open textbook: italian grammar -

Open Textbook: Italian Grammar 1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative) Teresa Lobalsamo 2015 1 Table of Contents: I. Verbal Group ................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative).......................................................................................... 1 1.1. Auxiliary Verbs .................................................................................................................................. 2 1.1.1. Essere (esserci) ........................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.2. Idiomatic expressions using essere ............................................................................................................. 3 1.1.3. Avere .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1.4. Idiomatic expressions using avere .............................................................................................................. 4 1.2. Regular -ARE verbs (first-conjugation verbs) .................................................................................... 5 1.3. Regular -ERE verbs (second-conjugation verbs) ................................................................................ 8 1.4. Regular -IRE verbs (third-conjugation verbs) .................................................................................... 9 1.5. Irregular Verbs .................................................................................................................................. 11 1.5.1.Stare (stare vs. essere) ............................................................................................................................... 11 1.5.2. Andare ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.5.3. Venire ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.5.4. Bere .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.5.5. Fare (idiomatic expressions with fare) ..................................................................................................... 14 1.5.6. Volere (volerci) ........................................................................................................................................ 15 1.5.7. Dovere ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 1.5.8. Potere ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 1.5.9. Sapere (sapere vs. conoscere) .................................................................................................................. 17 1.5.10. Uscire ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 1.5.11. Dare (idiomatic expressions with dare) .................................................................................................. 18 1.5.12. Dire ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 1.5.13. Rimanere ................................................................................................................................................ 20 1.6. Piacere (to be pleasing to) ................................................................................................................. 20 1.7. Modal verbs (i verbi modali) ............................................................................................................. 21 1.8. Reflexive verbs (i verbi riflessivi) ..................................................................................................... 22 I. Verbal Group 1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative) Use (uso): o The present indicative is used to express actions occurring in the present or very near future. o In simple sentences in the present indicative, there is no need to use subject pronouns. The form of the verb already indicates the subject of the sentence. The pronoun is normally only used for clarity or stress, generally after words like anche (also), ma (but), però (but), e (and), o (or).

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Page 1: Open Textbook: Italian Grammar -

Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


Table of Contents:

I. Verbal Group ................................................................................................................................... 1 1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative) .......................................................................................... 1

1.1. Auxiliary Verbs .................................................................................................................................. 2 1.1.1. Essere (esserci) ........................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.2. Idiomatic expressions using essere ............................................................................................................. 3 1.1.3. Avere .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.1.4. Idiomatic expressions using avere .............................................................................................................. 4

1.2. Regular -ARE verbs (first-conjugation verbs) .................................................................................... 5 1.3. Regular -ERE verbs (second-conjugation verbs) ................................................................................ 8 1.4. Regular -IRE verbs (third-conjugation verbs) .................................................................................... 9 1.5. Irregular Verbs .................................................................................................................................. 11

1.5.1.Stare (stare vs. essere) ............................................................................................................................... 11 1.5.2. Andare ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.5.3. Venire ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 1.5.4. Bere .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 1.5.5. Fare (idiomatic expressions with fare) ..................................................................................................... 14 1.5.6. Volere (volerci) ........................................................................................................................................ 15 1.5.7. Dovere ...................................................................................................................................................... 16 1.5.8. Potere ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 1.5.9. Sapere (sapere vs. conoscere) .................................................................................................................. 17 1.5.10. Uscire ..................................................................................................................................................... 18 1.5.11. Dare (idiomatic expressions with dare) .................................................................................................. 18 1.5.12. Dire ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 1.5.13. Rimanere ................................................................................................................................................ 20

1.6. Piacere (to be pleasing to) ................................................................................................................. 20 1.7. Modal verbs (i verbi modali) ............................................................................................................. 21 1.8. Reflexive verbs (i verbi riflessivi) ..................................................................................................... 22

I. Verbal Group

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Use (uso):

o The present indicative is used to express actions occurring in the present or very near


o In simple sentences in the present indicative, there is no need to use subject pronouns.

The form of the verb already indicates the subject of the sentence. The pronoun is

normally only used for clarity or stress, generally after words like anche (also), ma (but),

però (but), e (and), o (or).

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


Form (forma):

o Italian verb infinitives end in -are (parlare), -ere (prendere) and -ire (sentire).

Infinitive Stem + ending English equivalent

parlare parl + are to speak

scrivere scriv + ere to write

finire fin + ire to finish

o The present tense in Italian is equivalent to the following in English: I speak/I am


Valeria parla inglese e italiano. Valeria speaks English and Italian.

Oggi parla con la sua amica. Today, she is speaking to her friend.

o The present tense may also be used in Italian to express actions intended or planned for

the near future (I will study).

Studio per l’esame di storia domani. I will study for the History exam tomorrow.

Telefoni a Maria domani? Will you call Maria tomorrow?

o In “double-verb constructions,” the first verb is conjugated and the second one is not (it

remains a dependent infinitive), as in English.

Desideri mangiare una pizza? Do you want to eat a pizza?

Mi piace cantare. I like to sing.

o To make a sentence negative, use the word non before the verb.

Non prendo niente. I am not having anything.

Non apriamo il regalo. We did not open the present.

1.1. Auxiliary Verbs (essere, avere)

1.1.1. Essere (to be)

Essere, which means to be, is one of the most commonly used verbs in Italian.

Singular Example Plural Example

io sono (io) sono di Roma.

I am from Rome.

noi siamo (noi) siamo italiani.

We are Italian.

tu sei (tu) sei un vero amico. voi siete (voi) siete di New York.

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


You are a true friend. You (pl.) are from New


lui è (lui) è americano.

He is American.

loro sono (loro) sono canadesi.

They are Canadian.

lei è (lei) è di Napoli.

She from Naples.

Loro sono (Loro) sono di Firenze.

You (pl., pol.) are from


Lei è (Lei) Signora, Lei è


Ms.,(sing., pol.) are you


Esserci = essere + ci (there is/there are)

C’è Bruno? Is Bruno there?

Ci sei? Are you there?

Ci sono Carlo e Alessandra? Are Carlo and Alessandra there?


o Ecco is used to point out someone.

Esserci Ecco

Nel bar c’è Franca. Ecco Franca!

Franca is in the bar. There is Franca!

Ci sono anche Giacomo e Cristina. Ecco Giacomo e Cristina!

Giacomo and Cristina are also there. Here are Giacomo and Cristina.

1.1.2. Idiomatic expressions using ESSERE

esserci (l’)afa C’è l’afa! It’s muggy!

esserci (la) nebbia C’è la nebbia! It’s foggy!

esserci (il) sole C’è il sole! It’s sunny!

esserci il/un temporale C’è il temporale! There’s a storm!

esserci la/una tempesta C’è la tempesta! There’s a bad storm!

esserci vento/tirare (il vento) C’è vento/Tira il vento! It’s windy!

essere sereno È sereno! It’s clear!

1.1.3. Avere (to have)

The verb avere indicates possession. However, it also means to be in many idiomatic

expressions that will come up later, such as avere…anni (to be…years old).

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


Singular Example Plural Example

io ho (io) ho un panino.

I have a sandwich.

noi abbiamo (noi) abbiamo un


We have an


tu hai (tu) hai una cugina qui.

You have a cousin here.

voi avete (voi) avete uno zio a


You (pl.) have an uncle

in Rome.

lui ha (lui) ha un cane.

He has a dog.

loro hanno (loro) hanno un’amica


They have an italian


lei ha (lei) ha un gatto.

She has a cat.

Loro hanno (Loro) hanno due case.

You (pl., pol.) have two


Lei ha (Lei) Dottore, Lei ha una

macchina qui?

Dr. do you (sing., pol.) have

a car here?

1.1.4. Idiomatic expressions using AVERE

o The verb avere also means to be in many other idiomatic expressions. For example,

avere…anni (to be…years old).

Luisa ha solo sei anni e ha un cellulare!

Other expressions:

avere bisogno di (+ noun or infinitive) to need, have need of

avere caldo to be/feel hot

avere fame to be hungry

avere freddo to be/feel cold

avere fretta to be in a hurry

avere paura di (+ noun or infinitive) to be afraid of

avere pazienza to be patient, to have patience

avere ragione to be right

avere sete to be thirsty

avere torto to be wrong

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


avere voglia di (+ noun or infinitive) to want, feel like

1.2. Regular -ARE verbs (first-conjugation verbs)

o Infinitives in -are are the most numerous. The present tense of regular -are verbs is

formed by removing -are and then adding the endings: –o, -i –a, -iamo, -ate, -ano to the

infinitive stem.


Singular Example Plural Example

io aspetto (io) aspetto il professore.

I am waiting for the


noi aspettiamo (noi) aspettiamo in


We are waiting at the

ice-cream parlor.

tu aspetti (tu) aspetti un amico.

You are waiting for a


voi aspettate (voi) aspettate Laura.

You (pl.) are waiting

for Laura.

lui aspetta (lui) aspetta il cameriere.

He is waiting for the


loro aspettano (loro) aspettano


They are waiting for a


lei aspetta (lei) aspetta Carlo.

She is waiting for Carlo.

Loro aspettano (Loro) aspettano al


You (pl., pol.) are

waiting at the


Lei aspetta (Lei) Signore, Lei aspetta

la dottoressa?

Mr., (sing., pol.) are you

waiting for the doctor?

o Note: the verbs ascoltare (to listen to), aspettare (to wait for), cercare (to search for),

guardare (to look at), pagare (to pay for) do not require a preposition after the verb as

their English equivalents often do.

Ascoltano la radio. They are listening to the radio.

Paga il conto. He/She pays for the bill.

o Verbs ending in –care and –gare, like cercare (to look for) and pagare (to pay for), add

an h to the infinitive stem in the tu and noi forms so that the hard sounds of the c and g

are retained.

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


CERCARE to look for

Singular Example Plural Example

io cerco (io) cerco la mia


I am looking for my car.

noi cerchiamo (noi) cerchiamo il


We are looking for the

remote control.

tu cerchi (tu) cherchi il canale.

You are looking for the


voi cercate (voi) cercate il


You (pl.) are looking

for the waiter.

lui cerca (lui) cerca l’edicola.

He is looking for the


loro cercano (loro) cercano l’acqua.

They are looking for the


lei cerca (lei) cerca il cane .

She is looking for the dog.

Loro cercano (Loro) cercano la


You (pl., pol.) are

looking for the pizza


Lei cerca (Lei) Signorina, Lei cerca

il professore?

Miss, (sing., pol.) are you

looking for the teacher?

PAGARE to pay

Singular Example Plural Example

io pago (io) pago il conto.

I am paying (for) the bill.

noi paghiamo (noi) paghiamo il


We are paying the


tu paghi (tu) paghi il biglietto del


You are paying for the

movie ticket.

voi pagate (voi) pagate i biglietti

per l’opera.

You (pl.) are paying for

the opera tickets.

lui paga (lui) paga la multa.

He is paying the ticket.

loro pagano (loro) pagano l’affitto.

They are paying rent.

lei paga (lei) paga la bolletta


She is paying the

electricity bill.

Loro pagano (Loro) pagano il

biglietto aereo.

You (pl., pol.) are

paying for the plane


Lei paga (Lei) Signore, Lei paga il

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015



Mr., (sing., pol.) are you

paying for the bill?

o Verbs ending in –iare, like cominciare (to begin), studiare (to study),

mangiare (to eat), drop the –i from the infinitive stem in the tu and noi forms.


Singular Example Plural Example

io comincio (io) comincio il lavoro


I am starting the job


noi cominciamo (noi) cominciamo


We are starting the


tu cominci (tu) cominci a studiare.

You are starting to study.

voi cominciate (voi) cominciate la

storia domani.

You (pl.) are starting

the story tomorrow.

lui comincia (lui) comincia a giocare.

He is starting to play.

loro cominciano (loro) cominciano a


They are starting to


lei comincia (lei) comincia a leggere.

She is starting to read.

Loro cominciano (Loro) cominciano a


You (pl., pol.) are

starting to eat.

Lei comincia (Lei) Signorina, Lei

comincia la lezione


Miss, (sing., pol.) are you

starting the lesson now?

List of common regular –are verbs:

arrivare to arrive

aspettare to wait (for)

cenare to have dinner

chiacchierare to chat

desiderare to wish (for)

entrare to enter

mangiare to eat

pensare* to think

pranzare to have lunch

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


presentare to introduce

*Note: the verb pensare (to think), when followed by the preposition a, means to think about

someone/something. When followed by the preposition di, it means to think of doing something.

Claudio pensa a Marianna. Pina pensa di andare in centro.

Claudio is thinking about Marianna. Pina is thinkg of going downtown.

1.3. Regular -ERE verbs (second-conjugation verbs)

o The present tense of regular -ere verbs is formed by removing -ere and then adding the

endings: –o, -i –e, -iamo, -ete, -ono to the infinitive stem.

SCRIVERE to write

Singular Example Plural Example

io scrivo (io) scrivo un libro.

I am writing a book.

noi scriviamo (noi) scriviamo un


We are writing a


tu scrivi (tu) scrivi una lettera.

You are writing a letter.

voi scrivete (voi) scrivete un


You (pl.) are writing

an essay.

lui scrive (lui) scrive tutti i giorni.

He is writing/writes


loro scrivono (loro) scrivono una


They are writing a


lei scrive (lei) scrive sempre.

She is always writing.

Loro scrivono (Loro) scrivono al


You (pl., pol.) are

writing to the teacher.

Lei scrive (Lei) Signora, Lei scrive

molti libri?

Ms., (sing., pol.) are you

writing/do you write many


o Note that unlike –are verbs, -ere verbs do not undergo spelling changes.

For example:

(io) leggo I read

(tu) leggi you read

(lui) legge he reads

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


(lei) legge she reads

(Lei) legge you (pol.) read

(noi) leggiamo we read

(voi) leggete you (pl.) read

(loro) leggono they read

List of common regular –ere verbs:

chiedere (a) to ask

chiudere to close

conoscere to know someone/be familiar with

leggere to read

mettere to put

ripetere to repeat

rispondere (a) to answer

scrivere (a) to write

vedere to see

vendere to sell

vivere* to live

*Vivere is used as a synonym for the verb abitare as in: Io abito/vivo in una casa. It also means

to live (in general): Anna vuole vivere a lungo (Anna wants to live a long time).

1.4. Regular -IRE verbs (third-conjugation verbs)

o The present tense of regular -ire verbs is formed by removing -ire and then adding the

endings: –o, -i –e, -iamo, -ite, -ono to the infinitive stem.

o There are two types of regular –ire verbs: those like dormire (to sleep) and those like

capire (to understand).

o The endings are the same for both groups, but verbs like capire, add –isc (ex. capisco),

but not in the noi and voi subjects.

Category A: DORMIRE to sleep

Singular Example Plural Example

io dormo (io) dormo alle undici.

I sleep at eleven o’clock .

noi dormiamo (noi) dormiamo a


We sleep at midnight.

tu dormi (tu) dormi in classe.

You are sleeping in class.

voi dormite (voi) dormite poco.

You (pl.) sleep little.

lui dorme (lui) dorme molto.

He is sleeping/sleeps a lot.

loro dormono (loro) dormono alle


They sleep at eight


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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


lei dorme (lei) dorme alle nove.

She sleeps at nine o’clock.

Loro dormono (Loro) dormono con

il mio gatto.

You (pl., pol.) sleep

with my cat.

Lei dorme (Lei) Signora, Lei dorme


Ms., (sing., pol.) do you

sleep a lot?

Category B: CAPIRE to understand

Singular Example Plural Example

io capisco (io) capisco i compiti.

I understand the


noi capiamo (noi) capiamo la


We understand the


tu capisci (tu) capisci l’italiano.

You understand Italian.

voi capite (voi) capite tutto.

You (pl.) understand


lui capisce (lui) capisce molto.

He understands a lot.

loro capiscono (loro) capiscono la

lezione di matematica.

They understand the

math lesson.

lei capisce (lei) capisce la lezione di


She understands the

grammar lesson.

Loro capiscono (Loro) capiscono la


You (pl., pol.)

understand the


Lei capisce (Lei) Dottore, Lei capisce

questa situazione?

Doctor, (sing., pol.) do you

understand this situation?

List of common regular –ire verbs:

aprire to open

dormire to sleep

offrire to offer

partire to leave, depart

servire to serve

soffrire to suffer

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


1.5. Irregular Verbs

1.5.1. Stare (to stay/to be)

o Stare in the sense of to be, is used with expressions of health.

Come stai? Sto bene, grazie?

How are you? I am fine, thanks.

Come state? Stiamo male.

How are you (pl.)? We are not well.

STARE to stay/to be

Singular Example Plural Example

io sto (io) sto molto bene.

I am very well.

noi stiamo (noi) stiamo bene.

We are well.

tu stai (tu) stai bene.

You are well.

voi state (voi) state male.

You (pl.) are not well.

lui sta (lui) sta così così.

He is so so.

loro stanno (loro) stanno molto


They are really not


lei sta (lei) sta benissimo.

She is very well.

Loro stanno (Loro) stanno molto


You (pl., pol.) are very


Lei sta (Lei) Professoressa, Lei

sta bene?

Professor, (sing., pol.) are

you well?

Stare vs. Essere

o Note that essere, means to be or to exist, while stare means to stay, or to be in certain

idiomatic expressions.

o Stare is used for expressing feelings (sto bene, sto male) whereas essere indicates being

in a state, such as a state of anger, sadness, etc., (sono arrabiato, sono triste).

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


Stare Essere

Sto molto bene. Sono malato.

I am very well. I am sick.

Stai così così. Sei stanco.

You are so so. You are tired.

1.5.2. Andare (to go)

ANDARE to go

Singular Example Plural Example

io vado (io) vado all’università.

I am going to the


noi andiamo (noi) andiamo in


We are going


tu vai (tu) vai in macchina.

You are going by car.

voi andate (voi) andate in


You (pl.) are going on


lui va (lui) va al supermercato.

He is going to the


loro vanno (loro) vanno al


They are going to the

movie theatres.

lei va (lei) va in bici.

She is going by bicycle.

Loro vanno (Loro) vanno al

centro commerciale.

You (pl., pol.) are

going to the mall.

Lei va (Lei) Professore, Lei va a


Professor, (sing., pol.) are

you going to school?

1.5.3. Venire (to come)

VENIRE to come

Singular Example Plural Example

io vengo (io) vengo con la mia


I am coming with my


noi veniamo (noi) veniamo in


We are coming to the

ice cream parlor.

tu vieni (tu) vieni al bar.

You are coming to the bar.

voi venite (voi) venite la

prossima settimana.

You (pl.) are coming

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Open Textbook: Italian Grammar

1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

Teresa Lobalsamo 2015


next week.

lui viene (lui) viene alla festa.

He is coming to the party.

loro vengono (loro) vengono con


They are coming with


lei viene (lei) viene domani.

She is coming tomorrow.

Loro vengono (Loro) vengono al


You (pl., pol.) are

coming to the


Lei viene (Lei) Signore, Lei viene

con un amico?

Mr., (sing., pol.) are you

coming with a friend?

o Both andare and venire require the preposition a before an infinitive.

Oggi vado a studiare all’università.

La mia amica ed io veniamo a mangiare in centro con voi.

1.5.4. Bere (to drink)

BERE to drink

Singular Example Plural Example

io bevo (io) bevo una limonata.

I am drinking a lemonade.

noi beviamo (noi) beviamo un


We drinking a


tu bevi (tu) bevi un caffè.

You are drinking a coffee.

voi bevete (voi) non bevete


You (pl.) are not

drinking anything.

lui beve (lui) beve un tè.

He is drinking a tea.

loro bevono (loro) bevono una


They are drinking a


lei beve (lei) beve un espresso.

She is drinking an


Loro bevono (Loro) bevono


You (pl., pol.) are

drinking an orange-

flavoured soda.

Lei beve (Lei) Signorina, Lei beve

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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acqua gassata?

Miss, (sing., pol.) are you

drinking sparkling water?

1.5.5. Fare (to do/to make)

FARE to do/to make

Singular Example Plural Example

io faccio (io) faccio una torta.

I am making a cake.

noi facciamo (noi) facciamo il


We making the


tu fai (tu) fai un tè.

You are making a tea.

voi fate (voi) fate qualcosa.

You (pl.) are doing


lui fa (lui) fa un caffè .

He is making a coffee.

loro fanno (loro) non fanno


They are not doing


lei fa (lei) fa un dolce.

She is making a dessert.

Loro fanno (Loro) fanno i compiti

You (pl., pol.) are

doing homework.

Lei fa (Lei) Signora, Lei fa una


Ms., (sing., pol.) are you

making a pizza?

Idiomatic expressions that use FARE:

fare bel tempo to be nice (weather)

fare caldo to be hot (weather)

fare freddo to be cold (weather)

fare una passeggiata to go for a walk

fare due passi to go for a short walk

fare una gita to take a short trip

fare un viaggio to take a longer trip

fare una domanda to ask a question

fare colazione to eat breakfast

fare una fotografia to take a picture

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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1.5.6. Volere (to want)

VOLERE to want

Singular Example Plural Example

io voglio (io) voglio una nuova


I want a new car.

noi vogliamo (noi) vogliamo andare

al ristorante.

We want to go to the


tu vuoi (tu) vuoi le risposte per


You want the answers for

the exam.

voi volete (voi) non volete


You (pl.) do not want


lui vuole (lui) vuole mangiare.

He wants to eat.

loro vogliono (loro) vogliono bere

una limonata.

They want to drink a


lei vuole (lei) vuole una moto.

She wants a motorcycle.

Loro vogliono (Loro) vogliono un


You (pl., pol.) want a


Lei vuole (Lei) Dottoressa, Lei vuole

un caffè?

Doctor, (sing., pol.) do you

want a coffee?


o This expression renders the idea of something being needed/to take. It has the same

features as the verb piacere, and thus the same rules apply.


Ci vuole tempo. Time is needed/it takes time.

C’è voluto tempo. Time was needed/it took time.


Ci vogliono due ore per arrivare. Two hours are needed to arrive/it takes two

hours to arrive.

Ci sono volute due ore per arrivare. Two hours were needed to arrive/it took two

hours to arrive.

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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1.5.7. Dovere (to have to)

DOVERE to have to

Singular Example Plural Example

io devo (io) devo preparare la


I have to make dinner.

noi dobbiamo (noi) dobbiamo aprire

la finestra.

We have to open the


tu devi (tu) devi studiare molto.

You have to study a lot.

voi dovete (voi) dovete mangiare

le verdure.

You (pl.) have to eat

the vegetables.

lui deve (lui) deve prendere


He has to take the bus.

loro devono (loro) devono bere un


They have to drink a


lei deve (lei) deve chiedere aiuto.

She has to ask for help.

Loro devono (Loro) devono andare

in centro.

You (pl., pol.) have to

go downtown.

Lei deve (Lei) Signore, Lei deve

uscire oggi?

Mr., (sing., pol.) do you

have to go out today?

1.5.8. Potere (to be able to/can)

POTERE to be able to/can

Singular Example Plural Example

io posso (io) posso comprare il


I can buy the present.

noi possiamo (noi) possiamo

chiudere la porta.

We can close the door.

tu puoi (tu) puoi finire la scrittura.

You can finish the


voi potete (voi) potete telefonare

a Maria.

You (pl.) can call


lui può (lui) può pulire tutto.

He can clean everything.

loro possono (loro) possono andare

a casa.

They can go home.

lei può (lei) può guidare la mia


She can drive my car.

Loro possono (Loro) possono

pagare il conto.

You (pl., pol.) can pay

the bill.

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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Lei può (Lei) Signora, Lei può

venire con l’avvocato?

Ms., (sing., pol.) can you

come with the lawyer?

1.5.9. Sapere (to know)

SAPERE to know

Singular Example Plural Example

io so (io) so leggere molto bene.

I know how to read very


noi sappiamo (noi) sappiamo la


We know the answer.

tu sai (tu) sai scrivere.

You know how to write.

voi sapete (voi) sapete scrivere


You (pl.) know how to

write well.

lui sa (lui) sa guidare.

He knows how to drive.

loro sanno (loro) sanno cantare.

They know how to


lei sa (lei) sa cucinare bene.

She knows how to cook


Loro sanno (Loro) sanno usare il


You (pl., pol.) know

how to use the


Lei sa (Lei) Signorina, Lei sa

fare una torta?

Miss, (sing., pol.) do you

know how to make a cake?

Sapere vs. Conoscere (verbo regolare)

Sapere Conoscere

to know to know, to be acquainted with/be familiar


a fact someone

how to speak a language something

how to play an instrument a place

how to play a sport

how to do something, in general

Io so suonare il piano. Io conosco Paolo.

I know how to play the piano. I know Paolo.

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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Lei sa parlare italiano. Noi conosciamo quel ristorante.

She knows how to speak Italian. We know that restaurant.

1.5.10. Uscire (to go out)

USCIRE to go out

Singular Example Plural Example

io esco (io) esco con le mie


I am going out with my


noi usciamo (noi) usciamo stasera.

We are going out


tu esci (tu) esci oggi.

You are going out today.

voi uscite (voi) uscite con i


You (pl.) are going out

with the boys.

lui esce (lui) esce con noi.

He is going out with us.

loro escono (loro) escono con il

Signor Bruni.

They are going out

with Mr. Bruni.

lei esce (lei) esce con Maria e


She is going out with

Maria and Carlo.

Loro escono (Loro) escono adesso.

You (pl., pol.) are

going out now.

Lei esce (Lei) Professore, Lei esce

con gli studenti?

Professor, (sing., pol.) are

you going out with the


1.5.11. Dare (to give)

DARE to give

Singular Example Plural Example

io do (io) do un regalo a


I am giving a present to


noi diamo (noi) diamo la torta

per la festa.

We are giving the

cake for the party.

tu dai (tu) dai i libri agli studenti.

You are giving the books

to the students.

voi date (voi) date un bel


You (pl.) are giving a

nice present.

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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lui dà (lui) dà dei bei regali.

He gives some nice


loro danno (loro) danno un

computer alla nonna.

They are giving a

computer to grandma.

lei dà (lei) dà i piatti al


She is giving the plates to

the waiter.

Loro danno (Loro) danno un

bracciale alla donna.

You (pl., pol.) are

giving a bracelet to

the woman.

Lei dà (Lei) Professoressa, Lei dà

una matita alla bambina?

Professor, (sing., pol.) are

you giving a pencil to the

little girl?

o Dare is also used with other expressions:

Dare un esame (to take a test)

Dare del tu (to be informal/ use the ‘tu’ form with someone)

Dare del lei (to be formal/ use the ‘lei’ form with someone)

1.5.12. Dire (to say/to tell)

Dire to say/to tell

Singular Example Plural Example

io dico (io) dico la verità.

I am telling the truth.

noi diciamo (noi) non diciamo

niente quando parla la


We do not say

anything when the

teacher is talking.

tu dici (tu) non dici mai niente in


You never say anything in


voi dite (voi) dite una bugia.

You (pl.) are telling a


lui dice (lui) dice sempre quello

che pensa.

He always says what he


loro dicono (loro) non dicono mai

la verità.

They never tell the


lei dice (lei) dice che ha bisogno

del formaggio per fare la


She says she needs some

Loro dicono (Loro) dicono molte


You (pl., pol.) are

saying many things.

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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cheese to make the pizza.

Lei dice (Lei) Signore, Lei cosa

dice a mio fratello?

Mr., (sing., pol.) what are

you saying to my brother?

1.5.13. Rimanere (to remain)

RIMANERE to remain

Singular Example Plural Example

io rimango (io) rimango a casa.

I am staying at home.

noi rimaniamo (noi) rimaniamo in


We are staying in


tu rimani (tu) rimani a scuola oggi.

You are staying at school


voi rimanete (voi) rimanete

sempre a casa.

You (pl.) always stay


lui rimane (lui) rimane al centro

commerciale fino alle sei.

He is staying at the mall

until six o’clock.

loro rimangono (loro) rimangono in


They are staying in

the countryside.

lei rimane (lei) rimane in pizzeria.

She is staying at the pizza


Loro rimangono (Loro) rimangono al


You (pl., pol.) are

staying at the movie


Lei rimane (Lei) Signora, Lei rimane

a casa da solo?

Ms., (sing., pol.) are you

staying home alone?

1.6. Piacere (to be pleasing to/to like)


o The verb piacere is used in either a singular or plural form, agreeing with the number of

the noun.

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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Singolare Plurale

Mi piace il cane. piacciono i cani.

Ti piace il dolce. piacciono i dolci.

Gli piace la limonata. piacciono le limonate.

Le piace la scarpa. piacciono le scarpe.

Le piace il gatto. piacciono i gatti.

Ci piace il film. piacciono i film.

Vi piace quel gioco. piacciono quei giochi.

Gli piace la canzone. piacciono le canzoni.

Gli piace questa lingua. piacciono queste lingue.

Singolare Plurale

Mi piace l’italiano. Non mi piacciono le motociclette.

I like Italian. I don’t like motorycles.

(agreement with l’italiano) (agreement with le motociclette)

Teresa, ti piace il Canada? Mama, ti piacciono gli italiani?

Teresa, do you (informal) like Canada? Mom, do you (informal) like Italians?

(agreement with il Canada) (agreement with gli italiani)

Signora Ricci, Le piace la pasta? Signor Rossi, Le piacciono i dolci?

Mrs. Ricci, do you (formal) like pasta? Mr. Rossi, do you (formal) like sweets?

(agreement with la pasta) (agreement with i dolci)

1.7. Modal verbs (i verbi modali)

o A modal verb is a “helping verb” that is most often used in conjuction with another


o The 3 common ones are: volere (to want to), potere (can/to be able to) and dovere (to

have to/must).

o The modal verb is conjugated, however the second verb remains in the infinitive form.

Voglio guardare la partita alle nove. I want to watch the game at nine.

Possiamo uscire con voi? Can we go out with you?

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1. Il presente indicativo (the present indicative)

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1.8. Reflexive verbs (i verbi riflessivi)


o Reflexive verbs are defined as verbs that refer back to the subject. They are made up of

two parts: the reflexive pronoun and the conjugated verb.

Mi sveglio presto ogni mattina perché ho lezione alle 8.

I wake (myself) up early every morning because I have class at 8.

La mia famiglia non si alza mai presto.

My family does not ever get up early.


Reflexive Pronouns

1st person singular mi 1

st person plural ci


person singular ti 2nd

person plural vi


person singular si 3rd

person plural si

o Some verbs may have reflexive and non-reflexive forms (depending on the action). A

reflexive action-type verb can be recognized from the –si attached to the end of the


alzarsi to lift/get oneself up = alzare + si

lavarsi to wash oneself = lavare + si

mettersi to put on, to wear = mettere + si

vestirsi to get dressed = vestire + si

annoiarsi to get bored = annoiare + si

sentirsi to feel = sentire + si

divertirsi to enjoy oneself, to have fun = divertire + si

chiamarsi to be called, to call oneself = chiamare + si

Alzarsi Mettersi Divertirsi

io mi alzo mi metto mi diverto

tu ti alzi ti metti ti diverti

lui/lei/Lei si alza si mette si diverte

noi ci alziamo ci mettiamo ci divertiamo

voi vi alzate vi mettete vi divertite

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loro si alzano si mettono si divertono

o Reflexive verbs that generally only refer to reciprocal actions, such as each other or one

another are also common.

abbracciare (to hug someone) abbracciarsi (to hug each other)

amare (to love someone) amarsi (to love one another)

telefonare (to call someone) telefonarsi (to call each other)