open door - filevice is now using the agape room for the summer. activities...

6509 Bosque Blvd. Waco, TX 76710 Phone: (254)772-3416 Fax: (254)772-9354 Email: [email protected] Meet the Staff Pastor Wayne Williams Transitional Minister Rev. Richard Roland Interim Business Admin Vonessa Barker Administrative Assistant Carrie Forehand Choir Director Brad Forehand Handbell Director Cristina Mathis Organist/Pianist Pam Huffstatler Director, CDC Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:00am—3:00pm Pastors Hours Monday-Wednesday 8am-12pm Or By Appointment June 16 Morning Worship-99 Offering-$3,991 June 23 Morning Worship-84 Offering-$9,984 June 27, 2019 THE OPEN DOOR LAKEWOOD CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) An Open Door to a Vital FaithDear Lakewood, First of all, I missed being in worship last week while I was leading a mis- sion team to Peru. I will write a separate article about the ministry in Peru for those of you interested. Honestly, I thought about church the entire time I was in South America, which is very unusual for me. I can tell how God is leading my heart, and that was neat to see. I have been reading emails updating me on the Better Together Team as well as the Lake- wood vote on June 16. I am so encouraged! When I described to the Pe- ruvian pastors what I see happening between Lakewood and Renew, their response was one of surprise: churches dont often act like that.I agreed with them. Sometimes we hear of people and churches behaving badly- what a blessing to hear about churches trying to work together and tell more people in Waco about Jesus Christ. These are great days! You have no doubt noticed some of the updates to the facility that have begun this past week. First, the childrens wing is getting a thorough facelift. You will soon see (and hopefully hear!) evidence of changes in our sound technology in the sanctuary. Microphones, cords and the sound mixing board, among other things, are being replaced or updated. What I am hoping you will experience is better overall quality of the sound from things spoken or sung in worship. Finally, once these two areas are complete, the Roland/Rausch Fellowship Hall will get a little makeover as we prepare to host youth and families. Even though these are exciting things, they are also inconvenient. Thank you for your patience as we try to get all of this done over the summer to kick off our August ministries strong! Since first coming to Lakewood campus back in February, I have been asking the Lord to make a way for us all to come together to serve Him. Lakewood has much to offer Renew, even as Renew itself has much to offer. I am thinking of Ecclesiastes 4:7-12. We often refer to vv. 9-12 only, but take a moment to look at vv. 7-8 also, as they provide context. To be all alone in our toil, even toil for the Lord, may not be Gods intent. I think Heaven is smiling as we prayerfully, hesitatingly, awkwardly stumble for- ward towards truly uniting for Gods glory. Im happy to be on this journey with each of you! Pastor Wayne Williams

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Page 1: OPEN DOOR - filevice is now using the Agape Room for the summer. Activities that were taking place in the Agape Activities that were taking place in the Agape

6509 Bosque Blvd. Waco, TX 76710

Phone: (254)772-3416 Fax: (254)772-9354

Email: [email protected]

Meet the Staff

Pastor Wayne Williams Transitional Minister

Rev. Richard Roland Interim Business Admin

Vonessa Barker

Administrative Assistant

Carrie Forehand Choir Director

Brad Forehand Handbell Director

Cristina Mathis Organist/Pianist

Pam Huffstatler Director, CDC

Office Hours Monday—Friday 9:00am—3:00pm

Pastor’s Hours Monday-Wednesday

8am-12pm Or

By Appointment

June 16 Morning Worship-99


June 23 Morning Worship-84


June 27, 2019 THE


“An Open Door to a Vital Faith”

Dear Lakewood, First of all, I missed being in worship last week while I was leading a mis-sion team to Peru. I will write a separate article about the ministry in Peru for those of you interested. Honestly, I thought about church the entire time I was in South America, which is very unusual for me. I can tell how God is leading my heart, and that was neat to see. I have been reading emails updating me on the Better Together Team as well as the Lake-wood vote on June 16. I am so encouraged! When I described to the Pe-ruvian pastors what I see happening between Lakewood and Renew, their response was one of surprise: “churches don’t often act like that.” I agreed with them. Sometimes we hear of people and churches behaving badly- what a blessing to hear about churches trying to work together and tell more people in Waco about Jesus Christ. These are great days! You have no doubt noticed some of the updates to the facility that have begun this past week. First, the children’s wing is getting a thorough facelift. You will soon see (and hopefully hear!) evidence of changes in our sound technology in the sanctuary. Microphones, cords and the sound mixing board, among other things, are being replaced or updated. What I am hoping you will experience is better overall quality of the sound from things spoken or sung in worship. Finally, once these two areas are complete, the Roland/Rausch Fellowship Hall will get a little makeover as we prepare to host youth and families. Even though these are exciting things, they are also inconvenient. Thank you for your patience as we try to get all of this done over the summer to kick off our August ministries strong! Since first coming to Lakewood campus back in February, I have been asking the Lord to make a way for us all to come together to serve Him. Lakewood has much to offer Renew, even as Renew itself has much to offer. I am thinking of Ecclesiastes 4:7-12. We often refer to vv. 9-12 only, but take a moment to look at vv. 7-8 also, as they provide context. To be all alone in our toil, even toil for the Lord, may not be God’s intent. I think Heaven is smiling as we prayerfully, hesitatingly, awkwardly stumble for-ward towards truly uniting for God’s glory. I’m happy to be on this journey with each of you! Pastor Wayne Williams

Page 2: OPEN DOOR - filevice is now using the Agape Room for the summer. Activities that were taking place in the Agape Activities that were taking place in the Agape

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Happening Now^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you have been to the church and walked through the halls it’s not hard to know that something is happening! There are things in temporary places most everywhere!

The refurbishing of the Educational Wing is under way. This section of the building has been closed off to allow the work to be done. Our Godly Play program during our traditional morning worship ser-vice is now using the Agape Room for the summer. Activities that were taking place in the Agape Room are now meeting in the Forum Room. Fellowship Hall has a new look even before it receives new flooring and other improvements. The Quilters have moved many of their supplies and Lake-wood’s collection of storage items has been moved or disposed of.

There has been a good flow of traffic through our library with a number of books and other items taken. Wednesday, June 26 through Sunday, June 30, all of these items are available to the families, teachers and staff of our Lakewood Child Development Center and Renew Church people along with Lakewood members and friends. You will need to bring something to put your books and other items in. There is nothing available in the library for this.

We are currently working with the Friends of the McLennan County Library about coming early next week and taking whatever books they can use in their annual book sale. We are also in contact with Goldens Book Exchange about taking whatever books remain after the Friends of the Library have taken what they can use. As soon as the current library room is cleared, it will be converted into of-fice space for Renew Church. Renew is currently adding staff persons and needs as soon as possi-ble a place for them work. Much has been said about the increased worship attendance for our Lakewood traditional worship service and the large number of persons worshiping with Renew in their contemporary services. This is a huge blessing for all of us.

Very little has been said about the faithful stewardship of the persons in both churches. Our con-sistent Lakewood giving continues and is funding all of our ministries. Renew is experiencing the same faith response as all of their ministry including Wayne’s salary, the $300,000 refurbishing mon-ies and all of the other things they are doing, are totally funded by the people of Renew. They are receiving no “outside” assistance to do their work. This is remarkable for both churches!

A reminder that this coming Sunday, June 30 will be our second trial Sunday with three morning worship services. Lakewood’s traditional service will be at 8:30 am. Renew contemporary worship services will be at 9:45 and 11:00 am. God is alive and well in Lakewood and Renew! Richard

Renew Church Worship Service

Page 3: OPEN DOOR - filevice is now using the Agape Room for the summer. Activities that were taking place in the Agape Activities that were taking place in the Agape

What is the ministry in Peru all about?? For 19 years I have led groups down to Chincha, Peru (population over 400,000 now) on mission trips. These trips last for one week, and most often I try to do 2 back-to-back weeks in January as well as 2 back-to-back weeks in June. Week 1 this June had 55 people on it, and week 2 has 10 people on it (far fewer than normal). On these trips we do medical/dental/eyeglass clinics, we teach English in 3 schools, and we build churches and schools. The average worker in Chincha survives on $10 a day. The poorest people live on (if you can believe it) about $2 a day. Most all of the peo-ple we serve in our clinics are somewhere in this range of poverty. The stories we come back with are amazing, and God consistently uses this trip to change people who go. I want to invite you to go with me in January or June of 2020. A valid US passport is required. Cost for the trip is $1500/person, unless you go for both weeks and that second week would add (only) another $200 to your cost. The deadline for signing up (filling out a short Mission Trip Application and turning in a non-refundable $800 deposit) is September 1 for the January trip. Tentative dates for January are January 2-9 and January 9-16. Please pray about it and feel free to meet with me with any questions you may have. This trip is not too demanding physically. You sleep in a bed and will eat delicious Peruvian cuisine cooked by the sweetest grandmas you ever met. It is an amazing adventure, and I pray every one of you who is willing gets a chance to live it out! Let me know, and thanks for reading this! We could always use your financial support, if you would like to give to help a student participate. Just make sure you put “Peru” somewhere on your giving, and make checks out to Renew as we have a Peru Fund already set up. Pastor Wayne

Page 4: OPEN DOOR - filevice is now using the Agape Room for the summer. Activities that were taking place in the Agape Activities that were taking place in the Agape

Just a reminder that the Warm Hugs Blanket

Group continues to meet during the summer

months. The summer months allow some of our edu-

cators to join us while not in the classroom. We

would like to extend an invitation to any ladies of Re-

new Waco Church to join our LCC Warm Hugs Blan-

ket making sessions. This is a great way to visit

(while being productive) and get to know one anoth-

er. If you have any questions, talk with some of our

regulars, Lana Dunham-Gilbert, Janda Hill, Sue

Lowry, Daisy Moses, Jean Vestal or Marilyn Jackson.

Our next meeting will be Monday, July 8th, in the

Fellowship Hall, 1:30 to 4:00. Come see just how

easy it is to assemble these fleece blankets. A good

pair of scissors is the only thing you need to bring.

We have several fabric selections to choose from, so

grab your scissors, invite a friend, and join us on

Monday, July 8th. See you there!


Michael Murray, Buck and Deanne Bigham's son-in-law, died Mon-day, June 24th, in Phoenix, AZ. Arrangements are pending. We will share more information as it becomes available. Let's remem-

ber Jan, Michael's wife, Buck, Deanne and others in the family in our moments of prayer. Carrie Forehand's uncle, Jack Lawson passed away Sunday, June 23. He had been on hos-pice care for awhile. Funeral services will be sometime this week. Please keep Carrie, and the rest of Jack's family and friends in your prayers. Patti Beaty’s very good friend, Deborah Davison, has unexpectedly lost her father, Bob John-son, in Sanderson, TX. Bob and his wife, Maggie had been married 53 years. Please keep Deborah, Maggie, and the rest of Bob’s friends and family in your thoughts and prayers.

Thank you notes have been received from: H & A Real Estate Team, for allowing them to have the Shred Event at the church.

Meals On Wheels, for the recent gift of $200

Page 5: OPEN DOOR - filevice is now using the Agape Room for the summer. Activities that were taking place in the Agape Activities that were taking place in the Agape

Serving Schedule

JUNE 30, 2019 COMMUNION PREP: Jennifer & Rachel Roach


LOAF: Terry Ermoian


COUNTING TEAM: Jim Young Sue Lowry JULY 7, 2019 COMMUNION PREP: Scott & Wendy Cromie


LOAF: Rick Cross


COUNTING TEAM: Russell Scott Ken Carothers

Everett Alexander, Lynette Baugh, Charles Beaty, Family of Mel Bergman, Ethel Biddle, Buck Bigham, Mike Brown, Miranda Brown & family, Sunny Brous, Phyllis Chapman, Family of Joann

McNamara Clifton, David Coody, Elizabeth Cordero, Becky Cor-nett, Casey Daugherty, Earl Delaney, Family of Darrell Dun-gan, Vaughn Ermoian, Gary Fra-ser, Marian Fraser, Jerred Glas-gow, Adelle Gray, Gene Hall & Family, Jerry Hall, Marietta Hol-combe, Pam Huffstatler, Family of Bob Johnson, Ellen Julsen, Tori Karger, Evan & Baby Tate, Doro-thy Kendrick, Lonna Kincaid, Family of Jack Lawson, Gloria Martin, Bill Mathews, Jean McAtee, Pat McFerrin, Lucretia Meer, Doris Mize, Family of Mary Nell Murphree, Family of Mi-chael Murray, Tom Pardaen, San-dra Raley, Pat Rash, Jerry Ste-phens, Terry Sutcliffe, Valerie Swiger, Bill Tobin, Ann Turner, Patrick Valentine, Melba Wal-drop, Sharon Walker, Marlene Walker, Emily Wettland, Mike White

Happy Anniversary June 27-July 10

Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Moses-27th Mr. & Mrs. Al Thurston-28th

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ermoian-2nd Mr. & Mrs. Heath Mosley-9th

Happy Birthday June 27-July 10

Logan Fraser-28th Charles Holley-28th

Aiden Forehand-30th Mickey Magee-1st

Patti Beaty-3rd Cathy Banks-6th Amy Mosley-8th

Pepper Seaman-9th Dora Essary-10th Jim Young-10th

New Email

Pastor Wayne has recently changed his email address to : [email protected]

Page 6: OPEN DOOR - filevice is now using the Agape Room for the summer. Activities that were taking place in the Agape Activities that were taking place in the Agape

Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri Sat

27-Newsletter Van-Azle CC Quilters (SH) Classroom 9:30-3:00 Quilters (SIS) F Hall 9:30-3:00

28-Vonessa Out of Office Van-Azle CC

29 Van-Azle CC

30 LCC Worship 8:30 Elders Meeting 9:30 Sunday School 9:30 Renew Worship 9:45 & 11:00

1-Vonessa Out of Office

2-Vonessa Out of Office Men’s Bible Study FH 7:00am

3-Vonessa Out of Office Renew Youth (Fellowship Hall) 5:30-7:30

4 Independence Day Office Closed

5-Vonessa Out of Office July 11th Newsletter Deadline


7 Sunday School 9:30 LCC Worship 10:30 Renew Worship 6:00

8 Warm Hugs 1:30-4:00

HS Quilt Guild Board Meeting F Hall 6:00-8:00

9 Men’s Bible Study FH 7:00am

10 Renew Youth (Fellowship Hall) 5:30-7:30

11-Newsletter Quilters (SH) Classroom 9:30-3:00 Quilters (SIS) F Hall 9:30-3:00 Boy Scouts 7:00-8:00



14 Sunday School 9:30 LCC Worship 10:30 Renew Worship 6:00

15 HS Quilt Guild Meeting F Hall 5:30-9:00

16 Men’s Bible Study FH 7:00am Quilter’s Workshop FH 9:00-3:00

17 Renew Youth (Fellowship Hall) 5:30-7:30

18 Quilters (SH) Classroom 9:30-3:00 HS Quilt Guild Bazaar Bee 10:00-3:00 CDC Deco-rating FH for Fundraiser 3:00

19 July 11th Newsletter Deadline CDC Dinner/Dance Fundraiser in FH 5:30

20 Foster Parent Meeting Forum Room 8:00-12:00

21 22 23 24 25-Newsletter 26 27

Coming Up at

Lakewood Christian Church