organizational development


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Post on 14-Jul-2015



Recruiting & HR

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Presented By:Shruti Gupta

Organizational development comprises a special set oforganizational change methods. It is a planned,systematic process of organizational change based onbehaviour science research and theory.

Goal of OD:To create adaptive organizations capable oftransforming and reinvesting themselves, so as toremain effective.

Planned change

Comprehensive change

Emphasis upon work groups

Long range change

Participation of a change agent

Emphasis on intervention

Collaborative management

Organizational culture

Action research

Perceptions of organizational problems and relevance of

behaviour science in solving these.

Initial top level involvement.

Participation of work teams, including the formal leader.

Operationalizing of action research model.

An open, educational philosophy about the theory and

technology of OD.

Involvement of personnel and industrial

relations/human resource management people.

Development of internal OD resources and facilitative


Effective management of the OD processes and

stabilization of changes.

Monitoring the process and the measuring of results.

Organization’smanagerial strategy.

Culture of the organization.

Structure and role in the organization.

Intergroup collaboration.

Motivational levels of employees.

Trust and support among organizational members.

Synergistic solutions to problems.

A data based problem–solving process oforganizational change.

Three essential steps: Gathering information.

Organizing and sharing this information.

Planning and carrying out specific actions to correctidentified problems.

Key characteristics:(i) Based on valid information about functioning of organization.(ii)Employees are provided with the opportunities to make their

own choices regarding problems and their solutions.(iii) Aimed at gaining the employees’ personal commitment to

their choices.

Aim at improving employees’ inter-personal skills.

Widely used techniqueunder this:

Sensitivity or T-Group training

Team building

Confrontation meetings

Grid training

Generally utilize the traditional OD action researchapproach, but focus more directly on productivityimprovement and efficiency.

Employee involvement programsused are:

Quality circles


Quality of work life programs.

Create work situations that enhance employees’motivation, satisfaction and commitment factors that maycontribute to high levels of organizational performance.

Approach: Work restructuring- job enlargementand job enrichment.

Two hurdles to overcome: Both management and labour must cooperate in designingthe program.

Plans agreed by all concerned parties must be fullyimplemented.

Using action research to enable employees to analyseand change firm’s personnel practices such as hiring,training and performance appraisal to mould theircommitment, motivation and productivity.

Targets of change include firm’s appraisal system,reward system and workforce diversity programs.

Newest addition is the integrated strategicmanagement.

This approach consists of foursteps:

Analyzing current strategy and organization design.

Choosing a desired strategy and organization design.

Designing a strategic change plan.

Implementing a strategic change plan.

It is difficult to measure the number, nature and

magnitude of confounding variables.

Preintervention measures of behaviour are not taken.

Those doing the evaluations of OD programs have a

vested interest in proving success.

A manager must understand what change is, how it

occurs, its consequences, and the factors associated

with successful change in order to cope effectively with

this important but formidable challenge.

Human relationship should exist between change

agent and the change target.

It is necessary that managers themselves change.

The manager should use his/her positional power to enforce


Authority should be used carefully because if overused, it will

eventually become worthless.

A change intervention should be evaluated systematically to

ensure that its goal and objectives are being realized.

In management development OD focuses on the goals,

processes and resources of the total organization not only on an

individual growth.