organizational behavior

AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY – BANGLADESH. Organizational Behavior Communication System WARID Telecom International Ltd – Bangladesh. In this report we only discuss about the internal organizational communication system. And this report is prepared on the base of given information by WARID and some web information. We also take help from reference books in some cases.

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Organizational Behavior

Communication System

WARID Telecom International Ltd – Bangladesh.

In this report we only discuss about the internal organizational communication system. And this report is prepared on the base of given information by WARID and some web information. We also

take help from reference books in some cases.

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We are very thankful to all the people who helped us directly or indirectly for preparing and editing this report, especially our honorable course instructor Mr. Ziaul Hoq and Rifat-Ara

Bashar, sales executive of WARID who helped us a lot by giving instruction, information and direction.

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About WARID:

Warid Telecom was launched in Bangladesh on May 10th, 2007. It has implemented a new and modern corporate identity as a result of the dynamic changes taking place in the Telecom Industry of Bangladesh.

With a reflection of a new strategy, their aim is to be perceived not only as a telecommunication operator of voice services, but also as a universal provider of comprehensive communication service for both residential and business customers.

The corporate identity of Warid Telecom seeks to reflect the changes in Telecom sector in relation to helping customers keep pace with rapidly changing technology in the field of communication and to harmonize the customers’ perception of their brand with the quality and range of their services. Their objective is to provide optimum level of support and care through their highly skilled and motivated team of professionals and through maximum network coverage and clear connectivity.

Warid Telecom is backed by the Abu Dhabi Group and is owned by H.E. Sheikh Nahayan Al-Mubarak Al-Nahayan. It is one of the largest groups in the Middle East and the single largest foreign investor group in Pakistan. It has diversified business interest in the institutions that haveenjoyed commercial success as a result of its strong financial resources and extensive management expertise

In Bangladesh, Warid Telecom commenced its operations under a landmark MOU agreed upon by the Dhabi Group and the Government of Bangladesh worth USD 1 billion, out of which USD 750 million was exclusively committed for investment in the telecommunication sector of the country. Succeeding the MOU signing, the BTRC license for telecom service provision was issued to Warid Telecom, followed by the signing of interconnectivity agreement with all the existing telecom companies of Bangladesh.

Based on the NGN (Next-Generation network), Warid Telecom's operational activities in Bangladesh aim to achieve a new and modern corporate identity, which is similar with the dynamic changes taking place in the telecom industry today.

With all efforts and strategies Warid takes a strong place in Bangladeshi telecommunication sector and they are already in the third position among all of the company. At this time their strategy is not to compete with other company, they just make stronger their place, and Warid charges the lower call rates among all of the operators.

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Organizational Hierarchy:

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Communication System:WARID Telecom International Ltd-Bangladesh.

Communication is one of the most important things for any organization. As Warid is a multinational company so they also emphasized to build up their communication system in their office. This system is not likely or similar with any other telecom operator of Bangladesh.

We know communication means the passing and getting the information. Communication also refers that transference and the understandings of meaning.

In this report we discussed about Warid’s internal communication model. Which contains the functions, process, and direction of communication. Interpersonal communication, direction of communication and organizational communication also included here.

Function of Communication:

Warid maintains four major functions of communication in their organization. To follow these major functions they make their organizational structure such a way, where every command and every transference go through in a systematic way.The major functions are discussed below.

Control - As Warid is a multinational company and its parent company situated in Middle East, so their control of communication are followed by the rules and regulations of their parent organization. But the CEO of Warid Mr. Muneer Farooqui also controls this system. Warid also controls their communication in the working group so that every member feels comfort to do their job.

Motivation - To achieve the goal strong motivation is so much important. At this moment Warid tries to survive among all the competitors rather than thinking about the profit taking. So their goal is little bit different than others. So they motivate their employees to give all their efforts. And in this condition also follows by their motivation.

Expression - As a human being interactional or personal communication happens in every organization. By thinking this terms Warid loose control and restriction. Personal communication helps to get rid from the dullness. It also brings the work force.

Information - It mentioned that Warid follows their parent company in many cases. But when they take any decision they arrange meeting with their heads and advisors. They

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discuss about the relevant criteria and share their plans, thinking and evaluate the decision.

All of the functions are important so much for Warid so they always check their current status and take necessary steps always to improve it.

The Communication Process:

Communication process is a systematic way. It shows the process of passing information through different stages. In Warid they follow this model, directly or indirectly.The key parts of this model are:

1. The sender2. Encoding

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3. The message4. The channel5. Decoding6. The receiver7. Noise8. Feedback.

It mentioned before that for many purposes Warid forms some working groups. When any member or group leader wants to send any information at first the sender get the receiver’s position, he have to think this because the meaning of the message are not same always when it goes to upward or downward. After getting this idea the he start encoding the message. Its may be written, verbal or nonverbal.

Then sender passes the message through the channel. In here channel is the media, and it is always selected by the sender.

Before processing a message the sender have to filter it carefully because if the receiver failed to understand the meaning of the message then the total process of the communication can’t give any result. So every short forms, symbols must be translated by the sender, is called the decoding.

In this model noise means the barrier of the transmitting the message. Such as language, information overload and cultural matters. In Warid noise doesn’t have any effect of noise.

After getting the message the feedback goes to the sender. So that he can assure that the message he sent was successfully go and it was effective or not.

Direction of Communication:

In Warid Telecom, internal communication is taking place through different modes. They are using E-mails, Internal Phone System (IP system), mobile phones, video conferencing and sometimes face to face meetings of both formal and informal nature also take place. Employees are asked to make sure that while in the office they have their email accounts active so that they can reply back to their supervisors within 10 to 15 minutes along with the asked information. The employees are also given the company’s mobile numbers and are asked to keep them on 24 hours a day to avoid any delay in communication.

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Within the organization there are three kinds of communication:

Upward Communication Downward communication Lateral or Horizontal Communication

Upward Communication:

At Warid Telecom, employees enjoy a kind of freedom to talk to their supervisors. They have an open door communication system but is used in rare cases. Mostly the communication with supervisors is formal and takes place through E-mails or IP systems. In the meetings with CEO or chairman, video conferencing is used depending on the situation. Power point and Multimedia presentations are also used in such high level meetings.

Downward Communication:

Supervisor and senior members of organization often arrange dinners and luncheons with subordinates to know their needs and capabilities and to judge that what measures are to be taken for the satisfaction of employees. Other then dinners and luncheons, normally an E-mail and/or IP System are used.

Documented record (hard copy) is very rarely made of reports sent to supervisors. Only those reports are documented (hard copy) which are very important and are concerned with sensitive and important issues.

Lateral / Horizontal Communication:

Employees working at the same level in Warid Telecom, communicate with each other through IP System. Face to face interaction is a common mode of communication between employees working at same level.

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Interpersonal Communication:

In organization message or information can transfer is many ways. There are three types of methods. But in the organization, management follows three way of interpersonal communication. They are –

Oral Communication. Written Communication. Non-verbal Communication.

Every organization use these three ways of interpersonal communication. Warid also use this, now the activities of these three ways are described below.

Oral Communication -

In the oral communication a message sent by different employees in different stage. Just like a message, which is sent by the boss to the HR department, it passes by many channel and at last receiver receive it. But if there are so many channels the message may lost its own meaning for this reason Warid doesn’t use the Oral communication.

Written Communication –

Warid uses written communication mostly for any communication. It is also one of the most standard ways of communication, because -

- It makes the communication in every level easier.- Tangible and verifiable.- When passed, sender and receiver get the copy.- Confidential messages get more security.- They are processed logically and technically so receiver can get the meaning easily.- Time consuming.- Easier and effective than oral.

Warid’s written communication are memos, letters, E-mail, fax, Instant messaging with customer, notice, organizational annual report etc.

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Nonverbal Communication-

Non verbal language means the body language, eye contact etc. Its happens physically in most of the time. In Warid, there are no uses of nonverbal communication.

Improving Interpersonal Communication:

Effective interpersonal communication is the strength of any organization. To improve interpersonal communication Warid follows and emphasize in some points. These points are described below.

Understanding – Actually most of the information are not understandable for language problem. In Warid most of the communication happens in English, so they often launch some trainings and seminars to improve their staff’s communication skills in English.Repeating the message – When communication happens between upward and downward by oral communication, the sender repeat the messages, so that everyone got the point.Use timing effectively – When one’s messages competes with other messages and noise. Then sender tries to find a time when receivers are less likely distracted by other matters.Be descriptive – When superiors do not satisfied with the work of his subordinates. Then he arrange some meeting or consultation, where the employees aren’t insulted badly for there performance. They just get the instruction of improving their skills.

Organizational Communication:

We know an organization’s success largely depends on how communication flows with the system. There are various forms of networks and each has different function to perform.The pattern of contact created by flow of message among the communicators through time and space.

There are several types of Organizational communication. They are –

Formal Communication – In any organization individuals must get together periodically to with some of their plans, ideas or problems. To solve any problem and to exchange the information necessary to co-ordinate their activity, meetings workshops, conference, work groups and self

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directed team require additional communication skills because they involve in communication with more than one person at a time.

Informal Communication or, Grapevine – Grapevine means hearing and learning something unofficially or informally. Every person wants to or tries to talk with others, so it also happens in organization. Colleges are often share and discuss with themselves when they faces any problem in work. But the bad effect of this communication is most of the discussion is not lasting in official terms, after some time they starts gossiping. This is not good for any organization. It also slows down the work force.

Computer Aided or Electronic Communication – Computer aided is one of the most necessary things for any well organized and multinational company. Its known that technology made the world small. Everyday for various purposes Warid communicate with not only inside the country but also different parts of the world.On the other hand Warid’s parent company Abu Dhabi group situated in outside the country so they use computer aided communication to connect with parent company.

Warid’s most using computer aided communication is E-mail, Fax, IM and Video Conference. They have IT department who are responsible to manage this communication system.

The IT division is responsible for managing the following areas:

NT server/work station: Serves in different ways:

o Desktops and portables are connected to NT server while in networks

o Data sharing

o Centralizing data

o Data security

o Printing

o E-Mail

Alpha Server System: Alpha server system is a specialized server system which is introduced and controlled by company itself. Alpha server system is used for:

o Customer activation/ deactivation

o Adding and barring features for the customers

o Customer inquiries

o Generation of bills

o Current and previous status of customer

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Mail/ Internet System:All the WARID officials have their own e-mail address, which helps in easy communication and easy data transfer.

Knowledge Management:

Knowledge management is a process where the total experience, wisdom, techniques is shared. It is the distribution of ones specialty to others. It happens that, one person may be expert in MS office while other person have a good knowledge in Visual Basic. So they can share there knowledge. On the other hand company it self also arrange some seminars, meetings, workshop, conference to share the skills or suggest about the process of improving individual skills.

In Warid, Knowledge management is controlled and processed by its HRD (Human Resource Development) department. The quality of the human resources can be effectively increased through education, training and personal development. Its functions aim to increase the quality of the human resources especially through training.

WARID training includes the following elements:o Assessing training needs

o Selection of the participants

o Conduct training programs

The Varieties of WARID training programs:

WARID provides both local and overseas training on the basis of the need analysis of the employee.

Local Training – This can be both inside WARID and outside WARID. Induction/Orientation programs fall in under the WARID training category. After joining, it is the responsibility of the HR to conduct orientation training to the newly recruited personnel to provide a general introduction of the company. To prepare training plan, participant's list and training schedule for induction training-HR department does all. Inside WARID, training will cover management and department training in the near future.

Outside WARID training means to take part in training programs offered by different training institutions on different subjects.

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Overseas Training – After need assessment employees who need overseas training are sent abroad for overseas training. Expenses of overseas are generally borne by WARID. The particular person who has been selected for training has to sign a surety bond for a specific period of time for overseas training. Besides the above-mentioned tasks, some routine functions of HRD are to:

Prepare, maintain and update training related database Prepare career development plan Prepare induction training manual-modules Evaluate training programs Make agreement with WARID and employees for overseas training To communicate with different local training institutions To communicate with trainers

Barriers of Communication in WARID:

Though Warid is new in Bangladesh telecom sector, and its known that they started business here in an unfriendly environment. But they are not facing any difficulties or they don’t face any types of major barriers in their organization. Its well structured and maintain strictly. So there is no barrier of communication in Warid Telecom International Ltd Bangladesh.


WARID International Ltd. is a multinational joint venture company. During developing this project we have gathered lots of experience which will very helpful in future works. The telecommunications service in Bangladesh is still in its primary stage. There are only 5 operators in the country, as the government would not allow any more mobile operators sat the moment. WARID should take this opportunity and provide the best possible service by introducing more economical packages for the middle and lower-middle class. Thus, by providing more efficient service and making the most use of its human resources, WARID will no doubt reach its desired customer base and also its vision.