, profci;sorl' nnd cauct.", find t.hemsekes with headaches, nnd unaL\01 pro11erly, to pm"::-uo their studio~. Additioonl rooms for crtdet.:; a10 &till uccc!:';;nry. It. b n well nckoowlcdged rulll that, at all plnces tor the education of young moll or boyi>, the dormitories i,honld ho eitho1· on tlic ;;eparato i<y::-lurn, or cnch room ::.houlti c:on!ain t<cverul i-tu1lcnt:1-tl.111t two. ouly. in one room ii' ohjC'ctionnblc. At the Royal ~lil i tary 0ollcgc, howe\·cr,

though i;ome 1111Ye rooms to thc rnz:,cl\!e~, in :-omo room" two Cadet~ arc plnce<I. I

moRL stroiwlv n•commend that th i~ shonkl be altered. Agaiu I urge th'? desirability b. 1·

of fnlfillina the promi!<<'R made or expcrtations n1i~cd, thnt positions iu the pul, 10

senricc of C:mndn i-boul1] J.o retained fM the grnduutci' from the Hoyul Military College, nnd c~pe.tiully nppoiutmcut.t; to "ncuncie:; iu the Hi>yal Srhools •)! G'i1n111.ll'y.

With a country so r1·ospero11a, and witli :;o m:.ny opporlunitic~ for the cmp\(ly.

mrnt, a:; civil Eogineenl, of tmy numbe1· of young men, n-. is lhe country m:i find on tho eonU1 of Luke Ontm'io, it appears to mo an unwise policy not only not. to lUkl) ad vnutage of lhe tnlonb of tho men educntod ntour own Coll('ge, hut !Uy not employiu~ them, to permit them lo c11rry their tnlont.:> to a market where thoy tin<l remnnorn·

ii\"e employment.

Page 6: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


• While on the -.ultll'Cl of the Hoynl :llil1tnry Colloi;c, ( bog lo bring forwnt·d, for

the co1111iderntio11 ofGo,•eroment1 n rnutlcrofconsiJ01:1ble impo1'l:mce, 1·el11ting to the futnre of the C!ldet'< there ocluc.nt°'I.

On n•ti:runco to the -;yJlnbus of i11~t1 UN ion, it will IJo fount! that tho cotu·8cs in ci\'il cni;inet:'1·ing nncl ci\'il t>nn·oyiug 1lro liigh-ni, high nnd romplc1o as aro tho.o;e vf

11ny otlier collega in whit·h theiio isul~iect11 !ll'O tnughl-emb1·11cin!! nlt;o oLhor sifbjool.8 "nc.:11 ~t~ mnlhcmatit·s, tnt>l'irnnic", froe·hnnd drnwing, goometrical di·awing, phyRrcR: olicw1:.-trr imd g~·ology-nll moat u,-efol !Or civil engineel'ing; a marked fcnluro buing lht1t iL is prnclicnl nn<l performed out of doors.

Tbnt ~hose subjech :u·e well nnd p1·nctirnll.r taught can be readily proved by the number of grndnnte11 who hnvo nlrn!ldy entered into the J>l'Ofe.ssion of civil engineering

~but theso graduate,, cnt~r their p1·ofe~sion under di1:1advanlages whoo compare<l with ~ouug men eatoriug from other colleges in the Dominion, whel'e it is permitt-0d t11at. l!~o so -;~1ent mny count townrds npprcntice::.bip. I \vonld, therefore, suggest for oons1derntton, tl111l tirno pn:;ooJ ut the Royul Military College may count towards

'.'PJlrcotioe:>Lip in Ch-ii Enginee1·ing nnd Surveying in the i-ame i·ntio as ill permitted rn any of the other educationnl e~tabli!-!hnumts of C:mada.

Thi~, r think, would not only bo n fair pl'Oviso townrdb lbo grnduateR bat would hnve n very Leneficial effect on the pro=-pori ty of the Coll · · d . '

· h h' . ege rn in ucing parents who wis l 6_11: sonij t-0 enter the profe:ssiou of a civil Engineer, to enter them for the

Roynl Mi~it.n.ry C~lloge, where, beside:: having tbeadvantageofavaluable disciplinary oour!!~ ofrns.l.ructtoii, they may nlso b~como pmctically well advanced in the profesflion of their choice.

If le1;i11lntfre mcasu1·oi; be ncccs.;a1·y t th" d o 18 Cll , f WOllld strongly m•ge their adoption.

. ~\n uxha11<:tin1 and favorable Ilepol't, made by the Al" ta t-G . I ... ho '""PIX!ted tho Coll d : . ' JU n ene1 a ' .. di:: 1\o, 9.J ege u11ng my nb11cnce in Englancl, ia now forwarded. (Sae appen-

fjf/,, City C(Jr/•S -Again 't · I . cor ... 1 h: : . ' .

1 16 rn~ 1' casing dutJ to speak well of the city ti P' ol tie i;at1.ifoctio11 of Rnd1ng no fnlling off in the "Queen's Own"

10Y w~re c\011 better th:in Jn,.t , . -iletlt{·I I , ) ear-and bo:;1des ":;ignalliog" nntl "n.mbnln.nce"

1ll!ent1<, t 1ey Lu\TC iinw JI'{" 1,. . 1Jicut C l J 0 . ' iogmp h 111 work111g Ot'<lor nuder Cnptnin Sanlcoy In

.- o orw ttc1· tho Dominion has u H U· I' C . . tionnl mine f' h . · n .L 1011 omma11cling Offie;01· of oxcc1>·

: o w om 't may bo }ll'Olld \ t M L I I rrgi nent-tbo ~'th F ·i· · ' on rca at.HJ 'ltlW an oxcollont

I U~l IOr8-(0 whom it nfTI 1· I d . fi . wo l1ud 10,01)0 ... uch and I , ' ' 0 me qalJ:; action to say that I wish

' nm glud l<1 i;ny there are olhor::; not far bob ind.

Gth. l?q11ipmcnt amJ Uniform.-uncc tnrJ1·0 I . k able articloo now in our qtor b .\8 l~n.t lhe obsolete nn1l umiervice-

es e condemner! nn1i gnt l'ld of, nnd thtll. a Rnpply for tb


Infantry m11y be ohtaincd of tho lntc1>t and li1~,,t dci'cription-which I finnly believe al'o those culled "Oli ver'H " cqui pment. f;;xpericncc in Egypt hus sbuwn tho faults of the equipment in ui;o in the Impo1·inl At·my, aud it ii; -.roted that. Dr. Oli\·cr wa'i

sent fo1· to England in order to .supo1·i11Lon<l tho i!l!)lle of a ~up11ly of C'}Uipine11t ofbia invention. Ouce more T heg to c·all nt.tontion to the fuct that nftur ten month..,' tri:1l oftbe dlivo1· c1piipmenL, t\VO of tho most efficient J'<'gimouts ,,f the a11ny-tlic old

"'~2n~I;i!.{ht_lnfh~try :111d the J...,t llnttnli<•n, R Ile Iki~:t<.lc-n·port~d 1~1o~t f11vm~l 1 ly r1f thpsc cqui1'.n1cr1t.-,1 nn<l rrgi·(·ttcd \'Cry much wb\;n 'l cl11lcrc11t <lc~t·npt1on of cquq1mc11L

was iilBneJ to them. I have Lad u photograph, sl11:wi11g the c1111i prnent ti" u11nicu on

a soldier, framed and plu<:ecl i11 the Adjutant-Gonerul't:1 office for in"'poction Ly all i11te1·cated in this importaut point in the efficiency of u solrlic1"

Since Jai;L year a Committee has sat for the purpose of reporting 011 whnt altera­

tions they may think advisable in the direction of serviceability and economy to the

<lress of the officers aod men of the Militia. Their report i~ now onder your con-

1>iJeration, and will, I hope, bear good fruit in the futn1·c.


It will be remembered that I advocated, last year, a change in tho manner of vaying the Militia, with a view Lo inducing them to remain the three yours for which thl'y enroll, and which, in cousoquenco of the migrato1·y habits of many of them, appeared to me migh L bo of use, viz. : lo give fol' the first year 25 cont.a a dny, for

the second year 50, nnd for tho t.hfrd year 75 cents. After enquiry, I nm disposed to think that 25 cents would be too litllo for the tfo:,t year, and that for the tirst year 50 cents, second year 50 cents, Lhird year 75 cent,., might he more succe."'sful in retnining the men. Tha.t. lhey should be induced to remain lhore c:lu be no doubt.

It has afforded me much i;athsfaction to learn that it i:; intended to im·ren"e tho

pay of that odpecia!Jy UrioCnl branch of t11e militia, the Enginoeris, from 50 lo 75 cent:. por diem.

Artillery alUi Rijie Associatio11s.

l regret very much that it 'vns found impossible to furnish Lo the Dominion Artillery A11socintion 1111ffirient a~i-btancc to allow of their sending:\ team to Shoe_ b111·yne8S this year. Thi:< w~H Jone with :-uch safo,factory rc ... 111 · .... in 1881 1 not only

ru; regards tbe skill shown by the Lcnm, but.. also the plo!lsing ~Jiil'it of conHn•hiship which was <.'Hl<ibliahod with tboir l.irolhor .\rtille1ynw11 of the gngli"1li \rol1111lccr11, tlutt, l bOJle, tho friou<lly rinllry mny Le nuewe<l. e1J1ially .sucCt':-llfully1 iu 1-- ... 3, und tho necesrinry grant bo made.

Being in Bngland myself~ r had the plcru;urc of "'CCing the Canndian lcnm of .Ritlomon sent to Wimblecl:m, by tho Dominion Hitlo As ... oointion, u11dur ~fajor

Tilton, G.G.F.G., and Cnptnin Mc~n.ughton, ArLille1-y1 nn<l of w1\tching I bom :~t ,..omo of

Page 7: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


tho matcho • ThouulJ not o fortunnto n to win tho Kolnporo Cup, thi" year, tho tcnm w ucce -.fol in winnir g mnuy othor prizes. l venturo to oxpro. n hopo, thnt tenm l1ooti11g, rnthcr thnn for iudh·idu 11 prir. , mny in futnro Le cncourngcd by nil H1flo A "oointiou , n likely to improve the di: criptiM of hootin~ found 1-0 ve1·y

u ful in modem wnrfurc, 'ir~: Yollcy fired with sto:Hlinc- nnd precision when tho mokc clenl'6. I ''"n glnd to co onco moro, nt Ottawn, n :-ucce.'l~ful meeting of tlio

l>ominion Hitlo .A oeintiou, nod thnt prize-. for :,hooting, somewhat in lbo mnnnor J

ug' tcd, Inst ycnr, by ~qund~, \n militmy r.'luipment, lind boon CHtnbli-ihed. 'l'hov firod pnrtly !:kirtni1>hing, partly nt <:lo~o inter\•nl, unil partly in vollcy:-1, nn<l nt uuce;.. tnin di tnnoo!l, nnd nt targot~, ioprescnting the uppor part of a man, which ro:;o at uncortain intcn-nls nbo\•o n parapet. lt wa n novel .;ort of rontost, which cau. ed

much intero t, nud will, I hope, be continued in ycnrs to come, 'vith most useful re ulls. It i , in my op'nion, of tile \"Cry grc:itcst importance to crcnto a sy1:;tcm Qf

rel11111co nmong the men, the ono 011 Uic other, und 1ho shooting Ly sq ands wil I cu our tiC thi feeling, ns well a improve the twerngo numbOL' of fair shotR.

1 hope thnt the Go,·crnment will once more otfor u-.-.istm1co to tho Artillery as

wcll ns to tlie Rifle A~ ociation, to enable both ini<titutior.s Lo :-end teams to England,

nnd now ll111t n fow 40·pounder Arm--troug,. hnvo been received for the instruction of tho A 1·tilleryme11 of Uirudn, I Lopo they mu.r bo ul>lo to :-bow thnt they have learnt their ddll to some effect when they get to Shocburyn .Ii.

I nm glntl to 11n\"e received good Roport.o; rc<rnrcli1w tho niflc A.sRociations in tho EC\'Cl'lll Military nit1triot-.. ;::. t>

.As lbe Artillery h:t\"e rocci\"cd an improved descripLion of gun for in~truction, 80 nlso we lin'\"c to cong111tulutc the Hiflomen on tho i::.,,ue to tho Dominion Rifle A 80Ciation of i5 Mnrtini·IIcnri rifle!", for tho trnining of the Tcnrn to be t1ent to England, obtni11cd through the nble 1·oprcscntation of ~foJ'or Tilton (' G I·' (' whe11 . 1· I d I ;r:, •• J., 111 ~ng nn .

Arms and Ammtmitio11.

1 made mention Inst ' ·cur of tl II .. • ' .1 , ae smn nrms A •n mu111t1on J.'actory undel' C'On-

strnclton nt Quebec.

t dlt i still unfini ltccf, nftcr upward,. of two year' work. Under theablosuporin-

cn en o of Captnira Prc\'o I n I I th I f ·u . • '

1 < 0 c ever tnechnnicnl cngi rwer he hnR obtni ncd

rom r .. uglnnd, it I to be l1011ed th t I f1 f S ·.1 • • n' )() (Jro anothor ycur t:hnlJ have ell1p,;ed a supply

o llluc.r :immumtron superior t 1 · b ' nnd fi . h I , o nnyl ung o t11i11od in l~ugln11tl, urny uo proJucod

urn1 :it doorcnscd cxpcn~c to tho Cnnndion nilcmcn. '

Naps. Agnin l linvc to nd,•ocntc tl e 'd'

l>i trict.s and 'lb tb· . i 1>rov1 mg of mnps to tho vnriou~ licndqun1 tcr:! of ' WJ is view to emplo • ti . > 10 sorv1ce or gw luntes fro:n the R·Jya I


)Jilitary Collogo, under a compotcul militmy Engineer, o tlantPo~ition may b

<loc:idcd on, 011 which, in ct\ Se of wnr, H:u thwo1 k hould then be erected. 'Tbo i11. uo of small hut cori oct mu p to otllccr'i 011 son ico i or tlic utmost import an e.

'1'/,e Stoff.

An incre:u;e of (•ne Brigado-.\l:tjnr to n i L J,ieutcnnnt Colonel 'fnylor, I >i!puly

Acljutaut·Geucral, in one of the three di. lricls of which ho hn'.> chnrgo, hns been mndo by t.lio l'O·:lppointmcnt of JJicntenanL·Golnnol Grc Ne·Hentl (n very rnlunblo C•Oicer) to

tho l"lnfl' of tho )filitin. Licmte11nnt·Ool11ncl J1 win, ILA., lntu of the Hoynl School of Guunel'y, nt Qnol>ec, has become tho lni:;poctor of Artillery of tho DJminion, nnd

i,lntionOll at llea<l'l uartcr:-, Ollawa. Tho U ·puly Atljuta11t.Gcncral's :ippuintmcnl in lh·iti~h Columbia i,, -.till v:icaut. ~

Tho wnr in Bgypt <leprh·ud me, for some 11ionth , of tho ;;e1 \'ice of my A. IJ ·.,

.\fnjor llolbc('b, King's Royal Hille Cori>~, \\ho left C:inn<ln to join his B ltnliou on

active :-orvicc, nod hnd the goo<l fortune to be Bri~ndo-Mnjor to Gono1'lll Gruhnm' 13riga<lo, tho lending one of the Firt.L Di,·i::ion, at the deci:-ivo hmtlo ofTol·ol-Kcbir, and it aOor<I:> me much pkul"nre lo l'll',Olll tlint, du1-ing hi~ absence, tho dutic of

A.D.C. ha\"e licen most otficioutly poi formed by M~tjor II. R. Smith, 4'ilh Bnltnlion,

Tho reports of tho Deputy Acljulm1t:;.1 ;cnornl commanJing DitStricL.q, of the

I mipectol'~ of Artillery, &c., uro forw:mlcd, lo which I hu\•c, ns In t yenr, nt1:1chocl

uolcs in tmcb ca~os us 1 ha,·o thought ncces~ary. 'fbc.-e roport..s contain particulura rcgnrding the variou.; Cnmpt! thi::i year .

I beg lo thau k, very sincerely, tho whole Staff for their n ,..j .. tnnco to 1110 in nil

wayi:i, which, tl:i far no they ure concornod, has rc11J01c I my Julie:; n plc:1.uro.

While mentioning tho Sl:ur, I think it my Juty to bring to notice what I con idc1·

tho inadequacy of their pay, now that thoy mny cspec·t tho expon:ie of r1 movo of

qua1·ters ovory fivo year:', uml that thoro i~ n fixed ago for compulwry retirement.

I nm in favor of both thooo rul -lmt to mnlco thorn without incrcn o of p:iy or giving n retiring ullownnco, ::.uillcicnl to mlmit of au 011! otlicer living in comfort nflcr

rotiromont, it! Li·cnlment tlu\t I conl'icl<'r nothin~ lo~:i l hnn cruel. nn<l l fcol ... uro couhl not. hnvo been tho intention of tho Go\'cr11111ont, or ofthu Gcnorou,, Peoplo of Onnadn.

It call, I think, only ha'l'o bcon by un O\'e1'Siglit. tb:it, when tb~o rules wore rnn<lo,

tho ofncors of tho Military branch were not put on tho t:amo footing, n:; regards

rot iring pen&ionii, as uro tho mombor:l of tho Uh·il Son·ico of Canada.

Thero nro two District!" also, '\"it.: .Mnnitobn and Bl'iti~h Columoin, whore, in

coneequcneo of tho expcn"'o of li\'ing, tho Sfnff otlkors shoulcl roccivo in01·on oil pay, na nlao should all ranktt of the Mil!tiu in lhoso Di:lu·iotll when callod oui. on duty.

Page 8: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


111 ntry.

)lonol Ir\\ in, l. \..1 lu pc ·l 1• f \rtillory b

tl ' u, nnd the comman l of tho

onlir.ambo1·t nnd 'ollon, i1ml lhnL of " A" ml hol'l. 'l'hi:\ 11ppcar mo n f: v t' bl

unif. r ity or . . tom in th two . chooh1, by in o on Brl •·1d 1 with lb• Olli· r. on on Ii. t fo1·

matter of tl'ri;at importauc , viz., that 'ortifi('ut obtnin <l of in 1111 ·lion nrny b u th umc Vlllue fr m whichever


Th h Io <~nnn ry. at l"in '· on, hu hn 1, I much 1·eg1·et t ny, to henr th

of • -:111. n yom •r ufiic r ul>: It rn in the Battery, )faj-w llebert, who, in hi

un i ty t l"arn hi duty in tha >cry I ch 01 1 viz., active 'ervice, obtnined let ve

w oluut or for th amp ii.:n in £crypt, nnu, though h hnu noL the go fot'Lune to nrriv in imo for th n<:tual fiuhtin '•by n very few day, h~, none the lo gallantly, lo L bi lifb, from fc~·er, iu the ervic of hi COllDt1·y.

Th v cnncy will atlo1 l an oppol'tunily for the appointment of a Graduate from the H•>ynl ililnry Colleg • o 'nnntla.

I have th honor to be, ir, Your mo lob <lient ervaut,

R. G. A. LUARD, aJor-General Con manding tk Militia.





DO. , c •cm r, 1 m,-:-1 hav. the honor to ulJ1n!t, for the inforro1ttion of th 1 jor·

ommandrng, tlu my Annual l port on the state of th 1ilitia in .Iilit.ury i tri o. 1, together with ,, Tulmlat• rn µ ction R port," hich, i11 ••• 1 lln<'O it!

in truction contained in your " ircnlur" of July 7tL, 1 2, gh· . II in ormation l'elnling to the ov •rnl corp , . 111.l t' which I would re I tfully r ·l r.

. ~he. authoriz d St~[} I Ji cl tr 11 rtb II .'i ting 1 Jrj. f ti\0 0 filitia in }ij D1 tnct l u follow,. (4., per c m1ia11y of ca•·1 lry

1 rifl :. hnd i11fi ntty), V.:-


ht Il gi nent, Li ·ut.-('ol. J. Col , 4 troop-. ............. . fficen od lifeo.

:? ,,


Tho London icld BttLL ry Maj r John Peters, l Batt ry. ... 5 1 t Pro\•isionnl Brigade Field Artillery Guelph, Li •ut. ol.

Macdonnltl, 2 Butt rie . .. ... . . . ... .. .. .. .. . . ..... .... ... .. .. .. I !17 'arnia B ttei·J of G1 n·i on Artillery, Capt.. Elli

1 B lt ry.. 45


b1f1111try and Rifles.

..................... ......... .. ................ t ot'l nf, ; ri ·h, Li •n -Col. H . H

Totn l i11 i tri ·t w1 • t p ·

;) om Ir 11d rncn I r ( lllJ. 1.r


~,· 3 2 ~ 7 • !!'l

II ;.i.1!)

3, -.. h 3f 1


l ' 1 .. 1 • I

1 301



Tut. I Drill ump uio .. .. . ... ..... .. . ........... 4 16

................................ ···········

Page 9: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much



i• iii i m horit d o p ·r arm drill, 1 2. 3 :-

0 ·c r aod f n. I .... ....... ...... ....... ..... ................... . .. .. ..... .... ... . 2, 1u l

4c111rt •• • .......... .... •.•••• •. ... . . . ..... . ..... . ..... ... 3 i

T I !. .... ..... ..... .. .... ... . .. .. ... ... .... ...... ... ...... i 5r.:


·' "


I l 1

6 5

" 6

40 'J'h followiug col'p p rtorm drill at IJO<'nl II ad11uart r · :-

rnia a tery ot harri. n Ar till r · ......... ............ u.ttcrios. 1



ith 'Fu ilic1 , · IJOndon .... . ...... ... .. . .. . . ............. . Uompanib 7

t' llowiu corp w r uthoriz · lo 1lrill liut foi led to turn out :-1 R gim ot of ·Bvali), ~ o . 1 TJ·oop,

th ·• W terloo" Il ttalion of fofuntry, ... o iJ Company


th "'Yellin ton'' " of Hill . , • 5 " ' 331·tl ·' lluron " " of Tufantl'y, Jo ::5, 6 and 9 ompanie . followinc corp w r not a.utho1'ized lo dr;ll :-1 t U '~im nt t•f rnlry, o . :! anti 3 Troop . .... .... . ..... .. ....... 2 :::Jn J " · forJ" ttnlion of Ritl 'olllp unie 24th" -, nt · " of lufunt1y " ......... .... ...... 6 25th ·• Elgin " " • ' " '· · · ... .. ....... .. . .. 6 :!7th '' Lambton" •· •• " ··· ... .... . ·· · .... ·· 32od '' B1 11 '' " 11 • • • • • • • •• •• • • •• • • 6


of th '>u.rion comp ui t lrnt l' rfo1 m Ul '11 1 '\\ h faj) •d o II t llU

1 I) 7tjl),


for th u of hi. tin rm for u h puq1 nnJ. v ry

·1 ·lion r·eport which eoutain iuf. rmalion nt may bo pcrmitt J 1, mak the


'£hi um i ~ not up tu th murk; c)rganization <lcfccti•e, a.nd drill imliHcr nt. Th tr op i n cam of "Ood m n but ind iffe1· nl hor



nr xi in a h i •hly c1 'ditulilc nuu r .

1th Batt11lio11, · Fu ilhr~:·

'rhi · tin corp alway. purndcs v r · creditably· but m r Htl·rloor lrill is r q uir ti.

. rp mpani

.,IJt/1 Battalion.

2 tli lJat 1lio1 •

iplin la k.

Page 10: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

2 Jth tali n,Li ::! lb II

2 th " 3 th " 331u "

- th Btzttali 1.

fi vor. bl; impr I wi h th tfort mnde . ..\!or all ntion i. r 11ir to lilting

30th Battalion.

11 k •pt :it '•01 k; J nrticularly mart in npp nr n · , rform ; bul m of th m n wer mclined to r fu to


.. " " "

3: rd BattalifJ11.

coml lo 11ono in ::ioldierly nppcar~ neo."


olli r. an men p r co1npany w11 11

................................ :{2·75 r·t6

................................. 30•7'1 ................................ 35·1j(j

................ ... ................... 32· 1 •


Iligh , 'chool An in trnct r from '

Oil u.t 'L ThtHO'L th t c



, cli c 1111t) voul bo

y 'll' • ll

Page 11: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

of cquipmout m I· up n<l otllci n , m ny of

tick • ku I ud·,. 11: v ing

Q 11lifi O(fi:ur.

urin q ll lifi I oflie I' j llCl'Cll• r1 om y<·u~· t • Ill", .nil tli If r iu11•· 1·tin r in trncLion to tho e u11.·1ouH to 1p1ulify

I ha>o th ·our m"

D 'puty

Th .Adjutant- :reneral of filitin, ltawn.



. II . .T .. \ K .1. , Li nt -Colon I, djuumt-General, .Military Di trict

(I.) Recomm oded for consili ra ioo. (2 ) These sagge tiooa ppe8t' to me to be Tery practical nnd good. (3.) I recommend this for adoption.

fILlT RY Dr TRlCT o. 2.

o. 1.

LD FonT, Tono ·To, 30th .November, 1 "' .. · ·m,-~ h .. 'I" !ho honor to . ubmit lhi., my Annual R port of the 1ilitia in ht I I ll'I t .-. 0. 2.

I h ·r itb forw· 1 din. pcction i turn ( ·bu Jar fol'm.) of th ·o coq> which have rfi rm unuu· I drill.

E.t bli hc<l tr n h of Acth•o Militia. in tlii. Di trict:

Officer. •airy........ ............ !l Troop 39 Fi I Ar till ry. ........... 3 B tt ri ·:··:::.::::::::. IS ........ . Cr uni on .Artill ry ....... · " .. .... ..... 9

·.c.u antl)icn 37 i:·n

un in rti!I ry. •... l Jinlf bntt 1y.... ..... 1 lufontry und Ritt· ....... 113 (Jmpm1io .......... 454

1 '.!Ii ~I

12!l 521 5,500 ...,'nrnh i nutho1iz I ~ --

to pnr orrn a1111u I drill ........................ 3 .1•rn 'um I er · ut}1oriz

I 11 to dl'ill iu ('· mp ...... ....................... i-;:;t' " 11cudqu rt r ...... .... : .... .... l:2;JQ

Total ······················· ··············. 3,GOl


Cor . ·Li<'ii p rform drill in ,.u.mp :-Tonml I-'1 11 B:.ill ''Y• llamil u " ' 12th Battalion, Y.l. 34th " 35lh " ·' · F'. 3 th 44lh "

or :7;~ow d 't-0 drill ut local 1~ u.dqnartors: PGov rnor·G n ral'tJ ly <111ard.

t i~t hnri no' Garri ti Buttol'y. D~wi-Bnlltwy fount.a.in ArLill ry, 'aull to. 2nd BMt.nliou, · · R. IOlh " R. C' · 13th " , . R ift Company,• anlt • lo. ~I rre. .

Corp. which di no l' rform un1111al drrll :-


ellnod ('nnal Fi 1cl 13att _ry. Colliogwo f :Tarri on Artill~1'Y. ~

6 Com1lany 12th B:llt:llron, t. R. o. •) I 35th ,, . F .

..i: o. -No. 2 " «th " No. 6 ,, «th II

Not .Authorized.

ollingicood Garriso11 Artillery.

corp '

lYu . 2 c, '"P 111y 1~fh BattaliC11, r. R.

Tbrou rh th 1

to cam n r<ler d. l <:t ~r th' c: pt. in omm. uding thi. omp ny id not p

All the pap r , t I h ve forw 1 d to H

r p cting th conduct of thi · o

Page 12: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

'J'h mu ir• w.1 m t ben •11<-inl fl'

·o. '.'! c. ny, :l!'ith flattalw11 . F.

iYo. ti ompiu y, 41th B11tt11lion

lountai1' Artillery, i 'ault • te . .iilarie.

.Drill at Camp 1iagara.

1mma11 Ii ig, u •om­cl11lhi11 r th 'Offi·

of •r :i.t

to atlon1l

n 1 t n Jin' b in r 1 l'llil i nocc nry o <lovo'e L11e fir t .1 •• l an!I company dri.11, whi h dl'ill w· s nl vuy'l undor the !aft C fhccr. Th Im r: clo 1 nd otlier d.l'ill b foro th clo. u of

I, h!' b•in., ix fnll b:indt1. Th h hri 1 1111 m·1r h p t.

r:uv mor Oe11nal's fl, ly Guard.

briga lod htUl n

into th n w mh t•. Tho ti Id movo


T/L Que111' Ou·11 Hi/1 , 10th Rug11l ar naJier 11n l 13th B'ltt i n.

IJ.11 y and Oat.s.

10 lb . of ont. :tnd 15 lh . hny i not nfficion for farm hor whi accn t.omod to moro feed. ho olllror · commanding th ti Id b· t l'i thn.t the al low:mco IJ iocr a,..o l to L I b . of oat nJ 20 lb . of huy. 1 f.earnod thM evoral of tho ow1101· of h r e paid th' coutr 1ctc 1' f r oat8. (4.)

up plies.

Th nppoiutm nl. of an ofil ·or i-oloc i ng from torp in cnm 1 , \\·a mn l •ui foe or;. Provost t the amp be om a hlandiu•• ord r.

whiob r quir

I " ul i r

1 lte Mmi tan{ lliliti i.

!ilit111 and 0, n

Page 13: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much



0 , Lieut.-Col., .Milit:uy Di t1·ict N • a.

The <ljulnnt- n rat of filitin.


I) A II drilled bat lion, II t he i.:h ,iJl of r s onsibility by . hich non-commie io_ned ofli~ers are mad r pon 'bl for their ml'n to b tubal rn o c rs f om ant a, and the to h 1r captaio1, app1 r to rue to b b t indi!f; reotly rr1 out. I my If in p ctt>d this bau.alion and spoke on lhi1 IUOJ Cl to th 111.

( I • r e en ir ly th offic !'$ ou ht no to compe e, xcept among tbemaPlTrs, and that (Joy t oment n 1bould be ·T n only on 1hi1 uuders1anding, and I think rg ·t pra tice Bhould

~t b Kdqu rt rs of c mp nie , proTided the D ·pu y Adjutant-General is .ati fied lhM the Instructor 1 10 e b c: comp ·t nt one.

S) I •1tr " 'll'ith this, and think tb h n tlrn camp is ordered at the seeding tim 1


ecial allow uce boald be gir a to th offic r commandin for this purpo e.

( ) I think the food allow d ou h1, in fairn - 10 Lhe ownera of horses, be ample. (A) I r commend tbi1 l.o be ordered.



Ku . TON, 27th Nov mb r, 18 2. . ra.-:-l l1nve th b nor of for ar Jin~. for the information of the Aujor- <'neral

mma !tng, my nnual P port of tho Militia, in the 3rd llilitary D"stl'ict :-

tr nl?th. valry (7 Tr p ) ....................................... ····-·-........ :.l~!J

Two F'1el<l B t ri .. ................................ ................. . 170 'I\vo i: rri on Bntt ric .......... ................. ..................... ~O Jn· ntry 11d Hi (GO ompnni ) ..................... .,_ ....... 2 7i2

Tor l.............. .. . . .. . .. ... . ..................................... ;{,illi l -

umb r of militi. men nu horiv J 1 unu d dl'ill :-ln ('ump ................................................................. 1511 .At 11 ndqunrter ........................ ......... ............. ......... 51'

Tot• I ........................................................ ····-- .. - 2.0~1t r1 whil'h J rforme<l cliill in Cllmp :­

Jth I •imcn of 'a'I': lry. Kin , n 1''1 ·Id B t 1·y. IJ111 lmrn Fi Id Battery. 10t 1 ttuliou. 15th .. 19th " 7th "


'orp r&liovc from 11nnuul <lrill: --3rd R giment of avali y. 1 th Baltaliou. ·Mith " 47th "


t their he lquRrl :-


14t11 Battalion.

Th nnnunl in I cction of the 14th Prinee of Wale~ ~·n Rittc '1 m 1 •I\" mo n lhe 11 IL July, the ~fa jot· , ncrul li ing a ,,eu t on lcnv , and 1 1:nn r p rt 'mr t

favoruLly of lho i;oldicrl il<o llJll>c:.u nnr. uml cillci ncy of thi (;()rp . Th (frill wns 11 p rtormetl and con i t I of lmltalion and . kirmi. hing mo\· m •nt. ; mo t. of tho

officers ban: gone through the • y J • ·hool of Guan ry, the con. quonc i tl1 L tbe m n are woll bandl d on p. rndc.

The whole uipment belo ging to the regiment i in perr: ord r much redit on Lieut.- • J. l" e1 r. nd uar erma.ler p g •., fo1· th y t m nfi r ·od, viz., evmy article of o ·urnmont prnJ rty mu ... t be returned in o thti uiu1. r­ma ter' tore, befor any I y i i l'<Ued, the re. nit i , that e\'erytbing i forlhtomi11,. and ready for in pection at a y time. ( J.) 0

15th Battalion.

The 15th Battalion have not repor ed ready for in pectioo.

Garristm Arlilkry Batteries.

The P rt Ilope and obourg A1·till 1-y batlerie \Vere i11 eel d y th A~ 1 -tant ln!:!pector of .A1•t.i1Je1·y, v1de bis R I ort .

Rijle A · ociations.

There are t n Rifle ·. oei. lion ill thi · Di. trict; and all in •ood w rkin, ol'J r.

R11ral Armouries.

The ural rmoric", a ur n. iu p ctt:<l, w re · :i. gone .ti 1 uJ iu c c n-dition.

amp 1te.

Th I'• i g1· t t diffi ·nlty in _finrlin r n. uit.:.thfo cnmpin~ l'<it in thi Di tri , '1ithin on y act 1-; to wat 1·; th land 1. o tak •n np h fnrm tbut i i. hm I UJ pi c.-h 011 a

t !urge nou ~h to 11 cmnmod, t a Jar~ bod · of men and hor

Cobwrg nmp.


ayor f Cobour , for hi. kinu or tho . mp, al \ · 1 ii th

Page 14: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


On the fith Sl•ptcm}}('r, tho troop <lctniled to lol'ln tho (·ump! as~embled, and <:011 .. i-tc<l of tho o, n.- pr vion«ly -hown, ot' thu thrcu arms of the !SOr:wo .

~ mo of tho c-01·ps cnmo in w.:>iik in nurnbo.r-., :tllll the re:1,.,~n O'l\'en by th~ C'llnl· mnnd111g oiliccrs wn- on nccouut of tho Into lim·vcst- nrnl tho !ugh w!lgcs, nritl 1 l wa,, fun d impo "'ible to take mo11 out of the rich!, hc.:,ide:. this dr~1wbuck, about :;ix-tenths of tLo mou ~ er o row recruit~, "hict. h'fJ ui1 ~d a g1 caL deal of pnlience, 1>cr~everauce nnd troublo to bl'()t th\:m into nnythin).{ like ship,hnpe, e~pocially ha.ving only twelve dnyt. to du it in; but I can :<alaly say llrnt both ollicerc und men wo1·k\ltl with .n riglll good will, sud gnvc evury ntk•ntion to their duties, tho conseq_uence was Lhut c:wh <lny ~howcd :rn imprnveniont.

au<ml .MO'lmlin{/

Wns rundc nn importn11t pamdo, enrh corp~ Yioing with tho other \Vhich would tum ont the deanc,,L t.uJ :-1u:11 ll·::;l gu:ud.

I11sJ1~Ctio11 of r!orps.

While iu cnrnp I rn:ulc n thorough in-.pcction of each bnttalion, and found the .nrn1 ... tu1d ncoutrcments clc:rn1 m:rny of the ritlc,, roq niretl repairing.


'rho Giwalry, nndor Lieut.-Col. Dutr, turnod ont vory well, and were well mounted. l would bore re •omruend lha~ n) stallion::! be allowed to be brought to ~n!nJ~, n.., they. are noL only a nuL'illnce but dangcrou::i; al::;o, to preveoL as mauy lllJuric" hnppeumg lo cavnky or artillory hori>os by their kicking one another, I would ~tron~ly recommend the Department to b~ue proper heel-ropes, the same as 11~c<l by thl.l I mlinu Cnvt1ll'y, by lhi:; mean<l the Departrnouf wo11ld save a largo amount yoarly.

Pield Batteries.

. The Durham Fiol~ RlLtery have gl'O:i.~ly improved binco lasL year, and came into c.Lmr,1

1Wt.lll 2~ur~ed. ~tde lnt0pector of Arllllery's Hl~port.

I he h.mg-L?n 1' 1oltl Battery wo1·0 w •uk in rrnmb 'I'"- and fairly hor:-1od. l'ide lo poctor of Art11lcry's Report.



.o four Hattaliou , viz.: the -10th, 4:ilh, Wth nnJ J7th wore very good bnt r mu,.,t ~ \O the palm to the 5ith. Th~ 10th c:1me to camp, J.ibo~·ing under great' di,,ind­vnntn~cs, hnnn~ two newly org~ntzcu 1·ompunic-., one from .Mmloc and the other fi'?rn ~ro.nton. 'Ihc Cl£:Lh111g of tl.11~ b:i.lt:tli•m wa .. ruu.·b ~oiled, and a great scarcity ~I .urn~o1 !n troa~er;~ \\as very Vll'lt hl1:1 lhe men having Lo wear civilian oue~, whioh ~' :at,1) 1l~sfig11r~J ~lie appenr,rnee ot Lhe Mt·p-s. .N1)Lwithstandi11g all tbIB 1,ieut.-Col.

1o"11 bwught a tine body of men to lamp. '


•r ,. 'l'he mt!i~ns. Wero all of a!l exec lien t q ualiLy :ind gn.ve g1me1·n.I saLiiofuctioo . I mill I e ent uL o.1~h 1~uo-lhe daily co;it })1.)1' nu111 lH}ing :w cculs.

.Jf1,ster Para le

'rho scvornl corps were mu ter l b ti [J° . p .and nll found correct. °' Y 1" 1 lrict • y1lla ... ter1 in ruy p1·escnre,


Good Conduct while in ('amp.

Tho conduct of tbe f<1rco whilu in camp wu,; excellent, which .~a'"e g1ent S..'ltif!faC!­tion not only to my-.cll~ Lut. uJ:.io t-0 tho c:iti1.on11 of Cob.:iurg, :-0 much "o thnt tl10 ~Iayor presented me with an addre:-q, i-tat ing tho Batit;faction it ga\•e the people to hani .. <> <ll'derly and wtill-behavotl u ,.et of mon oncnmped near them. Viele. copy of ari lross. (A.)

Health of Oamp.

'fho h{•alth of the men waf! \"01·y good.

Divine Service.

Divine Sel'vico wa~ held on tho pa!'ll.de ground, on Sunday morning, the 10th September, at 8.30 n. m.

Y. M. 0. A.

The Young Men';.i Christhm ASl:!oci:Ltion, ofCobom·g, ere<·tcd a large tent iu camp fol' tho U80 of tbe mon, in which was provided all necc1»•ary writin~ mnteriali., dnily papers, &c., free; a.ml i11 tile evening religiou" bCrV"ice wa.-, held, nnd which wn,, well attended. .lly thank~ are due to Mr. Bickle, the Prcaidont, and those connected with him, for all the trouble nnri expence they incul'l'cd in providing snch n resort fur lha men.

Major-General Luard's fnspection.

On the lltb September, Major-Goneral Luard inspected the force on parade. It was drawn up in line to receive him. After the march pu:>t, tho troops wont through a field day, attackiug an imugionry enemy, at the concln..'<ion of which the Gene1·al oxpros~ed his satisfaction with the progre~i> made, as also their good behadour, and pornted out defect.'! and irl'egnlarilics that required attention and rectifying. (2.)

.Minister of .Militia.

_On the 12th Se}lteml>1w, tho Ilooornble tho Minister of ~ilitia visitO<i tho camp, and mspe?Led tho troop~. After tho mn1·ch p:lSL he exprc:,.-<e1i himself as being well ple1U:1ed with the tine appearance of the meu. their progr1.Jss in drill, nnd guneral good conduct, &c., &:c , nil of which ga>o grcaL i<atbfal'lion.

.March Out.

The forco marche!.l out, and ma le a fine nppeur.mco.

Fine Weather.

. The \~eat~cr _throughout ';U" mo:.t favora.hle, still I nm nf opiuioll that Lhtl month of l::)optembcr 1s n,,ky. .T1111c t:, the mouth moot ::-uilaolo.

Drill Instructors.

I 'ivouid l:lLro11gly 1·ccomrncnd lhnt thrco or four ••ood Drill Iustrnd• rs from 11 A" Ol' .

1' H" Balterio" be ullowctl i.;nch cuinp. It i:; impo~sible for tho Brig:tdo Scrgetwl­

MnJOr to l'orfonn all hbi \•ariou" duties :111d attend ouch b3ttalion at dtill. (3.)

Bugler Instrttctor .

. I ~ould n.l"'o recommend a Bugler Tnst.ructor be nllowod, for tho purpo o of intit_ructmg regimcotnl buglon.;. (4.) AL U:tmps Picton and Cobourg the ritworal r egiments could not boasL of n single ouc, und I had to imprc ·~ n bnnd,,m:m.

Page 15: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


Camp 'taff.

Th un I rm ntion officers acte I on my St.afl, nnd I hnvo cvury roa on to r1tnto niy cntir ti fn ·hon 'vith th ir vnluahlo n" 1 .. tn11<·e, which n<ldu<l in no rnnll dogroo to th u c "or the c:lmp. ~fojor Gordon I nm pnrtic·ulnrly iuclcbtod to l'ur hb 'Untuin" • I no I ntt-Ontion to hi mimy dntio..<1. 'ifnjor Gord1111, 14rh P. \V.O.R, lhigadu .M IJOr IJiout.·Col. H. C. R 1gcr<1, :ird Cavalry, A':J i t·1nt Brigu lo ~fajor;

'npt.. ]fot.!~111 ' :!od Quccn'o Own, 01,lorly Offic•cr; Major Roils, 16tl1 B:\ttalion, Supply Ofilcor; ~nrgoon-Mnjor Brist-01, 4th l'a\"alr.v. 1'.M.O.; Payma. tor King, 11th J>. W.O It '11011> Q1rnrtorm:l.,tcr; Lieut. .\lnuN"uchtau, U.tl.A., Musketry Instructor; ( 'npt. Fi.1 lcy, '' B '' lln<.tcry, Provo.-L Ofiice1·.

Tlio cnmp uroko up on Satur.!11y. ~cptombor Jlilh, and T bolievo every officor nnd tnnn w w1•ll 1ti-fh..>tl with his twclvu dnyq in cnmp.

1 hnni the honnr to be, Sir, Your ohod icnt ... orvn11 t,

U. v·. VILLI 1m ', Lieut.-Col., Deputy Adjutant.<~onoial, M1li~wy Di--trict So. a.

Tt.e .Adjutnnt-Genernl or .Militia.


~ I) A very good I ractical rnle wb ch should be adopted hy all wrp•. :!) On the whole I "All well pleued with l'l'hal I &aw In lhis encampment, reflecting credit on a I concerned.

(3) I recommeou that 11. system of sendio::: 100-commiasioned officers to tli.e Schools, so as w become t'fllc1eoL • rge1tnta, from each Ball.alion, 3bould be adopted.

(4) I find nearly everywhere bow very neccsdllry it is Lo hllv11 an Instructor for the burlere.


<.:oncJUno, 15th September, 1882. . lh:.ut Srn,-1 hn\ e muc~ plc.~:-iurn in co'!1111unic~li11g to you tho following rei;o­

lut1on. p: cd by the Ti.1wn Couucil at a 'Pl'C1ul moot111~ lltlld on thu 11th iostant:­llc.so vd,-Thnt tbi .. Council de"ire ... , on behalf of tho inhabitants or Uobour({ to

cx111c~ to Licut.-Ool. Villien;, Deputy Adjutant-<~cnerul uud Commundant of ~he 'nmp of Militia locntcd hore, their a ppr ociation of tho ctfort.s made by him1>elf nod

the o~li c:s nnd meu under hi comm1101I. t~ mninlniu publi1· penco uod order, thus contr1hut111g lnrgely to the nccc of tho Cump; n11cl they ulso de.-.ire to thank the 'ommandnnt ~o .. tlie mnrch out ~f.the nri •nde through tho :;lrcch, tbi;relJ.r cnablill!-{

tboso of .our. c1t1zen unnLle lO \"Mt the pa1·11tlP grou111l u11 "Jlf'Ol'tunity of witue~sing n plo11d11t d1 plnv ol the force.

'Ph'. Goun~if wo~ld nl o thank tbo Comm:mdin~ Oflicor of the 1>evo1·a.J LattalionH fo1: c11t.l.111g tho.11· r~g1mcnt.'\l. bands t<> tvwn to . cronado 0111· citizen~, l>y th id monnB ov1dcnt•111g thc11· k111 lly fcclrng toward1, us.

V{. II. f1'1.1wo, 'l'own l 'lork.


A true copy. 11. V. V11.1.u:ru;1 !Jiont.·Colonel,

.IJ puty Adjutaul·G onornl.

J. \ \~C'l·J URA YELgY, Afoyo1·.

ULT'I'A nY I >IS1'HIO'I' l\'o I.

1 h; 11(.ll AJITJ R 1

OTTAWA, 15th .i:"o\'cmb r, 1

Srn,-Jr complinnco \\ ilh in trnctioo , I hn\'ll tho honor to su rn.t. th~~· m't· Jfoport ou the tnto of tho .\!ilitrn or the 1>i trttl uudor my uomrnnud, 11 r tho military year l'-182 Sa.

1. 'l'ho strength ,,f the cxii:;ti11g corp 11ro :-

Otlicen. ( ) I·, <'nvulry, 'r1·oops t\VO ................................. .

1"iclt.I Artillo1-y, Battol'io (two)......... ............. 12 Oarri ... on Artillery, Buttery (ono). ......... :i fnfontry and Rifles, Battalion~ ("even) and

C<JmpuniM (forty.foul')............... 188

Total.................................. 209

N'nml>or of :lcti'e militiamen authorized for nnnual drill:-

~ -U. 01!1ctr1 lln<J ten.

70 l:iO 4:!


2,1 l(J

In ('AIDJ>....... .. ..... .... ... .... .. ..... .. .... . ...... .... .. ...... ... .. ... .. 1103;)

At hou quarter::i ... .. ...... .... .... .•... ............. ..... .... . .. ...... ., "-·'>

Tot.al .................................. ..

3. Corp,., 1vh icli performed d 1 ill in cum p :­


Stnff ...................................................... . Pro:-ocott Troop, Cavalry, CapUl.in Raney ........... .

Field Artillery.

Ottnwa Field Battery, Cnptllin Sto\rnrt. .......... .. Hunnnoque Battery, Ht .. )fojor .\lucKcnzi\l ..

Infantry and Hijfrs.

18th Prc-;l'Ott Battalion of Infantry, 3 comp:rnic-.. Licut..Col. Bu llcrtield ............................. .

41:it Bnttnlion. '' Bro~k\·ille nitlc~," .. j.x e<>rnpn11i ,;, Lieut.Col. Cole .......... ... ....................... .

42ntl Battalion, BrockYillo I 11fo11try, 5 compa11io,.., Liout.·C<:>l. Rooll. ................................... .

56th Battalion, ' 1 Li~gn1· Will·~,'' 5 l'-Ompanics, I Jiou L·Col. .Tt•..;su p. . .. ...... ... ... .. .... ....... . ..

'l'otul ................................... .

1. Corp" which pc1·tormecl drill at hoadquartcrs :­Princes .. Loui:-c Dragoo11 Guardii, 'upt. ~tcwart. li.t Ball:ilion, <:ovc1·nor Genlwul'~ 1''oot t'tum-.1 .. ,

Licnt..-Golond Ro "· ........................... .

'l'Ot!l) ................................... .

!"I 3

5 ;;


:! l




7 32

GO tij








Page 16: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


5. l'orps whi<-b did uot perform tmnual dl'ill (I.):-

Oarris011 ArtiUery. llfficer~.

Prci;cott Garrison Butu.wy, Onptuin Coughli11... . 3

Infantry and Rifles.

~.-0. Officers and Meo.


•l31'il Hatt:1liou, 6 compauios, Litiut.-Col. While.. 26 252 5Vth Ilallnlion, 7 companies, Liout.-Col. Burgin. :39 294

Special Remarks rm Carps and General Remarks.

6. 111 my A1111u:d Rtiport, fo1· 18~1·8:!, wl'itlon whon my oxpol'ienee in Dii;trict No. 4 wnF; somcwl1uL limitod, [ ndnlrletl generally to tho 01ga11iz:itiun of the Actin~ J•'orco un<lor my commund, i·oiutiug out. tho 1ulvn11ta~eom1 po,;itions, from a strategic :md t11c·ticnl point of view, of the :,tntion,;; of the different corp:;, representing the throo arm!! of the :.Or\"ice, lh well as directing nttontion to lbe goooral ~ntisfactorv -~t~to of thing prevailing on ~~y rocah·ing ovo1· couunautl t'roru my predecessor, L10nt.·Cvlouol ~ncksou, D.A..li. I may now refo1·, moro in detail, (1) to the . .;~ep,. tn.kcn,, tl.urrn~ t~e year 1 ~o~·83, towanli; the mni!1taining and :secul'ing efficiency; (!)!Otho d1fficult1cs in the path of officers commanding corps, in the maintenance of uffic1cncy, anti the rn:rnner, in my opinion, of ovorcomioa 1-uch difficulties and (3) I beg to :-ubmit some i.uggcstion,, for further i.mp1ovemc11f. ' '

Brock1Jille Briga.tfe Camp.

. In bOlecling .nnd dotailing corps for the porfonnnnco of the annual drill in camp 1u n.ccordurH·o w1tl.1 llie. Genel'al Orders, 27th June, 1882, to complete quota from umon~wt l'Orps ~r11letl m camp J:u;t year, oil or nen.l'ly nll having eq_ual claims, I had l~ rmmrt tn tlrw.vrn~ by lot; the following Mrp~ boir1g ordorlld to Msemble at Brock­nllc on Uwfith September Jn~t, under my comrnaml, wiLh the underoamed staff:-

. Licut.-Ool. Hnr.on ................................ Hri~utle .\fn jor. O~ptain F. Toller, Ci.G.F.~;: :···· .......... . .Assistant Br'.igmlc Majol'. I;icut.·Col~ !facdona~d. )!1ltt1:i Dept. ....... Supply Offir:er. Su~goon b. li .. \lcmrk, G:inanoque P. B. Principal ~Iedicnl Officer. .M_n.ior \Vnl h; ~rd ~atlahon .. : ............... :fusketry Instruc.;tor. L10!1t.·~L '1i h1te. ·:l:.Nl Battalin11 ..•.•..... C:11np Qnarterma ·ter. .MaJOr \\ e:itberley. (; G.FJ~ .................. Or<lerlv Otilc·er. lfoJor llre<lon, 5~t h Battalion ................. Pro\"o.·t Ofliccr.


Prei:cott Troop, Capi.'lin Raney.


Ottawu Fiuhl Batte1y, Captain StnwurL. G11u:u1oq111.: Field Baltel'y, llaj<11· .M11ckemde.


18tlr B11u111ion, P1•c,..~ott Tnfantr.r, Lient.·Col. Buttortiold. l!6~ Jo llrockvillo Hift~s, l,itJUL·Gfll. Golo.

-11 do . <lo Iufantl'y, Lioul.-Col. Buell.

Mth do Lii!gar .Rifle...;, Licnt..Col. J c~1:1up.

1 'l

It will l·e oh~er\"e<l tbnt both tho ·11 t (Liont.-Colo11el Gola) nud 42rul (Liout.­Uolonel Buoll) Buttalious (corp:- drillod lu·L yuar) woro thu<; a:isemulcd in cmnp, nml I {'a11n11L addul'e a moro fu\"oralilt: arg-ument in fa\·or of aunuul, in,tond ol tric1111ial dl'ill tlran tho hi~hly creditable !>tale of elllduncy of the•c corp;i (O'J>OOially the Jintc


r), w; l'11Ult11cmlcd Ly tho lfojol' (icucrnl in command nt hi:i in~pocti~n. . . i\ ol <>nly {1 id thu;.c corp~ l"ettlo down !IL om:c to tlio r-ucc.e. ... :;rul . wn~·lm1g of their

1·c8pucth·o rc<•irne1 tal ,..y,,tcms, and tho pol'formancc of daily drill 111 um:<mlunco with B1·igad.t'Ordcr~, but. i;o i-uli .. fhcto1-y was thoir .. tatu of etflcicncy, tlrcy 1101·vcd, in n mcnsurn, a.-; tnudols to their lcs., fm'Lnuule l'\ii;ter ll.lUalion-t, not drilled lait yo:u·.

The c:uup was n<lmi1·ably silnatecl on one of lhe most picturesq11c :<J>.lb on llie lnrnk"' r>f Lire SL. Law1·ence, an<l tho ground, available for drill aud flu!J. mitncou"r~, is oxtcmiivc and varied in iLb cbai·nclcr, while the abundant piue fo1est. neur thu Mmp u.ifo1·cktl 1>1Jc;tcr from 1-un 01· ::;Lorm, for moo a11d bort<es. Lioul.-Oolonol Jfacont B.~1.1 wit.h h11:1 m;uu.l fon,thought, pliwet.l :\ carefully preparo<l i-ketch of' tlw ca111p at, the <lii;pc1,,al ul ovory coq'"· And tho oxcollcnL Camp Qua1·Lernrnr;ter (Licul.-Colonol Whito ·Br<l Buttulion) wall early on the ground, rcgulati11g tho issue of t·:imp C'}t1ip­mo11~.

1n!Hl i,cei11g that coq,::; ob3ervo<l the go11crul p1·inciple,.., a~ to the cnmp, fllH•\vn

in tho sketch oJ the Brigade Major, and cal'l'ying ont my in~lrnc.tion:; a" to ordor of wol'k to be done on arri>a] of corps. Lieut.·Colonel \Yhite ha...; ,;nbmittod !!OmC !-illf;· ~Oiltions with lb 1 view to facilitate tho ii;i;ucs of Government stor& l<l, au<l rcceipto from, corp~ at the Brigade Camp.

I mu8t r;ay that the Mayor and Corporation of Brock ville ronde ample nncl moilt lil.rcru.I pl'6paration:> for our ani\"al in camp; pl.iwing tho ground at tho di.-..po~al of tho troops, building ::.hed" for officers' ho1·1:10~, latrinei;, &.c.; while the citizen~ gene­rally did everything in their power to 1·endor our stay nt BrockviUe plea. ... unt. I may add that tho Mnyor kindly allowed ua tho use of his exten!'irn and bcaut:ful grounds, north of the town, for field maooouvros.

A uot.ic.euulti foat.w·o of the U.SbOtnbly of corpr; in camp this year m1i; Lhe r-1\tii;fao­tion afforded lry tho carrying out tbe rocenL Gonernl 0l'der regarding the isi;ue of a half rnLion per roan, prior to arl'iva.1 of corps in cnmp and before leaving camp, with tho view to tho Quarte1·mastor, uml one man per company who vroceti<lU<I to camp in advance of their col'ps, having a. meal cooked for Lheir men on their arrival, nnd, in like maonor, beforn their depal'lure from cnmp .

Tho money t~llowed for thii; service iu former year:>, was not, in n.11 case!', ox pend­ed with ad\"anta~e, and t(lo often the fi1·0L meal in camp was on the morning of tho day nfter arrival.

1 n con,;c11 uonce of :.n unusunlly late h:a·\"c:-l !'tUCCc0<ling a late ,..t.: I ti me, :i.nd for other 1·ca:-t.us, it was impo~ible to <lccirlo upon a con>l~nient time in all c::a-ic ·for thi,. year:- training. Se~el'al corp' in cum p were under their ~intho•·1z I 11t11ocrieal ~trougth. It b but ju"t to t'latc, ho\Ve\'\!r, th:it in oboying order.; for a~·ernbly mnn.r of nil ra11k::. ditl -.o at muC'h per,;onnl :.acritice, this being, too, an nnu ... ually bu:-y iwa on l.roth in town uncl country.

My Bi iga<lti Order" ri.'gulating the duties in cnmp, Ln~od upon Genornl Orde1·, differed iu no impr>rtant p 1 ticulnr from thoso i~:·med in 1381, an1l the snmu choc1·ful ohedic11cu of or,lurs that charncteril'od C1unp Ottawa h1,,t Year, were ob,;en·c<l in O:unp Brock\'il!u thi1::1 yenr. •

h:1L. Morui11g puraJe, fo1· i-;11uml nud c:nmpany cll'ill. 2ncl. " battuliou drill. :frd. Pura1lu (afternoon), fo1· b1·igivlo <frill u11d field mUHCDtl\"l'C:o wl.Jou 1oa1ly

Lhul'cfill'. I all.l1ch g1·e~t inq~ortar~co lo eaic nn<l alhinLion being gh•en to' tho tfr-;L m<.•rning

pu1·ndo b.v nil, from ol.hcet·:i 111 commnnd 1lownwurd:-1. . The work of imp::irti11g in ~tnu:tio11 goo.'- on smoothly n a ntlo nt Lho l'Cl'!)JlU mnrn 111,g n~1d nfLcr11oou puraJo-... Dut I lin\'o found, genornlly, thnL in proportion u-.. tho ruplnrn i zo·tlo11~ aud otlh;iunt, in pur,.011.illy conu11cling tho in~truot1011 of' hi.: com­pany a~~~-; eat'ly morniog para·le, in tho :;:uno pn.>portion 'viii the c•impnny uttain

Page 17: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


J o cy nllll appc>nr t.o adV"nutago wilh the re.~t of lbe 1·orp . .; at tho concllll!iou of thu period o trair ing.

0\\ ir ~ to the p1< .-onco of two b.1U11lion:-"1 ( l~th R:Lttalin:1, Liont.-Gol. Butterfield nnd :1Glh Hatt.1111111, r iour ·Col. J1 ''OJ>,) muc·h helow :heir nnthoril'.cd atrungth. not drill~ l in cnrnp Int .)C:lr, nnd in con~equo11cc unahlo tO compuru fn~oml·ly 10 dticj. l'IhY with otlic1 coq,, drill(J(t h-.t year, ln·i#{udo drill wus deluycd unlil the !Ith !'icp­tl·mb<!r, when the fol< e WUt< iu,.p..:ctcd by tho ~fajor r.enernl in c·omm11nd

1 who WU¥

11nnl1lo to II! mo 11 Inter d.1y fen· hia in"pcction. 'fakin~ into co1 e,icforntiou thi11 t•in•um,..tnnco, ns well a~ th(' ~hort tir:ne tbcu in

mm p. lho .\I 11jn1 liouor:il ox 1'l'C~l)1..'<l himself ploaae<l at 1 he progroi>:i being mutle, mak. ing 'Jll'ti:d r1 tenrnc·e to th1.• m:mner in which bnttulion tltill wn~ porfMmod in the 4:!ml B11tt11lin11. under tho ettiriont and pnin11tuking commandin~ otJico1·, Liout.-Ool. Rncll-1111cl the c:11mp1.i1y dl'ill of No. 2 Com11n11y, -list Butlnlion, I 1foul. A~111elstine, w11,g ul:'o <·omnwnded. (2.)

I .tnny :1dd _fh:ll both Limtt.-Coh;. Buell u.n.J Colo left nothing undono for the good Qfthc1r ll'"}11.ct1\'c corp~, nml, bcin/{ the senior loc.:111 offi"ers. thoy did mueh to en1:1 111·~ tho. 'flc<·t.>,.., uf tho camp "l Rrockdlle. Licnt. Cochrano, H. ~l. G., a~.iin acted it' AdJnlnut_ •.l:fot.l Bnualiun, with credit lo him~olfnud atlvnutag\l ti) the col'ps. (3)

~111 m~ tho. past yem· ho h:~"'. hcou uppointod to an impo1·tunt }><J1:1ilion on tho pro· fo.~ .. or111J ... tntl ot the Royul .\J 1ltt:try College, where his H'l ,·ires will, 110 doubt be duly 11pprt!ci:11flfi. '

.Not. lnr l1ehind in \'aluc to lbe ~rn<'luntcs of tho RQyru .Military ('1))logo, I found ~hO:iO C•flicer .... v.oo had !{~he tht"OU(!'h I\ COUr::.e of in~trtlCliOll at the !1ii,1tl'frt Infantry

<'!JOol la t wrntcr, ·how in~ how u::.efu 1 tho1'e M.:hools are towar<l;-; the inistruction of odicu1,., nud ~ow dcl-irable i~ iR ~hat there r>hoal<.I be pllrm~wout Infantry Sehook

In ~ ~r1y1ng •at the lfoJ?r-<~e?cral's ol'dCl'i- l'Ct>pecting inspection~ a~ to cleanli· ne,~ of :.11 m-., tho corrc·ct fittmg of accoutrement~, and the marrner in which guards 3t!d i;_entr1CS_J:8rform tl1e1r cfutiei;, there WU..'\ U JDai·kt>d impro,·emont fut Com pa1·erl wu.h inspe<:t1011H la~t ye.ar. Jr.. his inspection of guart.l~ and Hu1tJ·ie::4 &c the Brigade l\111.101· wn,. uhly a':'')'"teJ hy Cupt.ain Tollor, Gove111or Gen<·ml'r. f1'0Qt Ou~1·ds. '

1-lJ~ tmnrncncing prelirniunr.~ drill and target practicl' 1111tho1<ocond d11y in cam1•, t.fue Jni.;t 1111·tllrnl ~l~tikctry (~la1nr.Wabb,.43rJ Battalion, 11Iio pro•·cd him1>elf n.; i.! Cit nt at mu:.kotr.} a~ be llll'JUCsttonably 1i; us a 1·o~imcn t al office!') wu~ onublotl to ~.ompleto tho_ <:oui?u oJ pn~clit'l' ut. n i<Ufth:icntly early day to allo\,. the \vb0le brigndt1

1 n-~;mb!c for br!gn<le ~n~l_ 11~1d tield. m:u1Ct•uvre;i prepuratol'y tr• fi11ul in~pect.ion. ~ 1.110 toun;e ot ru11 ... kel1j m,,tructwo nnd ta1·gct )Jt·:u·tire wa;; thi~ }·1..a

1• for the

ul'i!t lime nwuhtell h,_- G e nl O d tl · ·11 "' • J en r r er:., a 1 1t w1 now Le inll•rest;1w vnd iUbtruct i"e

t1•,1• ctor.np:ircf tlhie ti~m~ ~f merit of corp in this Di .. trict with that«.? c·orJ>l'I in othor 1 tict o t e .Domm10n.

. \fojor W~1l•h hth -.ubm.tto<l 1· J • tl ·J · t f · . 1 ome prac •ta sugge.-.t1oni> for futnru •'nidance on 1e u JJe<!. o target prnct1ce.. "'

t Tbo nti~cdrai ge 11 ~1· the camp i.,rronrul is nn udmimble one aurl tho butts anu urget,; orect 'lCC:Ord1n , t C • •" n t• • I '

Q,~in to th.e . . g o . 1:'-P ...... rn '-'?b tO ... :itei.L plan. ga~e gr<.'nt ."athfa1:tiou. tho IY t -~t R'fl Acent1 ~li po,,mon of th1,., exc-ellont mnge it j., well ti<la11t~J fo1· ui-e a t

. h I IC d 0 t>SOCIUllOD rntttoheH.

Pre.~cott Troop</ C'fwalry.-Onptuin Haney. In uo corp1:1 in cu.mp d'd 1 b .

which pro rre!!~ it · I O SC! VO .lllOl'O 1.1toady pl'Ogres1:1 Limn ill tbi!'I, in JH•oof of thu11Du111~ ~Arr ~s bLul, nec•o!'Hul'y to direct !tL!.cnt1on lo the 1111f.1vomulo ropo1·L of tho 1881J ·m!l l~ w1/~b A~I Go11ernl IJf Lh.e ctencrnl'i'I i11sr1~ctio11 •>f ll11:; cnl'ps i11 Octultol', 11osc/1 'or u11 o~cello~l· ~ u Pfm t i·:ht, w camp at B1·ock vi 11 e. th e lllejlJ ot Lhi l'orpH ( l'Ont· nod uldicr-lik . ti . u"" of Y<JU11g .forme1.,. with a g(Jod tit:11np iif ho1'lic:-) woro clean ~ ctlfoic11t llh ~o~~d '~'.: ap1~ci'u ~uN\aml, hy. ,..tl'ict at ten Lion to their dut1os, becamo

le is but ju!it to 1

uJ~ ~1;11 ~ [. 1~ l'_Xptctcil 111 th~ ~hurt pol'io.J of' the truirJing. ('!.)

ing iustroctiou from L' in ~11.ain Har1ey n•t1•1vcd •nluaLle :~ifa1 .. t1tncc in impa1·1-1C:ut. liour<lc:iu, l:'.L.J>.G., who bu<l h1m"lt·lf but lately at·


temled a cour~o of in trnction 'vhilst atlnchcd to the 7th Oragoon Guards at hot.


Ottmca Held Bnltery.-lJuptain Stewart.

Grrnnnoque F'ield Bnttery.-M ajor ~fa<·kenzie.


la company with LilluL.-Col. M:ontiznmbe1·t, Acting fo 4 poctor of Ar1illory, I wiLnesl::le<l tho int~pe< lion of uoth baLterics by that. officer, and arn glad to know that he is onahlod to 1'op01·t favorably regarding the eflkicnc:y of both: . .

Shot anti 11holl pmcLicc was c·urricJ out under the sup~rv1~1on of L1out.-Col. MoulizamberL wi th ex-(•ullcnL rc11nltH1 a~ appo:m~ f1·um the p1'11ct1co roturn", tl1e OLlnw~ l<~ieltl Bu.Ltory


muki11~ tho high ~coro of' 436. . . I have nh·ondy 1rn bm i tte<l a t->pecial i·oport a .. to Lha n~1dun tal break-mg-. of lh&

~xle of oue of tho guu carriageti of the. Ottawa. I~~elrl. Battery wh11ll'lt !Lt

pi·actice, and I <lirecto<l n.ttuntiou to the p1·ompt1~udo and Hk11l d1~plnyod by Unpt.ain Stewart in having tho carriage tomporarily rcp:uro<l nud i-endy fo1· ptirnde nn the day following the :ltcideut. (5.)

18th Battalion.-Liont.-Col. Butterfield.

56t h Battalion.-Liout.-Col. J e ... sop.

Having akcady referi·ed to the high i-tate or efficiency auainet.l by tbe 4ht :intl 42ntl Bntlalions, I ~egret extremely I nm unable to report a::; favornbly rc,,pecting the above named corp".

In the CMe of tho formor, 18th Bullalion, it was repre>1enled in camp, through no fault of its Lieut.-Colonel, by buL lhree companies iu~t~ad of six,. which mny ?a accounted for as followi; :-.~fo. 6 Company, Hawke::;bury M1lls1 wns relieved by i;pecwl authority it havin..,. been stn.t.etl thnt Lo carry out the order for nstiembly ot the company 'in camp ~muld interfere wiLh local industrioH. Tho ah~ence of No 2 Com­pany, Vanklcek Hill, requires fnrthcr .explum1ti01~ 1 nnd, in the cn ... e of No . . 4 Company, St. Eugo110, the C'apt:lin, ancidcnly re:-:1gncd, and m the absence of caplmu nnd oth~1· <~ompnny offi.cert; a nd there being in~uffi.eieut time to fill their placeE, the company failed to ns~emble in (':lmp.

The Lieut.-Colo11el i:> now taking i;teps in the matter to prevent n recurrence of such want of l' ffi<'iency of the torp", nnd, it must be nddeJ. no blame a•t.'l<'he>< to tl.e officot"H and men of tni-. httltuliou (representin!( the fine county of Prc~5l'J ll) •. who us:seu1bled in 1·1.m1p 111 .. ome per:-onal 11ac1·ifice1 nnd zculou,..ly pe1furrued their duties .

51ith Battalion.-Lieut.-Colonel .r~irnp.

As reg:mii- tbc b6th Battnlion, thii,; corps uloo ntisemhlc<l in <'nmp unde~ ilb authorized numeric-al stro11gth. The C'llptnin of No:; Cow puny, llctc·alfo, h~-.l'ubm1ttcd an oxplanation regnrtling the alliience of his cOtnJJllny. So. 2 Company, PJ"Cc;Cott, wns relieved from tho porfo1·mance of the annnnl d1-ill.

Tbe nrrn~unlly luto ba1·vest ~onsou provented other componiei; from ht~viog their foll strenglb in c•amp.

The hat talion it< compoaed of a tine uotly of men, n.nu hnt' tt good record for pniit efficiency The needful I hing Moms to be tho ucc1ubit.on ot fro~b blood-the presence of youngor oificcrr-1-amongst tho staO', from tbl) Lieut.-Colonel in command (who, witb othcr11, hns dono ~no<l "'ervico) dowuwurdl\.

Efficient officurH n1·0 not luu'tl to be fonn<l amon~sl the company otlic1Jr~, for not only are there t!ODll' c:q1rnins of companies both otficiunt :lnd energetic, but bOmo of tho i;nhaltcrn otllcw1· ... , after a eour..-o of instrnction al the Ottawa Infantry .... cbool, I :-l!!, hor gnvo Hlluable proof., of their ability to impart the knowlc<lgo lhcru

:l<'C)_nin•d, to othern. 9-2~

Page 18: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


• tcp .... nr1' being tnkl'n to plnl'e this battnlion on ib former cffi ·iont foot in"'. On 'unduy, the 10th Septtiinoor, the Lri~.1du lltl."t'inulcd fi•r dh·ino :icn· ic·ot-on the

c~mp ground-, whc10 the R1w • .P. Gr.nvford kimlly otfici:1rod, b1 ingin~ tho <'hoir of ht:< chur~h for the o c:u .. ion. .\l:my of the dtizcu-. (If 13r(lcln·illo uttun<l<• I this i;ervice th<'ro 1Je111g n •pccinl ;-.tc:un lxmt t-0 tho c·111n p . '

'Pl~o pr cnco of tho Young ?lfon'..: Chdstinn Ai;,ociution in (•nmp wai:1 thoroughly nppr(l('rnt1,,~ i the ngcnh. of t h~ A~so:inti1>,n1 r1>~rt'Hmting the .Province>! bof h of Quebec and 9nt:1110, wo1·0 nnt1~wg m theu· eft<Jrh for tho welfi1ro of tho Rolrliery by the c,,1::d1h•limcr_1t ofa11 utlm1rnbly nnnuge<l roadiug room with recreation tent &c.

~J,o :ut10111> .. upplied by the d! lloro11t. contracto1·,. wcro of the re~ulntion 1 q uanti ly

-wh~<h_ ts ntnpl~'-:md t·:xcellorll. m qunlity-und, as nt tbo Cump at O!t..'l.wa in 1881, t.ho \ltlnou~ d~t1cs co.nnccte<l w1tb the supply dopnrtment woro anfo•ftictorily per­formc,d, rcHoctrng credit on t~e efficient Snpply Officer Lieut .. Col. Macdonald.

~bo1·0 ooul<l be no quct1l1011 os to the quality or quantity of wator for tho troops ut tl111> c~mp, for not only bnt.I every wi·ps the ndvnntng-o of having its NI.mp frontiug o~ tl~o r1•,cr Lank (110_ mnll nil\":rnt~e), but the corporation of BroC'kvillo liberally pt ov1tle<l !or the drnwmg of wutor dmly lo the different cooking places.

'rht~nk. to the Po~t Otlke lns1)ec·tor, Gilbert Griffin, E•q 1

u po~t, office was • openec.l rn ~amp fo1· the .couvonfoneo of the troop~. ·

.. '!he order1:1 rei;pecting mnt1ter parade wa.-. carried out, the accounL.'l.nt of the M1t~1~a. pcp:1rtm.ent, H. 0'.lleam, E q .. per,:onally attending and atloi·ding great 88 1:-iucho11 ur. h1~ pt'Ompt paymant of all ncconnts. t ~II ~llb 1.n camp _ho.vmg fully availed themseh-c:i of the time at theit• dispoqal b0~_,,a d" ccommg efi;ic1e~t, nn<l. the weather from the Htllrt being most favorable the

1~1ghnSe wu:'\ ~·eady for mspectton by tlle Honorable the Minister of Militia 0~ the t eptom1.Nr, the Ja,.t day of the truioing. ' . lt wn~, on lhat day, marc~0tl ia column of route to the g rounds of the Ma o:r

u~1 t.b of lhe tow? of Brocknlle, where the .Minisler, accompanied )) Lbe De ~t ' .Mt~tr1:hr, ~Vllr< received by Lbe lroo1is iu line, nnd, nftel' the insp<Kltio~ and m~l'ch Jlllh , e 1orce wus formed fm· attack fac·ing lho north .

~h~n follow.ed soiuc. field manoonvr(•s iu which it was desired to show the applwut1on of !1·111_ lo tactics. Tbe g1·oundi; were admirably suited for ti · 1i Belore rcl~rntug to cnmp, the "'1inistcr of )filitia kindly distributed

1~h~ur ~?::~ ~r ~~J~c\pr~c~1ce! an<l uxprus;.o<l hi:i satisfoctiou at whut. he bad seen and he£·d of

0 L1f-!3• c, 1 ca(;rrtng part tcnlarly to tho go xi concluct of tbe troops I d d . od :-;t!reir)condm;~' hlhnththo dutie,; of the efficient Provo8 t Officer ( i\iajorn B~·:<l~~1° i~th

d ion were 1g t, t ough tbe mN1 ... u1·c:; adopted bv that officer to pt·e , t' · con uct fl!'C not the le-s appreciated. . ven mtd-

ne t~ ~~t~ the a.Ls nee of .miscouduc~ ~o thet e wa .. :in almost total nhsence of sick. light in tltc eJit:~e~he dutte ... of the principal medical officoi· wero in like manner

Tho la;,t day in c:tmp a}l()"e referred to wns a 11 ala da " fi B · were thousand1' ,,f :-poc~atoi ut tho .Ro,·iew'. 1 1 h gLo

1 Y m: rockvillc, there

autumn's fi nest days. ' .mi 0 wn ooked tt':i best on one of Tho camp broke up on lhe followin1r m · d r ·

long dclUJ•, ou the part of tlic C. p Ruil~va ,o~rnng'.·a? . regret. having to roport n tho fo~l~w ing c·orp., viz: Ottawa .J<'ielcl B~tl~:~ho~~~~i\i~ ma.kmg np .the tl'ain for 42m1, .i6th. Thi':! fol'cc wus kept wait' t th y, .

1 att~hon, cletflchment" 41 1'1t,

10 o'clock n .111. to 1 o'elocl· ) m RQ tng ~ I a 1·a1 wny i:!Lnt1on u.t 13rockvillo, from tlie oreullion, anrl so well w;,.~ . th~y k git·' lf weJe~ WM. the conduct of the men on above n.nncd corpi; marched iu b • ep ~n llHJ Y. th.cir o.filcerli, Lhiit I aaw the doue crcclil to old soldien1. (6.) UC<; Q s1on mlo tho tr:nn tn such a wny ll!'I would h:tve

. I ca~ir1ot clo c thi report rospecLin"' ti B. ·I· ·11, 0 . ma pec1nl munnei- my i,0 t lLank t< Lh ie io<: ... vi e ump, w1thQut oxpre .. sing, for their hearty co ~porntio~ and oo •tr' I e stuff, ~rHl to officor1:1 comm 111di ng corps Brignuier. (7.) ' 1 ia upport 10 the purforman<:e of my duties ::tS


Princess louise Dragorm <:uards.-Captnin Stewart.

I in:-p~ctod this etficiont troop at Aylmer, uutlor command of Li1,;ul. Gou dciw, 0 11 the !)lb inr;tnnt (No"omlicr).

Thu lJouorublo. tho .Ministur of )filitin wa. present at inspection. I h:td p1·eviou~ly !'leeu tho troop on ncYeral occasi n:> t-ince ln"t Ifopor t. both on

monutcd and <lismouuted pnrndo , anti invurinlily foun<l thut no ro:u .. onnblo effort aro Leillg t:iparcd by officers, 1.1on·commis11io11o<l officor~ arid trooper1> to ID !tiu~'1iu the high stntc of efficiuucy it i:.. desirable 1>liould bo rnnintaiued, occupying, w; th1 troop <loo., 1111 important poi.ilion as tLe PrirJCC~K I)ouit;e Dragoon Guard,, at tho Cnpit:tl of tho Dominion.

Thu troop i~ compo:ic<l of nn rx(·ellont class of yo11ng men, the stamp of hot·Re!i iM e;ood, a r mi- ancl acco11l1·cmcnt.s and eqnipment in good order, and the mcu ;;oldicrliko m appearo.nco. Drill wa..i woll pc1fo1·rn~rl. and targoL p1·actice carried out.

Lieot<•nant uourdenu, in tho ah.cnce of the eillcie11t and oucr~et.ic capt:1iu, exeroiee<l hiN command with ubilily (8.)

The ~1iniste1 · of lltlitia exprc~ ... o d him~elf pleniicd with what, be hntl ccn of tho troop.

1st Battalion Governor-General's Foot GWirds.-Lieut -Cul. .Ro:-s.

Inspection, July 1st, 188:?. This corps was inspected by the Brigadc-Majo1· (Licut.-Col. Bncon) , in my absonco on leave, and that officer's report is n"' iollows :­

" Owing to the ioclemeucy of the weather, the in,.pection wns held in tho Drill Ilnll.

"The regiment wafi formed up in column, and the reviewing officer wa~ rocoived with a general l:'alute, after which the rolhi of each company were cllllc<l, &c.

" The regiment was then wheeled into lino, and put through the manual and fiifo~ exerciaos by llajor iifacpher.~on .

"Movemo1.ts were then g1J11e t bl'Oagh unde1· command of Lieut.-Col. Ross. "This corps mnstered aga.i11 011 July ~•th for ouL-<lvo1· inspection, but tho weuthor

was agam unfavorable. Thu skength at iui-peotion will be found in tnbulnted report. T ho movemontl! gone ~hrough we1e all performed with great precisiou.

. "Bosit1~s the movomenta gone tlll'ough on lbe hL July, tho corps wont th 1·ough t~e mt?rosting an~ atL1·a.cLi¥e practice of troopinJ the colo1·:i, whicli, taking into con­eulerat1011 tbo l1m1tod spaC:c (the .Drill H .. 11, with a large ooncoun~ of -.pl}ct.ntor:>), WllS excecl<liug well porforme<l."

Non BY rnr D.J..G-1 hsive.se~n this fine b tt111ion ~n parade ?lore tban once during this 7ear, on. church p11r11d,.~, an<! wbl'n farn1~bmg gnards of ht•nor, <\:C., numer1cally strong. OrM~ &Uent1on i• paid by all rank~ to the clean and aoldierlike appcuaoce of the men, to their steadine:n in toe ranlts. a s well as to thi;ar d rail geoer11.lly.

lnfa11try Sclv;01 of Instruction.

~ In_fantry School of Inbtrnction fol' officer.- and non-<:•ommt~4ionc I of'ficer:i, auLhor1zod 111 General Order. (2!) of tho Ll:Lh Oot >bet·, 1881, opened nt Oltnwn on tho 8th F~bl'uary laHt., nn<l was mainu1inoLI for· a poriod of over Lwo mtrnlh~ wilh the follow111~ l"lnff:- 1

I)ic11L.-f'ol. ~fnunt!ell. D.A G., Commaudnnt. l.1!011f .• (Jnl. Iliwon, ll.M., ~\t!jntant L1ent. D. C. F. Bli,.-., O.F.n .. I11slrncto1·. Scrgt.-}lajllr Billman, "H '' i.fattc1 y, I n ... Lru ·tor.

ti T~\·onty.t~roo (2.l) ollicllr,, uud non-commj ...... ivnc 1 u01cu.:·,., Nn,lituto 1 tho elm;::. nn or rn_struclw11, 01 wh.om lwo11ty (20) obtained uJ cb,.,, l'Ortiticatc .. :~ ":lY.cttocl • aud, ~e:,tdoi,;, aftur u !-1pc1·1.tl com· .. o of i11:.lructio11, ci•~ht ( ) ollicors Wl}t·e


oxnm111~d uy a Boa1d or Ofilreri<, und outninoo Jt,,t. clu .. ..,;. wrtitic~1tc .

Page 19: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

Xot only in tho ncquisition of knowlodge in th~ s~tl>jocts o: i11sln1ctioo? but in UOt}Ulring comp: ny Jrill, tbc~o ofih:or.s un I non~omm1 .. :s1ouo i otbcon~ undut mstruc. tiou for 21 d ctn,.,. cortiticnta-. Jisplnyeil much i11tolligcncc. lt mu,,L l>e ndde<l, bow­o\'or, thnt nt n .. chool such, 111i.,. it i"impo:-siblo lo impart prncticlll ~nowlodge of tho intQI 1111! ~conomy of l>nttuliou i11 tbc nbst•llCt• of the h:gi mcnull muchinery. (H.)

1 tako thi" oppcmunity to thunk Licu1..t;.-1l. B:won, for his zeal and :1bility in the por fo1 mnueu of bb Juth·" a.-. Adjntunt. 'l'hunk1:1 aro alt,o duo to lJieut. 13li.,i; ~\uu Ser gt.-•\luJor B1llmnn tor tho mnunor iu which lhoy dit1chargcd their c.111 tic:. us lnstrUl'· t<11s, \\ hkh <lid muuh to unt>nro tho :succc~::i of tho :;chool; thcm~cln:i tl'aiucd nt "A" nnd •• B'' D.lltoric.s Royal School)) of c.Turrnoiy, o\·idonlly well trained, imtl wilh esprit de corps nt ht-11rt, lhl'.f showed clcndy tbut they hnd HO learnt infantry drill and p1·nct1co unto be able lo impart to othm·s intelligently und with confidence.


Rt:'tm·u::- of lht• following Rifle A·i-ociation:-i huvc beon duly submitted. 'l'hese returns :-peak for tbcm~el~o~ as tu the work done by each nstiociation :-

Brockvillo. . Metropolitan (Ottawa.) Guards. 1 'th R!lttnlion (Co. of PreliCOU.) Prc-cotl. Perth. Gnnnnoque. lfom.,ny (Almonte.) Connty or Ottawa.

Difficulties to be Overcome.

~~ Cana.d~, genernlly,whore all ranks of tho force display romarkrtblo nptitade in ttcqn1111!g. m1l1tnry knowledge tind wbo1 e all nre desirous to become pl'oficient, tho clncJ t.hilknlty seeI?:-i to be the dccrea~in~. number of dliciont oflice1·1-1, in spite of those auuaally tramc<l ttl the Royal ~11lttary College, at the Roynl School:- of Gm111Hr nml 11l tho temporary Infautry ~khool~.

Thrs m11y l>o ucc?nnte~.1i>r liy tho fact thut many arc now leaving our service who oom.mcnced thou· Il'!1l1tary carnc1· al lho time whon all large Canadian towns "'.?to ~1.:ll10n~ for Hor .ll:ijeo;ty':i ~egnlnr Troop~ (principally Infantry), and 1:1ince the '\\1thd1 .1w:il oJ ,.ooh Lroop- t he1 eh au nlmo,.t total uh::.cnee ot ''modulJJ" in the Iofoutry arm ol Llio sor;-ice, "the ligbLi11g line."

1:0 meet tlJj,. diilicult,r, I am the moro convinced that the time bas arrived for t:~rymg ?Ut my ".uggc. tion~, Orlen ,.ubmiltec.J, fl~ to forming permanent fnfantry Schc ols of ln::itruction on tLt: bn.s11: ot tho lfoyt1l Scltoolti of Gunncl'y ut Kingston and ~uol cc.

.And i111po1taut though it lie that nil <.•fficc1:;and 11011-C'Omrnisqioned ofilceri; f<hnuld l~o pr~pl'!·ly 1~1i;t1·ucwd, it ii; ~f tb1·. gn~atc:;t im101·tnuce that tho ca11rnin of cuch ~niptill.} •. n m:i.n, llt! ~ 1 ale, c1f local. 1nilueuc·e, ~hon Id be quul1fied for hiH po~ilion, for, rn the wmd~ o~ the hcoch rcgulut1om1: "The t·11ptain dit·l.lcls Lbo il1i;u uction of hi~ ~OffiJ'll' 1Y ~ 1thm the ~imil1< of lho ordt·rs of lhc c·bof de col'p:; · he is rel'11onsiule for ll, Ii~ v:mcil tbc OOJC•Ct of tho oxer<·it<Cl! ill ot·ucr lo muko

1them inter cstin<r · he

exer?tf'Cl!! u ve!1'.llfi~l 1111~ ~ni;t:m~ !I.Clio~ over nil JIU! ti; of the Lrnining." bl

, 1

, Ilic tlung o tu dc!'1! erl, tl.l'1ofo1 e, 1i; to 1n·ov11le lll<'atb <Jf in1>ll'IH"tioo und offer ~~1 cq~i~1t~ 111Jucornunlb, '.1z.! }1UJ of 1·~11 k ill <'it) curp , priZl.S for 1.JIIici1•nr·v und 1·i!lc-~ 1 1S• lmd u1 niml dnll 111 c11nq1. 1t f-OF•ible for 1111 u1 nui to tho NljJtninl! <>I com­

!~~1~ :' ~ l~i.oi_r iiULol'di!~n.tc~ (ti om the u1ptui1: 1.0 tho priv~h.·) to hc .. omo p1 oficicnt, , es h la~<lly add, 1. 16 on uo UCCOUllL to Uo cousidcrcd that lhe J•l"lJ)'Oi:.u<l )JOI'·

,:ianc~it c oo ai·e. to bc~ome subt1tituten for the Active .Mllitia Fon·e, "tho only oicc or the }>l'Olcction of hfe 1md propo1ty in Cuna<la;" on the cout.rury, they are


propo~ed with the view to that force boing pluccc.l on a more cfficionl fooling and to it" lioing nnnuull) trained in a l'l.}",,LOmuLic munner, for n longtlr 11eriod uncl on a t10lllcd principle.

Ifovirrg ~ervrd a.~ Pre-<idcnt of the Bourd of Officer:; ru;i;omhleri al OttawtL in M11reb luE<t, to con8idor tho future uuitorm and equipment of tho Militia of (;auada, my recomrocndalioutl on thi~ import:rnt subject (Rl•port, 1 ... 81) rrnrl otlum• uro embodied in tl.rn JP·occc<ling~ of that Board. I ueccl. therefore, but direct allention lo thorn. Jt, ii:! only nccc~sary to p111soc lhe flllme coun~e with rc~pcct. to i-ugg~:;tions more rece11tly 1mhruittcd iu view or the rovit1ing and consolidating of tho Rcgulntion11 ~ml Ordcr1L

TLc rcmuining imporlanL 1ml·.iect to which I most revert ball been, it is trne :tlroa<ly, in pnrt, fovo1·~1bly con!;ide1•ed, antl for the tit·"'t tim•.i gl'lleral regulnlion,, in fnll for coudncliog target pl'Uctico have been publisbod in Genc1·al Orde111. Authority fo1· cnnying out, tho following 1·0C'ommendution, hoWO\'Cr, i1:1 btill require I, vii;., that incrensed importance he ultachcd to tho target prnctic·e oftroop;11 l.Jatterie , battali<IOI\ nud 1•omr1uriics by giving prize.11 for murk.1>manship in the annaul cour-e of target practice .

In my Report, for 1 80, I directed nttention to what I conceive tho two im-1111rtnnt feature:; 111 all rifle traini•ll{, viz: bt. Tbe utility of turning out in e\"ery C11l"J>1> tbe gl'eate,,t ,,o.-i.ible number of good sboh<, aud 2nd the training of each !:iOldier in acquiring skill in the use of hi~ indi\'idual weapon. (10.J

Tho di'.l6rent Hifle A~,.;ocia~ions (Dominion, .Pr_ovincial, Di'{tricL and County) ha>e. I co~~Juor, done, and are <lomg much good, hm1ted though that. good may bG to the att~mment, of a ~igh dc~ree of skill amongbt comi.arati>ely fow markl'men, tho necef'.£.1ty howc>or, 1s becoming annually more and more ap1wrent for c!lrryiog out my rocorn mcndalion ns above !:'hown.

, .It mn~t er? little w~ctbcr tb~ b1tdge1-1 and other prizeb for reg-imontaland company et?-c1cncy 11! "!flo t<hootmg .to. whwh _1 refer be g!·n~ted by ~nd through tbo Dominion }{!fie .~i;~oc1ahon un~ Dom1mou Artillery A8socwt1on, or directly IJy tho Department of M1htta, but one 1mpo1 tnnt step towards r.rcnorul efficiency will undoubtedly be take11 on grantmg the~a pdzeR.


Tbi,, Report ':ould I,~. inconiplote were I to omit to expre"'~ my :1cknowledg· emenh; to the efficient Br1ga•lc-lfojor (Lieut..Col. Bacon), for hb nlut1ble a...~,.i .. ttince a111l ~upporl.

Not on~y are hiA,."er"ic~~ .mo-.t ':aluub!e on t~e Di:stricl Stntf, but, °''ing to hia kuowlc?ge .rnd cxpe11encc, it 1:0, I thmk of great 1mportanco that they be more than ever utilized by the lkpartment of Militia at headquortel's.

I hn>o tbc honor to bl', Sir, l• ll' mo~t OUudienl ;.ef\Ullt,

GEO. J. ~1A l':X ELL, Licut..Col., Depnt..} Adjnt:int.Gcnernl. ~ilitm-y J)i,.lrict No. 4.

The Adjutunt-Genornl of l\!ililia, Ott1~wa.


drill~~~ OuL ot I\ Iota! uf 2,31!l, ther \\t1r· 1.1 many I\' OJ2 men not drilled-or tilettt S9 per cent. not

(2) And ~h 8 con JIMY of th~ 4ht uriril'r R snbnltC'rn, drilled .-ery credital Jy. (3) 1 uoll<'P<l 1lt1b uuarl Yl)Ullft.t-tli er 0~1ce nwre 11.t:s year, a~ l ll1d l&st yenr. ((4) ~ba!11 glnd lo say thin I nol1ced ~l'c1ded 1u1pro\·euient In this troop cf cRvalry since 18!!0.

r 6) 1 ~ llallo·ry ap1•"nred lJl a cred1talile elalt•, as alPo did the Gaoaotque Fit!d Htlllt'"' The nspector ot A rullery reported on them. ., ·

Page 20: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

(G) \' ery creditable. (7) The Rrochillo flamp aff"orde•l me mnch Mti~raction 1tnd displlly•d 11tronrl1 lb!! grPut M·

nnla~ obta ned by annual drill over drill bi-eunilllly, tLe 41&1 ao•l 4:!orl lu1viog bo~h d:-illed lll>l y ear. The camp wa, ID so dellgbtful a l•OJittou thl\t I recommend the site for future tlllcam11m11uu.

( ) I nw glr.d tor .etl"! so good" r porl of this corp . . . (9} I q'llite c ncnr 10 th11 opinion that permuncot schoold can alone teach interior economy and

discipline (10) 1 quite co!lcnr In ibis, I consider it of mort> importance to hi\"'<'& many good sbote of ftir

quality thnu a small nombcr of lint cJ,.95 Bhote iu ll t.umpauy, i.nd thPref11rc thl\L ~hooting aquad a gaioat cqoad •hoold be encouraged, thns to improve ell, rttlher thRn 11 few ph:kcJ men.


IIEADQlJARTtats, Mout1·t1al, -1th l 1Pcem bor, 1882. ~in.-1 hnn• tho honot· to lrunsmit herewith tb0 In:<pcction H1•JllWl8 of the

J~r;~'ld• - fnj•i'." Lt.-Col. ~Yor ... Jey, who hns been pot'lo1·ming tho 1lutie" of' my office fur tbe pust ... 1x rnl)nlhR, in t·on~oquonl'e of my ill11oss from tho bn:nking out a<l'ain of nn 01'1 mmml rC'c 1\·ed in nctiou many yoar:1 ago in India, nnd which compell~ mo tll CtJlJ·l.r fo1· lrnve of awenl·e, on m~dicul cortiliealo.

I lluve lhu honor to be. Sir. ~our mo•t ob1·dient sort-nnt,

.B. VA:N STRAUBR.NZEE, Lieat.-Coloncl. Dupnty .Atljutnnt-Genernl, )!iii tary Di:itricL No. 5.

Tho A.ljntnn t-(~cnernl, Hca<lqnnrters, Ottawa.

BarnADE 0P FICE, M oNTREAL) 30th No1embe!', 1882. .. Sr.a,-! h~~o t~e ~onor to t1:nn,,mit you my Report on the state of the Militia in

Mrlilniy D1slr1ct .No .. 1, for the 1nformat1on of the ~fojor-Goneral C()mman<liog :-

~t.rength. Cavalry... .... ................................. <t 15 FiolJ Artillery.................. . ... .. .... ... 2•5 Gnni•ou do ..... .. .. .... .. ........ .. .. .. .. R:l3

~;:~~~;e.}.' :~;;1 · ii;"i1~~.. ... .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. 86 J d ....... ... .... ..... .... 4,154 n openuont Comp1my....... .... . ..... . . 41

~o. of exibting Corpe.

9 1'roop"I. 3 Batteries. 7 rlo 1 Company.

90 Com pnnics. l Uompany.

5,267 Acti~~ l~::litin authorized for annual drill in lfilil:i.ry District ~o. 5 :-

mp .............. ... ..... .... ·· 1 7·5 At liead1 uo1·t · ·•··· · · ..... ... ... .... · . ... .......... ' ·' I e1 '!......... ... ...... .. ............. .... .. ........ ... .. . . 1 ,4:85

C1)1·p11 ll'hich per'liJrmcd dl'ill in camp·-f 0 nll·c:d Vici i Il!Htery, ·

Hi1·hrnor d do ~~h Pi·Mi i?'lal HPginwnt Cavalry, n.'-lnl Bnuulton 1 nfuntry ;; Jth rlo do ' 5H1h do do i~th 110 do



f'orpi! whit·h porformod d1·ill 11l Il •n<l1pwrtc1· ... :­So. 1 Troop <ltli Pro\·i ionnl Ileg'in1ont Cu"':,Jry, Monl1c;1l Garri,,ou ArLillcry, , '• . .loh11's do do ;.\Jou tl'Ou) Eugi nc<'1'1l1 l1>l 1'1·inc·o ol Wnlc~ R1flc:;, :lni Victoria R1tie~ of' C.u111da, 5lh Royul Scot~ Fm;iliors, 6th FuPilt·t·s.

Corp.'1 wliieh did not perform annual drill though .rnthorizod :-8hnffortl B11Ltt'1·y of Field Arti llo1·y .

<..:orp..; wl1i1,h wu1·e 11()t aotl1orized :-1.ltlt l'rnvi..;ion:d Hegime11t Cnv:l11-y, 2, 3 and 4 Tmop~, I llh l:fattuhon I ufont1y, 511th <lo do 51st do do 52nd do do 60th do do St. Gcorge'tJ und .._'L. '.,ha-.iicll lndependent Compnny.

Tlte Cacatry .

The :>th Re>gimoot, 5 Troop•, Lieut.-Col. Tnylor, turuod out ~.Jry nearly full stn•ogth at. Camp Ri<-lunoncl. They wero fairly hor~ed. Tho :;:1d1llery oquipmliut, generally, in foil' condition, nud the 111on 1-{0o<l s}Jeci m1ms nf the ag1·icultnrul dhitrict. 'l'he tothcring of tLe hor:-.e8 is worthy of more attcut.ion iu this urw of tbe e;crvi<.;0, cout1iderable time wn~ lost in nl'ranging thh.. Notwilh:.L:tutling the couz:.tllnt wet woat,hcr, the force impt·uved much und1n· an iustruvtor from t.be 4lb Drago1rn Guard-;. No. l Ti·oop, 6Lh Rogimeut, parndml for my inspoction, on tbe Ohnmp de ~far~, 011

tho 231·d August, it was very wet nnd llie troop t11r11e<l out rntber weak. The drill WHfl1 howevor, fair; saddlory :intl thoir ec1uipmeol in excollont order.

Field Batti:ries.

'l'be Montreal F11'l·I Iht.tel·y, Lio11t. Groen in command, \Vas 1n,;peck><l by Lieut.­Col. frwiu, n11J is, l uu·lel'c;t.md. in good ordo1·. 1 c.un ant.wot· for thou- equipmoot and StOl'es, which could t)l)L be heUer.

The .Richmond Field n.1ttory, 11: 1j.1r ~\ylmer, in Camp Jlicbmon<l, <lid excolfoo t ·work, u11d wnrked thoir heavy :11111 ob~olutc wcapo:,,,. (whic·h I tru:;t the Departtmmt will ~oou be able to chnngo), with a dc:-;irc, lo exl'el, thongb th~y turnt·d out '~cnk and 10 co11i;cqnence tho work W:t!S heavy. Li~·it.·Col. Cotwu, ••A" Battery, in:;pected and complimented them.

Garrisont Artillery .

Tho I\lonlrc:tl Brigudo of Gal'l'i.~on A1·t11lery, Lieut.-Gol. Q;,wnld, wont i11to t•ump on SL:Jlck.n'1-1 f1-1ln~t1 1.011 l~o 19th Augu~t1 !or 12 day!i. 1. do not :ipprove in nriy way of t11e d~ tll hc1 ng put !'1 m tlrn1 mnt111er by city C\01·p>11 but tl11s l'Ol'Jl"I hnd no oppm·tU'nil.y of ~·01-ktnf{ Ll.10 guns in tho tlrill Hhc<l, thorell:ne l recommc it.led it. '!'hoy put i11 n po1·­bon .of tlic11· :innunl lm·g-ot vracticu nt C.'.lrnp, Lut 11wing tc• the im·t'l'!lSt.'l1 tl':\tltc, it Wil"' constdorc<l <lnngorou~ rinri tho clctaclinient wont ln Quubo1· to connlmlo Thu Bl'i.-udo hl18 grc.1Lly impron•d und<.'r it,; prcl'ent co1mna111l I t<UW Lhcm :it I\.in..,.i:ton 01': tho 24th )1· y, when they mn<lc 11 ruo"t croditnbll' dit-•pl:w. Licut.-Col. Irn~n inspected, flIU.l will, no uonLt, l'CJ>Ol't. -

The I fou. A. Caron, Minii-lcr of .lliliti.11 went O\'~l' to St. llolon'.; lolaml to .. oo tbom, nnd oxpn•sHt."<l to mo hb entire :-ati:-fnction.

Page 21: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


'S:l:::::===============-===r;=================-=====-=-Thv St. John',, Garrison B11ttl11 y purformc~I drill at local heudrp1a1·tor!! nud we1·u

ini<I ectcJ liy Licut.-Col. Cottim. lt'119ineeu.

The l<~ncinoor C'ompnny-Mnjor Ke1111('dy-wni< in~pcf'tc<l hy :Major Walker, RE., flntl I nm nwarc tbftt he wa~ mut·h pll':l't'd with the amount of practknl wo1k dune.

Lieut. ·Col. Stra11l1cntcl1 Ja"t yriu· in hii< .Rt•po1·t drew sttention to lho luct tl1at owing to tho losr< su taiucd hy :ill 11111k1>, n ul'lter ratl' of pay ~bould be ullnw;J this corps. ] repent thi ... recommc11d:11ion, :tt.<l t..ru::.t that it w:iy be allowed, othcr­-wi~o thi!< branch of the St·n-il'c will clil• of i-;tru·vation au<l therchy betomo oxtinct.

1~t Prim·e if Wale~· Regiment.

'rhi.- corps, I.ieut.-Col. Bon<l in eumrnancl, \Vllh inspected by the :Major-Gonornl c01nmandi11g, on the Champ clo ;\Iftr,.,, on tho 1-lth Octohcr. Tho clothing nnd eqnip­mcnt wns in fnfr order nnd wry dcun. The 1h·ill w;u,, well <l<11•ei induding i.kirnii1'h· ing nnd lhc attack formation. Tho )Jojor.Geoeml complimeut<.'d thorn on their n1ipt·urnnce nnd drill. (1.)

3rd Ratta(ion er Victoria Ri/ifS tJj Canada."

'rbe Victorin Rifles, Lieut..r. I. Whitehend, w!lre insriected on the Champ de Aln1" by IDJ'tiClf. Battalion drill, iidr; murchinir, good ; manunl am.I firi nu exerciitG, fair , attack .form111io11 the bauolion hud little opportunity of tryiug, ow1~g to the "mull bpuro in the armory.

'Hey were rcmrul.:::ibly nvut nod clean in both clothing and equipment. No walrr bottles. The Lund gcx•d awl "\'Ory ~troug. (Jue hundred reermts in the run ks.

5tlt Battalion " Royal Scots FW'>tlilrs."

This ~ntt~lion w:is insp.ccted by the )lajor·Ul'r cral in the Skating Rink. Ko. l C-01npn11y rn ktlt", the remu111d<'r in trcw)', All bad new tuni~ and mudo a 8howy 1ippt-uin11ce. The tiqnipmcnt wu:. cleun. Gre:tl (·oat,, folded 011 the hack und water l>Ott If'.~ .

'l'he Major Gcn~ral Mm1•lime111l'd them on looking hke RC'otchmcn, nnd thot(e wlio \\c1u not, he ~mcl, were no Joubt proud to w.;nr tho dres:; of Scotdnnen. (~ .)

Gth Batwlio11 "Fusi'/ 1'1'8."

I in,~ected tbib liattaliuu ~u the Ch11mp <le .\iru·s 011 the 7th Oct(Jber. They parnde.J .w 1th gre~t c<!au. foldc:u. ~n tl1c back, wit Ii i-trnpJS; no water wttlcts. In my twch·o }eari; ~e~v1ce 111 the n11ht1u of C1111ad11 I hat'e D<'"\'Or ini-;pectcd 80 wi•ll drille<l or clc::i

1i a.b~tluhon. ClotLiJJg good, C<1uipmcut clc:m. B. ttalion drill excellent· n)ho

numua linrw and bai:ooct "x"'·c1· ·I I · · b' F I ' I . 1~ ·' .~ J " ""' ;,,es, a :-o ~\II m1r mg. 'u I :-tl'cnrrth on parnde. ~· 0 11•1 ~pcet1::d bnL~alion, c·om1.aoy unJ offken.' bookt1. All in oxcollo~l Olllcr. 'Pho

~a~o.r lien~ull :iLo n1tofJf•Ct(d them tho week i1ftcl' in tht ~kntm({ Hi11k, 111.d cnrlm·::;cu ~ tllCOm1umo IHI lhum. Tlill.}' lll'C ll cre<liL U• tht• g1e:n city of .MvnL1c1..d. un


't }he pi~1·~~·ict Camp wru; formed t1l 10111 '·'ll<'C mil<'!< from fli('hrno 11 cl P Q on tho • • ~, 1 ~u1c.-1s \l\'er (·!) or tl I'' I ~ ' · "' J-'1't·I ro l l'' Id lL l IC .. 1 I ·~ept<•nd1e1, :md ('()Jl!•i•lc«I or tho51h 1):1\'nlry \ 1 0111 'll' oattc1 }' 54Lh · 1d 79 ) ]' 1· ' ' ' of c}i··r an f t •It . • UI l 1 Jlllla ltlm;. llao lf•Wll gnvo 1Jiu gl'Clt11Jd frcu

GOO }~u~I~ IJ~ ·:t' I l~\o c~<·t•lic nt h11tt11, on tho Blu11<1 prin1 iplc, with 1Jlutt:11 ms up to pitched. in l~~t~ a Ilg· own all f~ll<.:P.:- ?n tliu two fo1ms oo which o111· lc11L~ woro wnq on ~ bot.let' r. iu t, _th~ Mu} or, oflcrcd to do unything J Anggc.;ted. I never

gTOnnd, di; with :11,erfect sod tmd good water, ancl nolwilhtlt1111ding


the very wet wentber wo were nhlc to drill ttl:i ~oon as it ce:i-<cd _rnininj!. Tho ~·011> , owing to the lute tleui.;on tor Juu-voi.t, tumcd out wonk (with the ;x(·cpt101~ of the oth Cii'>alry, all farmct·d, wl10 to_rnod out ncarl_.r full "~l'Cll.f.{lh~, the .>.Jth r .nrt1ci.1-larly so. The 7tltb Ilighl:mdcr~, with the <>xc11pt1on of Nn. 5 Compnn~, \\'l~t~li duJ not turn out showeJ. at once when thoy came iu, the benefit of la~t ycnr s trainm:; nt. SL. John'H.

1The mu.tkot1-y wn~ curried out according to <Tcncrnl 0.l'dcr . I furwu•"'I

return. .All fired thoir twouty roumh1, und ~.ooo moro could t"tt :t.r hn."o corlC'lmlcJ their practice had thoy bueu pre::.onl. l fouwl a grcnt want of ct1i1•1cnt h11~lo1 R, having really only one ofllciont. T i;hould l'ucomm~ud .that ~text yi;ur H ~ng-.i<lll J3uglor 00 attached to 1Ieadc1uurlo1·~ Staff. The clothing ID tl11s c:anip ~vn:; tn good m·uor but. the ac«outromcnlb and equipment want a thorough ornrhnultn~1 11~ al.'l<> tho 1.(tf0,, aud tho ri.fioH of tho countl'y corp!i aent in company by company to Dn;tr1ct llead'lu~rt{;jrt!. 'l'he houlth of the t1·oops wat1 g?od, allhongb wo bw~ two <:~""~ (1r

8carlet fover. The men were :it once 1ient to tLe1r horn.cs a~d the clothing pn~l,e<I up, marked aucl t:ent. Lo ][eadquarum1. When the t-0wn ~R drslt.rnL Utt ~·r Ut> lh;:1 c:1m1: there il:l no need of a l-'10\'0bt Officer. I ernployed m1ue Lo i,upcrmtt111J 111fu11tr> rlrill. A canteen wuo.; e£tlnuli!~hcd for the i-ale of i:;mall ilrtir·leri.' "odn wat1•r, &r..1• and the conduct of the men wa., oxcelleut. I rocei~ed an nddrn:.s from the .Mayor ol tho tnwu, couched in complimuntury tot·m'4, on tbio b~ad. I 1 e~rct thut thu Shelford Field Battery did not muke ilb ap}Jearanco wl~eu ordered and, \It ~usC'qucnco, Wll' uor allowed to drill this year. The cacnp wns inspected bJ'.' the _~faJOl G011crnl on ho 20th September, \Yho Wtll:! pleuoed to i ... Ruo an ~rdcr 6hOWIDJ! ~IS H J•pro\·a~ or lhl· J>ICl· gl'ess made. (!>.) Tho ration,.; were excellent m quality, co-<t111g 18jc. without itHll, l9fo-c. with fuel ; fornge, 27tc.

1 would recommend that tho cavalry be allowoo to lirin~ iu ~even <lismonutctl rnen ver troop, to be orupl<Jyod uo.; cookt<, police, &:c:., then the hor:.e.i; would all be 011

parade which is not bO now· al~o that the uniform of t.be ca~:tlry lie altered, lo prevent. the necesRity of a voiuatcor being obliged to u-.e pipe clay and yellow ochre, which he bru; no idea of how to use.

The 5srJ and 58tb battalions were ordered to go into l'amp at Sherbrooke 011 tho 26th September and l being ordorc<l after reaching Montmal, to iir.mcrlintcly p1·oc1•c1l to that place a~<l comrnan<l the cn.i'np a.;,,embled there. 'l'hc c.:ttmp gr~twd. ul that point had tiomt) rocommcmlalionl;, principal umong thl'ffi wn~ the. UC'anulul \'1c w. b11t in a military point ofvio\V it had none-:-\vutor :-.c:U-CC', g1-0~11d hilly, Nugh, n11d lo~ confined for a camp of eveu two battaltou", ran~c:; immo dt:,tnnco and 1111ly two.ol them. The town bud, f onder:-;urnd, prom bed to improve t~o wa~r ~up11ly,nml to.1111.il1l bntts, but. lbey <lid not do it, und lherofore tho commanding oflkcr a3kccl ]>erm1~ ion from hendquurte1·:; not to do tlicir target J.HucticC', which '~'SH allowed, ns 1l lt)Ok 1~p so much time. The 5Sth turned out strong anJ were n lino liody ol nt<'ll, nod did their drill fuithfnlly and well. The 53rd, in my opinion, c111111ot go into t;:1mp, m11l mu!:-L if llwy ure lo do uny go1J<l be•:unw u city battali()u. This l'nmp wa~ nllowod to

l)rov1<lc rut.1oui;, 25c. pur man being ullowcd iii lio~ therco~ to com111nnd111g officer;.;, o:siu.~ much in this way ot' prodding vnluuble 10 .. 1 rU(·t10!1 · '1 ho l·~1mp wn.- :er.r

ncat.ly kept, and the bch~wio1· of tho 111e11 cxcollent, l111L l thmk :iJl .... tJonld C1?n~c 1111 1 )

one dit-.t1 icL camp, und thnt in .Tun1.'. (ti.) September :mcl Ol·tolet', !n my u1~11i1011, tlo

not um1wer i.o woll in thi~ country; uu Lhc \Vholt•, I \His plcasctl \\·1~ h t.lie lllt'rCDH~d deioil'e of all rnnk:1 to kl..cp Lhou· oquiptn<.•11t LOJelhcr, and aL the d1~tn~t t·:m11'. tl!l~ 79th Batta.lion ::iliowod in ,,aovcrnl ca~l'h very "Ood kit,.., allll turned oul with c;1\:d1t. 111

m:l.l'<.:hi11g order. Bt t the knt1p-i1t<: kK :11·~ n;w worn out, and l foci t!11rc if th1.1 110~ equi11mc11t n,.. recoUlmendod, or even pi.rt of it wn-< pmclrn,,CI~ hy the l10\'c1.11m~1~t: it would he tal,u11 care of and the force wouhl Lo m11c nvmlniilo tor ~e \'trc. lh1> .~ovcia! corp:s were mu1<tcred by the J)j.,ttict Pnymn~ter ill my p~c c1~rc :rnd tho roll"! <:nrufully ubcckcd ovurnncl foullll <'OtTcct. Tho prr1prictor,,ol't.he\':l 1'.rn• 11ow p1,l?r..i were aHH liburnl in "ending copic:. of their paper:; for dhitribut1ou 10 <~111w, which Wl\s much nppl'eciute<l.

Page 22: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

--========= ========== G e11t·ral lln11ar/.s.

The ~lontrcal foroo, i.-., in my ")'inion, in I.letter onlor DO\~' .than it_ ha,; e~er h?eu boforo. omo of' the b.'ltt..'llion:. al'o weak, whil-h ill not 11rpr11>tug owrng to the high vrice of lnbvr, l>ut it ~ a complete brig:i lo, uml <.'1111 tn.rn ont <'lenn, and ucnt, nod as fairly J1 illt!d fut· :-i~ dollnr:- por ma111 :11; u grntoful pul.ihc ~an expect, ~nd I hn~e Heon n gor><I don! of 11ti~ fot..:O f1~r upwards l)f tWNll): yeurH. \\hen tl1e Jnll :-;~od 1s com. Jllctc<l, l loo!. fo1 wnrd with ]>leilllurc to a t<till granter amount ~f cffic1erwy. All nrmcnil'o nml t:loro. al'o no1v a<lmirably clcnn nnd well kept, part1culnrly the field lmtta1y. 'rho b 11tb in the city batbiliun uro, 1.\8 11. 1·ulo! _LOu sti:ong fo~ tho numbor of l\Otnptlllil·:.; in thl.'l nm1.l battnliooi; thoy h.nve gr?nL <l1ffiou!Ly 1.n keeprng up any nt all. (i.) fhc 1·itlc practice here i:. not earned out Ill a i;ystmnutic manner 11~ part of th!} t1a111i11g, n gl'cnt deal of rifio pmctice goo~ on among&t the best Hh'.)tA, but the <li:,lrict Olcfu1·,j un lfij,. heat..! Srtl lllll l'lltricJ ollt, :&IHl in fntnre [ lhink the tlll'j.{6t prac tico rogi-1.C1ro should be uivori nt tlw in~pcdion, othorwii,o tho bntta.lion l'honlcl not bo t'Ollt.<itlHcd ollicicnt. Thu" offico;-; of the st:itt' -.houlcl, l think. he iu tho drill shed, (8) Lho }.1Qt1t office nuthoritir.::- :11 c al1 cmly .~cl tin~ cram pod foll' room, an<l I Lhit. k it would be nrl~ i,.aulo for tho autbnritie:> now lo think of thh•. The Mootrenl forC'e, with tMe excep­t.ion of the 5th Roy111 Sc'lt:-., tnr1wtl out for a bri~udc tleld day during the Do~inion }~xhibition hot o, 11mlor Licnt.-Col. Maunsul I, D.A.G., ~Jilitary J)i:;;trict No. 4, who, in the ab cncc of Lieut.-Col. flarwoo<l aud mysolt in camp, wns sent down to command. The wcut}1er uutbrtunatcly turaed out \'ery stormy and they haJ to return to qun.rterR :iftcrn low mo\•1m1c11t:. hod bt!cn done, which I undef!>tanJ from the reviewing officer were well po1formt..'i.l. 'l'he rifle u ... :-nciatiomi of this district, 17 in nurr.uer, are in a 110111 i,.Jiing (•011dition.

D11riug thu ub:;enco on ,..jck leave of Licut.-Col. Strn.ubenzeo, D.A.G. I l'eceived e\·cry u~,,i'ltanco fmm Lieut -Col. Jfottice, BrigadA \fojor, and from the other members or my st.ml' nt the <li .. trict camp, who wure on pnrndo or about the cnmp from dny light to diu·k.

l hn~e lho honor t-0 be, Sir, Your obedicut servant,

PE~NY.lf.AN W. WOHSLEY, Lient.-Colonel, .\cling Deputy Adjutant-Gonoral lli.litary District No. 5.

Thu TJeputy Ailjut:111t,t-;.eneral, ol .ililitiu .ll. D . .Xo. 5,



(I} 1 "as much pleased with this battalion. (:!) I wns pleased with tiii~ battalion ('1) J q1111e llj!l't'<l with thl.JJ OJ>IDIOD ••

.. (4) Ao a•Jm1ra :I' situation ior a Clllnp; target•, wawr drill ground all quite clo)se to Lhe car.np au11 a 1·ery pretty l'Ountry. ' • 1

C (6) I 1 was }ll a~cJ witb all I aaw in this carnp and it did credit to Lieut -Ool Worsley the ommat11 aut. · ' {~) I 11alte 11gree with tbie opinion. ( <) I agrte 'l\1tb t!Jisremark abouttbc bands. To oni> IJ11U11lion I saw 42 musiciaus to 122 rank and 1ilr.. (8) ,\good s11irr.:~1tion in my opinion.


-=-·-MlLl'r ARY DISTRICT No. 6.

Ih:AnQuAe.n:ns, l!outrcfll, 1 .. t December, 1882.

Sm -1 havo the honor to roport. fo1· the information of tho MajiJr-Goucrol C'.om­mnn<lin~, that Lhc full quota allowed to the Didt1:ict uudel' my C(1mmaml (Heu .Adj11ti:11 t,,.. <hmo1"tl s ~I1litiu. Rc1101·t, :nbt J>ecc1nl>cr, 1870) l'dfwe thti•w11d1 seven l11mdred a111l 11wc­teen mililimuer~.

That the present '' c,;tublisbcd :;trongth" in the Disb·ict i>< :l" fellows:

Rifles. Offirel'tl,

N.0.0. and lien. 64th Voltigours <lo Benubnt·nois ...................................... 278

R·n or~ 65th Mount Royal 1no11 .............................. ,. ... ............ <> iu

'7Gth Voltigf'u1·H de Cb..atenuguay ...................................... 2";"8


SO th Nicolet Battalion ................................................ 27$ 83rd Joliette Battalion ................ . ........ ......................... 278 84th St. Hyacinthe Battalion ......................................... 278 85Lh Battalion ....... . ....... .. ............................................. 278 86th Three Rivers Battalion ........... . ................................. 278

2,314 Thal the above mentioned ··orps are in existence. That the District, a::i seen by the above, is far from tho "quota" assigned to it. Tha.t I, at divers times, offered lo raise corps of artillery, cavalry and infantry,

but hu.vo been rofuset.l ut Headquarters. That tho number of aclivc militia.moo authorized for annual drill thid y('::u·, in

District No. 6, were : In ('amp .. . ................................................................ 1,017 At Headquarters .. ......... ... .... . ..... ......... ...... ... . ....... • 368

Total......... .. ... . .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. . . .. . . . .... 1,335 That tho corps which performed drill in c:unp wcrc:

83rd Battalion (Lt.-Col. Shepherd). S4lb Battalion (Lt,.Ool. Dohel'ty) . 86th Battalion (Lt.·Col. F. Houde.)

Thnl on the 4th Augu~t ln':!t, f.mr compnoic,. of lhc ii4th Battalion, i e., Comp!lnie3 Number one, three, tour, ~ix wero at tho Brigude Office hcl'e, in tho pN uuco of tb@ Liout.-Col of the Battalion (Liout.-Col. J. ~1. Pru<ihommu), selcetetl by bnllot to drill at tho Borthicl' (m ha11t)1 cnmp, on tho 19th September la:-t.

That tho aforesaid I iiout.·Col. Prudhomme, then and there, in tho preM'llCO of tho Brigndo Majo1· and my,.olf, <leclarod hi m!':elf well :-t:ui-.fiod with the ti rue and place for tho camping of the above nnmcrl four compnnic1' of tho 64th Battsliou.

Thut noiLhcl' Lho said T.Jieut.-CJI. Prn lhommo 11or any of the ttbo•o-unmc•I four compauio~ of the 64th Buttnlion camo to the Bol'lhier, (en lw11t)

1 c:unp. ulthough

novor rolio\•od from that <lnty (1).

On mp. Thnt 011 tho Hilb Sopt.oml>er, 1882, a Ilrig. de Camp of oxoroiso fo1· Lwulvo days,

for Lho corp:-t abovc·narnl!d, and m1thori:.~od to drill in <'amp nt B0:>rtbior (w haul), wni:; commu11c1>l with Lhc following :-tlulf.-

Deputy Adjutnnt-Gonernl, iu Coruninod. Lieut.-IJol. Lamontugoo, Brigade-Major.

Page 23: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


j,1cut..-t 'ol. E. JJo .Foy, oULh Ball., !\I u~ketry I nstruclor. C!!pt. JY A 111111J r, '16th lhct., .'npply Offi<"er. f'apt .• J.-Bto. A. Hou,~c:.u1, 80th Rl\tl., pamp Qum'lorrnnstor. Cttpt. (;:ii,:nicr, 'iG!.11 Batt., Provo ... t Otllt·e,r. C:1pt. c:tohcn:.ky, ti~ith B:itt., 01Jerly Officer. . C:ipt. Pn vo t, H5th Bntt., Al'l'i ... tnnt B;·ignde-:\lnJOr. . .. ~ur~con. Ant.·"· Hh·nrcl, 8Jnl Uattnl10n, Pl'1oc1pal MeJ1cal Offitet.

'l hnt dutifl" i ho firsL week in c:unp tho wontber w::is very dn~p and cold, ospo~. folly nt ni~ht, b~l h1rlmJUtcly there was no very scl'iou~ case of sickness. .

I nm huppy to bo ablu to report thnt no grave accident ba.pponed during camp, mid 1 hut Ll1c 1·011duc·t. of Ibo troops wns good. (2) •

'rh11t the corp~" hid1 vcrtormed nuuuul drill at local headqtrn.t·le1·i,i wore tho G:ith lli1trnlio11, \1tlicerr:-, N l '.0 nn<l men 368. . .

ThnL on tLe l!Hh Suptc•mber. lattl at 8 o'clock in the mo1·ntng (JUaL bofore my -Ocpnrtnru for Berthi"r c:llnp,wliicb commenced. that d~y),tbe 65tb bo.Ltn.hon wore on the [hamp de Jlllrs hcru, rcncly for my annunl 10i:-pect1on. . . . .

Httl ju"t a. ... tho in:.pr.ction bcgnn, a terrific gale accompttmed by nun, hghtmng nud thnnder burst npon 11~, mul wo were forced to proceed to the Bonconri; M&rket Hall, where I wu .. obliged to go on with tho ini:;pectiou.

The oillcer" und men were thoronahly drenched, and the only battalion move. nrnnt~ po .... -.ilile in ~uch u :;mull pince we~o gone lhrnugh, and that with credit lo the -corp . 1 :,i11c:erely rcg1·ut tbb cu11tretemps, l!Ut ii could not be helped.

That I he crn JH nnthoriit'd to ll t·ill for thi!) year were:­Four 1·0111pnnies of tho ti·lth B'.ittalion. 'rbe 65th .Battalion. 'fhe ~rd Battulton, Joliette. The 8-!th Buttulion, St. lly:1C'i111he. The ti6th .Butt;• hen, Threu Hi~e1·s.

'fbat tLe corps 11ot authorized to drill were:­Two l'Omp:mie,, or tbe 65th Battalion. 'rhe i6tb Battalion. The 80th il:1ttulio11. The 8-llh Battalion.

'l'hat owing to the la:enc:-... of the "cai;on only four hun1ll'ed and thirty-niue • lt1.nulcd cu mp, in,..te:ul of' the 1,0 li ~electe<l. (3)

'rhnt Lho only prnper timo for curuping i11 thi1:1 di trict i:; from the end of June to tho bc!!inning t1f July, each yuur.

That, .oeverthelc·,.., 11' my i;ugge,.tion~ contained in my letter ol the 12th Juiy ll.lbt, n:Jn1·1ng c~c:b c·om1>a11y to t\Nnty-thl'ce men including Lhe company officers anJ "t~itT, bad l1ctln h~ten~d to, l coulil hani !-!elected men ft•otn nil the col'ps in my d ibtr1cL nnd \Voulil ha\·u Lad 1t1 1·am I' the num lier of militia mon delai le<l in General Order, for the Horlnic1· (e1, /w.rtt), camp.

83rll Battalion.

Licut.-('ol. Shoppal'd, c~rnmandi 1w tb i~ battalion 11:1 a ve1·y •rood nnd t:uergdic otficcl', but his b. ttalion wn.'i duplorably weak in ~umber1:1 al th ill ~a.mp. (4)

8 Hh Battalfrm..

'1'1,i,., wns liy for the lrougc t of the thrco l1att.alion-. in c·ump. Tho men wert '\ell clothed, \\ell equiflpcd uud lookod remark •• bly well. Lient.-Col. Doherty dl'!!ervcs :i great deal' f prni c for tlic mnnnf'r in which he tu rood out }aj... b:itt/\lion for th's ctunp. 'l'bi battalion }md a "c1y good bnnd. (5)


8Htl1 !Jr11talio11.

I wnt~ for from bci?1g i;uti<:fio I with th ·::. Latt:dion. Tho co1~1p:ini~ were not only wc-nk, hut lwn rnrnl'aoic~, n11rnlH.~ 1·,.. r111c 11n•l four, w..:ro ul •wnt from u:1mp n_Jtog1•lhcr. Tho coiomnnd1·r, Lic11t..tJ01. F. Hourle, i~ _a 1n~1st ze11lo~1ri n~uJ 1~1111 worthy ufficar, but lie <l<1C8 uril receive from ~ ,1u1J of l11s 0HH:u1 ... tlto a1cl lio '" .~n11tlod to.

Fre11di lJ rill Bf)()ks.

The french ~peaking .Militiumen l\l'l' uudcr a VC'ry great cii,..n.dvanta_g-0 when lcavning the di·ill, thc,r should huve a J1"1·e1H:h vor~ion of the rl1·ill book, a thing long tigo promii:;od lhcm, hut it ir; r;lill only a promi.,c. (ti)

Ricliny Jl11~tus.

I think tbat ... omu m<.'ans l!hould l.io renche.i of leaching the m'luntcd offico1-s to 1·ide properly. (7)

I ba~e :-eeu officer . ., who kucw their drill ""ei·y well, nnd who were po'4ilively 1rnelet);1 when ou hor.,....:back -all their en 'oavour,; l>ei11g to try Lo :.tick tu the l!ndillo and keep theil' Hpurl' from e11tering tho flunk,. of' their bort1C .

If a good riding nrn'!ter attended each bri~ade C'arnp, it \Vou!tl more than thrice repay the di~bu1·&ement~. (o)


Good and propm· lmglcri-1 are wanted in each battalion. A good l.iuglo1 from baLte1:,y" A" or'· B" :-houl 1 be sent to those brigade <'amp', in '>rd1 r to tench tho different company buglers the principal and mo,.t nece:-1sary bugle "alk

Riffe Associatums.

I regret to S:\J' thitt only two Rille As,.,ociation", in lhi" Db1lrict, b:i,•e lrn1l matches this yoar: the 65th Hatta.lion, Licut.-Col. A. On1mot, P1·e .. idcnt 1 und the 1'i3r<l Battalion, Lieut,-Col. .J. Sheppard, Pro,.ictent. The rcturnF< ar" forwar,letl with thii. report.

Drill Shed.

I trust that lhi~ irnli~pcusable building-now tliat it belo11g,. to the Gon.•1·oruoot­will :-1oon be properly t"l' torod and turue<l o,·er tn Llle Militia forco bore. (9)

[be~ to be nllow1..'l.i to again thank Lient.-Col. E. L~•mont&gue, tho Brign1lo ~fajor of this JJistrkt, for the ~el'y efliciont l\ntl alwuyi:; willing aid ho hn.-; c·onst.Antly atforJed u.e, b<>th in camp and at tho office during the prc,.cnt year.

I hnn: the• honor to be, Sir, Your ol.ierliont ..,ervnnt,

A. C'. de LOTDl~IEHF'.rUARWOOD. J,icut.-Coloncl, I>eytlly Adjutant-General, :Milit::try 1>ii.trict No. 6.

To tbo Adjutant-Gonornl of' ,jiilitia.


(I) B BJ!pt'are to me lh•H cxnmplt> shonld be made of these comp1rnie , auil lhAt the) should be di~handea.

(2) I inapl'Ct!!d lhe mm11 "t Bcrthier (w h'11"'-) a.ml fonnd a willio1t set of men, ns f11.irl1 d:illed DS could b.., ex~cttd frvm dnrh wTolcbcdly weak companies.

l &fl'lf ~nm" l't'Crnits ''ho were mf.'re bop, And oaf.' or two old mPn. I ~Ji .. Y• tl ~ la\Cneu of tb tim4' of year at which the camp W!" held """'tho t11use of such 11parat a.t.cn1'1\nr .. , ,.nit 1 ould urge the necc&11Ly of h&T1og lhu c.unp Ill lhe time 111ocit CODTtnieut to the men cf ~h·· Lattahua1

Page 24: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


--===-========----=='--=====:::. -(S) Thl\t out or 1,017 ordered ioto cam11 only 43:> came, speaks for itaclf, l\Dll 11b~wd how "ery11.

elfiel,nt must be this brigadt-. • . b "d L (4) I can Tonch ror tbo deple>rable wukneuot tbu battahoo. One company, t:BI O:l lu" officenb~ only 7 men In e11mp 11

(II) A crcdl·able rural battalion. .

~6) Goiild not the 0 . ..\,/:;'5. of f\01 ll and 7 OislricLS t..>getber, draw up l\nJ sub11111 s111:h ~hook? 7) OouM ihey not be a ... at to "A" Bl\tt"r . . . . 8) I do not ftgtec to this.- I think the Pie~d OUlcllr:l sbonld tllke nding le.~3ous al otl.J~r ltmca lbn

ca.mp, tbf'y are thea w •!lted 1or other purpo!es. (9) ::>trongly reccmmended.


QuKllE01 November 20th, 1882.

Srn,-1 n compliunco with in-.trnctions contnine<l in Genera.I Order, 27th June, 1882, I have to 1mbmi~ lbif'l, my Reporl upon the state oftbe Militia in die Distriut uudur my commnntl for 1881-8~ and 1832-i'.ld.

'l'Lo e.:iti1blit>be<l i;trenglh of Lbo Active Militia in' my Di~trict ir1 :\S followe. viz.:-

Officers, N.C.O. and Men.

Cn~nlry (:!Troop:.) ..... .. .. .... .. . . . ..... .. ... .. ... . ....... . .. .. .. . ... 96 .Field Battery ......................... ........... . ... ···-· ..... -.... .. .. . 81 Ganiwn .Arttllery (6 Bntterie11).. .... .... •• . . .. •• ... . . •. -··· .. .. .• 270 Infao.Lry nod Rifles (75 Companie!!) .... ....... ... .. ..... ... ........ 3,5H

The autbo1 ized'.nuwber of Active Militiamen, authorized for drill, iA ns follows:­Officers

N.0.0. and Men. In Camp....... ...... .................. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .... .. .. .. .. .. . . 1,257 At Ileadquurter!:\ ...................... _ ................................. 1,036

The corps which performed 1lrill in ct1.mp wero the following, ~iz.: -Oflicers,

N.O 0 o.nd Men. Quehac Fie.hi Batto1·y....... ......... ...... . ..... .... ...... ..... .... .. ... (jJ

l";tb Battalion, L{n·is (8 Cornp1111ies). ................. . ........ 179 23rtl " Beauce (4 " ).................... . . ......... 1>4-8.tb " Co. Quebec (6 Companied) .. ... -........ . . .... . . 127 Dorchester Hat talion ( 4 Companies)........................... . . 117 Sruff.............................................................. . .......... 14

The fu1lo,,ing are the corp~ whirh performed drill at Ilea<lciuartcr11, >iz. :­Odiccrs,

. N.O.U. ttuilMtn. Quebec Gnirison Artillery (:-3 Batteries), iMpoctecl by tho

A,;, i-tant In"pccto1· of Arlille1·y .... . ····-· .... .. .... .. .. .... iOth Bntuilicm (G Companies)........... ....•.. ....... ..... . . . . lfl1I Chnrlcvoix Butt al ion (:J Companies)............. ... . . ....... ... . . ~9

Corps which are allowed to potfonn drill during the wintc1· mn11thH, vi:t.. :-

Ufliccr.:, C I .., T .N'.U.IJ. and ~!en. AiVa ry (-' l'OOJ,«) . ....... ........................ ............... ~l

Quebec (}u1TiBOll Arlillcry en Ifot!ol'iel') ] •) .. 8th Ho ·al Rifle:. 6 · "" .... .. • ............ • •• ••• ·""

9 h VJ . . ( Compnmc. ).......... ..... ..... .. .............. .. :::75

t ol llgoul'8 (8 " ) . •. •• •• •• . • .. . . . . . • .. .. .. . . . . • • . . . • .. 3(i5

=--=- ...-•l ' ..J•J


z.; .c. o. ~ud lfen.

A11thori?.cc.I · mm JU•ld J~ it tali Ill (I C11111panics) .......... ..... ........ ....... .

Sol :\nthorizf'<l:

fi:Jlh B:1tt11lion (1: Companie-) ............ · ........... · · · ... · ..... . 6lst 1; cr1 ) ....................................... . 81sL c: (7 " ) ........ ., ........ · ................... . . 1\.arnom·a~lrn B.1tt:ilio11 ( l ('11rnpaniei') ............................ . 'l'cn"i~cut1!1l:t " \.4 " ) .......................... ..

J,b.;is llriqail~ Gump.


:li :i 2.1~

~75 180 ISO

In aL 1 1.1 ·c with (iencrnl Or,lcr, 27th Juno, lS:IZ, the following corp• :tsflcmlild in c:·imp al L~\ i~ J-:ncrinccr':i Park, fot· :.l.nnual drill, undo" my comru:w<I, wit Ii tho full~»in;., St.Ltl' :~Lie1~t.-0ol. d'Ol'~onncn~, Brigauo-.\lajor; L' cut . .T. 1>. II urJoo, X o. l lhttorr 0 QJ-r.A. A~·d:ita.nt. Brig:1,lo-M11jol'; .Lioat.-Cvl. Fo1T•·~t. C.llnp Q11t1rtcrmn,...cr; Cupt. G. s. Yicn', ~o. 2 B:~tlery I;cVi:' u. A:, Sup11ly Offic,cr j ~,ur:;.con 11

'. K n 'Y. _Bth R\tt.alton, Principal ~lcdtcr.1 01hccr i )lnJOl' L D: llm;on, lt:rn1.:cou:it:1 Jhtt:llwn 1

Orderly Otlit'er; J,ienL.-Col. Evuntunil, Prov0:;t O:li<~er.


<l:idJ.:!c Ficl i Jhtll'ry, Capt. LinC:~ny.


l '7Lh Bat t:ilion, Levi~, Lieut.·l'ol. n,anchel. 2:Jr•l •· Ho~mcc, l.i~~ut.-Col. D.1ch\)e.n~n-. 87lh " Co1Jnty ot'Quoboc, l.iiout:.-Cot: Laul'in. Dorclic~ er Dnllalion, Mojnr Gonclit. ''!'he Q11obec Fiel<l Batlcry m·i·ivcJ in camp, marcheu f1 om QncLcc, nn.-J nrriNd n~

LC\is a.bout lO o'clock a.m. 'l'hi:i coi·p,, w.~'!l well e'luippctl nnrl bor:<eu, and prcset:Jted a !<Oldiorly :1ppca1 auce.

Owin~ to the 11nfiw11rub:c time of the sc:.1son, tbl" battalioo'3 <liJ not mu:;tcr a<.i i.Lr.-m~ly a,, would h:.\"o b1·cn tho c<t-c h:1J they boen culled out at tho end of Juuo or \11•ginnia~ of July. llowen1r, snmo or tho country corp-; turned ont "ilh a fair nnmlier,_ i11 O:ll\.in,.t:ttlc~i. thu ~3rd Btlltnliou, bcin? nearly complete.

Ai; in l•ronou.; year:J, tho nnmhct· of rcc1·u1ts W:l<l coosi<leruhlc, :mu, in cDn~c­quonce~ it wn:-i up hill w.01:lc ::'\otwith~tnnding, crnry ofli.::er and m:rn \'ic<l togelhc1· to ohla1n as great nn clli<·tcnc.v :l'~ po:>~thlu.

Tho rogulnticms Jll"t'tlcl'ihc I in the ncneml Or.le~!! of 27th .rune, l SS'.! ware (•nr1foJ our. lo the lctt..ir, and tl~c dutio.; of gund·mounting nnd i;cntrioa pnrti~ulnl'ly atl1'1Hlctl. to, nn . .1 Wt~ro maclo an 1mporlanL p:irn lo c\·ery <luy. I l\'H!> glnd lo notice 'a in:u kl'<l 1mprovomoni on former yo:.i.r:;.

'l'ho arrn,, _in gcnerul. W\ll'A kcpL in gooJ order, not·.vj lh"'-t:tndiog tho const:rnt. had wc:1llrn1· cxpcnonccrl <lunng cn1111·.

Knap·mck'\ and cl\nlccn~ wore provided to the moo, pro\"iou,, to n'"cmhlin"' in C:\nip, nml at ovory utLc1·ncnn p:w •• ul.', thll men 'voro pr:1cticoJ to fo!J their g;·c:i.t eoati and, ~ pl:ico thl!m p1-.Jpllrly on lh~ knu p;;:ic!,~. I mm;~ hero 1· •mnrk th st tho knt111 .:1;k-l ;

1 istiue<I nn• 11n~c1vic1!:1hlt', bci n:; Co\·creJ with 11 con! i 11J ot ~'lr which

Page 25: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

: 1

· •n tril:J to r m d • th vii,


wor kin , and I h<'g lo g I ltlidc·nl ":i eo:

I >n11.r. 1 1- 2.

t !1 J.oyal R~tfes .

. Th · Lh H<! ·al l~ifi , unc.1. r th comn111nd of' · oll, p rfo1·m 1 'th ·u· nn11ual drill <luring the wml r month , aud w ro iu pc ·led liy m on th 3rJ o . ~y, 18 ~. ~n tho drill lt~l, Grando Allee; whcu th y w r pu through the manual,

t1r1ng e.·er<·ai;o ·and ballnlaou rncivcm nL... win" lo tl10 Jimit d poc for drillin, I did not confine. myi;olf to n. final in. pc tion on that day, nnd on th 1 th of tho , m~ mon.th the. battal10~ paraJ d on the Plai "of .... \br:iham nncl I a cuul1led t l • t their ;ffic1~ncy m b~ttahon JDl)\·cmcnti; and tho attack ~n.tl <~ fenc.. I can r •port very

favornbly on tb11:1 corp , who oillcc1·. h·wc been t1Ul1l'lng 111 their end •avu1 to mako it econd to nooo in t!JO Dominion. (J.)

'.!.'ho t:lth Roy:i.l l ifies p . ·o. a · 1·y good liuod, brn ... and 1 •e1l in t111ruent an l ul 'O a bugle b nd. '

My th.an~ nro duo to Liont.- 'ol. cl l'·Onncri-i, Hrigad Lfttjor, • nd J,,i0 a •. ol. :orre t,. I tract ~ll)'ffi lOr1 Un~l to tho. ofhecr . of my divisionnf c:ump at ~Vi

1 fot

,.he co:cJ1a.I .uppo1 L lhoy havo gav n me 111 cnn-ymo- out my 01 ll!r nnd iu th •ir·. nc rn tr tn<• to make ll1 c•i\•a Ol'Ce of thi I i:-tricL u c·fli ·ient n p ibl •.

f l1:i-re I h' honor to b , '11',

·our o eclicnt ~ ·1· anl,

'1'. J. CHE. ·4 'AY, Li ul.- loo •I

A . I>upnt\·-Atljut:ial Gcne1·, I ilitnt'Y Di lri t ·' Tb dJufnnl-l;en ml ui ~lililin, 1

• o. 1 •

t tnwn.

·or.ms Bl' .MA.IOR-<iEXERU COlBlA 'DltiG.

(I) This i~ ~!J11 s me a compla.ii.ed of in th o· t · · nd di itusis the mllilianien ° er 1 ric 9-thi.:i tlrry sub l! nc · J'Oil3 lhc lanics

(2) l a.m glad that Li ·ut .• Col. Ouch •o y las brou ht lhi Ii · · (3) l had the p~easore to Ree tlti balten· tb1s 1 ar gad to fi ~r~~rd,bn-11 "hie~ I quite r ~.

11~ when I la. t sa 'Ir 11. Gap in LiorJq y ill. •1 con id 1 fi 0 H in l e ttm~ llU ti ctory oondition his otficcra a_nd non-commi••iooeu offic<-rs thorough ~;·:it. rat rat ollicer-acd h1 bet ery doe him nd

(4) fL gives me pl llrt' u re cl;e 'O d I noit~· of et•inl:' be rorp,, 0 a report. re!?r l that I lr&Ye not y~t I.a J &ll oppor-


. l tb I '"•mt·ut, (7 Tmo1 ~) .......... ............ ..

l'ie'd Artillen1 ,,,. (2 Fi ld I I tt •d ) ............ .

~c .



Page 26: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


Garr 11 Art liery. Oillcen.

• '. It Urigndc, , 13nllc1 ic.) ........... .. ........ . o~ _,


The Brig Ii ton, (l Com1 nny). ............... ...... :~

T11.f, o.try and Rifles .

GZnd Battnlion Fu:-ilior,., (6 Compnnic,,)..... .. 25 tiith " (fl Com p1rnic-.) .. .... . .. .. ....... 31l ilf!t II 'j

1' .. .... • ''""""""' ~8

73nl " 5 " .. .. ... ..... • .• •• •• 2 L 'i Ith " G II ... • .... •• ......... ~fi Jn lcpcnclcnt ~ .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . ti

S. C. Olllc ra and ten. :-n~

272 :.!08 31-! 230 :.?i2 84

3 'l'hc m1rnucr of n ··h·o mililiam 11 n 1thoiiz0<l for :wnunl drill were:-

Oikcrs. In Cn1np. ......... ... .... ............. .....•.. . 7n .:\ t Ilcndqunrtcro;.... ......... .......... ........ .. f>O

Totnl. ...... .••. .......• . 1:!8

•I. 'fh c corp-. which )•Cl ii1rmo I 1lrdl in C•lllljl (at su~~cx) WCl'C:

Cavalry. '!'he Stli Regiment, Licnl.·G 11. Dom\·illc, :~Troop;:.

f tlJ .trtillcry.

'fhc WooJ lo1·k Ficl I Bnltcry, Cnpt. DiLltlco.

Eng 11eers.

'l he B1 i •hton C•Jmp. ny, Mnjor \~im·e.

lrifa1 try and l l"/fos.

7::rd .B.1ttnlio11, Mnjor i\1cCullcy, 5 Comp:inics. i 4th '' Licut.·Col. llccr1 G "

l'he corp• which performed clrill nt hc11tlqunrtcr • w~1·c:.

Field .Artilltnj. 'flio X owc·1·tlo Hallc1 y, :M:1j0r 1:. IL 01111.

(;11rrscn • lrtillery.

x. o.o. nnd Alen.

SU~ 516



•• cw 01 unswick 11-io:itlc, •• o•. I' '.!, 7 and 10 Il\ttc1 ic~, r ,:('llL.-Gol. Fl) t• I'.


G2nd Bl Un lion, S1• John Fu ili<:r IJlcut.·Col. Bl:iino, G Co111p11nic.•.

N • G Com pnny, 'i' • t Bn tn ion. '


~t. Ge rgo Infantry r, mp:my. ;:it. John Hillo Gornp:iny.

fl. Corp \\ hil h did not I crfi rm : nnu. I da ill:

Authorized t >drill-So. l Bnltc1·y, Si:w E ·un!->wic!;: fldnn lo, G.11ri 011 .\.rt 11 •r.\·.

.• : ol nutho1 izc I to d. ill -('arnlry.

... ·o~. 3, ;,, 11 auJ i T1·e1 1;1 of the th Ho~im nt

(; irr ·s,11 Artillery.

Xo·. 3 :in I 8 lbttcric , Xow Hrnn wic • Drigndc.

lnfoitrya d Rfl . tiilh Halt:il'on. ,,

S1•.cc1 u. lh:.u \HK ....

ll. I u Hier tnud the rc:i on wh\" t '10 . . \ n Ii cw' B ,Ltcry d:d n L d1 ill b b :m o tho Cnptnin cannot :iparc ti mo to !.o p 111 I attcry logotlicr.

:-:;·ucc tho !11"t An11u•1l Hcporf, tho ~L tophcn lndopond n Comp .) hn; b en joiucd to tho ibL B:it•nlion a~ :N°o. 6 Company, owl i w. p'c ... eJ v;1 Ii t io fino c m-)Hll1) tlmt turned QuL fqr my in-pcction. •

'fho l>"C'r h·lnnd Indc1)CndcnL Compn11y hn,, hnd 1l:i hca lqunrte1 m'>\"C l to l'rct!P1 icton uml form~ Y.o . i Co1npu11y. i Isl D .• tt.llion, un lcr co111111:rn I 1Jf Cnpt. II. A. ('l'Oph•v.

'1'h1'n." remain only two imlopon !cu~ cn111p:mic" in the J )i ... tr'ct, yjz, tho St. Gt·orgc l11i:111try a11<l thu ~t • .Toh11 WO Uomp.111,r, which Ja,,t n 1111 •J rorp hns been 1:hangccl during- tho year from E11gi11ocr:. to H1llc~. J iu.-pccl~d them 011 tho Uth of ~ • 0Ycml1cr. Thry :tppc.1rcd Yl'IT cl1.·nn and :-rnnrt on I arndc, :mrl their rno~omonts aL d1·ill wcro ":lli,..factory, with tho cxc·opti1>11 thnt they hn I not been practiced in extended order a" n nllo company :-honlJ be.

I in,.pcc'e<l the G~n<l St. .Tolrn l~u ilh;r ... , on the 9th October. Tbb j,, n fino h.1l· talion a!1d they t m cil out \'cry Cl"(Jditnbly : ncl d1illc I :-tO!ldily. Th ir drill i11 -0xle11dcci order wn well done. 1 thon~ht them much imprO\"c<l ... ji:"o my la:.t in,..pcc. tiou. '!'hero i nn excellent e~J rd de c rps a111011; both oflir er .. :md men.

Tho b1 igndn of rurnl corp ... which drillc l : t Gnmp : .. u ... ex from tho:! cl to tho l Uh October wcro fo: tnnatc in hn,·ing dry, thvugh co J. wcath r, but they cl!rtaiuly could. rind did, drill rnnch moro thnn i11 n i;ummor camp. 'J'b\;y \\ere pro>idoo witL. lrna1~~~ck-. arnl par:~de<l with them on, in man hing Ot'(for. once c cry dny.

11.i.o wl.101\! Br1gndo llll~Ot\\ cnt a t:lri~t JlOI :-Ona! 111-.1 c ·tiu I by comrnoit> hy the )fuJOI' l 1 crw1 :ii {·11111 rnnnclru" on lhc 12th 01.:tobcr nn I .1Hc1·w:n·,b ha l u 1 c•iC\\ followc I Ir 'l !ih!lll\ fight uu<lc::' hi,. 1•0111m.111J. ' I

I (lln gl.1 l to lie ablo ti) girn tho followiu.; cxlrn ·t f1·0•11 H1·i ~n hi 0l'llcrs (ln­Ol'dm· of. t.h.o <:cm·r ti om cd'o111111n11din~) Yi?.:-" M:-ijw ticno ·1l l111rcl Commnndin;, "! ho M:l1lln hns much Jllen lll'll in 1·cc11di11g hi~ .ntbl. l·li 11 with th . ppcn•nnC-O and "clcanlrnc s (\\1th omo oxception ) of th troop..; in ramp atS<1-. .. cx L -O:n-. l t hn '

1 pro\c l lo him that o~ortion 11111 t. h:n o Locu mn o h,· u l r 1 l. to tur1~ o it in n

"soldic1·liko 111 nncr." (1.) · . l cnnnoL h Ip re ·ordin~ tho great. impro•crnont o\'ifont. in the 'i 'rel B Lt rm,

l~1ghly crcd1tnli.lo to Mnj 1r ~lt!Gulloy :md the whole c rJH, tho . Pl C!lrnncc of .• 1 Com r~ny of tl11 B lltalton Ull !er '.1ptnin G.unoron w p crnlly uot1~. l.ilc.

. 1 ho coo?uct of tho troop in cnm p '' ns 1 om rku Lly or<l rly n d good. ''hi h bchc>o mny m n great men u10 be mt1ibutcd to the r· t ordc1 l i u

Page 27: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


1'. Ji ll!'I CUOOL unn.r, CO'll'A. L

th' c nfc n. T I i11 hnvi 1 • th

1 port th , t. Jolin S ho I Dl'iil \Hnp~111.r !ta li1.; •n fii1·11 J 'aptain W. )I, Mc:L an nod L. })I' JVc.f \" ry y opulur an1!

cvi:n· J ari

n1 lOll rem nt i ued fo hl'ir u~o I foun I elcan n11rl w II t.1kcn

RIFLE A 'OC'Ll.'rIO,' •

. ~·h ProvinciAI Ritfo £ ociation of tbi Provinco heIJ tbcii- u. u I l'it e ruate:ue L y nr t u"><ex with very ~ati.,.fuct01·y r nil. . . The_ un y Riff A ocintion nl o bol<l theil- u~nul ma l'Lc.~. th l'olurn of

l11c 1 111 b ft rward I to hcndqnnrtor:i when received. (2).

The Arljntunt

r ha\• the honor t b!' Si1· v , ' .1 our mo t obedient et'Vfl'll,


J IIN' n. T.\ Y LOR, Lieut -C:olonul, !Jeputy Adjutan Gen l'UI,

~Uilitnry · tric:t , ~ . •


11 (I~ 1 V~ macb pl ·a•ed 11t'tb all r win c mp at· a er, and espPcially o ·itl1 the ork duo ~ 00•/:f! d i:~ .. e~~ bi~ Comp 01 of Eagintc mo t u ·eful corp3 14Dd one which 1hould be

facJ~ r1p~ri ~~6£ ~~ ~~:1~1~,!..0 •:~o ~~t 1~ b r'liti 1io t111111 Di&ldr!ct appe11.r o me to hnve ~ most ~ii·

r the Dia t. · e 1 80' r · cc ere tt oa tb ... t.111f anrt ltegimentlll o!lic u

-M ILrT.\ ny n1 'TJ:r 'T .. :·o. n.

Tl 0 fcollowi11g i ll abli Ii J • r n"r Ii of Di ri t :-

'J'h 1· n;:th ' Lin ' r• rp \':t :


'P1 • l .. n , . l'r01•p I 'l'rii JI) ...................... .

Field Artillery.

,. 1;·1cld BiLtlcr.\· (I Ha lcr.'") ............... . !Iii. (J :v

Garrison .I rtil'cry.

1 Ualifu. Bri!;adc (G Enltor!c )) .. ...... . · ······ :!n<l .. " t 6 Bnllo11 .•.... •· · .. ·• ··

ig y Battery (1 Butt ry) .................. · ..... . Luo nbnr" Jfaltery (1 Battery) ····· ······ ..... .. labono D~y B ltery (1 Battery) ................. .

Pictou Batt ry (1 Battery) ............ • ........... . Ynrmouth Battery (1 Bnttery) .......... • ........ .

Infantry and Ririe•.

,:'rtl "Jlulifax llille " (G Companie.) ...... . : .. .. 6Gtb "Prince s Luail'e }'a ilior " ( Com ame~) 68lh B:itt.alioo (!> Compnni ) ..... ·· ·· ·····••· ··· !Hb II ' 9 .. ) .... ................ . .

72ntl (6 ·' ) ........ ····•· ······· 75lh ti (6 II ) . .,,,. •••••••••• :"""'

7 th " '' ighlnndor '. (7 mpa01e9. , 11m crl:rnd Provi ionnl Bn~ta1io_?(5 Comp~n ~) ietori >ro i ional Bnt uhon (o Comp:intc .. ).

o, c rr.


<;>--" 25 a :1 J ~


25 32 3, 35 ?" .. a 25 2 2 :lO

a. The number of :ie:tiYc militi:11n n . u·ho i~e l for. nnn

0 c r. Jn nmp .................................... . .... . .. . .A 1I c: lq Uat t r .... · · · • • · ·" ·• • · · · · · • · · ' ' '" •• •

1 l i•

l •)n Tota ............ ···· ......... - .

, hy nrm , it


. ........ llJ

......... :nz ········· :ti~ . ..... ... ~.!


········· 42 . ........ !. . ........ 42

•)-) . ........ -·-:1;;1;

······ ··· :m . ........ :; ........ in

•)~•) _,_ a1+ 2'.ill :?a

4. Tlo ·orp whid1 pctfol'm l Jl'ill in c:imp-.ll

f'm·alr .

\IJ I' ·ho -W l'O :-

'J'h r in,,'~ T1·9 )J', 'np . P.ynn.... .. .... ... . .... . . . .. ... .. 1 Tr

Jn in try.

l. hipmnn: 9 Comp. ni " tnrrntt "

.... Too ' m ny. i·t11 1, tt111ion, 1 nrkor, "


Page 28: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much


'fl 0 '1°11 nt hro lqunrtc , \rnrc ·-

.lrt1l uy.

/li}n try a .d lffl ~ .

Tl e 6.~rl.I 1hlift1:< I: 11 ~. I iont. f'ol. Mackir t ·h, r: I omp•in°<''. Tl10 l'Gth l'riucc -1 Lonit-O Fus Hers, L eul -Col. B11•111fll'r, b <.:0111 p:111k-..

Tho 'j,ith l'ntt:llion, Li ut 1 'ol. I\· 1111 :v h, o Uomp:ini ~. Ynrmouth l:n.1 i on lfattery "ill ll'IL p.1y, not o mg autbor·zo I to t.lril I.

5. 'fl o fol O\\ing cor1 c; t.l n t I f .11 11u1 l J1ill.

A 1th riz off t dr I -Non.

1 t ! ill-

SN: , • L H .u \I:•.


h ·ch tho,• ought to oo ton ido1 ing tho mh·:mlngc they jl c in Jl ttcrn corp , \\ 1 w t.bcm hnvin, tbo 1-<'gulnr t1oop"I qunrt?rcd nmong • •ttcd to nttcnd for n d: y :ti. C imp

J mu ·h • c '• ot th o li.1trnhon worn uot l' rm1 h I . \ldcn;hot, for l foci uro tho 1 urnl corps in c:imp woult.l linvo l.101 ofittod muc 1.)

th ir ex mplc. . . ·11 d t h ·• I c I I ~dq r tors 'fho j!;~b lhttnlion, (:i Uc•mp:u 1c-), which d11 .c . n t t.n n" ~ . • . fl 1

wore imi ,0 10 I I> • tho Hrign lo M:ij >r, who reports his ID"J> ct1.on us '01 J ~ tJi; u<'.-i· " tl!o 11nifor~1 and nccoutromont'.! complete, an<l tho~ ·11~~ 111 g > I co11d1l1 n,. ~nd

~h~~· cli illiu~ mnuunl nod fil'iug <'Xcr<'i o •·all \'e1·y i;tca lily, tho IJlnnk 11m111u111l10n w·i ,.0 miwh

1r 1a,lcd at tho rim iL could not ho u ed. . f

· 'rho \r•tillery wcro in .1.cr·tcd l1y Liout.-!Jol. C tto 1, A ~Hnut 11 sp ctor o \rl'llcr. :l'liowill mak" Jiii;own rnporli l rn:iy hero notico thnt Li1.:ut...·C•JI. ~l 1 •wL111y, ~orn1mar;Ji n~ ht. fl nlil:1x Bdg:tdo G•u'J'i-•rn A1 tillcry, icpre..:ont~d ni1y t1:011gly t<• mo tho u Oicultfo umlor which hi:i oflh:crs labor liy 11ot hn\ in~ mo ::i ·liool <I (i unuciy in tho l'ro\'incc; and th·1t c:m i<lcriuci tl1c .\I :mtimc. Prod nee lmvc :..u B:ittcric of Artillery nml Compnuio of Engineer, whilu Onh1!·10 and Que~ 1; h~vo 01 Jy 17 ca.ch, it np1 o u on y r 1m.'onalil.o their req~t?"t may 1 ~c-01\·c tl.~nt con 1tlcrnt1on \\ht h tho propoudcr.1 <.:c 1.Asullcr.r111 the lfo11tm o Pronncc l.11rng ivrwnrd 1::0 " lOll y (::!). . .

Durin~ ti o 1 fi! t ycnr, the Unh ~ax (urn and Dn .1 She J hns J){'Cll ~ or~ nud other 1 1 :ii~ m:.do which were,. ry mucll ~c~tle<l, on going round the ~1 mo~ncs, l conltl uot holp being track with the \'cry hm1totl i;I nee nllowcd f1 r ~he urm .1! d to1 ?r onch compnuy; complninl::I h:n·o bc1;n mndo of lo. cs :rnd I fi 1cnc 0; lnktn!:!' pit.cc m con-cquc11ce, wh1<.:h l fear nro o be exp clc I until "Orne m rec wmod1ou, .md c n­\'cnicnt nrmour:cs aro huilt.

A now wiro fonco hhti hcen co ti ucte nround the Il J o d H flu ltmgc·, tho ti r­mcr wooden fence" l1ei11..! broken down and u:,uJc .. .s.

I fol'W:tl'd the tllllll!nl l'Cllll'n:> of tho l'ro\.'intrnl n fie .\--ori. tiou of N'o.-:1 I i;O!ia nnu thu~o of tho Countic~ A Q'l'Cnl dcnl of i11le1·c~t : ppc:tt'S lO UC t:al.un in I iflo }I' ncti<:o !md "'ith \'Cl'Y safofacto1 y re" ult ; the tH1:d P1 u\·iucinl nntl County matchcti h:1rn been \\'l•JI attended

All tbc 1 iflc in Llio di trict except tho-o of ono I attnlion h ,·ir g h en repair<! i nnd browned UL the .Militia SLOl'l'>I, llnli1. s, LhO::;O or No. s :in I I~ D1' I ich \}ill now be ·cut in for repair .

l h~W\! the honor 'to oo, Sir, Your mo::t obcdicut tcn·:ml ,

JOII - B. T.\ YLOH, J.,icut.-Col., D .. 1 uty Ad.' t nt Gc1 ernl, ~ltliltl1y D ... trict _ ·u. !1.

11 a .Ac.lj::ilnut·Gu c :11 M1ltti:1.

~OTES BY lJ.\JOn-GESER.-\(, Cullll.-\~( nw.

Page 29: ON TllK STATE OF THE MILITIA · My \'i-it:i lo tho rnrious Cnmpll, thi:; you.1·, have boon, on the whole, very &atisfac Lo1-y. I um glad to be able Lo 1my tbat tboro has been much

nm} t1


!' RT nnn.·1., \lr.·~r ,1,1 ll · m r, I "':!.

li n 1· p H'L of th I i lrie• <l 1 : n an : rli r date,~

\\' ~,.

avnlry .............................................. .. Fi Id .Artillt:ry .................... ........ ........ .. I I . • ouol <l nf ntry .................................. .

lufun tr,\· .................. .......... , ............ .

·o. u 'o .

I l .. ..

Tutal .................. I~

-~uml• rot .\c ivc . iliii nnthol'i7. d for \ nunnl Di·ill wcr :-

(llJi1•1· •

'. !l. , - men .

(.i ,, 1 :;.; :n:;

.-, fl

1 n :imp ................................. . . \t Uc d tl,"I'l"1·... .. ............................. "

'1 ., \,; . ··········•·····•·······•···················· ..•........•

(1) Tl)t:i.1. ................................. . 1511

C-0rp wh! b dr !" in I' 1mr.-Winnipeg Field R1ttery; '713 otli<'er nnd men. ,orps b1ch dnll :it lfoadqnnrtcr~.-~ rOn(>.

I orp which did not. peril rm \nnunl rill:-.Authorized o drill-

Winnipeg C:ivalry (Troop) ......... . " I fi ...................... . !-·id n 1t11lJ·y ( ' m11unyJ .......................... . \.I OD:>.n "

F.mer. on ·• · ... ·· "· · ·· · ..... ·· ·• " .. · .'t . .Boniface " " • • • .... •· ....... · "·· •· · • · 't. an B:ipti to I f · · · ·· ........ · .. ·· · .... · ·

n au tr; Gompany) ............... .

Total (3G5 C1ffir::cr and mo) ............. . • • ot utho1 iz. I to drill-

l'rince .\II 1·t fount l{j Vu k Lrtko " .. . ........................... · .. . Prin~ \IL r Iufl1ntr.. ···························· nattl ford ................................ ..

• e t ... e • e • • t e • • I • ~ • I • • t o o o o •


I T1·oop. 1Com1: rry. I " I •C

I I "

:.! Compn11i •!-(,

I 'ompan_r. .. .. ·I


11 l C ~nil in ·

nd r ';l)mmatH.l of Cnptnin _fackcand 1 lik · ,.j,. I c1fo1·01 I 110 drill, though • uthorized. •

The want of 3. Drill Sh di the principal rea,,on :i~-.igncl • thu <.' p. in a: th men were too bm1y during the dny time to nttend <lri I and had no pla" the evening .

Ile al o complaini:1 cof the ,;nm difficulty n C:1ptnin K11igb1 1 in lh m l r o re-organizing with old uniform .

l iospectcd tho arm 1 J·c., ofthi. 'ompanyon'tbc.tth De em c:lcnn and in goo<l order, althou~b tho armoury in which they r ·t r l wn nnfit. for that purpo. , boin o dnmp ho .· ep _f. r in-.1 lion h • rm h '" k pt co• rod with n thicl· <: ating ot' rr • "'C.

n<lcr the c•ommnnd of Ca1 nin Rolr h app ar t pl t ly, owing, l am gi>en lo un<l r-ta11d 1 to mo-.t of h m ing I ft tho n ighbom·h o<l. 'The uptain ud other oiliccJ r · irl in Win11ipe •1 i ~ mil from tho headqu· rto1· of th corp., .nnd th m n nr

ountry, tho m.jorit having gon we t. I ha>e been unablo to in p t, th :irm , , ·c., of tl1i"' • np:rny .,inc hey •1

~ en by aptuin lrcet. in Mnrcb Jn. t. I bad appointed tho ~nd in t. for lliat pu1·p ' 1.mt 1~a~ p ·c\·~nt I by n lizz'll'<l,

nnd have not inc n :ihl tr) an·:tngl nnolh r dn ·with ··a1 in I'.·Jlph \'ho h~ · be n ith r ab. •nt or t bu y to alt •nd lo the armoury.

The., 't. B(//1ifacc lutimtry r!omp my.