operations report

Operations Report Neal J. Couture, CPCM Executive Director Board of Directors Meeting San Diego, CA March 27, 2010

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Operations Report. Neal J. Couture, CPCM Executive Director Board of Directors Meeting San Diego, CA March 27, 2010. Action Items from BOD Meetings. Author article for CM magazine on benefits of organizational memberships for industry and government. (July 2009) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Operations Report

Neal J. Couture, CPCMExecutive DirectorBoard of Directors MeetingSan Diego, CAMarch 27, 2010

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Action Items from BOD Meetings1. Author article for CM magazine on benefits of organizational

memberships for industry and government. (July 2009)Assigned to: Wilson and Wells Status: Article rec’d 3/2010

2. Review committee’s name and potential conflicts of participating in advocacy efforts. (January 2010)Assigned to: Chadwick (Advocacy) Status: Proposal 3/27/2010

3. Prepare short presentation on CMBOK for EAC mtg. (January 2010)Assigned to: Reuter Status: Provided 3/2010

4. Develop ‘elevator speech’ on standards projects. (January 2010)Assigned to: Reuter Status: Provided 3/2010

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Action Items from BOD Meetings5. Incorporate question on member expectations from

chapters in next membership survey. (January 2010)Assigned to: Couture Status: Survey planned 4/2010

6. Propose metrics for strategic objectives. (January 2010)Assigned to: SP, UR, PS, AD Chairs Status: Report out 3/27/2010

7. Review VA law and Bylaws for alliance requirements. (January 2010)Assigned to: Horan Status: Provided 3/2010

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Membership Goals 2009-2010

Goal Status

Develop and propose to BOD a membership restructure plan.

Completed 1/2010.

Survey dropped members monthly, establish metric tracking % drop due to dissatisfaction.

Survey began 8/2009 and continues with revisions. Will develop metric 6/10.

Maintain average 18,500 members per month.

YTD Q3: 18,713/mo

Recruit 4,400 new members. YTD Q3: 2,765 (3,300 goal)

Expand complimentary subscription program.

Added GovPartners.

Survey retired and student members to identify special needs.

Retired: Delayed to 3/2010 Students: Delayed to 4/2010

Review and assess all group membership agreements.

Revisiting following dues change. Due 6/2010.

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New professionals and dues implementation•Announcements in all media (CM, newsletters,

website, chapter telecons, direct email).•Minimal complaints received – focused on

criteria for new professionals category.•Notice to students for new rate.•Notice to associates to revise member type.•“Beat the increase” campaign.

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Education Goals 2009-2010

Goal Status

Expand e-course portfolio by 15 courses, by incorporating audio-seminar recorded content.

12 webinars on demand YTD, 19 more by 6-30-2010.

Develop and implement instructor-facilitated, web-based certification preparation courses for each exam.

Concept outlined. Developing technology plan. Launch 7/2010.

Implement “Risk Management” NES. Available 9/2009.

Conduct 50 NES seminars. 45 commitments to date.

Develop NES for release in September 2010. Contract Types now 7/2010.

Conduct CMLDP program. On schedule.

Conduct 24 audio-seminars, with 66 sites/ seminar average.

17 sessions @ 118 sites per. Fewer, larger, more profitable.

Conduct 4 CoPs virtual conferences. PBSA in 3/2010. NP in 6/2010.

Revise and publish certification preparation manuals.

First CPCM deliverables received ahead of schedule..

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Performance-Based Service Acquisition Community of Practice Virtual ConferenceWednesday, March 31, 2010- 12:00pm–4:00pm ET

• Management/Administration of a Performance Based Contract, Susan Thibodeaux, CFCM, Assistant General Manager and Contract Administration, IAP Worldwide Services

• Taking PBA to the Next Level Stan Livingstone, PBA Practice Area Lead and Bill Neustadt, Consultant, Acquisition Solutions, Inc.

• Contract Types and Appropriate Incentives, Jo Cunningham, Distinguished Member Laboratory Staff, Sandia National Laboratories

• Lessons Learned in Service Acquisition, Lyle Eesley, Fellow, Director, LCOE for Service Acquisition, Defense Acquisition University

• Project Management of Performance-Based Service Acquisition, Dr. Rene Rendon, CFCM, CPCM, Fellow, Associate Professor, Naval Post Graduate School

• Performance Metrics...real or expected, Etta Waugh, CFCM, CPCM, Senior Acquisition Specialist, Acquisition Solutions, Inc.

• Legislation, Regulation, Trends, Alan Chvotkin, Esq, Senior Vice President & Councel, Professional Services Council

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• Implemented Webex system for delivery.

• Dramatically decreased expenses and increased margins.

FY2009-2010• April 6: Government Contract

Intellectual Property Workshop• April 20: Government Contract

Costs• May 4: FAR Workshop• May 18: Performance- Based

Services Acquisition Advanced Workshop

• June 8: Government Contract Compliance

• June 22: OCI (Organizational Conflicts of Interest)

PY2010-2011• July 13: Managing IT Contracts• July 27: Acquisition Planning• August 10: Advanced Issues in Multiple

Award Scheduling Contracting• August 24: Advanced ITAR Workshop• September 7: Task and Directory Order

Contracting: Current Status and Use• September 21: Contracting for

Services• October 5: Federal Grants• October 19: Government Contract

Audits: Dealing with Auditors and Mitigating Risks

• November 2: Managing Subcontracts• November 16: Government Contract

Law• December 7: Construction Contracting• December 21: Teaming Agreements

and Advanced Subcontracting Issues

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Certification Goals 2009-2010

Goal Status

Assess exam performance for each exam through September, and revise as necessary.

Q3 applicants: 323Q3 certificants: 147

Validate exam questions against CMBOK 3.0 and preparatory materials.

Dependent upon CMBOK study; target start date is 4/2010.

Significant growth over last year

• 89% increase in applicants

• 53% increase in certificants

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Standards Goals 2009-2010

Goal Status

Publish CMBOK 3.0. Survey due 4/2010.Publish 12/2010.

Publish CM2 Competency Models for the CM profession.

On hold until CMBOK project complete 5/2010.

Publish Organizational Alignment study. Revision to research plan in process.

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Meetings Goals 2009-2010Goal Status

Conduct ADC2009 in Denver in July 2009. Completed.

Conduct Academic Conference – virtual – in August 2009. Postponed to 2/2010.

Conduct GCMC2009 in Bethesda in November 2009. Completed.

Conduct ADC2010 in San Diego in March 2010. Completed on budget.

Implement World Congress 2010 plan, for conduct in July 2010 in Ft. Lauderdale.

Keynotes secured. Panelists invited. Breakouts selected and notified.

Conduct Career Fair at GCMC2009 in November in Bethesda.


Obtain trade association sponsorship for 2011 events. Initial contacts made with NDIA, AIA, PSC.

Execute facility contracts for all conferences through June 2012.

Source selection process for GCMC 2011 under way. In negotiation for 2012 ADC in Austin.

Research and test VTC for conference sessions. Assess results and, if desired, develop plan for VTC adoption in future conferences.

GCMC experience.

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World Congress 2010

Keynote speakers•The Honorable William S. Cohen,

Chairman and CEO of The Cohen Group, and former U.S. Secretary of Defense, Senator and Representative

•Ron Insana, Senior Analyst, CNBC and Financial Industry Expert

•Walter P. Havenstein, CEO, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

•Daniel Gordon, Administrator, Office of Federal Procurement Policy

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World Congress 2010

“Economic Outlook 2010 and Beyond: How the Transformed Global Economy Will Impact How We Do Business”

• Martin A. Regalia, Ph.D., senior vice president for economic and tax policy and chief economist of the United States Chamber of Commerce

• Loren B. Thompson, Chief Operating Officer, Lexington Institute and Chief Executive Officer, Source Associates

• David J. Berteau, Senior Advisor, Center for Strategic and International Studies

• James McAleese, CEO and founder, McAleese and Associates

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World Congress 2010

“Contractor and Government: Partner, Friend or Foe?”

• David A. Drabkin, Director, Acquisition Policy, Northrop Grumman Corporation - Corporate Customer Relations

• Darryl Scott, Vice President, Contracts and Pricing, The Boeing Corporation

• Roger S. Correll, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Contracting, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition

• Michael Robertson, Associate Administrator of Governmentwide Policy and Chief Acquisition Officer, General Services Administration

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World Congress 2010

“Who’s on First: The Role of Contractors in Accomplishing the Work of Government”

• Steven L. Schooner, Associate Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Government Procurement Law Program, George Washington University Law School

• Angela Drummond, Chief Executive Officer, SiloSmashers

• BGen Wendy M. Masiello, USAF, Program Executive Officer for Combat and Mission Support, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition

• Stan Z. Soloway, President and CEO of the Professional Services Council

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Future Conference Locations

•World Congress – 2011 Denver Convention Center, Denver, CO– 2012 Convention Center, Boston, MA– 2013 TBD (San Francisco/San Diego under

consideration)– 2014 Gaylord National Harbor, Washington, DC– 2015 TBD (Denver, SF, SD, Chicago under consideration)– 2016 Gaylord Texan, Dallas, TX (Nashville, TN option)– 2017 Gaylord National Harbor, Washington, DC

•ADC 2011 Scottsdale, AZ•ADC 2012 TBD (Austin, TX under consideration)•GCMC 2010 Hyatt Regency, Arlington, VA•GCMC 2011 TBD (proposals in process)

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Publications Goals 2009-2010

Goal Status

Publish Contract Management magazine monthly, and conduct a readership survey.

Survey 2/2009.

Publish Journal of Contract Management in e-book form, with 500 paperback copies.

Published 9/2009.

Publish the Resource Guide, with expanded expert directory.

Published 10/2009.

Publish Risk Management book. Published 9/2009.

Publish standards in appropriate media. Dependent upon standards research.

Publish CM News e-newsletter twice monthly.

As planned.

Maintain NCMA’s websites, publish news updates daily, implement members-only content service, and implement business intelligence.

Members only content 9/2009.Business intelligence 12/09.


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Component Relations Goals 2009-2010Goal Status

Implement “Virtual Chapter” and “Chapter Lite” plans.

C-L program plan in progress.

Redesign Communities of Practice (CoPs) program.

Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter

Implement online directories for EAC, Fellows, Speakers, Experts, and Mentors.

In process. Delayed from 12/2009 to 6/2010.

Publish monthly e-newsletters for Fellows, Students, Chapters and EAC.

Missed 3 EAC editions.

Conduct Leadership Summit in Denver in July. Completed.

Conduct Mid-Year Leadership Conference in January in Las Vegas.


Conduct EAC meetings, with teleconferencing, at ADC2009, GCMC2009 and ADC2010 conferences.

As planned.

Conduct Fellows meeting at World Congress 2010.

In planning.

Conduct General Membership Meeting at ADC2009.


Conduct awards and honors program. As planned.

Obtain sponsors for Macfarlan awards. No progress.

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Chapter Lite

•Note: this is an internal program name, not a new brand product.

•Produce bi-monthly programs: – 1 hour lecture w/Q&A, – delivered via webex, – Targeted to individual members in chapters not presently

operating,– $10-$20 attendance fee (members only),– Announcement in newsletters, websites; Online registration

only,– Chapters receive net gains from their attendees,– Recorded programs go into inventory (possible freebie

value-add for members only).

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Advertising Goals 2009-2010

Goal Status

Obtain sponsorship for Journal in conjunction with sponsorship for the Macfarlan awards program.

Working for 2010 edition.

Sell job ads on CMjobs.com website. >20% ahead of budget.

Sell print ads in Resource Guide and CM magazine.

>40% ahead of budget on CM ads.

Sell web ads on NCMA’s website. >120% ahead of budget.

Sell ads in NCMA’s e-newsletters. Being done.

Sell corporate memberships and educational partnerships.

10% behind budget.

Sell exhibits and sponsorships for ADC2009 in Denver, GCMC2009 in Bethesda, ADC2010 in San Diego, and WC2010 in Ft. Lauderdale.

~ 75% on WC2010.


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Governance Goals 2009-2010

Goal Status

Conduct Board of Directors Meetings and Committee Meetings at ADC2009 in July in Denver, at GCMC 2009 in November in Bethesda, at Mid-Year Leadership Summit in January in Las Vegas, and at ADC2010 in March in San Diego.

As planned.

Conduct National Elections in February 2010.

Completed on schedule.

Conduct Board Orientation webinar in June 2010.


Support committee activities. As planned.


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Financial Report UpdateThrough February 28, 2010 YTD




Membership 1,319,640 1,204,944 1,238,123

Education 440,321 426,309 452,981

Advertising 1,120,541 972,265 855,033

Certification 90,380 65,365 76,600

Meetings 729,914 619,145 621,160

Total Revenue 3,711,241 3,290,829 3,252,148

12.8% increase revenue over last year!

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Financial Report Update

Through February 28, 2010





Revenues 3,711,241 3,290,829 3,252,148

Expenses 3,306,252 3,497,576 3,227,202

Net from Operations 404,989 (206,746) 24,946

Variance from budget• 14% positive variance in revenue• 2% negative variance in expenses

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Financial Report Update

Through February 28, 2010





Revenues 3,711,241 3,290,829 3,252,148

Expenses 3,306,252 3,497,576 3,227,202

Net from Operations 404,989 (206,746) 24,946

Net Investment Revenue 241,234 (460,716) 696

Income Taxes 50,000 50,000 50,000

Net gain (loss) 596,222 (717,462) (24,358)

$1.3 million positive variance from this time last year!