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3Table of Contents

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WHY FORMS? ......................................................................................... 4

CREATING A FORM ............................................................................... 5Form Builder Structure ................................................................................................................... 5

Ribbon Toolbar Tabs ....................................................................................................................... 7

Home Tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Text Objects ....................................................................................................................................... 8

Shapes .................................................................................................................................................. 9

Coordinates, Proportions and Layers .....................................................................................11

Tools ....................................................................................................................................................13

Grid .................................................................................................................................................................13

Guides ...........................................................................................................................................................14

Snapping Objects .....................................................................................................................................15

Move and Resize .......................................................................................................................................15

Alignment ....................................................................................................................................................15

Page Format .....................................................................................................................................17

Context menu ..................................................................................................................................18

IMPORTANT FORM BUILDING NOTES ........................................... 20

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4Form Builder

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WHY FORMS?Chances are your enterprise data collection needs go beyond collecting feedback. Key Survey now offers a Form Builder inside the application. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and a robust set of tools, you can now replicate existing enterprise forms or create entirely new custom forms quickly and easily. The Form Builder interface was designed to provide you with all the needed functionality and flexibility to create the precise layout your business process requires. No matter how complex the workflow or depth of integration, WorldAPP’s Professional Services team will work with you to ensure that Key Survey meets all of your data collection and data integration needs.

In this manual, you will learn how to create forms and utilize the range of features and functionality designed to streamline your data-driven operations.

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CREATING A FORMTo create a form, click the New button near the top of the home page, and then select a creation method.

There are three ways you can create a form: from scratch (1), copying an existing form (2), or using a template (3). These are similar to their respective survey creation methods, but the concept of the Form Builder is slightly different.

Form Builder StructureOnce you have chosen the form creation method, named the form, and clicked Save, you will see the Form Builder. This is where you add and edit questions and other elements.

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6Form Builder

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The Form Builder consists of three main parts:

• The left pane (1) contains a list of all questions and objects in the form. These objects are grouped by their type: Questions, Buttons, Shapes, etc. To expand a grouped list click the plus sign next to it. Note that questions on the current page are under the Questions section, and questions that are not currently placed on any page are under the Question Library section. For example, if you had two pages of questions and delete the second page, its questions will appear under the Questions Library section.

• The grid (2) on the right side is used to edit the form layout.

• The ribbon toolbar (3) organizes all of the major functions for designing the form.

Form elements can be dragged and dropped from the left pane to the grid and vice versa.

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Ribbon Toolbar TabsThe Ribbon Toolbar groups the major functions into three tabs.

Home TabThe Home tab contains the primary features for editing the form, such as:

• Adding New Questions (1)

• Renaming the form (2)

• Styles page with form design options (3)

• Adding Logo and Images (4)

• Defining Forms Settings (5)

• Applying Plugins (6)

• Previewing and Testing the form (7)

• Launching (8) and Printing the form (9)

• Adding special messages to the form (10) – Welcome Back, Header and Footer, Thank you page and Internal notes.

• All these features work for forms in the exact way they work with surveys. But there are also features unique for Form Builder:

• Save (1) button saves changes applied to your form at any time it is clicked.

• Undo (2) button allows you to revert the last changes applied to the form one at a time; vice versa, Redo (3) button applies the undone changes back.

• Text (4) button creates an empty text field on the grid so you could insert additional subheader, notes or instructions if needed. Such text objects would appear under the Other text section on the left pane.

• The Shape button (5) is used to add three types of shapes: Rectangle, Vertical Line, and Horizontal Line. Choosing one immediately adds it to the grid. You can then move it by dragging, and resize it by using the handles at its edges.

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• Use Page Format (6) to change the properties of the form pages. See Page 16 for details.

• Use New Page (7) to add another page to the form. When you have more than one page, navigation controls appear just above the grid. Use Page Order (8) to rearrange the form pages, and Delete Page (9) to remove the current page.

Text ObjectsYou can add instructions, notes and other information as separate Text Objects not connected to any question in a Form structure. Note that such text objects do not appear in reports.

1. Click the Text button (1) on the Home tab and then type your text into the text box (2) that appears.

2. Once the text box is created, it appears under the Other Texts section (3) in the left pane.

3. When editing a Text element, the ribbon toolbar automatically switches to the Edit tab, which provides familiar formatting and editing controls, including Undo (4) and Redo (5).

This pane has usual document editing tools along with additional options for discarding changes made step by step (4), applying them back (5) and saving all the work (6) at anytime.

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4. The Text element will automatically adjust its size to accommodate the text entered, but can still be resized using the provided handles.

ShapesSometimes it is needed to add additional lines or frames to your form layout. These element can be found under the Shapes section on the Ribbon toolbar. When a shape on the form is selected, the ribbon toolbar automatically switches to the Edit tab, showing controls for editing the shape.

Three elements are available here: Rectangles, Vertical and Horizontal lines. To insert the element click on Shapes and select needed type. Once you picked the object it appears on the Grid. Right after creation it has defaul size and color, but special set of controls allows you to resize and format your element easily:

Line Size (1) sets the thickness of the line the shape is drawn with, and the color selector (2) next to it

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sets the line color. When working with a rectangle, you can activate the Filled check box (3) and use the second color selector (4) to choose the fill color.

Note: Shapes do not appear in form reports.

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Coordinates, Proportions and LayersFor more precise control over the layout of form elements, you can use the following controls found on the Edit tab:

Every element on the grid has its own coordinates, size and position.

• While the size of an element can be changed by dragging its handles, you can be more exact by using the W and H boxes (1) to change the width and height, respectively.(1)

• Similarly, you can use the X and Y boxes (2) to change the position of an element, allowing for pixel-perfect placement.

• Elements on the grid can overlap. You can customize this by using the Layer controls (3) on the Edit tab. The four buttons from left to right are: Bring to Front, Send to Back, Send Backward (1 layer), and Bring Forward (1 layer). You can also change the value in the Layer box to move an element a desired number of layers forward or backward in a single action.

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• The Lock button (4) will freeze the selected element in place so it cannot be accidentally moved or resized. The color of its handles will change to red to indicate this. This can be done with multiple elements at once by selecting all of them before clicking Lock

• The Attribute Default button (5) can be used to set the selected element to its default size and shape, depending on its type and contents.

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ToolsThe third tab on the ribbon toolbar has advanced design features. Using them can save you time and help you with precise form building.

GridThe grid size (1) and brightness (2) can be adjusted using the provided dropdowns. Size options include both inches and centimeters.

The grid can be disabled by selecting No grid in the Grid size dropdown. Note: If Snap objects to grid is enabled, it will still work with Brightness set to 0% when the grid is enabled.

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GuidesGuides are custom grid lines that make it easier to align objects. They can be added, moved or disabled at any time. To customize them, click the Guides button (3). Activate the check boxes for the horizontal and vertical guides you would like to see.

Change the pixel value for an active guide to adjust its position. Click the Guides default button to revert to the original guide settings. Click the Close button when finished editing the Guides settings.

On the grid, visible guides can be dragged to change their position. Note that guides are only visible in the Form Builder. They are not show in Preview mode or in the live form.

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Snapping ObjectsSnapping can be used to precisely align multiple elements on the form by dragging them.

There are three snap methods available:

• Snap objects to grid – The selected object automatically snaps to the nearest grid lines.

• Snap object to guides – The selected object automatically snaps to the nearest available guide lines. Note if you would like to snap the element to a certain guide line, move it toward this line untel the guide becomes solid line.

• Snap guides to grid – The selected guide line automatically snaps to the nearest grid line.

Snapping can be activated or deactivated at any time by checking or unchecking the appropriate options. Note that when both Snap objects to grid and Snap objects to guides are activated, the selected object will snap to the nearest line of either type when dragging it.

Move and ResizeAnother way to adjust the position and size of an object is using the Move and resize button on the Tools tab.

• Move arrows (1) – These move the selected object in the indicated direction, one pixel at a time.

• Resize arrows (2) – These resize the selected object by moving the edge corresponding to the arrow position, one pixel at a time. Note that the mode of these buttons can be toggled using the Make larger and Make smaller buttons (3)

• The Width, Height, and All buttons will proportionally resize an object either smaller or larger, depending on which button is selected above. Since both or all edges are moved by this, the height and/or width changes by two pixels at a time.

• The Lock position and size button will freeze the selected object in place, preventing any accidental change to its size or position. Its handles will turn red to indicate it is locked.

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AlignmentWhen you have a group of elements on the Grid, you can easily align them to the left, right, bottom, top or center using Alignment option.

For example, we have three objects selected on the grid:

These are examples for each alignment option:

Horizontal Top: Middle: Bottom:

Vertical: Left: Center: Right:

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Page FormatPage Format allows you to set additional page settings. Note that these settings apply to all pages of the form.

Measurement units is used to set the grid rulers to centimeters (1) or inches (2).

• Orientation can be either Portrait or Landscape.

• Paper size options are useful for printed forms. Select the format you are going to print the form in and green grid guides will adjust automatically. Note that elements placed outside the green guide lines will still be visible on the form.

• Define Web value in pixels and blue guide line adjusts on the grid. This line helps to keep form design built for a certain website for example.

• The Printed pages on screen option changes the grid size to include the number of pages selected. The size of the printed pages is controlled with the Paper size dropdown mentioned above. Note that these settings are not related to the number of pages the online form has (see Page 7).

• The Max screen height value sets the height of the blue guide line at the far right of the grid. This is a helpful guide for staying within size constraints imposed by other factors, such as other content on a web page where the form will be displayed.

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Context menuThe left pane of the Form Builder has context menu functionality. Right-click an element in the tree to see a menu with options specific to that type of element.

Some of the options in the menu are for features also available in the ribbon toolbar.

Options unique to the context menu are:

• Change question number – This allows changing the Q number order of selected questions, without changing their placement on the form.

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• Move To Page – This sends the selected question to the selected page. The Q number is not changed.

• Visible on RBR only – This feature hides the question from respondents even though it is placed on the gird. It will still be shown in the report’s View By Respondent mode.

Different context menu examples:

• Right-click on the Header

• Right-click on Other Texts:

• Right-click on Other Images:

• Right-click on Shapes:

• Right-click on Header element on the grid:

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IMPORTANT FORM BUILDING NOTES• Page 1 of a password protected form should have only the password question on it. All other

questions should be on page 2 or later.

• Unlike a Logic in a survey, Logic in a form works on a per-page basis. It cannot be pointed to a specific follow up question and is instead pointed to a later page.

• The following plugins do not work with forms:

– Section Randomization

– Question Randomization

– Select All Checkbox

– Fixed Header for Rate and Matrix Questions

• Forms cannot be a part of Common-password or Multilingual solution.