open archives initiatives(final)

(OAI) Prepared By: Awas, Marevil M. And Taag,Floyd S. en Archives Initiat

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Page 1: Open archives initiatives(final)


Prepared By: Awas, Marevil M.

And Taag,Floyd S.

Open Archives Initiative

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What is Open Archives

Initiatives (OAI) ?

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• an organization to develop and apply technical interoperability standards for archives to share catalog information (metadata).

• It attempts to build a "low barrier interoperability framework " for archives

institutional repositories containing digital content (digital libraries).

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institutional repositories>are digital collections of the outputs created within a university or research institution.

>an online archive of an instution’s scholarly papers,deposited by their authors.

Example of institutional repositories

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Example of Interoperability

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Example of Online low barrier interoperability framework

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• OAI standards allow a common way to provide content, and part of those standards is that the content has metadata that describes the items in Dublin Core format.

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Example of Online OAI

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Example of Online OAI

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Example of Online OAI

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The word “Open Archive”(OA)frequently conjure up images of information access without any associated cost or restriction or limit.“Repository” is frequently used as a synonym for an OA.In the traditional DL context, a repository is a collection of digital objects, but in the context of the OAI, it has to be network accessible and it has to support the OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol.

Repositories and Open Archives

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1. Develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content.

2. Has its roots in an effort to enhance access to e-print archives as a means of increasing the availability of scholar communication.

Mission of the


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Conceived as the Universal Preprint Service (UPS).• Oct. 1999 First meeting in Santa Fe, NM, a forum to

discuss and solve matters of interoperability between author self-archiving solutions (I.e. eprints). Re-named the Open Archives Initiative.

• Feb. 2000 Santa Fe Convention released, defining the technical and organizational framework.

• Sept. 2000 OAI extends interoperability framework beyond eprints – develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content – and appoints steering committee.

Open Archives initiative timeline

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OAI Technical Framework

• Feb. 2000 Santa Fe Convention, defines:– Open Archives Metadata Set – Harvesting interface based on a subset of the Dienst

protocol. • Jan. 2001 OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol (MHP)

Version 1.0, an application-independent interoperability framework that can be used by a variety of communities engaged in publishing content on the Web

• Jun. 2001 MHP Version 1.1 updated for W3C XML Schema specification recommendation of May 2001

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Open Archive Initiatives Object Reuse and Exchange

• the goal of these standard is to expose the rich content in aggregations of web resources to applications that support authority, deposit, exchange, visualization, reuse and preservation.

• defines standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of web resources.


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the standards support the changing nature of scholarship and scholarly communication, and the need for cyber infrastructure to support the scholarship, with the intent to develop standards that generalize across all web-based information including the increasing popular social network of “Web 2.0”

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Example of Online OAI-ORE

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Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting

a mechanism that enables data providers to expose their metadata—is seeing very rapid deployment, and enables a fascinating array of new services and system architectures for a diverse set of communities.


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is a protocol developed for harvesting (or collecting) metadata descriptions of records in an archive so that services can be built using metadata from many archives.

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Example of Online OAI-PMH

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Example of Online Oai-pmh

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Two Classes of Participants

Data Providers• administer systems that support the OAI-PMH as a means of

exposing metadata. adopt the OAI technical framework as a means of exposing metadata about their content.

Service Providers• is a company that provides organizations with consulting,

legal, real estate, education, communications, storage, processing, and many other services.

• harvest metadata from data providers using the OAI protocol and use the metadata as the basis for value-added services.

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Example of Service Providersand Data Providers

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Summary• What is Open Archives Initiatives (OAI)?Develops and promotes interoperability standards

that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content.

• InteroperabilityConnection of computer to other computer which

make scholarly communications like academic journals available,associated with open access publishing movement.

• Institutional repositoriesSpecific example in BSU is the BSU virtual library.

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• Open Archives Intiative TimelineThe summary of the history of the OAI.• Open Technical FrameworkIt contains the basic structure of Oai.Mhp-

metadata Harvesting Protocol while Xml-extensible Markup Language.

• OAI-OREVocabulary word:

1.Scholarly communication process of academic,scholars,and researchers sharing and publishing their research findings so that they are available to the wider academic community.

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2.Cyber infrastructure to describe research environments that support advanced data acquisition,data storage,data management,data mining,data integration and other computing and information processing services distributed over the internet beyond the scope of a single institution.• Oai-pmhTwo Classes of Participants:1.Data providers2.Service providers

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• Carl Lagoze (Senior Research Associate in Computing and Information Science at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA. He is also Director of Technology Strategy in the NSDL.)• Herbert Van de Sompel (Digital Library Researcher at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA.)• • Lagoze, C., & Van de Sompel, H. (2003). The Open Archives Initiative:

Building a low-barrier interoperability framework. Retrieved April 30, 2003,from

• Hussein Suleman [email protected] Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech,Blacksburg, VA, USA +1 540 231-3615

• Edward Fox [email protected] Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA +1 540 231-5113


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• exchange#sthash.Sfh4Zlh8.dpuf.

• Lagoze, Carl; Van de Sompel, Herbert (May 2007), Compound Information Objects: The OAI-ORE Perspective.• Protocol Version 2.0 of 2002-06-14 Document Version 2002/06/

10T11:00:00Z• Clifford A. Lynch, "Metadata Harvesting and the Open Archives

Initiative,“ARL: A Bimonthly Report, no. 217 (August 2001): 1-9