opportunities in hyperlocal

Opportunities in Hyperlocal Benefiting from the changing media lands

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Opportunities in Hyperlocal. Benefiting from the changing media landscape. Who's this Philip John then?. Developer/consultant. Hyperlocal site owner. Hyperlocal platform / commentary. Twit - @philipjohn. Who's this Philip John then?. What is hyperlocal?. News sites, blogs and forums - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Opportunities in Hyperlocal


HyperlocalBenefiting from the changing media landscape

Page 2: Opportunities in Hyperlocal

Who's this Philip John then?


Hyperlocal site owner

Hyperlocal platform / commentary

Twit - @philipjohn

Page 3: Opportunities in Hyperlocal

Who's this Philip John then?

Page 4: Opportunities in Hyperlocal

What is hyperlocal? News sites, blogs and forums

Focus on a small geographic area

Run by community volunteers

Largely not-for-profit

Active citizens as well as journalists

Often more engaging than local press

Extensive use of social media

Few restraints (e.g. space)


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What are the benefits to you? Communicate important messages

Syndicate relevant information

Engage with the community

Gather feedback on services

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Alright, but how? OpenlyLocal hyperlocal directory

Hyperlocal search engine

Comments & forum discussions

Open data (RSS feeds, APIs)

Surveys (e.g. Survey Monkey)

Twitter, Facebook et al

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Alright, but how?

Source: http://ventnorblog.com/2009/12/22/nhs-tips-to-give-up-smoking/

Page 8: Opportunities in Hyperlocal

Alright, but how?

Source: http://talkaboutlocal.org.uk/why-i'd-like-to-see-a-map-of-ukpoo/

Page 9: Opportunities in Hyperlocal

Alright, but how?

Source: http://www.hyperlocalblogger.com/content-idea-local-flu-shot-information/

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Alright, but how?

Source: http://glowing-sunrise-23.heroku.com/home

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Alright, but how?

Source: http://data.gov.uk/search/datasets/results/nhs

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Alright, but how?

Source: http://www.walsall.gov.uk/news/twitter_helps_find_gymnastics_group_a_home.htm

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More info & references Journal Local blog - http://journallocal.co.uk

The Lichfield Blog - http://thelichfieldblog.co.uk

Pits 'n' Pots – http://pitsnpots.co.uk

Parwich.org – http://parwich.org

Ventnor Blog – http://ventnorblog.com

Greener Leith – http://greenerleith.org

Kings Cross Environment – http://kingscrossenvironment.com

OpenlyLocal – http://openlylocal.com

Harringay Online – http://harringayonline.com

Patient Opinion – http://patientopinion.org.uk

Yoosk – http://yoosk.com

Talk About Local – http://talkaboutlocal.org

Hyperlocal Blogger – http://hyperlocalblogger.com

Warwickshire County Council – http://glowing-sunrise-23.heroku.com/home

Data.gov.uk - http://data.gov.uk

Walsall Council - http://www.walsall.gov.uk