one lot of all misses5 at the at - nebraska newspapers...when the irish comedian, dan sully, appears...

t.j. ..... ; . Sir. t .u f- -. :THE NORTH PLATTE" SEMI-WEEKL- Y TRIBUNE : FRIDAY EVENING,.. JANUARY- - 3, l&f6.- - SPECIAL BULLETIN. Spend your cash for grocer- ies where you can get credit for 30 days in . case- - you run out of cash; - We guarantee to meet any prices named in this paper by competitors and give you a superior article of merchan- dise. Our Pillsbury's Best Flour, Chase & Sanborn's Coffee and Tea, New York Apples, and the celebrated Club House brand of Canned Goods are not carried by any other house in this city. HROTGTOH St TOBlfr either store. CITY NEVS. Earnest "Weil, of Grand Island is visiting1 relatives and friends in this city. Frank Orinsby, ot Kearney, is shaking-hand- s with his numerous 'North Platte friends. Ed. Loveland, of this city, shipped a carload of hogs from Hershey yesterday. The railroad company is fenc- ing- a section of land near Pallas belonging- - to the North Platte ditch company. The ladies of the Presbyterian aid society were entertained yes- terday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wmi Broach. , A. M. Dill has just had com- pleted the carpenter work of a hand- some porch upon the south and east sides of his residence on "West Sixth street. The G. A. R. post at Ogalalla installs its officers one week from to-morr- night, and Elder James Leonard, of this city, is booked for an address. A business change is among the things upon the tapis in North Platte but The Tribune is not yet at liberty to give the names of the parties to the transaction. - Last night broke the record thus far this winter in the matter of coldness, the mercury falling- - to 14 degrees below zero at the gov- ernment signal office. According to the Keith County News: "Surveyors are at work directly north of Hershey for a bridge across the North river. Cost of the bridge is to be about $8,000. Next Thursday is the day fixed by law for the new county officers to assume the duties of their re- spective positions. That date is about as late in the month as it could occur. Capt Hamilton, of the Hamil- ton Guards, the feminine militar' organization of Lexington, is in this city to-da- y, and will fraternize with the Cody Guard at its armory this evening-- . The whistling in of the new year Tuesday night caused some of our more timid citizens to at first suppose that a fire had broken out somewhere in the city. A little thought and investigation allayed their fears. Grand Island has taxed the in surance companies doing- - business therein for the benefit of her fire department. This in accordance with the new state law, North Platte might profitablv follow the idea. It is said that the sale of re served seats for the first night's "Wagnerian saengerfest at Omaha amounted to but S1200, while for a similar period in Denver the sales are said to have reached $11,000, This looks as if Omaha people were not highly "culchawed." Interesting- - services at the Pres byterian church Sunday morning and evening-- . In the morning- - Rev. Graves will preach on the subject, "Is Christianity gaining- - or losing ground?" and in the evening on ""Why men ought to pray." Junior Endeavor meets at 4:00, and the senior C. E. at 6:30 p. m. "While Win. Burrows, foreman of the round-hous- e wipers, was as sisting- - in pushing- - the tank of the 678 into the round-hous- e this morn ing- - in some manner he slipped and in falling- - was caught between the steps upon the tank and a door of the round-hous- e. In so doing- - a couple of ribs were fractured. He was taken to. his home on a stretch- er, and at last reports he was resting- - easily. The Lincoln Journal is author- ity for the statement that the "Wa- llace Herald has been sold to North Platte parties, but as to just what will be done with the plaut is not known. The probabilities are that J. G. Heeler, who is the reputed owner of the outfit, has decided to put some one else in charge, as for time past the management has not teen altogether satisfactory. This from the fact that the county at, torney is in Wallace on business tkis weak. - Sheriff Miller and wife provided" a handsome wedding- - dinner on Wednesday to the newly wedded pair, Mr.' and Mrs. T. T. Keliher. agent for a new styled vitrified inlet pipe for an irrigation lateral was in the city yesterday exhibiting some apparatus of in- terest to irrigators. The ladies ot the Methodist aid society met with Mrs. Slack yesterday afternoon. The presi- dent of the Presbyterian aid society was- - present. All report a. good time. -- Judge Neville has fitted up an office in the old Pe'niston building, just west of the. Hotel Neville, where he will receive clients after next Thursday. Accbrding to data furnished by Observer Piercy the month of De- cember, 1895, was as follows: The highest temperature was 67 degrees on the 13 th ult., the lowest was 2 degrees on the 2d; total precipita- tion was .11 inches, the greatest having been .05 inches on the 7th ult. As has been the custom for a number of years past a party of their friends were regaled with a sumptuous repast on New Year's dav at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, S. Hartman. Each family partici- pating takes its turn in providing the refreshments at some festal season. Manager Lloyd has no theatri- cal entertainments booked for the opera house after "A Social Lion" until some time in March, with the exception of "Tank Kee's" lecture, which has not yet been dated. The latter's subject is China, and it is said the speaker has $60,000 worth of Chinese curios, upon which he carries an insurance of $42,000. We understand the course of lectures will be four in number.for which an admission fee of 75 cents will be charged for the season. There is to be an irrigation fair held at North Platte, Neb., some time this year, and the promoters are making preparations for a grand event. They are interesting busi- ness men and farmers all over the western part of the state, and it is thought that Colonel Cody will take a hand and add no the attractions. In that case the fair may attract national attention, and at any rate it cannot be other than benefial to the interests of the state. Western Nebraska has the irrigation fever vary badly, but it is all for the best, Sioux City Journal. A play is announced for Wed nesday, January 8th, at Lloyd's opera house, that will surely crowd the house. It is Mr. Daniel Sully's latest comedy, "A Social Lion Mr. Sully is justly called the most most natural Irish actor of the daT His methods differ- - wholly from those of the conventional Irish comedian, and he is consequently more than interesting-- . This sea son Mr. Sully has surrounded him self with a compamrot players fully competent to act well the parts assigned to them, including several members possessing vocal abilities of such high order that we may ex pect a musical treat, in addition to the hearty laughter that is bound to be caused by the many comedy complications contained in "A Social Lion." iNotnwitnstanaing tne zero weather last night a large number of people assembled at the hospi table home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dillard prepared to enjoy them selves at the musicale and sociable of the M. E. church choir. That each was well pleased goes without saying. Every number upon the programme was well rendered, and was received with salvos of ap- plause; to attempt to particularize each order might seem like an in vidious comparison, so these fea tures of the evening's entertain ment is best described by saying that the tout ensemble was well nigh perfect. Several dollars were realized as the net proceeds of the affair, and each guest regretfully departed for his home, fully realiz ing that he had spent an exception ally pleasant evening. The newly elected officers of the Rebekah lodge will be installed into their respective positions to night, after which an oyster supper will be served to the members of the order, to which eveu the male members of the subordinate lodge have not been invited. In this con nectiou we are requested to call the attention of the members of the Rebekah sewing circle to the fact that one week from this afternoon a sociable will be held at the resi- dence of Mrs. C. H. Stamp. The purpose of this last mentioned or ganization is to raiee a proper pro portion of the amount necessary for the establishment of an Odd Fel- lows' orphanage in Nebraska. - The plan which they have adopted for this purpose is about as follows: The ladies are piecing an unusually handsome quilt upon which they are embroidennjr the names of those desirincr the same th'ereon. after which the covering will he fcuctidne'd or raffled off WeddiD Presents I We;have.;a large number of pieces of silverware which are suitable for wedding presents. Preseu ts m In sterling silver novelties; ornamental as well as useful articles. When yon need these goods remember we keep 'em. CLINTON, The Jeweler. Dr. Morrill uses -- a painless method in extracting teeth which absolutely harmless. A private dance vvas held at the opera house last evening, the participants being members of the high-fiv- e club which has been meet- ing weekly for some time past. It is unofficially announced and propably correctly that trains No. 5 and 6 will be taken off, and that a combination coach will be attached to freights No. 27 and 28 for the accomadation ol local travel. Judge and Mrs. H. M. Grimes entertained the members of the Lincoln county bar at a dinner Tuesday evening, to which the legal lights did justice. Follow- ing dinner a couple of hours was passed in conversation and at card games. The lawyers say it was a very pleasant occasion. J. H. Kelly, of Ogalalla, was married at the residence of G. W. Dillard in this city on .Tuesday evening last to Miss Belle Ralston, Rs.v. Crane, of Ogalalla, officiating. Mr. Kelly is principal of the Ogal- alla schools and is a very popular and testimable young man. The bride lives at Willow Island, but for several years has been deputy to the county clerk at Ogalalla. Mr. and Mrs. Kellv left for home on the afternoon train Wednesday. The funniest event of the sea- son will happen at .the opera house next Wednesday evening, Jan'y 8th, when the Irish comedian, Dan Sully, appears in his latest comedy entitled "A Social Lion." This is by far the brightest and best com- edy ever produced by this original Irish wit. His support is excellent consisting of such well known artists as Dan Mason, the German dialect artist; Miss Kate Michelena, late of Emma Juch's opera company; Fannie Licester-Alle- n, the charm- ing soubrette. Space will not allow us to enumerate the cast, suffice it to say that Sully is so well known by our amusement lovers that the house should be packed. At a regular meeting of. S. A. Douglas Circle No. 20, L. of G. A. R., held on New Year's day, the ladies were surprised to see the honorary members come in loaded with suspicious looking bundles; but the ladies made them welcome and proceeded with the regular routine of business. Past Presi- dent Mrs. Klein installed the off- icers for the new year with grace and precision. After the closing cere- mony the past counselor announced that the ladies had entertained the honorary members of the circle so often and bountifully that they deemed this an .occasion to recipro- cate. Then the mysterious bundles were opened and a feast of good things distributed. A royal good time followed, lie ladies being unanimous in their expressions that such surprises might happen often. "SeQOMT The BEST FLOUff, Compare fl(otes Bring in your pass books or bill and com- pare prices-wit- h our's, and see the difference .for yourself. : : : : Get out; your scales compare, weights With those represented on your book or bill; that is the way the merchants do why should you not do the same? Yours for Cash Bargains, THOMSON & SWARTHOUT, GROCERS. EAILE0AD ORGAiriZATlON MEETING. Our business men and citizens especially the former class should make it a point to be present at theK. P. hall next "Tuesday, Jan'y 7th, at the preliminary1 organiza-tio- n meeting of the proposed rail- - n road up the North Platte river. This is a matter of the greatest importance to the future welfare of the city of North Platte, .and every one who can possibly be pres- ent should make it a point to be ce. . " PEOPLFTOOCOIANb GOi N. B. Olds and wife returned Tuesday night from their week's visit to Chicago. Charles Burke, returned yesterday from a business trip to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. C.f A. Diamond, whb had been in town for a. week re- turned to Lincoln yesterday. James McDonald returned Wed- nesday night from a holiday visit with Omaha relatives and friends. Miss Nora Kinsman, who had been visiting North Platte friends for a day or two, returned to Jules-bur- g Tuesdar night. Mrs. Win. Ryan, who has been visiting her daughter here, Mrs. Wm. Edwards, left for her home in Wood River on Wednesday morn ing. IMPORTANT NOTICE. A meeting of the Lincoln county agricultural society will be held at the court house, Thursday evening, January 9th, 1806, at 8 o'clock. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected and business of importance in connection with the' West Ne- - braska Irrigation Pair will be w , sidered. A fu.ll . attendance v of stockholders Jsdesired. N. A. Pavis. President. J.B. McDonald, Secretarv. -- Judge H. M.r Grimes . has fixed the following terms of district court for the several counties comprising the Thirteenth judicial district for the year 1896: Banner, April 30th and Dec. 3d; Cheyenne, Feb'y 11th and Oct. 19th; Deuel. March 23d and Oct. 12th; Keith, March 17th and Dec. 14th; Kimball, April 27t and Nov. 30th; Ljueoln, Marsh 3d and Nov., 9th; Logan, June 1st; Mc-Phers- on, June 8thr (no jury); Per- kins, Feb'y 4th (no jury), April 13th and Oct. 26th; Scott's Bluffs, May 4th and Dec. 7th. C. F. Schar.-man-n has been appointed as court reporter. There will be a, joint installa- tion of the newly elected officers of the G. A. R. and the W. R. C its auxiliary at the K. P. hall to-morr- evening, Jan'y 4th, at 7:30 p. m., to which all the friends of both orders are cordially invited to be present. The following are the officers elect for S. A." Douglas post for the ensuing term: Commander, A. McMichael; senior vice-cor- n . J tit rr t- - maimer, v. j.. urown;. junior vice-c.Qinmand- er, Chas. Simpson; quar termaster, Geo. Nauman; adjutant, Franklin Peale; .officer of the day, J. W. Voodrv: officer of the o . Eugene Canright; surgeon, P. H. Ruddy; chaplain, A. M. Mason; color bearer, Ed Myers. IS WEALTH We are the People who have The BEST COFFEE, The BEST TEA, The finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line in the City; always fresh and at prices that DEFY COMPETITION. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. EAUEOAD EOTATION. -- C. G. Hall has fallen heir to the 716 temporarily while the old re- liable 689 is undergoing some slight repairs. E. W Ziebert took a brief lay-of- f for a few nights this week and Harry Rice is officiating as the G. Y. M. of the night yard. A couple of freight conductors became tangled up in an altercation the latter part of last week and the way danger signals were displayed would occasion alarm to the timor- ous ones. Division master mechanic Mann- ing while here on Tuesday made a great "killing" among the engine men. As a result of the deadly guillotine some nine firemen are now out in the cold wintry blasts without ' a ' situation. Some are fearful that the deadlv snicker-sne- e has not 3et completed its labors. Owing to the -- heating of an en- gine on the First district train No. 1 was .very late into Grand Island Wednesday, and two locomotives were attached in the hope ot mak- ing up some of the lost time. Owing to the hinder one running hot she was set out between this place and the Sugar city and the train reached this city over one hour late. A freight engine was attached to train No. 5, but for some reason the lat- ter train was also way late into this city. The new combination coach and baggage cars now in use on train No. 1 are things of beauty, being over seventy feet in length fitted up with a bar and barber shop open at all hours, and finished in the highest style of the coach finisjier's art. In addition to their handsome appearance they are bo strongly built that in case of a collision there is but little danger of the heavy sleepers behind "telescop- ing" them. THE WHEELMEN'S DANCE. The first annual ball of the North Platte "Wheelmen was held at the opera house. Tuesday evening', and as a social occasion was certainly a great success. Though the crowd was not as large as usually patron- ize public dances, the attendants represented North Platte's best society, and this feature added to the enjoj'metit of all. Quite a num- ber of ladies were members of the reception committee. There were twenty dances on the programme, most of which were the newer waltzes, aud much grace, ease and gallantry were exhibited. The costunies worn by the ladies were pretty, and froni the gallery the scene on the floor was both inr teresting and pleasing. Music was furnished by Garlichs' orchestra, and never did that organization play better. This is a musical organization of which North Platte should feel proud. The hall was decorated with Chinese lanterns and bicycles. A great profusion of the latter were arranged with taste upon the stage and a wheel suspended to each chandalier. The gentlemen in charge of the ball were very successful in their efforts to make it a pleasant occa- sion, and they are entitled to the thanks of each attendant. About fifteen dollars were the net receipts. WEEK OF PRAYEB. The "Weeli of Prayer," beginn- ing January 6th, will be observed as usual by union services in the different churches of our city. The following is the programme for the week: Jan.6th In Presbyterian church subject, "Humiliation and Prayer." Jan. 7th Lutheran church; sub- ject, "The Church Universal." Jan. 8th and 9th Baptist cuurch; subjects, "Nations and their Rul-ers;"a- nd on 9th "Foreign Missions." Jau'y 10th and 11th Methodist church; subjects,. "Home Missions;" and January 11th "Families and " Schools." STOLEN. A new mackintosh hunting coat,' on or about Dec. 14th. Color light brown, corners of pockets sewed witli silk in form of crow feet. A liberal reward for its return to W. H. C. WOODHURST. A BARGAIN, Forced sale of 320 acres of choice land near Sutherland- - Ad dress 717 Twenty-fift- h street, Den-- J VCf, Col. Peroaps Ton But there is a law against falsehood and' deception in-a- n advertisement. It is nofpn the statute' books, buC it is written in the hearts of the people, and when they . convict merchant of this offense they fine, him like; "sixty." We are willing to accept service any time andt: submit our case to the people We DO NOT deceiveV-yo- u in our advertisements. For instance note the price" on these goods: One Lot of All Wool Scar Underwear To Oloeo Out T Misses5 35. ctks Misses' Misses' Misses' and Vests Stove Pipe 15 cents a joint. Common Elbows cents each. 10-qua- rt Pail cents. A good ax handle 11 cents. Also a of wear? Caps, and -- Give us a call. NORTH NEB, One door south of Streitz's drug. If We Qtm'i d ihe Best 001 Ladies Pants Galvanized ore, Blankets, Hosiery, Glassware, Tinware. PLATTE, We want none. That's our principle in buying. We deal only with firms who produce the best. order only the choicest of the best. Isn't an article in our store that won't please you. And. we've everything- - you could wish in Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Etc. Compare You'll find that we are PRICES. McDonald's The people of North Platte are shoving" the right kind of spirit and indications are that they will soon have sotnethiug- - to shpw for it. The holding- - of the Western Nebraska Fair in that city next tall is as good as and is the direct result of a good lively hustle. A railroad to tap the North Platte valley is also a new enterprise with the well known Wm. F. Cody at its head, and may be considered a very likely under-takinj- r. There is a "Teat deal of this same kind of spirit manifest in western Nebraska which will show great results during the next few years. Kearney Hub. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice i& hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing un- der the name qf Hershey & Co. is this day dissolved bv mutual con- - sent. The business will t?e fcpntiuued py josepu liersney, tne senior member of the late firm, and he will collect alj notes anI accounts due the firm and will pay aj 'debts owing by the firm. "Witness our hands this 1st day of January. 18. Jos. Mks. M. H. HorLMAX. Advertised Letter. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the post office at North Platte, Neb., for the week ending January 3, 189C. Hunter, C E Lott, EP Hogg, John ai Tracy, HW White, John M. LADIES. Campbell, Miss Lillian. Persons calling forabove will please say '.'advertised." AL W. Claik, Postmaster Smoke Wright's Royal Sports and Havana Rose nt cigars'. DEXTISTBY. Dr. Ahvine will bp at tlie Ner oraska Mouse, jNortu llatte, pro- fessionally, Jan. 6, to remain pop week. He will be prepared ,to do all lines of work. Come early. H. W. hjimisp. 5 a Eo. 25 at No. 30 at 40 cts. No. 32 at 45 ots.; No. 34 at 50 cts. 50 10 24 V -- i 4- - lit full We LOW Hershey, if -- EACEC.- Under-Lamp- sr line our prices with any. LEADERS OF Cash Grocery. - For sale. Thoroughbred Pq-land-Ch- ina Boars; April pigs. Price ten dollars, eaclj. Apply toor address N. Spurrier. Nortn Platte, Studebaker Wagons and Buggies at flershey & Go's. Do you want that vault attended to? Send your address I do tho rest. Box 176, city. Dr. A. P. Sawyer I have hail Blicamatlsm rinco I ifiu 20 years old, but eince s!dr yur Family Cure have been free from It. It also cared my hasbami of the same disease. Mrs. Kobt. Gen-nell- y. Brooklyn, Iowa. Sold by F. II. Longley. SMOKERS In search of a good cigar win always nna it at j . Schpalzried's. Try a1 11 tnem anajjiage. J, F. CAMPBELL "(North Sicje Gndger Invites the attention of the. purchasing public to his fresb . and clean stock of Groceries, Provisions, Flour nun Feed Everything as represented and gpgds sold as Ipw -- as the. lowr est. Remember ,the place- - The North Side. Give us a Call

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Page 1: One Lot of All Misses5 at The at - Nebraska Newspapers...when the Irish comedian, Dan Sully, appears in his latest comedy entitled "A Social Lion." This is by far the brightest and

t.j. ..... ;.

Sir. t .u f--.



Spend your cash for grocer-

ies where you can get credit

for 30 days in . case-- you runout of cash;

- We guarantee to meet anyprices named in this paper bycompetitors and give you asuperior article of merchan-

dise. Our Pillsbury's BestFlour, Chase & Sanborn'sCoffee and Tea, New YorkApples, and the celebratedClub House brand of CannedGoods are not carried by anyother house in this city.


either store.


Earnest "Weil, of Grand Islandis visiting1 relatives and friends inthis city.

Frank Orinsby, ot Kearney, isshaking-hand- s with his numerous'North Platte friends.

Ed. Loveland, of this city,shipped a carload of hogs fromHershey yesterday.

The railroad company is fenc-

ing- a section of land near Pallasbelonging- - to the North Platte ditchcompany.

The ladies of the Presbyterianaid society were entertained yes-

terday at the residence of Mr. andMrs. Wmi Broach. ,

A. M. Dill has just had com-

pleted the carpenter work of a hand-some porch upon the south and eastsides of his residence on "West Sixthstreet.

The G. A. R. post at Ogalallainstalls its officers one week from

to-morr- night, and Elder JamesLeonard, of this city, is booked foran address.

A business change is amongthe things upon the tapis in NorthPlatte but The Tribune is not yetat liberty to give the names of theparties to the transaction. -

Last night broke the recordthus far this winter in the matterof coldness, the mercury falling- - to14 degrees below zero at the gov-

ernment signal office.According to the Keith County

News: "Surveyors are at workdirectly north of Hershey for abridge across the North river. Costof the bridge is to be about $8,000.

Next Thursday is the day fixedby law for the new county officersto assume the duties of their re-

spective positions. That date isabout as late in the month as itcould occur.

Capt Hamilton, of the Hamil-ton Guards, the feminine militar'organization of Lexington, is inthis city to-da- y, and will fraternizewith the Cody Guard at its armorythis evening-- .

The whistling in of the newyear Tuesday night caused some ofour more timid citizens to at firstsuppose that a fire had broken outsomewhere in the city. A littlethought and investigation allayedtheir fears.

Grand Island has taxed the insurance companies doing- - businesstherein for the benefit of her firedepartment. This in accordancewith the new state law, NorthPlatte might profitablv follow theidea.

It is said that the sale of reserved seats for the first night's"Wagnerian saengerfest at Omahaamounted to but S1200, while fora similar period in Denver the salesare said to have reached $11,000,

This looks as if Omaha people werenot highly "culchawed."

Interesting-- services at the Presbyterian church Sunday morningand evening-- . In the morning- - Rev.Graves will preach on the subject,"Is Christianity gaining- - or losingground?" and in the evening on""Why men ought to pray." JuniorEndeavor meets at 4:00, and thesenior C. E. at 6:30 p. m.

"While Win. Burrows, foremanof the round-hous- e wipers, was assisting- - in pushing- - the tank of the678 into the round-hous- e this morning- - in some manner he slipped andin falling-- was caught between thesteps upon the tank and a door ofthe round-hous- e. In so doing-- acouple of ribs were fractured. Hewas taken to. his home on a stretch-er, and at last reports he wasresting- - easily.

The Lincoln Journal is author-ity for the statement that the "Wa-

llace Herald has been sold to NorthPlatte parties, but as to just whatwill be done with the plaut is notknown. The probabilities are thatJ. G. Heeler, who is the reputedowner of the outfit, has decided toput some one else in charge, as fortime past the management has notteen altogether satisfactory. Thisfrom the fact that the county at,torney is in Wallace on businesstkis weak. -

Sheriff Miller and wife provided"a handsome wedding- - dinner onWednesday to the newly weddedpair, Mr.' and Mrs. T. T. Keliher.

agent for a new styledvitrified inlet pipe for an irrigationlateral was in the city yesterdayexhibiting some apparatus of in-

terest to irrigators.The ladies ot the Methodist

aid society met with Mrs. Slackyesterday afternoon. The presi-dent of the Presbyterian aid societywas- - present. All report a. goodtime.

--Judge Neville has fitted up anoffice in the old Pe'niston building,just west of the. Hotel Neville,where he will receive clients afternext Thursday.

Accbrding to data furnished byObserver Piercy the month of De-

cember, 1895, was as follows: Thehighest temperature was 67 degreeson the 13 th ult., the lowest was 2degrees on the 2d; total precipita-tion was .11 inches, the greatesthaving been .05 inches on the 7thult.

As has been the custom for anumber of years past a party oftheir friends were regaled with asumptuous repast on New Year'sdav at the residence of Mr. and Mrs,S. Hartman. Each family partici-pating takes its turn in providingthe refreshments at some festalseason.

Manager Lloyd has no theatri-cal entertainments booked for theopera house after "A Social Lion"until some time in March, with theexception of "Tank Kee's" lecture,which has not yet been dated. Thelatter's subject is China, and it issaid the speaker has $60,000 worthof Chinese curios, upon which hecarries an insurance of $42,000. Weunderstand the course of lectureswill be four in number.for which anadmission fee of 75 cents will becharged for the season.

There is to be an irrigation fairheld at North Platte, Neb., sometime this year, and the promotersare making preparations for a grandevent. They are interesting busi-ness men and farmers all over thewestern part of the state, and it isthought that Colonel Cody will takea hand and add no the attractions.In that case the fair may attractnational attention, and at any rateit cannot be other than benefial tothe interests of the state. WesternNebraska has the irrigation fevervary badly, but it is all for the best,

Sioux City Journal.A play is announced for Wed

nesday, January 8th, at Lloyd'sopera house, that will surely crowdthe house. It is Mr. Daniel Sully'slatest comedy, "A Social LionMr. Sully is justly called the mostmost natural Irish actor of the daTHis methods differ- - wholly fromthose of the conventional Irishcomedian, and he is consequentlymore than interesting-- . This season Mr. Sully has surrounded himself with a compamrot players fullycompetent to act well the partsassigned to them, including severalmembers possessing vocal abilitiesof such high order that we may expect a musical treat, in addition tothe hearty laughter that is boundto be caused by the many comedycomplications contained in "ASocial Lion."

iNotnwitnstanaing tne zeroweather last night a large numberof people assembled at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W.Dillard prepared to enjoy themselves at the musicale and sociableof the M. E. church choir. Thateach was well pleased goes withoutsaying. Every number upon theprogramme was well rendered, andwas received with salvos of ap-plause; to attempt to particularizeeach order might seem like an invidious comparison, so these features of the evening's entertainment is best described by sayingthat the tout ensemble was wellnigh perfect. Several dollars wererealized as the net proceeds of theaffair, and each guest regretfullydeparted for his home, fully realizing that he had spent an exceptionally pleasant evening.

The newly elected officers ofthe Rebekah lodge will be installedinto their respective positions tonight, after which an oyster supperwill be served to the members ofthe order, to which eveu the malemembers of the subordinate lodgehave not been invited. In this connectiou we are requested to call theattention of the members of theRebekah sewing circle to the factthat one week from this afternoona sociable will be held at the resi-dence of Mrs. C. H. Stamp. Thepurpose of this last mentioned organization is to raiee a proper proportion of the amount necessary forthe establishment of an Odd Fel-lows' orphanage in Nebraska. - Theplan which they have adopted forthis purpose is about as follows:The ladies are piecing an unusuallyhandsome quilt upon which theyare embroidennjr the names ofthose desirincr the same th'ereon.after which the covering will hefcuctidne'd or raffled off

WeddiD PresentsI

We;have.;a large number ofpieces of silverware which aresuitable for wedding presents.

Preseu ts m

In sterling silver novelties;ornamental as well as usefularticles. When yon need thesegoods remember we keep 'em.

CLINTON, The Jeweler.

Dr. Morrill uses -- a painlessmethod in extracting teeth whichabsolutely harmless.

A private dance vvas held atthe opera house last evening, theparticipants being members of thehigh-fiv- e club which has been meet-

ing weekly for some time past.It is unofficially announced

and propably correctly that trainsNo. 5 and 6 will be taken off, andthat a combination coach will beattached to freights No. 27 and 28for the accomadation ol local travel.

Judge and Mrs. H. M. Grimesentertained the members of theLincoln county bar at a dinnerTuesday evening, to which thelegal lights did justice. Follow-ing dinner a couple of hours waspassed in conversation and at cardgames. The lawyers say it was avery pleasant occasion.

J. H. Kelly, of Ogalalla, wasmarried at the residence of G. W.Dillard in this city on .Tuesdayevening last to Miss Belle Ralston,Rs.v. Crane, of Ogalalla, officiating.Mr. Kelly is principal of the Ogal-

alla schools and is a very popularand testimable young man. Thebride lives at Willow Island, but forseveral years has been deputy tothe county clerk at Ogalalla. Mr.and Mrs. Kellv left for home on theafternoon train Wednesday.

The funniest event of the sea-

son will happen at .the opera housenext Wednesday evening, Jan'y 8th,when the Irish comedian, DanSully, appears in his latest comedyentitled "A Social Lion." This isby far the brightest and best com-

edy ever produced by this originalIrish wit. His support is excellentconsisting of such well knownartists as Dan Mason, the Germandialect artist; Miss Kate Michelena,late of Emma Juch's opera company;Fannie Licester-Alle- n, the charm-ing soubrette. Space will not allowus to enumerate the cast, suffice itto say that Sully is so well knownby our amusement lovers that thehouse should be packed.

At a regular meeting of. S. A.Douglas Circle No. 20, L. of G. A.R., held on New Year's day, theladies were surprised to see thehonorary members come in loadedwith suspicious looking bundles;but the ladies made them welcomeand proceeded with the regularroutine of business. Past Presi-dent Mrs. Klein installed the off-

icers for the new year with grace andprecision. After the closing cere-mony the past counselor announcedthat the ladies had entertained thehonorary members of the circle sooften and bountifully that theydeemed this an .occasion to recipro-cate. Then the mysterious bundleswere opened and a feast of goodthings distributed. A royal goodtime followed, lie ladies beingunanimous in their expressions thatsuch surprises might happen often.



Compare fl(otesBring in your pass books or bill and com-

pare prices-wit-h our's, and see the difference.for yourself. : : : :

Get out; your scales compare, weights Withthose represented on your book or bill; thatis the way the merchants do why shouldyou not do the same?

Yours for Cash Bargains,



Our business men and citizens

especially the former class should

make it a point to be present attheK. P. hall next "Tuesday, Jan'y7th, at the preliminary1 organiza-tio- n

meeting of the proposed rail--

n road up the North Platte river.

This is a matter of the greatest

importance to the future welfare

of the city of North Platte, .andevery one who can possibly be pres-

ent should make it a point to be ce.


N. B. Olds and wife returnedTuesday night from their week'svisit to Chicago.

Charles Burke, returned yesterdayfrom a business trip to Omaha.

Mr. and Mrs. C.f A. Diamond, whbhad been in town for a. week re-

turned to Lincoln yesterday.James McDonald returned Wed-

nesday night from a holiday visitwith Omaha relatives and friends.

Miss Nora Kinsman, who hadbeen visiting North Platte friendsfor a day or two, returned to Jules-bur- g

Tuesdar night.Mrs. Win. Ryan, who has been

visiting her daughter here, Mrs.Wm. Edwards, left for her home inWood River on Wednesday morning.


A meeting of the Lincoln countyagricultural society will be held atthe court house, Thursday evening,January 9th, 1806, at 8 o'clock.Officers for the ensuing year will beelected and business of importancein connection with the' West Ne- -

braska Irrigation Pair will bew ,

sidered. A fu.ll.attendance


ofstockholders Jsdesired.

N. A. Pavis. President.J.B. McDonald, Secretarv.

--Judge H. M.r Grimes . has fixedthe following terms of district courtfor the several counties comprisingthe Thirteenth judicial district forthe year 1896: Banner, April 30thand Dec. 3d; Cheyenne, Feb'y 11thand Oct. 19th; Deuel. March 23dand Oct. 12th; Keith, March 17thand Dec. 14th; Kimball, April 27tand Nov. 30th; Ljueoln, Marsh 3dand Nov., 9th; Logan, June 1st; Mc-Phers- on,

June 8thr (no jury); Per-kins, Feb'y 4th (no jury), April13th and Oct. 26th; Scott's Bluffs,May 4th and Dec. 7th. C. F. Schar.-man-n

has been appointed as courtreporter.

There will be a, joint installa-tion of the newly elected officers ofthe G. A. R. and the W. R. C itsauxiliary at the K. P. hall to-morr-

evening, Jan'y 4th, at 7:30 p.m., to which all the friends of bothorders are cordially invited to bepresent. The following are theofficers elect for S. A." Douglas postfor the ensuing term: Commander,A. McMichael; senior vice-cor- n

.J tit rr t--

maimer, v. j.. urown;. junior vice-c.Qinmand- er,

Chas. Simpson; quartermaster, Geo. Nauman; adjutant,Franklin Peale; .officer of the day,J. W. Voodrv: officer of the o .

Eugene Canright; surgeon, P. H.Ruddy; chaplain, A. M. Mason;color bearer, Ed Myers.

IS WEALTHWe are the People who have


The finest grades of everything in the Grocery Linein the City; always fresh and at prices that



C. G. Hall has fallen heir to the716 temporarily while the old re-

liable 689 is undergoing some slightrepairs.

E. W Ziebert took a brief lay-of- f

for a few nights this week andHarry Rice is officiating as the G.Y. M. of the night yard.

A couple of freight conductorsbecame tangled up in an altercationthe latter part of last week and theway danger signals were displayedwould occasion alarm to the timor-

ous ones.Division master mechanic Mann-

ing while here on Tuesday made agreat "killing" among the enginemen. As a result of the deadlyguillotine some nine firemen arenow out in the cold wintry blastswithout ' a ' situation. Some arefearful that the deadlv snicker-sne- e

has not 3et completed itslabors.

Owing to the --heating of an en-

gine on the First district train No.1 was .very late into Grand IslandWednesday, and two locomotiveswere attached in the hope ot mak-

ing up some of the lost time. Owingto the hinder one running hot shewas set out between this place andthe Sugar city and the train reachedthis city over one hour late. Afreight engine was attached to trainNo. 5, but for some reason the lat-ter train was also way late into thiscity.

The new combination coach andbaggage cars now in use on trainNo. 1 are things of beauty, beingover seventy feet in length fittedup with a bar and barber shop openat all hours, and finished in thehighest style of the coach finisjier'sart. In addition to their handsomeappearance they are bo stronglybuilt that in case of a collisionthere is but little danger of theheavy sleepers behind "telescop-ing" them.


The first annual ball of the NorthPlatte "Wheelmen was held at theopera house. Tuesday evening', andas a social occasion was certainly agreat success. Though the crowdwas not as large as usually patron-ize public dances, the attendantsrepresented North Platte's bestsociety, and this feature added tothe enjoj'metit of all. Quite a num-ber of ladies were members of thereception committee.

There were twenty dances on theprogramme, most of which were thenewer waltzes, aud much grace,ease and gallantry were exhibited.The costunies worn by the ladieswere pretty, and froni the gallerythe scene on the floor was both inrteresting and pleasing. Music wasfurnished by Garlichs' orchestra,and never did that organizationplay better. This is a musicalorganization of which North Platteshould feel proud.

The hall was decorated withChinese lanterns and bicycles. Agreat profusion of the latter werearranged with taste upon the stageand a wheel suspended to eachchandalier.

The gentlemen in charge of theball were very successful in theirefforts to make it a pleasant occa-sion, and they are entitled to thethanks of each attendant. Aboutfifteen dollars were the net receipts.


The "Weeli of Prayer," beginn-ing January 6th, will be observedas usual by union services in thedifferent churches of our city. Thefollowing is the programme for theweek:

Jan.6th In Presbyterian churchsubject, "Humiliation and Prayer."

Jan. 7th Lutheran church; sub-ject, "The Church Universal."

Jan. 8th and 9th Baptist cuurch;subjects, "Nations and their Rul-ers;"a-


on 9th "Foreign Missions."Jau'y 10th and 11th Methodist

church; subjects,. "Home Missions;"and January 11th "Families and


STOLEN.A new mackintosh hunting coat,'

on or about Dec. 14th. Color lightbrown, corners of pockets sewedwitli silk in form of crow feet. Aliberal reward for its return to



Forced sale of 320 acres ofchoice land near Sutherland- - Address 717 Twenty-fift- h street, Den--J

VCf, Col.

Peroaps Ton

But there is a law against falsehood and' deceptionin-a- n advertisement. It is nofpn the statute' books, buC

it is written in the hearts of the people, and when they .

convict merchant of this offense they fine, him like;"sixty." We are willing to accept service any time andt:

submit our case to the people We DO NOT deceiveV-yo-u

in our advertisements. For instance note the price"

on these goods:

One Lot of All

Wool Scar

UnderwearTo Oloeo Out


Misses5 35. ctksMisses'Misses'Misses'

and Vests

Stove Pipe 15 cents a joint.Common Elbows cents each.10-qua- rt Pail cents.

A good ax handle 11 cents.

Also a of

wear? Caps,

and -- Give us a call.

NORTH NEB,One door south of Streitz's drug.

If We Qtm'i

d ihe Best


Ladies Pants



Blankets,Hosiery, Glassware,



We want none. That's our principle in

buying. We deal only with firms who

produce the best. order only thechoicest of the best. Isn't an article in

our store that won't please you. And.

we've everything- - you could wish in

Groceries, Provisions, Queensware,Etc. Compare

You'll find that we are


McDonald'sThe people of North Platte are

shoving" the right kind of spiritand indications are that they willsoon have sotnethiug- - to shpw forit. The holding- - of the WesternNebraska Fair in that city nexttall is as good as andis the direct result of a goodlively hustle. A railroad to tap theNorth Platte valley is also a newenterprise with the well knownWm. F. Cody at its head, and maybe considered a very likely under-takinj- r.

There is a "Teat deal ofthis same kind of spirit manifestin western Nebraska which willshow great results during the nextfew years. Kearney Hub.

DISSOLUTION NOTICE.Notice i& hereby given that the

partnership heretofore existing un-

der the name qf Hershey & Co. isthis day dissolved bv mutual con- -

sent.The business will t?e fcpntiuued

py josepu liersney, tne seniormember of the late firm, and hewill collect alj notes anI accountsdue the firm and will pay aj 'debtsowing by the firm.

"Witness our hands this 1st dayof January. 18.

Jos.Mks. M. H. HorLMAX.

Advertised Letter.List of letters remaining uncalled for

in the post office at North Platte, Neb.,for the week ending January 3, 189C.

Hunter, C E Lott, E PHogg, John ai Tracy, HW

White, John M.LADIES.

Campbell, Miss Lillian.Persons calling forabove will please say

'.'advertised." AL W. Claik, Postmaster

Smoke Wright's Royal Sportsand Havana Rose nt cigars'.

DEXTISTBY.Dr. Ahvine will bp at tlie Ner

oraska Mouse, jNortu llatte, pro-fessionally, Jan. 6, to remain popweek. He will be prepared ,to doall lines of work. Come early.

H. W. hjimisp.



Eo. 25 atNo. 30 at 40 cts.No. 32 at 45 ots.;No. 34 at 50 cts.



24 V --i








Under-Lamp- srline

our prices with any.


Cash Grocery.- For sale. Thoroughbred Pq-land-Ch- ina

Boars; April pigs.Price ten dollars, eaclj. Apply tooraddress N. Spurrier. NortnPlatte,

Studebaker Wagons andBuggies at flershey & Go's.

Do you want that vault attended to?Send your address I do tho rest. Box176, city.

Dr. A. P. Sawyer I have hail Blicamatlsm rincoI ifiu 20 years old, but eince s!dr yur FamilyCure have been free from It. It also cared myhasbami of the same disease. Mrs. Kobt. Gen-nell- y.

Brooklyn, Iowa. Sold by F. II. Longley.


In search of a good cigarwin always nna it at j .

Schpalzried's. Trya1 11tnem anajjiage.


"(North Sicje Gndger

Invites the attention of the.

purchasing public to his fresb.

and clean stock of

Groceries, Provisions,

Flour nun Feed

Everything as represented and

gpgds sold as Ipw --as the. lowr

est. Remember ,the place- -

The North Side.

Give us a Call