osun defender - february 1st 2014 edition

VOL. 9. NO.014 N50 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2014 www.osundefender.org THE 6TH MOST-VISITED NEWSPAPER WEBSITE IN NIGERIA - See Story On Page 3 Front Page Comment - See Story On Page 2 Who Killed Chief Bola Ige, formerAttorney- General and Minister of Justice? IGE •The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, exchanging pleasantries with Dominican Partners in the RLG project, Mr Javier Dotel (left); Stephaine Dotel (2nd left); as an APC chieftain in Ondo State, Mr Rotimi Akeredolu (2nd right) and a veteran journalist, Pastor Segun Babatope (left), watch at the commissioning of RLG/Adulawo Technology City, in Ilesa, State of Osun, last Thursday. Separation Of Structures: Osun Earmarks N800m As Compensation Aregbesola Commissions $50m ICT Factory In Osun Oba-Ile/Oba-Oke: Let Peace Reign Please The crises that have been rocking the two communi- ties of Oba-IIe and Oba-Oke in Olorunda Local Govern- ment Council Area in the state of Osun call for worry. What, for God's sake, are the warring communities stand to gain from con- stantly being at war with one another, other than loss? And when we talk of loss here we mean loss in all its ramifications as a Yoruba adage says; "brawl (and a bloody one for that matter such as the ones we wit- nessed between these two communities towards the end of last year) doesn't enrich the pockets of the gladiators, it only gives them a bad name". Lessons of history have also taught us that war doesn't breed gentle and prosperous offspring but belligerent ones that can never do the gladiators any good. Hence the globally accepted saying that; 'it's better to jaw-jaw than to war-war'. nity of people no mat- ter what level of provo- cations from any quar- ters humans have come to realise the advantage, nay, superiority of nego- tiation and amicable resolutions of issues over settling of disputes by going into war. Whether at a micro or macro level of a commu- CONTINUE ON Pg. 5

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Aregesola Commissions $50m ICT Factory in Osun


Page 1: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

VOL. 9. NO.014 N50SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2014


- See StoryOn Page 3

Front Page Comment

- See StoryOn Page 2

Who KilledChief Bola Ige,former Attorney-

General andMinister of

Justice? IGE

•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, exchanging pleasantries with Dominican Partners in the RLG project, Mr Javier Dotel (left); Stephaine Dotel (2nd left);as an APC chieftain in Ondo State, Mr Rotimi Akeredolu (2nd right) and a veteran journalist, Pastor Segun Babatope (left), watch at the commissioning of RLG/AdulawoTechnology City, in Ilesa, State of Osun, last Thursday.

Separation Of Structures: Osun Earmarks N800m As Compensation

Aregbesola Commissions$50m ICT Factory In Osun

Oba-Ile/Oba-Oke: Let Peace Reign PleaseThe crises that have been

rocking the two communi-ties of Oba-IIe and Oba-Okein Olorunda Local Govern-ment Council Area in thestate of Osun call for worry.What, for God's sake, arethe warring communitiesstand to gain from con-stantly being at war withone another, other thanloss?

And when we talk of losshere we mean loss in all itsramifications as a Yorubaadage says; "brawl (and abloody one for that mattersuch as the ones we wit-nessed between these twocommunities towards theend of last year) doesn'tenrich the pockets of thegladiators, it only givesthem a bad name".

Lessons of history havealso taught us that wardoesn't breed gentle andprosperous offspring butbelligerent ones that cannever do the gladiators anygood. Hence the globallyaccepted saying that; 'it'sbetter to jaw-jaw than towar-war'.

nity of people no mat-ter what level of provo-cations from any quar-ters humans have cometo realise the advantage,nay, superiority of nego-tiation and amicableresolutions of issues oversettling of disputes bygoing into war.

Whether at a micro ormacro level of a commu- CONTINUE ON Pg. 5

Page 2: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

2 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014

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•Executive Director, Leadership and Followership Development Centre (LEFODEC), Alhaji Solanke Hamzat (right),presenting an Award of Excellence of Outstanding Performance in Legislative Administration to the Speaker, Stateof Osun House of Assembly, Honourable Najeem Salaam, in Osogbo last Monday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

Speaker Warns ReligiousBodies Against Crisis

THE Speaker of State House of Assembly ofOsun, Honouranle Najeem Salaam onWednesday warned religious bodies in the

state not to allow themselves to be used by anypolitician for the purpose of fomenting religiouscrisis.

He gave the warning,even as he said there wasno plan by the stategovernment to Islamisethe state.

Salaam spoke in hisoffice in Osogbo, whilereceiving the executivemembers of Osun BaptistConference on a courtesyvisit.

According to him, thegovernment educationpolicy in merging Muslimand Christian schools wasdone in good fate and notto sideline any religion.

While urging theBaptist Conference not tosee the school merger asa means of Islamising thestate or to eradicateBaptist missionaryschools, the Speaker saidthe state government wasnot interested in creatingreligious crisis in the state.

He pointed out thatthere was no law, whichempowers any stategovernor to turn a state toa ‘one religion state‘.

“I want to reiterate thatnone of us in government,starting from thegovernor, is a religiousfanatic, rather, we allbelieve in equal rights ofall religions.

“I therefore urge younot to allow yourself to beused by jobless politicians.

“We must tolerateourselves and livetogether in peace andharmony”.

Salaam, however,urged the BaptistConference ExecutiveCommittee members toalways approachgovernment forclarification on any issuethat might be botheringtheir minds.

Earlier in his remarks,the President of theBaptist Conference,Reverend Paul Kolawole,commended the stategovernment for thecurrent peace anddevelopment in the state.

Kolawole said theconference wouldcontinue to pray forpeace and harmony inthe state.

Tiv Community Disowns Petition Against SSSBy SHINA ABUBAKAR

THE leadership of Tiv Community, under theumbrella MDZOUGH U TIV, in the State

o fOsun, has drawn the attention of the

National Human Rights Commission to falseallegation of harassment against the StateSecurity Service (SSS)by a faction, describingit as frivolous.

In a statement signed

by the communityPresident and SecretaryTitus Kwen and AugustineAgondo respectively and

addressed to thecommission with a copyto Assistant InspectorGeneral of Police (ZoneXI) and the StateDirector of SSS, the groupdescribed the originator ofthe petition asimpersonators.

The statement disclosedthat the traditional ruler ofthe community in the state

is Mr Samson Audu, whowas installed as the“Orhemen Tiv of OsunState”by his ImperialMajesty, the Ooni of Ife,Oba Okunade Sijuwadeon November 29, 2013 athis palace, after dueconsultation with allappropriate authorities inGboko, Benue State.

According to the letter,

Mr Augustine Tsor, whoclaimed to be thetraditional ruler of thecommunity wassuspended in 2011, due toalleged fraudulentactivities, particularlyextorting money frompolitical office holders.

The letter added thatthe impersonator has noidentifiable residence inany part of the state or anyform of legal livelihood,maintaining that thecommunity distant itselffrom the claims in theletter.

It disclosed further thatthe SSS in the state neverharassed or threatenedanybody from thecommunity, saying thepetition was aimed atdefiling the office of theSSS.

It then charged thecommission todiscountenance thepetition and called on thestate security agencies tocall him to order and stopparading himself as aleader of the communityin the state.

Aregbesola Commissions $50m ICT Factory In OsunNews

GOVERNOR of the State of Osun, Ogbeni RaufAregbesola, has stressed that technology

h a sbecome an escape route out of poverty in

the continent, just as he last Thursdaycommissioned $50 million Information,C o m m u n i c a t i o nTechnology (ICT)factory in Ilesa.

Named AdulawoTechnology City, the ICTfactory, which wouldcreate ten thousand jobsdirectly and indirectly, hasthe capacity to producefive thousand mobilephones, in addition to twothousand, five hundredcomputer sets on a dailybasis.

The RLG- AdulawoTechnology City, whichcan also produce LEDtelevision sets and otherdevices, promised to beone of the mostproductive assets in theState of Osun, whilecreating employment andrevolutionizing theindustry throughassemblage of electroniccommunication devices.

In his address at the

commissioning ceremony,Ogbeni Aregbsola saidthe project, which is inpartnership with the stategovernment, is a result ofthe innovation of thepresent administration toboost the economy of thestate through technology.

He stated that theinvestment of the state inthe project is the trainingof 20,000 youths, whichhave been done inbatches of five thousandon ICT and theprocurement of the landon which the factory isbuilt, as well as theprovision of atransformer for thefactory.

Ogbeni Aregbesola,who said that ICT is nolonger a venture for thefuture, but a thing of thepresent, stated that theworld has been changed

from what it used to be asa result of technology,while urging the people totake advantage of thefactory.

In his address on theoccasion, the Chairman ofRLG and Agams Group,Mr Roland Agambire, saidthe intention of thecompany was to sow aseed, so that Nigerians willknow that the companyhas come to stay and notjust to make money andleave, noting that RLG hasa dream that will takeAfrica out of poverty, asthe facility is a sure wayto creating jobs.

Agambire added thatthe company will alwaysbe ready to partner thestate for progress,stressing that the companyhas the ability of increasingthe GDP of the state at avery high rate, while notingthat the youths of thecountry have always beenyearning for job creation.

Owa Obokun ofIjesaland, Oba AdekunleAromolaran, expresseddelight at the emergenceof the factory in the state,while thanking God forchoosing a man likeAregbesola as thegovernor of the state.

The royal father, whoidentified technology,apart from education, asthe major solution to theseries of problems facingthe continent of Africa asa whole, appealed tothose in charge of thecompany to ensure itssustenance and continuity,so that it will achieve thedesired result.

Also speaking at theevent, the duo of PrinceAde Adefioye and MrBambo Bashorun, whoare the OYESTECHChairman andOYESTECH Directorrespectively, stated thatthe aim of the companyis to challenge Nigerians,

saying that the aim of thegovernment is to make thestate better than Lagos interms of job opportunities,economy and others.

They stressed thatthrough thecommissioning of thefactory, the currentadministration in the statehas fulfilled its campaignpromises of banishinghunger, poverty andunemployment, whileemphasising that theAdulawo Technology Cityis one out of severalcompanies that will cometo the state.

Earlier in his welcomeaddress, the CountryDirector, RLG Nigeria,Mr Tosin Ilesanmi,appreciated thecooperation and supportof Ogbeni Aregbesolaand the people of thestate in making thefactory a reality, notingthat the company will goa long way in easing the

unemployment problemsof the state and thecountry at large.

Highlight of the eventincluded the officialcommissioning of thefactory by the governorand a facility tour of thefactory by top dignitariesthat were present.

The programmebrought togetherprominent politicians fromwithin and outside thestate, private and publicsectors, market womenamong whom were theEkiti State governor, DrKayode Fayemi, the ACNgovernorship candidate inthe last Ondo Stateelection, Mr RotimiAkeredolu (SAN), thestate deputy governor,Otunba (Mrs) GraceTitilayo Laoye-Tomori,the Chief of Staff to theGovernor, Alhaji GboyegaOyetola, APC partyexecutives in the stateamong others.

Ayedun Charges Parents on Yoruba CultureTHE State of Osun Commissioner for Home Affairs,

Tourism and Culture, Alhaji Sikiru Ayedun,h a s

charged Yoruba parents in the country tointimate their children with Yoruba culture, as thisremains the only cultural heritage they can affordto give them aside fromeducation.

Alhaji Ayedun said thiswhile playing host toCommissioner for Cultureand Tourism in Oyo State,Princess Adetutu AkhigbeAdeyemi and hisentourage.

Alhaji Ayedun, whileappreciating good gestureof Princess Adeyemi onher courtesy visit,highlighted some of theachievements of Ogbeni

Rauf Aregbesola in cultureand tourism sector, whichincluded inclusion ofHistory and Yorubanumbers, development oftourist sites in the state,promotion of culturalfestivals, sponsoring ofcultural troupes andpromotion of traditionalpractices in the state.

In his remarks, SpecialAdviser to the Governor onCulture and Tourism,Honourable Oladipo

Soyode, said OgbeniAregbesola has done a lotto improve culturaltourism in the state andthis is evidenced in theway prayers are observedduring officialassignments.

Earlier in her remark,the Oyo StateCommissioner forTourism and Culturecommended Aregbesola onall-round development ofthe state and described thegovernor as a man ofculture.

Princess Adeyemi, whosaid she was alwaysmotivated with theinspirational speeches ofOgbeni Aregbesola,

expressed her willingnessto work with him.

Highlight of thecourtesy visit was theexchange of gifts by thecommissioners and thevisit to Osun OsogboGrove.

In attendance at theevent were PermanentSecretary of the ministry,Mrs Olajumoke Bello,Executive Secretary forCouncil of Arts andCulture, Mr TundeKolawole, GeneralManager, Osun TourismBoard, Mr. AbiodunBalogun and Directors inthe Ministry of HomeAffairs, Tourism andCulture.

Page 3: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

3 News OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014


•(L-R) The Deputy Governor, State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori; Deputy Speaker, State of OsunHouse of Assembly, Honourable Akintunde Adegboye and a leader of All Progressive Congress (APC) in the stateAlhaji Fatai Oyedele Diekola, during the end of the year party organized by Igbajo APC in the ancient town.

Separation Of Structures: OsunEarmarks N800m As Compensation


THE State Government of Osun has budgetedN800 million as compensation for the

s e p a r a t i o nof structures and land acquisition for road

setbacks in the state.The State

Commissioner for Lands,Physical Planning andUrban Development,Architect Muyiwa Ige,disclosed this on Thursday,while defending hisministry’s budget estimatefor 2014 before the StateHouse of Assembly JointCommittees on Financeand Appropriation; andLands, Physical Planningand Urban Development.

He stated this, just as henoted that no additionalstructure would beseparated in the areas thathave been reached, asenough setbacks havebeen created for theongoing urban renewalprogramme in the state.

Ige said the budgetedsum would be used toclear backlog ofcompensations forproperty owners, as wellas new lands that might beacquired by governmentfor developmentalpurposes.

“The provision made forcompensation in thebudget is targeted towardsnew land acquisition aswell as the existing oneswithin the limit of thebudget”.

The commissioner saidthe government paid morethan N670 million as

compensation for landacquisition in 2012 andN200 million in 2013.

Ige explained that inaddition to payment ofc o m p e n s a t i o n ,government had alsoprovided some palliativemeasures to shop owners,who were also affected bythe separation exercise.

He said governmentwould continue to worktowards opportunities thatwould alleviate thesufferings of the people.

The commissioneradded that the procedurefor land acquisition bygovernment was foroverriding public interest.

Explaining theprocedures for thecompensation, he said:“Once governmentidentifies a place fordevelopment, the next stepis to engage the landowners in discussion.

“After that, weenumerate it and throughproper documentation, weensure the money gets tothe direct beneficiaries,”he added.

The commissionerfurther noted that thegovernment had been fast-tracking the process ofcompensation, so that allthe affected properowners would beadequately compensated.

Osun Govt Procures New Speed Boat For Illie CommunityRELIEF has finally come to the people of Illie

Community in the State of Osun asgovernment of the state has purchased a

new speed boat to alleviate the hardship being

faced by the peoplesince 2011.

The ExecutiveSecretary, Office ofTransportation, Engineer

O l u w a g b e m i g aAnifowose, dropped thishint in his office, whilefielding questions fromjournalists.

According to him, thestate governor, OgbeniRauf Aregbesola,approved the purchase ofthe new double-enginepower boat with fourteenpassenger-capacity forpublic transportation forcrossing the river fromthe Ore end to Illie,

pending when the FederalGovernment wouldconstruct a bridge to linkthe two communities.

Anifowose stressedthat, it is necessary toconsider maritimet r a n s p o r t a t i o ndevelopment along airroad and railtransportation, whichundoubtedly will enhanceeconomic development,banish poverty andunemployment.

The ExecutiveSecretary revealed thatIllie community has beenusing a motorized boatsince 2002 during thetenure of former GovernorBisi Akande’sadministration, but it isnow in a state of disrepair.

He therefore, eulogizedthe Aregbesolaadministration for using themeagre resourcesaccruing to the statejudiciously, adding that thepeople of the state shouldsupport this government inorder to achieve the six-point integral action plan.

Osun Spends N1.7bn On Renovation,Upgrading Hospitals

THE sum of N1.7 billion has so far been spentby the Government of the State of Osun on theon-going renovation and upgrading of nine

state hospitals, which are almost completed.This hint was dropped

by the StateCommissioner forHealth, Dr. (Mrs.)Temitope Ilori, at a pressconference organized bythe StateCorrespondents’ Chapelof the Nigeria Union ofJournalists in Osogbo.

She said the capitalprojects include theconstruction of

comprehensive healthcentres, library complex,drilling of boreholes withhands pumps andconstruction of laboratoryunits across the 30 localgovernment council areasin the state.

The commissionerstressed further that thestate government underthe leadership of OgbeniRauf Aregbesola has

spent the sum ofN625,308,426 on thepurchase of drugs andmedical consumables,which were distributed to57 state-owned healthfacilities across the state.

She finally disclosedthat the state governmenthas been giving logisticsupport to the varioushealth commuters for theexecution of publicenlightenment campaignactivities whennecessary, with a view toimproving the quality ofhealth delivery.

PDP Defectors Tasked To Work Hard For APC

THE Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)defectors into the All ProgressivesCongress (APC) in Odo-Otin Local

Government Council Area of the State ofOsun have been charged to work hard forthe party members.

The call was madeby the leader of theparty in the councilarea, Comrade PojuOdusola at the 5thgeneral meeting of theparty in the councilarea held at AgbeyeTown Hall, Agbeyelast Tuesday.

Comrade Odusolareiterated the fact thatin the APC, hard workand loyalty pay, ratherthan the length of timea person has been inthe party.

The defectors,mainly from wards5,6 and 8 were led byAlhaji IbrahimAgboola, into theAPC, who promisedon behalf of his co-defectors that theywould workassiduously for theparty.

The APC leadernoted that with thelevel of performanceof the presentadministration andmobilisation effort ofthe party, the PDP

would have died by thetime the gubernatorialelection would hold inAugust this year.

In his own address,a party chieftain, Dr.Adetunji Dare urgedmembers toparticipate fully in theforthcoming partyregistration exercise.

On the defectors, heurged them to attendward meetingsregularly and embracethe peace-loving spiritof the APC, stressingthat Governor RaufAregbesola is apeaceful person, whoabhors violence in anyform.

Dr. Darecommended thel a w m a k e r ,representing OdoOtin StateConstituency in theState House ofA s s e m b l y ,Honourable RasaqAdeyemi for being atrue party member,who finds time to

attend all partyfunctions in thecouncil area.

In his ownc o n t r i b u t i o n ,Honourable Adeyemiurged members to seethis year as achallenging one,which entailsregistration of partymembers, review ofvoters’ registers andthe gubernatorialelection.

He then welcomedthe defectors andurged them toc o n t r i b u t emeaningfully to theprogress of the party.

The chairman of theparty in the council

area, Alhaji JimohAasa informed theparty members thatregistration wouldcommence onFebruary 5 and wouldlast three days.

He asked partymembers to registerat their polling booths,stating that therewould be noregistration by proxy,just as he taskedmembers to improveupon their votingperformance in 2011.

Also chargingmembers to supportthe government in itsdevelopmental strides,he said that they cansupport the

government by payingtheir taxes, marketrates and other leviesimposed on them bythe government.

The youth leader,Mr. Kamilu Hamzatand the WomenLeader represented byMrs. ElizabethOladimeji also urgedthe youths and womento work assiduouslyto ensure that theparty does well in theAugust election.

The meeting, whichwas well-attended bymembers from thefifteen wards hadsome leaders inattendance.

Amongst them were theState Financial Secretary,Alhaji Abdurasheed Idera,Dr. Onigbinde, Alhaja BintuDada and party secretary inthe council area, Mr. SegunOyebiyi. Others were HonLekan Oyediran,Mr.Ademola Ogunlade, Mr.George Durosimi and theDeputy Executive Secretaryof the council area, AlhajiRaheem Shittu.

All councilors and somepolitical appointees werealso in attendance.

The meeting was spicedwith cultural displays byEwuro Cultural and Dramatroupe, Agbeye. The nextmeeting was scheduled tohold on Wednesday,Feburary 25th 2014 at ward 2in Okuku.

Page 4: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 20144 News



•An ongoing construction of a double-lane road along Gbongan- Akoda in the State of Osun under the administrationof Governor Rauf Aregbesola, as captured by our cameraman, GBENGA ADENIYI, last Tuesday.

Osun Election: INEC Sets Machinery In Motion•APC, Labour Leader Advocate Transparent Processes


THE Independent National ElectoralCommission (INEC) has assured allparticipating political parties and members

of the electorate of conducting transparent andcredible election during the fast-approachingAugust 9th, 2014 governorship election in the

State of Osun.The INEC Resident

Electoral Commissionerin the state, AmbassadorRufus Akeju, said theelectoral body has setnecessary machinery inmotion to ensure thesuccess of the process,while speaking withjournalists at the StateINEC office in Osogboon Wednesday.

Akeju said inpreparation to buildpublic confidence, all theDirect Capturing DataMachines (DDC) used inthe last election havebeen regularised andcertified in readiness forthe upcoming ContinuousVoters RegistrationExercise coming soon.

He added that thecommission has alsocarried out the process of

identification andreconfiguration of pollingunits with more than fivehundred voters with theaim of creating morepolling units wherenecessary.

The purpose,according to thecommissioner, is tostreamline the votingprocess for ease ofreturns, security,accountability andprevention of violence.

On the logistics, Akejudisclosed that the list ofthe required electoralmaterials, both sensitiveand non-sensitive, havebeen forwarded to thecommission headquarters

in Abuja forprocurement, includingthe election budget.

He assured that theprocess involved willensure that all requiredmaterials are madeavailable in sufficientquantity and quality anddistributed as and whendue to allow for seamlessoperations.

The INEC bossexplained that thecommission hasemployed more workersin the state to increase thehuman capacity, while ithas also maintained closecontact with the NYSCon the ad-hoc staff.

“The manpower

requirement has beendetermined in advance,we have contacted theNYSC coordinator in thestate and ascertained thenumber of Youth Corpsmembers that will serveas ad-hoc staff during theelection”

The logistics for theeffective and efficientdistribution of men andmaterials prior to andprovision of adequatesecurity personnel duringthe election have beenprogrammed forimplementation to ensureeffective coverage of allpolling units andtimeliness on voting day,”Akeju said.

Meanwhile, AllProgressives Congress(APC) chieftain in thestate, Chief JumokeOgunkeyede, has urgedINEC to be more seriousabout the conduct of theelection and not to repeatthe flaws in Anambragovernorship election.

Ogunkeyede said: “Inthe last eight years, wehave witness twoelections in this state andINEC must learn fromthe two elections tounderstand theseriousness of our peoplein protecting theirelectoral mandate. Anyflaw or poor standard

election will not beaccepted by the peopleof the state

“Electoral processstarts from voters’registration and the majortask before the INEC atthe moment is to producea credible voters’ registerthat will be acceptableand be serious aboutother preparationsbecause August is nottoo far,” Ogunkeyedesaid.

Also, the StateCoordinator of theFederation of InformalWorkers (FIWON),Comrade YinkaIbraheem, said thesuccess of the election,mostly revolves aroundthe INEC.

Ibraheem said: “ TheINEC is expected toconduct a transparentand credible election andto achieve this, theelectoral umpire muststart the preparation now,so that no one will bedisenfranchised and theremust the sufficient electionmaterials.

“The INEC must alsocreate a level-playingground for all politicalparties through atransparent process thatwill not be a subject oflitigation and the securityagencies must alsoperform theirresponsibilities with allcivility.”

Court Remands Man ForRaping Minor In Osun

A 23-year-old man, Kwame Dogo, has beenremanded in prison custody by the

M a g i s t r a t eCourt, sitting in Osogbo for allegedly

having constant illicitaffair with an 11-year-old girl.

Chief MagistrateOlusola Aluko, whopresided over the courtsession on Wednesday,29th January, 2014ordered Dogo’s remandpending a formalapplication to be filed byhis legal counsel.

Information gatheredrevealed that the accusedperson severally rapedthe victim before he wascaught and handed overto the police.

The police prosecutor,Sergeant Elisha Olusegun,had told the court that theaccused committed theoffence on January 17th,at about 4.00 pm, atBode-Osi-Iwo Road inIwo Local GovernmentCouncil Area of the state.

Olusegun said theaccused forcefully andunlawfully had carnalknowledge of the victim,11, who happened to be aneighbour.

He said the offence

committed contravenedSection 31(1) andpunishable under section(2) of the Child RightLaws and Section 360 ofthe Criminal Code, Cap34, Vol. 11, Laws of Osun,2003 and 2007.

The accused howeverpleaded not guilty to thetwo count-charge ofassault and unlawfulcarnal knowledge of aminor slammed againsthim.

Defence counsel,Barrister Nnena Wogwu,prayed the court to grantbail to the accused personin the most liberal term.

Chief Magistrate Alukohowever turned down theoral bail application madeby the defence counsel,just as he ordered thesuspect to be remanded incustody at Ilesa Prison.

The verdict, accordingto Aluko, was as a resultof the magnitude of theoffence committed.

He thereafteradjourned the case tillApril 7, 2014 for mention.

NRCRI To Establish Crops ResearchInstitute In OsunTHE National Root Crops Research Institute,

Umudike, has secured the approval of theFederal Ministry of Agriculture to establish an

extension of a Root Crops Research Institute in the State

of Osun.If established, it will be

first sub-station of theinstitute in the South Westand the 6th in the country.

The Chairman, GoverningBoard of the Institute, DrOluwole Aina, disclosedthis during a courtesy visitto the state governor,Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, atthe Government Secretariat,Abere on Wednesday.

According to him, theestablishment of the sub-station would commence inthe first quarter of 2014,which will go a long way inassisting the stategovernment agricultureprogrammes and strategy.

He said the benefits ofthe station to the stateinclude direct youth

employment, developmentof beneficial linkagesbetween the stategovernment agriculturalprogrammes and theinstitute’s research work

Dr Oluwole added thatthe institute would beassisting in regular accessto new varieties of root andtuber crops and increaseagricultural production,economic growth andwealth creation.

He also said that farmersand government officialswill have access to trainingin short courses and degreeprogrammes, including theextension services to thefarmers.

The institute howeverdemanded from the stategovernment the provision of

land to site the substation,payment of compensationto the landowners, andprovision of access road tothe station, as part of thepartnership.

Responding, Aregbesolaappreciated the decision ofthe institute to site thestation in Osun, saying hisadministration is seriousand committed toagricultural developmentand food security.

“The 50% of our SixIntegral Action Planscentred on agriculture andfood security, to banishhunger, poverty andunemployment, werecognise agriculture as ameans to survive as a state.

“Through our schoolfeeding programme, thepupils are eating 300,000eggs, 400 tonnes of catfish,35 heads of cattle, 15,000chickens and we arecommitted to building the

state capacity to producethe food items in the stateand be supplying otherstates, food to create wealthin the state”.

Aregbesola said as muchas the state is willing to helpthe institute on thecompensation andadministrative structure, thegovernment is constrainedfinancially at the moment.

He said for the past sixmonths, the federalallocation to the state hasfallen to “unimaginable rateof 40%, which isincapacitating the state toperform its statutoryresponsibilities.”

Aregbesola assured theinstitute on the provision ofland, as soon as possible,while the state governmentwill also liaise with thegoverning board of theinstitute to agree on otherareas of urgent interventionto kick start the institute.

Page 5: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

5OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014

This is because af-ter the war, when lots- in terms of lives andproperties - must havebeen lost, the warringparties must stillcome to a round tablefor an amicable reso-lution of their crisis.What this means in-variably is that no dis-pute can ever besettled through war.

There is no denyingthe fact that therecannot be progress inan atmosphere devoidof peace. There canonly be progress anddevelopment wherethere is peace. His-tory has testifiedmuch to this asser-tion. No doubt thec o m m e n d a b l eprogress that Osunhas witnessed underOgbeni Aregbesola'sleadership is madepossible by the peace-ful atmosphere that

exists in the state sincethe inception of his ad-ministration. The Gov-ernor deserves kudosfor this. Thereforenothing should disturbthe peace in the state.This is necessary soOgbeni can continuehis good work withouthindrance or distrac-tion.

In our country Nige-ria, nay, our own dearstate of Osun stories ofcommunal clashesleave a sour taste in themouth. Take for in-stance the devastationwar wrought on Ifeand Modakeke townswhen it visited themcannot be easily for-gotten. The memory issad. Ugly sites of thedevastation can still beseen all over thetowns. Theunquantifiable loss ofproperties to the war ifcould be replaced withtime it's not the case

Omoluabi Cartoon

with the precious liveslost to the war. Ofcourse those lives havebecome eternally irre-placeable.

We don't want a re-occurence of such a sadevent in our state. Andthis is why as good citi-zens of the state we mustavoid any acts of omis-sion or commission onour part that can lead tosuch a devastating de-velopment. Brawl andwar do nobody anygood. They only deterprogress and affect usnegatively in manyramifications. This iswhy we are appealing tothe people of Oba-Ileand Oba-Oke to em-brace peace. There isneed to allow peace toreign as we stand togain aplenty both indi-vidually and collec-tively in an atmosphereof peace.

Finally, we must com-mend Mr. Governor for

taking steps towardsending the Oba-Ile/Oba-Oke crisis perma-nently especially thesetting up of a Com-mittee to work outamicable resolution ofthe problem. In the in-terest of peace andcontinued progress inour dear state the twocommunities mustabide by the recom-mendations the Com-mittee will come upwith as conditions forpeace. No party in thiscase must see itself asthe victor while thereis also no vanquished.

More than ever be-fore this is the time weneed peace most aselection is on the wayto re-elect our per-forming Governorwho is set to take Osunto a great height. Osunneeds peace so we cancontinue to enjoy divi-dends of democracyunder our focused andvisionary Governor,Ogbeni Aregbesola.

OSUN DEFENDERPublisher – Moremi Publishing

House Ltd.

Managing Editor – Kola Olabisi(0803-392-7286)

Editor – Kayode Agbaje (0803-388-0205)

Lagos Editor – Kola Odepeju(08023191891)

Production Editor – Pet-Kola Taiwo Ibitowa

Senior Reporter – Sola JacobsSenior Reporter – Kazeem Mohammed

Reporter – Shina AbubakarReporter – Ismaeel UthmanReporter – Niyi OlasindeReporter – Kehinde AyantunjiReporter – Francis Chukwuma

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Admin. Manager – Murtala Agboola

Computer Operator – Saheed AfolabiComputer Operator – Mary AkintolaAssistant Computer Operator – Lukman Oseni

OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing HouseLimited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust BankGTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun.All correspondence to the above mail address.ISSN: 0794-8050Telephone: 0803-392-7286, 08033880205Website: www.osundefender.orge-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Oba-Ile/Oba-Oke: Let Peace Reign PleaseContinued From Page 1.

Page 6: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, February 1, 20146

Osun Govt Efforts Is Attracting Investors - LawmakerHonourable Kamardeen Akanbi, represents

Ede North Constituency in the State Assembly ofOsun. An Industrial Consultant, he isChairman, House Committee on Commerce,Cooperative, Industry and Empowerment.

In this interview with our reporter, KAZEEMMOHAMMED, he spoke on the new face ofindustrialisation under the administration ofGovernor Rauf Aregbesola among others.Excerpts:-

OSDF: How has the business oflawmaking been like within thelast two years that you have been

in this Assembly?AKANBI: It is really interesting,

especially for first timers like us. You cansee that since the inception of thisAssembly, we have not performed badlywhen you consider the numbers of billsconsidered and passed. Also, the Speakerof the House is someone that is ready tocarry every member along and ready tolisten to your contribution. So, it isinteresting and challenging when you putinto consideration the knowledge that isrequired for you to be able to makemeaningful contribution on the floor ofthe House.

OSDF: As an Industrial Consultant,how have you been able to use yourprofessional background to assist theAssembly in the business of lawmaking?

AKANBI: I have to first commend MrSpeaker for putting round pegs in roundholes and ask me to chair the Committeeon Commerce, Cooperatives andEmpowerment. As an IndustrialConsultant, my line of activities hasalways been in line of commerce andindustry. However, before the advent ofthis administration, commercial andindustrial activities were at a very lowebb. When you talk of industrialisationbefore the advent of this administration, itwas only the moribund Cocoa ProcessingIndustry in Ede and the industry has beenin comatose for long, but with the adventof this administration, we put headstogether to revive it. Subsequently, aboard was put in place to re-negotiate thefactory and the government has nowsigned a Memorandum of Understandingwith a Chinese company. We hope thatanytime from now, the company willcommence production, just as I urge theboard and the investors to fast-track theirefforts, so that the industry willcommence operation.

Besides that, if you go to the FreeTrade Zone at Abere now, you will seeone or two manufacturing activitiesspringing up. There is already a companygoing into the assemblage of commercialmini-buses, known as Korope.

Apart from that, another company,Omoluabi Garment Industry has alsosprang up at Abere, which deals withsewing of uniforms and some otherclothing materials, and not less 100indigenes of the state are working therenow. Also, a company dealing withassemblage of electronics has sprang upin Ilesa, all under this administration.

So, investors are allowed to come tothe state for investment, as allrequirements, like good road network,water, electricity and above all, security oflives and properties are being put in placeby this government to encourage smalland medium scale industrialists.

When you talk of commerce, theestablishment of Ayegbaju and AjeMarkets, commercial activities willimprove a lot. The market looks more ofwarehouse type of market, wherebymanufacturers will bring their productsdirectly from point of manufacture toOsogbo. This will give the traders

opportunities to buy at Lagos prices.OSDF: How far will you say the

government has gone interms offulfilling electioneering campaignpromises?

AKANBI: On a very serious note, theadministration of Aregbesola has donewell, because before the governor camein, he had studied the problem facingOsun and he has come up with a six-pointintegral action plan to address theproblems and he has been following theseone by one. This is a government that hasbeen able to cover all aspects of theeconomy.

For instance, look at the reformation inthe education system, whereby, newmodern buildings are being constructedto provide enabling environment forlearning at the elementary, middle andhigh schools. There are so many otherinitiatives like Opon Imo, school uniforms,O’Meal and so many others to makeeducation accessible to students.

Also, look at massive road constructiongoing on across the length and breadth ofthe state. There is the 10-kilometer roadproject per local government council area.No government has ever ventured intosuch massive project. For instance in myown council area, it has a stretch of 10kilometer road linking Ede to Ijesaland andthis has assisted in transforming bothrural and urban areas. Farmers are nowable to bring their farm produce to marketwithout any problem.

Besides that, government has alsodone a lot in the health sector by carryingout surgical operations residents of thefree-of-charge, giving out free eye glassesand treating so many other ailments free-of-charge, just as all the state hospitalsare being renovated and equipped. Theambulance scheme is also there to caterfor any emergency, either on the road or inthe homes.

Also on agriculture, government hasopened up virgin lands for farmers to usefree-of-charge.

The various efforts of the governmenthave also reduced the level of insecurityin the state. With the way OgbeniAregbesola has handled the issue ofsecurity in this state, people can nowsleep with their two eyes closed. Ogbenihas really tried and changed negativeimpression about government.

OSDF: But members of the oppositionare saying that the administration hasnot done anything reasonable interms ofdevelopment, how will you react?

AKANBI: It is because they don’texpect what they are seeing. Theirthinking was that Aregbesola would cometo mess up the whole thing the way theydid. They thought if Ogbeni Aregbesoladid not perform, they would be able tofind their ways back, but they weredisappointed and the level of performanceof the administration is giving themheadache. There is nothing they want touse to canvass for people’s votes, exceptlies.

Less than seven months to the election,we have not seen anything to show thatthey are serious because they know that ifthey should go out to campaign, peoplewill reject them. People of Osun have

measured their performance in their sevenand half years and compare it with that ofOgbeni. They spent their time doingnothing, because Aregbesola’sperformance within the last three yearshas out-scored that of their seven andhalf years. They want to come back, andthey don’t know what to, that is why yousee them shouting unnecessarily. Whatagain do they want Ogbeni to do, theyshould say it to the world. If they want tocriticise, they should make it constructive,not just for the sake of it.

I learnt recently that one of theiraspirants went to inspect the NelsonMandela Freddom Square with a view toholding a campaign rally there and I said,if Ogbeni has not constructed that square,will he go there to campaign, yet, they aretelling lies. Let him go there to campaignand people will ask him, when you were ingovernment, why didn’t you do such athing.

No matter their lies, they can’t comehere to rule us again. Even whenAregbesola has not started administeringthe state, we defeated them and now thathe has convinced the people of his abilityto transform the state, we will defeat themas usual.

The voting masses are there to voteand I don’t have any fear that Aregbesolawill excel in the next governorshipelection. Those who are benefitting fromthe developmental strides of Aregbesolaare there in millions to vote.

OSDF: Do you subscribe to the schoolof thought that the PDP has its grip intowns like Ede, Ife and some other townsand that those places are no go area forthe APC?

AKANBI: As I am talking to you now,go to Ede, where I come from andinvestigate whether the PDP has any gripthere. When Ogbeni has not started allthe development you are seeing, wedefeated them. Though, they have somepockets of followership in the places youhave mentioned, but when the properelection comes, you will see what I amsaying. I may not be able to speak muchfor Ife because I am not from there, but I

know that there is nowhere in Osun wherethe PDP has any grip. Day by day, PDPmembers are defecting to APC across thestate. For instance, apart from what thegovernment is doing, as a lawmakerrepresenting Ede North, there are somesteps I have taken to assist the people.Among others things that I have done, Igave out loans to traders to the tune ofN1.5million on three occasions, which Ilater wrote off.

So, the PDP has not grip anywhere,because when they were here, their bodylanguages have shown that they can’trule the people properly.

OSDF: The election is approachingand there have been allegations that thePDP was trying to cause violence in thestate and counter allegations, how willyou advise the people in this regard?

AKANBI: Firstly, I want to advise thepeople of Osun to remain calm, even, inthe face of antagonism by the PDP. Weknow they want to disturb activities in thestate, with a view to asking the FederalGovernment to declare a state ofemergency, so that they will be able to rigthe election. I must say that you can onlyrig where the people appreciate you andwhat you are doing. They had shown thattheir target is to cause mayhem when thePDP leaders instigated their members toresist the separation of some structure toleave road setback, but this presentgovernment is a government that believesin the rule of law. People should bevigilant and quickly report any plan orattempt to cause mayhem in their areas tosecurity agencies.

Also, when the election comes, thepeople should not forget to vote for theAPC, the party that has improved theirlots and transform the state and stand bytheir vote.

Besides, I want to warn the PDP thatthe monopoly of violence is not restrictedto them, but we are only beingconsiderate because we have plans forthe people to turn Osun to a haven ofpeace and development, where everybodywill be willing to live in.



Page 7: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, February 1, 2014 7

•The governor, State of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola (middle); his deputy, Otunba (Mrs) Titi Laoye-Tomori (2nd left); Chairman, RLG and AGAGAMS Holdings, Ghana,Mr Roland Agambire (2nd right); acting Chairman, Osun APC, Elder Lowo Adebiyi (left) and Leader of the State House of Assembly in Osun, Hon. Timothy Owoeye, duringthe commissioning of RLG/Adulawo Technology City, along Ilesa/Akure Expressway, Ilesa, State of Osun, last Thursday.

•Aregbesola (2nd left); his deputy, Laoye-Tomori (left); Ekiti State Governor, Dr Kayode Fayemi, (2nd right) and Agambire, during the commissioning.

•Aregbesola; Laoye-Tomori; the Akirun of Ikirun, Oba Abdul-Rauf Olayiwola (right) and other dignitaries inspecting the equipment, during the commissioning last Thursaday.

State Of Osun Governor Rauf Aregbesola Commissioned RLG/Adulawo TechnologyCity, Along Ilesa/Akure Expressway, Ilesa, State Of Osun, Last Thursday.


Page 8: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

8 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014PHOTOTALK

•(L-R) Princess Sola Ogbemi-Daibo; Executive Director, Dr Julius Okonkwo and Chair-man, Chief Oluwole Aina.

Board Of National Roots Corps Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Paid ACourtesy Visit To The Governor, State Of Osun, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, In HisOffice At Abere Last Wednesday. Photo: GBENGA ADENIYI.

•(L-R) Deputy Governor State of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-Tomori; Governor Rauf Aregbesola; Secretary to the State Government of Osun, Alhaji Moshood Adeotiand State Head of Service, Mr Sunday Owoeye.

•(L-R) Dr Charles Akinola and Chief of Staff to State of Osun Governor, Alhaji GboyegaOyetola.

A cross section of members of the visiting group.

Page 9: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

9OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014

The Deputy Governor, State Of Osun, Otunba (Mrs) Grace Titi Laoye-TomoriWorshipped With Evangelical Church Of West Africa (ECWA) In Osogbo Last Sunday.

•(L-R) State of Osun Commissioner for Agric and Food Security, Prince Wale Adedoyin; Otunba (Mrs) Laoye-Tomori; State Commissioner for Women and Children Affairs, MrsAdetohun Adegboyega; her counterpart from Health, Dr (Mrs) Temitope Ilori and Chairman, SUBEB, State of Osun, Prince Felix Awofisayo, during the church service.

•A cross section of choristers on the occasion.


•State of Osun Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Barrister Wale Afolabi (right); State Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Honourable Sunday Akere(middle) and Mrs Funmi Adeyi at the service.

Page 10: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

10 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, February 1, 2014

The General Meeting Of The All Progressives Congress (APC) At Agbeye TownHall, Agbeye, In Odo-Otin Local Government Council Area Of The State Of OsunLast Tuesday. Photo: JESUDOYIN ABRAHAM

•(L-R) The Acting APC Chairman in Odo-Otin Local Government Council Area of the State of Osun, Alhaji Jimoh Aasa; the Local Government Party Leader, ComradeAdepoju Odusola and State Finance Secretary; Rasheed Idera.

•Members of the Odo-Otin meeting planning committee in a group photograph at theprogramme.

•A group of decampees from Odo-Otin wards 5, 6 and 8 led by Alhaji IbrahimAgboola from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at the programme.


•A cross section of APC members during the programme.

Page 11: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

11 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, February 1, 2014

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- Management

Changing Our AttitudesTowards Work In 2014

OUR attitudes as a nation towardswork must change positively thisyear if we must develop and if we

must actualise our vision 20:2020 et al.The lack of enthusiasm is very glaring

in the attitude of many workers, who seetheir jobs as dull, laborious, repetitious,tedious, irritating, risky or dangerous. Theonly joy some workers get out of theirjobs is closing time. That was why JimMichael, a television journalist inLouisville said that “too many workerswould rather get home than get ahead”.

While some junior workers assume thatthings are better for high-rankingexecutives and others like politicalappointees with large salaries, but on thecontrary, the high-ranking executives andlarge salaries earners also have their ownfears. They are also prone to seeing workas something to be dreaded, like death ortaxes.

The lackadaisical attitudes towardswork by both high-ranking and low-ranking workers has become a greatobstacles to the development of the mostof the third world countries, because poorquality work reduced productivity anddeclining services cripple economicgrowth of any nation.

It will be recalled that after World WarII, Japan was greatly affected anddevastated. Many of her buildings andpeople had been obliterated by atomicbombs. The United States and othernations offered help to rebuild Japan.computer experts, agricultural specialists,scientists, teachers, business people etc.from different nations want to helpJapanese reconstruct their country, butwith a condition. They demanded that theJapanese will work more and earn lessthan workers in United States were paidand the Japanese agreed with thecondition to work more and be paid lessbecause they want to rebuild theircountry as soon as possible. Today Japanis a power to be reckoned with. Her mightis based on economic, not militarystrength. Her weapon is money, justbecause people made the sacrifice of doall sort of jobs in order to develop theircountries and up till date, Japanese arestill working, working and working hard.

In Africa, most especially in Nigeria,most of us want jobs, but we don’t wantto work, we want the money, but we don’tto expend the energy and this is one ofthe reasons Nigeria is not progressingbecause nothing is as depressing andfrustrating as having someone on a jobwho is not interested in working. Peoplewho want a job without the work are adetriment. These set of people are indifferent work force:, among thepoliticians, they are the type that willembezzle the money meant to developtheir constituencies. Among thecontractors, they are the type that willcollect the money and refused to deliverthe projects. Among the civil-servants,they are the type that will always absentand come late to the office. Among thelecturers, they are the type that willdemand bribe before passing theirstudents. Among the teachers, they aretype that will not go to school andrefused to cover the syllabus. Among theartisans, they are the type that will collectmoney from their customers and refusedto do their job on time. Among thebusiness people, they the type that willimport/sell the substandard products athigh prices. Among the students, they arethe type who is always involved inexamination malpractice to pass theirexaminations. Among the unemployed,they are the type that will sit down athome sleeping.

These sets of people and many not

mentioned are more interested in beingjob keepers than workers. They are moreconcerned with receiving a paycheck thanin doing good work; they want successwithout hard work, promotion withoutresponsibility, result without the process,and honour without work.

Too often, we allow the pain andperspiration of work to hide its blessings;we assume work is a necessary evilwithout looking for the good it brings. Wealways prefer rest, relaxation and holidaysto a good work, but unfortunately, allthese are false assumptions, because restis only sweet after a good work.

When God created the world, Heworked for six days and rested for oneday (Genesis: 2:2). He also instructed usto work six days and rest for one day(Exodus23:12). But our desire to work oneday and rest six days has caused usbackwardness and unhappiness.

In this New Year and henceforth,Nigerians and other African citizens mustchange their orientation about work. Wemust see work as a gift from God and notas a burden. We must know that work isprofitable and honourable and all hardwork brings profit for the workers byallowing him to meet his financial needs.

However, the reward of work is notalways financial one; work reveals thehidden potentials in individual, buildsself-esteem and it make workers to behealthier. The workers who feels theyworking hard and not being paid theirworth should not be discouraged. Theymust keep working because nature has itsway of rewarding the hard workingworkers.

The young unemployed must not justfold their hands or be sleeping at home;they must think, move around and lookfor something positive they can do withtheir lives.

Governments on its part must alsoencourage the young unemployed,empowering them financially and make thesociety favourable for the small scaleindustries. The working condition andremuneration of the workers must beimproved to motivate the workers to putin their best and to discourage brain drain.

Workers must also stop stealing fromtheir bosses or government. Coming lateto work, taking extra long lunch hours,going home early, collecting doublesalaries, converting company propertiesto personal one etc. are all acts that istantamount to stealing which must bestopped.

A study of history reveals that all greatempires were built on the sweat and bloodof a labour force, whether the energy ofthe workers was given voluntarily orthrough force. The civilization anddevelopment of the developed nationswere built on the backs of subjugatepeople. Therefore, no matter how theworkers are motivated, there must begood and hard work to achieve greatness.

Governments must stop underminingthe power of workers because the powerof productivity is evident in the influenceof Labour Unions. Unions control theworkers, who control the productivity,and as a result, they can cripple a country,destroy an economy through industrialstrike and other means. The leaders mustknow that they cannot run a countrywhen people are not working, becauseyou can’t force people to work.

Governments can’t legislate obedience,nor can they force people to cooperate,when they are moving in a wrongdirection. Workers will rebel if they feelthey are working for nothing.

Therefore it is high time we put a stopto an era of “monkey dey work, baboondey chop”.

•Ajiboye wrote in from Lagos, Nigeria


Page 12: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, February 1, 201412

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Application Deadline 11th February, 2014——————————————————

Page 13: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

13 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014

A Memorable Quote From A PDP As-pirant In The State Of Osun

“Recently, Chief Bola Ige cameon radio here (Osogbo the state

capital), to insult me and myfamily. THAT IS THE LAST


beaten yesterday. The people ofIle-Ife beat him up and he wascrying like a baby, as they re-

moved his cap and glasses. If ithad been at a

political gathering, he will bedead by now..... In fact, what thepeople wanted to do was morethan removing his glasses and


•Culled from Vanguard Newspaper.


Page 14: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

14 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014


President Goodluck Jonathan has just nominated Mr Jelili Adesiyan, the Education Commissionerunder the illegal administration of former Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Minister of the Federal Republicof Nigeria. Adesiyan was one of the alleged killers of the late Uncle Bola Ige, former Attorney-General andMinister of Justice. Below is a story published in Osun Defender Newspaper when the ministerial-nomineewas the Education Commissioner in the State of Osun.

SARS Detains Oyinlola’s Commissioner Over RobberyTHE aftermath of armed

political thuggeryemployed by the

embattled PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP) torig the 2007 generalelections in Osun State, hastaken its toll on the stateCommissioner forEducation, Mr JeliliAdesiyan, as he wasdetained and grilled by menof the Special Anti-RobberySquad (SARS) for allegedlyaiding and abettingcriminals.

Adesiyan was invited,interrogated and detained byofficers of the SARS at theiroffice at Oke-Baale,Osogbo the state capital, onJune 3, 2009, on theallegation that he armed adare-devil armed robberygang with guns and otherweapons.

The interrogation of thecommissioner came on theheels of key informationgiven to the police by awidow called Iya Zukura inModakeke, whose husband,(Mukaila) an armed robberysuspect, was killed in a gun-duel that ensued betweenthe police and some dare-devil armed robbers.

Iya Zukura, after the deathof her husband, reportedlyinformed the police that herhusband, Mukaila (BabaZukura) was armed withguns and other weaponsprovided by Adesiyanduring the 2007 generalelections.

OSUN DEFENDERgathered that Mukaila andother members of his gang– Aniyikaye, RufusOyediran a.k.a Arulogunand Waidi, who arecurrently at-large, werereportedly used to rig theApril 14, governorshipelection in Odeomu.

All members of thesyndicate were allegedlyarmed with guns earlierprovided by the Odeomu-born Commissioner forEducation during the 2007general elections.

Investigation revealed thatafter the elections, thepolitical thugs went intoarmed robbery, therebyterrorizing Odeomucommunity and otherneighbouring towns.

When the communitycould no longer bear thecriminals activities of thefour hoodlums, the leadersof the ancient town banishedthem from Odeomu andwarned them from returningto the community.

It was learnt that the fourhoodlums were personalsecurity aides of Adesiyan,who were mounting

surveillance on hisresidence at night, in thecommunity.

Mukaila reportedlyrelocated to Modakeke,while Arulogun, Waidi andAniyikaye reportedlyrelocated to Ilesa, wherethey allegedly continuedtheir armed robberyoperations.

OSUN DEFENDERfurther gathered thatMukaila was shot sometimein May, 2009, in Modakekeduring a robbery operation.

Arulogun was arrestedand released by officers ofthe SARS in June. A policesource disclosed to themedium that all theaccomplices of thedeceased were at-large,stressing that the police hasmapped out strategy to

ambush the fleeing suspectsincluding Arulogun, whowas released.

The medium learnt that thepolice went to the residenceof Mukaila at Oke-Amola,Modakeke, to search hisapartment, where thewidow, Iya Zukura, wasarrested and brought toSARS office in Osogbo.

According to the policesource, the widowdisclosed to the policeduring interrogation that herwidower was armed withguns provided by JeliliAdesiyan in 2007.

Iya Zukura reportedlysaid her windower had beengoing around with the gununtil he was gun down bythe police.

Sequel to the disclosureof the information by thedeceased’s widow, theofficers of the SARS

invited Adesiyan forinterrogation.

OSUN DEFENDERlearnt that the commissionerarrived at SARS officearound 3pm on Wednesday(June 3, 2009) and wasgrilled for some hours whilehis pair of shoes,telephonehandset, cap and his topwear (Agbada) werereportedly seized.

The medium learnt thatAdesiyan confessed tohave known the lateMukaila. The Oyinlola’scommissioner disclosedthat he met the deceased atAgodi Prisons yard, Ibadan,Oyo State, when he wasremanded over his allegedcomplicity in the death ofthe former Minister forJustice and Attorney-General of the Federation,Chief Bola Ige, in 2002.

It would be recalled thatAdesiyan and some otherPDP chieftains wereaccused of conspiring withother murder suspects tokill the former Yorubaleader.

Osun State PDPchairman, Ademola Rasak,Commissioner forAgriculture, Mr AdekunleAlao (Lele), Adesiyan,former chairman, Ife–EastLocal Government CouncilArea of the State, LambeOyasope, were accused ofcomplicity in the murder ofChief Ige.

Others alleged of killingthe former AGF are: a PDPserving Senator, IyiolaOmisore, his brother, AlaniOmisore and one LekanOyediran.

However, after theinterrogation, it was learntthat Adesiyan was detainedfor seven hours before hisrelease was influenced bythe leadership of the statepolice command.

Besides, one AlhajiBakare Lasisi Akomola hadearlier attempted to bail thecommissioner but withoutsuccess, as the officials ofthe SARS reportedlyturned-down his request.

Adesiyan denied theallegation that he armed thedeceased and his group withguns, maintaining that he hadno idea about the armedrobbery operation carriedout by Mukaila and hisgang. It would however berecalled that SenatorOmisore was tried andsubsequently dischargedand acquitted over theminister’s gruesomemurder.•Culled from OSUNDEFENDER




Page 15: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition

15 OSUN DEFENDER Saturday, Febraury 1, 2014

Page 16: Osun Defender - February 1st 2014 Edition


THAT the revenue generatedfrom petroleum industry,the mainstay of the

Nigerian economy continuesto dwindle is no longer news.What is however, troubling theminds of concerned Nigeriansis when it would stop.

In the first place, how safeis it for a country of over 160million people to dependsolely on oil revenue?

The previous governmentsnever cared to revolutionalisethe sector, but were interestedonly in the revenue it yielded.The concomitant effect is thattoday, not only has the revenuederivable from that mainsource reduced drastically, thelevel of employment has alsoscaled down considerably.

The erstwhile President,Chief Olusegun Obasanjo wasmade to understand the fullimplication of an economysolely dependent on one majorexporter earner, which thecountry does not have controlover, but rather than find abetter solution, he opted forthe one imposed by thewestern world.

In ordinary economic sense,the total revenue of a countrycan be boosted, if it generatesrevenue from a commodity,which is considered elastic.Elastic goods are such thatwhen their price is reducedslightly, it generates highincome occasioned by a highdisproportionate demand forsuch goods.

Petroleum is a necessity oran inelastic good, whichmeans the price can beincreased, but the demand maynot necessarily increase.Besides, for a country that isthe world’s fourth largestproducer, Nigeria ought tohave functional refineries. Inaddition to being able tocontrol its supply into themarket, Nigerians would havebeen employed to get themgainfully engaged.

For over forty years, wehave kept producing andselling the crude oil such thatwhenever there is excesssupply (glut) in theinternational market, the priceof crude oil falls drastically.

It is in view of this that weought to have developed thesector seriously to generateemployment and value-addedservices for the country. Themuch-expected PetroleumIndustry Bill (PIB) has beenin the national parliament forsometime now. Pristinepolitics has continued to dogthe passage of the bill.According to experts, no

The Continuous DwindlingNational Revenue



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foreign investor wouldventure in a terrain that isuncertain and where neededmaterials and tools are not inthe public domain.

The government ofObasanjo only adopted thereductionist approach byalways reviewing the price ofpetroleum products upward,which did not solve theproblem. The best approachwould have been a holisticapproach of the sector and geteverybody involved.

Nigerians are keeping theirfingers crossed to see whetherthe omnibus PIB, if finallypassed, would solve all thechallenges in the sector.

Some Nigerians however,do not understand the twist inthe sector as it relates to thecontinuous dwindling ofnational revenue.

Official reasons adduced


OSUN DEFENDER is published by Moremi Publishing House Limited, Promise Point Building, Opposite Guaranty Trust Bank GTB, Gbongan Road, Osogbo, State of Osun. All correspondenceto the Managing Editor, KOLA OLABISI, Telephone: 08033927286 ([email protected]); Editor, KAYODE AGBAJE, Telephone: 0803-388-0205, E-mail: [email protected],[email protected]. ISSN: 0794-8050.Website: www.osundefender.org.

for shortage of revenue iscontingent upon the theft of theproduct in the creeks, wherepetroleum is produced andpipeline vandalisation.

Rationalization of pipelinevandalisation should not flow,considering the fact that thisis a time when the governmentof President GoodluckJonathan has awardedcontracts for the protection ofoil pipelines to ex-militants,who are very familiar with theterrain. In spite of the hugecontracts, the countrycontinues to bleed frompipeline vandalisation.

The implication of thewhole scenario is that revenuedue to states and localgovernment council areas arenot only coming late, they fallshort of expectation. Thisdefinitely has affected the

implementation of differentlevels of government actionplans.

Interestingly, Nigerians seetheir leaders as being thestooges of the westernimperialist institutions likeInternational Monetary Fund(IMF) and the World Bank.

Available information has itthat the Excess Crude Account(ECA) which stood at $8.65billion as at the end of 2012is now a paltry 2.5 billiondollars.

Some senators recentlyaccused the Minister ofFinance, who doubles as theco-ordinator of the EconomicManagement Team (EMT), DrNgozi Okonjo-Iweala as anagent of the IMF implementingunpopular policies.

The reality however, is thatwe have to look inward atsectors that have dominoeffect on employment.Manufacturing and agricultureare areas that have highpotentials of engaging idlehands. With the reforms in thepower sector, Nigeria is avery large market for theproduction of any good, whichwill get commensuratepatronage.

Agriculture too can get manypeople off the labour market.If people are productivelyengaged, they would be ableto pay taxes and the internally-generated revenue willincrease.

As at today, thetelecommunication andbanking industry many havegood packages for theirstaffers, they are limited interms of the number of peoplethey can employ.

The present governmentshould show enoughdetermination and vision topropel the economy in the rightdirection. It is not enough toembark on slogans, but plansmust be backed by actions.The problem of the ruling PDPis compounded by people likethe immediate-past NationalChairman of the party, AlhajiBamanga Tukur, Chief TonyAnenih and the likes. Weshould not expect qualityadvice in tune will currentrealities to be unfolded.

With due respect to the twodistinguished elders statedabove, they are accomplishedindividuals, who have mademarks in life. It is howevertime to allow the young folksto lead, while they remain inthe shadow. If the younggeneration can be made to takethe lead, they would learnfrom their mistakes andimprove upon it.