promoting and supporting open archives in europe: the open archives forum project

DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002 Promoting and Supporting Open Archives in Europe: The Open Archives Forum Project Donatella Castelli IEI-CNR [email protected]

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Promoting and Supporting Open Archives in Europe: The Open Archives Forum Project. Donatella Castelli IEI-CNR [email protected]. General Information. EU-IST V Framework Accompanying Measure Partners UKOLN, University of Bath IEI-CNR, Pisa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

Promoting and Supporting Open Archives in Europe:

The Open Archives Forum Project

Donatella Castelli


[email protected]

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

General Information

EU-IST V Framework Accompanying Measure

Partners– UKOLN, University of Bath

– IEI-CNR, Pisa

– Computing Centre of Humboldt-University, Berlin

Commencement date

October 2001


2 years

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002


Create a European forum for discussing issues related

to the open archives and for disseminating information

about the implemented solutions

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

Open Archives


repository of digital information

Open archive

provides a machine interface for making its content available to external services

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

Open Archives Initiative (OAI)

Santa Fe (New Mexico) – July 1999

Scientific communities that publish their pre-prints on electronic archives

ArXiv (Los Alamos National Laboratory Physics Archive -100.000 papers, 50.000 user daily)

CogPrints (University of Southampton - papers on Psychology)

NCSTRL (University of Cornell - papers on Computer Science from 120 Organisations)

NDLTD (electronic theses and dissertations)

RePEc (papers on Economics)

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

Santa Fe Meeting objective

To explore the co-operation among e-print archives as a way to contribute in a concrete manner to the transformation of the scholarly communication

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

Key Issues

To solve the problem of interoperability among the e-prints archives

Very simple, low-barrier to entry interface that could shift implementation complexity and operational processing load away from the archives

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

Solution proposed

Common Interface


Common Interface



Common Interface

Data providers

Service providers

search browse

personalised dissemination OAI

Protocol for Metadata Harvesting

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

OAI Metadata Harvesting Protocol

6 protocol requests– Get record– Identify– ListIdentifiers– ListMetadataFormats– ListRecords– ListSets


XML response format

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

OAI compliant data and service providers

Around 80 archives have implemented OAI-PHM

8 OAI compliant services already available

– Cross-archives search• Arc• citebaseSearch

– Cooperative work support, personalised dissemination

• Cyclades• Torii

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

OAI other comunities

Other communities– Libraries– Museums

Budapest Open Archives Initiative

(Open Society Institute – Soros Foundation)

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

OA-Forum objectives (cont.)

Provide a Europe-based forum for discussing and disseminating information about the issues related to the open archives

(e-print archives - scholarly community – OAI-PMH,

other archives - communities - solutions)

Provide experiences exchange channel between projects/communities in Europe

Provide a platform for interacting with the international open archive community

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

OA-Forum activities

Maintain a Web accessible repository of information and an e-mail discussion list about the implementation of open archives in Europe

Co-ordinate technical and organisational evaluations of the open archives approaches

Organise a series of workshops to share experience and promote good practice

Support European liaison with OAI

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Partial map of the European activity - OAI

United Kingdom and Germany - strong

North European Countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, The Netherlands) – good

Eastern and Mediterranean countries – few

….. a lot of interest everywhere….

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DLM-Forum - Barcelona, 7-8 May 2002

1st Workshop: participants

80 participants 12 European Countries

France, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Norway

CommunitiesScientific e-prints, libraries, astrophysical data archives, legal archives, medicine archives, video and multimedia archives

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1st Workshop: Topics

Communities and services

• What communities can benefit from the open archive approach?

• Which types of services becomes possible? • Is OAI-PMH powerful enough to support interoperability

among archives of different types?• What lessons have been learned by early-adopters of the

open archives approach in the context of service provision?

• Can we extend openness to services? How can this be supported?

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1st Workshop: Topics (cont.)

Definition of the key vocabulary

– Can we agree on basic terminology?– What are the main concepts that are used in the open

archive everyday activity? – Do these concepts differ for different communities? – Are the definitions of these concepts clear? – Can we jointly build a glossary?

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1st Workshop: Topics (cont.)

Organizational Issues

– What lessons about organizational issues, both barriers to adoption and positive factors, can we learn from early adopters?

– Which are the business models adopted? – Are there issues related to subject-based archives as

opposed to institutional-based archives? – Can organizations reach consensus on metadata formats?

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Next steps

Report on the results of the 1st OA-Forum Workshop

Expert Review on IPR issues

E-mail discussion list for non-technical OAI issues

[email protected]– to inform people about our activities and results– to allow them to post issues

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