online course scottsdale community college professor...

Page 1 of 14 PSY 240 - DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - ONLINE Special Emphasis: Critical Thinking and Global Perspectives in the Study of Psychology ONLINE Course Scottsdale Community College Section: ONLINE COURSES Professor: Dr. Ari Grayson Class Times: Online Access Phone: (480) 423-6206 Office Hours: Meeting times by appointment E-mail: [email protected] Office: SBE 127 TEXT Santrock, J. W. (2011). Life-Span Development, 13th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. I appreciate the harsh reality of the cost of going to college, so I created a customized textbook to help students save money and I included my Gray Matters Study Manual that I developed specifically for students that take my class. You can purchase the combined customized textbook and study guide online or at the Scottsdale Community College Bookstore. Regardless of how you prefer to make your purchase, please understand that the textbook is required. Please make sure you purchase it right away, as the textbook is essential to ensure that you do as well as possible in the course. COURSE DESCRIPTION: “To acquaint the student with basic principles, methods, and fields of psychology such as learning, memory, emotion, perception, physiological, developmental, intelligence, social and abnormal” (SCC General Catalog & Student Handbook, 2006-2007, p. 198). “General Education enhances students’ abilities in critically analyzing and effectively communicating in Written, Oral, Visual, and Numerical form. General Education is WOVeN through the curriculum and co-curricular experiences at Scottsdale Community College” (SCC WOVeN Statement). There are no prerequisites for this course.

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Special Emphasis: Critical Thinking and Global Perspectives in the Study of Psychology


Scottsdale Community College

Section: ONLINE COURSES Professor: Dr. Ari Grayson Class Times: Online Access Phone: (480) 423-6206 Office Hours: Meeting times by appointment E-mail: [email protected]

Office: SBE 127 TEXT

Santrock, J. W. (2011). Life-Span Development, 13th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. I appreciate the harsh reality of the cost of going to college, so I created a customized textbook to help students save money and I included my Gray Matters Study Manual that I developed specifically for students that take my class. You can purchase the combined customized textbook and study guide online or at the Scottsdale Community College Bookstore. Regardless of how you prefer to make your purchase, please understand that the textbook is required. Please make sure you purchase it right away, as the textbook is essential to ensure that you do as well as possible in the course.


“To acquaint the student with basic principles, methods, and fields of psychology such as learning, memory, emotion, perception, physiological, developmental, intelligence, social and abnormal” (SCC General Catalog & Student Handbook, 2006-2007, p. 198). “General Education enhances students’ abilities in critically analyzing and effectively communicating in Written, Oral, Visual, and Numerical form. General Education is WOVeN through the curriculum and co-curricular experiences at Scottsdale Community College” (SCC WOVeN Statement). There are no prerequisites for this course.

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COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. To introduce the student to basic concepts in the study of developmental

psychology. 2. To help the student gain a better understanding of the discipline of developmental

psychology and its focus on life-long development. 3. To introduce the student to major theories, research, terminology, perspectives,

and principles within the field of developmental psychology. 4. To help the student gain an appreciation of a number of individual developmental

psychologists as well as an awareness of the value of their contributions. 5. To enhance the student’s understanding of, and sensitivity to, the impact of

cultural diversity to the developmental process. PARTICIPATION:

Because we do not meet face-to-face, you are required to participate in the discussion board and encouraged to connect with classmates through the chat room. These tools allow you to engage in an exchange of ideas, ask questions, clarify points, share your experiences, and help you to relate the psychology topics which you are studying to your life. These forums should be used to practice your critical thinking skills – so don’t be afraid to question me, your classmates, and of course, yourself!


The Social and Behavioral Learning Center (SBLC) is located in the lobby of the Social and Behavioral Science Building (SBE 158) and the hours of operation are posted outside the Lab. The Learning Center offers assistance with Canvas, tutoring, computer services, and resources for your use, all free of charge. The Coordinator for the SBLC is Jay Hall. Jay (and the SBLC) can be reached by e-mail at [email protected], or by telephone at (480) 423-6223.


A series of assignments have been developed to help you learn more about developmental psychology by engaging in a process of mutual sharing with your classmates and with the professor. Students will work individually and with small groups to learn about specific topics in developmental psychology and then will share that information with the class. See the provided handout for additional information.

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Online assignments consisting of a project, discussion boards, quizzes, exams, have been assigned. Due dates are given and assignments may not be turned in late.


This course is considered an Online Course, meaning that the work will be completed entirely online. There will be no face-to-face class meetings with the professor. This course is organized into four modules. There is also an introductory module for the first week of classes that gets us started and introduces the students to each other and to the instructor. Each module includes the learning objectives for the chapters that will be covered in that module. CANVAS provides you with the due dates for all the activities (readings, assignments, quizzes, and exams) we will be doing during the course of the semester. In each module you are required to do reading in the textbook (or e-textbook), complete assignments, answer questions in the Discussion Board and respond to fellow students, take a practice quiz, and complete the exam. The assignments and activities are designed to help you perform better on the exams so it is highly recommended that you take them by the suggested due dates. Exams must be taken no later than the due date in the course calendar. The Calendar in Canvas provides you with the due dates for all the activities (readings, assignments, quizzes, and exams) that you will be doing during the course of the semester. Any changes to the schedule will be posted online in the Announcements Section and will be updated in the Calendar. You will also be notified via your Maricopa Gmail account of any changes to this schedule. Therefore it is highly recommended that you check often your Gmail account, the Announcements section for any updates, reminders, or new information, and the Calendar to make sure you are keeping up on the assignments and exams. There are many ways to obtain points in the course and to perform well; therefore no extra credit will be given.


There are different types of assignments that will be done online through CANVAS during the course of the semester. Each of these assignments is detailed below. Although you have until the end of the semester to complete these assignments, suggested due dates have been provided on the due date sheet to maximize your understanding of the material and performance in the class. Students are expected to meet all deadlines. Assignments can always be completed early, but not late. It is your responsibility to make sure that an assignment is received and recorded accurately in CANVAS.

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1. Discussion Board Assignments

Discussion board assignments have been created to allow you to further explore some aspect of the material covered in each of the four modules. Discussion board is effectively your classroom time, so treat it like a conversation and use it to relate the material to your life and your thoughts. More detail for what is expected in your discussion board postings is provided below. 2. Practice Quizzes To help you prepare for exams, Practice Quizzes have been created to allow you to test your knowledge of the material being taught in class. There is one Practice Quiz for each exam you will be taking during the semester. It is highly recommended that each quiz be taken prior to its corresponding test. If for any reason you do not take the quiz prior to the test it may be taken until the final due date to turn in work provided on the due date sheet. Quizzes may not be taken after this time for any reason. Instructions, Time Limit and Point Value: You may use your book and class notes to help you with the Practice Quizzes. Each quiz has a one-hour time limit and is worth a maximum of 20 points. All exams are to be taken online. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE YOU ARE READY TO TAKE AND COMPLETE IT AS IT WILL NOT BE RESET. You may take the quiz any time before the deadline, so see the time and dates specified in the Course-at-a-glance, but it is strongly recommended you take the quiz before taking the exam, rather than after. YOU MAY NOT TAKE COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT LATE. 3. Exams Instructions, Time Limit and Point Value: You may use your book and class notes to help you with the Exams. Each of the 1st three exams has a one-hour and fifteen minute time limit and is worth a maximum of 50 points. All exams are to be taken online. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO OPEN THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE YOU ARE READY TO TAKE AND COMPLETE IT, AS IT WILL NOT BE RESET. You may only take the exam between the time and dates specified in the Course-at-a-glance. YOU MAY NOT TAKE COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT LATE. DISCUSSION BOARD POSTINGS: Each module contains one or more Discussion Board questions. These questions focus on the material to be learned in the module. Read each question carefully and make sure your respond to all aspects of the question. Your response should contain information that you learned from reading the textbook, completing course assignments, or participating in classroom discussion. When possible, you should try to apply the information you are learning to your personal experiences.

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In addition to posting a response to each discussion board question, you also need to respond thoughtfully to at least one post from another student. Responding to another student should add to the discussion or stimulate further discussion, rather than merely acknowledge a post. For example, writing "good job," "that's interesting," or "I can relate to that" is fine but not enough to get points. The Discussion Board question will be graded on a 30-point scale according to the following rubric:


• There will be four (4) exams during the duration of this course. You cannot drop any of your exam scores. Grades are raised by mastering the material as evidenced by performing well on exams and assignments.

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• Each exam will cover several chapters in the textbook. You are responsible for information obtained from lectures, reading the textbook, and completing the homework assignments and practice quizzes.

• Exams will consist of 50 multiple-choice questions, with 50 points possible; there is no

partial credit. • There is a 2-hour time limit to complete each exam. All exams will be taken online

through Canvas. DO NOT click on the exam until you are ready to begin the exam as the time clock CANNOT be paused or stopped for ANY REASON. In addition, if you click on an exam, exit, and attempt to go back into it, Canvas will prevent you from doing so.

• Exams MUST BE TAKEN between the dates and times indicated in the

Calendar. Without permission from Dr. Grayson, students will NOT be allowed to

• take an exam late for any reason. Under special circumstances a student may be permitted to take an exam early with permission from Dr. Gray. However, to ensure any request will be considered, a minimum of 1-week prior notice must be provided in writing by the student.

• If you are sick, have an emergency, or a technical problem that prevents you from

taking an exam by the due date you must contact Dr. Gray within 48 hours from the due date of the exam to make arrangements to make up the missed exam. ALL REQUESTS AFTER 48 HOURS WILL BE DENIED. Being inadequately prepared is NOT an acceptable excuse. You are expected to be prepared at all times. If a makeup exam is permitted, it may have to be taken at the Scottsdale Community College main campus and the exam may be administered as a closed-note and a closed-book exam. In addition, a penalty may be applied. During the entire semester you will not be allowed to take more than one test later than the scheduled due date.

• There will be no comprehensive midterm or comprehensive final exam. There will

only be the four (4) exams covering the assigned chapters. • The final exam must be taken during the scheduled time frame; there will be NO

make-up exam for the final exam without PRIOR permission. CLONING ASSIGNMENT (aka: “CLONING – WHAT MAKES YOU, YOU?”)

A semester long project (“Cloning – What makes you, you?”) is required. Detailed information about the project is provided to you through CANVAS. You are encouraged in the STRONGEST of terms to read the assignment thoroughly at the beginning of the semester and to undertake preparation for the project right away. It is not the type of assignment that can be prepared both quickly and well. It requires careful consideration, research, and organization to be done to a level that will meet the expectations of your professor. Plan accordingly.

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The cloning assignment must be typed and submitted in a PDF format. Place your name in the upper right-hand corner of your paper. A supplemental PowerPoint presentation may also be provided and is HIGHLY encouraged. Plagiarism (copying from another source) is grounds for work to be rejected. Work that does not follow these format criteria will not be accepted. You may also do your assignment entirely in PowerPoint, but do not make the mistake of relying on “bullet points.” You are expected to explain and articulate your points fully regardless of the medium you choose for preparing the assignment. Although you may certainly use bullet points, they are no substitute for explanation.


You have until the end of the course to complete the Stanford Prison Study assignment, the Homework assignments, and the Practice Quizzes. Late assignments and quizzes will not be accepted because you had the entire course to complete them. Exams have specific due dates during the course, and in general no late exams will be given or accepted (see section above on “Exams”). However, under extenuating circumstances and with the permission of Dr. Grayson, assignments or exams may be accepted late, but a penalty may be applied. Only one exam may be taken late (see “Exams” for more information).


All scores will be posted automatically in Canvas when the student exits the activity (homework, quiz, or exam). Students have access to Canvas 24/7. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that assignments are received, grades are accurate, and that any inaccuracies are brought to the attention of Dr. Gray within two (2) weeks after due dates, but before the end of the 8-week course.


Your course grade is based on the total number of points you earn during the entire semester. Your grade is calculated as a percentage of the points you earned out of the total points possible according to the following scale: A = 85% and above B = 75% - 84% C = 65% - 74% D = 55% - 64% F = 54% and below

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The professor has the option of withdrawing a student who is not completing work or who is not attending class. Although students may be withdrawn at the discretion of the professor, it is not the responsibility of the professor to drop a student. If you decide to drop the course, you must withdraw from the course administratively. Students who quit participating in the class but do not drop the course administratively may receive a failing grade. Scottsdale Community College policy states that students may not obtain withdrawals in order to avoid obtaining letter grades.


Beyond PSY101, there is no specific knowledge about psychology that you need to have before taking this course. However, there are some general skills you need to be successful in this course.

1. You need to have good reading comprehension skills.

2. You need to have good study habits and the ability to be self-disciplined to complete assigned work in a timely manner.

3. You need to have the commitment to take the time to read the textbook carefully, to complete online assignments, and to really think about and try to understand the material being taught.

4. You need to have basic computer skills. You should be able to use the Internet, be familiar with web browsing, clicking on links, completing information online, and reading and receiving e-mail messages using your Maricopa Gmail address ([email protected]). This is the only student e-mail address allowed in CANVAS. You should be able to create a MS Word document, upload files from your computer to CANVAS, and copy and paste between computer applications.

5. You need to be willing to ask for help when you need it, either by sending me an e- mail message or posting a question online in our Discussion Board.


In order to be successful in an online course there are several expectations you must meet.

1. You need to be motivated enough to keep yourself on track with assignments and exams. It is easy to fall behind, make sure you are keeping up during the semester.

2. Make a commitment to examine your schedule to ensure your success in this class. Carefully consider your other academic, professional and personal demands; it may not be advisable to take this class during extremely busy academic periods, while traveling, while under a heavy work load, and/or when you anticipate major personal obligations such as weddings, surgeries, vacations, etc.

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3. There is a lot of reading and assignments that need to be done on your own. Make sure you budget your time to complete the readings, assignments, and activities during the suggested time frame.

4. Make sure that your technology including computer, browser, and email are in good working order. It is a good idea to have immediate access to another computer and/or browser as a backup.

5. Make sure you ask questions about any material you do not understand. Engaging in discussions helps you to develop a better understanding of psychology.

STUDY SKILLS (taken from Florida State College)

If you are taking an online course, you are probably already familiar with the flexibility and convenience of online learning. However, online learning is not easier than on-campus learning, and requires the same amount of work. Below are some tips for success in online courses:

• Establish a timeline for yourself, and block out time that you can dedicate to your online course

• Establish dedicated study times

• Use a planner or calendar to remind yourself of deadlines for assignments

• Use the communication tools, such as Chat and the Bulletin Board, to build working relationships with other students


This course is conducted entirely online. Therefore you must have access to a computer and a high-speed Internet Connection. You also want to have access to a backup computer should anything go wrong with your computer. This way you can make sure you can continue doing the readings and assignments for the class and that you do not fall behind. This course will use Canvas, which can be accessed from the SCC home page at If you need help logging onto or using Canvas, contact one of the lab technicians in the SBLC.


The best way to contact me is by my e-mail; my e-mail address is [email protected]. I usually respond relatively promptly to e-mail, however due to other college obligations there may be a 48-hour turn-around for me to respond to you. Although I may respond late at night or on weekends, please do not expect me to do so.

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Time Frame For Responding To E-Mail and Discussion Board Questions / Postings I usually respond relatively promptly to e-mail and to Discussion Board questions / online postings, however due to other college obligations there may be a 48-hour turn-around for me to respond to you. I generally am able to respond to e-mail quicker than to Discussion Board. Although I may respond late at night or on weekends, please do not expect me to do so.


Online etiquette or manners are generally known as "netiquette." “As a general rule, you should adhere to the same classroom conduct that you would "off-line" in a face-to-face course (Florida State College).” In other words, you should communicate online in the same manner you would in person in the classroom. Everything posted online should be in complete sentences and grammatically correct. Please do not use abbreviations as you would when texting or e-mailing people (other than abbreviation that convey emotion such as lol or an emoticon as described below). Please be respectful of other’s opinion even if you disagree. This class provides an opportunity for you to test out ideas, explore issues, and to think critically about concepts and perspectives. You are welcome to disagree at any time with me or with fellow students as long as it is done respectfully. By trying to understand different people’s opinions and perspectives you can enhance your critically thinking skills, intercultural competency skills, and even exercise your brain!

Some examples of proper netiquette are (taken from Florida State College

Avoid writing messages in all capital letters. THIS IS GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD AS SHOUTING.

Be careful what you put in writing. Even if you are writing an e-mail message to one person, assume that anyone could read it. Though you may send an e-mail to a single person, it is very easy to forward your message to hundreds or thousands of people.

Grammar and spelling matter. Online courses demand the same standard of academic communication and use of grammar as face-to-face courses.

Never use profanity in any area of an online course. The transcripts of online course bulletin boards, e-mail, and chat sessions are savable. When responding to messages, only use "Reply to All" when you really intend to reply to all.

Avoid unkindly public criticism of others. Publicly criticizing others in an inappropriate way is known as "flaming."

Use sarcasm cautiously. In the absence of nonverbal cues such as facial expressions and voice inflections, the context for your sarcasm may be lost, and your message may thus be misinterpreted.

In a face-to-face setting, our tone of voice and facial expressions may convey as much of our meaning as the words we use. In a written message, the subtext of your meaning may be confused or misinterpreted. "Emoticons" are sometimes used in conjunction with text to overlay emotion in a written message, to clarify the meaning.

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You are probably already familiar with the flexibility and convenience of online learning. However, online learning are not easier than on-campus learning, and they require the same amount of work. There is no specific knowledge about psychology that you need to have before taking this course. However, there are some general things you should know to be successful in this course.

1. You need to have good reading comprehension skills. 2. You need to have good study habits and the ability to be self-disciplined to complete

assigned work in a timely manner. There are a lot of reading requirements and assignments that need to be done on your own. Make sure you budget your time to complete course requirements during the suggested time frame. You need to be motivated enough to keep yourself on track with assignments and exams. It is easy to fall behind, make sure you are keeping up during the semester.

3. Make a commitment to examine your schedule to ensure your success in this class.

Carefully consider your other academic, professional and personal demands; it may not be advisable to take this class during extremely busy academic periods, while traveling, while under a heavy work load, and/or when you anticipate major personal obligations such as weddings, surgeries, vacations, etc.

4. You need to have the commitment to take the time to read the textbook carefully, to

complete online assignments and exams, and to really think about and try to understand the material being taught.

5. You need to have basic computer skills. You should be able to use the Internet, be

familiar with web browsing, clicking on links, completing information online, and reading and receiving e-mail messages using your Maricopa Gmail address ([email protected]). This is the only student e-mail address allowed in Canvas. You should be able to create a MS Word document, upload files from your computer to Canvas, and copy and paste between computer applications.

6. Make sure that your technology including computer, browser, and email are in good

working order. It is a good idea to have immediate access to another computer and/or browser as a backup.

7. You need to be willing to ask for help when you need it, either by sending me an e- mail

message or posting a question online in our Discussion Board. Make sure you ask questions about any material you do not understand and participate in discussions. Engaging in discussions helps you to develop a better understanding of psychology.

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It is the responsibility of each student to bring any questions, concerns, and/or problems to the attention of Dr. Grayson. If you are having problems completing – or are uncomfortable with – any aspect of this course, and you would like help, contact Dr. Grayson. If you have questions, problems, or issues, and if you do not bring these to the attention of the professor, and / or if you wait too long to do so, then you cannot expect solutions.

If you have any questions, difficulties, and/or would like help learning to study, please contact me so we can make arrangements for you to obtain the support you need. I am willing to make any reasonable and appropriate accommodations for limitations due to any documented disability, including learning disabilities. If you have a special need, please let me know so we can discuss the situation.


* As a professor, I am committed to be professional, courteous, respectful, and empathetic to students – and to accomplish the following:

* Be prepared for each class module. * Establish an online “safe space / zone” for students to feel comfortable asking questions,

bringing up issues, and sharing information. * Provide academic feedback and grade assignments in a timely manner. * Be available for individual consultation. * Clarify assignments and inform students of any adjustments to the class schedule. As a student, you are expected to be reflective, courteous, respectful, and empathetic to classmates, to the professor, and to other College staff assisting you in your learning – and to accomplish the following:

* Be prepared for each module. * Be respectful of whatever is discussed and be prepared to engage in meaningful

conversations and exchange of ideas. Do not divulge personal or confidential information that classmates shared for use within our class only.

* Be responsible for information included in the course syllabus. * Participate in online activities. * Follow instructions and complete assignments. * Keep up with and turn in assignments by the due dates. * Put forth your best effort. * Participate in class and ask questions, especially if you don’t understand something. * Maintain knowledge of your grade status. * Contact the professor right away about concerns or situations that interfere with your

success in the class. * Be responsible for knowing and complying with policies found in the College’s General

Catalog & Student Handbook.

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STUDENT MISCONDUCT POLICY: The classroom is an educational learning environment where students are expected to engage in behaviors that are conducive to their own learning and the learning of their peers. To facilitate this, respect for self and others is mandatory and necessary. Should a student exhibit disruptive behavior and/or use profane language to the extent that it interferes with the learning environment, an academic consequence may be imposed. Any student found by a faculty member to have committed academic misconduct may be subject to the following academic consequences:

• Warning – A notice in writing to the student that the student has violated the academic code. • Grade Adjustment – Lowering of a score on a test or assignment. • Discretionary Sanctions – Additional academic assignments determined by the faculty

member. • Course Failure – Failure of a student from a course where academic misconduct occurs.

Further information can be found in the SCC Student Handbook, Academic Misconduct 2.3.11, page 277


A variety of student services can be accessed online. Services are free of charge to all registered SCC students. Refer to the SCC College Resources Student Home Page.


Scottsdale Community College provides equal opportunity to qualified students. If you have a documented disability (medical, physical, learning, psychological, etc.) and wish to request disability-related accommodations to complete course requirements, contact the SCC Disability Resources & Services Office located in the Student Center Building (SC), Room 125. The office may also be reached by telephone at (480) 423-6517 or by TTY at (480) 423-6566. Course requirements cannot be waived, but reasonable accommodations may be provided based on disability documentation and course objectives. Students should also notify the professor of any special circumstances they may have that may affect their ability to participate in class activities or affect their course performance.


Students who are pregnant may receive accommodations similar to those given to students with a temporary illness when deemed medically necessary. Students may be eligible to receive attendance leniency, extended deadlines, alternative test dates, or in cases of severe temporary illness, an “incomplete” from a course. Students who are pregnant should contact Disability Resources & Services for consultation. If a student needs an academic or athletic accommodation due to pregnancy they will need to provide documentation, from their doctor, regarding their condition. Medical documentation regarding absences must also be provided. Disability Resources & Services is located in the SC Building; 480-423-6517.

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Sexual harassment is any unwelcome, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it alters working conditions and creates a hostile environment or reasonably interferes with, limits, or deprives a student of the ability to participate in or benefit from any educational program or activity. Sexual harassment and discrimination in any college education program or activity, is prohibited. Students should report any discrimination and/or harassment they experience and/or observe to the Vice President of Student Affairs (SCC’s Title IX Coordinator); located in the Administration Building (AD), phone 480-423-6300. To view the full Sexual Harassment Policy, refer to the Student Handbook – page 254.


As a faculty member of the Department of Behavioral Science, I place a high priority on providing for students an academic environment that is rich in intellectual stimulation and that is conducive for learning to occur. I am here in a facilitative role, to provide opportunities for learning and to be a resource for you to draw upon. I strive to challenge you and to create a learner-centered environment in which the ultimate responsibility for the acquisition of knowledge rests with you. However, I strive to make sure that all aspects of the courses I design and the instruction I provide are focused on your success. I encourage you to take out of this class the most you possibly can.

Students are responsible for the college policies included in the College Catalog and the Student Handbook. Students are responsible for the information contained in this syllabus. The professor may modify this syllabus at any time! Modifications to the course syllabus as well as exact due dates for assignments and exams will be announced or posted. It is the student’s responsibility to keep abreast of modifications made in the course syllabus as well as to be informed of exact due dates for assignments and exams!