oslc for owf think tank on open forges

© 2010 IBM Corporation OSLC Specifications for Interoperability Steve Speicher, IBM Rational Software Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration open community. open interfaces. open possibilities

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© 2010 IBM Corporation

OSLC Specifications for Interoperability

Steve Speicher, IBM Rational Software

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaborationopen community. open interfaces. open possibilities

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Traditional Approaches To Tool Integration Have Fallen Short

Universal metadata standard- Too slow to complete to keep pace with the market- Hostage to vendor in-fighting- Difficult to migrate existing project data and assets

Single repository- Hard to add existing (legacy) tools- Difficult to evolve tools individually - Limited to a single vendor’s tools or affiliates

Point-to-point integrations- Limited coverage: there are too many tools to cover more than a small fraction of possibilities- Tight dependencies between tools require lockstep upgrades- Proprietary APIs create vendor lock-in

Standard implementations- Requires “forklift” rip and replace of existing tools- Hard to get widespread vendor support- Insufficiently flexible to address different user approaches

Limited choice and coverage

Slow to emerge and disruptive to adopt

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Bus Proc Model

Software & Solution

ArchitectureDevelopmentEnt Arch Require-















Traceability links Model concepts

Data Integration - the old way - “data locked in tools”

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The Problem Needs A New ApproachOSLC is a Breakthrough

Traditional integration architectures are like laying a cable between every pair of phones that want to call each other

Traditional integration relationships are like only allowing customers to call people on the “friends and family” list… except it’s the phone company’s “friends and family”

How can we achieve this much connectivity without this much cost and complexity?

We need a new architecture and new relationships

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaborationopen community. open interfaces. open possibilities

“You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn

to see the world anew.” (Albert Einstein)

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OSLC and Open CommunityParticipation not politics

Open participation: Community of individuals interested in improving lifecycle integration

– No “purity test” for membership– No membership fees

Transparent process: all discussions take place in the open, all documents are freely accessible

– Specifications openly published– No chargeable validation suites

Visit open-services.net to sign up

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaborationopen community. open interfaces. open possibilities

…unlike traditional partner programs that are closed and limited

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Identify Scenarios

Iterate on working drafts

Call it a spec

Gain technical consensus, collect non-

assert statements

OSLC and Open CommunityIterative Specification Authoring

Minimalist/additive approach– Not a “complete” definition for a given area

Scenario driven scope

Co-evolve spec and implementations

Open participation around active core group

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaborationopen community. open interfaces. open possibilities

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OSLC @ open-services.net

● Eleven workgroups operating today

● 338+ registered community members (up from 70 people since June 2009)

● Individuals from 34+ different companies have participated in OSLC workgroups (up from 5 companies since June 2009)

● 2.0 implementations starting to roll out

AccentureAPGBlack DuckBoeingBSD GroupCitigroupEADSEmphasys GroupEmpulsysEricssonFokus FraunhoferGalorathGeneral MotorsHealth Care Services CorpIBMInstitut TELECOMIntegrate Systems

Lender Processing ServicesNorthrop GrummanOracleQSMRally SoftwareRavenflowShellSiemensSogetiSourceGear/TeampriseState StreetTasktop (Eclipse Mylyn)ThalesTietoTOPIC Embedded SystemsUrbanCodeWebLayers

Individuals represented from:

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OSLC and Open Interfaces An Internet of lifecycle resources

Inspired by Internet principles, implemented with Internet technologies: simple interfaces for exchange of resources

Loosely coupled: everything is a “resource” linked together with URLs

Technology neutral: treats all implementations equally

Minimalist: defines no more than necessary for exchange of resources

Incremental: deliver value now, add more value over time

Openly published standards: free to implement and irrevocable






Open Services for Lifecycle Collaborationopen community. open interfaces. open possibilities

If the entire Internet can connect like this, would the same idea work for ALM?

…unlike traditional integrations that are tied to brittle, proprietary desktop and server technologies

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Bus Proc Model

Software & Solution


ArchitectureRequire-ments Test


Data Integration – the new way – “WWW Arch and Linked Data”



aboutabout about


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Open Services for Lifecycle CollaborationPutting the approach into practice

Step 1: Internet URLs for resources

Step 2: Shared resource formats

Step 3: Shared resource services

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© 2010 IBM Corporation11

Jazz: An Architecture for Application Integration based on OSLC

Jazz tools implement OSLC specifications.

Tools integrate with Jazz using OSLC

Jazz tools integrate with Jazz tools using OSLC

Jazz tools extend OSLC definitions

More about Jazz and Jazz-based solutions, go to jazz.net

Jazz Server

OSLC, Jazz, Product Specific

Rational Non-Jazz

ServerAny Server

Desktop Client

Web Client

Integrating Tool

Search Apps

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© 2010 IBM Corporation12

Specification Technical Components

Discoverable Service


Discoverable Service


Delegated UI for Create and Select

Delegated UI for Create and Select

HTTP C.R.U.D. for Resources

HTTP C.R.U.D. for Resources

HTTPQuery with


HTTPQuery with


UI Previews for Resource


UI Previews for Resource


Standard Resource Representations

Standard Resource Representations

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Use Delegated Change Request Picker

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Barrier to entry: Low

For service provider...

Leverages many existing capabilities of tools

Existing REST/HTTP or WebService based APIs can adopted

Existing Web UI dialogs can easily be incorporate needed changes

Open source libraries exist for OAuth– See http://oauth.net/code/

For consumer....● Many already have or choose from a vast array of HTTP clients● Can leverage many open source toolkits● More and more samples and articles coming each day

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© 2010 IBM Corporation15

Useful Links

OSLC Home Page–http://open-services.net

Video explaining OSLC– http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2vqL8fujgE

Whitepaper: The Business Value of OSLC– http://open-services.net/html/opencollab.pdf

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© 2010 IBM Corporation16


Participation is open. Easy. Get involved.● Visit http://open-services.net ● Let your scenarios / problems be heard● Help review specifications● Contribute technical solutions as specification

Let's get our tools integrated... by exposing our data